#gene from the emoji movie
theetherealraphael · 5 months
uhhhhh so i have an incorrect quotes generator. so i made incorrect quotes ::::3
feat. @shakespeare-official-account, @thesmallestclown, @nanochittle, @gibbish-anon-from-gell, @darthpastry and myself
i would have featured more people but the generator has a maximum of 6 people ::::(
(if youre uncomfy with this please lmk!)
clown: Never going to a debate team meeting again. gibbish started their argument with "Riddle me this".
shakespeare: When manga characters add a heart emoji to their speech... I wish I could do that.
clown: You can. Just put a little love in your voice. Smile. People hear it.
gibbish: Moan.
shakespeare: Plants are basically the ideal friends. They are quiet, friendly, and easy to please. All they need is a little water and fresh earth, and they are perfectly happy to lie there all day in the sun. And they don’t make increasingly awful life choices, or hide their relationships. They have never, as far as I know, fucked a bee.
clown: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time.
*gibbish and raphael's house is on fire, but they don't know it*
gibbish: Damn, it's hot in here.
raphael: I know, it's so hot there's smoke coming out of the vent!
gibbish: First of all, I'm assuming you have no idea what the problem with that statement is.
raphael: What?
gibbish: Second of all, we need to get the fuck out of here, NOW.
*the squad is at a dinner party but someone has been murdered*
nano: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone who’s life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer?
raphael: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine.
clown: What about gibbish? Nobody ever suspects gibbish!
gibbish: Well what about shakespeare? They have a gun!
shakespeare: nano has a knife.
nano: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs clown in the arm*
raphael: Everytime I move, I crunch like popcorn.
shakespeare, singing: And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly!
gibbish: You can probably tell which family member is coming upstairs by their step pattern but wouldn't be able to pick your your own.
nano: If my own footsteps were coming down the hall towards me I reckon I would have bigger problems on my hands.
clown: Why cant trees give off something important like wifi??
shakespeare: So fuck oxygen, I guess.
clown: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
clown: What's this?
shakespeare, hugging clown: Affection!
clown: Disgusting.
clown: ...Do it again.
shakespeare: What if I took off my leather jacket to reveal a second, secret leather jacket underneath?
clown: You mean... Skin?
shakespeare: What an absolutely terrifying thing to say. Thank you.
raphael: Doctor-Patient confidentiality goes both ways. I saw my doctor killing someone on the street and driving off and I'll have to live and die quiet about it.
raphael, teaching biology: Now, what's the opposite of dominant genes?
gibbish: Submissive genes.
shakespeare: Hey darth?
darth: Yeah?
shakespeare: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?
darth: ...What.
shakespeare: So, does everybody understand?
gibbish: Yep!
raphael: I don’t think we’re on the same page.
darth: I don’t think we’re in the same book.
clown: I’m personally on a kindle.
shakespeare: …I’ll take that as a yes.
gibbish: Was I supposed to read something????
nano: I’d rather watch the movie, thank you.
gibbish: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant.
raphael, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you.
nano, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please.
raphael: Coming right up.
clown: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.
shakespeare: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
raphael: Fuck you.
shakespeare: There was a lizard in the shower so I said "Hello" to it and the person showering next to me was like "Hi?".
shakespeare: I wasn't sure whether to carry on the conversation or be like "Sorry, I was talking to a lizard."
raphael: clown just threw a tantrum about a chair.
raphael: I just won clown Tantrum Bingo.
raphael: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
raphael: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi.
shakespeare: raphael, NO!
gibbish, glaring at nano's coffin: We are gathered here today because SOMEBODY. Couldn't stay alive.
shakespeare: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
raphael: Maybe a bit tipsy?
nano: Drunk.
gibbish: Wasted.
darth: Dead.
raphael: I just want someone to take me out.
gibbish: On a date?
shakespeare: With a sniper gun?
clown: Both if you're not a coward.
nano: Real men don't hit you up at night asking for pictures of your naked body.
nano: Real men hit their desk with closed fists deMANDING PICTURES OF SPIDERMAN.
raphael, holding a Wii mote with a knife attached: Are Wii gonna have a problem?
nano, bringing out their switch remote with a blade: You best switch up that attitude.
-An hour later...-
clown, in the ambulance: Wii-U! Wii-U! Wii-U!
darth: I hate this fucking family.
gibbish: We ran out of coffee so I'm experimenting with new flavors and expanding my tastebuds.
clown: Oh, cool! So what are you drinking right now?
gibbish: Straight bleach.
clown: I have a problem.
raphael: If it's harder than 2+2, I can't help.
clown: gibbish does what people think Harry Styles does.
shakespeare: Men?
shakespeare: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
clown: They do.
darth: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
nano: *sharpens knife* We've got ways of making people talk.
nano: *cuts piece of cake*
raphael: ...Can I have some?
nano: Cake is for talkers.
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year
stupid WoF voice headcanons that I will hold on to forever
Darkstalker as either Discord from My Little Pony, or as Dwayne the Rock Johnson. HEAR ME OUT--
Scarlet has the voice of Yzma from Emperors New Groove
Swordtail as...I think his name is TJ Miller. He plays Tuffnut in HTTYD and also Gene from the Emoji Movie and I forget who else but anyways it works (edit: oh yeah also i think his name is Fred from big hero 6)
On that note, Qibli with Lenny Summers's voice
Jambu as uhh...heck whats his name...Manny Jacinto, aka Jason Mendoza from The Good Place
Winter as Zuko from ATLA
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🛼 🦴 🪲 🐝 🍅 and 🍬 ^W^
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
KISS!!!!! I'm mostly inspired by stories from KISStory, or things that I think could have happened. Also music in general for fine details, I can put a song on, shut my eyes and see what's happening like I'm watching a movie.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Paul was talking with Eric and Bruce when Gene came storming in, steam coming out of his ears.
Gene strode over and grabbing Paul’s arm dragged him into the office.   “Sorry guys, we just need a moment,” he said, and shut the door behind them.
Eric and Bruce looked at each other, shrugged and dove for the door, ears up against it.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I really wanna shout out to @elrohare and @insanityisdivine and @speckster for the lovely feedback I've received on Let Me Know. I was quite anxious about how it would be received, and this is the fastest I've ever written a multi chapter fic and it was your feedback, knowing that you were enjoying it, that has made me work so hard on it 💜💜💜
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I guess the biggest things I stress about is smut. If there's no smut I'm worried that people won't like it. If there is smut I'm worried that it is detracting from the serious themes of the story. Also the amount of description and detail. I feel like its boring without the descriptions, but then I worry cause since I see the scene in my head, I want to describe everything!
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Oh no I'm gonna get kicked out of KISSblr for this one! Okay, I have really mixed feelings about Ace. I love him for being there in the beginning and what they built together. I love the photos and footage of them all together, you can see the chemistry, the affection, the love. I love that about them. But I hate his current attitude, he has been so awful lately. I actually haven't listened to anything from his new album because of this. And I didn't want him at the last show.
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non-binarypal7 · 8 months
15 people, 15 questions (on the 15th! 😄)
Thank you very much for tagging me in this game @xagan @theflagscene @visualtaehyun @telomeke ❣️ I loved learning about y’all 🥰
1) Are you named after anyone?
My middle name was given to me in honor of my great-grandmother (one of her children was also named after her and kept that name her whole life, so I don’t feel bad about the fact that I’m changing both my first and middle names legally 😁) (even if no one else had been named after her there still wouldn’t be any reason for me to feel bad about changing my name to better suit me) 😁😁😁
2) Last time you cried?
A couple days ago in the lead up to a traumatic experience that I won’t go into but on the whole I don’t mind crying!
3) Do you have kids?
No, and I don’t plan on passing on my genes, but I can see myself potentially raising a kid in the distant future. There’s a very good chance that I’ll never be a parent, and I’m extremely fine with that. I think the ideal parenthood situation involves people who are adamantly certain in their desire to be parents (and who are prepared to respect the autonomy and complete personhood of their children) I have lots of other thoughts on parenthood, but I’m veering away from the question 😄
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
My primary sports are tennis and basketball and I really miss playing them. I played them frequently growing up and now it’s been quite a while since I played either, though the last time I played basketball was almost a year ago and it was a satisfyingly homoerotic experience and I played well under pressure, so at least I have that to sustain me until the next time I can play
5) Do you use sarcasm?
I do, but pretty infrequently, and generally only with people who I’m confident will understand and not be confused or hurt by it
6) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
If it’s an in-person meeting, probably their height, mannerisms, accent, facial expressions if I can see their face; if it’s a text-based meeting, probably their writing/spelling/grammar/punctuation style, use of emojis and/or emoticons, etc. + degree of formality for both in-person and online meetings
7) What’s your eye color?
My eyes are a bit of a kaleidoscope of colors, but the most dominant color is green
8) Scary movies or happy ending?
I don’t watch many scary movies, but I can enjoy a scary movie with a (relative to the plot) happy ending, like The Blue Hour directed by P’Nuchy Anucha Boonyawatana 😄 The Blue Hour isn’t extremely scary, but I’ll take any opportunity to encourage people to watch that film 😁
9) Any talents?
I love to sing ☺️
10) Where were you born?
11) What are your hobbies?
Writing (predominately fan fiction and poetry, I’d like to journal and write poetry more often), engaging with Thai media, and learning languages (Spanish, Thai, and Japanese are my primary target languages) are currently my main hobbies
12) Do you have any pets?
Yes 🥰 Luna is a wonderful doggy whom I love very much
13) How tall are you?
163.83 cm (5 feet 4 and a half inches)
14) Favorite subject in school?
15) Dream job?
I feel capable of being fulfilled in numerous fields - ideally I’d like to help contribute towards environmental activism and sustainable practices, as well as regulations to hold companies accountable for their environmental and socioeconomic impacts
Tagging @dropthedemiurge @thepancakelady @7nessasaryevils @ablazenqueen @fairlylokai @ullvide @topcatnikki @fandork @springkitten @arisprite @wereflamingo @gaym3bo1 @ragingbyesexual @rares-posts @kornswasianguyswag
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bunnypotions · 7 days
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a-v-j · 1 year
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Ya got me at the living as a hater part
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Also can i say i LOVE this mixed emoji feature thingy on my phone, it's like gene from emoji movie XD
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johannepetereric · 20 days
Ok, the voice of Robbie sounds familiar, and turns out it’s fuckin’ TJ Miller (Fred from Big Hero 6, Weasel from Deadpool, and Tuffnut. Apparently he plays Gene from the Emoji Movie (#overhated), and maybe I’ve forgotten what he sounds like, but I like Gene)
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waku-waku-week · 2 years
gene from the emoji movie is transgender
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stobotnik-is-canon · 1 year
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herearedragons · 1 year
For each!
OC emoji asks
Thanks for the ask!
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to…" that can apply to them?
Neilar Lavellan:
most likely to show up to any occasion covered in dirt and sweat because he just came back from the woods
most likely to start singing around the campfire
most likely to be the first victim in a horror movie
most likely to give in to peer pressure
Aqun Adaar:
most likely to have a screwdriver on him at any given moment
most likely to overprepare for a field trip
most likely to have weird allergies (poison-resistant Qunari genes and human genes interact in a weird way sometimes)
most likely to survive in a zombie apocalypse
Kyana Amell:
most likely to make a child cry on accident
most likely to understand an obscure literature reference
most likely to resist a demon of any kind
most likely to attract cats/dogs despite giving them absolutely zero attention
Adina Saar:
most likely to have paint stains on her at any given time
most likely to start a fistfight
most likely to impulse-buy something
most likely to punch a god (if DA4 won't give her a chance to punch Solas or at least an archdemon, I will)
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babyspacebatclone · 2 years
New post in the series “Things I need to write before my brain lets me go to sleep.”
How I would write The Emoji Movie to not just be a pointless trainwreck.
(Why???? I give myself bizarre challenges as writing exercises. I kinda liked the results of this one.)
Not going into all the changes, just my big three.
Smiler’s motivations are reworked. On one hand, she really is a reasonable authority figure in trying to keep the texting app from becoming unstable/deleted. On the other hand, she enforces the “don’t deviate from your purpose” specifically to serve her own needs. She wants there to be a finite amount of expressions, particularly “happy” expressions. If there is a fine grain of detail between the meanings of 🙂😀😄😁😆☺️😊😌😋, them there’s reason to use nine different smile emojis instead of just one - her. She’s willing to enforce this rule for the other emotions to maintain her monopoly on happiness.
Jailbreak expands on the entire “Being a princess sucks.” As in, she talks about (in kid friendly terms) how she’s not satisfied being a figurehead member of a ruling class who’s only in power as long as others give them power. In her words, “If I’m going to be noticed, it’s going to be for what I do, not for what I am or look like.” Obviously, more emphasis on her actually having useful hacking skills as well. One point is her having a little light graffiti tag sign she makes by drawing in the air that she leaves as her calling card.
And the big one I find brilliant:
Gene’s reward at the end of the movie is to be the app icon. Every update, the expression on the app changes, which obviously Gene in this setting is best suited for. It’s a position of respect, but also takes away his pressure to conform - of course, in universe, he’s the one making the choice of expression, and able to do ones he feels he’s awesome at.
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jay-aro · 2 years
6&11 for the ask game!
6. Name one character you headcanon as aroallo
papyrus undertale!!! he is so aro gay to me
11. Is there a popular ship you can’t stand because you headcanon one or more characters in it as aromantic?
yes that is the ship name of gene x jailbreak from the emoji movie. it can't exactly be called "popular" because the movie doesn't have a large unironic following but i don't care.
jailbreak is SO aromantic. i may be "cringe" but i'm right.
from the aromantic fandom ask meme
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cipherinator · 4 months
Sobs screams cries shakes your blog in my mouth. Anyway hii hello :3
Hshsfhhajahe r the fact that people enjoy my blog despite having to stare that gayass gene from the emoji movie in my header every time you visit it means the world to me
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ornatesheep · 6 months
Weekly Blog (Animation Project)
My Junior Animation Project is called Why Hazbin Hotel is a Masterclass in Appeal!
I chose this title because it's a bit provocative, I mean to get people interested. Some people don't like Hazbin Hotel, the character design, the creator, the writing. However, I believe that, at least in terms of appeal, the show does a fantastic job.
So far I've jotted down the 12 Principles of animation and explained what makes good appeal in animation, and im going to draw my own characters in a good designed way vs a badly designed way to compare them.
Next I'm going to talk about What makes a likable lead, giving examples of good leads like Aang, Po, and Megamind, and also bad leads like Gene from the Emoji movie, Master from Cars 2, and Megamind (from the new movie/show).
Later I'll put everything together to argue my case for why I think Hazbin Hotel is so popular and loved despite being so controversial in the animation community, mostly focused on the show's character design, music, and protagonist.
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pimpyourworld · 1 year
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Emoji Party Invitations
Invite your guests and kids with Emoji Invitations featuring Gene, Alex, Poop, and other smiley faces from the Emoji movie cartoon. With our birthday party invitations, you will get everything to surprise your kids and guest. You can personalize these Emoji party invitations and send them to your loved ones. Make them excited for the upcoming Emoji birthday party with our Emoji birthday party invitation!
Emoji Invitations details:
These are digital printable birthday party invitations ready to customize with your party details. In less than 24 hours, we will send you a proof. After your approval, you will get a PDF or JPG as a final print-ready invitation digital file.
Invitation Size (inches): 5x7
Quality: High Print 300dpi
Print File: PDF or JPG
For other Emoji birthday party themes and ideas, check our Emoji party supplies. If you are looking for a different personalized Emoji party invitation design, you can request a custom order.
Birthday Party Invitation printing options:
An at-home with a color printer.
Office supply stores.
Online printing shops.
A local professional printing shop.
Print invitation at home, in stores like Walgreens, Walmart, Kmart, Staples, etc. Or you can send an e-invite by e-mail, Viber, etc.
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calendarfree · 2 years
Make wechat emoji
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They evade it by entangling its arms and enter Dropbox, where they encounter a firewall. They make it to the trash and rescue Hi-5, but are soon attacked by a bot upgraded with illegal malware. The two start to fall in love and Gene silently debates his choice to change himself. While traveling through Spotify, Jailbreak admits that she likes Gene just the way he is and that he should not be ashamed of his malfunction. They make up in the Instagram app when Mel reveals that he, too, is a malfunction, explaining Gene's behavior. Mel and Mary go searching for Gene and have a very lethargic argument. Gene and Jailbreak escape, but Hi-5 is taken along with the app and ends up in the trash. They are once again attacked by bots, and their actions cause Alex to delete the Just Dance app. While there, Jailbreak is revealed to be a princess emoji who fled home after tiring of being stereotyped. Jailbreak reveals that Gene can be fixed in the cloud, and the group goes off into the Just Dance app. The trio is attacked by Smiler's bots, but manage to escape into the game Candy Crush. Gene and Hi-5 come to a piracy app where they meet a hacker emoji named Jailbreak, who wants to reach Dropbox so that she can live in the cloud. Smiler sends more bots to look for Gene when she finds out that he has left Textopolis, as his actions have caused Alex to think that his phone needs to be fixed. He tells Gene that he can be fixed if they find a hacker, and Hi-5 accompanies him so that he can reclaim his fame. Gene is chased by bots but is rescued by Hi-5, a once-popular emoji who has since lost his fame due to lack of use. Gene is called in by Smiler, a smiley emoji and leader of the text center, who concludes that Gene is a "malfunction" and therefore must be deleted.
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When Gene is selected, he panics, makes a panicked expression, and wrecks the text center. Upon receiving a text from his love interest Addie McCallister, Alex decides to send her an emoji. His parents are hesitant about him going to work, but Gene insists so that he can feel useful. He is the son of two meh emojis named Mel and Mary and is able to make multiple expressions despite his parents' upbringing. Gene is an emoji that lives in Textopolis, a digital city inside the phone of his user, a teenager named Alex. The Emoji Movie gained four awards at the 38th Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Picture and three technical categories, the first animated film to do so. The movie was a commercial success after grossing $217 million worldwide, but was universally lambasted from critics, who criticized its script, humor, use of product placement, tone, voice performances, lack of originality, and plot, with negative comparisons and similarities to other animated films, especially The Lego Movie (2014) and Inside Out (2015). The Emoji Movie premiered on Jat the Regency Village Theatre and was theatrically released in the United States five days later. Austin) smartphone, having a journey to become a normal meh form like his parents (Wright and Collidge). Based on emojis, the film centers on a multi-expressional Gene (Miller), who lives in a teenager's ( Jake T. Miller, James Corden, Anna Faris, Maya Rudolph, Steven Wright, Jennifer Coolidge, Christina Aguilera, Sofía Vergara, Sean Hayes, and Patrick Stewart. The Emoji Movie is a 2017 American computer-animated comedy film directed by Tony Leondis, who wrote the script with Eric Siegel and Mike White.
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