#gee why is it so hard with them haha
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babacontainsmultitudes · 2 years ago
Heya Baba! <3 I remember you mentioned Lark and Grant recently and I would love to know more!! So Lark/Grant for the ship bingo :)
😊🌸 Hiya Countless!!! Eheh y'know, I have this awful habit of putting off answering your asks specifically because I want to be especially thorough with them... And consequently not getting to answering them 😅😓. Like, I HAVE NOT forgotten about the music one LOL one day I will answer it I fucking swear!!!
Anyways, oooh, well rad of you to express interest in this one! I'll try my best!
(eheh also fair warning I'm a tad drunk eheheh but hopefully this will still be reasonably comprehensible? Just to say that I might be a bit extra all over the place but I'm trying my best ahaha. Also cheers lol 🍻💜)
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(My second bingo I think? I'm too lazy to mark them lol)
Okay so the thing is, in my head I know exactly how I want this ship to play out and what it means to me... But putting that into words? Quite difficult actually!
I've been like, silently obsessing over these two for the past few months actually. I did this to myself? It was an accident?? I have this non-magical AU road trip fic for them that I've been rotating around for the longest time and have been *dying* to write, so I guess that's what a lot of my thoughts have centered around! That said, if I could explain the appeal more generally...
*Well*, as far as ships I feel strongly positive about go, this one is... Definitely one of the most unapologetically toxic ones tbh? Not as the end game for them! Rather, usually when these two play out in my head it sorta starts as two people with a lot of conflict between them (perhaps cause they're so similar in a lot of ways), who ultimately come to understand each other very well and grow as a result. Does that make sense? I think they make each other worse, and *then* they make each other better.
So what is it about them? Well... It's a bit hard to place actually! I would say that near its core, their relationship to me is very much defined by its physicality. Which I guess I mean from a number of angles (eheh including the sexual side sure but I'll spare you that dw I'll spare you from that LOL). For one there's... Something very physical about both of their most core traumas (the pyramid, the chimera) that to me separates these two from the rest of the other kid(dad)s? Similarly, and perhaps related to this, they certainly have a relationship with physical violence that is unlike the others as well, wherein it tends to be more of a pleasure or source of catharsis rather than purely being a necessary evil. Obviously in Grant's case this takes on a particularly dark tone, but still I think Lark's violent disposition is apparent and important enough.
I'll go back to all of that shortly but as a side tangent, they both have similar (albeit not identical) habits of shutting down and pushing people away as well? There's a lot of self-loathing, a lot of not believing oneself to be worthy of love, and so on and so forth.
SOOOOOO... I think at first they could be very cold and mean with each other! (Cue that scene in The Staircase when Lark body checks Grant to push past hm like ouch ooo my feelings but also *go on*). Verbal communication only goes so far with either of them, seeing oneself in the other and projecting that self-loathing onto them in the form of hate... It's a recipe for disaster tbh.
So... They fight! Especially like, physically, they fight. And... It's great? For both of them. It's an outlet, it's cathartic, and when it's just the two of them like this they can be shameless about it! <- That last part is important, for both of them but especially for Grant I think.
>> Now playing: "A Kiss With a Fist" by Florence and the Machine >>
And I think with time they learn to be more open with one another in other ways? As I mentioned earlier, their traumas bear a lot of similarities, among other things, so I think that once they reach this point there's this level of understanding between them that they haven't really been able to find elsewhere, and in that, probably some comfort. And trust!!!
So they're not really a couple sorta deal for me even if some of the feelings present might ultimately be romantic? It's more like, they let off some steam, they kiss a bit (or a bit more than a bit), and they love each other in a way that is deep and personal but doesn't require any sort of label, cause words were never what defined them in the first place.
Does any of this make sense??? Did I mention I'm drunk???
Not that this is exactly how it needs to be play out in every iteration of them, either. I guess there's also a lot of hurt/comfort for me with these two. A lot of that has to do with my own headcanons of Lark having PTSD and related symptoms that are quite similar to what Grant goes through, and the mutual understanding that comes with that (in short). And hey, for all the cuts and bruises from their training sessions (and/or consensual roughhousing), there's just as many carefully applied bandages and ice packs afterwards eheheh.
AHA okay this was long oh my goodness. And I still don't feel like I really got what I mean across!
🤔 Honestly, if this explanation turned you *off* from the ship more than anything, that's pretty fair tbh! They're really difficult for me to put into words haha, maybe in fanfiction it would be less off-putting!
Regardless, thank you very much for the ask :3 💜
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syscardinal · 1 year ago
hihi!! i love your art sm !!
im curious on how you draw your chibis? they are so squishy and theyre like mochis and blueberry muffins (in the best way o m gee) !!
like hows the anatomy/posing work for you? tips would be super super helpful wow
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Hi! First of all, thank you! This is a hard one cuz I dont usually draw chibis ehe, but I will try to aid you with the few knowlegment I got. As you can see, I have a lot of styles when it comes to draw cheebs but I think i can resume it in one word: SIMPLIFY
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For example, here's a drawing of Gaming I did. Let's dig into it!!
First I tried to replicate the same pose Gaming has in his official art, notice that this not have to follow exactly the same guidelines. "Why?" Well because when drawing a chibi, theres some limitations since the body shrunkens, there is a variety on how cheeb anatomy works but I'll get to that point later-
Forget about detailing too much, like putting in the cheeb every wrinkle of the clothes, every strand of hair or every little costure. With this I am not saying that you have to get rid of ,for example, Furina's decorations in her hat, instead you can simplify them!! If you consider that detail important enough just draw it! (See the image for a example on how I do it)
Negative Space oh man my art teacher used to talk about this a lot and in chibis this is SUPER relevant. A good negative space always leads to clarity, and since cheebs are a really little thing,what we want is exactly that, clarity. Try to make a clear silloutte of what you are trying to convey in the chibi, this will make it look 10 times better for starters.
Lastly, dont forget that cheebs follow the same rules as a normal drawing(like line of action, perspective, etc) In case of cheebs though is usual for the heads, eyes and mouth to be bigger, I'll explain in more detail this below!
Here's the speedpaint for more detail:
Lets go now with Anatomy and Proportions, as I was saying above, there is a lot of variety in cheebs anatomy. I dont think there is a wrong or correct way to draw a chibi here, there is just a lot of ways to draw them altough usually it follows these points:
Chibis are no more than 3 heads in height, after that it just stops feeling like a chibi drawing.
Eyes tends to be bigger, generaly eyes occupies 1/3 of the head. In my case I like to make the ears also just as big as the eyes with the shape of a bean or simply a circle. Moving to the mouth, I draw a simple shape of a triangle, just including the teeths when they smile.
Depending on the proportions you choose, it will give you different results, here you have to choose what you want for your chibi, for example: A proportion of the size of 2 heads + It gives you the liberty of draw more details and complex poses. On the other side a proportion of 1 head or less makes the chibi simpler but at the same time more cute to look at(see my examples at the end of this post!)
Last but not least, use this chart just as a reference, you can draw the bodies roundier, taller, tinier. Its up to your liking!!
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Hope that this was not too overwhelming haha, I am not an expert on drawing cheebs but they are fun to try! I tried to summarize my own knowledge and mixed it with some google search(ehe)
Please dont hesitate to try as much as you want, there is a lot of ways to draw the tiny ones and none of them is incorrect. Hope this helps you and thanks for reading!!!
Here are the examples I mentioned above!!
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iheartgirlzn · 10 months ago
Hello can you do a Percy Jackson reader when Tyson ask Percy Annabeth and the reader if the thzr the reader and Percy is together ? But he is completely shameless because well he is Tyson and the reader and Percy are both oblivious please
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pairing: percy jackson x fem!reader
warning(s): potential spoilers - mention of zöe nightshade, ooc annabeth ?, very short blurb, basically just reader and percy being clueless ♡
🔥 notes: OH EM GEE! MY FIRST REQUEST? ANYWAYS, HOPEFULLY I GOT THIS RIGHT! i tyson sm he’s so silly! (and sorry this took a whilee!)
the three demigods, plus one friendly cyclops, sat around hestia’s hearth, happy chatting to each other with cabin 7’s angelic voices singing harmonically in the background. the night air was cool, and the sky was free of fog, leaving a clear view of stars, making zöe’s constellation visible.
percy and y/n sat knee-to-knee, giggling at chatting with each other.
tyson watched curiously, he was happy that percy had started dating someone, he was just confused why his brother wouldn’t tell him. of course, he couldn’t be a 100% sure they were together, so he decided to ask annabeth instead.
“are brother and y/n dating?” he whispered loudly, attracting the attention of all 3 half-bloods.
annabeth’s eyes widened, freezing and turning to look at tyson with a hysterical look on her face. “wha-what was that?” she stuttered, struggling to keep down her laugh.
“are they.. you know, dating?” tyson repeated, stage-whispering.
annabeth burst into laughter, and percy and y/n sat there frozen in shock with flustered looks on their faces. they slowly scooted away from each other, avoiding eye contact while turning pink.
“why would, uh, you think that bud?” percy asked, his voice cracking embarrassingly. he cleared his throat. “we’re not- we’re not together. haha, nope, no sir!”
y/n nodded aggressively, her eyes wide as if trying to shoot laser beams out of them, super-man style. “yeah- hah, what percy said! we aren’t like that!”
tyson tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy. “huh? but you act like a couple.”
annabeth continued wheezing, crying from laughing so hard, while percy and y/n turned more red, if possible.
“i-i’m going to bed!” y/n shot out of her seat, and walked away from the campfire a blushing mess.
the sons’ of poseidon watched her walk away, tyson confused, percy embarrassed, and annabeth struggling to breathe in her chair.
‘stupid tyson!’ y/n mentally grumbled. ‘i’d never like him like that!’
for the rest of the night, y/n’s thoughts were filled with percy and tyson’s comment. ‘that’s silly.’ she kept telling herself. ‘just.. just silly.’
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ashipiko · 7 months ago
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SUMMON LINE: Ugh…! That wasn’t fair! My hair was blocking my view! Great, now I’m soaked…
additional voicelines below!
GROOVY: Haha— Hahaha! Ah… For some reason, I’m not really that upset about getting this wet…
SET TO HOME SCREEN: A sunny day, hm? At least there’s shade at this extravaganza.
HOME IDLE 1: Usually I don’t treat myself to… well, treats all that often, but Niko’s pawpsicles are sort of addicting. If I end up being a regular, I’ll be absolutely ashamed.
HOME IDLE 2: Hehe. Being surrounded by this many people sure is entertaining… You think I didn’t see that embarrassing thing that just now happened? Don’t worry, I did.
HOME IDLE 3: I do not scream like a girl, shut it—! It’s because whoever’s throwing these water balloons is filling them with ice cold water… And why am I the only one being hit with them?!
HOME IDLE LOGIN: I’ve been looking for you, you know! Gee, I swear all the other people here heard me before you. Learn to keep your ears open, okay?
HOME IDLE GROOVY: Brr… Why is it so cold in the shade now?! …Um— e-excuse me, would you happen to have a towel…?
HOME TAP 1: Thank the Seven I learnt how to conjure water-proof eyeshadow. Otherwise, I’d have to run back to Pomefiore every minute! I’m looking at the first years. Ugh.
HOME TAP 2: …! Wait, Uncle is here?! H-Hide me! I don’t need him reporting back to mother that I’m this disheveled right now!
HOME TAP 3: I always knew Niko as a shady salesman, but… I can actually hold a conversation with him! — That doesn’t mean that he’s the best option here, though.
HOME TAP 4: Doing karaoke like this reminds me of my older cousin. You might know her as one of Mr. Trein’s daughters. She was always fun to sing with. Even with all the noise complaints we got… What was that all about?
HOME TAP 5: Bubbles are so cute! But why are they so darn hard to make?! Augh, I’m so tired of watching them pop away before they even form!
HOME TAP GROOVY: Frankly, I don’t really know why Ashi recruited me for this. But.. I guess I’ll have to give her a heartfelt thanks soon for this experience.
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a-wolfs-bad-moon-rising · 3 months ago
Can't Sleep
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Insomniac Reader *Fluffy*
*I jumped on the COD bandwagon HARD. So I'm going to try and write for them. I'm sorry I lost my inspiration and want for the others. I'm trying to be a better fic writer. Let me know what you think!
Love, Wolf*
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My eyes open for the millionth time. I groan frustrated and roll over. “Come on!”
I call out. This is getting to me. I've always struggled with insomnia but this is ridiculous. I look at the texture of my ceiling, willing myself to fall asleep. I've tried teas, nature sounds, sleeping meds, name it and it hasn't worked. I whine. 
“Why? Can't. I. Fucking. Sleep???” I was new to this base, transfered to be a chemist for Task Force 141. I did a lot of behind the scenes work for the members. They were all nice enough. Price was about business. Ghost was a smart ass but his teasing and insults were more directed to everyone else. Especially Johnny. Johnny was super friendly to me. He’s who I'm closest to of a the Task force members. The least intimidating and leering of all the men. I liked Keegan and Konig enough. It took a lot for me to break them out of their shells. They were super quiet around me. Gaz was pretty friendly too. Honestly I like all of them. They're not the problem. Change of scenery? Tough work? Inhaling too many chemicals? I DON'T KNOW! All I know is I can't fucking sleep and I'm losing it. Well my job is quite stressful and it hasn't helped. I've been trying to push it down but it's hard. Being a chemist in the civilian world had its stresses but in the military? It's a different animal. It's been the root cause of my numerous sleepless nights.
I whimper and give up sitting up in bed. I hear my joints creak as I make my exhausted body work. I stand up and pace my room, the pads of my feet meeting the cold tile and my eyes open more. Ugh, yeah this was gonna be. Long one. I sit at my desk and turn on my PC. The bright screen immediately blinding me. Dammit (Y/N) that definitely made it worse. I sigh and log on.
I search through my games, settling on a shooter game and put my headset on. I look at the time.
Fuck alright here we go. I settle into gaming bitching at the shitty late night players. Are they also insomniacs? Who the hell knows. We have two things in common. We're on the same team. And we're up at 2am. I get particularly irritated when someone who sounds suspiciously like a 10 year old mauls me. The hell with it. I unleash a barrage of insults not meant to be heard by children. Wanna play with adults better grow tf up. In my anger I barely notice the ping on my messages. 
ThatScotSoap: Aye lass what're you dooin up so late?
I look at the message and smile before typing back
(YourGamerTag): how do your messages have an accent?
ThatScotSoap: call it a skeel, didn't answer my question though lass
(YourGamerTag) couldn't sleep
ThatScotSoap: sorry to ere that. Any idea why?
(YourGamerTag): eh stress but who doesnt have it? And I've always had insomnia so that's not helping 
ThatScotSoap: oh sorry lass. I sleep like a wee baby
(YourGamerTag): Gee way to rub it in 😶
ThatScotSoap: Haha sorry lass. Well I can't sleep ayether want me to come by and bug ya?
I hesitate a moment my stomach flipping. Okay Soap MacTavish is a huge heartthrob. Ghost is too for a man most people don't see without a mask. But Soap??? Women throw themselves at him. I would too if I had less shame. I blush and type back.
(YourGamerTag) sure why not?
ThatScotSoap: on my way lassie
After about 10 minutes and waiting for my blush to go down Soap knocks on my door. I let him in.
“Hey there lassie.”
“Hi Johnny” I smile at him
“You look awfully appy.”
I blush.
“I look like a corpse.” He laughs and sits down on my bed
“what do ya wanna do lass to kill time?”
It. I think shamlessly. I wanna do it.
I shake my head and breathe.
Soap nods. “aye there's a few I've been curious aboot.”
We settle on a movie and I sit next to him. The movie drawls on. I don’t pay much attention. Thinking of work on Monday is creeping into my head. I distract myself with Soap. He’s so intoxicating, his cologne and his close proximity I just want to….
“Yes?” I squeak snapping myself out of it 
“Yer not watching are ya?” He asks. I cringe and shake my head.
“I….I can't take my mind off work.” I admit. He nods.
“Aye I've been there myself once r twice. What's botherin a sweet Bonnie like you so much?” I sigh and look at him. I unload all my stresses with the job and worry about my ability on the team. That I maybe bit off more than I could chew. I sniffle by the end and hold back tears. Soap notices and wraps his arms around me. He pulls me into his chest and I'm stunned. I allow him and bury my face in his muscular chest. He gives me a squeeze.
“There there lassie. No on tinks yer not good at yer job. Yer dooin amazin.”
I sniffle and nuzzle his chest. He chuckles.
“Yer okay lassie”
“You sure?”
I breathe a sigh of relief. He's really respected. He's super nice but he wouldn't put on airs.
“It's been really bothering me and it's making my insomnia worse.”
“Don't worry yer pretty head Bonnie. Yer doing great even that stubborn bastard Ghost and Price think so.”
“Course they do.”
I smile and keep hugging him.
“That's it Bonnie. Relax”
I nod only I start to relax a bit too much and while the movie is playing and start to fall asleep on Soap. I wake up suddenly. He looks down at me and my heart flutters 
“Enjoy yer wee nap lass?”
I nod sheepishly.
“S-sorry” Soap shakes his head.
“Nothin to be sorry for lass. I'll admit. It's been a while since I had someone to sleep next to. Forgot how comfortin it be.” 
“It…is nice” I admit. 
“Want me t'stay?”
I blush and look at him.
“I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it lass.” I look stunned and slowly shake my head.
“Good I was aboot t’fall asleep myself.” He stands up and crawls onto my bed. I laugh at how comfortably he takes over my bed. He lays down and opens his arms. 
“C’mere lass it's been awhile since I had a good cuddle” I giggle like a school girl and lay in his arms. I feel his strong arms encircle me and his chest press my back. I turn off the lights and lay against him. He softly hums and feeling his chest gently vibrate relaxes me.
His fingers come off my waist and he gently plays with my hair and rubs my head. I moan softly and close my eyes.
“That's it lassie. Let Johnny take care o ya.”
I mumble and my body starts to feel heavy feeling his warmth against me. I slowly drift off but not before I feel a gentle kiss to my head.
“G’night sweet girl.” 
~Soap: Goodnight to all you lassies. Those who can and those who can't sleep. Just know Johnny loves you. Mwah.
(Wolf): Alright Scotsman it's my turn for sleepy cuddles tonight
Soap: Alright alright I guess you were good, you wrote a story the first time in what? Years now?
(Wolf): Shush I'm trying to make up for it
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yourpalmickeymouse · 10 months ago
Mickey, who would you say is your worst foe?
Mortimer, Pete, the blot, Julius, the mad doctor, or-
.....Other names I can't think of right now.
P.S, is it possible to be asking you too many questions? Don't wanna be a bother!
Hello hatred-n-hav0c,
Don't worry about askin' too many questions. I like answerin' them. Though it may take me a while to get to them all, haha. 😅
As for my worst foe. Gee, that's a toughie. I deal with a lot of terrible people who are all awful in different ways, it's hard to compare 'em. It doesn't help that it seems like every year each one tries to outdo themselves in horribleness.
I mean just goin' the list you mentioned, like Mortimer...
Well... So listen, Mortimer definitely can be a pain in the butt and I definitely wish he would get a clue and leave Minnie and me alone, but I dunno if I would call him my worst foe. To be honest he is more of an annoyance than anything. A BIG annoyance mind you. But nothin' I can't handle. He usually ends up embarassin' himself anyways haha.
Pete on the other hand is a piece of work. He's a big bully who uses his larger size to beat his way into what he wants. It doesn't help that he's a pretty crafty menace. Able to come up with all sorts of new ways to commit crimes and teamin' with just the right person to help him with the job. I've definitely dealt with him way more than I wish and would definitely put him up there near the top of my list.
In fact there's a lot of people I would put up there, Doublejoke with his nasty tricks, Miklos with his frustratin' mimicry, Portis with his immoral experiments (I think this is the mad doctor you are talking about?), Sylvester with his sinister schemes, Dr. Vulter with his harsh cruelty, Ecks, Doublex, and Triplex with their inhumane inventions (they could be the mad doctor I guess), The Rhyming Man with his... evil rhymes... I'm gettin' off track
To answer your question, I really think any of these guys could be my worst foe on any day. Dr. Vulter and the Rhyming Man are pretty particularly awful, but I feel like I don't see them as much. I mean Pete is more of a consistent threat in Mouseton. I feel like he is the one I have to deal with the most. I feel kinda connected to him as if we've been foes in many timelines or some nonsense like that. But I feel like the severity of his crimes varies, and sometimes he could even be reasoned with. I guess that leaves...
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...
I talked 'bout him before. But the Phantom Blot is one of the worst. He's a twisted megalomaniac with no sense of morality and just doesn't know when to quit. I have to be vigilant when I am on a case he's involved in, or risk dealin' with a vicious surprise attack or trap he planned for me. I don't know why he specifically makes me feel this uncomfortable, but he just does. Honestly, sometimes I wish I didn't have to deal with him at all. Yet I oddly feel drawn to him. But someone needs to stop him, and I have a better record than most when it comes to handlin' him.
But maybe I shouldn't pick a "Worst Foe". Wouldn't want any villain to read this and try to outdo the others to get the number one spot. 🙄
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night-faye · 8 months ago
*cracks knuckles* ALRIGHT- 1) Update on what I said for a hero will sacrifice one to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world for one but its hero/warrior philosophy. I finally found Mei's line for it! "Wukong knew the risks. It's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero." And THAT'S why the next episode is "Time to be Warriors" because being a hero never works out :D 2) Isn't it SO funny how Macky's complaints about "other people will tell you to be patient" feels like the kind of thing Wukong would've learned himself from the Monk after the journey 🤔 "your first strike should be your last strike" *coughs in jttw wukong killed macky in one hit to the head* "you don't use a weapon, you are a weapon." Sir WHAT HAPPENED. This wasn't you before 😭 I'm starting to think his "don't you feel stronger now" might be something someone told him after this so called "who did you make a deal with?" 🤔 3) So we know Macky instigated the fight, naturally. but seriously WHAT HAPPENEDDDDDDD. he was SAD and GUILTY and WUKONG LOVED HIM SM HE WAS RUFFLING HIS FUR AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES. how does a guy go to such murdery lengths that they started hating each other sm in S1 and then??? like?? S5 that love is creeping back???? of course, just like Macky getting interrupted in S4, they just can NOT seem to hold hands 😔 so Fluffy had the bright idea of ShadowPeach hand holding when Wukong dies. She is obsessed with his death flags as a mentor. 4) "The old you would've leveled this whole mountain range!" <-- monkey MK splits a mountain in half. 5) "inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear." now that we know how crazy this play is for hinting stuff, WHAT is up with the monkey we see get attacked with evil vibes and why is it on this line Macky 👀 also hilarious to me "last show actually I was just heading off-" he seriously spent ALL DAY just talking about his break up over and over to anybody who would listen. "always the comedian" <--- s4 opens with Wukong joking and dancing on a table. Can you tell I'm obsessed with recontextualizing dialogue? "so you're her puppet now?" "haha you know me." HELLO? IMPLYING WHAT? all this talk about "a winning side" is very owie, when you think of the side that lost the war against heaven but also <3 in joining MK. despite LBD having WUKONG on her side. "your buddy Wukong values people by how useful they are to him." BUDDY YOURE THE ONE WHO FELT BAD YOU COULDNT BE USEFUL ENOUGH TO BREAK HIM OUT. I'm sensing some serious miscommunication over the Journey West here. BUT GEE really makes you think about Macky telling MK to be a weapon! That'll make you useful to the Monkey King for sure! also! the winning side was almost titled "a traitor inside" gee isn't THAT suspect. *pokes Macky repeatedly* double agent vibes lowkey. or is this a callout for betraying Wukong lol. 6) going through my like history and someone pointed out that MK was probably "you're in time out young man!" while Macky, fully able to fight back, stood there and let them tie him up like "oh no I can't believe you're overpowering me like this. this place is a nightmare." 7) Update on "Wukong is the undefeatable Monkey King he HAS to be strong." he only reacts to the spicy pepper burning his mouth bc he's used to pain ^_^ who cared at all if he was hurt by the circlet, why would they care if he complained about the burning? and really? a spicy burning hot pepper? when he already was forced to eat molten copper pellets? and dropping a rock on him when he had a mountain dropped on him? which fun fact: based on Wukong's pose, it seems he got trapped while running ;D
1) Update on what I said for a hero will sacrifice one to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world for one but its hero/warrior philosophy. I finally found Mei's line for it! "Wukong knew the risks. It's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero." And THAT'S why the next episode is "Time to be Warriors" because being a hero never works out :D
2) Isn't it SO funny how Macky's complaints about "other people will tell you to be patient" feels like the kind of thing Wukong would've learned himself from the Monk after the journey 🤔
"your first strike should be your last strike" *coughs in jttw wukong killed macky in one hit to the head*
Hey, hey hey, shut up <3
"you don't use a weapon, you are a weapon." Sir WHAT HAPPENED. This wasn't you before 😭 I'm starting to think his "don't you feel stronger now" might be something someone told him after this so called "who did you make a deal with?" 🤔
Ohohohoh yes. this line. this line makes me Thing Things. So Many Things.
Will also be explored in fics I write hehehehe
3) So we know Macky instigated the fight, naturally. but seriously WHAT HAPPENEDDDDDDD. he was SAD and GUILTY and WUKONG LOVED HIM SM HE WAS RUFFLING HIS FUR AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES. how does a guy go to such murdery lengths that they started hating each other sm in S1
No lie I am currently working on a fic that will be exploring this EXACT thing :) You should Be Afraid :)
and then??? like?? S5 that love is creeping back???? of course, just like Macky getting interrupted in S4, they just can NOT seem to hold hands 😔
so Fluffy had the bright idea of ShadowPeach hand holding when Wukong dies. She is obsessed with his death flags as a mentor.
@fluffypotatey when I get you
Can you tell I'm obsessed with recontextualizing dialogue?
yes dw i am too hehe
"so you're her puppet now?""haha you know me."HELLO? IMPLYING WHAT? all this talk about "a winning side" is very owie, when you think of the side that lost the war against heaven
:)))) >*pats my trunk full of plans*<
6) going through my like history and someone pointed out that MK was probably "you're in time out young man!" while Macky, fully able to fight back, stood there and let them tie him up like "oh no I can't believe you're overpowering me like this. this place is a nightmare."
7) Update on "Wukong is the undefeatable Monkey King he HAS to be strong." he only reacts to the spicy pepper burning his mouth bc he's used to pain ^_^ who cared at all if he was hurt by the circlet, why would they care if he complained about the burning? and really? a spicy burning hot pepper? when he already was forced to eat molten copper pellets? and dropping a rock on him when he had a mountain dropped on him? which fun fact: based on Wukong's pose, it seems he got trapped while running ;D
HEY WHAT IF YOU DIDN'T? (I'mjustkiddingthisisgreat)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months ago
LMAOO Karasu really is THAT man can’t have him in the plot or he’ll solve everyone’s problems just like that (and I’ll get sidetracked by him over Otoya LMFAO)
I lowk love that duality of how he’s so rough and almost edgy but he’s literally looking out for people (and doing their laundry LMAOO) That moment between him and Nagi after the Ubers Manshine match >>>> Barou pushing and trying to reawaken Nagi in his own way I love it (bring back BarouNagi rivalry!!)
Energy matcher Isagi so real LMAO i definitely think he doesn’t get categorized as red flag as often as others since he has some pretty clear moments of him being a lot more chill LOL the mischaracterization in the fandom runs rampant though HAHA
OOO sad to say I have not watched aot yet but I love some good world building…also wait expanding on part of the world not developed much in the series >>>>>> that sounds so interesting kinda almost like filling the holes in some lore!! I LOVR selfish y/n omg (very excited to continue following along with hollyhock too!!)
LMAOOOO time for a good reread sesh o7
And FR like what happened to just chilling and letting people exist as they please? It’s like people forget they don’t live in an echo chamber
I’ll never get over epinagi Karasu like oh em gee maybe it’s also because it’s monthly so there’s more time to put in the quality (opposed to some of the funny looking tiny panels of him LMAO)
One can only hope but I do agree…maybe someday in another filler ep where we have tabieitaken together we’ll see a spread….manifesting….
LMAO ego the lesser evil Shidous hot pink highlights truly are something…
-Karasu anon
BOTH SO TRUE like karasu analyzes people for fun he’s clocking otoya IMMEDIATELY LMAOAO and omg i was working on hollyhock a bit earlier and karasu finally showed up and i started tweaking because i need him…it’s so hard writing for his bff when he’s right there 😭 the only consolation is that he and y/n’s relationship in hollyhock is at least super relevant to the story though it’s not romantic. he’s based on hideyoshi to the extent that y/n is based on nobunaga (so not a TON but def to a certain extent) and like. ugh i can’t spoil so i’ll just leave it at they are soooo important (to me and to the plot in general).
I AGREE he seems so intimidating but he’s really kinda soft on the inside 🙂‍↕️ he and nagi have such sibling energy HAHAHA like barou is the older brother nagi never knew he needed and i love that for them
i do feel like isagi tends to be considered more of a green flag for the most part!! but yeah mischaracterization and popular fandoms go hand in hand nowadays 😓 not claiming to be the supreme authority on characterization or anything but idk 😫 it is what it is ig!!
that’s my fav way to write canon fics!! i like filling in holes in stories even if they’re not necessarily PLOT holes — just things mentioned in passing that i can expand on in my own way. i’ve done it a few times w aot and also w jjk!! i think it’s why coming up w a bllk longfic idea took me a while…the scope of the “world” is relatively limited so it’s hard to expand on it in a natural way. plus i only write female main characters and ah. well. canon bllk is not exactly an inviting atmosphere for women as we know 😫
yeahhh there’s def a lot of factors i think that have led to the shift in the way fandoms have operated but honestly i’ve decided to just mind my own business and live/let live. my post abt nagireo somehow ended up in the nagireo tag though??? idk someone commented saying they found it on there i PANICKED 😭 they were rlly nice abt it though just letting me know in case people got pressed HAHAHA i went back and tagged it as anti nagireo just in case 😰 don’t need the opps coming after me 💔 i actually think it’s one of if not the ONLY post in the anti nagireo tag that’s actually somewhat critical of them so i do fear that it’s truly a bit of a unique take LMAOAO we are in it together though ✊🏻
i’m hoping and praying they get one in epinagi!! like another top six spread but less focused on rin and shidou…obv it would have nagi in it but atp that may be our best option 🙏🏻 and the epinagi art style is so good it honestly might be a win
shidou is such a silly character to me HAHA he’s so easy to make fun of and so crazily violent and weird but also lowkey chill?? i have no clue what to make of him 😫 but yeah the hot pink hair is truly smth…honestly good for him though like #selfexpression
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zannolin · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @beautyofsorrow, tagging @lordgrimwing @faebriel and anyone else who wants to do it!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
publicly associated with my account, 45. in total, including a couple i orphaned before i knew you could put them on anon, 84 i believe. 85 if you count the two chapters of that leakira zine i wrote that are up there somewhere. i could be off. but i forgot how to get to where it shows me the total number and i can't be bothered lol.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
438,464 baby. maybe 500k in 2024? who knows.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
ones 90% of you have never heard of, at this point. it fluctuates depending on whatever i'm getting ideas for, but actively at the moment, the mullverse (mostly beyonders), resident evil, and lockwood & co, national treasure (might be done with that tho, i've exhausted my must-writes). i have other stuff knocking around, like life is strange, mona lisa smile, mlp, some more shazam, bendy and the ink machine, a tlou fic...but who knows.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
ugh. 1. in this fearful fallen place (i will be your home) 2. welcome home, theseus 3. sanctuary 4. i'll carry the weight of you, i swear 5. eat you alive. it says a lot that only one of those is still publicly listed on my profile. even then i'm tempted to put it on anon. they're only my top kudos'd by virtue of being from a big fandom. definitely not my best. at all. even within that fandom. free me and my stats page.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not all of them, but i make an effort when comments are thoughtful or especially brighten my day. it's easier now because writing for smaller very niche fandoms you don't tend to get a lot so i don't feel overwhelmed or anything, but man responding is hard sometimes. i want people to know they made me happy, though, when they do. so i try.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i mean there's that tododeku one where they both die brutally and were supposed to get married next week. there's also the batcat fic that i wrote solely for the purpose of killing bruce wayne (sorry). there's um. also the klance titanic (historical not titanic the movie) au i wrote ages ago. haha. yeah. anyway.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them. hfdsjkhfs no i honestly couldn't tell you. i have a mike flanagan-ass idea of a happy ending these days. maybe three's a crowd? hell if i know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've had a couple instances of people harassing me over them but never like. "your fic is so bad i hate it die". so maybe?? i'm too obscure to be getting hate at this point lol. who out here is gonna read beyonders fic just to comment mean things.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do not. i did try years ago. that notebook has since been put through the shredder and dumped into the recycling bin for good measure. (yes, it was that bad.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
technically no but i've thought about it sometimes. they've all promptly fled my head though so just trust me on this one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
gee i hope not. there's been a lot of suspicious similarities in some old cases but like. that literally does not matter to me anymore idc. it's not straight up theft in any case so not to my knowledge ig?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again not to my knowledge but i do have blanket permissions for that if anyone ever wanted to. it's cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back in the 2010s my friend and i were writing a warriors fic together. she did one chapter, i did one, etc. i've had collaborative aus as well (cat's cradle and whatnot) but not a collaboratively written fic for any of them. me and tam were writing the coma au together but we're no longer in the fandom for that anymore, rest in peace coma au you were genuinely wonderful. i'm not opposed to the idea of collab fics but they always feel like a lot of work and i'm way way way too anxious to approach anyone about them.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
ah hell. i dunno. do i have to pick one?? like right in this moment i'd say locklyle and they've been here a hot minute (like. ten years almost) but i don't really have A Favorite I'd Choose Over Anyone Else.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mm. penumbra anastasia au haunts me. i want it out of my wips folder. also wild geese is probably never getting finished ever. i do think i'll get split ends done eventually but that one's taking forever. as for ones not posted, well, rip the gospel tent au. i might try to convert it to a short story but lord. i don't know. and don't get me started on the final girl au or the empty grave possession au. throwing myself out a window. they'll never be done i'll never be free.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uh. i honestly don't know anymore. knowing exceedingly tedious canon details to the point where i can make all sorts of metaphors and allusions relevant to said canon? i really couldn't say. introspection i guess.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
yes. next question
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have an overbearing anxiety that i will fuck it up somehow since i am a monolingual american loser. if i ever did need to i would definitely see if there's any native speakers willing to help translate or whatever bc i am not relying on google translate for that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
like liv, lord of the rings. i still have my first fanfic btw. it's written on tinkerbell notebook paper.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
it changes. if i were to be completely objective (or as close as i can get), completely removing my emotions on fandom from the equation, prob without anesthetic. because i think i constructed it just right. being a dirty little subjective, right now i think it's three's a crowd or swallowing jupiter or the swing of things. they're all wonderfully unhinged.
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keefsteef · 2 years ago
Citizens of Vanhalenville, WELCOME to Ain't Talkin Bout Love - a pile of rambling that I'm pretending is my podcast, where we talk about ANYTHING but love for our creatures 👺
Just kidding... obviously I love them down lmaooo. This'll be a lighthearted situation type deal. To get this disclaimer out the way, I am not anti David anti Sammy or anti Gary, I'm pro them all, so if I happen to be ripping into Samuel (which I will be 🤣,)that is not a testimony of me believing in David superiority blah blah blah, they're all gonna GET THE SMOKE if necessary. (Especially DAVID 🤣)
🙄. The fact I even have to disclaim that makes me chuckle but you know how it e-is , you always get a select few that suddenly possess all-knowing oracle powers and can tell you who you hate or don't hate 🔥🧠🔥‼️
ANYWAY let's get this shitshow on the road, hello I'm Raeyeon, call me Rae...or if calling me keefsteef tickles your tingle fine🤩... whatever works🤩...
TODAY, we'll be chatting about one of the possible reasons for the notorious "Alexander doesn't speak to Samuel" ordeal that quite frequently makes blog cameos in the form of some snarky joke. But really, it's hard to chuckle at as a citizen of alexanderopolis, because that just means he'll keep hiding from us 😭 kiss seeing him playing drums in the sun GOODBYE, BELOVED...
So to briefly recap it if you aren't aware, Samuel wants to do a reunion (yes, I know without Edward it'd be extremely bittersweet, but nonetheless still a nice tribute) but Mr. Alexander Arthur Van Halen is NOT DOWN FOR IT, and will not return any emails or calls.
I know we can easily put grieving at responsibility for this,which at this point I'm sure is the case, but correct me if I'm wrong, Samuel hadn't been keeping in contact with Alexander even when Edward was still around. I knowwww obviously the drama over the leaving of the band has a huge role, but here are MY PERSONAL SPECULATIONS ���‼️
Samuel, beloved...I'm not delusional enough to think you'd read this, but talking in the pov that you are...there's plainly things you KEEP TO YOURSELF when you expect to keep a friendship.
The majority of us are probably aware of his book called RED where he spills tea (a bit too much tea in my opinion 😩) and what not, the extreme of it regarding Edward and his drug usage. I also saw the way he went about it to be quite insensitive, it almost felt like a haha let's laugh at this crackhead type of storytelling than a "gee eddies far gone and I feel bad".
I'm SURE he meant it to be more of a feel bad situation, but he's human, humans fuck up and make mistakes.
This was a big fuck up lmaooo. We KNOW Alexander loves his brother, and I personally think that he's well enough of a grown man to not hold a silly grudge over leaving...quitting... kicking out, whatever drama. (I've already shared my THOUGHTS on that fiasco 😭)
I think he's refusing to contact Samuel, because he's probably hurt about the way he aired Edward out.
I would be too. I wouldn't want to talk to anyone that seemed to kick my blood when they were down. Samuel is an INTELLIGENT MAN, so every time I hear him go "lol idk why he won't call me back"
Obviously...I am a stranger and obviously this is my observative opinion, Samuel could've apologized to Alexander already and in Taurus fashion he pulled a "forgiveness granted, trust and friendship denied" move, but if that's not the case...
SAAAAMMMUELLLLL needs to stop trying to force a music reunion, and instead needs to invite Alexander to Cabo and talk things out man to man. (And maybe take selfies for vanhalenville 😩😩🤩💅🏽🤪)
Neither of them are getting any younger, and it just saddens me to think of the possibility they'll never talk again. But yeah, I see that Samuel has quite the tendency to enjoy opening his mouth and sharing stories...but he really needs to have a bit more awareness about the type of stories he shares.
I'm sure there's things to talk about without getting all down and dirty and personal. Take notes from Michael Anthony 😩‼️
Anyway...this was quite a WAY TO KICK OFF WASN'T IT 🤣. I've been wanting to have a little chitter chatter about this for the longest time, but I wanted to sort of establish myself as a blog first so I wouldn't get "you hate Sammy" accusations 😭
I loooove Mr. Red Rockers curly headed self, but he for real needs to quit playing these games and make things right. An apology, if he's already given it, means nothing when you continue to do what you apologized for.
THANKS FOR TUNING IN 🤩❤️, NEXT we'll talk about Mr. Diamond David Gigolo Tarzan Atomic Punk Whoever Whatever Lee Roth!
I've got some interesting things to expand on about him...word in the STREETS is on the 1978 tour, he was really just a cute cozy little bookworm and all that hooping blabber mouth persona was just that... A persona.
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raywritesthings · 2 years ago
Laurel Lance (E1)
Sure thing, anon!
First impression: honestly I would be lying if I say I remember my first impression of Laurel, which sounds bad, but it's because I came to Arrow via way of Flash so my first exposure to her was that barely-thirty-seconds scene in the first Flash and Arrow crossover. I truthfully probably didn't even realize she was supposed to be Dinah Laurel Lance aka Black Canary until her appearance opposite Cisco in a later episode of Flash that season, at which point I was like "oh cool, they're bringing in Black Canary". Then I was really confused to discover when starting Arrow that she'd been there since episode 1 but seemed to have so miniscule a role in the grand scheme of things. Yeah, that really should've been a sign to run far away from this show while I still had the chance...
Impression now: I love her. Truthfully, I both do see her as Black Canary, but I also see her as a sort of separate entity from the comics itself, with her own unique merits struggles than what Dinah typically has. So while I love her because she's Black Canary and I love Black Canary, I also love her because she's Laurel, specifically.
Favorite moment: Ah man, this is hard to choose. Her fight scenes from the early seasons and some in s4, basically any scene with her and Thea or Nyssa, a lot of her deleted scenes with Oliver (gee, I wonder why those were all cut), so on and so forth.
Idea for a story: You don't wanna know how many WIPs I've got waiting in the wings, anon. But as far as a story strictly about just Laurel goes, I'm kind of tempted to do an AU post s1 where Oliver's spiel about how he's just holding Laurel back is actually super true and she just gets things together for the city and makes it much better without him. Like if he's gonna go sulk and not be the support she needs during a seriously hard time then I'd rather watch her be the hero of this story, thanks.
Unpopular opinion: I have no idea what's popular or unpopular regarding opinions on Laurel these days, but to cover the basics -- She was completely right to call SWAT on the Hood/Arrow that one time given he was an armed and dangerous stranger who violated the boundary she had already verbally set, she should not have had to apologize to her sister for being rightfully upset that she slept with her boyfriend (does this require further explanation??), and people hating on her for bringing Sara back to life is hypocritical bs since those same people were upset about Sara being killed off in s3 to begin with so she literally gave them what they wanted by bringing Sara back.
Favorite relationship: Overall favorite has gotta be the Laurel-Thea BroTP. Nothing tops it, not any of her romantic relationships (canon or fanon) or any of her blood family.
Favorite headcanon: idk that she's still alive? Haha, all my thoughts about Laurel have to exist in headcanons where she's not been fridged and where the people in her life treat her better than they did in canon, anon. In my headcanon instead of her constantly deserving better and being let down, she just gets the love and respect she deserved.
Thanks for sending in!
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humanpurposes · 1 year ago
Gee my love!!! Here are my questions for the writing game: 3, 23 and 36 😘 Let me get into your incredible brain!
Hi gorgeous!! 🥹💕 I’ve answered some of these already but I’m just gonna ramble haha
Writing asks ✨
3. How would you describe your writing style?
Sometimes I don’t think my writing style is particularly distinctive but I think my voice really comes through if that makes sense? As a reader I can get disinterested easily, and I even feel that as I’m writing. So I guess I try to keep it interesting throughout. I’ve also found that I approach modern fics and canon era fics quite differently, just in terms of making sure the language fits with a historical/fantasy era fic, and often I struggle to switch between working on fics in different universes.
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
My fics are like movies in my head so the most obvious things to me are dialogue, actions and visuals. I think I really fixate on the feeling I want to get from a fic. Internal monologue remains the bane of my existence 😭
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
Mostly my fic titles come from songs, especially Hozier songs, obviously.
Music is definitely a huge part of my process as I’m writing or imagining a fic. So I love Hozier, I love Unreal Unearth, but there were a few songs from the album I just didn’t give a chance after listening to them once or listening to the intros. Then I went to see him in December and seeing some of those songs live completely changed my mind, so I went back and listened to all the songs I usually missed, including Who We Are. I was completely obsessed with that song for a few days, right when I was starting to conceptualise an Aemond x Royce cousin fic, and the song really brought to life that scene of them in the Kingswood and by the cliff when he shows her what it felt like to ride a dragon.
I love the dynamic between Aemond and Rhaelle, the idea of two lonely people feeling a little less alone when they find each other. We’re Born At Night means they both feel like their lives were destined to be tragedies when they were born into house Targaryen. All they can do in the aftermath of the war is try to carve out a life for themselves and protect the people they have left.
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sondheim-girly · 1 day ago
okay straight up. for the outsiders ask game. all of them. If you so wish.
Answered all but the ones i did in another ask lmaoooo
1.(Have u read other se Hinton books)
Yep! Ive read that was then this is now, Tex, and rumblefish.
 2. (What are ur feelings on the book)
I LOVE ITTTT I read it at the end of every month and I have since august, I just think it’s so incredible and theres so much to dissect.
3.(fav character outside main seven) 
5.(fav ships)
Say it with me… marbit!!!! I also love cherrycola, sharkcard, cherrybomb, and Martrip
6.(ships I dislike)
I’m not a huge jally fan, but that’s just cuz I’m primarily a musical fan and their brother dynamic is super played up in the musical, so it feels weird for me to ship them 
8.(how did u get into the outsiders)
I like listening to every new musical on Broadway, and so when I saw someone on tumblr post about how the cast recording had been released a couple of minutes ago, I decided to listen to it. And I got hooked.
9.(fav scene/moment from the book)
Ohhh this is hard… I really love the end of the book with sodas breakdown and then Johnnys letter… in terms of the musical the drive in song might be my favorite part cuz it’s so fun and the music slaps
10.(least favorite scene/moment)
In the book it might be the slapping scene? But like that’s just cuz it’s pretty short and pales in comparison to how the scene is done in the musical (let’s call the feds! Out in the world! That’s a Soc girl! The entirety of ritfr is literally life changing!!!!)
In the musical my least favorite scene is probably Johnnys death? I could still write paragraphs about why I love it, but it’s a very short scene and like doesnt have as many standout moments maybe? I still fucking love it more than life itself tho
11.(opinion on the movie)
Ok the regular version of the movie lowkey makes me mad cuz it feels like so much is missing, but I really like the novel cut or whatever it’s called!! Ive only seen it like twice tho so I can’t say I’m a huge fan.
12.(have u seen the tv show and what did u think of it)
I’ve seen a couple of episodes and I still watch it from time to time. I think it’s horrific but in a super funny way and I love it for that. I spend the entire time watching it just yelling at the screen saying “THIS SHOW IS AWFUL!!” Or “OH MY GOD THAT GUY IS GAY!!! DONT MAKE HIM LIKE A WOMAN HE IS GAY!!!”
13.(most well written character)
I actually have no idea lol
15.(five self indulgent headcanons)
-Marcia has naturally curly hair
-Marcia is half Irish
-Marbit notebook au (iykyk)
-all of my headcanons on two bits sister
-especially her being a theater kid
16.(characters youd want to interact)
Cherry and soda. Yeah.
17.(criticisms or salt with the book)
All the stuff with native Americans
18.(criticisms or salt with the fandom)
The musical fandom on TikTok? Yeah I’m beefing with some of yall. But like the fandom on here? Sometimes I feel like we blow small problems that we see wayyy out of proportion until I’ll see people posting paragraphs and paragraphs complaining about issues in the fandom that ive never even seen??? And that confuses me a ton.
19.(opinion on se Hinton)
I don’t really have an opinion on her? She wrote some incredible books, that’s my opinion on her.
20.(character you relate to most)
Gee I wonder (it’s Marcia ofc. Tho maybe that’s just cuz of how much I project onto her)
22.(minor character you projected a whole new personality onto)
Marcia and trip and two bits sister, mostly.
23.(opinion on the musical)
Haha. I sure wonder. (I think it’s perfect in every way)
24.(hopes for the musical and what you don’t want to happen)
I hope that they make parry make out before the rumble.
25.(do u plan to watch the musical)
I’ve seen it three times and will be seeing it as much as I can when I’m in New York next September
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singeds-subject · 1 month ago
ohhh finally someone put it into coherent words. i've been trying to find a way to verbalize all of these issues, and then some. it's just been insanely hard to find my words for it haha.
genuinely when jinx called sevika an ogre i was absolutely slackjawed. what an insane thing to include?? did NOBODY think for, like, a second or two before leaving that in???
there are some other smaller things i picked up on as well while thinking about all this stuff...
one, the way almost every disabled character is an antagonistic force at some point. most of our zaunite cast, salo, viktor, they all act antagonistically.
two, the way they frame sex work is... kinda weird? like... almost every shot we see of sex work happening in arcane, it's shown to be a fairly uncomfortable environment in one way or another. i mean, we don't ever see a protagonist engage with it either. there's that scene with caitlyn in the brothel, but she's just talking to that woman, they're not even doing anything. we namely see babette trying to hit on claggor, and lest acting as a spy during sessions with salo. speaking of lest...
three, gee i wonder why they cast a trans woman as the deceptive sex worker that we see spying on people and being a drug expert. i'm sure that doesn't fit any negative stereotypes. and i'm sure there's a good reason why we didn't get any other transfeminine characters besides this one. no biases here, no sir.
four, the way ambessa is handled feels a little gross to me too? especially compared to the other, much lighter skinned antagonist we got in arcane. silco largely does not conduct his violence himself, while ambessa often leads the charge for it, and actively advocates for it. they both are violent people, but the contrast in the way it's framed for them just feels weird. that's not to even mention that bath scene with jayce and ambessa... it feels so strange to me that they made the black woman so openly dismissive of a smaller, lighter skinned man's boundaries! that feels weird! i am very much white so i could be blowing this one way out of the water trying to find something to get angry at, but i can't get it out of my head.
i think what really put the final nail in the coffin for me was seeing that ekko had like, 700 words of dialogue in either season, while jinx had thousands in either. vi had like 5,000 in season 1, which dropped to around a fifth of that in season 2. take this part with a grain of salt, i could very well be talking out of my ass.
Now that arcane is over im seriously starting to doubt its “inclusion”
Mel being the disposable black girlfriend
Sky existing solely for the development of a white man (viktor)
Ekko and sevika both dedicating their lives to the betterment of zaun and getting absolutely 0 recognition and instead being favored for the white girl that didn’t even want the position (jinx)
Ekko having no personal development outside of jinx (white girl) and his only real purpose in arcane being to save the day and never being mentioned again
Silco being an antisemitic stereotype
Sevika being called an ogre by a white girl?????
Now that I’m actually looking at this shit, it kinda sucks. And when you consider the fact that the whole p/z conflict was thrown out the fucking window with the “both sides are bad” p.o.v + the fact that the whole reason the p/z conflict exists in the first place is because of ship angst, it feels like they never cared about any of it. The inclusion, the commentary, the mindfulness, it was all fake. Like damn. They really dont give a shit and never did. Its all just racism in pretty packaging :/
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nadeeta · 1 year ago
pause to read.
saw this sound on my fyp earlier today and say that the sound was about toxic ppl and stuff. and I been meaning on making a pt.2 of my toxic family vid anyways so figured now was a good time as any.
it's sad that this has been going on for 6 years. luckily with luck it'll stay 6 yrs cuz I plan on not having any relationship with any of the ppl in this vid.
also some parts may be hard to read so u may have to zoom in on certain parts.
it's sad how out of 10 pics,8 of them are all from 1 cousin.
speaking of cousin,I find it funny how she's show against 8u11y1n9 and claims ppl should love ppl,yet she acts this way.
another funny thing(not haha) is that she always calls OUR grandfather,my grandfather,or my mom's dad or she'll call him her mom's dad. like u claim u care about him so much yet u never address him grandpa. kinda weird.
oh speaking of he's still alive and hasn't had another stroke since the initial conversation.
speaking of she claims to care for our grandfather so much yet she always yells at him and belittles him and her stepdad/her mom's husband also yells at him and she never defends him and she lets him. u claim how he's the only grandparent we have left,yet u don't mind seeing him get treated like crap and u even do it yourself.
out of everyone on my mom's side of the family I only care for my grandfather and I'm still learning ppl on my dad's side of the family.
it's a shame that so many ppl think my cousin is the sweetest person and is always helping ppl and blah blah blah. yet no one see's how she really is.
there's a reason ppl dropped her as a friend in highschool as they realized she was a bad person. and she wonders why half the family wants nothing to do with her,her mom or her husband. gee I wonder;such a mystery.
the funny(again not haha) thing is while making the pictures and all that I was on SoundCloud(I don't like working in silence) and I found several songs that can fit my family.(well this side anyways)
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harkovastwebcomic · 1 year ago
Chapter 18- The Response
“This is impossible!” raged Goy, knocking ornaments from the closest table “Outrageous! How DARE they!” ”Yes,” said Ki, with a smile, “they are a rather unpredictable bunch, aren’t they?” ”You think this is amusing?” snarled Goy.
“I find Darsai are quite often amusing. Such an excitable people.” Goy stared at Ki for a moment, and then looked around as if searching for someone to give him a more useful response. Members of the city’s forums were rushing around the chamber in panic, everyone looking for someone else to provide a solution. It was dark outside and the flickering of flames providing the only light added to the confusion of the scene. Goy took a deep breath and then walked to the main chair of the forum, intended for the city’s Advocate to address the chamber. ”ENOUGH!” He shouted, spreading his wings wide for dramatic effect. “I WILL HAVE ORDER!”
The chamber quietened and everyone looked to Goy. ”The Darsai have betrayed us,” Goy continued, “and sided with our enemies! But how? How could they have known where the Zadakine were contained?” The priestess Sul-Gee-Von stepped forward. ”We do not know, Advocate. A traitor within the city government seems most likely.” ”An investigation will take time,” said Ki. “Not our most immediate concern.” ”Captain Ban!” said Goy, “mobilise the city’s military!” There were murmurs of surprise from around the chamber. ”Think about what you are saying, Goy” said Sul-Gee-Von. “Are you suggesting a battle against the Darsai? That would be war!” ”I’m sorry,” said Goy sarcastically, “did I stutter what I asked for Captain Ban? Why am I talking to a priestess?” ”You are the Advocate,” said Sul-Gee-Von in annoyance, “not a dictator! You can’t just throw the Republic into war on your whim!” ”Arrrrgh!” Goy rolled his eyes and moved his head in a slow circle to express his annoyance. “No, it will not start a war. These Darsai did not get an order from their king to do this, and they attacked us first. This is a rogue group of criminals, nothing more. Probably mercenaries paid by the Zadakine. We must destroy them!” ”Best not to flap our wins TOO hard, Goy” said Ki with a smile. “You are right that these Darsai are acting on their own and we should stop them, but a massacre? The Darsai won’t take that well. They aren’t particular about many things, but the treatment of prisoners is very important to the Darsai. Capturing them would be politically a lot safer.” ”It will take time to mobilise our forces." said Captain Ban, "We’ve been stretched as it is keeping order and we can’t just jump into action in the middle of the night. Normally we would have some warning of an enemy approaching…” ”Get to it then!” said Goy. “There is no time to waste! We need to move now! Defeat these Darsai and then recapture the Zadakine.” Goy looked to Ki. ”So, assassin, are you just going to stand here making smug comments, or are you going to actually help?” ”Well, my comments really add spark to the conversation, but what else did you have in mind for me?” ”Get out there and kill the leaders of these criminals.” Ki snorted with surprised laughter. ”Haha, oh my. Wonderful. No, but seriously, absolutely not. Don’t be ridiculous.” Goy stared in blank confusion.
“What do you mean ‘no’? he demanded, “I thought you were an assassin! I have people I want you to assassinate!” ”What you are doing here, with this city,” explained Ki, “is only going to work if you can avoid provoking the Darsai government and alienating our own government. Darsai leaders being knifed in the back by an agent of the Nymus state? Aside from your ‘slaughter all of them’ plan, I can’t think of what might provoke the Darsai more. This situation needs to be dealt with in a way the Darsai will accept. If you start a war, do you think the rest of the Republic will be willing to fight the Darsai on your behalf?” ”You aren’t as clever as you think,” said Goy. “All your smug words and supposed indifference…but I see right through you.” ”Oh, do you?” smirked Ki, “And what do you see, Advocate?” ”You are friends with that Darsai, the big hairy one.” ”That describes basically all of them.” ”Sir Muir!” Goy pointed triumphantly as the name came to him. “He is with these enemies, isn’t’ he? You aren’t thinking about our political situation. You are only concerned with avoiding killing your FRIEND! A friend who is an enemy of the Republic!” Ki straightened the red sash across his chest. ”You can question my patriotism if you must, Advocate,” said Ki, “but please don’t besmirch my professionalism. Now I think I’ll take my leave.” Ki glanced around the worried faces in the room. “You seem to have everything under control.”
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