#gender stereotype
semperardens-juli · 1 year
In it, she refuses the sinuous feminity of most of the Superstars, male and female alike, performing instead an aggressively anti-sexual androgyny, awkward, jittery and amusingly contemptuous.
The Lonely City, Olivia Laing (x)
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aliosne · 5 months
Saw a post about working class butches in physical labour jobs and wanted to make my own, so: I love you butches who do childcare or early education. I love you butch nurses. I love you butch house cleaners and janitorial staff. I love you service industry butches. I love you butches who do sex work. I love you working class butches who do “feminine” jobs you are cool as hell
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redditreceipts · 3 months
how liberal men think they can help women's rights:
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how men can actually help women's rights:
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srilanka1234 · 2 years
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profeminist · 2 months
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Cartoon by https://www.instagram.com/vulgadrawings
looks like this:
[The single panel comic has a pink background. A white man with short brown hair wearing a white collared shirt and black pants is sitting on one end of a wide wooden bench. His arms are crossed and he is staring straight ahead, his legs splayed out to either side wider than his hips. To his right stands a woman with dark hair and brown skin wearing a green vest over a lilac long-sleeved shirt and black shirt. She is gesturing with one hand at the bench, smiling as she looks sideways at it.]
[Below the first drawing, the woman is now sitting on the opposite end of the bench, her hands on her closed knees. She is looking sideways apprehensively at the man who has fallen onto the ground. His arms are flung out and he looks horrified.]
White man: OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN PUSHED OFF! THERE'S NO ROOM FOR ME ON [Underlined text.] MY [End underlined text.] BENCH ANYMORE!
See also: human conversation.
"Men perceived the discussion as being equal when women talked only 15% of the time, and the discussion as being dominated by women if they talked only 30% of the time."
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tf2heritageposts · 2 months
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this is insane why are we doing misogyny on cats what the Fuck does girl cat and boy cat mean and why are we calling female cats annoying and mean while boy cats are sweet and handsome. we're literally never getting out. there's nothing to do you people don't want to change
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lunamond · 2 months
Love it when a modern "progressive" show makes all the evildoers physically disabled.
Larys has a Clubfoot, Aemond gets his eye cut out, and now Aegon is burnt and missing appendages.
Isn't it convenient that we can immediately tell a person is bad because their body looks different?
And of course, we don't explore any discrimination against these characters because they're horrible, and we shouldn't feel bad for horrible people.
People were mean to Larys because of his Clubfoot? But don't you know he has a gross foot fetish?
Aemond has impaired vision? But his eyepatch looks cool, and he is still a good fighter, so what is he even complaining about?
Aegon has been severely burnt? But he is a rapist and so let's make jokes about his dick burning off, lol.
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catboybiologist · 5 months
Do you now, or have you ever, called yourself a femboy?
Curious about something. The initial craze over the exact femboy aesthetic seemed to mostly be from 2019-2023 or so, and is much calmer now. For one, it does seem like it increased the overall, casual acceptance of cis gender nonconformity, but also helped a lot of people discover their own trans identities, whether they were transfemme, nonbinary, or transmascs finding new ways to relate to femininity. Obviously femboys aren't "dead", but they're not the same level of novelty that they were a few years ago.
This is going to be a very, very loose poll, and I know it won't cover every situation. I'm also sorry for making over generalizations! It's difficult to cover every situation. But feel free to let me know your own personal relationship with the term in reblogs and replies!
If these options are confusing, let me know! For example, I would choose "binary transfemme, stopped using the term when I realized I was trans"
Obviously if your experience doesn't cleanly fit in, I would like the best approximation! Eg, if there was a period of time where you used the term post transition, but gradually grew uncomfortable with it, you could choose the same option as me.
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sskk-manifesto · 6 months
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I really love the concept of an Atsushi / Akutagawa / Kyouka trio as it was shown in Dead Apple, and I really wish it would become a thing. I think it's neat how here Kyouka's dominant color is shown being purple as balance / synthesis of blue and red. Kyouka also uses as this kind of bridge between organizations since she was a member of both at some point, and still holds a very deep understanding of how they work. I think Kyouka could really make the sskk team work as a way to find balance between these two opposites that would otherwise clash and destroy each other.
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redditreceipts · 3 months
one of the most obviously paradoxical beauty standards is how women are expected to have a lot of hair and no hair at the same time. The same genetics that make it possible for Indian women to have very long, thick and shiny hair and perfect eyelashes and eyebrows, make them grow visible hair over their lips and on their legs. women who don't have that much hair on their body will also not be very hairy on their head, it's just logically impossible. And I've thought about that for a long time, until I understood: It's literally designed to be that way. you will never be enough the way you were born. you will always feel inferior and you will always pay to modify your body so you look like the impossible combination of full hair and no hair at the same time.
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sarafangirlart · 3 months
Bitches be like “This straight relationship is so queer coded!!!” And they literally just like each other and treat each other as equals.
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profeminist · 4 months
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"If submission were natural to women, there wouldn’t be thousands of sermons everyday reminding women to submit because nature doesn’t need reminders to run its course. These reminders exist because indoctrination depends on constant reinforcement to keep harmful ideologies alive."
Source: Ụlọma
Culture disguising itself as nature -- the oldest trick in the book
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glitter-soda · 7 months
I hate that when you see a female content creator who isn’t hyperfeminine, there’s about a 90% chance she identifies as “nonbinary”
It’s honestly just…sad
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edonee · 8 months
Having a conversation with trans-identified women gives me the same feeling as talking to a brick wall. They all go the same, so I'll just summarize a discussion I've had on here a while ago.
Socks (they/he/xe): "Oh, I identify as non-binary because I never associated with femininity, and I never felt attached to womanhood" (i.e. she doesn't like to conform to gender roles)
me: "You know womanhood isn't a feeling, right? Nobody, including myself, feels like a woman."
Socks (they/he/xe): "If you say that you should probably question your gender identity. You are probably trans. Gender is a feeling. You should read this (outdated) study about how trans people's brains are actually the opposite sex!"
me: "That's neurosexism. Also, it has been debunked. Don't you have any other arguments?"
Socks (they/he/xe): "Kill yourself TERF!!! You're probably just a trans man in denial!! Stop being transphobic!!"
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Recently, there's been a popular post on radblr discussing how women aren't allowed to have fun like men are, and how men get applauded for doing stupid shit while women get mocked.
I just stumbled upon an example of this in the wild.
Someone on r/stupidfood posted a vid of this woman who filled a fanny pack with spaghetti and ate it while skydiving. It was funny. She was clearly just being silly for silliness' sake.
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Not only was the post tag calling her "stupid", the comments were like 95% making fun of her, calling her an idiot, criticizing her skydiving etiquette, saying the spaghetti looked gross, and just generally bitching about anything and everything.
I was SO GLAD to see these people in the comments pointing out how weird that is:
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They're absolutely right. If it were a guy doing this, people would just think it's funny!!! People would be in the comments calling him a legend and a mad lad.
Filthy Frank could eat ravioli out of his shirt pocket as a stupid joke, and people could understand that he was doing a deliberately stupid thing as a funny bit. But when a woman does something similar, it must just be because she's stupid and annoying and probably trying too hard to be quirky. Fuck off.
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