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garden-of-gay · 3 months ago
Can You Feel It? It's Burlesque! Part 1
The first part of the Steddie Burlesque AU is here and rather than ramble on too much here, I'm just going to get right into it; enjoy. :)
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8
Also here on Ao3
Al Munson was a lot of things and had always been. A criminal, a business owner, a dick--- for sure—but a proper father was not one of those. Which is how Eddie had landed in the custody of his uncle Wayne. Thanks to Al’s criminal record the only option for him to make money was to either do more illegal shit or build a business himself, which is also how Eddie found himself working at his father’s shitty dive bar. In big bold letters, it read “Al’s Bar.”
“How original” Eddie had thought,
But hey, a job is a job even if it means working for your deadbeat dad. Eddie was getting tired of his dad’s bullshit antics and was ready to leave, something he often voiced to his uncle Wayne, to the point where the man was completely unphased when Eddie once again brought it up.
“Wayne I’m leaving” Eddie said
“What do you mean” his uncle replied.
He had been through this same song and dance so many times yet, every time he humored Eddie by asking about his plans.
“Soon as I get my check, I’m gone” Eddie huffed.
At that, Al Munson emerged from the back of the house getting ready as always leaving Eddie and Wayne to clean up the place even though he was perfectly capable of helping.
“I’ll be back,” Al said.
Eddie explained as Al put on his coat. “Dad, I need my check before you leave.”
“Paydays at the end of the month, you know this” Al exclaimed annoyed and with a roll of his eyes.
“You still haven’t paid us for last month, I need my money. Wayne’s been taking care of me come on you quite literally own us” Eddie replied angrily.
Al retorted, “You got a problem with management, put a note in the suggestion box.”
“Dad I’m serious, I’m quitting” he steeled.
“I’ll be back for the dinner shift,” Al said with a final roll of his eyes and an annoyed huff.
“Son of a bitch” Eddie exclaimed.
He continued, “He may be back but I sure as hell won’t be.”
Eddie opened the register and began counting out a chunk of cash from the register, Wayne looked on in confusion.
“Eds, what are you doing?” He asked.
Eddie finished counting the amount in his hand before turning to his uncle and answering him.
“Taking what he owes me and not a cent more.”
Wayne’s eyes widened.
“Son, you know he’ll come after you for that, your father has never been a patient man. Especially when it comes to money.”
“Yeah well, he will need to find me first” Eddie smirked.
He then proceeded to take a portion of the money that he had taken from the register and tucked it into Waynes’s pocket. Before explaining to his puzzled-looking uncle.
“This ought to cover the new radiator for the trailer” he smiled.
“Now go, you’re late for your shift at the plant” Eddie teased.
His uncle had the habit of losing track of time always so focused on making sure everyone else was squared away before himself, it was something that Eddie loved about him but also wished he would let go.
“You’re really going?” Wayne asked with a look of awe.
“I’m really going” Eddie replied before shoving at his uncle.
“Now go get out our here seriously you’re going to be late, I got it here” He chuckled.
Wayne began making his way to the door with Eddie on his heels to close the door, but he stopped at turned to face him.
“The radiator can until later, Eds. Keep what he owes you and I’ll deal with him” he stated seriously.
“Later Son, I love you” he paused for a moment before turning back around one final time.
“Hey Eds just remember, no matter what you always have a place with me.”
With that, he was gone leaving Eddie in his dad’s bullshit ass bar all alone. He locked the door, flipping the open sign to close before beginning to put up the chairs.
Eddie had always loved singing and playing guitar since he was little, it was one of the things his mom used to praise him about, his musical talent. Now when he needed to feel close to her, he would put on a song she used to sing to him and would sing along and it was almost like she was there with him. Today was one of those days so he grabbed one of the quarters from his pocket and slotted it into the jukebox in the bar. He then selected Something’s Got a Hold on Me by Etta James, he remembers his mama belting out the lyrics to the song while she danced with him in the kitchen. He dragged a chair to the center of the small stage before beginning as the opening chords of the song rang out.
Oh-oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah (Yeah)
I get a feeling that I never, never, never, never had before, no, no (Yeah)
I just wanna tell you right now that I (Ooh)
I believe I really do believe that
Something's got a hold on me, yeah (Oh, it must be love)
Oh, something's got a hold on me right now, child (Oh, it must be love)
As he sang and danced around the stage, he imagined what his life could be like once he got out of here. All he had to do was pick up and leave and that’s exactly what he planned on doing, his dad and his shit bar be damned.
When he got home that night, he had one thing on his mind…he was getting the fuck out of here.
“Uncle Wayne, where do we keep the suitcases” Eddie yelled.
His uncle came toddling over into his room and replied.
 “In the closet o’er there, and son, there is no need to yell we live in a trailer that is only so big.”
Eddie replied apologetically “Sorry Uncle Wayne.”
His uncle ruffled his hair and stated.
“It’s okay kid I know you are just excited, here let me go get those for you and help you pack.”
Eddie smiled.
“Thanks, Uncle Wayne”
When Wayne returned with the suitcases, Eddie began shoving clothes into them without care, what is the point of folding stuff when they’re just going to get tossed around and shoved into a place only, he will see?
“Dammit, why do I have so much shit. When did I get this much shit?” Eddie asked frustratingly.
“I don’t know kid, it’s your stuff” Wayne replied with a shrug.
“You know what old man; you are no help” Eddie retorted flatly.
“You asked for my help; I’m just helpin,” Wayne said putting his hands up in mock defense.
 “Yeah, well I’m starting to regret it as all you’re contributing is lip” Eddie bantered.
He and Wayne began to bicker back and forth, the task at hand forgotten making the whole ordeal take way longer than it should have.
With all his belongings eventually thrown together into three suitcases---one of which he didn’t even know existed---Eddie loaded them along with his precious guitar, his baby, into Wayne’s back seat and waited for his uncle to come sauntering out of the trailer to take him to the station. He could have walked but Wayne insisted on taking him to say goodbye before he set out on his new adventure.
“Wayne, hurry up!” Eddie yelled after honking the horn.
“I’m Comin,’ I’m Comin,’ I forgot how impatient you can be, I was just grabbing one last thing before we go” Wayne replied.
With this, he wordlessly handed Eddie what looked like a frame wrapped in a scarf to prevent it from breaking. He slowly unwrapped the scarf from the frame and was confronted with a photo he had never seen before, one of his mama and him.
“Wayne I…” he began as he teared up.
Wayne placed one of his hands on Eddie’s knee and looked at him with a softness in his eyes that made Eddie want to cry more.
“It was her favorite picture of you two, she made me promise to keep it safe and give it to you when you were older. Now it seems like you need it, son, she’s always with ya’ so might as well carry her too” Wayne said tearing up himself.
“Thank you, Wayne, this means the world to me I…. just thank you,” Eddie replied through tears.
Wayne proceeded to shift the truck into drive and pulled out onto the road. Eddie watched as the trailer grew smaller and smaller behind them, the life he knew was over now and it was time to start over.
“How much to LA?” Eddie asked.
The man looked up at Eddie with disinterest, clearly bored of his job.
“One way or round trip” He asked.
“You’re kidding right?” Eddie joked.
The worker was not amused and muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like “kids and their bullshit attitude these” to Eddie but he had no way of being certain so he couldn’t call the guy on it.
With his ticket secured for the next Greyhound, Eddie went to say his final goodbye to his uncle.
“It’s not goodbye forever, just for now” Eddie muttered holding back tears.
“I know Eds, I love you kid. You’re going to do great things, I know it” Wayne replied holding back tears of his own.
The two men embraced, and Eddie let himself fall apart in his uncle’s arms, he was excited to follow his dreams, but he was also scared shitless. He was leaving behind all he had ever known and the only thing holding together right now was his uncle’s arms around him.
“It’s m’kay son, let it out, I gotcha” Wayne muttered into his nephew’s shirt as he felt his own shirt begin to wet with tears.
“I gotcha, I gotcha,” he said as he stroked Eddie’s hair in an attempt to comfort him.
Eddie looked up at his uncle through red-rimmed, puffy eyes and knew that it was going to be okay. He had Wayne after all and at the end of the day, it’s all he needed.
Eddie sat with his uncle and waited for his bus to arrive, soaking in a couple more minutes with him before it was time to go. Eddie had told him he could leave 30 minutes ago but Wayne insisted he wouldn’t leave until he watched Eddie get safely on his bus. He suspected that his uncle needed this as much as he did, so he wasn’t going to argue. As the bus pulled into the station he got up and turned towards his uncle and smiled.
“I got to get going now, I’ll call you when I’m there, I love you, Old Man.”
“I love you too, Son. Now go before you chicken out and never leave” Wayne joked.
Eddie laughed before making his way towards his bus, climbing aboard, and finding a seat by the window. He watched as others piled in and said goodbye to family and friends, but most importantly he watched and waved at Wayne as the bus pulled out of the station onto the streets. Eddie’s fate was sealed, there was no going back now, and frankly, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
The bus ride was incredibly boring not only was it like 80 years long, but there was nothing to look at on the way. Who knew the rest of America was just as boring as Indiana was; from Missouri to Oklahoma everything looked the same and the only cue Eddie got that they were getting closer to LA was the switch from flat plains to orangey-beige desert that also stretched for miles. The bus ride took 2 days but if you asked Eddie, he would say it was more like 20 days with how much nothing there was. Finally, however---after an eternity and a half---the driver announced that they would be pulling into the LA station within the hour and Eddie would be free on the confines of his seat that became uncomfortable all the way back in Oklahoma.
Eddie sat in the LA station breathing in the hot dry air and looking through the brochures for a hotel to stay at, he landed on the Hotel Rosslyn and hailed a cab to take him and all his shit there. He wanted nothing more than to sleep for the next year, but he knew he needed work. It was still early enough that he could go out searching so he snagged a newspaper from the stand next to him figuring he could check out the help wanted section.
The drive to the hotel was uneventful just like the bus ride and the hotel itself was nice but also quite unassuming, which was perfect. He checked in at the front desk, happy to find a place, and was handed a key to a room on the 3rd floor.
“I guess this is my place for the next while” Eddie muttered to himself as he used the key to open his room.
The room was clean but also a bit shabby and water-stained but he didn’t mind considering he lived in a trailer for most of his life. He inspected the bathroom and closet space before heading over to the phone to call Wayne and let him know he made it. The phone rang twice before Wayne’s gruff voice could be heard through the line.
“Munson residence, this is Wayne how can I help you?”
“I forgot how boring you are when you answer the phone” Eddie huffed in fond amusement.
“Eds!! I missed you, Son, you settle in, okay?” Wayne asked.
Eddie hadn’t realized how much he had missed his uncle until his voice rang over the phone and all the stress of the last couple of days washed away replaced with the gruff sound of his uncle’s voice and a feeling of home.
“Yeah, I just got here and figured I give you a call to let you know that I’m alright,” Eddie said with a slight wobble in his voice that Wayne didn’t seem to notice or was kind enough not to mention.
“Well, it’s good to hear from you and I’m glad you are doing fine, that’s good to hear” Wayne replied.
Eddie talked about everything and nothing about his trip so far, just glad to hear his uncle’s voice. He then asked the question he had been dreading but needed to know.
“How did Dad take it? Me leaving?” he said nervously.
Wayne sighed.
“Now, I won’t lie to you kid, he all kinds of pissed off. He threatened a lot of things, but I haven’t said anything about where you are or that I know.”
“Thank you, Wayne. I’m sorry you must deal with the fallout though” Eddie muttered.
“Boy, I would do it ten times over if I knew you got to get out and be happy,” Wayne said.
“I’m going to go unpack now, I love you Wayne” Eddie's voice came out wet and wobbly.
“Love you Eds, take care now,” Wayne said and then the room went silent with a click.
Once off the phone, Eddie took his time semi-unpacking his things but most importantly, he took the money he had with him and put it in a plastic bag before sealing it and putting it in the water tank of the toilet making sure that there was a portion that would go over the side for later access.
With his money secured he took another look at the photo Wayne had given him and he smiled at it.
His mom looked so young and beautiful; it made him want to cry. He remembers so little about her since she died when he was seven. Looking at the date on the photo told him it was about 3 months before her death and Eddie wonders if she somehow knew and insisted on a photo because of it.
Eddie had bought a postcard in the lobby or the hotel and considered sending it to Wayne before remembering that if his dad got his hands on it, it was a one-way ticket to an ass beating and losing all his money, so he opted against it. Instead, he ripped it to pieces and threw them out the window for them to be scattered by the wind, keeping his secret.
Eddie had spent some time going through the help wanted section circling any possible jobs in music and had slowly worked his way through his list. He began to feel more and more frustrated with every job he was turned away from and was considering going back to the hotel for the night when he spotted it--- across from fancy high-rise apartments he could never afford--- in neon lights, a sign that read “Burlesque Lounge”. There was a woman on one of the steps landings adjusting the thigh-high socks of her costume and he was increasingly intrigued by what could be happening within those 4 walls. Before he could ponder it anymore, the woman was rushed inside by a very frazzled-looking young woman with choppy brown hair, a boxy frame, and suspenders. Now he had to go!! He had a mystery to solve, what was this place with no windows?
Upon entering the club Eddie found himself more puzzled by the moment, there were dancers on the stage---that much he could see--- and they were wearing revealing outfits, but it didn’t look like a strip club. He reached the end of the staircase down and was met with a balding man with big glasses, a beard, and a frankly menacing grin.
“What is this place, a strip club?” Eddie asked the man.
“Boy, I should wash your mouth out with Jägermeister, the only pole you’ll find in there is Heather, the shots girl.”
Eddie was taken aback by the passive aggression of the man, but he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from the dancers behind the man as they had begun their performance, he was startled from his trance when the man spoke again.
“Baby cakes, I got a club to fill here so 20 dollars or not?” the man said with a tight smile.
Eddie reluctantly handed over a 20-dollar bill and then made his way towards the bar to watch the dancers from there.
Once he sat down, he watched mesmerized as the dancers moved out of the way and revealed an elegant-looking older woman who then opened her mouth and began to sing.
Show a little more
Show a little less
Add a little smoke
Welcome to Burlesque
Everything you dream of
But never can possess
Nothing's what it seems
Welcome to Burlesque
She continued her performance as the dancers moved around her. She revealed the band and made a crude joke about knowing where she was if you had a bit of extra cash, a joke that Eddie chuckled at but was quickly pulled from his laughter when he noticed the bartender across from him.
Brown chestnut swooping hair, moles that dotted his chiseled face, and a handsome smile drew Eddie to him like a moth to a flame but what really got Eddie and made him feel like he was going to cream his pants was the eyeliner that lined the man’s hazel eyes, making them pop. In summary, he was hot, and Eddie wanted to do unspeakable dirty things to this Adonis. The man must have noticed Eddie staring and assumed he wanted a drink because he quickly approached where he was sitting.
“Can I get you something to drink?” He asked.
“If you’re buying” Eddie joked, what he didn’t expect however was the man to actually put a drink in front of him.
“Welcome to LA,” he said.
“Cute” Eddie huffed.
“Where are you from?” the hot man asked.
“Indiana” Eddie replied surprised his brain was still online, but it definitely shut down when the man grinned wide and replied.
“Same, what part?”
Eddie’s mouth felt dry, so he sipped at his drink and responded.
Eddie felt so dumb, this man had reduced him to one-word answers to every question he asked. The bartender then pointed at himself before proceeding with his statement.
“Hawkins, a small town about half an hour south of Indy, my best friend and I used to drive up there sometimes.”
Eddie gave a polite nod to acknowledge that he was listening to what he was saying, but frankly, he was off in la la land being busy ogling this man.
“We’re practically related, huh?” the man joked.
“I thought you looked familiar” Eddie jabbed back.
“Hey, who does a boy have to flirt with to get from here, to there? Eddie asked.
The man raised an eyebrow at him before softening his face and replying.
“Is this you flirty?”
Eddie decided it was best to ignore the joke especially as he felt his face flush, he just hoped the low lights of the club hid it.
“That’s rich coming from someone wearing more eyeliner than me” Eddie jabbed because of course he had to open his big mouth about this man’s sexy eyeliner.
He was pulled from his thoughts of what may happen to that eyeliner during *ahem, activities when the man pointed to a door.
“Through that door, ask for Joyce, she’s your guy, flirt away.”
Eddie turned in the chair to get up when the bartender cleared his throat and spoke again.
“Hey, Indianapolis! Use my name.”
He then handed Eddie a card which he read before replying with a wink.
“Thanks, Steve”
AH, first part down second one is to come soon! I'm really excited for this fic. We have had a few characters introduced with more to come.
If you saw typos or mistakes here, no you didn't.
Edit: I fixed my poor grammar skills, I promise I know English.
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error6gendernotfound · 2 years ago
Nu Kyr'adyc
TW: Tech angst, spoilers for tbb s2 finale
Summary: Omega finds herself in a cell with Crosshair after being kidnapped by Hemlock
AN: This lil baby fic is written for @cross-my-heartt's art post, which you can find here. Thanks for reading!
He awoke with a small groan, the stiff cot not doing his back any favors.
“Crosshair?” a small voice asks, “Are you awake?”
His head whips around to look at the figure crouched in the corner of the small room. It had been a long time, but he recognizes the blonde halo and heavy accent. He quickly sits up, ice-hot panic running through his veins.
“Omega? Why are you here? I distinctly remember telling you guys to hide. For your sake.”
“I know.” she says. She looks down, trying to hide the emotions still shaking her every breath. “We were just trying to help you. I just wanted to help you.” Her voice gets smaller with every word, and he sees a small tear fall. He sighs inwardly.
“Where are the others?”
“I-I don’t know,” she wails. “Before they stunned me, Echo helped Hunter and Wrecker get away. I just know they’re not here.” He can’t help but notice the absent name, but he doesn’t push right now. He sighs.
“Come here.” he swings his legs off the cot and pats the space beside him. She scrambles over to him, taking her previous position with her arms wrapped around her knees. “Tell me what happened.”
“Well, after we got your message, we had to figure out where you were, so we planned to place a tracker on Doctor Hemlock’s ship while he was busy in a meeting with other imperial officers. Turns out there was another group of ‘rebels’ in the base, except they were trying to blow it up. Wreck and I did our part, and got the tracker on the ship, but we had to leave quickly because of the bombs. The,” She clears her throat, “the base was only accessible with this hanging monorail thing. We got about halfway from the base when the explosion cut the power to it. Echo couldn’t fix it from the train so Te-Tec-,” she stutters, voice cracking, “He had to get out and go fix it.”
The tears stream harder down Omega’s face. Cross scoots closer to her on the cot, not quite touching hips, but trying his best to comfort her. To let her know that it’s okay, even though it’s not. She looks up at him suddenly. The movement drags his eyes down to hers. “In your message, you mentioned plan eighty-eight.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, “I did.”
“Do you remember all the plans?” she asks quietly. He doesn't know where this is going, but he doesn't like it, pushing himself up to stand.
“Mhm.” he grumbles, beginning to pace the short distance from one side of the room to the other, head down.
“Do you,” Omega hesitates, and picks at her cuticles, “remember ninety-nine?” The flow of his pacing abruptly stops, and his eyes snap back to her.
“Omega…” he warns lowly.
“They never told me about that one. I thought there were only ninety-eight plans, but that's what… that’s what Tech said before he fell. ‘Plan Ninety-nine.’” After her final word, it’s like she forgets how breathing works. Her breathing hitches and her throat burns with tears. She sobs. That wheezing type of sob where it feels like Atlas has put his punishment on your chest. She breathes quickly, but no air fills her lungs. Have they pulled all the oxygen out of the room? Why can’t she breathe? What is happening to her? This can’t be real. This is a nightmare.
She feels arms pull her from the cot and into the air. Against someone’s chest. “T-ech?” Her legs wrap around them automatically. The hands stroke her back soothingly, while she buries her face into their chest. They rock back and forth, and he nuzzles the top of her head with his nose, inhaling deeply. She feels her hair start to wetten, but she doesn't care.
“I’m so sorry cyar’ika.” He whispers, and raises his face to the ceiling. “Nu kyr’adyc, shi taab’echaalj’la. Ni ceta, vod."
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img0057 · 2 months ago
Yoon Seok-yeol goes to the hospital to avoid the government's investigation agency. """"There is no health problem"""" image text translation Karate, the sec... https://en.imgtag.co.kr/issue/804324/?feed_id=2119940&_unique_id=67942dde41890
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hortushorrei · 4 years ago
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Spores of Pyrrosia hastata are so beautiful. #ferns #fernsofinstagram #pyrrosia #pyrrosiahastata #iloveferns #lamacchinafissa #gardenstudiovivaio #elisabettacavrini #gardensofinstagram #gardenwriters #gardenerfriends #italiangardeners #felci #polypodiaceae #feltfern #asianferns #iloveferns #instaferns #instafern #provinciadimantova #gardengifts (presso La Macchina Fissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR1gD21IoUT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wdcgardener · 5 years ago
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Are you in a "power circle" - basically, it is a mastermind group on one shared topic. For the past few years, I have been in one with fellow #gardenbloggers and members of @gardencomms - meet my 6 power-circle-mates and check our their terrific#gardenblogs - see link in bio or go directly to: https://washingtongardener.blogspot.com/2020/05/we-are-little-group-and-all-are-members.html. #gardenwriters (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtxmD7A76c/?igshid=3q1vwc8z9r8v
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gardendesigner01 · 6 years ago
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A big thank you to Charlotte and the team at Plants for Trade for allowing me free reign of the nursery and containers. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. 😊😊#gardenwriter #gardenwriters #gardenwritersassociation https://www.instagram.com/p/B1GUqyAgVCm/?igshid=17etyrow9ns1x
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plews · 8 years ago
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#Strawberries - Because this week is #Wimbledon2017 and #RHSHampton Court Flower Show & the sun is shining! http://plews.gd/29cRNY8 #gardendesigner #gardenconsultant #ediblegardens #gardeninglessons #garden advice #gardenlessons #perennialfruit #growyourownfruit #gardeningblog #gardenwriters #summergardens #ornamentalediblegardens
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mybookbath · 4 years ago
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Do you enjoy gardening? If not, you surely must enjoy a stroll through a garden filled with beautiful and fragrant flowers. 🌸 I’ve always been into gardening but this year I have begun to take it a little more seriously. Early in the year I started growing both flowers and vegetables from seed—my first time doing so. Have you every done this? It’s quite a rewarding feeling when everything starts to take root. 🪴 The Garden in Every Sense and Season is a wonderful new book written by Tovah Martin and published by @timberpress . This book has reminded me to slow down and really enjoy the riches that a garden has to offer instead of focusing on the time it takes to weed, water and maintain. 🌼 This book is separated into the four seasons and each season is categorized into the five senses. It is full of inspiration, appreciation, and it has helped me to fall in love with my garden even more than ever. 🌺 "I have learned that unless you consciously experience your garden, you might be blind to its beauty. And if you don't listen, it will remain mute." 🌻 Thank you to @timberpress for sending me this copy of The Garden in Every Sense and Season. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in gardening even the slightest bit. #thegardenineverysenseandseason #gardenlife #gardenwriting #gardeninspirations (at My Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXo8_UnJHt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iplantsman · 3 years ago
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Delighted to have another 4 page spread in @GardenNewsmag @gardennewsmagazine this week with an article I wrote on #plants with striped #flowers. Fun & games! Enjoy. @GdnMediaGuild @gdnmediaguild #writer #article #gardening #plantingdesign #gardenwriter #iplantsman #GardenNews #writerstag #plantingideas #plantingadvice #gardenideas #follow #followme #creativeideas #garden #gardeninspiration #stripedflowers #stripedflower #arthritis #arthritiswriter #gardensofinstagram #gardenstyle #plantlover #plantsplantsplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy (at Perth, Perth and Kinross) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch93qhRKyFT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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garden-of-gay · 2 months ago
Can You Feel It? It's Burlesque! Part 5
Did someone say another chapter?? And on time no less!?? I actually got this chapter done on the timescale I promised and have started on Chapter 6 so it may be out sooner but I can't promise anything other than every week and a half. Anyway, I always ramble on in these updates so I'm going to shut up now and I hope you enjoy <3
Ch 1, Ch2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8
Also here on Ao3
The song came to an end and the club erupted in applause but all Eddie could focus on was this feeling of sheer euphoria—time seemed to slow as he basked in the moment—he hoped this feeling never ended. The girls on stage with him pulled him into a hug and they grabbed his hands before bowing to the club that was on their feet. They all quickly hurried back as the curtain was dropped and for the first time since he opened his mouth, Eddie was hit with the realization of what he had just done. 
“Oh my god” Eddie breathed out.
“Am I the only one that has no idea what happened?” Gareth asked
“Whatever it was—” Joyce began.
“Oh Joyce, the music stopped and I didn’t know what to do. I just had to sing, I’m sorry…” Eddie muttered out.
“You never told me you could sing like that,” Joyce said
“I tried to tell you, I did,” Eddie said with a smile.
“Okay, Okay, all right. This is what we are going to do. You guys know the songs, right?” Joyce asked the band
The band all nodded in agreement or said something along the lines of “for sure” before quieting down and looking back to Joyce. 
“So tomorrow, we’re going to rehearse all day long,” She said to the band.
“Then tomorrow night, you're going to sing,” Joyce said looking at Eddie. 
Eddie felt himself gasp and was trying to keep his excitement at an acceptable level since Joyce was still talking. 
“We are going straight through to the live shows. So any questions?” Joyce asked
“No? Okay good” Joyce said with a smile.
Joyce then turned to Eddie explaining that it would be best to go with the band and figure out the keys in which he was most comfortable singing the songs. She then stated her plans to lock herself in the office to write an entirely new show. At this announcement, the dancers and crew erupted in cheers and applause, happy over the news.
“Thanks, Joyce” Eddie cheered.
Once Eddie was out of earshot, Joyce turned to Robin.
“I’m going to build a show around him,” She said making her way toward her office and running into a scowling Billy.
“They don’t come to hear us sing” Billy snarked
“They’ll come to hear him sing” Joyce retorted
Robin approached a clearly frazzled, energetic Eddie,
“So how do you feel?” She asked him
“Amazing” Eddie practically shouted before wincing at his own volume.
“I’ve never seen anything like that,” Robin said astonished.
“Thanks. Are you sure Joyce really liked it? She wasn’t…” Eddie said tearing up, emotion filling his voice
“I was bringing down the curtain. She stopped me. She’s the one who let you sing,” Robin stated
“Really?” Eddie asked through tears
 “She wants to build a whole show around you,” Robin said with a smile.
Robin's smile momentarily dropped when she noticed the tears in Eddie’s eyes and the telltale signs that he was about to start crying. 
“Those are tears of happiness right?” She asked
All Eddie could only nod as he sniffled trying to keep the tears from falling down his face.
“Brava” Robin said with a big smile before walking off towards the office. 
Once Robin had left, only Eddie and Billy remained staring at each other. Billy stared a moment more before opening his mouth to speak.
“Clearly, one of us has underestimated the other,” Billy said with a vaguely malicious tone. 
Once Eddie had exited the dressing rooms he was met with the now familiar face of a smiling and clapping Henry Creel.
“Wow, I can’t believe Joyce has you buried in a kickline,” Henry said with a wide grin.
“She didn’t know I sang” Eddie muttered.
“Well you certainly can and you are too good to be doing it at a place like this,” Henry said
“How about a drink?” He asked
“The bar’s right over there, tell Steve I sent you,” Eddie replied with a chuckle pointing toward the bar.
“Where the hell did that come from?” Steve asked later once the club had been cleaned up for the night and they were just sitting at the bar. 
“I mean, who knew you could do that?” Steve said with pure astonishment and admiration in his voice.
The way Steve spoke made Eddie feel seen and special but then again that’s just the effect Steve seemed to have on people. 
“Thank Steve,” Eddie said ducking his head to hide the growing flush that he could feel, as his face heated up. 
“How do you do that?” Robin asked, thankfully pulling Eddie from his thoughts of Steve
“I don’t know, it just happens, I just do it” Eddie replied with a shrug.
“I know that feeling. I have to pee…again, so…” Vickie laughed
“We’re going to go get something to eat, you wanna come?” Barbra asked looking to Carol before looking directly at Eddie
Eddie looked first to Barbra and then to Carol who was aggressively nodding at him before he formulated a simple reply.
“Yeah, I would,” Eddie said with a nod of his head. 
The group then gathered their things and headed towards the exit, chattering excitedly about the events of the night.
“Look at you,” Robin said to Steve teasingly.
“What! What?” Steve asked
“Well, no just the way you are gazing after him,” Robin replied
“I have a fiancee, remember?” Steve said breathlessly
“Yes. No, I do. I know, she’s what three thousand miles away and you talk how often?” Robin asked
“We talk every day I will have you know,” Steve said annoyed.
“You do? About what? Let me guess, don’t tell me. Ah yes, about her. Her. And I don’t know… Oh! Her?” Robin jested.
“All I’m saying is that, that one there, is a good person on the inside as well and he is not going to be available forever,” Robin said softly.
“Wow! Relationship advice from Mrs. Falls In Love After One Date herself. That is…” Steve chuckled.
Maybe Robin was a little bit on to something, he had been talking about Eddie nonstop but that’s just because the guy was living with him, and it's not like anything would ever happen between them. Especially because Steve was engaged and loved Nancy very much, this was just a passing infatuation because he was missing Nancy, nothing more. Steve was about to say as much when Eddie waltzed his way back into the bar. 
“Forgot my bag” Eddie called out
Both Robin and Steve stared at him for a second before they both looked away.
“What?” Eddie asked
“Oh nothing, I was just telling Steve here how every opportunity has a shelf life,” Robin said glaring at Steve and motioning her head toward Eddie.
Eddie had no idea what she was getting at and figured it was just another one of those SteveandRobin things he had come to learn about. Like how they would sometimes shower together in a completely platonic manner and how they had seen each other naked more times than he could count and it just didn’t phase them. Or how they would sometimes trail off in the middle of a sentence and seemingly finish it with their telepathic connection. Or even one of the many times Eddie had come home late to find Robin there with Steve cuddling and chatting like it was 2 pm rather than 2 am. Eddie thought it was all a bit strange but was also charmed to see them have such a close relationship. Eddie was only pulled from this thought when he realized that Robin was talking to him. 
“Come and look here,” She said motioning to the mirrors that lined the walls of the bar.
“Awfully pretty, but too much” She continued, pulling up some of Eddie’s hair.
“See I like that,” Robin said in the mirror, holding Eddie’s hair to make it look like he had a bob.
“No, I’m not cutting my hair,” Eddie said softly, he had spent so long growing it out after his dad had buzzed it, that the last thing he wanted to do was cut it again. 
“Who said anything about cutting your hair?” Robin asked
“You can wear a wig,” She said with a smile. 
That conversation with Robin is exactly how Eddie landed himself a wig a couple of nights later. It was a close match to his natural hair and he would have never suspected it was a wig had he not been the one to put it on his head. Anyhow, that is precisely how he landed himself on stage with the new do; laying on a chaise lounge and singing.
The dress is Chanel, the shoes YSL
The bag is Dior, Agent Provocateur
My address today, L.A by the way 
Above Sunset Strop, the Hills all the way
My rings are by Webster 
It makes their heads twirl 
They all say, “Darling, what did you do for those pearls?”
What? I am a good girl
As the instrumentals of the song played, Eddie pulled up the curtain and climbed the stairs behind them, dancing the whole way up and teasing the crowd. 
Steve watched in admiration from the bar, Eddie just knew how to captivate an audience and it really was an experience to watch him sing and dance. 
Once Eddie made his way to the very top of the stairs he revealed the other dancers and they all danced along with him as he continued to sing. 
B.H I adore, Rode-O L’amore
Breakfast Polo Lounge, then poolside for sire
The Château for cocktails, the Courtyard at nine
Dan Tana’s for dinner, the Helen’s diving
You know I have found, the word’s gone around
They all say my feet never do touch the ground 
What? I am a good girl
The instrumentals of this song might be Eddie’s favorite part of the new number because it allowed for a lot of fun choreography and also allowed them to utilize the spinning mirrors behind the bar, with first Eddie disappearing behind the mirrors and then reappearing at another mirror only to have the other mirrors turn a second later and reveal more dancers at the bar. It was a great time and probably his favorite from the new material Joyce had written just because he had an excuse to dance on the bar, fall back into two of the bartenders' arms, and find himself back in the chaise he began the number in. 
I am a good girl
Ah, ooh, ah, yeah, uh
“Hey there big boy,” Eddie said to Steve with a flirty wave.
Steve looked at Eddie with a puzzled look.
“What do you think?” Eddie asked as he gave a gentle spin and motioned at his hair.
“I think you look…I mean it looks…” Steve began as he watched the smile on Eddie’s face fall. 
“Steve, we’re friends, for Christ's sake. It’s not like we're brothers, just say it looks nice or it doesn’t no need to be weird about it” Eddie grumbled as he got up and walked away.
Steve watched Eddie walk away and sighed before muttering “No, we certainly are not” to himself and then getting back to work, a bit upset with himself for how that interaction went down. Why couldn’t he just say Eddie looked nice—it would be the truth—so why couldn’t he just say that?
“I don’t understand why everyone is having a conniption over him, he is just a tacky farm boy from Indiana,” Billy snarked at his vanity watching as Eddie walked by.
Eddie stopped behind Billy glancing at him in the mirror before turning to him directly.
“And we know a cow when we see one,” Eddie said taking the bottle out of Billy’s hands and setting it back on his vanity.
“Don’t underestimate us farm boys,” Eddie said, looking at Billy once again in the mirror before he calmly walked away.
Eddie could see Billy’s shocked face through the reflection of the mirror as he walked away and that felt almost as good as performing. 
“Lonnie!” Henry called out.
“This round is on me,” Lonnie said placing the drinks down on the table.
“I don’t normally do this but, Lonnie, I’m doubling my offer,” Henry said handing Lonnie a piece of paper.
Lonnie immediately tucked the sheet of paper into the inside of his jacket for safekeeping. 
“It's either you or the auction house,” Lonnie scoffed.
“No, I am not selling” Joyce huffed
“Do you know what happens when you default on a loan?” Lonnie asked exasperatedly.
“No, hum a few bars,” Joyce said with a quick glance back at Lonnie.
“I’m not screwing around! Where’s the money gonna come from?” Lonnie exclaimed at fast-walking Joyce.
“Ali’s a hit! We can charge 50 bucks a head now” Joyce stated.
“What! Raising the admission, that’s not good enough!” Lonnie said angrily
“You have been saying that the sky is falling forever, and everything always works out fine” Joyce argued with a sigh. 
“Tell that to the people who are losing everything! I don’t wanna be one of them,” Lonnie shouted.
“And, I love this place too,” Lonnie muttered.
“No, you don’t” Joyce replied.
“I do” Lonnie argued back.
“No, you don’t,” Joyce said, her voice getting louder.
“Oh, yes, I do,” Lonnie shouted back.
“Oh no, you don’t, that a load of horseshit and you know it,” Joyce argued, eerily calm.
“Look, you have many fine qualities, Lonnie” Joyce began.
“And then you have some iffy qualities” She continued with a motion of her hand from side to side.
“But you have never been a phony so don’t start now. Just tell Henry no. I said no,” Joyce finished.
Steve closed the door to his apartment basking in the feeling of being home before out of the corner of his eye, he saw Eddie through the curtains of the bedroom doors. He didn’t mean to creep on the man but it seems that Eddie hadn’t fixed the curtains to overlap, leaving a gap, that Steve could see right through. Eddie was in the room, standing at the vanity in nothing but his boxers allowing Steve to see the tattoos that covered him more clearly. Steve walked further into the apartment, looking in through the curtains at Eddie’s lithe form. The black ink that decorated his pale skin only made the man more striking and beautiful in Steve’s eyes and he couldn’t help but try to get a better look. While doing so, however, he forgot about the candles that sat on his table and his bag knocked them over making a loud noise and drawing Eddie’s attention away. 
“Steve?” Eddie called out.
In a panic, Steve walked back towards the front door and slammed it before replying:
“Yep, just got in” 
“Great, can you come help lace me up?” Eddie asked
As Steve made his way into the bedroom had to take a second to collect himself when he saw what Eddie was wearing. Tight leather pants with silver star embellishments hugged Eddie’s waist and a matching black and silver front-lace top clung to his chest. To say he looked good was an understatement and Steve could feel his face flushing. 
“I just really miss Nance, that’s all,” Steve thought, repeating it like a mantra in his head as he made his way over to Eddie to help. 
“Hey, where have you been?” Eddie asked gently
Steve gently inhaled worrying he had been so caught up in his thought that Eddie had caught on but then he realized that the man meant it literally.
“Writing music,” Steve said softly.
“Can I hear it?” Eddie asked
“It’s not ready,” Steve and Eddie said at the same time before smiling at each other in the mirror that they stood in front of. 
“Who’s that” Steve asked, gently nodding toward the picture frame on the vanity.
“Me and my mom on my 7th birthday, she died 3 months after that” Eddie replied faintly.
“You must miss her,” Steve said delicately.
Eddie nodded at Steve in the mirror before he began.
“Every single day something happens that I wish I could tell her about, I mean, I call and tell Wayne the big things and I love him so much but …I dunno it just doesn’t feel the same” Eddie mumbled feeling himself getting emotional. 
“What happened today?” Steve asked so gently that it made Eddie want to cry.
“Nothing yet” Eddie muttered, turning to face Steve. 
Eddie studied Steve’s face for a moment, his strong jaw, his kind eyes, the moles that spreckled his face like stars, his plush lips curved into a gentle smile—just for Eddie—he was beautiful.
“He’s engaged. He’s engaged. He’s engaged, He’s—” Eddie repeated to himself in his head because he can’t be catching feelings for an engaged man who under different circumstances wouldn’t even look his way. 
As if right on cue, Steve’s phone began to ring yet, Steve kept staring at Eddie, ignoring his ringing phone. Eddie finally broke eye contact and spoke.
“You should get that, it’s probably Nancy” 
“Probably” Steve whispered as he walked out of the room.
“Hey babe, yes I know” Eddie heard Steve say into the phone. 
Tonight’s performance had Eddie decked out in pearls and lying on top of the piano as the pianist played. His wig was done up in short 1920s Hollywood curls—framing his face before curling out away from it. He started the performance covered by pink feathery fans held by other dancers and it made him feel effortlessly glamorous. 
… A guy what takes his time, I'll go for any time
I'm a fast movin' gal who likes them slow
Got no use for fancy drivin',
As Eddie sings, he knocks the pianist's hat off. 
Wanna see a guy arrivin' in low
I'd be satisfied, electrified to know a guy what takes his time
Eddie walks his fingers along the pianist’s head, slowly pushing it down toward the keys.
… A hurry-up affair, I always give the air
Wouldn't give any rushin' gent a smile
Eddie sings as he pours the champagne in his hand into the glass that sits on the piano, he pours from up high and has to hide his surprised face when he misses the glass a bit and gets champagne all over the piano top. 
I would go for any singer who would condescend to linger awhile
What a lullaby would be supplied to have a guy what takes his time, oh
… A guy what takes his time, I'd go for any time
A hasty job really spoils a master's touch
Eddie dances around and flirts with the band making sure to hit his mark on time. On cue, he turns his back and Eddie’s pearl top flies off. He rushes to grab a feathered fan from a dancer to cover himself in a flirtation manner and happens to catch Steve’s eye; he sends him a wink and a little wave. 
I don't like a big commotion, I'm a demon for slow motion or such
Why should I deny that I would die to know a guy who takes his time?
Eddie’s pearled underwear also goes flying and he plays shocked before grabbing the other fan to cover his ass. He loves this number for that reason, he gets to play dramatic while still being flirty and fun. 
… There isn't any fun in getting something done
If you're rushed when you have to make the grade
I can spot an amateur, appreciate a connoisseur in trade, ooh
Who would qualify, no alibi, to be the guy who takes his time?
Eddie ends the number in front of some carefully placed instruments that cover his form while the fans he was covered with turn into wings that flutter along with the ending notes of the song. 
Later that night while the dancers got ready for the next number, Vickie excitedly climbed the stairs to the backstage with a smile on her face.
“Check it out, everybody,” She exclaimed showing off her hand where a large diamond engagement ring now sat. 
Everyone crowded her looking excitedly at the ring as she gushed on about how Dan proposed.
“I’m starved, you ready?” Eddie asked Steve
“I can’t. I’m so sorry. I have to do inventory tonight,” Steve replied with a sigh.
“Want me to call you a cab?” Steve asked apologetically
“No, that’s okay. I’ll get a ride with Barb,” Eddie said with a shrug.
“Sorry,” Steve said watching as Eddie replied with a sad smile and and another shrug.
“You ready?” Henry asked
Eddie turned abruptly, startled by the man who suddenly appeared. 
“For what?” Eddie asked, confused
“I’ll drop you off, Barbra left five minutes ago” Henry replied with a smirk.
Eddie gave him a further puzzled look because the only way he would have known that Eddie needed a ride home was if he was listening in and that made Eddie a bit nervous. Sensing his apprehension, Henry spoke.
“I was coming over to talk to you and caught the tail end of your conversation” 
“Talk to me about…?” Eddie queried
“Dinner. With me. Give me that,” Henry said as he pulled the bag Eddie was grabbing away from him. 
“If you ever expect to see this bag alive again…you’ll follow me,” Henry teased.
Eddie then watched as Henry started his way toward the exit. 
“Hold on a second. Where are you going? Hey!” Eddie called out as he raced toward Henry, hearing the man laugh as he climbed the stairs.
I personally truly hate the thought of Henry/Eddie but for plot reasons, they need to be silly together. If you know the movie it makes sense since Henry is essentially Marcus but if you don't know the film, do not distress; this is only for plot.
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error6gendernotfound · 1 year ago
I refuse to be the shadow of a person I was once meant to be.
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grandtorinaa · 4 years ago
Armin Arlet x GN Black Reader
Fluff, Body positivity
Check out @gardenwritings ! I she inspired some of this with her own writing.
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Some days just ended up being lazy, didn't they?
Lazy days where you didn't really remember what you ate for breakfast, or what you dreamt about last night. Lazy days where you ended up glued to a mass of blankets and pillows, scrolling through social media.
But at least you had Armin in the room to accompany you on your endeavors of nothing. It made things less boring.
A funny video came up on screen, and you snorted, tucking your head into a pillow you had been snuggling for awhile.
"What's so funny?" You jumped.
"Armin! Don't sneak up like that!" You said, still laughing a bit. You turned back to look at him, and he smiled at you sweetly.
He moved to cuddle you from behind, with his arms wrapping around your waist and his nose burying into the crook of your neck. You felt him sigh softly, melting into you and you let out a hum of contentment before turning back to your phone.
Some time passed by like this. Armin watching you use your phone with his hands gently roaming around your skin idly. He was a touchy person once he became comfortable with someone, you had learned this early on.
But there was something light and sweet about the way he touched you. Something that pulled at your heart when he embraced you so fully, it pulled so much it almost hurt, because you wanted to hold him too.
Another video played on your feed, and you felt his hands gently grace over your hips and across the band of your shorts. You both laughed at the meme, although his was a bit muffled from the way he had buried his face into you. You felt him trace the edge of the waistband before stopping completely.
"It's fine, don't worry." You hummed idly.
His fingers dipped under the fabric and simply, ran along your skin. You knew it wasn't intended to be sexual right now, physical touch, close contact, it was just a form of affection for him. Armin was always looking for skinship with you, holding hands, hugging, resting his head on your stomach. Heat, closeness and warmth. It was hard to blame him for seeking it out.
You shivered a bit though when you felt him feel along your stretch marks though. Someone else looking at them...touching them...felt odd.
But he brushed his fingers against them so softly, drinking in every bit of raised skin, and every bump and curve you had.
"I wish they showed more of these."
He murmured.
"I wish they showed more people who just...I want…"
His breath tickled your earlobe.
"I wished they showed more people who looked like you."
Suddenly, you felt a slight heat rush to your face. "M-me?"
"Yeah," he replied. "I just, really like, you, everything, how you are."
You swallowed somewhat harshly, not even noticing that your phone screen had turned off.
Armin planted a soft peck to your neck that melted into a butterfly kiss. "You're really amazing, y/n."
Gosh, you didn't prepare for an onslaught of complements. Your heart was beginning to thump louder in your chest with every sugary, silky word he said.
"What do you like about me?"
"Mm," he felt his chest rise as he inhaled. "Your skin is really beautiful."
You shifted a bit in his hold. "I have body acne."
"I don't care." You felt his hand brush over your back. "I don't think it's bad."
You could almost feel his heartbeat through his fingertips with the way they touched you so intentionally, filled to the brim with adoration and practically worship. Laying down his bare feelings at the shrine of your heart, every word a prayer to a body he thought held the reverence and revere of something ethereal.
It was deeply embarrassing to be fawned over, but yet you wanted, no, needed to keep hearing it.
"Your stretch marks," he laughed, oh so lightly. "Your stretch marks are one of my favorite things. No one else has them."
"Armin, tons of people have stretch marks."
"Yeah but, no one has yours." Goosebumps came up over you. "I like yours a lot. I like the way they feel, the way they look," his thumb rubbed circles on top of one. "It's like they're talking about how much you've changed over time, how much progress you've made."
You turned your face away from him into the pillows and blankets.
Those lovely honeyed words kept leaving his mouth, spinning lines and pages of poetry, songs, mumblings and muses of how much a single person could adore you. It made your soul feel desperate, almost greedy for such deep praise. You almost felt sorry. With how he so openly embraced you, held you with that soul healing warmth.
You could feel the subtle vibrations of his words through your skin as he kept talking. You could feel the gentle shake of your heartbeat in your chest.
You turned halfway to face him, and he was still talking. And you pressed your lips to his, and he was still talking. The buzz of his words lingering in your mouth. He shuttered, deepening the kiss before pulling back to take bated breaths.
"I love you."
And you leaned in to kiss him again.
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hortushorrei · 4 years ago
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Bramafam. Arch. Paolo Pejrone's private garden, Revello (Cuneo) Italy. #paolopejrone #gardeningfriends #bramafam #gardenwriters #italiangardeners #giardini (presso Revello) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-XMmvlbWa/?igshid=1v6xngv19vpsy
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wdcgardener · 6 years ago
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Thanks you at @lordbaltimorehotel for being a terrific host location for our @gardencomms gathering this evening #gardenwriters #mants2019 (at Lord Baltimore Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/BscAW-DlBLn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s7a5anxt09h9
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gardendesigner01 · 5 years ago
Sunday Best - 5 April 2020
Sunday Best – 5 April 2020
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Sunday Best is a new series featuring pictures of the best plant or best photo of my garden this past week. But that might be just a little too self indulgent! So, I’ve invited you to send me your ‘Sunday Best’ plant or garden pictures.
Firstly, a BIG thank you to everyone who sent pictures, I really hadn’t expected the massive response and sorry, I really couldn’t show all of them.
But this…
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peachyblkdemonslayer · 4 years ago
Talked about this in the server with @cellotonin @afromaniiac and @gardenwritings
Tododeku Headcanons
Since Shouto has a better control over his hot side Izuku like to sleep and cuddle on that side his arm is acting up or he has super bad period cramps.
Shouto saw Izuku start his natural hair journey and wanted to help him a well.
Their both super in the dark about the whole thing, even after hours of watching YouTube videos about it.
They crave in and ask Mina for help, she happy to help.
They start off small with the hairstyles for Izuku to wear when it first starts 
Shouto does his first set of twists in his hair(he super proud of himself of the final product)
Izuku first twist out is a huge success!!!
They like going to the local cafes around the school for their dates when they can.
Izuku actually has a sweet tooth for a lot of traditional Japanese and American desserts they offer
Shouto likes to feed him, he gets super flustered.
Rainy days are the best days for them since Shouto likes the sound of falling rain and Izuku likes watching it
They sleep in each other rooms a lot, nobody in class tells any of the teachers 
Whenever they have fights they are usually are resolved by a day or so since they tend to get super emotional about somethings 
Izuku shows Shouto a lot of favorite childhood movies that Shouto never been able to watch himself. 
Shouto gives Izuku back massages after a hard day of training 
They meet each other family about a year into them dating.
They moved in together after they graduated from school and started their hero careers, they got a rescued cat 
They got two cats before they had their first kid, they were the cat parents they never thought they would be. 
Shouto looooooves to run his fingers through Izuku hair(when he can)
Shouto great his hair out long and Izuku has never been the same.
He just plays in it during their days off and braids it a lot too 
They were the first in the class to get married to noone surprise among their friends.
What did surprise everyone was that Momo was the maid of honor and Bakugou was Izuku best man.
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