#general hux x rey
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skylarstark4826 · 4 months ago
I absolutely loved this beautiful Star Wars Fanart of the Reyux ship of the characters of Armitage Hux and King Skywalker (King Palpatine) together and above all because what I really love about him is the fact that in it we see how the characters of Hux and Rey were evolving but at the same time because I really would have absolutely liked the idea that we would have seen Hux have survived and also been saved from The First Order at the same time that I would also have absolutely liked the idea that we would have seen him fall in love with Rey and also that we would have seen him join The Resistance in order to be with her but at the same time also that we would have seen them fall deeply in love with each other
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And above all because I would have absolutely liked the idea that Armitage Hux had escaped from The First Order along with Poe, Finn, C-3PO, D-O, Chewbacca and Rey Skywalker (Palpatine) and by doing so he would have saved himself from dying but also that after that Armitage would have absolutely fallen in love with Rey and would have joined The Resistance especially to be able to be together with her and that shortly after the battle on the planet of Exegol and the permanent defeat of Emperor Palpatine then Armitage would have found out that he was also a Sensitive Force and then he would have trained together with Rey to become a Jedi and that after both they would have had a beautiful family together... sincerely
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tonyloon · 5 months ago
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Huxloween 2024 - Day 13 - Apocalypse (again) -aPOEcalypse - (Get it??? Because Oscar Isaac played Apocalypse in X-Men???? ... .. yeah, jokes get better when they are explained) Inspired by  @huxloween 's promptlist :3
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tomatette · 1 year ago
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Star Wars Sequel Trilogy characters and "customized" edits of IRL Valentine's Day cards they would send
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izachin · 4 months ago
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WIP ⚠️ A Star Wars WIP I’m working on every now and then. Felt bad for neglecting my other favs while focusing on Oshamir. The 2nd one was actually a part of this but I released it as an independent illustration 🥸 #starwarsfanart #reylo #gingerrose #oshamir #mando #themandalorian
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angelofthenight · 2 years ago
Rey: You’re so quiet and laidback, why go for Hux who’s so loud and fiery?
You: Someone gotta tell the waiter I ordered mashed potatoes and it ain’t gon be me
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paganprankster · 1 year ago
Chance Encounters (Kylo Ren x GN!reader) (SFW)
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(Y/N) is one of the highest-ranking officials employed for the overseeing of the Death Star construction- a plan ordered by Kylo Ren. They stayed clear of him but could no longer as a sudden breach of an Imperial force supply base was reported- resulting in their paths crossing for the first time.
In the distant future, humanity has expanded its reach across the galaxy, eventually forming a vast alliance known as the Imperial Forces. This alliance occupies a variety of planets, with their influence reaching the farthest edges of the galaxy. Each planet was accompanied by its unique cultures, technologies, and species. However, the Imperial Forces rule was threatened when a military force- known as the Rebellion- began to rise in (population). They were in direct opposition to the Imperial forces, often trying to (ruin) technological research in response to the rumor that they were attempting to recreate the infamous Death Star. Should they succeed through their trials and tribulations, it would be the end of the Rebellion. Wherever the resistance has influence, the planet would be eradicated immediately without remorse- simultaneously serving as a reminder for the rest of the galaxy to never show resistance against the Imperial Forces.
 (Y/N) took another glance at the holographic map in front of them, slowly circling and analyzing the data concerning a recent attack on the Imdaar galactic supply base. To hide progress made on the Death Star, the blueprints were stored safely on the Finalizer under guard of thousands of imperial employees- making it near impossible for spies to find and successfully steal. The supplies used in the construction were scattered throughout most Imperial bases to hide them. The most valuable of which, the near indestructible Quandanium Steel and its alloys, were concealed within the confines of the Imdaar base; and now, they were destroyed. (Y/N)’s face conformed into a scowl. “Who knows how much money we lost in this attack,” they quickly used their fingers to zoom out of the base’s location and onto the nearby regions, “Do we know where they attacked from?” General Hux appeared beside them. “The stormtroopers on site didn't give any information that was useful,” he began, “After the bombing after the battle of Yavin, you would expect that our defenses there would be near impenetrable after it was rebuilt. But here we are-” Hux let out a halfhearted chuckle. (Y/N)’s eyes did not leave the map. They could feel the sensation of Hux’s eyes on them- following their movements- but they paid no mind. Being one of the highest-ranking officials employed for the overseeing of the Death Star construction, it was your job to help recoup after this loss. “General Hux, we are going to need a team to get together and survey the area- see where the infiltration may have occurred and see what may remain. The material there is essential to our project- and if nothing remains in the rubble, we will need proper funding to build from scratch. Another Imperial officer, part of (Y/N)’s operation team, nervously cleared his throat to garner attention.
“We will need to inform Master Ren about this-” he said, and immediately General Hux turned to face him, striking a fear into your poor coworker's body, and silencing him. “You’re overstepping your authority- and by informing Ren,” informally using his name, “Will only create a larger problem than we already have.”
“With all due respect, General,” (Y/N)’s voice cut through the growing tensions in the room, “Not informing him would warrant a bigger problem. We need a team, and funding- It will be impossible without the support of Master Ren.”
General Hux turned to face you, focusing his eyes onto yours. You watched as your coworker gave a small sigh of relief and returned to documenting the net loss of the attack with the rest of his group a safe distance away from Hux. General Hux is notorious for the need to be in control; Rarely anyone defies his orders, and if they do, they suffer the consequences. (Y/N) confidently stood their ground, maintaining their unwavering eye contact. (Y/N) straightened their posture, challengingly. Hux’s eyes searched theirs, not used any show of defiance.
“Listen to them, if you know what’s good for you.”  
All heads swiveled towards the location of the robotic-like voice- a voice unmistakable. At the door to the meeting room stood Kylo Ren, donning his black mask and matching robes. Quickly, everyone in the room lowered their heads as a show of respect. Only Hux, and (Y/N) raised their heads again. (Y/N) smirked upon noticing the red look creeping its way onto Hux’s face. Whether it be from embarrassment, or anger, they were unsure. The smirk quickly left as they gazed back at Kylo Ren and met where his eyes would be- obscured by his mask. A chill went down their spine, simultaneously breaking eye contact upon noticing the closed fists of Kylo Ren shaking in anger. ‘Shit,’ they thought, ‘Hux has him pissed.’  If Hux’s comments had not pissed him off enough, the news about the attack on Imdaar would surely be his last straw. (Y/N) was the first to break this silence. “Master Ren, there’s been an attack on the supplies base on Imdaar-” nearly immediately, Kylo Rens murderous aura filled the room. He briskly walked to the holo-map that displayed the areas of damage.
“What did we lose?” he asked, turning towards one of the officers on your squad. Terrified, the officer began anxiously scanning the data on his holo-pad. “N-nearly 5.6 million credits worth of damage to the base. Certain areas of the base remain... but all the Quandanium steel has been destroyed. If there are any that remains in the rubble,” He shook his head, “It would be severely damaged and unusable.”
The silence filled the room, save for the increasingly heavy breathing emanating from Kylo Ren. In a rage, he wielded his lightsaber, illuminating the room with a blinding red glow. He angrily brought it down on the meeting room table, quickly splitting it in half, causing the table to collapse on itself and the holo-map to shut down. Everyone recoiled in fear and shuffled closer to the door leading to the halls of the Finalizer- their escape. Sweat began to drip down General Hux’s face as he readjusted his uniform out of nervousness.
“Get out.” Ren commanded. (Y/N)’s squad quickly left the room, hastily handing them the holo-pad displaying the analyzed data of the supply base attack. They would not need to be told twice- observing the anger of Ren was terrifying enough; delaying a response to his orders would be a death sentence. “Including you, general,” He hissed. General Hux held a scowl, before bowing his head and leaving the room. You followed behind, only for the door to be slammed shut before you could pass through. Was that the use of the force?
“Not you- I need you to debrief this attack.”  he said while re-holstering his saber.
(Y/N) took a sharp inhale due to their growing anxiety. Alone with the leader infamous for his anger, they thought, and I must disclose the carelessness behind our defenses that day. (Y/N) cleared their throats before making their way to the (now broken) meeting table. “Well,” they began, placing their teams holo-pad onto a nearby chair and displaying the map of the base that day, “when asking the stormtroopers deployed there, they were unable to give any information about things that may have seemed amiss.” (Y/N) pressed a few buttons to reveal the entirety of the base and pointed to three locations. “When this base was rebuilt, it was rebuilt with strengthened building materials with the previously flawed architectural decisions kept in mind. These locations were considered more vulnerable to attacks,” (Y/N) slightly shook their head, “but surveillance of the area pre-breach didn't show anything out of the ordinary-”
Ren approached and stood directly in front of (Y/N), looking down at them due to their height difference.
“If you can maintain eye contact with Hux,” Kylo ren nearly spat, “Then I expect the same for me.”
Shit, they thought, was my avoidance that noticeable? (Y/N)’s eyes shifted before locking eyes onto Kylo Ren’s mask- where his eyes (assumedly) would be. In an instant, a cold chill traversed through their spine, hairs on the back of their neck standing on edge. A few moments of silence brought the room to a standstill, before (Y/N) cleared their throat before responding, “Y-Yes, sir.” They cringed internally upon hearing the crack in their voice- a betrayal of their body.
Kylo Ren tilted his head slightly- analyzing the person before him. Upon hearing their response, he let out a gruff “Good ... and what have you deduced from this attack?”
(Y/N) maintained their eye contact and nervously fidgeted. No matter the performance, their anxiety would always show through. “...It means there must have been an internal breach. There are spies within our ranks and informed the resistance- at least about the materials. I am unsure if more classified information was leaked.”
Kylo Ren tensed before them, infuriation growing by the second. “Spies?”  His hands closed into fists again, with increasing shaking. He furiously turned, gesturing towards the holo-pad with his hand and used the force to fling it into the wall, causing it to shatter upon impact. (Y/N) jolted in response.
“Get out.” he murmured, back now turned to them. He re-ignited his saber.
I live to see another day, (Y/N) thought, and quickly stumbled over to the meeting room door and opened it via fingerprint. Before exiting the room, they gave a quick bow to Ren, and stammered: “We can discuss further plans at a later time.” (Y/N) hesitated for a moment. “Look after yourself,”
(Y/N) quickly left the room, hesitating no longer without waiting for a response. The door shut behind them, and they could hear the muffled sounds of breaking equipment and furniture from within. (Y/N) began to briskly walk away from the room, heart racing as the anxiety began to overflow.
(Y/N) cursed aloud and began biting their nails. Look after yourself, they mocked themselves in their subconscious.  What overcame me? They let out a heavy sigh. This was the first-time meeting Kylo Ren. And it was certainly not the last.
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piglet26 · 1 year ago
Reylo Scenes: TFA
The day after the Force Awakens Ren and Rey were christened Reylo. I always laugh when Lucasfilm and JJ Adams tried to keep this pairing neutral and "suggestive" like seriously. The seeds were laid in the first film for FinnRey and Reylo, but really Reylo was always going to reign supreme not only because of the chemistry between Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver but the writing, art direction, acting and even costuming leaned Reylo heavily.
Reylo are introduced as Ying Yang right off the bat. Ren arriving in Jakku by night in black with a black mask. Rey meet on Jakku by day in white with a white mask.
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The first time Ren hears about Rey or "the girl" he reaches out towards the camera and Rey reaches back towards him.
It's stated that Ren and Rey had similar visions of one another without understanding who the other was. In Rey's lightsaber vision she sees Ren very clearly setting up that he, bringing him back to the light, is her future.
On Takodana, it's canon that the production team wanted Ren's arrival to be like a prince arriving at a castle to meet a princess. "In this scene she is drawn to this place almost like Cinderella." FYI Ben Solo is an actual Prince. You know the twisted Star Wars version.
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Then there is their first scene in Takodana. In the novelization this moment is more intense than the already intense movie scene. Kylo Ren recognizes that this is the girl that created a ripple in the force. He's fascinated with her. The standby stormtroopers actually are noted to having a reaction to his odd interaction with her. Despite the fact that he probably could've taken the information from her then, he bridal carries her out.
Having circled her, he moved even close peering into her face, her eyes
"It is you," he murmured.
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The interrogation scene - the moment the Reylo fandom was born. Does it bother me that she's strapped to a BDSM stand? No. It's actually very clear that she's a peer. He doesn't approach her like he did with Poe Dameron. He's kneeling down as he observes her. She's a powerful force user and he does respect her on that level. He also does want her to be comfortable hence taking his mask off and girl....
I know you were not expecting this fine ass man to be behind that mask.
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Believe me, I would've had all kinds of images in my head he would've picked up on.
He also checks her out physically. He's focused on the information he needs but overall he is attracted to her and very interested.
Rey surprised him but not being the simply girl she was in the forest. She is actually powerful in the force "untrained but stronger than she knows."
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"Don't be afraid. I feel it"
Reylos "Feel what exactly. The minds want to know."
It's also canon in this scene that their force bond starts in this moment. She actually learns how to get in his brain from him getting into here's.
Force bonds between masters and apprentices aren't new. It used for defense/offence and it makes it so skills are easy to translate to apprentices.
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Now their fight scene which was filled with sexual tension that everyone noted. It's still complex. Rey's instinct is to defend herself and Finn. She also just saw him murder someone. Ren is fleshing her out and testing her. It's like sparring. Where it's get's interesting is when they spiritually connect.
Daisy Ridley "Finding the force together"
Ren "You need a teacher. I can show you the ways of the force"
Many people read the moment as Rey finding the force on her own but it's actually the both of the moving through the force together. Kylo Ren actually finds a powerful ally/kinship with her and reaches out for that connection. Considering he rejects most of his connections this is actually a big deal. Is looking for a girlfriend? No, but he is looking for somebody.
Rey has such a conflicted view of him and an off kilter one.
Rey beating Ren is stupid. Even if he is injured, emotional damaged and surprised. It's stupid. It should've been a draw.
His stunned "Just Marry Me" face is also really great.
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It's a great start and a unique relationship especially in the Star Wars universe. It's ridiculous that adults who grew up on Han/Leia find romance something purely feminine now and so unlike Star Wars hahaha either way Reylos stay winning.
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queen-of-elves · 2 years ago
Armitage Hux x reader - Modern Office AU + some background Reylo
Summary: You have been working for First Order for years now slowly giving up on the idea of your dream project ever gracing your presence until it finally happened, however, there is a slightly cold and rude problem, other team leader Armitage Hux. 
REQUESTS ARE OPEN (And I'm begging you to send me some)
A/N: There is not enough classic fanfics for Armitage and almost zero AUs so I am here to satisfy the bitches, it’s me, I am the bitches
+not betaread so be kind
Words: 5.8K
Warnings: some swearing probably, there is always swearing in my fics, talking about f themself cause corporate life is annoying, some inappropriate thoughts
Tags:@l0stinth3nightsky @this-harl0t-shant-be-unalive
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Everyone in the company knew how mean and bossy Armitage Hux was, even if you were from a completely different department, but this project was going to pull you in his inner work team and it terrified you to get first hand experience with him. You heard plenty of times how he made new interns cry and the older ones want to commit a suicide. So you weren’t exactly thrilled at working with him even on a project you have literally dreamed of since being accepted to work for the First Order company, the most prestigious company among prestigious companies. The project required two different departments that almost never interacted which also didn’t help.
You were ready for the first meeting between two departments, each under the supervision of completely different people and personalities, to be just a horrendous trainwreck. But Armitage Hux being the team leader of the other one? You didn’t have to be some kind of prophet to know this was going to be painful just to watch. Even though you were anxiously expecting disaster to occur in the first meeting, the sunshine side in you just had to shine through. So you had an exceptionally good morning, you were on time, had a delicious bagel and the sky was sunny, therefore there was no chance of Hux fucking up your day.
The office building was huge but not exceptional among the other skyscrapers littering the city, molding it into cement block maze. The windows provide enough clearance for you to see the busy people already moving around in the offices above, you even noticed some of your own team members anxiously waiting for your arrival while preparing the rest of the documentation for today's team meeting. 
You knew you were ready, your team also knew but that didn’t put to rest the anxious little monster growing inside your stomach. Still, you put on your best brave smile and entered the lobby, greeted the receptionist Clara and continued down the hall to wait for the elevator. Beeping your employee card on the scanner, to let you proceed to the elevator, put you right back into your morning routine, well, just for your coworker and a sort of subordinate, Rey bombard you with questions in the waiting line. 
“Did you hear it?” Her voice sounded an octave higher than usual or maybe it was just your tired brain not used to loud sounds yet, nothing a good old coffee couldn’t fix in minutes.
“Hm?” Your brain was still too tired to properly answer and so you only mumbled an acknowledgement to her question. Slow sips of your latté seemed to clear your mind a bit, thank god for sales like bagel plus free coffee at the local cafe otherwise you would be unusable these days.
“You know what I mean.” You were sure if you were to meet eyes with Rey, she would pierce you with that intense gaze. 
“The merge.” There was no merge, so far you weren’t even aware of any cuts in finances for this year or the one to follow. Whatever Rey was talking about was most likely just a bunch of bored employees gossiping and conspiring together, nothing major, nothing serious. This realization calmed you down even though The Merge sounded quite apocalyptic.
“I can assure you there is no merge, especially not between our two departments, Miss-” A voice interrupted but it did not intend to finish that sentence as if the owner was too busy to learn Rey’s name at all. He turned his attention to you, measuring you over, his calculating glare went over the ink stained hands to your low set black heels with that tiny cut on the left side you were so desperate to hide with black marker.
Armitage Hux waiting in front of the elevator for your arrival was definitely not on your list for today. He looked like a pristine image out of some magazine with men’s suits, his deep blue shaded suit with silver cufflinks perfectly paired with an expensive looking watch he was now checking printing itself in the back of your brain forever. Quite a nightmarish image of a handsome man with such a cold and cruel demeanor.
“You are both late. Meeting room 3 in 5 minutes.” And with that he was gone again, like a ghost, maybe he is a ghost of this building, stackup nitpicking cold monster that was stabbed by his tired employee centuries ago and now has to haunt the rest of you. He didn’t even turn around making you puzzle if he was truly addressing you.
“What’s going on?” Whisperyelled Rey, her wide eyes scanning the surrounding as if Armitage was going to pop up from the corner to remind her she has now 4 minutes left to be present in the meeting room.
“Trouble.” You simply answered your bewildered friend, there was no better answer to it after all. The morning you dreamed of was slowly fading into a nightmarish mess but at least you had now caffeined your brain enough to proceed to normal functions. Plus your team had your back, there was nothing to be afraid of except Armitage Hux and he was simply a man in a suit. Just an ordinary man in a tailored suit with a stoic expression.
And you were right, the team really had your back but Armitage definitely didn’t, he was mean and bossy and nitpicking and just so fucking insufferable. However, the meeting ended with both departments and their leaders arriving at a consensus, not a happy one. It almost reminded you of those messy divorce screaming matches in tv shows, except this was veiled in professionalism and formal language.
Of course your suffering didn’t end just as did the meeting, he was probably a sadist, prolonging your pain with his “Word?”. You were sure it wasn’t even a question, it was just an order for you to follow him straight to his office.
Armitage Hux’s office was neat as it can be, if it weren’t for the few scattered papers on the desk you would guess this was one of those exhibitions of furniture in Ikea. Well, even the Ikea display has more personality, some fakeass photos of happy couple/family. His office is neat until it’s bare, devoid of indicating anything about the owner’s personality. 
That’s kinda sad.
“Listen, I know that the project is not top notch of the quality it could be but I think we have a solid plan we can now expand upon.” You had to win this argument, you wouldn’t let him defeat you over a project you so desperately wanted for years. So, if he wanted to fight you were ready to bare teeth at this twig in a suit. 
“Oh, and before you say it’s-,” you couldn’t even finish before he interrupted you, “acceptable.”
 “What?” You blurted out, completely stunned by his remark. Did Armitage Hux, after all that tousling about in the meeting room, admit the plan your team created is acceptable. Yes, there were few changes happening after the “discussion” of both teams but nothing you have not foreseen already that also didn’t mean you were happy with said changes. But consensus between two completely different departments is everything the leadership asked for.
“The proposal is acceptable, I don’t understand why I should be doubtful, so far you have only proven to be a valuable asset for the company.” Armitage was always the epitome of professional and now he was complimenting you. He was complimenting you, right? Maybe you had too much coffee, maybe you had not enough coffee and maybe God was spinning on his chair and laughing at you up in the sky.
“Oh, thanks. I will take it as a compliment, even though you sound like a formal email impersonator.” Gosh, did you really just say that to him? There was a cold sweat pooling down your back, anxiety ranking up. Was he going to yell at you for such a statement, what you have heard so far it wouldn’t be unusual for him to yell at people over smaller things.
“I don’t.” His expression could be only described as a deadpan expression. It’s actually kinda funny, not entirely scary. He doesn’t laugh, noted, but you do and you also make people laugh and so you set your new target.You almost look around to see a hidden camera or an entire camera crew as if in The office. And while you amused yourself in your mind Armitage sported back his expression to emotionless stare before turning his attention back to the documents on the desk. 
“You do.” A small laugh escaped your lips at that moment and with his attention divided elsewhere you took it as an ideal time to run away exit the situation and also the office.
But before you could escape this storm of a man, he had to add. “Until the next meeting I expect you and your team to finish said plans.” And with that the conversation and mess of a morning comes to an end. However, there is still a lot of time for unexpected surprises before the day ends.
And so it began, the little you running circles in your brain over the thoughts of your new co-leader, the cold redhead slowly sneaking in your head again and again. It helped the clock to tick faster which was a good thing but the constant train of thoughts disassembling every part of your interaction with him over the time was like a cold shower every single time.
The last time you checked the clock read 5 minutes after 8pm and with that you started to pack your things ready to head home, have little dinner and continue with the paperwork over a random kdrama playing as a background noise. And as you bid everyone goodbye you noticed Armitage’s crouched figure in his office, going over some even more boring paperwork than was the one waiting on you at home. It was probably true, the first one to be in the office and the last one to leave that was Armitage’s schedule.
And so you set your mind on a new plan, a horrible and cruel plan to ruin your late morning and exchange it for an early cold shower wake up and speed walk to a cafe not only for your favorite bagel but also a special delivery of coffee.
God, what am I even doing this early?
When the alarm buzzed you were around 100% sure you were making a mistake. Waking this early should be a crime. No, It is a crime. Especially when you were a busy little bee like you always are and spent the whole night until 3am working. But part of you knew it was going to be worthy, today was the day you were going to crack that tough ice cold exterior of Armitage’s facade.
If waking up this early wasn’t a mistake the cold shower definitely was but in all honesty you were just afraid you would fall asleep on the bus, so cold shower it was. In the end it was kinda worthy, you got your favorite bagel without having to wait in long line; got another free coffee, you had no idea if the sale was still on or if you just looked so terrible they felt sad for you and just had to give it to you; you also got Armitage his coffee and as a big finale you were on time, actually very early overall. 
The office was ruefully empty. And there was no Rey to talk to, you knew she wasn’t going to be in the office until 9am but you still hoped even she would find the idea of early start amusing. In reality you expected to get laughed at when she finally decides to grace the office with her presence.
You might have felt alone in the empty corridors of the building but it was not so empty after all. The curtain might have been drawn but you could see a slim light escaping in between them from his office, the artificial light was definitely not sunshine. 
He must have stayed up all night.
Mustering courage you knocked on his door before waiting on an invitation to let yourself in. It was useless, there was no sound coming from the office and so you knocked again and then again. Realizing he was not going to answer you decided to open the door and check up on him anyway.
He was sleeping on his desk with his suit jacket over the chair behind him and loose tie around his neck. The dress shirt slightly crumpled at the edges, his red hair tousled around and neck craned in such an uncomfortable position you were sure of his incoming back pain.
“Knock, knock.” You tried to say softly, just lightly waking him up but instead you groaned, your voice still not comfortable from no use this morning, startling him awake.
“I-” His form jolted, eyes flying open and searching the room for the culprit of his rough awakening. Blue eyes finally gazing upon you, Armitage looked boyishly handsome that morning, it was not just the wide expression but the state of disarray you found him in.
You decided against speaking, part of you afraid your blushing form would say something stupid, the stupid thoughts of the redhead not leaving you alone. The, almost like a cardboard, coffee cup made an uncomfortable noise once you pushed it on the table toward its owner, making the moment even more awkward.
He took a slow sip, still not fixing his hair or attire and part of you wished he never would, it suited him and you probably liked it even more than it actually suited him. 
“How did you know what coffee I drink?” His voice still hoarse and laced with sleepiness painted your cheeks even more crimson red. God it made you imagine things, you didn’t even know from where the thoughts were coming but there was somehow no way to stopping them. Your view of Armitage Hux completely shattering and rearranging itself into a different image.
“It's just black coffee, Hux, I assumed you would like black coffee, you are like the embodiment of black coffee.”
“Thank you, that's very considerate of you.” His lips touched the cup in a cautious move before he took a sip, trying to hide his small smile but you noticed it, you definitely noticed it and you knew you won. You won Armitage Hux over with a simple gesture of kindness.
”Was it a compliment or?” You wanted to laugh and you wanted to see more of a happier Armitage from now on. You felt like you got closer to Hux at that moment, a possible friendship started to blossom between the two of you. 
“Who knows.” Shrugging, he moved on to finally fix himself a little, smirk still apparent on his lips complimenting his tired stare. In that moment you wanted to experience more moments like this and you sure were going to try.
Finally it was the day the board would either accept the project or deny it. You couldn’t sleep for two days prior and even before that you slept only around 15 hours in a week, you felt almost dead. Both of you, Armitage and you, were now staring at your notebooks, ready to receive the final answer to your now weeks long struggle. 
Armitage's notebook beeped, a notification sounding off, sending you flying across the desk almost into his lap, not even considering it could be a completely different email or even personal thing.
You and Armitage got closer, just as the both of your teams, over the weeks you spent on this project, countless nights together in the office seemed to harden your relationship even more. You had fun, Armitage was not only a hardworking perfectionist and handsome man, he was also very funny, like ridiculously funny in your opinion.
The email was long, like unnecessarily when it comes to formal corporal emails but the end of it was just so promising. Both of you skimmed over the words, searching for the phrases denied. There was none, the only thing in the end it contained was so sweet and wanted approval for your project, relieving you both of disappointment.
You were not sure who was the first, if you or Armitage, but now the both of you were jumping as high as you could while clinging to each other, a victorious hug. It could take only seconds or minutes, you squealing and Armitage yelling, hugging each other and jumping once again, but when it was over, the embarrassment in both parties was apparent. 
Anyone could come into this office at any time, it was not uncommon for most of the higher ranking employees to just not knock and barge in and if they saw the team leaders of the current biggest project in the company disheveled and out of breath, who knows what they would think.
There was a common understanding of this premise and so the following actions were understandable, while you tried to smooth your skirt down, Armitage did the same to his hair and also his tie. He was still out of breath and a bit flushed, his look of happiness making you warm again.
“You should trust your guts more.” And again with his disheveled appearance, this man was going to be the death of you for sure. And while he was busy sporting himself back into his usual calm and perfect form you had to admire how far the both of you have come. 
“Trust my guts? Armitage, I have a crippling anxiety.” Wholehearted laugh clawed its way out of your throat, making him smile. “That’s like the worst advice ever.” You continued still giggling like a little girl with your cheeks starting to hurt from all the happiness flowing inside you.
“I tried.”
“I appreciate it.” You gave him a small shy smile, your cheeks were still too warm for you to completely concentrate. “Thank you.” You whispered in the end.
“You are welcome.” Nodding fondly over this conversation, Hux gave you a smug expression, which you have completely missed because you turned your attention back to the documents you had to prepare for the next meeting.
“Even though you should be the one thanking me for my amazing advice.” Armitage chimes in, relaxed expression kept in place while he slightly nudged you in the ribs.
“Was it a joke?” Your face morphing into a shocked amused grin, you turned to him, observing the man momentarily. “Did Armitage Hux just make a joke?” You were not aware that Armitage Hux, the cold hearted redhead, could joke but you liked it and hoped it would stay like this for a while.
“I regret ever interacting with you.” You could see the slight smirk forming on Armitage's face when he spoke, unable to contain it. Since starting working on this project you and Armitage really got close, you would even call him your friend now. Yeah, he was still sometimes a cold prick but you could see the appeal of him. Handsome, smart and very passionate for his work with a decent sense of humor, Armitage Hux was definitely a catch. This project really opened your eyes when it came to him.
“You don’t.” Your elbow met what you firstly assumed would be a bony mass but in reality was well defined muscles under what you deemed was branded suit.
“I do.” He couldn’t fight the smirk off now. It was awfully obvious. The past you would probably be slightly horrified over the thought of Armitage Hux smirking. The picture of it being painted under the impression that he is obviously an evil corporate man. However, seeing him smirk now sparked something completely different in you. The silly picture of an evil man from a cartoon you used to hold in your mind when someone said his name was replaced with a charming looking redhead man in a suit with a warm aura around him. 
“Nah.” You felt silly, stupid and giddy over this man and how warm he made you feel even though everyone viewed him as a cold and mean man he never was. “You love it.” 
“Yeah, I do.” The stare he gave you made something carnal turn in you, it was not an alien feeling but with Armitage there was a new intensity to it. Red liquid heat pooled inside your belly under his loving gaze.
“I-I have to go and- inform the team, you know- so they like- know and- stuff.” You titered a bit, unsure how to continue such a conversation. Did Armitage Hux really make your heart skip a beat now? First he jokes and now he makes your heart flutter, the world truly is full of wonders
“Yeah, totally. I-” He seemed absentminded for a second, something you could hardly ever see on the young team leader’s face. Everyone might talk about his cold attitude but no one could deny how dedicated Armitage was to his work. Even though you weren’t from the same department you knew long before this project presented itself in front of you, that he was the first in the office and also the last one to leave. His workaholism seemed even more prominent with his quick responses to your emails regarding the shared project no matter at which hour you would send them. It was something worth admiring and fearing at the same time. And now you were the one stuck in their mind and still staring at him. 
“Hey, would you like- to go for a coffee or something?” His voice cracked in the middle, maybe it was trying to stop him from continuing but he still pushed through, the final bits of courage sending him past the finish line, finally asking.
“Your proposal is acceptable.” You tried to imitate his voice, those words as a reminder to the conversation you had with him after the first meeting.
“Thank god.” The relief on his face was comforting to see. Armitage was really keen to go out with you and it made you happy beyond anything.
Bonus little bits with Armitage’s POV:
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He really hoped he could avoid Ben this morning but luck seemed not to be on his side this time. Armitage and Ben have been friend-workers since they both started in the company. They actually knew each other even before since they both went to the same college. At first they were not awfully close, Ben liked to annoy the fuck out of Armitage while he was trying to enjoy his morning coffee, lunch or evening run. Basically destroying nice things he liked but somehow the two of them stuck together and formed a sort of friendship over some time. That of course didn’t change anything on Ben annoying him with every single ounce he had in himself, which was the exact reason he really wanted to escape him this morning. This perfect late morning, he decided to enjoy himself and to read in bed until it was completely necessary to go to work. He never did that but recent sunshine in his office seemed to brighten his life and mood all the time so why not to enjoy a slow morning, he was after all always on time for 5 years straight now.
Armitage could see Ben towering over the cubicles scattered over the big room on the second floor of the company building. Ben was currently laughing over something some brown haired woman said, Armitage recently learnt her name was Rey and Ben was incredibly fond of her. This information was obviously carefully and pragmatically locked down inside his brain to be used later if the time called for it.  
And so Armitage hoped he could silently walk down to his office without Ben annoying him so early in the morning, leaving him to reminisce about what today could bring him, especially if it was in the form of a cute co-leader he recently had the chance to meet. He was wrong, obviously, well not really, but yes, he was wrong.
The young redhead was correct when his thoughts browsed back to you and if you would be as cheerful in his presence as you were yesterday. What he however didn’t mean to summon was not only your attention but also Ben’s.
“Armitage!” And there you were, a sunshine smile and loud voice directing everyone's attention, including Ben’s, to yourself before they turned to see him.
He simply nods in acknowledgement without realizing his face was graced with a slowly spreading smile. Ignoring his previous distaste in morning conversation, giving her a small wave didn’t seem so annoying as greeting Ben.
“Well, well, well, who is trying to sneak by.” God, just his voice could irritate Armitage to death on most days but today it was exceptionally nightmare inducing.
“I wasn’t sneaking by. I was simply walking to my office.” He answers curly, not giving even a glance to Ben, his expression still souring into deadpan one.
“You should take your coffee with some milk, you are awfully bitter in the morning.” Ben sniggers, amused at his joke.
“You're the one who is quite giddy today. Did the board meeting yesterday go that well?” But Armitage is ready to fire back right at him.
“Nah, not really.” This finally got Ben to shut up and Armitage to go about his morning in silence.
“I didn’t think you were the type to go crazy over a woman.” Ben’s laugh is loud and childish, echoing on the open walls of the main hall between offices. 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” The look he gave to Ben was one of his favorites, offended and beyond believe irritated. It was a perfect illusion for him to uphold, ‘cause in reality Hux’s mind was in a midst of complete panic but still he kept on his killer pace to his office, maybe to lose Ben in the big space where the rest of the desk of their subordinates was located.
How much does he know?
This thought however, stopped Armitage in his walk, contemplating if he should address it more. And finally where he was sure his tongue wouldn’t twist itself in his mouth when he spoke of you, he turned around. 
“You talk like a cartoon villain, you know that, right?.” Ben’s tall form was not leaning on the side of one of the tables , his gaze partly fixed at his phone before it’s lifted to assess the redhead’s reaction. It was deliberate, it was all planned out, a humiliating and uncomfortable situation Ben could trap him in easily, to get all the answers he wanted.
Now he knew he couldn’t win against that ridiculous giant, this was always a losing game. If he took it too seriously Ben would admit to only be joking, trying to get a rise out of him, if he continued to ridicule or ignore his questions Ben would only tease him more, a truly lost game in Armitage’s eyes. “God, please go and do your job.” But still he could try to collect any advantage he could get his hands on, the advantage being taking everything and shutting himself in his office until the end of the day.
-collects all his things and gets up to leave
“I am working.” Ben’s cheerful voice still followed him, digging into his back in a teasing manner. “No, You are not!” Armitage was aware how his voice boomed through the office making some employees turn their heads over the ruckus but Ben was quite oblivious to his friend’s voice’s effect. He actually couldn’t help but laugh at his friend for moments still unaware of the attention he was given by his colleagues hidden among the various desks in that room. However, even Ben was deemed to notice the confused look he was given by one of the younger secretaries over the small cubicle wall.
“Sorry.” His hands flew up in an apology or a manner that reminded most of them of surrender, before he decided to lift himself up from the desk and proceed to an elevator. Ben of course caught a glimpse of her, so familiar brown haired woman who was already entering one of the elevators. Feeling his chance, Ben's quick walking, caused by his slight embarrassment from the situation prior, turned into jogging when he thought he was already out of sight for the rest of his colleagues.
“Hi.” The elevator was empty except for the said brown haired woman, she looked pretty, exceptionally pretty. Well, she always looked beautiful and so to level the playing field, Ben put on one of his charming smiles before he glanced her way.
“You should ask her out.” This was coldly stated in the midst of conversation about going for a drink since both of the men’s projects were going to finish soon. The sentence positively stunning Armitage into a statue with a cold sweat pooling slowly down his back while his dark haired counterpart continued to munch on his sandwich.
“Ask her out or I will.” This time those words were slurred between Ben finishing the prelast bite and attempting to stuff the rest of the sandwich in his mouth. Ben’s tall form was stashed between the seating area and one of the tables, he was crunched over but no one of it helped to not make him stand out in the crowd of eating people with his broad shoulders. Ben always towered over everyone, except over Phasma from accounting actually, but everyone else was a victim to his high stature. It was almost comical just as his words. Still, Armitage fumbled with his hands, dropping from one the document he was reading while not being able to control the other, his grip on the sandwich slipping until it unceremoniously slammed in his lap and into the napkin he thankfully unfolded on it.
“Ask her out or I-”“I heard you the first time.” Ben was used to Armitage’s cruel remarks or even interruptions but this was the first time he did so with such a vigor.
 “Why did you ask then?” There was a knowing smirk painted on his lips, the redhead falling into his trap one more time.
“I know you won’t ask her out.” This confused Ben greatly. What did he mean? The dark haired man adored teasing his pale friend on a daily basis but it was almost unheard of Armitage opposing him. He did attempt to oppose several times and it was not exactly as playful as Ben wished for, usually it consisted of Hux reminding him to get back to work and where is the fun in that? But this time, this time Armitage had something on Ben and he absolutely didn’t like it.
“Rey wouldn’t like that, would she now?” What was left of the knowing smirk on Ben’s face disappeared seconds after those words were muttered into the air between the two men. This time it was Ben who was left with red cheeks and ears, absolutely flabbergasted and fumbling hands with the wrappers of his now gone lunch.
Armitage didn’t even realize how organized you were but now that he had the chance to see inside your office he was lost for words. Who would have thought someone like you would have neatly organized folders with color marked projects and spreadsheets for time management not only for your team but your work.
“You are awfully organized.” He truly was in awe at how your space looked. 
“I expected to find a battlefield in your office but it’s- surprisingly tiddy?” He didn’t mean tiddy, he meant a perfect, absolutely and adoringly perfect environment for him to exist, something that almost seems to be made just for him.
“That’s kinda rude, Armitage.” He was not known for making a lot of people laugh, maybe Ben but it was more of a laugh at his own account, with you it was somehow ridiculously easy, apparently.
“I was complimenting you.” He objects, trying to defend his honor, it was not in his intentions to come off as rude as it might have seemed. 
 Again with the laugh.
“You should take it as a compliment. Organized people are h-,” he paused, gulping down his words until it weighed heavy in his stomach,”good.” 
“Good?” There was a suspicious smirk playing on your lips as if you knew what he wanted to say but Armitage almost sure you had no clue, you simply wanted to tease him a bit more.
 But God, what if you did catch his misstep? No, surely you didn’t. He gave you one more questioning look to make sure you were none the wiser. 
“Yes.” He had to clear his throat, to compose himself a bit by bit but there was an unbearable weight at his chest, almost too consuming. “For business. Organized people are known to be very reliable and hardworking employees.”
Yes, good. They are good. I totally didn’t mean hot. Because organized women are totally not absolutely hot. And I totally just didn’t realize it’s a thing for me. Ha ha. Please, act normal.
Armitage’s brain must have looked like a scrambled egg now, trying to unravel all his thoughts into a coherent solid state so he could function properly while unsuccessfully avoiding all his thoughts involving you and this office.
“Found it.” You held up a blue folder with a little yellow sticky note poking out of the main pages.
Oh, yes, the scripts for the main document, that’s what brought the two of you inside your office. That’s why he was now stuck between walls adored with shelves upon which sat dozens of cute plants. A complete opposite of his office but very cozy, it was obvious you decorated the room with a clear idea of making it a positive and comfortable environment. The purple sofa in the corner ideal for-
Yep, Armitage was fully aware he was fucked.
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foxwithpretzel · 1 year ago
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Glory to the victorious, woe to the vanquished.
My take on a dark-side Rey Palpatine vs. a light-side Rey Skywalker.
The Dark-side Rey is a bit like the Scarlet woman, Hekate, and Salome, while the Light-side Rey is more like the White Goddes, Judith*, and Diana.
*hence General Hux in the picture.
This diptych is available in my Etsy store in PDF format (A3 format, 300 dpi).
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eveenstar · 2 years ago
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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✦𝙰 𝙹𝚎𝚍𝚒'𝚜 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎 (𝙰𝙾3 - 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛! 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝙾𝙲)
⤷Hivall Surike is a Jedi Padawan under the mentorship of Rey Skywalker at the new Jedi Temple. An eager and curious girl since a young age, Hivall always had a peculiar interest for the Dark Side and its legends since she found out she was Force sensitive. Despite her master's warnings, she departs to go explore an ancient and forgotten planet: Korriban.
✦𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚍 (𝙰𝙾3 - 𝙰 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗 & 𝚁𝚎𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗)
⤷Revan wakes up in a strange, modern galaxy, far away from his own time. He wanders from planet to planet as he tries to figure out what happened to his empire and the Sith - this is when he meets Rey, a scavenger, and the two form an unlikely friendship.
✦𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚕𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 (𝙰𝙾3 - 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗/𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝙾𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗/𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝙾𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚒)
✦𝚄𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 (𝙰𝙾3 - 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙿𝚊𝚕𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 - 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
⤷There has been an awakening in the Force and all living beings have felt it. A mysterious Dark Side user has made themselves known to the Jedi and with them, new threats and mysteries followed. While the Jedi Council is disturbed by this, Darth Sidious grows wary of this Sith individual. Meanwhile, two Jedi begin their mission to uncover the truth behind the peculiar Sith...
✦𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜 (𝙰𝙾3/𝚃𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛 - 𝙰 𝙹𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊/𝙹𝚎𝚍𝚒!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚄)
⤷The Van der Linde gang embraces yet another new member, a young woman who was found wandering with strange clothes in the snow, but soon they'll find out that there's more to her story than she's saying. The world that they know is about to end and a new era will rise, but with one of their members being hunted down by a mysterious man called Darth Vader, they only have two options: run or die.
✦𝙳𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚗 𝙶𝚎𝚛𝚊 | 𝚁𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙/𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 |
✦𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜 (𝙰𝙾3/𝚃𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛 - 𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝙷𝚞𝚡/𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛/𝙺𝚢𝚕𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚗 - 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚣𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚄)
✦𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 (𝙲𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛/𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝)
✦"𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚙 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚎𝚊, 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚋𝚒?" (𝙲𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚙 𝙰𝚄 - 𝙾𝚋𝚒-𝚆𝚊𝚗 𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚋𝚒/𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
✦𝙳𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙺𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚌𝚎-𝚂𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎!𝚂/𝙾 (𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜)
✦𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 (𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚎𝚛/𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝)
✦𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚜𝚗’𝚝 𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌 (𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚎𝚛/𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝)
✦𝙰𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜 (𝙰 𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝙷𝚞𝚡/𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎 - 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝)
(more to add...)
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skylarstark4826 · 4 months ago
I absolutely loved this beautiful Star Wars Fanart of the Reyux ship of the characters of Armitage Hux and King Skywalker (King Palpatine) together and above all because what I really love about him is the fact that he has multiple images of them together and also because I absolutely love that in image 1 we see Rey lovingly kissing his beloved Armitage Hux cheek just like I also absolutely love that in image 2 we see Armitage hugging Rey against his body in an extremely loving way while I also love it Absolutely that in image 3 we see Armitage hugging his beloved King and even better that he is lifting her and that he is also carrying her against his body at the same time that I also absolutely love that in image 4 we see Rey healing the wounds to his beloved Armitage when he is injured in addition to the fact that I also absolutely love that in the Armitage he has successfully escaped from The First Order and that at the same time he has also joined his beloved King on the Bright Side of the Force at the same time that I also absolutely love that in image 5 we see Armitage carrying her beloved King against her body while holding her legs with one hand while at the same time with her other hand holding her by her back and also at the same time she is kissing her lovingly while she holds her face in an extremely loving way at the same time that I also absolutely love that in image 6 we see Armitage kissing her beloved King are kissing lovingly but at the same time I also absolutely love that in Image 7 we see Armitage holding her beloved King apparently due to the fact that she had slipped with something and he caught her just in time against her body but at the same time also because I really love absolutely that in him we see that Armitage has successfully escaped from The First Order but also because at the same time I also love that she has joined the Bright Side of The Force at the same time that I also absolutely love that in image 8 we see Armitage and Rey having a beautiful romantic moment Together and above all because I absolutely really love the idea that this happened after the battle on the planet of Exegol and the permanent defeat of Emperor Palpatine but at the same time also because I really absolutely love that in him we see that Armitage has successfully escaped from The First Order but also because at the same time I also love that he has joined the Shining Side of The Force and that he has also joined The Resistance and at the same time I also absolutely love that in image 9 and also the last image of them together we see Rey sitting next to his beloved Armitage while he is in his bed and shirtless and above all because I absolutely love the idea that Rey was undercover during a mission against The First Order and in the process would have fallen deeply in love with Armitage at the same time that he had also fallen absolutely in love with her And above all because I really would have absolutely liked the idea that Armitage Hux had escaped from The First Order along with Poe, Finn, C-3PO, D-O, Chewbacca and Rey Skywalker (Palpatine) and by doing so he would have saved himself from dying but also that after that Armitage would have absolutely fallen in love with Rey and would have joined the Resistance especially to be able to be together with her and that shortly after the battle on the planet of Exegol and the permanent defeat of Emperor Palpatine then Armitage would have found out that he was also a Force Sensitive and then he would have trained together with Rey to become a Jedi and that after both they would also have had a beautiful family together... honestly
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By the way, these beautiful Fanarts of them are not mine and the credits are not for me, but I will let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the real creator on Tumblr.
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charliedawn · 1 year ago
The next day, JR was woken up by the smell of food and opened her eyes to see Finn standing there with a plate. He smiled down at her before waving shyly.
"Hey. Hum…I just wanted to come and see how you were doing. Cause I know how strange it could be for a stormtrooper to come here and…Anyway." Finn rambled before putting the plate down next to her. "Breakfast."
JR stirred slightly, and opened her eyes.
"Morning..." She mumbled, smiling softly at Finn as she saw him. She sighed quietly, sitting up and stretching lightly.
"Thank you..." she murmured, picking up the plate and starting to eat...
Finn smiled.
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"Yeah. No problem. Am just happy to have another…you know…'traitor' around." The way he emphasised on the word made JR frowned slightly.
"Traitor..." She muttered under her breath with a frown, taking a small bite of her food. It tasted bitter. "I thought the term was 'deserter'..."
Finn chuckled before patting her back.
"Yeah. Well…Not when Captain Phasma or General Hux say it." Finn grinned. "Are they still pissed about the whole 'taking an X-fighter and flying away' thing ?"
"...I should imagine so..." JR said with a small smile, taking a small sip of juice before continuing. "And what's your story anyway ? How did you manage to escape the First Order in the first place ? They didn’t exactly tell us how you did it. Just…that you did. And that you were a deserter."
Finn’s eyes widened slightly before chuckling awkwardly while massaging the back of his neck.
"Oh. Me ? Yeah. So hum…I kinda offered to help Poe escape if he also helped me and one thing led to another and here I am."
She blinked twice in front of his explanation, before chuckling.
"And that’s the story ? Just ‘one thing led to another’ ?"
Finn laughed and shrugged.
"Pretty much. Yeah. Listen. I am just glad to be alive."
JR smiled, taking another bite of her food before nodding in agreement.
"I can understand that..." she murmured, before taking another sip of her juice. Finn then looked around her tent.
"You got lucky. When I escaped the First Order, I ended up in quicksand on Jakku. You at least got a tent. By the way, how did you find out that the Resistance was on this planet ?"
"Oh..." She said, her tone softening as she heard this part. "That sounds rough..."
There was a slight pause, before she continued.
"Well...I was in a blizzard a couple of days ago...And I bumped into a Resistance soldier, who gave me directions to this base. Then...Well..." she took another sip of her juice. "Here I am..."
"A blizzard ?" Finn frowned. "On what planet ?"
"...The planet Coontra..." She stayed silent for a moment, realizing that she hadn’t really paid attention to the name of the planet Hux had given her and hoped she hadn’t mistaken. She shrugged dismissively. "But…Doesn't matter. What matters is that I survived..."
"Funny. Never heard about the planet Coontra…" Finn narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her and before JR could answer, Poe came in the tent with a smile. "Rey is back ! Come on."
They both looked at his excited face and JR nodded before returning her attention on Finn.
"Hey...Thanks for the food...We’ll talk later." she murmured, getting up from her place and walking over to meet Poe. Finn nodded. The three of them went outside to see people surrounding Rey’s ship getting back down. When she got off, she immediately smiled and went to hug Finn and Poe.
"I got it ! I know where Skywalker is ! And…" Rey stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed JR. "…Who’s that ?"
JR stayed silent for a moment, watching the small reunion, when Rey noticed her...Her entire being tensed up, and she stayed completely still. It wasn’t like she could hide from Rey. She could use the Force...So just remaining still and staying silent was her best bet. Poe grinned and wrapped an arm around JR.
"This is JR ! She’s the stormtrooper who helped us escape Starkiller Base, remember ?! Seems like she finally decided to come on our side ! Isn’t that good news ?"
JR stayed silent for a moment. She knew Poe was only trying to help. But she also knew full well that this was unlikely to go well...Rey couldn’t just be friendly to her, after all. She was a stormtrooper ! It didn’t matter to Rey that she was now a “deserter” or something...Rey was always going to view her with suspicious eyes. And this situation was only going to heighten that suspicion.
"...Right." Rey said after a few moments, her own expression shifting to one that was much more guarded. "I see...I remember you. You are the stormtrooper who talked to me when I was captured."
Poe took a step backwards, realizing that his attempt hadn't worked.
"...So ah...Yeah. It's good to have you back, Rey..." He muttered awkwardly, not knowing how to salvage the situation...JR tried to put on a smile on her face before extending her hand towards Rey.
"It’s nice to see you again, Rey."
Rey stared at her for a few moments, before slowly taking JR’s hand in her own...
"...You too..." She said with a soft voice...Not exactly the warmest response in the world, but it was still a positive one...Rey knew her from the day she had been captured. There was a silent understanding between them. Rey knew JR had tried to salvage the situation and end the war the only way she had known how…
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JR nodded understandingly. Rey slowly let go of JR's hand and the trooper stayed completely still, her body still tensed. But...Rey wasn't outright suspicious of her. She was definitely cautious but, she was also giving JR a chance...That was something, at least. She felt grateful for it.
General Organa arrived just at that moment and smiled as she saw Rey.
"Ah. Rey. You are back. Good. I do hope you bring good news."
Rey turned towards General Organa, quickly returning the smile.
"Don't worry, I do. I have confirmation of the location of Luke Skywalker."
General Organa smiled.
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"Ah ! Excellent. Let’s go talk in privacy…"
"Yes." Rey said with a nod. She took one last look at JR, before following after General Organa, with some people following along, including Finn. They left and JR hesitated before returning to her tent and pacing around. This could be big…Was she to warn the First Order ? Part of her wanted to stay loyal to the First Order, to tell them where Skywalker was, to tell them everything she new...But the other half of her...The one who remembered what it was like to be a stormtrooper...The one who felt guilty for all the things she had done while under the First Order. That half of her wanted to help the Resistance. For this nightmare to end. JR finally sighed in defeat before turning on her transmitter.
"General Hux ? Can you hear me ?"
A few moments passed, and then General Hux’s voice finally came through.
"Yes. I can hear you. What is it, JR-6025 ?"
She looked down. It had been a long time since she had heard his voice…It made her momentarily nervous.
"I…have news. It seems the scavenger girl got her hands on the final piece of the map to Skywalker."
"...The final piece...?" Hux muttered, slowly turning to look around, making sure he was in a private place before adding: "...How did she come across this piece ?"
"…I do not know, sir. I wasn’t authorised to participate in the meeting." JR told him and general Hux sighed. She knew he was disappointed…
"Understood." He then stayed silent for a few moments.
"Where is she now...?"
JR looked at the tent where they had disappeared in and replied promptly.
"Rey and General Organa as well as a couple of Resistance fighters are holding a meeting in the command centre right now."
"...A resistance meeting..." General Hux muttered and frowned at the news. That certainly didn’t sound good. "So ah...She is close to finding him."
He stayed silent, his fingers clenching and unclenching for a few moments.
"...When does the meeting end...?"
JR shook her head.
"I do not know, sir." She then waited a moment before asking. "Your directives if indeed the girl is planning on going to see Skywalker ?"
There was a moment of silence before general Hux spoke again.
"...The orders stay the same. She cannot reach Skywalker..." He stayed silent for a handful of moments as he thought about his next move. The scavenger girl could—under no circumstances—reach Skywalker and become more powerful than she already was. "...And...If she does ? She must not return from that place alive..."
"…Sir ?" JR was stunned. "…Do you mean…?"
General Hux closed his eyes and his jaw twitched. He knew that the mission would be hard for JR-6025, but he also knew of her undying loyalty to him.
"...If Rey manages to reach Skywalker..." His tone was flat. The words cold as he finally condemned out loud. "...She must not return...Understood, trooper ?"
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JR’s heart hammered in her chest at his death sentence and she gulped. No…She couldn’t…kill her. She had made a promise to Kylo Ren. But at the same time, Rey was the last hope of the galaxy. She was the only wall standing between the First Order and total domination.
But, JR was still a stormtrooper.
"Sir. I…" She closed her eyes. "…Yes, sir. Understood."
There was a moment of silence, before he finally said: "...Good. Keep me informed...And get ready..."
There was another long moment of silence, before he finally added:
"...That is all for now..."
She remained with her eyes closed and replied.
"Yes, sir."
She ended the transmission and sighed before looking up at the ceiling…What was she supposed to do now ? She had to do something. She couldn’t possibly break her promise to Lord Kylo Ren. But, JR also could not stand by while Rey left to meet with Skywalker. It would crush the First Order and general Hux’s slim trust in her. Her inner conflict was becoming stronger...Part of her told herself: The First Order will be fine...The galaxy will be fine with them in charge... But the other part, the part born out of guilt and shame, told her: No...The galaxy will not...We have only brought destruction and pain, while the Resistance is fighting for peace...
She was starting to wonder what to do when she heard that the meeting had ended. She quickly got out and saw Rey enter a spaceship to leave.
Her eyes widened.
She was leaving—surely to meet with Skywalker.
She couldn’t let her go alone.
She was still struggling with these competing voices within her head...The First Order...The Resistance...Her promise to Lord Ren.
Who was she loyal to...?
She knew that if she revealed Skywalker’s location, the First Order would reach him first which would ultimately lead to Rey’s death which was what Hux wanted...and what Lord Ren dreaded. JR hesitated before suddenly racing towards the spaceship to get inside just as it was about to leave. JR raced aboard the spaceship—just as the door was closing.
JR took a few minutes to process all that was happening, taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down...She stayed hidden until the spaceship had landed. She didn’t know where they were, but she knew that it must be on the planet where Luke Skywalker was…
The spaceship landed, and the doors started to open. Rey got out. JR was still hidden in the spaceship, and she could hear Rey stepping off in the distance...She waited a few minutes before finally getting out herself. She found herself on an island surrounded by waves. She took a deep breath. She had never seen an ocean before…
JR looked around her, taking in the scenery...
An ocean...The gentle waves...She breathed in the air...It made her think of Azterri—but so much wilder. There was a wild beauty to the island. She couldn't believe she had never seen something like this before and as much as she was torn between sides, as scared as her inner conflict made her...She couldn’t deny it.
This was beautiful.
She took a deep breath of the fresh seaside air and momentarily forgot where she was until she heard a voice coming from one of the caves. She frowned before following the voice and found an old man talking to himself.
"No. Not again. Never again am I going to train jedis. It's over." Luke Skywalker said and shook his head—memories of Kylo Ren haunting him. The ghost of Yoda shook his head next to Luke.
"Train them You must. The future They are."
Skywalker scoffed mockingly at his old master’s words before replying.
​​​​​​"Yeah well…You train them then !"
Yoda frowned before answering in a serious voice—hinted with disapproval.
​​​​​​"Skywalker's job It is. Let the galaxy down You must not…"
Luke frowned before sighing. He knew that the galaxy’s fate held in the balance and soon enough, there would be no place to hide.
​​​​​​"The galaxy never did me any good. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to train them. And that's my final answer." He said with finality in his tone and Yoda’s gaze softened as he saw the pain and sorrow in Luke’s eyes.
"Yoda’s role it is not To convince you. If you are to turn your back from the truth Then lost we will all be…" Yoda said with finality before slowly disappearing. JR’s eyes widened as the ghost’s eyes met hers. She held her breath. But, the ghost only smiled at her before disappearing completely—leaving Skywalker alone in the cave. Skywalker seemed adamant in his refusal to train Rey—noy that that it surprised her...But the ghost's words...about his “duty” to train the Jedi...something seemed to urge her to stay and convince Skywalker. If the ghost was right, then the balance would be broken…
She was about to step closer to hear more of the conversation when she slipped and suddenly tumbled inside the cave.
JR immediately froze...Her presence was no longer unknown to the person inside. JR stayed completely still and quiet, hoping that Luke hadn’t heard her. Wishful thinking. Suddenly, she saw a pair of shoes in front of her and slowly looked up to see Skywalker looking down at her—he didn’t seem pleased.
"Who are you and what are you doing on my island ?" He asked authoritatively and JR's mind was all over the place as she tried to think of an excuse...She shouldn't have been here, she shouldn't have gotten on the spaceship...But there was nothing she could do now...She quickly managed to calm herself down a little and she then replied with a soft voice:
"I'm...I'm a stormtrooper, sir."
Luke frowned and looked her up and down.
"Oh really ? Stormtroopers aren’t welcome on my island…" He raised his hand towards her and fear struck JR. She thought about trying to flee from the cave...But then another thought crossed her mind...Why not simply say the truth...
"I'm a deserter...I wasn’t sent by the First Order, sir. I come in peace." She hoped it would help her case, but Luke didn’t seem impressed at all.
"Oh yeah ? And I don’t care. Get off my island before I…"
"JR !" Rey arrived in the cave and frowned before helping her up. "What are you doing here ?!"
JR flinched as Rey spoke. She was still tense and anxious and she couldn't help but remain still as Rey helped her up...It looked like Rey was about to yell at her at any second, but she restrained herself.
"...I just came here because I wanted to help you." JR whispered.
"Wait…Did you sneak onto my ship ?" Rey didn’t seem pleased at all and she sighed and shook her head in disbelief. "I do not need your help. I need you to go."
JR stayed silent for a moment. She felt so ashamed of herself...Of what she had done...A stormtrooper, a deserter, sneaking into a Resistance ship...She knew it wasn't good...
"I am sorry. I…" She started, but was interrupted by Luke.
"Here’s an idea. How about you both get off my island ?!" Skywalker raised his arms in disbelief before JR turned towards him and replied.
"Alright. I will leave. But, please…Train Rey. She made it all this way for you to train her. She searched for you. For this place…" JR continued and tried to plead, but Skywalker interrupted her.
"I know." Skywalker muttered, sounding annoyed.
"Then, will you train her ? Please." JR insisted. "I know there must be a reason that you have decided to stay hidden for so long, but Rey needs your guidance."
JR could see the old Jedi Master slowly lowering his gaze, and she knew what she was doing was having an effect...Luke sighed, raising his gaze once more. He looked at Rey and frowned.
"...She will not become a Jedi..." he said, sounding resigned and JR frowned in incomprehension.
"Why ? Why are you so afraid ?" She asked and Luke’s eyes hardened as he glared at her.
"You do not understand. None of you do." He muttered, shaking his head slightly. "You don't know what happened..."
"No…Maybe not." She conceded. "But, I know that this war needs to end. And that Rey can put an end to it. So, please…Train her. I beg of you."
"...I...I can't...I cannot...The past..." Skywalker mumbled and shook his head. Luke was suddenly shaking and clutching his chest. "...Will come back...It always does."
"The past doesn’t need to repeat itself…" JR spoke up and Luke closed his eyes—a pained expression on his face.
"...But it does..." Luke muttered, his voice low and shaky. "...We...We always think we can be different..."
He then turned away, looking towards the darkness within his cave. "...But the galaxy has a way of repeating history..."
She looked at the darkness as well.
"…But, we can learn from past mistakes." Rey advanced and Luke huffed a mocking laugh.
"...Oh, we do learn...." He muttered to himself. "...And we think that we can be better because we have..."
He let out a sigh...
"...But history always has a way of repeating itself...The light and the dark...They balance each other..." A short pause followed. "...But every time there's too much light...The darkness rises...And every time there's too much darkness..."
There was a longer pause.
"...The light rises...It's a cycle..."
"A cycle can be broken !" JR claimed and Luke glared at her once more.
"But it shouldn't be." Luke looked at her, and JR noticed the sadness in the Jedi Master's eyes. "...The Force is supposed to be balanced. Neither too much light. Neither too much darkness..."
"But the cycle is going to be broken. Look at the galaxy. Listen to the Force. You know that if we let it happen, the First Order will destroy this cycle…" She countered and Luke nodded.
"Yes. And a new light and a new dark shall rise...It's the way things go...It's the way things always go..." His voice was low and solemn...But there was a hint of sadness there too. There was a hint of resignation there as well...
"Nothing changes. Nothing. When a cycle ends, another is born."
He turned his back on her and Rey’s eyes lowered. JR felt an urge within her begging to be let out. She couldn’t let him go. She knew her duty and the fact that Skywalker himself was set on staying out of trouble could only be good for the First Order. She should be happy. Rey wouldn’t be trained and her mission would be finished. She wouldn’t have to betray anyone or kill anyone.
"Please !" JR surged forward and grabbed his arm. Luke hissed and turned towards JR with widened eyes. He groaned loudly in annoyance.
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"What do you want from me ?!"
"I want you to train Rey !" JR pleaded and her eyes filled with tears. She hadn’t come so far and seen so much just to give up now. "Han Solo is dead…And who knows how many innocents will die before the end of the war ?!"
JR could see the sorrow in Luke's eyes at the mention of the death of his old friend, but he quickly shook his head.
"This war is endless. I already tried to end it years ago, but it didn't work. I'm sorry."
He didn’t look JR in the eyes, he couldn’t. But, she didn’t give up and took his hand in hers to force him to look at her, which he eventually did.
"Please..We need your help, master Luke. Help us." He opened his mouth, prepared to shut her down one last time, but she looked at him with such pleading eyes that he finally sighed in defeat and nodded.
"Fine. If you want to learn about the Force and be killed because of it, who am I to disagree ?! But, know that after that, there is no turning back to what you were. People will hunt you down for your knowledge, or just because you are different from them, are you ready to face the consequences ?" He turned towards Rey and he had a stern expression on his face. "Are you ?!"
Rey gulped, but nodded nonetheless.
​​​​​​"I am ready to do what must be done."
Luke looked into Rey’s eyes. She sounded resolute...Determined...She made him think of Han. The same stubbornness in their gaze. If Rey was to save the galaxy, he knew he had no choice but to train her.
"...Fine...Fine..." He muttered, and the sadness in his eyes grew even stronger...He would do as he was asked...But, there was alwa a price to pay for such knowledge. Both women smiled at each other and Rey took a step forward to give Luke his lightsaber back.
"Thank you, Master Luke."
Luke remained silent as he looked at the lightsaber in Rey’s hand and then he realized that the time had come...He couldn't refuse her. He slowly reached out to take the lightsaber from her.
"Do not thank me…Training will start tomorrow morning at the first rays of sunlight. Be ready."
Rey smiled and nodded in agreement. JR smiled weakly as she knew that Rey would be trained now and hope flared within her. Her mission was done. JR turned around, walking away. JR had managed to sway Skywalker—just in time. The next step was making sure that he trained Rey and that she fulfilled her goal...Whatever the price might be...
She looked down at the transmitter around her wrist and her smile dropped. She started thinking about General Hux. Her thumb rubbed around the wrist band. She was torn. If she was to communicate their location, then the First Order would win. They would come and kill Rey and Luke. It would be over. Finally. But…She couldn’t find the will to do so. Poe and Leia’s hope had succeeded in making her believe in something else than the First Order—something greater.
Everything will be alright. I will put an end to this war. And he will understand—eventually.
She took a deep breath before walking away. She returned to the ship where she knew Chewbacca was waiting. He would certainly bring her back to the Resistance and she could always invent an excuse to General Hux about not being able to know the location of Skywalker.
JR took a deep breath and was about to get on board when she heard a voice behind her.
"And where do you think you’re going ?"
JR turned around and saw that Skywalker was behind her. Her first instinct was to just keep walking, but she decided to turn and face the old Jedi Master...
"I'm going back to the Resistance camp..."
He raised an eyebrow at her.
"You would leave your friend alone ?"
JR frowned in confusion before she realised he was talking about Rey and she sighed.
"She isn’t my friend. Or I cannot be hers. She would never trust a stormtrooper."
Luke hummed.
"I see…But, you still begged me to train her."
JR smiled to herself.
"Hope is contagious…Some people infected me with it."
Luke chuckled before walking forward to stand next to her.
"I see…Leia is still as convincing as she used to be. This is why she sent you both to me."
JR frowned and let out an awkward laugh.
"She only sent Rey. I simply sneaked myself in."
Luke raised both of his eyebrows at her and restrained a mocking huff.
"Oh really ? You—a stormtrooper—managed to sneak yourself aboard a Resistance ship, in the middle of a Resistance camp and without anyone seeing you or trying to stop you ? Impressive. Please. Teach me your ways." She could hear his sarcasm and her eyes widened at the realisation.
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"…She knew." JR whispered and Luke smiled.
"Of course she knew. The woman has eyes behind her head. Nothing flies past her." He then looked at JR with a little mirth in his gaze. "You are exactly where you are meant to be. Your friend needs you—Rey needs you. Or, she will. Now, the only question that remains is…Will you stay and help or leave and flee from your own fears ?"
He extended a hand towards her and JR blinked twice in astonishment at the offer before hesitating. Was he right ? Would Rey need her ? And most importantly, would JR want to engage into something that would make her a true traitor of the First Order ?
She bit her lower lip—doubt plaguing her mind.
She finally closed her eyes and looked away.
"I…do not think Rey needs me. She has you. I would not help her by staying."
Luke humphed before replying.
"I do not know what conflict you seem to be having or why you wish to leave…but what I do know is that Leia is never wrong. And that if she let you come to me ? It is that you will have a role to play. And if I am to play the role of a teacher, then I will expect you to also take on the role that the Force has bestowed upon you."
He then started walking away.
"First lesson tomorrow. Do NOT be late."
And with that, he was gone.
JR sighed before looking at the spaceship before her. She knew she should go, but Luke’s words had left an impact on her. Was he right ? Did she really have a role to play in this future to be built ?
And if she had…
Which role would it be ?
She looked down at the transmitter around her wrist.
Was she to be a traitor ?
She looked back in the direction that Luke had taken.
Or was she to be a hero ?
She waited for a few minutes before taking her decision. She followed in Luke Skywalker’s footsteps and her eyes looked up at the sky where night was slowly falling.
…Maybe could she try to be someone else ? Just this once.
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the-tales-of-ren · 1 year ago
Asking you out on a date
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Pairing: Kylo Ren x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @obessionprofessional
Hi! Since you’re taking requests, would you be okay to write a fic about Kylo asking a female reader on a date? It could be the other way around, too! I hope you have a quick recovery!
Note: I made this into HC list, I hope that’s okay!
• Kylo Ren may act cold and distant towards you more so than everyone else, but that’s because he doesn’t know how to expression feelings without risking ruining his reputation around the First Order
• Therefore, that fails him to think of any ways to properly ask you out without possibly putting your life at risk of Snoke
• Being cold and distant was just his way of protecting you in the beginning
• But that all changes when Kylo becomes supreme leader of the First Order
• It wasn’t until after defeating Snoke and Rey escaping back to the Resistance did Kylo how much more freedom he gained taking place as the new supreme leader, he was free to do as he wished
• The very first thing Kylo did in his new position was finding you and explaining to you that he was now the supreme leader and the explanation was followed by him asking you out on a date
• At first, you thought it was a joke. Not of him defeating Snoke but the part where he was asking you on a date, but than you saw the glimpse of sincerity in his eyes.
• Of course you had accepted. In your heart, you would have accepted even if he wasn’t the supreme leader, you still would have agreed
• Though Kylo was cold and distant towards you in the beginning, that didn’t stop you from falling for the masked man. You understand that he had to have a reason for why he was the way he was towards you and you were quite right about that
• After how well things went on the first date, Kylo had made a promise to you and himself that he would never again treat you as if you were simply nothing
• Not much was done on the first date, it was mostly just the two of you hanging out and getting to know each other better while finding things in common
• You were from the planet Earth and shared many funny childhood stories of your life there. The one he got a crack out of was the story of a raccoon you and your friend supposedly thought was dead after seeing a fly crawling around its eye as it got up and the two of you as you were walking home from school together
• That story had given Kylo a laugh he hadn’t had in a good long while, it was a laugh he needed and he couldn’t be any more pleased than to receive it from you, the one he loves
• Ever since the first date, you both became inseparable and even with Snoke now gone, Kylo was always careful about exposing your relationship
• Neither of you could afford the Resistance finding out and using it against you
• Kylo gets a little too overprotective
• If you think you can have a casual conversation with General Hux, you are sadly mistaken
• Even if he is your friend, Kylo doesn’t trust him and doesn’t like him around you
• The only other person he really trusts to be around you in the order is captain Phasma
• Kylo is just thinking of your safety and wants to keep you protected at all times because he loves you so much
• Losing you would be a nightmare come true
• Losing you would be very much like his own death sentence
• He can’t lose you
• He won’t
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raparopa · 2 years ago
Hello! May I request general hux with a resistance reader who saves him like he's all bleeding out and dieing but the reader comes along and scoops him up to patch him up for whatever reason maybe they know he's the spy or smth? Anyway have a good day and take care of yourself :)
a/n: I am very happy to write about star wars))) thanks for the request! Looking forward to more posts from you guys!
warnings: language (?), mention of blood and violence, reader's POV, I don't know what first order prison cells look like
pairing: Armitage Hux x fem!resistance!reader
hux! hux?
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All I found was blood running from my lip and dripping onto the floor of the cell the First Order put me in. In fact, there was nothing surprising in the fact that I was in captivity. When you fight for freedom, you prepare yourself for the fact that sooner or later you will have to give up your life or freedom for your goal.
They needed someone who has information, well, and in addition, someone who knows Rey and her plans (apparently for Kylo Ren's personal purposes, each time he can get it as he can).
I wiped the blood from my face with my palm and found scarlet spots on the skin. I've been in possession for so long that I've already lost track of time. But it was better than facing endless interrogations and forceful methods again. In order not to go crazy, I count the scratches on the seemingly safe walls of my cell and have almost reached a hundred ...
Out of my field of vision, hurried, ragged steps were heard, as if my unexpected guest doubted his actions. I was filled with curiosity, but I didn't move, only peering out of the corner of my eye at the metal that had replaced the wall that opened onto the corridor. But my brain suddenly flashed when something red flashed behind the wall. I turned my head too, extremely sharply when I realized who exactly disturbed my prison peace.
The First Order general stood in front of the door that led to the cell, his face haughty and his chin held high. My brows furrowed as soon as I saw him. He was alone, unguarded, and not even Phasma was around. The corridor was completely empty, only two sides of the same war face to face, separated this time only by an iron grid of bars.
Something was clearly wrong, and you didn't have to be Force sensitive to feel it.
-You,- he said harshly to me. -Come here immediately.
I raised my eyebrows, amazed at the turn of events.
-For what? -I said with a stupid smile. -To what? He grinned viciously, quickly turning his head to the sides, surveying the corridor.
-Get over here quickly, Y/L!- he hissed angrily through his teeth, inaudibly hitting the iron with his fist.
The smile immediately disappeared from my face, and I cautiously got up from the bunk, striding over the distance between them, cautiously pushing my shoulder forward, as if for an attack.
-Closer! You want the entire First Order to run? Stupid revolutionary...!
-Yes, I’m coming!”-I interrupted his angry tirade and slid closer to the grate, crossing my arms over my chest. -What owes such close attention to the general personally?
He rolled his eyes in annoyance at my outburst.
- What, the sadistic vein woke up? Came to take another session of torture? I said that I...
-I'm a spy.
I froze in mid-sentence, interrupted by his sharp, like a shot, statement, and my hands fell like those of a weak-willed rag doll.
-What?- I blurted out involuntarily.
-I'm a spy! How many more times do you have to say it before it gets to your rebel head? I am a spy for the First Order.
My face stretched and my stomach twisted into a tight tube as my mind frantically processed what it had just said and the full meaning finally dawned on me.
-It can not be...
-May be.
-But why?! How so?! - I had a hundred questions and a hundred words spinning on my tongue, but I managed to say only this, and that, with great difficulty. Hux chuckled, eyes flashing.
-I don't care who wins - the Resistance or the First Order, I want Kylo Ren to lose.
-Kriff…- I breathed. Armitage Hux was a fucking traitor, the one who sent data to the Resistance, helped us all along. It couldn't even be called a dream, more like a hallucination, a mirage that caused the hot sun if I was on Tatooine now.
-That changes everything... That's all...- I almost suffocated from everything that was happening. -Kriff...- I looked up at him, thinking that I would find at least a hint that he was lying, but at the mention of Kylo Ren, his face was contorted with such anger that there was no doubt left - he had just confessed to me that he was spying for the Resistance. -And now what? How can I use this information?
Hux lifted his chin again.
- I have data that will be useful to the Resistance. I will give them to you, and you will give them to your general.
-I don’t know if it’s noticeable or not,- I giggled nervously, leaning my shoulder against the cold wall. - But I'm still in the cell. I'm in prison. And a little shocked, but that doesn't matter. Now I wanted to laugh out loud, loud enough for the whole galaxy to hear. Kriff, Poe, and Finn will rip me to the bone if they find out!
Hux rolled his eyes in annoyance again.
- I'll help you leave so that you pay the least attention to yourself and make the least noise. As you usually do, children of Leia.
I thought.
-Why do you think I'll believe you, red-headed bastard?- I said low and softly, staring fixedly at his painfully pale face. He curled his lips arrogantly.
-Don't think. You have no other choice, rebel scum. Well, do you just rot here.
x x x
Surprisingly, this red-haired trickster kept his word and pulled me out of the cell. True, of course, damn it, it didn’t work out without noise, and we drew attention to ourselves. Both. And now Hux was called not a spy, but a traitor and a deserter.
I picked up the stunned stormtrooper's new blaster as I fired at the others around the corner. There was nothing left before the cherished ship, here they are, the cherished couple of meters to my freedom, a little more, and I will again be able to breathe deeply.
I pulled the trigger on the blaster again, glare flickered down the hallway. I saw that somewhere, among the stormtroopers, Hux was flickering - he was darting about in a black-orange spot against the background of light armor and it was hard not to notice him, but he worried me the least while I was fighting for my life again. My eyes were covered with a scarlet veil of excitement and hatred, while the blaster in my hands heated up, and the soldiers remained less and less. Somewhere I heard a loud exclamation, and a strange, dull thud, but I did not pay attention, jumping out from around the corner and removing the rest of the obstacles from the horizon, making my way to the ships.
I looked at every centimeter I passed—quickly, but quickly, adrenaline filled my limbs with unprecedented lightness, blood pounded in my ears, and then my eyes opened and closed several times.
-what, you got shot?- I asked for some reason, as if it was not obvious from Hux, who was pinned to the wall, and a pool of blood near him.
He didn't answer, just looking at me in fear.
-Kriff…- I muttered, shoving the Imperial blaster into my belt. -Where to?-Where is the injury?
He shook his head and I saw how his uniform was smoking in the area of ​​the left shoulder.
-Well, how is it ... - for some reason, I escaped with regret. -Give me a hand. I extended my hand to him.
-Go away,- he fished out a block with information from his pocket with great difficulty and jabbed it at my shoulder.
This made me angry. For some reason I wanted to help him stay alive, he would have died anyway, if I had left him here, he would either bleed out or be shot before I got to the base.
Why am I thinking about this?
I'm sure it's only because he pulled me out of the cell.
Only because of this.
I'm sure.
- And he said that I was a fool, - with an unprecedented force for myself, I grabbed his collar of a black uniform and pulled it towards me, putting the already former general on his feet. Hux immediately hunched over, almost collapsing. -Give at least a modicum of effort so I can help!- I barked at him.
He gave me a wild look, but complied, wrapping his good arm around me like a lifeline.
-You would have been killed here anyway, but at least there is a small chance that you will live longer ...- I muttered to myself under my breath, dragging him along with me. - I'm sure Leia will be very ... glad ...
-She'll kill me.- He protested weakly.
-She won’t kill you,- I drawled. -Other guys are doing this in the Resistance. Moreover, we value guys like you, well, who know a lot about the rear of the enemy. - The power slowly began to leave me, but there was not much left. -Besides, from our base it is much more interesting to watch the defeat of Kylo Ren than dangerously close to him.
Hux mumbled something incomprehensibly, hobbling, trying to echo my heavy steps. Probably agreed. How strange.
x x x
The troughs of the First Order weren't as disgusting as I had previously thought. The general collapsed on another seat, sighing as if he was about to split into two. The ship jumped into hyperspace and I jumped out of my pilot's seat, grabbing my first aid kit.
-Come on, taking off your tunic.-I ordered, and Hux immediately stopped dragging out his extreme drama, again looking at me in fear.
-You look like I haven’t seen naked men.- I grunted, sitting on the floor. -Come on, come on, I’ll treat you, General Hux.
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paganprankster · 1 year ago
Kylo Ren x Reader fic in the works!
Follow if you wanna read it, ill be posting it within the next day or so as it is almost complete.. Expect more fanfiction from me in the future! :>
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piglet26 · 1 year ago
Reylo Scene: TLJ Part 2
Kylo Ren and Rey go through this intense, exhilarating experience with one another. The fight for each other and he's find a way to save her by winging this shit. Solo style. Her belief in him is awarded. He kills his master and becomes a traitor to the First Order for her.
Then it falls apart as soon as they break each contact with each. Why?
Rey rushes to the telescope and wants to save the resistance (her friends). A resistance Kylo Ren, not Ben, wants to die.
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Rey may have been right in putting her faith in Ben, but her mistake is that she does not understand that ultimately this is a damaged man she's falling for. He's an abused, complicated and damaged man. She's been inside of his head and still doesn't understand this. He just killed his abuser and he's in shock. He's still in pain over what he did to his father.
Ren is lonely. It's one of his defining traits. Ben Solo was probably very lonely. For the first time he has someone who can meet him on his level. He has a person who put her life on the line for him.... he wants this person by his side. Which is why he goes to such manipulative lengths to get her there.
The reality of their force bond is while they can't hide from one another, everything is open to inspection, but because of that they feel seen and then accepted. It's a painful and fulfilling gift.
Even the room. Where the fire in the hut was warm, safe and nurturing. The fire in this scene represent chaos and destruction.
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Ren is being harsh, but he's giving her what she needs which is to free herself from the denial about her parents. She needs to step out of her childhood and embrace her womanhood. She needs to begin to leave elements of her past behind. Rey also served to free Ren/Ben. Her belief in him and her conviction that there is good in him allows him to free himself from a part of his childhood, He kills Snoke and step into his adulthood.
While the Reylo connection isn't all flowers and rainbows it does say something that Ben/Ren connection to Rey strengthened him in a way his connections to his parents and Luke just didn't.
Ren and Rey, our hero and villain, want this connection so badly, but both are frustrated by others way of thinking. Ren wants to burn it all down and forget. Rey wants somebody he's not ready to be yet. It's important to mention that while he's being manipulative - he wants her to believe that he's all she has, like in this moment she is all he has.
Most people missed the finesse of this scene. "You're nothing, but not to me." He's manipulative and he's something very raw to a woman already in a raw state, but he's not being abusive. He wants her to believe that he's all she has, like in this moment she is all he has. What he's saying in the later part of his speech is “What other people would think of you isn't important and I don't care about your background. I can see how amazing you are and you are the most important person in the galaxy to me." Ben Solo would say that. Not Kylo Ren.
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Just because Kylo Ren sucks at expressing himself does not mean Rey should accept it. She doesn't.
It's actually a sad scene to watch. Ren and Rey want this connection so badly, but both are frustrated by the others way of thinking. Ren wants to burn it all down and forget. Rey wants somebody he's not ready to be yet.
Kylo understands Rey in a way no one ever has or will. He just doesn't understand her healthy attachments or the way she's chosen to cope with her abandonment. Women fear the lost of connections. Women will be hurt on a deeper level losing a close friend than we will ever be hurt by breaking up with a romantic partner. The hardest thing for Rey to admit to herself was the truth about her partners, but she coped with denial and then finally acceptance. While Rey had a good connection with Han and good ones within the resistance her healthiest connection is with Finn. Finn and Rey believe in one another, they fight for one another and find themselves within a true supportive friendship. Temped to join him as she might be she won't join him like this. She won't abandon her friends. More importantly she won't enable him like Padme did. Kylo needs healthy boundaries and consequences.
Rey is also just not ready. She has some growing up to do and she needs to become a more fully developed person. She doesn't fully understand the his path yet. In the novelization she comes to that awareness like, "I thought this would be simpler for him, it's not, and that's my mistake."
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Another cookie for Rian Johnson is the scene above. Most writers would have had her refuse his proposal verbally and they would've argued. Instead we see her reach for the lightsaber and he reaches for it back and it get's stuck between them. There was so much symbolism in this scene without a word of dialogue. Literally they are at an impasse. Their powers within the force are equal to one another so they're stuck. It's a great visual. They actually slide further from one another. The saber breaking is literally their nature, once so powerful in harmony is equally powerful in disharmony.
They both are knocked out. She wakes before him, takes a moment to contemplate him and then sneaks off with the lightsaber. He wakes wondered why she left him alive but then trails off the Crete to kick resistance ass, now the boss and salty as hell.
He feels rejected and he has a right to be angry. He put it all on he line for Rey. He killed his master, he betrayed the first order and he made an emotional plea. She turned him down.
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Kylo Ren is now the most powerful person in the galaxy, he achieved a level of freedom not even Darth Vader knew. He is the son of legends (might not be happy about) He looks miserable in the scene when he goes into the resistance bunker. It's bad enough that he got played by Luke, but he lost the girl.
In their final forceskype, he's looking up at her as she's kneeling holding his father's dice while she's onboard the falcon helping get away. He's not happy and despite the anger he expressed about her in front of Luke....... he looks at her longing and with sadness. He's not happy about where they are. She's not happy either. She's disappointed in him so there back to a confusion.
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While she's disappointment in Ben she's also melancholy. The passing of Luke, the pitiful state of the resistance and she's sad she broke up with Ben. She closes in the door on that matter, for now, it's a pause. It's actually growth for Rey.
"I wanna be with you, but not like this so until you're I'll wait over here."
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I love this film. Haters be damned. Also, finding GIFs, damn. Also found the one I needed when I was looking for it. Spent two minutes trying to find the gif I needed when I was looking for it.
Random Reylo gif for the hell of it. Ren looking for his girl and thigh grab.
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