#gave me a lil bit of nostalgia!
shovson · 1 year
would u fellas take my first f1 themed uquiz if I linked it? ^_^"
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bradshawssugarbaby · 10 months
Silent Night, Joyful Hearts - Jake Seresin x Reader
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A/N: This is my second of three entries for @sailor-aviator's Christmas Writing Challenge to celebrate the holidays with our favourite aviators.
pairing:  Jake Seresin x reader
warnings/content: Jake as a lovesick little puppy, mentions of church/Christianity.
word count: 1.9k
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It had been months since Jake had gone back home to Austin, Texas. He couldn’t remember a date other than “too long.” When the chance to go home for a three week leave for the holidays arose, Jake practically jumped on it. As cocksure and seemingly uncaring as he made himself out to be, at the end of the day, Jake was becoming homesick, ready for a long overdue trip to his hometown.
“Uncle Jake! Uncle Jake!” 
A little voice squealed from the living room around the corner, a blonde haired, green eyed little boy - the spitting image of Jake - came speeding into the hallway, wrapping his tiny arms around his uncle’s leg in an effort to hug him. Jake reached down and tousled the boy’s hair, beaming down at his little nephew as he scooped him up for a hug.
“Well if it ain’t my favourite nephew! Miss me?” Jake chuckled as he gave his nephew a tight squeeze.
“Sure did!” The boy grinned, in an accent that almost perfectly matched Jake’s. 
“Easton, give your poor Uncle Jake a minute’s breathing space, he just got in the door!” Jake’s sister, Stephanie shook her head as she laughed, her hand on her hip as she watched her son fuss over his uncle. 
“Nah, don’t worry ‘bout it, Steph, I missed the lil’ guy, I don’t mind being showered with a warm welcome. Besides, he’s gotta say hi to me now before his big moment on stage tonight!” Jake grinned, ruffling Easton’s hair once again.
“I’m gonna play one of the smart guys at Jesus’ birthday party, Uncle Jake!” Easton said proudly as he puffed out his chest.
“You’re gonna be a what, bud?” Jake bit his lip as he held back a laugh at the six-year-old’s misinterpretation of a nativity play.
“Well, Mommy said wise means smart, so isn’t that what a wiseman is?” Easton furrowed his brow as he thought it over.
“I guess in a way, it does, pal, but you know, I fell asleep during Sunday school a lot, I wouldn’t listen to me.”
Jake set Easton down on the ground, the boy running off to go get himself changed into his outfit for his performance tonight. Jake laughed as he smiled and gave his sister a hug. Stephanie pulled away from his embrace after a moment and laughed at him, shaking her head. 
“You know, Mama’s been talking to that girl you used to like back in elementary school again. She volunteered to help for the nativity play, she’s helping coordinate it,” Stephanie smirks and nods her head, “You know…the one you used to run around naked in the backyard with when you were 4, her mama and Ma are good friends…what was her name again?”
Jake froze as a wave of nostalgia washed over him, the memories of you and him playing together as kids came flooding back, enveloping him as he was transported back to a time where you and he were the best of friends, completely inseparable as kindergarteners, best friends who couldn’t be without one another for more than a moment. That was, until, you had moved to the other side of the city when the two of you were 8 years old. By the time high school had come around, you were reunited again, but something was different - the best friend he knew as a young child was gone, the two of you having taken different paths in your preteen years, different interests now shoehorning their way between you, making it harder for either of you to ever reconcile the friendship you once had. 
Jake was an all-star athlete in school, captain of the lacrosse team, star quarterback for the football team, and first-baseman for the baseball team. He was in a world you weren’t a part of when it came to high school, and you two struggled to find your way back to one another. He’d always had feelings for you, for as long as he could remember. After you’d both grown so distantly far apart by the time you’d reached high school, he never had the courage to ever tell you. The mere thought of you was enough to get his heart racing all over again, just like it did in high school whenever he saw you walking down the halls. 
Jake shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and shook his head, trying to appear indifferent to the mention of you.
“I dunno, can’t remember. I haven’t seen her in like, 16 years, Steph.”
“Hmm…,” Stephanie smirked as she raised her eyebrow at him, “You best go get showered and changed. Gotta leave here in about 45 minutes.” 
Jake emerged from the bathroom twenty minutes later,  freshly showered, shaved and dressed in a creamy beige coloured sweater and his favourite dark washed denim jeans, cognac brown cowboy boots adorning his feet to complete the look. His golden blonde military-approved haircut was gelled up in the front, the way he’d worn it every day for the last 20 years or so - he swore up and down that if he didn’t use the hair gel, it’d be an unruly mess, though everyone around him knew he was just a creature of habit whose life motto was “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  
The drive to the church was a quiet one, little Easton was practically buzzing with excitement in the back seat beside Jake, but insisted on not speaking so he could save his voice for the lines he had in the play. Jake couldn’t help but laugh at the child’s insistence on playing the part so professionally, but Stephanie had simply nodded and smiled, giving Jake a look that explained this was just how Easton was, a perfectionist like his uncle. 
The church auditorium was full of parents and families waiting to see their children on stage for the next hour, a handful of lines of dialogue shared between each child in order to make it fair for everyone. Phones were held out with cameras pointed at the stage, each parent excitedly watching for their child’s big moment. Jake took his seat beside his sister and her husband, his parents seated to his left. They all smiled proudly as they watched the stage, waiting for Easton’s big stage debut. 
Jake had noticed you standing by the front of the stage, a few rows of seats ahead of him. You were discreetly and quietly helping the children when they got stuck with remembering their positions on stage or the lines they were supposed to say. You looked just as he’d remembered you - in fact, he’d argue that you’d only grown more beautiful over the last 16 years. He felt his heart racing again, a soft, rosy pink hue filling his cheeks as he smiled in your direction. He could hear his mother lean over and whisper something to his father, who dissmissively rolled his eyes at his wife, trying to stifle a laugh. Stephanie smirked to herself, and her husband, who was none the wiser about your lifelong crush, sat confused, trying to work out what he was missing. 
“Jake,” Stephanie whispered to her brother, nodding her head slowly as her eyes stayed on the stage, watching for Easton, “I’d say somethin’ to her if I were you. Can’t go back to California and not say a word to the poor girl about how you feel. Maybe she feels the same way and y’all can have something together before you go back in a couple’a weeks?” 
Jake shook his head slightly, a warm smile on his face. His green eyes were betraying him as he spoke, showing how he felt as his words contradicted him.
“I don’t still have feelin’s for her, Steph. It was just a crush in high school. I bet she’s even forgotten me.”
“She hasn’t,” Jake’s mom piped up as she whispered, leaning over Jake’s father to speak.
“She hasn’t forgotten you, Jake,” His mother simply repeated before returning her attention to the stage.
Jake spent the next 20 minutes mulling over this information from his mother, and the words of encouragement from his sister. While there was always the very likely possibility that the two women were meddling and trying to set him up on a date with someone, anyone, who they thought he might have a shred of happiness with, there was also the possibility they could be right - maybe you really had been harboring the same feelings for him all these years too. 
After the play had ended and the auditorium had cleared out, Jake approached you, waiting politely for you to finish your conversation with another parishioner, one congratulating you on the play being a success. Jake smiled warmly, his million-dollar grin on full display, a twinkle in his pale green eyes as he spoke. 
“Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me or not?” He began.
“Jake, right? Jake Seresin? I suppose you’re a Lieutenant now, your mama told me about it, congratulations!” She smiled warmly, nodding her head, “I could never forget you, we used to be good friends back when we were just lil’ kids.”
Jake nodded his head, unable to control the wide, beaming grin on his face as she spoke, revealing that his mother was at least right about one thing, you’d never forgotten him. 
“That’s me! My mama’s pretty bad for bragging about me, sorry ‘bout that,” Jake laughed as he shook his head, running a hand to the back of his neck, his finger tips running through the ends of his short hair in the back, “Listen, I, uh,” Jake stuttered for a moment before shaking his head with a laugh. 
“I’d like to take you for a drink or something, we could catch up? For old times sake, I mean, if we both remember being good friends when we were little but haven’t spoken in 16 years, then we have a lot of catching up to do, don’t we?”
Jake grinned as you titled your head, an eyebrow cocked upward in a challenging manner as he waited for your response to his proposal. 
“I’d like that, actually,” you responded, nodding her head, “I’m free tomorrow, if you’d like?”
Jake nodded his head, laughing softly as he smiled, unable once again to fight the urge to feel hopeful and hopelessly in love as your unrequited crush from 16 years ago accepted your text. Jake had no idea what he was doing at this point - he wasn’t a dater, he was generally unable to keep a relationship going longer than a couple of months, usually out of fear of what would happen while he was deployed. Would they cheat? Would he’d make it home ok? What would they do if Jake didn’t come home exactly the way he’d left it - not having a relationship was just easier.
However, in this moment, hearing you agree to have a drink with him tomorrow night, Jake was staring to wonder if maybe his bachelor streak was coming to an end. And he couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that it all unfolded because of his nephew’s role in his childhood church’s nativity play. 
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redbowkid-27 · 7 months
My oc progress from old and until now and a little news
This is going to be long, so keep scrolling if it didn't catch yor attention :]
Have a nice day
My apologies if im pretty suck at English while making this
Oh hello thanks for looking
So this my oc progress, from aster to liam!
So when i was bored i draw this lil fella and i was inspired by Enderman from Minecraft
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Then when i get to play among us again bc nostalgia from 2020,i upgrade him to this kind of alien playing role as an imposter.
And thats when i gave him a new ability to shape shift, also for the name i combined some spacey stuff name like Celestial, star, Orion,and more then boom theres the name and i pick Astra
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Then this
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And finally this!
Got to make him have two eyes
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And i eventually make lore for him ( the lore it self doesn't make any sense yet, i just take the point only )
This is where his name astra became liam,the name Astra is too spacey for a human name and thats the reason i changed it to Liam
And that lil fellas name is Azy. Got to make them became friend then sibling which is liam is the older brother and Azy is the youngest
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So a lil bit from the role these two get in trouble
Where Liam get killed and tortured then thrown to the deep dark abyss void pit where he then slowly decays as the time pass by, but he still survive with his hope from his little brother little Necklace, remembering that he always be there for him
I call it ( Rotten Forgotten )
Then he meet with (someone) who help him from the void
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And this is them now
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Update : astra will be a nickname when liam changes
Well thats all of it!
And i want to say many thanks to ppl who always support me with my little art!
Actually you know what? i was literally making this account just for fun only, which is i dont really care about username and stuff so i just use my oc,s name Astra with Y in front. Knowing that this account wont be last very long
But when i post my first ever freakin art for fun its literally goes up to 6.000+ notes, like wtf i was very surprised, i had no idea how was that going to be that good for a first try, life have a lots of surprise was it
Then i have no other idea so im running this account, im literally very very nervous showing my art to ppl.
But hey, i think i make a good decision to keep running this account, i improve my artstyle and more bc of y'all supports!
And bc of that I'll be soon using my real username
And thats all! All i can say is just Thank you very much for you guys that always there to support me and my art! 🌟
Hope that wont be too long for you guys haha
Again! Thank you and have a nice day :]
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mad3lyncline · 2 days
𝑨𝑵𝑫𝒀 𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺 . starters taken from andy king's youtube videos . adjust pronouns as necessary !
i'm a sucker for nostalgia , folks .
look i may be a sucker , but i'm no fool .
this seems to be a major problem in hollywood right now .
conceptually , that's all you had to do .
i cannot stress enough how much this pisses me off .
bro hasn't . . . lil bro hasn't read the book .
what the fuck are we doing right now ?
i'm not watching that .
oh he's magic ? can he magically clean that shit up ?
i brought you here today to tell you one thing and one thing only .
i actually don't like you that much .
people were having babies before , and now . . . uh . . . now they're just angry .
so what if he got extra guac ? it doesn't mean anything .
you know how i like to smoke blunts every day .
honestly , what he said though ? a little bit fucked up .
i'm like kind of now really locking in to this .
alright , [ name ] has not said a goddamn word yet .
she called her a googly eyed bitch .
[ name ] looks the most guilty motherfucker i've ever seen .
the confidence came out of nowhere ! i guess i believe him now .
stop with the game of thrones shit ; i never watched it .
this is probably more fun than most concerts .
what's that term that clearly i don't use ? can you tell me more about it ?
they look just like him . both of them do .
something horrendous has to have happened here .
it doesn't seem like the guy has committed any type of major atrocity . . . at least not yet .
it turns out that i missed out on years of lore .
my biggest mistake was that i gave him the benefit of the doubt .
i think i found the riddler in real life .
i would have a beer with him . . . or a glass of milk or something .
you have to ask a lot of questions , and you have to kill people .
well , you would be right . and also wrong .
there's nothing better than a person that's just such a little quirky goofball , you know ?
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mrstsung · 8 months
Shang tsung has BEEN sexy. Always has been
Y'all just late to the game.
I mean 30+yrs of games. You got a lot of material to work with.
Like come on
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I mean come on people.
Young,old,beard,no beard. Shang has it all.
He's cunning,scary intelligent,handsome. Funny. Has humble origins(could be written a bit better and less yikes by NRS but ya know) like you feel bad for shang regardless of his predicament. Because being cursed to take the life force of others for eternity because some salty bitch didn't want you to be "better" than him. Never to embrace death or fully feel life. Stuck in a limbo. Have all the powers of a god yet denied any clearance. Have all the ambitions of a emperor and ruler yet desire none of triviality of it all. Only the security and safety of it. Desire nothing more than what you feel you deserve,and that grows day by day through the trials of kombat. Day in and day out you fight for your life for crumbs.
How can anyone not feel for shang? At least nowadays.
Like they gave him something more than "evil bad guy to beat up" yet expect people to still go the status quo when they want us too. How can you root for anyone who sides with earthrealm or any of the supposed "good guys" anymore?
But anyways. Yeah shang tsung deserves better treatment than him being sexy in looks. Tho he is definitely *meow* deliciously cold Blooded.
He is sexy because he is complex. Because he's not afraid to go after what he wants. He's cautious(and more so as time goes on,as he gets a lil bit wiser tho not much changes overall. He's still a lil cheeky shit and stuck in survival mode. Oof). shang tsung is sexy because he's a bad guy with standards. Twisted sense of honor,he stands for himself. Because nobody else will.
See liu kang,in this new "timeline" if you gave him friendship or friends. Ya know genuinely a happy fucking life. And not put edanians on a pedestal because you wanted kitana puss puss so damn bad. Maybe you could have avoided all of that! Ya know maybe kung lao,raiden,and shang could have been the "deadly alliance" you needed. But noooooooo! Pusshy and looking good for these god/titans was more important?! Fuck off.
Dark raiden would have decimated you on spot for that bullshit.
And i would have laughed. This new liu kang is a joke. Fr. (Tbh the whole damn thing has become a joke but eh)
Shang tsung is once again the only thing keeping this dead horse alive,look me dead in the eyes and tell me he aint!? It's the truth and i know it,and y'all know it. And even then that will wear out in time. Even then it's not the BEST shang tsung(storywise)and Alan Lee's voice and performance is what made this enjoyable. Mr lee is too damn nice for this shit. Luv ya man but yeah. Still would love to see more of shang tsung being actually treated with respect and not with nostalgia bait clouding the writing devs minds. But people who actually love complex villains or morally grey characters.
Anyways. We love this sorcerer. But he deserves better than that.
More kontent soon. Sorry for the smol hiatus.
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madforhoran · 10 months
i may have written a lil bit (not finished yet) for the prompt from yesterday….
It’s been six months of trying to get your life together, after the elderbrain defeat, after you saw Astarion running away from the sun. You felt so guilty that you didn’t even try to contact him. You thought he must resent you for what he gave up on after the ritual. All you wished for him was to not have his hands and soul stained with so many deaths, to see he was strong and powerful the way he was. 
“You’re right, I can be better than him.”
He agreed with you but watching him run away in fear of burning to a crisp didn’t feel like much of an accomplishment. Such a lousy friend you were.
You’d been reading Withers’s reunion party invitation over and over again, pondering whether to go or not. It would be way easier to take the coward’s way out and decline. At the same time you wished to see your former companions again, you couldn’t miss it. Rip the bandaid quickly rather than slowly. Maybe he won’t even be there, he wasn’t big on the company of others anyway. 
You made yourself somewhat presentable and travelled back to the place that hit you with feelings of nostalgia immediately upon arrival. The campsite near the lake. You could smell food, burning wood. You could hear Karlach’s roaring laughter, Shadowheart was walking around the lakeshore with Scratch, Wyll was talking to Jaheira and Halsin, and Gale was having a conversation with an astral projection of Lae’zel. 
And there he was. 
Beautiful as ever. 
Sitting next to the campfire, fiddling with his knife. Your fingers remembered the softness of his white curls, the coldness of his skin. Your lips remembered the touch of his and how you robbed yourself off of all what could’ve been. 
You stopped in your tracks for a moment, tempted to run away before he noticed you, yet at the same time you were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. 
How could you go for so long without seeing him? He was on your mind nonstop anyway but still. 
He turned his head.
Shit. You cursed inadvertently. There was no escape now. He was coming towards you now and you weren’t blind to notice the happiness and confidence that radiated from him. He looked genuinely content. 
“Ah, finally gracing us with your wonderful presence, darling? People were putting bets on you. I won, obviously,” he said with a lighthearted tone. Oh, how you missed his voice too.
“Astarion… hi,” you began, your thoughts turning into mush. “You look well.” 
He chuckled. “As complimentary as ever, some things just don’t change, do they?” 
Something about him did change though. It was a good change. There was no bitterness, no resentment in his voice. You were dying to know what he’d been doing all this time on his own.
“I’m sorry I didn’t seek you out, I felt horrible, like I failed you,” you said, ignoring the bait. “Failed our friendship.”
“Darling, you didn’t. I had to process things on my own time, alone. It took a while but eventually I realised that shadows and darkness are a part of me, same as my fangs. This is a curse only if I allow it to be, if I allow it to define me,” he said with a smile and you couldn’t help but feel pride soaring in your chest. You hadn’t expected something like this coming from him. “This is finally ‘me’ in all my glory for better or for worse.” 
“What does it mean?”
“It means I’ve taken a turn as an adventurer and a hero. Inspiring hope in people, rather than terror. I do try to inspire a little terror though. It’s still me after all,” he said, his face beaming with excitement. “Turns out nobody actually cares about murder when you murder the right people and I’m quite good at it!”  
You let out a giggle without meaning to, only this man could make you laugh about murder. At least now his thirst for bloodshed had a proper direction…and gods above have mercy, his confidence was extremely attractive. Not that he ever was not attractive but until Cazador’s death he was operating under fear and trauma, his self-perception warped by Cazador’s two-hundred year long gaslighting. Seeing him this happy finally elevated the burden you carried for the past six months.    
“Who would’ve thought of Astarion becoming a hero. I distinctly remember you scoffing about how utterly awful it is and how heroes suck, or am I wrong?” you teased. He rolled his eyes with playfulness rather than annoyance. “Oh, how I missed you, darling, you and your hero speeches! What can I say, you inspired me.”
Your heart made a little jump inside your chest. Being in his presence again felt so familiar and comforting, alluring even. If there was one thing you regretted saying to him was that he needed a friend, not a lover. Maybe this was your chance to rectify it, unless Astarion had found somebody else. You had no idea how to approach the topic to make it less awkward so you excused yourself to grab a drink.
Three drinks.
Wasn’t enough. You felt his eyes on you, watchful as always for a seasoned rogue. He approached you and swatted the half-drunk wine glass out of your hand. “I think you’ve had enough, dear, we don’t want no drama here,” he clicked his tongue and lifted you from the chair. “W-wait,” you stuttered. Now or never. “I want to-to ask you…something,” you mumbled, praying not to pass out and utterly embarrass yourself in front of him. 
“Don’t tell me you got yourself drunk to amass courage to ask me whatever it is you want to ask. That isn’t like you, or is it?”    
Gods, he was so close. His beautiful face, his beautiful everything. You felt so damn stupid. He was in love with you back then but what now after you practically abandoned him.
“D-do you still like me, Astarion?” you asked, your heart beating so fast now that you could hear it echoing in your ears. “More than a friend, I mean.”
“I must say, darling, that this is a very feeble attempt to rekindle whatever was between us. I expected you to be more sophisticated.”
Despite drunkenness, you were determined to stay on course. “What is your answer? And please stop deflecting.” 
“My dear, you want me now when I have no problems to deal with, is that it?”
Deflecting yet again. He never stopped being a little shit and you both hated and loved it about him. “I want you, I’ve always wanted you.”
“Your actions spoke otherwise,” he countered with a devious smile. There was no way in hells he was going to let it slide and make it easy for you. In the end, it was your fault.
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harus-simp · 1 year
Cutie cutie
-Matthew x reader-
Warning:none,just a cute and awkward matthew being all adorable 😙
Requested: can you write a drabble about being matthews first ever relationship? i think he’d be so cute and awkward omg <3 (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anon, sorry for the long wait but here's your lil cutie matthew ;))
Matthew hadn't been in any relationship before, so you being his absolute first one could probably be translated to seeing how inexperienced he was by his actions and his little awkwardness.
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After years of knowing each other and staying as just friends even though it was pretty obvious you liked each other,you decided to take the step and confess your feelings towards him.
He was everything you could have asked to have in your life, like a warm ray of sunshine hitting you right on your face, like the fresh spring breeze that surrounds you with nostalgia, like the flavour of sweet fruits that you taste on a hot day throughout a cold drink.
He made you feel thousands of butterflies on your stomach and that giddiness and excitement you get due to his perfect smile and his cute little actions for you.
And seeing him all happy with other people made your heart shrink and feel extremely heavy. So taking this into account you just threw away all the possibilities that could go wrong and decided to take a shot.
When you finally let it all out and spoke to Matthew about it you were at first too scared to look at him in the eyes, and the silence that came right after it gave you less confidence about your decision. The truth was he couldn't believe you liked him back, he was too scared for rejection so you telling him that came as a surprise. However, as he saw tears rolling down your precious face he reacted immediately corresponding your feelings excitedly.
So that lead us to the present,about a week or so right into your relationship. Everyone could sense that you both were in love, from the way you spoke about your partner to the lingering glances to the soft smiles. However, as sweet as it seemed from afar the truth was a little bit different.
As you were both young, you were kinda inexperienced in terms of love, but it was totally normal. Specially Matthew, he was kinda awkward around you when you wanted to do couple stuff, because yes you were the one that lead the relationship here. You were much more opened to pda and showing affection.
Whenever you went to any little date you had you saw him all shy and blushy, he looked sometimes like a lost puppy that was afraid to follow anyone. But that's what you loved about him, his rosy cheeks when you hugged him out of the blue, his giggles when you made a silly joke or even the little glances you both exchanged that left you kicking your feet when you got home.
He also got embarrassed for the silliest things filling you with endearment like:
"Can I hold your hand?"
"Of course you can matthew"
Other times he said:
"Can you brush your fingers through my hair please?"
And forget about kisses, he couldn't take it if you just decided to give him a random peck on his cheek.
There was this particular time where you were just watching a movie and you were feeling cold so you decided to wrap your hands around him and scoot closer to him. He was a little stiff throughout it, but what made him ten times shy was you calling him:
"Baby, you don't need to be that rigid around me, but if you are uncomfortable or something you can just tell me"
That was it,those two things definitely killed him with sweetness. You hugging him and right after it giving him a cute nickname was enough for him to separate for a while from you as he was too busy covering his face from embarrassment.
After a whole minute he looked back at you cuddling you back but hiding his face on the crock of your neck.
"Sorry, you are too cute for my heart to take"he said
You smiled fondly at his remark
"No, you are the cute one"
"I'm not"
"Yes you are"
And just like that you started a small little argument (not in a serious way tho) on who was more adorable.
Matthew's favourite dates were definitely those where you went outdoors to the river, the countryside,the beach,etc...
He loved nature so it was natural for him to be in his favourite place with his favourite person.
You both went to the forest frequently and enjoyed the peace and the views you got there, it was such a fond memory that you held dearest to your heart and so did him.
You went there with sandwiches and fruit to not die from hunger and sat down on a tree log talking about anything that came to your mind.
You couldn't stop staring at him, at his profile and how his eyes literally sparkled when he looked at a butterfly or the beautiful flowers that were near you both, and once you were caught by him he asked you about it looking down:
"You just look so handsome and comfortable, it makes me really happy and I feel really lucky to get this sight"
Your sweetness? How you got every little detail? Nah, you definitely broke him. He swore to God he didn't deserve you at all.
He loves spending time with you, he really appreciates quality time. Your mere presence was enough to help him calm down his nerves making him feel secure. And although he was a bit awkward at first on the first week, you could see that behind that little shell he would eventually open up and leave all that shyness behind.
What can we say, he's a baby <3
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dreamsofminnie · 2 years
“500 years... And not once did I forget you.”
{Dainsleif x Reader} Part 1
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Part 2 <(Link will be open once its posted)
Summary-> These centuries, these years apart. Khaenri’ah was cold but your heart felt much colder. The forgivable sin Dainsleif left had left imprinted deeply into your flesh. Then why do you feel this overbearing longing for his pressence once again? Years of therapy, self-reflection, and vividly horrid night terrors; couldn’t stop this ache when you lay eyes upon him once more.
Notes-> This took several months to write and plan </3 Originally for my bestie for her birthday but I thinks it’s too well written to not share. I hope you like this lighthearted, horror+mystery, a lil comfort, then hurt & angst—in that order <3 @wraitingyou
Tags-> DainsleifxReader, Angst, Slow burn, We die in vain, mystery, genocide, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Reader is from Khaenri’ah, Khaenri’ah lore, reader is from Khaenri’ah, repressed memory, the cataclysm | fall of Khaenri’ah, pre-cataclysm Khaenri’ah, mutual pining, childhood friends, hurt no comfort, pain and suffering, angst and humour, slight gore, horror, body horror, decimation, the abyss, abyss order, reader is not traveler, betrayal, Rhinedottir, mentions of alternate universe, comfort, pining, fluff to angst, implied/referenced character death, genshin plot, Royal guard Dainsleif, reader was a royal guard, nostalgia, suffering, harsh language, heartbreak, no love, delusional dreams real, memory lost, regaining memories
Word Count-> 5.6k
“See you later! Have a safe trip, except for you Wanderer. I hope you trip on your way out and get buried under.” Running farther away from your friend and the pest, you had really prayed for your dear friend’s safety with that gremlin of a puppet.
The inn you all were staying at was starting to get less packed with the huge rainstorm passing. Sumeru surely was a rainforest of region, much more comforting out of all the places you have traveled so far.
Faint drips of rain plopped onto the windows. Soothing yet setting for a melancholy atmosphere. Not that it’s needed, you don’t ever get sappy for anything.
“Therapy session for this month check. Controlled anger issues check. Resistance in making crude jokes.. hnn, check i guess.” I should be good for another few months…”
“I must prepare to leave early tomorrow morning.” Diving into bed is the best parts of the day. No need to waste energy on minuscule thoughts.
Except, innsomnia is a tired person's worst literal nightmare.
“Agh, the kitchen would be closed at this time of the night. Snacks are a nope. Fresh air then, stars are always mesmerizing, maybe they can hypnotize me to sleep.” Irritation laced your words, not thinking much of them.
Curse the devil for allowing innsomnia.
Slipping into a coat you walk out your room and onto the large public balcony.
The inn you were staying at was in the main Sumeru city. Twisted into the tree trunk, the rooms carved into the tree while the balcony stuck out with marble flooring. The usual white spiral ramps gave the inn exits either going up or down.
Though to you, Sumeru is one of the nicest places to enjoy scenery. Aesthetic in all ways. The stars this night didn't fall flat of this statement.
Something to admire
Something forgotten
Leaning on the balcony railings the gentle breeze took some leaves for flight and your eyes followed suit.
Till they landed on a silhouette standing ten feet away looking in the opposite direction. His back was broad and he stood tall. His hair paled much more in the moonlight and clothes rustled with each growing breeze. The breeze acted like it was setting a mood as it grew a bit harsher.
A twinge in your nerves caused you to walk towards him.
Strange emotion pileing up for this unknown man.
Then it dropped.
You couldn’t believe you thought that was someone who would stir such emotions. Your head thought it was a person your heart has longed for. But a person you have no idea of. Who? Who did you think it was?
Thinking now, the breeze wouldn’t be able to set a mood even if someone were to sober it. Not that there needs to be mood setting.
“Don’t you have a home and a broke man to accommodate to.” Snarky remarks at 4am is exactly what a man needs to hear to crawl back home. Except it doen’t work on pricks.
“And what pleasantries do we have here.” He taunted and turned around his face cold as ever.
“I don’t understand your feeble scholar upgraded language. Shut the fuck up. My insomnia can’t handle pricks.” Alhaitham closed his thick study books and used it to tilt your chin up.
You were standing two steps apart. Well, one step for him since long legs and all.
“Tighnari has smelling herbs for insomnia. Did your puny brain not tell you of that prick either.” You huff and push his book straight back into his chest. “Unlike you. He is much more welcome in my bubble of friendship. Dried up cactuses don’t get a say in my life.”
Alhaitham tucks the book under his arms and turns towards the ramp going down. “Then I guess this dried up cactus will fuck off as you said.” He took five steps before slightly turning back at you.
“Insomnia herb. Get it tommorrow.”
Then he disappeared from view.
“What the fuck. He sounded like he ordered one for me already?! I’ll make sure he didn’t tomorrow morning. Hhuu. That exchange made me exhausted.” With groggy eyes you drag your feet back into the inn.
Upon entering your room once again, you hit the sack faster than you took off your bulky coat.
“AAUUCK!! fak.” You bolted up. These Sumeru bed’s are truly something. Though there were sheets and blankets for comfort, the main part of the bed has grass and leaves atop the wooden base inside. They leave you pretty sore for people who have never slept on a hard surface like these.
You groaned and rubbed your eyes.
“Time to get that medicine i guess. And check out of the Inn.”
“Archons bless you Tighnari. Lifesaverr, your the bestt!!” You placed all the stuff he gave you into your travel bag securely.
“No problem. Those should be able to last you for a month or more. Just as you don’t overdo your state.” He crossed his arms in a knowing stare.
You avoid his eyes, then recalled an annoying swirling voice in your head. “When did you prepare this for me..?”
“I really hope it’s not…-”
“He put in the order.”
“HOW THE FUCK! When did that bastard get the time to message you in that short time I talked to him yesterday night?! What is he watching my every move or something. creepy.”
“Creep sent a messenger bird late at night.” Your bewildered and irritated sigh battled your disgust to fight him right now. So you settled with another direction. Slapping a piece of paper on the floor you scribbled a rushed “thank you” letter.
“Please send this to Alhaitham the creep, as my condolences to his creepy ways.” You mocked his formal speech and handed Tighnari the piece of paper with a drawing.
“What the fuck.” Tighnari stared at the drawing in dumfoundedness and a slight tinge of amusement if this was sent.
“It counts as two things, see? One could represent a middle finger then the other…well, those two spherical structures are the things he doesn't have. He doesn't have those to fight me" (balls to fight me)
“I wish I could see his reaction to this then. I guess I’ll send it to him for you.” You smiled to Tighnari in gratitude. You could always count on your sassy gay friend.
“But anyways, don’t you have to get going, it’s reaching noon soon.” Tighnari looked in the sky and back towards you.
“Ah! Of course of course… Hiking is the most terrible sport…can’t believe people do this for fun.”
Tighnari crosses his arms and moved along with his wight shift, deadpanned. “I do that for a job. Get used to it, hiker.” Pointed his thumb towards the hills.
“Sheesh. Well then I’m heading off. Thank you for the weed, bye bye.”
You could hear a loud bewildered huff merged with a laugh, while you ran off.
By the time you reached the edge of Fontaine the sky grew dark. Good thing Tighnari suggested you take one of his makeshift tents. Inns won't be available on the outskirts of the city so it will take a while to hike further.
Light rain hit the tent in pitter patters. Soothing.
You take the paper package of the medicinal herbs out. “Ah. How did he tell me to make this again? Where’s the ball.” Rummaging through your bag you took out an incense ball. A similar one to what Tighnari has but yours was darker in tone and in dull blue and black.
You hung the ball from a short wire off the ground. Opened the top and sprinkled in half a handful of the herb. It closed shut and you shook it around a few times. A bit of water from your bottle was tossed in this concoction. The incense ball’s scent soon filled the tent.
“So fast and effective..” A yawn already erupted from your mouth.
Droplets of rain. Therapeutic.
The tent folded back and incense packed you headed off once again.
To the heart of Fontaine.
You really were getting tired of inns. The amount of money you have was starting to lack. You pondered if you should just take some simple requests from small villages along the way. You gain money, and they gain help.
You nodded to yourself and paraded to nearby villages.
You followed a pathway toward the houses keeping your eyes aware of anyone that seemed in need of help.
A man standing a few feet away seemed distressed while he paced back and forth anxiously.
Your curiosity peeked as you came closer. “Hello sir. Are you okay? You seemed terribly stressed” You heard that Fontaine was a place of formalities so speaking the part was no problem.
The man hurriedly looked up expectantly. “Are you perhaps a mercenary?! You’ve got to help! Oh, it’s a hell of a mess!! He’s-he might die. Surely will pass away! Theft, murder, moronic fool!!”
You lower his arms from flailing around in erratic movements in his panicked stupor. “Uh. I’m not quite catching up sir..” You would have thought it would take much more just to get a request.
The middle-aged man gulped in large breaths to smooth his emotional turmoil.
“My cousin, Guillaume, has been recently been in debt as a treasure horder. He is quite skilled but truly reckless. He fought a bunch of Abyss mages that seemed to be in a middle of a ritual... Treasure of course was engraved in his skull. So when he picked up a heavy object from the scene, it made him crazed. He became hostile to every person who comes near him. Injured many. Not only that, but the occurrence enraged the abyss and he is getting hunted by the Fontaine police as well as the Abyss. From that, he started kidnapping people into his hideout and they too become crazed… I know I should trust the officials but.. their pride is too high to even adknowledge my input.”
He wasn't fidgety anymore and remained calm. This series of events seemed bothersome to you now. Too much work for you who just wanted some quick task. Intriguing of course, but eh.
“As well as the fact that the Fontaine officials were here moments ago and left as quickly. I was merely aggravated when a gentleman came by to ask questions about this incident. He hurried when I gave all my information on the location. I worry for the gentleman. I can’t help to stress. As well as…I know that Guillaume is deeply in dispair. He has this small window where he is sane and…He sent me a few letters..”
You took some time to ponder all the information. The abyss is after the man who stole something, the thing has changed him and everyone around it. They seem like they became, monstrous—ugh!
Your hand was deeply clenched at your scalp head throbbing so loudly and throat dry.
“Dear me! Are you alright!! Apologizes to the hefty load!” He hurriedly sat you down on a short stone fence and fetched water from the well a few feet away.
The sounds of splashing water seemed much more distant than 5 feet away.
‘It's so dizzy..’
Red fizzled and flashed in your head. Red flags that encouraged you forward. A terrible way to go but who knows. Maybe, just maybe, solving this can make those nightmares that lead to your insomnia go away. Bloodshed. The cause of why you see bloodshed in these nightmares has always bothered you so bad.
“…iel, Iel! Hello?! Are you well?! Drink drink, water” You release your tight hold on your head to take the large cup. The water was cool and slide down as a semblance of relief. The reflection mirrored your pained expression, your frowned. It was not a good look for you. But cracking jokes at this time, wasen’t wise.
“..thank you for the water. I don’t know what happened just now. But. I will help with this, for the gentleman and for your cousin. If he still can be helped…” The man relaxed at your conscious state and nodded.
“I will provide you more details.”
Rest was not an option in this tight knit issue. Anything could formulate in the span of a whole minute. And your dread never faded the whole time you thought about this.
Let’s see, the man said Guillaume would take the villagers at midnight when the stars are high up. In the daytime, he isn’t crazed and sits in solitude in despair. He is responsible for dozens of people he has dragged.
You feel sickened. The letters you got to read by Guillaume were heart-wrenching and explicit. However, it could only be judged on the rule of the scene.
Some crucial details in the letters were his descriptions.
“The crystal shines so luminescently venomous.
It burns as well as attracts……
I can’t take it.
Please please. Hel 𝓹
Your leetrs that say you will save me from this hell is false!
The feel of gasoline ignites my fingers to my core.
Though I feel it welcome me……
The ghastly scars leave residue atop my skin. Horrific.
All ash
My vision has been narrowly obscured.
How I am able to pick up a pen is beyond my imagination.
Is my brain really intact?
I think someone is comi. g into the room. Annoyance……
I think— I shut up their cries……
Do I-know them?
Haha…she is trying to plead with me……
She remi nd.s me of m. y wife..
FUCK. WHA T HAVE I DO Ne. SHE- *incomprehensible scribbles and a slight dried dampness*
The human has given in to the crystal how astounding……
Haha. Her screams have filled the room……
The stars are approaching. It will be time again…….
How thrilling……
A feast is due……
Ps. [___] power lets us fly too. Did you really think I used a carrier pigeon…….
Stars stay alight in farewell…….delight……”
The letter gave you the shivers. This was the third one that was sent. And out of all the three letters, this contained the most insanity inducing mentality. You highly doubt Guillaume will live a normal life after this concludes. Poor guy. Debt changes a person.
On the contrary, this bloodbath piques my interest. It’s not every day you get to investigate manslaughter. You feel like detective Heizou. No wonder he likes to run off towards danger.
Information about the gentleman assisting was only brief since I was to hurry to the site before the next day. “He was tall and built more alike a soldier. He also wore blue and black clothing. He never gave me his name…” Your thoughts had fiddled when he had told you, but a numbing pain seized your brain functions into hyper-focus.
You rub your temples, eyes focused on the route he marked on your map. Leg day has really been your everyday. Super exhausting.
Blood and skin drew icy cold as your breath hitched. This torturous feeling washed across your body so suddenly. Dread paling your face, a strangled cry caused a sharp inhale of breath, hands clawing at your neck and chin to get your throat muscles working. Despair induced your veins as burning heat crawled through those blood passages. A howling scream intensified something inside you. Something triggered your reaction, was it from in the cave? Ah...thinking was much too difficult in this sizure. Airways in the throat barely letting a breath passby, your face purples and twists. Water pools your eyes in distraught and pain. Glued to your spot, the ominous descending cave gurgled back shouts and thumps. Muttered curses escape as you try and hold your ground. Saliva formed in the clogged airways and raining down by your feet. This all felt like you were strangled, punched, and overall scoured all over, in charcoal.
If you had regretted anything in your sad life, it was this. Taking this commission. Talking to the distressed man. Stranger danger real. Regret for ever stopping by that village…and the regrets have only started.
The next thing you saw was pitch black.
The weather these past few days has been horrid. Snow storm after the other piled the streets with 1 foot of snow. The roads and streets are accessible to your relief. How else would you be able to see your sweet boyfriend.
The chime of a café door rang as you entered hurriedly from the biting winds outdoors. You cupped your hands together and attempted to heat them up with your breath. The shop was quiet besides the old love songs and occasional emo rock songs playing from the speakers. Owl city was one of his most liked songs.
You perched on the counter ringing the small bell near the card scanner.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding—
“Okay. Okay, I hear every one of your calls Y/n.” He came out from the break room and leaned in from across the counter where you sat.
You smiled at Dainsleif. “How are you Dain! Was shoveling the snow all by your lonesome hard this morning?~”
He huffed. “It was fine. But next time you're accompanying me.” He grabbed your waist and dragged you over to the worker's side of the counter, swinging your legs around as well so you're still sitting.
“It’s still midday so let me make you a cup of something warm.”
You watch him, your elbow on your knee and chin in your palm. Dainsleif manages this café and is the best drink maker there is. He unintentionally shows off some skills when making them, that’s why many girls come here for the show. Not that he pays attention to.
“Kaeya has told me to indulge you in more romantic lines. Would you like to be humored?” Dainsleif brought the mixing bottle up to the side of his head and shook it thoroughly as a bartender would, while glancing up at you.
When he does that every time it makes you swoon on the inside just a little.
“Kaeya is a terrible influence. Which makes life more bearable.” You shoot Dain a small finger heart in which he stops for a while in confusion but recovers a few seconds after.
“What does it feel like to be the most gorgeous person in this room?” Dainsleif plops toppings into the drink, adding more of your favorite ones.
“Bleh, I’m the ONLY person in this whole building, try again.” You kick your legs a bit, secretly enjoying these terribly cheesy pickup lines he always stores for you.
“Hm. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.” He achieved a faint breathy laugh from you, you argued that it was just because it was so so old and overused.
He snapped the lid onto the steaming cup and walked back to you handing it over.
He hesitated on his next line as you blew on the liquid through the hole and took a nice warm sip. It melted your insides in warmth.
So did the pickup line.
“Just wondering if your lips taste as good as they look.” Dainsleif’s eyes were awkwardly averted, wondering how you would react.
But you sat there, mouth agape, ears flushed from the pickup line. “Didn’t expect that one.” You mumbled into the cup, eyes unfocused staring at your favorite toppings floating to the top.
Dain carefully placed both hands on either side of your body on the counter, his body subtly leans in. “...it wasn’t answered.”
Your eyes tilt up from the drink sitting on your lips. “It wasn’t a question.”
Your rebuttal made Dain purse his lip, which you intensely stared at. “Then….may I kiss you?”
Your inner thoughts were racing, the reflex of wanting to push him away was itching, but the thought of a kiss sent you into a spiral. It’s not like you haven't kissed before, you have…a rare few times.
“Aha ha, ah uhm. Get out of that ugly sweater first then we’ll talk.” You jab one finger into his chest only pushing him away by a few inches.
Both of you are terrible at this romance thing that's why it's so awkward to initiate. You back out of close contact, and only stick to flirting, and he spews pickup lines he learns from Kaeya because he’s confused about love but also respects your boundaries. All your friends suffer seeing this awkward couple at group gatherings.
“What’s wrong with my sweater?” He pulls the sweater and looks down. He wore a black shirt and over that was a black-green-brown button-up sweater, adorned with pictures of owls, bears, acorns, trees, and bushes. Very nature-y for your star-loving boyfriend. But honestly, it looked like it was made for a grandpa on a chilly evening stroll.
“The nature documentary show would like its background back.” You wheeze at Dain’s blank-faced reaction, so done with you, but he’s never over you.
Dain gently sneaked a kiss on your cheek to satisfy himself with your stunned silence cutting off any jokes lining up your defense.
He backed away from the counter and took his jacket off a hook ready to depart with you. “Our friends are waiting. Let’s head out now, I bet they are frozen solid outside since I was supposed to supply the hot drinks.”
That caused you to snap back as you cackled at Hutao, Heizou, Tighnari, and the rest, chilled to the bone buried in the deep snow. You latch onto Dainsleif’s sleeve slipping your hand into his warm pocket and holding his curled-up thumb and pointer finger. “Let’s go wifey! Onwards to the ice sculptures!!”
The darkness had enraptured you at every turn, you didn’t know if you were sitting down, laying down or even face down digging into the dark ground. Your senses were so hazed and really failed you more than normal today.
“I always knew this is what hell was like. Dark cold and numbing on my ass.” Your voice was meek and raspy but they held the same sharp tongue you brought.
A breath hitched when you spoke. So you weren’t alone, in relief your body sunk from its tension. “This place would most likely be a hell. But it's all been cleaned up now..” The voice gave you a tingling feel, almost familiar if not for your impaired and dazed hearing.
“Whoes,” Your words have slurred with the throbbing of your head, a light pressure stroking it, not sure if it was your hand or the other persons. “I didn’t want you to see this mess. Also because that thing on your head is a protection of sorts.” Your mind was too out of it to immediately process his information.
“Was I drugged and potato sacked. I still can’t feel my ass.” The voice had an airy chuckle which echoed through the space. It must be a cave, orrr the internal abyss of the hell he called.
“Well that’s because you fell on a large sharp rock when I first saw you near the cave entrance.” Ah. made sense. “Once your senses are back and you start wiggling around, will I free you.” That made you suspect you were tied down somewhere. You just hoped it was spacious and clean enough so you could indeed roll around.
A sound of shuffled occured after a while and the footsteps faded, assuming that the person beside you had left the area. Once he came back it would be war against his, oddly pretty voiced most likely pretty man. How dare he potato sack you.
Fingers twitching to life, you didn’t know how many hours were spent on body recovery. The crackles of your bones that were stiff the entire night bounced off the walls. You could now feel that your body was in fact laying down, fabric carpeting under you.
Footfalls came steadily back in your direction. “I knew you’d come back to me mysterious man” The tugging of the fabric around your head lead to pangs of sensory recovery. You hear much more sensitively after being blocked for so long. The fabric finally coming around to uncover your eyes. Vision still impaired as the lights and darkness desperately tried to balance out. The haze in your eyes remains an issue even when the smell of the fabric was soothing.
A blur of a hand reached out to you, which you took graciously, limp as they were. You were hauled up to him as he held you close to steady your shaky body. “Get used to walking afte your hours of stationary. Then we will scour the rest of the cave.” his voice sent a chill covering your spine, it was very nice...
Head limp on his chest you could see his black and blue fitted outfit. Even knowing you were short, his shoulder was still higher than your whole height. Plus the glimpse of a sword by their belt drew you to a hazy conclusion. He was the gentleman you were looking for.
However, a sense of dread and conflicting longing rang off in your ears from never ever wanting to look up into his face. So you followed just that.
Your head stayed pressed against his chest as you figured out how to move the limbs helplessly called legs. Every time your legs wobbled too much, he would grab onto your waist to steady you. And every time you clutch onto his shirt too tightly in nerves rattling, he would pat your shoulder and let you put your feet on his so he could walk for you. An hour has passed and you got the hang of your body, with a little shake you managed to walk from one wall to the other.
“Pardon me for asking but, why am I so disabled like this in the first place?” Your voice was quiet but steady, unlike the time you talked when just waking up to potential hell.
“And in all fairness, you could’ve left me to disintegrate and die. Would’ve been better instead of nursing me.” You forcefully mumbled that out in a murmur. And you really didn’t have to look up at the man’s face to feel the intensity of a sharp glare for a reason unknown.
He was pacing in large circles and looking down to watch your feet, the man now stood at the doorway. “It was close to the time of midnight. The smell radiating off the cave entrance bewitched you and agitated you. It closed off your nerves. I had prepared something beforehand to help elevate this phenomenon, which was the fabric I wrapped around you, acting as a cocoon. I then brought you inside, took care of the dangers lurking, and.....secured the premise.” He failed to mask his hesitation on hidden information, due to what he knows about this situation than you do. You slowly nodded as you stare at his shoes, intimidatingly facing your lowered head.
“This cave is enormously large. Would you like to venture through the tunnels. If your legs are up for it. I won’t leave your side, case you fall and never get back up.” His words couldn’t help but put a sting in your heart while chasing it faster. And you who inadvertently let his attempted joke pass your head.
You nodded again which you could only do with a swift tilt up to not disclose your obvious concealment of his prominent features.
The gentleman luckily leads you, tailing behind letting you clutch a corner of his cloak. It gave you more leverage to see more since he covered his own face from you since he’s tall.
As you both moved around the dirt-painted halls, the tunneling seemed handmade instead of natural. Claw marks etched into the surfaces, the ones on the wall grow even deeper and bigger the more your trembling legs take you down the hall. Some openings that led to other rooms littered the narrow tunnels, they were all empty and vacant. The only signs of life once in the rooms were the many elemental traces and or scratches from either weapons or nails. A dark murkiness painted the walls and floor—not wanting to ever know what it really is—but the stench that followed was hazy and metallic. The winding tunnels seemed endless. No wonder people came to be insane down here.
As your thoughts subsided, so did the unending tunnel.
A much broader room greeted you ahead. It must have been Guillaume’s place of residence. Half the room was bookshelves, scrawled-up papers, and scrunched-up scrolls, a large desk faced the other side, ink spilled from the table to the opposing wall. The vacant space looked more than inhabited, save for the etchings on every inch of the wall, ceiling, and floor surfaces. Many drew blanks, symbols, and incomprehensible languages. Stars were the most repeated shape. You didn’t know when you had let go of the man’s cloak, since you were too drawn to the walls of Guillaume’s self-asylum.
Your digits brushed some of the symbols, they curved neatly and were well-written. And familiar. One symbol you could read was—Cataclysm.
The jolt of electricity from touching those words provoked you to snap your neck to…
The man who stood in the same spot you left him before you let go to touch the writing on the wall. Him who watched you mindlessly draw your finger against the carved wall trying to work your brain. Him who—walking through the hallway—peered behind a you who refused to meet his height, gauging your reactions. Him who, had to do a double take when he first saw you on the outskirts of the cave. Him whose...heart clenched in anguish.
Dainsleif who,
missed you dearly.
Who always speculated if you were alive or not.
. . .
Traveling to Fontaine was genuinely; the WORST choice you could have ever done.
You really didn’t want to do this ontop of every other terrible occurrence this night. Your brain couldn't, hence the deep crease in your brow following your pained expression too well. All your senses weakened from your mentally solely. You knew him. You recognize him. You liked him.
No. You hate him.
Many years of your continuous mental and physical health checkups, insomnia plaguing your attempted sleep, unresolved hatred. All to shield yourself against this man. To conceal the centuries with him.
Now all in vain. Crumbling beneath your feet at this very dreaded moment. The way your vision blurs, the shakiness in your foothold, your clammy hands, throat strained, all in response to a simple unimaginable presence.
The one presence your heart missed dearly. But your brain, your legs, told you to run. To a remote place. But he blocked that path. As he did before, once again stuck in this in-between.
One step. Another. Yours back, his foward.
A predicament you had placed yourself in. The wall that soothed your back has never felt as cold as it did now. How you would rather it envelop you into those eerie symbols. Engraving you to the mystery of the universe.
He was one step away now. Galaxy eyes bore into your evading ones. “(Name)…”
You refused his beckoning. But that wouldn’t make him leave. It wouldn’t get him to disappear from your existence. It only hurts more now that you know he is alive and healthy.
“......If we’re done here, then I have things to do somewhere else.” You burned your eyes anywhere else but near him. He couldn’t escape the slight view you had of him at the corners of your sight. His fingers twitched as if he wanted to reach out to you, to find that once solace you gave him.
“Avoiding me won’t get you anywhere. I thought you weren’t one for not returning favors. I saved your life. Don’t you owe me something?” You scoff. It repulsed you on how observant he is of you.
“I had a dream with you in it. It was in a different world where we were….Happy together. I wish I was in that world currently instead of this shit.” The words you spewed were venomous, if not for the slightly fond tone you laced into the poison. Dainsleif’s face contorted, he was now glad you refused his eye contact, for his eyes downturned in remorse.
Remorse; that's all he ever felt towards you for many centuries when you were apart. And the times when remorse wasn't present, he was deeply coated in affection for you. Those, however, were in the early childhood days. Too far gone in the past.
“I’m sorry I can’t live up to those expectations,”
“But now you have to repay me. …And forgive me.” His firm but gentle hold on your chin forced eye contact. His blue eyes shone with the diamond in them; just like how your eyes sparked with that diamond. His words however gave you the will to slap his hand away.
“You think apologies will reconnect us? After all those fucking centuries? Those actions were effectuated by you!! You festered this effect upon me! How could I ever, ever!! forgive your inapt causes?! You’re VILE!” You ended up hitting his chest and shoving him away which sent him 6 feet apart. He took every physical contact from you, the sting was apparent and long-lasting.
Your unquenched fury bubbled to the brim. And you now approached the silent man. Your hand was now tight against his collar, the obvious trembling of his, dismantled your voice in cracks. “What was the reason?! You should’ve kept me in that sword. After you fucking decimated everyone with me. Why the fuck would I ever want to live after all that. Everything and everybody was a mess. You the most.” The intensity of your diamond-shaped eyes never faltered.
You stepped back as the grip on his collar loosened. “Khaenri’ah’s downfall… Couldn’t even be saved by any form of guard..” Your mumble cast your gaze away from his unnerving eyes.
Silence blanketed the room, no thoughts were presented or conjured. You both just allowed the atmosphere to sink in, head empty beside the presence that would have normally set your heart racing. Not this time; nor ever.
“It’s past midnight right? I’ll take a nearby room to rest in.” You didn’t require his answer, so you left just as quickly. Leaving behind the downcasted remorse filled Dainsleif stiff in his spot where you left him.
Author notes-> Reshare’s and likes appreciated <3 I hope it was heart wrenching—so i can collect tears to my jar >:D
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pinkoffice · 8 months
sukuna x reader (a lil experiment)
So that’s how you ended up with your black high heeled boots and your go-to mini black dress, fishnets on full display. Nobara insisted on a sexy but not desperate look, whatever that meant.  
You had to admit, getting ready with the trio was way more chaotic than you anticipated, but it was still a lot of fun. Nobara with her music blasting through the apartment, Itadori tormenting Megumi to not wear the same t-shirt and his “going out pants” (they were really just plain jeans??) and you just trying to find your goddamn charger. 
It just felt like your first year of uni all over again and, despite not wanting to admit it, a sense of almost overwhelming nostalgia ran all over your body. Maybe you did need to loosen up a bit, you thought to yourself as you took in the sight of your best friends in your living room, laughing about something Yuuji said. 
In spite of feeling better about your little breakthrough, now that you were actually leaving your building, the anxiety you tried so hard to suppress for the last three hours started rising up your chest again. 
Shit, were you really doing this? What about never going out again? Where and when did your resolve become so fragile? 
“Hey, ‘you okay?” Megumi’s soft voice reached your ears, as his warm touch pulled you to the side 
You tried to hide your worries through a smile, but when Megumi’s grip on your wrist gently tightened, you had to mentally prepare yourself for the conversation you were about to have. 
Throughout your walk, you kept your gaze trained on your hands, as you explained how parties were sort of your coping mechanism back when your family wasn’t so full of problems as it was now. 
Long story short, you tried to fix people, determined to prove a point to your parents and your self-esteem practically vanished. That is, until recently: when you decided to start taking care of yourself and avoid the type of people you felt strangely attracted to. 
Megumi listened to your words like his life depended on it. This was one of those rare times you opened up, and he was not throwing that opportunity away. 
After what it seemed like years of waiting, you hear the boy’s voice and you braced yourself for a condescending lecture, or that look of disappointment people gave you when they found out you didn’t have a super traumatic backstory, like an anime character. 
“I think all those people you met were assholes, (name)” 
He sighs, running his hand through his disheveled hair, “No one in their right mind would consider you unworthy of their time. Besides, you were young, it’s okay to make mistakes. What’s not okay, though, is lie and lead on a girl just because you want to get laid” 
His tone softens in the way it always does for his friends, leaving you to wonder if he is even aware of that, “I’m sorry you had to go through that, (name), I really am, but you can’t hide in your comfort zone forever. There will be a day where you have to confront your demons and just tell them to fuck off. We will protect you until then, okay?” 
Gosh, that smile should be illegal.  
You felt your belly do a backflip, as your cheeks started to warm up. You finally looked up at him and you wish you hadn’t. The way his eyes held so much cherish made you feel like the most precious thing in the whole world. 
It made you feel things you were not supposed to feel. 
You finally averted your gaze to Nobara and Yuuji, who were now waiting for you to catch up on them. Looks like they finally found the place. 
You look at Megumi again, he still staring at you, “Thank you, Megumi, that really means a lot to me” More than you know, you wanted to say, but instead you side hugged him and flashed a smile. 
The prettiest smile the boy has ever seen. 
“What’s taking you so long? We’re going to miss happy hour!” You laughed lovingly at Nobara’s childish attitude. It was at times like these that you felt so grateful for your friends, they made you feel like, no matter what happened, everything was going to turn out okay. 
“All right, time to party~!” The golden retriever of the group slung his arms around yours and Nobara’s  shoulders. 
As some random music played in the background, his attention was suddenly stolen and very quickly focused on you again, a devilish smirk on his features. 
You didn’t like that look one bit, it was that look that got you 99.9% of your detentions back in middle school. 
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it. It’s not going to happen.” Panic flooded your eyes when Yuuji started to pout. 
“(Name), you know I love you, right? You’re like, my best friend, you’re practically my sister” 
“Stop! I don’t want to hear your emotional manipulation. It’s not going to happen, Yuuji. Whatever it is, it’s a bad idea and I won’t be taking part in it” but you were already hand-in-hand with the only guy who could slaughter an entire room with a smile on his face, completely unbothered.  
Finally done resisting his infallible charm (and his superhuman strengh, what was up with this kid, anyway?), you followed his gaze, coming to terms with the situation you could have avoided if you just stayed in your godamned appartment. 
Besides a beautiful, blue eyed blonde girl, the “future girlfriend” Yuuji has been telling you about since forever, stood the guy of your (wet) dreams. AKA the biggest regret of your night and your probably soon to be 13th reason. Tall, tattoos, all muscular and manly, with bad news written all over him.  
“Hey, look who finally got here” Sukuna, Itadori’s older brother, said, giving you a once over that made your whole body shiver. 
What in the hell have you gotten yourself into? 
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Chapter 2. Frozen Hill Zone
As Sonic ran across the now-snowy Green Hill Zone, it didn't took that long until he realized that he had to mind the speed. "Woah-!" He barely managed to stop before he could fall into the pit. "Phew! Gotta be more careful about speed huh? This is new... Kind of..."
"Huh? Badniks?... Looks like Eggman is involved in this huh? Tho I do doubt that he'd be able to have pulled something like this..." Sonic, like he always does, spin-dashes right towards a few badniks. And Sonic makes his way through Frozen Hill... Until he hears a familiar voice...
"Rah! Why is it so cold!" It was Eggman. He was wearing extra thick clothes, making him look more fatter, to which Sonic, couldn't help but mock him for.
"You look more rounder than before, Egghead. Preparing for hibernation? Hmm?"
Eggman, who obvioulsy also recognized the voice and got annoyed, spoke angrily. "NO IT'S NOT! YOU BLUE GUMBALL! I've had ENOUGH!.. Of you calling me things... Although "Eggman" may have been the only one I accepted... A- Anyways... The point is... if you're going to stand in my way... I'll have to fight you!"
Sonic grabbed his head. "Alright alright... I'll put an end to whatever you're doing Egghead."
Sonic with his homing attacks, was able to hit the eggmobile. Eggman shot lazers at Sonic, which didn't helped that much since Sonic defeated him anyways.
"Alright Egghead, tell me. Are you the one who's been causing this?"
Eggman looked at Sonic in disbelief. "What? Me? To change the entire planet's temperature? No way! You probably know I don't like cold places..."
Sonic, although expected this situation, was a bit shocked. "I mean... You... did kind of did a part on changing the entire planet... splitting em up y'know?"
"I-," Eggman tried to make a comeback, but ultimately failed "...Fair."
"So what? Like... you're not up to something? That's honestly... Impressive for ya Eggy. You usually would be like, '"Ugh! I hate that hedgehog!'" and immidiately go and plan another scheme."
"Look Sonic, although yes I hate you. But, I got to say... trying to scheme in a cold environment... Does not work well."
"Y'mean... '"I hate the cold more than I hate you.'"?"
"...Yes Yes, I'll admit it."
Sonic then got an idea, which he kind of hated.
"Y'know what? You help me find whatever or whoever is causing this."
"Oh? And what's in for me?"
"... No more freezing days in a middle of summer?" Sonic looked at Eggman, kind of annoyed for not knowing the obvious thing.
"...Fine fine... But you gotta do this real quick! I can't stand this temperature!" Eggman shivered.
"Heh, what can I say? Quickness is my specialty!"
Then, from the wristband Tails gave to Sonic vibrated, as it showed a hologram... of Tails calling. Sonic answers.
"Sup lil' buddy. I didn't knew this was for communication!"
"Hey Sonic! Also... Is that Eggman?!"
Eggman then came closer to the hologram.
"Yes, yes hello young Prower..."
Sonic smirked, "Yeah, he's helpin' us."
Tails paused, thinking for a second before answering. "Well... I guess using a helping hand won't be an issue. Also, Sonic! I've found some more information about this situation. But I don't want ya to be freezing there outside. So you can come back and I'll tell you... Also Eggman can come if he wants."
"Thank god! I can't handle this weather anymore! What are you waiting for hedgehog? Lead the way!"
Sonic, always with his smug face answered. "Alright! Just make sure that you can keep up with me!"
"Sonic! Eggman. Welcome back."
"Alright Tails, what is this new information you were talkin' about?"
"Okay, so, from what I've gathered, I came to the conclusion that whoever is causing this... Might be in Ice Cap... Y'know in Angel Island?"
"Oh boy! Sounds like we're going to have a little nostalgia trip eh? I wonder how's Knuckles doing... Hope he's not inside an icecube with a silly face on him..."
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kazuyummy · 1 year
hi hi!! hope u are doing well<33 I’d like a matchup if that’s okay!
Fandom: haikyuu
matchup: impatient, funny, talented, polite
Drabble/detail: 🍊 orange<3
tysm and take as much time as u need<3!
hi hi hi so happy to finally be getting to yours ehehe! 😝
i would match you up with MIYA ATSUMU. i think you share some similarities that would work well - namely a good sense of humour and a focus on achievement & excellence. he can be impatient but also steadfast in seeing things through - so i'd describe him more as fast-paced, which i think you would come to appreciate. now where you're opposites is where it comes to politeness! he's brash and sometimes says the most uncalled-for things - so while you may be at each others' throats at first, i think you would come to bond over shared interests or experiences. in that sense, he could take you out of your comfort zone, and i think that you could help ground him without making him feel restricted. expect a lot of teasing and banter when you're with him - he'd love every second of it with you!
lil' fluffy drabble under the cut for you!
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how atsumu feels for you is how he feels about autumn
and not in the way that everything dies and it becomes winter
no, instead - what began as a couple leaves floating gently to the ground became a flurrying storm of said leaves in the brightest of colours
in short, he's fallen for you
bad pun, right? well, it's what he says to you on a walk home from class, picking up the biggest, most colourful leaf he could find and presenting it to you
you cackle, taking the leaf and giving him a joking curtsy while he's giggling at how evil your laugh had sounded
the two of you had a bit of an unexpected friendship, but always seemed to be on the same wavelength - even flirting with each other, toeing unspoken boundaries
it was good fun for him at first - but when had it turned into something more?
he shakes the thoughts from his head,
"so? how's the new project you're working on coming along?"
you shrug, "nicely, i guess" - he always thinks that you're being far too modest
"what i wouldn't do to have your sort of talents."
"hey, like you're one to talk with volleyball! it comes from hard work, y'know?"
he smiles, knowing you're like him in some ways - driven in whatever you're passionate about at the time, learning quickly and always looking ahead & envisioning
you don't usually ramble with people, but with him, you're comfortable - he's lost in thought watching words fall from your lips with brightness in your eyes
"hello? earth to atsumu?"
he snaps out of his trance with a huh?
"always so impolite," you huff, "but i wanted to know if you wanted to watch a halloween movie tonight!"
he's surprised - usually he's the one taking initiative in asking you to do something.
"what are we thinkin', then? horror? nostalgia?"
"you pick the genre, i pick the movie?"
he nods in agreement, and in a moment of bravery, takes your hand
you're a bit taken aback, but when you give his hand a squeeze in return, a look of adoration crosses his face that you've never seen before. he grins,
"well, let's not be late to our date then"
ahhhh i had to do something with fall since you gave me author's choice and i'm feeling the vibes right now haha! hope you enjoyed and thanks for your patience! 🍂
read completed matchups here 💫
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
On a happier note, I am enjoying having to research baby milestones for the Midwifery Charge AU (fic and nostalgia rambles below the cut)
(which at this point, thanks to the help of a good friend, I've realised is best done as a collection of lil one shots from moments in it. I just. don't have the mental anything nor the organisation to do a multichap full fic rn. Y'all know I lose steam too easily on those and just don't do them as well as I do simple oneshots. I wrote a full original trilogy at age 10 and again at like age 21; I used all my 'full multichap project' juice too early in life AND both trilogies kind of sucked ass. RIP to them may their memory never find me again let alone be a blessing but I digress)
Bc it means I get to remember all the cute shit the cousins did when I was helping raise them and like. certain bits can be used for baby in the fic even!
Like how the oldest one learned to roll over from one direction, but then couldn't replicate it going the other way, and she would just. lose her shit wailing until someone rolled her over that way. Then she was good until oh fuck oh no, she rolled over right to left again and to her lil brain it was too different from rolling left to right, she's stuck forever oh g-oh hey someone rolled her back to her tummy. neat.
We never let her sit for more than a second or two stuck (mostly to try and encourage her to. ya know. Realise that she could in fact roll herself both ways and it would be fine. Took her time but she got there lol) and I'm just
Dying at the image of the crew so carefully taking turns watching Baby (who I'm gonna reveal bc I don't think I have yet? if i have ignore me lol, is named Basilica after Izzy's deadname (he gave her the name, there's an entire Thing abt it and little moments abt his journey as a trans man tucked into this au), going by Baz for short (thank u to the aforementioned good friend for this as a nickname for the full name, bc I was struggling to figure out how to shorten it and Baz is !!! perfect!!!) )
And she's been with them longer than expected. 4-6 months is the average that I've found for when babies learn to roll over, so maybe she's abt 5 months old at this point.
Doing tummy time with Fang and she does it! Right to left rolling over, absolutely perfect, stunning, no notes, they're gonna make her a medal but-
Oh no. She's gotta roll left to right now, and instead of rolling the other way she just panics and weeps and everyone on this ship is a big fuckin softy (i get it lol, I was with the cousins) so they keep rolling her over the other way to calm her.
Until they have a crew meeting and Jim mentions Nana telling them that sometimes, babies have to just. cry for a minute or two and learn how to do the thing. You can help, but first you have to let them try and encourage them to do it on their own. (they gloss over the fact that Jim also makes clear with this anecdote that Nana absolutely would have taught a baby how to throw a knife. And honestly, is she wrong for this? who can say, not me, but I like knives and think a baby with a knife is hilarious, so I'm biased. I'm never gonna have kids, don't worry lmao.)
Cut to everyone having tummy time while the ship is docked/anchored somewhere safeish (let's be real, for the Kraken crew, nowhere is really fully safe with all the raiding they've been doing. But Ed and Izzy and Fang all know the quieter spots other ppl have forgotten that they can rotate going to for moments like this)
In a circle, around Basilica on the blanket Frenchie designed and knit for her, while she whines and cries bc goddamn it, why is rolling the other direction so hard? So scary?
And they're all lowkey trying not to cry (Ed and Izzy the most out of all of them, for varying personal reasons that all ultimately culminate in a want for Basilica to have a better childhood than they did, including the little moments/early achievements like this) while babytalking like mad, trying to encourage her to roll the other way
It's just not happening, but juuuust as Izzy is abt to break and gently roll her over, a cannon booms in the distance
And if that adorable little shit doesn't roll left to right, then again, trying to lift her head up to see where the big noise came from. She's not even crying anymore, she's just curious!
Unfortunately, said cannon is a sign they need to head out, so they have to pick her up and get her settled in Ed's room(really Ed and Izzy's room, by this point. Are they back together in a healthy way? Not really, but they're Aware of their mutual issues and are just barely talking some of them through. or starting that process, at least) for her own safety and now she's crying bc she's so mad! She wanted to keep rolling over! She was literally on a roll, how fucking dare they pluck her off the floor so easily!!
Despite the potential incoming danger of another ship, everyone is giggling as they get the ship moving. I'm envisioning it like. U know when a baby is So Mad So Incensed, they're making those angry babbles that are loud enough to hear a room away? That sound is all they can hear aside from the waves and the far off cannon fire, and it's a mood lightener. Yeah, they might be about to fight for their lives, but listen to her! She's swearing! (I do absolutely have an idea for her first word being 'fuck' thanks to Izzy lmaooo)
And they're all as excited to escape not just for their lives, but so they can lay the blanket out again and have her show off her new skill. A little soft moment in between having to fight to save themselves or raiding for more loot (and baby gear/supplies, my god not a one of them ever thought they'd be threatening ppl for additional cloth diapers but. here they are lol.)
Anyway. Eventually I'm gonna get all the snippets posted up in an ao3 collection, including the few I've already posted here. When I get that started I'll drop a link, in the meantime I'm gonna see if I can get my brain to actually finish another oneshot for this au today lmao
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goldengay00 · 1 year
So my town’s library has a old ass game rental section and I saw a Wii game called the Michael Jackson Experience and me being me (gay and adhd-ridden) I thought “haha michael jackson wii game... Illuso would like that.”
Then I got home, and I was bored, so here is this bullshit: La Squadra’s favorite Wii Games and some other random bs because I have a problem. (Might do Bucci gang and Unità Speciale in the future if I feel like it)
Risotto: Guitar Hero: Metallica
I mean.
Come on... What else would it be
In all realness, I think he'd actually like Guitar Hero
Formaggio probably got him to play it and he ended up enjoying it
Completely straight faced while he plays, unblinking and unmoving other than his hands and arms
Doesn't play often
Prosciutto: Wii Chest
He simply refuses to play an actual game
Has better things to do with his life
So confused when Risotto first brought it in randomly
"Ris what the fuck is a wii"
Hasn't truly played a single console game in his damn life and isn't keen on changing that, usually sitting out to just watch on game night
Pesci: Endless Ocean
You'd think it'd be one of the Wii's fishing games, but he can fish all he wants in real life, so he actually finds himself playing this a lot more
Very wholesome
Doesn't play often however, he likes watching others instead– Especially Ghiaccio and Gelato
Formaggio: Rabbids Go Home
Simply found it stupid
Says it's a joke
Isn't sure if it's a joke anymore
Also enjoys Wii Sports Resort, and he's weirdly good at pretty much all of the games
Anywho his Rabbid is horrid looking
Like what the fuck did you do to it
It's not offensive or anything, just...
Illuso: The Michael Jackson Experience
The reason I made this stupid lil thing
Gelato gave it to him as a joke
And he... actually really liked it
It's basically just a Michael Jackson version of Just Dance, so it's not just a him thing, others play with him quite a bit
Absolutely shows off. He slays so hard and has no shame
He probably 100%ed the game within a week
Melone: Trauma Team
I feel like he'd like visual novel games
Combine that with a partially human anatomy centered plot (in this case a hospital) and what's not to like for him
Wasn't big on it at first since he knows the Wii isn't the best console
Pleasantly surprised, however– actually wasn't bad.
This shit probably sent him down a Sega Visual Novel rabbithole– He has a crippling love for the Persona series
Ghiaccio: Kirby's Epic Yarn
Hear me out
He'd rather die than admit it but he actually loves Kirby
The game isn't too hard for him so he's not too stressed while playing it
The artstyle is also just,, so cute. How could he not love this shit
Sometimes he'll let someone else play with him, usually Pesci or Melone
He's broken two wii remotes now because of Formaggio and Wii Sports Resort
(Replaced both of them, though)
Gelato: Rayman Origins
Played the first game as a kid and is a sucker for nostalgia
He can and will fight you if you insult his beloved childhood series
They're like, also the only games he plays unless the others want him to play some party game or something.
Rayman might've been his gay awakening and he isn't sure how to feel about it
He does not care who plays with him if you ask to play this stupid lil game with him he'll literally get so excited
It is very possible Sorbet is jealous of this fictional character
Sorbet: Sam & Max: Season One
Probably liked the comics a lot
He isn't a gamer really. He isn't even really good at the game– but he doesn't give a shit because he likes Sam and Max
He played Babysitting Mama as a joke because Gelato brought it home once
Somehow hates babies even more than he already did because of it (Gelato is not getting kids, fuck that)
Only got more pissed when Melone gold medaled the game with ease
May have been the reason they no longer own Babysitting Mama
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
Heya! P:
I read through some of your asks answers during work and it gave me an idea. [Your blog gets more questions/is more active than other MC ask blogs I follow atm, so I stalk ya a lil' bit hhhh don't mind me]
I am not the anon who sent the AU ask, I am not knowledgable enough of MCSM to ask big questions, -wheeze- but some ungodly possession gave me an image in my mind and is now bothering me. I gotta write it down somewhere, so my first choice is to pester you with it. /hj
For some reason when it got mentioned that Jesse would spawn a monster, or some other threat, that then blew out of proportion [haphazardly so], I just saw an image in my head of them drawing a summonig circle/building a shrine Herobrine style. Crudely, but alas. A terribly bad idea but also "This ain't ever gonna work,"-like so it wouldn't hurt, surely!
What if they mistakenly summoned Crona, glitchy admin lad, with that. Pulling them from their own broken, shifting server over to theirs. The spiky beasty is so nonchalant, floating about, chill and unbothered but the MCSM world isn't acustomed to a glitchy mess like Crona, so things around them just break, glitch, shift, affected by weird effects, physics break in a radius and spread. Posing as practically a bug in the system.
Ah- It doesn't fit timeline-wise since none of the main cast actually ever met an admin at that time probably in the AU [I don't know how tightly woven the MCSM timeline is, I just know the admin shenanigans come after the witherstorm, after the portals, when Jesse is already aknowledged as a hero, and Beacontown got built? Romeo wouldn't really have his eyes on Jesse if none of that ever happened, I guess?], therefore they wouldn't have reference or concections what a big deal this is and big confrontations later interactions could pose are practically nullified in that case, but the image won't leave my brain. -wheeze-
Soooo! Maybe that idea doesn't really fit into the mentioned AU [and the timeline shifts give me a headache, since I have poor understanding of the characters/timeline in the first place. My diligent mind wouldn't give me a rest unless I study MCSM history if I were to attempt to play a part in that AU /hj]
-But I feel the idea itself is worth savekeeping since you expressed interest in RPing with me and that character. I think I'd absolutely attempt to trial run through. Just wanted to share. Thinking what big of a deal it would actually be- and the idea of basically summoning Herobrine is such a nostalgia trip for myself! -wheeze-
[I actually considered whether to DM you rather, but I gotta stop lingering in the shades, so here goes this gköwkflfük]
[I enjoy how you answer asks in detail and share your thoughts, bet other people like to read though those too, so let me indulge. P:]
@sollyraptor sent an ask .
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no but i adore the idea of them trying to summon herobrine. i can TOTALLY see the vibes fitting into mcsm! a lot of the story has little, niche topics that bring back the nostalgia of minecraft itself. going to defeat the ender dragon being a huge part of it.
i don't necessarily see jesse making the mistake personally because i feel like they would have a little more brains than axel. they would do the research to summon herobrine. they would make sure that everything made perfect sense and fit together to ensure that that would be the outcome. jesse isn't impulsive ( unless you hurt their friends / they're angry ) , but axel most certainly is. i can totally see axel just wanting to get it done and over with and messing up the structure that summons herobrine. he'd put the wrong block, put the wrong flowers, do something. and in comes crona, who is probably much, much more destructive and would cause much more havoc.
i love the idea of crona bringing in glitching to their world. just because they haven't met admins yet doesn't mean they can't meet one sooner. it's an au so anything goes. and the lore of mcsm is a little different than minecraft lore to begin with so mixing in some of our touches wouldn't hurt at all.
i imagine that if this were to happen, ivor would want to use to command block to get rid of crona. something with powers that the command block has, they could very much use the command block to get rid of it. that would be his biggest idea at least, very much like how he thought of the way to truly get rid of the witherstorm; destroying the very thing that made it.
but he would have no idea how to get rid of the glitches. he would try magic, he would try enchantments, but i imagine nothing would really work. glitches don't just go away. they are made because there is flaw. and crona is flawed. meaning that nothing can really save it. ivor would spend years trying to figure out how to get rid of it, only to never find the answer. poor man would work himself to death.
honestly this sounds like it could turn into a fully plotted epic, which are my absolute things to write. i adore long threads that have a huge story from start to finish. i stay the most in character with them, i get the most excited for, and keep the most in my brain. i think about it. i want art for it. i make headcanons for it.
please do this with me.
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tuliharja · 1 year
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation episode 2 review
That beginning meeting among Sternritters gave me major flashbacks of Aizen and his meeting with his Espada. Was that intentional? More than likely yes, because of nostalgia reasons and for us to see nothing has really changed; "villains" still making plans how to defeat "heroes". Though, there was one tiny difference and that was the lack of tea. Oh yeah. Something about villains sipping tea when having their villain meeting gives such a sophisticated feeling, (even if they all wouldn't be that sophisticated) yet now...it's all business. After all, the Quincies are here to bring "peace"! I really liked how they made the camera angle move when they showed the meeting among all Sternritters and the top of the table surface was this episode's name. It felt very smooth and seriously gave that villainous meeting vibe.
This episode made me think something, and I'm not sure if it was really ever addressed in the manga, but how long does Quincies live? I know Yhwach is like a special case, but the way Askin talked and all the other implications before that...make it sound like Quincies too can live 100-plus years and still remain in their youthful appearances. Does this mean if they live in the World of the Living, only then they'll age normally like humans do? But as long as they're at Soul Society where is Reishi, it's a different story? Because if we think about the last cour, at least to me it seemed like Ryuuken aged normally. So did Masaki and because they were considered 'elite' Quincies, we can assume they weren't run-out-of-mill ones...so, does the location matter when comes to aging? Or, the fact if Quincies are Sternritters or not? Because we've only seen so far mostly Sternritters' POV of things, it could be they're a special case, but even so...I couldn't help but think that especially when they talked about Quincy King's rising and the time it would take.
And sunflower Mayuri makes an appearance! He really looked ridiculous, but still very loyal to his style: ridiculous but in such a way it was also a smart move. I'm not sure what kind of texture or animation technique the staff used, but the fact Mayuri's (and Nemu's) outfit seemed to be 'alive' was a very neat trick. They could have just gone with yellow and white colors that glow a little bit, but nope! They went over that little extra mile to give Mayuri's and Nemu's outfits that specialty that one would expect and wait for from Mayuri.
But man...working in a place like his lab at the moment, would be one form of torture as it seemed just so...bright. Must be nice, when one doesn't have migraine issues, eh?
Heh, Askin being all '-ck this sh*t, I'm out' toward Mayuri, when he at first measured how much effort it would take to take down Mayuri. xD And then Mayuri slaying back. Talk about two smart people going all 'too much effort' versus 'needs more time to craft such a plan I can crush you fully'. Though, that last look Mayuri gave to Askin...oh boy. He seriously wanted to crush Askin, like the lil' bug he was in his eyes.
Never understood why Toshiro had that cloth wrapped around his head, because earlier he didn't have. It just...ditto. Made me think of Rambo or some sort of other action movie where the "hero" has a bandana around their head...but Toshiro is supposed to be that cool guy, so heat shouldn't be a problem with him, so why? Though considering his opponent is Bazz-B, heat will be soon a problem for him...and yes, I can see the irony, that was before the heat problem, lol.
I must say, I really liked how Rangiku and Toshiro worked together against Bazz-B! I had missed such synergy, and especially Rangiku teasing Toshiro! Rangiku's explanation was a bit over the top, but it was still super cute! Especially when Toshiro clearly resisted his urge to roll his eyes while Bazz-B was just staring in there, probably thinking 'lots of words, I don't get anything!' Lol. But yeah. That was a super cute moment between Toshiro and Rangiku and reminded just how good a captain and lieutenant combo they make~. Unfortunately...it just wasn't enough this time around, despite their brave attempt to go against Bazz-B.
As a side note, I must admit I still find it pretty ridiculous how people explain in the battle against their opponent the 'trick' they're using...that's just begging trouble against them.
That moment with Omaeda and his sister was very touching. Despite the fact, Omaeda has been...well, not my favorite character (and probably either not many other people's), that moment was still touching. A bit of cliché hero talk, but at times those are needed, eh? Especially if a little girl is scared and crying.
Luckily Soi Fon came to the rescue, because while Omaeda's attempt was...well, okay, it wasn't enough. Not to mention, I just loved how Soi Fon acted all badass when she showcased her shunko! And yes, while that wasn't (at least yet) enough, I still liked how Soi Fon ride on her thrill over the fact she had managed to master her own shunko.
What caught my attention was how Soi Fon called BG9 in the subtitles 'freak', while in actuality she called him 'bakemono'. It was a small thing, but because of that, the meaning got a bit changed. While "freak" would have suited BG9, because of what he did earlier to Soi Fon in cour 1, I think 'bakemono' was a bit more suited as it can be translated as a monster, and in a sense, BG9 is exactly that. (Because he is basically a walking weapon, a robot, an entity that shinigami probably hasn't seen ever before.) Even so, despite the light tone difference, both are okay when thinking about the context. But even so...with my limited Japanese knowledge, it just caught my attention. ^^'
And once again, Urahara to rescue! Good thing Mayuri didn't cut him off right away when he heard his voice, since Gotei 13 is in a dire situation and will need all the help they can get.
Hmm, that ending with Ichigo walking toward the torii gate was interesting. I had to google a bit to find out what "irazusando" at the end meant, but I wasn't disappointed when I did!
I found a person on Reddit explaining it like this:
"It means "no entry Sandō".
A Sandō is a path/road leading to the entrance of a Shinto shrine, with a torii (the wooden gate Ichigo is walking towards) marking the origin of the path."
Very interesting. I can't wait to see how Ichigo will make his way to the torii or if will he meet more struggles when going toward it, as why else he would have that wooden sword with him? (I'm just waiting for a jumpscare in here...)
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cerebrobullet · 1 year
Sharpe's Escape Semi-Daily Book Report:
i do love that sharpe being missing to lawford is not a "find and hang him for deserting!" offense but a "ah shit i need him" moment lmao
hhfhd oh, hogan is revealing all of sharpe's little secrets heheh like him lying about how he got his shit kicked in
it's so cute that vicenti (spelling? idk im too tired to look it up) was inspired by meeting sharpe to become a marksman. adorable lil dude.
ah, i wonder what captain chase is up to right now. i could use more captain chase. i still wanna write the chase/sharpe fic. sharpe just hit the gunboat blockading the river and, like, gave me such nostalgia. does he show up again?? i'd love for him to have a chance to meet sharpe after waterloo and be so proud of his rank and the things he accomplished.
on that thought, i think my favorite Repeating Trope in the books is when someone thinks the world of sharpe and he just, like, struggles to accept/believe it. because it doesnt come across as a humble brag, it's clearly genuine that sharpe has got some big issues with judging his own value to others. cornwell does a great job balancing between it being consistently emotionally satisfying when someone tells sharpe "you're like the neatest person ever" against sharpe responding consistently "sounds fake but ok" without that getting annoying. because it would be easy to overdo, and easy to turn sharpe into a kind of historical mary sue where everyone is so enraptured by him and he just refuses to accept it. but it doesn't fall into that at all. it remains, at its core, just a really fun slightly melodramatic exploration of a character with self worth issues who's good at his job. he just... really needs a hug. maybe a dozen of them. and a nap. i just wanna care for him, ok?
anyway, i return to vibrating excitedly as i wait for sharpe to kick in a door to stop the light company from surrendering and then take over command and having everyone feeling relieved
ngl Lawford getting absolutely reamed for his Poor Life Choices has me cracking up, my god. i mean .. consequence of his own actions and all that and really deserved it but also absolutely hilarious. he needed the bonk on the head.
LMAO PERKINS POINTING TO FERREIRA AFTER SHARPE BURSTS IN THE ROOM YELLING ABOUT BEING SHOT AT. looney toons-ass comedy moment. deserves to have a comic made of it.
btw Lightning is such a 12 year old girl name for a horse and i giggle every time i hear it. also because lawford is just, like, so excited about the horse. also lovely and giggle worthy. i will bonk cornwell with a rolled up newspaper if the horse dies tho.
....... *starts rolling up the newspaper* god damn it cornwell
the fuc..f..d .. the entire conversation between lawford and sharpe after the battle, absolutely wonderful. is there any other officer that sharpe would dare to pull a "got lost for two weeks" on with the full expectation he'll get away with it? and lawford calling him tedious, lmao! amazing, A+, i love them
WELL that's escape finished! not my fave but had plenty of enjoyable bits! mostly liked the sharpe and lawford drama hehe.
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