#gee nelson
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AUGUST 3RD !!!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED !!!!
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How on EARTH did I somehow manage to not see this before yesterday?!?!? 🤯
Barry in his favorite sweater just about kills me.
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freqsho · 3 years
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SXSW 2022—FREQShots: Night Four [Friday, 3/18/2022]
By Jim Lewin
Tami Neilson @ Lamberts
Dee Oh Gee w/ Grace Bower @ Lamberts
Thelma And The Sleaze @ Lamberts
Nordista Freeze @ Lamberts
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charlie-lec-stories · 7 months
Everything happens for a reason // CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Stroll!Sister
Summary: After a whole life of following her father's orders, Y/N's tired of being the good girl and when she finally stood up for herself with the help of her best friend, all hell broke loose.
Warnings: Sexual comments and scenarios, cheating, strong vocabulary.
Author’s Note: Well guys, gals and non-binary pals, you know I love messy stories, this is no exception. Rate: +18 (adult content)
"UGHHHHHH". Y/N couldn't help but laugh out loud when her brother, Lance, sat down beside her, grunting as if it was the hardest thing his body had done in 20 years.
"Really, Lance, was it really that hard? Are you that old?". She rolled her eyes as the boy fixed his position on the roof, making sure that he wouldn't fall off. They had the tradition of sitting on the roof of their mansion after dinner and before bed time. They had an hour before the staff would start looking for them, the only time they could be normal and not billionaires.
"I'm not old, it was that hard, some of us train, you know. Not everyone is naturally gifted at driving cars". She laughed again. Even though her brother tried to act annoyed with her great driving, he was actually proud of her.
"I'm not that good". She lied, but he shook his head, then let it rest on her shoulder, getting comfortable next to her under the blanket she had. Her hand went to his hair, lovingly running her fingers through the locks.
"Don't lie. Gees, I'm not ever sure who you got that from, because dad sucks". She felt his body shake as he giggled at his own comment. "That old man may love racing but God knows he should never touch a steering wheel".
"Hey, don't be like that, he's an average driver...". Lance moved his head up to give her a pointed look. "He is!... When it comes to tennis karts he is". They stayed silent for a moment before bursting out laughing so hard that they got worried someone might have heard.
"Okay, okay, enough with roasting the old man". Lance said once they calmed down. He resumed his position close to her and changed the subject. "Are you excited for the new season? I mean, you have a real chance this time, sis".
"Carlos said the same". She said, sighing and looking into the horizon. The sun was setting and the sky had that perfect shade between pink and purple, it was lovely, it made her feel at peace.
"Well, we are right. I'm always right, as you obviously know, and Carlos is your best friend, he could never lie to you, that's illegal". Y/N smile, that was true, her best friend was the most honest person she had ever met, and if there were two people in the world she trusted with her life, those were Lance and Carlos.
"Speaking of Carlos, I have something to tell you about this season". Lance could feel the tension in her voice so he fixed his position again, showing her that he was giving her his full attention. "Nelson, you know, the PR guy, he told me that I have to get into a PR relationship. He gave me two options: Carlos or Leclerc. Of course, I chose Carlos. I'd rather fake-date my best friend than Charles-stupid-Leclerc".
"You should let go of that anger, your beef with Charles was years ago, he's a nice guy". Lance rolled his eyes at his sister. Y/N and Charles fought after a karting race when they were 16 and never got along after that. He was unnecessarily mean to her and she always over-reacted. But to be fair to Charles, she did say to him that he had a small penis in front of the whole grid, and that can be really harmful for a teenage boy. The fact that everyone knew that they had hooked up once only made the accusation seem more reliable, humiliating Charles even more in front of their peers. To add to the feud, Y/N called him "Peanut" and he called her "Matagot", which is basically a south-french mythology monster that only treats you well if you keep it well-fed, otherwise it can be your biggest nightmare. It was Charles' way of calling her a spoiled brat, that only cares for others when she can get something in return.
"He's not nice. But I don't want to talk about him, I want advice. I have never been in a PR relationship before and you have. It's pretty uncomfortable to have to do this with Carlos, but I have to make it work".
Lance and Y/N spent their hour talking, he gave her advice on what to do and how to keep the friendship strong after having to be all over each other in public. It was going to be awkward, but her contract said that there were things she had to do to get a better public image and Carlos was a great way to keep things interesting. Drive to Survive, the Netflix series about the sport needed something to talk about, and a relationship between two drivers from different teams was perfect, and that's how she ended up trapped with a PR relationship. Around 10 pm, they got down the roof and made their way to their rooms. Before bed, Y/N checked her phone and found a text from her best friend.
Chili-man: Hey kiddo! I know that this is going to be awkward, but remember that we're best friends first, if you ever feel uncomfortable, you let me know and I'll do everything to help out. Okay?
Y/N: Thanks Chili-man. I love to know that you're always on my corner. You're the best. And the same goes for you. It's gonna be weird, but at least I'm not fake-dating Peanut.
Chili-man: Don't be mean, he's a nice guy.
Y/N: You and my brother need to stop being such Leclerc's advocates, I'm sure he can pay his own defense lawyers, you guys don't need to do it for free. Anyways, good night and I'll see you tomorrow for the first day!
Chili-man: I promise he's not that bad. But whatever. Sleep tight kiddo. I'll see you tomorrow.
The next morning, Y/N woke up to the sound of her father shouting and her mother begging him to lower his voice. Still half asleep, she walked to the door and cracked it open. Outside, she saw Lance peeking out of his own room and after sharing a puzzled look, they moved their attention to their father. He was at the end of the hall, at the door of his room, their mother was pulling at his arm, trying to pull him into the room without success. It was strange to say the least, that their mother interfered with their father's affairs, she had her own business to worry about, but she seemed actually worried about the discussion their father was taking part in over the phone.
"I SAID NO. I don't care about the numbers, I don't care about the stupid show. She's not dating Carlos Sainz Jr. She'll do that over my dead body!". Both Lance and her looked at each other. Why was he so upset? He loved the Sainz; he had been friends with Carlos Sainz Sr. for as long as they could remember. "I DON'T CARE IF IT'S FAKE".
"Honey, please, they'll hear you". Their mother tried to calm him down, but he was furious.
"THEN USE LECLERC, BUT SHE'S NOT DATING CARLOS AND THAT'S MY FINAL WORD". She definitely didn't like that last statement. Her father hung up and stormed into his room. It was her turn to be upset, she didn't want to date Charles Leclerc, fake or for real, it was a nightmare both ways. A little later that morning she tried to convince her father in her favor, but he was so angry that it was impossible to make his change his mind. Carlos texted her mid-day, while she was on the jet on her way towards Bahrain, asking her what happened and why his PR team told him that he was replaced by Charles. She didn't want Carlos to feel bad or inadequate in the eyes of her father, so she lied and said that she had no idea and that as soon as she had an answer for that, she would tell him. When she made it to Sakhir, she was told to leave her luggage at her room and then go back to the lobby so she could wait for a car there with Nelson. They had to meet with Charles and his team to discuss the details of the arrangement. It was a quiet car ride, Nelson was aware of what she thought of Charles and that the change had not been her decision, so he let her off the hook for a few minutes.
"Welcome, Miss Stroll, please have a seat". Kathy, Charles' PR head of the department greeted her when they made it to the hotel where Ferrari was staying. The room they used for the meeting was a last time arrangement, but it had space and it made her feel better, considering how bad things could get once Charles arrived.
"Thank you". She sat down on the couch and Kathy handed her a glass of water. They didn't have to wait much before Charles walked through the door. If it wasn't for her being completely aware of how much of a prick he was, she was sure that she could fall at his feet over and over again every time she saw him. He was the most handsome man on Earth, she knew that, but he was also aware of that so it posed a problem for her.
"Sorry I'm late, I wanted to shower after the flight". He sat on the bed of the room and looked at Y/N when she scoffed.
"Thank you for that! Now the only thing that stinks in this room is your shitty personality". Charles growled. They spent less than two minutes together, 2 meters apart, and they were already at each other's throats.
"I told you this was not gonna work". He told Kathy. "She's a spoiled little shit and I can't stand her close to me. The feeling is obviously mutual, why force this?".
"Because you're the perfect marketing option and it's our job-". Kathy pointed between her and Nelson. "- to make you both a selling machine. So you'll both make it work or your teams will reduce money from your salaries for breaching your contracts".
"That's not fair. I need my money and this Matagot doesn't give two shits about her contract, her Daddy is a billionaire, you're giving her all the power in the world over me!". Charles complained. He knew that she didn't need the money, she could make his life a living hell without a problem and he would have to take it all like a good boy not to lower his income.
"Suck it up, Peanut. Compensate that small pecker of yours by being the bigger person!". She was enjoying the moment.
"The itinerary is long. Read it, learn it and follow it". Nelson explained to ease up the tension. "Remember to be caring and loving, but do not overdo it. Kiss once in a while, hold hands while you walk together. We'll take care of the interviews and the press. Act the part for Netflix and we'll help you with the conflict for the show-".
"We don't need help with conflict". Charles interrupted.
"We need conflict, not first degree murder, Charles". Kathy sent them a stern look as she let the comment out and both drivers looked at their laps.
"Okay, I got it all. Can I go now?". She wanted nothing more than to get out of there.
That night she texted Carlos, and he told her something interesting: His PR team and his father told him to put some distance with her. They were both surprised, since when did their parents dislike the idea of them being friends? They had been friends their whole lives, close since they remembered. They were like siblings, why couldn't they be friends anymore? They understood the whole PR thing, that she needed to sell and that there was drama that had to occur between her and her fake boyfriend, but why did it all have to happen with Carlos at an arms' length? It was weird and she needed to know. It was hard enough that her father had controlled her whole life, she was already old enough to make her own decision. Why did he care so much about her friends? It wasn't like she was going to date Carlos for real. Carlos had his own questions, he was almost 30, his father was stepping over a line trying to control his life like that, but he respected his old man and he was going to listen, as long as the decision didn't prove to be hurtful for his best friend.
"I'm not kissing you". She said as soon as she met Charles at the lobby of her hotel. They were supposed to show up together for the first day at the paddock. Of course, she wanted to make it difficult for him. "I'm not doing the same stupid shit twice".
"You don't have to do me this time, Matagot". Charles hissed at her. "Plus, it's not like I will enjoy it so shut up and make this easy for everyone".
"I said-". But he cut her off with his lips over hers. As fast as he did it, he pulled away and before she could say anything, he was practically dragging her to his car.
The day went by incredibly slowly, but at some point she became numb to holding hands and kissing with Charles. They would kiss and she would instantly start talking about something racing related, like Lance suggested she do to get rid of the awkwardness. Charles seemed okay with that. What was actually bothering her more was the fact that she spent the whole day without talking to Carlos. Charles noticed her looking for his teammate a few times but decided to ignore the raging fire it started inside his veins. He hated the idea that he had to date her, but he dated more the idea of her dating Carlos. He wasn't surprised when Carlos told him that he was going to date Y/N as a PR stunt, what surprised Charles was that they weren't actually dating for real. He could never understand why the Spaniard would refuse to date a woman like her. Charles found Y/N the most amazing woman, when she was nice, and she was definitely nice to Carlos. The older man explained that he never felt like that about her and it never made sense to Charles, after all, he did feel that way about her when she used to be nice to him. But that was a decade ago, and she had never been nice once to him since that time. Still, he felt pleased that Carlos wasn't a threat. She may have looked around for him, and liked him over Charles, but he didn't reciprocate her feelings, so Charles was safe. He was torn between a need for her to love him and constant reaction of disgust to everything she said.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Peanut? There are no cameras here". She said when he appeared at her room door.
"We need to talk". He made his way inside the room and she sighed, already too tired to complain.
"What do you want to talk about?". He sat on her bed and she went to the couch, not wanting to be near him.
"Do you like Carlos?". He decided that dancing around the question was pointless and she was kind of thankful that he cut to the chase.
"That's none of your business, Charles"
"Well, but we are fake dating, and he's my teammate, so I need to know". Lie, that wasn't the real reason, and she knew, but she let it slide.
"I don't like Carlos that way". She saw the accusatory look on his face and explained further. "We're best friends. Something happened. I don't know what. I think our fathers may have something to do with it. He told me that we can't hang out much for now. It's weird".
"Does this have anything to do with us getting together?". 'Failed act', Freud would say.
"We're not together Charles, we can't stand each other". He could pick up on her tired tone, maybe it was the right time to finally get her out of her shell.
"We used to. I remember that time. We had a great moment". But what he thought was going to be a comment that made her happy, completely backlashes at him.
"A great moment?! That's what it was for you? Just a great time?". She stood up, tears at the corners of her eyes and Charles suddenly felt the need to get up and hold her. He didn't, though. "That's why you just simply walked out and ignored me then? Because I was just another good time for you?"
"What? No, how did you even get there?! I never said that!". Now he was the one in a defensive mood.
"Your actions speak better than your words. You ignored me, after everything we did together, after how vulnerable I was with you. I gave you my virginity and you simply threw me away!". She was fully on crying and Charles just could take it anymore, he got up and pulled her to his body, hugging her as tightly as he could.
"I was embarrassed. I felt like I did it like shit. I was stupid and had zero experience. I came so fast because I liked you so much. I thought I let you down". He wasn't sure if she heard him, his words muffed by her hair and his sobs. "I thought you had not enjoyed that moment as much as I did and it was embarrassing, because I loved every second of it. I wanted to talk to you but your parents kind of scared me off from the house the next morning. It felt like I had done everything wrong. Then we saw each other at the race and you were so cold that I believed I was right. You then said those things... I- I just didn't know what to do".
"I shouldn't have said that. I was hurt and felt humiliated, I was wrong". She was grabbing at him as tightly as he was at her.
"We both were". He kissed her head and they broke apart. "I never stopped thinking about you. I always wondered what we could have been...". He let that linger in the air, the possibility. She took his hand and led him to the bed. Her actions spoke better than her words.
They woke up the next morning to someone pounding on the door. Charles quickly fell asleep again, but Y/N got up to tell the person at the other side to get lost. She was surprised when she found Carlos on the other side. The man didn't even say hi, he walked into the room, pushing her inside with him and slamming the door shut. The noise woke Charles up again, this time he did get up, furious when he noticed that his teammate was grabbing his girlfriend's arms with a python's grip. Carlos looked worried, but it was mixed with a bit of anger and something else Charles couldn't decipher. It wasn't until he spoke up that Carlos actually noticed his presence.
"What the fuck are you doing?!". The monegasque walked towards him, and Carlos noticed the lack of clothing, the black Calvin Klein's hanging from Charles' hips were the only thing keeping him decent.
"You two...". He suddenly smiled. "It was about time. A decade. Never met two people this slow".
"You're on thin ice, mate". Charles said, sternly.
"Then you're not going to like what I'm going to say next". Carlos took a deep breath. "I need us to fake-date, Y/N. I want to pressure my father. I think he's planning on setting me up with someone. But if he thinks we're dating even though he said no, he'll leave me alone". She looked at Charles, he didn't seem happy with the idea, but she also wanted to find out why her father was so against Carlos so suddenly.
"If- IF I do it, do you think we can make it happen sometime when both our parents are there?". Charles looked down at her frowning. "Remember last night, when I told you that I didn't know what happened? I want to find out".
"I don't know, mon Ange". She took his hand and his face relaxed a bit. He used to call her that, when they were younger, it felt right.
"I need to know, something feels off. This is the reason why we are together now. Over ten years of history fixed by one phone call by my father". He let out the breath he was holding, she was right. "Please, everything happens for a reason, Charlie".
"Okay, let's do this".
They had to wait until after the race. Carlos Sr. and Lawrence, Lance and Y/N’s father, were sitting at the hotel restaurant, chatting with frowns on their faces. Carlos and Y/N held hands and walked towards them, Charles following them close behind. He had a part in the plan, and he was ready to execute it perfectly, even if it was harder for him to act mad at Y/N now that they had made up. The older men looked up at their children when the three drivers approached them. To say that they looked horrified would be an understatement. Carlos Sr. seemed about to throw up, while Lawrence was simply shocked. The first part of the plan was done, keeping the element of surprise. Now to phase two: the lie itself. They sat at the table, Carlos in the middle of Charles and Y/N, his hand interlocked with hers resting on the table so their fathers could see them. It took the older men a moment to get the color back to their faces, but when they did, Lawrence went from white to red in a second.
"What the hell is this?". He asked, trying to keep the little cool he had left.
"We're dating, Mr. Stroll. We wanted you both to know". Carlos was the oldest, he took the lead.
"You can't". Carlos Sr. said with his voice rough thanks to the lump in his throat.
"That's not your decision, Dad". Everything was going as expected, but they had to admit that their fathers did look more disturbed than they had foreseen.
"It is. You won't date Carlos, you will date Charles as it was planned by the PR team and I don't want to hear anything else about it". That was Charles’ cue.
"I won't date her if she's in love with my teammate. We can barely stand each other, I won't get stuck into this mess for her". It hurt, but he had to say it like that. The other two didn't budge, and they had to pull out the last resort they had to press their fathers' buttons. Y/N saw their mothers walking to the table, so she took Carlos by the chin and started to get closer to him, ready to kiss him. Before they could make contact, Carlos Sr. was pushing them away.
"You can't do that, don't do that". He was almost losing it.
"Why?". She whispered, her eyes looking into his and a chill ran down her spine.
"You're half-siblings". It was Lawrence who said it. There was a long list of options that Carlos and Y/N had made of what could have happened, being siblings was not on the list.
"What?". Charles was as stunned as them. Lawrence and Carlos Sr. sighed and rested against the backs of the seat. Their wives, paralyzed behind them, were still unnoticed by the rest of the table.
"I had an affair with Lawrence's assistant. Of course your mother didn't know about it". Carlos Jr. had an expression impossible to read as his hand gripped Y/N tightly. "She got pregnant, asked me to leave your mother. I refused. She had the baby, Y/N. But then she got postpartum depression. She killed herself three weeks after giving birth".
"Y/N, you mother had just lost a pregnancy, no one knew, I found you in that house, alone, crying. It was the chance to give your mother a baby after the one she lost". Lawrence continued.
"You had the power and money to make it happen". Charles was officially angry, and it wasn't even his identity on the line. "What did you do with her mother? Where is she buried?".
"She was cremated. I took care of everything. I gave her the best there is". Carlos Sr.'s wife was looking at Lawrence's with pain in her eyes. She knew, all this time she knew that they were raising her husband's offspring and she hid it from her.
"Why did you let us become friends?". It was Carlos Jr.'s time to ask. 
"I wanted to keep in contact with her, watch her grow. You two got along so well, she ended up liking racing too. Everything led to you two in my life". Carlos Sr. let a few tears free. "Ten years ago, we considered letting you know the truth".
"Your mother and I discussed it, but then we saw that Charles was in the house, we kind of got rid of him to talk to you, but then you looked so upset. You got disqualified from the race for fighting with Charles. We understood that you were going through a lot, so we desisted". Lawrence added.
Carlos Jr.'s mother made her presence known and the three drivers took the chance to run away from the situation, knowing that the argument the two couples had was going to be too much to witness. The three ran to Y/N's room, crossing paths with Lance on their way there. Telling Lance that his sister was not his biological sister was one of the worst conversations they had. But they were all victims of so much, they found solace in sharing the tears together. They refused their parents' calls for the night, sending a text explaining that they needed time and that they would reach out when they felt like it. The four of them stayed in the room, chatting and calming themselves down. The irony of it all struck Y/N like a lighting and she couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny, mon Ange?". Charles asked and then kissed the back of her hand.
"If my parents hadn't scared you off that morning, we would have never discovered the truth". She explained, but her brothers didn't follow. "Charles walking out on me that morning is the reason why we fought that day in the race. Because of the fight in the race, we started hating each other. Because of the rivalry, I choose to fake-date Carlos instead of Charles. Because of my choice, Dad made the call and everything else followed".
"So, if you and Charles had made up that day...". Carlos started.
"We would have probably been together today, no need for PR, no need for your fathers to say anything".  Charles finished. All four laughed softly. "I was so sad that things didn't work out back then".
"Everything happens for a reason".
Okay, this is a LONG ASS STORY, sorry guys for not posting in months, I've been so caught up with work I literally thought I could get fired, but I had some time to edit this one. I hope you liked it. Remember to like, comment, reblog and all those beautiful things you do.
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ YJ BatBro Incorrect Quotes: Scooby Doo ⍘
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⚣ ⍘ A/N → ah memories. My first ever BatBro and Conner Kent post. Time sure does fly. Anyway, what I said still stands. There needs to be more Conner Kent x Male Reader and just male reader content in general. Batfam included :) WARNINGS: typical chaos, fluff, sibling arguments, random humor
⚣ ⍘ Summary → You join the Young Justice Team against the wishes of your father, Bruce Wayne aka Batman, who doesn't want his youngest son to join the superhero world. You've also got a mad crush on Conner Kent aka Superboy. Ever since you've joined though, you've got this weird habit of having moments in life feel like incorrect quotes. Oh well...
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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Superboy: Gee, Dad. Does this mean you finally accept what I want to do with my life me as your son?
Superman: *laughs* Hah-hah-ooh Superboy.
Superman: No.
Superboy: *sad*
You: *calm murderous*
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*Batman, Red Tornado, Black Canary, and the Team in the mission room with you & Kid Flash dressed up like waitressing girls*
You: Um, like this isn't exactly what I had in mind. Why are KF & I dressed up like girls when Artemis & M'Gann are girls?
Wally: Yeah *pulling on dress* my skirt's too tight.
Artemis: Because M'Gann & I refused.
*You & Wally grumbling*
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You: *dialing Conner* Sphere? It's Y/N. Put Conner on.
You: *Pause* ...because you're almost impossible to understand on a phone.
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*Kid Flash leading everyone through a door and shutting it*
*Demon Vampire that looks like Batman locks the door trapping everyone inside and throws away the key*
*runs away*
You: *mocking Kid Flash* 'Everybody! In Here!' Nice.
Kid Flash: How was I supposed to know we'd get locked in by your dad?
You: It's a cage KF! You always want to stay on the outside of a cage. And that's NOT MY DAD!
DV: *brooding*
You: I don't think...
Robin: *facepalms*
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*everyone looking down an ominous tunnel*
You: I wonder where it leads?
Superboy: Only one way to find out. *drops down chute*
Superboy: All clear! Come on down!
You: Catch me Superboy! *drops down and lands on your butt*
Superboy: Did you say something Y/S/N?
You: *sigh* never mind.
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*Wally receives message from Kent Nelson*
You: What does it say?
Message from Kent: HEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: Heep? What the hecks that mean?
*finding Kent*
Kent: I meant to type 'Help!" I'm no good with these new fangled gadgets.
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*talking about Bruce to the team*
You: Every day for two weeks now, he runs screaming down the hall and ends up sleeping in the yard. Is that normal?
Wally: For your dad? Probably.
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Speedy: What's up with Superboy?
*Superboy screaming and ripping his shirt off*
You: Oh, he's just in the zone. It'll pass.
You: If not, we'll spray him with a hose.
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*you and the team show up at the hospital*
You: Can we help you with anything?
Bruce: No. Go away.
M'Gann: Who's the patient?
Bruce: An employee at Wayne Tech. Go away.
Wally: What happened to him?
Bruce: it's classified...go away.
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*You and Artemis watching Wally and Conner spar*
Artemis: Hey Y/N, let me ask you something. If you liked a boy...?
You: *gasps* WHO TOLD YOU?! Was it one of my brothers?? Dick! Hmm, he thinks he's so perfect. WELL, what no one knows is he has a SIXTH TOE on his...
Artemis: UH! What are you talking about?
You: I- Clearly, not what you were talking about…
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You: Dad, you're vampiring is tearing this family apart! I'm sorry but you've left me no choice. I'm going to have to stake you! *randomly pulls out a wooden stake and mallet*
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☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
☀️ | DC Masterlist | ☀️
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leonardcohenofficial · 3 months
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a while back i did a game where i tagged folks to create a 5x5 collage of their long-term top spotify artists and share so i figured i'd bring it back! artists are listed l-r:
row 1: phil ochs, talking heads, the 5th dimension, the smiths, bob dylan
row 2: the monkees, nina simone, joni mitchell (glad to see her moving back up the chart now that her stuff has returned to spotify), bobby darin, beyoncé
row 3: les mccann, the grateful dead, laura nyro, the walker brothers, leonard cohen
row 4: the bee gees, the chambers brothers, richie havens, the staple singers, loudon wainwright III
row 5: donny hathaway, sun ra, odetta, the mamas and the papas, rotary connection
i'll tag @sightofsea / @nelson-riddle-me-this / @notharper / @glennmillerorchestra / @radioprune / @draftdodgerag / @dulcimergirl and anyone else who'd like to do this! 💫
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1americanconservative · 6 months
Some of the artists of the '60s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate baby boomers.
They include:
1. Herman's Hermits--- Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Walker
2. The Bee Gees--- How Can You Mend a Broken Hip.
3. Bobby Darin--- Splish, Splash, I Was Havin' a Flash.
4. Ringo Starr--- I Get By With a Little Help From Depends.
5. Roberta Flack--- The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face.
6. Johnny Nash--- I Can't See Clearly Now.
7. Paul Simon--- Fifty Ways to Lose Your Liver.
8. The Commodores--- Once, Twice, Three Times to the Bathroom.
9. Marvin Gaye--- Heard It Through the Grape Nuts.
10. Procol Harem - A Whiter Shade of Hair.
11. Leo Sayer--- You Make Me Feel Like Napping.
12. The Temptations--- Papa's Got a Kidney Stone.
13. Abba--- Denture Queen.
14. Tony Orlando--- Knock 3 Times On The Ceiling If You Hear Me Fall.
15. Helen Reddy--- I Am Woman, Hear Me Snore.
16. Willie Nelson--- On the Commode Again
17. Leslie Gore--- It's My Procedure and I'll Cry If I Want To.
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Round Two Polls
NOTE: Every poll is a completely randomized matchup.
Purble (Flight Rising) vs Preminger (Barbie Princess & The Pauper)
Vaati (Legend of Zelda) vs Skywarp (Transformers)
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs Erin Ruunaser (Aurora)
Shaun Gilmore (Critical Role) vs Skeletor (He-Man)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) vs Chowder
Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone) vs Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem)
Me (Baba Is You) vs Tallest Purple (Invader ZiM)
Eduardo (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends) vs Professor Plum (Clue)
Gerard (Monster Prom) vs Nelson (LEGO Ninjago)
Taako (Adventure Zone) vs Mayoi Ayase (Ensemble Stars!!)
Wally (Kikoriki) vs Shockwave (Transformers)
Hino Eiji/PuToTyra (Kamen Rider OOO) vs Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom)
Dionysus (Hades) vs Blinky (The Hatchetfield Universe)
Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Henchman (Cuphead)
Garry (Ib) vs Kanatsune Ame (Entropic Float)
Gengar (Pokemon) vs The Purple People Eater
Prowler (Into The Spider-Verse) vs King Amethar Rocks (Dimension 20’s A Crown of Candy)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) vs Asgore (Undertale)
Henry (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs Austin (Backyardigans)
Marx (Kirby) vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Lucifer/Hanzo Urushihara (Devil Is A Part Timer) vs Stacy/Stacaesar (Zenkaiger)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Night Vale) vs Cyclonus (Transformers)
Aaravos (Dragon Prince) vs James (Pokemon)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) vs Spyro
Mike Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Pocketcat (Fear & Hunger)
The Wizard (Stardew Valley) vs Purple (Animation vs Minecraft)
Chu Chu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Waluigi (Mario)
Skull (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Damien Ramsey (Magical Diary)
Enderman (Minecraft) vs Frank "Doc" DuFresne (Red VS Blue)
Ravio (Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) vs Sonic (One Punch Man)
Prince vs Star Platinum (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Shinsou Hitoshi (My Hero Academia) vs Therion (Octopath Traveler)
Akira Otoishi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Kanata (Go Princess Precure)
Barney The Dinosaur (Barney And Friends) vs Prince Humperdinck (Princess Bride)
Adonis Otogari (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Parado (Kamen Rider EX-AID)
Espio the Chameleon (Sonic The Hedgehog) vs Nidoking (Pokemon)
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Humphrey (Harpy Gee)
Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai) vs Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
Ai / Dark Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains) vs Soundwave (Transformers)
Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) vs Galvatron / Megatron (Transformers)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You) vs Essek Thelyss (Critical Role)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) vs Kurloz Makara (Homestuck)
MewTwo (Pokemon) vs Stan LaVey (Monster Prom)
High Geologist Shaggy (Tumblr) vs Chase (Kamen Rider Drive)
Purple Link / Vio (Legend of Zelda: Four Swords) vs Rick Shades (Epithet Erased)
Tinky Winky (Teletubbies) vs Purpled (DreamSMP)
Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Narancia Ghirga (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role) vs Count von Count (Sesame Street)
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ao3feed-narlie · 2 months
Knot Gonna Happen
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/GC5JsBh by tinyarmedtrex Nick Nelson doesn't date omegas. That's his steadfast rule, to avoid them at all costs. Charlie Spring doesn't date alphas. After a particularly bad break up he swore off dating in general and alphas specifically. But when these two meet and sparks fly will they be able to ignore the heat that's rising between them? Words: 3076, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Tao Xu, Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Nick, Omega Charlie, AU, Alternate Universe, Nick doesnt date omegas, and Charlie doesnt date alphas, gee wonder what happens, Happy Ending, Making Out, lots of scent stuff, Art Shows, pool parties, meet cute at a clinic, Flirting, So much flirting, Heats, No penetrative sex, no anal sex, feel like I need to include that, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/GC5JsBh
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35 years ago today was the Nelson Mandela 70th birthday tribute concert held in Wembley Stadium in London. Here’s some photos of the Bee Gees performing You Win Again. You can’t see him in the photos, but Phil Collins is playing drums for them.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Bobby Day (July 1, 1930 -July 27, 1990) Rock and Roll and R&B singer/songwriter/producer and multi-instrumental artist was known for his only major hit “Rockin’ Robin”. In 1958, the single, written by Leon Rene under the pseudonym Jimmie Thomas, reached #1 on the R&B chart, #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and sold over one million copies.
He was born in Fort Worth. His mother was Julie Jennings. He moved to Los Angeles at age 15 and began performing with the Hollywood Flames at Otis’s Barrelhouse Club in Watts.
He made his first recording, “Young Girl” with the Hollywood Flames. The song was released in 1950. He had minor music success as the lead singer of the Hollywood Flames, performing under the stage name of Bobby Day. Their hit song “Buzz, Buzz, Buzz” which he wrote, reached #11 on the R&B charts. He formed his group, the Satellites, which backed him on “Little Bitty Pretty One”. He and Earl Nelson performed as the duo Bob and Earl. He and Earl recorded “Gee Whiz,” and “Harlem Shuffle” under his real name, Robert Bryd.
He wrote and recorded “Little Bitty Pretty One” but it was made popular by Thurston Harris whose version hit #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The single was recorded by Frankie Lymon, followed by Clyde McPhatter. The Jackson Five recorded the song, which reached #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and #2 on the Billboard R&B chart. He wrote and recorded “Over and Over” which climbed to #40 on the pop chart. He wrote and recorded “The Bluebird, The Buzzard, and the Oriole,” and “That’s All I Want”. He recorded on several record labels including Rendezvous, RCA, Sure-Shot, and Jama Records.
He appeared on several variety shows in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s including American Bandstand and The Midnight Special.
He was survived by his wife Jackie and their four children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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ufonaut · 2 years
Miss ufonaut what do you think each jsaer sounds like
WELLL @slaapkat and i have certainly thought about this in detail before for some members (our obvious favs) but it's definitely the first time i'm considering it for the whole gang so. let's give it a try. and keep in mind more than half the jsa are from new york for some insane reason!
ted grant - the actual objectively ideal ted grant voice can be found right here in dc universe online and boy, if that's not exactly it for me! perfect accent, pitch, intonation, everything! mr justice society of hoboken is a dream come true to me!
carter hall - same as ted, the above works just fine for me! i think carter's got a pretty standard american accent, a deep voice and he always sound extraordinarily harsh to anybody he's talking to (except his various hawkgirlswomen, if he's in a good mood). at times, when reminiscing about his Past Lives That Are Totally Real he might unexpectedly launch into a fakey transatlantic 1940s period movie accent but that's about it.
alan scott - alan grew up dirt poor, and he grew up gotham. so, he's got a very thick gotham accent that may have lessened slightly with age and that he goes to great pains to hide anyway. sometimes, it comes out when he's particularly angry about something or when he accidentally used to say things the way doiby did (a running gag in his golden age books) like 'goitrude' instead of 'gertrude' for their beloved taxi but usually he keeps it well hidden. i think alan's voice is pretty deep but not extraordinarily so (compared to carter, at any rate) and back in his radio days he used to do that world famous Old Timey Radio Announcer Voice that sometimes he still uses on the news at gbc and nobody can stop him.
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kent nelson - when speaking as himself, i think kent sounds decidedly not american but not enough that you'd be prompted to ask where he's from. it's just that his father was swedish and worked for the british museum so i imagine kent grew up somewhere in europe before nabu got to him and sent him to salem. as nabu, his voice is much deeper and all mystical and echo-y; nothing like the milder and sweeter real kent nelson.
jay garrick - i figure jay's got a fairly high voice and a very unremarkable midwestern accent. he always sounds friendly enough, maybe he used to stutter a little when he got overexcited in his younger years.
jim corrigan - i'll never get tired of saying this but jim sounds like every stereotypical noir detective you can imagine. think bogie in the maltese falcon or any other fav you may have.
rex tyler - like alan, rex grew up poor (oh, please please please read hourman #5 the issue of the century) and probably found it necessary to hide his nu yawk accent at college and while working at bannerman chemicals. unlike alan, i do think he's stopped that by the present day but his accent's nowhere near as pronounced anymore at any rate.
johnny thunder - as the sole jsaer whose dialogue sometimes gets spelled phonetically, johnny's got a thick nyc accent too and he probably tends to sound like the average teenager, pretty high voice afterwards too i imagine.
wes dodds - honest to god transatlantic accent due to his various fucked up boarding schools and his status of being crazy rich and having a whole mansion in manhattan.
charles mcnider - charlie's from new york too (gee, who isn't among the jsaers?) but grew up rich enough that i think his accent's standard, nothing especially remarkable. his voice in general, too.
ted knight - see above.
al pratt - same as jay since he's midwestern too, just more teenage-sounding.
i may be missing somebody i don't immediately recall (women don't exist to me) so lmk but i hope you enjoyed these! what do you think?
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Except for the countdown clock during my own three spaceflights, I have never watched a clock as closely as I watched the sleep timer during that first shift. To my mild astonishment but great delight, Robin Williams had jumped at the opportunity to help us celebrate the shuttle’s return to flight with a rousing crew wakeup call. On top of thinking it was a wildly fun idea, he had a personal connection to the crew: he and Pinky Nelson had been contemporaries at college in Southern California. He sent me a five-inch reel of tape with about a dozen variations of “Gooood morning, Discovery!” on it. At least half of them were so edgy that playing them on air-to-ground would surely have gotten me fired, but the others provided more than enough material for my needs. Mr. Williams’s agent had also been thrilled by our scheme because of the publicity boost it would offer. He gave me a scare when he laid out his plan for promoting Robin’s participation ahead of the launch. I told him in no uncertain terms that this was to be a surprise, and that I would destroy the tape if there was so much as a peep from their end beforehand (I had the foresight to demand they give me the studio master tape, so could make good on my threat). For the first morning’s wakeup, Pierre and I made an audio tape with two of Robin’s craziest opening shouts and a corny number Mike Cahill had written to the jaunty tune of the Green Acres sitcom title song. We had managed to keep our escapade secret the entire time it was afoot. Only Pierre, KT, and I knew what was about to hit the airwaves.
The sleep clock finally hit zero. The tone that signaled an active link to the shuttle beeped into everyone’s headset a fraction of a second later, followed instantly by Robin Williams bellowing “GOOOOOOOD MORNING, DISCOVERY!” Quizzical looks and then huge grins spread across the faces in the control room at the sound of his voice, so very familiar but utterly unexpected within the hallowed walls of space shuttle mission control. On he went: “Good morning, Discovery. Rise and shine, boys. Time to start doin’ that shuttle shuffle, you know what I mean? Hey, here’s a little song comin’ from the billions of us to the five of you. Rick, start ’em off, baby. The Hawkster, to you.” Then the “Green Acres” melody started, and Cahill and his pals launched into lyrics that seemed absolutely perfect for the shuttle team’s happiest day in nearly three years:
On orbit is the place to be,
Free-wheeling on Discovery.
Earth rolling by so far below.
Just give her the gas and look at this baby go.
We can’t believe we made it here,
So high above the atmosphere.
We just adore the scenery.
Yeah, Houston’s great but give me that zero-gee.
Hey, look out the window!
That’s neat!
Cap’n, I’m hungry.
Let’s eat!
Maybe we’ll land at … White Sands?
Look ma, no hands!
This is the life! Oh, what a flight!
Earth orbit, we are here!
Rick Hauck jumped onto the air-to-ground link as soon as the tune ended, with an exuberant, “Gooooood morning, Houston!” The STS-26 crew was clearly awake and in very good spirits.
Kathryn D. Sullivan, Handprints on Hubble: An Astronaut's Story of Invention 
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Georgia O'Keeffe, that's the guy that did the Grease soundtrack, right?
No you're thinking of the Bee Gees
Georgia O'Keeffe is that woman who Willie Nelson and Ray Charles sang about.
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singeratlarge · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Billie Joe Armstrong, Michael Bay, The Beatles’s 1967 single “Penny Lane,” Jim Brown, Narciso Casanovas, Arcangelo Corelli, musician Andrew Crowley, Buddy DeFranco, Vicente Fernández, Fred Frith, Rowdy Gaines, Taylor Hawkins, Hal Holbrook, Paris Hilton, Arthur Hunnicutt, Michael Jordan, José José,Isaac Kappy, Alicia Key’s 2004 single “If I Ain’t Got You,” Larry the Cable Guy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mickey McGill (The Dells), Loreena McKennitt, Lola Montez, Chanté Moore, Huey P. Newton, Jerry O’Connell, Banjo Paterson, Lou Diamond Phillips, Puccini’s 1904 opera MADAME BUTTERFLY, Denise Richards, Rene Russo, Ed Sheeran, Sivakarthikeyan, The Temptations 1969 CLOUD NINE album, Buck Trent, Margaret Truman, Henri Vieuxtemps, and the consummate vocalist and songwriter Gene Pitney. He brought depth to simple pop songs, crafting choice cuts for Rick Nelson, Roy Orbison, Bobby Vee, and (famously) “He’s a Rebel” for The Crystals. I compare Gene to Bryan Ferry as both have a powerful and unique vocal technique that seizes ownership of any song or style. I also compare Gene to Harry Nilsson because they were branded as songwriters but had hit records from songs they didn’t write. Gene’s popular arc in the USA ran from 1961-68, but he continued to draw international audiences, particularly for his Italian language records (I’m a big fan of “Lei Mei Espatta”). His career intersected with Marc Almond, Burt Bacharach, George Jones, The Rolling Stones, Phil Spector, and other notables, and he kept touring literally till the day he died in 2006. 
Please enjoy my cover of Gene’s “Every Breath I Take” (written by Goffin/King). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PZcTHaYjfA Another GP “deep cut” I recommend is “Somewhere in the Country,” a densely orchestrated goth-folk-pop track akin to early Bee Gees. Meanwhile, HB to GP—thank you for your amazing music!
#genepitney #bryanferry #thecrystals #marcalmond #ricknelson #royorbison #rebel #harrynilsson #burtbacharach #georgejones #rollingstones #philspector #bobbyvee #goffinking #johnnyjblair
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
Forbidden Planet (A Tempest-uous movie)
(Thanks to Rotten Tomatoes)
[All images are in the public domain so, for once, I don’t need to worry about being sued]
As I have previously mentioned, I was terrified of monster movies growing up. This movie was no exception. Yes, it’s sci-fi, but so is Alien, and I had issues with that as well! The idea of an invisible monster sneaking in and killing the crew...yeah, it was a bit much when my mother decided to watch it when I was six.
Now I’m all grown up and can appreciate the film for what it is: a fairly decent adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
This is also a great example of how good Leslie Nielson could be in a serious role. Most people these days remember him for his comedic work, but prior to the 80s he was a well-regarded dramatic actor.
This was also one of the first sci-fi films that wasn’t broken down into 15-minute chucks for the serials like Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers.
If you would like to watch the film, it’s available on Internet Archive.
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We open on a flying saucer known designated C-57D (because in the far future they couldn’t be bothered to name their vessels like the primitives in the 24th century (the setting for Star Trek)) on a mission to a planet known as Altair IV.
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The commander of C-57D is Commander John “J.J.” Adams (played by Nielson) I have to say I like the duty uniforms of the crew. They look a lot more...well, uniform than those used by the backwater Starfleet, though the tech looks like it’s out of the 1950s (gee, I wonder why...)
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A quick search of the internet lists C-57D at 130 ft in diameter and a crew of 18 (meaning he doesn’t need that microphone to make announcements to the crew; they’re all on the bridge) Keep these figures in mind; they may be important later.
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C-57D drops out of light speed in the Altair system...too close to the star! This may be a short movie. Fortunately, the crew adjusts course and orbits the fourth planet.
Adams then spews exposition briefs the crew that they’re investigating the fate of a vessel knows as the Bellerophon (oh sure, the Bellerophon gets an actual name, but the protagonists’ vessel just gets a designation!), that disappeared 20 years ago while surveying Altair IV (and it took them 20 years to mount a search and rescue mission?)
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As C-57D approaches Altair IV, the radio operator receives a transmission from the surface. The voice on the other end, Dr. Edward Morbius, who tries to dissuade C-57D from landing. Morbius attempts to say the situation is too dangerous (but he doesn’t want to leave?) Adams decides to take his chances, and puts the crew on alert.
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(I will say, the visual effects for the 1950s is better-looking than a lot of CGI in the 21st century)
Upon landing, the crew sets up a security perimeter. Suddenly, they see a vehicle approaching at what could only be describes as a reckless speed. The vehicle comes to a halt and the driver disembarks.
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Meet Robbie the Robot. As ridiculous as he looks, he looks a lot better than the robot from the Jupiter 2 (and he’s made appearances in film and TV as late as 2014!
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(Thanks to The Big Bang Theory wiki)
Robbie drives Adams and two of his officers (Lt. Farman and “Doc” Ostrow) at a much saner speed to meet...
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...Dr. Morbius (played by Walter Pidgeon, who would go on to play Admiral Nelson on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea), who invites them in for lunch (hopefully not in the Hannibal Lecter sense)
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After lunch, Morbius demonstrates all of Robbie’s capabilities, then orders Robbie to kill Adams!
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Robbie instead short circuits until the order is cancelled, thus showing that Robbie is incapable of harming a human. Morbius boasts that he created Robbie, despite the fact that he’s a linguist and had no previous experience in robotics. He then demonstrates that his house has defensive shutters that he can lower almost instantly.
With that, he assures the crew of C-57D that he has no need of assistance and they can be on their merry way. Adams is happy to depart...as soon as he talks with the rest of the Bellerophon’s crew. Morpheus admits that some strange force killed the rest of the crew, except himself and his wife (who fell ill and died 2 months after everyone else). He can’t explain why they were spared, but the force hadn’t made its presence known for almost 19 years. Gee, that’s not suspicious at all...
[Quick note: Walter Pidgeon is called upon to do a LOT of exposition as Morbius. Unlike a lot of “info-dump” heavy films, he does a fairly decent job of not putting the audience to sleep delivering the background]
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Then Morbius’s daughter Altaira, or “Alta” for short (played by Anne Francis, as those who’ve seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show will tell you) enters and charms the officers (to be fair, they’ve been cooped up on C-57D for over a year with no women on board), especially Farman.
Morbius asks when C-57D is departing. Unfortunately, Adams needs to contact Earth for orders and to do that he’d need to cannibalize the ship to build a transmitter (disabling it for at least 2 weeks to tear down and rebuild the ship) Morbius offers to have Robbie fabricate what Adams needs (he’s in an awful hurry to get rid of C-57D...) Robbie drives the officers back to the ship.
Later, as the crew removes the power core from the ship and Robbie brings lead shielding to assist in building the transmitter...
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...the crew has a bit of fun at the ship’s cook’s expense.
As the crew finishes building the transmitter, the ship’s cook wants Robbie to help him with something...
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...recreational. Robbie says he can replicate it easily.
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Meanwhile, Farman is attempting to put the moves on Alta, who has no clue what he’s up to. Fortunately for him, she’s not interested (if completely clueless) in having him teach her how to kiss. Fortunately, Adams shows up and sends him back to the ship. He then tries to teach Alta about the birds and the bees (and who to avoid to keep from being stung), starting with wearing something that leaves a bit more to the imagination
Alta leaves in a huff and runs back home to complain to Morbius about how Adams interrupted her kissing lessons. Morbius then excuses himself, leaving Alta to ask Robbie to make a dress that leaves pretty much everything to the imagination.
That night at C-57D, something invisible sneaks past the sentries and sabotages the ship. Adams is furious the next morning, blaming the sentries and the crewman asleep next to the section that was sabotaged. Adams and Doc takes a rover to Morbius’s house (leaving Farman at the ship, far away from Alta)
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(interesting that at least the officers have warm weather uniforms)
At Morbius’s place, Robbie informs the officers that Morbius is not to be disturbed, so they wait in the living room for him. Adams notices Alta swimming outside and goes to check her out investigate.
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“C’mon in!”
“I didn’t bring my bathing suit.”
“What’s a bathing suit?”
The flirting over with, Alta gets out of the pond and dresses in...
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...something closer to what Adams would prefer.
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I’d say he likes it!
When Adams returns, Morbius still hasn’t emerged, so he and Doc decide to press the issue and enter...
(thanks to 1956clips)
Morbius then takes the officers into the bowels of the Krell civilization.
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Including a machine that translates Morbius’s thoughts into reality, which he’s been using to help him learn more about the Krell and make his life on Altair IV more comfortable (such as building Robbie) He then allows Adams and Doc to sample the machine.
Morbius warns that anything beyond the basic functions of the machine could be fatal. He has conditioned himself to use some of the higher functions through trial and error (and lots of recovery time between)
Morbius them leads them to a transport that takes them to...
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OK, I know a lot of the scenery is mostly matte paintings, but there are REALLY cool-looking, and even over 60 years later hold up compared to modern effects. Hollywood could learn a lot from some of the old techniques!
With the exposition about the Krell out of the way, Adams and Doc return to set up security measures to prevent further intruders...
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...including an electrified force fence.
Just before turning in for the night, the cook convinces Farman to let him out so he can meet Robbie...
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...and get his hooch. How the hell is he gonna get it all back to C-57D undetected?! While the cook is pondering that very question...
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...there’s a short in the fence.
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...or us there? Suddenly, there’s a scream from inside the ship and the crew is down to 17!
Now, I know what you might be thinking, but Morbius has an alibi.
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He’s been arguing with Adams and Doc about whether the government should be involved in his research. When Adams receives the news about the death of the engineer, he and Doc rush back as Morbius has a haunted look on his face, hinting that the exact same thing happened to the crew of the Bellerophon.
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The next morning, Doc makes a cast from the footprints left behind. Whatever it is, it’s HUGE! Adams then brings the cook in (since he was outside the perimeter while the murder happened), who managed to give Robbie an alibi as well (since they drank a good portion of that hooch at the time)
After the crew buries the engineer...
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Morbius warns that if the crew remains, they will be attacked again and it will be worse.
The next evening, the crew of C-57D prepare for an assault.
(Thanks to Tales From SYL Ranch DARKROOM)
OK, first off, this was the scene that sent my 6 year-old self screaming to my room.
Second, as timeless as the set pieces are, the monster effects are DEFINITELY dated.
Also, that brings the crew count down to 14, with Farman among the dead.
Additionally, it’s interesting that the monster disappeared when Morbius woke up...
Adams and Doc discuss the monster, saying nothing should’ve been able to stand up to the energy being thrown at it, Adams suddenly has the urge to talk Morbius into joining them on C-57D (whether they want to or not) and for either himself or Doc to access the higher functions of the Krell device. Adams leaves orders for the crew to take off if the monster attacks again, no matter what, and return to Earth.
Adams and Doc arrive to discover...
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...Robbie’s not allowed to let them in. Then Alta arrives and cancels Robbie’s orders, allowing the pair in. Adams explains why he and Doc are here (as Doc rushes into the bowels of the Krell compound against orders). Alta urges Adams to leave, but he refuses without her and her father.
Suddenly, Adams realizes Doc has gone missing.
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And we’re down to 13 as the machine was too much for Doc’s brain to handle. Doc’s dying words mentioned that the machine produced something called “Monsters from the Id.”
Morbius then enters, condemning Doc’s decision to use the machine. With that...
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...Alta decides to leave with Adams, much to her father’s disapproval.
(Thanks to GlobalWahrman)
So Morbius’s mind is the invisible monster...and it’s coming this way!
Morbius lowers the defensive shutters, saying he pities Adams, since the monster’s obviously coming for him. Then Adams says that the monster appeared (so to speak) once Alta rejected Morbius, so it’s likely coming for her...
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...and those shutters won’t stop it for long! Morbius tells Robbie to kill the monster.
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Yeah, that’s not gonna work.
The trio retreat to the Krell lab as the monster tears through the shutters.
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After sealing the doors, Adams finally manages to convince Morbius that his subconscious is coming to kill his daughter. Fortunately, they’re behind 3 layers of Krell metal that can withstand blaster fire without even getting warm.
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...oh shit.
The Id Monster melts its way through the door. Morbius throws himself in its path...
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...and with his death, the Id Monster dies as well.
With his dying breath, Morbius instructs Adams on how to start the self-destruct mechanism for the planet’s reactors that will destroy the planet in 24 hours, preventing anyone else from repeating the Krells’ (and his) mistake.
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With the ship clear of the blast zone, the surviving crew of C-57D and the survivors of Altair IV make their way back to Earth as the credits roll.
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