#genetic linkage
Managing Pandemic Disasters: A Resource-Based Analysis
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Healthcare crises are well-known phenomena that occur and are highly disruptive. Consider, for example, Covid19 and other pandemics, wars, multi-casualty natural disasters, industrial disasters, etc. Healthcare systems in Brazil, Spain, Italy, and more around the world collapsed due to the lack of a clear methodology for handling such crises. Following a largescale value creation project with a large medical center we developed a resource-based methodology to cope with three healthcare crisis scenarios: “Peace”, “War” and “Tsunami”.
We identified three load/capacity scenarios for hospitals: “Peace”, “War” and “Tsunami”. The Peacetime scenario is the normal overload situation in a hospital. Figure 1 during “Peace” times, hospitals are usually 10%-20% short in resources. To overcome bottlenecks, managers apply evolutionary methods such as constraint management [1], the complete kit concept, etc. This is the normal condition in hospitals where there are fluctuations in supply and demand. Bottlenecks in this situation are typically medical crews: senior physicians and experienced nurses.
Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/oabb/fulltext/OABB.000567.php
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er-cryptid · 3 months
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abigail-pent · 13 days
tlt poll!
please tag with your reasons!
some propaganda for fraternal:
- they look different
- only one is a necromancer
- a secret Third thing
some propaganda for identical:
- the Third does flesh magic, who even knows what either looked like to begin with
- necromancy is maybe not genetic
- something something @silasoctakiseron theories about oxygen at birth + necromantic linkage
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mellifexfarm · 1 year
it is very unnerving to have a pillar youve relied on for nearly a decade be shaken like this. my chickens are not livestock, they are pets, and they are oftentimes my main or only source of companionship and comfort. i cant cull my flock and start over like other farms do. the fact that every chicken here now carries a ruthless disease that will follow them everywhere they go is just kind of miserable. the only way out of this is to start over on a new property and leave all of my current chickens behind. i could safely bring their eggs and hatch them have some genetic linkage to carry them on onto the new farm. but thats not really the same.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
The Great Game
The galaxy is sick, and has been for so long that even most of the gods have forgotten what it was like when it was healthy. If a cosmology is like an ecosystem, Golarion and its surrounding worlds have too many predators, not enough prey, too much competition, not enough mutualism. The Material Plane is a little too similar to a chaotic, evil world—like the Abyss specifically. On Golarion, it’s kill or be killed.
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The reason is Lamashtu. In ages past, the Mother of Monsters ambushed Curchanus, stripping from him the portfolio of Animals and leaving him for dead. He survived long enough to pass his domain of Travel to his protégé, Desna, but Lamashtu was able to use that surge of power to claim divinity for herself and become the Queen of Demons. Since then, Lamashtu has done as she willed, fighting and fucking her way across reality and leaving thousands of new species of horrors in her wake.
But Lamashtu is a neglectful mother. Because of her influence, animals in the Material Plane are overly hostile, too aggressive, liable to pick fights that they can’t win. Animals are liable to view humanoids as prey, which leads to savage reprisals and environmental catastrophe. The species created by Lamashtu and her followers, both demonic and mortal, are born without a niche, and their shoving into the world around them leads to disruption and devastation. It’s not a coincidence that crazed wizards and misguided druids have brought so many new monsters into existence, and that one-off horrors are liable to mutate and become entire species.
But this has not gone unnoticed.
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Deep within the First World lives a goddess. A Goddess of Predators, although she is only quasi-divine. For now. Mormo, the First Medusa, Goddess of Predators, has been alive since before the Age of Serpents, since before the birth of mammals. She is a primordial entity, a Great Old One, although more benevolent than most. She and Yig call each other Brother and Sister, although this may or may not represent a genetic linkage. She retreated from the Material Plane as humanity became a growing power, disgusted by the callousness of the Azlanti and the machinations of the aboleths.
But now she has chanced to gaze upon the Material again. And is horrified to see how much things have gotten worse in her absence. Mormo wants to help. And to help the best way she knows how. By killing and eating something. Someone. Lamashtu.
Mormo’s ultimate goal is to do to Lamashtu what Lamashtu did to Curchanus. Weaken her to the point where she can be fought, strip the domain of Animals from her, and ideally kill her for good. Leave the demons without a Queen, so they can go back to clawing at each other’s throats for a while. Restore the ecological balance of Golarion and allow the biological exuberance of the First World back onto the Material Plane.
But she needs help. And Lamashtu may be confident, but she’s not complacent. She knows that Mormo is gunning for her. And is bringing together allies of her own.
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This is the Great Game, the cosmological underpinnings of the Age of Monsters. Gods, demigods and other entities are picking sides, or choosing to remain neutral, or remaining neutral on the surface but shoring up their favorites in secret. The teams are not defined by alignment. There are those of all alignments, of all of the planar power groups, who support Team Lamashtu or Team Mormo, in large ways or small. Any conflict where Desna and Pazuzu both have the same enemy is bound to get complicated, after all. Further articles will be posted throughout the year, tagged with The Great Game, discussing who is on who’s side, and why.
Full statistics for Mormo are forthcoming—those are likely going to be the capstone of Monster Girl Summer, posted in August. Mormo is a N great old one, with the portfolio of reptiles, terror and ecology. Her domains are Knowledge, Scalykind, Strength and Trickery, and her subdomains are Competition, Fear (modifying Trickery), Thought and Venom.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
I think Guǐhuǒ had a shower thought moment at one family dinner, wondering what Yuebei is to her.
"Wait.. so if Yuebei is a fragmented soul of LBD.. and I'm also a fragmented soul of LBD.. what would that make me and her? And what would that make Redson and MK? Is their marriage still.. like.. allowed?— WAIT ISN'T UNCLE MACAQUE MAMA'S ADOPTIVE BROTHER?!—"
Hua Jiao and Xci Nicco have just kept quiet about this.
Wait, wouldn't Guǐhuǒ be only around a few months to a year older than Hua Jiao?
Unsure if Guǐhuǒ would even be in the same au as Hua Jiao, considering I partially created her for the Reincarnated!lbd au.
Also! DBK and Wukong are Sworn Brothers, making the shadowpeach and ironbull kids pretty much Sworn Cousins. The only reason Spicynoodles is even tolerated is because none of the sworn siblings are related genetically.
As far back as Ming dynasty era, first cousin pair-ups were considered legally prohibited, but it all sorta rolled back into two clans marrying eachother for continued power. In the confusician belief, as long as cousins didn't "share a surname" it was a-ok. Even if Mac and Pif / DBk and SWK consider eachother adoptive siblings, they all recognise that their kids have no actual cousin linkage.
MK/Xiaotian and Red getting together is seen by celestial/demon-kind as more of an old fashioned "oh dang it might as well have been arranged" situation.
And lets be fair, worse match-ups have existed in chinese mythology.
btw, Red and MK thought the other was gross for the first few years of their life. Bit of a Swan Princess development.
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So yeah, Guǐhuǒ and the rest of the fragmented lbd souls pretty much consider eachother "siblings", if not an "unfused" individual.
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sundove88 · 1 year
Project Link Up: The Linkage Concept Explained
Ok, as much as you want to know more about my project aka Project Link Up, allow me to break down some of the basics:
The Linkage Concept is no genetics class stuff- more specifically, the way in which two separate genes which are located close to each other on a chromosome are often inherited together.
Instead, it’s the power to connect with individuals from other worlds in the multiverse and share their powers via a permanent connection with them. Think of it like marriage but platonic.
Anyways, the only way you can do a Linkage is if you have two things: Evidence of the linker’s connection to their partner, and a transformation trinket that can allow the partner to share their powers with the linker (I totally got inspired by PreCure for this).
This can vary from installment to installment, like Linkage Cards and the Linkage Watch for Shonen Jump Power Linkage and Super Smash Bros. Power Linkage, Linkage Treats and Tasty Compact for Cookie Run Sugar Linkage (They have to make the Linkage Treat to obtain it), and Dream Crystals and Dream Smartphone for Disney Dream Linkage, Dreamworks Dream Linkage, Sanrio Dream Linkage, and so on, so forth. No two are the same in design.
Needless to say, the bond between a character and a linker has to be strong and healthy- and built in trust and understanding like a real relationship; unless they want to risk their transformation trinket, item, or both to be damaged or destroyed- resulting in the bond being strained or lost forever.
Anyways, that’s all you need to know about the Linkage Concept! Have fun!
TL;DR: The Linkage Concept needs a strong bond and a transformation trinket.
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neriedar · 1 year
On How the heck?!,to integrate tentacles into a mer design.
Scott is an absolute menace with that grappling squok, not only to the other pirates, but to me trying to pin down a design!😫 Let me just start by saying Scott is definitely keeping the grappling gun in the au for a long time because tentacles that long take significant biomass and they won’t get that long😠 because I still am trying for some degree of biological realism while still playing with magic. I’ve set the cap at 4 tentacles but they are going to definitely be harder to place so they don’t absolutely destroy swimming speed with drag. The grappling squak is pretty serendipitous in it’s invention time because Scott’s tentacles start developing about the same time.These tentacles wouldn’t normally develop on mer, but are essentially a mutation due to tainted ocean magic exposure.
Remember how I talked about Coral taint messing with marine life? Scott and his brother / father’s line count as marine life with their mer blood. Normally Mer don’t show the usual physical changes on minor exposures to Coral taint, considering they are usually able to store and manipulate ocean magic readily they can either purge or purify the energy in their bodies. Only Mer exposed over prolonged periods or at high concentrations start to show physical changes. Cross bloods however can’t always handle taint like full mer. The further from the mer ancestor the more likely traits are to be unlinked from each other( gene linkage is an interesting thing). Acho got lucky and has the genetics to be able to actually manipulate ocean magic but has next to no ability to gather it. If he got exposed it may trigger a transformation, but he will have a far smoother and quicker experience. Scott got the genes to gather and handle storing ocean magic but can’t innately use it. Think of Acho as a caster that can only use spells that draw on outside energy, he’s got no mana bar essentially. Scott has a mana bar but no ability to cast.
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sabakos · 7 months
Many progressives rightly observe that "one drop rules" and other methods of determining someone's affiliation with a particular group based on blood relation are rather backwards and uncomfortably ethnonationalist. But for some reason they often conclude that special rights and privileges should continue to be afforded to such groups even though, absent such methods as genetic linkage, the standards of membership within the group are completely arbitrary.
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luckyagain · 8 months
You're 25 have some shame
i am 25 so at least my pre-frontal cortex is fully developed unlike yours :)
anyway i'm learning about anti-platelet and anti-coagulant drugs in school right now. and i'm gonna use your anon to brain dump everything i know so that some actual use can come from the three seconds of my life i wasted reading this. okay so from my understanding when there is an injury that causes bleeding the injured endothelial cells release endothelium which promotes vasoconstriction of the smooth muscle cells to prevent blood loss. they also secrete von willebrand factors which bind to the collagen that the endothelial cells reveal underneath them. the platelets are just zooming by in our blood but they stop and bind to the von willebrand factors via their gpIb receptor, this binding also leads to a localized effect. this causes platelet activation and degranulation of thrombin, serotonin, thromboxane A2, and ADP. the thrombin binds to the PAR-1 receptor on the surface of the cell and further promotes platelet activation. TXA2 promotes vasoconstriction and helps promote the activation of the GP2B3A receptor. ADP can bind to either the P2Y1 or P2Y12 receptors, when it binds to P2Y1 it causes an increases in intracellular calcium. when it binds to P2Y12 it leads to a breakdown of cAMP via phosphodiesterase which eventually can lead to the activation of the GP2B3A receptor on the surface of the cell. the fibrinogen is able to bind to the GP2B3A receptor and then be converted into fibrin in order to start the linkage and meshwork surrounding the platelets. and then you have the whole coagulation cascade going on that i don't feel like explaining right now. you have COX-1 inhibitors like aspirin which irreversibly inhibit, via acetylation, the COX-1 enzyme that produces TXA2 so those levels will decrease leading to less vasoconstriction and less activation of the GP2B3A receptor. aspirin has adverse SE like GI issues like ulcers because in inhibiting COX-1 it's preventing COX-1 from producing PGE2 which helps protecting the stomach lining from the stomach acid. aspirin "allergies" work similarly, you can have bronchospams because PGE2 promotes bronchodilation. another class of anti-platelets would be P2Y12 inhibitors. your first-line would be clopidogrel, however, there is some genetic variability in how patient's react to it because it is a pro-drug. other pro-drugs that are irreversible inhibitors are prasugrel and ticlopidine, the latter is specifically not a first-line because it has an adverse effect of causing neutropenia. a P2Y12 ihibitor that is not a pro-drug and is reversible is ticagrelor. all four of these drugs have a rare SE of TTP. You also have PDE inhibitors that prevent phosphodiesterase from breaking down cAMP which would prevent the expression of the GP2B3A receptor. those are cilostazol and dipyridamole, the latter of which is on the beer's list and should not be prescribed to the elderly because there is an increase fall risk associated with it due to it cause orthostatic hypotension. there's also GP2B3A inhibitors that are only administered IV in hospitals because they have short-term effects so that means they are reversible; they are also used when patients are allergic to P2Y12 inhibitors. lastly, you have par-1 inhibitors like vorapaxor that prevent thrombin from binding to the par-1 inhibitor which will decrease platelet activation. and that's all i got because i don't feel like talking about anti-coagulation drugs right now.
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The Weird Human Sences
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Well Known Facts
It is rather strange that the nature gave only 5 senses to the human beings. As everybody knows these senses are: Dactyl -to feel the touch and vibrations, Smell-to feel odors, aromas, Taste-to feel the tastes, Vision-to view the environment and feel the light and colors, Hearingto hear the sounds and noises.
From physical point of view
The dactyl feeling is a transmission from sensitive nerves of our hands (predominantly, but also by skin, body and legs) to the brain, where these feelings are transformed into brain impulses. The range of this sense is between 10-15Hz to more than 20 000Hz depending on the amplitudes of the vibrations. By this sense is also possible to feel temperature variations is a very narrow band (-50 0-60 0C to +70 0-80 0C). The taste feeling covers: bitter, sweet, hot, sour and salty and a small amount of combinations - at all 5 tastes.
The hearing presents the ability to hear sounds in the sound band between the infrasound (16Hz) to the ultra sounds (20 000Hz). This is relatively narrow band of the sounds hearable in the nature. The lack of detection abilities for the infrasound can be dangerous, because the infrasound has negative consequences to the human body and physics. The same is valid for the ultrasounds. The visible abilities are also in an extremely narrow band of electromagnetic spectrum for detection by the human eye-from about 380 nm (for the infrared light) to 750nm (for the ultraviolet light).
Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/oabb/fulltext/OABB.000565.php
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
Juno what kind of school are you going to where your bio teacher knows about the omegaverse???
what does he know????
context: we were doing about genetics and sex linkage in chromosomes etc etc and he was giving an example on red-green colourblindness and how it happens, and he was doing the x and you chromosome and he put two male on the square thingy. then he paused and stepped back and said "oops, sorry, put two men having a baby there. that's not possible, you know. unless you're talking about omeg-" AND THEN HE CUT HIMSELF OFF AND HAD A LITTLE GIGGLE. SIR??? EXCUSE ME???? IK WHAT YOU WRRE GONNA SAY, BUT WHY??
like. yeah there's something wrong with this man. but we like him (and he's not as insane as some of the other science teachers at my school hdjdhks. he has nothing on the guy with a metal pipe)
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Insects in the sky. A “green wave.” Fig wasps building entire tree groves. Hummingbird hawkmoths keeping endangered violet flowers alive. Migratory creatures and the prosperity of a “salmon year.” Creatures do “not need to be big to be consequential,” do not need to be warm-blooded “to register in the very heartwood of a forest.”
On the natural exodus and ingress of insects, science was, for much of history, limited to guesswork. Invertebrates have proved hard to track for all the obvious reasons - tininess, diffusion, difficulty telling kindred species apart - and, too, because many insects shapeshift across their lifecycle. Especially elusive have been “noctivagant” or night-wandering insects, those that take advantage of a drop in thermal currents after sunset to wend their way by cover of darkness. Even in very large numbers, nocturnal insects can pass by unnoticed. One morning the bugs are just here: they’re everywhere. An old magic is frisking the shrubbery. No wonder the thinkers of antiquity held that many insects were inert matter sparked to life. [...]
The fact of insect migration - not to mention the basic biology of metamorphosis - has since been well substantiated, but though researchers have known for over a century that insects undertake seasonal, long-distance travel, the misguided belief that such movement is entirely passive and dictated by the winds persisted into the 1980s. Some insects clearly are at the mercy of the weather [...]. But [...] it has become clear that several winged insects - including bogongs - sense, and selectively choose, which air currents to ride, some forming massive, multispecies “bioflows” at high altitude. [...] What [entomologists have] seen up there is, frankly, astounding. The spectacle of animal migration may be typified by the grandeur of herds sweeping over the Serengeti, but most terrestrial migrants are insects -- by number of individuals and, perhaps more surprisingly, by mass. One study showed that each year in south-central Britain two to five trillion high-flying insects migrate over an area roughly the size of Georgia. Together, those insects have an estimated biomass greater than that of the nation’s migratory songbirds. Indeed, the volume of insects up in the air is so tremendous that researchers have suggested thinking of them as “the plankton of the sky”: a constant particulate, bobbing overhead.
At the same time our [knowledge of aerial insects] [...] has been upgraded, so too has our understanding of the impact of insect migration down on the ground. Large, traveling vertebrates, including elephants, caribou, and wildebeest, have long been known to link up ecosystems, transporting energy and nutrients [...]. Upstream salmon rushes in British Columbia have been shown to pump nitrogen into surrounding forests, where fish carcasses fertilize fir, spruce, and cedar (so much so that tree rings record rapid growth in a banner salmon year). An animal does not need to be big to be consequential; it does not need to be warm-blooded, or a grazer, to register in the very heartwood of a forest.
The passing of mammalian herds and fish runs can score a landscape visibly by magnetizing carnivores to an area, leaving torn-up vegetation behind, or creating a “green wave” where animal activities encourage plant growth. But though the movements of insects are often more covert, over generations their transit can shape an ecosystem in equally durable ways. Very small beings have system-wide effects. 
Because many winged insects are pollinators, they create gene flows between plants they alight on along the route of their journey. In Spain, for instance, endangered violets surviving in geographically distant islands of habitat are genetically enchained together by the migration of hummingbird hawkmoths. Each hawkmoth threads flower to flower.
Trees along a 250-kilometer stretch of the Ugab River, in Namibia, have genetic linkages that flow with the easterly movement of fig wasps.
Billions of pollen grains are shifted southward each year by high-flying hoverflies in the UK, some lifted over the English Channel to the landing-pads of flowers in Europe -- a targeted haulage the wind alone could never achieve.
Text by: Rebecca Giggs. “Noiseless Messengers.” Emergence Magazine. 27 June 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Italicized first paragraph/heading added by me.]
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Do you have any thoughts on government programming & delusions being passed down genetically? Is that outlandish??
Trauma obviously alters the brain and body, so because the survival mechanisms and brainwashing are that severe some of those things they learned might be inherently engrained in the next generations genetics right?
The HLA-A*03 gene is significantly associated with delusional disorder as well as with paranoid schizophrenia. This HLA gene alone or in linkage disequilibrium with other HLA genes or other closely linked non-HLA genes may influence susceptibility to delusional disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. Source
A growing body of research suggests that trauma (like from childhood abuse, family violence, or food insecurity, among many other things) can be passed from one generation to the next.
     Here’s how: Trauma can leave a chemical mark on a person’s genes, which can then be passed down to future generations. This mark doesn’t cause a genetic mutation, but it does alter the mechanism by which the gene is expressed. This alteration is not genetic, but epigenetic. Source
Exposure to psychological trauma is a strong risk factor for several debilitating disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Besides the impact on mental well-being and behavior in the exposed individuals, it has been suggested that psychological trauma can affect the biology of the individuals, and even have biological and behavioral consequences on the offspring of exposed individuals. Source 
One reason TBMC is called Monarch Programming is due to the genetic aspect of what is passed through to the offspring.
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magnusthepuppet · 8 months
ok gonna do an unserious vent rq but HOLY FUCK I UNDERSTAND CHI SQUARES.
i was working on my ap bio lab report and it’s about genetic linkage and shit and i have to use chi square values to prove/disprove a null hypothesis, right? well chi squares have been FUCKING MY ASS all year. EVERY. SINGLE. TEST. the only question i ever get wrong is the GODDAMN CHI SQUARE ONE.
and so while working on this lab report i’m like, “fuck this i don’t even know what i’m talking about” so i go searching online and FINALLY. AFTER LIKE AN HOUR OF READING RANDOM MATH WEBSITES. I UNDERSTAND.
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ahhvernin · 2 years
My brain is so full of Vanitas no Carte and Pandora Hearts that it just wants to write a whole god damn essay supporting the idea that the two series are connected and that Babel Incident also triggered a slight error and destabilization of the inter dimension that is known as a the Abyss, where all other time lines stem from. ie the rewrite attempted to created a favorable observable outcome for Paracelsus but in doing so but lead to the destruction of a city and many other cataclysmic events and an unseen almost genetic like processing error to the Abyss. The creation of vampires could've been "contemporary" to when Children of misfortune appeared in the PH world as they too are outside the original formula and the Jury's tale.
But I haven't read PH in years and I'm in the process of reading Vanitas. So no essay for me ..... Yet..maybe.
But there feels like there's so many potential world linkages and similar themes that it would be fun to. Like how Xai and Jack seem to carry many similarities to the Shapeless one. And how, I know its an Easter Egg to PH fans, but the names "Vincent and Gilbert" reappear in Vanitas and Vanitas is as bombastic as Vincent and stoic and Gilbert.
And if we learned anything from PH is that history tends to repeat itself in different ways.
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