#gemini moom
bratzinmoodboards · 2 years
<333 can i get a moodboard for a cancer sun/moom, gem mercury, taurus venus and aries mars? thanks!!
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GEMINI mercury
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
hey I’m new into this astro chart would you interpret mines i have
leo sun
pisces moom
leo mars (i would like to more about this placement and sexual attributes and if its good for physicality and sports)
leo mercury
cancer jupiter
virgo venus
saturn gemini
virgo rising
gemini mc
you'll have to pay me for this <3
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staryeyednerd · 2 years
could u make a leo sun, virgo moom, aires risng, cancer venus, gemini mars moodboard? thanks in advance
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silversnake888 · 2 years
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Hi !! I wanted to know if you could analyze my birth chart!
Hello, thank you for the ask.
You have a Gemini Moon in the 5th house, do you express your emotions through your hobbies? Mainly through writing/communication (speaking, singing, etc)?
You have an Aries Sun at 29 degrees. If you believe in destiny, then this degree can point towards the native completing a past life cycle(s) in this life. For you, this can be related to your ego and soul, especially when it comes to matters of money and your sense of security. Do you struggle with these things?
You have Neptune in the 12th house. Do you daydream a lot?
You have Chiron in the 10th house. Would you like to be a healer/medical professional? This placement is prominent in charts who do.
Feel free to reblog/reply or send in an ask saying if you agree/disagree with my observations.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Saturday, July 9, 2022
More of the same from yesterday, alas, with today being distinguished by depths of sullenness (whereas yesterday we were all just crabby). Sometimes life isn’t fair, or fun, and we have to deal with it. Finding a constructive way to process or vent the sullenness, will be useful. Heavy-duty cleaning is always one thing. There’s an Opportunity Period very late - for most of the world, technically tomorrow, from 00:56 UT - 04:34 UT. “Use this OP for serious and constructive work.” The Moom going into Sagittarius will cheer us up a little.
What’s happening when:
Lunar Phase: First Quarter Moon (take action, build new structures)
Mercury/Cancer square Jupiter/Aries, 12:14 am MDT
Venus/Gemini semi-sextile North Node/Taurus, inconjunct South Node/Scorpio, 2:11 am MDT
Mercury/Cancer sesquiquad Saturn Rx/Aquarius, 2:03 pm MDT
Moon/Scorpio void of course, 10:34 pm MDT
Moon enters Sagittarius, 2:34 am MDT (Sunday)
Sun/Cancer sextile Uranus/Taurus, 2:39 am MDT (Sunday)
Venus/Gemini square Juno/Pisces, 3:41 am MDT (Sunday)
Looking ahead to Sunday: avoiding obligations
Please note that MDT is six hours behind UT. All data from either Llewellyn’s 2022 Daily Planetary Guide, or the Cancer Sol issue of “The Mountain Astrologer.”
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swampgallows · 3 years
tagged by @aeiroki​
nickname: i LOVE being wamo.
zodiac: pisces sun gemini moom leo rising
height: i used to believe i was 5′7″ but after being shrimpmode in my bed for 5 years who knows
last thing i googled: i use incognito out of habit (i hit ctrl+shift+n for a new tab then start typing) but ive also been using duckduckgo instead of google so i dont know if it counts. BUT sometimes i do have to use google for when my search terms aint boolean enough and im lookin up some kind of esoteric meme. i think the last thing i truly googled was “hoo wojak meme”, which did produce the desired result
followers: umm its like ~2500 right now i think. most are defunct accounts 
song stuck in my head: dune — lost in space (la la hey la la hoo)
how much i sleep: LMFAOOO i slept 3 hours after being up for 24 then was up another 15 before finally getting to sleep. the answer is ‘not enough’
lucky number: not really sure, sometimes 4 or 8 but both have very bad connotations too
aesthetic: kinda ‘graver’ but once im out in the world some more i might go further into the dark side over my usual candy rave. ive missed wearing tripps n stuff (even though for me it’s still just throwin on jeans and a t shirt)
dream job: after being unemployed for this long anything where i can contribute and im valued and can be myself is enough for me. 
wearing: pajamas and underwear and socks all with holes in them
favorite instrument: i like a bunch of weird acoustic folk instruments i guess. hurdy gurdy. accordion. xylophone, uilleann pipes. tb303, hoover if it counts. pizzicato synths. i like lots of strings. cello, violin, any kinds of gnarly strings. i always wanted to learn to play the violin but im too shy to play an instrument (rather, to be heard practicing one. or performing or whatever)
favorite song: man this is tough i dunno. there are ‘songs’ then there are ‘tracks’, all are hard to pick. there are some songs that resonate with specific times in my life so they can conjure up memories, both bad and good. it’s hard not to get attached to music (or rather to have music imprint itself on certain times in my life) but i find despite my best efforts that they build up the associations no matter what. and even when played throughout the decades or in wildly different scenarios it just builds into a katamari amalgam of points in time, like flipping through channels or through a reel of film. its why i break down crying so much when im djing lol
favorite animal noise: my lil xena bean when she goes awooo
something random: been playin a lot of hots and still need a new friend in pogo. sall i got goin on. and it’s been raining so my sleep and activity levels are bad lol
taggin whoever if you wanna
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hairbrush9 · 4 years
omg i’m kinda nervous 😅 gemini sun virgo moon cancer rising..?
Maggie we are 100% climbing mountains and talking about our feelings bc we are mushy birgo mooms ❤️ I’ll bring a pre roll!!
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geminipallas · 8 years
The most "dangerous" moon signs
As in, the most manipulative and conniving. Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
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astroyongie · 5 years
Hey i would request a bias compatibility with Taeyong & Mark if that’s possible 🤪 I‘m a Virgo sun, Libra moon/Venus, Leo mars and Aries rising
note: there you go love ! please note this is purely based on what I know ! 
Sun/Moom/(Rising): concerning these part of the chart it’s actually very balanced in both positivity and negativity. To be Honest I find you both would actually feel attracted to each other, however once in a relationship there would be lot of things that would be hard to deal with. However since there’s balance, it’s things that can be tamed and learnt with communication. To be simple, your sun’s are compatible, and his Moon is compatible with both your Moon and Rising. However his Sun isn’t compatible with your Moon and Rising. 
Overall, there would be times where Taeyong would see you as too harsh with him, too demanding while you would find him too clingy and actually too emotionally dependent. However it’s a relationship that could work if both parties are invested in it.
Mercury: (not enough information) 
Venus: Venus deals with emotions and how you feel and express them. Taeyong being a Gemini, he is actually very flirtatious and devoted to things he loves. While you are lot into truthful things that matter. You guys would emotionally go well, but no plus. I fell like both parties would be honest with each other when it comes to feelings but you also would have trouble opening up to each other.
Mars: As I expected and said before, there’s a lot of desire between you both. And it accentuates even more with your Mars placements. Leo and Gemini are actually very compatible. I think there’s more passion and physical desire between you both than actually love. Like there’s the need of possessing each other but when it comes to love, you both are too closed to each other 
Sun/Moon/(Rising): Mark and you would naturally be drawn to each other, since there’s compatibility at first view, and opposite signs that make you curious about each other. There would be a very good communication between you and even if sometimes there might be some disagreements they are easily forgotten.  His intensity would be controlled and balanced by your more spiritual and passive nature. Mark would found you the type of company that he emotionally needs when he is feeling too overwhelmed. 
Mercury: not enough information
Venus: Mark shares the same Venus as Taeyong so again its mostly the same. meaning that you both would feel comfortable with each other. However there’s emotions that you both wouldn’t rather talk to each other, maybe because there’s fear of judgment. Very friendly feelings toward each other though. 
Mars: in terms of desire it can be very complicated. Because both of you are very intense. However Mark would be intense in a emotional way while you would be intense in a physical way. this could either be very good or very bad, but taking in consideration all the chart, I personally believe that it would be somehow good. Like you would both use actions to actually communicate and to show love toward each other rather than use words.
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detective-bones · 5 years
does anyone know astrology and want to expose me, a leo sun, libra moom, gemini rising, for the sad lil bitch i am? 😔👊
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bratzinmoodboards · 1 year
hii could you make for cap sun, gemini moom, gemini rising, cap mars, aquarius venus/mercury mood board? 💖
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AQUARIUS mercury
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azure-cherie · 2 years
hii! this is for the quote and music game thank you for hosting it! my initials are ed and my moom sign is in gemini<33 thank you so much in advance
Hii, welcome so much ♥️
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I h8 that I’m a Gemini Moom
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sleepingsagittarius · 6 years
Gemini moom culture, please?
- need lots of brain stimulus
- tend to overshare your feelings with others and often over think your emotions
- worried, nervous and stressed out at times
- like to be around lots of different kinds of people
- hooked on social media
- changes mind a lot
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Thursday, March 31, 2022
New Moon Eve? The big deal today, though, is Venus square the North and South Node. This is extremely significant because (1) Venus rules Taurus, the sign the North Node is in; and (2) after today Venus is closer to the North Node. We may have felt really stymied about calming ourselves down - Venus was in Saturn-land, Capricorn and Aquarius, for so freaking long. This will feel like she’s finally able to shake off the gloom and doom, and start moving toward peace. As we anticipate the New Moom, let’s try to incorporate a little of that into our intentions.
What’s happening when:
Lunar Phase: Balsamic Moon (let go of the past, envision the future)
Moon/Pisces, void of course 12:37 am MDT
Moon enters Aries, 3:30 am MDT
Venus/Aquarius square North Node/Taurus and South Node/Scorpio, 11:15 am MDT
Lunar Phase: New Moon (set a new intention for the month), 11:31 Aries, 12:24 am MDT (Friday)
Mercury/Aries semi-square North Node/Taurus, sesquiquad South Node/Scorpio, 12:34 am MDT (Friday)
Mercury/Aries sextile Vesta/Aquarius, 4:30 am MDT (Friday)
Ceres/Gemini sesquiquad Pluto/Capricorn, 5:30 am MDT (Friday)
Looking ahead to Friday: Aries New Moon
Please note that MDT is six hours behind UT. All data from either Llewellyn’s 2022 Daily Planetary Guide, or the Aries Nox issue of “The Mountain Astrologer.”
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rosyandraw · 3 years
If anyone wants to know how im doing:
Its my birthday tomorrow.
During a solar eclipse and new moom both in my sun sign
Whilst Gemini's ruling planet is in the middle of a retrograde that is absolutely kicking my arse.
Jarring astrological reality checks are so much fun. I am FINE. lmao.
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