#garreg mach
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iubworks · 8 months ago
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azelfandquilava · 8 months ago
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Manuela and Cornelia doing that one meme
It also doubles as ship art which is double good for me :3
Artist: Calypso11 (they don't have a Tumblr sorry)
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ledisig · 6 months ago
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newest student of garreg mach monastery
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remnant-emblemeer · 3 months ago
So I Don't Forget #1
going to start dumping any fire emblem related writing ideas in this blog so I don't forget them. special tags just for me lol
Anyway, I've got a bachelor's degree in rhetoric and sociology and I think it would be cool to write an academic research paper understanding the different routes of FE3H and how the rhetoric used in the storytelling of each route fundamentally impacts your understanding of the characters and story. It's not as simple as "edelgard bad" or "church of seiros bad" because different elements are revealed in each route that do not negate the truth of others; it's not like in one route, rhea is evil and in another she isn't. the facts of the plotline remain the same, but how you as the player engage with these elements changes your gameplay experience and the experiences of your units as well. And that translates into fandom spaces and how people engage with secondary media related to the game. anyways. dumping that idea here.
*Note that this same concept can be applied to Fates but Three Houses is a much better written game and is far more extensive so I'd focus on three houses but brrrr Camilla from Fates my love. anyways.
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amzblu · 11 months ago
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Akatsuki FE3H au
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thrandilf · 2 months ago
does anyone remember a free yearbook fe3h zine. i swore i had it digitally somewhere and cant find it, it may have even been fe3h crossed over with other fire emblem games i just cant believe ive lost it
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blaiddydbrokeit · 2 years ago
top 5 fe3h lore fun facts mayb?
Let's go!
1. Garreg Mach Uniform designs come in pairs.
Marianne <- -> Linhardt (cape design)
Dorothea <- -> Sylvain (open collar shaping)
Hilda <- -> Caspar (length differences)
Petra <- -> Felix (summer with standard color)
Ingrid <- -> Dedue (generic full uniform)
Bernadetta <- -> Ashe (hoodie and sport bottoms)
Annette <- -> Ignatz (satchel and modified shoe choices)
2. Rufus is very likely pay-to-win with the women, because of his high status and wealth. He could throw money at women despite looking like a wet mop and they would jump at him, explaining why Sylvain seems to believe the rumors of Rufus' philanderous ways.
3. One of the likely reasons that the Tragedy of Duscur had such a fatal outcome was because they were attacked shortly after crossing the Sacred Gwenhwyvar, leaving them cornered with little means of backing out to regain footing, especially in a relatively unfamiliar territory of the Duscur forests.
4. Garreg Mach seems to operate on a uniform policy that allows students to mix and match pieces, and for wealthier students to have more customization. However, the blazer is the most expensive piece of the uniform, which likely leads a fair bit of the cast to leave it off - especially the commoners, like Ignatz, Leonie, Raphael, Mercedes and the such, who may not be able to afford it (and often also wearing their own shoes, socks and so on), or characters who do not like to dress so formally (Felix, Caspar, Hilda). However, considering likely costs, the honor of the most expensive uniform at Garreg Mach belongs to Dimitri thanks to the unique silver heraldry and armor. Dedue likely also only owns the full uniform because Dimitri paid - chances are, he would have otherwise been dressed more like Raphael. Petra is a unique comparison in this case, likely being "sponsored" her uniforms by the Empire, and opting to go without the blazer to avoid overheating.
4. Flayn's dress appears to be made out of pieces of Garreg Mach uniforms refashioned for a more girlish, less stern and uniform-like silhouette. It involves the use of a lot of gathering, which hides piecing seams well, but retains some of the aesthetics of the uniform.
5. While in the Dimitri-Sylvain-Felix trio Dimitri is the most openly... um. Prone to throwing away his life, between Lambert, Rodrigue and Matthias, Lambert is the least prone. However, Matthias is able to keep it in check much better than Rodrigue, who would likely not think twice about impulsively charging in with Lambert just to stick close as a literal shield despite being more suited as a middling range support troop casting magic as a defense than as front-line raw power. Ironically, Matthias lags behind, as the anchor holding the backlines - even if you get past Lambert, Matthias is twice as serious about holding the last line of defense and he WILL lash out.
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cherrypikkins · 1 year ago
your OC is asked to hold a seminar at garreg mach monastery. in the tags, tell me which topic they will be speaking on and which skills they help raise.
and if you like, tell me which units would show interest in attending!
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umbralstars · 2 years ago
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Fódlan Landscape Series; the forgotten chapel outside of Garreg Mach
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niiartbynicole · 2 years ago
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My last piece for the Color-Me-Foldan zine! This was a Garreg Mach library scene for the main zine. All that detail was a challenge, but I really tried to push myself! 
I also tried to include a variety of students from several different houses, and I'm especially proud of how Byleth turned out. (Also a lurking Tomas on the second floor!) There’s also a hint of some felannie/netteflix in the corner if you squint 😉
This whole project was a blast, thanks so much for having me!
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gayanarchistaesthetics · 8 months ago
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A sudden moment of declaration.
Models: Lorenz, Shamir, Second Floor Corridor, Pose
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iubworks · 10 months ago
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Seiros is now available on P@treon!
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reunionandthen · 2 years ago
liking rhea and wanting good things for her sucks with the knowledge that anything short of [humiliating her dehumanising her lambasting her for being incurably selfish and irrational and making a show of executing her in cold blood and cutting her up into little pieces and sticking her head on a pike and using her bones as weapons for the rest of eternity and never allowing her kin any dignity in death] constitutes apologism and im not being sarcastic
and then schmucks use it as an excuse to gas up the church and talk sympathetically about the whitest country in Fire Emblem y'all are driving me mad
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its-him--splat-sim · 2 years ago
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okay how about a WIP that isn't part shitpost, for once
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jotakakmikihanfugiobruabba · 6 months ago
Personally, I'd say Catherine because of my asthma(and because I don't like her) but also Gilbert because I don't really like him either, lol. I also wouldn't want to do detention with Cyril because I don't like him either. I wouldn't mind Alois, though, because he wants someone to just listen to him talk, and I hate talking lmfao. Seteth would also be cool to have detention with just because, personally, I'd be admiring him, lmao.
FE3H Poll 42
Which Garreg Mach staff member would you want to serve detention for? Suggested by @alienducky . thank you!
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pearbosc · 2 months ago
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