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ourlittlechateau · 2 years ago
Gardening is such an amazing experience! It is a lot like life and even has its ups and downs. It teaches us to care for and nurture a little seed until it grows into a seedling. To protect the seedlings delicate life until it is old enough and strong enough to protect itself as a full grown plant. Even when it is full grown we still need to protect it and support it with love and care. We need to help it maintain it’s health and provide nutrients it throughout it’s entire life. This tiny little Jack Be Little pumpkin sprout, although it is little can really teach us a whole lot about life, family, friendship, and community.
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newprophets · 7 months ago
The Power of Abiding in Christ Living the Fruitful Life John 15
"Garden Lessons: What John 15 Teaches Us About Spiritual Horticulture"
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Introduction Welcome to God’s garden, where every believer is both a gardener and a blossom! John 15 spins a tale of vines, branches, and fruit that isn’t just agricultural—it’s deeply spiritual. Let’s don our gardening gloves and dig into these divine lessons.
Plant Yourself Firmly Jesus as the true vine suggests a secure, life-giving base from which all nourishment flows. Our first lesson? Plant yourself firmly in Christ. Just as plants need good soil, our spiritual lives need the rich soil of faith and the waters of grace to thrive.
Pruning: A Gardener’s Secret Weapon Every seasoned gardener knows that pruning is key to a plant’s growth. It might seem counterintuitive to cut a plant to make it grow better, but trimming back helps concentrate the plant’s energy on producing more vibrant blooms. Likewise, God prunes us to focus our energy on producing spiritual fruits like love and kindness.
Water Regularly with Love Water is to plants what love is to the Christian spirit—it’s essential. The love of Christ hydrates our souls, allowing us to grow and, in turn, to water others with acts of kindness and compassion. Remember, a well-watered garden is a flourishing garden!
Harvesting the Fruits The ultimate goal of gardening? Enjoying the fruits of your labor! In spiritual terms, this means seeing the impact of our love and faith in the world around us. By cultivating a life in Christ, we harvest a bounty of spiritual fruits that nourish not just us but our entire community.
Conclusion So, keep your spiritual garden thriving by staying rooted in Christ, welcoming God’s pruning, and watering your soul with love. And when harvest time comes, you’ll rejoice in the abundant life that flourishes from your faithfulness. Happy gardening!
Hashtags #GardenLessons #SpiritualHorticulture #RootedInChrist #PruningForGrowth #FruitOfTheSpirit #John15Journey
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sherriesgarden · 3 years ago
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Meet the newest Iris and the earliest to bloom…now where did I put that label?? I love Iris season. #gardening #gardenhistory #Gardenheritage #Irises #inmygardentoday #ilovemyflowers #gardenflowers🌷 #victorygardens #gardenlessons #gardengirl #purpleflowers #utahgardens #utahgardener #sherriesgarden2022 (at Provo, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdr2TJNuzaE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theholistichealingmama · 5 years ago
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One of today’s projects was completed successfully! It will be exciting to transplant our tomato plants when they are ready next month! #gardenlessons #beefsteaktomatoes #scienceclass #fantasticfourie #preschoolactivities #holistichealingmama (at Fairborn Natural Foods) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBxftfjVV8/?igshid=1d62hru7fhfg5
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msnickyfitness · 5 years ago
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Shame to say I don’t know what plants I purchased but are these actual green tomatoes? They haven’t turned red yet and I am wondering if I should pick them. It is getting cooler and I want to harvest what’s left. * * * #gardenlessons #greentomatoes #learningtogarden #helpmegarden https://www.instagram.com/p/B3v1w38oXay/?igshid=c6djfapnwfha
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silverph · 6 years ago
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What I leaned this year... staking plants. Two full grown Zinnias toppled over last night probably due to the wind. One is unrecoverable. I was able to stake the sunflower in time too a few weeks ago. #gardenlessons https://www.instagram.com/p/B1eR3_VAdfi/?igshid=79sus53559yl
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inthevintagekitchen · 6 years ago
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The first lemon! 🍋 Despite some terrible neglect this winter due to unexpected travel, an unfortunate scale outbreak and some severe pruning, Liz Lemon survived the worst like the best. This is a champion day! 🍋A fun plant to care for, Liz has a definite personality. She tends to favor the dramatic which is captivating because not every plant is as outspoken. This winter in response to the scale, and the see-you-laters and the indoor air, she shed all but four of her leaves. Mind you, she did this stoically one by one over many, many weeks like a fountain of continual tears from a so-sad soul. She practiced hard and heavy for this performance and was really, really good at it. I tried all sorts of things to soothe her... salves and potions and new locations, but nothing seemed to perk her up. I worried that her demise was coming at my own fault. On the first day of weak sun and warmish temperatures I put her outside on the patio and crossed my fingers hoping she’d take solace in her change of scenery. Practically immediately she perked up, dropped her award-winning death role and just got to growing again. First one leaf, two leaves, three leaves. Then some branches. Then a flower. Then another. Then a fruit. Liz Lemon is back! It makes me so happy to see her so happy now! 🍋 Caring for lemon trees in a city apartment environment like any other plant or flower or tree is both a treat and a trial. Basically it’s just a lot of paying attention and figuring out what each one needs according to the signs they give you. I guess this is just like life. It is life after all. Today we are having a big cheers for the return of Liz and her pretty new lemon. I hope it’s the start of many more to come;) - - - - #lemontree #apartmentlife #plantlife #plantstories #plantlady #lemons #lizlemon #gardenlessons #lemonlove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0f33zA79-/?igshid=2k08tunhqznx
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plews · 8 years ago
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#Strawberries - Because this week is #Wimbledon2017 and #RHSHampton Court Flower Show & the sun is shining! http://plews.gd/29cRNY8 #gardendesigner #gardenconsultant #ediblegardens #gardeninglessons #garden advice #gardenlessons #perennialfruit #growyourownfruit #gardeningblog #gardenwriters #summergardens #ornamentalediblegardens
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lindavater · 7 years ago
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🌻🌳🌻 This is an image from last year...just as the Black-eyed Susans were past their peak. They haven’t begun yet in this season. But the buds are perky and filled with golden promise. They are a happy flower, defying one to be in a blue mood in their presence...teasing out a smile...or at least a wane grin from a sad faced gardener or visitor. They are cheery in the face of searing sun and suffocating heat and humidity. Complaining little, stalwart and stoic and dignified in their unapologetic perkiness. In short, they hang in there. Exhibiting resilience and good form. Tough in the presence of seasonal diversity. Even thriving in it. There is much to be said...to be learned...to emulate from this humble, easygoing flower. Not to be underestimated. Do you agree? . . . #lindavater #gardenlessons #rudbeckia #blackeyedsusans #blackeyedsusans #arbor #potager #kitchengarden #summerblooms #summerflowers #summergarden #instagardenlovers #inthegarden #gardenlife #gardenliving #gardeners #gartenliebe #jardin #boxwood #gardendesign #gardenstyle #moodygardens #gardenstory (at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
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bibianaandrade · 8 years ago
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...Cause it taught me so much along the way... More than a vegetable garden giving me free delicious healthy nourishment, it taught me the unique personal time we all have, the importance of enjoying the process, making harvesting be a wonderful unexpected surprise. How cycles are there to be completed in order to welcome new life and how important it is to sometimes take the time to sit back and just observe the signs given ahead and that you need to be fully present within yourself to understand it 🍀#timetoharvest #vegetables #babyvegetables #vegetablegarden #radish #lifestyle #lifeisbeautiful #gardenlessons #lifelessons #gardenlove #organic #delicious #rewarding #petvegetables #naturelove #naturelovers #backyard #melbourne #melbournelife #brunswick ❤️ (at Brunswick East, Victoria)
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sherriesgarden · 4 years ago
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Let the Irish show begin! My mom gave me this #BatikIris almost 20 years ago. It’s the first iris that comes up in the yard. I can hardly wait for the next several weeks with all the irises I’ve collected from trips begin to bloom. My grandfather raised I restless. His Iris garden was a victory garden and he kept it so that my uncles could see the house from the plane as they would fly over on their way to their missions on either coast. Every time I work in my irises, I can feel my grandfather’s love. I think it’s nice when your garden brings memories and feelings to you. I think it’s the therapeutic side of gardening in the heritage side of gardening. Do you have stories of special plants in your garden? #gardening #gardenhistory #Gardenheritage #Irises #inmygardentoday #ilovemyflowers #gardenflowers🌷 #victorygardens #gardenlessons #gardengirl #purpleflowers #utahgardens #utahgardener #sherriesgarden2021 (at Provo, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPNP6rMMPpi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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plews · 8 years ago
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Have you had your copy of #Plews July gardening tips & ideas yet? Ask for it here: http://plews.gd/1505YY9 #gardendesign #gardendesigner #landscapegardener #gardenconsultant #ediblegardens #gardeninglessons #garden advice #gardenlessons #sweetpeas #scentedgarden #summerflowers
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lindavater · 7 years ago
🌿🌳🌿 With all this uncharacteristic August rain, the Myrtle topiaries are extremely happy. And I want them to stay that way, so I’ll 1️⃣ Give them another good feed...Along with everything else in the garden…because the rain has leached out much of the nutrition in the soil. 2️⃣ Clip frequently to encourage density and more growth, and 3️⃣ Move them into a brighter location...as the sun moves lower in the sky, and the light where they have been isn’t quite sunny enough for the growth and health I want. 🍂🌳🍂🌳🍂Later, as frost nears, I’ll have to bring them in for protection. Change their living conditions. Be more attentive to their daily needs. They won’t be nearly as happy or as independent or as vigorous then. I am savoring their exuberance and youth now. Before the season passes. I think of these analogies as I tend my aging mother. Care, protection, lost vigor, the threat of not making it through the winter. Lessons and metaphor in the garden everywhere if we heed them. I like the connections and the bittersweet tethers between these things. They comfort me. Do these comparisons comfort and sustain you? 🍃 🍃 🍃 #instagardeners #lindavater #gardenlessons #gardenlife #gardenliving #gardendesign #topiary #gardeningtips #gardenfun #mygardentoday #jardins #gartenliebe #gartendeko #outinthegarden #terracotta #gardentherapy #workingoutside #gardenchores #summergarden #gartengestaltung #gardendesign #gardeners #aginggracefully (at Central Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmpGp9rDz2P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s4gl6dt43r41
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lindavater · 7 years ago
🌳 ✂️ 🌳 This is a rerun from last summer, but since our temps here have easily been exceeding the century mark (105 today)... this tip on pruning your boxwood...or rather NOT pruning...seems especially timely. Hence a summer rerun. Is it fall yet? 😜😆😜😓 . . . #lindavater #gardeninspiration #instagardeners #gartenliebe #pruning #boxwood #buxus #garden_styles #gardenchores #southernlivingmag #southerngardens #summergardening #summergarden #kitchengarden #garten #jardín #gardendesign #gardeners #gardensofinstagram #gardenlessons #inthegarden (at Crown Hts. - Edgemere Hts., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
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lindavater · 7 years ago
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🍃🌳🍃 It was a happy day when I realized I had enough shade from the redbuds and Japanese maples to no longer need the obligatory umbrella in the middle of the table. I raised the sheltering redbud trees that surround and envelope the space from mere seedlings, volunteer offspring of the only thing growing in the back when we bought our home. They are mature and beautiful now, contributing their own shade and protection from the elements. The aged tree from which they sprang is really nothing more than a massive trunk now, but with enough energy left to generate its own bit of shade and grace over the wooden bench that nestles in the hydrangeas. The bench from which my husband and I would watch our boys engage in sword fights, Power Ranger moves and watermelon seed challenges. Like flashback scenes in a movie, I have my own parade of flashbacks in the garden. Thoughts of shelter once needed, but now removed. Replaced by the shade and maturity of beautiful trees that were raised and pruned in the way they should grow. . . . #lindavater #gardenlessons #redbuds #japanesemaples #childhooddays #outdoorfurniture #outdoordining #gardenstories #gardenliving #gardenlife #gardeninspiration #weekendwithtextures #raisingsons #alfrescodining #alfresco #gravel #englishgarden #mygardentoday #gardener (at Central Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
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lindavater · 7 years ago
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🍂🦃🍂 illuminata. Can you smell the scent of the wood fire? Can you hear the garden dwellers...the fairies and the toads and the mice...burrowing beneath the leaves and damp earth for shelter? Can you feel the days getting shorter, the darkness encroaching and the warmth from the lanterns? Can you taste the dew in the air? Can you sense the passage of the moment...the season...time eternal? Then my darlings, the Garden has taught you well. . . . . . #lindavater #gardenlessons #gardenteacher #gardendesign #cafelights #stringlights #lanterns #garden_styles #garden_style #instagardenlovers #gardeninspired #gardenlife #gardenliving #inspiration #eveninggardening #topiary #gardendesign #gardenlighting #mygardentoday #mylovelygarden (at Crown Hts. - Edgemere Hts., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
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