garden-of-gay · 1 year
You're On Your Own Kid
Summary: A fic inspired by the Taylor Swift song of the same name in which Eddie helps Steve heal from the loneliness left by his parents.
Did I read all the lyrics to the song and proceed to write this entire fic based on the storyline it created in my head maybe? Does it make total sense, probably not, did this fic get away from me? Definitely
Summer Went Away
As the heat of August had winded down and the chill autumn breeze rolled in, the kids had gotten back to school and back to a pretty normal life, as normal as possible for Hawkins. However for Steve, things still haven’t returned to normal. Sure, he had healed from the demobats and had gotten back to slaving away at Family Video with Robin but, the one thing he had not prepared for…….. was the presence of one Eddie Munson. 
It had been 7 months since Eddie Munson had come crashing into his life in all his dramatic glory, and uprooted everything Steve thought he knew about himself. It had been a muggy day in July when he decided to broach the subject with the one person he knew he could talk to….Robin
“Hey Robs?” said Steve
“What’s up Dingus?” replied Robin
Steve glanced around the empty store before continuing
“You’ve never liked a guy right”
Robin sighed, “Steve we have been over this, I like women and women only”  
“Okay, okay but like… what if you thought you only liked girls but then there was a guy…..?” Steve got more and more nervous as Robin stared at him saying nothing
“You know this is just like a hypothetical, a weird question, you know forget I said anything” he said before panicking and laughing to try to cover it. Robin took that as her cue to finally say something
“Oh dingus” she replied gently
Steve could feel the tears building threatening to spill over but he wouldn’t let them, not here, not ever, “Harrington’s DON'T CRY!'' his fathers voice echoed in his mind and he willed the tears away.  
“I think, I like a guy and I don’t know what to do because I thought I liked girls and girls only but then Ed– a guy has been talking to me and I think I might like him. “ he told her
“Well, that's okay, we don’t have to put a label on anything until you feel comfortable but when I was figuring it out myself I read up on bisexuality. It's where you like both that might be you? It might not but…… what I do know is that I love you, you dingus and you’ll figure it out” she told him before crushing him in a hug.
“You good?” She asked
“Yeah…. no, but I will be, thanks Robs” Steve said
 Then a customer walked in and they broke apart going back to their job earning a strange look from the customer and a small smile from Robin.
It had been two months since that conversation, summer was whisked away and yet Steve’s yearning was still ever present. Robin gave him some stuff on bisexuality and had comfortably adopted the label as his own.
Robin had also in that time learned through deduction that the person Steve had a burning crush on was none other than Eddie Munson.
She took great joy in teasing Steve for his attempts to be cool and suave around Eddie while he failed miserably she even considered bringing back the You Suck, You Rule board from Scoops.
“I swear Rob’s, the Harrington charm always works but everytime I try to use it, I just turn into a stuttering mess. I think it’s broken” He said
“What’s broken?” Eddie announced 
“Steven thinks the Harrington charm is broken, because he can’t keep his cool” Robin replied
“ooOoOo, what lovely lady has caught the attention of Stevie here that is turning him into a mess?” Eddie teased
Stevie. Steve could feel his face heating up. He thought he was used to Eddie’s pet names but everytime he got used to one; Eddie would throw another at him breaking him all over again. 
“Come on Stevie, tell me who the lady is???” Eddie asked
“Ughh, no one. Like you care about my love life anyways. What do you need anyways, Munson?” Steve retorted
“I came to bother you guys because it turns out when you are an accused murderer and triple senior not a lot of people want to hire you.” He said
“Well, bother Robin all you want but I’m going to go restock movies” Steve huffed
“Awww Sweetheart, what if I came here for you not Bobbie?” Eddie teased
Steve had to take a deep breath because the thought of Eddie coming to see him specifically may cause him to combust internally. 
“Haha, very funny” He replied dryly
“You definitely missed me Harrington” Eddie teased as he turned to Steve with a cheshire grin
True to his word, Steve gathered the recent returns and began to place them back on the shelves. What he should have seen coming was Eddie following him like a shadow; pestering him as he put movies back. Occasionally Eddie would pick up a movie and make a comment about the film and scoffed at how anyone could watch it. 
“Come on Harrington, Footloose!?” Eddie asked with a mocking tone
“What, it has good music and fun dancing, what's not to love!” Steve replied
Eddie chuckled
“What, what’s so funny?” huffed Steve
“Nothing, nothing Stevie, don’t worry your pretty little head about it” He said
As Eddies words about his “pretty little head” rolled around in his mind, Steve retorted
“Whatever Munson, it’s not like your movie tastes are any better”
Eddie grabbed his chest as if he had been stabbed
“Oh you wound me Harrington, but at least I have actually taste”
“One of these days you should swing by the trailer and I’ll show you real movies and good taste”
“Fine, I’ll take you up on that Munson, when are you free” Steve asked
“Dude, I’m an unemployed super senior, I’m always free so the better question is when are YOU free?” Eddie joked
“Uhh…I have the opening shift tomorrow and the closing tonight so…Thursday?” Steve supplied
“Thursday is fine, swing by whenever you feel like” replied Eddie
“Okay, cool…I have to drop Dustin off at the Wheelers at 4 o’clock so how about I swing by around 4:30?” he asked
“Sounds good, it's a date” Eddie replied with a smile
“Yeah” Steve replied as his face once again became bright red
“Well, I will leave you to it, have a good shift sweetheart” Eddie said as he walked towards the door turning to blow a kiss to Steve before chuckling and walking out. 
Steve had about 10 seconds to process what had just happened before he heard a squeal from where Robin was standing
“Dingus!! Do you have a date!?” She exclaimed
“Uh no, Eddie just wanted to hangout and watch a movie, that's hardly a date, we do that all the time” He replied with a slight sadness in his voice.
“He’s gonna notice you, I guarantee it, there is no way he doesn’t like you” she said
“It’s okay, I’ll just wait; maybe forever if I have to but it’s okay we’re best friends anyways” He replied sadly
“Best Friends!! I thought I was your best friend!!’ Robin teased
“No, you're my separated twin and platonic soulmate, Eddie is my best friend; or maybe Dustin?” Steve joked, before mumbling about how Dustin is a brat and more like a little brother than best friend.
Steve hadn’t seen Eddie since Tuesday and decided that it would be a good idea to call him to confirm that their plans for the next day were still on. 
“Munson residence, you kill’em, we grill’em how can I help you?”
“Jesus Eddie! Is that how you always answer the phone” Steve exclaimed
“STEVIE, what’s up man? I thought we were on for Thursday?” Eddie asked
“Yeah, I was just calling to confirm that's all, what are you up to?” Steve said sheepishly
“I’m smoking with the band, what about you?” He replied
“Oh, I’m not doing anything, I didn’t know you had people over, sorry” Steve apologized
“Don’t worry, the boys don’t care” He chuckled causing Steve to relax a little bit
“Okay…cool, well I don’t wanna keep you” He said, despite not wanting to hang up
“What if I do, What if I want to talk to you? Hmm?” Eddie said. He had meant it to be teasing but it had come out too sincere.
Steve could hear it in his voice, the low grit that entered Eddie’s voice when he was high and starting to get properly buzzed. He touched the phone as if it was Eddie’s face and imagined that for just a moment Eddie was reaching back. He hadn’t realized he had fallen silent until Eddie spoke up.
“Hey Stevie, are you still there?”
“Yeah, yeah still here” Steve chuckled
“Good, good” Eddie, replied softly
“I didn’t choose this place and honestly dream of getting out of here” Eddie said suddenly
“Yeah?” asked Steve
“Yeah, I was dumped here after my old man got himself locked up. They placed me with Wayne, and I’ve been here since.”
“I love Wayne, but I still wouldn’t have wanted to be in this town in bumfuck Indiana, you know?”
“Yeah, I do”
Eddie chuckled “You know that there is only one reason, I’m still here in this stupid town? I mean it's not a reason as much as it's a person”
Steve softly asked “Who is it, who is keeping you here?”
“Don’t you worry about that Sweetheart, it’s not too important” Eddie replied
Steve allowed himself to imagine that maybe just maybe that person was him; the one keeping Eddie from skipping town at the earliest chance. He was pulled from his thought when he heard Eddie’s voice
“Why are you still here Harrington, it seems like you hate it here?” 
“It’s mainly the kids and Robin, you know the summers with them playing and splashing around in the sprinklers or piling around the fireplace during Christmas, letting it burn to ash only. These are the memories and things that keep me here I guess.” Steve replied, he loved the kids and Robin; loved the life he has with them. 
“Damn, Harrington I can’t argue with that” Eddie chuckled before asking
“So I guess people are the reason you stay? just like me”
Steve laughed “yeah, I guess so” Steve was quiet for a bit before asking
“Hey Eddie, do you wanna know why else I’m here?” 
“Yeah, why not, what else you got Harrington” Eddie asked
Steve waited a minute before proceeding “I’m also still here because of my parents”
“I know it’s stupid but I think part of me is still waiting to see them, see them come back.” He laughed wetly. 
“You know, I still find myself searching large bodies of people for their faces wondering if they are there, looking for me too” Steve choked out
“But they never are, they don’t care, I think they never did, I can still hear my dad telling me; You’re on your own kid; the first time I was left all alone for them to go on a trip and the more I think about it. I think I always have been” He sobbed
Eddie's heart broke, as he listened to Steve draw ragged harsh breaths, and sob over the phone. He heard Steve profusely apologize for crying and it only broke his heart more. How could someone hurt such a beautiful, caring person, like Steve?
Eddie decided that it would be his mission to make sure Steve never felt alone again; that he would never feel on his own. Not anymore. 
Part 2
Soooo, this fic got away from me pretty heavily so I'm planning on splitting this into 2 more parts? I have never actually sat down and written a fic before so if this is actual garbage I blame it on that and the fact that it was written at 2am and then beta'd by no one. Anyways.....let me know if y'all like it and if you wanna be tagged or something idk. Also yes, I'm sorry this is a hurt and comfort because that's just Steve's general dynamic with existence. We got the hurt now but promise there is comfort coming.
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Nu Kyr'adyc
TW: Tech angst, spoilers for tbb s2 finale
Summary: Omega finds herself in a cell with Crosshair after being kidnapped by Hemlock
AN: This lil baby fic is written for @cross-my-heartt's art post, which you can find here. Thanks for reading!
He awoke with a small groan, the stiff cot not doing his back any favors.
“Crosshair?” a small voice asks, “Are you awake?”
His head whips around to look at the figure crouched in the corner of the small room. It had been a long time, but he recognizes the blonde halo and heavy accent. He quickly sits up, ice-hot panic running through his veins.
“Omega? Why are you here? I distinctly remember telling you guys to hide. For your sake.”
“I know.” she says. She looks down, trying to hide the emotions still shaking her every breath. “We were just trying to help you. I just wanted to help you.” Her voice gets smaller with every word, and he sees a small tear fall. He sighs inwardly.
“Where are the others?”
“I-I don’t know,” she wails. “Before they stunned me, Echo helped Hunter and Wrecker get away. I just know they’re not here.” He can’t help but notice the absent name, but he doesn’t push right now. He sighs.
“Come here.” he swings his legs off the cot and pats the space beside him. She scrambles over to him, taking her previous position with her arms wrapped around her knees. “Tell me what happened.”
“Well, after we got your message, we had to figure out where you were, so we planned to place a tracker on Doctor Hemlock’s ship while he was busy in a meeting with other imperial officers. Turns out there was another group of ‘rebels’ in the base, except they were trying to blow it up. Wreck and I did our part, and got the tracker on the ship, but we had to leave quickly because of the bombs. The,” She clears her throat, “the base was only accessible with this hanging monorail thing. We got about halfway from the base when the explosion cut the power to it. Echo couldn’t fix it from the train so Te-Tec-,” she stutters, voice cracking, “He had to get out and go fix it.”
The tears stream harder down Omega’s face. Cross scoots closer to her on the cot, not quite touching hips, but trying his best to comfort her. To let her know that it’s okay, even though it’s not. She looks up at him suddenly. The movement drags his eyes down to hers. “In your message, you mentioned plan eighty-eight.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, “I did.”
“Do you remember all the plans?” she asks quietly. He doesn't know where this is going, but he doesn't like it, pushing himself up to stand.
“Mhm.” he grumbles, beginning to pace the short distance from one side of the room to the other, head down.
“Do you,” Omega hesitates, and picks at her cuticles, “remember ninety-nine?” The flow of his pacing abruptly stops, and his eyes snap back to her.
“Omega…” he warns lowly.
“They never told me about that one. I thought there were only ninety-eight plans, but that's what… that’s what Tech said before he fell. ‘Plan Ninety-nine.’” After her final word, it’s like she forgets how breathing works. Her breathing hitches and her throat burns with tears. She sobs. That wheezing type of sob where it feels like Atlas has put his punishment on your chest. She breathes quickly, but no air fills her lungs. Have they pulled all the oxygen out of the room? Why can’t she breathe? What is happening to her? This can’t be real. This is a nightmare.
She feels arms pull her from the cot and into the air. Against someone’s chest. “T-ech?” Her legs wrap around them automatically. The hands stroke her back soothingly, while she buries her face into their chest. They rock back and forth, and he nuzzles the top of her head with his nose, inhaling deeply. She feels her hair start to wetten, but she doesn't care.
“I’m so sorry cyar’ika.” He whispers, and raises his face to the ceiling. “Nu kyr’adyc, shi taab’echaalj’la. Ni ceta, vod."
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wdcgardener · 2 years
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Hung out last week @mantsbaltimore with fellow garden communicator @dougoster (photo by another garden communicator @marianne.willburn) - cool connections like these are why I joined @gardencomm_gci and why I volunteer so many hours supporting the organization. If you are a garden blogger/photographer/influencer/podcaster/writer/author etc. YOU should seriously consider joining too. We are celebrating our 75th Anniversary with an annual meeting this August in Minneapolis and it is going to be legendary! #gardener #gardenblogger #gardenpodcaster #gardenauthor #gardenwriter #ilovemyplantjob #plantlover (at Downtown Baltimore) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnw52EUuvhA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hortushorrei · 3 years
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Spores of Pyrrosia hastata are so beautiful. #ferns #fernsofinstagram #pyrrosia #pyrrosiahastata #iloveferns #lamacchinafissa #gardenstudiovivaio #elisabettacavrini #gardensofinstagram #gardenwriters #gardenerfriends #italiangardeners #felci #polypodiaceae #feltfern #asianferns #iloveferns #instaferns #instafern #provinciadimantova #gardengifts (presso La Macchina Fissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR1gD21IoUT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gardendesigner01 · 5 years
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A big thank you to Charlotte and the team at Plants for Trade for allowing me free reign of the nursery and containers. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. 😊😊#gardenwriter #gardenwriters #gardenwritersassociation https://www.instagram.com/p/B1GUqyAgVCm/?igshid=17etyrow9ns1x
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plews · 7 years
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#Strawberries - Because this week is #Wimbledon2017 and #RHSHampton Court Flower Show & the sun is shining! http://plews.gd/29cRNY8 #gardendesigner #gardenconsultant #ediblegardens #gardeninglessons #garden advice #gardenlessons #perennialfruit #growyourownfruit #gardeningblog #gardenwriters #summergardens #ornamentalediblegardens
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mybookbath · 3 years
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Do you enjoy gardening? If not, you surely must enjoy a stroll through a garden filled with beautiful and fragrant flowers. 🌸 I’ve always been into gardening but this year I have begun to take it a little more seriously. Early in the year I started growing both flowers and vegetables from seed—my first time doing so. Have you every done this? It’s quite a rewarding feeling when everything starts to take root. 🪴 The Garden in Every Sense and Season is a wonderful new book written by Tovah Martin and published by @timberpress . This book has reminded me to slow down and really enjoy the riches that a garden has to offer instead of focusing on the time it takes to weed, water and maintain. 🌼 This book is separated into the four seasons and each season is categorized into the five senses. It is full of inspiration, appreciation, and it has helped me to fall in love with my garden even more than ever. 🌺 "I have learned that unless you consciously experience your garden, you might be blind to its beauty. And if you don't listen, it will remain mute." 🌻 Thank you to @timberpress for sending me this copy of The Garden in Every Sense and Season. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in gardening even the slightest bit. #thegardenineverysenseandseason #gardenlife #gardenwriting #gardeninspirations (at My Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXo8_UnJHt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iplantsman · 2 years
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Delighted to have another 4 page spread in @GardenNewsmag @gardennewsmagazine this week with an article I wrote on #plants with striped #flowers. Fun & games! Enjoy. @GdnMediaGuild @gdnmediaguild #writer #article #gardening #plantingdesign #gardenwriter #iplantsman #GardenNews #writerstag #plantingideas #plantingadvice #gardenideas #follow #followme #creativeideas #garden #gardeninspiration #stripedflowers #stripedflower #arthritis #arthritiswriter #gardensofinstagram #gardenstyle #plantlover #plantsplantsplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy (at Perth, Perth and Kinross) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch93qhRKyFT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grandtorinaa · 4 years
Armin Arlet x GN Black Reader
Fluff, Body positivity
Check out @gardenwritings ! I she inspired some of this with her own writing.
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Some days just ended up being lazy, didn't they?
Lazy days where you didn't really remember what you ate for breakfast, or what you dreamt about last night. Lazy days where you ended up glued to a mass of blankets and pillows, scrolling through social media.
But at least you had Armin in the room to accompany you on your endeavors of nothing. It made things less boring.
A funny video came up on screen, and you snorted, tucking your head into a pillow you had been snuggling for awhile.
"What's so funny?" You jumped.
"Armin! Don't sneak up like that!" You said, still laughing a bit. You turned back to look at him, and he smiled at you sweetly.
He moved to cuddle you from behind, with his arms wrapping around your waist and his nose burying into the crook of your neck. You felt him sigh softly, melting into you and you let out a hum of contentment before turning back to your phone.
Some time passed by like this. Armin watching you use your phone with his hands gently roaming around your skin idly. He was a touchy person once he became comfortable with someone, you had learned this early on.
But there was something light and sweet about the way he touched you. Something that pulled at your heart when he embraced you so fully, it pulled so much it almost hurt, because you wanted to hold him too.
Another video played on your feed, and you felt his hands gently grace over your hips and across the band of your shorts. You both laughed at the meme, although his was a bit muffled from the way he had buried his face into you. You felt him trace the edge of the waistband before stopping completely.
"It's fine, don't worry." You hummed idly.
His fingers dipped under the fabric and simply, ran along your skin. You knew it wasn't intended to be sexual right now, physical touch, close contact, it was just a form of affection for him. Armin was always looking for skinship with you, holding hands, hugging, resting his head on your stomach. Heat, closeness and warmth. It was hard to blame him for seeking it out.
You shivered a bit though when you felt him feel along your stretch marks though. Someone else looking at them...touching them...felt odd.
But he brushed his fingers against them so softly, drinking in every bit of raised skin, and every bump and curve you had.
"I wish they showed more of these."
He murmured.
"I wish they showed more people who just...I want…"
His breath tickled your earlobe.
"I wished they showed more people who looked like you."
Suddenly, you felt a slight heat rush to your face. "M-me?"
"Yeah," he replied. "I just, really like, you, everything, how you are."
You swallowed somewhat harshly, not even noticing that your phone screen had turned off.
Armin planted a soft peck to your neck that melted into a butterfly kiss. "You're really amazing, y/n."
Gosh, you didn't prepare for an onslaught of complements. Your heart was beginning to thump louder in your chest with every sugary, silky word he said.
"What do you like about me?"
"Mm," he felt his chest rise as he inhaled. "Your skin is really beautiful."
You shifted a bit in his hold. "I have body acne."
"I don't care." You felt his hand brush over your back. "I don't think it's bad."
You could almost feel his heartbeat through his fingertips with the way they touched you so intentionally, filled to the brim with adoration and practically worship. Laying down his bare feelings at the shrine of your heart, every word a prayer to a body he thought held the reverence and revere of something ethereal.
It was deeply embarrassing to be fawned over, but yet you wanted, no, needed to keep hearing it.
"Your stretch marks," he laughed, oh so lightly. "Your stretch marks are one of my favorite things. No one else has them."
"Armin, tons of people have stretch marks."
"Yeah but, no one has yours." Goosebumps came up over you. "I like yours a lot. I like the way they feel, the way they look," his thumb rubbed circles on top of one. "It's like they're talking about how much you've changed over time, how much progress you've made."
You turned your face away from him into the pillows and blankets.
Those lovely honeyed words kept leaving his mouth, spinning lines and pages of poetry, songs, mumblings and muses of how much a single person could adore you. It made your soul feel desperate, almost greedy for such deep praise. You almost felt sorry. With how he so openly embraced you, held you with that soul healing warmth.
You could feel the subtle vibrations of his words through your skin as he kept talking. You could feel the gentle shake of your heartbeat in your chest.
You turned halfway to face him, and he was still talking. And you pressed your lips to his, and he was still talking. The buzz of his words lingering in your mouth. He shuttered, deepening the kiss before pulling back to take bated breaths.
"I love you."
And you leaned in to kiss him again.
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Talked about this in the server with @cellotonin @afromaniiac and @gardenwritings
Tododeku Headcanons
Since Shouto has a better control over his hot side Izuku like to sleep and cuddle on that side his arm is acting up or he has super bad period cramps.
Shouto saw Izuku start his natural hair journey and wanted to help him a well.
Their both super in the dark about the whole thing, even after hours of watching YouTube videos about it.
They crave in and ask Mina for help, she happy to help.
They start off small with the hairstyles for Izuku to wear when it first starts 
Shouto does his first set of twists in his hair(he super proud of himself of the final product)
Izuku first twist out is a huge success!!!
They like going to the local cafes around the school for their dates when they can.
Izuku actually has a sweet tooth for a lot of traditional Japanese and American desserts they offer
Shouto likes to feed him, he gets super flustered.
Rainy days are the best days for them since Shouto likes the sound of falling rain and Izuku likes watching it
They sleep in each other rooms a lot, nobody in class tells any of the teachers 
Whenever they have fights they are usually are resolved by a day or so since they tend to get super emotional about somethings 
Izuku shows Shouto a lot of favorite childhood movies that Shouto never been able to watch himself. 
Shouto gives Izuku back massages after a hard day of training 
They meet each other family about a year into them dating.
They moved in together after they graduated from school and started their hero careers, they got a rescued cat 
They got two cats before they had their first kid, they were the cat parents they never thought they would be. 
Shouto looooooves to run his fingers through Izuku hair(when he can)
Shouto great his hair out long and Izuku has never been the same.
He just plays in it during their days off and braids it a lot too 
They were the first in the class to get married to noone surprise among their friends.
What did surprise everyone was that Momo was the maid of honor and Bakugou was Izuku best man.
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garden-of-gay · 1 year
You're On Your Own Kid, Part 2
Part 1
So....remember how I said you guys would get comfort, well…..you do, y’all just get more hurt first. I’m sorry, I promise it is coming but a lot of things need to happen first so for now we get sad Steve. 
TW: Some use of homophobic slurs (it’s only once but I figure I still let y’all know)
TW: Implied child abuse (because you know, Steve’s parents suck)
Great Escape
It took quite a while for Steve to calm down and when he did, that is when the embarrassment came flooding in.
“Eds I’m so sorry, I-” Steve was abruptly cut off by Eddie’s voice.
“Sweetheart, why are you apologizing? You have nothing to be sorry for.”
He was using a tone that made Steve want to cry all over again, it was so soft and caring, in a way that he didn’t know how to process. 
“I– I, I’m not supposed to cry so…so I’m sorry” Steve said softly, but the moment it left his mouth he felt stupid.
“Stevie, who told you that you can’t cry” Eddie was baffled at how such a seemingly strong boy could help others when they stumbled but not offer himself the same courtesy. He also knew that the ones who had told him this had been his parents but still wanted to give Steve the chance to tell him on his own terms. 
“Darling, please, who told you this?” He said it one again, so kindly that Steve couldn’t understand why he was being so sweet to him.
“Why are you being so kind to me? Shouldn’t you be upset with me” Steve asked, fighting back tears once again.
“Babydoll, why would I not be? You deserve all the kindness in the world from me, darling” Eddie waited a moment listening before Steve began to softly speak and with a sadness in his voice that only sent another wave of sadness through Eddie’s already broken heart. 
“Well its just, my parents especially my dad said he can’t deal with criers and no son of his was going to be a sissy, faggot” 
Steve could remember the way his father would yell at him for the tears that would fall down his face as a child; could still envision the rage that would plague his face. Overtime, he learned to stifle his tears until he was alone, to avoid the wrath of his fathers words and fist. Even now knowing his parents weren’t home, because they never were, he would still hide in his closet to cry. 
Eddie began to speak breaking Steve from his thoughts
“I– I’m so sorry Stevie, you never deserved that, still don’t deserve that” He said with his voice breaking. 
“It’s okay, Eds I’m okay, promise” Steve said to not only Eddie but also to himself hoping that if he said it aloud he could make it true” 
Eddie knew it was a lie but decided not to push.
“Hey Eds, I'm tired, I'm going to turn in for the night”
“Yeah.... okay"
"hey, you know I see a great escape for you, I see you running away from the pain they caused you and never looking back. If anyone could do it it’s you” Steve loved the way Eddie had said it, it made it feel so real, that maybe he really could.
“Thanks, so long Daisy May” Steve joked
“Daisy May!? Who the hell is Daisy May?” Eddie asked incredulously
Steve chuckled before answering
“She’s a character that my grandma loved, she’s from a comic I think, I don’t know.” 
Although Steve was tired, he proceeded to speak with Eddie for another hour before finally falling asleep, causing Eddie to eventually hang up.
A couple days later he found himself talking to Robin about his conversation, leaving out the part where he cried over the phone; even though he knew that Robin wouldn’t judge him.
“And then we talked for like 4 hours, I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun talking to someone Rob! He’s just so ... .He is just so wonderful.” He said with a certain warmth inside 
“ Aughhh, just ask him out already, Dingus!! He likes you, and listen I love you but if I have to go another shift hearing you wax poetry about Eddie I might just have to hit you” Robin huffed before Steve said something that left her holding back laughter. 
“Okay, listen I thought about but then I found a flower and did the stupid petal picking things that people do and like I got he loves me not which destroyed the thought on the spot” 
“Steve, you’re going to trust a flower over your PLATONIC SOULMATE!!! I can’t believe this” she chuckled. They fought for a bit before getting back to work and finishing their shift off.
Steve had gotten home and had two hours to kill before he had to pick up Dustin and then go to Eddie’s for their movie night. He couldn’t stop thinking about his conversation he had last night with the older boy and found himself sitting in his room writing. Steve liked to write, he knew he wasn’t the best at it and had only shown Robin any of his writing but he liked to do it nonetheless. He took out his notebook and began to write, he did something he hadn’t done in a while, he began to write a song. He wasn’t as good as Eddie when it came to music but soon enough two hours had passed and he had made a pretty decent song and would have worked on it more if he had not seen the time and realized he needed to pick up Dustin.
On the drive over he felt the bloom within him that always came from writing and was thinking about whether he should write in his room more often. 
He arrived at Dustin’s 15 minutes later to find him already outside.
“Hey Dusty-” Steve began, as Dustin climbed into his front seat he began to rant
“You’re 5 minutes late Steve and now I’m going to be late. Dude, what could you have been doing that made you late!”
“Listen here, shithead, I was busy and lost track of time okay!? Be grateful that I’m even driving your ass” Steve retorted
“Thank you” Dustin grumbled
“Good, now put your seatbelt on” 
“Okay mom” Dustin mumbled under his breath
“What was that? Steve asked
“Hmm nothing” Dustin replied refusing to look at Steve
“That’s what I thought” He said before putting the car in drive and beginning the short drive to the Wheeler’s house
After dropping Dustin off and saying hello to all the other brats, Steve found himself on his way to Eddie’s singing along to the songs on the radio. 5 minutes later he parked his Beemer in front of the Munsons government appointed trailer. It was bigger than their previous trailer however it was still much the same. He knocked on the door and heard Eddie moving around inside.
“Hey there Steve, glad you could make it”
“I know, sorry I’m late, I picked up Dustin a little late and then the brats proceeded to greet and mess with me before letting me leave”
“Ehh, don’t worry about it, I’m just teasing you, come in”
Eddie led him into the trailer and got comfortable on the couch before Steve followed suit. He made sure to put a respectable distance between himself and Eddie not wanting to sit too close to him and be weird.
“So... what are we watching?” Steve asked, Eddie chuckled
“Oh just you wait and see big boy”
He then pressed play on the movie and soon rolled the title screen that read Nightmare on Elm Street
“Come on Eds, HORROR!!” Steve exclaimed
“What's wrong Stevie you get scared easily?” He said teasingly
“No, I’ve just seen and experience enough horror in my life to want to watch movies about it” 
“Fair point, but that's what fun, it’s nothing like the real horrors we have seen. Plus if you do get scared you can just hold my hand” Eddie teased.
Steve hoped that he couldn’t see the blush appearing across his face in the dark of the trailer. 
“You wish Munson” Steve replied, teasingly
They watched the beginning portion of the movie, chatting here and there before Eddie had gotten up and went to the fridge. He called out to Steve.
“Do you want a beer, Steve?”
“Sure I’ll take one” Steve hoped that the alcohol would take the edge off and allow him to relax around Eddie because he felt like he wanted to explode everytime Eddie leaned into his space to say something. 
Eddie returned a moment later and handed a beer to Steve
“Thanks man”
“No problem”
Steve had noticed that when Eddie had sat back down he sat closer to Steve causing their thighs to touch, whether Eddie noticed or not Steve wasn’t going to complain. 
Eventually Steve found himself completely pressed to Eddie’s side, enjoying the warmth the the other brought; he hadn’t noticed Eddie’s hand on his shoulder until he began to trace hypnotizing patterns with his thumb. He quickly found himself unable to focus on the movie and only the way Eddie’s thumb would dip ever so slightly under the collar of his shirt grazing the skin underneath. The movie came to a close and Steve would not be able to recall the entire latter half of the movie. 
“So, what did you think?” Eddie asked
“Hmm? Oh it was good, kind freaky, reminds me a little bit to much of something we fought though” He replied
Eddie sighed “Well, it is not for everyone, especially those who have fought interdimensional monster several times”
Steve chuckled “I guess so?”
“Do you wanna hang for a bit longer?” Eddie asked sheepishly
Steve took a moment to silently celebrate in his mind before replying 
“Yeah, that sounds nice”
They went to Eddie’s room and were goofing off, talking, and overall being stupid. Steve particularly laughed when he found out that Eddie used to play concerts in parking lots before they ever booked an actual gig.
“No, no you don’t understand, haha, we seriously used to do that and one time Hopper busted us setting up and we all had to haul ass back to the van and lug all of our equipment back as fast as we could” Eddie chuckled
Steve loved the sound of Eddie’s laugh; it was like he lit up everything around him with his laughter making the world glow bright. Steve let it fill his mind and he decided to catalog that amongst the summer sprinkler splashed and warm Christmas fireplace ashes he told Eddie about.
“And, haha, and he pulled up to the van and asked us what we were doing at 10 o’clock at night on a Thursday and the only thing Gareth could think of was to shout that we were camping…in the van. Hopper just told us to scram and that he would let us off with a warning. It was the only time we have been saved by Gareth’s absurd answers under pressure” He recalled, laughing throughout the story causing Steve to laugh with him. 
They joked for a bit before Steve spoke up 
“Hey, Ed’s, thanks for last night I really needed it”
“I already told you it's no problem.” He replied
“I- I know but it still means a lot to me” It was gentle and sincere and the emotion seeped into his voice and for once he allowed it; Eddie gave him the chance to let his guard down.
“Anytime, Anytime” He lightly chuckled with a small smile.
“Did you know that once my parents had ordered me a taxi to a party they were at because they forgot to bring me along when they left” Steve laughed but he could hear the sadness in his voice
“Yeah, yeah, they remembered I existed and thought they needed to show me off so they sent a car to get me. I was I think 7, but hey I guess they thought that a 7 year old was old enough to get into a strangers car by themselves” He released a wet laugh and felt the tears beginning to flow. 
“Hell, once I got there. I searched the party, full of better parents than mine, because HEY at least they remembered their kids right!?” The tears were coming down hard, blurring his vision. It was at this point he felt a strong embrace as Eddie pulled him into his chest and held him. 
“They wanted to show me off and once another parent asked what I wanted to be I said a musician, my dad laughed it off and said that all kids wanted to be something crazy like that and it wasn’t rare.” He hiccupped and choked through sobs.
“That was the first time my parents had left me alone to go on a trip. My father told me you're on your own kid, don't do something stupid, we will be back in a week, see you then. The funny thing is they weren't back in a week because they had called to let me know they had other stuff to take care of and that they would send money. I felt so alone, I was so alone just as I always have been.”
Even now he still felt that horrible pang in his chest and remembers the pain he felt watching his mom close the door only telling him “goodbye Steven” before she too left him. He had long decided against stopping his tears. He was with Eddie, he was safe, he could cry, he didn’t need to hide not with him; not anymore. 
Eddie had stayed silent while Steve talked, just holding him and gently stroking his hair. Steve had fallen silent after a while and was currently just heaving heavy sobs in Eddie’s lap while Eddie whispered to him.
“I know darling, I know, you didn’t deserve that. I won’t let them ever do that to you again, I promise. I got you, I got you. Let it out doll”
Eddie found that even with his red splotchy tear streaked face, Steve was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and would do anything for him.
After a while Steve had relaxed a bit and spoke up 
“You know I gave my blood, sweat and tears for this; this life that they wanted me to have and yet they aren’t even here to see what I gave up for them. What I sacrificed to try and be a person they could be proud of. I gave everything for them and they could care less about it.”
Eddie had kept most of his thoughts to himself but could not help saying something.
“I’m proud of you Stevie, I’m proud of the person you are. You are kind and protective, and caring, and, and so loving to everyone. You will put yourself in harm's way if it means someone else is safe. You care so much about the kids and will watch and protect them no matter how annoying they may get. You are one of the most wonderful people I have ever met and my world is better now that I know you, the real you……Steve middle name Harrington, I am so proud of you because you try, no matter what. You’re parents were never deserving of you and the missed out on the greatest opportunity of their life to know you and I feel sorry for them because they are missing out on a pretty great thing”
Tears welled in Steve's eyes and he clung to Eddie as violent sobs rocked his body. He had waited so long to hear those words and hearing it from someone he loved, was in love with. It rocked him in a way he hadn’t seen coming. As he cried he felt Eddie hug him tighter. He felt safe, loved….. tired. So he closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift knowing that Eddie would be there to catch him and ground him again. 
Part 3
Okay, so I did a mini deep dive into Daisy May and learned she was a character from the Lil’ Abner comic series from the 40’s and 50’s and was hopelessly in love with Lil’ Abner. Listen if that isn’t Eddie I don’t know what is. What’s the point of this? idk however, I found it interesting. Also so much of Eddie's speech is something I wish someone had told me and I legit had to stop writing because it had gotten to me. So much of how I write Steve and Eddie's dynamic is based on personal experience and things I wish I could have so I'm sorry if this is sad as hell. I'm using this as a way of putting positivity into the world not only for myself but for others. Anyways my little rant is over,there is one more part left where we get some good comfort and tender love for my boys.
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error6gendernotfound · 9 months
I refuse to be the shadow of a person I was once meant to be.
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wdcgardener · 4 years
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Are you in a "power circle" - basically, it is a mastermind group on one shared topic. For the past few years, I have been in one with fellow #gardenbloggers and members of @gardencomms - meet my 6 power-circle-mates and check our their terrific#gardenblogs - see link in bio or go directly to: https://washingtongardener.blogspot.com/2020/05/we-are-little-group-and-all-are-members.html. #gardenwriters (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtxmD7A76c/?igshid=3q1vwc8z9r8v
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hortushorrei · 3 years
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Bramafam. Arch. Paolo Pejrone's private garden, Revello (Cuneo) Italy. #paolopejrone #gardeningfriends #bramafam #gardenwriters #italiangardeners #giardini (presso Revello) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-XMmvlbWa/?igshid=1v6xngv19vpsy
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gardendesigner01 · 4 years
Sunday Best - 5 April 2020
Sunday Best – 5 April 2020
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Sunday Best is a new series featuring pictures of the best plant or best photo of my garden this past week. But that might be just a little too self indulgent! So, I’ve invited you to send me your ‘Sunday Best’ plant or garden pictures.
Firstly, a BIG thank you to everyone who sent pictures, I really hadn’t expected the massive response and sorry, I really couldn’t show all of them.
But this…
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bestbakubros · 4 years
thank you for everything :)
damn 2020 huh? what a shit year it has been… my spring semester of junior year was ruined, virtual learning was so bad for me, my senior year was in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, my mental health took an absolute downfall… 
it truly has been one hell of a year, but i couldn’t have done it without the amazing people i have met along the way. I started this account back in january, not expecting to gain much. i just wanted to write and make stories people could enjoy reading. I never thought i would meet so many people, make new friends, and have as much support for my work as i do now. honestly when I first started I thought I wasn’t going to do well and I’ve had countless times where I thought about shutting my account down, but here I am today! So to show my love to all my mutuals and babies here is a little shoutout post to all of you!
to all of the people in the POCuties server, i wouldn’t have made it through 2020 without you guys. Like i said before, my mental health wasn’t doing so well through the chaos of 2020, and when I met you all I felt like I had a safe place I could go to whenever I needed it. You made me feel like I belonged somewhere in this world and that I was appreciated for being myself. I don’t know how many times I just wanted to give up and somehow through your words of kindness and love I made it. Being part of this server made my 2020 a billion times better and I don’t know how I would’ve made it without y’all. Everyone in the server are the kindest, most loving, funniest people I have ever met and I’m so grateful that I can talk to you all and that I met you. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you all so so much. (Sorry if didn’t tag you I tried to get as many people as I could!)
@tamasoft | @cellotonin | @kingtamakimurder | @boqutos | @bakugoustanaccount | @gardenwritings | @vixenpen | @suckersuki | @sems-diarie | @greywritesfics | @spike-this-ass | @liltodo | @chocoboba | @cocoacinna | @hitoshisbabygirl | @htownsmash | @ohoematsu | @bnhatrashh | @uliscribbles | @babytoshiii | @prettyliberosclub | @ramelanin | @burnedbyshoto | @bnha-butterfly | @angelwazhere | @katsushimaa | @reddriot | @dimplesum | @ererokii | @combat-wombatus + many many more!!
to all of my anons! thank you for requesting and sending me messages every once in a while! it’s always nice to see your messages and words of encouragement! I appreciate and love you all so so much!! I don’t know what i could do without all the support you give me! I’m so glad you joined the little bestbakubros community and thank you for making it special for me.
and ofc I could never forget my 1.4k babies!! whether you’re active or not I thank you for supporting me through this long ass year! even when I had to be inactive because of school, you guys always stuck around and supported me through and through and I couldn’t be more grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I always get excited when I see people enjoy the content I make, it gives me that extra boost of serotonin I need everyday. without the 1.4k babies I have now, I don’t think I would even keep writing, but you guys keep me motivated every single day and I hope you all know that I’m very very thankful for every single one of you. Thank you for being by side and enjoying the things I love to write.
i wish you all the best going into 2021 and i love you guys 🥺
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