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multiverseofmischief · 7 months ago
"I think we're lost..." -Miwa
"We are not lost! I know exactly where we are!" Hachi huffs, and looks around. Maybe wandering off in the Hollow Earth wasn't his brightest idea, but he'd rather die than admit that to his sister. "Dad said we can look around, and to head to the lake if we get lost. Which we aren't!"
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forjustice · 8 months ago
Shame meme - Volo is prone to make people and pokemon stinky cat face
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sinnohlunarfestival · 1 year ago
(Second and final) Leon is accompanied by his Charizard and a little familiar face in the Meowth that was given to Kianga to raise in receiving this charm. "Could I get a Red Staraptor omamori, if you don't mind? Dealer's choice on what you prefer." Said Meowth chirps at Yuri happily. She's grown and flourished quite a bit. She's very happy to see a familiar face!
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"Hello again, little one!" Yuri was careful as she pet the little Meowth's head. Did she get bigger? How nice! She was looking quite healthy and happy, which Yuri couldn't hope for more.
Looking over the section of red omamori, she made idle conversation, "She's blossoming quite well, I'm glad. She must be in quite the happy home...ah, this one should do. Here you go!"
She placed the item in his hand.
"Happy New Year!"
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strawberista · 2 years ago
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⚅— @geminixdreamer asked: —⚅ ⚅— ❤ Have they ever been in love? —⚅
Love & Sexuality Asks
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
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{Hanekoma has been in love several times, but mostly not as an adult and never during his living years as an adult. He had a few casual relationships as a teenager, and then his life became more focused on his goals and his personal well-being.}
{However, in the recent past, Hanekoma has fallen hard several times depending on the verse you're looking at. Espresso tends to fall in love with another person every time he meets someone new, and in particular he fell for Hope (@hopeful-hugz) and Emi in her reaper verse (@insightful-mother). As for Decaf, he will perpetually be in love with/pining over Eanas (@dandybarista) until such a day J and I finally let him go, and has also fallen for Roman (@llunashined) to no success. In one verse with Decaf, he is also slowly learning to love his partner Natsume (@thefallenhumanlivingnightmares), though this one is still in development.}
{And... To anyone that looks closely enough, Decaf in particular may or may not be teetering on almost falling in love with Joshua (@the-composer) though this is completely unconfirmed and even he isn't entirely sure how he feels. He'd certainly deny it anyway.}
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gummywyrmtrainer · 2 years ago
Can I get a loafy Lucky boi with Dusty if you feel up to it? Best buddies!
Dusty doesn't loaf the best but he's still very shaped!!!
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... Nor did I draw Lucky making the best loaf but he's still very pretty.
Here's Lucky by himself. c:
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skullboneandunown · 11 months ago
How well does your muse knows their region's history? / Donovan
Donovan knows practically everything about Johto and its history. From some his ancestors leaving the Ruins of Alph, to the burning of the Brass Tower in Ecruteak City. He knows it all. He's not an archeologist for nothing. He is curious about the Sinjoh Ruins however. He hasn't been there yet.
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elitepoppy · 1 year ago
Grusha offers a faint smile, doing his best to kneel down with his Weavile helping him to Poppy's level. "Trick... or treat?" (kokorowoutsu)
"Hello, Grusha...." There was a little blush on the child's cheeks, as she always thought he was super pretty! Poppy fumbled with the dango and almost dropped it, but she presented it with a rigid back and a nervous laugh.
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"It's two kinds of berries! I hope you like it!!"
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tandemakers · 1 year ago
Hi hi! I got four muses who need outfits and while I don't have ideas, I do have pokemon in mind? XD If possible could I get an a descriptive version of them if aesthetics are too much? :3; Just something I can look to remind myself would be great! Ashe was meant to be a Mismagius, Leon a Alolan Decidueye, Grusha a Froslass (masculine take at best?), and Kianga/N was a Hisuian Zoroark. (Descriptive Tailored? Aesthetic? Up to you. / kokorowoutsu)
"Thank you for the wait! Please enjoy these concept sketches! Thank you for using our shop!"
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missninetails · 1 year ago
Yuki envelops his beloved in a hug from behind, tails acting as extra hugs too. He purrs softly. "A good morning to you, Serinaty." He and Neith might have made cookies as well to celebrate the seasons changing, but for now he's holding her 'captive'. A gentle captive, mind you.
Completely comfortable being held by Yuki she leans back into him taking in the scent. What a nice morning if she gets to be enveloped in him and spoiled in such a way.
"Good morning to you to, Yuki."
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emmetrain · 2 years ago
"Plushie" +5 (the man has his reasons) +Articuno (kanto) +Ice for Grusha on kokorowoutsu for your booth !! (your booth is super cute and LET THE WEDDING COMMENCE)
Send "Plushie" for Emmet to fund his wedding to get a cute plushie as a souvenir from TeraFest'23 ( @kokorowoutsu )
"I am Emmet! Thank you for your good wishes!!! You would not believe how much I was itching to go off the rails in plushie making process! You gave me that chance. Thank you!"
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"Here's your bird! 16 feet tall, as big as it gets!!! And for ice-tera type, If you can climb up a ladder and put the engine in shape of ice-tera, it will power the plushie up and--"
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"ALL ABOARD!!!! I am not legally liable for the harm it may cause to your eyes--"
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ruffledqwils · 2 years ago
Pokemon Trainer Development!
🔮 - What is your muses main goal in becoming a trainer?
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"Well....revenge? Getting stronger to take revenge? That's what it was years ago, but my life is way different now....so I suppose then my new goal is just to work on myself and get stronger in other ways. And of course help people, and kick ass!" 📱 - Does your muse have a Rotom phone?(Also asked by @geminixdreamer !)
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"I still use the Xtransceiver I got when I went on my adventure....do I need an upgrade? Is it cool to use a Rotom Phone? Are the Rotom's just cool with being in there? I've seen them on TV and apparently almost everyone uses them in Galar and Paldea so...."
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multiverseofmischief · 1 year ago
Be honest... Have you had any lovers before Lily, Ginrai?
"Lovers? .....As in someone I opened my heart too, or about the horizontal tango type lover? Hera was only a one time thing, a petty jab at that egotistical brat Zeus, but I never actually 'loved' her. No. Before my beloved Lily, there was a Titan that I opened my heart to once I found my way into the Hollow Earth when I was expelled from the Celestial Realm. Biollante."
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"Despite her fearsome appearance, to those she cared about, she was a kind and gentle soul. When I first arrived she was one of the only few to not treat me as an outcast, rather saw me as I was; a scared young soul in need of a friend. As we grew closer, our feelings for each other grew as well, until the point where we had a love that was only surpassed by my love for Lily. But that wasn't meant to last. The Titan War took it's toll on us all. We drifted apart due to my roll in the war, no longer lovers. But as the Hollow Earth healed as time went on, we reached out to one another, not as lovers anymore, but as close friends. To this day she resides in my territory, ensuring the continued survival of the plants that grow there. She's expressed an eagerness to meet my wife and children, so she's not the petty, jealous type."
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forjustice · 11 months ago
12 and 14 for Wallace
#12: Vigilante justice seems to be all the rage with Pokémon Trainers these days. Who do you think should be most responsible for justice: the people or the League? Or should they both share the same responsibility?
"It is our responsibility to seek justice for our people. But only the people can truly decide what justice is, and whether we provided it. If someone decided we could not provide what they needed and sought it themselves, would I be annoyed or even angry with them at first? Of course. Perhaps, though, after enough time has passed for those things to be hindsight, I might see things from their point of view, or perhaps not…"
Now he's thinking about Zíniya. About his uncle, Archie. About how they both tried to get justice themselves in every 'good' way possible before deciding that the only means for achieving it was by any means necessary. The use of force had in fact been necessary to liberate Hoenn--Joseph Stone and the Grand Hoenn League would not have stopped causing trouble without the Heroes of Hoenn deposing them. Yet when it came to the methods that Zíniya and Archie favored…
"It's quite complicated."
#14: What with all the kids running around solving everyone's problems, can Leagues still be trusted as leaders of our communities?
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"I've heard, in other worlds, that other versions of me allowed the Heroes of Hoenn to enter the Cave of Origin to face Groudon or Kyogre alone--or sometimes both. I think those versions of me should resign their positions as both Sootopolitan spiritual authorities and League members IMMEDIATELY. Leagues that allow children to solve all their problems absolutely cannot be trusted. Part of me even regrets letting the young Heroes of my region get involved at all."
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sinnohlunarfestival · 1 year ago
🌸 for kokorowoutsu (kianga)
Flower Matching 3/5
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The little old lady by the flowers picked up some unusual flowers to be selling at a shop. Little snowdrops that she brought over to put as part of his outfit. A single snowdrop in a button hole.
"Do you know what these represent, young man? Hope. New beginnings. May this new year be a good one to you."
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cursedmystic · 1 year ago
Ashe had been caught by Matsuba's Gengar, clearing her throat awkwardly with a item at hand, she had chosen a old pink ribbon to add to her outfit. "The haunted house was fun. You did a great job." Might as well give props where its due, especially since it startled her and scared her own timid natured Mismagius, Trixie, into hiding. (kokorowoutsu)
"Glad to hear it. Hope it's not too scary. . ."
Looks like having a lessened sense of fear might have made things a bit too scary. Whoops.
"The ribbon's cute. Looks good with your outfit. Feel free to check out the haunted house again -- or explore more of the festival. We're going to be having a lot more games soon."
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skullboneandunown · 1 year ago
Grusha feels a bit awkward about calling one of Ashe's friends, but he doesn't know what to do with this Galarian Yamask that's clinging onto him right now. Once Donovan picks up, he explains the situation in that he can't connect with the pokemon and with Donovan being an archaeologist... perhaps it would be better suited to his care. That being said, he'll return the pokemon to its pokeball before offering the Dusk Ball to his sight. "... Would you mind... taking this little one in?"
Donovan was in his personal study in his home near the Ruins of Alph, and he jumps when his phone goes off. Once Grusha explains his end of the conversation, Donovan thinks about it. He dislikes taking a pokemon from someone it imprinted on, but ye understands that it's from a place of concern. "If you think that's what's best for the little one, I'll take them in."
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