#gay wizard errand boy
b-a-pigeon · 3 years
Alright, I made a Uquiz for all my published characters - you can take it even if you aren’t familiar with all of them! Answer seven short questions (none of them involving song lyrics, btw) & you will receive a perhaps slightly rude diagnosis of which of my disaster gays you most resemble   🖤 
Reblog and lmk who you got, if you want! I got Rowan, but I knew that already.
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creative-aces · 3 years
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Featured LGBTQ Reads On Vella
If you don’t know what Kindle Vella is I don’t blame you because it’s a very new platform. Vella is a serialized reading platform, in the vein of Wattpad or Radish. You read chapter by chapter as they are released either on the Kindle App or for desktop users directly on the Kindle Vella Amazon page.
Since I love offering free reads that still will get the author paid, I’ve gathered several queer Vella reads for you today. Amy is expected to return next month for usual book club activities. In the meanwhile, all three chapters of each of these are always free and Amazon is offering 200 tokens with no signups needed. That’s about 20,000 words of any story(ies) you want on the platform!
In photo order from left to right:  Not Your Angel by Amy Michelle Two worlds, two wings, and one problem ex who loves to play divine. Steam Level - Low - Labels - Bisexual, Pansexual, & Ace - Learn More A Hollow Contract by B. Pigeon Theo signs up to be a wizard's apprentice, but ends up working as her errand boy instead. - Steam Level - Low - Labels - Bi, Gay & Trans - Learn More One Step From The Dark by S.L. Morqert Coming out of the closet isn't an option for Rookie Cop, Ryan Ward. When he becomes the latest obsession for the shady CEO Elias Hastings, coming out will soon be the least of his worries. - Steam - Med - Labels - Gay - Learn More
HoldFast by Jack Brightside Captain Lawrence is kidnapped by a fearsome pirate. His only chance at escape is to woo his captor. - Steam Level: Med - Labels: Gay - Learn More
The Kingdom Asleep in Thorns by Cay Fletcher A fairy's curse. A princess in disguise. A kingdom under a mysterious enchantment. A queer and dark sleeping beauty retelling.  Steam Level: Low - Labels: Lesbian Lead; Bi-secondary characters - Learn More
We Own These Streets by Rose Sinclair Victor and Iris aim to change a dangerous race to first place, that's if they can survive the literal fast-paced profit motive. The race is on... but can they ever stop? - Steam Level: Low - Labels: Bisexual Lead, Gay - Learn More
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fellamarsh · 3 years
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Do you like reading about angsty gay vampires? Trans wizards? Werewolves who make bad puns? Iconic worm-shaped demons? Check this shit out, nerds!
✨ what is the estraven lit society?
The Estraven Homosexual Literature Society - named in honor of a Left Hand of Darkness character, from our mutual fave Ursula K. Le Guin - is an LGBTQ+ adult fantasy writing collective consisting of authors B. Pigeon (@b-a-pigeon) and Fell Marsh (that’s me!). B. Pigeon is the author of Mirrored in Evergreen and Worm in a Jar; Fell Marsh’s first novel, Both Sides of the Moon, is coming out next week!
We have a cool website with the incredible URL of "homo literature dot org," as well as a Patreon where we post serialized stories. You can find a summary of our content below!!
🌙 a hollow contract (b. pigeon)
Weekly updates - available to all patrons - currently on episode 9
AHC follows Theo, who has agreed to be the wizard Mara’s apprentice, but ends up working as her errand boy instead. In order to actually learn magic, he must pay close attention to those around him—and in the process, he uncovers some questionable rumors about Mara, and begins a secretive relationship with her rival’s protégé, Felix.
Lightly romantic, semi-episodic, fast-paced, mysterious & lighthearted at the same time, LGBTQ (gay, bi, and trans!) & POC rep
🐉 poised in either eye (b. pigeon & fell marsh)
Biweekly (as in every other week) updates, available to all patrons $4 and up (with early access starting at the $8 tier!), currently on chapter 1
PIEE is the story of two dragons who have taken human form: Mateo, who has abandoned the monotony and homogeneity of dragon culture to live within human subculture, and Zephyr, who intends to prove that he’s worthy of his family’s name by using his powers to steal from humans.
Themes of pride vs. shame & alienation vs. assimilation, fun with a side of angst, frenemies-to-lovers (is this a thing?), queer & POC rep
🌈other content!
Starting this week, we’ll also be posting weekly bonus & behind the scenes content - check our August calendar for details - and soon, we will start posting polls so patrons can pick what kind of content they want to see! You can also follow us on Twitter and on our individual Tumblrs (again, this one + @b-a-pigeon​). Reblogs on this post are appreciated -- thanks for your support!
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1337wtfomgbbq · 4 years
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Name: Sean Backley
Gender: male
Birth Date: September 13th 1957
Species: wizard
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Gay
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Bogside, Derry, Northern Ireland
Wand: Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, 11 inches, Springy 
Miscellaneous Magical Abilities:
Wandless Magic
Sean doesn't consider it something that he'll need to learn. He also lacks the focus.
Nonverbal Magic
They learned nonverbal spells in sixth year and it took Sean only three weeks to fully master it.
Spell Inventing
He invented a spell that makes you able to toss fireballs that will burst over the intended target like a molotov cocktail. 'Molotno Ignat' is the incantation, and you're supposed to twirl your wand until a fireball forms, before you toss it using your wand. It'll burst over the intended target.
His mother didn't have the money for him to take the classes. He prefers flying anyways, and Ethan will usually offer to side-along apparate with him.
Boggart Form: His mother crying at her kitchen table, all alone.
Riddikulus Form: A firework explodes right in front of her face and she starts laughing. Sean took quite some time to come up with something to counter the boggart.
Amortentia: (What does he smell like?)
Broomstick polish, burning gasoline, dirt, the smell right after a firework explodes.
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Amortentia: (What does he smell?)
Herbs, the smell of old books, broomstick polish, leather.
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Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Height: 6"0'
Weight: 167 lbs
Physique: On the lean side with broad shoulders
Hair Colour: blond
Hair Cut: short sides and back of the neck, while the top hair stays longer.
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Tone: pale
Body Modifications: Lost one of his lower front teeth during summer break of ‘72 during a brawl with british soldiers.
Inventory: Wand, both wizard and muggle money, pack of cigarettes, a lighter or matches.
Fashion: Mostly convers sneakers, jeans and whatever top he has on hand. His clothes are mostly darker colours and pretty much all hand me downs or from the local church, so they're all patched up and worn in some way or another.
School Uniform: Has his shirt often not put into his pants all the way, tie either untied or he took it off because he hates wearing ties. His uniform is second hand too.
Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: Timothy Olyphant
Attentive, Confident, Stubborn, Brave, Honest, Determined, Hot-headed, Cynical, Oppinionated, Protective, Creative.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, though he was a hat stall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.
The Backley Family, the IRA, the Derry gang, the gryffindor quidditch team, the Bellycastle Bats.
Helped around his mothers shop all throughout his childhood and hogwarts years because his mom couldn't afford to hire someone at the time.
Legman and supporter of the IRA (1970-1981 )
Chaser of the Bellycastle Bats (1976-1981)
Class Proficiencies (O.W.L Grade):
Astronomy: Poor
Charms: Acceptable
DADA: Outstanding
Herbology: Dreadfull
History of Magic: Troll
Potions: Exceeding Expectations
Transfiguration: Outstanding
Ancient Runes (3rd): Exceeding Expectations
Care of Magical Creatures (3rd): Acceptable
Alchemy (6th): Outstanding
Dropped Subjects (6th year): Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, History of Magic and Herbology.
Quidditch: Sean was Chaser on his house team since his second year, and captain from his 3rd year onward until his graduation. He was poached and later played for the Ballycastle Bats as a chaser.
He's a natural talent on the broom and with the game. His gameplay is pretty quick, almost rapid-fire, he's extremely strategic and can see moves of the opposition ahead of time, almost like a seer.
Favorite Professors:
Ivan Dreyfus
Professor Dreyfuß, who taught Ancient Runes and Alchemy in hogwarts, was the person that accompanied Sean, Liam and Odhran and their parents to diagon alley. Because of his missing father Sean latched onto Professor Dreyfuß as a father figure. They would often meet in Professor Dreyfuß' office and just talk, especially in his 6th and 7th year under the guise of Alchemy.
Minerva McGonagall
Sean had huge respect for his head of house and considers her, like his mother, as a woman more than worthy of all respect. He'll even call her Ma'am instead of Professor sometimes.
Later he even admitted that he's extremely thankfull for the fact that Professsor McGonagall didn't give up on him, as his only wish in life was to work for the IRA.
Seranius Kelman Uffer
DADA teacher in his fifth year was one that really knew what he was doing and managed to make the subject engaging and entertaining, he was strict but fair. Sean learned the most about the subject under him and Uffer overall reminded him of his local priest.
Least Favourite Professors:
Cuthbert Binns
Sean would start out the lesson by putting his robe onto his history book to use as a pillow. He's interested in reading up on magical history events during his off time but he gave up in the subject.
Horace Slughorn
Sean hates Slughorn with a passion and Slughorn trying to 'get him for his collection' didn't help his case. He still likes potions and is rather good at the subject, he just can't stand Slughorns overall personality.
Thurman Starling
It’s not really personal, Sean just doesn't know why they even have to take Astronomy in the first place.
Mother: Maureen Backley (née Accling)
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- Born April 11th 1934
- Maureen is a muggle who owns a convenience store in Londonderry and who worked with the IRA from the 60s to at least the mid 70s
- She met Sean's father in 1950 and they got married in 1953, merely two months before she got pregnant the first time.
- Her husbands death in 1966 hit her and the family rather hard and she relied on their local church and community quite heavily to guide her through those trying times. But it also caused her to be extremely close to her boys.
- Her youngest son Henry being killed on ‘Bloody Sunday’ 1972 marked the beginning of her turning her back on the IRA.
- 1974 Andrew walked out on his mother and brother as he refused to turn his back on the IRA.
FC: Paula Malcomson
Father: Robert Backley
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- Born August 27th 1931
- He met Maureen in 1950 and they got married in 1953, mere weeks before Maureen got pregnant with their first child.
- He was killed in 1966 by members of the UVF, while he was out running an errand with sean.
FC: Thomas Kretschmann
Brother: Andrew Backley
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- Andrew is three years older than Sean and shows no magical abilities, like his mother
- Born December 23rd 1954
- Comes wholely after his father
- It was his idea to go to the protest on 30th January 1972, though he fully puts the blame of Henry's death on the british soldiers
- Andrew walked out on his family in 1974 as he could feel them turning their backs on the IRA.
- He married sometime between 1974 and 1980, a woman who's family was involved with the Ulster Liberation Army.
- He asked Sean for help with an IRA attack in 1980, which caused Sean's death in march of 1981. Andrew said that Sean 'died for the cause' and his mother never spoke to him again.
FC: Brad Barron Renfro
Brother: Henry Backley
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- Henry is five years younger than Sean and showed some magical abilities. Sean was sure Henry would get a letter to hogwarts too.
- Born August 14th 1962
- Henry was a really kind and hardworking kid. He was always excited to help his mom around the shop.
- He ideolized his brothers and always wanted to be with them, he listened to their various storys with avid interest.
- He was really excited when he was allowed to come with Maureen and Sean to Platform 9 3/4 and really wanted to go to hogwarts too.
- He was sadly killed on ‘Bloody Sunday’ 1972 at the age of ten.
FC: Ricky Schroder
Love Interests:
Bonny Lennox (they went out a few times between 71 and 72. Sean stopped accepting her offers and didn’t show any interest, romantic or otherwise, for her after bloody sunday. Bonny didn’t stop pursuing him until 73)
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FC: Danica McKellar
Appart from Bonny he also dated a few girls in his year and beyond, but never longer than three weeks, including: Tillie Pertinger, Jenny Butler and Cary Dendron.
Aaron Molloy (A lot of kissing and groping during Sean’s gay panic 72 to 74)
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FC: River Phoenix
Ethan Larken (They basically were always meant to be but took some time to get there. Sean knew for sure in 74 that he only wanted Ethan. They did the leg work to get together during 74 and 75, but took until almost 76 to get together. Sean never came out as gay, and they never made anything official but they were in a relationship 1975-1981, moved in together in 77.)
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FC: Fred Savage
Best Friends: The Derry Gang, consisting of: Ethan Larken, Liam Bachram, Odhran Miller, Shain Aberdeen, Thomas Holton and Ryan Doxey. 
Ethan Larken, Aaron Molloy and Edith Towel are so close to them however that they could be considered members of their gang too. Ben Redgate was also on the quidditch team and even though they were two years appart in age Sean considered him a rather close freind.
Rival: The other quidditch teams, The Slytherin gang of their year around Charles Devin. 
Enemies: Like, the British  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shain Aberdeen
Ryan Doxey
Liam Bachram
Aaron Molloy
Pets: An owl he got at the beginning of his third year, which he called 'Alex'
Closest Friends: Ethan, Liam, Odhran and Aaron.
- His early life was shaped by the mounting conflict in Northern Ireland.
- His father was very involved with the IRA.
- Sean was raised strictly catholic causing him to repress his sexuality all throughout his life.
- He went to primary school with Liam and Odhran, who, coincidentally, life on the same street as Sean.
- His father was killed by a member of the UVF in 1966 as they were out running an errand. Sean saw the whole thing.
- During the August riots of 1969 Sean saw a young man get shot and later die.
Anything after that, concerning his time at Hogwarts I’ll start posting storys about on my blog. 
No, my blog won’t turn into this, it’ll still be a hot mess of whatever the fuck I like and incorrect clone wars quotes, no worries.
Template and inspo to finally post this OC by @lizzieparkerhphm
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the-fourth-knower · 5 years
Phillip the Australian Raven
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Well, here’s my boy Phillip. I’ve had his backstory down for a while now, I just hadn’t sat down to re-do his ref until now. Anyway here we go!
DISCLAIMER: No parents were harmed in the making of this backstory
Name: Phillip “Munin” Auster Age: Twenty-one (21) Species: Australian Raven Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Family: Darek and Cathrine Auster, parents. Best Friend: ??? Arch Rival: Ophelia the Perentie
Phillip comes from a wealthy background, at least compared to his peers. His father was an accomplished performer, his mother a noble. The two were delighted to have Phillip, Catherine particularly pampering him when she could. As Phillip grew older, he began to put on fake shows, with his father’s approval. It was during one such show that Phillip accidentally summoned a minor fire being.
While neither were themselves magically inclined, Cathrine’s grandfather was; Phillip happened to manifest a similar magical talent as his great-grandfather. At first, this wasn’t a problem. However, it quickly became apparent to Darek and Cathrine that they had no idea how to handle a child with magical powers. Cathrine therefore arranged a series of meetings through connections with a secretive mage order that ironically her grandfather opposed. While at first her communication with them was only for advice, eventually she agreed to have Phillip be sent to the group’s academy so that he could become a greater mage. Or at least a mage, rather than randomly summoning things, or setting the curtains on fire and somehow freezing them at the same time.
At Phillip’s tenth birthday, the Order sent one Kavon Uriah to pick up the raven. Phillip was absolutely delighted by the arrival of the dragon; so much so that he attempted to put on a show for Kavon. Kavon, suffice to say, was less than impressed, dismissing Phillip’s attempts to impress him as “barely noteworthy to infants.” Phillip’s euphoria about finally being taken to learn magic sank faster than a boulder of lead. It would not be the first time Kavon crushed Phillip’s hopes and dreams.
Despite the poor first encounter, young Phillip quickly bounced back from “despondent” to “physically vibrating” as he and Kavon departed. After a teary farewell on his mother’s part, and an admonishment to write to his parents as much as possible, of course. Kavon went on a route longer than what Phillip had expected; asking Kavon about why they did not just teleport prompted the elder mage to reveal that he had a side errand he needed to attend to. Phillip would simply have to be quiet, and keep put when he was told to. Phillip, being terrible at following such instructions, wound up following Kavon after they reached the dragon’s side stop, a choice that would shape the course of his life.
Phillip inadvertently discovered that his ward planned something bad; what exactly he was too naïve at the time to understand, but it seemed to be about taking over something. He had little time to ponder what it could mean, as some of Kavon’s associates quickly discovered the raven hiding behind a box…poorly.
Phillip, terrified and injured by the rough handling he received as the brutes dragged him out from his hiding spot, begged for his life. Kavon, however, had his ire directed at the brute that injured Phillip; as Phillip and the others in the room watched, the brute was forcibly, and painfully, polymorphed into a monstrosity. Phillip had no memory of what happened next, for his next memory was him laying on a bed with Kavon glaring at him. The crocodile/dragon/whatever pried out of the raven how much he had overheard, before coercing him into promising to speak nothing of it, lest he suffer a fate worse than the brute. Satisfied, Kavon began to leave, before addressing Phillip as “Munin” and that he has volunteered himself to aid in Kavon’s plans.
Phillip did not sleep that night.
After this escapade, Phillip and Kavon finally traveled to the hidden academy. Here, Phillip tried his best to keep up feigned enthusiasm to hide his newfound terror and doubts about whether this was actually a good thing for him in the long run. He found this rather difficult to do as another hopeful newcomer insisted on talking to him. The other, a lizard named Ophelia, was friendly, talkative, and worse, prying. It would only become worse as it became evident that Ophelia was around average for most magic types, where Phillip was terrible at everything but fire and frost.
Phillip, therefore, decided to adopt a haughty, arrogant persona to discourage people from getting close to him and partly to assuage his own feelings of worthlessness. He could at least boast that he was talented in summoning, even untrained; later, as he was trained, he also revealed an aptitude for levitation, and managed to accomplish a “hailfire” spell, a fusion of fire and frost magic. He was lauded even by Ophelia’s ward for this, much to the lizard’s annoyance.
Unknown to the others, Phillip had developed this as he aided Kavon’s dark endeavors.  As he had grown older, Phillip had half-deduced, half-beentold that the dragon planned on amassing magic artifacts to himself and taking over the order. To do what, Phillip wasn’t sure, though he suspected that Kavon wanted to bring back an age where wizards, magicians, sorcerers, and so on were feared and respected, and also ruled small to large kingdoms. It sounded impressive, apart from the part where a lot of people would be hurt or worse in the process. Some of them no doubt by Phillip himself as his “Munin” persona. But what else could he do?
Another semi-secret he kept was that he kept in communication and even went on an occasional visit to his parents. Cathrine hoped for her Phillip to become a renowned mage, while Darek subtly pushed for his son to at least attempt a career in being a stage magician and entertainer. Phillip, for his part, wants both; what better way to be a stage magician than being an actual mage?
Phillip, however, has no real plans for pursuing either. He in fact has no real plans, as he is sure that Kavon would simply find a way to ruin it and keep the raven trapped under his thumb. Phillip can see no way out, save perhaps death. Or killing Kavon…
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arrow-guy · 7 years
All Was Well (1/??)
Summary: Harry and Draco struggle with life after the war. Together, things my not be easier, but they sure are more interesting.
A/N: Okay, I lied, it’s going up today. I didn’t realize that I would be able to get done with all my schoolwork as quickly as I did, so I figured I would reward myself and you guys with an early post. I’m kind of worried that they’re ooc, but if I don’t post it now, I know I never will lmao. I really hope I did the pair justice and I sincerely hope you enjoy this first part!
Pairing: Drarry
Word Count: 3014
Warnings: Angst, nightmares, slight panic
Harry thought that, after the war, everything would go back to normal. He would be able to go back to the perfect life he had envisioned with his friends, his girlfriend and his adopted family. He would be able to become an Auror and everything would be fine.
The problem with his plan was that he didn’t plan for the fallout of the war.
He didn’t expect the sheer number of people who would swarm him any time he went out. Not the people touching him or grabbing it his hair, clothes and glasses just for the chance to touch the saviour or, even better, manage to tear off a piece of his clothing.
He wasn’t counting on the number of meetings he would called on to attend or hearings and trials he would be asked to testify at. He never imagined the sheer number of people he would see put away for war crimes. He watched as Death Eaters and snatchers alike were sentenced to Azkaban with varying times to be served.
When the time came, he testified at the Malfoy’s Hearings. It was about a week after the final battle that the owl arrived inviting him to attend the trial and, if possible, testify.
Thanks to his testimony, Draco and Narcissa Malfoy were pardoned with only mild probationary punishments set in place. Unfortunately, Lucius Malfoy was not so lucky.
Due to his place in Voldemort’s inner circle, regardless of turning his back in the end, he was sentenced to Azkaban for thirty five years.
Harry felt horrible when the verdict was reached, but felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that Draco and his mother were free. After the trial, Draco and Narcissa had approached him and thanked him quietly. Draco had refused to meet his eyes and Narcissa stood close to her son, her hand on his arm. Harry had nodded stiffly to them and watched them walk away to speak to Lucius before he was taken to Azkaban.
Most of all, he wasn’t expecting the sadness, depression and anxiety that would follow the war.
A week after everything ended, Hermione and Ron went off to Australia in search of Hermione’s parents to attempt to restore their memories and bring them back to England. In that time Harry and Ginny tried to bring their relationship back to the level it was at when they were in school the year before. No matter what they tried, they couldn’t seem to bring back the spark. They broke up, knowing that it was what was best for the both of them. Even after their split, they spent long nights together in Grimmauld Place, laying on the floor and talking.
One night, a little under a month after the final battle, the two of them had stayed up well into the night and come to a rather startling conclusion.
“I think I’m gay.”
“Mhmm.” Ginny nodded.
The pair was quiet for a while. Harry's brow furrowed as he thought about what Ginny had said. He'd never really given any thought to his sexuality. He'd not really ever had the time. Everyone had always expected him to marry the perfect girl and have a handful of children. Until then it hasn't occurred to him that their sexualities were the reason their relationship had collapsed.
“I think I might be too.” Harry said, his face scrunching up in mild confusion. “But not one hundred percent, if that makes any sense at all.”
“Of course it does.” Ginny snorted. “You could be bisexual, pansexual, polysexual. The options are practically endless.”
“That sounds much too complicated.”
“Sexuality isn’t a static thing, Harry. It’s fluid. It’s a spectrum.” Ginny tried her best to explain. “Sexuality is different for everyone.”
Harry just nodded and they fell into silence for a moment before moving on to talk about something completely different.
Even after his talk with Ginny about his sexuality, he still struggled greatly with most things surrounding the war.
He hated the funerals. He hated that everyone was dead. He hated that it was all his fault. That he couldn’t do the one thing he was born to do and save them. Most times he showed up to pay his respects before apparating home and curling up in bed and trying to forget those who had passed on.
Ron and Hermione didn’t seem to understand why he had such a hard time dealing with the aftermath of the war. They constantly tried to get him to join them at the Burrow or go out to eat at some muggle restaurant. He always turned down their offers saying he was sick or that there were errands he had to run. He knew his excuses were shit, but he couldn’t bring himself to be around the two of them when he knew that they would just bombard him with questions he didn’t have the answers to.
The only thing that gave him a sense of peace was being with his godson, Teddy.
When Andromeda told him that he could visit whenever he wanted, he spent as much time with her and his godson as he possibly could. Being around someone so small and pure and innocent gave him a sense of hope that he didn’t know he could ever feel again.
The small boy never failed to make Harry smile. Hearing the little gurgles and constant nonsensical babbling from the child made him feel better and he was glad that he could have Teddy in his life.
The first time Draco had showed up to his aunt’s house he wasn’t expecting to be met by the savior of the wizarding world in her living room. Both of the young men froze upon seeing each other, neither of them completely sure of what they were supposed to do in that situation.
Harry had nearly forgotten that Teddy was Draco’s cousin. It hadn’t even crossed his mind that the blond would want to visit Andromeda and Teddy. It had taken him a full three minutes to rake his gaze over the man in front of him, observe that he was, in fact, rather fit, and decide that the best course of action was to attempt to be civil with him.
Harry had hoisted himself up off of Teddy’s playmat and sauntered over to the slightly taller blond and extended his hand to him. Draco had eyed him warily, unsure of what Harry was attempting.
“What do you want, Potter?” He’d asked. There was no venom in his words, he was simply trying to understand the situation.
“It occurred to me that we got off on the wrong foot seven years ago. After what we've been through, I’d hate for something as stupid as a school rivalry to get in the way of us being civil now. So,” Harry looked pointedly from Draco to his hand and then back again. “What do you say, Draco?”
Draco's eyes had widened at hearing Harry say his first name so casually. He was a bit taken aback for a moment, having to process what was going on. If what he thought was happening was actually happening, Harry Potter was offering him his friendship, the one thing his eleven year old self had wanted most.
“Are you joking?”
Harry tilted his head to the side, sliding his hands into his pockets. “If I were joking, don’t you think I’d do it in a place that’s a little more public than your own aunt’s house?”
Draco’s brow furrowed. “I suppose you might.” He squinted at the raven haired boy in front of him. “But why would you want to be friends with me?”
Harry shrugged.  “Why not? The world’s crazy enough as is, why not give everyone a little shock?”
Draco snorted in amusement, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “You sure you’re ready for this?” He asked. “Our friendship would be a commitment.”
Harry laughed and smiled genuinely for the first time in months, and at Draco Malfoy no less. “I think I can handle that challenge.”
Draco shook his head before extending his hand to Harry. “Alright, Potter. Just remember that you brought this on yourself.”
Harry grinned and shook the blond’s hand. “Don’t worry, I definitely will.” He nodded his head towards Teddy who was gurgling away on his playmat. “You want to help me with your cousin?”
“I think I can manage that.” Draco said with a smirk.
Harry and Draco spent more time together when they were both at Andromeda’s house. The two of them found that it really wasn’t all that hard for them to get along. They both enjoyed spending time with Teddy and they found that they had more in common than previously thought.
What Harry didn't expect from his newfound friendship with the youngest Malfoy came one rather rainy night in the middle of July.
Harry had been staring into the out of season fire in the fireplace, getting lost in the flicker of the flames, when a loud pounding sounded at the door.
Not wanting to trouble Kreacher, Harry hoisted himself up off the floor and all but stumbled over to the door, feeling not entirely returned to his legs after having been sitting on the floor for so long. Upon opening the door, Harry was met with a sopping wet Draco Malfoy, his gray eyes staring blankly at Harry's chest.
“Draco?” Harry said. Confusion had colored his tone. He hadn’t even known Draco knew where he lived.
“I’m sorry.” Draco said weakly, his eyes slowly moving to meet Harry’s.
“I said-”
“No, I heard what you said, Draco,” Harry said, ushering Draco through the door and into his sitting room. “I just don’t know what you have to be sorry for.”
Draco’s eyes widened. “How could you not?” He hissed.
“No, Harry! I was a complete prick when we were in school and you’ve just put all that aside like I didn’t side with the Dark Lord during the war! Like I didn’t try to crucio you sixth year!” His voice rose in volume as he talked. “I tormented you and your friends and treated you like shite! I’m supposed to be your enemy, Harry. Not your fucking friend!”
“You’re forgetting the part where I nearly killed you, Draco.” Harry said calmly.
“No, you don’t understand,” Draco starts pacing, his soaked clothes dripping onto the hardwood flooring. “I-I’ve done things. Terrible things, and I don’t deserve forgiveness. I don’t deserve your kindness or your friendship! I don’t understand how you could just let everything go! Why would you ever want to give me a second chance?!”
“Draco, stop!” Harry says sternly, placing his hands on either side of Draco’s face, effectively putting a stop to his pacing. “Just stop, please.”
Draco's breath hitched as grey eyes met green. With a moment's pause, he fisted Harry’s shirt in his hands and pulled him forward, pressing his lips to Harry’s in a kiss.
Seeming to come to his senses, Draco shoved Harry away from him, suddenly pulling his hands into his chest and closing himself off almost immediately.
“I'm sorry,” He whispered. “I'm sorry. So, so sorry.” His brow furrowed and he turned towards the door and began to walk towards it, attempting to leave a shocked Harry behind. He didn't get far before Harry placed a hand on his shoulder and gently spun him around. “Harry…”
Harry rested both of hands on Draco's shoulders, squeezing gently, trying to reassure the boy in front of him that everything was alright. “Do you realize what time it is?” Draco tilted his head to the side, confused. “It's the middle of the night and you're soaked to the bone. You're staying here tonight.”
“Are you sure?” Draco asked, his eyes impossibly wide.
“Of course.” Harry answered with a resolute nod. “You go get showered and I'll get you some pyjamas. We can talk after.”
“Alright.” Draco said, nodding dumbly, turning towards the staircase and following Harry up to the bathroom.
While Draco showerd, Harry gathered up towels and a set of pyjamas that he thought might fit Draco. He’s a little taller than Harry and he worried that all of his pyjama bottoms would be too short. He ended up shrugging and quietly opening the bathroom door, placing the clothes and towels on the counter and closing the door again before walking away and sitting on the stairs to wait for Draco to finish up.
Harry was starting to doze off when Draco quietly and tentatively padded out into the hallway. He sat down next to Harry, unsure of what to do, not wanting to upset him more than he had by kissing him.
“I know what you're thinking, Draco.” Harry said, his voice gentle.
“How could you possibly know that I'm thinking, Potter?” Draco almost hissed his words, but he couldn't find the strength to do so.
“Because I've known you for the better part of seven years and spent a number of them trying to figure you out.” Harry said simply. “I know you think you upset me by kissing me-”
“Didn't I though?” Draco asked, cutting Harry off. Harry sat up, opening his eyes so he could look at Draco.
“If anything, you surprised me.”
“You're not angry?”
“No, why would I be?”
“Well, for starters, you're not gay and you're dating the Weasley girl aren't you?” Draco asked, his cheeks tinged pink.
Harry shook his head, a small smile stretching his mouth. “We actually broke up.”
“What? Why?” Draco inquired, his eyes impossibly wide.
“Because she's gay and I'm bisexual.” Harry answered. “Well, not explicitly because of that. Right after the war, everything had us feeling off kilter and we didn't feel like we went well together any longer so, we ended things between us. Realizing that we weren't straight came a couple weeks after the fact.”
“You mean-”
“Not straight, single and definitely not upset with you.” Harry nodded and picked himself up from the from his seat on the stairs, offering Draco a hand in turn. “Let's get you to bed though. We can talk more about this in the morning.”
“Alright,” Draco took his hand and allowed himself to be led up the stairs to a spare bedroom.
“If you need anything during the night, my room is just at the end of the hallway.” Harry said before turning round, ready to head off to bed himself.
“Yeah?” He turned back to look at a vulnerable looking Draco.
“Would you…” He looked at the floor, chewing at his bottom lip, a blush coloring his cheeks. He takes a deep breath before looking at Harry again. “Would you stay with me?”
“I-” Harry started to answer but cut himself off, knowing that he definitely wants to stay. “Of course I will.”
“Thank you.” Draco whispered, his expression sincere.
Harry followed after Draco as he walked over to the bed and slid under the covers. Harry turned out the lights before joining him in the bed and cozying into the bedding, trying to find a comfortable position. After about fifteen minutes Draco's soft snores filled the room and the sound lulled Harry into a shallow sleep.
A scream rips through the air, pulling Harry from his nearly fitful sleep. When he remembers where he was he realizes that the scream must have come from Draco.
The thin boy thrashes next to him on the bed as if he were trying to escape something or, rather, someone.
“Draco,” Harry reaches out to him, gently resting his hand on Draco’s right arm. It doesn't elicit any sort of response so Harry tries again, this time a little louder and shaking Draco’s shoulder. “Draco!”
Draco wakes with a start, his chest heaving with his effort to breathe and his eyes darting about frantically. “Harry?” He calls out to the dark room, his voice hoarse.
“I'm right here,” Harry answers, reaching out and taking Draco’s hand in his. With his free hand he turns on the lamp on the bedside table. “See? I didn't go anywhere.”
“You… I… Harry, I-” He chokes on a sob and covers his mouth with his hand, tears spilling over and falling down his cheeks.
Harry's eyes go wide and he shuffles over to the young man next to him and pulls him to his chest. “Draco, you're safe. It's okay, you're safe.”
Harry feels Draco's tears wet his shirt and he refuses to comment, regardless of how curious he is about what Draco was dreaming about. He rubs gentle circles into Draco's back, trying his best to calm him. After about five minutes, Draco's shoulders stop shaking and he's relaxed against Harry in a fashion he never would have thought possible just a couple of weeks ago.
“I'm sorry.” Draco mumbles, peeling himself away from Harry's chest, wiping his tears with the heel of his hand. “I'm really sorry, Harry.”
“This isn’t exactly something I wanted you to see,” Draco laughs darkly, still rubbing away the wetness on his face. “It’s not something I want you to have to deal with. That’s why I’m sorry.”
Harry shakes his head and takes Draco’s hand in his. “Don't be,” He gently runs his thumb across the pale skin of Draco's knuckles. “We all have our fair share of nightmares, yeah? You've got nothing to apologize for.”
Draco studies Harry’s face, looking deeply into his eyes, searching for a trace of malice and mocking. He doesn’t find anything of the sort, only sincerity and kindness. “Thank you.” Draco squeezes his hand gently.
“Let's try to go back to sleep, okay?” Harry lays down and Draco nods, laying down beside him, his ear pressed to Harry's chest, just over his heart. Draco refuses to let go of Harry's hand.
“Is this alright? Us being in the same bed, I mean.”
“Don't worry about it right now.” Harry shakes his head against his pillow. “Try to get some rest.”
Harry feels Draco nod against his chest before he slips off into sleep again.
part 2
Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this installment, please leave a response or shoot me an ask! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
Here’s a “how to read the gay wizard errand boy story” post featuring maximally transparent pricing info, because it’s kind of confusing! If you’re not familiar, the story in question is called a hollow contract, and it’s a serialized queer fantasy about a boy named Theo who signs up to be a wizard’s apprentice but instead (as you can guess from the earlier description) ends up acting as her errand boy. I’m serializing the first arc now through early fall.
Kindle Vella: New episodes every Friday! 1 - 3 are free; subsequent chapters vary with word count. I’d guess $0.25 - 30 per weekly chapter (of which I get 50%)
Patreon: New episodes every Wednesday, beginning in August - currently M/W/F as I catch up to Vella. Starts at $2/mo, but we charge on the 1st, so you could sign up now & read through ep5 before being charged on 8/1. (For now, I get all of this minus Patreon fees - in the future, Fell & I will split it.)
E-book: Very much TBD depending on how long I expect it to last & how I want to compile episodes! If I end up just doing the one arc, I’ll publish it in late fall for $2.99, but I’ll probably package two arcs together to make it novel-length if the story continues.
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
I love how my protagonist is always down to follow a magical stranger to a second location... he's like, maybe this is not a smart decision but what if they show me something really cool??
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
Love when I send Fell a chapter of AHC to edit and 1/3 of the comments I get are some variation on “gay people...”
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
An effect they don’t tell you about starting T is that you’ll want to trans the gender of every single fictional boy you’ve ever created :/
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
Playing a fun game with myself called: is this writing actually bad, am I at an awkward stage in my own development where my ability to assess my own work has outpaced my actual writing/editing skills, or am I just anxious about changing up my writing routine for the sake of serialization?
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
My desire to anxiously plan out every single detail of my serialized project vs. my desire to leave things relatively loose and open-ended so little details can emerge organically during the writing process...
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
Also, I’m pretty sure Theo is trans but I have yet to find a place for this to come up organically in the story, so for now it is only canon in my heart. (Not asking for advice, btw! It’ll come up when it feels right.)
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
I was worried that my boys are moving too fast in this story but also like... if a nice brown boy gave me some blueberries and then showed me his personal garden and his collection of cool knives, I would also 100% immediately fall in love with him so maybe this is sort of realistic
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
I could’ve gone the “enemies-to-lovers” sort of route w/ this serialized story but instead decided that these boys, despite being the protégés of rival wizards, care more about kissing each other than they do about like... respecting authority, which is certainly a specific kind of gay emotion
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
I’m trying to focus on wizard-errand-boy book at the moment but I decided I might as well check in on draft 0 of the dragon boy book I’m writing with Fell (soooon) and I literally fucking forgot that my POV character is a punk who is also a dragon whose hoard consists of vinyl records lmao
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