#garbage Chute Cleaning
qualitycaredubai · 1 year
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Garbage chute cleaning | Best Garbage chute cleaning in UAE - Quality Care Dubai
If you're looking for Garbage Chute Cleaning services in Dubai, it's recommended to search online or consult local directories to find reputable service providers in the area. Online search: Use search engines or online directories to search for garbage chute cleaning services in Dubai. Look for companies that specialize in this type of service and have positive customer reviews. Check company websites: Visit the websites of potential service providers to gather information about their services, experience, and expertise. Look for details on their cleaning processes, equipment, and any certifications they may have.
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fikesservices · 2 years
Compactor Garbage Trash Chute Cleaning Services - We Provide the Best Compactor Garbage Trash Chute Cleaning Services in Seattle, Portland, Denver, and Washington at affordable Prices Book or Call now at (800) 900-1083.
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hitechet · 1 year
Garbage Trolley in dubai, Garbage chute door , Access door in dubai
Hitechet.com specializes in garbage chute maintenance and cleaning services in Dubai, including garbage chutes, garbage trolleys, garbage chute doors, and access doors.
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AITA for not better hiding or managing my garbage during a house party?
CW for blood mentions, in both accidental injury and menstruation.
I (22F) live in an apartment building with a weird (to me) trash policy, there are set times you can take your garbage out, with no chute or communal disposal place. If you want to take out your garbage any time that isn't part of your usual time and date slot.... you just can't. I usually try to think about my waste and disposal like days in advance just because of this, because I often have friends/ colleagues over and especially if I'm cooking or have received bulky online orders, I have to do something with the garbage if company is expected. I also live in a relatively small apartment itself and it's not like I can really hide these things - I can put cardboard away, but not actual garbage, without it likely creating more of a mess or a stink in a very small space.
All of this to say, I had a little holiday party last night. Yesterday morning, I had an accident with a carrot peeler and had to spend about half an hour on the bathroom floor trying to stop a finger cut from bleeding, cleaning the blood, wrapping the wound, bleeding through the gauze and bandaids, etc, etc. When it finally stopped, I cleaned the bathroom vigorously. Obviously. I put the bloody cottons, band-aids, wrappings, all of that, in my bathroom garbage can. The problem was, I can't get rid of my garbage until the next night (tonight at the time of writing). I put more tissue paper on top to hide it, push it to the bottom, and finally decided too to double-line it. So, in the garbage can, there was the initial liner, assorted q-tips and whatnot, the bloody stuff, more tissues and toilet paper and cotton rounds to hide it, and then another liner on top.
Later that night at some point in the party, my friend Polly (25F) went to the restroom and when she came back, she pulled me aside into my bedroom and said that she had gone to hide a tampon replacement and saw "a lot of fucking blood" in the trash and that "she would never say this to call me out or make me feel bad" but that she thought it was really gross to have it out at the party. I told her I couldn't take the trash out - she's heard me complain about the trash policy before - and I was really sorry and mortified, I thought it was hidden okay. The rest of the night I think Polly just looked really disgusted at me. I'm sitting here all morning feeling really bad, but like, also getting irritated. If she was going to hide a tampon that well, does that mean she would have dropped it into the can under the lining if there hadn't been a second lining and not said anything, which is like - I'd argue even more gross? She looked so.. I don't know how to describe it. Displeased? she absolutely was colder through the night too. I keep wondering if I should reach out and ask her if she's okay. But I mean AITA for not doing anything more with the garbage and not hiding or disposing of the blood better?
What are these acronyms?
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A contradictory one, 5 and angsty!! 🤣
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Warnings: Descriptions of a deep depressive episode and it's effects on daily life.
Harry felt so absolutely helpless when you were like this. He knew that you were going through a lot and were deeply depressed, but he didn't know how bad. You'd been friends for a while and he knew that this was something that you struggled with occasionally and right now you were in a really bad place and he just wanted to make contact, maybe go out for a coffee or even just have a meal at yours to ensure you were alive and then he'd go.
You felt bad because you had dodged his calls and texts for weeks now because you were ashamed of the condition you were in. You would always respond days later when he'd ask to hang out or just let your phone ring when you'd see his name light up your screen. You knew he meant well, but you didn't want anyone to see you like this, especially him. Your home was dark and cold, you had probably been in the same clothes all week and the last time you had a shower was 4 days ago. You were hungry, but had no energy to cook the groceries you'd had delivered the week before. They were probably spoiled by now. Your garbage was stacked with take out containers and you just couldn't bare the thought of having to walk down the hall to dump the bag down the garbage chute. You knew your kitchen sink was stacked with mugs of unfinished tea, and your clean laundry was just stacked up on a corner of your bed. You just felt so sluggish and low and down. You couldn't do anything. When your doorbell rang you groaned and stood, you were expecting your lunch order.
You dragged your feet through your apartment, already dreading the sunlight that would surely assault your vision when you opened up the door.
"Hey." you heard Harry's voice as you squinted to try and see him.
"What're you doing here?" you asked him with a frown.
"I came to check on you because you've been avoiding me for weeks! You've left me on read since Tuesday!" he reminded you.
"To be fair I'm leaving everyone on read, H." you assured your friend with a faint smile that definitely didn't reach your eyes.
"Even more cause for me to check if you're alive." he said and then sighed.
"Can I come in?" he asked you and you shook your head.
"No." you said immediately.
"I promise I won't overstay, brought you some stuff." he said as he raised his shoulder to draw your attention to his tote and as you looked over it you could see a bouquet of tulips peeking out of the back.
"It's not that I'm not happy to see you. S'just...everything's really untidy and I just...I don't want you to see me like this, OK?" you said and he nodded.
"It's alright, I understand. I've been there." he assured you and you sighed, "I just want to help, love." he said to you.
"I know...I know everyone wants to help but like...I can't do anything right now and I-"
"You don't have to do anything. You just get back in bed and pass out if you want. I got you some actual good noise cancelling headphone because the ones you have suck." he said and you smiled at him and shook your head, "Just let me be here with you for a little bit." he appealed. You weighed the options out in your mind and well, you did want someone to just be with you... but you were embarrassed...and well, you just pushed yourself to get over it as you nodded.
"OK." you finally agreed and he smiled, "Just...don't judge...remember this place how I usually have it." you said and he smiled.
"I'd never judge you." he assured you and you smiled at him, you knew it was true.
"Thanks." you said softly before you let him inside. It was impossible not to notice how messy everything actually was the deeper he went into your flat. It made him sad for you. He'd definitely been in a depression where he was in this condition. Where everything seemed impossible. It was really awful and demoralizing. "I don't want to take you to my room...s'a disaster." you explained.
"That's alright. Let's set this down first." he suggested and you nodded as you guided him over to your little dining table. It was stacked up with mail but nothing more. "These are obviously for you." he said as he carefully pulled out the bouquet of pink and yellow tulips and handed them to you.
"They're lovely, thank you." you hummed and he smiled.
"Course. And I brought you peanut m&m's, hot Cheetos but baked for obvious health reasons," he added and you giggled, "And I made some zucchini bread as well." he said with a grin, he knew you loved his zucchini bread, "I also brought you a bath bomb that I personally loved when I got it." he shared and you smiled, "And then the lady at the store also up-sold me into getting you two more bath bombs and a neck pillow for your tub." he said and you shook your head as he pulled the paper baggy out of his tote, "She gave me the most popular ones they have." he explained and then pulled out the pillow.
"Well thank you, I appreciate it." You thanked him and while you were initially caught off guard, you were glad that he had dropped by. It was nice to talk to someone and be distracted from all of the negativity that was clouding your mind. You knew that there were far better things for Harry to be doing with his time, so you felt even more grateful for his time and attention. After chatting for about half an hour you actually had shared your lunch with him and he persuaded you to talk a walk with him around your apartment complex just to help "get your food down" before he left you to it. But of course, the sunlight and light breeze did wonders for your mood.
"Can we just...sit for a second?" you asked him before you turned around to get back to your building and he nodded. You both sat on a bench by the little path and you closed your eyes and exhaled slowly. Harry just stayed silent, but close to you, his warmth beside you made the moment feel more wholesome. It'd been at least a week since you'd gone outside. It was just so emotional and you couldn't help it as your eyes teared up. When you felt Harry's hand squeeze yours you inhaled sharply. "I'm OK, I promise. It's just been a while since I've managed to come out." you explained as you blinked away your tears.
"It's alright." he assured you. After another 10 minutes or so you started walking back slowly in silence. And when you got back to your door he was planning on just grabbing his things and going.
"H-harry, do you maybe wanna stay over? If you don't have plans!" you added, "We could set up a little fort in the living room and watch movies or a show? I'm sure I can manage to at least fold my laundry with supervision." you said and he nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, of course." he agreed and you smiled.
"Alright, just ummm make yourself at home. I'm think I'm just gonna have a shower." you said, more than ready to make use of the surge of energy that little walk gave you.
"Probably a bath too, yeah?" he asked.
"I don't want to leave you alone for too long." you explained.
"S'alright. I brought a book." he assured you.
"Positive?" you asked him again and he nodded.
"S'why I brought the stuff, so you can relax a little."
"OK, thank you. I swear, I won't be more than an hour." you said and he chuckled.
"It's alright, take you time. " he assured you and you smiled and thanked him before you headed off with a couple of the things he'd bought for you.
Harry was more than happy that you'd elected to take the headphones with you, probably to listen to music while you had a bath. But while you showered he decided that he'd tidy up your kitchen quickly and efficiently. He washed your mugs and threw out anything spoiled in your fridge, and wiped down the counters, swept, and mopped even if you hadn't really cooked, and when he finished that he went to throw out your garbage. He even took to dusting around your apartment, staying out of your room like you'd asked.
When you finally came out to change you put all of your clean clothes in the hamper to fold it while you hung out. You set it down where Harry was in the living room watching TV now.
"Feel better?"
"Much better." you hummed and he smiled, "Just gonna grab some water." you said and hurried off and you audibly gasped as you walked into your kitchen. You hurried back out to the living room, "Harry!"
"What?" he asked nonchalantly and you pouted as your eyes glazed over with tears.
"You shouldn't have." you sniffled and he stood and hugged you tight.
"I wanted to. Told you, I've been through this before, love. And I know that while you don't have the energy to fix it, seeing it all messy and whatnot makes you feel even worse about yourself...it's this awful cycle that just...makes you feel really bad and it's just something small honestly, I'm sorry if I overstepped I just-"
"Thank you." you cried in his arms and he smiled sympathetically as he hugged you a bit tighter. You had honestly been feeling so alone, but were so ashamed to let anyone see you like this. It was easy to avoid people or to pretend like everything was fine when you'd have your work meetings over zoom. This was a nice interruption to your pattern as as you hugged him you decided that you would not be sleeping in the living room. You could clean your room a bit as well and be comfortable for the night.
Once you'd calmed down you decided to wash your bedding and tidy up a bit and you even let Harry vacuum your bedroom while you folded your laundry. With help, these tasks didn't feel draining. It was also that all the nice things he'd done for you today were helping you feel a bit better.
As you laid together in bed that night you talked about a lot of things until Harry fell asleep. Unfortunately, you'd been battling some insomnia, it was a common symptom with your depression, so it took you a little bit longer, but when he turned into your side pulled you against him instead of fighting it you just relaxed into his hold until you also fell asleep. You woke up exactly the same way, with him cuddling you close. And while you knew that you were nowhere near the end of this depressive episode, you felt hopeful that slowly and surely, things would start to get better.
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qibsichan · 21 days
Culture of the Destroyed ⛓️‍💥✨
So you’ve been accepted into the Cult of the Destroyed! But what is there to expect once inside?
Our beloved cult was founded in 1991 by the beautiful, holy and sacred Moon Queen. She breathed her dreamsmoke upon our oppressors and rive them to madness - while granting us the sweetest visions of our lost past. Legends say that the Queen was once a prisoner to the execution grounds… until her illustrious influence inspired a coup in her followers.
Though it began shakily, held on the backs of terrified refugees and convicts, each toy banded together in the name of once-cursed innovation to seek methods of survival. Just when all seemed lost, the Moon Queen discovered something. Seeds. And once food and water were secure, the Cult of the Destroyed began to flourish.
The Cult resides within Playtime Co.’s recycling plant, colloquially named “Destroy-A-Toy” by humans and toys alike. The warehouse is enormous and stocked with machinery, sorted goods, disposable garbage (ripe for the picking!) and many, many execution methods. Be it crushing from the plant’s crown conveyor belt, incineration from the heat pits, dismemberment from the dangerously whirring fan blades or - God forbid - digestion from the monstrous carnivore who resides inside, the cultists of Destroy-A-Toy have near-infinite ways to deal with intruders and traitors alike.
The plant’s centre is an enormous rectangular prism with an extremely high vaulted roof. In its centre sits the main conveyor belt, which leads to the crushing block. This is a gathering space and where the executions take place. The conveyor is only ever activated when the cult is legitimately in danger; therefore, the space is used for socialising, entertainment and general silly shenanigans.
To the left are the living quarters:
Rooms, tents, blocks etc.
Food court and banquet hall
The medical tent
The nursery
Most ritual activities
And to the right are the more industrial aspects of the facility:
Recycling chute
Incineration, dismemberment and digestion wings
Cell block (repurposed to hold humans)
Water purification systems
Catwalks to the cavern
The cavern leads to an enormous lake of water found under the plant. Destroy-A-Toy is powered electrically so it’s uncertain why such a large body of water exists, but what the cultists DO know is that it contains an underwater tunnel network that could potentially lead outside the toy factory if any were brave enough to dive. This lake is is filled with fish carefully managed by the Queen’s people.
The importance of the lake:
Provides drinking water once purified
Provides cleaning water
Allows crops to grow with the assistance of floodlights
Both recreational and educational fishing
The lake has been decorated with bioluminescence, fairy lights and cave paintings and is a beautiful sight to behold.
Light, water and seeds are required for the cult’s agriculture. They take great delight in their cooking and host weekly banquets to celebrate their achievements. Toys were often starved as convicts and are therefore thoroughly fed under the Moon Queen’s care. Over time and through the assistance of a mysterious supplier, the Destroyed have learned to cook potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peas, cabbage, spinach and corn. The incineration plants are used to cook, boil, steam and fry food. Most is served with fresh fish from the lake. Delicious!
This is California. The fish are ABUNDANT. And her beloved majesty is a cat, after all. If only she could grab some chicken… sigh.
Destroy-A-Toy represents freedom. Therefore, it adores:
Bright, pretty colours
Regal and imposing architecture mixed with cutesy little inhabitants
VEGETATION. These guys LOOOOVE their plants. Vines, trellises, leaves - since they’ve never been outside, they’re cherishing what they have. The living quarters particularly are filled with green space.
Gentle, coloured lights and bioluminescence
Celestial bric-a-brac - sun, moon, stars
Bead curtains outside the tents
Jewels/jewellery. Very celestial and goddess-y
Stuffing, coloured clothes patches etc. to fit the “toy” heritage
Many of its rituals are hidden from outsiders… but you’re in the cult now, so you deserve to know!
The most important ones you must know are the Executions, the Campfire and the Cuddle Puddle.
Executions take place when traitors, prisoners or abusers are officially condemned. These are bloodthirsty public ceremonies that are NOT for the faint of heart. Just a casual reminder to never piss Catnap off.
The Campfire is the cult’s local worship ritual. The cult will gather around the conveyor belt, where a ring of fire is constructed. The Queen is seated in the centre. Music is performed and a dance celebration occurs - and, at the song’s climax, Catnap will release her smoke, iniviating worship.
The Cuddle Puddle is everyone’s favourite. According to the Moon Queen, “One cannot be happy when affected by the bad vibes! So we mush squiiiiiiish the bad vibes out! Very cuddly.”
Are you staying? ✨
We hope to see you participating in the Campfire soon… 🐦‍🔥
Oh! And here’s our playlist! For the vibes :)
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zombie-rott · 24 days
Brother: Two.
Pairing: None.
“Rain has fallen deep into the clutches of addiction. His life has spiralled out of control, crashing towards a crucial breaking point where he finds himself utterly alone, having pushed the clergy and his kin away. With no one left to turn to and nothing but regret weighing heavily on his heart, Rain is faced with a stark realization - he must confront his demons and seek forgiveness before it’s too late.”
Yup. Another broken, drug addict story. I have a kink, alright?
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Twenty-eight days later.  
Rain stumbled to his motel and climbed the stairs up the fourth floor, just beyond the busted ice machine and garbage chute. The place smelt of mould and mildew, and Rain was fairly certain someone had been murdered just two doors down. But it had a decent shower, a mattress to sleep on and somewhere safe to hide. And all for just eighty euros a night. What a steal . 
There was a note taped to the tarnished wood, handwritten in cursive Italian. A reminder to pay for another week of rent, or be out by noon on Friday. Rain groaned, pinching at the bridge of his nose. This was not the news he needed on a come down with nothing but fucking dust in his pockets.
With a growl, he ripped down the note and stormed into the room, the door slamming behind him. The room was just how he’d left it; bed unmade, floor in disarray and the sickly cloying scent of dope. 
With a shake of his head, Rain dropped his bag onto the floor and sat heavily on one of the dinghy wooden chairs. He doubled over, elbows balanced on his knees, and dropped his head into his hands. From his last count, he’d maybe two hundred euros left in his bank account, enough to cover two more nights, but nothing beyond that. Then there was the small, persistent issue of food, cigarettes and drugs. You know, the essentials . Sure he’d managed to exchange a blowjob for a bag of dope behind a dive bar, but that was it. It’s barely enough to get a good high. And how could he expect to try (again) to get clean without one last hurrah? Only then could he rejoin society with no stone unturned. 
Maybe he could dry out and finally find his way back home. 
Stuck somewhere between a twilight high and a comedown, Rain unfurrowed a small bag from his pocket and went about preparing his final (definitely final) hit of heroin. He reached for his kit, kept securely in the inside pocket of his backpack, and tipped the supplies onto the table. The tourniquet was tied around his bicep, the needle sterilised with the flame of his lighter and the dope placed upon a grubby teaspoon, all with expert precision. 
Rain watched hungrily as the black substance began to whittle to nothing but liquid, the sweet smell spilling into the air. His began to shake as he waved the spoon above the flame, eyes focused on the bubbles and mind wandering to the prospect of giving it all up. 
He was miserable when he was sober, and while he was equally as miserable when high, it was masked by a sense of numbness and the fleeting sensation of euphoria. If this really was going to be his last hit (of smack, at least) then he needed to find a way to feel less like topping himself. Or, at the very least, find something less dangerous to snuff those feelings down. 
A burning in his fingers brought him back to reality and he replaced the lighter with his needle. The syringe was dipped carefully into the liquid and drawn up with the plunger before he went about the most awkward part of the whole process; finding a decent vein. He hadn’t many good ones left but his right arm was manageable with some effort. Sadly precision wasn’t something he had in his current condition, and the prick of the needle was jabbed in and out several times before he finally found a vein that was still holding it together. Barely.
~ Read Full on A03~
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 1 year
Plex Gossip
I just found it on my disc. I wrote a fanfiction for Solar Lunacy by @bamsara and forgot?! I decided it's boring and never showed it to anybody but now i reread and it's not so bad?
It's just a short crack fic set somewhere in one of the ealier chapters.
It is a group chat session of five staff members of Megapizzaplex
And they are gossiping about the Reader
I initially thought I am going to wite those on the ENTIRETY of SL but in later chapters everybody got fired so...
yall remember that newbe that got hired recenly?!
you know 
the one that always looks like they're gonna pass out or start yelling? 
that one?
we all look like that 
some of us more often than others
often seen chasing steffs around
trying to get off the socks stuck on them?
socks with magnets
steffs rest in pieces XD
is this the one that always gets their cleaning cart stuck in places? :/
Always? I only saw that happen once.
i twice
they are on a warpath with that cart :D
Yeah! thats them!
Does anybody know their name?
I don’t think I've ever seen them talk to anybody, actually.
Do they know about the group chat?
I don’t think so? 
somebody would have to tell them first, no?
what about thm 
Have you noticed they are spending a lot of time in the daycare?
dude why are you stalking some kid XD
im not!!!
i just noticed thatss all
why do you think they are spending too much time in the daycare?
that damn banners in DC are always getting busted somehow
wh do u think they r spending too much time in the dc
one of them begin to flicker 
at least once per week
who do yall think has to fix it?
would you just answer
ME! thats who
im heading there right after closing
to fix yet another damn banner
so karens would stop being hysterical 
dude XD
about epilepsy hazard
and newbie is always there 
get it?
Epilepsy is real, Dave. >:(
so dude likes to take a break in a place
that is quiet and covered in pillow mats
so what
but is it really about mats?
daycare attendant is always around them somewhere
jumping around like crazy
isn’t he always like this?
not really?
it is jumpy true
but it hates employees usually
especially techs
if u think it hates techs u should see what it does to daycare assistants
Is there a position like that?
not anymore
im telling you something is up with them
they only spend time with DA
well i saw them talking to monty the other day
Who is hanging out with Monty these days?
that bot is crazy!
hmh always trashing his room 
or himself
do you know he did that again?
Is it the Big Bucket time already?
no it was an elevator this time
i know bc i had to put him together
took us all day
he was a salt mine all the way through
LOL an alligator vs the elevator
i swear
it’s even better than the BB time
better for WHO
hey! Monty is a cool dude.
stop that >:(
u only says that bc u don have to work near him
i was relieved to have a day long break from his mood swings
he and the newbie got into some serious fight i heard
Mont said something about trashing them into a garbage chute
i think
He did what?!
well he didn’t ACTUALLY trash them
he just threatened
I did not know they are allowed to say things like that?
you have no idea
you are working with mr. goody two shoes Fredbear
dad friend to end all dad friends
the ultimate cinamonroll
I DARE to disagree
DJ is the ultimate cinamonroll
i miss him
David, be honest with us.
Is this going to be another crazy conspiracy theory of yours?
and what do you mean by another?!
Another like the one about a previous arcade assistant 
who got crazy because of the arcades?
but he did! 
that is a fact!
he stopped leaving the building for the nights
and he was spitting gibberish about needing to rescue a princess!
it only proves that he was unstable
he was probably not taking his medications or smth
some of the machines ARE getting weird sometimes
but you also said that the plex is on the ruins of some old pizzeria
like, underground pizza? come on! ;D
If the newbe is always in the Daycare right after the closing, 
they probably have tasks to do there, just like you.
Why is this even so important?
what tasks? cleaning?! 
that bot can clean the whole playground it a second
the only reason they would give that task to a newbie 
would be if the weirdo was slacking off on purpose
or sent the request
they can do that
sometimes I wonder why can’t we
we can
they’re just gonna ignore us
the poor coffee machine will never come back to life ;(
but it will stay in our hearts U_U
but i am just saying
the daycare is pretty self sufficient, yes?
it only needs for someone to get the trash and laundry out
and the fresh supplies in
thats it
you don’t need to sit there for hours
unless you wanna
Okay, let’s be over with it.
What are you saying they are doing there?
you can’t be serious
Well, there are many people who are into animatronic really.
Especially the Glamrocks.
poor Roxy
she gets a ton of weird fanart
I am 1000% serious
telling you, they are totally into bots
or are u projecting
fuck you man
stop stalking Dave!
I agree. You are being creepy.
you are jealous because Roxy rejected you that one time
okay y’all can fuck off
People of the drama:
General tech, gossiper, conspiracist
Text style: frantic
DCA used pronouns: it/its
Arcade assistant, chill guy
Text style: funny
DCA used pronouns: he/his
Monty’s handler, confused, jokester
Text style: lazy
DCA used pronouns: it/its
Animatronic tech, experienced, bitter
Text style: tired
DCA used pronouns: it/its
Freddy’s handler, fairly new, good girl, polite
Text style: tidy
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thesalemwitchtries · 10 months
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Dreaming Of a Grave: Chapter Three
Word Count: 3,284
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Named! Fem! Enhanced! Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries sustained through physical assault (no implication of sexual assault at all, so maybe goons beat reader up in her apartment, but they weren't total pricks about it?), imagery/description of injury- metaphorical, distrust of police/government, Catholic Guilt written by an actual Catholic, so yk... its like organic or something, overuse of the series comma, thoughts of violence, Matt being so close to understanding Claire's points about personal safety.
Thank you so much for reading! Any comments or feedback are much appreciated!
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It wasn’t often that Matt had cause to doubt his abilities, but arriving at Tully’s apartment building had left him unsure if he’d be able to pick out the workmen amongst all of the other… possibilities. The first two floors were a mix of junkies and vacated apartments formerly owned by junkies, and each level after got cleaner. 
Still, aside from the few apartments that seemed to have taken Tully’s deal, the building was full of families and people. On the fourth floor, three apartments had newborns, one of them a set of twins. The garbage chute had never been cleaned, and was clogged before it reached the trash compactor outside. The workers had destroyed the central wiring, leaving the hall lights to buzz overhead. Amongst the other smells, evidence of the lack of water struck at his nose. 
How was he supposed to find the scents of two men buried under all of this? Beyond the grime of the street and the unfortunate living situations of the addicts, the building was full of the fragrance of so many lives.
Every person’s scent was unique. They were reflections of an individual’s humanity: body chemistry, habits, environment all mingling together into an olfactory fingerprint. 
If Matt didn’t know Foggy by name, he’d know him by the way his love for garlic clung to him, the spicier scent of a nervous sweat, and how he’d gotten hooked on coconut conditioner from an old girlfriend. And especially by the way Matt could tell he loved to laugh, little hints of it hanging around as pheromones echoing in his ears. 
Charlotte Tanner had a scent like Foggy’s and unlike any other he’d encountered. It was less chemical than most with subtle hints of cocoa butter lotion, she liked to use mint and rosemary, liked burning candles and giving ham to her very round cat. A mix of plants lined the windowsill and her skin, her ferns were thriving; the cacti bloated with overwatering. The scent of a computer, like plastic, metal, and dust all-in-one. Electronics and various mechanical components filled a corner of the apartment with their metallic tang. Then there was her: human, clean, healthy although over-caffeinated. 
Above all of it, was a bright and citrus-y joy. Hope and positivity steeped into the floorboards, nearly hiding the more recents wisps of anxiety. Matt worried that may be the only lasting trace of the visit from Tully’s ‘handymen’.
His knock on the door inspired a wave of bitter panic that prickled at his nose. Ms. Tanner’s pulse raced as she looked through the peephole, before her heartbeat peaked and the fear ebbed. Matt assumed that to be the moment she noticed his glasses and cane, his apparent harmlessness causing her to unlock the door and drop the chain. 
“Hello sir, this is apartment 15, can I help you?” Crisp, polite, and effective.
Something with wheels whirred up behind her, tucking itself behind her legs. It seemed to be about the height of a medium dog, and in terrible shape. On one side the hydraulics were running sluggishly and making a soft chugging noise, the thin metal casing was busted, paint scratched. Matt couldn’t decide what the machine’s purpose was. One of those robot vacuums probably. He’d been thinking about getting Foggy one for Christmas.
“Yes, is this Ms. Tanner?” Matt kept his expression clear, taking a deep breath to try and build a map of the apartment and the people who had been there. He could smell Brett and the stale cigar smoke that belied his mother, and Mrs. Cardenas had been there almost every day. 
“Um, yes?” she replied. The door swiftly closed halfway, shielding her body from him now that she knew Matt wasn’t lost, that he was there to see her. The little robot zipped to her feet, humming OLED display eyes also peering through the crack in the door. “I’m not expecting anyone.”
“No, I’d guess not,” Matt shrugged, tilting his head to focus on her rising pulse and the groan of her injuries. His train of thought was derailed by the mystery of what had been done to her. 
Filtering out the rest of the building and the sound of her brows furrowing in confusion, Matt tried to piece together what had happened. Across her side were hairline fractures on two ribs, a still dark bruise, and bean-shaped swelling. Then he caught it, almost drowned out by the scent of water from old pipes, soap, and lotion; there was a hint of rubber and the grime that lined the streets of New York. Have your face meet the pavement one time in a fight and you wouldn’t need senses like his for it to haunt you. 
Pieces clicked together. She was on the ground when she was kicked, possibly stomped on. Fists clenching around the handle of his cane, Matt resolved to help her, before finally responding.
“Sorry, that was rude of me, I’m Matt Murdock,” he stuck his hand out gently, pleased when she only hesitated slightly before taking it. As they shook hands, he felt the mostly healed scabs on her knuckles. So she got a few hits in— he was strangely proud. Good job sweetheart, never make it easy for ‘em.
“Gr-greeetingss st-teeeameed gueeest,” the little robot said from between her feet, moving back and forth on treaded tires in way that reminded Matt of someone swaying on their feet. The voice was tinny and crackled— the speaker had been damaged, and its speech was drawn out and wavery. Matt had no idea that robots could slur their words.
“Igor, hush,” she said sharply, nudging it back with her foot.
“St-st-teeeameed gueeest! I-iii-i am Igooorrr!” the thing spoke again, ignoring its chastising owner.
“It’s 'eh-steemed' guest,” she emphasized, “You’re getting mixed up with steamed vegetables,”
“You are our e-esteemed-d guest-egetables,” was the loud and almost proud reply. Matt couldn’t hold back a laugh, feeling the warm rush of blood across Charlotte’s face as she finally managed to knock the robot back into her apartment. It zipped off in a winding path, stuttering something about getting a water-glass of waters.
“Sorry, he uhhh- he needs a few repairs.”
Matt nodded, raising his gaze so that it landed somewhere near her eyeline. “Yeah, I’ve been told that’s been going around lately,”
Her spine straightened, the sheepish smile vanishing in a second as the hairs at the back of her neck rose, and her voice was firm as she spoke, “I’m not sure what you mean, I think that you’re in the wrong place.”
“I’m with Nelson and Murdock, representing Mrs. Cardenas and other tenants in the building against your landlord, Armand Tully. She addressed concerns that you had been physically assaulted by—”
Hearing the strain of her arm, Matt slid his cane into the doorjamb, preventing it from slamming closed in his face. The wind ruffled his hair back, but his expression remained fixed. Ms. Tanner tried to hide a grumble, but Matt caught that too as she opened the door back up to his faux-innocent face.
“Ms. Tanner, is everything alright?”
“Yes. Thank you for asking. Leave.”
Matt stood firmly in place. The floorboards creaked under her shifting weight, hand resting on her cocked hip with a huff. Lot of attitude considering I am trying to help you.
“I promised Mrs. Cardenas that I’d speak with you, please, hear me out.”
Not entirely true, but the words had spilled out of his mouth as a frantic need rose inside him. Maybe it was the nature of being a lawyer, but he’d never had to fight someone else to just let him help them before.
People came to him, they asked for his help, and standing across from this woman, so reluctant, had him on the edge of his comfort zone. Matt already felt guilty enough for what had happened. Right here, in the city that he swore to protect. Now the only way to alleviate that guilt required her to help him to help her, and they were clearly diametrically opposed in that regard.
Another put-upon sigh echoed from the depths of her chest. It almost had Matt believing that he was asking her to spend an afternoon explaining email scams to the elderly, rather than offering her assistance. “Okay, alright.”
“Whatever you’re afraid of, my partner and I can help you. You were assaulted in your own home, you deserve to feel safe again, and the men who did this deserve to be punished.” Matt had both hands wrapped around his cane, unable to stop himself from leaning forward in an earnest display. The door creaked closed just a bit more, and Matt straightened again, pleading with her. “We can help you, we’ll go down to the station with you to help you file a police report if you’d like, to make sure that they take your case seriously.”
“I appreciate your concern, but nothing happened to me.” 
His head tilted, the irregular skip in her heart telling him that it was a lie. Not that he needed to hear it, aside from the injuries slathered in a thick layer of makeup, Ms. Tanner was not a gifted liar. Everything about her demeanor told Matt that she’d say anything just to get him to leave.
“Tully, these men, they can’t just get away with what they’ve done.”
The sleeves of her sweater were being pinched and worried between her fingers, her thumb picking at a hole in the cuff. Matt heard the shift of her feet, the deep breath that filled her chest as she steadied herself. Abandoning any pretense of eye contact, her head slumped forward between her shoulders. 
“They’re not getting away with anything, no one touched me.” Another lie, this one mingled with a heavy sigh. There was a desperate tone to her voice where before there’d been exasperation.
A memory came to mind, of the nuns at St. Agnes watching old movies after hours. The kind with pretty women and sad endings, dames looking for trouble and bad guys meeting the fist of justice. They never had particularly happy endings, but he didn't mind that too much, it felt more realistic. Matt had preferred listening to them over the more chaotic alternatives outside of the church grounds, imagining his dad as the down-on-his-luck detective until he fell asleep missing his hero.
Hearing her voice, free from the crackle of old television speakers, it almost felt too raw. Matt could only pray that Ms. Tanner’s story wouldn’t be another similarity, dread sinking into the pit of his stomach. Just because it felt like a portent didn’t mean that it was one. 
“Going to the police can help.” Matt couldn’t help but repeat himself, as if there was some magic number of times that she had to hear it before finally agreeing. “Ms. Tanner, I will help you. I promise.”
Her head swung up to look at him, and Matt felt a prick of hurt when her head shook just the slightest bit. Obviously her disbelief wasn’t personal, but it stung nonetheless.
“No, police would just make everything worse,” she said, and Matt snapped to attention.
General fear of authority and the law was intangible, and in Ms. Tanner’s case seemed to be deeply ingrained. It wasn’t exactly in his wheelhouse to fight something like that. If she was being threatened though… he readjusted his grip, head tilting just a tick.
“Has someone been here? Did they threaten you?” 
“What?” Ms. Tanner sputtered, and Matt’s focus narrowed in on her, ready to catch any sign of a lie as it passed by. “No, that’s not— just stop.”
The exasperation had returned with a vengeance, one foot twitching in a move just shy of being a stomp. Abandoning the door, Ms. Tanner’s hands gestured sharply in the space between them. Her pulse was raised in agitation, but remained disappointingly honest beneath her clipped tone.
“I told you: no one touched me, no one threatened me. Thanks for checking in, Mr. Whoever, now please leave.”
Matt suppressed a frustrated groan, why did this have to be so hard? Is this how Claire felt when he ignored her advice and pulled stitches? No, this had to be much worse. All that was at stake was her own safety, it was maddening how easily she dismissed it. Why couldn’t she just let him help her? He wished there was a way to just make her talk, to get her to trust him. 
Even if she didn’t want help, she’d literally been kicked while she was down, and Matt was just supposed to let that go? Let it slide that a woman no longer felt safe in her home, and all for what? For whatever profits Armand Tully saw in evicting his tenants? Matt didn’t think so.
They both flinched at the sound of a crash from inside her apartment, the shattering of glass set Matt’s teeth on edge until the robot’s tinny voice cried out to the doorway.
“Nooo worr-ry-y! Ig-gor m-make mis-istake, but I-Iii-gor try agaaain-n.”
Ms. Tanner’s lips twitched into a smile, a fond huff of air leaving her even as she fixed Matt with the weight of her stare. A foot tap and the pointed clearing of her throat made it clear that his time was up.
“Right, it was nice to meet you Ms. Tanner. I’m Matt Murdock, if you change your mind or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call.” 
With that, Matt held out a business card, his casual and professional demeanor hiding the desperation underneath. He needed her to take it, he needed her to want his help. As the Devil he could swoop in and fight off any intruder, never having to ask permission to rescue people. Matt Murdock however, had rules to follow or risk being disbarred. It was almost enough to make him itch and whine like a flea-bitten dog.
C’mon, take the damn card, please.
Just when it’d become a concerted effort to stop his hand from shaking, her eyes finally stopped darting around in thought. Options weighed, Ms. Tanner’s fingers brushed against his again as she took the card. It left him feeling too light as she turned back into her apartment, multiple locks clicking into place between them. Accepting the card didn’t mean she was accepting his help, it wasn’t even a foot in the door, but it was at least something.
The fact that he happened to like the feel of her skin and the scent of her lotion was irrelevant. 
Floorboards creaked, and Matt suddenly realized that it was weird for him to be hanging around the door. She had lingered too, a nervous eye to the peephole as she watched him turn towards the stairwell and leave. Matt could hear her press her forehead against the door and breathe, the small robot rolling up behind her.
“W-water for-or-r g-guest-egetablessss,” Igor declared proudly, a half-full glass of water balanced on the tray that it held above its head. Drips fell from the edge of the tray, several puddles of water barely contained by its lip.
“Good job Igor, but he’s gone,”
“I-Igor-r w-ill wai-ait.” More water sloshed out onto the tray as the robot bobbed once in facsimile of a decisive nod. Matt paused at the top of the stairs, unsure what exactly he was waiting to hear.
“Don’t bother,” Ms. Tanner muttered, grabbing the glass and mopping up the water, “It’ll be a good thing if we never see that guy again. I don’t care how pretty he is, he’s still a lawyer, that means he’s bad news.”
Matt was conflicted behind his smugly twisted smile. While it wasn’t his ideal descriptor, he could work with pretty. He couldn’t work with her having an innate prejudice against his career.
In her kitchen, the lid of a trash can opened, and she stood holding the card over it for a long time, tracing across the lettering. Matt’s shoulders dropped from around his ears when the lid closed, and she tacked the card up beside her refrigerator. It felt like a win, like some small acknowledgement that she didn’t have to be afraid. 
He was also going to take it as a green light to let the Devil out, if she wouldn't involve the police these guys could go unpunished, Matt could fix that. When he found those guys, he’d be sure to get in the same hits that she had, from someone their size. When that was done he’d dole out their penance of twice the fear and pain that they’d given her.
It was dangerous and he knew it, this tendency of his to make things personal, yet he was unable to stop himself every time. Neither a conscious decision nor a slippery slope, Matt would just find himself devoted to mere strangers in the space of a blink. There was some innate need or urge inside of him that was tying himself to others without consideration, and Ms. Tanner was the latest victim. 
Anything that happened to her from this point on would be Matt’s fault, a failing or an attack on him. It was personal before he even stood in front of her door, before she had invaded his every sense. He would help her because it was the right thing to do, but he needed to keep her safe because it would protect him too, in a way. 
Failing the people that he cared about was like missing the step off of a curb, skidding across the pavement. Road rash had been collecting across his conscience and heart during the past few weeks as the Devil; last night’s failure to protect Claire was a face plant. Recovering from it felt like picking bits of asphalt out of his cheeks, burning and stinging in a way that couldn’t be ignored, only dulled.
Every night he listened as dozens of crimes were committed across the city, too many people to save at once. But, there was also the sound of college girls giggling on the streets, safe from the fate of a shipping container. There was a boy that slept sound in his bed, his father sleeping on the ground because he couldn’t bear being too far away from his son again. He could hear teens playing video games and mothers bundling their kids up to visit the park. People that he had saved, living their lives around him.
Matt needed to hear these things, to know that the Devil was doing something useful. That a drop in the bucket was still a positive change. Upstairs, Ms. Tanner was repairing her robot, talking it through the steps even while it was powered off. He wondered what she would be doing when he listened for her that night.
Like always, failure was not an option, and still felt inevitable. In an ouroborean way, he’d already failed, what happened to Ms. Tanner was his fault, due to his inaction. Matt knew about the window, the guy blackmailing that juror had told him. Was probably even scared enough to have told him more, like where the building was. Then he could’ve been at the epicenter, tracking people following Fisk’s orders, preventing things like this. Instead, his one track mind had gotten the best of him, and who knows how many people had been hurt as a result.
The sinking sun warmed his face, a contrast to the chill air that tugged at his coat as Matt exited out onto the street. He just had a stop at the station, and then it'd nightfall, where he’d have another opportunity to do the right thing for Hell’s Kitchen.
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Thanks for reading, have a good day <;3
Next chapter is Karen's turn, and we all know that one of her superpowers is people skills... Also I don't know if anyone's interested, but I lmk if you'd like and I'll tag people to chapters when they come out.
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bro-atz · 8 months
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word count: 2k
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Due to the nature of how he found out, Gyuri stood before Wooyoung and Yeosang’s apartment unsure of whether she should knock on the door or just enter like they usually do. Before she could make a decisions, the door opened and nearly hit her in the face.
“What the—?! Oh, Gyu,” Wooyoung noted.
He had bags and bags of garbage presumably to take to the garbage chute. The two stood before each other unblinking and unsure. Gyuri looked down coyly, only to realize that she was holding a gift to give the boy. She held it up hesitantly and asked, “Would you like to have a drink with me?”
She had to hold back her laugh as she saw Wooyoung’s eyes sparkle upon seeing the two six-pack cases of soju she had with her. He nodded enthusiastically and said, “Yeah, lemme throw this trash away. You can go in and chill out.”
Gyuri went into the apartment as Wooyoung left. She put down the case of soju on the kitchen countertop to see that Wooyoung was in the middle of making something presumably for dinner. She sat down at the dining table and stared at the food until Wooyoung returned and headed straight back into the kitchen.
“I was experimenting and was trying to figure out who to ask to eat dinner with, so you came at the perfect time,” he explained.
“What about Yeosang?”
“He’s in that late night lecture he has.”
“Oh, okay. Well, I’m more than happy to eat whatever you’ve prepared, Chef Wooyoung.”
A bashful smile and rosy cheeks ran across his face. He giggled as he said, “Okay. I’m almost done, so just give me a few minutes.”
Six minutes later, a gorgeous plate of steak and vegetables. Gyuri felt her mouth watering as Wooyoung took pictures of his latest accomplishment, and soon after, he allowed her to start eating. The steak dissolved in her mouth as she tried to eat delicately, but it was too damn good.
“What the fuck? Why is this steak so good?” she asked him.
“I’ve been wanting to try this recipe I found online, but I wasn’t able to do it until I got the porterhouse steaks from San…” Wooyoung  trailed off and coughed, and the realization hit Gyuri that Wooyoung found out about their relationship the day San gave him the steaks.
An awkward silence followed the end of that conversation, and Gyuri found herself unable to properly enjoy the steak. They sat across from each other with intense tension surrounding them. While Gyuri was staring hard at one of the vegetables on her plate and still chewing a bite of the steak, Wooyoung asked quietly, “Have you ever hooked up with anyone else in the group?”
Gyuri choked on the steak that was in her mouth. Wooyoung handed her a glass of water as she coughed and choked. “Why would you ask me that?” she croaked out after she stopped choking.
“So yes?”
Silence followed once more. Gyuri had three bites of her steak left on her plate, and she was determined to finish it knowing that she and Wooyoung were probably going to get wasted that night— things may be awkward between them, but they were dedicated drinking buddies. They would definitely drink the night away.
“Have you ever considered it?”
Gyuri choked on her steak once again. This time, she was able to contain herself and calmed down within seconds. “You need to stop asking me those kinds of questions when we’re eating!” she yelled at him.
“I’m done, I’m just waiting for you.”
She looked at Wooyoung’s plate, now clean and spotless. She looked at her own plate and calculated how much longer it would take for her to finish eating, only to resolve to shoving everything in her mouth, her cheeks puffed like a squirrel. Wooyoung eyed her skeptically as he grabbed her plate and quipped, “I just don’t know what San sees in you.”
Gyuri kicked him in the back. “Shut up,” her words came out muffled due to the steak in her mouth.
While Wooyoung did the dishes, Gyuri sat in the living room on the ground, her back against the sofa— her trademark position. The twelve bottles of soju sat on the coffee table before her. Unable to cope with the tension and awkwardness between her and Wooyoung, Gyuri grabbed one of the bottles and guzzled it down in one go. She placed the empty bottle on the coffee table right as Wooyoung joined her in the living room. He, too, took a bottle of soju and drank straight from it, half of the bottle remaining.
“Can I ask questions now?”
“Yeah, okay…” Gyuri sat up and sighed while mentally preparing herself to answer all the ridiculous questions he threw her way.
Wooyoung looked her dead in the eye as he asked his questions. “Have you hooked up with anyone else in the group?”
“Have you considered it?”
“Why not?”
“Honestly, I didn’t even think I’d be hooking up with San in the first place. I didn’t even dare make a move on Seonghwa when I had a crush on him.”
“Right… How is sex with San?”
“Jesus, Woo,” Gyuri sighed heavily. “Do you really want to know that?”
“Yes,” he answered extremely seriously.
“…Can you ask me that again when I’ve had enough to drink?” Gyuri could feel her face start to heat up just thinking about the way San drives her insane with pleasure. She couldn’t possibly vocalize those thoughts when she barely had any alcohol in her blood.
“Next question, then. Every time you hooked up, was your code word anime?”
“That was our code word, yeah.”
“That’s so… stupid,” Wooyoung snorted.
“It was the best one we could agree on, okay?”
As Wooyoung asked Gyuri more questions, the bottles of soju on the coffee table slowly diminished, and soon there were only two full bottles of soju left. The two got drunker, and the awkward energy disappeared altogether as they drunkenly babbled on and on about the relationship between Gyuri and San. Wooyoung and Gyuri kept giggling and playfully hitting each other as the anecdotes just kept on coming.
“I must say, Gyu… You’re fucking hot,” Wooyoung slurred.
“Stop!” Gyuri hid her bashful face behind her hands. “I can’t believe you saw those pictures! I’m mortified.”
“San is so lucky… I want someone to send me hot nudes like that. When did you fucking own clothes like that? I’ve only ever seen you in sweats or jeans.”
“We made an agreement, and that was my present for him for Valentine’s Day…” Gyuri felt heat run through he body just remembering how San was with her that night. “You know, though, I’m actually the lucky one.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s just so gorgeous… So hot… So beautiful!”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Like his jawline” So sharp…”
“You could totally cut your finger on it,” Wooyoung nodded knowingly.
“His nose… How is his nose even perfect?”
“I know! It’s so not fair.”
“My heart already races every single fucking time I see him, so when he bleached his hair, I nearly had a heart attack.”
“He bleached his hair for you?!”
“No, he said he’d been wanting to do it for a while. He told Iseul that too,” Gyuri shook her head.
“Oh… Okay.”
“But,” she slapped her hand on the ground rapidly as she recollected the memory. “The first time I saw it, he was walking out of the bathroom… He finished showering, right? He was only wearing a towel around his waist.”
“Shut the fuck up right now!” Wooyoung screamed.
“It was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen in my entire life! And, we had taken… tooken? Taken? Anyway, we took a break for two weeks prior, so his face… He looked so frustrated… And hungry… And intense… And... God, I’d do anything to see that look again.”
“You’re making me so jealous. That’s so hot of him.”
“To be honest, I think that night might’ve been the best sex we’d ever had.”
“Oh Lord! Have mercy!”
“Sometimes, I consider not having sex with him for two more weeks because God… That night… Oh, and then Yunho found out the next day! We were panicking so hard—”
“Wait! Was that night why you had bruises on your hands and fingers?!” Wooyoung interrupted.
“You saw that?!
“No fucking way! That was San?!” Wooyoung shrieked. “He’s good… Like really good…”
Gyuri babbled on, “Also, the way his eyes change when he goes from cute to normal to bloodthirsty? He’s too fucking sexy for his own good sometimes.”
“I’ve never seen his bloodthirsty eyes, I’m jealous.”
“Oh my God, my legs turn to jelly every time… Oh! Did you know he put in fake piercings for me?”
“You’re lying! Proof or it didn’t happen!”
Challenge accepted. Gyuri pushed herself up and stumbled around trying to find her phone. After running into several pieces of furniture, she found her phone on the dining room table and returned to the living room. She tripped over practically nothing and collapsed onto Wooyoung’s lap, the two of them laughing uncontrollably. From her position on the ground, she barely managed to unlock her phone and pull up the pictures. The two of them stared intently at the screen as they observed an overly sexy San with the lip, eyebrow, and nose piercings. Gyuri all of a sudden had to sit up— the pictures were turning her on, and she certainly did not need Wooyoung to realize that. She hid her mouth with her hand as Wooyoung swiped through the photos.
“Wait a second… Are you the reason why he fucking slit his eyebrow?!” Wooyoung screamed.
“Yes, I got him to slit his eyebrow!”
“You are a fucking legend, Hwang Gyuri!”
Wooyoung humorously bowed down to her while she played along and blessed him. The two broke out into another bout of giggles, the two of them squealing over the pictures of San with his eyebrow slit and piercings. One particular picture with his gorgeous dimples accentuated reminded Gyuri, “Oh, oh, oh! His dimples, right? They don’t just come out when he’s smiling—”
Gyuri cut herself off when she heard a door open, the hinges squeaking loudly. Eyes wide, Gyuri and Wooyoung slowly turned their heads to the source of the sound. Unfortunately for them, the door that opened was not the apartment door, but instead was Yeosang’s bedroom door. They stared at Yeosang like deer in headlights as he feebly walked through the threshold, his eyes wide as well. All three of their jaws dropped in that moment.
“Y-yeo… Yeosang… I thought you had that late lecture today?” Wooyoung stuttered quietly.
“Class got cancelled today,” Yeosang responded quietly.
Heavy tension and silence filled the apartment. Gyuri, who sobered up quickly, rasped out, “H-how much of that did you hear…?”
“When Woo started screaming about bleached hair…”
“Oh… My… God…”
Both Wooyoung and Gyuri were near tears as Yeosang arrived at the living room and joined them on the ground. He pointed to one of the full, sealed bottles of soju and asked, “May I?”
They nodded timidly, not a single noise or word coming from either of the two drunk children. They watched in horror as Yeosang, their friend who was always smart about his drinking habits, chugged the entire bottle and let the empty bottle slip to the ground and roll away on the hardwood flooring. He looked Gyuri right in the eye and exclaimed, “What the fuck, Hwang Gyuri?!”
Gyuri and Wooyoung clung to each other in fear; in the several years they knew Yeosang, not once did he raise his voice that loud. Wooyoung would always be louder than him, of course, but Yeosang’s voice echoed in the apartment. That’s how loud he was.
“You and motherfucking Choi San?! When?! Where?! How?! Why?!”
Gyuri blinked rapidly at Yeosang, her jaw trembling as she tried to find succinct answers to Yeosang’s rapid fire. She felt her brain, what she could only describe as, short circuit, and she collapsed on the floor, tears springing to her eyes. Wooyoung, meanwhile, barely managed to stand up and walk away as he uttered, “I’m just going to… Call San… He’ll explain…”
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monaisme · 13 days
Sicktember: Day 6
#6- Dizziness/Vertigo
“Whoa!” May stumbled to the side and bumped into the bottom corner of a one of her favourite pictures of all five Parkers before life struck and they were thrust into the life of a family of three. “Shit!” she exclaimed as she fumbled and tried to stop it from falling, but no such luck.
“May?” Peter called out as he stepped out of his bedroom to the sound of glass breaking. “Are you o—?” He saw her leaning against the wall, clutching her now tender elbow and rushed toward her. “May?! What happened?”
“STOP!” No way was May letting Peter get cut because of her clumsiness. She put her hand out to stop Peter’s advance before he could get hurt. “Don’t come out here! There’s glass everywhere and you’re barefoot! Now please, let me take a breath and then I’ll get this taken care of.”  
Peter’s brow furrowed in concern and confusion. “Take a breath? May?” Peter noted that she looked more than a little pale. Something was wrong, and he didn’t need his spidey-senses to tell him that. “Did the glass cut you? Are you hurt?”
And he also didn’t need his spidey-senses to tell him that she was upset with herself. Her answer came in the form of a clenched jaw and an angry headshake ‘no.’
“Just—how’s about you take that breath while you stay put? I’m in a better spot to take care of this anyways...” He held his own while he waited to see what she’d do, then ran back to his room to grab his ratty sneakers once he saw that she was deferring to him. “You’re awesome, May!” he called back to her, “I’ll get this, easy peasy! You keep staying there!”
No reply came back, only a frustrated sigh as Peter threw on his shoes then tiptoed through the shards of glass to the kitchen. He quickly pulled out the small lined garbage can from under the sink before heading to the tiny utility closet in the kitchen to collect the broom and dustpan. “I think I got what I need,” he announced as he brought it to the hallway, “so let me get the worst of it, then I’ll grab your shoes for you, okay?”
May was still leaned heavily against the wall, eyes closed. “Sounds like a plan,” she said weakly, then waited patiently as Peter did a cursory cleaning up of the mess.
Peter tried not to be nervous about May’s strange behaviour, but something wasn’t jiving and he didn’t know how to bring it up. After a minute or so, though, he announced, “Et voila!” as he dumped the last of the glass into the bin. “Now give me a sec to get your shoes and—” Peter leaned the broom and dustpan against the wall to do a more thorough pass over once May was safe and shoed up, then went to rifle through the messy pile of shoes at the door. The flip flops May used to take the garbage to the disposal chute at the end of the hallway had to be there somewhere, he hoped. Simplicity was the key in moments like this.
“Peter?” May called out to him, suddenly sounding distressed.
 “May?” Peter peeked around the corner as she tilted over, “Shit!” He tossed the shoes away and caught her before she could tumble down to the floor. Never more grateful for his powers than he was in that moment, Peter shifted a little in order to gather his Aunt May up and carry her safely to the couch. “I’ve gotcha, May. Hang on for me... just hang on.”
May’s eyes were closed again by the time he’d laid her down, but she definitely hadn't lost consciousness. “I’m so sorry, honey,” she soothed, “I’m fine—I promise—I’m fine.”
Her calm tone and words did nothing for Peter as he interrupted, “You’re not fine, May. How can you even pretend when you obviously fell into the wall—and if I hadn’t been home, you’d be picking glass out of your feet and everywhere right now—if you even could! You could have hit your head or needed stitches or... I don’t even know what could have happened!”
May inhaled deep and opened her eyes. “Peter. Calm down,” she looked to Peter, a mix of concern and sternness. “I need you to listen to me.”
She paused and waited for Peter to do exactly that before she continued. “I said I’m fine and I meant it. It’s just some vertigo, but I’ve already called and gotten an appointment with my doctor for next Friday afternoon. I’m taking care of it.” She made sure he was still paying attention. “I’ll go see her, she’ll check things out, she’ll tell me it’s some weird inner ear thing, and everything will be fine. Are we clear?”
Peter whined and seated himself precariously at her side. “Why do you keep saying fine?—In fact, please, I’m begging of you to stop saying fine.” Peter then glared, “You know what I think when you use the word ‘fine.’”
And May glared right back. “Of course, I do! It’s the same thing I think of it every time I hear you use it, smart ass.” She playfully shoved him off the couch. “Now, give me a second for this to pass and I’ll order us some dinner. I’m feeling like a tonight’s a pizza night, agreed?”
Peter nodded as he stood and brushed himself off. “Agreed, but I can order it, just let me finish cleaning this up first.” Peter moved over to the hallway again, keeping an eye on May as he snapped up the broom to give the floor a second, better sweep to be sure he hadn’t missed anything. He did a quick spot check, looking out for any larger shards that might have escaped his notice when he caught sight of the corner of a picture frame peeking out from the doorway to May’s bedroom. Peter bent to pick it up, sure to keep it flat to prevent any of the glass from spreading any further. “Geez, May!” he called out to her, “If you’d wanted to get rid of my pictures, all you had to do was—” Peter’s attempt at levity stopped short when he caught sight of the picture that had fallen.
“Peter? Are you okay?”
Peter couldn’t answer. All the words he wanted to say were too stuck in his throat.
“Honey?” The silence was maddening, “Sweetheart?” May sat up faster than she should have then stood, taking only a moment to find a precarious balance using the arm of the couch. “Peter?” She caught sight of him right away, obviously, Peter stood there, staring solemnly at the damaged frame in his hand. “Oh.” What else could she say? She needed to make this right. “I’ll head to the thrift store tomorrow and find a new frame, alright? It’ll be back on the wall before you’re home from school tomorrow. I promise.”
Peter turned and stared at her in disbelief, tears brimming in his eyes. “May? Do you really think I’m worried about the frame?”
It was May’s turn to fall silent.
“I’m sorry, May, but everyone in this picture is gone—and what do you always say? ‘It’s just me and you?’” He chewed at his lip for a few seconds, “What if something really is wrong? What if it’s a stroke or a tumor or—” tears fell faster than Peter could swipe them away. He had to take a moment before he could speak again. “I can’t—” He inhaled deep then started again, “I can’t lose you, too, May. I just can’t!”
May reached out to take the photo reverently from his hands and placed it gently on the end table, then pulled her nephew into a frighteningly tight grip, “You listen here, Peter Benjamin Parker, I am not going anywhere. I will call my doctor’s office first thing in the morning and get them to put me on a cancellation list, okay? If it gets any worse, I’ll sneak into the ER and get one of the doctors to order some tests, even though you know that my boss will give me grief—” She pressed kiss to his cheek and whispered fiercely into his ear. “I will do anything I can to be here with you, okay? But, for now, I can only do what I can do.”  
Peter nodded as her burrowed his face into her neck and hugged her as tight as he dared, then stilled. “Hang on!” He pulled back just enough to see May’s face as he grinned big, “I know you can only do what you can do, but what if I can do something you can’t?!” Peter face twisted in thought, then he revised, “Well, I mean, you could do it too if you wanted to, but you won’t...”
Now she was concerned, “Peter? What are you thinking of?”
He smiled big and wiped the last of the tears from his face and gave her one last hug before releasing her. “You trust me, right?”
“Of course, I do!”
“Perfect! Then let me do this because I love you, okay? Because I need you safe?”
Her concern morphed to confusion. “Okay?”
Peter did his awkward fist pump thing, “Yesss!” He did a little happy dance, then bolted for his bedroom—only to stop short as glass crunched underfoot. He stared down at the floor. “Oh—maybe I’ll just give this that second sweeping first?”
May just chuckled and wondered what she was getting herself into.
She didn’t have to wait long to find out. After Peter ushered her back to the couch, he got to work taking care of the last of May’s mess, then put the garbage bin back under the sink and supplies back where they belonged. He washed his hands at the kitchen sink, then wiped then dry on the back of his shirt as he came to join her on the couch. He exhaled slow, then Peter reached back and pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket.
Peter offered up a crooked grin as he took hold of her hand with one hand and unlocked his cell with the other.
“Peter? What are you doing?”
Peter thumbed his way into his contacts, squeezed her hand not too tight, then pressed the top contact on the list.
“Peter. No.”
“Peter. Yes,” Peter replied as he listened to the call connect. “You said you trust me, right?”
“Of course I do!” May exclaimed.
“Good, then you’ll let me do—”
“Hey, kid? Don’t tell me. You’re out on patrol and you need one of the suits to get another parrot out of a tree?”
Peter let go of May’s hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close instead. “Ha ha, Mr. Stark! You’re hilarious. No, I don’t need a suit, but—if it’s not too much of a bother—” Peter clamped his mouth shut in surprise. It had never been easy to ask anything of the man, and they were just at the beginning of their ‘relationship?’ but for May, he could be brave. “Um, you see...” Peter drew in a big breath, “something’s going on with May and I’m wondering if she could come see one of the doctors at the tower, like, soon?”
Mr. Stark must have heard the urgency in Peter’s voice because he simply replied, “Anything for my favourite Parkers, kid.”
His voice shook with relief as he replied, “Thanks, Mr. Stark.”
And then it was May’s turn to pull out of Peter’s arm and wrap him in her own as she heard Mr. Stark ask if he’d be able to talk to May for a minute.
With Peter’s lips pressed tightly and his chin quivering, he could only answer, “m-hm,” then tuck his face into May’s neck as she gently pulled the phone from his hands.
May took a deep breath of her own, realizing the gravity of the last twenty minutes, and then put the phone to her ear. “Hey, Tony...”
3 notes · View notes
ryscorp · 1 month
{Open the door}
[* You open the door.]
[* Inside the room are various containers of garbage bags, gloves, and cleaning products. On the far wall is the incinerator chute, which is closed.]
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Quick thoughts. Chozen and Daniel scheming to fake befriend Terry is something Terry did in TKK3 to Daniel. Not on the same level at all but, there was a slight amount of revenge/karma there.
It's what 18-19 hours between LA and where Miguel went. That means Johnny's got both Robby and Miguel in the car back for 18-19 hours. And they didn't dare even give us a glimpse of that?
Chozen scammed Anoush and Louie at golf. Some how before I never caught that. Which means Chozen got some revenge for TKK2 and losing all his money to Daniel. (Chozen's walking ahead of them, grinning and counting cash, Daniel laughs and tells him good job, Louie tells Anoush he told him there were golf courses in Okinawa, Anoush says "He said he never played before")
Chozen said it was beginners luck, Louie says he's been hustled, Anoush calms him down when Chozen asks if they've insulted his honor, by telling Louie he's not at a blackjack table in Atlanta city, you can't trash talk a karate assassin.
So....Chozen's not an assassin. But that's what Amanda called him and now that's what Anoush has called him.
Terry's at the golf club. "How'd you hit 'em?" "They let anyone join these days." (I mean Terry's older and richer, he might've already been a member and you might never have known. "Or did you slither in through the garbage chute. By the way how's your sensei search going?"
Daniel why are you poking the bear? Why are you rubbing this in Terry's face?
Terry views it as possible casus belli, act of war or to provoke war.
Terry tells Daniel that he has more friends then Daniel does...which sadly, probably true.
Terry says if Daniel backs down, Terry won't retaliate. No repercussions, just stay out of his way.
This is my backyard, Daniel....in a way we don't know, but Terry might've been here longer. You've been here what 30 years? Terry's supposed to be older than you and as far as we know, has lived here his whole life. Like in TKK1 you didn't even want to be here. That doesn't mean it's not your backyard and you don't have a say in what happens there, but making it seem like Terry doesn't belong in his own city either...
This was a choice
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Who does this? Sabrina the teenage witch? But like 90s version. The wave your finger in a circle to do a spell.
I can't tell whether he's having fun or if he's laughing and pissed off.
I also like that Daniel isn't alone for this conversation/threat. Chozen's right there. "You're playing with fire Danny-boy."
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I don't fully get what that means. I love it. But a fire with gasoline that explodes might not hurt just Silver, but also both Chozen and Daniel and the whole valley...
Which might be why Silver, no longer charmed by Sensei Joe, scoffs and asks for their drinks to be put on his tab.
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lol anoush
Nothing. Just wanted to buy us a round of drinks.
DANIEL LARUSSO!!!! You literally just poked a bear and you're not going to warn them????? Tell them! Warn them that if that guy comes near them to run. Like Daniel you know how dangerous he is and you're like nice dude buying us drinks. You gotta update people on this stuff for their own safety.
Somewhere there's a universe where Louie and Anoush thank Terry Silver for buying them drinks and try to befriend him because wow what a nice guy and it goes VERY BADLY
Like literally Anoush is like heck yeah pina colada time for all my men here.
Anoush: Act like you've been here before, I want the most expensive tequilla you gota
Which is both wild responses to random stranger is buying them a drink.
I do enjoy Anoush and Louie's old married couple bickering. "Pina Coladas, we're not at a Sandals resort." "What's wrong with Sandals? Everything's included"
Johnny learning he did something illegal...4/5 seasons later. 🤣
He cleaned off his van.
Miggy made breakfast, Johnny's there too.
It looks like maybe Miguel can't cook. Burnt toast and yaya's kinda picking at it.
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Are you telling me for 18 hours Robby and Miguel didn't say a word? The most awkward 18 hours on the planet?
Yaya is happy Miguel is home but needs him to leave asap and go bother sam so she can throw out the breakfast he made her without offending him. The Diaz's have Simply brand Orange Juice.
"I think I need to make an apology meal for Sam too"
Followed immediately by Carmen having taken a bite and unable to hide how bad it is.
Although I think this was also supposed to be the first hint that Carmen was pregnant.
Sam is eating uncrustables and drinking Starbucks.
Apparently both Sam and Anthony view the grape uncrustables as comfort food. Sam ate the last two
ANTHONY EXPLAINS THE MILK LOCKER. They put milk in a bag in Kennys locker.
I feel like that leaves more questions than answers. How did they do that without making a big mess just setting it up and without anyone seeing/finding out?
Now that Anthony puts it that way...he is right.
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Both Miguel and Robby have now run away. Just Robby was wanted by the police.
Without karate Sam's hanging out with Moon and Yasmine again.
Okay so there's a couch in the guest bedroom and it's not good. Chozen's having a rough time sleeping on it. Daniel says there used to be a bed in there but it got destroyed when Cobra Kai broke in, but I didn't see any kids go into any bedrooms. They stayed in the weird like square with a line through it. Halls between the living room to the kitchen and the dojo. The dojo is not the guest bedroom.
Chozen is the one who recommends they beat silver to the punch by calling on one of his old friends before Silver can call upon them. Aka Mike Barnes.
What's weird is generally the flash backs might be things the person having the flashback would know or remember. I mean there's a scene of Ali smiling that Johnny remembers but couldn't have. Or at least it wasn't directed at him. But this one's weird because it's literally Mike Barnes telling Silver whose in a bathtub that he bought himself a champion. Daniel was not in Silver's house then.
Johnny offers to teach Miguel how to cook.
Carmen telling Johnny she might be pregnant, a reminder that condoms aren't 100%. And not all forms of protection are 100% either.
Johnny rushes to help Carmen up as if he's already thinking she's much further along then she is. She said she's a few days late.
Johnny's so surprised he says he'll pull the van around then he drops his keys and spins in a circle and Carmen gently pats his shoulder and says with a near laugh "Maybe I should drive. "
Aurora changes Hawks reaper tattoo. Rico is out. It's a lotus for a new beginning and a flower was pretty much his only choice to cover the reaper. Demetri went with him and once again held his shirt. (Miguel also came but is mostly frustrated from trying to contact Sam from the waiting section) Everyone's back with their OG friend groups this summer.
Like I get Demetri is trying to warn him, but Demetri you giving relationship advice is wild. You've had one girlfriend and it's Yasmine and you're still dating. You don't know what's code for breaking up.
Hawk balancing it with "Moon is really big into communication, maybe Sam just really actually wants to talk"
Essentially Yasmine is texting Demetri. 🤣
I feel like Miguel and Sam should just communicate as Miguel and Sam not having Hawk and Demetri and Yasmine and Moon advising.
Daniel and Chozen stalking Barnes.
The way Daniel realizes the way he talks to Chozen has to be more careful because what he says about Barnes applies to Chozen too.
Daniel your car literally says LaRusso Auto Group, please never use that car to try to sneakily tail someone. It's like Johnny trying to tail using the cobra charger or the eagle fang van. Neither of you are sneaky.
What is that a handsaw? (Johnny would probably know) Good for cutting pipe.
Chozen. I can't.
That one good for cutting bone.
Why on earth didn't Daniel research Mike Barnes? Like surely a quick search would've show he was a furniture king. Or hell even pulling up a map app would've shown him that he's behind a furniture store and everything they've got, the tools, the men, are all there working as staff for the furniture store.
This is one of those moments where I think the trauma is making him not think straight. He frequently jumps to conclusions and people like Amanda sort of reign him in. Johnny sometimes corrects him but Daniel doesn't listen to him. Chozen I think just is gasoline to the fire and makes it worse. Part of it I think is that Chozen's know Daniel as an adult for maybe less than a week, and he heard this guy who did all this stuff one summer needs his help, perfect, a great way to regain some honor and make his uncle and the Miyagi's proud. But he doesn't know that if he himself jumps to the worst possible conclusion: that's good for cutting bone, Daniel is not going to be like or it's a table saw and they're cutting wood. No Daniel's going to follow whatever logic Chozen's running on half the time and be like oh no, our Okinawan assassin says that's good for cutting bone, this is a nest of evil and murderers.
And it's not.
Like you kinda have to shock Daniel out of it.
and with what a trickster Chozen is half the time I don't even know if he's being serious about the cut through bone, I think he's joking, but I don't think Daniel can tell when he's joking, like I don't think he could always tell when Mr. Miyagi was joking unless it was more obvious or he was laughing. But Chozen doesn't do that.
So it either comes off as two dumbasses with no brain cell between them because they left it at home, or Chozen making lots of jokes and Daniel not always catching on, or thinking Chozen is serious (Here to murder Silver, I don't think he actually truly is, at least not right now)
But I also feel like part of it is that I doubt Daniel fully prepped Chozen on the situation. And Chozen is just like operating on high alert that everything is a danger.
Like half of Chozen's words and his delivery is such...Dad trickster/jokester vibes. Which I feel like just fits with his whole thing. His very serious face until he bursts out laughing delighted by his jokes. He did that after a whole day of messing with Daniel in Okinawa, he did it with Anoush and Louie.
But I don't think Daniel gets that, so he takes everything at face value. So I think the "I can take all of them, that's good for cutting bone." was Chozen making jokes not realizing that it just sort of upped Daniel's nervousness and guard. Like yes Chozen is here and ready to protect and fight but he never got the Daniel-san manual from Mr. Miyagi which is why I think this is a very earnest thing:
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Because yes Daniel can't go in alone in the off-chance that it's a true fight, and he also can't go in alone if he's hoped up and upset. He needs back up, especially if there's any danger. (I know Chozen comes flying in there ready to fight)
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So I googled these and got nothing for either the company or the brand type except the cursed knowledge that Tiger King/Joe Exotic came out with his own brand of condoms. So I think they made this up for the show.
And also like Carmen said, condoms aren't 100%
"There's no way these were purchased a real pharmacy" Makes me wonder where Johnny buys stuff.
I do actually like that for both of them this is new, that their previous kids were surprises that neither were fully prepared for. Like they're starting this journey together.
Though Johnny is so nervous he feels like he's going to be sick.
And I get that Carmen is upset that Johnny's so nervous especially around another baby and that Johnny needs to figure out how not to be that guy again. Which is fair, but being a Dad again when he just is finally has both Miguel and Robby talking to him. When his other father duties are starting to work out and not being this soul crushing failure I think seeing another guy too frazzled and realizing how much of a new responsibility that is freaked him out.
Tie dye robes are cute at he spa Moon takes them to.
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I am happy that they've all grown as people and become friends again. i just do wish that like Yasmine apologized for being mean to Aisha and also for believing what Kyler said about Sam and joining in on that abuse.
Sam: I already have nightmares about drowning in shallow bodies of water. (I.e. her nightmare of Tory holding her head down under the surface of the Mr. Miyagi koi pond, which wild because I don't think Tory's ever been there???? And also you'd think that'd make her too scared to go near it again)
Demetri got Yasmine a charm bracelet and a charm for every fight they have. And he seems proud when he says she can barely lift her arm now. Dude how much money are you spending?
I think Demetri and Eli forget that while they're nerds, they're rich nerds. Miguel is not and all his money was stolen.
I love the delivery of 'that's a new one' from the sales girl.
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The necklace Miguel thinks of getting Sam. Reduced to $182.
I love that eli is like if there's less tentacles it'll be cheaper. 🤣
Daniel I think to an extent that's trespassing if not 'breaking and entering' without the breaking. But great hustle!
Daniel, just because everything he's saying sounds like it's related to you and your entire life does not mean it has anything to do with you.
Barnes out here just living his life until Daniel literally comes rushing in to derail it.
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Also...Daniel omg. You and Demetri man.
He also steals his phone to yell at 'silver'
Daniel can never just lose the boy who cried wolf rap, it's based on true lived experience but he keeps leaping without looking.
Poor Michelle, she's like what happened to my furniture guy?
Mike Barnes/Michael Barnes having been karate's bad boy and banned for life from karate can't shake the sounds like a villain in every day life but clearly his customers are here for it.
This is Phil.
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Barnes out here like, it's fine, this guy I tortured and terrorized for money just popped up and ruined a sale but I'll live.
Japanese cedar chairs will be done by the time the school opens and they'll pick up the florentine table. Daniel made him lose part of his commission. It's down to 40%
This is why if you had googled the place or even tried to go in the front door you'd have seen that it was a furniture store. But we leapt before we looked.
Johnny following youtube mom vloggers to prep for the baby. I know it's supposed to be funny or whatever that he's swaddling beer. But I also think it's nice that he's actually trying to catch up on all this stuff that he doesn't know. I mean he found out that there's a baby possibly on the way, not even confirmed, this morning. And he's like well I'm so nervous I feel sick, the best way to handle that is to tackle it head on so let me practice. I don't have a baby, but I have beers and towels, and beers are breakable so...
Like he truly does always try and teach himself things if it's important.
We have orange sodas now, some hostess cupcakes, red bull, peanut butter, some chips.
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And of course one of his coors escapes and breaks which I think does not help his feeling of I'm going to screw this up, again.
I mean he essentially heard Carmen and was like I'm going to study.
Healthy organic diet= Johnny cleans his fridge.
The space needs to be baby friendly = no poster of girls, Johnny swaps it out for a light house.
Look in every nook and cranny for mold pests and other hazards. Cue cockroach.
Also want to point out that Carmen and him haven't even talked about living together (probably not enough space) But he's still prepping his space.
Johnny you dumbass, you shouldn't have consumed that beer, even if you were holding your breath or whatever safety reason you thought, it was still sitting out when you sprayed. And then he just lays on top of the carpet he just sprayed.
He really should know better from having worked as a maintenance man. But I think he just doesn't give a shit when it's his own safety beyond the bare minimum. That or we can blame netflix for this one.
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Mikes soon to be gone furniture store.
"If there's one guy in this world who doesn't owe me an apology it's you."
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I mean I feel like that is one of the thesis's of the show.
Furniture co-king (the co-king is his wife, and it's his father in-law's place)
Daniel: You're LaRusso 2.0
Moon and Yasmine are in the Laker's Halloween costumes: You're one of the girls
Robby in his Cobra Kai tournament gi: You're the girl who broke my heart.
Eli in his white gi holding his trophy: You're the girl who lost.
Miguel in his Eagle fang gi: You're my girlfriend, Sam. Why can't you just be supportive.
(Both Eli and Miguel look at her really sadly)
Tory: I know exactly who you are princess.
Sam and Miguel are really on the same journey. They're both trying to figure out who they are which for teenagers about to go off to college in a year or two, is very fitting. They just also have all this karate soap opera making figuring it out harder. And Miguel pointed out last season how hard that all is with everything the LaRusso's expect from Sam. Places he might not be able to go due to finances.
Dark Sam, voiced/introduced by Tory:
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Sam has spent most of her life probably hearing about what a great man Mr. Miyagi is, how their karate that they learned from him is better. How they're the good guys. Which putting her in that situation of the world is black and white meant she couldn't allow for gray, she wasn't allowed to be a teenager who made mistakes, which is probably why she didn't tell her parents whenever she wanted to throw a party or got into trouble because good guys don't get in trouble. She's not allowed to make mistakes and I think that is just too much pressure in just general life. Add karate and fighting to the mix and it just explodes.
Now she's questioning whether she is good or not, which is unfair to her. Because people are people, they make mistakes they're not all good or all evil. Life isn't like that and to hold herself to that impossible standard as well as all the other teenagers and people in her life means they're either evil or they've been put on a pedestal where if they make a mistake they will fall and shatter.
I feel like for dark Sam they did her make up like Tory's which is a fun little choice. They also gave her sai's, while the light version has a bo staff.
Essentially she's gotta find balance but the dark side kicks her ass and disarms her and terrifies the white version when Moon opens the tank.
Sam: Having a terrifying metaphorical fight with herself trying to figure out who she is while balancing all these identities of how other people see her and trying to discern who she is and how to balance this feeling of good and evil within herself when she's not been allowed gray.
Moon: I was a drop of dew glistening in the moonlight.
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Daniel I don't think Mike Barnes counts as Cobra Kai. I guess well, you might think you yourself were cobra kai, so that means Barnes is also cobra kai. But like the actual students of Cobra Kai, the ones that were in it longer than a few weeks/months don't want to fight you most of the time. Bobby, Jimmy, I highly doubt want to fight you. Johnny really just wants to do a fight for fun. Like sparring.
And I mean heck, Barnes is in the same boat as Johnny. Essentially all these dudes want to fight you for fun and the only one who got to (and who wasn't Cobra Kai) was Chozen because he pretended to take it very seriously and had information you wanted.
Ah, thee fact Barnes pretends to fight is what got Chozen. I was trying to remember why Chozen comes flying in to fight Mike Barnes, but then he mistook the play fighting for real fighting and came in to defend. As promised.
This is why you don't leave Chozen in the car by himself. He got worried.
Chozen stomped on I think that was Barne's knee, ow.
Mike Barnes punches Daniel in a face and he lands into a chair.
No one ever successfully really stops a fight in this show and everyone who does usually get's hit/hurt. I think the best result was prom night where they all ended up in the pool and Stingray turned it into a pool party.
Great question:
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But also you shouldn't leave Chozen in the car for long in this heat. Not cool Daniel, you didn't even crack a window. He might be from Okinawa and you might not actually film in LA but, still summer in LA Chozen would be miserable in that car.
Johnny for 4 seasons, as well as pretty much everyone for 4 seasons:
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"If this is misunderstanding you better call ambulance." and the way Barnes looks at his guys all knocked out and bloodied on the back dock and then at Chozen who meets his gaze, and then like goes whoops, sorry and looks away, all my bad. Kudos to Yuji on those expressions that was great.
Welcome to the karate soap opera Barnes. Please make sure to include karate on all your insurance policies.
I don't know what Johnny is making, but it's kinda nice he's got his door open, so Miguel can just come in. Though he probably shouldn't because it's probably open due to the insecticide. Johnny doesn't care about himself being in that but he does care about Miggy.
Miggy's look around, sniff and then looking at Johnny horrified with a "What is that smell" 😂
Paint thinner or pesticide? Johnny you should not be in there.
Johnny thinks about telling Miguel he might have a baby sibling before realizing he doesn't actually know for sure and that he and Carmen should talk before saying it so immediately changes to "Don't worry about it, just making a few changes" Which seems to be building a lot of new random sharp edged furniture. Dude what are you even doing?
Johnny went grocery shopping and just filled his fridge full of milk. Pretty sure that's supposed to be a joke that he's bought milk to live in his fridge for 9 months. But I don't know how he could've been alive this long and not known that babies don't drink cow milk. But who knows. Maybe he got it for when the kids are over. Or even for himself.
Johnny got a new chair. It's now white and leather/faux leather looking. It used to be yellow and cloth. He also got a new couch. Black leather. I think well they couldn't have been kept quite the same after the pesticide.
There is something funny about Daniel and Chozen getting into a fight at a furniture store and Johnny also being at a furniture on the same day, not getting in a fight and just getting new furniture/running errands.
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Johnny....what does this even mean???? Omg.
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Johnny giving actual good advice here. "I've been there, how about the truth, we all get shit wrong sometimes. Some of us get it wrong a lot. If you own up to your mistakes you always have a shot at making things right. You don't have to have it all figured out. Just be honest with her. See where it goes from there"
Miguel here agreeing with me that that's some actual really good advice.
Johnny seems surprised and agrees.
Well they got Daniel an ice pack for his face. They all have ice packs.
Barnes tells Daniel about the shady attorney Silver had off the books. Barnes made them put TKK3 in writing, he was promised 50% of Cobra Kai.
Chozen relaxing into the tufted blue suede couch. Barnes goes into sales mode.
Chozen: How much?
Barnes: 1,200, but for you? 2,000
Those poor guys having to move Chozen's new couch. (Lol at realizing Johnny and Chozen bought couches on the same day, Chozen what are you going to do? Take it back to Okinawa with you later?) "Careful, don't get blood on couch" while both pillows are tucked under his arms.
Daniel leaving a voice mail to the attorney, just seems so unsafe after Terry's threat that morning.
Sam and Miguel meet to talk at Miyagi-do.
They've left the whole romeo and juliet/ west side story for like teen movie drama about breaking up before going to college and because you're trying to find yourself and it's hard to meet each others needs at the same time.
Miguel apologizes for leaving like that and everything back through to prom where he wasn't thinking of her or them as a couple.
Sam says she respects him taking the time to find himself and go on that journey and apologizes for being so wrapped up in the tournament.
Miggy's little happy smile until she says but.
I mean this is a fair ask, and I think this is very mature of her to be like hey, I need time to figure out who I am too.
Like this whole conversation is maybe heartbreaking but is very emotionally mature of both of them. They're talking, they're listening.
Sam says she needs a break and in tears that 'she's not okay right now'
Miguel holding it together because Sam already is struggling enough as is, crying as he walks away and dropping the $182 necklace onto the ground. The one that probably cost everything he had.
Oh wow, Johnny truly swapped out all his furniture. Even the eagle painting is now a sunset and he bought a plant. Dude did some interior decorating and it's...modern looking.
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Does he have more than one tool box, or did he lose his beaten up old metal red one?
He has 2 plants!
Lol, he said he baby-proofed the whole apartment today too, and try to stick your finger in a socket? Lost cause.
Aww he adjusted his headphones to fit around her stomach of his old Walkman, however it's so big that it pretty much goes 100% all the way around her to her back because she's maybe like I dunno a week pregnant?
Baby playlisit: Sabbath, Metallica, Dokken
Carmen votes Metallica
See, he really just had to get used to the idea here. His freak out was like 1 hour after learning about the possibility. He needed to do something physical, actionable, and think all day and he did.
Also the amount he got done in a single day after breakfast is impressive.
Encino Oaks Country club, new morning. Daniel likes to spend his mornings in there "Nothing like a good steam to start the day off right" His little yawn and stretch and Morning to whoever came in is kinda sweet.
Also Daniel fully wearing a robe in a steam room just seems like a fainting hazard.
I do like Silver coming in through the darkness and the smoke. Very villain move.
He's also more dressed for a steam room...aka not dressed.
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This is such a choice. It's literally Terry Silver sneaking up on Daniel somewhere he feels safe and confronting him somewhere where he's alone and no one else is around, essentially saying this was a bad move, I found out, I know how you found out about this person and then threatening Daniel.
Is the golf club the same as the country club, because if so that should've been a note that Silver had joined his country club. But they didn't show the name of the place beforehand. Like they usually do when they show Encino Oaks
"I told you not to play with fire" and then to make a point literally burns down Barnes's furniture store. That's truly hitting the nail on the head there. And Barnes's has been aware of everything for like five seconds, gave one tiny bit off information out and then lost his whole business. Good thing Chozen got his couch when he did.
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haxyr3 · 2 years
Word of the Day: мусоропровод
мусоропровод /ˌmusərəprɐˈvot/ noun, masculine -- garbage chute
В новом доме даже мусоропровод сиял чистотой. In the new house, even the garbage chute was shining clean.
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shearbolt · 1 year
A Trash Day Mini-Fic inspired by TS Sarada
The sun daring to shine feels like just another slap to an already-bruised face, but Sarada gets up just like she did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.
She pulls on her striped undershirt and red dress, ties the scarf around her neck, belts on her pouch with the frivolous little fringe, once so cute when she bought it now feeling childish, out of place.
But she has to pretend she lives in the same reality as everyone else, doesn’t she?
Her mother is already awake, reviewing medical charts at their kitchen table. Shikamaru didn’t call it house arrest, but not using the words didn’t make them any less accurate.
“Just until we clear you,” his mouth had said. Just until we make sure you’re not a traitor like your husband, his eyes had said.
Three weeks now. Kinda hard to investigate the Hokage’s murder when one of the village’s most talented information-gathering shinobi had disappeared with the perpetrator.
Supposed perpetrator. She knew Boruto didn’t do it, but it felt like she was the only one other than Sumire and the last time they’d seen each other was at the Hokage’s funeral, too afraid to say anything to one another. Too afraid to be heard. To be seen.
Sakura’s head pops up when she walks in the room, her face appearing as fresh and young as ever, her eyes weary and far away. “Do you mind taking the trash out after breakfast?”
“Yeah, sure!” Sarada tries to put on her best smile, the one that shouldn’t worry anyone. She grabs the bag.
“Sweetie, after breakfast,” her mother says, pointing at the rice cooker steaming on their counter.
“I just need some fresh air before I think of eating. I’ll be right back,” she says, grabbing the black plastic bag by the door and slipping outside.
She feels like she’s suffocating.
The air around her is thick with lies.
She shoves the bag into the hallway garbage chute and heads out into the early morning.
After Lord Hokage’s funeral, village life seemed to fossilize. Proof of existence without any life. Down the long street, all she sees are bags of garbage waiting to be picked up, not a soul in sight.
Early morning feels like the only time she can go outside. The whispers that started when her teammate and father disappeared seem to grow louder every day, exponential rumors.
There goes the Uchiha girl.
Crossed arms and eyes cast down, her heels click on the brick walkway, taking her past the taiyaki shop where she’ll never eat again despite her growling stomach.
She rubs her bare arms, wishing she’d grabbed a jacket.
But despite the chill, Sarada doesn’t turn back. Doesn’t stop. The shops and stores melt away as she moves into the residential area, real houses unlike the Uchiha’s apartment, their blinds still closed.
She doesn’t realize where she’s heading until she passes a familiar corner with a white fence, one she’d walked around a hundred times
Unlike the other houses on the street with their single bags of trash and neatly assorted recyclables, the Uzumaki residence’s curb is piled with bags, old furniture, baby toys that must have been stored in the attic.
It’d only been a week ago that she’d run into Hima at the grocery store, the brightness gone from her familiar blue eyes.
A bag of leaks, rice, and roasted pork hanging heavily from her hands, Hima had told her the news.
“He’s right that it’s too big for the two of us,” she said, looking down at the sidewalk. “And it’s not safe for me to be home alone so often. So, he wants me to go live with Aunt Hanabi and he’s going to clean out the house and get an apartment in Mitsuki’s complex.”
Sarada cooed sympathetically, a hand rubbing her shoulder. At list Hima, of all people, didn’t hate her. Not yet at least.
“Are you okay with that?”
The poor girl had lost her parents, her “adopted” brother, now her home?
“I…” Both hands grab onto the shopping bag, twisting it tightly. Had no one asked her before? “I just didn’t think Kawaki would ever want us to be apart,” she says at last.
As she looked down at the dark-haired girl, she wanted to scream.
No, HE’D never want to be away from you. Your BROTHER would never send you away. Why can’t you see? Why can no one see?
Suffocating. She was suffocating.
But she settled for pulling her into a hug, giving Sarada enough time to blink back her own tears.
She hadn’t thought of it much since then. Or she hadn’t WANTED to think about it much since then, one more wrong in a world where nothing was right. But here it is before her, undeniable.
No more Uzumaki home.
The place where she’d celebrated birthdays, slept when her mother worked late, picked up Boruto for training on so many mornings.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, the round house with its red roof had always felt like a real home to her. A place where there was always a mother in the kitchen, a father at work, other children to play with.
And even if no one else remembers those days, Sarada does. Her memories belong to her as much as her flesh and blood. A wave of possessiveness washes over her.
As sneakily as she can for someone who is both a ninja and an upset twelve-year-old girl, Sarada dashes across the road to the pile of trash. Her hands land on the black plastic warmed by the morning sun.
She pokes and prods the trash, trying to figure out what’s inside. What is Kawaki throwing out? What is he trying to hide? Finally settling on one that feels soft and squishy, Sarada picks at the knot in the bag and sticks her hand inside.
“Hey! Who’s out there?”
The voice forms ice in her veins. It’s the same voice that informed her she was going to die only weeks earlier. The same voice that everyone else now seems to trust.
On the second floor, a window slams shut.
Her fingers grab onto the fabric, the first thing she touches in the bag and then she runs as fast as her feet can carry her. She’s down the block, around the corner, and with her back pressed against the white fence before she finally looks down at the black fabric in her hands.
Black fabric.
She turns it over.
Pink stripes.
Red swirl on the back.
With a grateful sob, Sarada buries her face into one of Boruto’s jackets and inhales the familiar scent of Hinata’s laundry detergent.
For the first time in weeks, she feels as though she can breathe.
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
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I posted 5,272 times in 2022
345 posts created (7%)
4,927 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 99 of my posts in 2022
#henry cavill - 20 posts
#valentines ask - 12 posts
#chris evans - 7 posts
#henry cavill x reader - 7 posts
#henry cavill x you - 6 posts
#henry cavill smut - 6 posts
#chris evans x you - 5 posts
#chris evans smut - 5 posts
#chris evans x reader - 5 posts
#submission - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#those chips you find under the steak that have soaked up all the amazing flavours and are now drenched in mayo
I personally find this hilarious that i tag so few posts and the biggest one is about food lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Beast and the Beauty
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Summary: Life with your prim and proper boyfriend Humphrey is luxurious but boring, so you try and spice it up a little. However when he’s delayed at work one night and you end up getting locked out of your apartment, your neighbour Sy comes to your rescue and makes your evening a whole lot spicier.
Fandoms: Henry Cavill, Stardust Movie (modern day AU), Sandcastle Movie
Pairing: Syverson x Reader, Humphrey x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, cheating, dubious consent, morally grey situation, oral sex (female receiving), Oral Sex/Blowjob, Fingering, Sex Toys/Buttplug, Rimming, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Squirting, Cream Pie, Sloppy Seconds, Anal Play, Anal Creampie, hints at cuckolding.
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This is another story that i started months ago and had langished in writers block purgatory. Originally i had intentions of making this dom/sub, but that kept making me stumble. Instead this is simply rough sex with a dominant male. Female reader is fairly sassy and would not be considered a ‘sub’ generally. A/N 2: At one point i describe Sy wrapping his fingers into the readers hair. I kept this as un-descriptive as possible so to include as many different types of hair, only mentioned that its tugged at the roots, which i believe would work with any hairstyle with the exception of hair shorter than 2cm/1inch.
Beast and the Beauty
“Darling, i’m so sorry, but this could really advance my standing with the company, they’ve only just let me handle the big construction account”
You sighed at your boyfriend's words. You’d been looking forward to him coming over tonight, had bought the things to cook dinner and had prepared a few things to spice up the evening afterwards. But you knew he wanted to succeed and climb the corporate ladder, and going to ‘the club’ for drinks with the high flyers in corporate would get his foot in the door.
“Humph its fine, we can do it another night”
“Darling, you’re an absolute sweetheart. I’ll make it up to you”
You grinned; “You certainly will”
“Oooh” you heard people talking and calling out to him in the background; “I’ve got to go Darling, i’ll give you a call later”
“Okay, bye Humph”
The sound of men laughing in background and Humphrey muttering a goodbye was the last thing you heard before the line went dead. With a sigh you set your phone on the counter and wondered what to do with your evening. 
An hour later you’d rage cleaned your kitchen, vacuumed the rugs, and emptied the trash baskets, loading everything into one bag. With your music still playing through your earpods you took a deep breath and let the breeze from the open window cool your skin, before grabbing the trash bag and stepping out into the hallway to drop it down the garbage chute. Halfway down the hall as you hummed along to your playlist you felt the gust of wind followed by the loud bang and your heart sank; your apartment door had blown shut. With you on the wrong side of it. Dropping the bag you hurriedly patted down your tiny booty shorts like a dumbass, there weren’t even pockets in the tiny scrap of fabric, let alone had you remember to put anything in them. 
“Fuck” you cursed, looking down at your outfit. It was one you had specifically bought to tease Humphrey; booty shorts, cropped t-shirt, and over the knee socks, knowing it was super casual to his primped and proper button up shirts and chinos he always wore. With a sigh you knew what your only option was, so admitting defeat you grabbed the trash bag and shot it down the chute, before standing in front of your neighbours door, knocking with your knuckles. 
The door swung open and a rush of air wooshed past you, and it felt like the oxygen had been sucked from your lungs. Standing in the doorway pretty much blocking out all of the light spilling into the hallway from his apartment was your neighbour; Sy.
The brute of the man let a smile tug at the corner of his mouth, crossing his arms as he leant against the frame of the door;
“What do we have here then?”
“Hi… I was putting the trash out but the wind caught my door…”
“And now you’re stuck”
“Wearing that”
He paused, blatantly looking you up and down before you crossed your arms;
“You know what, forget it. I’ll go see Mrs Cooper downstairs”
Turning away you were stopped when a massive hand caught your arm;
“Hey, I'm sorry. You wanna come in?” turning back to him the cockyness was gone; “I promise i’ll even be nice”
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542 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Netflix and Chilled
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Summary: Living in a shared house, you do your best to keep your sexual desires a secret, especially from your attractive floor buddy Henry. But when the heating goes out and you’re both cold, surely watching a movie cuddled under the duvet wouldn’t lead to anything?
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Female Reader Henry is a inexperienced Dom, Reader is an experienced Sub.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Friends to Lovers, Oral, Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Anal Toys, cum play, body piercings.
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This originally started out as a Mikey x Reader story but then i got writers block. That was until i got one helpful comment in particular on AO3 and it inspired me to change it to RPF and make it Henry instead of a character. Thank you AO3 commenter!
Netflix and Chilled
Living in a shared house could be a pain sometimes, but once you got the right mix of people things seemed to flow nicely. The house itself was perfect, spread over a grand total of five stories, it was tall and narrow, a kitchen and living room on the entry level with a basement containing two bedrooms below. Above the shared area’s there were two more main levels each with two bedrooms and then an attic room. 
You had one of the basement rooms, sometimes a bit too cold in the winter. It however had its own access through a low doorway out beneath the stone stoop and steps of the front door, as did the other room in the basement that led into the garden at the rear. A small shared shower room was the bathroom for the basement, which your floor roommate kept relatively clean, although did have a tendency to leave body hair pretty much everywhere and didn’t know how to hang towels up to dry.
Ah yes, your floor-mate; Henry. Tall and skinny Henry, with a goofy smile and inappropriate jokes. Henry who went from job to job, never lasting long in each position from either getting fired or quitting. The only thing he did seem to stick to was his guitar practice, and many weekend mornings you were gradually woken to the soft strumming of his acoustic guitar. You’d made the ‘mistake’ of walking into his room one morning with a mug of tea for him as you’d heard him playing, almost spilling the contents when you’d seen that he was sitting there in just his boxers as he had been trying a particularly difficult chord whilst hungover. You’d made a hasty exit, apologising for not knocking. It was after that morning you could understand why the women that Henry brought home made so much noise; the guy was certainly packing some equipment in the underwear department. It was a few weeks later when most of the housemates were sat around the table for dinner did the subject get onto Henry’s conquests, and someone had teased him that it was a different girl each time and why he didn’t keep one around for longer than just a night. His reply was that they were ‘too vanilla’ for him which made everyone laugh, but the subject was then dropped.
You’d made no attempt to take part in that conversation, partly out of a well hidden jealousy, but also you didn’t want to get interrogated as your own tastes were considerably darker than anyone knew about. Occasionally you’d have your own conquests, but you always went back to their place so your housemates were none the wiser of your preferences. As far as they were concerned you were the one who liked fairy lights and fluffy pillows, completely unaware of your box of tricks you kept in the bottom drawer next to your bed. It was one of those tricks that had almost got you caught out that morning, just after you and Henry had returned from the supermarket where it had been your turn on the monthly rota to buy cleaning supplies and bathroom tissue for the whole house. Two of your other housemates had been loitering in the kitchen as you’d bent over to stash the laundry detergent into the low cupboards when one had let out a low whistle as your lower back had come into view from your low riding sweatpants and t-shirt;
“Gurrrl, no panties? Really getting into that relaxed weekend vibe…”
The other had laughed as you’d spun around and stood quickly, glaring at them and annoyed with yourself for almost revealing one of your secrets. Glaring at both of them you pulled your t-shirt up at the front, exposing the thin elastic band of your underwear;
“You two can just shut up”
You slammed the cupboard door shut and left the room, angry not only at them but also at yourself. You’d worked so hard to keep everything a secret, and there you were almost giving things away. Passing Henry in the hallway you stomped downstairs.
As he entered the kitchen Henry turned to his two housemates;
“What was that all about?”
As the two other guys stood up they shrugged;
“Dunno… when she bent over her sweats slipped down and you could see the top of her ass crack and Dave made a joke about going commando…”
“But she wasn't, she showed us the elastic to her panties when she turned around in a huff…”
Henry shrugged;
“Guys, you know she’s a private person. Take it easy on her, ok?”
“Yeah, whatever man. Think the cold it getting to everyone”
Henry turned and looked at the silent water heater in the corner of the kitchen;
“When is that getting fixed again? It's freezing in this house at the moment”
“Dunno… next week i think”
In your room you had rolled up a blanket and put it along the bottom of the outside door to try and prevent the cold from outside coming in through the gap, and switched on the small fan heater you’d had in case of emergencies. You planned on crawling under your duvet and watching movies, perhaps treating yourself to some personal time if the house went quiet. What you hadn’t expected was a quiet knock at the door;
“Only me” 
Henry. He was probably bored and tended to loiter when he didn’t have any plans. You didn’t mind but it just meant the personal time you’d considered would have to wait. Looking up you saw him entering your room with two steaming mugs piled high with whipped cream and marshmallows, the aroma of chocolate wafting on the chilled air of the room;
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576 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Heads up for non UK people: if your mutuals aren't online for the next couple of days, its because we have a HUGE Atlantic storm about to hit the entire country. Storm Eunice is due to make landfall 9am Friday Feb 18th, with sustained wind speeds of 80mph in the west of the country, and even 400+ miles inland, the storm will still be strong enough to obliterate urban areas and major cities with wind speeds of 70mph.
Unfortunately this storm arrives after a very rainy winter, plus a previous storm having hit the country just 48 hours earlier. Coincide with an early spring, trees already starting to bud and grow leaves, and soft earth meaning root networks have only sodden ground to try and cling to, its looking like hundreds of thousands of homes could be without power.
On the plus side, homes here are generally made of stone, brick, or concrete, or substantial solid wooden buildings. But pretty much every govt agency is warning against travelling apart from essential journeys only.
The last time we had a storm with wind speeds this high, it cut power to 70% of the country for 10 days (1987).
So, fingers crossed we're all still here come Sunday.
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894 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
By The Waning Crescent Moon
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Summary: As an Omega you know you need to get home before your Heat starts, but when your car breaks down in the woods you need to seek refuge somewhere safe... surely a Convent will be the best place? Little do you know the nuns have long since left, only to be replaced by the worst possible thing; a pack of Werewolves. Even worse, its a full moon. Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sand Castle - Movie.
Wordcount: 4949
Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Syverson x Omega Female reader (no race or body type specified)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Unprotected Sex, Desecration of Religious artefacts, Knotting, Werewolf Sex, Monsterfucking, Unplanned Pregnancy, ABO Dynamics
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This story has been stuck in WIP hell for a couple of months, i originally got psyched to write an entire werewolf gangbang, but then all the bullshit in the USA happened and yeah, forced pregnancy wasn’t at the forefront of everyone’s to do list, even in fanfic. Furthermore the wolf gang was originally going to be a biker gang, but another amazing writer @sillyrabbit81​ has since launched a truly amazing biker gang reverse harem fic, i decided to shelve that idea and instead sit on the original thought of werewolves for a while. I then had inspiration to make this a Syverson story, so here we go. The Were sex scene is heavily inspired by the graveyard scene between Lucy and Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula movie, which in my opinion is one of the greatest creature feature/monsterfucking movies in the history of cinema.
By the Waning Crescent Moon
You waited at the stop light, the remote intersection of two highways high up in the hills of logging country. It was dusk, yet the sky was hidden behind obsidian clouds, heavy rain systems waiting to release their downpours in sporadic outbursts. Despite the cold rain dulling the summer evening, you were burning up. You’d stopped at the last gas station and had stocked up on a huge slush drink and a popsicle, but neither had done anything to quell the growing warmth within your body. Sat in your flimsy sundress you were at least grateful that in a moment of optimism that morning you’d dressed for good weather, even if you’d spent the day wrapped in the cardigan you’d found on the back seat. However now as you felt a droplet of sweat make its way down your neck and cleavage, you cursed and opened the window, grateful for the cool damp air against your skin.
The red light finally changed and you muttered under your breath to yourself as you pushed your old Nissan into gear;
“C’mon, lets get home” you said to no-one except yourself.
The highway grew narrow as it entered the woods, just a single lane in each direction, tall cedar trees closing in on both sides. The rain wasn’t as heavy beneath the thick canopy above you, instead there were wisps of mist clinging to the roadway’s edge. 
As you continued along you felt the first pang of pain in your stomach, a cramp that grew with intensity like an old lightbulb trying to illuminate but suddenly extinguishing.
“Oh fuck…” you cursed, resting your hand on your stomach as you rubbed to ease the ache. You drove on cautiously, ignoring the rattle that was emanating from the engine, your mind elsewhere. You had only finished your last period a little over a week ago so it wasn’t that. You could feel another cramp starting to build, your concentration far from the road. That was more than likely the reason you didn’t notice the pothole, the car shook and the suspension made a deafening thunk as you hit the flooded crater without pause. With a scream you pulled your full attention back to the road, ignoring the cramp pulling at your gut as you struggled to keep the car on the road, slowing gradually until you were able to pause. The sudden understanding hit your mind as the realisation of what was happening registered. You scrambled for your phone, opening the calendar and scrolling back to the cold winter months. 
A cold chill ran down your back like icy fingers against your spine. Six months. Almost to the day. Six months since your last heat.
“Shit fuck FUCK” you shouted at the rain splattered windows. How could you have missed it? As another cramp hit your stomach you curled over and rested your head against the steering wheel, at which moment your phone chimed. Peering out of one eye you looked at the screen and the reminder that had just popped up;
*Heat starting soon!!!*
“Yes, THANK YOU. 24 hours too late”
As an unmated Omega you set yourself reminders for when your heat was due, coming every six months you generally made arrangements to work from home, and ensure you loaded your purse with suppressants and painkillers so to deal with the build up. It would seem this time however you hadn’t set the reminder early enough, as you had neither medication with you, but would also explain the hot sweats and the reason you’d woken up that morning tangled in the sheets after dreaming of faceless intimacy. 
With a sigh you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, before peering out of the windshield at the dark and twisting road. Engaging first gear you set off but were immediately reminded that something terminal had happened when you’d hit the hole in the asphalt, your car now leaning on the kerbside. For a moment you considered calling for a tow truck, but then the rapidly failing rational side of your brain reminded you that the truck would likely be driven by a man, and the last thing you needed when you were about to come into heat was to risk being stuck with an Alpha you didn’t know. No, you needed to try and limp your car home, at least close enough to town that you could call your roommate to come help, she’d know exactly what to do.  You made it a good couple of miles at a slow pace, the road straight and gently downhill, until a hairpin bend meant you had to sharply turn the wheel. Something loudly went ‘twang’ like a spring being violently recoiled. It was quickly followed by the sound of hissing air, and the car dropped even further on the kerbside. The tell-tale thud-thud-thud of a flat tyre could be heard as you freewheeled to the side of the road, before coming to a stop on the gravel side of the highway.
You took a deep breath and let out a scream, yelling at the windshield, before your stomach cramps hit back again. They were getting closer together and you knew you needed help. Checking your phone hopefully you were still disappointed when you saw that there was still no service, more than likely due to a combination of location and the bad weather. With a sigh you stared out of the windshield and you noticed a sign on a wall;
“The Sisters of St Augustus’ Refuge” you paused, the synapses in your brain firing and finally connecting; “A CONVENT! That’s just women!”
Climbing out of your car you grabbed your purse and cardigan, holding the latter over your head in a vain attempt to keep the worst of the rain off as you started to trot up the long driveway towards the building that loomed on the horizon. You failed to notice the other sign that lay on the ground, one put up by the real estate company handling the sale of the building but has since fallen.
The driveway was considerably longer than you anticipated, and by the time you were halfway your pace had slowed, your cramps now even worse. The large wooden doors of the convent came into view as you staggered closer, the rain and sweat mixing and running into your eyes, blurring your vision. You stumbled, your no longer white Converses catching on a pebble, righting yourself before you fell flat on your face. Another two steps and another pebble, you were falling when suddenly a pair of arms caught you, the dark robes fluttering in the storm as you blacked out.
Sy sat back in his chair, his boots resting on the large table as he picked at his nails with one long claw, being able to control the change to his advantage. Walter was pacing the room, pausing to glare at the clock on the wall before returning to pacing. Sy let out a small sigh, the entire pack was antsy, anxious and ready for the turn of the full moon, however this summer storm obscuring its silver rays was turning the pack into an angry mess. August had wisely disappeared into the depths of the building and Sy was thankful for that, he and Walter would always argue over the smallest thing. Sy also glanced at the clock, his stomach growling;
“Where is Mikey with that takeout?” he muttered to himself.
A sudden increase in background noise caused both Sy and Walter to pause and look up, their nostrils flaring. August entered the room from the door that led to the private quarters, just as the large double doors to the chapel opened. The two youngest members of the pack came bustling in, Will holding the doors open as Mikey staggered along, his long black duster raincoat still dripping with rain, a now soaked bag of takeout hanging from one hand, but what caught everyone’s attention was what else he was carrying; a young woman.
The room fell into an eerie silence as Mikey stood still, waiting to gauge the reaction from the rest of the pack;
See the full post
951 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
On Your Knees
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Summary: As general maid for 221 Baker Street, you assist most of the residents. However on one quiet night when most of them are out, only one resident returns to his home... a little worse for wear. He thanks you in the easiest way possible.
Fandoms: Enola Holmes 2, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, Smut, NSFW, Drunk Sherlock, Oral Sex (Female Receiving).
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Wordcount: 1854
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
On Your Knees
The cold wind rattled the fragile glass in the frame, a chill advancing into your room even further as the dark night continued. The building of 221 Baker Street was colder than usual, most of the apartments empty for the night due to various parties and festive events happening this time of year meaning the tenants wouldn’t be back until the morning. 
As the scullery maid of 221 Baker Street you were in and out most of the apartments each day, tending to the fireplaces and delivering meals if required. The housekeeper who supervised you telling you where to go and what to do wasn’t around either, though her instruction was rarely needed anymore, you knew the routines of all of the tenants and could read the calendar hung in the kitchen showing who was home and who wasn’t.
At that moment the wind rushed against the window again and you pulled your dressing gown further around your body, shivering beneath your quilt. Glancing at your own laundry you’d hand washed that evening, your bloomers hung on the wooden airer where the chimney breast rose through the building. With every pair you owned doing little to dry in the cold attic room, you cursed your schedule for not giving you time to do it earlier in the day when the sun had been coming through the window. Now you just had your thin nightgown and woollen stockings to keep you warm beneath your dressing gown.
You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of movement in the hallway far below your room. Freezing you wracked your brain to try to remember if any of the tenants were due back tonight, but none were. Through the eerie quiet of the house there was another bump and a quiet curse. You reached for the large floor brush that still sat beside the door to your room with its dustpan, lifting the brush as a weapon as you opened the door and carefully stepped out onto the old floorboards to peer down through the stairwell. Clinging to your brush you leant forwards over the bannister and peered through the darkness, a single lamp in the hall four floors down barely illuminating the entryway before you suddenly saw a shadow move. Letting out a small gasp you clamped your hand over your mouth as you watched, but that tension evaporated when you recognised the wide shoulders and curly dark hair of the tenant in apartment B;
“Detective Holmes!” you called out, the figure below swivelling rapidly before spinning and looking up.
“Ah. There you are…” a soft hiccup followed as he swayed on his feet.
“I’ll be right down Sir”
Just last week Mr Holmes’ sister helped him into his apartment having had too many drinks at the pub, and it would seem he’d done the same again tonight. Padding on stocking clad feet you descended the stairs quickly, soon arriving in the hallway as Mr Holmes swayed a little on his feet;
“Can i help you to your apartment Sir?”
“Oh that would be *hiccup* wonderful Darling”
Hooking your arm around his back and pulling his own arm over your shoulders, you started to help him up the stairs one at a time, before arriving at his apartment. 
“I have a… I have my… dammit” Mr Holmes cursed as he fumbled for his key, and as you glanced down you could see that the bunch of keys in his pocket had caught on the fabric and were stuck. Without even thinking you batted his hand away and slid your much smaller hand into his pocket, moving the keys around until they were no longer snagged on the fabric. You tried not to think of the heat radiating from Mr Holmes thigh, barely separated from your touch by a thin layer of cotton, nor the firm muscle beneath the fabric that flexed as your delicate fingers brushed against it. He answered your silent thoughts with a grunt, before you pulled the keys out and unlocked the door, all whilst he had his arm around your shoulder.
His body was firm and heavy, a welcome weight against your cold frame, and as he swayed you did so too, before he finally pulled his arm free of your shoulders and started to shuck off his coat and scarf, struggling as he went about the task.
“Mr Holmes, Sir, please let me help…”
He swung around, shrugging his shoulders, his coat now held on his arms around his elbows, his wide shoulders only accentuated by the white shirt and silk waistcoat that clung to his torso. Whilst distracted you didn’t spot his flailing, one stray arm of his coat socking you around the chin, and although not hurting you, caught you by surprise and knocked you back where you lost your footing and fell on your bottom. 
“Ta-da! Done it!” he proclaimed proudly, before spinning around; “Where did you…?”
Climbing to your feet you took the bundle of coat from the floor;
“Ah, there you are Darling, didn’t get you did i?”
“Just a little Mr Holmes. Let me hang this up for you”
As you hung the coat onto the hook near the door you heard a gasp and a soft thud, turning to see Sherlock on his knees before you;
“Mr Holmes!”
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1,060 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
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