#muse momo yaoyarozu
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mikanlardyclinic · 5 months ago
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momo being an incredibly unaware feeder to her friends by just not caring about expenses when going out to eat with them.. Or having their every need covered at the house being too nice has side effects on her friends it seems.. Oh well maybe ochako wants another plate of mochi? Im sure the chefs have it ready already! (she's been stuffed with so much mochi is almost overflowing form her maw..)
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mikanlardyclinic · 1 month ago
"w..well yes my quirk works with lipids so I'm gonna try to gain a bit of weight to practice creating something massive"
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A blush forming on the raven haired heroine she knew this could seem like she just wanted to gorge herself like a pig.. But she had a real reason to order so much.. Or atleast that's what she told herself, she grabbed her own belly for a second spacing out for a bit before she heard miss ohara mention her friends..
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"oh yes, they recommended me this place a lot, they said how relaxing the hotel was they didn't even wanna leave their rooms! Oh and they mentioned your services where amazing as well mari-san. But i must ask mari-san? Is the signal good in here? When they called me i had hard time understanding what they said.."
"hello?.. I don't mean to interrupt but.. O believe i had a reservation? Oh and if you don't mind could you send all of the customer service menu to my room please?"
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The chubby girl Momo yaoyorozu or creaty as she was known more for the public eye ringed the bell of the reception of the ohara hotel a little blush on her face as she ordered everything she could.. Her friends recommended her to take a break after working herself non stop but.. She didn't quite want to slow down so she would take it easy and train a bit but where would she get enough lipids to do so?.. Well that's when she heard of the oh so wonderful ohara hotel, she was a tad bit surprised seeing other residents wheezing while waddling to check out.. And.. How taut their guts were.. She swore she heard a fee creaks when another resident shoved a snack down her throat..
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"i believe i had payed full expenses for nonstop service.. Someone called Mari was supposed to help me with that? I will try not to really on her as much but if necessary I'll be counting on her assistance"
The tubby voluptuous heroine was checking everything once again she didn't mean to be a bother after all she knew how tired everyone else must be it was a big hotel.. But having someone to help her push her limits could be helpful in the long run, she let go of Her bags and suitcase waiting for service they were quite light as she expected to gain some pounds the only thing she carried was her hero outfit a few clothes and the essentials.. Anything else she would try to make herself.
"Ordering everything off the menu and ensuring non-stop catering from minute one~? Someone's got goals to achieve, I see...~"
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The blonde would step in from behind Momo with a coy grin. "Ms. Momo Yaoyorozu-san, yes~? Welcome to our special branch of Ohara Hotels and Resorts~ Ochakocchi and Tsucchi have told me just sooo much about you~"
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heterochromatica · 4 years ago
Mom, I DID say which. I said YOUR prince, after all.
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The raven haired knight chuckled again. “Well I’m a aspiring knight of the royal guard, technically they are all my princes and my princess and the royal family I have sworn to protect with my life. And so I will.” she smiled gently at the grey faced stranger. 
“But you’re right. He is my prince and-” onyx eyes darting around, making sure no one was eavesdropping, leaning closer to the kind soul, knowing how dangerous the words on her mind could with the wrong people. Treason could cost the young heiress her head. She would never be as foolish as to outright exclaim or admit any of the thoughts brewing up in the back of her mind, but a gentle and vaguely worded hint should be enough. 
“I would support him any time if he was to.. you know.. rise.” 
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trashfor-imagines · 5 years ago
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If There’s Light There’s Hope | 4
Bakugou x Fem!Reader (BNHA)
Summary: U.A. High School was your dream. You wanted to save people. You never expected how wild your journey would be and you certainly never expected a hot headed boy to play as large of a role as he would. Warnings: Swearing, angst.
[1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7]
That question echoed through your mind. Why had you tried to save him? The easiest answer was wanting a rematch. It was clearly more than that with how you reacted to him. Should you tell him a half truth? Should you say anything at all? Honesty was the best policy though. You just had to figure out how to use words to describe your feelings. Your face was on fire, your head downcast to stare at your carpet as you managed your inner turmoil. Your palms felt like they were on fire against his chest. Why wouldn’t he just let go of your hands?
Taking a deep breath, you let it all out. Every feeling you had kept to yourself came tumbling from your lips. “The easiest answer is you still owe me real fight, but I... That’s not all.... I-I couldn’t not fight for you. It’s selfish, but... I knew that if those villains succeeded, I’d lose out on so much. If you became a villain... I’d lose out on getting to know you and fighting along side you. You’d be my enemy then. And then I realized that wasn’t you. You weren’t someone easily swayed. You’re meant to be a Pro-Hero; I can just feel it. That’s when I realized if I didn’t try to save you I’d be... The League would have... You’d be... It’d be the end to so many things that could have happened!”
Arms wrapped tightly around you as your face was pressed to his chest, breaking you from your spiraling thoughts of his could-have-been death.
“After tonight, you won’t have to cry because of me, (Y/N). And if anything makes you want to cry you better tell me and I’ll kick its ass. You got that?” His hold around you tightened soothingly. “So don’t cry anymore, ok?”
You hadn’t realized your body trembling, or the tears pooling down your face as you confessed your feelings through sobs. This continued a bit longer until you’d cried your fair share, your body tired from that emotional release. He helped you to your feet and put you to bed right after.
“We’ll talk later,” he said as he left, glancing back before closing your door.
There were no warnings given to keep your mouth shut about tonight, or expressions that he’d kill you if you told anyone what was said or done. You realized he trusted you and that was enough to leave a smile on your face as you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up late and found yourself rushing to get ready. It took forever to tame the puffiness around your eyes from crying. You meant to pack your lunch after studying last night, but that clearly didn’t happen. Part of you was thankful for waking up late. It stopped you from overthinking about every little thing from last night. Glancing at your watch, you shoved a slice of plain white bread into your mouth and quickly rushed out the 1-A dorm, passing some students from other classes who seemed to be committed to being late.
As you exited the building you were suddenly yanked back by a hand on your wrist, stopping you. Turning back, you felt your face flush. Bakugou pushed himself off the wall, his hand slipping down from your wrist to hold your hand, sending a sensation up your arm and throughout the rest of your body.
“Took you long enough.”
It was silent between the two of you as you walked to class, your eyes downcast trying to ignore your blushing cheeks. Glancing up, you noticed several students staring at you and whispering. You felt yourself go stiff, becoming extremely self conscious.
Bakugou squeezed your hand once and spoke confidently as he looked ahead with his head held high. “Just relax. If you don’t want this you can let go at any time.”
Thoughts raced as you analyzed his words. You gave his hand a small squeeze in return, smiling faintly. Any worries or doubts left you by the time you made the five minute walk to campus. It wasn’t until you walked into class, still holding hands, did you suddenly feel the weight of the situation, noticing everyone’s shocked and surprised expressions. Mineta and Kaminari seemed full out devastated. Bakugou walked you to your seat before walking back to his own, just in time for Eraserhead to begin homeroom. You used to hate sitting alone at the very back of class, but now you were thankful, able to avoid almost everyone’s gaze. It was short lived, however, when you watched in horror as Eraserhead merely told the class to keep it down and he’d see you all again for P.E. at the end of the day, zipping himself up in a sleeping bag and sliding under the teacher’s desk.
As if on queue, the girls quickly swarmed, eyes bright and shiny, expecting you to speak. Just past Yaoyarozu and through Hagakure, you caught a glimpse of Kirishima and Kaminari trying to get Bakugou to talk, the other boys keeping enough distance so that they could hopefully eavesdrop.
“Momo was right!” Hagakure whispered excited.
“Of course I was! It was really just a guess though,” Yaoyarozu admitted smiling.
Ashido leaned in closely, pouting, making you sit up straighter to avoid your heads from colliding. “But didn’t you call us crazy?”
“I always thought you and Todoroki might have made a great match,” Uraraka wondered aloud, the girls agreeing in unison. “I mean, you two have probably spent the most time together.”
“The two boys are very different aren’t they,” Yaoyarozu mused. “What’s Bakugou like as a boyfriend?”
“Hey what’s with that twinkle in your eye?” you questioned her, your face lighting up for what felt like the hundredth time in the past 24 hours. “Look I... Todoroki’s just a friend and I think it’s pretty obvious he’s got things other than dating on his mind. As far as Bakugou, I’m not even sure if we’re dating. He just held my hand and walked me to school this morning. If you want to know what we are you should ask him, then come back and tell me so I know too.”
The girls’ expressions fell, disappointed in the lack of juicy gossip and possibly pitying you.
“It’s going to be ok (Y/N).” Jirou offered encouraging words before the girls slowly went back to their desks, Yaoyarozu following them to chat a bit more.
Asui turned to Uraraka, “I was really hoping for a romantic story.”
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, trying to stop the burn in your cheeks. Opening your eyes, your gaze fell onto Bakugou who had shifted to sit sideways in his seat. Though he faced straight ahead, his eyes were focused on you. You were positive your face was stained red now as you offered a smile that was more shy than confident.
When lunch time came around, you nervously caught up with the girls. They didn’t bother to pester you about Bakugou anymore between class changes so you weren’t sure if they were disinterested in you now.
“Hey girls. I didn’t pack my lunch today. Could I join you?”
“Of course (Y/N)!” Asui cheered. “Let’s hurry so we can sit at the same table.”
Lunch was more fun than you expected and you could definitely see yourself hanging out with the girls more often. It had been a while since you'd smiled and laughed so much. You left lunch early with the girls to head back to class, your conversations filled with jokes and laughter. This unknown weight you’d been carrying felt lifted off your shoulders and you felt your normal self again, confident and unshaken. Ever since encountering those villains at training camp, you lost your confidence and knew you’d been a fraction of your true self. Honestly, boys had never been a problem for you to navigate before. You had never been as shy as you were now dealing with Bakugou and his attention, but now, with your renewed sense of confidence, you were determined to be less awkward and more you.
“Oooh! (Y/N), looks like someone’s waiting on you,” Ashido teased as the girls shuffled past Bakugou and into the classroom, leaving you in the hallway. He stood there leaning against the wall, arms crossed.
Hands clasped together, you stood in front of him, smiling. “I heard you’re waiting for someone.”
He scoffed, tilting his head to the side, a smirk making its way to his face. “Yeah, my girlfriend.”
Raising a brow, you felt your heart flutter. “Who’s the lucky lady?”
“Don’t be an idiot.” Reaching forward he grabbed your school blazer, pulling you forward into his arms.
“Who says she even wants to be your girlfriend anyway? Did you even ask her? Or did you think holding her hand this morning was all you had to do?” you replied, attempting to slip from his grasp. He easily grabbed the back of your blazer’s collar, pulling you back to him.
“You want me to lay it out? I will,” he spoke seriously. “I know what I want so if I have to outright ask you it’s not a problem.”
His words were sure and there wasn’t any doubt. You smiled at his confidence and honesty. “As my boyfriend, will you walk me back to the dorms after school?”
Another hour and the class headed to the locker rooms to change into your gym uniforms. When you all arrived to the U.S.J., Aizawa began explaining what was going to happen next.
“Okay everyone. All of you tie a red ribbon to one of your limbs,” he instructed, motioning to the box of red ribbons beside him. “The goal of today’s training is to protect that ribbon you just put on. If your ribbon gets stolen, you’re out.”
Mineta raised his hand. “Who are we playing against?”
“Here come your opponents now.”
The doors opened and class 1-B entered in behind Vlad King wearing blue ribbons; the Pro-Hero smirked. “You kids ready for some tag?”
1-A quickly tied on red ribbons and were ready to go, letting out cheers.
“Finally something fun!” Kirishima exclaimed, punching into his palm.
“1-B is actively hunting 1-A. If there’s an encounter and someone from 1-A manages to grab 1-B’s blue ribbon, you’ll get bonus points on your second term finals. Alright you guys better split up. You have free reign to all of the disaster zones. Even though you should be able to handle it, simulations have been disabled as an extra safety precaution. Losers write a five page essay on evading enemies,” Aizawa droned, his eyes suddenly narrowing, “And my class should keep in mind that I do not want to grade essays.”
There was a moment of silence before everyone broke out into a run, splitting up. Bakugou threw you over his shoulder before using his quirk to propel the two of you toward the mountain zone, heading toward the top. Setting you down he smirked, proud of himself. Arms crossed over your chest, you gave him a deadpan stare before punching him in the shoulder.
“What was that for?!” he yelled, surprised.
“It’s going to take forever for someone to find us now,” you pouted, hoping you’d see action sooner than later.
He growled stalking down the mountain. “Fine. Then let’s go find one of those 1-B weaklings.”
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, following right behind him. Sure, he had his rough exterior, but it was easy to see that he was the type to express himself through actions.
“What’s so funny?” he grumbled.
Smiling wider you skipped forward and closed the gap between you two, wrapping your arms around his bare upper arm. “Let’s just go kick some 1-B butt.”
It took two hours before the game finally ended. You’d gotten some cuts and bruises, but managed to keep your ribbon safe. Bakugou, however, was another story. His ribbon had gotten shredded and both teachers agreed he was out. He was so pissed he ended up blasting Monoma in the face and earned Sunday detention. Yikes.
Class 1-A won after Sero taped up and trapped the last two 1-B students, allowing you and Hagakure to steal their blue ribbons; you managed to grab 4 ribbons on your own. The last of you standing were yourself, Sero, Hagakure, Jirou, Shoji, Ojiro, and surprisingly Aoyama. The class was pretty sure there had been bets placed between Aizawa and Vlad King because even though 1-A won, Aizawa was pissed, yelling about how everyone who lost their ribbon had to write a page on why they lost.
Heading back to the locker room, you took a shower, hissing as the soap and water touched your cuts and bruises. You frowned at the injuries. Tetsutetsu had been your toughest opponent. You were lucky when Kirishima appeared when he did. The two of them took each other out simultaneously. Changing back into your uniform, you smiled at seeing Bakugou waiting for you. He carried your bag and walked with you to the dorms.
“You feel ok?” he asked, his voice low.
“I’m sore, but I’ll be fine. Tetsutetsu really got me when I was distracted,” you waved it off.
“Your leg’s bleeding, idiot,” he deadpanned. Glancing down, you cursed, seeing a thin trail of blood running from just above your knee and down the side of your calf. “I’ve got bandaids in my room. Come on.”
“Bakugou, I’m bleeding on my uniform. Let me grab something to change into first.”
“It’s fine, I’ll give you something,” he dismissed, pulling you towards the boy’s side and to his room.
After seeing the rooms of the other boys - minus Mineta’s - you never expected the scene before you. His room was relatively normal. His bed was pushed against the right side with blue, black, and white sheets and pillows, an electric fan at the foot of it. There was a dark blue rug on the floor. To the left was a desk and dresser with books and other knickknacks lying on top of the surfaces. On the walls were a few posters of the top 10 heroes, a rock band, and a calendar. It impressed you how spotless it was; you expected at least a few items of clothing lying around, but even his bed was neatly made.
“Have a seat on the bed.” He went over to his closet and pulled out a first aid kit before dragging over his computer chair and sitting. You managed to get blood on your shirt from cuts on your shoulder and back that hadn’t completely stopped as well as a stain on the edge of your skirt. Fingers crossed you could wash it out. He tended to the easier cuts on your hands and legs first. It was a bit sloppy, but it made you smile at how much effort he put into not doing an awful job. A faint blush reached his cheeks as he stared at the bloodstain below your collar.
“If you take care of my back, I can get this one,” you offered. He didn’t say anything, avoiding eye contact. You turned around on his bed, legs crisscrossed. Pulling your shirt up, you exposed your backside and shoulders to him. As his fingers gently touched your skin, your own blush creeped up on you. You stared at the poster on his wall, studying the faces of the heroes.
“I’ve got this stuff for bruises if you want. You’ve got a nasty one on your back,” he commented.
“Yeah sure,” you said, a bit absent minded. As his fingers touched your skin, you shivered, tightening your grip on your blouse.
“There, done,” he muttered. Getting up he rifled through his drawers for a shirt and shorts, tossing them beside you. “I’ll be outside if you want to change.”
Turning around, you watched as he walked outside and shut the door. You quickly made work of your clothes, cleaning up the cut on your chest and sticking on a bandaid. You used the cream he left out for your bruises, rubbing it in well to the discolored skin. Rolling the waistband of his black shorts so the length was considerably shorter, you slipped on his grey shirt, letting it swallow you up. The image of the lit bomb printed on the front made you smile. A fuse lit bomb was a pretty good description of how he wanted others to see him.
Opening the door, you smiled at him brightly. “Thanks for the clothes. I’ll get them back to you later.”
“Keep them,” he spoke simply, avoiding eye contact.
“Sure,” you nodded, tucking a stray strand behind your ear. “Well, I’m going to do laundry then get some studying done, so... See you at dinner later?”
“Yeah.” He walked past you and back into his room, pausing to add, “Wear my clothes though.”
It was cute, watching him try to keep up his casual and stoic act. Heading down to the laundry, you applied some stain remover before going to your room. Your phone went off. Apparently the girls were having a study group in a few minutes and they invited you. Getting your things, you joined the girls who greeted you happily and made room around the coffee table for you.
Things were drastically looking up. You had friends, even a boyfriend, had done quite well in a training class, gotten your provisional license, interned under Endeavor, and genuinely felt happy. For a while longer, you hoped you could hold onto this feeling.
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mikanlardyclinic · 1 month ago
Extreme slob incoming! As well as well the idea of a gal coated in sponsorship stickers and all that
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Momo starting with a small fast food sponsorship due to mei being kinda overworked with a lot of other heroes so momo doesn't wanna add to that burden.. She slowly starts getting hooked on it her physical condition and toned body slowly being buried in lard even as she tries going on patrol almost everyday to compensate.. She starts eating their products more and more, other corporations approach her as her hero outfit is soon filled with stickers for different companies front and back.. More and more garbage food entering her system getting hooked on it all.. She makes extra pouches filled with the garbage food as she slowly appears less and less. Mobility impaired health damaged.. She's a lardy manure and support items factory as her own agency closes and she becomes a part of mei's support item company~who is oh so pleased to acceot all their sponsorships~ after all she needs some pieces only momo can produce~ sometimes mei hires some people to feed momo since she's mostly busy with her own inventions (and a feeding chute for momo the product is paid for and the delivery guy only has to pick up their money on their way out.. But they never come back.. Mei assumes they just got disgusted and stole the food so she goes and feeds momo manually later even as her gut looks stuffed to the brim and about to burst.. Red bumps on some sides but she needs some heavy pieces soon so she needs to be sure momo is filled to make them~ not seeing the mound of manure with some pale bones sticking out.. A few half digested shirts escaping her lips.. With a belch before a temporary feeding tube goes past her lips.. She chugs all the same, her health failing her due to her inmense size seeing medical equipment slowly surround her body her gluttony taking its toll.. Some of the equipment she made herself with some masisve strain to her poor heart..
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Now as for Mei she has taken some of the sponsorship food as brain snacks in the meantime not taking too much mind to her portions as she works without end.. She is also somewhat inmune to the stench of her new coworker! Well she somehow reeks as much as her! (mei has not taken a shower since she graduated from UA at this point.. Her friends are gonna need a massive hose to clean her greasy tubby body)
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mikanlardyclinic · 1 month ago
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Only armor that fits her lardy body.. (and even then.. Its kinda tight.. Gonna burst one of these days..)
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Still.. Fits better and is more recilient than her old outfit..
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mikanlardyclinic · 11 months ago
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Remember to fatten up your friends
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mikanlardyclinic · 4 months ago
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Has watched a few of her "babies" literally ripped to shreds or crushed before they even leave her lab
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Main culprit.. Too embarrassed to say anything but apologises profusely next time she sees mei..
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"ribbit.. Sorry been snacking in between patrols.." (her suit split completly by the middle.. And it started tearing in the back)
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"Heeeeyy!! I know i already asked ya for super stretchy stuff buut.. Is there any way you can increase it's acidic resistance?.." (gets too sweaty during patrols.. Her pink moons already got flashed like twice..
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"t..thank you very much hatsume-san.. I'll be happy to provide any materials you need for the necessary fixes on my her costume.." there's loads of skin to cover.. Plus that belly wheel could always use some increase to its weight limit..
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mikanlardyclinic · 7 months ago
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(somehow smells better than all of the class A gals..)
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mikanlardyclinic · 8 months ago
Mina keeping Momo fed and fat as quirk training only to realize after shoving more food into her mouth that she's not swallowing and that her heart gave out an hour ago tho
Slop dribbling down momo's face mouth overflowing with garbage food, glassy soulless eyes looking up as her body finally gave up on her~ but mina Hasn't noticed just shoving more garbage down her friends throat
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"come on yaomomo! You asked for my help so we ain't stopping until you finish it all! U..umm momo?.. Hey.. Say something come on! I..im just kidding we can stop you know?.."
Mina puts her ear on momo's chest normally even under all the lard encompassing it you could hear a weak irregular beat.. But mina could only hear the groans of an over engorged abused body~
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"oh crud d..dont worry it's gonna be okay I'm gonna go get denki! J..just don't die okay!"
The flabby pink heroine waddled out of momo's room running trying to get denki to try and restart her heart with a strong shock but not realising momo has been gone for a while~
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mikanlardyclinic · 8 months ago
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"These UA tests are a bit weird.. But i suppose psychic attacks are possible i wonder... what could they mean by Internal issues?.."
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"T..they aren't that big right?.."
"T..THAT'S Not true i..I've been dieting this whole time! N..not my fault mt lardy's food is so good.."
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mikanlardyclinic · 3 months ago
You know what fuck you
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mikanlardyclinic · 10 months ago
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Internship at fat gums agency?.. This will definitely not backfire or go wrong in any way.. On unrelated news.. Momo has placed a request to mei to have her costume resized..
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mikanlardyclinic · 1 year ago
Delivery for Miss Momo? I'm here to deliver the several barrels of heavy cream for the reason being "Need it for reasons"...
I won't question it, but the order is here.
"a..ah thanks! I was huff.. Running low on my training shakes.. It's already payed for and i left a hefty tip.. Just please don't tell anyone you saw me.."
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The massive heroine weaved herself up.. She was sweaty covered in stain and her face covered in heavy cream and lard.. She told herself this training was necessary what if ahe ran out of lipids in an emergency?!.. But now?.. Now she doesn't even use those lipids.. She probably forgot how to even use her quirk..
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mikanlardyclinic · 1 year ago
Brain rot won so one last muse list new muses will be added later add by editing it later
The biggest heroine! And lard and takoyaki addict yu takeyamaa!!
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"Ulp ulp ulp ulp.. I'm n..not r.. Ready yet.... S..shou hungry..."
The lard gravity balloon
URAVITY! (Ochako uraraka)
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"h..huh?.. Y..you're not the delivery b..boy WHERE EM I?.. W..wheres my food?! Hnngh! Ahh... Ahh.. Gotta get up.. C..come on!"
Suddenly a light pink light covered her body as she slowly lifted herself off the bed.. Before crashing down on it again..
"hrrruuuulk!!!?.. Frrrrrbbshlouuush!!! Hnngh.. J..jusht b..brinh meh foood.."
The biggest frog you've ever seen!
FROPPY!! (tsuyu asui)
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"hnnngh k..kheerouuurp!.. P..pleashe n..nuh wheeeze!! m..muhre k..keeero..
The lardass rich gal!~
CREATI!~ (momo yaoyarozu)
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"i..it's just training.. You're just training.. Momo it's all for training! Slouurp!!~"
The lardy creation heroine chugged lard from a bottle.. She hasn't used her quirk to create anything in months.. She tells herself she's saving it for a real emergency she says.. As she chugs more lard.. Never planning to actually use it..
The sweaty tornado of indulgence~
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"hnnngh stupid burger monster.. Why did you have to taste so goood... Weaklings shouldn't g..get in my way b..but you dumb food.. Monsters.. D..dammit.. Bwoouuurp!!~
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And finally for now the cutest blob of lard you've ever seen! Me!~
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"let's be friends!~ i brought some butter to share!~"
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Might add more depending on the mood but i still dunno how to use mirko so imagine her as a carrot/ vegetable disposal
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heterochromatica · 4 years ago
Knight Momo, talk about your prince!
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Send “Talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person! || Accepting!
She blinked at the grey faced stranger and their question, not quite expecting to be asked about the royal family like this, entirely unapologetic and without a ounce of shame. “Which? Technically there are three.” the heiress asked with a soft chuckle but her instincts told her the stranger was most likely asking about a certain someone. She was well aware of how popular he was. Well, due to them being royalty, all of them were quite popular, actually. Maybe this wasn’t as much of a surprise as she first thought, even though she didn’t deem herself to be the best person to approach. 
“I assume you’re asking about his princely majesty Shoto-san?” she continued after a short pause, tapped her chin, trying to think about something she could say about the young man with the dual colored hair and mismatched eyes. “He’s incredibly talented. Mastered two arcane magic traits at the age of four. I think it’s in his blood. He’s trembling with powerful magic and yet he’s not much of a fighter actually. Mhmm. How can I say this. Even if he usually wraps himself in this mist of arrogance and aloof attitude, there is so much more to him than what he lets on. He’s actually very kind and caring and it’s a shame no one gets to see beyond the icy exterior. He’s so smart and handsome and...” the young knight gently patted her own cheeks as if to console herself. 
“That gently smile, which he gives his favorite flowers, the lilys, in the morning sun. Not like I would watch him or anything. That is inappropriate, just so we’re clear! But... he’s someone who treats each flower he passes with such care and kindness only a gentle soul could do.” hopefully no one had heard this. 
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