#Christmas cod
ghostedkonig · 2 years
Christmas morning with König
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Just some quick headcanons I had for how I think König would be on Christmas morning! With that being said Happy Holidays and have a wonderful week!
- He’s so excited. He’s up first, super early and with a ton of energy.
- If he’s up really early he’ll sneak downstairs and make some coffee and get your stocking filled to the brim with goodies.
- He’ll wait till it’s a more reasonable time (in his head that’s like 8am) and quietly come into the bedroom with a cup of coffee and set it on your nightstand and lean over you and kiss you softly on the forehead and whisper “good morning, Merry Christmas”
- He’ll crawl onto the bed next to you and pull you into a hug and start going on about how excited he is and how he can’t wait to give you your gifts and cook you breakfast and spend Christmas Day together.
- He’ll try and be patient waiting for you to get out of bed and downstairs but he’s definitely egging you to move and get your butt going. It’s a big day!
- He’ll get you the best spot on the couch and start pilling the gifts around you. And when I say pile I mean pile!
- One of this love languages is gift giving. He’s been shopping since October and thought he was done by Black Friday. But anytime he saw anything that he knew you’d like he’d buy it and if you ever mentioned anything you liked in passing he’d make sure to get it. You’re absolutely spoiled.
- He loves sitting and watching you open your gifts and he’s so worried he didn’t do good or you won’t like them. Each time he has you open one he says “I hope you like it” with a timid smile.
- One of his favorite things to give you is your stocking. He fills it up to the brim and it’s packed with so many amazing items, it’s a huge gift in of itself. He’s very proud of all of his finds.
- He’ll be so genuinely shocked and chocked up with each of the gifts you get him, everything means the world. He opens a pack of socks and sniffles a little and says “wow these are good brand! Thank you I’m so thankful! I needed socks so badly”
- Pretty sure if all you got him was a hug and kiss for Christmas he’d feel so incredibly thankful and spoiled. He couldn’t ask for more.
- After gifts he will make you breakfast. All of your favorites and always remembering your dietary restrictions. He’s a very good cook.
- Whether you were staying home and spending the day together or visiting family he’d still make sure you were having the best Christmas you could.
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fel0ny-01 · 10 months
Role-call, time for soft Christmas Ghoap!
The sun has just set, Price and Gaz are in the kitchen cooking some dinner, and Soap and Ghost have been put in charge of putting up the Christmas Decorations. They’ve already mastered the tinsel, and the lights on the tree (Ghost said it would be easier to put the lights on first, Soap reluctant agreed)
All decoration placing is paused when Soap suddenly runs to grab a bag from the other side of the room, and walks back over to Ghost who looks at him slightly confused.
“What’s that for, Johnny?”
“I git yin fur a' body but… ah wanted tae see yer reaction when ‘twas juist us. Noo close yer eyes 'n' haud oot yer hands.”
Ghost hears the rustle of the bag before something circular was put into his bare, scarred palms.
It’s a medium sized bauble, clearly custom made, with little Skull masks, Dogs and Cups of tea on it. Ghost turns it around in his hands and chokes up at what is written on the back.
Awe shite, now he’s crying, is Soap’s immediate thought, filled with panic. He knew it could go either way, he regretted it before he was pulled into the most bone crushing hug, Ghost’s face is hidden in Soap’s neck. Soap rocks them back and forth, rubbing his hand up and down Ghosts back.
He never had anything like this when he was younger, hell, he never even had Christmas; he just observed it. The lights everywhere, the apparent joy you were supposed to feel. He didn’t care for it at all.
But his Johnny changed the whole meaning of it for him.
“I git one tae! Look!”
It’s a bauble with “Johnny” written on it, with explosive designs and a couple of soap bars.
Before they could even think about putting them on the tree, yells and shouts were heard from the kitchen. Something about burning the turkey? They both rolled their eyes in unison as they put their baubles on the table next to each other, Ghost taking Soap’s hand in his as they walked out of the room. 3 squeezes. Soap looked up at Ghost with a beaming smile.
“I love ye tae, Simon.”
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sixleggedboar · 10 months
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I guess it‘s that time of the year again.
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starsofang · 4 months
thinking about the holidays cutting close, and price has nobody to return home to to spend it with. johnny and simon are off on their own, and kyle’s returned home to visit his mother.
thinking he was going to spend it alone, he’s pleasantly surprised when you offer him a spot on your journey home to visit your own family.
“nobody should be alone for christmas, captain,” you say, and who was he to say no?
he joins you on the train home, thinking perhaps he was overstepping. this was your family, not his, and he’s intruding on a holiday meant to be spent with them. but of course, you continue to tell him you don’t mind, that they’ll love to have his company.
that’s how he ends up sat at the dinner table surrounded by your parents and siblings, listening in as they tell stories of you as a child. it was clear you were embarrassed, from the way you hid your face in your hands, but the sound of chiming laughter brought him joy for the first time in a long time.
and when you bring him dessert with a smile, placing it in front of him before taking a seat next to him, he easily found himself growing more content by the minute.
it was dangerous for him to feel so comfortable in a family that isn’t his, especially yours. after all, you were his comrade, one of his own that he could trust out on the field with his life.
but when the feast ended and everybody stalks off to their respective beds to rest until christmas morning came, he laid awake with his gaze to the ceiling, succumbing to the realization that he enjoys this.
enjoys it in a way where he silently wishes that it was the two of you hosting christmas dinners as a family, one of your own.
his gift seemed to have come a day early, and it was realizing he was in love with you. all he needed was a christmas miracle for you to feel the same.
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made the mistake of listening to all i want for christmas is you, so now we’re in a christmas mood ???? anyways, mindless ramble as always before i go to bed, don’t take this seriously <3
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ethereal-night-fairy · 9 months
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This idea just came into my head about poly 141 pining after reader during the Christmas time. Imagine the reader is friends with everyone from the tf 141 possibly a part of the 141. But their extremely slow when it comes to people flirting with them. So they have absolutely no idea the boys are so infatuated.
You hang with each member or possibly multiple of them all the time. They're your teammates after all. You go to bars and café with them on your downtime or just cute outings not thinking much of it. You're all friends right? Sure the boys can me a bit touchy and flirty but they're like that with each other too so you don't think much of it.
You enjoy hanging out with Gaz and Soap especially now that it's winter. They treat you to hot chocolate on a cold frosty days arms linked as you walk through a snow covered parks. They're so sweet and attentive. Soap checking your tongue when you burn it on the hot chocolatey goodness. Gaz being a sweetheart and grabbing some snow to put in your mouth to alleviate the pain.
You love getting competitive with Simon and Price. Especially when you guys play pool together at the bar. They take turns teaching you how to play because you suck and like to sulk when you lose. You think they secretly like teasing you though.
They probably get too close and personal fixing your position. Not that you notice but they do. It becomes a competition to see who can get away with the most without you noticing. It's not hard, because again you're very slow to pick up on these things. It's just fun and games anyways, well that's what you think. They often make bets with each other, forcing the loser to give a kiss to the winner. And coincidentally the loser is always you.
Price and you decide to cook Christmas dinner for the boys this year. You see them walking into the kitchen from time to time just to tease you about your festive apron. Making it a point to call you their wife/husband as you cook for them. As the evening goes on your all drinking and having fun. The guys are trying desperately to get you interested in them romantically but you're just not getting it. You think you're just hanging out and having fun with them. The intimate touches and flirty jokes are not registering in your mind because the guys do it to each other all the time. You haven't realised they're in a ploycule as of yet so you're completely oblivious to their advances. You watch them compete with each other to see who can get the most kisses from you under the mistletoe. But you think it's a competition to get the most kisses overall. The winner gets to confess to you first, but you don't know that.
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Here's the second part to this - Mistletoe Kisses
Here's the third part to this - Mistletoe Kisses
Sleepy - pre poly ask
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2023. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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tb-png · 9 months
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christmas eve at simons - 👻🧼🧢
they all ended up at ghost’s during the holidays. it’s the first time he’s celebrated christmas in a long time and it’s the happiest he’s been in ages :]
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xsafronix-blog · 10 months
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Continued to previous post. After the headshot, Johnny may forget some things. Simon is always there to remind him. Evening of dismissal in anticipation of Christmas.
+bonus without words❄️
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the-ace-with-spades · 7 months
(I adore fics where Johnny’s family loves Ghost from day one, but, you know…angst)
Soap and Ghost had been together for almost two years. They never name the relationship, really, but it's serious and they both know it.
Thing is, Johnny's seen Ghost's face a total of four times, counting Las Almas.
Well, he sees parts of it regularly, more than others. Ghost will either roll the balaclava up when they're reading together in bed or when they're eating. Sometimes, when Soap wants to go out and Ghost indulges him, he goes in public in just either a face mask or a gaiter and Soap can see his short wavy blonde hair sticking all over the place and 
The four times he had seen Simon’s face in it’s whole — obviously, Las Almas; one time when he was unconscious and bleeding from a head wound and Johnny had to check; one time when they took a shower together, Simon stayed with his back toward him through most of it, but when they finished, he let Johnny dry off his hair; one time, when Johnny asked him to see him for his birthday presents, a few minutes after midnight.
Johnny wasn’t sure why exactly Simon didn’t want to show him his face. It wasn’t a trust thing — he trusted Johnny with more than his own life — and it wasn’t like he was ugly — he was downright sinful. He never drilled the topic because he didn’t care, if SImon wasn’t ready, then he wasn’t ready, but if he had to guess, it was all to do with identity and being seen. No one knew his face — people could know his name, Simon “Ghost” Riley, but they wouldn’t know the man behind the mask. Wouldn’t know the people behind Simon “Ghost” Riley.
(Johnny wasn’t completely off on the assumption — Simon didn’t want anyone to know his face because faceless people weren’t missed. Faceless graves — like his own — didn’t have people to leave behind, and faceless soldiers didn’t have loved ones to find and he was both. No one could get hurt if he remained faceless. Or at least that’s what he’d been telling himself.)
And Johnny is okay with that — if Simon never showe him his face again, he’d still love him all the same. Johnny’s family? Not so much.
They’re supposed to be in Glasgow for five days total, leaving after Boxing Day. Johnny gives them all a warning, that Ghost is a bit shy and doesn’t like showing his face, he’ll most likely stay covered the whole time, he might be wearing a balaclava, or a mask, he probably won't eat at the table.
When they arrive at his parents house, it almost seems like everyone forgot. Like everyone thought it'd be more mild or that Johnny was exaggerating.
There are looks. There is silence. People can't stop staring.
His mam takes one look at Simon’s balaclava once they enter the living room and looks funny at them. “Ah thooght Ah tauld ye boays tae strip doon.”
“Mam, lea him alane,” he tries but he can tell that Simon is getting tense and his mam is getting tense.
His mam, who is usually the sweetest person ever, is uncharacteristically quiet and curt whenever Simon is around. Simon doesn't really know how to make it better — Johnny's never seen him so silent outside of stealth missions, he just stands there like a sore thumb, not making anything less awkward. He didn't expect him to — Simon's social skills are lacking and he loves him that way — but he expected his own family to not make such a big deal out of that mask.
His da is stern and silent, which is as disapproving as he gets. His sisters are a bit weirded out, but mostly focused on teasing Johnny, even making fun of the mask. With a stupid grin, his older sister asks, “Does he keep it oan in bed?”
Johnny doesn't say anything to that, even though his face feels red. His sisters stop laughing.
“He does?” When Johnny tries to step out of the room and avoid the conversation, his sister’s tone changes. “Hae ye e’en seen his face?”
“O’ coorse Ah hae,” he spits out. He doesn’t specify it was only four times — he doesn’t think it’d help. “And ‘s a bonnie ane, alricht.”
It doesn’t save the situation and his sisters are also weirded out and wary from then on.
 The kids do not care — they ask maybe two questions, tilts their head as Simon explains and that’s it — and Johnny breathes a little easier as soon as his nieces push Simon outside to help them build a snowman.
The judgment doesn’t stop. Johnny’s blood boils any time it shows and even though Simon says it’s all fine, he can’t stop feeling angry about this. They just can’t get past the mask.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are difficult to Simon and Johnny knows it. He’s given him the option to omit the family dinner on both those days if he’s not feeling alright enough to spend those days in crowdy house filled with a flock of loud and cheery people of all ages.
Simon knows this. He also knows that if he says he wants to stay at Johnny’s flat for the time being, Johnny is going to insist he doesn’t have to go either, that he’d prefer to stay in with him and not go for the Christmas dinner. Which he also knows is bullshit — Johnny loves Christmas, loves spenidng time with his family, that was basically why he kept on insisting Simon couldn’t stay alone at the base for Christmas another year in a row. It was the main reason why he agreed to go with Johnny in the first place, he was pretty sure if he didn’t go with him, Johnny would insist he stays, too. 
So Simon stays in for Christmas Eve — or rather goes to a pub while Soap spends the day with his parents — but insists they go to Christmas dinner. 
His family is disappointed to see him there, to the point the usual manuevering around politeness and disapproving go onto a backburner.
“John said yer nae a fan o’ Christmas,” Johnny’s mum says to him pointedly.
“That’s right.”
“And yet ye’r ’ere,” she notes.
Johnny is far away from the earshot and he doesn’t want to lie to her so he admits, “If I didn’t come, Johnny would insist on keepin’ me company.”
“How come ye dinnae try to hae a bit mair cheer fur th' holidays then? Put a bit mair effort in for ma baby.” 
Johnny notices and soon enough, he’s next to him, their arms brushing, Johnny’s hand on the small of his back. “Lea him alane, mam.”
“It’s fine,” he says even though it’s not fine. They deserve an explanation, even just to know what they son is getting himself into. “My family was murdered on Christmas Eve. I’m—I’m trying.”
The silence falls over the room — Johnny’s mum, dad, his sister, all present, not looking at them. Simon closes his eyes, tries to breathe.
Johnny rubs his back. “Let’s gae home.”
“I’m not ruining Christmas for you, Johnny,” he says. Before Johnny can deny it — and he knows he’d try — he tries to placate, “Let’s just have ourselves a minute to calm down.”
Maybe it’s the way his voice is perfectly levelled or the way his hand trembles as he squeezes Johnny’s, but he lets him leave the room.
He steps outside — to the backyard. Sits down on the step to the garden and lets the snow soak through his jeans and the top o his balaclava.
The kids come outside, tripping over Simon’s legs. They were all oblivious to the trails and errors of Simon’s integration into the family, so they approach him as always
“Whit's wrang?”
There’s just something so innocent in having a six-year-old girl covered from head to toe in pink and glitter worry about you. Simon would never admit it in front of Johnny, but he finds the accent cute.
Simon takes off the mask.
The kids all look at him and look at him, a bit unsure maybe a bit fearful — it can be a scary sight, he admits, the elongated, jagged smile that sticks to him no matter the mood, makes him more crazy than he already is — but only one of Johnny’s niece keeps her eyes on Simon’s face. 
Shily, she asks, “Does it hurt?”
“No,” he replies. When she smiles, he smiles back.
Not anymore.
This is Johnny’s family. Simon can deny it all he wants, but Johnny’s seen him as family, as someone he’d leave behind, and it hadn’t been unrequited. He can’t hide behind a mask forever and maybe this was the kick he needed.
He steps back inside when his hands turn numb. He doesn’t put the mask back on.
Johnny’s eyes widen. “Simon?”
Simon just—smiles. He can feel the scars pulling on the corners of his mouth, the stiffer skin, but he’s not faceless. He’s not been faceless for a while.
Edit (29/03/24): This is now a WIP for a minimum 15k fic, titled don't shoot me, santa, that will have 4 chapters and will be posted (hopefully) later in the year
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helenedraws · 9 months
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Happy holidays! Someone finally got courageous~
I got some prompts over on twitter, this was one of them.
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martyfive · 9 months
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happy crimas
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + cuddling
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: idk if this counts as a holiday hc but idc i wanted to write this. pretend they're wearing christmas pj's idk.
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright so when you really get down to it ghost's just a scared guy
i mean not scared in the traditional sense ig but he's pretty paranoid (not that i blame him)
he's definitely the kind of guy that feels pretty vulnerable when he's asleep and because of that (and nightmares) he's never really been a deep sleeper
like he can fall asleep whenever because he's sorta in a state of perpetual tiredness but it's always a super light sleep and he'll wake up at the slightest disturbance (hence the state of perpetual tiredness)
this all culminates into a very specific mindset ghost has when he's sleeping with you
ghost is absolutely petrified of anything happening to you, especially since he can't protect you when he's sleeping, so he's definitely a fan of spooning (with him as the bigger spoon ofc) bc it makes him feel like he's shielding you from harm
he also likes having you so close to him bc one you're nice and warm and two it lets him know your safe
and honestly it's less spooning and more just him trying to cover your entire body with his body
like he will go full on blanket mode
if he could he would just box you in under him and the only reason he doesn't is because he knows he would end up crushing you
he'll hold you really tightly too
like almost squeezing you
and you always think he'll eventually loosen up a little when he falls asleep but he never does
this has two purposes
first is that it keeps you close
and second is that it stops you from moving around excessively
the second one is important especially if you're a chaotic sleeper because he always gets woken up when you move
also he likes having you face him when he sleep so it's sorta like you guys are hugging but sometimes that can get uncomfortable with all the limbs involved
oh yeah he definitely wraps/throws his legs around you in another effort to keep you pinned down
also hot take but he doesn't like being the little spoon
it's too stressful for him because even though he feels protected he feels like you're vulnerable and that's worse
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so starting off soap is a great cuddler
but then as the night progresses... not so much
ik everyone's been saying this but it's because it's the truth
soap is a spreader
no matter what position he starts off in soap will always find a way to spread out
for some reason he also has a tendency to flip over in his sleep a lot
like it always starts out with the him on his back with your head laying on his chest as he rubs circles on your arm and tells you stories about his childhood
and around halfway through the night he might turn over and hug you while he sleeps for a bit
with his arms wrapped around you and your face buried into his chest
but then by the morning
soap is starfished on his belly
one arm is haphazardly thrown across your back/front (depending on how you're sleeping) with one of his legs tangled into yours
lord knows he's drooling too but honestly same
also soap's definitely a blanket stealer but for no reason
like in the middle of the night you'll be waging a war with him for the blanket
just for him to kick it off the bed by morning time
you've tried getting another blanket but it didn't work and he just stole that one too
you're still trying to come up with a better solution
soap also sleeps like but is also weirdly conscious
idk how to phrase it but like it will take everything to wake him up
but also if you even try to sneak the blanket away from him he will know and you will not be able too
also he definitely snores when he sleeps on his stomach sorry
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
ugh rudy my love my precious my darling
rudy lives for cuddles
but he likes to be the cuddled instead of the cuddler
rudy is always down to be the little spoon but honestly that's not really his favorite position
(he almost always has bruises on his side from training so it can be uncomfortable)
instead he likes resting his head on your chest while you sleep
he'll be like half laying on his stomach half laying on you
and he'll tangle his legs into yours and wrap his arm around your stomach
and good god this man will literally spontaneously combust if you play with his hair
pet it, braid it, scratch it
do whatever you want to it he will eat it up
easily the fastest way to get him asleep
he also really loves listening to your heartbeat and syncing his breaths up with yours
it's always so satisfying to hear your heartbeat slow down when you fall asleep
also rudy has like five different blankets on his bed because he's a really cold sleeper
although with you he usually only needs one or maybe two because you're so warm
he's also a surprisingly pretty sleeper
you've been meaning to take a picture but you always forget because for some reason he just has a way of making you sleepy when he lays down on you
he's also a pretty deep sleeper but even then you try not to move because he always looks so happy
sometimes he'll sleep in the crook of your shoulder and then you can turn to face him sometimes
kyle "gaz" garrick:
kyle likes it when you cling onto his side with your arms and legs wrapped around him
he calls you a koala but he will also die if you stop
he just loves seeing you bury your face into his arm
especially with your legs wrapped around his waist
dang he eats it up
sometimes he'll turn to face you so you can cling onto his front
but he is a back sleeper at his core so it works out
he likes to wrap his arms around you and rub circles on your back or play with your hair
and also the smell of your shampoo has pretty much conditioned him to get tired
like there's nothing more relaxing to him than being able to breathe in the scent of your shampoo at night
definitely also whispers random things to you at night
sometimes it's romantic sometimes it's just him going down random tangents until he tires himself out
but it's his favorite part of the day because he gets to have you with him and explore weird thought experiments
sometimes you'll respond but you usually fall asleep pretty quickly he notices
and he definitely has a picture of you wrapped around him as you slept
it's his lock screen on his phone and it always makes him happy
gaz is like a medium deep sleeper
he also somehow stays really still when he sleeps
like he'll go to bed and wake up in the same position
also he always has to keep like one leg out of the blanket or else he gets too hot
john price:
price likes it when you sleep on top of him
like on top on top of him
he wants you to be his personal blanket
he'll cuddle with you this way anywhere too
on the sofa, on the bed, on the floor (?)
(maybe if there's a soft rug or smthing)
he likes to wrap his arms around you and feel you sorta melt into him as you relax
i mentioned smthing in a previous hc about price wanting a weighted heated blanket for christmas
but let's be real
you are the weighted heated blanket
it just makes him feel really secure and protected
and he's holding onto you so he feels like you're safe and protected too
sometimes he wraps a leg around yours too
and yes price is a snorer what can i say
he'll insist he doesn't snore and then let out the most god awful noise you've ever heard
honestly the price girlies are the true heroes for putting up with that
(i am a price girly too)
alejandro vargas:
alejandro likes the intimacy of cuddling so that's very important
he also likes being the cuddler but he's always down to be the cuddled
he's a fan of the classics like spooning
but usually he prefers a position that's more equal
that's why alejandro loves to fall asleep hugging you with both of you on your sides
maybe your face is buried into his chest and his hand is wrapped around the back of your head
he just likes holding you close to him can you blame him
he definitely plays with your hair too as you sleep
and he loves whispering sweet nothings into your hair as you fall asleep
he's also very physical so he likes to be touching you at all times
generally just a very sweet and considerate lover and cuddler
also he used to be a chronic insomniac before he met you
but feeling how warm you are and hearing you breathe just manages to relax him
so with you he's able to sleep deeply
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ratgingi · 9 months
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my favorite guys <3
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tanked-up · 10 months
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ethereal-night-fairy · 9 months
Mistletoe Kisses Part 2
Poly!141 x GN reader
It's Christmas day and the boys are acting even weirder than usual. And coincidentally all the mistletoe you placed has been moved. Your in for an eventful day.
Poly Masterlist
Words: 3.6k
You wake up at 5:30am a little later than usual since it was everyone's day off. You dress in your gym gear, ready to get some cardio and weights in for the day. You'll have so many calories to burn after the Christmas dinner your going to have.
You walk into the gym to find it empty. No surprise there. It was Christmas who wanted to exercise on Christmas. Majority of people were probably in the common room opening and exchanging presents. Or calling their loved ones. Saying sweet words to spouses and children. You might do the same, give a few friends a call later on to wish them well.
You settle in your usual gym spot and begin your stretching routine. You only get about halfway through when you hear the gym door bang and clatter like it was being pushed and pulled with aggression. You watch through the glass door as Gaz and Soap fight each to get through first. You laugh at the absurdity as you call out to them.
“Didn't know the gym was in such high demand on Christmas day!”, you laugh at them, finally squeezing through together. What you failed to notice was that Price and Ghost had used the other entrance to sneak up behind you as you laughed. It was too late by the time you noticed.
“Not the gym luvie, just you”, you felt a shiver run down your spine as a hand snaked its way around your waist preventing you from escaping. You twist your body to find Ghost right behind you with his arm on your hips now. It's when you look up that you notice the mistletoe right above your workout place. The dots click in your head but not soon enough. You feel the kiss on your forehead before you can move away. The second kiss comes from Price on your cheek as you move away from the mistletoe a second later.
“You sneaky bastards”, you laugh with mirth. They finally caught you. You look up again at the mistletoe a few feet away as Gaz and Soap approach clearly vexed by the situation. Price gives them both a smug look as he goes about getting ready for his workout. Ghost was already on the weights.
“That's so unfair!”, Gaz exclaims.
“You think it's unfair, it was my idea to put the mistletoe there”, Soap grumbles as they all go to their respective places.
“You guys are so silly, all this effort for a kiss?”, you look at the high ceiling where the mistletoe was taped. It must have taken a while to figure out how to get up there. You shake your head as you get back to your work out. If you think this was a one time occurrence you were sorely mistaken.
You enter the mess hall to find it full and go over to your usual sitting place once you had gotten your plate of food waiting for the guys to show up after their showers. You watch them enter and Gaz immediately makes a beeline for you with Soap closely behind. Your confused until you look above your head to find a string and mistletoe hanging about a metre above. You quickly try to change seats but Gaz was right in front of you when you stood up. He gives you his best disarming full canine smile before placing a kiss on your nose and hauling you in his arms away from the mistletoe so Soap couldn't get a kiss. Causing him to curse in frustration.
“What's gotten into you all..”, you eye them suspiciously. “You guys have another bet going on don't you?.....you do, don't you?”, you give Soap a questioning look as he looks away sheepishly. Gaz puts you down not before snuggling into the side of your neck saying he'll be back in a sec. You watch them both leave to get in line for breakfast, not answering your question. You pick another seat away from the mistletoe as you watch Price and Ghost approach with their plates. You all eat normally as if the events of the morning hadn't happened. You really were going to let it all slide since you thought this was the end of it but that was far from the truth. You'd find that out soon later.
Though today was everyone's day off, you still preferred being organized. You did dip into the common room to wish everyone a Happy Christmas before going about doing little tasks. You spent the rest of the morning being preyed upon by your teammates. Whether you were going into the Price office to collect something or grabbing something from your locker you were always met with someone stealing kisses from you. You had gotten too comfortable with the placement of the mistletoe that you hadn't realised they had moved them. You've lost count with how many kisses they've stolen from you. Except for Soap that is. He was always interrupted in his early attempts with the others sabotaging his chances. And by then you had caught on to their little game and started surveying your surroundings. A cute little game of cat and mouse. The only fragment of peace you got was when you went into your room to call a few friends or went into the bathroom. But you couldn't hide there all day; you had things to do. Your friends laughed at your predicament and told you ridiculous theories they had about your teammates. You ended up laughing off their jokes. There's no way….right? Right? Why would they be interested in you?
You shake your head as you grab the festive apron you had just bought not long ago. It was mid day and Price had said he'll help you with the dinner prep. You still needed to make dessert as well so you scurried off to the kitchen while keeping an eye out for mistletoe. You arrived to find the kitchen empty. The dinner for the rest of the troops was going to be delivered by a restaurant this year around. But you wanted to do something special for your boys. You walk to the fridge while trying to put your apron on. As you're doing so, you feel warm calloused hands engulf your own taking the ties of your apron from you. You let go startled, feeling a very familiar beard brush up against the shell of your ear.
“Captain..?”, you let out breathlessly.
“Aren't you a pretty little thing working so hard to make your boys dinner.” His hot breath fans the side of your face causing goosebumps to raise on the skin of your neck as he ties your apron behind you with careful and precise movements. His touch leaving behind a burning trail of heat. Air gets stuck in your throat as you go to turn around. You're trapped between the counter and Price's toned body. His eyes look hungry and it doesn't seem like the hunger is for food. His blue orbs roam your body up and down as you stand there frozen. You watch his hand reach up above your head to open the cabinet behind you. As he does so your eyes look up to find mistletoe taped to the inside of the wood. Directly above your head. How convenient. You let out a laugh. You wondered why they were trying so hard to win this bet you knew nothing about.
You brace yourself for another kiss to the forehead or possibly a cheek or even your nose. But he has a mischievous glint in his eyes as his gaze dips down to your lips making your heart pound knocking against your ribcage. It felt like it was going to burst out of your chest at this rate. His eyes flicker to your eyes before dipping back down to your lips. He's never looked at you with so much want and desire before. You don't know where to run or hide but it felt like he was stripping you with his gaze alone. Ever so slowly you watch him lean down to bring his lips closer as if he wasn't sure if you'd allow his advances. When he doesn't get a rejection response from you his mouth comes closer as you stand there questioning every lingering touch and flirty joke you've been on the receiving end of.
Your eyes flutter shut as his nose brushes against yours. His warm minty breath fanning your face. You hold the air within your lungs awaiting the prickle of his beard and the soft touch of his tender lips….
“Oi!!”, your eyes fly open your head immediately turning to the door of the kitchen like you've been caught red handed. Even though it wasn't you that did anything.
You find Soap standing in the doorframe with his arms crossed.
“The rules were no kissing on the lips Captain”, Soap walks in clearly annoyed. As the captain grumbles something you take the chance to slip past Price to go towards the fridge again fanning your face.
OMG YOU WERE ABOUT TO LET YOUR CAPTAIN…YOUR CAPTAIN KISS YOU ON THE LIPS. There must be something seriously wrong with you. You don't engage with the bickering that was happening as you got the meat out to sear. Trying desperately to get that almost kiss out of your mind.
You don't get that luxury though as Ghost and Gaz walk in to find their captain and sergeant getting into a heated argument. Which ended with Johnny snitching on Price. Both Simon and Kyle started arguing too, saying ‘its against the rules’ and ‘its unfair to everyone else who's waiting’. You had no idea what they were going on about and you didn't have the mental capacity to try to figure it out. You just wanted to cook dinner in peace.
“Can you all please go argue somewhere else, I have dinner to make”, you raise your voice to get their attention. They all look down to floor or somewhere on the walls acting like they were schoolboys being scolded by a teacher.
“Sorry luv…didn't come all the way here to disturb you.” Simon is the first to move to take the ingredients off your hands as he sets them on the counter. He gets you settled on a stool beside the counter telling you to rest, that they'll take care of the dinner from here.
“What am I supposed to do then?” You watch as they put aside their feelings and get working together to prep whatever is needed for dinner.
“Just relax you've already done so much”, Gaz pats your head as he passes you by to gather something from the pantry.
“If ye really want tae do somethin’ ye can help me decorate these Christmas cookies”, Soap brings out a tray cookies from their hiding spot. You wonder when he made them considering how busy everyone was yesterday. He grabs a cookie decorating kit from a cupboard dropping the icing tubs on the large counter opposite to the stove where Simon is searing the roast. Soap gently grabs your stool pulling your weight with ease to his side.
The cookies are slightly burnt and lopsided but you could tell Soap had tried his best. You begin piping the icing on the odd shapes while sneakily eating bits that break off with Soap swatting at you from time to time. It was a nice atmosphere where everyone worked together. You catch your eyes drifting to your captain every time he brushes past you. Watching him roll up his sleeves had your mouth going dry. He definitely caught you ogling because he had a smug look on his face every time you two made eye contact. You could tell the others weren't happy about your reaction to Price after he had almost kissed you on the lips. By the looks of it. Price may be winning the bet they had created. Surprisingly no one tried sneaking a kiss from you again.
The next few hours go by without a hitch and by the evening the table was set and you all were enjoying dinner. You crack Christmas crackers between eachother. You laugh as Gaz grabs all the paper hats refusing to share any with Soap. You watch as he struggles to keep them all on his head while eating his dinner. And Price sneaking a few off when he wasn't looking. You didn't end up winning any of the little prizes but Ghost gifts you all the items he wins placing them in a pile beside your dinner plate. It was very lovely dinner. It had your heart feeling all warm and fuzzy. Like you had a family here away from home.
You could see Soap grumbling toward the end when everyone was having dessert. He still hadn't got a kiss from you yet and you could tell it was bothering him. So as you all make your way to Price's office to open presents and have a glass of some well deserved expensive alcohol you keep your eyes peeled for some mistletoe. For different reasons this time.
You spot one hidden in the corner of the hallway, not thinking you slow down your steps to match Soap as everyone walks ahead. He gives you a questioning look as you stop and so does he. You gently push him towards the corner. He's so confused you end up laughing at his odd expressions. He goes to open his mouth but before he could say anything you place the first kiss on his forehead, the next on his two cheeks, then his nose. By this point everyone else has turned to face you two. You place another kiss on his nose. As he gives you his broadest smile. You watch Soap fistbump the air, as you laugh at his reaction to you kissing him.
“One more for the win, please! One more for the win!”, he practically begs you. You think about it for a moment as you eye everyone else. You see the playful jealousy in their eyes. Gaz and Ghost make a run for it to get you away from the mistletoe to stop Soap from winning the bet between them.
“Don’t!”, Both Gaz and Ghost shout at you. But it's too late. Your lips are already grazing Soaps' jawline with a smile on your face.
“Fuck yeah!! That means I win the bet!”, Soap practically crushes you in a hug as he hauls you away from the mistletoe so neither Gaz or Ghost could steal a final kiss from you. He places you beside the captain as he runs away from Gaz and Ghost who are chasing him to the office.
Your laughter is cut short as you feel very familiar lips on your ear.
“Such a naughty sergeant, you'll be punished for taking my win away from me”, you gasp as Price growls low in your ear. You don't get much time to think because as quick as he came he also left you standing there as he followed the boys.
Every nerve endings was set alight as you entered the office to find things relatively calm. Apart from Soap brandishing a very triumphant look and boasting about his win.
Your eyes meet Prices, he has such a devilish smirk on his face. Like he's about to pounce on you any second now. He probably would have if he wasn't interrupted in the kitchen. You turn away immediately not being able to hold his heated gaze. Preferring to look at the decorated office instead. Price sat on his plush chair as everyone else found a place to settle in his office. You decide to walk over to where Gaz is seated to squeeze in beside him. He places an arm around you immediately bringing you closer to his side complaining as to why you had to go make Soap win. Ghost goes around handing everyone their respective gifts. Before settling beside Soap.
You watch everyone open their gifts with excitement. There were thank you and kisses exchanged between them. You're a little more aware than usual. A little more alert after Price's last comment. You still couldn't get that almost kiss out of your head. You watch as they hug and kiss each. It didn't seem so friendly to you anymore. It didn't seem like friends having a laugh. They were like kisses exchanged between lovers. You watch them more closely as everything clicks into place.
They were…. together…like… all four of them. They were in a relationship. But now that had you questioning every encounter with the four men. On when and how they would flirt with you. How their hands always found themselves on your body somehow. How they would find any excuse to get rid of people hitting on you. Were they flirty like that with everyone? No…you knew they weren't. So why you?
Your brought out of you deep thoughts as Gaz crushes you with a embrace so tight you think he might be trying to crack your bones but he lets go just as quickly to get up and remove his shirt. You look at him shocked only to realise he was putting on the jumper you had made him. You cringe at your awful knitting but Gaz doesn't seem to notice at all. Showing it off to everyone in the room that you had gifted him a handmade jumper. You glance around the room to see slight jealousy at the handmade gift but that's quickly replaced by thank you as they open their own presents. Soap particularly happy with his Scottish flag scotch glass.
You don't realise until everyone is looking at you that you haven't open the nicely wrapped box sitting in your lap. You make eye contact with Price to find his eyes to have softened compared to before. You work your hand on the wrapping paper making sure to open it with care. The small black leather box sits in your palm. You glance at them one last time before opening the box to find a ring…well not a ring exactly…it was on a necklace so a pendant. You smile thanking them for their gift as you remove the chain from the box…
Price gives Soap a knowing look. As Gaz hugs Ghost's shoulders from behind his chair. You're about to put the necklace on but Soaps hand stops you midway placing the necklace back in its box. You look at him confused before silently asking for an explanation for his actions as he kneels before you.
“Since ah won the bet, the honour was given tae me tae ask ye this question. Would...ye consider…being ours?”, he looks at you with so much adoration.
“Being yours…?”, you look at all of them and they all held the same look in their eyes. “But you have each other…you don't need…you shouldn't..want…me”, you watch his face fall slightly at your words before recovering.
“But I do…we all do…we can't help thinking about ye when ye're away. Can't help getting jealous when someone flirts with ye. Can't help want tae be close tae ye all the time…We can take things slow…”, he looks at you for your reaction. But you're deep in thought fidgeting with the ring on the chain.
“It doesn't have tae be all at once. Ye can get used tae the idea”, he looks at you hopefully as you glance at everyone else. Your eyes lock on Price who also looks at you longingly.
“So I'll be…dating? All of you?”, you watch them all nod in eagerness. “And you're all dating each other too..??”, they all nod again confirming their relationship status. You watch them hold their breaths as you decide on your answer.
“That explains all the touchiness”, you laugh as you play with the ring on the chain. On closer inspection you see engravings on the inner band. You bring it closer to your eyes to see the initials of the four men neatly engraved on the inside. It made your heart melt. They seemed serious in wanting to be with you. It explains all the flirting and tender touches. Soap watches you carefully, still kneeling at your feet waiting for an answer.
“It's a bit overwhelming….to be with four men... all at once…but I-I....really like you all…I'd like to see..where this goes…”, you feel heat rise to your neck and cheeks when the words leave your mouth.
Not a second later Soap has you in his arms peppering your lips and face in small kisses and thank yous. Gaz and Ghost come up to you immediately as well taking the chance to hold you close to their chests. You return their warm embraces with eagerness of your own. Ghost helps you place the necklace around your neck as they all take chances to kiss you gently trying their best not to overwhelm you as you laugh from joy.
Price stays in his chair watching everything unfold. He has adoration written all over his face but there's also the underlying lust and desire you felt in the kitchen and then again in the hallway.
“Well now that's settled…come here love. Over my knee…A naughty sergeant like you needs to be punished for taking sides.”
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2023. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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transmascsimonriley · 9 months
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christmas doodle of the guys
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fallenneziah · 9 months
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Christmas lights and stuffing.
This is the second installment of my Christmas gift to you guys. If you'd like to check out part one with Johnny you can do so here.
Just comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list. Tag list: @mishaglass
NSFW, car sex, creampie, some dirty talk, Simon's joking but he actually does want to fuck you all night. Waist below Afab reader, readers pronouns not mentioned. Smut blurb.
You and Simon had gone out to see a light show. While Simon wasn't a huge fan of all the decorations and the people that were there he endured it. Especially for you. There was something about seeing your rosy pink cheeks, soft lips pulling into a smile when you saw those decorations. There was just something that got him going and he couldn't explain it.
However, Simon had said if he did this for you, there was something he wanted from you.
The two of you were passing by a tent, someone dressed as an elf, supposedly for the kids inviting people in to see Santa.
"Do you want to come tell Santa what you want for Christmas??" The elf smiled softly at you.
Simon leaned over against your ear, whispering huskily against you. “Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine?” You gasped softly, slapping him.
"Oh, no thank you, we're alright." You told the worker, walking away with him. "Oh you are bad." You gasp softly, chuckling a little.
“Let’s do something that puts us on the naughty list then, make it official. ” He whispered again, making your mouth fall open slightly when you reached the next fire pit. "Simon be quiet."
His hands slid under your jacket, one going up to your stomach the other down your pants. You attempted to slap him away. "What has gotten into you?? You bad man." You turned, chuckling softly and cupping his face.
"Simon, baby, what has gotten into you? Why are you being so dirty?" You whispered, kissing him.
"I don't know. Maybe it's the season." He smirked, kissing you back.
"Let's go home then, we're almost at the end anyway." You took his hand, leading him down the snow covered path back to the car.
Simon unlocked the vehicle and turned on the heat. The two of you sat there waiting for the car to heat up. "Thank you for coming with me, Simon."
"Mhm, only you..." He leaned over, your gentle hands pulling up his mask meet his lips. He hummed, pressing closer, leaning over to check your seat belt off as he did.
You groaned softly, cupping the back of his head, kissing him deeply over and over.
His hand moved to your thigh, rubbing up between your legs and teasing your sweet spot, finger digging into the seam of your jeans.
You pulled away briefly before diving back into his mouth, sloppily kissing him as you struggled to push yourself up and shift.
Simon moaned, helping you climb over the console to straddle his lap. His hips bucked into yours, a moan leaving him again. You chuckled softly, biting his bottom lip. Your hands pulled at his jacket, pushing it off of him, your hands sliding up his shirt.
He shivered, hissing. "Your hands are cold!" He chuckled, leaning forward, his teeth latching onto your neck.
"Si... Simon!" You gasped, your eyes fluttering closed. Simon pulled you against him, jacking the heat switch and leaning his seat back. He kissed and licked your neck, sucking into the delicate flesh. He pulled off his gloves, his hands sliding under your jeans, squeezing your ass.
"Fuckin' perfect ass." He mumbled.
"Mmm Simon." You whispered. "You're so dirty tonight. I love it." You giggled, rocking your hips down onto him.
He moaned, his hips bucking. He pulled his hands away from your jeans, sliding them up your back, pushing your shirt and coat up.
He pushed your shirt up, cupping your skin, leaning down to latch onto your hard nipple. Making your back arch, moaning and shuddering. "Simon-!"
He flicked his tongue over it, sucking it hard before pulling away, his saliva cooling on your sensitive bud.
"Shit Simon someone could see." You gasp, leaning against him as headlights flash across the parking lot.
He kisses between your ribs cage, licking s strip between the soft bumps of your chest.
"Let 'em see. I'm in a giving mood." He undid his belt with a grunt, stroking his cock out into his palm, his large heavy length leaking pre-cum down the shaft.
You shudder out a warm breath, scooting back a little to take over stroking for him.
"So take it... Yeah..."
"Oh yeah?" You smirked, your fingers running up the vein on the underside of his length.
He nodded, biting his bottom lip, his breath coming out in quick puffs.
"Then get up here and let me suck your dick."
"Fuck." Simon pushed his chair back and you kneeled between the small space of the car, wrapping your warm lips around his length. He grunted, stroking your cheek and pulling you onto his cock.
"Fuckin' beauty..." He watched you with lidded eyes. Your lips stretching around his fat head, tongue supporting the weight of his erect cock.
He grunted, thrusting up into your throat. "Fuuuuck." He shuddered.
You moaned around him, bobbing your head, taking him to the base. You looked up at him with big eyes and he couldn't help the way he felt looking at you.
Watching you pull up on his cock, spitting saliva onto his tip that quickly cooled, making him leak desperately until put your warm mouth around him once again.
Simon growled, his cock throbbing and twitching inside your throat. He didn't want to cum yet. Not yet.
His eyebrows furrowed, pulling you off. "Get up here, sit on my lap. Like a good little sweetheart." He purred, stroking your chin.
He unzips your jeans, pushing them down over your thighs, feeling your warm skin prickle.
You pull your pants off further, climbing into his lap, letting him position the tip of his cock to your sloppy dripping slit.
His fingers slid inside to make sure he had the room before he was confident putting you down on him.
Smacking the head of his cock against your entrance a few times before gripping your hip and guiding you down onto him.
Your mouth fell open, moaning loudly as his length spread you open. Your walls pulsing and throbbing around him.
Simon grunted, his jaw slack and eyes closed as he filled you up.
He gripped you tightly, pulling you up and pushing back down. Your juices coating his cock. His veins pulsing inside your tight heat.
Watching your snatch swallow him easily, bringing him in and pushing him back out, milking him in you.
He pulled you down, holding you there, his cock pressing deeper into you, pressing his mouth to yours.
You gasped, finger nails raking down the back of his head to his nape, rocking your hips.
He bucked his hips, his balls pressing against you, his cock twitching inside you, throbbing.
"Oh yes, fuck yes~" He grips your hips tightly, rocking you against him, feeling your walls clutch onto him like a vice.
"Fuckin' squeezing me like a sleeve, love." He groaned.
You whined, bouncing up and down, the sound of your hips clapping together filling the car.
"Yes yes yes-!" You squeal.
"Fuck, gonna cum." He hissed.
He continued to rock you desperately on his cock. Breaths coming labored and heavy as he throbs inside your sweet cunt.
He smacks your ass, yanking you up, making you gasp. "Come on love, fucking ride that cock like you mean it!"
You gripped his shoulders, riding him fast, moaning. "Siiiimon, Si- fuck, oh god!" You cry, throwing your head back, feeling his thick girth press into that one spot, making you see stars.
You clench your thighs around him, cumming on his cock, fluid squirting around his length and down across the band of his boxers.
"Merry fucking Christmas doll," Simon groaned, bucking his hips up into you and spasming cum inside your womb. His cock throbs inside you, pumping you full of his warm seed.
He leans forward, kissing and biting your chest. He grunts, continuing to fill you up with his warm white semen.
He held you in place, his hips still bucking. He grunted, feeling the last drop of his semen leave him, leaving his dick a sticky mess inside you.
He panted, holding you close, kissing you softly as you both fight to catch your breath.
"Simon... Fuck..." You moan, slumping against him as he slowly pulls you off him, seeing his cum drip from your stretched, gaping hole. Your hips shake as he helps you wipe up a little and button your jeans up.
"Mm, I think we can skip present opening, I don't think I need anything more." You slump back into your seat, smiling softly up at him.
"You are such a. Unpredictable sight."
"It's Christmas Lovie, you don't get let in on the gift until you're unwrapping it."
He does up his jeans and splays his hand over your thigh. You smile softly, feeling full of his seed. A present just for you...
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