#gee look at that cool flower
toothandfeather · 5 days
I wonder...
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“An emergency contact…” Yuu scratches their head. “Well, there’s one adult who stands out. Someone who has welcomed me with open arms, listened to my needs, and someone I really look up to and trust. Headmage Crowley! Do you have Trein’s cell number?”
Not gonna lie, you had me bawling in the first half 😂
Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens.
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Up until now, Crowley had been nodding enthusiastically to your every comment. Feathers fluffed, eyes shut, as he bathed in the unearned praise. You could almost see his ego inflating right before you.
One adult who stands out.
A smile formed.
Someone who has welcomed me with open arms...
It grew, elevating the apples of his cheeks.
... listened to my needs...
He was glowing with pride, the most excited you had ever witnessed him.
... and someone I really look up to and respect.
His face might actually rip in half.
The you had dropped the bomb, and Crowley's entire demeanor collapsed in on itself. His shattered smile landed atop of the heap.
“Wh-What?! Professor Trein…!!” he managed to stutter out. “Did I hear you correctly?!”
"Yeah," you replied calmly. "Professor Trein."
"Wh-What exactly makes him a standout?!" Crowley demanded. When you gave him a queer look, he quickly deflected. "N-Not that I am envious, of course! I am asking as his employer so that I may take student feedback into consideration when calculating end-of-the-year performance-based bonuses."
"He's done so much to look after me and all of his students,” you patiently explained. “Professor Trein chaperoned us to the City of Flowers and taught us about its history. He ensured our safety when there was trouble afoot and even shed a tear for our moral character. I also heard from Ace and Deuce that Professor Trein oversaw NRC when Charon invaded campus.
“He always makes time to speak one-on-one with his students even on matters outside of schoolwork. Professor Trein cares about us like we're his real children and grandchildren. I'd totally trust him as my emergency contact.
“Compared to that… I seem to vaguely remember a certain someone who shirks his responsibilities at every opportunity, wastes his time on walks and snacks instead of running the school, offloads his duties onto children, and ignores my SOS calls when I was being held hostage over winter break.”
“I wonder who it could be that you’re speaking off.”
“Gee, I wonder,” you said sarcastically, staring right at Crowley. “Sucks that we’ll never know. Anyway, do you have Professor Trein's number or not?"
"W-Well!!" Crowley bristled, disarmed by your demand. "It wouldn't be very professional of me to hand out my employees' contact information as though it were Halloween candy! It's strictly confidential, I'm afraid I cannot divulge it."
He folded his arms smugly, waiting for you to change your mind, to beg for his cell phone number instead.
"Aaah, I get it." You shrugged, cool as a cucumber. "That's okay, I can ask Professor Trein directly myself. It was worth a shot to ask you anyway, headmaster. See ya!"
With that, you turned and exited his office. No fanfare, no groveling. Just... nothing.
Crowley completely deflated, cradling his head in his hands. He teased out a whiny groan.
"For them to overlook their most generous headmaster in favor of Professor Trein... Ooooh, where did I go wrong with that child...?"
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abooklover · 11 months
Lines/things in the red white and royal blue movie that make me scream and laugh hysterically (bear with me cause there’s a lot):
‘an urge I currently share’ (Ellen)
‘Making it was one of the most depressing moments of my career and I once saw Mitch McConnell eating a banana’ (Zahra)
‘You can hate prince Henry all you want but the minute you see a camera you better act like the sun shines out of his ass and you have a vitamin d deficiency’ (made even funnier cause of how literally this turned out) - bonus ‘what if I set myself on fire’ (Alex), ‘we’d ship the ashes to Heathrow’ (Zahra)
‘That’s perfect, you can kill me and I won’t have to go’ (Henry)
‘That’s what makes you so charming. That and your eyelashes.’ (So fucking glad they included at least a reference to this. Taylor’s lashes were working fucking overtime in this movie.)
Henry’s text with the attachment and ‘but we were ever so careful, dear’ (One of my favourite texts in the book and I’m so glad it made it into the movie)
‘Can you think of anything more wasteful’ (Alex), ‘Perhaps this conversation’ (Henry)
Henry’s weird little attempt at dancing while chugging out of a champagne bottle with on fist pumping weakly into the air (he is so me it hurts)
‘He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football’ (Alex)
‘Princes aren’t allowed to be gay, you should know that’ (Nora)
Alex trying to look cool for when Henry walks into the red room (we love an awkward boy)
Alex and Henry jumping apart to do the most unnatural things (Alex inspecting flowers like it’s his job and Henry perusing the bookshelf) like the idiots they are when Amy walks in on them making out
‘Are you still…’ (Alex) ‘Like Stonehenge’ (Henry), ‘or Big Ben’ (Alex)
‘Henry and I are much happier against walls’ (Alex)
‘Are they known for their homosexual tendencies’ (Alex)
‘And I thought Alex Gabriel Claremont Diaz was a mouthful’ (Alex), ‘He is’ (Henry) - and the fucking looks that followed it (kill me now)
‘I went to an English boarding school dear, trust me you’re in good hands’ (Henry)
‘Once, unsuccessfully’ (Henry)
‘Oh gee kid I’m sorry to interrupt your process of becoming but you’re the one who decided to put your dick into the heir to the British throne’ (Zahra), ‘Technically I’m the spare’ (Henry), ‘Not talking to you sir’ (Zahra)
‘Every time I see you it takes another year off of my life’ (Zahra)
Alex’s ‘Noooo..’ and the little laugh he does
‘If I’d had more warning I could’ve made you a PowerPoint presentation’ (Ellen) - another incredible callback to the book
Oscar Diaz’s affectionate ‘you little shit’
‘I’ve been thinking’ (Alex), ‘I seriously doubt that’ (Henry) and Alex’s mimick of it (absolute gold)
‘Or find herself at the top of the staircase with Phillip around’ (Bea, you literally had no right)
Zahra’s face when Alex starts mooning over Henry after his speech, then Zahra saying ‘oh my god, I just have to do everything round here’ and do not get me started on her whole speech to Shaan (greatest thing ever)
‘You might be lousy at keeping secrets kiddo, but I’m not’ (Zahra), ‘Zahra, I could kiss you’ (Alex), ‘Touch me and die’ (Zahra)
‘They can’t keep you locked away forever’ (Alex), ‘We really need to get you a book on English history’ (Henry)
The way Stephen Fry says ‘homosexual’
‘You still haven’t noticed my tie’ and Henry’s little smile afterward (oh how far we’ve come)
BONUS: ‘Do you think anyone noticed?’ and Henry’s exasperated sigh afterward
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tripleglitchwriting · 6 months
Ignition (Short 1)
CW: mostly fluff, mentions of war (both human and cybertronian)
Because I accidentally set the poll to a week rather than a day, I’m going to bridge the gap with a short story.
This is set shortly after part 4 because I like writing dialogue.
After the initial heart attack that was the last 48 hours or so, you began to feel more comfortable with this giant alien. He was kind, which was something you figured out after he saved your life, and he assured you he wasn’t going to kill you.
Now you were cupped in his hands while he walked back to this pod of his.
“So, what’s this pod thing we’re going to? Is it like a space ship?”
“Escape pod.” Ratchet remembered the crash. Well, he remembered what he could of it. Suddenly an old worry popped into his head.
“Right, right, escape pod.”
“Your injury, it wasn’t from… the crash, was it?”
“Oh, no, I fell down a cliff. It sounds stupid when I say it out loud.” Ratchet stifled an ex-vent of relief. “I was on a hike but I got lost, and then I started to panic because I don’t know how to survive in the wild, and then I panicked too hard and tripped in the worst spot imaginable.”
“You went out into an unknown area with no experience on how to survive there or any contingency plan if things went wrong?” He said with a mix of worry and vague frustration.
“Well there was a path… but there was also cool flowers off the path, and then I saw a rare bird, and then the path was gone. I really don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to come out here, I should have known better. I was doing fine at home I just… I don’t know.”
“Does your kind usually do things like this?”
“No, not really. Just me.”
“I see. Are you… no offense, but are you the dominant species on this planet?”
“What? I mean, I guess, we’re the only ones that can talk and all. That we know of. Actually, it would probably be a shock to the world if they found out about you. Knowing us we’d probably start attacking or something.”
“Attack? Why would you do that?”
“Well, I mean, I wouldn’t, but I’ve taken enough history classes to know as a whole we can be… violent. I hope no one else saw you crash, things could get nasty if they see you as a threat.”
“Thats… quite primitive.”
“Oh, gee thanks.”
“No offense.”
“Probably should have led with that.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.” Ratchet hummed to himself for a second, and then he began to think out loud. “If they do find me at least I’ll be able to get away…”
“What makes you think that?”
“Well- I- I wouldn’t think your technology is exactly…”
“Not up to par with your superior standards? Well don’t worry about that. We have weapons that can wipe out the world in a span of hours. Every country has their hand over the big red launch button, and if they see you as too much to handle, somebody is going to get blown up.”
“What? That’s- that’s crazy! You mean to say your leaders would sacrifice… how ever many there are of you in a given area just to take me out?”
“They probably wouldn’t do straight to the nuclear option for one of you, but if there were more and they were killing people, then probably yeah. If things work like they do in the movies that is.” Ratchet paused, about to make some snide remark about the primitive violence of the human race, but he stopped when he remembered the history of his own people.
“…I’ll keep myself hidden then.”
“Oh, um, good. I wasn’t really expecting you to accept that so fast.”
“If my own history were any different I might not have.” He sank deeper into thought. “Doe, is there a medical station anywhere near here I can drop you off at?”
“Wait, I thought we were going to your pod?”
“We are, I just… I got caught up in healing you and… look, I’ll be honest, I don’t want you to get hurt. How many of you are there on this planet?”
“I- I don’t know, 7, maybe 8 billion?”
“Billio- scrap.”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“It’s fine, it’s nothing. Let’s just… talk about something else.”
“Well, alright I guess.” After you said that, both you and Ratchet stayed silent for an agonizingly awkward minute. You felt the sway of him walking waft through your entire body, a feeling you haven’t even began to get used to. He seemed largely unaware of this, at least to your knowledge, and instead looked forward with a serious expression.
“How about we talk about… the weather. It certainly is sunny today! And there are… uh, a couple clouds… wait, no that’s just a weird tree.”
“You aren’t great at small talk.”
“How about you try then?”
“Oh I see how it is. Fine, you’ll just have to deal with my terrible communication skills.” You took a deep breath, preparing to go on a rant about whatever was on your mind.
“Oh please don’t.”
“Unless you’re going to say something I will.”
“Alright, alright. What do you want me to talk about?”
“That’s up to you, conversation expert.” You smiled smugly up at him. He huffed in return.
For the next five minutes he talked about his life up to this point. His friends, his enemies, glossing over assumedly painful details. In your mind a picture started to form about all of this. He wasn’t just an alien, he was a person. A person with real relationships, real love and loss, real war, real family. You felt silly having not seen it before.
A friend. You’d like to think that’s what you were now, though it was tough to tell based on the way he acted. You wondered who all of his other friends could be, where they were, and you even went as far as to silently wish them well.
Arriving back at the pod, hopping off the hand of a giant alien that saved you from dying the woods, you realized this may have been more than you bargained for.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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This is the classiest hacienda style mansion I've ever seen. It's in Los Angeles, California and if you can spare $15.5M it can be yours. Built in 1924, 7bds, 7.5ba, 1.04 acres of land.
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The entrance hall. That molding isn't wood, it's like a sculpted plaster.
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This sitting room is stunning. Look at the artwork on the beams. Beautiful windows and doors let just enough sunlight in, and that fireplace matches the molding. This home is quality.
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This wood doorway matches the ceiling beams. The details in this home are amazing.
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Absolutely delightful sunroom that they have set up as a cool office. Love the Mediterranean light fixture.
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Beautiful wood walled library. Look at the gold ceiling and that light fixture.
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The dining room has a beautiful ceiling, wainscoting, and big windows to the garden. You can see the fountain in the smaller window.
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The everyday dining room opens to the patio and look at the built-in planter.
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Light, airy kitchen. The lighting choices in this house are superb.
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Gracefully curving stairs in a rounded stairwell with lovely stained glass windows.
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What a pretty color scheme in the primary bedroom. It's certainly a huge room.
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Sitting area opens to a patio.
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What a fabulous vintage bath. The tile is so beautiful. Everything looks original.
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Large secondary bedroom has doors that open to a balcony.
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And, look at this marble bath. Just incredible.
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If wasn't for the sofas this would look like a real theater.
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Sunken bar open to the pool. I know it doesn't rain much in California, but gee, if it does, that banquette is going to get wet and everything.
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This is magnificent.
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What a property.
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The Mexican tiles are amazing. I bet they're handmade.
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Fabulous pond.
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The grounds alone are stunning.
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Plus, there's a modern studio/library.
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Nice sauna, too.
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Such attention to detail- look at the clay flower pots going up the stairs.
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Outdoor space similar to the glass-enclosed sunroom. Look at the light posts.
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Gated entrance with earns lining the wall.
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xiaojunsmintchoco · 2 years
Love Note — Johnny Suh
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pairing: best friend johnny x reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, roommates au
synopsis: despite having been best friends for the longest time, both you and Johnny pick up a new habit of leaving little notes for each other when you move in together. How does that blur the lines between best friends and lover for you both?
wc: 6k of (poorly-written) fluff
a/n: this is a gift for @sehunniepotwrites! Nikki, I hope you enjoy this fic (though it was wasn’t very well written imo :”) and that it brightens your Christmas for you! thank you so much for being such a cool mutual to talk to, though we’ve only known each other for a short while, I’ve really enjoyed our conversations! Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday!
“Dude, you good?” Johnny looks over to you with a concerned expression as he hears the sigh coming from you. 
“No,” you groan, scrolling through your phone as you look at the rental prices for apartments near university. “Looking at how rental prices are all sky-high, there’s no way I’ll be able to rent an apartment”. 
“I would normally suggest staying at home, but if I were you I wouldn’t wanna make a one hour commute to school every day, especially with the amount of work we’re gonna have too,” Johnny muses. 
You shoot your best friend a playful glare. “Gee, thanks for reminding me of that, John”. 
He merely chuckles as he watches you continue looking for reasonably-priced apartments, but all of them seem like they’d drain more of your budget than you’d like. “Say, what if we both rent an apartment together? Then we can both split rent, and it should be more affordable for us, right?” Johnny suggests. “I mean, I’d like an apartment near university too. Like you, I wouldn’t wanna waste two hours travelling to and from school in total”. 
Your eyes light up at your best friend’s suggestion. “You’re a genius!” you exclaim, his idea already appealing to you. With anyone else you didn’t know too well you would’ve been hesitant, but hey, this was your best friend you were talking about, which would be easier than having to move in with a complete stranger. In that moment, you thank the heavens that Johnny had decided to apply to the same university as you and gotten accepted as well. 
“Of course I am”. Johnny scoffs in return, earning him an eye roll and a light smack across the shoulder.
“Whatever, Mr Self Proclaimed Genius. I’ll send you the apartment listings, you can look through them, and then we can make a decision together”.
Johnny hums as his phone dings with the text notification from you. “Yep, that’s good,” he agrees, opening the link you sent and skimming through the list of possible apartments you both could rent. Before you know it, you’ve both settled on a decent apartment. 
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“YES! I can’t believe we actually got the apartment!” you cheer as you take the key and waltz into the new apartment. Johnny laughs at your antics, but lets himself into the apartment as well. It was quite a homey one, with a brown wooden floor and white walls. A comfy-looking sofa sat in front of a round coffee table and a television, and in the dining hall, you were greeted by a rectangular dining table, decorated with a glass vase of artificial flowers, as well as the fridge next to it. Talk about value for money. 
“Let’s go check out the rooms, shall we? Then we can pick the rooms that we want,” Johnny suggests. You agree, and both of you hurtle up the stairs, eager to look at the bedrooms. Turns out, both of the rooms have the same basic design — single size bed, a bedside table with three drawers and a lamp, plus a large enough wardrobe for you both to use. How you both still manage to argue (jokingly) over which room you both want — no one will ever know, but you both attributed it to your “best friend chemistry”. 
“Why are you so insistent on taking the room on the left? They’re both the same!” Johnny argues.
“Nah man, the one on the left has a nicer view from the window, so I want that one!” you declare. “Then why do you want the one on the left so badly, since in your words, ‘they’re both the same’?”
“The colour of the wardrobe in that room is nicer! The brown is warmer,” Johnny. claims, not backing down. 
“Psh, over that?” you snicker. This argument wasn’t going anywhere. 
You both decide the rooms based on a game of “scissors, paper, stone”, which resulted in you winning and getting the room on the left, and Johnny crumpled on the floor in defeat, being the dramatic best friend you’d known for all this while.
After moving into your desired rooms and unpacking, you both discuss roommate duties over an Indian takeout lunch. “I think that the cleanliness of our own rooms as well as laundry should be our own individual responsibilities,” Johnny begins. 
You nod, agreeing with your friend. “For the other stuff, what about a weekly rotation? This week I can do cooking, while you do dishes. But for the other stuff…”
“We’ll split it,” Johnny decides. “So this week maybe you can sweep the floor and empty the trash, and I’ll clean the bathroom and do mopping? Maybe I should do groceries too, since you’re cooking already. So what do you think, Your Highness?” he finishes with a mock bow to you, waiting for your approval. 
You laugh at the title he gave to you at the end, but approve of his suggestions. “Sure! I’ll write them all down on a piece of paper, then we can use one of those fridge magnets to put this on the fridge”.
And that commenced your experience of living with one of your all-time best friends. 
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“Yo bro, I just got a sick idea”.
You look up from your breakfast of toast with butter and coconut jam (Johnny had gotten lazy that morning and just made plain toast), and raise an eyebrow at the boy in front of you. He’s currently scrolling through his phone, seemingly engrossed in something. “And that is…?” you ask, cocking an eyebrow up while trying to hide the suspicion creeping into your voice. 
Unfortunately, Johnny knew you too well, and knew you had your reservations already. “Don’t worry man! I was just thinking, we could get Ikea desks for our rooms and assemble them together, since our rooms don’t have desks,” he mumbles through a mouthful of his own toast — topped with honey and butter. 
Alarm bells go off in your head immediately, alerting you that your friend’s “sick idea” probably might not be that great. “I don’t know, man…we’re like bulls in a china shop. What makes you think we can assemble a desk, let alone two desks?” you question.
“C’mon, it’s just like, Ikea DIY. How hard could it be?” Johnny argues. 
“Why not just get desks that have already been assembled?” you suggest. 
“Nah, if we were to get DIY desks that’d be cheaper, because we’re assembling it ourselves instead of the people in the factory,” Johnny reasons. 
“I’m not sure about this…” 
And so begins another round of the playful arguments you’ve both gotten used to since the beginning of your friendship, which Johnny won — partly because you gave in, since you knew he wouldn’t let up and you’d both be late for your first classes if the argument didn’t end somewhere. 
Now both of you are left squinting at the instruction manual of the first Ikea desk, while blindly screwing parts together. 
“Dude, watch it, it’s gonna — agh!” Johnny’s panicked yell makes you jump and drop the instruction manual, which you were previously poring over for the umpteenth time before the desk collapsed, missing you by a hair’s breadth. 
“What the heck, bro!” you exclaim, jaw still seemingly glued to the floor from shock.
“I’m sorry,” Johnny apologises, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Gosh, I didn’t know Ikea furniture was this hard to put together”.
“Yeah, who was the one who said ‘C’mon, it’s just like, Ikea DIY?’” you snort, reminding him of his words over breakfast earlier in the week.
“Shut up,” he groans. “I’m starting to wish I could eat my words. Nevermind, let’s do this again. What do the instructions say again?”
“So first, we’ve gotta find this wooden board. Then, we put four screws into it…” 
It takes about two more hours, and multiple glasses of ice-cold coke zero, but you both finally finish putting together the first desk. “Now that’s what I call a true masterpiece!” Johnny declares, stepping back from the completed desk and dramatically dusting off his hands. “Dude, we’re basically ready for marriage now that we can assemble Ikea furniture without killing each other in the process,” he jokes, swirling the ice cubes in his glass.
Having been his friend for years, you’re used to him making such jokes, so you don’t expect the wave of butterflies that sweeps over you when those words reach your ears. However, you brush it off and lightly smack his shoulder. “Don’t speak so fast — you almost let the desk collapse on me! Besides, we’ve got one more desk to assemble,” you remind, pointing at the second heap of wooden boards and metal frames laid on the floor in front of you.
“Oh, dammit”.
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One thing that sets you and Johnny aside from other roommates could be your habit of leaving little notes for each other on the fridge. Be it to update the other on location, remind the other about undone chores, or ask the other to pick something up from the store, every day, without fail, the fridge would be filled with these little notes — it had become a personal bulletin board of sorts for the two of you.
How it started? After this one day, when you came home in a state of awful stress due to the sheer amount of work your professors had loaded on you, and your dead phone wasn’t helping your situation. Thus, you decide to simply rip a piece of paper off a notepad, and scribble out a note for Johnny to let him know where to find you, before sticking it to the fridge with a magnet. 
I’m at home, just in my room. Very busy today. As soon as Johnny gets home, your note on the fridge catches his attention when he walks into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of milk, and he decides to check on you.
No sooner than two seconds after he knocked the door came your tiny reply of “come in”. “Dude, what’s that awful smell-“ Johnny begins as soon as he enters. The sight that greets him is you seated at your desk with your hoodie up, staring at your computer with your palms cupping your face. Beside you is an unfinished venti cup of iced coffee, and your favourite cinnamon scented candle — the culprit behind that “awful smell”. He knew the scented candle was something you used in order to destress, so all of those things signalled to him that you were having a less-than-ideal time. “Hey, you good?” Johnny asks, making his way over and plopping in the chair beside you, noting the way your eyebrows were furrowed and your eyes were glazed over with a downcast expression. 
“Yes, all is fine and dandy. Totally don’t have an eight-page essay due tomorrow and biology and math tests the whole of next week that I haven’t studied for”. With sarcasm dripping from your tone, you make your predicament known to Johnny. 
“Ouch. That’s rough,” Johnny hums, looking over at your computer screen as he racks his brain for ways to help you. That’s when he realises that the essay topic you’re on is very similar to one he’s done before. “Hey, I actually did this essay last semester. Would you like to read mine? Maybe you can refer to it to help you with your own,” he suggests. “I mean, you could even use it and just change a few sentences. Doubt the professor would notice”.
You turn to properly face him this time. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s no problem. I can just email you the document,” Johnny adds. "After this, I can study math with you and help you. Sorry I can't help with biology, since I don't take it". 
“Oh my goodness, LIFESAVER! Thank you so much John!” you exclaim, the relief visible on your face as your features relaxed into a grateful smile. You really were thankful to your friend — if not for him, you’d still be stuck on the third page of your essay, not knowing how to go on. 
“No problem, y/n. Just helping you out,” he answers with a grin. “What about after all your tests finish next week, we do something to relax?” he suggests. “My own tests finish then too”.
“Sounds good!” you reply.
Which is how both of you end up on the couch with Johnny, legs tangled up in a pile of blankets, savouring the delicious pizza you both ordered and laughing over what could well be your hundredth episode of Brooklyn-99, glad that the hectic semester was going to end before you knew it. 
It was in times like these, your best friend’s presence brought you a warm sense of comfort, like warm peppermint tea in stormy weather. Somehow, with him, the world seemed much less overwhelming and easier to take on.
What you didn’t know was, Johnny felt the exact same way about you. 
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Rain poured and lightning flashed angrily in the gloomy skies outside the window — but even that could not compare to the storm in your heart. To say you were frantic with worry would be an understatement. Walking over to the fridge, you re-read the note that he’d left on the fridge for you.
I’ve got basketball practice today, so I’ll be home at about 4 pm today. 
It’s now 5: 30 pm — one and a half hours past the time stated on the note. The fact that he wasn’t picking up your calls too wasn’t helping. 
Just as you think you’re about to lose your mind, the jangling of keys in the lock forces you to snap your head in the direction of the door, which opens to reveal none other than Johnny. He’s soaked to the bone, clothes uncomfortably clinging to every inch of him, bag slung over his shoulder. “Johnny! What happened, why were you not picking up my calls?” a flurry of questions tumbles out of your mouth as you hurry to take his bag from him and pass him a towel to dry himself with.
“Sorry, y/n. Practice was extended by more than an hour, and I forgot my umbrella,” he sighs as he gratefully accepts the towel from you and begins drying his hair. 
“My goodness, John. To think that was the first thing I reminded you to bring today,” you reply, facepalming at your friend’s absentmindedness. “Quick, go take a bath — I don’t want you to fall sick,” you add, and he complies.
Unfortunately, the damage had been done. The next morning, you wake up to this note on the fridge: Now sicko, so I’m stuck in my room. Don’t worry about me though, lel.
Johnny was now curled up under the covers, running a temperature and nose running like a tap. As his roommate and best friend, you took it upon yourself to take care of him. 
That afternoon as soon as you get home, you prepare some soup and rice for Johnny, and portion them into bowls. Setting both bowls onto a tray, you carry the tray to Johnny’s room before knocking on the door, entering when you hear a weak “come in”.
“Johnny, wake up and have something to eat before taking your medicine,” you say as you set the tray down on his bedside table. 
“Mmph, wanna sleep,” he mumbles, laying his head back down on the pillow and shutting his eyes again. 
“Eat lunch first, then you can sleep all you want,” you assert, gentle but firm. “It’s lotus root and pork rib soup with pumpkin rice, so you should be able to get it down with no problem”. He obliges, and you prop a pillow up against his headboard so that he can sit comfortably. 
“Mm, delicious,” Johnny comments, slurping up a spoonful of soup and taking a mouthful of the rice. “Thanks, y/n”.
“Anytime, Johnny. I know you’d do the same for me”. His voice, though now coarse and raspy due to sickness, still carried the same familiar warmth you’d grown so fond of throughout friendship. Your heart fluttered and pounded at his words — which you realised was now becoming a far too common occurrence. 
You sit beside him as he eats, silence being the only thing audible apart from Johnny’s slurping and chewing sounds. “You know, y/n,” he suddenly says, breaking the silence. 
“The way you’ve been taking care of me the past few days…it gives me ‘wife vibes’,” he remarks as you give him his medicine. 
“Elaborate, please,” you request, hiding your surprise at his comment.
"I mean…look, cooking for me, making sure I take my medicine, checking on me whenever you can…is that not what a wife does?" he reasons, gulping down some water. “Also, the way you blew up my phone with calls when I was late from basketball practice, that’s something a worried wife would do”. 
“Psh,” you scoff, rolling your eyes good-naturedly. “I’m just looking out for you as any good roommate would do. Besides, funny you say that — none of my friends think I give off wife vibes or mum vibes, even”.
Johnny raises an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Yeah, to them I give off joker vibes and clown vibes,” you explain with a laugh. 
“I didn’t know”. Johnny says, surprise evident on his face. His expression quickly morphs into a smirk, though. “Then I should count myself lucky, since I’m the only one among our friends that have seen this ‘wife’ side of you. Trust me, your future spouse is gonna be very very lucky”. 
You simply chuckle, picking up his dishes and scurrying into the kitchen to put them away in the sink in an attempt to hide the blush on your cheeks that had darkened one or two shades. He thinks I’d make a good wife! Inside, you’re screaming with joy as you walk back to his room with a fresh glass of water, and put it on his bedside table. “I’d light you one of my favourite scented candles, but I know you hate it,” you remark, and both of you share a laugh as you remember how he nearly gagged the first time he came in and smelt the cinnamon scented candle. “Rest well, Johnny”. You exit his room and quietly shut the door.
As you’re leaving his room, something clicks inside of you: maybe, just maybe, you were developing a crush on your roommate and best friend.
And maybe it had started way earlier than you thought. But you felt it was best to keep your feelings under wraps, lest you jeopardize your precious friendship.
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Johnny finds himself startled by your shrill scream one fine afternoon, and worried that you got hurt, he rushes out of his room and into the kitchen to check on you. "Y/n, what happened? Are you hurt?"
His eyes follow the direction your trembling finger is pointing at, and his gaze lands on a brown, oval-shaped object, with two antennae and six hairy, formidable-looking legs. "C-cockroach!" you stammer, shivering like a winter leaf. Cockroaches were one of your worst fears, and Johnny knew that well. 
Sighing, Johnny puts his hands on your shoulders and leads you out of the kitchen. "Stay outside, I'll deal with this piece of shit," he instructs, walking off to grab the can of insecticide in the storeroom. You watch from behind the kitchen door as he sprays relentlessly at the creepy-crawly, until it turns turtle and breathes its last. "Get me a tissue," he requests, and you comply. Picking the cockroach up with the tissue, he flings it into the bin and then cleans up the areas where he sprayed the insecticide. "This-is-J-S-95. Enemy-has-been-neutralized," he says in a robotic voice, releasing the fear in your heart and replacing it with amusement as you guffaw at his robot impression.
"Thank you so much, John. I thought I'd never be able to get my glass of water in peace," you let out a relieved chuckle. "Sorry to scare you with my screaming".
"No problem. I was more worried that you got hurt," he answers. 
"Tell you what, as a thank you I'll cook your favourite dish for dinner next week, as soon as our groceries are restocked," you suggest. 
"Sure thing. It's the least you can do after nearly giving me a heart attack," he jokes. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever John,” you chuckle, rolling your eyes and moving to pour yourself a glass of water. 
Funny I said that, everytime I’m around her, my heart pounds so fast I feel like I’m having cardiac arrest, Johnny thinks to himself as he strolls out of the kitchen. 
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Perhaps, deciding to sing in the shower is far from a wise choice — even if you think you’re alone at home.
But that’s exactly what you decided to do. After coming home from a stressful day at school, all you wanted to do was take a warm shower, use your favourite shampoo, and then get to tackling whatever assignments you had. And because Johnny wasn’t home, you thought it would be a safe bet to relieve some of that stress by belting your heart out to songs. 
You finish your private shower concert with your own rendition of Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You”, and exit the bathroom to find a new note on the fridge. Bro, great voice, you should’ve sang louder. I would’ve had a much better recording :)
He was home? I didn’t know! A mildly panicked thought zooms through your mind. You unpin the note from the fridge, and go off in search of your roommate. “Johnny Suh, if you really recorded me singing earlier, I’m gonna freaking kill you!” you exclaim, heading in the direction of his room. Sure enough, your own voice comes blasting through the door, eliciting a sigh from you. Still, you knock his door and wait for him to consent to your entry before opening the door and lunging towards him, pretending to strangle him. “You! Delete the recording, now!” you demand, making a finger gun and holding it to his head. 
“Not in a million years,” he replies, smirking as he holds his phone to his chest. “C’mon man, you sounded glorious, why would I not want a memento of your fantastic voice? Besides…” his voice trails off. “It would make great blackmail material!” he finishes, lips curving into a triumphant grin.
“You piece of-“ you attempt to snatch the phone from him, but he stands up and holds the phone up high. Though you’re not that short, Johnny has a height that can match Goliath’s, and you’re not able to reach his phone. “Fine. If you don’t delete that recording, I’ll retract my promise of cooking your favourite dish for tomorrow,” you huff. 
“Okay, fine, fine!” Johnny concedes, holding up his hands in surrender. Lowering his phone in front of your face, he unlocks it, opens his files and then makes a show of deleting the audio clip. “There. Happy now, milady?” he asks, waving his phone in front of your face. 
“Yes, very good,” you approve. “Congratulations then, you saved yourself,” you declare, striding out of the room. 
Little did you know, that night Johnny retrieved the audio clips from his phone’s recycling bin and listened to them, smiling to himself at how goofy and adorable he found you. He realised how idiotic he would have looked if you or anyone else were there, but hey — he was alone in the privacy of his room, with only the moonlight streaming through the window to accompany him.
Gosh, since when was I so down bad for her? He asks himself as he sets his phone on the bedside table and drifts off to sleep. 
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“So this is what your apartment looks like? That’s nice!” Taeyong compliments his friend on his apartment as he steps in, taking a look at the place. The last semester had rolled around really quickly, and Johnny had invited his close friends and group mates, Taeyong and Yuta, over to the apartment to work on a year-end group project. 
“Yeah, y/n and I decorated it together, is it nice?” Johnny asks, heart swelling with some amount of pride.
“Yeah, the ‘married couple’ vibes are immaculate,” Yuta says, eyeing the pictures on the wall, most of which were pictures you and Johnny took when you hung out together. 
Johnny doesn’t miss the teasing lilt in Yuta’s voice, and rolls his eyes at him. “We’re not married or in any form of relationship, we’re just roommates,” he reminds Yuta while leading his friends into the kitchen. “You guys want anything to drink?” he asks kindly. While Taeyong simply opts for water, Yuta doesn’t answer, instead focusing on reading the note you’d left for Johnny on the fridge. “I’m at Wendy’s house with Seulgi to work on our year-end project. By the way thanks for killing the cockroach for me last week, I’ll cook your favourite dish for dinner tonight when I get home! Aww,” Yuta remarks, turning to smirk at Johnny. “So, you kill the bugs while y/n cooks as a thank you? If that doesn’t sound married, I don’t know what does”.
“Yuta, I already said, we’re not married or in a relationship. I mean, I do like her, but neither of us plan to-“ Johnny is cut off by Taeyong literally spitting out his water. It’s in that moment that Johnny realises that he let that detail slip, and his hands instinctively fly to his mouth. 
“Wait, sorry, what? Say that again?” Taeyong prods. 
Johnny huffs and shakes his head. “Nevermind. Pretend I said nothing. Let’s just go get our project done”.
“Y’know, if you really like her, I think you should tell her,” Taeyong comments later as they’re wrapping up their project. 
“Nah bro. I’m sure she doesn’t like me back that way”. Johnny shakes his head. 
“How would you know?” Yuta questions.
“C’mon man, we’ve both been nothing more than best friends for a good chunk of our lives. No way she sees me as more than that,” Johnny argues, but both his friends are not convinced. 
“You’re not her, you wouldn’t really know,” Taeyong points out.
“That’s true. But I’d rather keep quiet than jeopardize our friendship by telling her,” Johnny replies. 
“Jeez, the signs are so obvious. I can’t believe you literally live under the same roof as her, yet you’re oblivious to all of them,” Yuta groans. 
“There are signs?” Johnny questions, raising an eyebrow. 
“Bro, I’ve caught her staring at you multiple times in Chemistry class. I sit beside you, and I can literally feel her gaze on you,” Taeyong says.  
“And even if she’s tired thanks to a lack of morning coffee, the moment you walk in — boom, her mood changes. Suddenly, she’s a can of beans and I can hear her even from the farthest end of the room. How do you not pick up on these things?” Yuta asks, not sure whether to be amazed or unimpressed by his friend’s oblivion. 
“She really does those things?” Johnny asks. He tries to hide his surprise, but his furrowed brows and agape mouth give it away.
Yuta facepalms. “Oh my gosh, you’re unbelievable”.
But it didn’t matter. Now that that information was in Johnny’s hands, he was now planning out his next move. 
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“And…we’re done for today! Great work y’all!” As three of you wrap up your work for the day, Wendy affirms the whole group.
“So how’s it been living with Johnny?” Wendy asks you as the three of you sit down at her table with the packet drinks she offered.
“It’s been going well so far,” you answer, taking a sip of your drink. “It’s really great to have him around the house so far”. 
“Why? So you both can get more couple time together?” Seulgi looks up from her drink with a grin on her face.
“Oh please, Johnny and I aren’t married,” you scoff. “We’ve been nothing but best friends for so long”. 
“That could change,” Wendy pipes up, and you shoot her a joking glare. Maybe you should never have told them you were beginning to crush on your best friend. “Okay but seriously, y/n, when are you going to tell him you like him?” 
“Never ever,” you reply, hoping your monotone could convey the finality of that decision to your friends. “We’re just friends, always will be, because he doesn’t like me back that way”.
“Ah ah, that’s where you’re wrong,” Seulgi argues. “You don’t happen to be a mind-reader, do you, y/n?”
“No, but-“
“Then how would you know Johnny doesn’t feel the same way? The only way to know for sure is to tell him how you feel first, and then see how he responds,” Seulgi cuts you off and offers her advice.
“But if he doesn’t feel the same way it’ll make things awkward between both of us,” you object, voicing your concerns.
“And if he does? y/n, if none of you make the first move, Johnny could well end up with someone else. I’ve seen Minjeong ogling at him already, you know,” Wendy adds. The last bit of information wasn’t true, but knowing that three of you shared a common dislike towards said girl, Wendy spun the tale in a bid to jolt you into action faster. 
“Wait, are you serious?” You stare at Wendy and Seulgi with wide eyes, and feel your heart sink to the pit of your stomach as they nod. 
“So, unless you want that bitch to get to your Prince Charming first, I suggest you quicken things and confess,” Seulgi advises.
That piece of information fills you with a new kind of determination, and you decide to take your chances. “Okay, that does it. I’m telling him how I feel, and if he doesn’t like me back that way, I guess I’ll see if he wants to remain friends or drift apart,” you decide. 
“Atta girl. How do you plan to do it?” Seulgi inquires. 
You pause in your tracks. “I don’t know, actually,” you admit. “I don’t really have any plan in mind”.
Three of you sit in silence, trying to formulate a plan for your confession. “Hmm, Christmas is coming soon, right? You could write him a note and attach it to his Christmas gift,” Wendy suggests. 
“Ooh, or you could just attach the note to the fridge on Christmas morning, when Johnny’s still sleeping,” Seulgi offers an alternative. “Then you park yourself in a spot you both like, maybe the cafe that you both frequent, and tell him to come find you there after he reads the note if he wants to talk”.
You process the suggestions that they just gave you, but eventually decide to go with Seulgi’s idea. “Thanks guys! Guess I have a plan now,” you smile.
“No problem. Girls help girls,” Wendy answers with a laugh. “Let us know how it goes”.
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On Christmas eve, you learn one thing — the person who coined the saying “easier said than done” was absolutely right. 
You had been so confident the days leading up to Christmas — writing and re-writing your note to him, asking Wendy and Seulgi for advice, and rehearsing what you would say to him after he reads the note. 
But now, at 8 am in the morning, you’re standing in front of your fridge, clad in your favourite winter coat and beanie, hand moving to place the note on the fridge door before removing it again. 
Is this really a good idea? What if he rejects me? Will I be able to handle the pain that comes after? A million questions race through your head as you contemplate your decision. Screw it, let’s just do this, you decide, and reach for a magnet on the fridge.
A hand comes out of nowhere and reaches out for the same magnet. “Oh, I’m sorry, you can use that,” a familiar voice sounds next to your ear, making you jump. 
“Johnny! Why are you up so early?” you ask, genuinely surprised. Johnny’s not a morning person — he’ll take any opportunity to sleep in. To see him up so early in the morning on a holiday was probably an event that should be recorded in history books.
“Oh, erm, I just — have somewhere to be later,” Johnny garbles out a reply somewhat hesitantly as he fiddles with the earmuffs around his neck. “I wanted to leave you a note before I left, but I suppose I can just pass it to you now?”
“Sure thing,” you answer, taking the piece of paper from him. You assumed it would be something simple, such as asking you to pick up something from the store or to let you know where he’d be. 
“Do you mind passing me yours as well? I can just read it now,” Johnny suggests before you can properly register the first word on his note. 
You hesitate, thinking your options over. If you told him no and just left the note on the fridge before scurrying off, he would still read it anyway. If you told him yes and complied — same result. Oh well. “Here you go,” you say, praying that he doesn’t see how your hands are trembling ever so slightly. Your heart thuds like a galloping horse as you watch him scan your note — the moment of truth was near. In a bid to distract yourself, you read his note to you.
I’ve kept this secret to myself for way too long, and I need to get it off my chest, so I’ll say it here now — I love you, as more than just my best friend. 
There’s so many things about you that made me fall for you. For one, we share the same sense of humour — you’re the only person I know who will talk about weird shit with me the whole night until we’re in stitches from laughing, wondering if we need mental help. I really appreciate the things you do for me, be it taking care of me when I’m sick, cooking my favourite dishes, or remembering even small details that I mention to you. Another reason is that you’ve been my best friend for so long, there’s this level of comfort and understanding that’s exclusive to the both of us. I don’t know — there’s something about being in your presence that brings me this warm sense of comfort and joy, and it’s more than words can describe. Of course there’s more reasons, but if I went on this note will never end. 
I know that this is very sudden, and I understand that you may need time to think it over, so take as long as you need, and meet me at the cafe beside school when you’re ready to talk. Merry Christmas, y/n.
You read and re-read the note multiple times with what you’re sure is a visible gawk on your face. Johnny likes me too? Is this a dream? You pinch yourself hard, and soon realise you’re really not dreaming. 
“Dude, you like me too?” Johnny’s voice disrupts your train of thought, and you shyly nod as you look up from the piece of paper, now slightly crumpled due to the tightness of your grip on it. Disbelief, surprise and then joy make their way onto his face in quick succession, before he lunges for you like a golden retriever and pulls you into a big hug. “Oh my gosh, I was so afraid you didn’t feel the same way, and that I’d ruin our friendship,” he mumbles. 
“Honestly, same here John,” you reply, head resting on his shoulder. “But I’m glad now I know, because I can finally confidently say that I love you — as more than just my best friend”. Your next move surprises Johnny — before you both break the hug, you press a chaste kiss to his lips. His stunned expression amuses you to no end, and you end up chortling at how he raises his fingers to his lips in disbelief. 
But when he overcomes the surprise, he pulls you in once more for another kiss, this time one that’s longer and a bit deeper. You savour everything about the kiss, from the feel of his lips on yours to the taste of his chocolate lip balm. 
“Wow, what a way to start our Christmas,” Johnny chuckles as you both pull away for oxygen. “Merry Christmas, y/n. I love you”.
You smile at your friend, heart bursting with more joy, love and warmth than you’d ever felt in your whole life. “Merry Christmas, Johnny. I love you”. 
taglist: @moonsclover @bangchan-fairy
199 notes · View notes
eanul-rmbl · 15 days
Dog days and puppy love : Part 1
Hypnos x Y/N
wc : 1.1k+
warning : she/her pronouns. no beta. (I'll be doing the beta once all parts are added, so I can have a full clean/revised version!)
I might actually finish this one guys. It's gonna have eight parts total, all with 1k words (à peu près). but anyway! Hypnos gets a crush on Zagreus' friend under the heat of summer. Pure fluff!
The dead-of-summer heat was enough to make Hypnos pass out. In fact, he wanted to pass out immediately right then and there. He was, however, walking in the middle of a slightly crowded poorly-shaded sidewalk. Up ahead, he heard a familiar voice of laziness; it was Zagreus’ voice. Casual. Familiar. Bored out of his mind.
It was difficult to see, as the sunlight and heat seemed to work in tandem to blind Hypnos. That, and the fact that flesh-melting warmth was always both the best weather to nap in, and the worst weather to actually live in. They yelled at him to sleep and he blinked, head down in a funny attempt to hide himself from the sun.
As Hypnos walked up to Zagreus, he noticed an extra pair of shoes nearby.
Looking up, he met a pair of crystalline eyes that shimmered as the owner of said eyes laughed whole-heartedly. Her hair shone against blinding the summer light, almost threatening to blind Hypnos, himself. Yet, this light of her was soft, gentle and cooling. She graced his ears with laughter that was heavy and earthy, real and grounding.
He wondered if she was a hallucination from sun poisoning as she seized in laughter.
It echoed across Hypnos’ ears long after she stopped to look at him. He stared, dumbfounded and struck, as she gave him one of the most sincere smiles he had ever seen. A smile that described Hey, I've got you. You're in good hands. One that accepted him. One that understood him.
Hypnos stumbled to speak once he finally heard the silence.
“Oh, u-uhm! Hello there!” His voice was shaky and he was fresh from being shaken out of his own thoughts. He rubbed the back of his neck and tried looking elsewhere. He'd tried the sky. It was too vast a nothing to look at something. And it burned his retinas. He'd try the surrounding flora, yet, as if a moth to a flame, Hypnos had kept blinking and persistently always found his eyes on her own.
He smiled nervously. Luckily, Zagreus came to the rescue.
“I just realized I hadn't introduced the two of you yet,” he started, gesturing her to Hypnos. “(Y/N), this is Hypnos. Hypnos, (Y/N).”
She gave Hypnos another short smile and he grinned. Gosh, he was too tired for this absolute gem of a person.. She reached out to shake his hand. He grasped it with hesitancy.
“Nice to meet you, Hypnos,” she said gently. Her hand was so soft. So soft. Soft as silk, or as flower petals. Well, soft or pleasant. It was difficult to tell. Either way, Hypnos found great difficulty letting go.
He stumbled to rub the back of his neck once more.
“Oh! Gee, nice to meet you too!” he said.
“Say, I've seen you before, haven't I?” She did?? Did she??? Hypnos would have remembered someone like her. Eyes like hers. Laughter like hers. “Don't you, like, work for Zagreus’ dad or something? I frequent the flower shop nearby.”
Oh. By the time his shift ends, he's barely awake to register anyone.
Hypnos’ shoulders slumped a little. He grinned tiredly.
“Oh, well, you see, I'm,” he gestured exaggeratedly towards himself with both palms pointed to his bosom. “..usually half dead after my shifts, so, I wouldn't recall!”
Then she laughed.
The edges of her shining eyes crinkled and her eyes squinted and it was melodious and she laughed. It was a laughter of wonder, borne of a good heart and well intentions. It was carefree and didn't care if it was too loud, too wide or too much of anything.
In fact, it was everything to Hypnos.
She spoke some words of agreement.
Zagreus grinned lazily, pointing a playful elbow to Hypnos’ side. Hypnos responded in a chuckle and a grin. “Mate's usually always either half dead, or half asleep. Works long hours, see.”
She gasped exaggeratedly. “A hard worker! Marry me, here and now! Zagreus just got boring!”
The aforementioned Zagreus scoffed playfully. “Hey now,” he cried in overplayed fashion.
“We're divorced now. Get the papers. I'm marrying Hypnos.”
Hypnos laughed nervously.
Then, something caught her eye.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, seizing up a little in shock before relaxing right away and squatting down.
Hypnos stared.
“What is it, mate?” Zagreus asked, scrolling through his phone lazily. He chuckled at something he saw and showed it to Hypnos. It was another overused internet meme, one of a man sprinkling salt, or whatever it was, on top of whatever the other thing was. Hypnos chuckled lightly, though he couldn't find the humor in it.
“Zagreus, lookit here!!” (Y/N) quickly shot up from the ground, seemingly out of nowhere. Hypnos found himself almost falling over, as he hadn't realized that he leaned over her earlier to look at Zagreus' phone. “Oh, sorry man.”
“What!” Hypnos quickly shook his head. No, no, nonono! It's fine! I'm fine!” he nearly exclaimed, likewise shaking his hands in a defensive motion.
She grinned proudly at him, eyes shut tight. Lifting her hand, she revealed a green bug on a green leaf. “Lookit. Moth caterpillar.”
Hypnos stared, right in front of her. Zagreus gagged, off to the side.
She sighed, petting the thing with her index finger like it was the most precious thing in the world. Like it and her shared some deep memory together. Like she understood it, like she accepted it.
Like she was enthralled by it.
“I love moths,” she whispered, looking at nobody in particular. “Something about looking for the light in the dark. Something about their fuzzy, cozy cuteness.”
Hypnos only nodded.
She smiled one of those smiles. Empathetic. Kind. Gentle. Rare from the public, and yet all too common when coming from her, from the looks of it. She turned to put the caterpillar onto a bush in the shade. Before returning to both Hypnos and Zagreus.
“You done with that, er, thing, mate?” Zagreus prompted, glancing away from his phone for the first time in ages.
By the time their conversation was over, Hypnos just realized that he barely spoke for more than half of it. It was a big step for someone who's been told he couldn't shut up by those around him for pretty much his entire life.
Mostly, he remembered her eyes. Her laughter. Her jokes.
Her smile.
It enchanted him. Hypnos sighed as her and Zagreus went about their day. Hypnos turned to whatever it was he was doing beforehand.
Perhaps he'd remember if he slept on it. So that's what he was going to do.
Perhaps he'd even dream of her.
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nikkiiiscute · 4 months
One Headcanon for everyone one in the neighborhood! (Except for u Home D:<)
Note that this is when everyone was still alive / human sooooo yeah.
🍎Wallace would sometimes weirdly talk to the puppets and would call them by his friends' real names. Example : "Julia's hair is soft today, Right Barnabus?... Yeah she's like a.. Hair master, hehehehe" "Said something about my hair? uhhhh.. Dory (Dory is a nickname for devil dorelaine) said not to touch the puppets during lunch... Hello? Wally?"
🐶Barnabus likes to have an airhorn to sneakily sneak up and it's kinda like this, "BWAAAAAHH!! hahahaha, I'm never getting tired of Aira" "*huff huff* First.. YOU KNOW I CAN'T STAND NOISE!!! Second... You.. Named your airhorn Aira? Third... Your paying for my book.. Do you have a 50? Thank you." "Aaalright alright sorry, Ayy how ya doin lil buddy?... Ehh.. Wally?"
🌸Julia would often give people nicknames that are fun (and may or may not be from Jonas (Jonesy) heres a look. "Hiya Bya! Sup Franko! You too Eeedee! Hello Popsie, good day to ya! Lookin good Barney! Howdy Howdy! Oh hi walls, Said something about my hair? uhhhh.. Dory said not to touch the puppets during lunch... Hello? Wally?"
☀️Byeol / Sally will come up with episode concepts with sammy Julia as they got a good story to tell and would show it to Dorelaine as an Episode Proposal kinda like this, "Ronald Dorelaine, What do you think of our most Astounding, Most Remarkable episode?" "Hope ya like it Dory! I like a new side character move in :>" "Oh just in time! What is your Creative Brain thinking about this Spectacular Script huh Wallace?"
🦋Frank will always have a book or two during Lunch Breaks so they can keep up with entomology / lepidoptorology while on the job, Why not we take a look? "Hiya darling, What's the new topic? Is it okay if I can see?" "It's about Chimeras, It's a rare thing with butterflies that can give them Asymmetrical Wings and yes dear, you can see the pages" "How you two lovebirds doin?" "Hiya Howdy, Doing great. Say, Do you know any sneak peaks for the new episode?" "Nada, But I got one more readin' buddy! Say, How'd ya like to know things about my favorite bug? ay Wally? "
✉️Eddie is clumsy in work, It's obvious that Byeol added this trait cuz he would ACTUALLY trip on set. Here's a nice preview. "Hiya Frank! I got the package ya- AAGH!! oof!... I'm A -Okay!" "CUUUUTTT!!! Eddie, You really need to stop being a klutz or else it will fuse into your characte- Ohhhh! That needs to be written down, this WILL be added to your character! Now I'll just ask Dorelaine for approval" "Aaand there's my clumsiness fused into Mr. Dear. Which is actually kinda cool. Ya hands still sweating Wally?"
🐛Howard is the person that prepares the sets and Eddie helps out, I feel like Howard would be indecisive about how the layout of it should be, Heres a snippet. "Gee.. I-I dunno if the flowers should be pansies or marigolds..Uhhhh I think both! then it'll be the main focu- THAGHH!! I CAN'T THINK OF A LAYOUT!!" "Ay! ay! Calm down Howdy! ya just need some brain rest and actual rest, Ya stayed up 'till 4! I think the 'Bodeguero' thing is getting to ya head. So, Whaddya say?" "uhhh, Sure thing barn. EDDIE!! TELL DORY THAT I NEED A BREAK!! AND TELL DORY MS. PERDIZ'S NOT FEELIN' WELL AIGHT!?" "Got that covered!" "*heavy exhale*... Oh howdy - do lil guy.. Didn't notice ya Walls"
🐦Poppy is prolly the one with the sewing / repair puppets as she can do the job either at Home or Work cuz she's convalescent like my mom. So she's rarely in the Poppy suit and Voice Acting, That's why Partridge is rarely seen. Last part I swear. "Hello dearies, I'm back from my doctor's appointment." "Hiya mothe- I mean! Ms. Perdiz! How's your stomach doin?" "Doing well dearie! now, you said something about Mr. Darling puppet having a tear? Hello? dearie are you okay? Mr. Darryl? Wallace?"
❌ Samuel is dead, He has no info on him. We are so sorry.
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atwas-creations · 2 years
Rose Petals
Warning: Sonic Frontiers spoilers.
“Hey, Amy,” Sonic said as he approached her.  Amy had her bag in her hand, and she was just locking the front door of her house.  “You all set to go?”
Amy looked down at her bag.  “Yes, I am.”  She sighed sadly.  “I guess this is good-bye for now.”
Sonic held out a hand.  “Take care, Amy.  I’ll check in on Cream and Big for you from time to time.”
“I appreciate that,” Amy said as she shook his hand.  “Cream and Cheese agreed to take care of my flowers while I’m gone.”
Sonic nodded.  “Great.  Oh, by the way, you did let Sticks know you’re coming, right?  Cuz you know how she gets when people drop in unexpectedly.”
Amy chuckled.  “Yes, I let her know.  Good thing Tails was able to convince her to at least get an email account.  I can’t wait to catch up with her, really, see how things are going back on Seaside Island.”
“You’re sure you wanna do this?” asked Sonic.  “I’m not even sure what it is you plan to do.”
“I’m not sure, either,” Amy said.  “But I made up my mind on Kronos Island.  I just know that this world needs love, and I want to show people what love really is.  You understand that, don’t you?”
“Mmm…” Sonic shook his head.  “Not really.  Freedom, I get.  Love… eh, that’s more your thing.”
“Hmm…” ��Amy regarded him thoughtfully.  “Sonic… um…”  She took a breath.  “Look, I- I know I was kinda weird when I first met you…”
Sonic raised an eyebrow.  “‘Kinda’?”
Amy frowned.  “I’m trying to say something, here.”
Sonic raised his hands defensively.  “Okay, okay.  Go ahead.”
Amy continued, “I want to thank you for… for sticking with me through all that… weirdness.  You’ve helped me to grow up a lot, and your kindness and friendship have shaped who I am in ways I can’t even begin to express.  I…” She closed her eyes and sighed again.  “Look, my feelings for you, they never changed.  I don’t know if they ever will.  But I’ve been able to accept that our relationship… is what it is.  Being with you has taught me that love isn’t just romance.  It’s more than that.”
When she paused, apparently expecting Sonic to say something, he just shrugged and said, “Well, I can’t say that I understand what you mean.  Like I said, ‘love’ really isn’t my thing.”
“I think you do understand,” Amy said.  “You just don’t call it ‘love.’  Sonic… do you know why I’ve always been so crazy about you, so…”  She chuckled.  “So desperate, at times, to be by your side?”
Sonic crossed his arms behind his head and gave her a cocky grin.  “Sure, I can think of lots of reasons: my good looks, my athletic build, my speed, my sharp wit, my winning smile-”
“Your heart, Sonic,” Amy cut in.
Sonic just looked at her, brows furrowed, not understanding.
Amy laughed.  She put her suitcase down and put her hands on her hips.  “You really don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?  For all your self-assured, arrogant conceit-”
“-you don’t see in yourself what the rest of us do.  Sonic, you are the most loving, kind, compassionate person I have ever met.  You give of yourself freely, every day.  You would do anything for anyone, just because they asked, and you’re always the first to notice whenever someone needs something, whether it’s food, protection, or just a kind word.  You really are a hero, Sonic.  And maybe the best thing about you is, however conceited you may be, you often don’t even think of yourself as a hero.  You know you are one, but you don’t let it go to your head.  It’s not something you are, it’s something you do.  You may not be good at telling people how much you care, but you show it every day.  Love isn’t just a word to you- it’s an action.”
“Uh…” Sonic scratched behind his ear.  He looked embarrassed.  “Gee, Amy, I… I really don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” Amy said as she picked her suitcase back up.  “Just keep being who you are.”
“Hey, that’s what I’m best at,” Sonic said.
��And that’s what makes you so cool,” Amy said.  She started to leave, but she noticed Sonic wasn’t looking at her.  He was focused on a spot on the ground, a hand on one hip, brows furrowed.
Amy leaned in quickly and pecked his cheek.
Sonic looked up, startled.
“Just for luck,” Amy said, although she was blushing just a little.  “Take care, Sonic.  I hope to be able to see you again soon.”
Sonic nodded.  “Yeah.  Y-you, too.”
He watched her leave, unconsciously putting a hand up to the warm spot on his face where she had touched him, and surprised to find himself hoping she wouldn’t be gone too long.
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CBS Ghosts - Viking Funeral - The Reveal of a Body Part 1
Spoiler May Appear.
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I love how Mark just slides by the whole awkward encounter from before and starts explaining some of their process.
Naturally, Jay has been summoned from the kitchen (?) I presume, and is like "Damn this whole thing is so costly" - gee Jay, maybe you should've ran some numbers before deciding to do this.
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I love how you he leads them to the hole, before being like "look what we found".
Like he really wanted them to see it for the reveal rather than just telling them. Like he isn't sure how to tell them that there's human remains on their property.
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LMAO Mark looks like he's having fun with this reveal.
Like he's already thinking Sam's a wack Job, and now he finds human remains... and he's just "isn't this fun."
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OOOOH I love this.
So we can obviously assume that Pete, Trevor, Alberta and Sass followed Sam out the door to find out what happened. But we don't see them until this moment!
They're all standing there, together and surprised. And I love the juxtaposition from the three livings to the ghosts.
I wonder if before Thor says "hey that's me" if one of the other ghosts thought it could be one of them? Or a secret ghost.
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LMAO - Thor's like So Happy - HEY THAT"S ME. And Sam's slow look at him is like "holy shit - a ghost = a body - how did I not realize that?"
It's so revealing because I think it's the first time she's connected that they used to have bodies and be alive.
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It's interesting that Sass is like "You sure that's you?"
As if Thor hasn't been there for a thousand years and would KNOW where he died.
What's interesting is how he happily describes the saddest thing I've ever thought about with regards to ghosts' afterlives - watching his body decay all alone over 100s of years. HOLY SHIT. That's depressing.
I do like the looks on the other ghosts' faces.
Flower is looking sad and concerned.
Pete's shaking his head.
Sass looks like he's realizing something for the first time about his best friend.
Alberta's got a concerned/grossed out look on her face.
and Trevor also looks saddened. He's almost got his hand over his heart.
All of them are like "That's so sad"
and Thor is *grinning*.
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I can't believe that Thor thought it was 'pretty cool', but I suppose that's how he deals with it.
thanks for reading :)
Feel free to chat.
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ckret2 · 1 year
show about a war between two magic horse nations (unicorns vs pegasus maybe) full of tons of drama and tragedy between the characters but the actual war is fought with like glitter bombs and rainbow lasers.
FASCINATING concept, but no that'd never make it on TV in the 80s because the producers would be like "well girls like unicorns AND pegasi, they wouldn't know who's the bad guy" and "little girls don't like war stories, do they?" Unicorn Vs Pegasus War is like Steven Universe or Netflix She-Ra levels of narrative complexity. For a girly 80s shows you gotta dial it back, gotta drain out the depth, gotta make it palatable not to 5-year-old girls but to the mothers of 5-year-old girls that the producers dread receiving an angry letter from.
We have clear unambiguous good guys and clear unambiguous villains, the heroes are fighting for causes like Colors and Friendship and Sharing, and the only times the hero/villain lines are blurred are when a villain goes "gee, now I understand, nothing is more important than telling your friends you care!" and becomes a good guy.
There's like ten good guys and two bad guys tops, to make them easy to keep up with, and the good guys are Things The Production Company Thinks Little Girls Probably Like (ponies, teddy bears, princesses) and the bad guys are Things Little Girls Probably Don't Like (weird short balding guys, balls of brown fuzz, a single inexplicably cool-looking goth girl that the 8-year-old queer girls immediately fall in love with).
The good guys are bright, pretty, and cute, and the villains are grey and purple, MAYBE dark red, and acid green if they're doing magic. Acceptable hero aesthetics: hearts, clouds, stars, rainbows, smiley faces, pink things, jewels but only in a cute way not a luxurious way. Villain aesthetics: broken hearts, pointy things, shadows, fangs, and desolate gray wastelands with no hope or life that will haunt you for years.
The good guys' combat capabilities are usually defensive magic focused on shielding people, creating barriers to bad guys, and mystically repairing damage. The bad guys' combat capabilities are almost always dependent upon trickery, kidnapping, theft, and property damage, rather than actual physical violence. Nobody gets hurt, unless the bad guys accidentally injure themselves (played for laughs).
The heroes always clearly unambiguously win with no tragedy or sadness and they all like each other, unless two need to develop a short-lived rivalry to learn an Important Lesson about being nice to your friends. Bad guys are petty, mean, and bully each other, except for maybe one stupid good-natured henchman who doesn't realize he's a bad guy. Conflicts are quickly-resolved, black-and-white, and typically low-stakes. (If they're high-stakes, it's in an abstract way, like "if we don't stop him no more flowers will bloom!" and not "he's going to murder somebody.") Movies can have an actual scary villain but ongoing series must have recurring comedically ineffective villains, and also even the scary villains have goofy motives like "wants to destroy friendship" or "just, like, super selfish and bad at sharing."
This—this is the essence of the girly 80s cartoon. This is my target.
I'm not saying this how to make a good girly cartoon. I'm not saying a good girly cartoon shouldn't have narrative complexity, high stakes, or interesting character depth. I'm saying that ain't how the 80s did it, and THAT'S the genre I'm parodying.
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married-2-the-music · 6 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Girls Generation / SNSD (Part TWO)
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Here are my credentials: So, I’m absolutely a fan of Girls’ Generation, although I’m in that weird space where I’m more than a casual one yet not quite a SONE (a full fan), but just like with Sunmi, I have a feeling that this deep dive will make me one. I’ve heard almost all of their title tracks, and a decent amount of b-sides, but since they have over 100 songs, I’m sure I’ll find some new ones to love too. I’m also a fan of both Taeyeon and Tiffany’s solo careers.
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I’m going to take a quick intermission to discuss some of SNSD’s Japanese releases here, which I don’t normally do. Mr Taxi, with its heavy autotune and electronic background, reminds me of a female version of SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong. One of the things I enjoy the most here (besides the roller disco, of course) is that the chorus is given space to breathe when they could’ve cut it for time. Time Machine is a sadder, slower song, and in lesser hands, it could be a snooze fest, but Girls’ Generation’s great voices turn it into a bonafide power ballad.
Paparazzi, as mentioned before, feels like it arrives on a red carpet rather than simply starts with its “ooh la la la”, which is perhaps fitting for a song about fame that features a snippet from Singing In The Rain. This one is probably my favorite of their songs in Japanese; it definitely takes inspiration from disco in the best way, and had me shaking my shoulders and wanting to get a pair of cat-eye sunglasses. Flower Power too is disco, but with a darker synth spin that feels more distinctly Japanese action movie.
Love & Girls takes after SNSD’s cutesier early discography with its colorful styling, poppy background, free-wheeling anti-drop summer chorus, sharp whistles, and peppy ad libs. Beep Beep too follows this thread, but I was won over, as I often am, with its catchy inclusion of several different languages (Italian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and English) and fun comic book style illustrations. I also quite like its bridge and last chorus.
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So, back to the Korean releases! Catch Me If You Can follows in the footsteps of The Boys and especially Run Devil Run. It has a surprisingly youthful and bubbly pre-chorus, that’s unfortunately followed by the mother of all anti–drops. Unlike in the other songs of theirs that have used one, though, Catch Me If You Can doesn’t do anything interesting with it, and ends up feeling like a dozen other songs. The post-chorus does help it, but overall the track feels incomplete.
PARTY sees Girls’ Generation dipping their toes into a summer fun track, which is new territory for their singles. It’s a little toothless when compared to such iconic and important tracks like Gee, I’ve Got A Boy, or Oh, but it’s still a fun time and it’s a nice break to see them looking so happy. It’s not ending up on my Top 10 list, but I’m not going to skip it if it comes up on shuffle.
Opposite from Genie, which I assumed was much later in their careers, I’d assumed that Lion Heart had been much earlier than 2015, though I’m not sure why. This time, they draw inspiration from doo wop, and turn it into a satire of midcentury love-at-first-sight rom coms. Besides the (as always) great clothes, the MV got some good chuckles out of me with its ridiculousness, over-the-top sound effects, and 60’s dance moves that look right out of a Get Smart episode.
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You Think is about as different from Lion Heart as it’s possible to get, with a far more “girl crush” image and a hip-hop beat mixed with synthpop. Funnily enough, I’d actually heard this song’s chorus before (“you think you’re real cool?” “You’re NOT!”), but I didn’t know it was an SNSD song, so that was a nice surprise. It veers a little close to an anti-drop, but thankfully avoids it by the skin of its teeth.
From the Lion Heart album, I really liked the venture into chill bossa nova in One Afternoon, the appropriately vaudeville-style flair and sudden speed-up in Show Girls (which was my hidden gem), the synthy fun of Fire Alarm, and the background guitar in Green Light.
Holiday starts with a guitar riff and an energy that doesn’t slow down to catch its breath until its 3-and-a-half minutes are over. It’s a lot of fun, and immediately makes you want to get up and dance with your closest friends, and besides that, feels like a nice summer vacation for Girls’ Generation too; a new and improved version of Party with a sunny beat straight off a Broadway stage. I enjoyed it much more than I expected to, truth be told, and it went right into my music library.
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All Night is the second single from the album, and, although it’s also a dancefloor track, it takes a more minimalistic, sleek approach. The chorus, though I did like it, felt a bit out of left field to me with its tempo change, and the rap likewise didn’t quite fit, but overall I liked this one too, especially the bridge. It’s always a pleasure to see drag queens covered in sparkles on my screen, alright?
From Holiday Night, though I did like the dancefloor citypop of Fan, the expert mix of happy and sad in One Last Time, and the jazzy flair of Love Is Bitter, you can’t do much better for a hidden gem than the confident, movie-soundtrack worthy, anthemic Girls Are Back, which I think perfectly captures the magic of SNSD. Can you really beat “we’re gonna break some hearts tonight, we’re gonna make some noise tonight?” Nope.
Lil’ Touch isn’t exactly a Girls’ Generation song, as it was released with only five of the members, but it’s basically considered one, so I included it. As their discography goes, it’s not the most unique, but it’s still quite solid. Part of that is due to the girls’ vocals, of course, which elevate whatever material they have, but the chorus is genuinely catchy and got stuck in my head. I think that if it wasn’t up against such heavy hitters in their other singles, it would be more highly regarded.
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Besides Lil’ Touch, Forever 1 arrives both five years after SNSD’s last comeback and exactly fifteen after their debut with Into The New World, and arrive it does. This was the song that made me a fan of Girls Generation, and for good reason. From the “we’re not stopping!” to the utterly, delightfully sappy profession of love both to their fans and to each other to the “I will love you in my next life”, Forever 1 is a gleeful celebration of friendship and a decade and a half spent in an industry almost impossible to succeed in. Really, it’s everything I love about k-pop in one song, so how could I not love it?
From Forever 1, the album, I wasn’t sure what to choose as a hidden gem. There’s the nostalgic Seventeen, the fast-paced beat of Villain, the chill synths of Paper Plane, and the constant genre shifting of You Better Run (which harkens back to I Got A Boy). It’s a very strong return. Lucky Like That wasn’t technically a single but BTS footage was released as a special video to mark Girls’ Generation’s 16th anniversary. It’s a pretty standard pop song, truth be told, but with the video, it's undeniably charming and made me feel undeniably nostalgic. It was great to see them all smile and have fun performing together, and I wish more groups would have videos like this. I saved it for last, and it was a great place to end.
My Top 5 songs are Into The New World, Hoot, Lion Heart, Top Secret, and Girls Are Back with Show Girls, Love Is Bitter, and Goodbye as honorable mentions. Girls Generation gets a 9.25 out of 10 from me, which I’m not surprised about. There’s a reason I wanted this to be my first review of the new year, and it wasn’t just because they’re a huge group, but also because I had a feeling it would be a lot of fun.
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(Please enjoy this photo of the girls celebrating Tiffany’s birthday a couple years ago!) Next time, we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming with a one-week boy group. I’m excited about this one, so I’ll see you then! Tchüss!
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csmeanerr · 10 months
i have a confession to make: i absolutely HATE humanoid cs! as if the anthro shit monsters werent bland enough, now i gotta see humanoid species #1,000,000 where the defining characteristic is that theyre robot sex slaves/have animal ears/wear thigh highs and have deer legs/are computer viruses, and the worst part is that they flood the cs forum!
oh gee willikers, your species is just normal ass people with angel wings and fruit on their head? sign me the fuck up!!
at least some of the animal ones try to look cool, it seems like the humanoid cs just fart out some anime girl cosplay they saw on instagram and make it into a $600 ultra rare legendary traited limited subspecies flower fairy cs
kill me
i feel the same way but that's definitely a personal preference since furry species can be any kind of animal while humanoid have to adhere to a humanoid shape so it's often yawn
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thegaynessarchives · 10 months
Made a thing (my interpretation of lyrics below cut pls read them they took so fucking long to do)
Lyrics (this took me literally three hours pls appreciate this):
Pink long nade I'm an autumn but coats bomber
Peter plum my ballers man daughter's ring us growing
She alana these god love me like me
But bein honest I don't wanna yo eeee
I can yell about cuts, buzz cooling off your dingers
Now's telling up a golden meme, a meven and stingers
There's a thing, range endings, there theft, gift of luck
And now I'm aberrant and burrows fat
Pretty wood habits, fire every bet, nose, body, no bed, hose, body, every bone
Didn't buddies, every bliss, piss buddies
Din misses, hi friss friss, smurfs, crying, no, whistle, tone, wind, wind, dee us
They become laid itchablong with me, whiff
Then maybe horroreen at night, you beef
You when what's around, we fight, dong with me, whiff
Then could you time around, tell me I fuck you? preef
Baby, come lay itchiblong with me, whiff
Baby will wreathe at night with you beef
Then when what's around, we fight, dong with me, biff
Witchy titchy town, tell me, hell me, jilk if I'm salad pretty
Think of wrath, words, red blinds, why if dimples?
I think it's that when future be the futon when they pimple things were
Schizo or yeet your chank fof
Lou didja bam a ee? Or tweet, you stay tough
Outwitted, if if it fell, then dick, we went sofa deenafed catch it
You can carry, not good, different bodies, Eddie b oh a patch
Buddy, look at feather pockets, so they'll bam me
Way down, that's what wondering, til the end, if we'll fester all day
Is we play we back, nose, not even a bad nose
Thought he met me with my dollar buddies, act dismiss damn
Yeah, and this is my fist pissed first
Catterton, lost to be loved, and busy now
Baby, come lay, itchiblong with me, whiff
Baby doll reeeeing wool that bite you, weef
When we bust hoot out, we'll find dome with me, whiff
Could you time around? Tell me, I fuck you creep
Babygirl lay, itchiblong with me, whiff
Baby doll, reeee hurt at night, you, weef
And we whats hoot out, you'll find dung with me, whiff
Itchy twitchy town
Tell me, tell me, still, if I'm salad pluty
Walking with a scone legs, breaks and set sun
Ease small brown, lost your punch to cool
With the new tears, warmer, move, groove
Or stew, don't use sins, what's that?
Those two need seats, bleed, and know eats a
Sequins, dream at pigeons, flower, fair your
Guess I fear and look tiara
Deadly sack to paint sedra, BOOB, every
Ready body, know that, knows nut in every bad
Oh, slutty suckerfish, like, nah, like, fuck you BBPT
This is my friend, this is her stem
Think, any, my bin, missus first, every
Think, anybody, know that, knows buddy every many
Ghost daddies every wrong teen lies
Maz biz, wife and misses first, I break their no ring
I'll now actly vicious
Baby chin finish, itchiblong yo lay it
Baby, with, me, with, that, right, goal reeee ith
Ow and, Q, if I'm wrong, what's it out with?
Could you to me tell me life ow row free
Baby ghh you, could you blonga lay with
Baby, with me with, that, light, go reeee whiff
After you brought a gun to death stin
Could you to me, tell me help me, who'd you tell, oh
Go what so tell me would you tall the bowl that's round with
We got to die, let's reee pew I,
We'll dawn above, let's round with, but just oh, me
And his height, let's do light
Wou gee conga, lay with baby
Hey with that right, no reeeee, lift
After hear all of thought with deaths with goochy
Ee, tell me, tell me,
Could you cow how
Could you, could you tell me? e
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Julius Demain Pidieu but what his voice sounds like to me. Sadly, he looks five months old because the picrew I am obsessed with had no wrinkles🥺. He no longer looks like a sweet sphinx cat😭
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THIS AUSTRALIAN IS HAVING GAY SEX WITH JULES. {Argent Étolie Chevalier is an OC} {He has like fifteen piercings but I forgor 🤡}
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Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mo- {Dolores Toujours Pideu, Apricot's cool lesbian albino trans aunt that is going to kill me with her beauty}
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Callahan Cyra Jumanah is Dolores's sweetheart, and I AM ALSO GOING CRAZY OVER HER. POWER COUPLE ULTIMATE EDITION. { Some people think she's faking her condition -chronic pain in her left leg and fatigue- because she can walk [with a cane]} {She has to hold Dolly back}
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LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR MASC GENDERFLUID PEOPLE WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO {Coquille Bleue Pidieu is the eldest sibling of the three and can sense colors, shapes, and shadows despite being legally blind.}
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WE ARE OUTGUNNED, OUTMANNED. OUTNUMBERED, OUTPLANNED- {Captain Héraklès Alcides Puissant-Redevance of the RCM is an old family friend}
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WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD AT-{Amoureux Perdue Du'Passe, Jules's former work partner and spouse. Sadly, he was killed on the force a few weeks after Apricot died of brain cancer. It was not a good year for Mr Pidieu.}
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W. what if. Jeannie-Marie but when she was young. She was able to work around the giant black ink stain on her yellow dress by finding a thick but comfy sweater. She's one of those people who cannot fucking feel heat so she's alright. {PRETTY WONMAN😳🤤 WITH COCK?????? AMAZING 💯💫⭐🔥🌟✨⚡🎉🎊❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍♥️💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💌💟❣️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💋🫂🫀👁️👅👁️👀👍👏👌🤌🤙🤝🤜🤛🙏}
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Look, Young Renė was a little cinnamon roll. He could make the most "Fuck dem kids" person into preschool teacher worthy in less than an hour. But y'know, kindness sometimes drowns in hate and PTSD. Although, current Renė MIGHT not make you want to throw a fucking grenade at him if you're at the "Okay, you can put your hand on my wrist BUT THAT'S IT." stage. Zero people are currently at that stage because J-M isn't part of the lore anymore. Also, yeah Renė's trans. trans people can be inconsiderate assholes, we're not sparkles and rainbows. I mean, Look at me. I might not be inconsiderate but I CAN be an ass-of-the-hole.
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Lieutenant Leo hey uh what's that say? K. WHAT. KITSURAGI??? OH MY FUCKING GOD. W H A T? {<-My brain in the process of making this guy up.} {LOOK IT'S KIM'S HALF [?] SEOLITE DAD!} {Btw despite the resting bitch face he's a nerdy sweetheart that loves cars. y'know like his son. I'm going to cry.}
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Cecelia Davenport/Kitsuragi, Kim's fuckin' MILF of a mom. She and Leo LOVED to match. I'm welling up again. Btw she wasn't fully finished because it was three fucking AM when I made her so. 😔.
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I feel like Gaston was a little fuckboy in his teens. I mean, he was still polite though and that lead to conversations like: "So uh [Lip bite} What're you doin' later? OH, FUCK you're grandma's recovering from cancer???? That's amazing! I hope she gets better soon! I can buy some flowers for her if it would cheer her up a bit! Have a good day!" Then Renė comes up and is like "Dude. You fucking sweetheart. Stop acting like a charity and get some goddamn pussy."
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DORA THE DIVORCE EMPLOYER- {Not to be omni but oh my god. oh fuck. golly gee. I wolf whistle while my eyes pop comically out of their sockets and I spontaneously combust then pour a giant bucket of water over myself and steam rises from my ears like a train} {She's not actually in this AU but I love her and felt like making her}
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Elizabeth is the type of girl to try and look professional but still go all out. She finally got out of the gardener's clothes and is slaying hard. Now, speaking of har-
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Made Marie without her hijab because I'm a feral fucking animal and I legit couldn't imagine her hair correctly without reference and ALSO
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REMADE YOUNG RENÉ BECAUSE I HATE THE FIRST ONE. Also I hate that you can't color the facial hair because it looks like his hair is dyed when he's just like that.
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LOOK, IT'S LILLIANOVICH! What the FUCK would this bitch wear when he was a kid? Just made some shit up bro. Also, I like to think he uses reading glasses even though he has pretty good eyes overall.
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bssaz97 · 2 years
How does Jupiter react to see his little brother, Neptune dating Weiss for the first time meeting him?
Jupiter: So Neptune, when am I going to be meeting your “new” girlfriend? And please tell me that you actually got a real girlfriend this time.
Neptune: Har, har, you’re very funny bro. Weiss said she would be arriving soon, you know how busy a Schnee can be.
Jupiter: Oh right, the heiress to the most famous family on all of Remnant is your girlfriend. I nearly forgot, heheh.
Neptune: You still don’t believe I’m dating Weiss Schnee, do you?
Jupiter: I believe that you’re dating a girl who looks like Weiss Schnee, but I don’t see why saying her name a million times is supposed to impress me.
Neptune: What? Impress you? I’m not trying to impress anyone bro, I just thought it would be nice for you to meet my first girlfriend-! Ah-! I mean, the first girlfriend that I’ve been going steady on. Okay, that sounds even worse….
Jupiter: *laughs* Kiddo, what have I told about trying to act like you’re such a “cool guy”? You’re better off trying to act like yourself. That’s probably why you’ve been able to keep this one around.
Neptune: Actually we had broken up before, but we’re back together now! With hopes of lasting more than a week.
Jupiter: Monty, bro… no wonder you’ve been on edge, you need to relax, you’re as agitated like the ocean.
Neptune: Maybe you’re right. I just want things to work out this time.
Jupiter: Well, if you’re honest with yourself, and with her, than you should be fine. *smirks* And probably try not to flirt with every skirt you see.
Neptune: Gee, that’s ironic coming from you.
Jupiter: As your big bro, “do as I say, not as I do.”
Neptune: Riiight. *sees a familiar bullhead* That’s her! She’s here!
*From the bullhead descends a petite, but dignified young huntress with a white snow hair, and eyes as blue as ice. The girl’s face smiles as she met eyes with the young blue haired huntsman*
Weiss: Apologies for the delay, Ruby had chosen a easy mission taking out silverfish but then it turned into a hard mission when the Grimm started to combine into a giant silverfish.
Neptune: That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re here. *presents a gift* I got you flowers.
Weiss: Aw, how sweet.
*She smells them and looks towards the older huntsman standing besides them*
Weiss: Oh! You must be Neptune’s brother, It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.
Jupiter: …Holy crap, you really are dating Weiss Schnee.
Neptune: Yes I am!
*Neptune attempts to gloat but gets his ear pulls from Weiss who wore a frown on her face*
Neptune: Atatatata! Weiss!
Weiss: You didn’t tell me you were bringing family, I would’ve dressed for the occasion!
Neptune: It was supposed to be a surprise for both of you, I didn’t think you would mind.
Weiss: Of course I mind! I’m in worn battle gear this is hardly the proper attire for meeting on e of your relatives.
Neptune: I’m sorry Weiss, I’ll give you a heads up next time. But if it helps, you still look very beautiful.
Weiss: Well… It does help… a bit. But I’m still upset with you.
Neptune: I promise to make it up to you… just please let go of my ear.
*Jupiter who had been watching the whole exchange was stunned without words, but once it had ended his face contorted into a held back expression until he could hold it no more*
Jupiter: Ahahahahaha!
Weiss/Neptune: Huh?
Jupiter: I’m sorry, it’s just, this is not at all what I was expecting for this day to turn out! Haha. But man, I’m so glad to be wrong, you two are really a funny couple. *sighs* Goad to know my bro finally has a girl who can keep him in check.
Neptune: Hey! I don’t-
Weiss: *glares*
Neptune: Er, I mean, maybe a little.
Jupiter: Hehe, it’s nice to meet you too, Weiss Schnee. Man, mom will freak at this.
Weiss: Your mother? Hi old on, I’m not ready yet. I need a new wardrobe!!!
A/N: Hope this is to your liking, apologies for the long wait. I’m going to try to work more in my ask box since it’s been a minute.
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