Just part of my search for happiness
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I was in my feelings and then thought, wow I could right a fic about this. Including teddy bear Soap 😊
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Depressed!Reader
I Gotcha Lassie
(Mentions of Anxiety and Depression)

You can't tell if you feel nothing or everything. You want to cry. But you don't want to cry. Your chest feels empty but it feels heavy. Why are you feeling like this? Depression. Why are you scared of everything all of a sudden and super jumpy? Anxiety. It's an ugly battle you're fighting and trying to get out of is impossible. You still have a job to do though and you pull yourself out of bed and carry on with your day.
Your hygiene isn't always the best. You try to shower daily but you don't take extra measures. This is a bad episode. Buckle up because it's going to be a tough one.
Your alarm goes off and your eyes shoot open. Hot adrenaline rushes through your veins and into your heart causing it to pump wildly, almost irregularly. You sit up in a panic grabbing at your chest as your lungs seem incapable of expanding. Sweat forms and beads down your head and you breath heavily through your nose.
And then suddenly the episode is over. You calm down realizing your surroundings. It's okay. It's okay. You tell yourself. You rub your eyes frustrated at your exhaustion. You spend all night tossing and turning unable to sleep, and when you finally fell asleep, your alarm went off.
You spent all night panic sleeping that you couldn't relax fully. Another day another dollar.
You pull yourself from bed and attempt to get ready. You tie your hair back to get it off your face and change into your uniform. You struggle to remember deodorant and brushing your teeth but you manage to get it. You trudge through your apartment trying to go through your normal routine but only managing some of it.
You give up and head out before you're late. On base you get to your duty station and get to work. The day blurs as comrads come and go. Issues arise and are solved.
Before lunch your stomach aches.
Right. You forgot breakfast. No wonder you have the shakes. You make a fist with your hands to stop the slight trembles. Only an hour to go and you can go to chow. You can do this.
Your eyes unfocus and you keep pushing on.
You keep messing with something in your hands. You've been working the last hour.
You still don't notice.
You heart rate immediately spikes and your chest is filled with the familiar heavy feeling. You breathe hard and look up at your Captain.
"Sir?" You ask.
"It's chow (L/N) come now stop yer fiddlin." He says. You just nod and set the object down. You follow him to the mess hall. The scents wafting from the kitchen calm you temporarily. The food smells great especially after unintentionally forgetting breakfast. Oops.
You grab a tray and start to feel anxious again. You uses sensory techniques to help ground yourself.
I can smell the food it's (Food of Choice)
I can hear all the conversations. I can hear Ghost complaing about Soap
You chuckle.
I can feel the light gray tray in my hands. It's smooth and gray.
You look up.
I can see. Soap. His distince Mohawk. His pretty smile. His. What?!
You freeze as he approaches you. He makes your heart pound in both utter fear and the fact you're crushing on him. Your hands shake on the tray.
"Aftearnoon lass." He says with a perfect smile.
You blink nervous.
"H-hi Soap." You say sheepishly and look away. He keeps smiling and walks past to Ghost's table.
You calm your heart rate and get in line to grab lunch. You pile your plate and sit with your comrades and try to eat. Your depression has suppressed your appetite but you are determined to stay healthy. You notice throughout lunch Soap keeps giving you glances and small smiles. Everytime your heart flutters. It's a change from the palpitations that ypu feel from anxiety. Maybe you're overthinking it. He's a sweet guy. All smiles all the time.
But then again even when you weren't in this rut you noticed his looks. Nah you're definitely overthinking it. Especially now, if your depressed state you're more disheveled and definitely feel less attractive. You've felt very self conscious lately.
He wink at you.
Your heart jumps in your throat and you swallow it down and take a breath.
Back at work you just try to get through the day.
4:30pm and you're good to go. You sigh and head to your locker. You gather your things and turn to leave the building when you hear a familiar Scottish accent.
"Lass!" Your heart pounds and you freeze. You hear his heavy footsteps as his boots land on the floor. Before he reaches you, you face him and smile warily. He's smiling brightly at you not seeming to notice your discomfort. In reality, it's not him, you're struggling a lot at the moment and it's hard to manage.
"How was yer day lass?"
"P-pretty good Soap." You say
" 'eaded home?" He asks
"Yes..." your heart is beating hard, hammering in your chest so loud in your ears you're sure he can hear it. He doesn't.
"Wheel I won't beat aroun tha bush. I was wonderin if maybe you'd want to go oot with me?" He bluntly states
Your eyes widen.
"A d-d-date?" Now your anxiety spikes. No he doesn't this is a joke. You're not that pretty? You couldn't remember if you even showered this morning. Did you? Maybe. No this is overwhelming you don't like it one bit.
Soap laughs heartily.
"Yes lassie a date. Been wantin to ask you fer a while now." He states and smiles at you. You step back uncomfortable.
"I...uh....I can't....do this...now...I gotta go!!" You say panicked. Dates mean crowds and noise and people. The only reason you could handle being at work was you were used to these people before your depressive/anxious episode. You didn't want to be in public. And with that you turn and scurry away from him. He's left speechless wondering about your peculiar behavior. Ghost and even Price encouraged him. They claimed you swooned over him but this......implied something else.
Soap knew it had to be something else. No there's no reason why you'd do that. You liked him, he was sure of it.
Later at home you sit huddled on your couch, weighted blanket on your shoulders. You sip a warm drink and try to relax and enjoy your evening. You decided for the fourth night in a row not to cook and order in. You waited for your dinner to arrive.
You get a notification that it's delivered ans stand up to open your door. As you bend down to pick it up, your phone rings. You quickly get your food inside and grab your phone. It's an unknown number. You ignore it and let it go to voice-mail.
You open your food and whiff the aroma. You relax and your phone rings again. It's the same number.
Incoming Call
Incoming Call
Finally you get agitated and pick up. In a cool manner you answer and run your fingers through your hair.
"Hello?" You say.
"Lass?" You freeze
"S-Soap?" You ask.
"Aye lass. Yer a tough one to reach." He laughs.
"I'm sorry." You say and shift nervously.
" 'sokay lass." He says and then pauses.
"How'd you get my number?" You ask.
"Got it from Price." He states and you pause. That damn Brit.
"Ah." You say
"Yeah." Another pause and you look at your nails nervously picking at the skin with your thumb.
"So lass I wanted to ask....why'd ya leave in such a panic? It's just a little date, didn't expect ya to turn tail and run like that...unless you really didn't want ta go?" He says.
You sigh.
"N-no Soap it's not that...I....um..was happy you asked me." You say truthfully.
"Really? Then why so skiddish?"
"I....um....I'm shy." You say.
"Lass....that wasn't shy, you seemed scared out o' yer mind. Wheel, I've noticed for a while now yer more jumpy than usual..." He says. You take a breath.
"Just...anxious" you admit. "I've been...um....really depressed lately and...my anxiety spikes here and there."
"Go on." He encourages.
"I um....I don't want to be in public to long... too much noises....and people.. " you drift off embarrassed.
There's silence and for a moment you thought he hung up. Instead he laughs and your face flushes.
"Oh lass that's it? Thats great." He chuckles. "Not that you've been feelin this way. I'm sorry aboot that and that ya were stressin. We don' 'ave to to go out anywhere." He says
"W-we don't?" You ask.
"No of course not. I don' like stuffy restaurants anyway or tight suits. We can stay in at 'ome. Do ya like movies?" He asks
"Yes." You say quietly.
"Good! Ya can come o'ver ere and we can watch movies. 'Ell come in yer pajamas I don' care. I just wanna spend time with ya." He says and you giggle.
"Pj's are hardly a nice first date outfit Soap." You say. He chuckles.
"It sounds perfect to me lass. I can cook ya dinner 'ere. What do ya say?"
"I'd love to"
You both plan to have your movie date that Friday after work. Soap sends you sweet texts never pushing you too far and making you feel more comfortable. He asks your favorite scent, movies, snacks, the works. Though he still makes your heart flutter you feel more in love with him. You feel improvement in your mood and look forward to your date.
And with that you stand outside Soap's apartment on your pajamas. You feel stupid as if this wasn't his idea. You feel nervous like you should leave but before you can Soap opens the door. He's wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt.
"Ah there ya are lass, you look lovely tonight" He says. You laugh.
"Soap I'm in pajamas." You say. He grins at you.
"Aye but ye look comfy. And your fuzzy socks look cute." He adds and you blush smiling.
He let's you in, and you're hit with a smell of (Fav/Smell). You notice candles burning and look at him.
"Figured you'd like it. Might help ya relax some." He says. You smile at the thoughtfulness. You see his living room and he has stacks of blankets and pillows making a comfy spot for you two to watch movies. You see all the snacks you mentioned to him and a couple more. The room is dimly lit and relaxing and cozy. You notice your anxiety hasn't jumped since coming in. You turn to him.
"Thank you." You say earnestly. He smiles.
"I uh gotcha a wee present." He says and you perk up.
"Oh?" You say. He moves to get a (Fav/Animal) stuffed animal. Your eyes widen and you look at him.
"It's weighted. I read it helps with anxiety...thought ya may like it." He says almost shyly. You pick up the stuffed toy and hug it to your chest.
"I love it so much." You say. You never thought Soap would think this much about your anxiety. And it's so sweet that he's go to such lengths to ensure you're comfortable. Soap smiles at you holding your stuffed animal.
You sit down and watch movies together, occasionally commenting and shit talking the screen. You both playfully shove each other and laugh a lot. He throws popcorn at you to catch in your mouth and you make it a game. You relax more and more. You smack him with your stuffed animal and he holds it "for randsom" (a piece of candy). It's been a long time since you felt this calm.
A loud crash is made outside that has you reeling. You jump and shiver, your heart rate jumping. Soap immediately tries to help.
"Woah lassie calm down. Shhhh" He soothes.
"I gotcha." He gently touches your shoulders and rubs them carefully in soothing motions. You calm down and relax. You lean into him the smell of his cologne grounding you. He picks up your weighted stuffed animal and places it on your lap. You immediately hug it. This setting, the comfortable smells and snacks, the comfy clothes, is loads better than anything else. Later on you two cook together and you play around smearing ingredients on his face. He chases you and grabs you in a bear hug. You laugh harder than you have in a while.
Rain patters against the windows and you feel tranquil in the moment.
After dinner you continue your movie marathon, snuggling up to Soap. He wraps his arm protectively around you, thumb stroking your leg. You lay on his chest his heartbeat making your eyes flutter. You sigh deeply. He kisses your head and plays with your hair. Soon you both drift off while your movie plays on, long forgotten. You, curled up into Soap's side, laying on his chest, and his arms around you. His cheek pressed into your head. You don't sleep panicked. You don't wake up. You don't have nightmares. No. John MacTavish gives you a sense of peace you haven't felt in a long time. You sleep warm and comfortable. His body heat and overall presence comforting you. His chest rising and falling with yours as you all breathe in perfect sync.
This was the end to a perfect date.
Wolf: Just writing that brought me so much comfort 😊
Soap: Aye it was sweet.
Wolf: It happens to me sometimes too and having someone to make it all better is the best thing ever.
Soap: True lass, I think the lassies will like it.
Wolf: I hope so.
Soap: It's okay to have hard times lassies, but do take care of yourselves. Shower, brush your teeth, eat plenty and drink lots a water. You'll get through it, you're strong. Soap is here for all of you and loves all of you.
Wolf: We all got this 😊
#fluff#johnny soap mactavish#soap cod#cod mw2#soap x reader#cod#johnny mactavish#johnny mactavish x reader#cod fluff#soap x depressed reader#depression#depressed reader#anxious reader#soap x anxious reader
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Mistletoe Kisses
(Ft. Ghost, Soap, Price, Keegan, and Konig)
Hello WolfPak! I decided to write a cute sappy Christmas drabble for the delicious 141 members! Let's all have a great end to the year! 😊🎄
Simon "Ghost" Riley

"He won't do it." Soap deadpans. I grumble at him.
"He might!"
"But wha-"
"Can't I-"
"Soap is great!"
"Nope...ah what the hell? Damn savage (Y/N)." Soap chuckles.
"Hmph you had it coming."
"Eh maybe so, but yer in over yer head. Ghost'll never give ye a kiss under tha Mistletoe."
"It's worth a shot trying!" I implore. Soap shrugs with a smile.
"What aboot that big Ole burly bastard screams holiday sediment?"
I slump my shoulders.
"Aye don't worry lass. He still loves ya." He says. Ghost comes in.
"What in 'ell is goin on ere?" He asks looking between me and Soap.
"Will you kiss me under the mistletoe?" I plead interlocking my fingers. I bounce on my toes in anticipation. Ghost looks puzzled for a moment before giving me a quick "No."
I slouch and Soap laughs.
"Sorry lassie. Told ya he wouldn't do it."
I glare at him and flip him off. Ghost glares at Soap. He then looks at me and his eyes soften slightly.
"Do you really want it love?" He asks. I bounce on my toes again and nod my head eagerly.
"So much!" Ghost sighs and beckons me over to him. A Mistletoe sits above him tangled in garland. I giddily prance over to him and stand in front of him.
"This is because Johnny boy said I wouldn't." He says gruffly. I laugh.
"I'll take it!" I say with glee. Carefully, as carefully as he did with our first kiss, he wraps of his arms around my back, his strong bicep squeezing me. His other hand goes under my chin. He gently pulls my closer, my chest pressing against his. He tilts my head and strokes my chin with his thumb. He's being so tender I almost believe this isn't really about spite.
Ghost stares at my eyes a moment and then gently leans down. His soft lips touch me so carefully. I close my eyes and melt into it. I put my hands on his chest and kiss him back. His lips move against mine gently and I smile into the kiss. He gives me one more peck before pulling away.
He doesn't let go and keeps looking in my eyes.
"Damn LT way to put one on er." Soap laughs. Ghost groans and looks at him.
"Fuck off MacTavish." He says and Iaugh. I bring my hand up and caress his face. He looks back at me.
"I love you Si."
"I love you too."
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish

I stare out the window as the flurry of snow billows down and stacks on the ground. The once green grass and dirt, now covered in blankets of white puffy snow.
I touch the window pane and shiver at the cold. It's so beautiful outside. I love this time of year.
"Oi (Y/N)!" Gaz calls to me. I snap my head and look at him.
"Few of us are goin fer a drink. Wanna come?" He asks. I blush and nod. I'm a little shy and I always felt I flew under the 141 members radars. But here is one of them asking me to come for a drink. He grins and beckons me to follow. I walk behind him.
"Who all is going?"
"Eh me, LT, Price, Keegan, and Ole Johnny boy." He says. I flush and feel my heart best quickly. Gaz smiles with his back to me. Unbeknownst to me, I didn't know a few members knew my feelings for Soap. The way I'd blush or stutter around him. They're all pretty observant men.
At the bar I sit between Price and Gaz. I feel swallowed up by the two large men beside me. I quietly sip my drink. Subconsciously I keep stealing glances at Soap. Gaz notices and nudges me.
"You should shoot yer shot ye know." He says. I blush a deep red.
"W-what?!" I stutter. He laughs.
"Come on take a chance with Ole Soap. You never know he may like ya back."
I shake my head. "N-no I couldn't....what would I even say to him???" I babble. Gaz chuckles and looks at Soap. He notices he's under the Mistletoe.
"Ask im for a kiss. Tis the season after all."
I blush and shake my head. "I could never!" I sigh and sadly put my head in my hand knowing I'm too shy for my own good. Price kicks back his beer and eyes Soap.
"Better make a move quick before that girl does."
My head snaps up and I see a girl approaching Soap. I clench my fists. "Oh hell no!" I jump up and make my way to him. I step in front of the girl who huff and tap Soap on the shoulder. He turns and faces me questioningly. He gives me a lopsided smile, eyes sparkling.
"Yea lass?"
I fidget and struggle with words. I start to stutter.
"Relax lass use yer words. I can barely hear ya." He says with a chuckle. I blush violently and take a breath. I point up to the Mistletoe. Soap's neck cranes upwards and his smile shifts into a smirk when he sees what I'm pointing at.
"Ah a Mistletoe init?" He asks. His eyes find me and I nod sheepishly.
"Want me to give ya one do ya?" He asks. I squeak and nod. He chuckles and pulls me jn close, the proximity startling me and making me look away. He tilts my chin up.
"Ah ah eyes on me lassie. I wanna enjoy this." He says. I gulp and look at him. Ever so carefully he leans forward. I close my eyes. Instead he kisses the corners of my lips and my eyes shoot open. I look at him stunned and he gives a heart laugh.
"What's wrong lassie? Not the kiss you wanted?"
"SOAP!" I yelp and he laughs harder. Then quietly says.
"Don't worry lassie just wanted ta tease ya."
He smiles before kissing me for real this time. His lips soft against mine and my eyes close. I hear clapping and whistles as he leans me back and holds my body tight. I kiss back and bring my hand up to touch his face. Before he pulls away he bites my lower lip and I yelp.
He chuckles again the asshole.
"How was that lassie?" He asks wrapping his arm around my waist and following me to the bar. I gulp and nod furiously. He nuzzles me.
Gaz is giving me a cheeky grin when we get back.
"Who knew we just had to make you jealous to get you to do it?" He laughs
Captian John Price
Captian John Price of the Task Force 141. A tough, rugged, military man. Well respected with a reputation that precedes him.
He definitely is in his element when he's got a weapon in his hand. Giving orders and overseeing missions.
He's definitely not in his element when it's Christmas time and he's stuck Christmas shopping with me. He knows I'll need help carrying bags and also just doesn't want me going alone with all the craziness that happens during the holidays. He really is a good man. I can't deny the attraction that happened between us. We've only been dating a few months but he has been the perfect gentleman. Very old fashioned and down to earth.
Anyway, Price, with his big burly arms, is carrying my bags, gifts for the other taks force members, while I carried my gift for him. He didn't complain though, just walked beside me and took anymore bags of things I decided to pick up. I hold onto his bicep as we walk through the town square.
He sneezes and I look at him. "Cold love?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"No....damn snow gettin in my beard. Ticklin my nose." He scrunches his nose for relief. His arms retrained by the carefully wrapped packages. I giggle and lean up brushing his beard with my hand.
He blows out air and smiles.
"Thanks love" He says.
"Always."I say. Price notices up ahead a Mistletoe hanging from one of the arches on the buildings and he gets an idea. Unfortunately I did too and I keep walking while Price is trying to get my attention. I see a pretty Christmas tree I wanna take a picture of. I pull out my phone and go to it.
"Dammit woman turn around." Price laughs
I stop in my tracks and face him. "Hmmm?" I look at him with my head cocked. He sets the bags down and signals me over. I step toward him.
"What's up love?"
He pulls me into him and holds my hands to his chest. His beard shifts as he smiles down at me and my heart flutters. I love it when he looks at me like that.
He dips down to kiss me. My eyes widen surprised but I don't complain. I kiss him back, our lips moving lovingly against each other. His arms tighten around me and I grip his shirt. He pulls back and kisses my cheek, then my lips again and stands his full height.
I giggle.
"What was that?"
He smiles at me and points up.
"Jus feelin Christmasy is all love " He says. My eyes look up and I register the Mistletoe. I smile.
"Oh my John Price you're a precious man." I say. He chuckles and picks up my bags again.
"Cmon love let's get you something hot to drink, you're about to freeze over." I giggle and pick up his present.
"Lead the way.....Oh John! Konig would love that!" I say pointing to a shop window. He only groans but follows me.
Keegan Russ

I pull into the Cafe. I double check my phone to ensure this was the right place. My windshield wipers are still going, hitting the snowflakes as they land on my windshield.
I confirm the address and sigh. My heart is beating fast and I try and calm my nerves. It's just a date, a simple date at a coffee shop. I tell myself. Well......with Keegan. My face flushes at the thought. I can't believe he actually asked me out. He's more reserved but one day after work he came up to me and asked me out.
I was so excited and here I sit in my car trying to compose myself and stop worrying about
"AHHHH!" I shriek as someone startles me and taps my window. I look and see Keegan who gives me a friendly wave. I quickly turn off my car and step out. My heated car was a contrast the the freezing cold outside. I shiver and rub my arms.
"Hey Keeg!" I say
"Hey (Y/N), scared ya didn't I?" He says amused. I blush.
"Only a bit." I gesture with my fingers. He rolls his eyes and smiles.
"Sure that's why all the colors drained from your face isn't it?" He chuckles. I whack him on the arm.
"Oh knock it off Russ." I laugh and he leads me inside the coffee shop.
"Yes ma'am." He says holding the door for me while I duck under his arm. We go to counter and order hot chocolate. Keegan swears it's the best he's ever had. We sit down in a cozy booth and I warm my hands on my mug and blow on the steam. I take a sip and Keegan's eyes watch me carefully. The velvety chocolate enters my mouth and it's bliss. I hum in content and look at Keegan.
"It's amazing."
"I was hoping you'd like it." He says and holds my hand. I smile at him and take another drink to hide my blush. We talk about ourselves and who we are outside of work. Me and Keegan have a lot more in common than I thought.
"I'm really glad you asked me out Keegan."
"Oh believe me it was my pleasure (Y/N)." He says.
"I didn't know we had so much in common you're so quiet usually."
He chuckles. "I am but I've been wanting to ask you out for a while. I always thought you were beautiful." I blush at his words
He stares at the window and notices a Mistletoe window sticker and he smiles mischievously. I don't notice yet because I'm still drinking my cocoa. I finally catch his eyes.
He leans forward, his hand coming up and touching my neck. I shiver under his touch. His eyes never leave mine.
"Can I?" He asks. Speechless I only nod.
He presses his lips against mine and sigh contently. He thumb strokes my cheek gently and he tilts his head for a new angle. Our lips move together and I can taste the chocolate and mint from his cocoa.
His other hand squeezes mine and I push more against the table. Carefully he pulls away his face still close to mine. He brings my hand to his lips and places a gentle kiss to my knuckles.
"You're beautiful." He says. I giggle.
"You're too sweet Keegan."
"Does this mean you'll go out with me again?" He asks. I smile and nod.

Konig was a quiet man. Though big, scary, and intimidating, he definitely had a soft side. A side that he showed me. Though we're not technically dating I guess.
We've been on a few dates and we both seem to really like each other and I'm just waiting for him to make a move. I'd love more than anything if we were official. Especially during the holidays. We have done a lot of couple like things already but, it's not the same when I refer to him as my friend or date.
I'm not surprised when he asks me to be his date for the base Christmas party. Of course I agreed and when the day came I took time getting ready. It was a more formal event and I put on a dress. I was applying some light makeup when Konig knocked at my door. I opened it and for a moment his stoic resolve broke and he looked over my figure.
"Vow liebling. You look....gorgeous." He says. I pull at the side of my dress.
"You really think so?" I ask him and he nods enthusiastically.
"I know so. I cannot vait to show you off." He tells me and offers me his arm. I take his feeling his strong bicep underneath his jacket. He leads me down the hall, through the building to the ballroom. We're greeted by warm twinkling Christmas lights that adorn the windows and arches. I stare in awe and look at the gorgeous Christmas tree at the end of the room.
Soft music is playing and before anything else, Konig pulls me along and stands in front of me on the dance floor. He smiles down at me and places his hands on my waist. He makes me feel so small but I love it. I put my hands on his shoulders and we dance around happily. He spins me effortlessly as of I weigh nothing. He dips me and I toss my head back laughing. He chuckles pulling me up against his strong chest.
I look deep into his eyes. Yes. This is what falling in love feels like. We finish our dance and we notice a photographer taking pictures of couples.
"Come on Liebling let's get something to remember this day." He says and leads me to the photographer.
We pose together and a few pictures are snapped. Across the room I hear.
"Come on Konig kiss her." I look and see the other 141 members calling to us. We look at them puzzled and they point up. We both look up and see the Mistletoe on the ceiling. I blush but look at Konig with a smile.
"Do you.....?" I start asking and he nods.
He dips me and gives me the deepest kiss he could muster up. I hear applause but I focus on Konig and how passionate he's kissing me. His lips feel so good against mine molding onto my mouth like a perfect fit. His hands squeeze my waist and I grip his neck harder.
He stands us up and the clapping ceases. We both have pink dusted on our faces and I giggle happily.
"Schatz?" He asks and I look at him.
"Yes Konig?"
"Vill you be mine?" He asks me. My eyes widen.
"Y-you mean????" I stutter and he nods before kissing me again.
"Yes leibling I'm crazy about you. I've just been vaiting for the best time to ask you." He admits.
I hug him tightly.
"Yes Konig I'd love to." We share another kiss before the 141 starts heckling us to get a room.
(Wolf): There! What do you guys think??
(Ghost, Soap, Price, Keegan, and Konig look over my work)
(Ghost): Well written for what it is
(Wolf): what does THAT mean?
(Soap): why are you so jealous in mine lass?
(Wolf): it's just what I thought of!
(Price): I liked mine
(Wolf): Thank you Price.
(Price): Maybe just change-
(Keegan): I prefer coffee too cocoa
(Wolf): *wailing* come on I put a lot of effort into this!!!
(Konig): I liked them all Liebling, well done
(Wolf): Thank you Konig you're always so nice to me.
#fluff#johnny soap mactavish#soap cod#soap x reader#cod#cod mw2#johnny mactavish#johnny mactavish x reader#simon ghost x reader#ghost x reader#simon ghost riley#simon riley x reader#captain john price x reader#john price#john price cod#cod keegan#keegan p russ#keegan x reader#konig cod#konig x reader#konig call of duty#Christmas cod
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Are you there L.T.?
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Student!Reader
(Finals are coming up and I think nothing more than fluffy Ghost would help more than anything.)

(Fluffy fluff from the big man himself)
My eyes crack open and I stare up at my ceiling. Daylight floods in through my windows illuminating the room. I hear the soft hum of my heater trying to keep my apartment warm in contrast to the cold wind bustling outside.
I sit up on my elbows and blink bleary-eyed, scanning the room. It feels like I hadn't slept at all. I just wanted to take a nap. I haven't been sleeping well at night because it's exam week and I'm beyond stressed. I nibble my nail as the anxiety sits in and I reach for my phone. I pray that more time as past since I laid down for a nap.
The cushions under my legs sink in as I lean forward. I pick up my phone and tap the screen. I blink a few times before registering that I had only been asleep 10 minutes.
With a groan I toss my phone to the side and put my face in my hands. I squeeze my scalp, my fingers closing around strands of my hair and I breathe shakily.
I can't believe how much the stress is getting me. I will myself not to cry and an idea pops into my head. Maybe there's someone who could provide moral support. I look at my phone a moment before picking it up. I tap on a familiar app and scroll through. He may not even be on leave. He may be deployed somewhere. He almost might not care to talk his old teammate off the edge during something as trivial as exams.
But he was always a good guy. Someone I looked up too who provided comfort when I needed it. Worth a shot. Who is it? My old Lieutenant. Simon "Ghost" Riley.
I tap on his contact and send a message.
I wait a few moments aching for a reply before I realize it probably won't come. I get up and with a pop of my joints I head to my shower.
Behind the bathroom door, I open a closet and pull out a fluffy towel. I set it on the counter before picking through my closet for a change of clothes. I turn the knobs in my shower. A few squeaks and the water flows through the shower head. The water was cold at first, the temperature picking up a few minutes later. I watch the steam rise and I undress getting under the spray.
I spend a good amount of time decompressing and allowing the water to soothe my body. I had just lathered myself up with soap when I hear a ping from my phone. Almost breaking my neck jumping out of the shower, I haphazardly dry my hands off before picking up my phone and tapping the screen.
I smile seeing the ghost icon. Suds slide their way down my body but I pay no mind as I open the text
Always a man of a few words.
Long time no see. Are you in the area by chance?
I am for now. What's on your mind?
I'm struggling with finals and the stress is getting to me. Can't sleep, any ideas?
You've been on countless missions with 141 and finals got your nerves going?
I freeze and sheepishly reply.
I had left the military after my contract ended. I kept close contact with the other members. I'm particularly close with Soap. Price was always fatherly and Ghost, I leaned on him a lot inside and outside the military.
Want me to come by?
I smile and type out my response before I finish my shower.
I'd like that it'd be nice to catch up!
Once I finish cleaning, I towel off and get dressed. It'll take Ghost about half an hour to get to my apartment so I settle on making a snack as I wait for him.
A knock at my door has me rushing to open it. Standing there is Ghost. I'll be honest it took me a bit to get used to his face without the mask.
"LT!" I exclaim a little to enthusiastic.
He nods at me with a ghost (see what I did there?) of a smile.
I smile and open my arms. He awkwardly does the same and I'm just happy he's indulging me. I lay against his chest and give him a squeeze. His smile subconsciously gets bigger and he holds me back.
I let him into my apartment and he looks around.
"So finals gettin ya frazzled?"
"Yeah.....I thought after the military nothing would stress me out but this....civilian life is worse."
"Ain't that the fuckin truth."
"I just can't wrap my head around this." I gesture to my textbook. "How the hell am I supposed to know the answer to....this?"
I show him a question in my book. His eyes barely scan it before he gives me an answer. I deadpan before looking it up.
"You did not fucking know that." He chuckles and leans towards me.
"Give me another." He says with a cocky grind. We go back and forth and he irritatingly gets ALL OF THEM. He even caught on when I was bullshitting and flicked me in the forehead.
"Ow!" I yelp
"Don't act like a brat jus because yer strugglin." He says simply. I grumble and rub my head as he laughs.
"Alright I'll help ya siddown." He says.
"No LT I can't take another second if studying."
"I said sit." I blush and comply sitting next to him as he picks up my book. I groan and he shoots me a look.
He goes back and forth with me explaining problems and helping me figure them out. Towards the end I finally start to get the hang of it. I answer the last question, the one that gave me the most trouble.
"Are you sure?" His unreadable eyes pierce me and I stress. I squeeze my hands and look at him.
"I'm sure." He looks at me blankly and I start to sweat.
"That's right." He says. I breathe a sigh of relief and fall against my cushions.
"Thank GOD!" Ghost chuckles at my enthusiasm.
"Atta girl I knew ya could do it." He says and I flush.
"Thanks LT you always did make things easier on me."
"Ah that was all you love. Jus needed a little help is all." He says and I blush.
He stands up, his massive frame towering over me and stretches.
"Well let me take ya out and we can get some dinner."
"Sure let's go. Don't tell Johnny, damn bastard always tryin to get a free meal out o me."
I giggle at the mention of Soap and I grab my jacket and gloves go layer up. I pull my boots on and brave the cold. I look at him and in confirmation. He opens my door and let's me out shutting it behind us. I lock my door and we start walking down the street.
We banter for a few minutes catching up on what the rest of the crew is doing. A snowflake melts on my neck and I shiver. Without a word Ghost takes off his scarf and wraps it around my neck. His hands brushing my hair and shoulders. Thank God the cold made my cheeks rosy already. We get to a bar and he opens the door for me. I stamp my feet out and we sit at the bar.
"What'll ya have?" He asks me. I give him my drink order and he orders for me. I sit next to him happily.
"When's your exam?" He asks me. I sigh.
"Tomorrow." I say. He nods.
"You'll be jus fine love." He gives me one of his rare Ghost smiles. We order food and keep talking about the good old days and how things are now. I realize how homesick I've been for the 141. I'm stuffing a French fry in my mouth when I hear a loud voice.
"Blood 'ell." Ghost sighs and I smile knowing what's got his nerves. I swivel in my chair and look at beautiful blue eyes. The Scotsman smiles at me.
"Soap!" I exclaim and hop off my chair. I jump up and hug him and he holds me back.
"Hey there lass. How ya been?" He asks me and I nuzzle his chest.
"Good Soap! I missed you!" He smiles and picks me up, a deep laugh rumbling from his chest.
"I missed ya too lass. What're you and the missus doin ere?"
I giggle
"He was helping me study for my exam tomorrow." Soap feigns hurt and looks at me.
"Oi why didn ya ask me fer help?. Instead ya ask our tightass oer there?" He says. I laugh and Ghost pipes up.
"Johnny you're a bloody sod." He says. Soap smiles at him and sits down.
"I am not go on quiz me. I'll be I get more right then you."
After a humbling experience, Soap settles to joking around with us and sharing my food. We watch the rugby game on the television and go back and forth talking. I sit happily between the two men and feel content being around two familiar people.
"Thank you guys. This has really helped."
"Always lassie."
"Anything for ya love."
Later on that night they walk me home. I walk in between them and the follow me all the way to my door. I undo the scarf Ghost gave me and hand it to him. Soap snatches it and wraps it stupidly around his head. Ghost shoots him a death glare but doesn't bother taking it back. Soap smiles cheerily at him.
He opens his arms to me and I hug the Scotsman tightly.
"Goodnight Soap. Thanks for being here."
"Always lass, treasure seein ya." He kisses my hand and I blush. I turn to Ghost. He carefully gives me a hug and Soap smirks at him.
"G'night love. Good luck on your exam t'morrow. You'll be jus fine."
I smile and let him go.
"Thanks LT."
They let me go inside and I crawl under my warm covers. I lay sleepily against my pillows and relax. I feel more content than I had in a while and I gently sleep.
The next morning I stand in front of my classroom. I grip the straps to my backpack tightly and shift from foot to foot. I try and calm my nerves. I was never the best test taker. I go to take a step when my phone goes off a bunch of times. Vibrations felt through my pocket as I get bombarded with messages. Wondering what the hell is up I open my screen and my heart melts. It's a group chat from the 141.
(Soap): Oi. Everyone wish (Y/N) good luck on her exam today. Not that the lass has to worry her pretty little head
(Price): Good luck love. You were an amazing soldier, you got this.
(Price): Get back to work Soap.
(Gaz): Ayeooo (Y/N) has finals? Knock em dead sweetheart!!! 🫶
(Konig): Gut luck Liebling
(Keegan): Showtime (Y/N) we got your back
(Roach): Good luck!
(Ghost): Good luck soldier.
I read the messages happily soon the chat turning on Soap and instead berating him. I giggle.
(Y/N): Thank you guys! I'll do you proud.
(Keegan): We know you will sweetheart. Soap was that you I saw walk by in that stupid scarf?
(Soap): Why yes it was
(Ghost): it's not stupid
(Price): I didn't know we were all jerkin off today. Let the girl take her test and get the fuck back to work.
(Soap): Aye sir
(Ghost): Roger
(Keegan): On it Capn
(Konig): I will get back to it
(Roach): I wasn't a part of this.
I laugh at the messages as they cease. My phone vibrates one more time and it's a separate message from Ghost.
(Ghost): Stop stressing. You've always been a bad test taker but you're more than capable. Kick ass today.
(Ghost): I'm proud of you
My heart melts at his words and I beam. He was always a man of few words but this meant the world. I take a breath and head into my class to take the final. My mood and confidence boosted knowing I have a whole army behind me.
(Soap): Wow I like it a lot!
(Wolf): Thanks me too!
(Soap): I like how you shamlessly added me in there.
(Wolf): *blushing* Soap you're basically my husband at this point of course I'm going to.
(Soap): *Rolls eyes* Shameless
(Ghost): You procrastinated studying to WRITE about studying?
(Wolf): Hell yeah I did. And it worked.
(Ghost): That makes no sense.
(Wolf): Yes it does shush.
(Soap): Lass no it doesn't.
(Wolf): *pouting*
(Ghost): Get the 'ell over ere and study!
(Wolf): B-but!
(Ghost): NOW!
#fluff#johnny soap mactavish#soap cod#ghost cod#cod mw2#simon ghost riley#ghost x reader#simon ghost x reader#cod fluff
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After Work
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader
(This is more fluffy. I had a long day at work and a snuggly supportive Scottish boyfriend to come home to would be bliss)
Fuck work. Fuck bosses. Fuck 9-5's fuck ALL OF IT. I can't stand this shit anymore. I play my music in my car loud to drown out my vengeful thoughts. Everyone has a bad day at work sure, but today was the worst day of all bad days at work. Almost comical the way things went wrong.
I grip my steering wheel until my knuckles turn white and breathe to try and calm down. It's not working and I keep seething in anger.
I can't stand my job sometimes.
I pull into my familiar parking spot and I scan and see Johnny's car. My hands relax on my steering wheel and I instantly calm down. That perfect perfect beautiful man always knows how to make me happy.
I get out of my car and lock the door before heading inside. I try and calm down fully before going inside. I hate Johnny always having to put me back together. I take a breath and put my key in the lock. One familiar click and it's open. I push through the door and my shoes click on the tile. I hear Johnny at his desk. I remove my shoes before heading over to him.
He hears my socks padding over and looks over at me. He smiles warmly and it melts my heart.
"There's ma beautiful girl."
I instantly fold and tear up. Soap's face drops.
"Lass? C'mere luv."
I walk over to him and he scoots back in his chair. I sit in his lap, my legs on either sides of his thighs. I lean into his neck and sob. Soap always brought that out in me. I'd be fuming ready to kill and then I'd see his lopsided smile and it'd make me weepy and need to be babied.
"Rough day lass?"
I nod still sobbing in his neck
"Shhhh sweethart. It's okay. I gotcha."
I snuggle into him and my sobs and hiccups slowly cease as he draws gentle patterns on my back. His strong hands start rubbing my back carefully working some knots as I come down from my episode.
My tears dry leaving a streak on my cheeks. Soap's hands reach up and undo my hair from it's style and let's the tresses fall down. He runs his fingers in my hair and rubs my scalp to soothe me. I hum in content. He kisses my head softly and I feel so in love with him. Soap always makes my day better.
"Yes lass?"
"Thank you for making me feel better."
"Always lass. I love you."
"I love you too Johnny."
"Come on let's get you comfortable." I nod into his neck.
"Hold on tight luv."
I comply and wrap my arms around his neck. He stands up and wraps my legs around his waist. I squeeze him and he takes me to our bedroom. He sets me down and pulls my work shirt over my head. I giggle and he pushes me back on the bed. He takes my shoes off first carefully removing the laces.
Once those are off, the pulls my pants down. He grabs my socks peeling them off next and massages my calves. I sigh in content as my body relaxes. He goes to our shared closet and rummages through. He comes out moments later and throws me one of his hoodies. I giggle and put it on.
He comes over and sprays his cologne on it and I inhale deeply breathing it in. It smells so much like him and I'm very happy.
Soap chuckles.
"Feelin better lass?"
I nod standing up. He pats my head.
"Good let's get some grub fer us."
I smile cheekily
"Yes lass?"
I open my arms wide for him. He smiles and comes over to me picking me up and squeezing me in a tight bear hug. I nuzzle him and sigh happily my long day already forgotten.
Soap: *reading* Aw see lass that's cute. A change given how feral the last one was
(Wolf): It is cute isn't it?
Soap: Very the lassies should like it
(Wolf): Everyone needs soft fuzzy soap sometimes
Soap: Is that my hoodie?
(Wolf): What should we write next???
#johnny mactavish x reader#johnny soap mactavish#soap cod#soap x reader#fluff#fluffysoap#soap x reader fluff#cod mw2#cod#cod soap#cod fluff
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Liquid Courage
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader *Smut*
(I really wanna write more regularly and I am thirsting after this man so hard)
Soap: Oh watcha writing lass? Somethin for the lassies?
Soap: Why not? *peeks* Oh. Yer one o'dem?
(Wolf): Just let us have this Soap

The liquor stings my tongue as I take another sip. I've always been a lightweight and tonight is no different. After a rough mission me and the boys need a load off. We sit in the bar drinking silly. I even seen tight ass Price looses up. Ghost is incoherent, his accent mixed with slurring was impossible to make out. I simply smiled and nodded. My drunken stupor has made me less shy. And so horny.
Soap took notice. Of the former not the latter. I smile drunkenly at him and he beckons me over with his finger. The pressure between my thighs is intense and I saunter over to him mentally hoping for relief.
This is how I ended up on my back in Soap's room, my bare skin pressed against his soft sheets while he ate me out like I was brunch. The stubble on his head grazed my thighs and I squeezed harder as his tongue continued his movements. He teased my clit with his tongue, the cool wetness of it exciting my further. He breathes on my pussy and I jerk in frustration. His deep accent breaks through the haze.
"Gosh bonnie. Ye taste so good." He delves back in his lips and tongue on my pussy again eating like a starved man. My thighs clamp tighter and his strong biceps hold me open. I cry out as the cool air hits my sensitive flesh. I call out his name as he brings me close.
"Yer close yeah?"
I babble out incoherent words of agreement. Soap sucks harder on my clit. Harder and more as my orgasm rips through me. He forces my thighs down never relenting on his movements. His tongue sliding through my folds and over my clit with expertise as if he's always known how to touch me perfectly. My hips buck into his mouth and he grinds his mouth against me. I grip his hair with my hands moaning loudly in ecstacy.
My thighs fall apart and I pant heavily.
"Such a good girl bonnie."
Relationships were not forbidden but frowned upon. Price and Ghost would wring our necks if they knew what we were doing. Fuck em.
Soap gently rolls me over and pulls my hips back. I feel the hardness of his cock bump against my pussy. My walls still fluttering. I stretch forward overstimulated.
"Ah ah bonnie I haven't had my fill o'ya yet." He says his grip tightening. I feel the head of his cock push into me. I gasp and wince at the delicious albeit painful stretch. Soap leans forward until his strong chest is pressed against my back. He breathes on my ear before catching it between his teeth. I arch my back and shudder.
"Breathe bonnie. Let Johnny make ya feel good. Breathe ma good girl"
I moan and I claw at the sheets. He shifts his hips, the head of his cock impossibly deep. I moan as he grinds his pelvis in my ass, his cock rubbing my sweet spot. He gives a few thrusts before he makes me moan out. I toss my head.
"There ya good. Good girl bonnie. Take my cock nice n deep."
I moan loudly as his hips pick up their pace. He slides his hand under my hip and brings me back to meet his thrusts. I cry out in pleasure. He keep thrusting harder and harder. He leans forward his teeth taking purchase of my neck, teeth sinking into the flesh and I arch against him again. He kisses up my neck and I shudder under him.
He grips my hips tightly, the loud sound of out bodies smacking together echoing. Soap loses control and grunts in my ear in time to his thrusting. He finally snaps, putting his large hands on my back, to shove my chest into the mattress and his thrusting becoming animalistic. I scream into the sheets as his hands plant on both sides of my head. His hips hammering into my ass as I spread my legs more for him to slide deeper.
I cry out and moan.
"Thas it bonnie" he grunts "open yerself fer me."
"Johnny! Don't stop!" I beg and plead feeling my pussy gush around his girthy length. He groans in my ear.
"Oh I won't stop lass. Wont....fuckin 'ell yer tight...stop until ye come around my cock"
I moan my squeeze the sheets with my fingers. He laces his hands with mine. Using the leverage to buck into me harder. My vision goes hazy and my pussy squeezes tight and I feel my orgasm coming.
Soap hits a stop and I let out a choked moan. Soap rocks into my a few more times before my back violently arches and I scream out in pleasure. My walls throbbing and squeezing his cock for everything he has.
"Fuckin 'ell bonnie gonna...milk me dry." He groans more to himself. I work my hips back until he jerks forward his hot cum spiraling inside me and filling my womb. We both shudder and catch our breath.
Soap pulls out of me and I whine feeling empty. He leans on my back, his sweaty chest feeling warm. He kisses my neck and gently blows on my ear making me shiver.
"Ya did so good fer me bonnie." He praises. I mumble breathless.
"If I knew how bad ya wanted it, I'da fucked this pretty cunt sooner."
"Thank the alcohol for that."
He chuckles. "Just needed a little liquid courage didn't ya?"
"Uh huh and well now that you have you better keep going."
"Oh? Givin orders now?" He chuckles darkly
"Yes I am and you better deliver MacTavish." I demand. He flips me on my back and works his hips between my legs. I feel his hips grind into my clit and I moan.
"Better be ready to handle me bonnie." He says as he kisses me.
~(Wolf):Jeez I need to calm down haha
Soap: *blushing* that was filthy
(Wolf): It was. Love you Soapy
Soap: Don't call me that and COOL OFF
#johnny soap mctavish x reader#johnny soap mactavish#johnny mactavish#soap x reader#soap cod#soapghost#soap x reader smut#johnny MacTavish x reader#johnny MacTavish x reader smut#cod smut#i need to calm down
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Can't Sleep
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Insomniac Reader *Fluffy*
*I jumped on the COD bandwagon HARD. So I'm going to try and write for them. I'm sorry I lost my inspiration and want for the others. I'm trying to be a better fic writer. Let me know what you think!
Love, Wolf*
My eyes open for the millionth time. I groan frustrated and roll over. “Come on!”
I call out. This is getting to me. I've always struggled with insomnia but this is ridiculous. I look at the texture of my ceiling, willing myself to fall asleep. I've tried teas, nature sounds, sleeping meds, name it and it hasn't worked. I whine.
“Why? Can't. I. Fucking. Sleep???” I was new to this base, transfered to be a chemist for Task Force 141. I did a lot of behind the scenes work for the members. They were all nice enough. Price was about business. Ghost was a smart ass but his teasing and insults were more directed to everyone else. Especially Johnny. Johnny was super friendly to me. He’s who I'm closest to of a the Task force members. The least intimidating and leering of all the men. I liked Keegan and Konig enough. It took a lot for me to break them out of their shells. They were super quiet around me. Gaz was pretty friendly too. Honestly I like all of them. They're not the problem. Change of scenery? Tough work? Inhaling too many chemicals? I DON'T KNOW! All I know is I can't fucking sleep and I'm losing it. Well my job is quite stressful and it hasn't helped. I've been trying to push it down but it's hard. Being a chemist in the civilian world had its stresses but in the military? It's a different animal. It's been the root cause of my numerous sleepless nights.
I whimper and give up sitting up in bed. I hear my joints creak as I make my exhausted body work. I stand up and pace my room, the pads of my feet meeting the cold tile and my eyes open more. Ugh, yeah this was gonna be. Long one. I sit at my desk and turn on my PC. The bright screen immediately blinding me. Dammit (Y/N) that definitely made it worse. I sigh and log on.
I search through my games, settling on a shooter game and put my headset on. I look at the time.
Fuck alright here we go. I settle into gaming bitching at the shitty late night players. Are they also insomniacs? Who the hell knows. We have two things in common. We're on the same team. And we're up at 2am. I get particularly irritated when someone who sounds suspiciously like a 10 year old mauls me. The hell with it. I unleash a barrage of insults not meant to be heard by children. Wanna play with adults better grow tf up. In my anger I barely notice the ping on my messages.
ThatScotSoap: Aye lass what're you dooin up so late?
I look at the message and smile before typing back
(YourGamerTag): how do your messages have an accent?
ThatScotSoap: call it a skeel, didn't answer my question though lass
(YourGamerTag) couldn't sleep
ThatScotSoap: sorry to ere that. Any idea why?
(YourGamerTag): eh stress but who doesnt have it? And I've always had insomnia so that's not helping
ThatScotSoap: oh sorry lass. I sleep like a wee baby
(YourGamerTag): Gee way to rub it in 😶
ThatScotSoap: Haha sorry lass. Well I can't sleep ayether want me to come by and bug ya?
I hesitate a moment my stomach flipping. Okay Soap MacTavish is a huge heartthrob. Ghost is too for a man most people don't see without a mask. But Soap??? Women throw themselves at him. I would too if I had less shame. I blush and type back.
(YourGamerTag) sure why not?
ThatScotSoap: on my way lassie
After about 10 minutes and waiting for my blush to go down Soap knocks on my door. I let him in.
“Hey there lassie.”
“Hi Johnny” I smile at him
“You look awfully appy.”
I blush.
“I look like a corpse.” He laughs and sits down on my bed
“what do ya wanna do lass to kill time?”
It. I think shamlessly. I wanna do it.
I shake my head and breathe.
Soap nods. “aye there's a few I've been curious aboot.”
We settle on a movie and I sit next to him. The movie drawls on. I don���t pay much attention. Thinking of work on Monday is creeping into my head. I distract myself with Soap. He’s so intoxicating, his cologne and his close proximity I just want to….
“Yes?” I squeak snapping myself out of it
“Yer not watching are ya?” He asks. I cringe and shake my head.
“I….I can't take my mind off work.” I admit. He nods.
“Aye I've been there myself once r twice. What's botherin a sweet Bonnie like you so much?” I sigh and look at him. I unload all my stresses with the job and worry about my ability on the team. That I maybe bit off more than I could chew. I sniffle by the end and hold back tears. Soap notices and wraps his arms around me. He pulls me into his chest and I'm stunned. I allow him and bury my face in his muscular chest. He gives me a squeeze.
“There there lassie. No on tinks yer not good at yer job. Yer dooin amazin.”
I sniffle and nuzzle his chest. He chuckles.
“Yer okay lassie”
“You sure?”
I breathe a sigh of relief. He's really respected. He's super nice but he wouldn't put on airs.
“It's been really bothering me and it's making my insomnia worse.”
“Don't worry yer pretty head Bonnie. Yer doing great even that stubborn bastard Ghost and Price think so.”
“Course they do.”
I smile and keep hugging him.
“That's it Bonnie. Relax”
I nod only I start to relax a bit too much and while the movie is playing and start to fall asleep on Soap. I wake up suddenly. He looks down at me and my heart flutters
“Enjoy yer wee nap lass?”
I nod sheepishly.
“S-sorry” Soap shakes his head.
“Nothin to be sorry for lass. I'll admit. It's been a while since I had someone to sleep next to. Forgot how comfortin it be.”
“It…is nice” I admit.
“Want me t'stay?”
I blush and look at him.
“I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it lass.” I look stunned and slowly shake my head.
“Good I was aboot t’fall asleep myself.” He stands up and crawls onto my bed. I laugh at how comfortably he takes over my bed. He lays down and opens his arms.
“C’mere lass it's been awhile since I had a good cuddle” I giggle like a school girl and lay in his arms. I feel his strong arms encircle me and his chest press my back. I turn off the lights and lay against him. He softly hums and feeling his chest gently vibrate relaxes me.
His fingers come off my waist and he gently plays with my hair and rubs my head. I moan softly and close my eyes.
“That's it lassie. Let Johnny take care o ya.”
I mumble and my body starts to feel heavy feeling his warmth against me. I slowly drift off but not before I feel a gentle kiss to my head.
“G’night sweet girl.”
~Soap: Goodnight to all you lassies. Those who can and those who can't sleep. Just know Johnny loves you. Mwah.
(Wolf): Alright Scotsman it's my turn for sleepy cuddles tonight
Soap: Alright alright I guess you were good, you wrote a story the first time in what? Years now?
(Wolf): Shush I'm trying to make up for it
#johnny mactavish#johnny soap mactavish#cod mw2#cod#soap x reader#johnny soap mctavish x reader#fluff#call of duty#soap x insomniac reader#soap cod
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Modern Buddha x Reader Smut Working Nights
(I’m really on a Buddha phase lately so bare with me ;) )
Great this was just. Great. This shift at work utterly sucked. And what was worse was that I had to worked a double. And the closing shift ends at 2am. So I am exhausted. I have been here all day dealing with people and coworkers. Not to mention on top of it my boss got so frustrated with the shift himself that he called me into his office and chewed me out.
Now I was tired and super heated about all of it. I unfortunately have to work here to pay the bills until I can find a better job. With no luck so far, I am stuck here. Ugh I just wanted to get my mind off of it.
After work I was going to Buddha’s house. I met him at a gym we both frequent and he is super nice.
He very good for support and pushing me to do better.
He is actually the reason I decided to quit my shit job. We got to talking about it the day we met and I was rage working out. And he’s tried to help he as much as he could since then, looking at my resume with me and hyping me up before interviews.
Ugh I cannot wait to be done with this job. Especially with this shift. I just wanted to go over to Buddha’s house, get drunk, and fall asleep to a movie. I was off the next couple of days so I was fine drinking heavily. We were going to have a fun time.
I knew he was up because he was texting with me all night. He was getting just as pissed off as me. Actually he was more pissed off than me. So I intentionally left out the part about my boss chewing me out. I really just wanted a hug from him to make the night better.
The minute I was able to clock out, I was ready. Everyone else waited, not wanting to set me off anymore. I put my punch in and left that horrible place. I went out to my car and sat there for a moment in my seat. I turned my car on and gripped the steering wheel.
And then I cried a little. It was an overwhelming shift, and the yelling, and all the issues were enough to unravel me. I was just tired of it all. I turned on my headlights and drove the familiar route to Buddha’s house. I felt relieved turning into his complex. And again, I knew he was home, but seeing his car in the parking lot made me happy. I pulled into an empty space and stopped. I got out and reached into my backseat for the bag I packed.
I walked towards his building and then up the stairs until I was in front of his door. I knocked carefully and a few seconds later he opened and smiled at me. I made my move. I reached up and wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled into a hug. He held me tightly.
“Awe okay c’mon crazy let’s get inside.” He laughed. He moved and I went inside his apartment. It was warm and welcoming. I set my bag down and turned to face him. His smile dropped and he stepped closer. He hands when under my chin and he looked at my face closely. I don’t know why I felt flustered so suddenly.
“Why were you crying?”
Oh he saw my puffy eyes. I bit my lip.
“Was work really that bad?” He looked concerned.
“It was.” I replied and then I moved my foot around nervously, I knew he knew there was something else. So I looked up at him and told him all that I had left out during the night. He hugged me again and swayed.
“Why didn’t you tell meeeee that.” He said but not in a scolding way.
“I’m sorrryyy.” I told him. He laid his cheek on my head in a cute ‘grumpy’ way.
He pulled me toward the couch and he had set everything up. He had actually complained at me for taking too long at work. I sat down on the couch next to him.
“Let’s watch something to take your mind off of it.”
“Okay.” I felt so much better already. He popped open some alcohol for me and I sat back. Before the movie started I had gotten up and changed out of my work clothes. I got comfortable next to Buddha with my drink in hand.
We stayed up for a while and I have to admit I drank more than I probably should have. Me and Buddha got very close to each other. There was no denying our attraction. I think we were still getting used to one another. Trying to spend a lot of time together before we made any decisions. Of course we have spent the night together a few times, like I am tonight. But never anything other than cuddling or hugging. We never even kissed before.
Tonight I felt a lot of tension. Not uncomfortable. Thinking about it the boldness was probably brought on from the heavy alcohol intake. We both did drink a lot, Buddha could handle his liquor more than me any day.
I don’t remember how, but we ended up cuddling. He spooned me from behind and dragged his fingers up and down my waist. My attention was no longer on the movie. The colors flashed but barely registered. Then I felt him lean in close and smell my hair. And he pulled me closer. I didn’t protest.
“You smell so good nghh.” He said lazily
I smiled and snuggled more against him. He stopped moving his hand down my side for a moment and then started a tickle assault.
I busted out laughing and he sat up tickling me harder. I kicked my legs out and was trying to get away from him but he kept me still.
“S-Stop you ass.” I wheezed. I started crying it was too much and my sides hurt from the laughing. Buddha moved more and ended up on top of me. And then his attack subsided.
We stared at each other for a minute heavy breathing. I didn’t feel shy or embarrassed. I stared back at him feeling my desire increase.
I looked at his lips. They looked so inviting. He lowered down and kissed me. I felt a shock, his lips felt so good. We kept going and he moved his head changing the angle. It felt so good and we were getting more breathless. He moved to my neck and bit down. I jumped at the sudden harsh contact.
He looked into my eyes again. He squeezed my hips. I noticed finally just how hard he was.
“Can I take this off?” He asked hand twisted in my shirt.
“Yes.” I said weakly wanting to continue. I sat up and he leaned back and he helped me take it off. He was being careful with me and I appreciated it, but I wanted to feel more. I took my bra off for him. His eyes widened and he moved to kiss and bite my neck again. He sat up again to take his own shirt off and he laid back over me. I kissed at his neck and shoulder and felt his back.
“My bed’s a lot more comfy.” He stated still licking my neck. His voice dropped a lot lower and it was a huge turn on.
“Take me there please.” I told him. He moved to stand and brought me with him. He picked me up and wound my legs around him. He took us to his room and kept the light off. He laid me down in his unmade bed. Slowly we kept kissing and I had slid my underwear and shorts off. He completely stripped as well and laid down on me.
Carefully he ground into me and it felt good. He turned me around to mark and kiss down my back. I arched my back up, his cock slipping and rubbing against my pussy. The slick feeling excited me more because I knew it’d be easy for him to go inside.
“Do you like that baby?” He gruffed. The first time he called me that.
“Yes Buddha, yes” I squirmed. I moved my ass back and forth wanting to feel more of him. He laughed a little and pushed me down forcing my chest into the mattress. He slid his strong bicep under my body and hiked me up so my ass was up and inviting. I mewled into the sheets and gripped them tightly. Clenching and unclenching as my body tensed in excitement. He leaned down over me, his strong chest pushing into my back. “We can’t go back after this.” He started.
“I know, please, please God Buddha, now, Now!” i begged him. I needed him to enter me. I need to feel him pushing inside me and pounding into my pussy until I cum all over him. I needed the relief and to feel owned.
“Yes baby girl. Good girl.” He said kissing my neck. He pushed my ass down a bit spreading my thighs more. And then he dragged his cock up from my clit to the entrance.
“Oh baby I can’t.” He started. I was afraid he’d stop but instead he railed his cock deep into my pussy. The jolt almost caused my legs to give and there was a slight burning sensation. He gripped my hips and forced them to stay in place and not slip anymore. He forced his way completely inside me and I tossed my head and arched my back more. The aggression was intense and a complete difference from the gentle kissing moments before. His hips were rough pounding into me and he brought his hand up and smacked my ass. The loud crack it made echoed and I jerked forward moaning.
“Oh no you don’t.” He said dominately I moaned at the aggression. This is not a side of him I never say but I wasn’t complaining. He yanked my body back and fucked me hard. Going as deep as possible.
“Good you feel so good.” He groaned out
“It feels, oh fuck, it feels so good.” I moaned out to him. He smacked my ass again hard, in the same place. Then he flipped me onto my back and came back down. Forcing my legs open and shoving back inside me again. He gripped my thighs roughly, I could feel his finger nails. I arched up at him and he took the chance to bite my breasts. I squealed at the exciting feeling.
“Yes, yes harder Buddha.” He railed into me and kissed me his tongue brushing against the roof of my mouth. He gave me three hard thrusts and I felt myself about to cum.
“I-I’m coming, I’m gonna cum.” I told him.
“Oh yes come all over my cock good girl.” I felt the feeling get stronger and with each thrust he got me closer.
And finally I came. I squeezed down hard on his thick cock and I screamed.
“Oh. Ohhh yes good girl.” He grunted and kept thrusting to work me through it. He ke became more erratic until he pulled out and finished on my stomach. He groaned and then fell next to me.
I was trying to catch my breath.
“I’m. I’m glad you feel the same way.” I forced out. He picked his head up and looked at me. I could barely see his face from the light coming in from the living room.
“Of course I do. I’ve wanted to ask you out a couple of times.” His breathing was leveling out.
“I uh, guess we’re past that point then?” I laughed.
“Well if this means you’ll go out with me?”
I moved closer to him and kissed him.
“I’d love to.”
He got up to get fresh boxers and threw one of his clean shirts my way. I struggled to put it on, my body feeling to heavy to move. He crawled into his bed with me and intertwined our legs.
“Goodnight baby girl.” He said kissing my head. I leaned up and kissed his neck.
“Goodnight Buddha.” I felt so much love in my chest. I’m glad my shitty night ended in the best way possible.
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Modern Teacher Buddha x Depressed Student Reader
I can’t even remember what day it is. Yes I can, it’s Wednesday. I just don’t care. I don’t really want the weekend to come. I hate school at the same time like being here over home. I had friends, but they didn’t understand. I started feeling bad years ago, so they haven’t noticed I’ve been off for so long. My parents of course just think it’s my age. And maybe it is. Well not mostly that’s for sure. Yeah the anxiety and worsening body image probably didn’t help. But I know it was before that. I am so bubbly at school though.
Sometimes I wanna kick myself for saying ‘I’m fine’ or ‘I’m doing well!’ whenever someone asks me how I’m doing. Like no I’m not. And sometimes I just wanna stop and say ‘You know what I’m not fine’
I just want to cry and get it all out. But I don’t. I just carry on. School, home, some after school or weekend stuff. It all blurs. Sometimes I feel my best in my religions class. It’s an elective I had to take because I waited too long to select my classes and all the other ones were closed. Even if I don’t really care what we’re learning that day, I love my teacher. Buddha we call him but his last name is Mr. Guatama. He’s just such an interesting teacher. He’s so casual and laid back. Sometimes honestly he’s a little lazy about his teaching, but I love his class so much I don’t care. He’s so friendly to me. One time I took some candy off his desk from this bowl he had and he came in and IMMEDIATELY noticed it was gone. He threated to give us a quiz and give us all F’s for it if no one came forward.
I was really surprised the next day I came in and my grade was a lot lower. So after school I went and bought him a bag of candy and kept it in my bag until everyone left. Then I went up to his desk. I can still remember the conversation.
‘M-Mr. Guatama?’ He usually didn’t make me nervous because he was so nice but the fact he actually punished everyone, I thought he was really mad. He looked up at me his eyes a little confused. I kept to myself a lot and didn’t usually talk in class unless he forced me.
‘Yes (Y/N)?’ He asked. I held up the bag and looked away.
‘I b-bought you some new candy, because I took yours yesterday.’ The other part was barely audible.
I think he actually forgot about it because he didn’t get it at first and looked at me up and down. Then it clicked.
‘Ohhhh it was YOU?!’ He said in his loud voice. I nodded
‘I’m sorry I thought it was for everyone. I didn’t mean to’ I said sheepishly. He laughed
‘Oh my dear I forgot about that’ He laughed again ‘You could’ve gone the whole year and I never would have caught on.’
I tilted my head at him.
‘But you said you’d fail us and then our grades were lower today.’ Now he looked confused.
‘Eh?’ He went through his computer and after a few clicks he said ‘Ah here you are.’ He looked for a few seconds and then looked back at me taking his glasses off.
‘Oh you forgot to turn in three assignments’ He said.
I deadpanned. ‘Oh…..’ He erupted again laughing and wiped his eyes.
‘(Y/N) I WISH I could do that.’ He kept on
‘Thank you for the candy I do appreciate it,’ I felt my heart swell, ‘Here y’know what just turn in what you missed and I’ll fix your grade it’ll be like nothing happened.’ He said smiling and I got all flustered.
‘Thank you I’ll do that tonight!’ I told him
‘Alright get on home then’. He said, giving me a wink. I blushed and ran out muttering another goodbye. From that day on, he would target me. Sometimes embarrass me in class but never in a way that humiliated me. And he’d say hi to me in the hall. It felt nice having that.
Whenever he was eating the candy I bought him, he’d give me an ‘angry’ stare and eat carefully.
Yeah his class helped a lot with what I was going though. I needed more of that comfort. Sometimes I wanted to go to him and spill my guts to him.
I just felt so much at ease and my anxiety would dissipate when I was in his class. I wanted a dad like him.
Things were getting worse lately and it made my mood more depressed. I dragged my feet more. My focus was bad and if I did talk it sounded dull. I didn’t think anyone noticed, I barely felt like I was there.
Today was the worst and I couldn’t hide anything. In Buddha’s class, I sat with my head in my hand barely keeping up. I don’t think I heard a word of what he said. Which was surprising. I hadn’t seen it but he kept looking worriedly at me all class long. He also didn’t poke fun at me. No one really noticed because he poked fun at a lot of people. When class dismissed I stood up and trudged towards the door. I was moving slowly, even packing up my bag so everyone was almost out.
A hand clamped on my shoulder. I jumped at the contact and faced Buddha. He looked shocked at my violent reaction and moved to shut the door. He pulled a chair next to his desk.
‘Sit down.’ He said softly. I perked up at this, he usually spoke so boldly, I never heard him sound so…careful.
I sat down and dropped my bag to the floor. I felt awkward looking at him.
‘(Y/N) are you okay?’ I looked at him for a bit, I was shocked he paid that much attention.
‘Just all week you looked so quiet and upset. I always thought you were shy, but you look exhausted.’ He said. I opened and closed my mouth. I felt the tears coming but I held out.
‘And I just touched your shoulder and you looked so frightened I didn’t expect such a bad reaction.’
‘T-There’s just a lot.’ I started. ‘I d-don’t know how to…how to explain it, I’m. I’m just uh, going through a hard time.’ I looked away from him. I turned my head up to stop the tears for a moment. I didn’t know what else to do.
He put his hand on my knee and I jumped again. He pulled back. He looked really upset himself.
Then he put his hand back on my knee and said. ‘I’m sorry’ Right then I felt like he understood.
‘You can always talk to me.’ He said never looking away.
‘Of course’
‘Even right now?’ He nodded at me and squeezed my knee. And then I began
For a bit I tried dancing around what I really meant, but he connected the dots and asked me the truth. I told him. I told him so much and God the more I said the more my heart felt free and less heavy. I held in so much for God only knows how long and he listened to every word. Every now and then he said he was sorry or squeezed my knee again.
Then I started crying. My voice kept quivering but until the end I held my tears back. Then the shame kicked in and I stopped talking and cried into my hands.
He stood abruptly and pulled me up. I still didn’t look at him as he pulled me into a hug. He held me against him, one hand rubbing my back the other holding my head. After a while I moved my hands from my eyes and hugged him back. I kept crying into his shirt. Then he kissed my head. And I stopped crying. He did it a couple more times until I calmed down. When He pulled away to look at me I could barely look back.
‘(Y/N), you’re a smart, beautiful, young woman. And all that you went through just makes you stronger. Please don’t hold back you can vent to me whenever you need it.’ I nodded at him and wiped my nose. I panicked when I saw the mess I left on his shirt.
‘I’m so sorry!’ I felt so guilty
‘Oh don’t be’ He was trying to reassure me
‘I’ve had worse squirted on me.’ We were both quiet for a second.
‘Okay FUCK that came out wrong.’ And I laughed. Hard. He looked at me surprised.
‘You have such a cute laugh when it’s genuine.’ He commented. I blushed at him.
‘Thank you Buddha.’ I said. Now he really laughed at me.
‘Whaaat?’ He asked. I blushed again.
‘That’s what you call me that’s great.’ I laughed with him. Then I got a little sad.
‘I guess I should go home now.’ I said he looked at me empathetically.
‘I’m always here for you (Y/N).’ He told me hugging me again.
‘I promise’
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
‘Omg omg omg omgggg!!!’ I exclaimed running up to Buddha. I jumped onto him and hugged him. He chuckled.
‘Good news?’
‘The best!’ He waited for me to answer.
‘I got into my first choice college!’ I was so excited. He spun me around
‘Ayyyye I knew you could do it.’ It was him though, he helped me boost my grades and with applications and gave me constant reassurance. He had given me his number so I could text him when I needed him.
‘I need to pack, I need to get my books I need to BUY BED CURTAINS.’ I spoke dramatically He laughed at me.
‘(Y/N) it’s not until the fall calm down’ He said ruffling my hair. I smiled up at him.
‘Thank you so much’
‘It was all you.’
‘But I needed your help’ I told him.
��Promise you’ll come visit me?’ I asked looking up at him.
He smiled.
‘I promise’
#buddha x reader#fiction#modern record or ragnarok#ror#shuumatsu no valkyrie#teacher buddha#student reader#highschool au#buddhaxreader
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Saving Poseidon
Poseidon x Reader
The widow of Poseidon was a mere mortal. Brought to Olympus months after the death of the God. She was brought by Hermes, who like everyone else was surprised the fellow Olympian took a bride. A human no less. The rancor he held against humans was enough to make all of the Gods think he wanted all mankind to perish. Though considering the way they took care of his oceans was enough to drive any God mad. When the only witness to your wedding finally came forward to tell the other Gods of your marriage, it was difficult convincing them. Zeus first spied on you and feeling the power coming from your body, one that could only come from a Demigod, there was no question. Zeus could tell the extra aura that radiated off of you could only be from part of a Greek God. It was then that Zeus ordered Hermes to bring you to Olympus. You should have been here all along, but at least you would be able to give birth to your son in the comfort of your late husband’s kingdom.
Zeus gave you his regards and officially welcomed you to Olympus. He was the second God you had met. You later on met Hades, though he was incredibly intimidating. They fully explained to you what had happened to your husband. You damned them. It was ironic really but you cursed the very ground they walked on and the heavens and hells they ruled. Why would they create such a thing? Was humanity really that bad that risking the life, for the rest of eternity, of a God worth it? Your husband. Was dead. Because of this. In reality you weren’t sure who to be mad at. The Gods for coming up with such a thing as Ragnarok or humanity for always being more and more corrupt to the point they had to come to this? It was a human who killed your husband.
He met you actually. The tall man bowed when he met you and explained who he was. He apologized for making you a widow, but at the same time you understood why. Considering the stories you heard of Poseidon’s hatred towards people, you were debating on whether the God, whose kingdom you currently reside in, is the same as the one who rose from the water and wed you on the beach. Of course you knew it was him. And you couldn't blame him either.
But you couldn’t deny the burning sadness that gripped your heart as you lay in your bed every night alone. Just because you were here did not mean you took care of yourself. The servants did what they could, they were under strict orders to take care of you, but you weren’t meeting them halfway.
Your stomach grew, and your strength died away. You were less and less active each day. This was your home. But it was supposed to belong to you and Poseidon. But he was gone. You couldn’t bear it. You have to go on without him? You had just gotten married and he was gone. It all felt like such a nightmare you wanted to wake up oh so badly.
Then one day you were laying in bed and your water broke. Your labor had started and you were barely healthy enough to deliver. The servants came around to your aid. Several hours of intense labor, with the help of Gods of birth, fortune, and health, you managed to pull through and bring your son into the world. You were so exhausted afterwards you slept for so long. You child was blessed in the hopes he could bring good fortune.
When you finally awoke, the news of your child had spread to the other Gods. Zeus was told of your awakening and came to visit you once more.
He told you something you probably could have figured out if you thought about it enough. But with all the trauma you were still recovering from, it hadn't crossed your mind. Your son was the heir to the Kingdom of the Ocean. Given Poseidon’s death, luckily you conceived his heir beforehand to take on the responsibility. Having a piece of Poseidon’s blood running through his veins, he would be reared up to take on the throne. Poseidon had kept good records. Your son would know everything. The animals, the wildlife, the depths of which not even humanity was able to get to. He would be a fine ruler. And you would be a fine mother. You just weren’t sure how to carry on without Poseidon. Now that your son was born you would have to take time raising him.
But there were limits on that. You loved the ocean more than anything, only you hardly knew much about it. It would be up to the servants and other Gods to aid in your son’s education. If only there was a way to save your husband. You knew you just had to try. Though Gods could do magnificent things, there were always limits. But still you would do anything.
You asked all the Greek Gods and Goddesses and there was nothing much they could offer you. Plus they were busy with their own realms. But Zeus gave you a name. He in his time was only able to change fate once. And even then it was such a struggle. But there was a chance someone else could do it. As King of the Gods he wasn’t one to deal much with resurrection. Of course there was a God who did.
This was all he said because there was no guarantee on anything. But this was your only chance. Zeus also hoped it would work but he didn’t get his hopes up. From all the casualties in Ragnarok, Poseidon wasn’t the only one to get the same fate.
Egyptian by blood and owned his own portion of the Underworld. The only issue is you would need a certain messenger to take you. One that was only permitted to go to the Underworld. You, technically as a being of the Sea, wouldn’t be able to trek alone.
Hermes agreed to take you but it wouldn't be easy. Hermes really only goes to the Underworld to help deliver the dead. Only you would have to be on his back. He was swift so it wouldn’t be long but if you lost your grip you could be grabbed by demons that would trap you for eternity.
To get to the specific place where Osiris was located, you had to go through the entrance at the ends of the ocean.
When Hades next called for Herme’s help with people that had passed on. You were ready to leave. It had already been almost a year since you have been trying to go to the Underworld. Your son could walk by this point. You were already antsy the longer you had to wait to bring your husband back the more you were losing hope.
You and Hermes attempted several times to make it across the ocean. The waves were much too treacherous to cross. Without a ruler to calm them, the seas ravaged, shipwrecking far more ships than ever before. One day to calm yourself, and you thought it would be good for your health, you brought your son to the surface. You needed help of course the ocean was unforgiving even to a queen like yourself.
You showed your son the small area you used to visit everyday. You told him about his father. You looked down at the baby, his strands of blonde hair prominent on his small head. You teared up looking at him. He was so much like his father. Well in the sense that he shared the hair and eye color. Not as pale as your husband though.
You showed him where your wedding ceremony was. You kneeled down and felt the sand, closing your eyes to remember when both yours and Poseidon stood here, facing each other and were wed. Your heart burned with agony.
“(Y/N)! You need to come back, it’s almost evening. The waves will be too dangerous for you to get past if we wait too long!” A servant called out to you. You stood up and wiped your eyes and carried your son to the shore. A huge wave crashed onto the bank as you got closer, the harsh spray stinging your eyes. You hadn't realized you waited longer than you should have. You set your son down on the sand to get a closer look at the water to decide whether or not to stay on the land for the night.
Only the shelf broke and you slipped into the water. The servant rushed to help you but couldn;’t fight the fierce rip tide that began to swallow you. You fought against the current, though your physical state was still rather poor, you were unable to fight hard enough and began drawing. Your panic spread through your body, waking you up and making you come to your senses. As you began to sink into the water, you saw your son crawling to the edge of the water. You tried to motion to the servant but he couldn’t catch what you were doing. Your son inched closer to the water until he was right in front of it. Then he stopped and touched the water with only a finger.
The water stopped. The crashing, the rushing. It all stopped. You sat in water clear as air and caught your breath. The servant waded out to you and rescued you from the sea. You coughed violently the salty water burning your throat as it left your mouth. You crawled over to your son and held him close to your chest. You kissed his wonderful head. You didn’t know why you hadn’t thought of it before. He was part sea God. Of course he would hold the power to control the oceans. You knew what you had to do.
On your next journey to the Underworld, you brought your son with you. The young deity controlled the waters once more, allowing you and Hermes to make it to the entrance. You wrapped him close to your chest protectively. When you were at the edge of the oceans, Herme’s accompanied you on the trip with the ferryman. Over the ocean of the Underworld you went, past the souls waiting for judgment and direction. You were frightened to look but couldn’t tear your gaze away. The further in you were the more souls were present. Some were more angry that others you could tell. One reached out for you and before Hermes could keep you on the boat, you were pulled into the depths. The surface was almost a goo, black as night trying to take you under. The souls swarmed you being a live vessel they wanted your life.
“Lady (Y/N)!” You heard Hermes.
“Cessare!” You heard in a deep brooding voice. The apparitions stopped and slinked away into the goo. A pale hand reached for you. You took it and were lifted out of the mess. It was Hades.
‘H-Hades.” you stuttered. He pulled up and somehow you were on the shore.
“I was expecting Hermes but why is my brother’s widow here of all places?” he asked you.
“I….I want to see Osiris.” You said flat out.
The God tensed knowing what you were getting at.
“There is no guarantee.” He started.
“It is worth a try to bring my husband back. Persephone would do the same for you.” You said. He looked down and took your words into consideration.
“Come.” He said to you. By this time Hereme’s and the ferryman had docked and he was coming to join the two of you.
“All you alright Lady (Y/N)?” He asked you.
“I’m fine Hermes thank you.” You gave him a soft smile.
Hades first took you to his castle, the God of the Underworld had some wonderful hospitality.
The then led the two of you to the edge of Osiris’ realm. He wouldn’t follow you further but he wished you luck. When you came up to his castle, the guards looked at you hesitantly. Wondering why a being like you and a Greek God were in the realm of an Egyptian God. Still they did not press and allowed the messenger and his guest to visit the God.
Osiris was a known kind God. But you were still nervous. You wanted to do everything you could to save your husband, but you feared he would give you the news you didn’t want to hear.
You simply couldn’t go on without him.
When you came upon the God sitting on his throne. You didn’t know what to do other than to bow down to him. c
“Lord Osiris.” You said
“Lady (Y/N)” He addressed you. You looked up at him and mustered up to courage to ask him. You mainly were trying to brace yourself in case you heard the wrong answer.
“Lord Osiris, I am the wife of Poseidon, the fallen Greek God from Ragnarok. I have come to ask you if there was a way I could bring him back to life.”
The God before you sighed and pondered a moment.
The anticipation was killing you if it was a yes or a no you just wanted to know. The more your hope was building up the more agony you’d be in if you had to return without your husband.
“There is a way to resurrect Lord Poseidon.” He told you. Your heart was in your throat in an instant and you felt your knees grow weak.
“But it all depends on you.” He said. You cocked your head to the side wondering what he meant.
“First in order to revive the God, his body will need to be brought here.” You knew the bodies of God’s didn’t decay and Poseidon’s was kept in a special tomb, though you have never visited it because it was too painful.
“Then we will need a sacrifice.” He said looking at you with a hint of sympathy. “You will pass from your mortal form and you will go through judgment. Shall you pass, the Lord Poseidon shall be given his life again. If not, your very heart will be devoured by Ammut.” He said carefully.
“Have you lived an ethical life may your husband’s life be restored.” Hermes looked at you for a moment but knew no matter what you would still try.
You returned to the ocean and traveled back to Olympus to retrieve your husband's body.
Zeus stood beside you when the tomb opened and you saw the lifeless body before you. You collapsed on top of it and cried. You cried for so long holding him. It was like you finally really accepted what had happened. As if there was a way he would return anyway. His body was wrapped up so thankfully you didn’t have to see too much.
Carefully his body was taken to Osiris’ realm. You went inside alone, for this was your judgment. You brought your husband’s body before the God of resurrection and awaited your fate.
“Lady (Y/N), I see you have returned.”
“Yes your highness, I am ready for my judgment.” He nodded at your words and rose his hands. The room shifted and became darker. You looked around you and saw Poseidon’s body was gone. You panicked at what was to come. Dim lights shone above the heads of 42 deities. They were the ones to judge you. Osiris approached you.
“Lady (Y/N), you are here today to sacrifice your mortal life for God Poseidon’s resurrection. Have you lived an honest ethical life, your wish shall be granted and life restored into your husband’s body. If you fail your judgment, your heart will belong to Ammut, and your husband will remain in his deceased state.” You could only nod.
Osiris raised his hand again and grabbed into your chest. The pain was agonizing and it made you fall to your knees. You coughed blood and winced as your heart was being pulled from your chest. You felt your body grow weak and you began to fall back. The last thing you saw with your mortal eyes was your heart resting in the hand of Osiris. And everything went black. When you came to you looked down and froze staring at your dead body. Your heart, lay on a scale in front of you also illuminated by the light from the ceiling. The 42 elders watched carefully as an ostrich feather was laid upon the other scale. You panicked hoping and praying it would be enough. Slowly, the scales balanced and matched each other. Your heart was not heavier than the feather.
The elders sat back and looked pleased.
The one in the center spoke.
“Lady (Y/N), your life was honest, your life was good.” Images showed up of your life. Mainly around praising the beach and giving aid to people and animals. You felt sad at watching your memories pass you by. Briefly you were shown your wedding with Poseidon.
Everything was getting fuzzy again and you blacked out.
Your hair was being pet gently. You were so groggy you could barely get up. You slightly noticed you were asleep crouching over a bed. Your body was stiff but you didn’t want to get up.
You felt the touch again. So soft. So tender. So…Poseidon. You opened your eyes.
You stood up wide eyed and weren’t sure if what you were staring at was real. Was that really him? No he was dead. The last time you saw him alive, he was wading into the sea. Then all you saw was his body.
He stared back at you, you could tell he didn’t want to scare you.
“ (Y/N)? My love?” You flinched at his words. It was so real.
You immediately started crying. You fell to the floor and were held with strong arms.
“ (Y/N)? (Y/N)? Why do you cry?” He asked you.
“Because your dead! And I don’t want my mind to play tricks on me.” You sobbed uncontrollably. Your hand came up to touch his chest. And you felt scars. You pulled back and looked at his chest. Scars from where he was cut down marred his skin, You blinked away your tears for a moment. And your eyes raised to meet his.
His pale face, golden hair, his icy blue eyes.
He was….alive.
Slowly you gained your memories back on what had happened. And you sobbed holding onto your husband. He held you tighter. You had no idea how long you were crying but when you finally stopped you kissed him. Oh his lips, the feeling you thought you would never feel again. “You’re alive. You’re ALIVE!” You chanted holding him.
You felt him breathe in your hair deeply with content.
“Oh (Y/N) my beautiful wife I thought I’d never see you again. I apologize so for not bringing you here sooner. How much I wanted to and everyone to know that you were mine.” He said.
“Poseidon I never thought I could keep living without you.” You were still fighting more tears.
“You never will again. You are my queen and I will be by your side.” He told me lovingly. I never wanted to let him go, I just couldn’t.
Then you remembered he still hasn’t met your son. You were upset he wasn’t there for the birth but you could always have more children. You stood up and brought him with you. You led him down toward the room that was set up for your son and opened the door. Only having been resurrected a few hours, Poseidon wasn’t sure what you were planning to show him.
You brought him over to where your son lay and picked him up in your arms. You gently laid him down in Poseidon’s arms and looked at his surprised face.
“He’s our son Poseidon.” You told him. He looked at you almost in disbelief. There was guilt written all over his face.
“ (Y/N) I….I apologize so much. I never wished to leave you but I didn’t know you were going to give birth. How could I have left you like this?” He asked the last part to himself. You hugged him from the side, careful not to disrupt your child.
Poseidon looked down at you, the love of his life, and held you close to him with his free arm. Finally everything was falling into place the way it should have been. He was alive and with you. You both had a child and for the first time in so long, the oceans of the world and all the creatures with them, were calm.
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You wonderful human being how dare you made me ugly cry and swoon at the same with your recent Poseidon x Human reader 😭😭😭😭 please tell me there will be part 2!!! (Possibly 2 kinds part 2? You know, the one with angst and the one with a happy ending?) I don't know! My heart just needs a part 2 just to make it calmer
Gonna be posting the Part 2 today 😁
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It's been a while since I updated I'm sorry 😢 I miss writing so much I'm trying to come back. I hope you enjoy 😁 lemme know if you want a part 2 about the mortal life ❤
Buddha x Reader
(As always cover art not mine: I also used dialog from the actual Manga Chapter is is not mine)
The fear in your body was evident no matter how hard you tried to hide it. Your muscles were tense and rigid watching the scene before you. Gods and humans were being killed. There was no fear greater than when you were to see your beloved husband go against the humans. You knew he loved them so. Both of you being past humans yourselves. Like the long haired God, you also rose to enlightenment.
You knew each other in the same lifetime, though you were younger than he was. There was no love in that lifetime. No love for you that is. For your immature mind and heart was swept up by the man. You loved him. Long after he had his followers, long after he cast away all pleasures. You loved the soul he had. The care he had for people deeply rooted into his personality. He passed long before you. The heartache you felt made you drop the one thing that kept you human. Your unbreakable connection to moral love. When you let go, all of you was dedicated to those around you. Which is why you were reunited with the now God years later after your passing on the same level. He welcomed you and showed you some of the ways of the Gods. He stole your heart in this world from the way he remembered you. Though your mortal body changed little, he remembered everything that was different. He remembered your human names, and still referred to you that way. It made you happy you were still a part of your human self. He made you feel nostalgic. Before long you were wed. He was not one to marry a Goddess, but being a former human, one he knew no less, he easily made an exception. The first time you were together as husband and wife, you felt at peace. The man you waited for in your human life was now your mind, body, and soul. It was well worth the wait. He was now yours.
The love of your life. He was taken from you once you couldn’t bear him to be taken from you again. You watched below as Shiva successfully killed his opponent. You gripped the banister your hands were resting on so hard even you thought the wood would splinter. You knew Buddha was in trouble. You knew he was going to have to fight. The worst part was he was such a cocky bastard there was something he was bound to pull. What panicked you the most was that you knew all hell would break loose if the other Gods knew of Buddha’s Volund philosophy. Well you were sure they knew it, they were just so self centered they didn’t think about it. The way Loki looked at you with that creepy smile, even creepier that it usually was, made you deeply unsettled.
You were walking down a corridor into a beautiful garden. You needed a break from all the bloodshed. Though the Gods were insufferable, you felt a tug at your heart when they did die. You knew them well and they were still familiar to you. Some were even your friends.
“I’ve been waiting for you (Y/N)” The way he said your name so darkly gave you anxiety. You felt like you were like Ares. Seemingly tough, but secretly skittish. You looked up at the mischievous God. The dark smile and narrowed eyes made you swallow uneasily.
“That damned husband of yours never seems to listen or get to the point. So….I thought I’d ask you.” You were frozen. Shit this made guilty appear all over your face. And let the God know you were hiding something.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“What is it Loki?” You snapped.
“Oh (Y/N), (Y/N), usually so sweet, now so worked up tsk tsk.” You didn’t say anything. You didn't want to keep digging yourself in a hole.
“Annnyway, the tournament was the first time I ever saw a Valkyrie turn into a Volund. And that’s because …I shouldn’t have gotten myself so hyped for this. I ended up getting utterly disappointed. I actually had a strange feeling about this whole thing since the very beginning and that’s because those humans took the power of the Gods’ and use it to corner us. And thus, they killed two Gods. The Valkyries’ Volunds…is Buddha the reason they have that ability? Hmm?”
Your fear was too evident on your face to hide. Hell you were sure Gods within a 100 foot radius would be able to tell. You were just hoping none of the other Gods weren’t going to confront you.
“I don’t know what you mean Loki”
“No matter how you think about it, a God can’t forgive a half God half human cheater. Or a wife of the same class that covers for him. Tsk tsk tsk.”
“Just spit it ou…”
“Hey I just remembered, the only thing that could make Volunds possible is Buddha’s ‘method’.”
“Didn’t he say there was such a thing in the world of Buddism if two people forfeit each other’s lives and put them on the same lotus, it brings out the full potential in one’s being? This power they call it, Common Destiny.”
“That is what Volunds are. It’s what made it possible to even counter the Gods. By betting on the life of a Valkyrie.”
“That’s the only logical explanation for the Volund’s existence.”
The fact he got it spot on kept making you uneasy. If he of all people caught on this early in the fighting, who else has and would figure it out too?
You were lost in thought so he continued. “Ah sorry I rambled on for a little while, what do you think of that (Y/N)?”
You were beyond angry at this point. And if he knew you knew Zeus was also aware as well as some of the other Gods.
‘So you figured it out. What are you going to do about it.” He sauntered up to you and got uncomfortably close.
‘I’ll kill you.’ His words made your blood run cold. Though you were a decent fighter yourself, stronger than any human, your husband was stronger than you. And even you would be worried if Loki was fighting him.
“Loki.” You heard behind you.
“Don’t you know better than to even think about threatening my wife” Your husband was angry, his calm voice still had an edge to it.
‘B-Buddha.” You said feeling guilty for letting the God get to you. He pulled you behind him, his grip was rather strong on you. You looked up at the tall man’s back. He still looked like he had a relaxed posture, but his muscles were tense.
“If you have a problem with me you should bring it up with me.”
“(Y/N) would you mind going back to the arena?” He wasn’t even really asking you so you slinked away without a word avoiding the death stare the God of Mischief was giving you. You could feel the deadly aura behind you and pray your husband wasn’t going to get hurt before his match whenever that was.
For the 6th round your heartbeat picked up. You had an uneasy feeling why. Your husband walked out onto the platform. His wonderful build. His eyes, his unique sense of fashion for a God, his heart…’No’ you told yourself. You need to stop trying to remember every detail about him like it’s the last time. But you knew it could be the last time. And this time there was no getting him back. You saw the heartbreak in Eve’s face after the fall of Adam. She lost the one and only man she could ever love. Though you hated to be selfish. You didn’t want to know the same feeling. Your heart dropped. Now you only wondered what human would use his own Volund method against him.
“I’m fighting for humanity so uh, thx”
Oh how you wanted to jump into that arena and fight him yourself! Could he HAVE NOT thrown himself under the bus like that. The target on his back was far more evident. (The Gods always had troubles with him before)
You wanted to kill the man yourself. Ugh how can he be so stupid? That must only mean there was a God that was going to fight him. The uproar around you was unbearable. You caught it again. That gaze. Though it wasn’t as creepy as before. Still angry though. You chose to ignore him.
Your husband was strong, he was good and he was strong. You relaxed and meditated for a bit. You prayed for his good health and good fortune. It wasn’t until you heard the first clang of the weapons that you opened your eyes. You watched your husband defend himself. Gods he was a wonderful man.
Zerofuku’s main problem was he was letting his anger get to him. It was for you to pick up on his weak points you knew wouldn't make your husband break a sweat. How gracefully he dodged his advances. Your husband had this. He wasn’t going to lose. You just hoped he could save the angry God before him. Though you couldn’t hear their dialogue, you knew from watching your husband's outstretched hand, he was trying to do the right thing. And then something bad was happening.
It happened so fast you could barely register. Wind whipping turned into a tornado swallowing up the old God your husband was trying to save him. The God that appeared in place of the now murdered God, was horrific. You felt cold. Your fear was blinding. Each blow to your husband was killing him. You panicked. You wish you could jump in the way and protect your husband. You wanted to let him live. Going on without him would be worse than your own death.
His eyes and stomach were injured. His hair came down, you knew he was giving it everything he had.
Then you saw it. There was an apparition behind your husband. A God with the most radiant smile you have ever seen. Zerofuku also took hold of your husbands weapon. The now deceased God was your husband’s Volund. You cried for him. The poor God was angry for millenia. Such a beautiful heart turned black with hatred and when he is finally happy again, he is met with death. You owe everything to him for protecting your husband.
You knew the tide and turned again. It wasn’t long before the pair won. You knew your husband could die just from his grave injuries. He wasn’t out of the woods yet so you wanted to make your way down to see him.
~~~A few nights later~~~
Your front door open and your injured husband walked through the door. His bandages were clean and he was healed enough to come home. You walked up to him, (you struggled not to run he had collapsed before you got to him so you haven’t seen him since your interaction with Loki)
You carefully wrapped your arms around him not wanting to hurt him at all. He cast his weapon to the side and picked you up squeezing you hard and spinning you around slightly.
‘Buddha! Set me down you oaf.” You said laughing. “You’ll reopen your wounds.”
“I missed you my love.” He kissed your forehead.
He passionately kissed you when he set you down and the two of you lingered for a bit. You led him to your bedroom and he went to lay down. You saw the fatigue in his body as he eased down. You laid down next to him and carefully laid your head on his chest. He rubbed your side.
“I thought I lost you.” You said.
“Me too.” He sighed. “But I’m a lot harder to get rid of than that.” You could hear the smug smile on his face. You settled down for the first time in days.
He hand came up and stroked your face. Carefully he turned your head up and kissed your lips.
“I love you (Y/N). My wonderful wife.”
“I love you too Buddha.” You smiled and closed your eyes. There was no more that needed to be said. Your comfortable silence was enough to end the night as you both drifted off.
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Hi love
I'm not sure if you saw the last chapter of record of ragnarok (if you dont I'm not going to make spoilers) but if you did, can you write something with that plot? Buddha x reader please? ❤️ thank you so much
I didn't read it yet but I was spoiled on how it ended but I'd still like to read it before I write. What would you like po wise?
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Poseidon x Human Reader
(Cover art not mine 😭)

(Not gonna lie realllllllly wanna write a part 2 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I cried writing this)
(Also I dont know why but I was listening to this black clover song writing this and it seemed fitting 😭)
Your honeymoon was short, your wedding even shorter. There were no witnesses, except the priest, from the God realm of course, to make the marriage official. He had kissed you so longingly in the sunset. The sun shone on your beautiful white dress, the soft material blowing softly in the ocean’s breeze. The wind blew through your hair, the shortest strands brushing gently across your face. His lips were so soft, the kiss full of genuine love, something you knew he felt, just didn’t show often.
Dressed in his Godly attire he couldn’t have looked more handsome than he did on this day. Your heart ached for him. All the short visits you had with him were worth it now being his wife. One of his hands was holding your face, rubbing the skin of your cheek gently, his other arm was holding your waist, ensuring you were kept close to him.
The rings exchanged were exquisite, beyond description. It laid on your finger as a reminder that he was the only man for you.
He was ashamed of himself for his previous thoughts about humans. Though he was much too prideful to admit it and show you off to the other Gods as his wife. He had to keep your past brief visits and your wedding ceremony on land. He was annoyed by most humans, yes, though his main issues with them was their constant selfish antics and lack of respect they had for the Gods. They provided everything for the humans and no one seemed grateful as the generations aged. His sea was destroyed by humans everywhere. Soiled with oil and debris, man made waste, chemicals, and of course the sea creatures over hunted, some into extinction, or for fun. It infuriated him to watch his watery kingdom be spit on like that. Generations before there was not so much sin and he was given more credit than ever. He was more pleased back then. Even liking most of the humans. Now in the modern world, there was no one that paid him any attention. Only ‘myths’ his stories were labeled.
Then there was you. A human who knew there was more to the ocean than it’s appearance. You fled your home, family, and friends for the ocean. Something drew you here and you wouldn’t leave. Everyday you would pray to him and never forget to thank him for everything from the sea creatures, to the beautiful waves you loved to walk through. In awe of the genuine feelings and prayers he felt from you, you collapsed to your knees and averted your gaze from his eyes when he made his presence to him.
How you spoke to him, you knew he was leagues above you. That a mere mortal did not deserve to look at him. He was too pure while you, though a more pure being than others, were a sinner. After a few moments of watching you, the waves he had calmed gently washing over your hands and legs with your head still down, he finally knelt down to your level, something he never did for anyone. He pushed your face up and was met with beautiful eyes. Innocent and pure you looked to him. Your eyes widened at his gaze struggling to look at him.
He helped you rise and took your hands. The words he uttered to you never seemed to leave his mouth before. Words of love and sincerity. This wasn’t the first time he had come to see you, only the first time you saw him. You felt intimidated but close to the God and spoke your thoughts to him. You thanked him properly, telling him how he saved you from a life of greed and hate.
The God had strong feelings for this mortal. After multiple visits with you, eventually it led to your marriage. And here you were kissing your now husband in front of the beach you praised, fell in love, and married on.
When the kiss that confirmed your marriage broke, you stared at your now husband. His eyes were gentle and...happy. Whenever you first saw him the God always looked annoyed at first. You were the only one that could bring that out of him. To everyone else he seemed mundane. But to you, he was your loving husband. His touch was gentle, his grip soft in contrast to his grip he usually had with his trident.
The rings glittered in the last rays of the sun, your husband's face bright, his pale skin almost blinding. He kissed you once more. The time you spent with him on your honeymoon was perfect. This was the longest time you had ever spent with him and when it was over and he returned you to the beach you were wed, you were heartbroken for your husband to leave you.
You followed him to the waves. The water splashed up your dress soaking the material some spots landing as far up as your thigh. When you reached the shelf and could go out no more, you watched your husband sink into the ocean. Before he was completely underwater, he looked back at you, your reddish tearful face, and he stared at you for a moment.
The beauty you had was unmatched by any other being. You both held eye contact for a few minutes before he was fully submerged. Your heart squeezed seeing the last of him. How you yearned to go to his kingdom with him, for everyone to know you were his wife. More than anything you wanted to feel that warm, strong touch everyday.
You were never worried about your husband’s faithfulness. He loved you. He would never be unfaithful like his brother he endlessly told you about. But now being married, there was far more of a need to be with him than ever before.
You saw him quite often. His touch was as loving as always. Your love grew for him though you were eager to ask him when or if you could join him in the realm of the Gods.
You asked him finally on his last visit. He was taken aback by your question and looked at you sadly. It pained him just as badly to leave you, though his pride and fear held him back. Once you entered the God realm, you would technically die. Your mortal body gone, though with your deep religious views, you may rise to the same enlightenment status as Heracles or Buddha. It wasn’t your death that was fearsome. It was the fact that if he didn’t act soon enough and bring you home, in the coming days you could die before he came back. It was bound to be inevitable. Such things he didn’t discuss with you. He wanted your passing into the God realm to be peaceful and not full of pain and fear at the horrifying destruction.
He promised you there would be a day when you would join him and be the queen in his kingdom.
You kissed on that promise. You felt lighter knowing your day would be soon for you to sit next to your husband overlooking the gorgeous ocean that had brought you both together.
You held his hand as he waded towards the deeper part of the ocean this time.
He kissed you, longer this time and squeezed your hands.
‘Goodbye my dearest love’ he said to you. When he parted the love in your heart kept you smiling though he was heading back to his castle.
For the next few days your happy heart kept you from being so upset about your missing husband. But as the days passed, your happiness faded and was replaced with dread. Surely he should have visited you now. He never went so long without seeing you. As the weeks passed, you were depressed and filled with paranoia that your husband still hadn’t returned. Your health was depleting as your stomach was expanding, and the weight you carried was heavier.
Your appetite changing with the seasons and your discomfort growing as well.
No one came to tell you your husband was dead. No one knew you were his wife. You stayed on that beach for months waiting for his return aching to see him rise up from the ocean. The waves had been horrendous for months without the God stilling them for you as he had done since you first came to the beach.
It was a while before he came. Not your husband, but a different man descending from the sky. He looked at you with sorrow as if he already knew you. His eyes noticed, without looking, the expanse of your stomach.
‘Lady (Y/N)’ He said looking upon your sunken eyes.
You didn’t say anything.
‘I take it, you are the wife of Lord Poseidon?’ At his name you perked up and you couldn’t do anything to contain your tears.
‘Yes. Yes! Please! Tell me! I’ve been waiting for my husband for too long. W-Where did he go?’ You didn’t care about the identity of the man in front of you. You only cared about any of the information he had about Poseidon.
‘We found this letter addressed to you.’ Was all he said. He handed it to you to read, but remained in front of you.
You unfolded it carefully not wanting to risk tearing your husband’s words.
My dear (Y/N). The love of my life. The only woman that I would ever want to take as my own. As I am writing this I am hoping that fate is on our side and this will never have to be sent to you. Though if it is, please forgive me my darling. Oh how I have longed to bring you to this world, I shouldn’t have been so careless thinking this time nothing would stand in our way.
I’ll try to explain as well as I can. Humans, because of their endless sin and without hope for redemption, the Gods were planning to end all of humanity. Except you. I was going to bring you here after only that damned Valkyrie brought up Ragnarok. Giving your people the possibility of sparing themselves. I know they are your people, but you are almost pure enough to be a Goddess. I will not class you with them. I am fighting for the Gods to bring humanity to an end. And after I wanted to bring you home finally. To rest on your place as my queen.
If this was sent to you. My love, I have failed. More horribly I failed you. I should have brought you to the sea when you became my wife. It’s too late to worry about that now. My heart is forever yours my beautiful wife.
I will bring you home as I will the child you carry. I knew it that last time on the beach. I should have just brought you down then. In case I cannot go on to protect and care for you, I shouldn’t have left you. I shouldn’t have done a lot of things. To tell everyone your my wife. To finally get that insufferable Amphitrite off of me. Though more importantly to have you here with me, forever beautiful and forever mine.
(Y/N) I love you. More than any God or mortal could love anything. If you received this letter, please do not be angry with me. I did everything I could to be with you, but I do not know that Brunehilde has that clever head of hers. Pray for me my love. Pray I return to you.
I will return to you one day.
Before you had finished the letter your knees already sunk to the sand, your eyes made it almost impossible to keep reading. The mental effect it had on you was worse than being killed. You husband. The love of your life. He. He was dead. You didn’t know how, but you knew it was so. The man in front of you kneeled to help you stand. You collapsed into him and cried. All the memories of him were going through your head at a dizzying pace. Your mind stopped on one particular memory.
Your marriage. You didn’t open your eyes, you wanted to keep seeing him in front of you, smiling at you. You could feel him as much as you could see him. You felt his touch and his kiss from that day.
You were broken inside. The man you were supposed to be with forever, whom you barely had any time with, no. It wasn’t fair for that to have happened.
You fainted, your body weak with pregnancy and grief. Herme’s had taken your body carefully and brought you back to Olympus. The other Gods in awe at the most human hating God's, human wife. You were above your fellow beings. You were the wife of a God and the future mother of a demi God.
Here is where you belonged, where you always belonged. Though perhaps there was something to be done about your deceased husband. Until then, your child and your health was the top priority, while the ocean raged on without it’s king, the sea creatures in deep mourning with the loss.
#poseidon#record of ragnarok Poseidon#poseidon x reader#poseidon x human reader#poseidon fluff#SoundCloud
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Buddha x Reader Smut
(My connection is really bad let's try this again lol 😅)
(Cover art not mine!)

The way he kissed you was unlike anything you ever felt. It was so needy it was almost amusing to see the God that rejects greed of anything, act like this. Except it was for a bigger reason than lust.
This may be the last time you would feel his fingers pressing into you, nails scratching your body, and his lips, oh his lips a mix of gentleness and forcefulness that made you struggle to catch your breath. He pulled his head back and kissed your neck and around your collarbone. The aching feeling you felt to be taken by him was far more intense than it ever had been. You squeezed his back hard to show how much you liked what he was doing to you. He kept moving you backwards until your back was against the wall and his body pressed against you.
There was not much else you could feel besides his body, skin hot with adrenaline, moving against you. You grabbed at his soft hair and found his lips again with your eyes closed. Eagerly he pushed your head against the wall with his kiss and dug his nails into your sides giving you a chilling shock feeling as it travelled through your body.
He kissed your neck again, changing from your ear to your collarbone and you revelled in every second. Every lick, bite, and squeeze.
His skin was starting to sweat as was yours. You licked at his neck near his ear, feeling his body tense up, tasting the slight saltiness. You gently closed your mouth over his neck and his head came up in a sharp gasp.
He pulled away and you both slowly undressed. You watched each other and made sure not to forget what any part of the other's body looked like.
He came back to you after you finished and was pushing you into the door again. His skin was much softer than his clothes, but the muscle felt harder than stone.
He ground his hips into you trying to get you more and more aroused if that was possible. Your legs felt weaker and after sliding against the wall a bit, his strong, large biceps hoisted you up and laid you down on the bed.
Mounting you he stared down at your body for a moment.
He stroked your skin wanting to feel every bit of the silky texture. Never wanting to forget. His fingers left a cooler sensation on your body in contrast to the fire raging inside you. You stared into his beautiful eyes and touched his body the way he did to you.
Your body was aching so much for the relief and your mind for the connection. The squeezing pressure in your stomach and between your legs was enough to drive anyone crazy.
Though you liked the intimate moment, your body needed to be ravaged with a power and passion the way you have never seen or felt. You needed to be filled and the rest of your body toyed with while your hands worked their own magic.
You needed him and you needed him now. To show your impatience you shifted your hips attempting any sort of friction.
He smiled down at you and during a loving kiss, pushed his muscular thigh in between your to seperate them.
He ground his thigh into you teasing you a bit before the impatience grabbed a hold of him too. Faster than your mind could register he had your thighs pried open and his cock, hot with arousal, entered you with a ferocity of wild animals. He groaned into your neck hotly thrusting into you like it was his first time.
Your body needed him so much the mere entry made you cry out as the relief was so great. Your walls contracted and released around him every time he re-entered you. Hands were everywhere gripping at anything possible. His hands slid down to grip your thighs, leaving a pleasurable, not yet painful feeling in the soft flesh. Lips when not connected found necks, shoulders, chests, collarbones, any patch of skin possible.
Buddha wasn't generally one to be so ravenous, occasionally when you both needed the relief. He was always dominant but not so rough. He wanted to give you as much pleasure as his body could give you to remember forever in case he could never please you again. He thrusted into you as hard as could the noises that tore themselves from your throat pushing him to continue. You scraped your fingers down his back, his grunts and hiss turning you on more. His hard chest muscles felt nice quickly pushing against your breasts. You felt his thigh muscles tense and knew he was coming to an end. You felt it coming. A subtle pressure building up that was gradually getting stronger.
His hips grinding into your clit and his cock ravaging your insides was beyond describing. Harder he pushed, squeezing your sides.
Your breath hitched as you felt yourself go over, the scream coming from your mouth made Buddha tense once more, the hot feeling of his semen entering you was blissful. He pounded harder to finish you both off. Your walls pulated around his cock making your mind go blank and your moans constant. Like a beast he was done and rested his weight on your soft body. The feeling of his cock, still rather hard, stretching you out made you exhausted. And for a while you laid there. No one mattered. No one in the entire universe. You were his and he was yours. That was what mattered. No one would ever see either of you in this state. It was your gift. A few Gods hit on you and more than enough hit on Buddha. But you both loved only each other and had a faithfulness Hera was envious of. He moved off of you, you arched your back as he slid out of you. He sat up against the headboard and you crawled in his lap. He held you, you both kissed softly once again returning to a more soft intimate moment after that intense session. You laid against his shoulder and closed your eyes. His heartbeat is the sound you love the most. The most comfort he could ever give you.
The love you felt for this man was uncomparable to anyone else.
He will love you no matter what.
This is the true love you both share.
#record of ragnarok buddha#buddha x reader smut#buddha x reader#ror#reader insert#ror imagines#Spotify
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Record of Ragnarok
One Piece
Seven Deadly Sins
Black Clover
Demon Slayer
Yu Yu Hakusho
Samauri Champloo
Hunter x Hunter
Diabolik Lovers
Harry Potter
If you can think of anything else or offer suggestions let me know!
Smut, fluff, scenarios (give me ideas lol), Au's, etc
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Hi guys sorry its been a minute I never thought I'd be one of those on hiatus forever writers but I'm back! Requests are open! I started Record of Ragnarok and fell in love with it so I wrote a Buddha x reader seeing as he doesn't have a lot of love yet. Enjoy!
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Hisoka x Adopted Teen Reader pt. 5
The next few days had been such a whirl of emotions that I didn't have much interest in sitting with the guys at lunch. It was just hard to sit there blankly stuck in my own thoughts while everyone went on in their conversations. Plus I know how blunt Leorio can be so I definitely didn't want him to be saying anything to me.
Finally after a few days Kurapika had found me. He most likely asked Killua where I was and he told him where to look.
'Hey.' He said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and he looked confused.
'Hey Kurapika!' I tried sounding peppy but it was hard. He sat down next to me and didn't say much else and it caused me to go back to my thoughts. Lunch had ended and I was still stuck in my trance forcing Kurapika to get my attention again.
'Hey (Y/N) class will be starting up again, we need to get going.' He offered me his hand and I took it. Standing up we walked a few paces before I realized that he was still holding my hand. It felt nice and as I started sliding my hand away he gave me a squeeze. I smiled at him.
'Are you alright? I didn't want to push but you seem so out of it I felt like I should ask.' He said.
I stopped a second and faced him.
'I'm sorry Kurapika. I'm okay it's just, well I don't know what Killua has told you but I was adopted.' His face showed his shock.
'It's just hard because as a kid I always wanted to be adopted but I never was until now. And the family I had with Killua and the rest of his family was almost good enough for me but I still felt something was missing. I paused, feeling sad.
'Go on.' He said not caring that the bell had rung and we would most definitely be late for our next classes.
'I left them behind and though I was so excited to finally be adopted, it broke my heart a little to leave my real first family behind.' I felt the tears coming down my face as I spoke. I caught Kurapika watching a tear fall and saw his face change into a more sad expression. He came up to me and hugged me. The relief I felt was more than enough to stop my crying and I wrapped my arms around him. For a while we were like that and I felt so much better about the entire thing.
Finally he stood back and looked at my face.
'I'm so sorry (Y/N). I can't say I understand what you're going through but I am so sorry it is making you so upset. You can always talk to me.' He said.
I knew when he said it he was earnest. I felt so comfortable around him.
We talked a bit more to fully make sure I was calmed down and after that we realized we had only fifteen minutes until our last class let out. Whoops.
Well at least we made it to our next class. Kurapika walked me to my next class and reached for my hand again this time I didn't pull away. It was such a comforting gesture.
After school I met up with Kurapika and we walked home. Killua and Gon joined us though they turned off early to head back to the house.
Kurapika and I stopped in front of Hisoka's house. Well my house too. He gave me a final hug and walked away to his house. I looked after him for a second.
Finally I walked inside to the apartment. I climbed the steps and when I opened the door I saw Hisoka with this knowing look on his face.
'Who was your friend?' he asked in a playful protective mood.
'Oh that's just Kurapika.' I told him.
'Are you sure it's just Kurapika?' It seemed a little too sweet.'
I stopped really seeing what he was alluding to.
.No-no Hisoka it's not like that.' I said. It really wasn't because he was my friend. My friend that comforted me when I really needed it. I think?
He just smiled at me as I walked on to my room.
Do I like Kurapika?
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