#general precious baby boy aura
canisalbus · 4 months
They weren't even that much Vasco bc wrong color but I want u to know today I saw a brown dog with short hair, droop ears and a general precious baby boy aura and thought of Him
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Scandal Ch. 1 - Loki x Reader
Summary: After your child is born a Frost Giant, your husband accuses you of infidelitiy, unaware about his own heritage...
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Warnings: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Angst, Mild Cussing
Noteable: Takes place before Thor 1, Asgardian Fem! Reader
Words: ~1800
I Story Masterlist I General Masterlist I
It was as if your anchestors wanted to deliver a warning, for Asgard had never faced a storm matching this fateful afternoon.
The thunder swallowed all of your screams and cries, every curse you spoke with each contraction as the baby made it’s way into this world. All this time, your precious husband would never leave your side, letting you squeeze his hand as much as you needed.
“Only a little bit more, my Lady!” the midwife shoutet from between your legs, her tone calm yet cheerful. “I can already see the head!”
“I’m right here. You’re doing wonderful, my petal.” Loki was softly petting your hair, pressing a wet kiss into your forehead. “You are incredibly strong, Y/N. And I love you so much!”
Remaining collected was using up all of his energy at that very moment, you knew that much. Yet not even the God of Lies could hide all the helplessness and excitement stirring in his head at that very moment.
Being with the Prince of Asgard was just like in a dream.
Once you get to know him, that troublesome arrogant lone wolf turned into a smart, caring - and especially charming - prince. And hel, Loki treated you like a Queen.
All this pain you were experiencing right now would ultimately lead to the greatest bliss imagineable - just like it was with Loki.
Oh, how dearly you had fought, suffered, yearned for him, only to be rewarded with heartbreak and frustration. In between his feverishly chase for the throne and his rivalry with Thor, there was just no room for a loving relationship to grow.
The crushing weight of thinking himself unworthy for affection had made him cold and bitter over the millenias, telling himself the comforting lie that he was above all, born for a glorious purpose.
For the God of Mischief, whose kinsmen had always made him feel out of place or under-appreciated, the process of trusting had always been one step forward, three steps back.
But through your compassion, and with a great deal of patience and understanding, you slowly but steadily melted the ice around the prince’s heart.
Because deep inside, you always knew that it was worth it.
And today would be the peak of your romance: Your child would forever remind the Odinson that he belonged somewhere - right here, with you.
“It’s a boy!”
“A heir?!” Loki exclaimed, smothering your face in kisses. “Well done!”
You smiled weakly at his excitement, in between choked sobs. All that your exhausted self was able to process was the fact that your child is born - and you already loved him beyond reason.
“Where is he?!” you whimpered, unable to realize how the air in the room had shifted - for when the midwife touched the infant, she began to scream in agony.
“What’s wrong?!” Loki’s eyes were narrowing at the midwife that almost dropped his newborn, detecting some sort of burn wound on her palm. Quickly, she had covered the boy in a towel, aware that if any harm came over that baby, she was to die at the God of Mischief’s hands.
A flash of lightning was brightening the whole room, which had only been flooded by dim candle light until now.
Another one of the midwife’s screeched in terror, almost stumbling as she frantically erscaped your bedchamber. The adrenaline from birth and worry about your child sharpened your senses, yet concentration was almost impossible.
Still, the words she was yelling as she ran down the hall send a shiver down your spine:
“It’s a monster.”
Your head was spinning as you rushed into an upright position, with two nurses pressing you onto the bed again. “Milady, you need to rest! It’s still too early!”
“What is wrong with my child?!?” you desperately screamed, kicking with your legs to free yourself from their hold. “Give it to me!”
Their expressions were too much to bear. Your head was spinning, seeing pity mixing up with disgust and anger in their eyes.
“Enough!” Loki finally broke his own silence, his mind having been occupied with all the horror scenarios one could think about.
Walking up to the midwife carrying the infant, he demanded seeing it. “Your highness, don’t-” yet the midwife’s beg was for naught.
Yes, everything will be alright. Loki will take care of it, like he always does. After all, he’s your savior, your hero, the love of your life...
Gently and insecure, your husband cradled the newborn in his arms - a sight to behold. And the baby’s strong cries assured you that it was at least alive.
However, as soon as he dared to unwrap the towel, revealing it’s face, Loki’s heartbeat completely stopped for a second. His trembling lip began to shake, mouth widely agape as he took in the child’s form.
For a brief moment, his mind was completely blank. All emotion dropped from his face before taking in a complete different demeanour.
“Wha-” you wouldn’t dare ending that sentence when your husband’s furious eyes met yours.
The air was so thick, you thought not even Thor’s hammer could break it. Clearly ritten on Loki’s usual unreadable face were so many emotions at once:
Aversion, fury, incredible sorrow...all directed towards you? The child?
Loki Odinson loved you more than anything in this world, this was the only thing you had always been sure he wasn’t lying about.
“From all the people I expected to betray me...” His voice was hoarse, as if the ache in his heart was wrapping around his throat. “Why did it have to be you?”
You could feel the horrendous aura, a wave of sadness and despair coming from your husband. Seeing him like this was like torture.
“What- what do you mean, darling-”
“Don’t fucking call me that, you harlot!” That was surely not the first time your lover had raised your voice against you - he could be a bit difficult at times, obviously.
But this time was different somehow. It sounded so...ultimate.
And the Loki you knew would never use such harsh words against you!
“Please, I beg of you...just let me see my baby!” Everything was just too much for you, almost to the point of passing out. 
And the man did as you pleaded, almost shoving the child into your arms. “There, have your bastard! And make sure to never show your filthy faces to me ever again!”
With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving you with those strange nurses looking at you like you’ve just commited an unforgiveable crime.
There was no use in overthinking this. He’ll come back like he always did. You can work this out, whatever it is - even if you are gonna be mad for a very long time, making such a fuss and then disappearing instead of taking care of you, the mother of his child.
Out of a whim, you decided to finally observe the little being you’ve been waiting for all those months.
A loud gasp escaped your mouth as you realized just why everyone was so worked up about that little boy. Yet the sound you made was solely surprised - not a hint of fear or rejection laced your voice.
It was a beautiful baby boy, little fists balled to the air as if he was searching for the warmth of his parents - though his skin was in the shade of a dark blue. When you dared running your hand over the deep lines and ridges on his body, the stinging pain of frostbite immediately stung your fingertips. His eyes snapped open, looking at you with black irises through red scleras.
You knew the meaning of this, even though you didn’t understand how this was possible: This child was a biological Frost Giant. A small one, but nonetheless.
A curse? Was someone trying to play your family dirty? No. If that was the case, the child wouldn’t also have actual powers together with the appearance.
Just how long have those tears been running down your cheeks in thick streams already? You wouldn’t know.
Only one thing came as clear as daylight to you: You loved this baby, more than anything in this world. And no matter the hardships that came along with it - you would protect him, no matter what!
“He’s magnificent...” you sniffled, pecking some quick kisses onto his small body before the cold could hurt you. “I love you so, so much...!”
Not minding the judging looks of the nurses, let alone wondering about the consequences, resolve was starting to give you new strenght.
The boy got a grasp on your finger, and instead of your skin freezing off as expected, your magic allowed him to the boy to finally disguise itself as one of you. How was this even possible? Well, this is probably the first time something like this ever happened, so no one could prepare you for what to expect with this child.
They all say that birth was an impactful event - but nothing could’ve prepared you for everything that you had to endure on this day.
Yet nothing could’ve stopped you from believing that this child was the greatest blessing that ever came over you.
Now you only had to convince your husband of that very fact...
“Y/N Y/L/N!” the guard wouldn’t even bother adressing you with your full title as his harsh voice woke you up. When had you drifted away into slumber anyway? You were probably way more worn out than you wanted to admit...
Your eyes immediately snapped open, heart skipping a beat until you saw that your son was still sleeping soundly right next to you. Stroking his cheek as he smiled up to you, it almost made you forget about that burdensome situation.
“Hey!” Protectingly, you were holding onto your child for dear life as the guard approached both of you. “I have an important message to deliver!”
You scowled, almost like an animal mother protecting their offsprings with baring teeth, even though you knew in that state you would be completely and utterly helpless. “Why now? What could be more important than the well-being of my child?”
The answer let your blood run cold:
“I am here to announce that Lady Y/N Y/L/N has to face a trial in front of the Allfather. The following crimes she is being accused of: Infidelity, collaboration with the enemy and trying to sneak one of them into our glorious kingdom.”
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kyovtani · 4 years
How about the hard doms? Tendou (like he Dom drops because ya know how he's a freak in the sheets), sir Sakusa, and ofc Bokuto, like I think he'll have the worst Dom drops because even though he's a hard Dom I think he's a very sweet boyfriend. Maybe Kita too? But I am not really sure.
i deffo thought about the hard doms having like really bad dom drops before because like- yeah, sub drops are heavy but it's just as heavy on a dom as it is on a sub, yk? im gonna try and keep these short !! mwah
— cw: mentions of dom drops, heavy punishments, DDLG (daddy dom/little girl), degradation etc. but not really the act <3
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– starting with Tendou, one of my personal fave hard doms. I don't think it happens a lot but when it does, it takes him a long time to get back to his usual self. satori is confident in what he's doing because he knows he's good at it and knows, you trust him. he would never take that trust and love you give into his hands for granted and tries his best to be the dom you deserve. but sometimes, when life's just a little too heavy, he struggles to get out of his head.
satori tries to not step over your personal limits and boundaries but whenever he's got too much on his mind, whenever he foesn't feel like himself, he tends to overstep them rather badly. he's a mean dom, that's what you both love but in those times, he just gets hurtful. and by the time he realizes what he said, he's already moved away from you, not daring to stay near you as this disgusting feeling overwhelms him.
he drops to his knees and starts apologizing, burying his face in his srms as he pulls his legs to his chest in a desperate attempt to calm himself down. you're quick to react, having experienced him this way before, you just take his face into your hands and push your forehead against his, telling him that he's okay, you're okay. he craves your validation and reassurance and he does voice it out, too.
"i just love you so much, please don't ever leave me", he whispers, voice raspy as it breaks at the end of his heartbreaking request, "i promise i'll try to be better, just please don't leave."
most of the time you spend the night just holding him in your arms until he calms down and finds his way back to you, his home ☁️
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– I think with Sakusa, it's a bit more different.
he's generally a lot less likely to fall into a dom drop because he knows himself well enough to be able to tell when he's had enough or when he cannot get into that persona because his mental state won't allow it.
but it still happens, of course.
kiyoomi tries to not let you know about it, though. the times his anxiety gets to him in ways he simply can't explain it are the ones where he just wants to be left alond.
he's used to nobody listening to him, which is why it's so hard for him to open up, even to you; the person he loves, cares and values the most.
but you know him a lot better than he might realize. as soon as his usually so firm, controlled and harsh movements of his hips find a stop and he lets go of your head, both things at rather sudden, random times, that's when you know he fell into that certain haze of darkness.
the thing with kiyoomi is, he proceeds to fuck you. he even makes you cum but does not finish himself. he turns absolutely quiet as he pulls out, cleans you up and the disappears in the bathroom for a good while.
in the beginning, you'd give him a few minutes to himself but after a while you realized that those are the times he needs you the most, so you quickly follow him on wobbly legs, finding your place on his naked lap as you wrap your arms around his neck and try to ignore the coldness of the water falling onto the both of you.
kiyoomi remains silent. he doesn't speak, just tries to sort out the anxious thoughts from the rational ones to calm himself down and even though he holds you in his arms without any other reaction, he appreciates your presence and the sweet words of reassurance.
on those nights he falls asleep with his face basically buried in your chest and tears streaming down his cheeks.
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– with Bokuto having the hardest dom drop, i definitely do agree 100%
you're so precious, so important to him; the mere thought of hurting you in any way never fails to break his heart. but that does not change the fact that he loves to bend you over his knees and spank your little ass and your pussy until you're drooling and begging for him to finally touch you.
bokuto is merciless, he gets really teaisng and it's difficult to pull him out of hard dom haze once he's there. but he knows you love it just as much, which is why its so, so easy for him to slip, after all.
different than expected, he does drop a lot more than he'd like to admit.
there's just something so heavy about dominating you in such ways that Bokuto sometimes fails to realize. he overestimates himself and his mental strength, doesn't understand why he's feeling the way he is.
it also happens without any warnings. different than satori and kiyoomi, koutarou's dom drops come suddenly and out of nowhere.
in one moment, he has you tied to the bed, pussy and ass all sore from his harsh force and a huge ball gag firlmy placed in between your lips and in the next one he's nervously untying you, hands shaking, incoherent sentences falling past his lips as he tries his best to stay calm.
and then a long, long row of apologies follows. he tells you how sorry he is for overstepping any boundaries, for not being enough or too much, or both. he tells you how badly he wants to be what you deserve and how he's going to try harder.
and those are the times you pull him into your embrace and just hold him for a while.
none of you dares to speak a word, bokuto's little sobs and sniffles the only noises to fill your shared bedroom before they eventually die down, too.
it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep, the mental exhaustion way too intense for him to handle. but he does wake up in the middle of the night, waking you up to ask if you're okay with him fucking your pussy or your thighs and of course you just let him because you wnat him to know that it's okay to fall because you'll always be the one to catch him.
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– and lastly Shinsuke <3
this big boy is simply overwhelmed whenever he falls intot his certain cloud of insecurity and anxiety.
kita has a naturally dominant personality and aura, so it's easy for both of you to find your place in the dynamic. it always has been easy. but sometimes kita finds himself questioning his abilities as a dom. he gets insecure about the way he talks, acts and feels when it comes to you.
you're his perfect little baby after all. you're always so obedient, so well behaved and so eager to please your daddy. how could he ever compare to your dedication? how could he ever be enough for someone who's always pouring their everything into the things they do?
and those kind of heavy thoughts usually find their way into his head when he has you over his knees, belt firmly placed in his hand as you squirm away from his every touch. those are the times where he has to push himself to place the next, harsh spank on your sore ass. and after the nth time, he just stops.
kita guides you to the bed, pushes your legs apart and just lays in between them; head firmly placed on your tummy as he has his arms wrapped around your waist.
he doesn't say anything, and he doesn't have to.
you know what he needs, so you just start massaging his scalp, your other hand playing with his pretty hands as you tell him just how much you love him. sometimes he even responds, "you love your daddy a lot, don't you? not gonna leave me?", knowing he can just tell you what's going on in his mind because you're his safe place after all and probably the only person who can actively fight the anxious thoughts clouding his brain <3
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Random Lipstick Headcanons
I like red lipsticks and I like wearing lipstick when I want to feel like a bad bitch. Or when life’s being a badder bitch than me. I can at least struggle pretty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the bros reactions to you wearing a very complimentary, alluring lip color. Or power lip color. I don’t know what to call it. I guess this is gender neutral? I’m not trying to mention gender specifically.
They TOTALLYYYYY have a crush on you at this point. They just haven’t owned up to it. May take a crack at writing a second part for the Undateables. I’m at chapter 21/22 and feel like they’re not really mentioned :/. Not enough for me to really know what they’re like.
Is very surprised to see you wearing lipstick. In fact...it’s the first time, isn’t it?
His heart stutters, almost as if the color scares him. 
It doesn’t. It excites him. More than he imagines. There’s something about the pop of color that draws his eyes in immediately, like a moth to a flame
Or so he thinks. Lucifer thinks that sounds nicer. In truth, it’s like a magnet trying to drag him closer. Your lips are just suddenly...very enticing. He’s thought about kissing you a few times before now but he certainly doesn’t want to feel his resolve crumble because of some color!
And yet, it is the essence of beauty itself. He feels as if you should be immortalized in a painting. You exude a classic kind of charm that makes his dusty heart squeeze.
He’s a bit behind on human fancies, but is this an attempt at courtship?! You certainly have his attention! 
It doesn’t even have to be a glossy lip. No matter how tsundere Mammon acts, he’s INCREDIBLY perceptive when it comes to you. He notices the minutest of changes. 
Your new lip color makes you a cool, shiny thing and Mammon LOVES shiny things.
He’s gonna be stealing so many glances! 
You don’t even have to be trying for a sexy vibe to be sexy in Mammon’s eyes. You take his breath away with this lip color. He just---boy has to turn around and bite his lip.
His heart’s doing stuff it hasn’t done in centuries and oh baby, he wants that lip color all over him!
Will either act like you wearing lipstick is nothing special (like he doesn’t notice) or goes into mild interrogation mode. It’s not for some other demon, right?!
Wants to touch your lips and see what it feels like, but doesn’t.
Might try to drag you along to be a makeup rep for one of his photoshoots. Then you can try on lots of lipsticks and pose with him. They can do a kiss photo for swatches, right? Prove it’s transfer-proof or something?
His attention’s on you AAALLLLL day--especially your lips
If he notices it’s smudged, he’ll try to wipe it away or fix it with his finger. Might almost out himself with how gently he does so.
He’s no stranger to watching people do makeup--he’s a big fan of cosplay makeup and body paint transformation
There’s just...something different about when you do it. He tries to tell himself it’s because you live with him, but that doesn’t feel quite right
His eyes light up when he sees the way the color compliments your skin. It makes your eyes twinkle but he’s really focused on your lips
It wakes up something ancient and irrational in him; he wants to give you a pretty shell or rock for some reason??
He just gets all excited and wiggly. Even his tail wants to wiggle!
You’re just pretty, okay?! Not that you’re gonna know, dummy!
Subconsciously, he thinks it reminds him of beautiful, vivid scales. Then that sends him down a rabbit hole of how pretty you’d look if you had scales  
In general, I headcanon that Levi can see the slightest differences in colors. He and Asmo are basically tied in this, and they far outpace the other brothers. 
He’d be extra stoked if the color is from the blue or purple family because those can be hard to pull off but they often make really good looks
Being Levi, he can’t outright compliment you. He’ll just say ‘it’s probably good for a normie human lipstick, but have you seen THESE?!’ and shows you some of the flashier Devildom ones
Get one with a slight shimmer or color change. Or better yet, do a gradient!
Levi would absolutely explode if you wore his colors!
If you do a TSL-inspired look, he’s going to die. And have dreams of you saying sweet things to him, the yucky otaku, with your pretty, pretty lips
Much like Lucifer, he’d want to wax poetic about how the lip color gives you an enchanting aura
Quite stricken, very flustered. He can hardly muster a witty remark.
Satan is basically grasping at straws and hoping his usual cool, toothy grin hides the fact that he’s ready to blush himself straight into a sunburn
Mild teasing, all of it good natured. He’ll pepper in comparisons to Helen of Troy or historical figures that resemble you. It’s mostly to see you blush, but it’s his way of saying it indirectly
He hasn’t quite come to terms with how much he likes you yet but he knows when he sees that lip color, he wants to smear it all over your cheeks and down your chin.
The idea of making a mess of something so pretty and carefully crafted just really gets his blood going. It’s a wicked thing, isn’t it? Symbolism for a demon corrupting a human? You could be his pretty human, yes.
If he wants to think or make a coherent sentence, he can’t look at you when you’re wearing lipstick
Subtly moves one of the books from a nearby stack into his lap because boy has a boner.
If you decide not to hang around or get pulled away by one of his brothers, Satan will disappear to indulge his fantasies of you wrapping those pretty lips around his cock. He’s not even mad about it. Not in the moment; he feels bad a few days later.  
His darling human is spreading their little beauty wings? Oh be still his beating heart!
He’s the first to compliment you and actually takes an analytical approach before the idea of genuine compliments pop up in his head. It’ll take him an hour or two to start getting a little flustered by you ‘dressing up’ and silently tormenting himself with ‘Is it for me? Is it for someone else?!’
Asmo can’t help but coo over how well you know your color wheel and how you match your undertones
The type to hold your face in his hands and pat your cheeks or squeeze them a little
Teases you about making lipstick swatches on his lips or his arms (”Or, you know, wherever. You can kiss me anywhere you like!”)
Wants to drag you away and see if any of his colors will look good on you
You will soon have a matching lip color! He’ll make sure of it!
BEGS you to let him swatch his lip colors on you, or apply them. He’ll make sure to take care of your lips in between--a lip mask, exfoliation, the works! (”I’ll even kiss them for you!”)
He wants you to try on all his lip colors because he wants to memorize how breath-taking you look in all the colors. Even if it’s platonic with some lusty teasing, Asmo has a genuine love for bringing beauty to people
In some ways, it makes his heart ache. It reminds him of when he was Heaven’s Jewel.
But now he’s here in the Devildom, and he doesn’t really regret it because he met you. You can be his jewel now, and maybe he can be yours. Maybe it all starts with some lipstick, hm? 
He notices it but doesn’t really get the significance of it
Is there a reason? Is it for an event? Is this a dominance thing? An attraction thing?
Demon can see from a great distance, far greater than humans, and there’s a chance he sees you before you see him
In all honesty, he probably thinks you have something on your lips, like a sauce or something
It isn’t until you get closer that he realizes it’s some kind of lip product
If you’re happy, he’s happy
You always look cute but this color seems to make you happy and it gives you this bouncy glow about you. That makes Beel all warm inside, to the point where he wants to purr.
Sometimes when he gets really excited his wings want to buzz. They kind of want to buzz.
Doesn’t mean to, but can’t stop staring at your lips. It’s a color he’s not used to seeing on you and his brain recognizes that change
Wouldn’t be against you kissing him. What? It might transfer? He gets food and crumbs all over his face on the regular so it’s not a big deal.
You might be shy about it? Don’t want him to get teased? Well...you can always practice. You know, somewhere he can hide it. Just to test it, that is.
KISS HIS STOMACH! He’d be so damn close to a nut Beel would have to bite his own tongue or shove something in his mouth before you do it
Would wear your little kiss marks like a badge of pride so slap ‘em on wherever you want!
“Do they have orange lipsticks?” he asks. Blushes deeply immediately, not realizing he actually said it out loud. You should try one of those, he thinks. You know, because that’s his color and it’ll match his nails. He thinks that’d be neat.
Just wants you to kiss all over his chest and stomach. 
Wary of the lipstick. Doesn’t trust it
Looks like a nightmare for his pillows. Paranoid about you getting it on his sheets
If he’s half asleep and notices it, the color change will jolt him awake long enough to really observe it
“For me?” he teases as he rolls over or pull himself from under covers and pillows to really look at you
It’s pretty, for sure, but you’re not coming anywhere near his bed unless you can prove it’s not coming off on fabric!
What’s that? You can?
Belphie probably says something sarcastic and mildly asshole-ish but you defend your precious lip product, talking about human reviews and tests and things. “People have kissed their boyfriends and girlfriends on camera! It works!”
He makes you kiss your arm (he’s a fucking idiot, should’ve asked you to kiss HIS arm) to prove it won’t rub off before he lets you rest on his bed with him
Snuggles into you like he always does, playing with your hair just the tiniest bit. 
Belphie hopes it’s subtle but he’s slowing twining and inching his fingers closer to your face. Your lip color is almost mythical and he kind of wants to touch it after all the fuss he made.
Does it make your lips feel different? They look different. Would it react differently to demon skin?
Will tell you it looks nice and that you look pretty but if you ask him about it later, he totally denies it. Insists he must’ve been talking in his sleep
He dreams of you kissing him awake or kissing him to sleep with gentle cuddles and pretty lips
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amarienne · 4 years
Long and tired 15x20 rumblings. Beware of spoilers and the F word.
It’s been 10 hours since I watched the episode and I still can’t believe that was real and not a prank episode.
Let’s leave aside the destiel of it all, alright? We all knew getting a huge and proper destiel scene was not gonna happen, no matter how much we clowned the last few days.
But that was a shit show of writing and plot. Fair enough, they felt like a MOTW episode was very fitting to be the last and you know what, I agree. That first 10 minutes of a simple life jogging, making breakfast and petting the dog? I am all for it. Pie Fair? Perfect, who doesn’t like pie? And Dean surely deserved to eat to his heart’s content with no worry in the world.
But at the same time you are trying to tell me that Dean didn’t even blink while Sam mentioned Cas being dead? And that we didn’t even see Sam at least texting with Eileen who just one episode ago vanished in thin air and Sam, had to perform some pretty heavy self control and restraint so he didn’t break because of the loss? How am I, the audience, supposed to believe that??
Still, I was happily going along with it all still keeping hope (lol, what a fool) until they entered the barn. I saw that freaking rod while they were fighting. Don’t believe it if you don’t want to, but I saw the freaking metal rod and I saw Dean being attacked and I was like fuck no he’s gonna end up on it. And surely enough a second later he was. And being the naive person I am I thought ‘huh, interesting. maybe that’s how we see Jack in this episode, or we see Dean in the hospital fighting for his life because he realises he doesn’t want to keep doing this.’
Buuut nooo, ofc not. We get 10 minutes of Dean hanging from a nail making an otherwise lovely speech and Sam standing there listening to it. We get a *w*nc*est* aura with the hand holding and forehead touching? REALLY? I couldn’t fucking believe it. And then Dean dies.
Dean, who just last episode did not take vengeance on Chuck because ‘that’s not who I am’. A fact I am betting my life on comes of course, of course, from Castiel’s confession. So we finally get to see Dean accepting the fact he is not just a killer, but actually he is made of love and for love and he deserves to be happy. Guys, you can see it in his face, he starts to believe it. And he chooses to walk away with his brother and Jack and to simply leave Chuck behind to have the thing he is more scared of- the thing Dean craved more than anything: a normal life.
Enter a sad excuse of a funeral, a pathetic montage of Sam in the bunker and then a call for another hunt. And Sam leaving (forever? who the fuck knows) the bunker. And just as I feared we get to Heaven. And Dean is welcomed by Bobby. That scene was actually fine. At least we get to fucking know Cas is no longer in the Empty- that presumably Jack saved him and they are now together or were together to build Heaven. And the fact they all share a heaven is sweet, okay? Baby is there, Dean goes for a drive, Kansas is playing. Cheesy but lovely.
Montage of Sam living a normal life? A toddler with ‘Dean’ stitched on his clothes? Enter me losing my fucking mind on the turn of events. So Sam named the kid he had with a *faceless* woman Dean in honour of the brother that died like 3 days after saving the world. Huh?? Really? I mean really? What the fuck happenned to Eileen?? She was too precious for this episode and this fucking story.
At this point I am like, I wish I had not pressed play on this mess. But the God awful montage continues. We see Dean Jr (*retching from disgust on the cliche*) telling Sam it’s okay, mirroring the first death. Also what’s with the tatoo? Is he a hunter too? Did Sam continue hunting and pulled his son into it as well? Or was it just a general precaution/tradition. Fuck knows of course. Heart monitor goes beep (the fucking cliches will be the death of me) and we see a bunch of pictures. The faceless wife remains faceless because *who cares* let’s just show the parallells between the two brothers’ deaths.
Oh I forgot all this is to the sound of a pop cover of Carry on my Wayward Son. They didn’t even have the decency to keep the original playing.
And here I am thinking, wishing, being ready to make a crossroads deal that all this is not actually real. It’s a dream, or a nightmare, or an alternate reality or - my biggest hope- Gabriel’s playing a prank somehow.
But as we all now know, dear strangers, that was not it. Nope. Dean stops in a lovely bridge (after apparently a couple hours of driving) and Sam appears. They hug it out. And they watch the sun set over the fucking mountain top.   
Oh and then we have the god awful goodbye message. The final blow so we stay on the ground.
Un-fucking-believable. That was like the worst fanfiction, wrapped in a last minute essay you’re writing that is due in six hours, dipped in a diary entry from when you were 9 and dusted with a touch of *who gives a fuck let’s just finish this*. Also let’s blame *COVID*.
All the beautiful scenes and moments of the past 15 seasons. All the character progression we thought we were witnessing. All the symbolism we thought we were seeing. All the secondary characters we got to love to just not see if they actually made it back after 15x18. All the blood, sweat and tears our four boys went through in the last few episodes. All yeeted out the fucking window. It was all for fucking nothing? For an ending my four year old niece could come up with on the spot?
They all die and live happily ever after in Heaven?
Betrayed does not begin to cover how I feel. I was not a hardcore fan of SPN by a long shot. But I know stories. This is not how a good story ends. And SPN was a good story. It deserved better. We deserved better. Our boys deserved better.
I am standing and slow clapping for the actors though. They were truly brilliant, they worked with this shit writing and managed to get to the other side of it. I would sell my left kidney to find out what they actually thought of that ending and to also ask the showrunner what kind of drunk dream made the basis of this finale. Oh, and also ask the folks at CW who green lighted this shitstorm how they’re feeling? The 1 star ratings at IMBD are raining like the fallen angels, bitch.
God. This was long and awful but even if noone read it, it made me feel better.
I can’t even begin to form coherent thoughts regardging the lack of Cas and destiel. Maybe on another post.
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shlutnutt · 3 years
never really wrote a michael langdon smut so here we go.
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warnings: overstimulation, mommy kink, edging, pegging, slapping, sadism, handcuffing, dominant reader, submissive michael !
"Y/L/N, you're up next." called out the announcer, patting off some glitter off of his navy blue vest. "Remember, let your hands run free and smile, smile wide." he continued, annoying you immensely as you already had more than enough experience when it came up to the modeling industry.
Walking sassyly, shaking your hips more than usual you realize you set yourself up for a challenge as you gazed over to the crowd and well, the judges. Allowing your well fitted mermaid-style dress to move freely you hold onto the sprouted ends cautiously as you walked down the velvet steps, towards the judges. Aware of how fabulous you looked in that instant your confidence only grew more as you modeled the wine-colored dress going along with some crystal-clear heels.
"Up to you now, people! Round of applause for Y/N, and this beautiful wine laced mermaid-style gown dress, accompanied by a pair of Steve Madden Lipa clear heeled sandals and one of our most precious layered 4K gold necklaces!" the crowd shouted and cheered for you, feeling like the absolute star of the fashion show an unrecognizable man catches your eye.
His ethereal beauty had you staring gawkly, whilst he scrolled through his phone completely unaware, of your amusing gaze on him. He was wearing a black long-sleeved turtle neck along black dress pants and black dress shoes, his hair was magically curled and his eyes appeared to be a graceful green.
Despite the fact the man had caught your attention in between loud cheers, you felt oddly attracted to him. Not only his beauty attracted you, but his sensitve aura did also. "Y/N?" one of the three evil judges had questioned, reffering to your zoning out of the attention you were bringing onto the stage. Immediately responding, you notice the judges scribbling nonsense on their note pads, as you felt a glare on you coming from a familiar direction.
Turning your head completely to where you felt the energy coming from you catch yourself holding eye contact with the man, him now resting his hands in a waiting manner on his folded lap, following his every gesture it didn't take long for you to realize that the man was indeed, a submissive.
"Misses Green, up next!" yelled the announcer, his irritating voice soon generate your escaping. Walking down the dressing room hallway, you can't contain yourself from exploring the outfits a bit, hearing a soft "Hey.." come from behind you.
The voice shy and angelic, you turn around nervously thinking it was one of the eager makeup artists who'd love to rush people out of the hallways. But, you were wrong, insanely wrong. It was the beautiful man you spotted in the crowd, he only stood infront of you shlyly bringing his hand out for a handshake in which you accept in, almost immediately.
"Im Michael.. Michael Langdon." he introduced himself, giving you an adorable smile. Unable to leave him hanging you do the same. "Im Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N."
"Why'd you introduce yourself exactly the same way I did, Y/N?" fooled around Michael, giving your shoulder a slight push. "Because I can, problem?" you tease only to produce a needy facial expression to oppress on his angelic-like face, sending dominant chills down your spine.
"You want there to be a problem, dont you?" you continue to tease, now massaging your soft hands up and down his muscular chest, rubbing his clothed nipples along the way you accelerate his breathing, knowing all he wanted was for you to peg him and throw him against a desk as you slap his ass repeatedly until he begged for you to stop.
"T-touch me please, Y/N.." whimpered Michael against your touch, nervously looking around for unwanted witnesses. Domination taking full control over your body you look up at him with puppy eyes and order him to call you mommy.
"Mommy?.. I can call you mommy?" jumped Michael excitedly, in which it seemed like he wasn't really able to refer to anyone with that name. "Yes, baby." you reassure now pulling him into your changing room two doors to your left.
Watching Michael in visible panic as he sat down on your metal chair, made you giggle in thrill, knowing you were capable of doing whatever you pleased to the beauty infront of you. "Take off your pants for me, baby boy." you instruct following his every move as he hesitated a little to follow your commands.
"Obey." you pressure, him nodding now inconspicuously getting up to unbuckle his dress pants, pulling them down anxiously. "Good boy." you praised before taking off your dress surprisingly, for him to admire your beauty as much as you admired his, member creating a tent in his boxers, as he bit his lip vigorously, eyes not once leaving your unclothed breasts.
"M-mommy I- please.." panted Michael in between pathetic stutters attempting to ask for your consent for him to ravage your breasts. You clicked your tongue dodging his hand, which tried to swing over your hard nipples desperately.
"Bad boy, Michael. Good boys listen to mommy's instructions. Might need to punish you." you state, producing a murmured complain to fall out of his lips, his eyes not once leaving yours.
Picking up the thrown belt, you harshly adjust it onto Michaels' hands placing them behind the metal folding chair, the belt being replaced by a pair of handcuffs, of course. Not wasting anymore left giving time you rush to pull down his boxers, which were damp in precum. "Needy, hm?" you tease once again as you grip his dripping tip running two fingers around it, not breaking the intensive eye contact you held.
"Mommy please!" pleeded Langdon, with teary eyes, unable to keep his orgasm from releasing any longer. "You can cum when I tell you to, honey." you leaned in for a whisper, your right hand squeezing the leftover precum out of his tip while your left massaged his balls, getting closer and closer to his tightness. His tip now becoming slightly purple from overstimulation, you near your left hand right above his tightness, leaning in to moist it up. The man whimpered loudly to the feeling, soon nearly screaming to your index finger pushing pass his tiny hole swiftly.
"Can I-I C-Cum Mommy, please.. I'll do anything.." insisted Langdon, as you yet again refused, speeding up your fingering onto him as you pumped his shaft. He only cried, boosting your pleasure onto him producing his warm liquids to spit out to your breasts...
You slapped him across his right cheek, hard for his disobedience.
"Oh, what am I gonna do with you, Langdon."
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i dont know if i should make a part II, we'll see how much people like this lolz
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Hiiii!!! 💫💕🌸🥳
Can I bother with a question... I was (re)watching that zhang qiling edit (not today) - 'cause it's so cool, btw- and I wondered if Reboot Xiaoge’s your favourite one...? And if you're up to answering, what do you think about the other adaptations? Especially (our small bean) xiao yuliang's interpretation of xiaoge?
Hey, my precious patootie hehe ILY it always makes me very happy knowing that you rewatch my vids <3
lol dang it, I was kinda hoping to avoid this question, just because I feel like I'd find it hella hard to explain some things, but I'll try my best and hopefully it'll make some sense xD
I'll start from afar bc I wanna try to explain my reasonings, since I don't want to go without arguments into such highly debated question lolz. I talked about this a bit in my previous asks somewhere, but not broadly as to why that one guy hit all the right spots.
So throughout the books Wu Xie always does this wonderful thing, where he very tangibly describes the feeling he gets when Xiaoge is near, I mean like the aura around him. And he always somehow does it so colorful, that this mix of safety, assurance, calmness, composure and some things I can't quite put into one noun, that he brings to him, I think everyone who've read the books can recognize as this almost magical "Xiaoge feeling". It's not just the way he acts in some dangerous situations or smth like that. It's just everything. You either have it or you don't. And here goes my first argument... to me none of them, except for Huang Junjie and Yuliang have it.
I mean it's not even the obvious stuff, it's like the way they move during the action scenes, the way they even stand and hold themselves, the way they touch Wu Xie, the tone of their voices (both of which are like soothing as fuck), little things you'd think wouldn't matter, but when you watch it and all the puzzle pieces are together, you're like... fuck yeah, thats him.
Also not really that weighty of a point, but to me there's always a joy to see that the actor who plays the character not only gets what's he's playing, but also loves it, bc it's always seen on screen. Usually when some asked about the character they play and what they have in common for example they answer with obvious things like if some character is introverted they're like "well I also don't talk very much" or smth like that, you know what I mean. When I was watching interviews of Yuliang and Huang Junjie I was just smiling so much, bc they've said such things that made me go "yeah, Qiling is safe in their hands".
In Reboot case working in such close proximity with the author definitely also played a huge role here. Bc it kinda gets complicated in some aspects since the books are written from Wu Xie's point of view and you can't only base your picture on his perspective, just bc it's coming from a person who after being basically told "you're my whole world" goes "I'm just a person he randomly passes by in his long life" in his thoughts. Not only he's utterly clueless and dumb when it comes to all this, that he wouldn't notice the way Qiling looks at him and other things, its also not that kind of book, that would go "I suddenly caught poker face looking at me like I'm his whole existence" (and I honestly don't want it to be that book lmao). So you have to take into the account here stuff like what author says to get the whole picture, bc if you look at that from the point of Qiling's view for example, this shit takes a whole wild turn. So I really loved that in UN and Reboot ways of showing Qiling's feelings were well thought out and fit the timeline.
Bc it also works both ways, when it comes to other adaptations. Like Qiling is very and I mean ETREMELY hard to win over. We all know that it was a very long process of gaining his trust and even longer for him to fall for Wu Xie to the point of him being his everything. So what I want in those interpretations is for them to get at which point of their relationships what Xiaoge's behavior makes sense. I do not need any fanservice if it ruins the character, I'll just hate it. The thing that their feelings didn't come out of nowhere is what I LOVE about this ship, bc I'm not the kind of person who believes in "we love for nothing" thing and love at first sight thing (only "got hots for each other" at first sight), bc thats bull. Wu Xie became his everything after a long LONG process of getting to know each other. At the beginning tho he was the same stranger to him as everyone else. So what Reboot Qiling feels for Wu Xie is not what UN's Qiling feels for Wu Xie yet and what UN's Qiling feels for Wu Xie is not what Lost Tomb's Qiling feels for Wu Xie (which at that point was nothing). And I feel like not everyone gets the fact that you can totally wreck the character if you make him behave not the way he behaved in that particular time. Like for example, if someone would make a MDZS adaptation where at the very beginning of their relationships LZ treats WWX the way he treated him after the reincarnation just because "who cares, it's still LZ", that would be dumb af, see what I mean. So Xiaoge having a weakness for Wu Xie in part one is automatically not a Xiaoge to me, bc a huge part of his character and the thing NPSS speaks a lot about is just how IMPOSSIBLE it is for someone to catch his attention and how long it took Wu Xie to get there. So let's just say to me UN and Reboot Qilings for the first time didn't feel like some mashup or character summary/parody, they were Qilings the way they are supposed to be in that part of the story, bc it was the only times someone actually bothered to coordinate it.
Now as to why I prefer one to another. Xiaoge has this thing... the way he holds himself with other people, that is sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally suppressing.
Like everyone knows that if you're a passerby, Qiling genuinely doesn't fucking care and would in fact be pretty harsh about it in terms of treating people like they do not deserve their attention. He won't be like "please, don't bother me", he simply ignored them like an empty space. He is also like that with acquaintances who in his opinion do not deserve his respect like that girl who went hysterical, bc she was upset that he was the only one who wasn't drooling on her like all other men on the crew, Chen Wenjin, Wu Xie's uncles and etc. He's not openly disrespectful unless they trigger him in some way (usually by trying to act superior or later on for not treating Wu Xie right), but if they do, he will in fact remind them their place in sometimes a very rude way, at times humiliating them in front of ppl bc he looks younger than them and talking starts.
He's always doing things on his own terms and hates being told what to do. Like he legit scared Chen Wenjin just with a look and the tone of his voice when he said "let go", when she tried to command him on the mission and grabbed him trying to lecture him about what he should or shouldn't do. That's why Wu Erbai didn't even try anything like this and let him do whatever he needed to do and equally lead the mission in Reboot. And why the scene where Wu Xie 'commands' "Xiaoge, come back" and he immediately listens holds another special place in my heart. Bc he NEVER and I mean NEVER allows such things to ANYONE.
So here I came to a point of why despite loving them both dearly, my favorite Xiaoge is Huang Junjie.
I have this dissonance with Yuliang's version when to me in many scenes it felt like he and Wu Xie are the same age. Like if he was Xiaoge, but in his 20s. In his interactions with Chen Wenjin the dynamics was turned upside down, with him being okay with her telling him what to do and just in general the way she behaved with him. Same as like I didn't always quite believe him to be on par with older generation or even Pangzi, it just felt like he was truly younger than them. Some scenes that I do find extremely cute just don't fit book Xiaoge at all, I'm talking about some moments like his face when Wu Xie gave him food, or him pouting and many things he's done, when you were going "uwu he's a baby". He just never gives me this feeling in the books ever, not just bc he's 100 years old, but sad fact here.. bc he's simply unable to behave that way. Like in the books you'll desperately want to shower him with love, but he's just... I can't quite explain, it's very sad.
I guess it's just you know these characters, who are like hundreds years old, but look like they're 18? I think you have to be very careful with how you write those, so you could deliver that. And in UN because of some changed dynamics and scenes I straight up forgot about it, until Wu Xie threw some joke like "he's an old man" in front of a restaurant.
In Reboot Xiaoge could make Wu Erbai stutter with one move, put Yuliang's version in the same scene, I just don't think it would've worked. Like I'm trying to imagine him telling UN's Wu Erbai what to do and having troubles already haha. Same as I don't think he's capable to be genuinely mad at Wu Xie, and HJJ nailed it esp in one of my fav when Wu Xie was laughing at Pangzi's joke about him catching cold. The look he gave him and how ZYL just retreated was priceless xD. And boy could Qiling get angry with him in the books!
Otherwise I didn't have any drastic fall outs there, like with Joseph's Wu Xie and Ah Ning's death, because that was just too much of a difference, but there were still moments where it was once again this the same scene completely different emotion thing. He was more tolerable to ppl in general here, more pliable. And 50% of the time he gave me the cute lost kitten type, which I just cannot connect with the feeling he gave me in the books. His personality is a cat type 100%, but like seriously "cute baby" is the last word combination I would ever apply to book Xiaoge, but with Yuliang's version it's easily applied. So small bean he is indeed. With Joseph and in UN it works incredibly perfect to me, but the way he is in UN is at times too gentle. And there are lots of scenes where Joseph himself looked at him in a way "you're too cute, let me pinch your cheeks" kind of way, or the way he like sat down next to him on the coast, he was a bit babying him at times. I can't imagine book pingxie doing that. It's just a whole different vibe, the way he takes care of him, the way he lets him take care of him... it's...uuuuuuuuu another vibe (see, I'm so good at explaining lmao).
It's also kinda funny to me, bc HJJ who's the smallest and who irl truly a kitten never once gave me that feeling on screen for some reason. The one babied and loved by every crew and old ppl, who was cutely hiding behind ZYL's back on set, who won't sue an ex who almost ruined his career bc of how stupid she is, bc he "didn't want to hurt her", who according to staff can't even step on a fly, whom CMH was petting for several minutes after he had to hit him with a prop brick bc he didn't wanna do it lmao. I was just like.. ok, this is hilarious, bc I in fact didn't expect him to be a small bean, so watching all the bts made me go LOOOOL. Probably ZYL acting like a 3 year old helped him transform and the age difference problem got lost lmao
As for other adaptations. You know I can't watch seriously "Lost Tomb", I think some ppl probably have some nostalgic feeling about it, but I'm sorry, to me it's fucking hilarious. Like I've already said it looks like some type of twilight parody thing or smth. Soft damselle Wu Xie esp killed me, bc 1st when he ever was that, 2nd in the first book he's salty af, I don't even know this dude in this interpretation, I was like who's this. YangYang I know him from other things, I really don't think it's his role. I know the script and everything is bad. I know the costume and hair are horrendously funny, but it's just I was watching him in those action scenes and was like no... just I'm sorry but I'm not feeling it. I simply just don't know what to say about the whole thing seriously, bc I don't even know where to start. 10 episodes of some salad finished with one mutilated scene from book 6 for no reason the fact that characters are weird themselves also I can't quite tell, did they really just meet or they imply smth else lmao.. I'm sorry, but I do not get it.
I've given LT2 another try after finishing all the books and I've dropped it half way through, Cheng Yi wasn't even close to how I pictured Xiaoge in any aspect. He in fact didn't do anything OOC or off the book or anything, I just was like "not my Qiling". Happens sometimes.
Explore with the note you already know how I feel about this lol let's just forget.
P.S. To be fair here also maybe we should take into account the fact that some got luckier than other with "at which point" Xiaoge they're playing. Like for example, "Wrath of the Sea" and "Qingling Tree" books which is LT2 is not exactly you can say much about Qiling there, he trolls them there in the beginning (in a brilliant way that was totally lost in the adaptation) and he is there in "Wrath of Sea", but it's not the part that can make his character shine in any way, there's not much things happening there that would make you fall for him or get to know him; Yuliang grabbed the fattest piece bc it's middle several books, when they're always together and his character shines the most in terms of clues about past, opening up to Wu Xie and Pangzi, and there are many many events where you can get the picture of what kind of man he is; Huang Junjie grabbed my fav piece of utter devotion, where he's already fully and wholeheartedly belongs to Wu Xie, that I'm just weak for. So like... there's also that I guess xD.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . Herrroooo! 👋🏽 May I request a Baby daddy head canon (The “as dads” head canons lol) please? For Iwaizumi and Nishinoya please and thank you 💞 Love your writing too!!!
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . jae idk whether anyone has requested this but is it okay if i request for some iwaizumi and ushi dad HCs 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 ur HCs make me SO soft and tbh i just wanna live in ur imaginations 😢💞
❝ ― submitted by @b0kuto <3 ❞
✎ . . . since you did oikawa as a dad, what about my boyfie iwachann?? and maybe how their kids will interact with each other, thank you if you ever consider💛
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ iwaizumi hajime <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . happy 900 followers and happy birthday lizzie !! @kaidasen , i have two other iwaizumi hcs in my inbox and one being another dad req but not just general hcs and phew i'm tired
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➜ i'm not a s*mp but,,,
➜ i would glady offer him my hand in marraige
➜ you two weren't quick to settle down, since the both of you have been busy with your own jobs especially then, trying to survive a comitted long-distance relationship
➜ but now that it has been almost a year since you two got married, hajime knew he wanted to start a family with you
➜ and when i tell you that if MANS EVER EVEN THOUGHT of having children WITH YOU, you're in it for a long long run my love
➜ listen ─ iwa is a rational and decisive man, stubborn too, but overall thinks first before bringing these types lf serious stuff with you
➜ knowing that once you agree, mans will not be able to hold back anymore
➜ it was quite funny actually, since it has been a running joke between you two with your baby fever phase in high school that you soon grew out of when you attended collage.
➜ iwa used to relentlessly tease tf out of you but even then, he couldn't help but be the one that you want to have a child with
➜ now all the left over pride he has vanished away while he looks like a CLOWN as he nervously asked you about starting a family with him
➜ emodiment of👉👈😳🥺
➜ because now it was YOUR turn to tease tf out of him, payback bitch
➜ iwa : what if we . . start a family?? 😳👉👈 haha i'm joking . . . unless??
➜ you : it's funny how bitches turned into my fans💅💸
“ wow how the turn tables ”
“ baby girl, i don't think that's how it ─ ”
“ ─ aha simp ”
➜ but regardless, you immediately agreed to his offer and you BET that iwa would give you payback for all the teasing you have done in the bedroom
➜ ok bet fill me up to the brim sir
➜ okay um chile ,, i have to keep reminding of myself that this is a family friendly show
➜ he may be a little busy with work sometimes, but he'll always try to have time to go with you on your baby check ups and appointments which, he, actually booked the second you told him you were pregnant
➜ but whenever he doesn't, he would always be a lot more affectionate whenever he goes home to see you and would hear how you talk about updates from the doctor as he just RUBS YOUR TUMMY as he apologizes for not coming with you😭
➜ when you gave birth to a beautiful hanako, iwa couldn't help but cry because wow??YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL AND HE IS SO PROUD TO HAVE YOU AS HIS WIFE, AND YOU GAVE HIM THIS LOVELY MASTERPIECE OKAY AIGHT
➜ hajime didn't really care about gender now, but before he actually wanted a son, but as i said now, all his mind was just about you and your daughter ─ his precious girls
➜ besides, he has all the time in the world to make a son with you or two
➜ hanako, no matter how sweet she could be ─ she is lowkey a little shit too
➜ prefers hajime over you but would LOVE to rile him up and make it seem that she prefers you over him
➜ he would be a strict father, but such a softie for his daughter that he forgets why he even was mad when your daughter pulls up with THE TRUMP CARD with the same puppy eyes you always used on him
➜ like mans was already a goner but aight
➜ gets FLUSTERED AND EMBARESSED whenever hanako wants him to play with her with her dolls and he also has to act out with her lmao, but we all know she was doing it on purpose
➜ your daughter is a   s a d i s t
➜ makes her dad watch all the OLD barbie movies because she doesn't👏like👏the👏new👏ones👏
➜ periodt 😡💅
➜ has grown to LOVE the thought of being a princess AND HAJIME CALLS HER PRINCESS ALL THE TIME AHH
“ but daddy i'm a princess !! of course i need a prince ” hanako pouted as iwaizumi's tick mark just grew with the thought of his daughter having another boy in her life other than him ( and oikawa & perhaps future brothers😳 )
“ why would you need a prince when you already have your knight in shinning armor here, ” he gestured vigorously to himself with his hands moving up and down from his head to toe
“ oh yeah! i guess i'm okay with that ” your daughter giggled before calling out to you as she saw you coming into her line of sight, reaching her hands out for you to carry her
➜ and by the time you have her in your arms, she would always nuzzle her little head onto your neck, but this time, before he could, she looked back at her father ─ but this time with a mischievous glint
“ ─ for now ” she smiled cheekily before tugging you to head over to kitchen because one, she wants to get away from her father's intense aura emitting from him, and two, she was hungry
➜ as you can see, bb girl loves to rile up her father, but as i said, iwa could never stay mad for too long
➜ would, yes, kinda yell at his kids, but would NEVER EVER hit them
➜ would kinda BONK🔨💥 them but not the childhood traumatizing methods
➜ he has strong beliefs that hitting children are a no-go, because it would probably affect them in the future, and there are other, better and appropriate ways to handle them without leaving them in child trauma
➜ since argentina is close to california where you and iwa have settled down, you bet that oikawa BEGGED them to have a small little reunion atleast every other three months LMAO
➜ and when you gave birth to your son, hayato, oikawa's offer did not STOP, and when oikawa finally had the time to visit you guys with his family ─ it was chaotic.
➜ first of, hanako is so mean to oikawa for some reason but she also kinda likes him too?? 😭
➜ oikawa : that's so upsettin😔
➜ then moves to hayato because unLIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE, hayato being the precious bb boy he is, accepted all the love oikawa would give him
“ hana-chan, yahoo !! ” before uncle tooru could engulf hanako as he ran up to her with arms open wide, she avoided his figure as he went pass her and hit himself on a lampost
➜ with a blank stare, she crouched to his cowering figure as he rubbed the spot on his head that hit the post while whining, poking his side in curiousity.
“ uncle, are you alright ─ ”
“ ─ oi, shittykawa what are you doing ─ ”
➜ as you and your husband along with oikawa's wife and kids, run up to where the two duo were crouching, your toddler son tilted his head innocently
“ shittykawa . . . ? ”
➜ usually these reunion day would always end in traditional family dinner with the iwaizumis and the oikawas ─ and after that, their offsprings just couldn't get away from each other when it's time to go 🥺
“ i don't want them to leave :( ” hayato pouted as he wouldn't let go of his little tug on akiro's sweater
“ hana-chan !! ” hikaru clung onto hanako as hanako quietly glared at him, trying to shake him off while she shyly held onto akio as aiko starts scolding her little brother
➜ also side note : you bet that they would come back to japan just to attend aobajohsai
➜ anywh0res😍
➜ iwaizumi is the type of dad that would give EQUAL amounts of love to his children, would never have favouritism with his children because that shit actually hurts ngl😔
➜ would arm wRESTLE with hayato but he doesn't wanna hurt him so he would always let him win though it may cost his pride
➜ someone thirst with me about his arms please😭😭
➜ when he's soft'ish
➜ it was near father's day and you have been planning for it along with your children but you guys were anything BUT LOWKEY
➜ iwaizumi could literally hear giggling in one of the rooms and he goes to check it out and sees nodding vigorously at hayato.
➜ wanting to join in the fun, he opened the door and leaned onto the door frame expecting for you to call for him to join you guys
➜ but to his suprised, you guys stayed unusually quiet while your two kids avoided eye contact with him
➜ iwaizumi was upset being left out, but didn't really comment on it. but as father's day rolls in with your two kids waking him up as he goes down to the kitchen to see his favourite breakfast along with some cards from hanako and hayato, and with you smiling warmly at him as you took off your apron before kissing him a goodmorning in his cheeks ─ he knew it was worth it, whatever you guys were planning
“ ew, mommy kissed dada!! ” shrieked by your children as hajime stuck a tongue at them as he grinned at you, lovesick, before he could get to steal kiss on your lips, you pushed his head to look at the opposite side
“ brush your teeth first, and THEN, i will think about kissing you ”
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Could I maybe request the V3 boys with a selectively mute male s/o who actually speaks in front of them for the very first time? Thank you so much!
!Sure! This idea is really cute actually! sorry it took so long but this one is really long! I hope you like it!
-mod korekiyo 
I don’t know much about selective mutism. I have hopefully done enough research to be able to portray selective mutism at least somewhat accurately. However I have never had a real life experience with someone who is selectively mute, and google sometimes isn’t the most accurate resource. If I have gotten something super wrong please let me know!
Korekiyo Shinguji
You had known each other for a while, But You had never been all that close to him until you started dating
But he had known you enough to know that you were mute
He didn’t mind at all though
He wasn’t really much of a talker himself and he thought that you didn’t need to speak for your inner beauty to shine
When you did start dating he did everything he could to make you feel comfortable
He wanted you to know that he wasn’t expecting you to talk if you weren’t comfortable, and that he didn’t mind at all that you didn’t
You really appreciated that.
After you two had been dating for a bit, you finally felt comfortable enough to start talking
You were going to his house for breakfast
You rang the door bell and he opened it very enthusiastically
It was just this aura about him
Something about the way he looked at you
Something about his bright eyes, his warm hug, and the big smile that you could almost see poking out from his mask
He just made you feel safe
“Good morning S/O!”
You smiled at him in response
He nodded and turned around, starting to walk back into his house
“g-good morning”
He froze
His smile grew even larger than before
He turned around and pulled you into a very tight hug
He almost lifted you off the ground
He was so happy that you felt so comfortable around him
Humanity is beautiful
At first he didn’t really understand why you didn’t talk
When you didn’t talk to him he thought that you were afraid of him
He tried telling you that he’s just like any other person and you don’t have to be Afraid
You found it kinda cute really
He just wanted you to not be afraid
Eventually someone explained to him that you were selectively mute
He felt so guilty
He thought he had offended you
He spent that entire night researching selective mutism
You really appreciated all the work He put into trying to understand him
You two quickly became close friends after that
Eventually you two began dating
You love your cute little robot boyfriend to death
One day you two were spending the day at his house
You were watching Disney movies (this boy would be obsessed with Disney)
Wall-E came on and he lit up
“Aww S/O it’s just like us! They are robots and they are in love and they don’t talk much but it doesn’t matter because they are cute!”
You put your arm around him and smiled
He made a cute little beeping noise that you had never heard before
You were smiling even wider
“Y-your cute!”
He looked up at you in shock
He was smiling even wider than before
You gave him a shy smile
“S/O say that again!?”
“Your cute!”
His internal fans immediately started blasting
“S/O……  spoke”
“S/O I lov-“
He temporarily powered down from overheating
This boy loved you so much he broke
Rantaro Amami
You took a liking to rantaro from the moment you met him
It was mostly because he knew sign language (one of his sisters has a deaf friend so he took the time to learn basic sign language)
Finally Someone who would understand you
Once you two started getting to know each other, you realized that you liked him for other reasons
He was kind, understanding, funny, and he supported you no matter what
You two eventually started dating
He was the “mom boyfriend” TM
He was always looking out for you
“You need something S/O? is this place too loud? is your anxiety too bad right now?”
He was just so use to taking care of his siblings all the time, he wanted to take care of his boyfriend too
So when you caught a cold he took the opportunity to baby you as much as he could
He brought you soup and medicine and cuddled with you on the couch until you felt better
Of course he just ended up sick himself
You cuddled him and brought him everything He needed
Of course he kept on insisting he could do it himself but you weren’t letting him
Later into the day his cold got worse and became a fever
At this point he just gave in and let you baby him
He had almost fallen asleep
You were playing with his hair while he rested his head in your lap
You looked down at your mess of a boyfriend and just smiled
“I love you rantaro”
He smiled and continued to drift off into sleep before he realized what had just happened
His eyes shot open and he got up and let out a drowsy “what?!”
“I love you”
He sat there completely frozen before flashing a quick smile
He quickly pulled you into a passionate kiss before laying back down on your lap, drifting off to sleep again
Ryoma hoshi
Ryoma tried to stay away from you
You were just too precious
He didn’t want it hurt you
You couldn’t stay away from him though
You two saw right through each other
You saw the soft, scared boy that hid behind his rough exterior, and he saw the bubbly kindest that was trapped behind your anxieties
You two started dating of course
He didn’t mind that you were mute
He didn’t need to hear you speak to understand you
You had picked up that he didn’t see himself the way you did
It really hurt you that he was always so hard on himself
one day he seemed to be particularly down
You tried everything you could to make him feel better
Nothing was really working
You decided to give it one last shot
You grabbed his hand suddenly
He turned to look at you
His eyes widened
“D-did I hear that right?”
You nodded
He felt so honored that you felt comfortable enough around him to finally speak
“Ryoma.. do you want to talk?”
“You’re sad today”
“That’s what this is about? I guess that makes sense, your always worrying about others”
You smile
“Well do you?”
He gave you a warm smile
“You know, I think hearing my boyfriend talk is enough”
Gonta Gokuhara
He was pretty confused when he first met you
“But why would someone be too afraid to talk, Gonta isn’t that scary I promise”
Your friends had to explain to him that it wasn’t him, you were just afraid to talk in general
“Oh ok, Gonta doesn’t need S/O to talk for Gonta to be friends with him! Gonta is friends with bugs and they don’t talk!”
You couldn’t help but start dating him
He’s such a precious boyfriend
One day you had decided to go on a hike with him as a date
It was in the middle of autumn so the forest trail was breathtaking
You two were just walking and holding hands, admiring the view around you
Suddenly a stunning bright blue butterfly glided past you
Everything was just so perfect
The view, the butterfly, your adorable boyfriend
Gonta looked like he was about to explode
“G-Gonta things it’s pretty too! Just like your voice! Gonga thought that his boyfriend’s voice would be pretty but it is even better than Gonta thought!”
You two were both blushing and smiling messes
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi was such an anxious boyfriend
He knew about your mutism and he wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible
He was always looking out for you, always trying to calm you down when you were anxious
If anything though you usually had to be the one calming him down
You two are just a big pile of cute anxious gay beans
One day you two were enjoying A cozy rainy day
You were cuddled up in blankets and playing board games
He had just brought you guys some warm coffee/tea/hot chocolate
As you were sipping on your drink he sat down next to you and laid his head on your shoulder
You looked down at you uncharacteristically calm boyfriend, feeling his warmth radiating off of him
You felt so safe and cozy
His eyes widened as he bolted upright
It was clear that he was shocked but he tried to appear as calm as possible
You gave him a warm smile
“I love you Shuichi”
A wide smile grew across his face as he layed back down on your shoulder, nuzzling close to you
“I love you S/O”
Kokichi ouma
Ok so kokichi is a bit of a little stinky boy
He loves you a lot, but He’s alway extremely desperate to hear you talk
He was mostly joking around, if he were to actually offend you he would probably apologize profusely and then proceed to go cry in the bathroom until 3:00 am
You mostly Ignore his childish begging
You know that he’s just playing around so you just let him do his thing
One night you two were hanging out at his house
I new movie had just been released to Netflix and kokichi just HAD to watch it with you
You agreed of course
He was being his usual self
“S/o You can have some of my popcorn if you ask nicely!”
“S/o I’m sorry to say but flipping the middle finger and proceeding to shove a handful of popcorn in your mouth isn’t very gentlemanly of you”
You two continue to joke around for most of the movie
Later into the night you had noticed he was starting to drift off
He was laying on your shoulder, half asleep
He looked so peaceful, you could really see the sweet little boy that his behind his trickster persona
As his eyes closed you muttered softly to him, assuming he couldn’t hear you
“Goodnight kokichi”
His eyelashes flutters as he mumbled back a tired and slurred “yesssss”
You giggled
Your sweet little purple boy
Kaito Momota
Like kokichi, he also really wants to hear you speak
he is a lot more subtle and respectful about it 
at least he tries to be 
he will give you little comments here and there 
“S/O i bet your voice is as hot as you are” or “i bet you would be a good singer, you have that kind of personality”
you know that he means well 
you usually just laugh him off
he is really sweet though
one day he decided to take you on a date
you went to a planetarium of course
it was the perfect date
you loved seeing how his face lit up around anything space
he was just like a little kid!“s-so S/O what did you think?”
you were about to just nod and smile like usual but then you looked up at him and just melted 
he was shocked
his eyes somehow became larger than they already where
his eyes were filling with tears
Kaito momota, luminary of the stars… was crying
he pulled you into a tight hug
you were pretty sure you were pretty close to breaking a rib
he was just so happy that you felt comfortable enough to talk to him
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henlex · 3 years
Disclaimer: I accidentally fell in love with gye so just bare with me🙏 I didnt plan for that
Another underrated pair for @bonknanab 💖💕💖💕💖
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First thoughts holy shit all the earth. But gye cancer venus MY HEART this boy is so soft bye. A whole marshmallow. Also the amount of taurus too, this boy LOVES cuddling. But so does minchie cuz virgo AND leo = cuddles sooooo. Leo moon. Makes sense.
Gye: taurus. Earth, really steady and strong, very consistent/ dependable. They rely on their senses to experience the world. Like the care a lot about how things feel, taste, smell. Catch them wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. They can be possessive, they love their things a lot and want to protect them. But this can carry over to people too, they like to possess their loved ones, like have ownership of them. It helps them feel secure. It's just so cute oml😭 tangent: this is why kangmin feels so comfy with the and he's his favorite. He's just a kid with a ton of emotions (scorp moon) and gye is just so stable and reliable, that "I've got you I'm not going anywhere" energy that kangmin needs. I'm a sap leave me alone.  But they hardly get jealous. Can be pretty stubborn and slow moving. They dont like change and dont like changing their mind. Slow to start, especially if they're comfy, they might just lay in bed all day😂
Min: Virgo. Hardworking, love being knowledgeable about things/ learning about them. Sensitive to their surroundings. Can be shy with new people but when comfortable theyll talk forever. They love to be appreciated and useful. Prone to worry, they tend to be pretty responsible.  They love to be doing something and can get restless when they arent. Can be perfectionists because they want to do things the best they can. They're very aware of their bodies. Very curious and love to explore, great observers. They can be pretty hard on themselves 😭 They can be very proud of the way they do things. Can be big sweethearts and are always ready to help.
Gye: Taurus: ay it's me🤝 So a lot of the same as the sun, but this is the core, his emotions. These people have a super calming aura, you just kind of feel wrapped in a blanket. They love consistency and home. They put down deep roots. Can be a bit oblivious and avoid messy/ chaotic displays. Can be conservative. Deep emotions, affection, sentimental. Romantic but do like taking risks with the first move. Really good instincts. Really good sense of smell?? They really stick with things, dont run when things get hard. Once they're in, they're in for the long haul. It takes a lot to actually bother them.
Min: Leo. This is why he likes being on stage even though virgos tend to be behind the scenes types. They really love entertaining those they're close too and are often a comedian. They kind of like to control their inner circle. Strong desire to create and entertain but can be a bit lazy, possibly bossy too. They need a lot of love and attention to function😭 They can be really dramatic if they get offended but they dont like public displays, they save that for home😂 Stubborn, needs time to adjust to changes. They strive for fairness and hate following orders.
Gye: taurus. Istg what is this man
Say it with me kids stub👏born👏
Slow moving, think through decisions. They seem lazy because of just how long it takes them to decide something😂 Slow to start things... Sensual again. Slow communication, everything is deliberate. Very practical so people take them seriously. Can be pretty sarcastic and funny. Pleasant voices. Practical in learning too, they need to have real world examples or know how it affects them.
Min: virgo😂. Likes order/ control, gets uneasy when it's not. Detail oriented. LOVE when appreciate their intellect. Very good at taking care of the day to day. They can be impatient with others because they think they do things best. Helps others by taking care of the little things.
Gye: cancer. UWU. We've got a marshmallow guys.
Ok so Sensitive in love, they like commitment and dependability. Theyll give you security, comfort and care. They show their love by caring for you. They crave safety. They watch their loved ones emotions. This is a big 180 after all the Taurus. They can be moody to get attention oml. Either this is really toned down from the taurus moon or im blind. It's hard for them to forgive/ forget if you've hurt them (same with the taurus moon so☠) They can retreat/ hide to care for themselves. God this is like taurus but extra soft😭 Ok so strong attachment to family and home. Sentimental, love snuggling😭 They need to feel secure and have a strong fear of rejection/ abandonment.
Min: virgo. Good lord. Not flirty. Tries to win someone over with devotion and showing them a ton of attention. Cautious, slowly makes his way into their heart. Sensitive and insecure in love😭 They need to know feelings are mutual before they make a move..... Can childishly tease their crush💆🏼‍♀️ But they have good intentions. They arent attracted to show offs, they like understated, unnoticed people. These people love quietly helping and doing the little things. You'll win them over if you recognize their efforts, they just want to be appreciated.
Gye: libra. Out of left field fr. Oop indecisive yet again. He's so lucky theres not a ton of fire in this group or I swear people would kill him. I'm sure dongheon and hoyoung have gotten impatient before tho cuz damn. Anyway they really like to weigh all their options. Overwhelming desire for balance. They're generally optimistic, and can be defensive. Can play innocent. Passive aggressive 💆🏼‍♀️. Very good mediators.
Can be incredibly charming. The pickiest lovers and desire equality it every aspect.
Min: leo. A strong creative energy and the feeling their life has significant meaning and purpose. Very passionate. Driven and normally have a set path. They have an air of authority and power. Lol they demand loyalty and admiration in their relationships. Can get fired up when they feel wronged or defensive. But they're really kind and driven by the heart.
*skip for s*x mentions* do like idek how to say this. But like they want to be seen as godlike, worshipped. But they also want to worship the other person. Likes an imbalance of power. Show off. Possessive + jealous but tries to hide it. But everything is laced with love and affection.
Gye's steadiness could really help min to calm his worry.
it's great that it takes a lot to actually annoy him cuz...we all know minchie 💕
Omfg they're both kinda lazy😂 Lazy morning cuddles let's goooo.
Ok but gye could very much be oblivious to mins need for love/ compliments etc. Cue that clip gye had to compliment min and it was short but min was like that's all?? And the was like Oh! And just kept on going. So cute. Like he has to problem expressing his affection but min literally needs to physically say how much he needs😂😂
They both hate change and surprises so🤝
Ok but minchans venus is kind of perfect for gyes cuz he needs that stability. But gye would probably be thrown at first if minchan wasnt being obvious. Theyd be really cute together but the challenge would be getting together.
Honestly they seem super soft and comfy (probably mostly behind the camera rip) earth babies but also playful and precious. As the 2 earth signs in the group (and with a ron of earth placements too) they could really find solace in each other and I think that's so sweet💕
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bridgemeadhq · 3 years
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full name: Dakota ‘Kody’ Pierce
faceclaim: Austin Abrams
age: 18
birthday: December 13th
gender: Cis man
pronouns: He/him
four traits: Compassionate, goofy, loud & occasionally annoying
worst fear: Disneyworld getting nuked / accidentally killing somebody
favourite horror movie: Scooby Doo 2002 / Coraline
hometown: Orlando, Florida
living situation: living with his adorable parents who love him so so so much 💖💖💖
major: Sad high school student lmao
When Dakota was a little boy, there was nothing that he enjoyed more than sitting down in front of his parents enormous, outdated, television set and watching the same three Disney movies over and over: Aladdin, Alice in Wonderland, and Peter Pan. The third one was his favorite by far; the idea of never having to grow old, to just be a kid, running around and playing with his best friends forever was extremely appealing to him. This fantasy was only encouraged by the fact that his family lived in Orlando, twenty minutes away from Disney World, and frequently would visit the parks on weekends to amuse their darling son and his vivid imagination. And once Dakota got over his fear of rollercoasters, theme parks became his newest obsession. No longer did he love lounging around in a bean bag chair, sipping on a juice-box watching old animated films – he wanted to live it. Luckily for him, he was an only child with parents who lived to spoil him and shower him with attention, so when the general admission prices seemed to sky-rocket as the years went on, annual passes became a household necessity.
It wasn’t just the wonderful world of Disney that Dakota enjoyed – from a very young age he was exposed to the likes of Scooby Doo, The Clone Wars, and Harry Potter, and all things sci-fi, fantasy, and supernatural were easily his favorite things to read about, watch on tv, or experience at a theme park. He’ll never forget attending the opening day of Harry Potter World at Universal Studios, and not even being upset about having to wait in line for five hours to ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.  It was after that first ride when Dakota made a decision about what his future career would be: he would be a rollercoaster designer – and not just any, the best. The goal was to become an Imagineer, but if that wasn’t possible, he’d take designing incredible coasters all over the world.
Eventually the desire to remain a happy, go-lucky child, playing games with his friends and riding rollercoasters every weekend forever became less appealing, because once Dakota entered middle school, he quickly realized that being the kid obsessed with Disney was very uncool. Talking to girls was cool, and playing Minecraft with his friends online was cool, not his collection of rare Winnie the Pooh mugs that he at one point thought was the coolest thing he could ever own. The love for theme parks and all things Disney still remained, it just became a lot more lowkey as he attempted to pursue an aura of coolness. It was then that Dakota decided to pickup a nickname, and to the dismay of his parents who named him after the great state where they fell in love, North Dakota, he started going by Kody. The obsession with being like Peter Pan still tickled the back of his mind occasionally – he often felt nostalgic for not having to worry that much about his grades, or for the days he could chatter on about his latest trip to the EPCOT Center without having other kids call him a baby – but once he kissed a girl at the eighth grade dance, that urge to be a kid forever was out the window. After that, all Kody wanted to do was grow up!
It was at the beginning of his Sophomore year in high school that his entire world was shaken up, when his parents revealed to him that they would be leaving their perfect suburb and moving up north. This was possibly the worst thing that had happened to him thus far in his life, leaving behind the friends he’d made, the girl he’d formed feelings for, and most importantly: the theme parks he loved. He threw fit after fit, slammed every damn door in the house, announced he would emancipate himself if he had to – he would not leave behind his precious Disney World. Obviously, being a fifteen year old without much say in the matter, within a couple of months their home was packed into moving trucks, and the family of three spent their last day in Orlando exactly where Dakota wanted to be: at the Magic Kingdom.
Starting at a new school was difficult, especially when the town his parents had forced him to move seemed to be the most boring place on earth. At a glance, it seems small, gloomy and uninteresting, and for the first months living there, Kody would spend most of his time holed up in his room, friendless, messing around on his computer and learning the ins and outs of coding. His parents encouraged him to get out, meet new people and make some friends, but it was just difficult – he didn’t want to. He wanted his old life, he wanted Disney World, as pathetic as he knew it sounded. The local Massachusetts theme parks just didn’t scratch the same itch, as much as his parents attempted to bring back the spark they used to see in him. It wasn’t until one late afternoon in his high schools library when he discovered there was a lot more to Bridgemead that meets the eye. It was there he came across three teenagers, AJ, Arabella, and Dylan, none of whom he recognized to be in any of his classes, who appeared to be searching for something. His curiosity got the better of him, and he ditched the calculus homework he’d been scribbling on to follow after them. This became a quite regular occurrence; Kody would find one of them after school, wait until the three united, and then linger behind them at a distance, eavesdropping to figure out what exactly they were up to. Suddenly, Kody had his newest obsession: getting to the bottom of…. whatever they were getting to the bottom of.
It didn’t take him long to realize what their game was, they don’t exactly whisper when they think no on else is around, and as surprising as it was to hear it, the revelation of the supernatural being real was brought to his attention, and he quickly realized exactly what the three he followed around were: they were Bridgemead’s version of the Scooby Gang!… sans a couple of members, sure – but he hoped that maybe, if he played his cards right, he could become one of them. It happened one day when he wasn’t being as sneaky as he usually would, and though they were skeptical about him following them around at first, if there’s one thing about Kody: it’s that he appears rather harmless, and to match that look, he’s adorably pure at heart. They quickly realized that he was simply a lonely new kid with bright eyes and a bubbly personality who was eager to help them on their quest to uncover the truths that hide within their town.
The subsequent year, following them around was an absolute blast. To his parents delight, he began bringing them around his home, and the basement became their unofficial HQ. While they never actually solved any of the mysteries the three seemed to have discover on their own, he was still having way more fun than he ever thought he could when he moved here. Somehow, investigating with the three of them was just as thrilling, if not more sometimes, than riding his favorite rollercoaster. Eventually his friends graduated, but that didn’t seem to split up their little team – everyone remained in town after graduation, attending the local college. In fact, them leaving high school actually resulted in Kody getting more friends, as they added Blair to their group. Once there were five of them, he really felt like they were the Scooby Doo Crew, and if he were to assign himself to a particular character: it would probably be Scoob. The fun didn’t exactly come to an end – just took a dramatic, unprecedented pause one night during winter break during Kody’s senior year on his walk home, after a scarfing down a larger-than-your-head neapolitan sundae at the Karma Cafe.
As much as Dakota likes to think he can’t remember what happened – he does. Vividly. He represses as much as he can, just likes to think he was simply attacked, and woke up in searing pain… but it’s much more to that. When he did awaken, it was like a part of his subconscious had been silenced, the good, sweet parts of him had vanished, if only for a moment to enact absolute terror on a random civilian. After spending about fiveish minutes sucking the blood out of their neck, he snapped back to reality, and realized the mess he had become. He couldn’t deal with the knowledge of whether or not he’d killed them, so he disappeared without bothering to check for a pulse, and returned home to clean up, cry madly, and go to sleep in the hopes that he’d wake up and all of this would’ve been some sort of dream. Unfortunately, Kody did not sleep, nor has he slept since that night ten months ago. When the sun rose that morning, he realized that it’s rays, even glistening through small slats in his blinds seemed to give him a headache, and when he attempted to pull them back and force himself to accept the day, he discovered that it’s heat was enough to set him on fire. The next several days were spent in absolute darkness, convincing his mother that he was sick with the flu and that she shouldn’t even dare to enter the room. At night, he would sneak out, part of his brain shut off again as he’d lurk through the town and find something he could feed on. After that first victim, Kody managed to learn to control himself, it was like the thing that he had become somehow understood how much was too much, and he would leave his victims gasping for breath and screaming as he’d vanish in the distance, unseen and further undetected. Each time he would hate himself afterwards, return back to his bedroom and cry, cry, cry until he didn’t feel much of anything anymore.
It was about a week after the attack when he discovered a mysterious package with his name on it on the dining room table. Inside was a letter with handwriting so fancy that Kody didn’t even bother to attempt to decipher it, a bulky silver ring with Latin inscribed, and two bags of blood. Without really thinking about it, he devoured both bags, and then kicked himself in the ass for it later when he realized how he could’ve rationed it. It was however, what gave him the idea to stop unnecessarily hurting people, and start stealing blood bags from wherever he could get: the hospital, local blood drives, and the occasional trip outside of town to scour nearby hospitals became his weekly spots to raid. The ring was the greatest part of the package, because when he wore it and stood in front of the blinds hanging from his window, the headache he’d feel all day every day was no longer there. He even dared to pull back the blinds and stand in full view of the sun, only to find that he wasn’t turning into a ball of flames – he was perfectly fine.
Once he’d acquired the ring, he was able to return to school, but this came with its own set of complications. The scent of blood was everywhere, all the time, calling to him to come have a delicious sip from any classmate who dared to offer him a smile that day. He managed to keep his composure when he was there, but this did result in him having to miss countless school days to prevent himself from hurting another student or a faculty member. There were dozens of days he can recall stepping onto campus, only to smell that someone had just accidentally cut their hand, or bruised their knee, or the worst: someone had just gotten their period, and he would have to leave as quickly as possible to curve his cravings. These repeated absences resulted in something detrimental to Kody: he was going to be held back.
All he wanted was for someone to be there for him, but he couldn’t tell his friends. As accepting as he knew they would be, considering how they had all reacted upon Dylan’s admission, he just couldn’t. It’s one thing to have an uncontrollable change once a month, it’s another to crave blood on a five-minute basis. That summer, their unofficial HQ found a more permanent location in the form of the basement underneath the Bridgemead College’s library, and this relocation resulted in Kody receiving another slew of new friends: Finley, and as time went on, Kendall both is he a little wary about, considering what he is. As their group seemed to grow, he spent three long, sleepless nights developing the perfect tool for them to use: a website equipped with an anonymous tip system, a message board, and catchy headlines to grab the attention of the average Bridgemead citizen. Once it looked absolutely perfect, complete with a header tilted BRIDGEMEAD’S SCOOBY GANG, he decided it was time to unveil it to everyone. The website came with mixed reviews from the group, but ultimately it was decided that they would be using it, though AJ did have to remind him a few times that Scooby Gang was definitely a working title. For the first time in a long while, he felt like he actually had… real friends, ones he didn’t have to put on some kind of cool front for, like he used to. This time, the facade he had to put up was that he was absolutely normal. Just an awkward, goofy kid who claims he faints at the sight of blood and can’t stand the scent of lemon verbena, and not the truth of what kind of monster he’s become. His only explanations of what was going on with him lied within vague Google searches which returned ambiguous answers, stating that what he was going through was a phenomenon limited only to the fictional world. If only they really knew.
So his childhood dream had come true: Kody would get to be a kid forever, just like Peter Pan.
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akinokisetsu · 5 years
Han Seungwoo as your boyfriend ✿
pairing- Han Seungwoo x Reader
category- fluff at first, smutty content in the end. 
warning- smut under cut. 18+ only! 
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Seungwoo naturally oozes warm aura, honestly 
someone you can trust fully, someone who will hear you out any time
someone unbelievably reliable and mature 
that is how you got attracted to him in the first place 
he was different from everyone else and it didn’t take you long to realize that at all
you were the one who fell for him first 
so at first, you approached Seungwoo as far as your comfort zone went
your relationship at first was really good friends 
he enjoyed having conversations and spending time with you 
you two warmed up to each other quite quickly 
even if you fell for him first, you almost never flirted with him 
lowkey scared of his reaction if you did
a lot of comfortable silence together whenever you two meet 
maybe you two both having library dates
or you spending a lot of time in his studio 
enjoys each other’s company a lot no matter what you are doing, tbh
Seungwoo is quite aware of himself and his emotions 
which means, he probably realized right away when he started liking you more than a friend 
it was kind of a surprise to him 
regardless, he isn’t the type to stress over it much 
instead will observe you much more than he did before 
wants to carefully see if his feelings are shared 
he is an incredibly observant man 
in other words, this boy immediately realized his feelings were shared 
even when he realized that, he won’t rush the relationship at all 
is a firm believer of letting things go naturally/by the flow
however from your perspective 
you deadass had no idea if he liked or detested you 
okay, it was obvious he enjoyed being with you but to what extent?
panic panic and more panic 
“maybe... you should try asking him out on an actual date?” 
you confided your secret in your best friend Wooseok, who fortunately kept it a secret 
90% of the conversations you shared was about Seungwoo 
surprisingly, Wooseok didn’t mind much 
“he will just assume it’s one of our friend dates... ah, what do i do now?”
even Wooseok had no idea what you should be doing 
literally nobody will realize you two had a thing for each other
because literally seungwoo was the only one aware of both side’s feelings
when he feels like he had his fair share of fun, he will properly ask you out 
will probably confess after setting the mood just right 
i’m not saying he is a perfectionist- never mind, that is exactly what i’m saying
can and will carefully plan the entire scenario in his head 
wanted it to be something you will remember, but not anything too flashy 
so he decided to ask you out after another one of your friend dates 
after he walked you home, he purposefully kept making small talk in front of your house to give you hint he had something planned 
which you didn’t really pick up tbh
your heart almost leaped out of your chest when he softly covered your hands with his large, warm ones 
wordlessly, he laces your fingers with his 
his eyes never leave your face while doing so 
wants to remember each and every expression you show 
which is absolutely adorable when your whole face slowly go red 
your eyes staring at your feet, refusing to meet his 
but he knew your true feelings from the way your hands softly squeeze his back 
a heartwarming smile appears on his face 
“(Y/n)... look at me.” 
his deep voice sent shivers down your spine 
hesitantly, your eyes met his 
“i love you. i have for quite a while.” 
you struggled to maintain eye contact at his confident declaration 
happiness overflowing, that night ended with unforgettable feelings 
honestly, even after you two got together, not everyone noticed right away
isn’t one for that much skinship 
however, he loves holding your hand or have his hand around your waist 
anything more than that, he is mildly uncomfortable with 
being the kind of traditionalist he is, he wants to save all the affection when you two are alone 
Seungwoo is dad of 10 kids 
first one to know you two were dating was obviously Wooseok 
but he didn’t tell anyone, just assumed they knew already 
next one to realize was Minhee after seeing you two hold hands 
who told Dongpyo 
who blurted out to Yohan and Seungyeon 
no way any secret will stay one after those two hear it
within one hour, all 10 kids realized the new couple 
“HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME?” - literally everyone’s reaction at the news 
Dongpyo seemed most upset that Seungwoo didn’t tell them 
dating Seungwoo pretty much means you adopted those 10 kids with him, so good luck new mom, you will need it 
teasing, teasing, endless teasing 
which you will get used to quite quickly 
but honestly, they won’t tease their leader that much as they would with other members
moving on 
Seungwoo won’t have you waiting for that long to kiss you 
your first kiss was just str8 outta romance novel 
quite obviously, he initiated it first 
will kiss you while you two are staring at the beautiful sunset in twilight skies just for the aesthetic and memory of it 
once again, you were oblivious to his intentions 
but then again, the mood was set just right anyways
with you leaning on his shoulder, fingers entwined while staring at the beautiful scenery unfold before you 
as he suddenly called your name, you lifted your head and stared into his  beautiful eyes
he won’t really ask for permission tbh 
you got the message when he started leaning in slowly 
as your lips brushed softly against each other, you could have sworn you felt fireworks ignite 
softest and sweetest kiss ever uwu 
however, that was only the first kiss   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
trust me when i say you two share a lot of different types of kisses 
depending on the mood, he can make you feel like the most loved person on earth 
or leave you all hot and bothered, wanting more 
on the more serious side 
Seungwoo is the type to bottle up his burden and problems so as not to bother anyone 
so please, please talk with this angel from heart to heart
he has a hard time opening up about things like that but he really needs to 
he needs someone to break down his walls and will hear him out 
likes pet names to certain extent 
loves calling you “love” “darling” or “baby” 
your relationship will literally be that type where ppl are like “wait wtf they aren’t married?” 
that’s how comfortable you are with each other 
but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a crackhead because he sURE IS
you two could either be up at 3 am talking about the meaning of life
...or talking about how to go to platform 9 and 3/4 and invade Hogwarts 
there is no in between 
honestly, Seungwoo is just so complex and interesting person so he will surely never ever bore you
most importantly!! 
Han Seungwoo does NOT date just for the fun of it 
he genuinely sees himself marrying you if he’s dating you in the first place
all in all, he is such a wholesome boyfriend and person in general
he deserves all the world, please give it to him because he will sure dedicate everything he has to you ✿
sex and making out with Seungwoo is always passionate and really heated
to him, sex is a way of showing how much he loves you with his body 
that’s why he takes it really seriously 
every touch, every sensation will have you grasping the sheets tightly until your knuckles turn white
he is a very observant man, he won’t take long to notice what you love and where your sweet spots are 
making love with Seungwoo is almost overwhelming in a deliciously addicting way 
he absolutely adores every inch of you and will show that with his actions
Seungwoo will make sure to take care of you in every way 
anything you want in bed, he will do it 
his personal favorite is eating you out 
the jerking of your hips when his tongue flicks your clitoris 
god, that is so sexy 
he will have you squirming and moaning mess in minutes 
Seungwoo’s eyes will never leave your face while he is eating you out 
the expression of pure ecstasy alongside your sweet voice?
he could cum in his pants right then and there 
will happily give you oral every time you two make love 
rarely teases, simply because he wants you to feel good 
absolutely in love with your moans and will want you to be as loud as you want 
is plenty good in bed to make your mind go blank and moans spill out uncontrollably anyways 
he is the type to forget his own pleasure instead to please you 
prefers to give than receive 
although the sight of you on your knees will have him hard in no time 
when he wants you, it’s painfully obvious just from the change in his gaze
this man can have you begging on your knees just with his intense stare
his eyes are just so sexy, like holy hell 
is teasing only to show you he wants you 
knows how much you love his tattoos and uses it for his advantage 
wears V necks when he wants to seduce you 
which works almost too well tbh who wouldn’t wanna fuck him when he wears that-
quickie is almost a foreign concept to him 
sex is not something to be rushed, he will take it very slow and sensual 
king of self control, it’s crazy how well he keeps himself under control 
unless it’s a jealous/mad sex ;)
Seungwoo is a really composed man, so if you made him mad/jealous enough to take matters into the bedroom...
well, have fun walking tomorrow ;) 
he can be extremely rough when he wants to be 
will show you the best of both worlds tbh 
a precious prince or beast in bed, you choose darling ;)
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inlovelawyers · 4 years
just curious about what your fav cases are and which ones you dislike the most ? i’m sorry if you’ve been asked this before :( your posts are awesome
Hello, anon! How are you today? Thank you for asking!
Oof, my favorite cases? Let’s see... In a non-specific order, I’d say... [SPOILERS FROM ALL GAMES EXCEPT DGS 1 AND 2]
Turnabout Goodbyes is a MUST. I still remember my feelings when I played AA for the very first time. I hated Edgey-boy in Turnabout Sisters. How could he, right? But then something changed during Turnabout Samurai. Without realizing, I was in love with that man and I wanted to protect him as badly as Phoenix. When the intro played and Edgey was holding a gun, all I could think of was: “DON’T WORRY, BABY! YOU’RE INNOCENT AND I’LL PROVE IT!”
It’s silly but I felt like Phoenix in Turnabout Goodbyes, channeling all my love for Edgey in courtroom. Also narumitsu at its best. It brings me good memories!
The Kidnapped Turnabout is also great because I love the badgers so much. My URL used to be something related to Blue Badger! Also it’s the first time that we see Lang and boi, do I love that wolf???? He’s so hot wtf??? Ahem... Plus, there’s Kay and that Gavinners reference! Also Phoenix crossing the bridge of love? hahaha that’s gay. Still in the AAI universe, I also adore The Inherited Turnabout because Dad Greg is a precious beam. And the whole gang is so cool? Sebastian, Justine, Jeff, Katherine, Delicia... They’re all so funny and nice! AAI 1 and 2 are AmAZiNg games!
And lastly (and probably my fav), Turnabout for Tomorrow. People can judge me all they want, but I love DD. Mostly because Phoenix is back, he’s happier and healthier after his AJ breakdown. He’s engaged to Edgeworth. Also, although I didn’t like Apollo’s behavior when I first played it, I understand everyone now. Apollo? Did nothing wrong. Aura? Did nothing wrong. Lesbians? Everywhere. Simon Blackquill? Hot af. And the plot twist at the end? The Phantom? I needed to stop the game and go for some air because I couldn’t believe it was ~~Bobby~~ the whole time. Love it! Love it very much!
Honorable mentions: Rise from the Ashes is SOOOOOOOOO cool???? The characters are great, I love them! But it’s sooooooo long?? At some point, I need a break and finish it the next day. Also, how could I not mention Bridge to the Turnabout? Simply because, although I love all the angst, the plot, the tension... I love Godot very much. I hated learning he was the culprit. My first time playing? I had to stop it. I couldn’t finish it, so I just looked for a walkthrough and concluded the game with a broken heart. Not to mention Iris and Phoenix. It’s something that does not please me. I have very mixed feelings about it, although I do know it’s one of the best cases. It’s more like a personal matter, you see. Lastly, I find SoJ very weak as a game in general, but I do appreciate Turnabout Time Traveler, in which Edgeworth and Phoenix get married.
That said, those are my favorite cases! I haven’t played DGS yet, only watched half of the first game walkthrough. Also I don’t really want to go to AA2 and AA4. We... don’t do that here.
Finally, thank you for such kind words! I’m glad you appreciate my posts, it really means a lot to me! Hope my answer was good enough! Have a nice day!
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
well we're back after a short break from last episode's explosive discoveries
episode 16: that which is lost
lust plz fuery has never spoken to a hottie before
you know what i need an alcohol
ok im back
roy r u a masochist
bradley youre lying about marcoh
wait...why does bradley think the philosophers stone doesnt exist?? um
omg why is team mustang running their mouths rn
edward that was SNAPPPPPPPPPPYY
mustang please shut up
armstrong is top tier
always has been
alphonse is as precious as ever i see
yes tell him edward cause 2003 roy mustang cut off my big toe
nina flashbacks ope
scar be holding kids hostage now? aight....
damn marcoh whad did u do!!!!!! homie stabbed lust
it wont work but im proud of the effort!!!
alphonse is lost???? not my son!!!!
a farm boy hello farm boy
drawing passed down the armstrong line for generations
oooooh ed droppin the ishval bomb
how did he not feel the nerves coming apart from his body
also girl that wont work for your dad hes probably 85 times taller than ed
al getting deep with farm boy
whats going on here anyway
just to talk about ptsd and stuff ig??
why does ed just tell anyone now that al lost his body sir keep it to yourself
i love them
episode 17: house of the waiting family
"no family waiting" edward...pinako and winry are rolling over in their graves
awww light purple worksuit love the look win!!!
proud of u for growing ed
ed your heart eyes are showing
this episode is so far like the same as fmab 6 so i feel like theres not much to say
oh a weird cow and a girl
nelly or whoever has a big ASS FOREHEAD
oh the beginnings of al's identity crisis i see
hahaha armstrong
where did armstrong come from
sry i stopped paying attention for a sec
ed and winry are god tier ship no matter the medium
major spaz
oh winry is gonna open that watch
i guess they dont need to go to freaking rush valley and have paninya steal it if they already did the birth arc with gracia instead ugh
ed were you showering in your boxers
my son is so stupid
awwww theyre at the house
omg winry's got the light they were talking about
she loves them so much
dont forget 3 oct 10?????? nah 11 homie
episode 18: marcoh's notes
before we start ROSS AND BROSH MAYBE PLEASE???? wouldnt put it past them to take them out
huh???? lust looks like who now
side note my sister, who is watching brotherhood for the first time, had the idea to make gluttony shaped stress balls like HOW CUTE????
edward is an absolute nerd
"not as if the library is going anywhere" sure sure dont jinx it armstrong
hahahaha edward on the floor
oops bye bye library
guess we're off to see sheska again
sheska is definitely a lesbian
i mean shes like amestrian velma dinkley
sir r u really gonna transmute the ashes
i mean i think of this everytime i see sheska i think about how crazy having a photographic memory would be but how crazy would having a photographic memory be
s2g hughes' eyes are literally like highlighter green
why is alphonse such an angel!!!!!!!
whenever hughes goes off by himself i get nervous because 03 can do anything...like expect the unexpected when it comes to 03 honestly
so um is lust....scar's brother's gf or something?
oh i forgot i was reacting and now the episode is over hahaha okay
episode 19: the truth behind truths
the kids have it ROUGH
maria ross mom friend vibes rn
oh my god edward
the tea cup...al's face...my kids
03 ed is so depressed my god
both ed and al need a hug
ooooofffff 5th lab
i guess we're gonna see barry again since they decided to introduce alive human barry for shits and giggles
the boys are gonna SHIT. THEIR. PANTS. when homie shows up
hold on
I googled it and Brosh is also pronounced as "Bloch" which i guess makes sense
so thrown off but im dumb as heell so
hahahaha with the barbed wire 
hi scar ya too late pal
kinda vibin with these background tunes
ummm scar what r u DOIN
what the f alchemy is that
oh great scar is going to the 5th ig
envy i missed u!!!
oh imitating my son? rude
“the guards are idiots” well here we go slicer bros and barry
to be honest if i ran into a booby trap smorgasbord in  real life i would Die
there they are the armored palz
um was that
greed? lying down in a purplish aura thingy?
um sir?
*rewinds 10 seconds to check*
number 48 is kinda snatched though???
gasp! a blood seal!! what who knew!!
episode 20: soul of the guardian
im just impatiently waiting for the barry reveal at this point
but ed and 48 are just doing their thing ya know
for an episode with two fights, they sure do a looooottttt of talking 
yessssss here we go barry the chopper
ok i do prefer this in manga/fmab canon though
cause its so funny when barry is offended that al had never heard of him and he thinks he this prolific serial killer and al is like
well um im from the country sooo 
but anyways yeah i totally forgot he kidnapped winry in this what an odd choice fr
“no im not a crook” of course not alphonse
tbt to my first time watching fmab and being like “...kyo????” as soon as barry started talking
here comes lil slicer
there he is!!! bros just being bros
um where’d he go he was just here
seriously where tf did he go
gonna have to rewind in a second but maybe im just stupid
actually i am stupid thats a well established point
oh here we go al’s full fledged identity crisis subplot 
oh baby
ok now that ive got to the end lemme rewind and see if i actually saw scar or if i blacked out for a hot sec
yeah i truly am dumb
we’ve known for awhile now
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Survey #292
“dear god, let’s make this fucking clear: dear god, there’s nothing that i fear”
What internet browser do you use? Chrome. What brand water do you drink? (Smart Water, Dasani, etc) Mom just grabs the Great Value jugs. Do you have a job? No. Are you full-time or part-time? N/A Are you watching TV right now? No. Or are you listening to music? Yeah, "Mr. Crowley" by Ozzy. Such a great song. Would you go to jail for 3 years for $1,000,000? No. I would NOT survive in jail. When's your birthday? February 5th. I cannot fucking believe I'm almost 25. Thoughts on kids? Too impressionable for me. Even with my niece and nephew, I feel like every single word I say just like... stamps into their brains, and what if I say something that negatively affects them? I feel like it's my responsibility as an aunt to be a fountain of wisdom when I'm definitely not. I just get nervous around kids. Worst punishment you've ever received by your parents? I wouldn't call it a "punishment," but when I skinned the everliving fuck out of my knees and Mom was patching me up while I was just sobbing away, my dad literally roared "SHUT UP!" from my parents' bedroom, and it's stuck with me forever. Honestly, I think it may be a root in my extreme fear of men yelling. Worst punishment from Mom, probably this time where she smacked the shit outta my arm as a kid and left a clear handprint for a while. Are you the type who is completely against abortion? Why? No, I am firmly pro-choice, despite being pro-life most of my life. I don't feel like writing a moral essay, but basically, I absolutely cannot agree with forcing a woman to carry a human they don't want for whatever reason for nine fucking months, endure one of the most traumatically painful things known to man, and then properly and adequately care for that child. That is such a huge fucking responsibility that should be forced upon *nobody*. "But adoption!" Yeah, go tell that to the thousands of children waiting on you. This is leaning on exactly what I said I wouldn't do, so moving along. Have you ever read a book that actually changed your outlook on life? "I’ve read some books that were phenomenal, but I wouldn’t necessarily go so far as to say that they 'changed my outlook on life'." <<<< This was Johnny Got His Gun for me. Does your favorite flower hold any meaning to you? No. What would you do if your favorite animal became endangered? I would fucking freak. Have you ever owned an expensive eyeshadow palette? No, but I honestly do want at least one, primarily with a deep black and then some nice grays and neutral colors. Do you own a tripod for your camera? Yes. Are your nails always painted? Quite the opposite. What's one thing you've had a toxic reaction to? A breakup. Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for? I honestly don't really decorate because I just don't have the motivation, but Halloween is the best. Were you popular in school? Nope. Are there any foods that often give you heartburn or indigestion? BANANAS, dark sodas (like Coke or Dr. Pepper), peanut butter can... It's hard for me to tell much now because I have chronic heartburn and am medicated for it. Works great, so I don't experience this much. Is there something you intend to buy in the near future? Yes. Once my tattoo is done (I'm setting the appointment the next time we leave the house, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH), what I have left is going towards Venus' new terrarium. She really needs a 40 gallon. Is anyone in your family artistically talented? What about musically? I was the art kid, and family still insist I should be an artist. What cute behaviors or characteristics does/do your pet(s) have? Omg, Roman has so many. He nuzzles me all the time, will collapse into my hand to pet him, he insists on being the little spoon at bedtime (no, really), he literally tries to groom me with his teeth, licks my face... He is just a doll. My little buddy for sure. Now onto Venus. She loves to chill next to me in bed or find a cozy place under the covers, and omgggg does she love to slither around the bed doing the periscope thing. So curious. What's the screensaver on your computer? I don't have one. What’s the sexiest thing about a guy? I am WEAK for nice shoulderblades/muscular shoulders ok. What’s the sexiest thing about a girl? I am an ass bitch and I will not hesitate to admit it ayyyyyeeeee. Who were you with at midnight on January 1, 2021? Nobody. Who was the last person to send you a message on social media? My sister Misty. She's planning to surprise Mom (her stepmom, anyway) by showing up in a few weeks with her fiance and all her kids she's never met but desperately wants to. My mom is the only "real mom" she's ever had, and she just feels so bad that she has a by now teenage daughter (among three other younger ones) that has never met her "grandmother." It's just an expensive and long trip, but Misty's finally called it enough and is just driving down here with everyone. Mom is going to fucking sob. ^ What qualities does this person have, that you appreciate? Nice timing for this, since her fiercely anti-mask bullshit is all I can focus on about her lately... but there are good things about her. She truly is a very loving, passionate woman that, just like me, feels deeply and expresses it. What was the last thing that caused you to scowl, or frown? Does grimacing count from a sudden bodily pain? Have you smiled at any point during the last hour? Yeah. I'm watching the VOD of Arin Hanson playing Kingdom Hearts 2 for charity, and he went on a total fucking laughing fit. His laugh is so precious, so I just couldn't stop grinning. What was the last thing you consulted Google for? Ensuring "grimace" was the right word for my former expression, even though I was pretty positive it was correct... I don't know if anyone's noticed, but my English skills are degrading, particularly in spelling. It's concerning me. I was an English whiz my whole life up to now. My only guess is it's related to how godawful my memory is also declining. So, did anyone send you a "Happy New Year" message when midnight hit? No. When was the last time you were on a carousel? Probably not since I was a teenager being goofy with Jason or somebody. What is the closest you have ever been to an elephant? I have a picture on my dA of a beautiful elephant walking RIGHT by its fence at the zoo. It was pretty amazing, considering just how incredibly immense their enclosure is. Have you ever played Halo? No, it's not my kinda game. Have you ever read a National Geographic magazine? Oh, I'm positive I've read sections while in waiting rooms of various places. When was the last time you had a pillow fight? I have no idea. Realistically it was probably w/ Jason since that sounds like some cute playfighting thing we'd do, but I don't remember a particular instance. Name somebody who you think deserves more respect: "Retail works. The horror stories my mom has on the daily is absolutely ridiculous. People can be so incredibly rude." <<<< I absolutely agree with this; what friends and strangers alike rant about is just depressing. Nobody, especially those working through a goddamn pandemic that's killing thousands, deserves the disrespect that comes their way. Have some goddamn decency and know half the issues you bring up to retail workers isn't even their damn fault. Ohhhh, I could rant about this. In your own words, define what the word sexy means. So you mean like, what I think is considered sexy, not just the general definition? If that's the case, uhhh. Self-confidence (but absolutely not arrogance) is very attractive to me as a bitch who lacks it entirely, as well as good manners, being outgoing, and just... charm. I don't quite know how to describe that "charm" other than I'm really drawn to people who are unique and happy with it and just seem to have an aura about them that feels good to be in. What is the most popular tourist attraction where you live? I'm going to look at this question as if you're asking about my state and not general location because 1.) there ain't shit here and 2.) I'd prefer to keep relatively where I live quiet on the Internet. Looked it up and apparently NC's biggest tourist bait is the Biltmore Estate. Never been there myself, but it'd be pretty dope. Without looking - do you know what brand your underwear is? I'm in my own home and pjs, who the fuck wears underwear with that criteria lmao. Are you any good at volleyball? NOOOOOOOOO. I went to a volleyball camp thing once when I was younger and that shit hurts the hell outta your hands. I didn't stay long. Have you ever had a water balloon fight? Why of course. Do you think some babies are ugly? Quite honestly, probably most, especially newborns. Don’t you miss Chuck E. Cheese? I do; going there was one of the most exciting possible things to me as a kiddo. Do you think Fall Out Boy is gonna be a classic band, like Queen or AC/DC? Possibly. I mean they sure are pretty successful and well-known. Do you love stuff-crusted pizza? Eh, it's not my preference, but I'll eat it. Do you apply lotion after you bathe? No, but I really should, given how dry my skin is. What’s your favorite color? Pastel pink. Who did you have your most amazing kiss with? I'd like to not think about this. Has a YouTube video of yours ever gotten over 10,000 views? Lol definitely not. I think at least one on my older channel hit 1k somehow???? It was a birthday gift I made for someone. Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? lol I already have one there. At some point I'm getting it covered, though. Do you like Robert Frost poems? I do! Do you go to church every Sunday? I never do. Have you ever been in a relationship on-and-off for more than a year? No, I don't play that game. You want me or you don't, so I'm not wasting my time on your uncertainty or just our lack of stability for whatever reason. If you had to get famous for one of the following, which would you choose: music, acting, writing, modeling? Absolutely writing. What do you think of girls with huge boobs that don’t wear bras in public? ?????????????????? i don't?????????????? care???????????????? they're not my tits??????????????? What is the last thing you tried on in a store? I don't know. I avoid trying shit on like the plague. And then it ends up being too big/small. I wonder why. Is sleeping naked more comfortable than in clothes? I've only ever fallen asleep naked once, and accidentally at that, so I really don't remember how I felt about it? Consciously though, I would feel very, very vulnerable so don't have plans to when I have my own place. Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone? HAHAHA Y'AAAAAALLLLLLL THIS WAS DEADASS THE ONLY LUCID DREAM I'VE EVER HAD LMAOOOOO Do you feel as though you have a good memory, or are you forgetful at times? Do you feel that your short-term memory or long-term memory is better? My short-term memory is absolutely atrocious, like to the point it seriously affects my ability to get shit done. You can give me something that needs to be done and I will forget in a heartbeat. Now, my long-term memory is astonishing. I can remember many things from my childhood in incredible detail. Have you ever had a concussion or some other sort of brain injury before? Did you need to have surgery for it? I've had a concussion or two. I can't remember which. I didn't need surgery. Do you have any sort of mental illnesses or disorders? What do they involve? Yeah: chronic depression, crippling social anxiety, generalized anxiety, avoidant personality disorder (AvPD), obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD, bipolar II, and I think that's it. My head's a mess and a half. What’s the longest that your hair has ever been? How about the shortest? When is the last time that you got it cut? About to the small of my back; how it is now, which is pretty much shaved on the left and fades to near my chin on the right. I actually got it cut last month; we've gone to a family friend for years whose shop is just an extra building by her house and very rarely has more than two clients in it. We had masks on, of course. At what age did you start getting gray hairs, if you happen to have any? I don't have any. Somehow, given my stress level at all times, haha. What are some ways that you style your hair? Do you use any sorts of products in it? It's too short to style. I don't use any products in it but obviously shampoo. Who was the last person to truly get on your nerves? What do you think caused you to feel that way? Probably my mom. I think she was in a rotten mood for one reason or another and just being snappy and generally rude. Do you recycle? Is this through choice or do you live somewhere where it’s compulsory? We do; it's by choice, and it'd be immensely ignorant not to where we live considering it literally gets picked up with the other garbage. Do you prefer plain, carbonated, or flavored water? Do you think you drink enough water throughout the day? I've never tried carbonated water, and flavored water rarely works for me due to artificial sweeteners giving me beastly headaches. So I'll just take really cold, filtered water. Have you ever needed to call the police, ambulance, or fire department? I had to call the ambulance for my mom right before her cancer was discovered because she was literally immobile and in ungodly pain. When was the last time you visited the library? What was the purpose of your visit? At my old college, as the newspaper photographer, I took some artsy pics up there. I will probably forever worry that leaving school resulted in the biggest career opportunity slipping through my fingers through that newspaper. Do you see a lot of wild animals where you live? Are any of them dangerous? I guess about the normal amount you'd see in the country. Some dangerous animals live here, sure, that's probably everywhere, but you very rarely see any. Aside from when you were born, have you ever had to stay the night in the hospital? For suicidal thoughts and one attempt, yes. Have you ever experienced a panic attack? Ahhhh, do I know those well. Thankfully, it's been a long time since I had an all-out panic attack. Would you ever want to go into the medical profession? Was your answer different pre-COVID? Nope. Well, besides being a vet, which I haven't wanted to be since I was a kid. Where you live, are people paying attention to whatever restrictions are in place to help control COVID? Many? No. Because it's apparently a fuckin hoax or not as bad as the government wants us to think. Fucking cretins. Do you get a real or artificial Christmas tree? Artificial. Real ones aren't worth the money nor mess. What’s your favourite type/flavor of popcorn? Caramel corn. Do you drink oat milk? No, but I'm interested in at least trying it. The dairy industry is absolutely repulsive if you look into it, and I'd love to do what I can to take as little part in it as possible... even though I am a dairy fiend. I seriously wish I could go vegan, I am just WAY too picky for it. Do you love thrifting? Oh fuck yes. I've been very few times in my life, but I'mm all about it. Do you consider using only lowercase letters your aesthetic? I do find it visually appealing; I like the flow of similar letter height. I never do it for "serious" things, but on places where it's "for the aesthetic," it's likely that's how I'll write something. Do you say “mood?” Way too much lmao. Do you own fairy lights? No, though I would like them if it wouldn't look stupid in my room. Do you own glass straws because the metal ones kind of gross you out because you can’t tell if they are clean or not? ... I didn't know glass straws were a thing. I have a handful of metal ones though, but I always forget I have one in my purse when I go out... Have you made a TikTok? No. Do you own airpods? No. Are you afraid of Mercury in retrograde? I don't believe in a planet's position or whatever having any effect on people. Do you make life choices based on astrology? Definitely not, considering I don't believe in it to begin with. How many pairs of converse shoes do you own? Maybe like, five? Number of jeans in your closet: Zero. What accent do you have? Not really any, but sometimes I sound kinda southern with specific words. Do you have a big butt? Yo I got a Hank Hill ass, so no. Do you count how long you and your gf/bf have been together? In my past relationships, yes, I assigned our anniversary to memory. I don't really... know why, like it doesn't really matter how long you've been together, I just do. Have you graduated? From HS, yes. I dropped out of college three times lmao. Rihanna or Lady GaGa? Ohhh, not sure. Maybe GaGa, but both ladies have songs I love. "Disturbia" doess beat all of her songs, tho. The fuckin BEAT. Do you use fake eyelashes? Never tried 'em. Which was the last book that really captivated you? The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. What makeup brands do you use? I'm not loyal to any, really. I would be if I could afford expensive shit, but yeah, that ain't my life.
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lovely-teeztaetae · 4 years
Hi love!🌹 I’m so happy I found your blog! ❤️❤️❤️ I wanted to say that your blog is very nice and that you do an amazing job! :) I was wondering if I could have a ship with Ateez, please?
I’m an ENFJ, 5'7", have a long black hair, dark eyes, fair skin, oval face and chubby cheeks. I’m the eldest of 4, making me reliable and a good leader. Very caring, supportive (#1 fan), affectionate, kind, strong both physically and mentally. Really nice a friendly to everyone and polite around adults. I get competitive and fearless sometimes. I’m a good listener so as a good adviser. I work hard, play hard! I do things fast, walk fast, work fast, speak fast but I always think through it before act. When I work with others, I’m the idea gatherer. If there’s a problem, they tend to let me deal with it. I’m pretty agreeable and good with comforting. My way is to encouraging people, not to use harsh words or yell. I love sharing my love with my family and people I care. I just love, enjoy doing thoughtful things for others and always wish them well. I like to take things slow when it comes to love. If I love, they will have all of me and my support. I adore animals, children (//they make me super happy! 😍 I really enjoy being around them.), LOVE cuddling, skinship, coffee and books. In my spare time, I dance, work-out, as well as reading, watching movie (horror movies are my fav) and cooking. I enjoy amusement park and adventurous things. I really like stars gazing and going for a walk at night. Listening to music is things. I love the sound of piano and guitar the most. I hate heat and worst with directions. I’m always there for my sibling. Smile’s always on my face and I hope everyone can smile, too.
Thank you so much for your time, effort and kindness!! Please take your time with my ship if you’re too busy, I understand🌹 I hope you have a lovely day filled with smiles, a lot of love and support~❤️❤️❤️
Hello honey! @chanchao-kha Thank you so much for enjoying my work, I strive for people to enjoy what I put out, and I’m happy that some people are! 😄😚
With much deliberation and research 🧐 I have found that your motherly and adorable personality (ENFJ), goes VERY well with the cuddly hardworking and precious personality of (INFP) our lovely.........
♡ Choi San ♡
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One of my main babies that I love and cherish, and that you would be a lovely match with!
Much like yourself, San has said that he likes skin ship, and someone that he can feel comfortable around, which you seem like the type of person that cherishes others, and gives off a nurturing nature. This would be perfect for San.
San is very kind and easy to talk to, and you seem the same! Very supportive, and when you both care for someone, you show it in multiple ways!
I feel that your patience would be very good when it comes to San, if he seems stressed, or is in general just playing around, you seem that you would have a lot of patience with this child here haha.
We know San loves winning and being competitive, and you two going against eachother in some kind of challenge would be the most entertaining thing to see!
San would love to go out and have fun somehwere outdoors, and the match seems almost too good to be true!
Your guys personalities and fun aura’s automatically draw people in, and when you two would meet, it’d be the same! Although people say opposites attract, it is good to have things in common with eachother, and you two seem to be perfectly balanced!
♡ Late Nights ♡
- song ; The Bones ‘Marin Morris’ -
( Reason behind song )
Right after you and San met, it was clear that you all connected right away, and that your guys relationship was hopefully going to grow and prosper from there on~
~ fluff ~
“Guys, how about this one?!” I exclaimed, pointing towards the giant ride with multiple flashing lights.
All of my friends looked at eachother, letting out an amused laugh before shaking their heads.
“It’s way too scary Y/n, I mean, what if someone slips out and falls?” One of my friends asked with raised brows.
I only let out a small laugh, stuffing my hands back into my pockets.
“Well, that’s the point of an amusement park, you know, you get a thrill of life on them!” I began to get excited and jump at the thought of riding it.
Their eyes widened at my sudden outburst.
“I mean, she’s not wrong, but, it’s too much for me.” One of them complained with a worried look. I looked behind me at the short line, realising this was the best time to get on.
“You know what, I can’t pass up this opportunity, I’ll look for you guys when I get off.” I said with a smile, walking over to the giant ride with the small line.
I was standing in line for about three minutes when a young man stepped onto the ride alone as well.
“I’m sorry son, but it’s a two people ride.” The attendent said a frown.
“I’ll go with him!” I said almost instantly. Politely excusing myself through the groups of teens together.
He was looking at me with wide eyes, but when I gave him a warm smile, he did the same, and his smile and dimples instantly made my heart flutter.
We got all strapped in, and the attendant went to the people on the other side in.
“Have you ever ridden this?” He asked nervously. I laughed, peering over at his wide brown eyes.
“Actually no, I heard from everyone how fun it was and so I had to try it for myself.” I said swinging my feet.
He smiled before responding.
“Same, but none of my friends would come with me, they were too scared.” He joked as he motioned over to the group of boys at the exit.
“Same here, but don’t worry, now we have eachother.”
He nodded with a smile, but it instantly dropped when the rude began to raise slowly. I saw how nervous he was and couldn’t help but laugh.
I grabbed his hand and interlaced it with mine, holding tightly and looking down in anticipation as our feet got further from the ground.
He didn’t seem to be bothered by me holding his hand, in fact, he seemed to relax into it as he gripped it tighter.
We made it to the very top and sat nervously, waiting for the goat swings and drop awaiting us.
“Just in case we do die on this ride, it’d be nice to know the person I’m dying with.” He said looking around, I laughed at his thought.
“So what’s your name?” He asked still holding my hand.
“It’s Y/n.” I said with a smile, starring right into his dark brown eyes, they soon disappeared into an eye smile after saying my name.
“Mine is San.” I smiled and went to talk, but was cut off by the sudden swings, causing a scream to come out instead.
“I know my voice is gonna be gone for a week now.” He said holding his hand to his heart as he stumbled out of his seat.
“Same here, but I wanna do it again!” I jumped, grabbing onto his arm and earning a giggle from him.
“So how was it?” One of his friends asked, looking at him and I with a smile.
“Amazing, and I met Y/n there.” He said with a smile.
“Hey Y/n, do you wanna hang out with us for the rest of the night?” One his other friends asked, handing me a full deep fried hotdog.
I looked behind after I heard a familiar laugh, and I turned around to see my group of friends indulging in conversation with other guys, cleary flirting.
“I’d love to!” I exclaimed, taking the corn dog with a smile.
I looked over and saw San giving me a small smile, following closely next to me.
I hope that you enjoyed this!
If you want one of your own, just look up babys for the ship rules! 😘
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