sabertoothwalrus · 1 year
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yahoo201027 · 3 months
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Day in Fandom History: June 16…
KO hangs out with Mr. Gar for a day, only for Gar to be called to do a mission and takes KO with him where along the way, reveals to him how and why he left POINT and was tasked to protect the plaza tree. “GarQuest” premiered on this day, 5 Years Ago.
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digamma-f-wau · 5 years
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3wisellamas · 5 years
Yet Another OK KO Cracktheory
I honestly wrote most of this prior to the new episode leaks, but honestly that flashback in GarQuest strengthened all of it by 100%. So, enjoy.
-KO was cloned from the lollipop that Laserblast gave her, not conceived in the usual manner. And if Carol actually was pregnant and gave birth to him (I remember seeing some boards for that flashback in TKO saying she was working out to lose "baby weight" so she likely did!), she did so quite some time AFTER Laser's death.
-This is pretty heavily supported by the fact that we see Silver Spark again some time after Laser's funeral and she's...still not showing. So, either she's not pregnant yet at all, or she's REALLY slacking off on getting tested before going back to fighting, which I think would be a priority in a world where dramatic movie cliches like 'being pregnant with your boyfriend's child when he suddenly dies gets shrunk or teleported or whatever' are a regular thing. But, who knows, she also may have known and was hiding it from the rest of the team at that point, because Foxtail was clearly already on the warpath against "weakness" in her team.
-A certain bioengineer was involved in the cloning process -- yep, that's right, Professor Venomous. This is why he recognizes KO immediately in We're Captured, since the kid's one of his former projects.
-And also, since he's a bioengineer with access to Laser's DNA, he could have used them to take on Laser's appearance and voice somehow? Either via directly altering himself in the lab or via mild shapeshifting powers.
-PV may also be a former employee of POINT Labs. Carol would have chosen to go to them first to clone KO, or it may have even been suggested to her by Foxtail for another point I'll make below, and POINT definitely seems to share PV's things for glorbs and Turbo-esque powerups.
-Since he's clearly interested in studying Turbo capabilities, PV is the one who inserted them into KO as an experiment. In other words, LB had nothing to do with Turbo, it was all PV's (and probably POINT's) work.
-After leaving to become a villain, it'd be no wonder PV would be hounded particularly bad by POINT -- he's not only a traitor to the organization, but also happens to have stolen the face of one of their founding members (which is just plain rude). Hell, he may even be altering his appearance in the first place to hide from them, or from the other villains who he may have formerly opposed? (Like, perhaps from Dr Weakpoint and Steamborg, that certain wandering rock robot that's been scanning former POINT members' faces to identify and destroy them? Or, perhaps even from Boxman as well?)
-Foxtail may have approved the Turbo addition to KO in this scenario, to create one of her ideal "exceptional" heroes from scratch, and that's why she keeps a VERY close eye on him and Carol. She's clearly already planning some things by the time of that GarQuest flashback, pruning her team of "weak" members like El-Bow and even supervising the creation of the drones that will become Chip Damage! So, it's not outside the realm of possibility that she'd be bringing together some scientists to look into how to create a new, more powerful breed of hero. And Laser's DNA on that lollipop is RIGHT there, ready for cloning, with the benefit of being a symbolic way to pay tribute to her old friend, and ensure he lives on both in POINT's past and in their future.
-(Hell, just for fun, maybe being cloned from a lollipop is why KO's such a sweetheart? ;v; )
-It may not be just the Glorb Tree assignment that Carol would have taken from her if POINT decides things aren't going to plan...
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horizontalsplash · 5 years
GarQuest: A Commentary and Review
The theme song was as poppin’s as usual.
Mr. Gar is helping KO with something when he gets a secret mission alert, so he takes KO with him. On the way there, KO asks Mr. Gar about P.O.I.N.T., to which Mr. Gar has a flashback telling how he got kicked out of P.O.I.N.T. after the sandwich incident and had to work to find his way as a hero elsewhere. They get to the mission, and Gar keeps telling KO not to look, but he doesn’t listen and keeps helping Gar. On the way back, Mr. Gar finishes his story and tells KO that the President of the Universe gave him the responsibility of protecting the Lakewood Tree.
Things I noticed:
Gar’s glasses were either a fashion statement or he’s been squinting behind his sunglasses trying to see for 6-11 years.
Both Carol and Gar were supposed to protect the Lakewood Tree and Foxtail still managed to take over it in Dark Plaza.
Does KO asking Mr. Gar about P.O.I.N.T. count as a gag at this point?
Everyone got new designs only for this episode. Carol rocks that hairstyle.
Rating: 8/10. It was a great action- and information-filled episode, but that also made it hard to follow.
Number of holes in roof: 1. RIP Mr. Gar.
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perispinel · 5 years
OK K.O. New Episodes Review!
I’m gonna review the new episodes that have been released on the app, everything from All in the Villainy to GarQuest! Spoilers, of course! All in the Villainy: Okay, first of all: Voxman canon anyone? Their fake sitcom is literally The Voxy Bunch and they act exactly like a married couple trying to get their step children to get along! And all in all, this episode was adorable, I couldn’t get enough of it! 10/10! Sidekick Scouts: Heh this episode is golden pretty fast- we all thought that Combo Breaker was gonna be this suave hero who wanted to steal K.O.’s girl, but it turns out it’s the polar opposite, and they’re just a hyperactive cyborg who is really idolizing K.O. to the max. Honestly, it’s pretty adorable, and a big contrast to what we expected from this character- plus, he’s basically just what K.O. used to be like, with an extra dash of Looney Tunes and AstroBoy! 10/10 for this one too! Whacky Jaxxyz: This episode starts out strong, with what is essentially K.O. and Dendy having a Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh Card Battle with Pow Cards, which makes as a subtle reference to their function in the games. And wow, I didn’t think K.O. calling Dendy “Dend” would be that cute, and they are just so cute together~ I like how they totally subvert the “friends have falling out due to diferent interests” trope and have Dendy be totally chill with K.O. having fun with a new random game (until he comes to his senses and comes back to play with her again). And the introduction of Johnny (voiced by the impecable @prozdvoices) excels this episode to like, 12/10 for me honestly. And Jack Whacky is even better, a total anime villain even though he technically isn’t one. I love that joke where he apparently calls everyone ____ Boy (even Nanini) just as a reference to Yu-Gi-Oh, it’s just perfect. 
Project Ray Way: I guess they answered our prayers with a Raymond-centric episode, and what a perfect topic for one: fashion! Also, they broke the ‘never show Raymond from the front’ rule, but honestly I don’t care. I just love how jealous Rad is of Raymond just because he’s getting more attention- so much fuel for the Radmond people! I think this episode really nails the cliches of clothing commercials, like how they try and tell you “you’re so unique, and unique people buy our clothes~” This episode has a pretty obvious moral about big businesses stealing from smaller independent ones, but honestly it’s worth the fun of Raymond getting a solo role. Also, don’t try and tell me they AREN’T teasing Radmond, Raymond literally looked at Rad in Bishi Vision, and Rad blushed and started sweating because of how hot he was! 10/10 for this episode and just literally saying “This is capitalism and you’re all complicit!” I Am Jethro: Did not expect a Jethro centric episode, especially since the last episode he starred in was last season ago, but honestly this is a blast already with Jethro’s new voice! Love this recurring pattern where every time one of their siblings is even slightly better, Darrell and Shannon are just not having it. It’s just adorable seeing Jethro form such an odd friendship with K.O., not really caring much at all about fighting!  Who would’ve expected that Jethro’s solo episode would be about him throwing a revolt against Lord Boxman Darrell-style? I expected this to end with a reset button and the rebellious Jethro to just be destroyed, but it seems pretty open-ended to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if he came back somewhere down the line for a new story arc. Well, 10/10 for this one! Am I being too nice? Yes, I am!
GarQuest: I love parallel titles, this with CarolQuest! Must not be a coincidence I’m assuming~? The idea that Gar lives in a cloud house above the Plaza is so great because it means every time he randomly appears out of the sky it isn’t just him falling out of nowhere, he’s just watching the battle unfold from his cloud porch. I’m glad K.O. is going the polar opposite direction of Steven and just asking questions any child with curiosity would ask, by the way! FLASHBACK TIME PLEASE SHOW ME RIPPY ROOOO YES THANK YOU! I didn’t expect so much emotion already not even half way through, but hey, I love emotion! this is not the kind of boss I expected, but it’s not like that’s a bad thing. Well they just did the secret mission, surely the episode doesn’t have nearly four minutes left huh? Okay, so he’s telling the rest of his story and the President of the Universe showed up, that sure is something- and wow, it turns out that he built the plaza after being told about the Lakewood Tree, cool! So all in all this was a good backstory/character-building episode, my only complaint (which really doesn’t matter) is that I wish we had gotten more info about what happened to Rippy Roo, but still, 10/10~
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loudlychoppedbread · 3 years
Okay, I have a HC about the central conflict of @theangrycomet's Let's Be Gems AU.
In SU the central conflict was Rose Quartz and what she did. In OK K.O. the central conflict (which came late in the series) was Laserblast and his choices causing a domino effect to his son.
So with that in mind "Let's Be Gems" cannot fall on the "sins of the father trope" with the main characters unless the series was just a retread. However I think that a more prominent conflict within the series is Betrayal.
Betrayal is something that is in both series but isn't talked about a lot. Peridot's betrayal to Homeworld (calling Yellow Diamond a clod), Rose Quartz's betrayal to Bismuth (as seen in "Bismuth), Pink Diamond's betrayal to the Diamonds (as seen in "A Single Pale Rose"). Elodie's betrayal of Enid's trust (seen in "You Have to Care"), Mr. Gar's betrayal towards POINT (seen in the episode "Let's Take a Moment"/"GarQuest"), Rad's betrayal of his true self (seen in "Radical Rescue") etc.
Say there's a betrayal of the Gem equivalents of the OK K.O. characters. Well, there's a prime group they can betray them to. Their Homeworld. What I think the main theme/conflict of the overall story is the betrayal of different gems to other factions in a war that never really rested.
Whether it be Dendydot's betrayal against Homeworld or her employer... Or perhaps a gem once thought to have been shattered gaining their "loyalists" and willing to rat out the rebellion's locations so the Diamonds can deal with them.
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year2000electronics · 5 years
favorite thing about them: honestly HER DESIGN like the foxtailed hair.. the suit... yes MA’AM. 
least favorite thing about them: more of a meta thing but how she just vanished after her big season 2 moments... made me sad. miss foxtail come back :(
favorite line: is it cheating to say all of them?? her accent is just. incredible. and i love it dearly. 
brOTP/OTP: greyman/foxtail and foxtail/sunshine both platonically and romantically bc she just. has a lot of love in her heart 
nOTP: i dont see anyone ship this but if anyone gets the idea for foxtail/gar. do not do that 
random headcanon: she loves cinnamon, like a lot. she smells like cinnamon, always gets cinnamon coffee, forced all of POINT to do the cinnamon challenge, protested when greyman named chip damage bc people would think of chocolate chips instead of cinnamon
unpopular opinion: i dont really like her design from garquest, its a bit cluttered for me
song i associate with them: i’m gonna win by rob cantor!
favorite picture of them:
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the MOMENT she realizes her mistakes... houuaghaaha
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malerfique · 5 years
new ep ok ko on June
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4:30 p.m. (ET/PT) OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes “Sidekick Scouts” KO gets more than he bargained for when he gets a sidekick.
“Whacky Jaxxyz” When the hot new toy trend of Whacky Jaxxyz comes to Lakewood, KO says goodbye to his POW Cards.
4:30 p.m. (ET/PT) OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes “Project Ray Way” When Raymond starts his own fashion line, Rad and Drupe decide to make something even better.
“I Am Jethro” When a different kind of Jethro rolls off the assembly line, the plaza is in for some surprises.
4:30 p.m. (ET/PT) OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes “GarQuest” Gar and KO team up for a secret mission.
“Gar Trains Punching Judy” With a big fight coming up, Punching Judy turns to KO and Gar to help her prepare.
4:30 p.m. (ET/PT) OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes “Beach Episode” Surf’s up on a wacky beach adventure when our heroes are challenged to the ultimate beach battle.
“OK A.U.!” An evil warlock takes our heroes to a strange alternate universe.
4:30 p.m. (ET/PT) OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes “KO’s Health Week” KO spends a week dispensing healthy tips to everyone in the plaza.
“Rad’s Alien Sickness” When our heroes are infected with a virus, Rad stubbornly refuses to back down.
“Dark Plaza” KO and the heroes of the Plaza fight to save Lakewood Plaza Turbo with everything on the line.
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I'm starting to think that Venomous and Shadowy Figure aren't twin brothers but one of them is the turbonic form of Laserblast. It's hard to say for sure which one is the turbo form because while Venomous is similar in personality to Laserblast ( Calm and collected, likes cute animals, romantically attracted to those who show strength. ) it feels like Shadowy Figure is more actively fit, carefree, goofy, and seems to genuinely care for K.O which gives him heroic traits.
I think Venomous and Shadowy Figure are brothers (maybe nottwins), and Shadowy Figure is Laserblast. However, Shadowy isn’tturbo!Laserblast. Which sounds confusing, but I’ll try to explain.
(longish post under the cut)
Coincidences happen all the time in real life. But OK KO isa story, and coincidences don’t happen nearly as often in stories. This storyhas only two purple snake people. Not two prominentpurple snake people, two purple snake people period. And they’re both voiced by Steven Ogg! They’re connected somehow.To fit with the show’s themes of family and identity, they’re either related orthe same person. (If someone can think of a third option that would fit, I’dlove to hear it.)
Ven and Shadowy aren’t the same person. Shadowy is veryfixated on KO and his power. Wouldn’t figuring out how to obtain it be aninteresting and complex project for Ven? But Ven had been dealing withlong-term boredom as of “Boxman Crashes”. Wouldn’t he have at least mentionedbeing frustrated at “not making progress” or being “stuck on a problem”? Thosetwo puzzle pieces don’t fit together.
Also, Shadowy Figure made a huge tactical blunder that wouldn’t have happened if he wasVenomous. When Fink was upset she couldn’t go to the party in “Villain’s Night In”, Ven apologized for disappointing her (via text, but still an apology). Every good parent knows the powerof an apology. And from a strategic standpoint, Shadowy should have apologizedfor hurting KO. I doubt he feels guilty about it, but when has the idea oflying ever stopped people like him? The second time he interacted with KO wasin “Let’s Have a Stakeout”. He acted manipulative, insulted KO, and physicallyattacked him. What if he hadn’t done that? What if he had met KO in the sewersand said, “I’m sorry”?
“KO, I’m sorry for what happened to the Plaza. If I hadknown the true extent of your power I would never have pushed you so hard inthe first place. I wanted to help you, but I wasn’t careful enough and wound uphurting you and many others instead. This is all my fault, and I am so, sosorry.”
Suddenly KO doesn’t feel quite so guilty for wrecking thePlaza, because Shadowy has taken the blame instead. Suddenly this guy isn’t anenemy, but a potential ally who just made a mistake. People forgive KO when hemakes mistakes, shouldn’t he do the same? And so what if Shadowy’s POW cardsays he’s level negative eight? KO’s card obviously isn’t accurate, so maybeShadowy’s isn’t either!
Maybe KO starts to trust Shadowy again, putting him in theideal situation to be manipulated. Carol and Gar and everyone else would thinkhis new friend was evil, so KO can’t tell them he’s visiting Shadowy. Shadowywants to fix this, so maybe it’s okay for him to take a few hair and salivasamples. Both want KO to use this power responsibly, so maybe he’d considerpracticing with it… just a little…
But Shadowy isn’t Venomous, so he messed up and none of thathappened. It would have been so cool,though.
Since Ven and Shadowy are not the same person, they must berelated. I only call them brothers for convenience, they could be cousins orsomething.
Where does Laser fit into this? Well, he’s not dead. Acharacter isn’t confirmed dead if nobody finds the body. And it doesn’t makesense for him to have said “screw this” and gone off to chill on a tropicalisland for the past six to eleven years without letting anyone know he wasokay. He must still be relevant. “Where did Laser go?” and “Where did Shadowycome from?” are questions that easily answer one another.
Both the blue and green orbs activated in the “Let’s Take aMoment” flashback. It’s possible the red orb also activated, removing Laser’spowers. Laser is clearly KO’s father. Children tend to inherit their powersfrom their parents. Shadowy wants KO’s power, but we don’t know the reason. Laserhas a reason, though. Them being the same person would fill in that blank verynicely.
While Shadowy is morecarefree and goofy than Laser, Shadowy isn’t under the pressure of Being a GoodExample, Not Disappointing Foxtail, and Not Blowing His Cover. I’m much morepolite and formal at my job than I am at home. This difference in personalitycan likely be chalked up to a difference in environment. Goofy isn’t inherentlya heroic trait either, Boxman is very goofy but he is absolutely a villain.
I don’t see any evidence for the Laser=Ven idea. While theirpersonalities are similar, it’s possible that’s just due to being raised in thesame environment. Sure, Ven has something to do with turbo power, but hisinterest in KO specifically is minimal, even though KO is apparently a sourceof it. He doesn’t seem to prioritize antagonizing KO over Rad or Enid. He hasno reason to attack the Plaza or its members other than to have fun withBoxman. We haven’t seen him interact with or comment on Carol. His opinion onP.O.I.N.T. seems to be wholly negative instead of wistful or bittersweet. Therearen’t enough strings linking the two for me to think they’re the same person.
Laserblast is Shadowy Figure, and that person is Venomous’brother. “Shadowblast” wants KO’s power so he can restore his own. But thepower he wants isn’t just turbo power. In “Boxman Crashes”, Venbecame more snakelike when he lost his temper. Ven has shapeshifting abilities,but he doesn’t use them a lot because he fights with science instead of hisbody. His brother Shadowy may have also had shapeshifting abilities. But sinceShadowy is a physical fighter, hewould have had more incentive to train and improve his powers.
Perhaps he got so good at shapeshifting he could change intoa human form?
And that is where“Laserblast” comes from. No turbo power, no two identities housed in one body,just regular-ass shapeshifting and a whole lot of lies.
KO’s eyes are typically brown (like Carol’s?), but have beenred, purple, both, or a mix when influenced by turbo power.
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Maybe Shadowy hadpurple eyes and tried to change them to red to match Laser’s visor beam, butcouldn’t do it fully? Laser always hid his eyes because one was stuck atpurple. We could see this heterochromia in modern day Shadowy and that will beThe Big Reveal.
But why wouldShadowy undergo such a dramatic change for such a long period of time?
My theory is that Ven and Shadowy are from a formerlypowerful villain family. Shadowy had a mission to infiltrate P.O.I.N.T., butcouldn’t complete it because he lost his powers and permanently reverted to hisoriginal form (except possibly for his red eye). His failure disgraced thefamily. Ven often wears a hat and glasses in public and Shadowy Figure wears ahood because they don’t want to be recognized as members of the disgracedfamily.
Shadowy wants his powers back so he doesn’t have to sneakaround everywhere. Perhaps he even wants to become Laser again, to make up astory about why he was gone so long and return to his former friends. Cob knowshis family won’t take him back.
Shadowy had major shapeshifting abilities, while Carol hasnone. This gives KO minor shapeshifting abilities. Because the abilities are sominor (and possibly because he doesn’t know he has them), they only manifestwhen boosted by turbo power. We can see this in “You’re Level 100”, when KO wasusing turbo power before TKO had fully formed. His eyes, teeth, and claws areclearly different.
KO’s minor shifting powers with enough turbonic energyshould get Shadowy back to his original ability level.
“But David!” you ask. “If Shadowy’s power is onlyshapeshifting, then where does KO’s turbo power come from?”
It comes from Carol. And I know that sounds like a reach,but hear me out. Carol can mimic any combat move she sees. We see this mostoften when she copies Gar’s signature move. But it’s not your standard elbowattack- it also emits a pink energy. This suggests Carol could mimic otherenergy emitting moves.
Remember that turbo collar Ven made for Fink? It worked very well! The only reason it stopped was because it ran out of power. There weren’t any glitches or malfunctions. That means it probably isn’t the first iteration of this project. Perhaps he’s had prototypes for years and years, but hardly made useof them because he a) didn’t have a stable glorb supply, b) doesn’t dohand-to-hand combat himself, and/or c) didn’t trust anyone he might have beenworking with to use it. But he let Fink have it because she’s loyal and theynow have access to Boxman’s glorbs.
The tree under the Plaza is a source of glorbs. Presumablythere’s another one somewhere else underground, as suggested by the glorbcluster Gar sealed up in “GarQuest”. There are likely more of them scatteredacross the world. If we’ve noticedthe similarity between glorbs and the colored orbs, P.O.I.N.T. may have too.Carol’s new outfit in the “GarQuest” flashback suggests she still did somenon-secret hero work after Laser’s death, presumably until she realized she waspregnant. I think she was sent on a mission to make sure a glorb tree didn’tfall under villain control, and got in a fight when she arrived; perhapsagainst Venomous himself, perhaps against someone he used to test the collar on.If Carol fought a collar-powered villain while in a glorb-rich environment, shecould have used her ability to temporarily go turbo herself.
Which could do odd things to a fetus.
While KO has a weaker version of his father’s power, he alsohas a weaker version of his mother’s. “Copycat” becomes “Imprint”. He can copyan energy-emitting ability… but only once, and then he’s stuck with it.Normally he wouldn’t have been able to do this until after he was born, butsince he was essentially soaked inturbo power, he imprinted early.
This would explain why his standard power fist is blue- it’sthe color of a normal glorb. Only under special circumstances can he use theturbo version. It might also be why PKO’s headband and wristbands are blue.
That’s why Carol has no fucking clue what’s going on withher kid. It wasn’t a particularly memorable mission, and she was focused on hergrief. She has no reason to connect it to KO’s situation six to eleven yearslater. Maybe now that Foxtail’s done a heel face turn we can get access to someold mission files.
I’d say, “this is a bit complex for a children’s cartoon”,but Gravity Falls and Steven Universe pulled off some wild shit. It couldhappen!
This was probably way more of a reply than either of us were expecting, haha. But that’s my take on things! Y’all are welcome to bring up new evidence, alternate theories, corrections, etc.
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Day in Fandom History: June 16…
KO hangs out with Mr. Gar for a day, only for Gar to be called to do a mission and takes KO with him where along the way, reveals to him how and why he left POINT and was tasked to protect the plaza tree. “GarQuest” premiered on this day, 4 Years Ago.
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yoshimickster · 5 years
OK KO Let’s Be Heroes 5.10.19 thoughts(Spoilers)
All in the Villainy: Give up on a perfect relationship, RIGHT now! Voxman set the bar REALLY high yo! ALSO-Darrel and Fink are glorious step-sibs and its ADORABLE!
Sidekick Scouts:...okay yeah I see why KO finds Combo Breaker annoying. AH WELL-glad Neil has someone to help his boring ass out with!
Whacky Jaxxys: In this episode, three smart children realize that competitive gaming is filled to the BRIM with toxic masculinity and should just play pretend with baseball-I MEAN-Powcards! But for real, the main bad guy was Maximillion Pegasus and it was HILARIOUS!
Project Ray Way: And the Radmond fan fics, just accelerated to the damn ROOF!
GarQuest: Just a cute quest with a kid, and his almost step-dad...who is the secret agent of the president of the universe apparently!
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3wisellamas · 5 years
A Collection of Unrelated Things That Really Frighten Me
(Mostly POINT stuff) -Boxman Jr and Chip Damage both had green, vaguely Turbo-esque-but-not-really powers.  And Junior's mind was embedded onto a CHIP.
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-"El-Bow, help me and Grey out will ya?  We've got to take care of these robo-parts so they don't ever reform again!"  Not only did Steamborg reform anyway, minus his eye, but Chip's also a collection of robo-parts that were last seen just left there for Foxtail to do whatever with. -Also, there's a LOT of broken robo-parts behind the plaza that can be easily put back together, just saying. -Dendy:  "This is not the first time a glorb has destabilized my rig's dilation circuit.  You know how it is with power cells..."  Olfrang:  "They are fully powered by glorb energy, which makes them very efficient.  You must be careful however, as they tend to be a bit, uh, sensitive, and very powerful."  So, glorbs tend to be a bit unstable and possibly dangerous when used as power sources?
-Sidekick Scouts' motto, "Always defer to the hero," sounds a tiny bit like that creepy puppet show song in Villains' Night In.   -POINT used to fight Mecha Maws by the truckload; now, Carol hasn't fought one in years.  Steamborg also came out of fucking nowhere to seek her and Gar out specifically.  It almost looks like someone's specifically bringing old POINT nemeses back from the dead and siccing them on the plaza and the glorbs?  Also worth noting with this, the Kactus Krew were also old POINT nemeses -- Prostratum recently passed away, and Succulentus mentioned that his life "could end at any second." -Okay, I'm gonna make a more detailed post on Weird Darrell Shit later, but I just gotta talk about this one:  In You're Level 100, KO only THOUGHT he was level 100, but Big Darrell was LEGITIMATELY level -100!  So, for a brief time, this actually made Darrell of all people one of the strongest entities on the entire show, even more powerful than Galgawhatshisname! 
-"Take the finger of justice and burst evil's bubble!"
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-(Also, Wally the White being a judge in general...) -The Boxbots can upload their minds onto computers and hardware that isn't their own bodies, as long as there's a backdoor they can exploit. -Carol, Foxtail, and Ms Mummy (though she's rusty) all have pre-worked out "cutesy codenames" for stuff when KO is present and they need to hide mission details from him.  So, CarolQuest probably wasn't the first time they've had to use it. -Ms Mummy and Gertie are Junior Members of POINT, meaning they may have attended (and graduated) POINT Prep.
-The green tentacle that came out of KO's head at the end of Just Be a Pebble looked a lot like the ones Professor Venomous gave Darrell and Ernesto later.  Perhaps he made that candy?  Though, that raises a lot of questions about the unspecified foreign language on the wrapper.
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-In addition to turning people/things into skeletons, the Skeleton Remotes remove one’s powers, just like that red orb in Let’s Take a Moment. -In that GarQuest flashback, Dr Greyman had recently broken his neck, though thankfully could still walk.  In the present, he's in a wheelchair, and it looks like he isn't able to use his legs anymore at all.  What in the world was he doing after losing his powers that he kept damaging his spine so much?  (Is this another connection between that red orb and bones?) -"We have to choose who gets the power," which is something you can literally do with those red orbs, just saying.
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beanymachine · 5 years
Here are my thoughts for the new episodes, even though probably no one will read what I have to say about them!
I also want to clarify that that I don’t believe you are supposed to interpret Lord Boxman’s old ways of treating his robot children as child abuse. The show doesn’t want you to think it in that way, and will let the viewer know when they want to think deeply on other topics. But I understand if people don’t like that or it makes you feel uncomfortable. I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be seeing Boxman’s old horrible way of treating his children like this because the show is supposed to be seen as a lighthearted kids show. But do know I really don’t like how Boxman treated his kids in Season 1 either.
“All in the Villainy”- Pretty good episode! I loved how really Boxman and Venomous’s minions (children) are all becoming more like a family. And I like how even though Boxman is still petty and horrible, we see that he is somewhat still trying to be a better father and treat his robots better, or somewhere in that area since he though incinerating Darrell would help him learn. It’s true that when he is around Professor Venomous he brings the better out of him, which is great, but not if Boxman can’t grow and be better by himself. And in “Lord Cowboy Darrell” we saw how he was heading in that direction after realizing his mistakes, and hugging Darrell when he and Professor Venomous took Boxmore back.
Why am I talking about Boxman’s development so much? When we talk about “I Am Jethro”.
“Sidekick Scouts”- a nice episode, not better than the one before, but is funny/annoying thanks to discount Astro Boy. I also loved the beginning of KO almost lighting his old stuff on fire and Carol having to stop him. It was a nice episode to help see how KO really is becoming a hero. The show tries to compare this growth with Combo, and says this blatantly in the episode with Enid and Rad saying how KO used to be like him. And KO was a bit naive on the beginning, but he wasn’t THIS intense or annoying at the beginning of the series. I also don’t like how the show is telling you multiple to compare KO to Combo. The viewers should be able to do that themselves (and KO can still keep is talk with Combo in the recycling bin).
“Project Ray Way”- A nice fun Raymond episode! My mom says Raymond looks creepy and that he’s supposed to look like that, but I don’t find him creepy at all. Just a big drama queen.
But to continue, I know some people are thinking Rad and Raymond have a crush on each other. And that’s a fair assumption, but I’d like to give alternatives in case.
Alternative 1: could be Rad feels insecure about his looks and feels he has to beat Raymond to feel he is hot. We know Rad has been insecure about things in the past, so this isn’t a long shot. Although Rad blushing and Raymond’s awesome moves could either be embarrassment OR
Alternative 2: perhaps Rad is misinterpreting his attraction toward Raymond, and when he is blushing like this, he thinks Raymond is hot, but not in a jealous like of way.
I would say perhaps Raymond is insecure about his looks too, but we haven’t really seen him be insecure around that area. And I would’ve thought of this if it wasn’t for the scene where he sees Drupe getting Rad ready to walk his stuff:
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It’s a bit blurry and sparkly, and Raymond feels disgusted. It could be Raymond has a crush on him, and feels jealous of Drupe. But this is pretty subtle if that’s the case. Someone has also noticed how the poses the Rad and Raymond do before Raymond is knocked into the ceiling is a reference to the Prom episode. So it isn’t too far fetched to say Raymond has been noticing Rad ever since then.
And if it’s none of these, perhaps the two really are jealous of the other’s looks. A rivalry.
“I Am Jethro”- Okay. This episode I liked while watching. But at the same time there are some things I don’t like about it:
1) Boxman’s development getting reversed a bit. Viewers are supposed to think Boxman is trying to be a bit better to his robo children and show more love, and we’ve seen this when he apologizes to Darrell and hugs him when he comes back. It’s also seen when he talks to Venomous about how he worries they rushed the merging of the two companies. But in this episode he calls Darrell and Shannon mean names and acts like his old Season 1 self when he is talking to them and trying to find the Dancing Jethro. This is such an odd writing choice and makes you think Boxman hasn’t changed at all. It goes against all the progress he has been making to be a better person, but still a villain. And I get that as a villain he has to find the rogue Jethro, but maybe don’t write him this Season 1 petty.
2) Another Robot revolution. I mean I know Darrell just backstabbed his papa but it feels like we’ve already seen Robots standing up against Boxmore. Like with Mr. Logic and Darrell. I wouldn’t mind if it ends up being more permanent than Darrell’s reign, and I hope that the Jethros actually kick out everyone at Boxmore/Venomous factory and take it over to stop doing evil. I’m just worried that the writers are going to writing another new storyline too similar to Darrell’s.
I wish Mr. Logic was in the episode and had a personal talk with Jethro since he became a good robot. They even teased us with KO telling Jethro a short version of Mr. Logic’s story!
Other then that, I loved this Jethro! He has a nice personality and I love his kind hearted ways. I am sad that he no longer can dance, (but I’m liking how the other Jethros are actually not dumb and are helping Dancing Jethro in their own way).
So yeah, I liked watching the episode, but writing ways it’s not good in the development of certain characters.
“GarQuest”- I liked this episode! It was cool learning a bit more about Mr. Gar and what he did after he left P.O.I.N.T. I love how socially awkward he still is when trying to talk with KO since he is dating Carol. I’m loving the direction of KO and Mr. Gar becoming closer so that Mr. Gar becomes a father figure to him.
And that’s my thoughts; what I liked, what I had to say about certain writing choices, and theories! Thanks for reading my long post!
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
Along with having every episode that will air this month, Cartoon Network’s website and the CN app added 5 “See It First” episodes for OK KO Let’s Be Heroes today. Here they are:
Sidekick Scouts - KO gets more than he bargained for when he gets a sidekick.
Whacky Jaxxyz - When the hot new toy trend of Whacky Jaxxyz comes to Lakewood, KO says goodbye to his POW Cards.
Project Ray Way - When Raymond starts his own fashion line, Rad and Drupe decide to make something even better.
I Am Jethro - When a different kind of Jethro rolls off the assembly line, the plaza is in for some surprises.
GarQuest - Gar and KO team up for a secret mission.
If you have a cable or satellite subscription, you can check out these episodes right now. If you don’t, you can watch the first two minutes. Stay tuned.
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myepisodecalendar · 5 years
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OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Season 2 - Episode 31: GarQuest AirDate: June 16th, 2019, 06:30 PM
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