veeloopz · 1 year
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Mermay 09-10
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durtystars · 7 months
you ever think that liz loves her first born son because he was francis' son (who she did truly love at the end of the day) in addition to him being raised by his uncle so there's some ross in him as well? you ever think that goffrey charles represents the love that liz held for two men in one body? the only men she's ever loved? did you?
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pikanepgamer · 2 years
This post will make you feel happy for the rest of today…
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Here is a photo of Eevee with Geffory the Giraffe at a Toys “R” Us store at Macy’s while in the 2022 year! 🤩☺️
@pokemon @nintendo @eeveetreats @eevees @eeveesevolution
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xxslxx · 2 months
Ok for some reason the vote is even stressing me out a bit more like idk why?!
Idk if it's because people mostly voted Taliya because she's the fan kid of Tomas and geffory and those two are members of the toppat clan it's just that it felt so obvious And what's funny is that Taliya's twin brother (Theodore) (I don't have his design yet) is gonna date Felix copperbottom i know it would be kinda interesting if we had a twin from one family dating a twin from another family and the twin sister or brother goes on to date the other twin from the other family but idk
So I think I'll cancel the vote (I deeply apologize for those who have voted) it's just that I wanna get the chance that if I end become more active on here maybe I can post more characters and when I make the new account for the descendants au maybe I can show the fan kids personalities and headcannons
"But what's the point of making the poll in the first place if you're gonna cancel it??"
Good point but listen I just got home from my trip I'm very tired and exhausted and a bit stressed about the whole thing but I want some time to think and maybe eventually make up my mind on who should be Bianca's gf
Again I deeply apologize for the ones who voted and probably gave the most shittist excuse ever...
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superstupendoussims · 20 days
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The castle, draped in the soft glow of twilight, had finally succumbed to a peaceful silence after the exuberant festivities of the wedding. Laughter echoed in the halls, the remnants of joyous celebration hung in the air, but as the last guests departed and the torches flickered out, the calm enveloped Prince Liam like a comforting blanket. He walked through the empty corridors, his footsteps reverberating against the cold stone walls, feeling an unsettling mix of bliss and apprehension.
The grand ballroom, adorned with remnants of flowers and silk, was now an intimate memory of a day filled with love. The prince had married the beautiful Lady Sophia, his heart's desire, and they had exchanged vows amidst a sea of friends and family. Yet, something had changed. The events of the day felt like a shimmering dream, while the night held a lingering weight that pressed upon his chest.
As he prepared for sleep, a knock at his chamber door startled him. It was a guard, solemn and breathless. “My prince, a letter has arrived—delivered in haste.” He handed over an envelope, sealed with a simple wax emblem, yet Liam recognized the elegant, flowing script at once.
It was from Emma.
With trembling fingers, Liam broke the seal and unfolded the letter. His heart raced as he read her words, each flowing sentence thick with urgency:
Dear Liam,
"I must speak with you—tomorrow night in the garden. It is of utmost importance; I cannot explain in this letter. Trust me, my love. I await you beneath the moonlight."
Forever yours, Emma
The prince’s pulse quickened as he read her signature once more. Though they were bound by love and loyalty, something in her tone ignited a fire of concern within him. What could she possibly need to tell him that could not be written on the page?
( i left geffory standing there cause it was funny)
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sea-owl · 1 year
In the isekai and yandere au instead of Felicity looking to remarry to run away from her feelings for Lucy and Gregory what if she was looking because she was pregnant?
Original post found here
Oh god, Felicity was going to be sick, and it wasn't the morning sickness this time.
“I’m pregnant,” Felicity announced in her sister’s drawing room.
Penelope stared at her sister. She put her teacup back down on the table. “Are you sure?”
Felicity nodded. “I have not had my courses for the past two months. At first I thought it had been the stressed with dealing with the inheritance but that has finally been resolved.”
Penelope observed her, in the way that made Felicity uncomfortable, like her sister was digging through her head. After a moment Penelope leaned forward. “Felicity tell me this now and I promise it will be taken care of. Were you forced?”
Forced? No, far from it. Stupidly drunk, but not forced. All of them had been drunk. They were celebrating after a successful hunt, happy emotions had been high. Felicity doesn’t remember who started it, probably her. She was the one dumb enough to fall in love with very married and very happily married friends. Friends who were kind of enough to take her and her daughter in when Felicity’s husband had passed. Now she was carrying her consequences in her womb.
Felicity shook her head. “No, it was accident. We were drunk, I barely remember anything, they have no idea it happened.”
Penelope looked disappointed, but Felicity felt like it was not directed at her. “Do you wish for me to get a special tea from Ms. Kazan? You will not have to worry about a baby then.”
Felicity put her hand to her stomach. “No.”
“That leaves us few options,” Penelope said. “You know the family will help you with whatever you choose, but your time is limited. Our best two options is either to hide you in the countryside or remarriage.”
Felicity bit her lip. She did not want another marriage, but she also refuses to ruin the marriage those she is deeply fond of. Maybe she’ll take one out of Prudence’s book and become a widow once more. She just has to make sure they believe the baby is not their’s.
“Geffory has a country home I can go to,” Felicity offered. “If you could gather names of those looking for an heir, by any means, then I can choose from that list.”
Penelope nodded. WIth a plan set Felicity left to gather her daughter and their things to leave for the country.
“I’m going to kill our siblings,” Penelope ranted to her husband later that night.
Colin raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Gregory, Lucy, and Felicity,” Penelope said. “Gregory and Lucy had foolishly taken liberties and now Felicity is pregnant.”
Colin sat up, his eyes narrowing. “Do they know?”
Penelope groaned. “No, and Felicity refuses to say anything. She has even asked me to gather a list of gentlemen desperate for heirs while she hides in the country. That is how desperate she is to hide this baby from Gregory and Lucy. Never mind the fact that there is a high chance the baby will more than likely look like the rest of their siblings. You Bridgerton all look ludicrously alike.”
“Well,” Colin said, “when Gregory and Lucy come storming over here looking for Felicity I will talk with them then.”
Two days later Colin’s prediction came true and he was greeted by Gregory and Lucy in the drawing room.
Colin immediately punched his younger brother.
“What were you two thinking doing something so stupid?!” Colin yelled. “Felicity had said you were drunk but I thought between the three of you one of you would have the brain power to stop! You are lucky Pen and I do not get Anthony or worse the mothers involved!”
Gregory pulled himself off the floor while Lucy looked confused. “What do you mean?”
“Felicity is pregnant.”
Gregory and Lucy both tensed. Who do they have to kill? It was bad enough they had to live through boring Mr. Albansdale, now some other rake had dared to touch their Felicity?
Colin rolled his eyes. “Don’t get yourselves up in a tizzy. That baby will come out looking like a Bridgerton. You have six months to fix this, possibly less since Felicity asked Penelope to gather list of names looking for an heir.”
Gregory and Lucy looked at one another. That night three months ago wasn’t a dream. They had Felicity in their bed. And now she was trying to leave?! Nope, absolutely not, the will crash a wedding if they have too.
“She’s at her country home,” Colin told them as they got up to leave.
When Felicity returned from her walk she was not expecting to see Harmonia and Hermione rushing past her.
“Hi Mama!” They both called as they rushed past.
“Hermione?” Felicity blinked, she took a step forward. “What are you doing-hmph!”
She was dragged into an empty drawing room, pulling out her pistol Felicity lowered it when she realized who it was.
“What are you doing here?” Felicity hissed.
Gregory and Lucy ignored her. One pressed their hands against her barely noticeable bump while the other began to loosen the fastenings on her dress. They both trapped her between them.
“Well we heard you had retired to the country side for your pregnancy,” Lucy said. “It would be rude of us to miss out on our baby so we came.”
Felicity felt a rush of possessiveness hit her. “You mean my baby.”
“Our baby, all three of us,” Gregory and Lucy corrected.
“All three of us were there during conception,” Gregory said. “So it’s fair to say the baby is all of our’s.”
“Just like how you are our’s and we are your’s,” Lucy added. She had finished loosening Felicity’s dress. It dropped down to her waist, Lucy add her own hands above the tiny bump.
Felicity’s face flushed.
Six months later Eurydice Bridgerton was born to three loving parents and a bunch of siblings.
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jmrothwell · 1 year
@invisibleraven and @daintyduck99 both tagged me!! ❤️
Are you named after anyone: Not that I know of? . . .myabe? The main story I get told about my name is how I was orginally supposed to be Geffory(not sure on the spelling) because my mom thought(and still might think) it was an adorable name for a girl. She was vetoed.
When was the last time you cried: About an hour ago.
Do you have kids: Yes, One super extroverted energetic ball of energy.
Do you use sarcasm a lot: Yes, I try not to, but slip into it a lot. And really only when verbally communicating. However no matter how much I dish it out, I can not detect sarcasm a good 90% of the time.
What sports do you play/have played: When I was younger I played T-Ball and Coach Pitch Baseball, then Volleyball for a little bit.
The closest to sport I've gotten to now is when my wife wants to spar, and when I helped her out with her Saber Guild choreography back when she did that more regularly
What's the first thing you notice about people: Honestly, I don't even know anymore. . .their hair?
What's your eye color: Blue...or green. . .both? I haven't looked in a while and sometimes the lighting impacts it
Scary movies or happy endings: Happy endings. . .though some scary movies have some intriguing plot ides. . .but more consistently choose the happy ending
Any special talents: . . .I can cross my eyes than independently uncross one recross them and then uncross the other....does that count?
Where were you born:  🤫 
What are your hobbies: Let's see lately I really enjoy coloring and writing. I also read, draw, paint, hike(when the heat's not trying to kill me), sing(mostly in the car), video games, mess around with makeup. Occasionally contemplate getting back into acting, piano, and a few other hobbies I've dropped, so I guess dreaming of hobbies is a bit of a hobby
Do you have pets: Not at present
How tall are you: 5'4"
Favorite subject in school: Art, though the Science Fiction class senior year wasn't so bad.
Dream job: This has fluctuated so much over my life. Right now my dream job is to go do something that doesn't require a lot of extra social energy, where it's 100% ok for me to go in do my job and go home without getting backhandedly punished for not "aspiring for more" or breaking mysefl for the grind
No pressure tagging: @bbreaddog @bananakarenina and @ri-jane
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ask-thsc-blog · 1 year
Geffory (currently singing California girls by Katy Parry at 3am): "California girls were unforgettable. Daisy's Duke's bikini's-"
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glacioclasm · 2 years
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veeloopz · 1 year
About Torches & Beyond, I was wondering how far do you have it planned out? I have plans for a comic myself and I'm afraid to only start working on it when I have everything perfectly planned out, was wondering how it is for you and if you plan to develop it as you go along or if you know where do you want it to head. May sound silly but you definitely serve as inspiration for me with how much you have done so far. Your art is incredible by the way.
My planning process is super wacky lol… I have the ending planned out and bits and pieces for the middle??? I know where I want it to end basically, and I have general scenes/character developments I know I want to get to… for writing out actual issues it’s kinda hard because I have to piece together those concepts and make it make sense to readers lol. So it’s kinda a big mix of “I have a specific plan but I also write along the way”!
Thats the way I write at least, I can’t have it totally perfect to a T because it’ll drive me up the wall if I have to follow a set of “rules” I made for myself. I like to have it open ended so if I randomly come up with a cool idea or a small scene I can just simply plop it in when the time is right!
Lots of things in my story has changed since I started writing it, also. When I was younger, it was actually going to be Sabrinia had gotten lost in the woods and sent into a magical world where she meets PK… it was very very different lol. Something’s have stayed the same, and something’s evolved over the time I really found what I wanted the overall vibe to be.
I have DOZENS of comic pages, sketches, concepts and ideas in a huge binder and a big folder from over the years, along with many google docs of timelines, scene ideas, and just ideas in general that I’ve either kept since the beginning/along the way! My process isn’t really perfect but it’s organized in a way that I can understand and remember things lol.
For goodness sakes Sabrinia was going to be a human for a while lol. She was a gardener who hated her job because everyone bullied her about it. Geffory was one of those people… she’d hit him with a broom when he’d get on her nerves lol. Lily was always going to be the way she is, and there’s a specific turn of events that has always stayed the same since I came up with it!
I have about 100-ish pages of the comic I wrote as I thumbnailed them… this was when I started to take the whole “I think I want to make a comic” very seriously! I was just like you with it, I was really afraid about just starting it. But doing these quick thumbnails and finding ideas for what I wanted to happen next/taking scenes and ideas I already had in my brain really helped me feel more comfortable with how I wanted it all to be! Granted, back then the story was different with how I paced everything, it was very quick and chaotic lol. The High Ruler had these weird snake things in his back it was a fun time haha.
All in all, what I have planned is where I want the characters to be in the long run. Then I fill in the bits and pieces! Of how they got to be there! It’s complicated but it can also be super fun :) I’ve noticed that I grew with my characters as well, funnily enough lol.
I hope this helped kinda!! Nothing I do is really perfectly written or planned, some of it is I suppose, but I’m not really the type to plan anything exact??? Because what if something happens and the plans just kinda crumble down into pieces?? Yknow?? :O
Thank you so so much for the ask, I’m glad I could maybe help you out even a teensy bit <3 It is such an honor to be an inspiration to anybody, it’s crazy to think I am at all! And thank you for the super kind words!! I hope all goes well with your comic! If someone as sporadic as me can keep up a series like this I know for sure anyone else can :) I’m totes looking forward to it, I bet it’ll be awesomesause >:P
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zima74824 · 3 years
Cuteness! Then where is Grace's brother? (I remember his name and now I don't ;_;)
Grace : geffory? He’s here
Geoffrey: hello
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durtystars · 1 year
guys. ross taking naps with geffory charles because he hangs out at trenwith more than often because he feels bad that his nephew doesn't have a father anymore+he conks out from exhaustion sometimes from working everything he's got in the mine dealing with shareholder meetings so he accidentally falls asleep in the couch and geffory charles just climbs on it and sleeps on his lap. the bossliz era really just can't stop giving
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pikanepgamer · 2 years
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Remember the previous post where I had Eevee take a photo next to Geffory the Giraffe at Toys “R” Us at Macys? Well here it is, I brought it yesterday as a souvenir for myself, and it’s chilling in the grass next to the trash can.
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deadgrantaires · 4 years
sorry plm talk but every time i rewatch im preemptively cringing at geffory like. why are u oversharing so much. why are u inviting yrself over. are there actually ppl like that. Big Fear
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superstupendoussims · 4 years
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Okay so this drama let’s play is already getting really out of hand really quickly... my main household with izzy got married to travis scott after meeting him in a bar one night for ladies night....her brother Trent is married to geffory landgrab now, her broher alex is married to some strange man named albert he met at one of those creepy gentlemen clubs eww...Her little brother cliff wasssss in a relationship with a very nice man tom ( you know tom from HR) but they broke up because cliff was too unmotivated for tom to keep around in his life, and finally her older brother Cameron got divorced from his wife of 5 years after she was caught texting the mailman.....oh and alex and albert adopted a baby girl marcelia!!!
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
Thoughts on Vampyr's the Ascalon Club and the Order Priwen?
I hated the Ascalon club. I’m not sure why but they just bored me. However, the Order Priwen were quite interesting to me, as was their leader Geffory McCullum. I do wish they had more interaction with one another -Jonathan and Geffory- as I like the whole dynamic of the “monster and the hunter”. 
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