#gender ambiguous mad scientist
luckybatcreations · 1 year
You know, there is a sore LACK of OroKabu doujinshi, and frankly I am
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audrey ii propaganda (by me)
what is more tumblrman (gn) than not having a human body but having a cool deep voice that makes people go insane with lust anyway? what is more tumblrman (gn) than being of ambiguous gender? what is more tumblrman (gn) than eating abusive boyfriends?
frank-n-furter propaganda (by me)
what is more tumblrman (gn) than being problematic but deeply fun and sexy queer representation? what is more tumblrman (gn) than being a lingerie-wearing mad scientist? what is more tumblrman (gn) than becoming a well known meme / reaction image?
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lobsel-erik · 2 years
I was originally going to write on Twitter but character limits are too much of a bother so here I am. This will probably be very messy but I'm dealing with media that probably 10 people are familiar with, so... Whatever!
I've recently found this site: https://nervetower.neocities.org/analysis.html
It has a bunch of translations and essays on the game Baroque, originally released on the Sega Saturn.
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This specific bit of info has made me OBSESSED with thinking about the game.
Sure the game was literally written in burst of inspiration by drawing tarot cards because the writers had a deadline and writer's block at the same time, and the protagonist being canonically trans was only in a draft for the prequel material, but the game is surprisingly consistent with its themes and the symbolism can still be read through a trans lens.
And because it's not confirmed and ambiguous, the protagonist can be read through multiple gender povs.
But like, why is this such a big deal? Well, Baroque and its prequel material just so happens to have one of the most incredible anti-bigotry narratives I've ever seen in a game. Specifically anti-ableism and anti-eugenics, among probably some questioning of organized religion and how corporations use it to further alienate the public into a cycle of oppression towards marginalized people. etc.
The protagonist is mass produced and manipulated by the Archangel to "purify" whatever he deems should be "purified", using guilt (the Christians/Catholics favorite thing) to do so as the protagonist is made to not remember anything besides their immense guilt over something.
For the game to progress the protag must regain their memories and find out they're a copy of who knows how many other copies, a human made into a product basically, made to feel special because they won't be distorted by their desperate delusions to escape a world destroyed by corporate greed like all the rest and have the power to "purify" things, when in reality they're just emotionally and genetically manipulated into being that.
A perfect pawn.
Now where is the trans symbolism? Well, aside from how little bodily autonomy the protagonist has, here's where things really get interesting:
In Baroque, God is presented as a woman. Before the Great Heat (aka apocalypse), God's Sense Spheres (her omnipresence, transferring data like the world is a body) assured that no great distortion would come to the reality humanity lived in, God would feel pain and know there was a wound to heal. Then the Archangel, who's really just some scientist, started fucking with the population's mental health on purpose because he wanted to kill God and create his own perfect little world. That's the short summary anyway.
At one point, with a lot of brainwashing using God's screams of pain, he created the Order of Malkuth to help him. But later the members woke up from the brainwashing and organized a desperate attempt to stop the Archangel: they would fuse Koriel number 12 (presented as a boy) with God so she could communicate in data that humans could understand. What they didn't expect however is that Koriel 12 had their own problems, and with Archangel interrupting the fusion, those problems were very amplified.
Koriel 12's guilt over being alive and God's suffering made shit hit the fan for good with the Great Heat.
And that's how the protagonist becomes mute and receives the power of God and anim- I mean, "purification".
The game begins and despite Koriel and God being now two parts of the same being, the Archangel tells Koriel to go to the bottom of the Nerve Tower, where the "Mad God" is basically imprisoned, and "purify" her with a rifle (with ammo made from the embodiment of her pain hormones).
The Archangel is literally making Koriel kill a part of themselves that's already literally buried deep into a mind tower that goes down instead of up but still has the image of a tower instead of a hole. He's basically forcing Koriel to bury the closet with them inside it because the closet isn't enough apparently.
Koriel also can't speak for themselves anymore but their thoughts can be read by the Horned Woman, which she just says out loud without explaining anything and unless you're thinking about it you won't even recognize those are "your" thoughts being spoken by another person.
Jumping ahead, when Koriel gets to the bottom of the tower, you can either do what the Archangel tells you or can just walk towards God and unite with her.
When you do this after some dying and finding out, you'll receive the true ending, in which it is made clear that while it is in a state at which it's harming everyone, the "distortion" is actually the natural way of the world, everyone needs to cope at least a little to survive, the Archangel's eugenicist campaign was the greater problem here, not the people "distorted" into representations of their suffering and coping mechanisms by his actions.
This is primarily focused on ableism and particularly the stigma around mental health.
With a trans reading, it forms a bridge so it can also just mean bigotry in general too.
Why? Well, since the 70s or something, trans people basically have to be diagnosed with a disorder to be granted legal access to transition, that's even truer for Japan, which literally puts it on paper as a disorder. And overall, transphobia and ableism go very hand in hand.
This game is now the closest I've come across to finding a game that's secretly about trans people too like The Matrix.
And this has greatly developed the brain worms 👍
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Arcee Propaganda Post
So insanely good at killing people that it’s kind of comedic. The first canon transgender Cybertronian (even if it was handled badly at first). The dude who helped her medically transition was shitty and unethical and also undead, so she spent six years doing nothing but killing him over and over again. Literally says “whatever the game, the easiest way to win is to kill all the other players.” but also gets good character development and a girlfriend. Queen of recovery and self care, even if her self care is repeatedly killing a dude for six years <3
Tl;dr, Arcee is one of the most violent characters in the entire IDW comics continuity, but she’s also an extremely compelling character and had a well-executed redemption arc, making her a worthy morally ambiguous girl boss. Plus, she’s canonically a trans lesbian.
Now for the rant…
Arcee is an ancient warrior, one of the oldest characters in the whole series BY A LOT (which is impressive, given that most of the characters are around 4-6 million years old), and the first female character introduced to the IDW comics continuity. I will admit right now, her introduction was an infamously rocky start to her character. See, when the IDW comics first began, the Transformers were conceptualized as a “genderless” species (i.e., every character was masc-presenting and used he/him pronouns). So, when Arcee was introduced, the author had to “justify” the existence of a “female” member of an asexual, genderless species. Here’s what he came up with (prepare for cringe):
Many millions of years ago, long before the Autobots and Decepticons we know and love ever existed, Arcee was a cis male (a “typical” Cybertronian), and he and his identical brother were both formidable warriors. In an effort to differentiate himself from his brother, Arcee sought out a famous scientist to surgically alter his appearance. This turned out to be a MASSIVE mistake. The scientist, Jhiaxus, forced Arcee to undergo an INVOLUNTARY GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY, in an attempt to introduce gender into Cybertronian society. Why? Who knows. But the operation was so successful that everyone whom Arcee ever came across from that point forward would think of him as female and refer to him with she/her pronouns (despite having no pre-existing concept of gender). Basically Jhiaxus gave poor Arcee, still a cis man, a ride in the gender dysphoria machine and forced him into a female body. This, naturally, enraged Arcee and drove him a little insane, and he spent the next several million years hunting down Jhiaxus to make him pay.
So, at the time of Arcee’s introduction, he was actually a cis man trapped in a femme-presenting body (note, this doesn’t make him a trans man, since he was not born into this body). And Arcee, the character, stayed that way for YEARS. This, understandably, caused massive backlash from the fanbase, and at the VERY END of the comics’ decade-long run, Arcee’s backstory was retconned. Thanks to this retcon, in the current canon, Arcee was always a trans woman and went into the gender reassignment surgery willingly, but the procedure was extremely traumatic, and Jhiaxus abandoned Arcee as soon as it was over. Trauma from the procedure and some unexplained side effect that sent Arcee into a murderous rage for millions of years inspired her to hunt down Jhiaxus, driven by absolute hatred and the overwhelming desire to see him suffer. Arcee literally summarizes this as having been caused by “bad meds”. Honestly, idk if this is better or worse than the original story.
The retcon of Arcee always being a trans woman is helped by the fact that “cis” female Cybertronians were, in fact, introduced into the comics a few years after Arcee’s debut; they were absent from the earlier comics because, long ago, every single femme-presenting Cybertronian left Cybertron to go live on its colony worlds, which lost contact with Cybertron and faded into myth and legend soon after the exodus. This exodus didn’t have a huge impact on Cybertron’s population because female Cybertronians only existed at a 13:1 ratio in the global population, so the transformers left on Cybertron after the exodus forgot all about the existence of their female counterparts pretty soon after they lost contact with the colony worlds. So, the existence of female Cybertronians made it possible for Arcee to have been born a trans woman, rather than a cis man. But I digress.
So, Arcee spent millions of years on the warpath in her hunt for Jhiaxus and slaughtered literally anyone who got in her way. Or really, anyone who happened to be near her at the time. She was established as one of the most bloodthirsty, brutally violent characters in the entire comic continuity (which included actual genocidal warlords), and the in-universe reason for her pink paint job is that she painted herself the color of the transformers’ blood (gotta have a justification for the violent maniac to be painted the “girly” color). At some point, she had a run-in with the Autobots and was thrown in prison and had her soul separated from her body and locked away in a jar; in her introduction comic, Arcee states that being a soul, detached from a physical body and floating in a blank void, was the first time she was ever at peace since the operation, millions of years ago. Unfortunately for her, this peace was cut short, since the prison warden eventually shoved Arcee’s soul back into her body (which, at the time of publication, was the female body that her male soul had been forced into) and sent her to hunt down a mutual enemy. Eventually, Arcee did find Jhiaxus, and she was then trapped with him in a dimension that existed outside of time and space for several million years. During this time, Arcee relentlessly tortured Jhiaxus and killed him over and over in the most painful ways imaginable, only for him to be resurrected after each death.
I’ve honestly forgotten how Arcee and Jhiaxus got out of the time prison, but after they did, Jhiaxus was killed (for real this time) by someone else, Arcee assassinated a politician for a morally-ambiguous Autobot cop, and then, Arcee finally declared herself done with her eons-long murderous rampage. She eventually mellowed out and joined the Autobots for real, at which point she went from being an anti-hero to a more traditional (if still violent) heroine. During her time with the Autobots, she became one of Optimus Prime’s closest confidantes, befriended a number of humans and Autobots alike, and even fell in love with a young, idealistic colonist (one of the long-lost cis women I mentioned before) after Cybertron reestablished contact with the lost colony worlds. The two even shared the first on-page kiss in any transformers comic, which was pretty groundbreaking, since it was between two lesbians (one of whom was a trans woman). After a very, very long life, filled with pain and suffering and violence, Arcee was given a fully realized redemption arc and finally got her happy ending. Thanks to the retcon making her a trans woman and not a mutilated cis man, she’s a girlboss through and through.
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killergirlfuria · 1 year
You know. There’s something nifty about morally bankrupt semi-immortal gender-ambiguous mad scientists.
Either that or I just have a type.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐙𝐨𝐲𝐚 𝐍𝐚𝐳𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐏 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒏.
    Seemingly always in a daydream, INTPs are constant thinkers whose curiosity constantly gets the best of them. They’re the type of people to ask why, to wonder how things work and think about the ‘what ifs’.
    They are curious, analytical, and independent – INTPs are often pegged as the “mad scientists” in the world of fiction.
・You grew up together in the Little Palace. She was the first person you ever saw, a true Grisha. Her powers were incredible. And you were wild with curiosity. 
・But your intrigue for Zoya was thwarted. Not by her, but by work. There seemed to be no time for anything in the Little Palace. 
・Education sucked up all your time. And your grisha powers were in dire need. 
・Your parents didn’t want you to go, especially because you were their eldest child, but the time came for you to be tested. 
・You had alawys fixed up your father’s farmer machines and tools. Your family knew you were grisha, but tried to hide you. 
・Being told you were a Fabrikator wasn’t a shock to you. It was unusual for a child to be able to fix so many things, without knowing how they worked. 
・You could pick up on the mechanics of things within minutes of studing it
・For an INTP, and Fabrikator, you were a little loud. Well, when compared to the others. To many, you were still quiet and bookish. 
・To Zoya, you were a complete nerd. But secretly, she loved that about you. 
・Everyday she would somehow end up at the workshops, saying one of her beloved compacts had broken
・You were always the one to fix them
・Zoya gets butterflies whenever you smile at her. The first time it happened, you were sitting in the workshop and she flounced in. Someone said something passively aggressively towards you, and she shot back without a second thought. 
・You couldn’t help but be entertained by the person’s red face and quick feet as they scurried away with a bruised ego
・The Darkling was intimidating, but you weren’t entirely fazed by him. He was your leader, and you believed in him. He had the Grisha’s best interests at heart. It was only logical for you to accept him. 
・So you became the head Fabrikator over time, and Zoya was even more impressed by you. Because you didn’t need charm, or charisma to get people to like you. It was your honesty and direct outlook on life. 
・Slowly, you became good friends with Zoya. She too was honest. But in a much more brutal way. 
・The years went by and puberty hit both of you like a truck
・Hormones are a crazy thing. And for Zoya, they made her even more beautiful. 
・You’d never felt love for someone before. Family love yes, you missed your parents and siblings dearly. But you had never experienced romantic love
・No one had shown you any attention in that area 
・Well, not until one of your friends had pointed out that Zoya was always looking at you
・You brushed it off. What a ridiculous thing to point out, you thought. It was probably because you always had a smudge of oil on your nose or forehead
・But Zoya kept on staring. And making conversation. 
・And after months of ‘going to different places together’ (as you thought) but your friends calling them DATES! 
・She kissed you. 
・Outright. Pointblank. 
・Put her lips onto yours. 
・And you melted... it felt like all those stories you had read, and songs you heard were all truth
・As a partner, Zoya is very passionate. She can’t keep her hands off of you in private. In public, she isn’t much for PDA.
・But she does like everyone knowing you’re hers
・If someone looks at you for too long, she will verbally murder them
・You always have someone on your side. Someone to rely on. 
・Many people think she’s the ‘one who wears the pants’ in your relationship. But really, you call the shots. 
・She may be intimidating. But she doesn’t tell you what to do. No one can. 
・Zoya loves when you play with her hair, especially if you braid it. 
・And she still comes to you when she needs something fixed
・Will summon wind to cool you down
・She would rather spend all her time with you, than with friends
・Zoya likes to be the little spoon 
・Loves listening to you rant, especially if it’s about something you’re passionate about. Even though she has no idea what you mean if you’re talking about machinery 
・At times you do get a bit possessive of Zoya, and snap at people who are trying to flirt with her. She gets very impressed...
・She actually initiates most of the cuddling 
・You guys make a lot of sarcastic comments about other people to each other
𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: Mouse, Brainiac, Book (because you always carry a book or have one in your bag). Her teasing ways don’t cease even when you’re in a relationship. 
𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆: Quality Time and Acts of Service. She doesn’t particularly like speaking her feelings, so she shows them through doing. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Nordlys by Gaute Storaas
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:   ✧ Tough On The Outside, Soft On The Inside (Zoya) x The Top (You) ✧ Slowburn Friends to Lovers ✧ “You wear the pants in this relationship” (You to Zoya) x “Oh I wish, I cannot control you at all” (she says back)
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mizufae · 4 months
I’ve finally been replaying tears if the kingdom. I had basically all but 100%ed the game last june, and then Korben got really sick and I was using the game to cope by running around and getting all the shrines and helping the dumb sign guy and finding all the wells etc etc etc etc, and refusing to go beat up ganondorf in the pit. And then Korben had to die and I stopped playing the game entirely. I’ve been wanting to actually play it but couldn’t bring myself to, and I was like, okay, I just need to wait long enough to have forgotten enough of the game so replaying it from the beginning is fun, and enough will be distracting for me so I don’t think about Korben every second of gameplay. So I gave it a chance this week and unfortunately, I am thinking about Korben every second, but, because I’ve worked through the worst of my grief it’s okay to think about him and the game is great. The only thing I don’t think is an improvement on breath of the wild is the stupid korok “I need to find my fwend” tasks, so I’m running around with too-few inventory slots. Here are some of my thoughts:
Hylians are actually the halflings of the world. Link is canonically short even for a hylian but even the tallest are teensy in comparison to all the other sapient species. Every time Link shakes the hand of one of their sage buddies they are absolutely dwarfed by the size. It’s only the babies that are smaller or equivalent to you average hylian. Your bird son Tulin is about Link’s height and he is just a baby - when you met him in breath of the wild he was knee high. Even the Gerudo, who are apparently hylian-adjacent, are usually twice their height, and the tallest hylians are about as big as the smallest Gerudo. The Zonai, also are huge. I feel like a significant part of Ganondorf’s resentment about the kingdom of Hyrule is some kind of height related bigotry.
They could have given us a butch Goron sage but they didn’t and I’m sad about it. It was a missed opportunity to make the voice actor for the faceless Goron sage someone with an ambiguously gendered (but still, yknow, husky/goron-esque) voice. Then people who would be annoyed by this probably wouldn’t have noticed and the people who would be delighted by nonbinary rock people representation would have been psyched. No need to change the models or animations of anything, either.
What gives Purah the authority she wields? She bosses Link around, but she also runs lookout landing, directs the sages, the research teams, and is basically the de facto world leader in Zelda’s absence. She’s a half-mad sheika scientist, not a politician or a general! She doesn’t even have divinely bequeathed royal powers. Does everyone just do as she says because otherwise she will fuck up their lives? Purah needs accountability.
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I'm bad at propaganda but Simon Harrington is not only a mad scientist, but he is perfect Tumblr sexyman material. He wears a suit, he's all powerful (got his powers from a god he resurrected himself!!!) AND his design is ambiguous for everything but a scar on his cheek and maybe dark hair! He transed his gender. He's got kids. He brought people back to life multiple times. He can't bring his wife back no matter what. He's tortured. He tortures. He's married to an android for tax benifits.
Vote Simon Harrington!!
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listing a bunch of my favorite themes/elements/tropes in fiction that i Never get tired of:
found family
deep friendships
potent and ambiguous relationships
enemies to friends/friendly enemies
a focus on non-romantic relationships over romantic ones
villains that are noble/sympathetic/otherwise meant to be likeable
mad scientists
queer/neurodivergent/mentally ill cast
masculine girls and feminine boys
gender nonconformity in general, really
loser characters <3
magic and superpowers :D
references to the bible, mythologies, folk stories, and/or fairy tales
discussions of afterlife
good music
truly hopeful and optimistic endings
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wjbminecraft · 2 years
Tell US about your minesonas pls pls pls
*Rubs hands together* alright, but I warn you; this will be a long one, and most of the lore isn't actually Minecraft-related and doesn't necessarily reflect stuff I've done ingame. Also I only use the first two; the others were made for fun.
(Also anyone who wants to can do fanart)
Dr. Wren
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Species: Cyclops Gender: Cis Female Sexuality/romantic attraction: Panromantic Aegosexual Occupation: Scientist...? (specialises in geology, geography, oceanography, astronomy and reality-rewriting) Random out-of-universe fact: She's a cyclops because I like cyclopes.
She doesn't really have much lore beyond that; birth-gender aside she's basically me as a boxy cyclops.
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Species: Corrupted cyclops Gender: AFAB non-binary Sexuality/romantic attraction: Bisexual Occupation: None Random out-of-universe fact: Their colour-scheme is based on the Migrator Cape.
Once a normal cyclops, they have been corrupted by strange energy that turned them into a strange undead creature (and added weird side-gills that can't be seen in this version of their texture). Every October, they appear in order to help with Wren's research.
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Species: Cyclops Gender: Trans Female Sexuality/romantic attraction: Lesbian Occupation: Scientist (specialised in robotics) Random out-of-universe fact: Prosthetic limbs made of colourful metals are cool. See also; my Saints Row 2022 character (towards the end of my playthrough, when I had unlocked the Cutting Edge gold material).
Wren's great-grandmother, descended from the cyclopes who fled the destruction of the Rage Empire.
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Species: Robot Gender: Robot Sexuality/romantic attraction: Robot Occupation: Robot Random out-of-universe fact: Has a cameo in the (at time of writing) upcoming Solar System Mod reboot, as a prop in the Scrapbot death animation.
An experimental robot built by Wren. Technically multiple robots, with its AI being uploaded into a new body every time one is destroyed.
Madame Rén
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Species: Cyclops Gender: Cis Female Sexuality/romantic attraction: Panromantic Aegosexual Occupation: Mad scientist (specialises in necromancy, theremin-playing) Random out-of-universe fact: N/A
Wren's morally-ambiguous counterpart from an alternate universe. Her voice is all staticky, and her accent sounds like a character from a cheesy British Sci-fi movie from the '60s.
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Species: AI Gender: Cis Female Sexuality/romantic attraction: Panromantic Aegosexual Occupation: AI Random out-of-universe fact: Uses the Atari 2600 palette.
An AI created to automate reality-rewriting, which somehow became sentient and uses a hard-light body to explore the world outside her computer.
↯↴↸↹↥ (Ww'rehnn)
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Species: Cyclops Gender: Cis Female Sexuality/romantic attraction: Pansexual. Occupation: Hunter. Random out-of-universe fact: This is probably the closest I'll get to posting NSFW stuff here.
An ancient ancestor of Wren, who lived on the planet Rage long before the Rage Empire was founded.
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Species: Nether succubus (disguised as a cyclops) Gender/sex: Female-leaning genderfluid hermaphrodite Sexuality/romantic attraction: Pansexual Occupation: You can probably guess. Random out-of-universe fact: She was created partially to vent my chest-based dysphoria, so certain aspects of her design are different here than in canon what I'm saying is, she canonically has big boob.
A Nether Succubus who shapeshifted herself into a coincidentally Wren-like cyclops.
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Species: Cyclops/Enderman hybrid Gender: Cis Female Sexuality/romantic attraction: Aegoromantic Pansexual Occupation: None Random out-of-universe fact: N/A.
A clone of Wren made using Enderman DNA. Why? Science!
The Ghost of Wren
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Species: Cyclops ghost Gender: Cis Female Sexuality/romantic attraction: Panromantic Aegosexual Occupation: Haunter Random out-of-universe fact: She's a cyclops because I like cyclopes.
Wren from a timeline where she died in a lab accident and became a ghost.
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marsandsaturn · 2 years
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• basically this is inspired by my addiction for vampires and i just imagined eren as one. thus came this full on fic
• also my moots and i have talked about this and we love this concept for this is for them also there isn’t a lot of fanart of vampire eren so to all my artists friend you should draw vamp!eren
•also hanji’s gender is ambiguous (isayama had said so) which means the reader can interpret what gender hanji is so in this she uses she/her pronouns. link source just in case you “woke” people wanna “fact” check me.
vampire!eren ; explicit content; yandere eren ; vampire!au ; gn!reader (as always)
characters: eren yeager ; gn!reader ; basically almost everyone
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welcome to the 1800s; where the civil war is taking place.
there are rumors of devils who lurk among the humans at night. drinking blood and leaving humans dry. if those devils were to give you one bite it was said that they could turn you into a devil as well.
said devils cannot be proven to be true. they only exist in myths and in legends. but a certain group, named the devil hunters, hunt for this nightly creature called vampires; they named themselves and gave themselves titles.
you happen to be part of the devil hunters but not to kill, but in order to research the devils. you work along side a scientist named hanji zoe, a mad scientist who is determined to dissect the devils down to their very biology. another member of the devil hunters is the captain; captain levi ackerman. strongest among the devil hunters and has earned his title.
recently a few attacks among the devil hunters have begun. as a precaution some have gone into hiding among the villagers. vampires may attack humans but they would never draw attention to themselves willingly. hiding among the villagers posing as one of them.
they are different types of vampires. pure blood vampires as the humans call them or original vampires as they call themselves. they are the first generation of vampires, they are the oldest, fastest, strongest, and most powerful vampires of the entire world. they were turn not by other vampires biting them but by a spell. and unlike the other vampires they cannot be killed by anything other than a specific weapon that the humans haven’t found out about. the other type are half blood vampires. they were formally human before they were killed with vampire blood in there system.
the original vampires family are even more of a myth than half bloods. the survey corps, devil hunters, have only encountered half bloods. but scientist hanji zoe was determined to find a pure blood, even if it killed her.
“dr. zoe, do you not think that heading into the dark woods at 3 in the morning is not a good idea?”
“cheer up dr. l/n we are scientist and the fate of man kind rest in our hands to get rid of the night devils. and if the pure bloods are in relation to that, our hard work will be praised for saving humanity. that is what the survey corps is about. saving humanity”
“maybe we should have informed capatin ackerman? he is humanity’s strongest and if we happened to get attack by the devils, then he would have killed them”
“levi would have never approved of us going so they was no point in tell him y/n. its in our best interest that we go and research without him. now tell me everything that book says about pure bloods”
you sigh and grab the book out of your satchel titled “Pure-Blood Vampires” and open the very first page.
“A Pure-Blood Vampire also known as Original Vampires among the Vampire Community, are the first generation of vampires, they are the oldest, fastest, strongest, and most powerful vampires of the entire world. Pure-Bloods were not turned by other vampires biting them then proceeded to be killed but instead they were created by a spell. A current weapon for killing a Pure-Blood has not been created nor found. These animalistic creatures were formally human.”
“Good. Any more information that we don’t already know. Remember dr. l/n you shall be quizzed later on this”
you rolls your eyes before looking back at the information in the book. you have read the book over a hundred times and nothing has changed. all the research you have done on the test subjects just prove what the book says.
“unless a book just magically appears and gives us more information dr. zoe, i don not believe that we’ll find anything useful”
“that is where your wrong y/n, you see, i brought these journals for research recording purposes-”
“and you did not think about bringing someone to protect us, say, captain levi!?”
hanji sighs, “as i said the captain would never approve of this, unlike the commander who would approve but is not here this making levi in charge, so we’ll have to use the training combat we do now”
you sigh and rub the bridge of your nose. hanji was going to get the both of you killed for the sole purpose of research.
you loved hanji to death. hanji was like the older sister you needed. after loosing your family a sickness you deemed yourself a curse among everyone. you and captain levi joked about how you would outlive everyone in your life.
as you are about open a jar of ink and dip your quill to begin writing your journal entrees, you hear a ruffling noise. at first you dismiss it, knowing better than to look for trouble. but then you hear it again and you look around. your gut telling you that the two of you should go back to the base.
“hanji, i do believe it is best we head back”
“dr. l/n we have not even begun. do not tell me you are ready to end this research adventure?”
“hanji, i do believe it is best if we head back”
picking up on your emphasized words. hanji ryes widened before nodding. she begins packing everything when she suddenly turns around and all the color from her fave drains.
“what is it?”
she doesn’t move. hand on her swords without a move. suddenly you understand why she isn’t moving. on move and you’re a blood bag.
“hello there princess”
he turns you around and makes you look him im the eyes. they are a green as plants, but as dark as the night. his long hair flows in the wind, and he has surprisingly tan skin. he doesn’t appear to be your typical vampire. but judging by those fangs, you think otherwise.
“now what are you two doing near my estate”
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guiltycorp · 3 years
~Arcane!Viktor’s vaguely-queer-moments~ with commentary about how it might just be straight after all to keep myself in check.  Alright, so I might miss something, feel free to add (although this is more for myself tbh, sort of a journal entry). Personally, I didn’t notice like half of this when I was watching for the first time and didn’t really think much about the possibility, however the second time I was quite surprised to notice that there was... eh, quite a bit.  Also, this isn’t meant to cover anything from LoL lore, but it’s nice to remember that as a character he was originally a soviet-coded robotic mad scientist. Idk it’s not a very gay archetype by itself but it IS rather sensual.  Anyway!  1) Saying 'it’s Viktor’ and then continuing to soulfully gaze into Jayce’s eyes for another couple of seconds as his theme swells (’It’s Viktor’, fittingly). 
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might just be fanservice for league players who remember old champs, gasp, oh it IS viktor, the machine herald, plus letting the theme’s violin notes hit just right, plus this is the finishing scene before the story gets back to vi... kinda awkward tho??   2) ‘Wait a minute, this isn’t my bedroom’ as the excuse he came up with when Mel came across him and Jayce breaking into Heimerdinger’s lab, clear implication (although Jayce talks at the same time so it might be harder to hear for some viewers).  ...might be a generic excuse for trying to open the wrong door and also too subtle, flew right over most ppl’s heads, however this is probably the most overt viktor line in the show 3) Right after that he throws a sour look at Jayce who’s busy mooning over Mel. 
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uhh concern that his new partner would be more interested in a gorgeous corrupt politician rather than in scientific progress? doubtful:) however also subtle, didn’t notice this on 1st watch 4) Doesn’t return Sky’s interest, in fact the first time we see them together he kept on looking at Jayce (who was about to give a speech yeah but also had his back turned to Viktor atm). 
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well, this could be for a variety of non-queer reasons... more like an additional detail and in later scenes when he’s busy with hexcore he’s practically ignoring jayce almost the same way he does her, so im not putting it here  5) Viktor bleeding onto Hexcore and passing out while Mel&Jayce have sex (with Viktor’s theme worked into Romance track), in this case i actually prefer a metaphor for the rich and powerful of the world finding both cooperation and pleasure together while the less privileged inevitably suffer and have to turn to less ethical means to survive, but well... The fact that Jayce is having sex with his political partner while his scientific partner is dying is still a bit? Suggestive? These readings aren’t mutually exclusive.  6) “Singed: If you take this path, they will despise you. Love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress. It’s why I parted ways with Heimerdinger. Viktor: Jayce will understand.”  idk this seems like a logical answer after the mention of singed’s previous lab partner but still, love.. more a weird choice of words on singed’s part tbh, could be just a generic type of love in a ~friendly colleagues~ way lol 7) no visible nipples under a really high support brace 
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might be just stylistic design choices ig, low pectoral muscles.. due to muscle atrophy maybe?   So, like, all of this can be viewed in a different light, I guess? And most overt hints are in Act I.  This is naturally a familiar path for anyone who has experience with fandom and reading into things, impossible to say for sure whether it’s all in our heads or not... Earlier I’d say that it doesn’t even matter! We do have one rly cool queer couple in the show and also perhaps this ambiguity suits that particular storyline, AND more importantly Viktor’s sexuality or gender wouldn’t really add that much to the themes of the show, in my opinion. It’s just really nice for fanart and fic ideas, various additional materials and rediscovering the homoeroticism of cold war metaphors in League lore.  But after that whole thing on Amanda Overton’s twitter (one of the writers for Arcane) with first an implication that any queer-seeming moments are just the results of ‘no stigma against affection between men, friends or family’ followed by a bewildering ‘I’ve faced what felt like identity erasure myself many times. I’ve not given a real-world label to any one of our characters because I sincerely believe it will be more satisfying to learn this as their story unfolds.’ Which um. Reads as ‘wait and see’, essentially, also backed up by a different artist (Evan, although he isn’t working on s2) on the show seemingly for this particular issue (’I super do need people to stop asking us about things that aren't explicitly shown in s1. I get that people want assurances, but it'd be such a massive disservice to spoil any of the moments being cooked up’).  And after that I’ve began to feel a familiar frustration...  Like, this isn’t that big of a question in the story? Like I said, Viktor’s sexuality or gender isn’t super relevant to his character since he already has lots of other narrative-defining traits (risk-taking scientist focused on improvement of life quality & leaving a legacy, comes from zaun, disabled, close to dying), plus if Amanda is to be believed there’s no stigma towards sexuality or gender expression in Runeterra so it wouldn’t be seen as an alienating trait, just a sort of sad one if he had an unexplored (and potentially unrequited) crush on Jayce. Which again, isn’t really needed to drive home the idea that their relationship is slowly falling apart because of a divide in ideologies and personal circumstances. Or rather, it just wouldn’t be a good twist for s2, but it would have been a potentially cool detail to add or imply in s1.  My point is that if the queercoding was intentional why not say so? And if it’s not what’s the big deal in saying ‘nope! it wasn’t intentional! however we can see how it could be viewed that way, best of wishes to the fandom, you’ll get your riot mlm and or trans rep someday, xxx’.  Or, yknow, ignoring the question. Instead homophobic and/or sexist fans took the first part of the answer as an opportunity to gloat that the idea of a queer Viktor is entirely delusional while us losers received familiar bait of ‘maybe it’ll happen in s2!! be on the lookout for bi Jayce trying to seduce robo-Viktor (Even-Bigger-Dick-Now) who fell out of love with Jayce because of hexcore or an undercity flood or whatever’. Argh idk, I’d easily expect such an answer from a riot marketing team! But it’s really kinda sad to see the same sort of vague placation of both sides from a queer writer who pushed forward Vi/Caitlyn whose relationship truly kept me on the edge of my seat the whole show. sigh
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
Considering Entrapta’s Mom-Bot has a passing resemblance to Sequel Era Bayonetta, I headcanon that the late biological mother had far better control over the Family Hair Magic and could use it to make more complicated shapes like hands and demon mouths.
Since the gender of the short-haired ""mom-bot"" is ambiguous I've always headcanoned that Entrapta's "mother" was non binary, and trans masc. I find it fun this way. I have several headcanons for her parents, both because of Nerd Swap AU and because of the oneshot I wrote, Finding Family, which goes into them a bit. Others headcanon her as having had two dads. But I headcanon the nonbinary parent was a mad scientist and the other parent was the Prince who had magic powers and an incredible beard and moustache, far more impressive than the one on the robot.
I've seen a couple of AUs where she was an adopted orphan nobody with tech-powered hair. I saw one story where she built all of Dryl by herself from nowhere, which is the most Princess Bubblegum thing ever.
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I need to reminds you though that Entrapta's control of her hair is just fine... I don't think she can summon demons with it but it'd be funny if she tried to make lifelike shapes out of it!!!
Over time she's definitely going to be able to make creepier things though. It'd be her equivalent of Toph's skill boost, Toph went from "i think she's the world's best earthbender" to "oh jesus christ that is definitely the world's best earthbender". Except instead of earth, it’s moving strands of hair like a million fine limbs, and also building stuff. 
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halveablock · 3 years
hiii ! i love your art so much, as well as your thoughts on the series and its characters! i was wondering if you had any characters the you were neutral towards / disliked at first, but later on you found more interesting / liked more?
thank you!!! :')
oh man i was neutral toward all my current favs so i could talk about the top 5 here.
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tl;dr version is that i was very lukewarm on jjk in general until origin of obedience, which is when i started really liking nobara. then hidden inventory happened and i started liking gojo (and maki upon rereads). then shibuya arc happened and i started liking geto. kenjaku quickly followed suit with the recent chapters.
the long version is under the cut because i can ramble on forever:
i very rarely actually dislike characters unless they feel blatantly offensive (bnha mineta is a prominent example), so i was neutral to all the characters in the beginning. i thought jjk was a decent shonen manga and that there were some noteworthy writing moments here and there, but i only got REALLY into it when nobara had her big moment in origin of obedience. it had been so long since i saw a girl go that feral in a shonen manga and i was instantly hooked. nobara's fallen a little bit in my favs list mostly because gege hasn't really done anything with her ever since then, but she was still my original fav and i have a HUGE soft spot for her.
the flashback arc was where it really changed things for me. it recontextualized the entire story so far and turned gojo from a generic op white haired dude into a genuinely compelling, fascinating character with a lot of character and narrative depth. maki also didn't really capture my heart until i started seeing the potential in her character growth path and plot relevance after toji's introduction.
geto needs a bit more explanation. i was still not sold on geto from the flashback, mainly because i had read vol0 beforehand and all the justification for how he ended up in vol0 wasn't enough for me to enjoy his character. i was mainly confused about why he was still alive, and i couldn't really see a development path for him that i vibed with. that was until shibuya arc. basically:
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the WHAT THE FUCK is chapters 90&91--and when i was sold on geto and gojo's relationship. suddenly i could see a development path for geto that could really be compelling and how his development in the flashback could become relevant in the long term: coming back from the dead, facing his reckoning, reevaluating his goals and reconciling with gojo. ofc none of that might happen but it's why i love post-canon AUs with geto. that and i find bodysnatching stuff always fascinating.
i had absolutely no chance against kenjaku once they unmasked themself and started going on about grandiose plans. i love me some toothy gender ambiguous morally bankrupt mad scientist brain
anyway, sorry that got long if you made it here!
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ourmondobongo · 3 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but could you please explain the Hange's gender thing? It's a bit confusing
Sorry the lateness!
I'll put under the cut because this topic is already heavily saturated...
Ugh, tbh, this topic is one that always brings out a lot of heavy discussion, and believe me when I say the last thing I want is to get involved in it.
But the best answer is still what both Kodansha and Isayama himself explained: Hans's gender is stated as ambiguous, "being up to whatever interpretation you care to have" because she/he/they/Hans is thought as "a Mad Scientist with UNKNOWN gender - not bound by ANY real world standards." (2014, 2015).
And while many heated online debates (especially on Twitter) argue which pronouns Hans can or cannot be addressed, Kodansha (2013) stressed how difficulty it is to translate from Japanese because their language is very gender neutral, while English isn't. Additionally, they also released this note, back in 2014:
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And Kodansha did avoid all three common pronouns in Shingeki! Junior High ( i.e. chapters 11, 15...), just using ALL of them as possibilities, and even plays with neopronouns but labeling Hanji WITH NONE.
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Lastly, in the AoT Final Exhibition (2019!!!), Japan Kodansha went as far as avoiding ANY and ALL English** pronouns for Hanji, and simply repeating Hanji’s name over and over, even if the text looked a bit... abnormal.
Just so to FREE HANJI from imposed terms.
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It's hard to imagine Hans being freer than this.
Lastly, Hanji's gender isn't a plot point for the character in the manga. As far as I know, the only time Isym mentioned anything regarding gender issues was when he talked about sexism in Marley Military.
And, tbh, after all those YEARS of debate, that Isym's last words on the matter was that Hans was of Mysterious/UNKNOWN gender, and not having real world standards makes it even sound Isym didn’t even though of Hanji being pressed into whatever "standard" we can think of. Hanji is Hanji, and could be in a category of it's own = where the readers decide what they want to see.
So, you see, YOU ARE FREE TO SEE AND ADDRESS HANJI WHATEVER YOU WANT. Hanji is a snk singularity, and Japanese language doesn’t have the constraints English and other language have.
And let's move on from this.
Everyone is FREE.
And I don't wanna see fights under this post, thank you!
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animefeminist · 4 years
Non-Binary Orochimaru and the homophobic legacy of queer-coded villainy
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Content Warning: Queerphobia, transphobia, grooming
Spoilers for Orochimaru’s arc in Naruto and Boruto
A mad scientist with a flair for the dramatic, Orochimaru has flaunted a noticeable gender ambiguity since their debut in the Naruto manga in 2000. From their first appearance disguised as a young woman to their dangly earrings and lilting English dub performance, Orochimaru carries many of the unfortunate hallmarks of a queer-coded antagonist, one whose most terrifying power includes the ability to inhabit the bodies of others in a bid for eternal life. Their portrayal, already mired in queerphobia, is complicated by the franchise’s later decision to portray Orochimaru as a character with a non-binary gender identity, the first canonically LGBTQ+ character in the franchise.
Orochimaru’s long-time gender ambiguity and vague but ever-present queerness were finally addressed in episode 67 of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations in 2018. In a scene between Orochimaru and their son, Mitsuki, who was conceived and gestated through artificial means, the boy asks if Orochimaru is his mother or his father. This question prompted the series’ first explicit reference to a non-binary gender identity (though certainly there have been other characters who were intentionally gender-ambiguous, like Haku from the Land of Waves arc), and by extension, the first reference to LGBTQ+ identity. Though this scene ran in the manga in 2016, the anime’s rendition in 2018 attracted more attention, as it is widely viewed as a tipping point for Orochimaru’s vague gender identity, a concrete acknowledgement of the genderqueerness that we’ve watched in action for years.
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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