#gender nonconforming will solace
bittertongue · 4 months
artists who make gnc Nico art!!
artists who make gnc Will art!!
artists who make solangelo art where just one of them is gnc!!
artists who make solangelo art where both of them are gnc!!
(I hope you all know that I am kissing you so sweetly,, on the mouth)
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lavend3r-stardust · 2 months
Anything can be gay if you gender hard enough. And if your gender peaks and reaches the pinnacle of mount genderest, then go ahead and make out with everyone because you're just hot like that
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balladofthelamb · 2 months
i know i go on a rant about this like every few months but in any case with that being said i feel like the "girliepop masc" apocalypse has truly done some real damage to some beautiful butches who are now probably afraid to be seen as too dominant or too masculine, at risk of being undesirable to the dykes they want to attract. everyone wants a soft butch and then they fail to realize the reason other butches arent as soft or as sassy or as fun as they want is because its hard to be a butch and because butches are real people with real feelings under their masculine sexy exterior. but that requires real work to get through and its much easier to dismiss more masculine sapphics as being "as misogynistic as straight men" and to go for the androgynous presenting sapphics that are just masculine enough to scratch your itch but who arent interested in identifying as butch and who dont scare you with their gender nonconformity. .... and then everyone is surprised by more butches going butch4butch... complaining about a masc shortage...... though in a way i suppose it makes me happy that ive seen more butches find comfort and solace in each other.
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thistle-nightshade · 6 months
Initiatives we love
Trans Rights Readathon
MARCH 22-29, 2024 “The Trans Rights Readathon is an annual call to action to readers and book lovers in support of Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV) on March 31st. We are calling on the reader community to read and uplift books written by and/or featuring trans, genderqueer, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming, and 2Spirit authors and characters.”
Sign Up Here
Kraken Collective
"The Kraken Collective is an alliance of indie authors who have pooled resources to publish high-quality fiction while retaining complete creative control over our stories. We aim to provide a wide variety of science fiction and fantasy stories, all starring LGBTQIAP+ characters. From alien hunting lesbians to complex political fantasy, The Kraken Collective publishes queer SFF that will blow your mind away and leave you craving more. Although it begins as a simple cooperative between authors, we aim to grow into an unique publishing model capable of supporting queer indie voices everywhere in SFF. We are committed to building a publishing space that is inclusive, positive, and brings fascinating stories to readers. Cephalopods are fascinating and deeply intelligent creatures: masters of camouflage, brilliant escape artists, and underwater innovators–from the millimeters-long cuties to the kraken-like giants, they’ve impressed us with their constant ingenuity and creativity. In short, they are awesome. Just like us. We hope to create a kraken-sized cloud of ink through our stories and that, like an octopus hiding in its ink, you too can find refuge and solace in our worlds.”
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DYB Publishing
Decolonize Your Bookshelf is a publishing initiative run by Dominique(also the owner of Paperbacks & Frybread) and Michael LaBorn. They are dedicated to celebrating and uplifting voices of Black, Indigenous and other marginalized communities. They aim to increase representation and accountability in publishing by highlighting books by underrepresented authors and helping authors write better representation in their stories. The first book they published is Alfajiri by Michael Laborn. This is a great book for anyone who wants to dip their toes into fantasy. It has a lot of great fantasy themes while being short and easy to digest. It was so popular that Laborn wrote and extended edition of the story.
Alfajiri on DYB Publishing
Aro and Ace Database
“Enter a few keywords in the search bar of the database to find an aromantic or asexual character! These can be orientations (demisexual, grayromantic, etc.), story genres (fantasy, contemporary), or many more—and you can use more than one.”
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Queer Liberation Library
“Queer Liberation Library (QLL) is fighting to build a vibrant, flourishing queer future by connecting LGBTQ+ people with literature, information, and resources that celebrate the unique and empowering diversity of our community.” Apply for a membership to browse books on Libby.
Everywhere is Queer
“This is a public resource (and ever-growing searchable map!) created for the LGBTQIA2S+ and ally community to find welcoming, queer-owned spaces to shop, connect, eat, learn, and grow all over the world… even in your own neighborhood!”
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sailorgoon13 · 5 months
Gwendolyn Malfoy
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Full Name: Gwendolyn Lucille Malfoy
Nickname: Gwen, Gwenny
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 5 June, 1980
Heritage: English
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Ebony, Dragon Heartstring, 11", Supple
Hair Color: Black with green ombre ends, natural waves
Eye Color: Hazel, green with gold specks
Skin Tone: Fair
Height: 5'7"
Body Type: Slender and petite
Style: Grunge and edgy. Normally wearing fishnet stockings paired with baggy pants or ripped shorts, cropped t-shirts with band logos or bold graphic prints, well-worn Doc Martens boots or her tattered pair of Converse. Nonconforming and unapologetic
Features: Messy hair usually pulled back in a ponytail or bun. Multiple ear piercings and her right nostril. Rose tattoo with thorns on her shoulder and a Dragon on her back representing Draco. Wears chunky silver jewelry, chokers, or studded belts and her makeup is most times lived in causing her to have smeared eyeliner or lipstick. Opts for darker colors
Traits: Rebellious, Independent, Stubborn
Likes: Music, Vintage Fashion, Nighttime
Dislikes: Authority, Hypocrisy, Close-Mindedness
Hobbies: Exploring, Graffiti, Drinking
Fears: Claustrophobia, Losing her independence, Being Forgotten
Family and Friends:
Father: Lucius Malfoy
Pure Blood Aristocrat
Former Death Eater
Has high expectations of his family
Mother: Narcissa Malfoy
Noble and Elegant
Protective Mother
Complicated Relationship with Gwen
Siblings: Draco Malfoy (Twin)
Closest bond Gwen has
Accepts his role as the heir
Looks out for Gwen and always wants what is best for her
Friends: Has never found much in friendships and usually sticks to herself. She see's Draco's friends as acquaintances but nothing more than that. She is otherwise seen as a 'mean girl' and isn't afraid of other peoples thoughts of her.
Special Abilities: Natural aptitude for Dark Magic
Boggart: Her parents
Patronus: Black Swan
Polyjuice: A deep, dark hue with greens and purple swirling around. Would smell like leather and wildflowers. It's taste would be bitter like strong black coffee with a smokey aftertaste and it would have a gritty texture like dirt.
Amortentia: Bonfires and burnt marshmallows, fire whiskey, jasmine and vanilla (hints of her Dior)
Gwendolyn was born into a world of privilege and expectation, the twin sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. From the moment she entered the world, it was clear that Gwendolyn's path would be anything but easy.
As a newborn, Gwendolyn was frail and delicate, her tiny frame a stark contrast to her brother's robust health. In the womb, Draco had unwittingly absorbed much of the nourishment and vitality that should have been shared between them, leaving Gwendolyn struggling to survive from the moment of her birth.
Her fragile state only served to exacerbate the simmering tension within the Malfoy family. Lucius, ever the proud patriarch, viewed Gwendolyn's weakness as a personal affront, a stain on the family name. He could barely conceal his disappointment and resentment, his icy disdain a constant presence in Gwendolyn's life.
Narcissa, torn between her loyalty to her husband and her maternal instincts, did what she could to protect and nurture Gwendolyn. But her efforts were often overshadowed by Lucius's bitterness, leaving Gwendolyn craving the love and acceptance she so desperately needed.
Draco, ever the dutiful son, stood by his sister's side, a source of unwavering support and comfort in a world filled with uncertainty and cruelty. He defended her against their father's wrath, offering her solace and encouragement when she needed it most.
Despite her family's disdain, Gwendolyn refused to be defined by their expectations. From a young age, she rebelled against the constraints of her upbringing, embracing her own identity with a fierce determination. She found solace in music, art, and the company of like-minded souls who shared her outsider's perspective.
As she grew older, Gwendolyn's rebellious spirit only intensified, her defiance a testament to her strength and resilience. She cared little for her father's disapproval, forging her own path with unapologetic defiance and independence.
Though she may have been disowned by her father and misunderstood by many, Gwendolyn knew that she was not alone. With Draco by her side, she faced the challenges of her world with courage and determination, determined to carve out her own destiny in a world that sought to break her spirit.
Best Subject: DADA
Favorite Subject: Potions
Favorite Professor: Professor Snape
Worst Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Subject: History of Magic
Least Favorite Professor: McGonagall
Student Life:
Skipped classes and missed lectures which caused her to fall behind most times
She wasn't afraid to speak her mind and hold her ground which she found herself bumping heads with even her Professors
Is seen as kind of a 'mean girl' and a bully just like her brother, only she wasn't afraid to get in trouble and use her hands
Drank more frequently than she should, pushing her limits and finding herself nursing a hangover in the morning
Template: @hazyange1s
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katiesfriendzone · 9 months
tw: pedophilia; however please read b/c you all deserve my honesty.
I am extremely apprehensive about writing this and understand if you all can't be my friend anymore. I just cannot take the feeling of lying by omission to you all anymore.
I am friends with self-identified non-offending female pedophiles and it's because the big problem I allude to on my blog was thinking I am one.
In 2020, I was coming to terms with the fact that my beliefs were not very consistent, and the situation with Emmett made me realize I didn't really have business calling myself a feminist. this led to a period of intense questioning of many things I believed to be an established part of myself.
This period of questioning lead to an intense period of what would probably be labeled POCD. I still struggle to understand the difference between a closeted sexual orientation and an intrusive thought, as closeted gay people also experience their attraction as "unwanted thoughts"; thoughts being unwanted doesn't mean they don't reflect something real because they could be unwanted for so many reasons.
The idea that it was my sexual orientation made sense. After all, if being a lesbian or a gay man can also be characterized by aspects of personality not necessarily related to sex, like a gay man reminiscing of playing with girls instead of other boys at recess or a lesbian reminiscing on her days on the softball team, surely my form of gender nonconformity, which doesn't embody rugged masculinity or feminine polish but childish lack of both adult femininity and masculinity, could be part of my orientation. It would explain why I felt asexual towards men and towards women.
I like kids. That is obvious. I can't peek into anyone else's head who likes kids in a Normal way and see if their feelings for children are different from mine. I think children are, physically, cuter and nicer to look at than adults. I don't feel anything about their genitalia but as we know I actively dislike both vulvas and penises so that's kind of a moot point. I've never watched CP, but I've also never really watched adult porn. A mutual of mine who's since blocked me, maybe bc she was canny enough to clock this or maybe just bc im annoying, wrote a great post about queer refusal, and how queerness is often implicitly defined about being about being more and more open sexually, whereas for lesbians, often the most non-conforming thing about them is their LACK of attraction to/refusal of men. I think women who aren't attracted to men and lack the capacity to be attracted to men for whatever reason are queer, oppressed, etc. full stop.
I understand why, hearing this news, your concern and compassion would not be for me, but for children. I understand, with child sexual abuse being so rampant and CSA:pedophilia being synonymous in people's minds, that it could seem insane that someone who is hypothetically doing all this damage could be the one who is sad. I would like to make a big ask right now and ask you to consider queerness through the above lense and see why someone who is not attracted to men or to women might relate to or find solace in gay, lesbian, queer sentiments and struggles.
again, I can't peek into anyones head. I feel less repulsed by vulvae and penises than I did at the height of all this, and there are certainly adults who I like to look at (hi Dev Patel), and when I feel even the slightest glimmer of attraction to an adult, I indulge in it (hi, obsessive Dev Patel posting) to the most extreme degree I can. However, if you were to replace "man" with "adult" in the Lesbian Masterdoc, then well, you can see it from space.
The communities I've found have been very male centric. Even the resources that exist think of women like me as, and this is a direct quote from a clinics website, "irrelevantly rare". Women in these spaces are basically forced to rub elbows with misogynistic, antifeminist men because feminists have made it clear we aren't welcome.
I am a question mark. I'm always open to one day feeling the right way. But my best friend, who I met through one of these communities, has known this about herself since puberty. The idea that pedos just can't get someone their own age is especially painful for her experience, because like all women, she deals with sexual harassment and unwanted attention from men. She's my friend and I refuse to abandon her, even if it turns out I'm not the same as her. I would actually rather die than betray my friends when they are suffering.
Since this all began, I have seen countless testimonies from female exclusive pedophiles (meaning ones like my friend who feel nothing for adults and in my opinion fit the model of queer refusal of men I discuss above) and I would characterize them with despair, desperation, depression, alienation, rage, and a belief in ones inherent inferiority. I simply refuse to cosign these beliefs in other women based on thoughts and feelings they cannot help.
I'm not sure where this leaves me and you guys. I accept whatever happens to me as a result of posting this. I will add the following disclaimers: in addition to all of this I do also have maternal/auntlike instincts, and my feelings about my own niece or the kids of friends on here are purely aunt feelings. When I first confessed all of this to Ted his response was initialy that my feelings for children were normal, and that i just lacked attraction to adults, but the thing is most people seem to think that asexuality isn't a real orientation, so I'm not sure what that would make my orientation. But again: i simply refuse to betray my best friend.
I wonder what the price of honesty will be...but in my opinion, the truth is priceless. I do not know what you are all going to do to me after this post, but whatever you do is up to you. It's 100% your choice. I'm sorry for lying to you all by omission the past few years, and you don't have to accept my apology. I don't know what I'd do in your position. But I don't really know what I'd do in my position either, I guess this.
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marlo-noni · 1 year
My main thoughts these days have all been Cdrama thoughts. Being in school and working at the same time burns me out, and Cdramas are my solace.
Anyway, Love is Written in the Stars is absolutely ridiculous and often lacks logic, and yet I am totally enjoying it! I'm all caught up and eagerly awaiting new episodes. I chalk it up to the charisma of the two leads, and actually the supporting characters are all delightful as well.
There's also some fun gender/feminist stuff which, on its face, follows acceptable political lines censorship-wise, but can also be interpreted in more progressive ways if you squint. But even some the overt feminist stuff is good: the male lead is fully supportive of his love interest taking the leadership role that he stepped down from for her sake, he doesn't want her to be ashamed of her femininity (i.e. not needing to be 'not like other girls'), and he was attracted to her (albeit confused) even when he thought she was a boy. The problematic part is that there's no wiggle room for wanting to be gender nonconforming (or for a same-sex pairing) - that possibility is simply not explored, because it falls outside the bounds of an approved narrative in the censors' eyes.
I'm also realizing I'm just not really a xianxia person. I couldn't stand Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. Love Between Fairy and Devil, probably the most popular costume cdrama last year, was enjoyable enough, but elements of it also kind of annoyed me. I liked The Starry Love so much because it was very funny (comedic costume dramas seem to be my wheelhouse), but the xianxia elements were boring for me. So I'm not gonna watch this new one with Bai Lu, but I hope the xianxia fans have a good time!
I'll be over here with my trashy budget nonsense, and also the Wu Lei badminton drama, and then up next, Sleuth of Ming Dynasty because I've never watched it and keep hearing good things!
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aroadamparrish · 2 years
i know gender nonconformity is highly associated with queerness, but today i was thinking…
butch women are attractive. queer women find butch women attractive, but are there cishet men who are attracted to butch women? from what i could find with some causal searching — the answer is yes… but butch women are so seldomly into men that it is immaterial. on the other side of the coin, some straight women identify as butch (and not trans), but have trouble finding partners (though it is not impossible).
it’s demonstrative of how cishetereosexuality reinforces itself: even when cishets would prefer to live outside of the ideal, their options are usually too cishet, or too far on the Kinsey scale for it to be possible.
i find it refreshing that queer people are not alone in finding gender nonconformity personally or sexually appealing. no experience is universal, but no experience is exclusive, either.
(**disclaimer that, of course some people may not be fully aware of their own gender or sexuality, but many of these people note that they have deeply considered whether their gender or sexuality may be queer in some way, and still identity as cishet.
on that note, one did call himself a lesbian man, which i found moving. i think it speaks to how some cishet people can be “queer” in the sense that they find solace away from the confines of the cisheterosexual. i feel like the world would be a better place if more cishet people appreciated the queer experience on a personal level. queer is beautiful and anyone can appreciate beauty.)
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area51-escapee · 1 month
Like the thing about being a “weird girl” during a time when everyone is extra judgmental of themselves and others means that other girls are going to try and fix you. They’re going to try and give you advice to be a “regular girl”. And even if you take this advice and try really hard, you’ll never really be a “regular girl”, and they’ll remind you of this, often. And when you grow up you’ll see people saying what you went through was a choice you made for “male attention”. But you didn’t want the attention of shitty middle school boys. They didn’t like you either, you were just a “weird girl” to them, you were a joke, a punishment, the one everyone had to ask out on a dare because the thought of doing so even as a dare was so repulsive, and they made sure to tell you that too. So you find solace in other “weird girls” and “weird boys”, you’ll all likely grow up into some varying degree of gender nonconformity and queerness. And you’ll see people saying that the way you coped with your treatment as a “weird girl” was just because you wanted the attention of men, but you were 12, you knew you were different but you wouldn’t know why until 10 years later, and you really just wanted some friends.
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jpt1311blog · 2 months
Wandering Son
I found that the themes of this anime were very relevant for today's society and informative. The story of Wandering Son dives deeply into themes of gender identity and self-discovery through the lives of its young characters. The series follows Shuichi Nitori and Yoshino Yoshino, two middle school students navigating their complex feelings about gender and identity. Nitori, assigned male at birth, feels a deep sense of discomfort with his masculinity and yearns to present as female. Yoshino, on the other hand, is assigned female at birth but is more comfortable in traditionally masculine roles.
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One of the core strengths of Wandering Son lies in its sensitive and nuanced portrayal of gender dysphoria. The series doesn’t shy away from depicting the internal struggles and societal pressures faced by Nitori and Yoshino. Nitori's discomfort with the male school uniform and his desire to wear female clothing are portrayed with remarkable empathy, shedding light on the emotional toll of not aligning with one's assigned gender role. Similarly, Yoshino’s experiences of being gender nonconforming are explored with depth, showing the difficulties of navigating a world that imposes strict gender norms.
The anime also addresses the reactions of those around Nitori and Yoshino. Their friends, family, and classmates offer a range of responses from supportive to hostile. This variety of reactions underscores the broader societal challenge of accepting non-binary and transgender identities. For instance, Nitori’s attempts to express her femininity are met with discomfort and resistance from some, illustrating the discomfort society can have with deviations from normative gender presentations.
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Another key aspect of Wandering Son is its portrayal of the therapeutic nature of self-expression. Both Nitori and Yoshino find solace in their preferred gender presentations, despite the challenges they face. This personal expression is a critical aspect of their journey towards self-acceptance and understanding. Wandering Son offers a touching exploration of gender identity, capturing the struggles and triumphs of its characters with empathy and insight. The anime stands out for its thoughtful treatment of issues related to gender dysphoria and societal expectations, making it a great narrative on the quest for authentic self-expression.
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bitch-spectrum · 8 months
Why would a gender non conforming person be in the trans community if they are cis?
Your basically saying clothes = gender which seems extremely sexist, homophobic and even a bit transphobic?
A “masculine” woman is still a woman and a “feminine” man is still a man. Clothes or personality doesn’t make you trans or queer. What makes you queer if you are not heterosexual or cis.
L take. A cishet dragqueen/king is still queer. Gender nonconformity is queer because it will get you hatecrimed by a transphobe cis or not. Cope
For the record I never said that clothes = gender. I said gender nonconformity is queer and some gnc people find solace in trans spaces even if they are cis. That doesn't mean every single gnc person has to identify with being queer.
Anyway don't come back crybaby. I don't do online discourse. You can go talk shit about me to your friends on discord because I said gender is a social construct and the people that constructed it in the first place get mad when it's broken. Trans or not.
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a-rods-art · 3 years
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for you my loves
idk why but i vibe with he/they nico
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Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto is a short, two-part novel translated by Megan Backus about a young girl who is taken in by the Tanabe family after her grandmother (and last living relative) passes away. She finds solace in cooking for Yoichi and his transfeminine mother Eriko, and soon finds that she has found a new kind of family in the two of them. 
It's a heartwarming story that manages to be sweet without flinching away from the painful loneliness and difficulties of grief. The book is a fast, charming read. Eriko is a stunning mother figure whose portrayal in 1988 was likely very radical. It has a touch of romance, but a realistic touch, and one that doesn't overwhelm the novel's main themes of gender roles, closure, being open with your emotions, and the difficulty of overcoming deep grief. 
I would add a hefty warning onto this book: for a book that took Japan by storm in 1988, it's very progressive, but for 2021, it's very outdated, in its approach to trans people and gender nonconformity. The word 'transvestite' is used by the trans characters, and there is a lot of deadnaming and misgendering. The characters refer to their time "as men" and the protagonists often mention that the characters are "really" men. But the narrator uses "she/her" in no uncertain terms for all of these characters, who are portrayed explicitly as women, and accepted for their identity. So while readers should be cautious if these are triggers for them, I encourage readers not to skip this book due to its outdated nature. 
Content warnings for family death, sudden death, grief; misgendering, deadnaming, transphobic violence and murder; suicidal thoughts and mentions.
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dreamingofcrows · 3 years
Top Five Ships + Fav Ao3 Fics
My Top Five Favourite Ships + My Favourite of the their Fics I’ve found on Ao3 
in no particular order: 
1. Adam Parrish/Ronan Lynch + Man of Masks 
Man of Masks by EtoileGarden 
Rape/Non-Con, Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Joseph Kavinsky/Ronan Lynch, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Joseph Kavinsky, Richard Gansey III, AU Aged Up, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, dubious bdsm practices, Under-negotiated Kink, D/s, the catholic church does be traumatising, Guilt Dom Ada,m adam is not the one involved in the non-con jsyk, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Not Actually Unrequited, Love, Sex, explicit - Freeform, Joseph Kavinsky is His Own Warning, People are Assholes, Anal Sex ,Fingering ,Discussion of sexual assault, role-play
I have no idea what I love so much about this fic. Probably the 10/10 pining, Adam’s quasi- nonchalance about the whole affair and Ronan healing. I also want to shoutout my own pynch fic, bc it’s also one of my favourites
2. Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck + The Face Behind the Phone 
The Face Behind the Phone by Feriku
No Archive Warnings Apply, Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Wylan Van Eck, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jan Van Eck, Colm Fahey, Alys Van Eck, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - High School, Texting, Dyslexia, Panic Attacks, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Self-Esteem Issues, Trust Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Jan Van Eck is awful, wesper
This fic is so good for so many reasons including but not limited to the fluff, how Wylan uses texting w/ his dyslexia, there’s no trying to ‘fix’ Wylan’s dyslexia just making accomodations for it, the mistaken/ hidden identity is *chefs kiss* and the way the author used Jan Van Eck against himself, which gave me the idea of how to stop Van Eck in my own fic
3. Magnus Bane/ Alec Lightwood + darling, your love is worth its weight in gold
darling, your love is worth its weight in gold by rebel_ren
No Archive Warnings Apply, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, The Lightwood-Banes, Established Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood,  Domestic Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood,  Human AU,  Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Fluff, Happy Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Married Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Parents Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood First Meet, Mundane Magnus Bane/Mundane Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane Loves Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood Loves Magnus Bane, Lightwood-Banes Being a Family, Cute, Max Lightwood-Bane 
just a fluffy slice of life fic, one of the best integrations of song into a fic I’ve seen 
4. Crowley/Aziraphale + Free Trial Boyfriend
Free Trial Boyfriend by angelsnuffbox
Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe – Human, Pining Crowley (Good Omens), I mean seriously crowley has it BAD, Swimmer Crowley, Demisexual Aziraphale (Good Omens), Slow Burn, Oblivious Aziraphale (Good Omens), Experienced Crowley (Good Omens), Best Friends to LoversL, ove Confessions, First Kiss, Fluff and Humor ,Romcom feels, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Human AU, Getting Together  
I am an absolute slag for demisexual/asexual/ gender nonconforming Crowley/Aziraphale so I loved this au fic making that a huge part of it. Crowley as a swimmer is also great.
5. Percy Jackson/ Annabeth Chase + The Roommate Agreement 
The Roommate Agreement by Knuffled 
Friends With Benefits, Smut, Shameless Smut, Percabeth , smut, percy jackson – Freeform, Annabeth Chase – Freeform, Percy/Annabeth – Freeform, Heavy Angst, Character Death
Entirely just because I love slow burns and friends with benefits situation, the angst is real
Honourable mentions: Richard Gansey III /Blue Sargent/Henry Cheng,  Carmen Farooq-Lane/Liliana, Will Solace/Nico Di Angelo,  Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro,  Will Herondale/Tessa Gray,  Hearthstone/Blitz, Renya/Lester
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bottomharrykingdom · 4 years
(1) I don’t mean to be rude or ignorant, I just come from a sheltered upbringing and just want to understand and learn. Harry being transgender confuses me. Obviously he hasn’t confirmed his gender or sexuality to us explicitly. I just don’t see how he’s transgender because he’s not becoming or going to be in future, a women. Also could calling him transgender not be offensive? Not in a transgender is bad way but assuming his femininity means he want to be a women...
(2) my gay friend finds it upsetting that just because he’s feminine people assume he wants to be a women. Could speculating his gender be offensive to Harry? Once again I really don’t mean to upset anyone, I genuinely just want to learn and be more open minded. I’m really sorry if I’ve offended anyone through my questioning! Just to clarify and I may not fully understand it but I don’t think transgender is bad or anything, you should be authentically yourself!! Please help me learn!
Hi! You're not being offensive at all, it's really great that you're trying to educate yourself 💖
Trans is an umbrella term for anyone who isn't cisgender, not just a term for those transitioning from their birth gender to another. So when we call Harry trans we aren't calling him a woman, we're saying he could identify as pretty much anything that isn't cis! The reason we call him trans specifically is because he used a trans flag on the cover of Fine Line.
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People have been theorizing that he isn't cis for years, but it wasn't until Harry identified with the trans flag himself that people started using 'trans'.
The reason Harry's album is believed to have references to his gender identity isn't part of an invasive conspiracy theory, it's interpreting the queer coding deliberately present in his art. If you look further there are many references to transhood in Harry's music and appearance, from using trans and nonbinary colors, to referencing books with trans themes, to working with artists who push for gender nonconformity. Harry doing all of this is a form of queer coding, a core part of LGBT culture in which queer people communicate their identities with each other in a way that keeps them safe from society's prejudice against them.
Many people are under the impression that if Harry were really trans he would say it outright. That the person who releases intimate music and refuses to explain the meanings would one day give a lengthy interview explaining his gender identity, and that we must wait for this day to say he's trans. That society has become so accepting of the LGBT community that his wellbeing and career would face no negative consequences. And that because of this any belief that he's trans is absurd. But they couldn't be more wrong.
If you aren't aware, LGBT people are the largest target of violence in the world. As progressive as you may think society has become towards the LGBT community, 2017 recorded the highest number of single-homicide related deaths in the LGBT community since 1996. The majority of those deaths? Trans people. The average lifespan of a trans person is just 30 years. Rejecting the possibility that Harry isn't comfortable with the world knowing he's trans, and would find solace in hidden messages and symbolism that register to trans people as a way to safely communicate with them, is a cruel trivialization of the actual risk of harm trans people face and the subsequent fear for their safety at the hands of the public.
With that said, no one thinks Harry is trans just because he's feminine. In fact, most of the things that make people believe he's trans have nothing to do with femininity. Femininity is not inherent to any gender. No one thinks Harry is trans because he wears nail polish and did two photoshoots last year in a dress and fishnets. That's very silly! And the trans people who recognize their experiences as trans people in Harry are not silly at all.
If you want to understand where the belief comes from, check out these masterposts 1, 2, 3 and our 'trans harry' tag! Our 'femme' tag also includes all the references to Harry being feminine and/or doing something relating to the female gender.
There's years of instances, really! It isn't any individual one that indicates Harry is trans, but the collection of them as a whole. A single puzzle piece doesn't show you anything, but when you put enough of them together the full picture is revealed! It's important to see all of these instances as a unit, and not argue over the implications of one single reason. Gender is a complex thing and everything can mean different things to all of us! Trans people are very aware of this. It has been through careful and mindful observations of Harry that have lead them believing certain actions have particular ties to gender.
Beeing trans is a wonderful thing! A small group of fans believing Harry is trans could never hurt him. The conversation comes from a place of so much love and support! There's a lot to learn and none of us can really know anything for certain, but what's important is keeping an open mind and supporting trans people. Because whether that includes Harry or not, you're still supporting trans people! And in the end, that's what matters most 💖
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indiegamesofcolor · 3 years
i know a lot of the games u post r lgbt but is there a specific blog like urs? that’s all about lgbt indie games?? or if u could list what games u post ARE lgbt too that would be cool. sorry i hope this is ok to ask?
oh yeah ur okay anon! I was actually thinking about whether or not theres a blog like that. And while doing some research, I've found some stuff for you! I don’t really use twitter, so I cannot personally vouch for the twitter accounts im gonna link, but they look like something you may be interested in checking out:
Represent Me seems to be a twitter dedicated to representing lgbt devs and boosting representation/inclusion in the industry. 
GaymerX is a nonprofit for LGBTQIA+ people in the industry 
Queerness and Games (QGCon) focuses on the intersection of lgbt issues and games
some poking around may help ya find some game bundles. I know in the past there's been two separate bundles of of indie games and TTRPG games made by developers who are LGBT+ hosted on itch.io
there’s also the Rainbow Game Jam that seems like a promising source of games. You can also follow their twitter here! I heard about it from a discord I’m in for trans game devs. you can follow the twitter for that server here.
Steam also has a category of LGBT+ inclusive games, but whether or not some of the games are actually inclusive and which ones were made to fetishize m|m and w|w content would require some further research. 
This article also lists 6 indie games made by trans and gender-nonconforming devs, some of which have been released and some that are still a work in progress.
As for games I've posted that have lgbt themes/narratives or that were made by lgbt devs, I'll list the ones that have public info on that kind of stuff under a Read More
And I can make sure to start an “lgbt games” and an “lgbt devs” tag to help future navigation :)
Games I’ve posted about that either involve lgbt content, or whose devs are publicly open about being in the lgbt community: 
Garden Story  (lgbt devs)
Butterfly Soup (lgbt content + lgbt dev)
Dear Gregorie, Dear Accordio (lgbt content + lgbt devs; this was also a game made for the 2019 Rainbow Game Jam!!! which has other games by lgbt devs)
Later Daters (lgbt content)
Spirit Swap: Lofi Beats to Match-3 To (lgbt content + lgbt devs)
Robot Island (lgbt devs)
Koshka’s Kafe (lgbt devs)
Mîkiwâm (lgbt content + lgbt devs)
Coral Island (lgbt content)
Solace State (lgbt devs)
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (lgbt content)
DON’T WAKE THE NIGHT (lgbt devs)
Onsen Master (lgbt dev)
We should talk. (lgbt content)
Code Romantic (lgbt content)
LIONKILLER (lgbt dev)
UNSIGHTED (lgbt dev)
Lucifer Within Us (lgbt devs)
Even the Ocean (lgbt content)
Love Shore (lgbt content + lgbt devs)
this list is non exhaustive, since I haven’t had time to play every single game that’s out yet and not every game dev/studio lists personal info like one’s gender identity or sexuality online. but anyways I hope this post was able to help ya out!
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