ash-and-starlight · 10 months
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one day, in a thousand years
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takaraphoenix · 3 months
Absolutely in love with the fact that the "Stiles Stilinski is Part of the Pack" tag automatically redirects to the "Stiles Stilinski is Part of Derek Hale's Pack" tag.
Because. That's not what that tag, with that phrasing, HAS to mean. The Pack could refer to... ya know... the canon pack he's a part of, in that "reassurance of sticking to canon" way that isn't even rare on AO3.
But no. Nope. AO3 knows what pack we're talking about. And it delights me.
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slimslamflimflam · 11 months
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vaggieslefteye · 4 months
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HELLUVA BOSS (2020—): 2x08 - "The Full Moon" ↳ "Blitz, I think so very highly of you... I didn't realize you think so low of me. ...Goodbye, Blitz." "Stolas, wait! I'm s—!"
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
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some jspicey_doodles.png because i once again fell into a 'childhood antagonist that deserved better' mindtrap
also reverse!jack spicer because ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @/c0nji's Reverse!AU slaps
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holyfreaks · 2 months
can we start treating fictional characters as fictional characters and real people as real people instead of the other way around ://
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shootingst4rpress · 9 months
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finally getting around to posting this since i finally have a scanner… augh it’s quite smudged but some traditional pearl art! coloured mechanical pencil, then copic markers and shaded with diluted drawing ink :] hounds of love by kate bush THE pearl song!!!
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elyonblackstar · 9 days
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Some drarry sketches to warm the heart 💖
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i-give-u--art · 3 months
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Fox and I were at HEB with my mom
Fox is an angel in disguise her soul is pure and I love her
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bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 1 - prompt 1: Western [word count 798]
“It’s the second time this month! The whole chest of gold from the mines!”
Sirius raised his eyes from his whittling to cast a bored look at the man frantically pacing in his office. As sheriff of Godric Springs, he should have been on his feet, nodding at the distress of one of his fellow citizens, but looking at Lucius Malfoy hysterically flipping his hair from one side of his neck to another because he had been robbed once again was too damn funny.
“Hire more guards,” he said slowly.
Malfoy stared at him, outraged.
“You’re the sheriff! It’s your job to capture these outlaws and hang them!”
Sirius snorted and took his feet away from his desk, looking at Malfoy as he would do a child.
“Lucius,” he said slowly. “The Silver Bullet and the Ruby Gun have been plaguing this region for years evading capture every single time. There’s nothing more I can do, even as sheriff.”
“You should hunt them down! Cable Washington, have them send your brother over with the army!”
“Oh, I’m sure General Black has no more pressing matters at hands other than two petty thieves,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “Have you considered changing your methods instead, Lucius?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, you know,” Sirius smiled innocently. “The Ruby Gun and the Silver Bullet targeted the Lestrange mines before yours. Once your dear sister-in-law convinced her husband to pay the right wages to the miners they never stole from them again.”
Malfoy’s eyes narrowed and he flipped his hair one last time before storming out of the sheriff’s office.
“Do you think he’ll get it?” Peter asked from his desk.
“Doubt it,” Sirius shook his head. “But he’ll have no other choice, it’s either become a decent person or lose all his gold and we know Malfoy loves his gold.”
“How many landowners like that are left?” Peter looked up at the wall, where the map of the region was pinned.
“A lot,” Sirius sighed. “Our favourite outlaws have work to do.”
“Not what you expected when you became sheriff?”
“Definitely not,” Sirius smiled.
A bell rang somewhere in the distance, followed by happy shouts. Some minutes later, the door of the office opened and James walked him, his teacher’s briefcase under one arm.
“Hiya boys,” he smiled. “School’s out and I thought I would deliver Rose here right to her daddy.”
A little girl with blonde pigtails ran in after him and jumped in Peter’s arms, almost making him fall off his chair. Both James and Sirius laughed and Sirius got up.
“We’re closing early today,” he said. “Go home with your daughter, vice-sheriff.”
After locking up the office and waving goodbye to Peter and Rose, Sirius walked with James to where his horse was waiting.
“Any news?” James asked.
“Another chest of Malfoy gold stolen right as it was being transported from his mines into town. Malfoy ended up even requesting the whole army to fight two outlaws, it was really funny,” Sirius said.
“So they made it out without getting caught again?”
“They did,” Sirius smiled and patted James’s shoulder. “Go home to your wife, Prongs. I’m sure she’s already waiting for you.”
James nodded and hurried away while Sirius mounted Adhara and trotted to the little ranch he owned half an hour from town. Once there he took the time to tend to the mare and give her plenty of water before walking in the house.
“Honey, I’m home,” he called out, throwing his hat and landing it perfectly on the back of a chair.
“In here,” Remus’s voice called back.
Sirius walked in their bedroom where Remus was kneeling at the foot of their bed, carefully putting sacks of gold labeled with the Malfoy seal in the cache under the floorboards. He looked up and smiled at him.
“Busy day, sheriff?”
“You could say that,” Sirius smiled. “A distinguished citizen has been robbed for the second time this month, it was really hard not to laugh in his face.”
“Lily left a perfectly clear threat in the carriage that we will continue robbing them until those poor miners have decent wages and working conditions.”
“Still, the Silver Bullet is making my life complicated at work.”
Remus replaced the floorboards and got up, crossing his arms.
“And what are you going to do, sheriff?” he cocked an eyebrow. “Arrest me?”
“I could,” Sirius smirked, walking closer to him and pushing him back with one hand.
Remus took a couple steps back until his legs hit the side of the bed and he ended up falling on it. Sirius was quick to climb into his lap.
“For now I think I’ll just handcuff you to the bed, shall I?” he whispered, before pulling Remus in a searing kiss.
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anghraine · 5 months
Okay, breaking my principles hiatus again for another fanfic rant despite my profound frustration w/ Tumblr currently:
I have another post and conversation on DW about this, but while pretty much my entire dash has zero patience with the overtly contemptuous Hot Fanfic Takes, I do pretty often see takes on Fanfiction's Limitations As A Form that are phrased more gently and/or academically but which rely on the same assumptions and make the same mistakes.
IMO even the gentlest, and/or most earnest, and/or most eruditely theorized takes on fanfiction as a form still suffer from one basic problem: the formal argument does not work.
I have never once seen a take on fanfiction as a form that could provide a coherent formal definition of what fanfiction is and what it is not (formal as in "related to its form" not as in "proper" or "stuffy"). Every argument I have ever seen on the strengths/weaknesses of fanfiction as a form vs original fiction relies to some extent on this lack of clarity.
Hence the inevitable "what about Shakespeare/Ovid/Wide Sargasso Sea/modern takes on ancient religious narratives/retold fairy tales/adaptation/expanded universes/etc" responses. The assumptions and assertions about fanfiction as a form in these arguments pretty much always should apply to other things based on the defining formal qualities of fanfic in these arguments ("fanfiction is fundamentally X because it re-purposes pre-existing characters and stories rather than inventing new ones" "fanfiction is fundamentally Y because it's often serialized" etc).
Yet the framing of the argument virtually always makes it clear that the generalizations about fanfic are not being applied to Real Literature. Nor can this argument account for original fics produced within a fandom context such as AO3 that are basically indistinguishable from fanfic in every way apart from lacking a canon source.
At the end of the day, I do not think fanfic is "the way it is" because of any fundamental formal qualities—after all, it shares these qualities with vast swaths of other human literature and art over thousands of years that most people would never consider fanfic. My view is that an argument about fanfic based purely on form must also apply to "non-fanfic" works that share the formal qualities brought up in the argument (these arguments never actually apply their theories to anything other than fanfic, though).
Alternately, the formal argument could provide a definition of fanfic (a formal one, not one based on judgment of merit or morality) that excludes these other kinds of works and genres. In that case, the argument would actually apply only to fanfic (as defined). But I have never seen this happen, either.
So ultimately, I think the whole formal argument about fanfic is unsalvageably flawed in practice.
Realistically, fanfiction is not the way it is because of something fundamentally derived from writing characters/settings etc you didn't originate (or serialization as some new-fangled form, lmao). Fanfiction as a category is an intrinsically modern concept resulting largely from similarly modern concepts of intellectual property and auteurship (legally and culturally) that have been so extremely normalized in many English-language media spaces (at the least) that many people do not realize these concepts are context-dependent and not universal truths.
Fanfic does not look like it does (or exist as a discrete category at all) without specifically modern legal practices (and assumptions about law that may or may not be true, like with many authorial & corporate attempts to use the possibility of legal threats to dictate terms of engagement w/ media to fandom, the Marion Zimmer Bradley myth, etc).
Fanfic does not look like it does without the broader fandom cultures and trends around it. It does not look like it does without the massive popularity of various romance genres and some very popular SF/F. It does not look like it does without any number of other social and cultural forces that are also extremely modern in the grand scheme of things.
The formal argument is just so completely ahistorical and obliviously presentist in its assumptions about art and generally incoherent that, sure, it's nicer when people present it politely, but it's still wrong.
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saccharineomens · 7 months
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You know, watching the anime made me realize something, so I went looking.
We (manga readers, anime-onlies beware spoilers later on) already know Senshi’s tragic backstory and that the reason why he stays in the dungeon is to take care of it.
Early on in the manga, Senshi behaved with a complete disregard to Chilchuck’s orders to keep them safe. It’s possible Senshi behaved this way because he didn’t respect Chilchuck’s skills, or he thought that none of the traps would be able to harm him (due to being a dwarf). When he offered up his life to the orcs (before his vegetables, even), maybe he was simply trusting that Zon wasn’t actually going to kill them (despite them brutally murdering an entire pub in front of their eyes). But what if he simply…doesn’t care whether he lives or dies?
Senshi shows no interest in returning to society, preferring to keep to himself. He lives only for tending to the dungeon and cooking his next meal. He behaves recklessly with his own safety, and he hasn’t moved on from the trauma he experienced almost eighty years prior. He also believes that resurrection is unnatural, and accepts his own death with relative ease.
I think his survivor’s guilt left him passively suicidal, just waiting for his inevitable death to come to him, and holds fiercely onto Gillin’s final wishes that Senshi lives on as a reason to not seek it out.
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
I cannot stress this enough, but using The Untamed/CQL to “contextualize” the novel mdzs is like using the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (2010) to understand the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series. American readers know…
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icarusbetide · 6 months
mayhaps i have dug too far into history but i noticed a lot of posts from around a decade ago had the tag "the history peeps" or "thp"? anyone have any insight into what this means? i'm on my archeology shit.
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starii-void · 3 months
something something jason piper parallel with jason medea
-both couples influenced into being somehpw by hera (both turn out. badly)
-both jasons die a horrible death
-piper and medea morally gray powerful sorceresses (w/ charmspeak according to HoO) x jason and jason the basic 'hero' archetype
-neither of the women truly wanted to be with the jason (dangit hera)
-tragic in general
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barty gives his children the most fucked up names
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