#gen z workers
nando161mando · 10 months
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#1: “let’s form a union.”
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with the IWW you don't even need a job to be a member, it's also international..js. There are other unions too, maybe for your specific field if you searched one up 👀
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Times have changed and waiting until retirement to enjoy life is no longer the milestone Canadian millennials and Gen Z strive for, according to a recent survey. A Leger survey commissioned by Canadian investment service Wealthsimple found that nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) of Canadians between the ages of 25 and 44 feel the conventional approach to retirement — to stop working at 65 years old to then enjoy travelling, leisure and time with family and friends — is an outdated concept. The online money management platform says the study reflects ambition among millennials and Gen Z Canadians for "a modern form of retirement" that lets them pursue personal and professional passions throughout their adult lives.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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politijohn · 1 year
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Change is inevitable
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gardenfairie · 9 months
This is an old netflix ig post but it's such an incredibly ironic edit I had to post it 😭😭 Basically this whole scene from XO Kitty is about Kitty giving a presentation about how her and Dae are "meant for each other" at the start of the show.
And then the rest of the show is literally about how Kitty realizes her and Dae ARENT meant to be, and how she's bisexual and ends up falling for a girl and breaking up with Dae at the end of the season lmaoooo
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sher-ee · 3 months
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Story here ⬆️
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p0is0n-is-th3-cur3 · 5 months
“No one wants to work anymore🥺” “gen z has no work ethic🥺🥺” “nobody wants to get a job anymore🥺🥺🥺”
Jobs don’t ever call back 🤨 jobs treat workers like actual scum of the earth🤨 jobs don’t pay livable wages🤨 jobs don’t give necessary benefits for basic living🤨
Trust me, we want to work, we need the money. But when we aren’t called back and are treated like dog shit for $10 an hour with no healthcare it’s not worth trying anymore. I’ve applied at countless jobs, my older brothers have applied at countless jobs, my friends have applied at countless jobs. We either never get called back or get the job and are treated terrible. It’s to the point where it feels utterly hopeless and like there’s no point in working. I want a job, I want to be able to help pay for my healthcare, I want to have money saved so I can move out at 18. But it feels worthless.
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mydutyistoobserve · 2 months
For Americans:
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themancorialist · 1 year
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Market Street, Manchester.
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Leo: your shirt is giving Tom Nook
Mr. D: ?????
Piper: ooo what's my shirt giving?
Leo: Pintrest girlie
Piper: I'll take it!
Jason: what's my shirt giving?
Leo: white boy
Nico: *chokes on his coffee*
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nando161mando · 6 months
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lol okay. Living on the edge of poverty all the time has no effect on mental health
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This sucks. These prices and these wages (and my own lack of them) doesn't fuck in the slightest.
And based on my recent posts and notes...y'all wanna strike huh?
Well since you insist on not doing it without formal organizing, can I ask if you've heard about the IWW and if you have, have you joined it?
"By age, workers ages 45 to 54 had the highest union membership rate in 2022, at 12.6 percent. Younger workers—those ages 16 to 24—had the lowest union membership rate, at 4.4 percent.
In 2022, the union membership rate for full-time workers (11.0 percent) was double than that for part- time workers (5.5 percent)."
I'll take that statistic from the BLS file on Unions as a 'probably not' since I don't have many older people following me.
Well, joining this union can provide you with all the formality and organization you'll need to get started and without compromising your say as an individual worker.
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TLDR: Anyone, yes even if you're unemployed, can join as long as you have at least $6/mo and aren't a manager. No union bosses either. The idea is that it's One Big Union. Meaning it's strength lies in it's solidarity from unifying workers across All types of employment.
It's just a matter of finding your local union and they will help you with the rest.
Worried you might stand out?
In 2021, 14 million U.S. workers - or about 10.3 percent of the American workforce - were members of a union.
That's 1 in every 10 workers. And
In 2022, 16 million wage and salary workers were represented by a union[...]" (Bureau of Labor Statistics Union2.pdf).
You quite literally will be just be one of the tens of thousands joining a union everyday.
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Social scientist Damon Centola's new research shows a cascade of change is triggered when 25% of a population embraces an idea.
Minority views of what is acceptable quickly become majority views. Historically, majority- rules economic thinking assumed change happened when 51% of a population wanted it. But in 1977, Harvard University's Rosabeth Moss Kanter studied tokenism in the workplace. She found that women as small minorities were subject to an oppressive culture of discrimination and harassment. But when women occupied 20%-35% of leadership roles, work culture shifted.
Centola's 2018 small-group experiments show how sensitive the tipping point is. Sometimes adding just a single person to the committed minority meant hitting 25%-and the transition from failure to success. Varying numbers of activists were planted into groups in 10 trials.
So if 10% are already unionized then we're halfway there... in a way.
Why join a union?
It's largest tool is collective bargaining, that's why organized strikes work better, it guarantees you have people supporting you. Using numbers helps enforce demands and rights be met.
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We know unions work because they gave us all these things already.
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So like... Yeah..
Join a union. Even if it's not IWW. Join one.
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e32c-af6f · 4 months
I love that Gen Z is entering the workforce and, from day fucking one, they understand and make it very clear that the job is not their life and they will not be performing any employment tasks outside of paid hours.
Goddamn, I love it. I am truly, unironically joyous about this uptick in resistance.
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mbrainspaz · 8 months
Kid coworkers: Yeah the boss was trying to get us to do management stuff like make the shift schedules again.
me, the guy with management experience they hired 2 years ago and then demoted to maintenance technician because they got pissy about me refusing to work unpaid hours and generally having a backbone: Is she offering to pay you management money?
kiddos: ...nah.
me: Then here's a pro tip—DON'T DO IT
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
💠Oracle Alchemy 26
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Soul Alchemy for Touching the Gates to Paradise is up!♥︎
Have you heard of this concept people in the spiritual community seem to talk about a lot? ‘3D Earth ascending to 5D Earth.’ Do you know what that essentially means? A few years back, I witnessed a lot of people in the so-called spiritual community get mightily confused and misinformed about what this notion actually means.
Back then, some people were genuinely expecting this entire Planet to shift into a different dimension altogether and be magically surrounded by peace, love and light, and that was it. Umm… it never happened, not like that, because that would not be possible for a carbon-based 3D Reality to simply enter a crystalline 5D Reality. If a shift of that nature were to even be forced, that entire Reality is only gonna crumble and burst into billions of particles because that Reality won’t be able to handle the pressure of the 5D Reality.
It’s like, you can’t force an old computer from the 80s to run on modern OS. The old computer is simply gonna explode LMAO Mainly because, the modern OS requires a fuckton more power and resources to operate properly. The old computer from the 80s… it wasn’t physically designed to cater to that much functioning.
I, hope, that, makes, sense...... XD
see you on Patreon~🧡
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