#gay necromancer
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authorkarajorgensen · 2 years ago
Art of Oliver and Felipe by Oblivionsdream
I commissioned art of Oliver and Felipe from @oblivionsdream and I NEEDED to show it off. Look at my boys ;--; I wanted something soft since so much of The Reanimator's Heart and The Reanimator's Soul is so tense. They deserve more rest and softness.
Oliver (black hair) is an autistic necromancer, and Felipe (brown hair) is an undead investigator working for the Paranormal Society.
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knightlyknight-art · 5 months ago
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“I am undone without you.”
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deltapelagicpetrel · 1 year ago
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alright time for my once-in-a-quarter post, this time the topic is griddlehark!!!!!!!! I love them so much i sure hope nothing bad happens to them ever hahahaha
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kiivg · 9 months ago
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.please please please please please pl.
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months ago
Your girlfriend came back from the dead "wrong", or at least that's what everyone says. She died quickly and slowly, far too young, and for a reason that would not have happened if the world was a better place. You were both going to the same college, she was majoring in film studies while you were majoring in necromancy, you lived in the same apartment together for so long. When you chose to bring her back you had to deal with faeries, and gods few people dare to pray to, but you got her back. Not because you deserved to have her but because she deserved to live.
She isn't what she used to be. Her face looks plasticish and embalmed, and because you didn't have that much skin to work with she's permanently sown into her clothing, that fancy outfit that was always her favorite. You didn't know it at the time but the spell gave her sharp teeth, and black eyes, and a desire for raw meat. It's not the body you would have given her if you had better ways of working. But your happy she's here. Your happy she's alive.
She's considered to have been revived wrong. You don't see it that way, the spells worked as well as they did. She's considered low functioning undead, creatures that are almost always thought of as entirely inhuman. She's considered a failure because she's not able to function like a human would, she doesn't move like a human, can't go out during daylight, acts erratically, is afraid a lot of the time. She's considered a failure because she can't work or go to school like she used to, even though she's alive that's not enough for most people. People are afraid she'll start going out at night and start attacking people on your block, she won't, even she's afraid of that but she doesn't need you to control her, she just has some very scary thoughts and abilities.
People sometimes say she's your experiment, or your pet, or like your daughter. She's not, she's still your girlfriend, you still love her and want to be with her. You comfort her when she's scared. You sing to her, and tell her about your day when you get home, and sit on the couch watching movies with her. You hold her to keep her warm because of how much having a cold body seems to upset her, and she'll push her face into your breasts, and touch you in ways someone touches their girlfriend.
Her parents act like she's fully gone. Calling her a mockery of her old self. Some higher functioning undead that you know have even called her an insult. And even a lot of people you know are so focused on the idea of her getting better. But you don't love her so that she can get better, you love her because it is a gift to love her, whatever form she may take.
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emopulco · 3 months ago
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in neve’s words: they’re incurable saps
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timetodiverge · 1 month ago
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First time drawing Locked Tomb fanart, and the vibe could not be any LESS "lesbian necromancers in space" 😂😂😂. Oh well, I adore our Nona*, and wanted to draw her with her crazy long hair down!!
*AKA Nona-Palona, little bits, no-no, none, nope, nums, small Cam, kiddy, junior, Hairy Mkclary, the Big No
my art on: tumblr / instagram
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lady-quen · 4 months ago
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"Oooh~ who's my strong puppy?"
Meanwhile Maol fighting the urge not to yell ME!
@commanderteag whats gayer, being gay or the disgraced Pact Commander and his Knight of Thorn
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joseline-woodhouse · 9 months ago
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elfieafterdark · 7 months ago
I'm sure everyone's already had this discourse over the 5 years since Gideon the Ninth came out.
But I'm wholly, exceedingly, and perfectly haunted by the words: "One Flesh. One End." And their usage by characters throughout the book.
They're used by Cytherea, who fully comprehends the catastrophic tragedy of consuming Loveday's soul entirely, and has likely lived with that agony the entire myriad.
They're used by all the cavalier primaries to their necromancer adepts, without fully comprehending that true meaning. It's literally how one becomes a Lyctor. You become one with your sworn guardian, or rather, they become one with you. Subsumed into you, perhaps a few tattered remains of them are incorporated, perhaps there is in fact a way to retrieve them once it's done...
But there's another meaning I think, one that isn't so explicit in the formality or tradition of the phrase. This is the meaning I believe drives Gideon to say it, and I believe they aren't the first pair to use it this way.
One Flesh, one end can certainly be read literally, The Cavalier becoming part of their Necromancer Adept... But it can also be read as the truest and most complete declaration of love that exists.
To dedicate one's self, one's mind, body, soul, and very existence to another? Is there anything more raw and more dangerous? Is there anything more beautiful and more terrifying?
To love someone so completely, so wholly, so exceedingly, so perfectly that you'd give your very essence to them. Bind your very fate to theirs with no known way to back out?
I can't say I've ever been in the situation Gideon and Harrow were in during GtN, but I have loved wholly with my entire soul before.
I lost that love, slowly and rather painfully. But mercifully I didn't lose it to becoming a lyctor. I can't imagine a suffering more complete and more horrible, than to lose one's cavalier forever.
I'd honestly throw myself onto that spike after her, and let myself cease to be. Because, "I cannot conceive of a universe without you in it."
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authorkarajorgensen · 1 year ago
The Reanimator's Soul paperback is live!
The Reanimator's Soul (TRM #2) is available in ebook and paperback! The official release day is 10/24, but I release the paperbacks a few days early as it takes several days for it to filter out to all countries, and I want everyone to get their book by release day. If you're interested, you can grab a copy here at all major retailers. Or if you want to grab book 1, The Reanimator's Heart, it's out in ebook, audiobook, and paperback.
CWs are on my website, inside the book, or on Goodreads.
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[alt: The Reanimator's Soul by Kara Jorgensen, preorder now, out October 24th. book 2, autistic necromancer x undead adhd-er, mm romance, a sinister clinic, a murdered patient, 1890 New York City, a cure for magic, rich people behaving badly, the tether becomes a #problem, a horrible ex, new powers?]
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pulzerizedpeaches · 2 years ago
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finally getting into a mood to draw goth fits for harrow! bones and lace c:
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malith-thetameddragon · 22 days ago
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ekhem.. yes.. I'm perfectly fine. It took long to draw this, because I couldn't stop drooling.
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bra1nana · 3 months ago
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Morgoth stuff and a bit of repost cause hes currently one of my babygirls
horrible old man
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anantplayingdnd · 9 months ago
In honor of pride month I want to hear about how queer you made Barovia please and thank you.
For my game:
Strahd is a bisexual king right out of the book, which is awesome.
Rahadin is asexual, but not in like, an ace kind of way. Like in a single-celled organism kind of way.
Ireena is aroace! A decision partly inspired by a certain pool of water (iykyk), and also because she’s a little bit my self-insert. A PC hit on her in like session four and was immediately told, “Do not ever speak to me that way again.” She’s iconic and I adore her.
IZMARK. IZ. GAY. And madly in love with the druid. Unfortunately Izmark does not know he is gay. He believes it is very normal to lovingly stare into your homie's eyes and look down at his lips and imagine what it would be like to kiss him. And it is very normal to comment on how attractive your homie is, cause that's just what bros do.
Vollenta is a beautiful lesbian who refuses to let the fact that she is married to Strahd change the fact that she is a lesbian and nobody will tell her or her pile of bodies otherwise.
Ludmilla is on the ace spectrum. I mean, come on. She's with the guy for power and grant money. She says she loves him, and they're definitely intimate, but she's the kind of girly to take notes before during and after, you know?
Escher. What even needs to be said about Escher. He's Ravenloft's resident twink and proud of it. He's a little lonely and can't stop thinking about the boy he was in love with when he was young, who is now old and grizzled from age, while Escher himself remains the same age he was when he betrayed his lover and chose Strahd instead, but like... he's also pretty and immortal, so who cares?
(Escher Bonus Content: Two moms! They loved him very much and were upsettingly supportive of his decision to become Strahd's newest consort)
Anastrasya: idk she's dead pre-campaign in mine so if you came here looking for commentary on her you will not get it.
Ezmerelda is a trans lesbian! She's gorgeous and I adore her. She's just so confident that she can kill Strahd on her own and I think she's right for that. I knew I wanted her to be a love interest for one of my PCs, and it just so happens that the player in question has a type.
Danika is also bi, and she's very happily married to her wonderful little husband. This hasn't come up in the campaign at all it's just something I know to be true in my heart.
The Abbot: Gender! Fluid! Call them whatever you want. He/him when you want to play on ideas of masculinity in religious circles, they/them when you want to make them seem undefinable, she/her when you want your PCs to reflect on how much mom trauma they all have :)
Sergei is straight but that man loves the queer community so much and he deserves an honorable mention.
Arrigal is gay and very pissed that the party keeps knocking on his wagon door at 3am. His ex-husband/current boyfriend has been coerced into co-parenting a child with the cleric.
There's definitely others but these are my versions of the little guys. I am so interested to hear other people's takes on them.
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butterflies-and-mirrors · 2 months ago
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Death's whisper
(....still obsessed with Phoenix Aesop and Necromancer Joseph as you can see)
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