#sun at 29 degreees
silversnake888 · 2 years
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Hi !! I wanted to know if you could analyze my birth chart!
Hello, thank you for the ask.
You have a Gemini Moon in the 5th house, do you express your emotions through your hobbies? Mainly through writing/communication (speaking, singing, etc)?
You have an Aries Sun at 29 degrees. If you believe in destiny, then this degree can point towards the native completing a past life cycle(s) in this life. For you, this can be related to your ego and soul, especially when it comes to matters of money and your sense of security. Do you struggle with these things?
You have Neptune in the 12th house. Do you daydream a lot?
You have Chiron in the 10th house. Would you like to be a healer/medical professional? This placement is prominent in charts who do.
Feel free to reblog/reply or send in an ask saying if you agree/disagree with my observations.
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