#gender pride flag
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catgendermikus · 1 year ago
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❣︎ sleepyitism ❣︎
[ sleep - ee - it - is - um ]
a gender under the genderitism system coined by @labryin !! 4 when ur gender is intertwined with autism and sleepiness !! can also mean ur gender is related to sleepiness due to ur autism, ur gender is related to sleepiness because it's ur special interest in some form, or any other connection 2 sleepiness && autism !!
this gender is exclusive 2 autistic ppl !!
ఌ — the glitch did not find this gender in previous coining posts, but please let void know if it already exists !! — ఌ
[PT: sleepyitism [sleep-ee-it-is-um]: a gender under the genderitism system coined by @ labryin!! for when your gender is intertwined with autism and sleepiness!! can also mean your gender is related to sleepiness due to your autism, your gender is related to sleepiness because it’s your special interest in some form, or any other connection to sleepiness and autism!! this gender is exclusive to autistic people!! the glitch did not find this gender in previous coining posts, but please let void know if it already exists!! END PT]
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respirgender · 9 months ago
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genderweird: When there's no labels that currently exist that describe your gender.
this is of course not coined by me, i just remade the flag since i wasnt a big fan of the original nor any other flags made for genderweird. feel free to use it if youd like!
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aubryjoi · 1 year ago
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Taps the sign ☝️🏳️‍⚧️
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caeliangel · 6 months ago
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tagging: @cocajimmycola @puriette @neopronouns @genderstarbucks @genderselkies @estrogenism @haunted-thing @mogai-sunflowers
If you want to be untagged, pls lmk!
note: I do not use most of these, but I digged on the internet in order to find stuff that could very much help to make flags!
sites that will help you get inspiration with colours and generate colour palettes from nothing or even from words.
apps and sites to make flags.
any drawing app
collection of flags.
pride-flags on deviantart
lgbtqia fandom
templates to make flags for simple or more complicated terms.
neopronouns on deviantart
flag templates by crowdsourcedgender
pride-flags in deviantart
sites and information to help naming certain terms.
study.com: latin roots
latin and greek roots pdf
thoughtco.com (latin & greek roots 1)
en.m.wikipedia.org (latin & greek roots 2)
google translate
using the languages you speak (ie I often use irish or french when naming my stuff!)
Bunch of links where symbols, templates and such are in order to make symbols on your flags.
pride-flags gallery : (01) (02) (03) (04) (05)
apps: canva, picsart, etc
suffixes card: (here)
suffixes vs systems: (here)
In-nature: (here)
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squidfreak · 17 days ago
Fauxboy & Fauxgirl
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Only identifying as a "boy" because it makes it easier to explain to people who wouldn't understand your true gender, only being a "boy" for safety reasons, or your gender feels like a fake, false, made up boy!
Only identifying as a "girl" because it makes it easier to explain to people who wouldn't understand your true gender, only being a "girl" for safety reasons, or your gender feels like a fake, false, made up girl!
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bucker3911 · 1 year ago
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YAY its spooky pride flag season
(fyi: i didn't make any of theses, i got them from pinterest. full credit goes out to them! @notroxielol and @charlieeeee_3 on pinterest! and @FogPal on Twitter! :D )
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lesboytism · 3 months ago
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im making numbers on twitter 🔥🔥
14 y/o xenine me would be so proud of myself now
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sweetyamz1 · 4 months ago
Indecisive Flag
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The Indecisive Flag is a flag representing individuals who find it challenging to settle on a single, stable gender identity, orientation, or label. It's a celebration of fluidity, experimentation, and freedom to explore multiple aspects of your identity without the need for permanent commitment. Those who resonate with the label Indecisive may shift between identities or orientations frequently or may feel resistant to being “boxed in” by any one label.
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obsidiandious · 1 year ago
I like you, prides your ducks
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Order of flags from left to right top down Yellow duck - rainbow pride flag - bisexual flag - Pansexual flag Transgender flag - non binary flag - Asexual flag - Gay man Flag Lesbian Flag - AroAce flag - genderfluid flag - Aromantic
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Order of flags from left to right top down yellow duck - xenogender flag - gender queer - polysexual sapphillean flag - omnisexual - agender - intersex demi sexual - demi romantic - demi girl - demi boy
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! We can't forget our Palestinian brothers and sister that are no longer with us this month
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esims are what have been documenting whats going in, They are cheap please donate if you can. do your daily clicks too!
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boingogender · 2 months ago
✧ ▬▭▬▭▬▭▬▭ ✦✧✦ ▭▬▭▬▭▬▭▬ ✧
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ COLLEUPHORIC ☄. *.
✰ a term where one gets euphoria from collecting labels
─────────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────────────
in partnership with @acronym-chaos for @rwuffles ' team-up event! this prompt was "euphoria"
no id, sorry :[
✧ ▬▭▬▭▬▭▬▭ ✦✧✦ ▭▬▭▬▭▬▭▬ ✧
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catgendermikus · 1 year ago
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❣︎ aroweirdo / queerplatonicweirdo ❣︎
[ aro - weirdo ] / [ queer - platonic - weirdo ]
genders under the genderweirdo system coined by @donniesbf-terms !! 4 when ur gender is connected 2 being aromantic / queerplatonic && a weirdo, an aromantic weirdo / queerplatonic weirdo !! may b connected 2 being seen as / feeling “weird” due 2 being aromantic / in a queerplatonic relationship, being weird && being aromantic / queerplatonic, embracing ur weirdness as connected 2 ur aromanticism / queerplatonic relationship(s), etc !!
ఌ — wisdom’s daughter did not find this gender in previous coining posts, but please let sol know if it already exists !! — ఌ
[PT: aroweirdo / queerplatonicweirdo [aro-weirdo] / [queer-platonic-weirdo]: genders under the genderweirdo system coined by @ donniesbf-terms !! for when your gender is connected to being aromantic/queerplatonic and a weirdo, an aromantic weirdo/queerplatonic weirdo!! may be connected to being seen as/feeling “weird” due to being aromantic/in a queerplatonic relationship, being weird and being aromantic/queerplatonic. embracing your weirdness as connected to your aromanticism/queerplatonic relationship(s), etc!! wisdom’s daughter did not find this gender in previous coining posts, but please let sol know if it already exists!! END PT]
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respirgender · 2 months ago
hihi! me again, in response to your question: I'd like a flag for a gender that feels like a wolf that died, but was then brought back to life by some higher power or deity. It's stitched together with a golden thread, blesséd by the god that took sympathy on it.
this was fun for me. thank you for the request!
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[image ID: two nearly identical rectangular flags. there are nine horizontal stripes. the first four stripes and the last four stripes are equally sized, but the middle stripe is slimmer and resembles stitches. the stripe colours, from top to bottom, are: cerulean, cyan, green-blue, light green, gold, grey, grey-brown, a somewhat darker grey-brown, and red-brown. all of the colours, except for gold, appear more dull rather than vibrant or bright. on the second flag, the gold stitching has a shiny gold effect. end ID.]
lycaudeic: a gender that feels like a wolf that died, but was then brought back to life by some higher power or deity. it's stitched together with golden thread, blessed by the god that took sympathy on it.
the name comes from several words. lyc for wolf, au which is the symbol for gold on the periodic table, dei meaning god/gods, and -ic just being a common xenogender suffix.
the colours are just my personal associations with wolves [brown and grey] combined with red [for death], and blue for gods/deities.
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mogaimagic · 9 months ago
Reposting this on tumblr so that no nonblack queer’s coin soulgender
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localratwithcowboyhat · 5 months ago
Made a little halloween bigender flag because i couldn’t find any online
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Putting it here if anyone wants it
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vampgenders · 9 months ago
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❝ A xenogender connected to old , “bad/poor” animation and video game graphics . it is a general label and may relate to the silly, comforting, nostalgic, and/or liminal aspects of old graphics . ❞
this gender was made with classic minecraft , gmod , and sonic 06 in mind , but is unrelated .
⛤ coined by vampgenders
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lesboytism · 1 month ago
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𐙚 ﹐genderpunk queer infographic
my infographic! the flag redesign and symbol are also both mine ꒱
can also be shortened to GP movement
we DESPERATELY need this movement because trump is destroying the rights of LGBTQ+ (especially trans people right now), and i want our voices heard!! our body, our fucking choice!! neither nature or biology adhere to the male/female binary!! hrt and gender-affirming surgeries is life-saving and extremely beneficial healthcare, more people regret having children than medically transitioning!! i'm tired of rich old cis men making decisions about what's best for my body!! i'm a proud nonbinary transsexual who uses neopronouns!!! i just want a happy and normal life like everyone else!! is that too much to ask for?? I JUST WANT BASIC FREEDOM AND EQUALITY TO EVERYONE ELSE.
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