#gemini zodiac sign tiktok
astrosolutions · 1 year
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The Gemini zodiac sign, representing those born between May 21 and June 20, is one of the most dynamic and multifaceted signs in astrology. Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini people are known for their duality of nature and quick-wittedness. Ruled by the planet Mercury, they possess a remarkable ability to adapt to different situations and excel in communication. Gemini is an air sign that embodies intellectual curiosity, adaptability, and effective communication. Their multifaceted nature and quick thinking make them stand out in any situation, while their vibrant energy and wit add an undeniable spark to their interactions with others.
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lovertm · 5 months
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care bears + zodiac signs (carebearsofficial)
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2024 Leo Season
     Say au revoir to the weepy, shrinking-violet ways of Cancer season and let your inner exhibitionist come out and play. On July 22, the Sun shifts into the feisty, fun and so freaking fabulous fire sign Leo. With this solar shift comes a shift in focus, as Leo Season brings an influx of heat, light, willpower and star-power to the area of your life ruled by the fixed fire sign.  
     Leo season, which runs from July 22 through Aug. 22, is a season of pride, confidence, showmanship and charisma. Leo has a deep need to be seen, appreciated, and applauded by others for its creativity and self-expression. This is why the season is so flashy! It’s also why it can be a time of increased  vanity, arrogance, hot-headedness and force. So, you know, be mindful of that, I guess. 
    Anyway! With the Sun in the Royal sign of the Lion, you want to be not just seen, but also recognized and applauded. Which is why everything done during Leo season is done with purpose and flair. You don’t just go to the beach in a swimsuit during Leo season, you go in a star-studded bikini with gold-plated shades and a leopard print parasol. This is the season to do anything and everything to catch people’s eye and grab their attention. If that means, grinding and gliding on the dance floor in a hot-pink fuchsia bra, panties, and ankle boots SO BE IT. 
    Naturally, this is a great time of the year for self-promotion and purposeful passionate pounces towards your desires. It’s also a wonderful time to pursue your passions with equal parts glam and gusto! (because Leo always looks good while going after what it wants.) So, if you're aiming to be the next social media star or top Substack writer, now’s the time to lay it all out on the line and risk being seen in ALL of your glory. Confidence is in YOUR corner. 
     Just don’t forget to celebrate others! Yes, Leo season urges you, me, and everyone around us to shine and be seen, to sparkle and shine, but it also encourages you, me, and everyone around us to applaud one another. Which makes sense: Kings and Queens always acknowledge the people whom they serve.  
     That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or do creative things during 2024 Leo season. In fact, Leo is the sign of arts and entertainment. (Don’t believe me? Check out “Leo: the Headliner”, my ebook on the fire sign.) So, why not fuse a little bit of fun and Hollywood starlet energy into your everyday life? Think of your next job interview as a promo for your next TV show; your next date as a much-anticipated cameo, and your next backyard BBQ as a red carpet appearance! Let your hair down! Get creative! Act, sing, dance, and give yourself full permission to SHINE.
Get your FULL Leo Season Forecast on The Cosmic Almanac
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
The Feminine Archetype you'd be based on your Star Sign:
Aquarius: The Siren
Virgo: The Empress
Gemini: The Mystic
Capricorn: The Enigma
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sempivernal · 2 years
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Find more @anomaly.forge on Instagram, Tiktok and Etsy
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distinguishedvision · 7 months
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learnastrowallura · 16 days
🕯Mercury in Astrology
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Information is from Chris Brennan's video on The Astrology Podcast YouTube channel on the topic of Mercury significations <3
Mercury: writing, speech, words, message, reign, translation, conveying, transmitting, information, interpretations, numbers, analysis, reasoning, details, dialogue, exchange, money, businesses, contracts, commerce, negotiating, indecision, disputation, questioning, doubts, distractions, speed, variety, irregularity, verstatility, changing, adaptability, flexibility, instability, inconsistency, knowledge, philosophy, service, teaching, mind, intelligence, intellect, language, communication, learning, poetry, voice acting, narration, acting, sharing, masculine, neutrality
Sun and Mercury:
Sun and Mercury are both centered around intelligence but in different ways; they complete each other. Sun is about divine knowledge and Mercury is about conveying, transmitting or communicating that knowledge or even perhaps analyzing it and extracting more wisdom as well as detail from it so I found this point particularly interesting. Sun illuminates with its rays and gives clarity by providing us with the truth and then Mercury expands on that truth and shares it with others in its charming versatile way as well
Sun vs Mercury sign:
Mercury does not move further than 28 degrees from the Sun meaning that the Mercury sign will always be the sign before or after the Sun sign (zodiacal signs are divided into 30 degrees) and so there is a bit of a differentiation (for lack of a better word) between who we are and the way we communicate and exchange information with other people if the Mercury and Sun signs are not one of the same. First example that comes to mind is having an Aries Sun Taurus Mercury and two people who are quite close to me have these placements; you would not know they were Aries Suns unless u asked hahaha even though one of them is an Aries rising too so that is something I wanted to note as well. Another example would be Sagittarius sun with Scorpio Mercury adding a lot of intensity to the person's communication style as well (which is something I relate to as you will see later on)
Domicile and exaltation:
Sooo Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo so those are its domicile signs, it is how Mercury can manifest itself most comfortably whilst embodying its true essence. And then Mercury has its exaltation in Virgo as well which is pretty unique might I say and this gives me the vibes of (this my own way of seeing it so take it with a grain of salt) Mercury being more constructive in the sign of Virgo versus in Gemini just because of this particular distinction
But speaking of these two signs I do think they embody their Mercurial energies quite differently and shoutout to my friend @saturnianoracle for giving me the key words to describe this. First of all they are both analytic but Virgo is more of a skeptic I feel while Gemini tends to have more of an open mind. Virgo wants to see the evidence behind certain things to determine the merit or validity, to a certain extent, of the topics at hand to then decides if it wants to invest energy into looking into it more. It is very grounded as well as organized. With Gemini there is a certain sense of childlike curiosity that takes hold of this sign making it want to explore deep topics and of course stimulate its mind; it dives in without thinking and is more disorganized, inconsistent and chaotic I would say, and it loves conversing about its findings as well. I saw a tiktok video ancient astrology based describing Virgo and Gemini as the most intuitive signs which was fascinating to be honest u can watch it here
Detriment and Fall:
Mercury has its detriment in Sagittarius/Pisces and its fall in the sign of Pisces as well and the interesting thing noted in the video I watched (mentioned at the start) is that Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter, the biggest planet ruling over expansion and abundance, and with Mercury being on the smaller side you can really see that distinction of the Mercurial signs really often looking at the detail of things and well in contrast the Jupiter signs seeing the bigger picture. Also Jupiter being a benefic and ruling over luck makes me think that having these two placements is honestly not so bad tbh
Mercury in first house:
Mercury has its planetary joy in the first house of the self, highlighting the utmost importance of the curious, inquisitive and messenger qualities of the planet. What is interesting is the neutrality of Mercury and how we can link that with its joy being in the 1st house; a house that can be above or below the horizon, so even in this regard it stays neutral and does not "pick a side" if that makes sense; "acting as a bridge between the upper and lower hemispheres of the chart, a bridge between the celestial and terrestial realms which are united in the degree of the ascendant".
Source for the planetery joy information is Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune by Chris Brennan
I have made a more detailed post on planetary joys so check it out <3
Mercury is not seen as a benefic or a malefic; it is considered a neutral planet. Of course, its manifestation and expression can be positive, negative or stay neutral depending on a few factors, such as:
Being in its domicile (Gemini/Virgo) or its exaltation (Virgo) sign is gonna lead it to manifest in a more constructive/beneficial way
Being in its detriment (Sagittarius/Pisces) or its fall (Pisces) sign would generally lead it to manifest in a less constructive way
Aspecting a benefic planet (Jupiter/Venus) would lead Mercury in this instance to manifest in a more constructive way as it is said to adopt the traits of benefic planet it is associated with
Being in a benefic ruled sign; meaning a Jupiter ruled sign as mentioned beforehand (Sagittarius Mercury, Pisces Mercury) or a Venus ruled sign (Taurus Mercury, Libra Mercury) would manifest in the same manner mentioned above
Aspecting a malefic planet (Mars/Saturn) leads Mercury to take on the traits of that malefic planet as well
Being in a malefic ruled sign so either Mars ruled (Aries Mercury, Scorpio Mercury) or Saturn ruled (Capricorn Mercury, Aquarius Mercury) leads us to Mercury adapting to that malefic's traits again
Triplicity also matters and I will make a detailed post on it soon but for now all I can say is that having Mercury in an air sign (Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra) adds on to the "power" that the Mercury placement has within the chart and the support that it gives to the native; if we are dealing with a day chart then Mercury has moderate support in the air sign in question (Saturn being its triplicity lord), and if it is a night chart then it maintains a powerful position within the chart, being its own triplicity ruler. (Source for triplicity rulership intormation is Ancient Astrology: in Theory and Practice: A manual of Traditional Techniques, Volume One: Assessing Planetary Condition by Demetra George)
That is all!! I wanted to go into more detail tbh but time simply does not allow it these days as I have my internship going on as well but I hope this was informative haha
Thank you for reading <3
Paid readings open
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astrosouldivinity · 9 months
The Most Hedonistic Zodiac Signs ✨💎
+ Placements:
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Taurus- Their hedonistic pursuits are intertwined with the pursuit of stability and the accumulation of assets over their lifetime
Libra- Their hedonism is integral to their pursuit of balance and luxury, with a focus on peace, harmony, and aesthetics as their primary objective
Leo- Their hedonism is driven by the attention they receive, as long as it contributes to their appearance and sense of well-being
Sagittarius- Their hedonism is intertwined with the pursuit of freedom, opportunities, and adventure, all of which manifest in their life
Scorpio- Their hedonism is tied to the pursuit of power, as they are intrigued by the idea of total domination and control over themselves and others
Virgo- their hedonism is tied to their appreciation of the finer things in life. With a keen eye for detail and a love of quality, Virgos often seek out life's little luxuries, finding joy in the art of living well.
Honorable mention ~ Capricorn & Gemini
⋆˙⟡♡ ❤︎₊ ⊹
Venus Aspects:
2H Sun/Venus
5H Sun/Venus
8H Sun/Venus
10H Sun/Venus
⋆˙⟡♡ ❤︎₊ ⊹
Libra Degrees: 7, 19°
Taurus Degrees: 2, 14, 26°
Leo Degrees: 5, 17, 29°
AstroSoulDivinity on TikTok 💕
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cxndiedvi0lets · 6 months
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ㅤㅤ𔓘ㅤㅤㅤMy DMs are always open to talk
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤdon't be shy to message me anytime. :)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤplease use tone tags when interacting
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwith me ♡ ty.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐞. ❀
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤHi, im Violet, and I'm a Ghost. Boo.
Hi, Im Violet, and I'm 18+, Please ask for my age in DM. Thank you ! I'm a She/Her, but I'm comfortable with any pronouns. I'm also a founder of the band called 'The Nomads' and lead singer. I am an INFP-T, My house is Slytherin, My Cabin is Cabin 5 Ares, and my Zodiac Sign is a Gemini. I am also a Semi-Literate Roleplayer, and I'm dead. lol.
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Is there anything in taeils chart that could point to him being an awful person?
Oooh- I was so hesitant in wondering whether or not I should respond to this question BUT I'm going too for education purposes because this is a great way of understanding how unhealed/undeveloped/immature zodiac placements manifest in people.
Disclaimer: Before I begin and receive hate comments, pls be mature and understand that this isn't reflective on EVERY person who has these placements AND also this is for funsies and not to be taken srsly. Taeil's decisions are a product of his own free will and free will always surpasses astrological influence. 18+
Placements: Gemini Sun, Leo Moon, Cancer Venus, Taurus Mars ( Rising Sign Unknown)
Sorry to the ppl with Gemini placements watching this but we have another Gemini man bringing shame to the zodiac world.
The benefits of this Sun/Moon duo together is having the ability to use their natural charisma, ability to adapt to different situations, friendly appearance and whimsical sense of humor to bring joy to others around them and to help the underdog/misfits feel included.
I don't know much about Taeil but from what I've seen on Tiktok and X, many people who did bias Taeil biased him because of his talented vocal cords, overall 'sweet' persona and having a 'gentle' demeanour.
But of course, Gemini and Leo are known for being able to 'mask' easily and adapt their personality to the environment around them- it's why they are great placements to have if you're in the entertainment industry.
These zodiac signs typically enjoy giving and receiving a lot of attention from multiple people to satisfy their ego and if unchecked, can develop a god complex honestly.
Taeil's ego might have been so unhinged and inflated he might have thought he could commit these acts and not get caught, purely because he's too smart or too famous to receive the consequences from doing it.
When I see a man with a Leo Moon and a Cancer Venus, this is giving me such mommy's boy energy not going to lie. It's common for men with Leo and/or Cancer placements to grow up with a mother who blew wind up their arse and they could never do anything wrong and their mother coddled and did everything for them.
I don't know if he's a Mommy's boy but it wouldn't surprise me if he is.
And I've just noticed in general, that a large amount of men who grew up being a Mommy's boy or in an emotionally incestuous relationship with their mother (NOT ALL BUT MANY) tend to have a quite derogatory view towards women.
This is mainly because they already have a woman who satiates their psychological, emotional and egotistical needs and so may view other women merely for sexual gratification and that's it.
It's common that men with these placements typically have a conservative/traditional view and opinion towards hetereosexual romantic relationships.
South Korea is a country where the societal norms and standards towards women are very misogynistic, restrictive and sexist (don't argue with me on this, there's a reason why the 4b movement exists) and that Cancer Venus influence means he probably developed these views towards women at a young age.
Which is really sad because majority of ppl who stanned Taeil were women or fem-identifying so unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if...
Taeil stans viewed him as being this 'soft spoken' idol that was respectful and loving towards his fans when in reality...
It's more likely that he saw his fans as nothing more than to satisfy his ego, give him the fame he thinks he deserves and would warm his bed with a single click of a pen.
Again, this is just intrusive thoughts and a random brain rot about how his natal chart could show insight into his wiring and why he made these horrific decisions.
None of this is confirmed, might not even be accurate but hey, you wanted my opinion and so here it is.
And don't be afraid if you know a person or stan another idol who has similar placements because again, a human's greatest gift is free will.
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maghamoon · 1 year
Reading a Birth Chart 101: The Complete Guide
(Part I): Intro to Intrigue
Glossary: Astrology websites, explanation of sun in all zodiac signs, moon in all zodiac signs, rising in all zodiac signs and also takeaways section. (LONG POST)
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hey, this post is for any beginner who has gotten into astrology and reading their natal/birth chart. if you are reading this, you probably discovered astrology through tumblr, instagram, tiktok, youtube or any other platform (or maybe your friend told you about it) and have no idea where to begin. you go onto an astrology website, type in your birth info and you are met with something that looks like this:
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(Natalie Portman’s Birth Chart)
as a beginner, you don’t know how to make sense of this. there’s lines everywhere and a bunch of symbols that you don’t understand. don’t worry, you don’t have to deal with this right now. right now, we will be focusing on the basics.
Astrology websites and their descriptions:
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what we are going to do is go on every single astrology website that gives you a birth chart. i will link a few below. you will make a birth chart on every single one of these websites and throughly read the descriptions. some things will make sense, some won’t. i advice you to take everything these websites say with a grain of salt since these are auto-generated descriptions for one placement and don’t consider inter-planet relationships.
some websites i used to go to during my beginner stages:
cafeastrology (astro.cafeastrology.com)
astroseek (horoscopes.astro-seek.com)
astrodienst (astro.com)
you may wonder, why are we doing this?
one simple reason: intrigue. you won’t be able to master astrology if it doesn’t intrigue you. when you go through these descriptions, the aim is to achieve “oh my god, this is so me!” moments. by doing so you solidify your belief in the stars and acquire a hunger for knowing how to read people.
you go through these descriptions and feel very heard and understood, then we start building the foundations of a birth chart: the big 3.
The Sun, Moon and Rising:
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also known as the big 3, the sun, moon and the rising. these are the most basic placements to learn during your reader journey.
1) the sun: the sun is probably the only sign you are familiar with. it is what you say when someone asks you: “what’s your zodiac sign?”
“oh, i was born on jan 1st. i’m a capricorn.”
it signifies your ego, self, identity and is solely just, you. the reason why mainstream astrology gets this wrong is because it stereotypes the sun and disregards any aspects* to it or the house* which it’s in.
(these will be explained in later lessons*)
the sun will be in either of the 12 zodiac signs. the zodiac signs go from aries-pisces. i urge you to remember the order of them whenever you can. it will prove to be helpful later on.
aries sun: your identity can be affiliated with your physical appearance and you place your ego around how you come across to other people. putting yourself first will be a theme in your life when you decide to go through self discovery, since you are a fire sign passion, aggression and drive will be key.
tarus sun: your identity is around your possessions, wealth, etc. self esteem will be a theme when it comes to self discovery, all things beautiful like art, music, any sort of leisure activity helps you feel more connected to you. you are an earth sign, so staying grounded, consistent and stable are key.
gemini sun: your identity is accordance to your wit, communication. siblings (or lack of) can play a role in why you are the way you are. thinking on your feet and quickly strengthens your relationship w/ your individuality. you are an air sign, so intellect and duality are key.
cancer sun: your identity is centered around your home, mother (or any other maternal figure in your life), connecting deeply with your inner psyche and emotions will help you realize your true self. you are a water sign, so familiarity and deep connection are key.
leo sun: your identity is centered around you, literally! being creative, working with kids or regaining your childlike self, understanding paternal figures, etc. help you connect with yourself. you are a fire sign, so confidence and feeling acknowledged/ appreciated are key.
virgo sun: your identity is centered around routine and details. some natives may find that staying chaste/ losing it changed their self identity. performance in work and quality of it changes relationship with self as well. you are an earth sign, so friendships and formalities are key.
libra sun: your identity is centered around fairness and beauty. relationships with others serve crucial ways to discover yourself. you are an air sign, so art and equality are key.
scorpio sun: your identity may be ever-transforming through lessons. having an overly-comical or strategically closed-off persona to hide your complexity is common. you are a water sign, revealing secrets and interest in the occult are key.
sagittarius sun: your identity may feel like it’s something that is distant, natives feel like they need to “know” (philosophies, religion, etc.) to feel closer to themselves. you are a fire sign, so desire and passion are key.
capricorn sun: natives will attain self-realization at a later age. curating / having control over their public image, or their work is a consistent theme. you are an earth sign, so taking initiative and loyalty are key.
aquarius sun: going through some sort of intellectual debacle to understand oneself, friends are a common theme. wanting change and community. you are an air sign, so revolutionary ideas and technology are key.
pisces sun: feeling like your basing your self around how other people perceive you/ feeding to their ideals. going through a period of disillusionment will help you understand your ego. you are a water sign, so spirituality and empathy are key.
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2) the moon: the moon signifies your emotions and how you deal with them. it can also show how your childhood was + represents your mother/ any other maternal figure growing up.
aries moon: emotional changes can be seen at face value, they are also a source of motivation and drive. mother/home life is passionate and challenging.
taurus moon: beauty and food are used to regulate oneself from negative emotions. mother/home life is stubborn, affects your self-esteem and relationship with money.
gemini moon: emotions are seen from dual perspective, thereby being prone to intellectualizing. siblings can be a significant part of home life. short-distance travel, changing homes is common.
cancer moon: emotions are bottled up and kept deep within the crevices of the native. the emotional intensity of mother/home causes native to keep their own feelings to theirselves.
leo moon: creativity and humor is a common way to express emotions. the child was the star of the home. mother is popular amongst family.
virgo moon: emotions are better expressed written. mother was involved in her work. routine keeps emotions regulated.
libra moon: when close relationships are in turmoil, native’s mood is affected. needing fairness and balance.
scorpio moon: relationship with mother transformed which caused secrecy in the native regarding emotions. intense home life.
sagittarius moon: weird relationship with emotions, as if they are foreign or in a distant land. expressing emotions through “bigger” ideas like philosophy or theology, but failing to express them through simple writing.
capricorn moon: mother/home life made the native disciplined. emotions are strained, vulnerability comes with a later age.
aquarius moon: native feels safer expressing emotions on the internet or through any forms of technology. sudden changes in emotions, political ideas or change fuel emotions.
pisces moon: native is able to understand everyone’s emotions except it’s own. prone to running after any sort of esoteric, escapist experience.
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the rising: also known as the ascendant or the first house, it shows how we like to present ourselves, the course/ journey of your life. some astrologers like to discuss superficial self vs shadow self with the ascendant (1st house) and descendant (7th house). we will get into that in later chapters.
aries rising: people are surprised by their understanding and willingness to compromise. have a taste for aesthetics and things that look good.
taurus rising: these people have a certain knack of art and pleasantries. the neck is always highlighted. very troubled once you get to know them, relationships transform their sense of self.
gemini rising: small-looking individuals with bright eyes. interested in meeting new people to discuss new ideas. interested in travel, siblings can be discussed a lot when they first meet u.
cancer rising: moon-like faces that are on the bigger side. looks more like the mother. people are surprised by their discipline.
leo rising: these people always have distinct hair! can look more like the father, or have that same loud laughter. creative individuals.
virgo rising: intelligent energy but in a careful manner rather than a chaotic one. secret need for the spotlight/ being admired for their hard work.
libra rising: pleasant smiles, cordial faces. perfectionists when it comes to appearances.
scorpio rising: intense when it comes to first impressions, longing for balance and cooperation but being a little awkward, prone to self-rejection.
sagittarius rising: witty jokes and philosophical questions, powered by the darkness of their psyche and revolutions of their mind.
capricorn rising: they have a weird relationship with their self esteem, feeling detached. prone to getting moody and emotional once you get to know them. may look more like the father.
aquarius rising: friendly energy with eccentric ideas. need to be admired in their relationships, they have this creative and generous side to them that isn’t seen at first.
pisces rising: ever-changing personality when meeting new people, but don’t think of it like a transformation- it’s more like waves of water that fit into any vessel. passion for understanding human psyche, prone to anger or getting defensive when it comes to being fully intimate / authentic.
Takeaways + To-do’s:
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okay, we have gone over websites and chart-making, we went over the 12 zodiac signs and the big 3- the sun, moon and rising in all the signs.
while you were reading your chart, you must have seen way more things- houses, aspects, etc. these things help you have a clearer understanding of the birth chart.
when the explanation of a planet doesn’t apply, don’t worry. today we only described the energies of the sun, moon and rising. the house it is in, the degree and also aspects to the placement channel the energy of your big 3 or cancel it out.
nevertheless, you now have an understanding of some basic principles of birth charts, so congrats!
—> using intrigue to further your understanding:
reader, it’s not feasible to memorize the meanings behind all these placements. instead, try to involve them in your daily life. ask a friend their birth time, look up their chart, then tell them the explanations of their big 3. you can even look up celebrity charts to see how their big 3 plays a role in their lives. this will help you gain an understanding of the signs (and memorize them) without feeling like you’re forced to “study.”
i will meet you again soon, where you will be able to understand elements, inner and outer planets, how each zodiac sign’s energy affects a planet and you will be introduced to the 12 houses!
good luck on your astrologer journey, i hope this makes things a little less complicated. 🤍
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illicit affairs | am. targaryen
Description: It was forbidden to fall for a man like him - but you were never the type to control the urges of your heart. Aemond Targaryen has been married to his wife Alys Strong for the past decade. It all started when he was 18, and she was 27. Pairing: Aemond Targaryen/Kpop!Reader Face Claim: Jennie Kim Rating: 16+ (dark suggestive themes, mentions of grooming, internet sexism, domestic abuse, child abuse and cyberbullying)
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Everything about him was the color green - his scent of warm peaches and lemongrass, his eyes that had a hint of sea green in them, his zodiac sign - gemini and his crooked thinking that managed to lure you in. He was a married man - and the media would fry you at the tiniest sound of you being around him - but it wasn't enough to keep you apart. You move the blanket up your torso - covering your heavy breasts.
He looked innocent when he slept - his eyes were slightly narrowed, eyebrows merging into each other, and his mouth was slightly ajar. He was peaceful - completely oblivious of the world around you. Your hands snake towards his chest, providing him with a warm embrace.
You would give the world to be Alys Strong. You would kill to have him beside you every night without the fear of being caught. "Darling," he breathed - slowly stirring awake. He burned for you - he craved you in the nights that he wasn't starving. He loved you - but he wouldn't ruin himself for it. "Good morning," you hummed - inhaling his minty scent.
"What time it is?" he groaned, staring at the digital alarm clock on his bedside. It was 8am, and he could already hear the people moving around his trailer. "Filming will begin in a few hours," he breathed, reminding you that there could be other people around you. "A few hours more for us, then." you buried your face on the crook of his neck. It would be nice to forget about the world.
"You're right," he smiled - slithering his hands deeper into your waist. He doesn't know why he's cheating on his wife with you, when he could easily divorce his wife and be with you openly. He couldn't do it - he couldn't get rid of Alys. Alys has known him since he was six. She was his brother-in-law's sister, and she was part of their inner circle. His reputation would be ruined - with or without the knowledge of his infidelity.
In spite of the power that his wife held over him - he couldn't stop thinking about you. He couldn't stop visiting you. "How long are we going to keep doing this?" you inquired - itching for the feeling of release. You didn't want to be anyone's secret. You wanted to love him - and you knew that he wanted the same. "Please divorce her, she's doing more harm than good." you closed your eyes.
She's known him since he was a little boy - that was weird for you.
"We have a son, (Your Name), I don't think I can abandon him." he reasoned - trying to not show his fear of Alys. "Won't he be happier? You keep telling me that you're fighting with her all the time." you argue. You couldn't stand being his mistress.
He closed his eyes - taking a deep inhale.
"Please give me time to think about it." he begged.
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aemonddefender it's funny how i suddenly support cheating now that aem's doing it
arthurkerry: BITCH WHATT?? -aemonddefender: someone from tiktok saw that y/n and aemond were walking around harrods (holding hands and laughing) -arthurkerry: I HATE Y/N'S DANCING BUT I KINDA LIKE HER NOW, everything to free aemond from his grandmother 😭
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Member of Blackpink Y/N L/N and Aemond Smith have both been trending over tiktok and twitter for the weekend because of an alleged fan that saw them together in a popular british shop. According to CelebrityGossip, the rumors started after a tiktok user posted a video of the alleged couple walking around in Harrods.
Aemond Smith is noted to be married to the infamous scandal baby of Lyonel Strong - but due to the pretty major age-gap and icky beginning of the relationship, his fans are not fond of his wife.
For more updates please follow us in www.celebritygossipmag.uk
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y/nlikesflowers: 'Argentine' movie premiere afterparty. I had an amazing time with my cast members, I hope that ya'll love the movie. #Argentine #Y/NL/N #Movie2023 #Argentine2023
22,290 comments 826,284 likes
Y/Nkorea: 예뻐요 언니 💗 - y/nlikesflowers: 감사합니다 🥰
almond'stoysreview: Let's get rid of Alys (translation for u: Alys라는 할머니를 없애자) -y/nlikesflowers: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ😭
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aemonddefender BYE IT'S CONFIRMED so I'm going to make this ANNOUNCEMENT for Miss Y/N
Dear @y/nlikesflowers, pls take aemond and put him in your custody, amen. if you do this then we will all stream your comeback song and never make fun of your dancing again. yours forever and ever, aemond's fans.
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Panic began to flood Aemond's features - seeing that his phone was currently bombarded by messages from his wife. His phone rings - and he picks up immediately, not spending another second. He was scared that his wife would yell at him - and threaten to keep his son away again. "What is this I'm reading about?" Alys' tone showed that she was fuming with rage. "What is it?" he tried his best to stay calm, but his hands began shaking. "That fucking girl you're working with - are you cheating on me?" Alys asked, voice growing dark and dim.
A sigh escaped his mouth - he couldn't lie to save himself.
"I think we should take some time off," he bit the inner corners of his cheeks. He wished that you were here beside him - comforting him. "Time off? We're fucking married and I'm stuck here with your son." her voice dripped with venom.
He clenches his fists - swearing that he'd regain his confidence and not cower underneath his wife's questioning. "Our son." he reminded, and that seemed to switch something deep in her psyche. "Fuck you." she yelled at the phone - screaming insults in her mother tongue. He had no doubt that she'd kill him. "Alys calm down," he stuttered, fearing that he'd do something to Aegon.
"No you calm the fuck down." she replied - gritting her teeth and throwing a piece of object in the other direction. "Are you drunk?" he inquired, knowing that she had violent tendencies. "Listen, if your mother doesn't pick Aegon up - then you're going to see him in the police station. I'm not a fucking nanny, you take care of your son." she cursed - trying to lower her voice by a few decibels.
The same panic began to rise through his lungs.
"Alys, don't you do a damn thing to my son!" his yelled - feeling his heart pump through his chest. His hands shakingly reach for his burner phone, dialing his mother's number - and praying to the gods that she'd pick up. "I'm not doing anything to him," her voice thinned - feigning innocence. "I'll fucking kill you, bitch." he threatened - and she hangs up.
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"-I'll fucking kill you, bitch." he hears his voice echo through the screen, his PR Manager had that deadly glare on her face. Myrna clears her throat, turning the television off.
"The cheating rumors were alright - but this? Kill me, Aemond." she groaned, feeling a headache form in the back of her brain.
"You have to understand that she was about to hurt our son." he buried his face in his palms, still high from the adrenaline that last night gave him. He wasn't aware that Alys would double cross him - but that girl's anger brought her to do the deadliest of crimes.
"- but she didn't and now you're fighting a public trial. You're about to get cancelled, Aemond."
"I don't give a fuck about cancel culture, my son could've died."
"What do you want me to do? I can't salvage your reputation."
"Tell them the truth."
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In a recent interview with 'The Hollywood Gossip' a voice mail was given by an 'anonymous' source, but an insider claims that it was Alys Targaryen.
The Aem-Y/N cheating rumors have been viral since the start of this month, now the angry housewife is trying to burn bridges and ruin her husband's reputation. According to Mrs. Alicent Targaryen, Mrs. Alys Targaryen (or should we say, future Ms. Strong.) threatened to hurt her son if the rumors continued.
Police arrived on the scene past midnight and arrested Alys Targaryen.
For more updates please follow us in www.celebritygossipmag.uk
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y/nlikesflowers: #flowers #chanel #khaki
4,890 comments 5,918,912 likes
magicmikeswallower: Thoughts about Alys Strong, senpai? - y/nlikesflowers: 보안 💗 (security)
AlysTargaryenOfficialUK: Replying to the comments about me reeks of childish behavior. If you are as mature as you make yourself seem, please stay away from married men. 😊 - the wife of the married man you're with. -y/nlikesflowers: 감옥에서 전화를 사용할 수 있습니까? 💗 (you're allowed to use phones in prison?) -AlysTargaryenOfficialUK: The same way you're allowed to sleep with married men 😊 -y/nlikesflowers: i could say a lot of things that could ruin your reputation, but i'd rather not. 나랑 문제가 있으면 법정에서 만나자 💗 (If you have a problem with me, let's meet in court.)
comments have been restricted.
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@watercolorskyy @glame
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Follow me on TikTok for more astro-logic and to see your questions answered LIVE!
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
Zodiacs in Horror Films:
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pinkydee10 · 6 months
Even crazier than my “Eclipse might just be Solar Flare” theory I made on TikTok a while ago because this actually makes sense!
Ok, so each zodiac sign rules over each of the large bodies in our solar system, the planets, dwarf planets, ect.
If you look at what each zodiac sign rules over, it corresponds with the powers of each known Astral Body we know about in the SAMS universe.
Leo rules over the sun (not Sundrop but the actual sun). We know second hand from Castor and Pollux that he can control fire which is very similar to what the sun practically does.
Taurus can destroy planets and rules over Venus, the planet that’s practically destroying itself.
Gemini rules over Mercury which represents communication, mentality, thinking patterns, ect. Castor and Pollux can see and hear everything separately, and feel everything together.
This also supports the Frank is Pisces theory that’s been circulating as Pisces rules over Neptune which represents dreams, fantasies, and consciousness. We’ve seen Frank knock Stitchrathe and Bloodmoon unconscious while also showing them visions.
Now for what really blows my mind about this.
One of the Astral Bodies we haven’t heard (as far as I know) mentioned yet is Sagittarius. Sagittarius rules over Jupiter, a planet known for its huge storms and dangerous weather patterns.
And who can control weather? Lunar
We know that Astral Bodies can be and have been reborn. We know Lunar got his powers by “being in the wrong place at the right time”.
I think Lunar might be Sagittarius reborn or at least has a part of their powers.
The Astral Bodies also have the personalities that seem typical for the people within that Zodiac range. Lunar acts like a Sagittarius would. I would know, because I’m one!
This would also explain why Gemini specifically went to assess and train Lunar as Gemini are very compatible with Sagittarius. Leo is very compatible with Sagittarius as well which is probably why he seems excited at the idea of visiting Lunar. Taurus on the other hand is one of the least compatible signs with Sagittarius which may explain why Taurus is very dismissive of Lunar.
Thank you for coming to my info dump, needed to get this out while the thought was still clear!
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heffy1111 · 1 month
Own gg dr.
Debut: On February 11, 2017
Introduction: ~ "stars are the brightest in our universe, hello we are saturnus”~ (cred @starrihideshere)
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↳ Kprofile
Saturnus Members Profile
Saturnus Members Profile and Facts:
Saturnus  (토성) is a five-member girl group under Hybe Entertainment. They consist of: Holli/Storm, Jisoo, Sukja, Hyoji, and Yuri. They debuted on February 11, 2017, with their first single album “solar love”.
Fandom Name: Novas
Official Fan Colour: deep blue
Official Accounts:
Website: saturnus[.hybe.com](http://hybe.saturnus.com/)
Official Website (Japan): saturnus[japan.com](http://saturnusjapan.com/)
Facebook: Saturnus
Instagram: Saturnus_official
Instagram (Japan): saturnus[official_jp](https://www.instagram.com/saturnusofficial_jp/)
Twitter: saturnus[Official](https://twitter.com/saturnusOfficial)
Twitter (Japan): Saturnus[_JP](https://twitter.com/Hybesaturnus_JP)
YouTube: Saturnus official
YouTube (Japan): Saturnus [JAPAN](https://youtube.com/c/saturnusjapan_official)
TikTok: saturnus[official](https://www.tiktok.com/@saturnusofficial)
TikTok (Japan): saturnus[official_jp](https://www.tiktok.com/@saturnusofficial_jp)
Members Profile:
Stage Name: nine (아홉)
Birth Name: Carter, Holli (카터, 홀리)
English Name: Holli Carter
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist.
Birthday: January 9, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Nationality: Welsh
Holli facts:
– Hollis hometown is *********** , Wales
– She became a trainee in 2016, so she trained for 1 year.
– TXT‘s Kai calls Holli Bighits Hidden Weapon
– Holli auditioned to Bighit with “Achilles come down ” from gang of youths.
– Favorite food: tteokbokki.
– Favorite color: dark purples and pastel blues and greens.
– She is the shortest member.
– Holli has a puppy named Minx.
– She ranked 9th on TC Candler’s 100 Most Beautiful Faces 2019.
Stage Name: Jisoo (지수)
Birth Name: kim Ji soo (최지수)
English Name: Julia Kim
Position: Main Vocalist, Sub Rapper
Birthday: July 21, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Height: 162.3 cm (5 ft 3¾ in)
Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Jisoos facts:
– Jisoo’s hometown is Seoul, South Korea.
– She has a younger brother.
– She attended Incheon Sinsong Elementary School (graduated), Shinsong Middle School (transferred), Northern College Eight School Jeju (transferred), Shinsong Middle School (graduated) & Seoul Performing Arts High School – department of Practical Music (SOPA / graduated)
– Her nicknames are Honey Jisoo, Cinnamon susu
– Her role model is her dad.
– She feels most comfortable with Holli and Sukja.
– Her stage name comes from ‘Julia’, her English name. Her aunt gave her that name.
Stage Name: Sukja (숙자)
Birth Name: Kang Suk ja (강 숙자)
English Name: Lilian Kang
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Center
Birthday: April 17, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: 164 cm (5’4’’)
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Sukja facts
– Sukja’s hometown is Seoul, South Korea.
– She has a younger brother.
– She attended Seoul Gwangnam Elementary School (graduated), Daejang Middle School (graduated), Gyeonggi Girls’ High School (transferred) & Hanlim Entertainment Arts High School (graduated)
– Yang Hyun Suk offered her to join YG, but she decided to stay at Bighit.
– Sukja has 2 Kitties “Byullie & Dallie”.
– She was a trainee for 4 years.
– Sukja’s role model is GDragon (bigbang).
Stage Name: Classy (고급스러운)
Birth Name: Choi Yuri (최 유리)
English Name: Alaw Lee
Position: Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper
Birthday: June 5, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: 166 cm (5’5″)
Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Yuri facts:
– Her hometown is Yongin, South Korea.
– She attended Yongin Seocheon Elementary School (graduated), Yongin Seocheon Middle School (graduated) & Hanlim Entertainment Art High School (Musical major / graduated)
– She became a trainee in 2014. She trained for 4 years.
– Her nickname is “Snow”.
– Yuri gets scared easily.
– Her hobbies are watching dramas, sleeping and eating delicious food.
– Yuri can compose music.
– Her favourite song is “Because of You” by Ne-Yo.
– Her favourite music genre is Ballad.
– Her habit is touching her hair.
Stage Name: Hyoji (효지)
Birth Name: Kim Hyo Ji (김효지)
English Name: Regina Kim
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Visual, Maknae
Birthday: December 9, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Goat
Height: 170 cm (5’7’’)
Weight: 46.8 kg (103 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Hyoji facts:
– Hyoji’s hometown is Suwon, South Korea.
– She has an older sister.
– She attended Suwon Hwayang Elementary School (graduated), Yeongbok Girls’ Middle School (graduated) & Hanlim Entertainment Arts High School (Practical Dance Department / student)
– Hyoji used to wear braces.
– She trained for 3 years.
– Her favorite color is crimson.
– Personality: Extroverted.
– She’s the tallest member.
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