#general cornwallis
johannesson · 9 months
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I'm reading 'The Glorious Cause' and it's been a running detail that General Howe tends to take his time. He's in no rush, life's not going anywhere, for us anyway. smell the roses charlie, what's the big hurry So, when Cornwallis was taking Fort Washington in the middle of winter, when it's super cold and windy outside, and on the tail of the depleting Continental Army for a decisive confrontation, he stopped at a river. They would be able to cross it in about a day, or less, and the enemy is sitting ducks. Until Howe sends a message which basically says 'wait for me, i'll be there in a moment'
(“The dread had now turned ice-cold, and Cornwallis said, “Here? General Howe is coming here?” “Oh, quite, sir. The general has ordered you to remain at post here until he arrives. He is quite eager to accompany you on the chase, sir.” “When might the general arrive?” “Oh, um, any day now, sir.”... ...So, we shall sit tight and wait for General Howe. And he will arrive any day now.")
He arrived in a week.
Enemy's long gone, it's fuckin windy and cold and snowy. Cornwallis' own soldiers are tired, and he's so cold that he needed an extra jacket on top of the wool coat
("It took Howe nearly a week to fight the elements and his own habit of making a comfortable camp at every stop along the way.”)
Cornwallis, who wants to get this war done and go home :
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(Excerpts from 'The Glorious Cause,' Jeff Shaara)
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llyfrenfys · 8 months
See, I personally find this quest to find pagan/pre-Christian elements in Welsh/Irish literature quite unnerving - I don't know about anyone else.
There's something to be said about genuinely discovering pre-Christian elements in a narrative or story and that being where evidence and study has led you. But I see some people on this fruitless quest to find pagan elements in very Christian texts and sometimes it feels like if no pagan elements can be found, people start making stuff up out of whole cloth - and that can be very dangerous for already not-well known texts in minoritised languages!
There's already so much misinformation out there about Irish/Welsh texts and literature in general - so it hurts to see people carelessly adding to the misinformation either out of ignorance or lack of respect for the source material.
I promise you the source material being Christian doesn't ruin it - you can in fact, enjoy these myths without making them into something they're not!
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elden-hicks · 5 months
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lol found my old screenshots of the non-feuding vv au with younger second gen
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please, mr sunak!
gonna post some content about the uk gen election for some lols
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so yeah, not a fan of communist revolutions (somehow they always produce two outcomes: authoritarian regimes and a stalin. you can fight me over this but tell me a communist revolution that had zero purges or "labour" camps. is it something to do with being anarchist leaning? possibly) but totally going to support this one if it comes true.
edit: it took an embarrassingly long time to find "encure". no you won't find it, but you'll be able to work out where it WAS
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General George "Whoop-Ass" Washington delivers the finishing smackdown to Lord Cornwallis at the decisive Battle of Yorktown in 1781, during the American Revolutionary War.
art by Jason Heuser
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abadarkade · 7 months
Spaced out in my civics today watching The Patriot only to focus back in on someone saying "general Cornwallis is coming!" was crazy because I dead ass thought Joey Richter was about to walk through the door in a lobster costume
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Shall we play a game of "how fucked is the rental market in your region"?
Cheapest flat to rent in Falmouth right now is £850 for a one bed. No parking, no bills. Pre covid, I was paying £550.
It's the only available one bed and the two beds start at about a grand.
Genuinely not sure how someone on an average salary is supposed to afford this, and genuinely interested with comparisons from elsewhere in the UK/the world.
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justbusterkeaton · 2 years
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Buster’s Leading Ladies 1925-1929
Brown Eyes the Cow, Go West 1925
Kathleen Myers, Go West 1925
Ruth Dwyer, Seven Chances 1925
Marion Mack, The General 1926
Sally O’Neil, Batting Butler 1926
Anne Cornwall, College 1927
Marion “Peanuts” Byron, Steamboat Bill Jr. 1928
Marceline Day, The Cameraman 1928
Dorothy Sebastian, Spite Marriage 1929
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1798 – Wolfe Tone’s United Irish and French forces clash with the British Army in the Battle of Castlebar.
The Battle of Castlebar near the town of Castlebar, Co Mayo. A combined force of 2,000 French troops and Irish patriots routed a force of 6,000 British militia in what would later become known as the “Castlebar Races” or “Races of Castlebar”. The long-awaited French landing to assist the Irish revolution begun by Theobald Wolfe Tone’s Society of United Irishmen had taken place five days…
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plumbogs · 5 months
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on the topic of Capp family arranged marriages and infedelity, well. cornwall is doing fine.
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Viola wakes up early and gets to soccer every day. She wants to get that athletics scholarship and become a sports star someday, despite being sortof in line to take over the family business. She's only like 13 or so, so the elder Capps probably all see it as a thing she'll get over.
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After school she hits the treadmill. She's really focused on that body skill. She barely talks to her parents right now.
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Cornwall still manages to gather for dinner. Even if he sleeps around, he still at least sort of seems to care about maintaining the facade of a functioning family. Regan was busy building some charisma for work...
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all for nothing. This was, once again, a surprise for me. Well. At least the baby will have plenty of other Capps around this generation. I may need to actually add a second school. There's a LOT of babies right now.
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and the rarely-mentioned dog has grown older...
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Interview With Reece Shearsmith
23 March 2021
Can you bake?
A little bit. I would never say I was expert, and I do it all the time, or that it’s a hobby. When I turn my hand to it, I’m quite exacting, so I get the recipe and I just follow it to the letter, I don’t deviate, and I do exactly what I’m instructed to do. It normally turns out alright, it’s not like it always goes wrong.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My strength would be the ability to not deviate from the recipe! I know some people think “Oh, it says that, but I’ll just put another blob in.” I’m big on not doing that. I think the recipes and amounts are there for a reason, so I stick to it. But I think maybe my downfall is that I’m too exacting, and I will get too hung up on trying to make it all perfect, and therefore time will run away from me. That’s the danger for me, I think I could end up getting completely swamped in the minutiae and not see the bigger picture.
Have you ever had any culinary disasters?
Oh yes. I remember when I was at school – this didn’t happen to me, but I got blamed for it. We had to make apple crumble, and the crumble part was fine, but the apples got forgotten. So, it was crumble crumble. And the teacher was like “This is great, this is very nice,” and he was digging down for the next part, and it was just all crumble. So that was an early home economics disaster that I hope not to repeat, where you actually miss an entire main ingredient.
What’s the worst thing you could be asked to make in the competition?
Oh, I think something quite delicate, like eclairs, or some very fine pastry that requires a lot of specificity to it. I think I can do something like a Victoria Sponge, probably, but something that is either right or wrong, and there’s no leeway, I think that would be hard. It’s like meringue, you can either do it or you can’t. And no amount of working on it could get it right in the time we’ve got. The whole experience is very stressful. The clock ticking is quite a scary thing.
Have you done anything in the way of practise or preparation for the competition?
Yeah, I did a bit more baking over the last week. I thought, generally, I should just try and be in the world of mixing and adding butter. I made a few sponge cakes, and I did some icing, because I thought that might come up. They get very particular about what it is that you’re doing. So, I thought a general practice would be good. I haven’t gone to town anywhere else. I didn’t make pastry, I didn’t make bread, so if I wander off the sponge road, I’m in uncharted territory.
Did you do any baking during lockdown?
Yes, I did. We did a lot of cooking, that was something that kept us going really, so it was nice to do stuff that you wouldn’t normally do and be a bit more adventurous with the cakes and the biscuits. I did try making a couple of batches of scones, so that was nice to do. We often go to Cornwall, so we like a cream tea.
Cream or jam first?
Ooh, that’s a good question. Is there a right answer? I think I’m cream first; I don’t know if that’s wrong.
My mother is jam first, so you must be wrong!
Jam first, and then the cream on top? Yeah, I can see that, but I always think the jam sits better on the cream than the other way around.
And the cream is more like butter, and you’d never put butter on top of jam.
No, that’s my train of thought, that’s why I’ve arrived at that. But I appreciate that there are two very different camps.
Are you competitive? How badly do you want to win?
I didn’t think I was competitive. But now I’m not so sure. I think rather than winning, it’s not looking foolish. This is very exposing, isn’t it, as a thing to do, because you can just see if someone is inept or not. So, I just want to be able to do it the best that I can. But now I’m into it, I think I would quite like to win. So that tells you something about me. I don’t want to fail!
Why is Stand Up To Cancer important to you?
You can’t get around the fact that cancer, at some point, will and has probably affected the lives of everybody that we know. It’s the dreads that hangs over humankind, I think. It’s great to bring awareness to it, with a lovely show like this, that’s fun while you’re doing it, but carries with it a message about awareness, it’s there for a reason. Hopefully it will encourage people to put some money towards beating it. How could you not do it? It’s a lovely thing to be part of. And very important – probably the most important thing you’ll ever do, because you’d be very lucky to get through life without knowing someone on the receiving end of a diagnosis. It’s such a devastating illness, it touches so many people, how could you not want to be a part of trying to raise awareness and keep the drive going towards stopping it.
We’ve spent so long watching you in rather dark shows, the Bake Off tent doesn’t seem your natural habitat, does it?
No! I think that’s right. And I don’t really do many things where I’m just me. I think I’m quite a private, quite boring person, really. I try to only let the work speak for itself. But yeah, it is mostly quite a dark furrow that I’ve mined over the years. And I’m still, amazingly, being allowed to do so. But there is comedy in the stuff that I do as well and doing Bake Off is also a very funny thing to do. And I know Matt [Lucas] quite well, and I knew he’d be fun to be in the tent with. So, there were a lot of plus points going for it, and I just had to get over myself as far as presenting a version of me to camera.
Do you think people will expect you to come up with rather macabre or twisted ideas for your bakes?
Maybe. I’ve sort of veered, quite accidentally, into a bit of a Halloween theme for one of my bakes, so I’ve already done that accidentally. But I’ve not done anything too macabre. I was thinking about having some icing sugar shards of glass, with red fondant blood, but I thought it was a bit too grisly for Bake Off, so I didn’t do that.
Do you think you might be able to use your experience on the show to create an Inside Number Nine based in the Bake Off tent?
Oh yes, I think there could definitely be room for something. A Number Nine could be anything, really, because you can stick a nine on anything. If we happen to see a number nine on that tent flap as we go in, who knows what could happen once you’re inside.
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tiodolma · 1 year
ngl i think it is so cute that this 2 1/2 or 3 year old merlin is telling the tale of the two young princes that are being kept safe far away
we really need a merlin x pendragon x uther series
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luveline · 5 months
Hi I love you coworker! James series feel free to ignore if you don’t like this idea but what if Remus convinced reader to go to a karaoke bar with them and she gets a little tipsy and signs her heart out and James is just heart eyes over it
thanks for requesting <3 fem!reader
“What is that?” James asks, genuinely scornful as he points at you where you’re leaning on the bar. “Is that another margarita? Jesus Christ.” 
“You should be enjoying this.” Sirius smiles around the lip of his beer. 
“Why would I enjoy this?” 
“She’s coming out of her shell, isn’t she? You’re always calling her a priss.” 
“She is a priss, but binge drinking isn’t the same as extroversion.” 
Sirius taps their beers together. “And what are you doing tonight, James?” 
James scowls as you collect your new drink. You’ve had four or five by now and they’ve more than started to affect you, your giggling endless, your hand wrapped around the crook of Remus’ arm for balance. 
“Remus! It’s your turn, hun, get up here!” your general manager calls from the stage, a mic in her hand.
“Me!” you shout suddenly, to James’ shock and Sirius’ bright laughter. “Remus, please let me have your turn, please! I know exactly what song I want to sing.” 
Remus, who’d convinced you to come through a lot of pleading and a promise that you won’t have to sing at all if you weren’t ready, looks at you like you’ve grown horns. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes? Can I please?” 
You take his arm into your hand and you look at him with widened eyes, thumb rubbing a line that James zeroes in on, doesn’t mean to, can’t believe he’s noticed at all. He’s irked you’d even look at Remus that way. 
Because you’re annoying. Yes. Very annoying. 
You drink a good half of your Margarita and ask Remus to hold it for you before you take the steps onto the stage and chat with your general manager about what song you want to sing. You put your hands on the mic stand and prepare yourself with eyebrows pinched together, determined, even though you look a little shaky at the same time. Sirius nudges James from behind, the two of them joining Remus in the small crowd of your coworkers as the music starts. 
There are two screens for lyrics. A huge one for you, a smaller for everyone else beside you. You clutch the mic and stare resolutely at the bigger one as the melody becomes recognisable. James watches in what he thought would be smugness, but instead lays somewhere between awe and mild horror as you begin to sing.
The song is Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl) by Big Head Todd & The Monsters. James loves this song, he sings it every time he has to drive Remus to cornwall. He knows every word back to front and he likes how you seem to like it too, even if you’re butchering it, and the drunken slur to your words is ridiculous. You know the chorus well enough and sing it with a beaming smile. James maybe doesn’t like you, but it’s hard not to smile when someone else is happy like that. 
“Don’t make fun of her, James! Please don’t, she’s trying her best,” Remus says at his smiling. “And she won’t come again.” 
“I’m not,” he says, not bothering to look away from you.
Your eyes scan faces and get caught on his. He can feel the moment you realise he’s watching too, see your slight falter, and then, magically, your excitement. “James! It’s Brandy! You love this song!” 
Sirius snickers at his expression. “Mate,” he says quietly, “I thought you didn’t like her?” 
“I don’t.” 
You stumble a little where you’re standing and James has to stand extremely still so as to prevent his hands from reaching out for you. “James, I didn’t take your favourite song, okay? You have to sing Don’t Stop Believin’! Oh, shit–” You don’t realise your cue to sing the chorus until it’s halfway through, but when you do find the right words, you’re extremely passionate. 
“She sounds like Melly coughing up a hairball,” James says, wrinkling his nose. 
An emotion far from disgust settles hot at the base of his neck. 
“She looks cute,” Remus says.
“Sure, if you’re blind. And deaf.” 
“Well,” Sirius says, “you do wear glasses.” 
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myprogrammingschool · 2 years
Paradigm leads $11.8M funding for Web3 wallet security supplier Blowfish
Paradigm leads $11.8M funding for Web3 wallet security supplier Blowfish
Web3 security organization Blowfish has brought $11.8 million up in a Series A funding round driven by Worldview. Established in 2018, Blowfish is building a set-up of security items for the up-and-coming age of the web. The organization’s lead item is an instrument that assists engineers with getting their applications and savvy contracts. With the new funding, Blowfish intends to grow its…
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this will probably be long but I don’t care
It never ceases to amaze me how decent the people in Queen all are. Like yeah they are a major rock band and there was no shortage of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll™️ going on. We know this. I’m not trying to portray them as perfect people.
But like, if you look at literally anything anyone who’s spent time with them has said or just their actions in general it’s almost hard to believe how like…generous and kind they all are. I mean especially comparing to stuff you hear about the other people/groups at the time.
Freddie bought Christmas dinners for all AIDS patients in hospitals every year. He was a great tipper. He invited anyone who had nowhere else to go to Garden Lodge for holiday dinners. He bought his friends Christmas presents for a Christmas he knew he wouldn’t see. He bought Jim a car. He took in a stranded musician in Japan and sent his driver up to McDonalds when he discovered the person (I’m sorry I don’t remember who it was) didn’t like sushi and then paid the owner to let the guy just sit there. He was the peacemaker of Queen. Everyone around him has always said how funny, kind, generous, and respectful he was.
Roger got a taste of a solo career and immediately went “I’m going to raise awareness for a whole bunch of issues because I am in the position to do so.” He wrote songs about war, racism, socioeconomic inequality, AIDS, neo-Nazism/holocaust denial, domestic violence. He called out religious extremism, politicians, and the extremely wealthy sometimes by name. He’s a patron of Cornwall Pride. He had a signed congratulations note delivered to a couple who got engaged during Somebody To Love. And of course, he co-founded the Mercury Phoenix Trust and then nearly single-handedly organized what remains the largest tribute concert ever the proceeds of which went to the MPT
Brian is Brian. I mean anyone who follows him on Instagram will know he just has a philosophy of treating people with kindness. He’s a queer ally, he calls out crazy right-wing people on a variety of issues, he calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and he champions animal rights. And he practices what he preaches as you will know if you kept up with their last Japan tour and his quest to find vegan food. Not to mention as well as also being a co-founder of the MPT, he and Roger went on national television ONE WEEK after Freddie died to dispel homophobia, AIDS fearmongering, and to raise awareness (not to mention trying to clear up everything the press had been saying about Freddie).
As John is the quiet, private person not much is known about him regarding this but he obviously had deep love and respect for Freddie and I mean there is something to say about the company you keep.
I don’t really have a point I just marvel at it
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