teaboot · 8 months
Did you know. That you can just. Buy arthritic compression gloves. For joint pain
My hands feel so fucking nice right now
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reward piece done for a twitter lovely !
Commission Info (23 Aug. 2023)
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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i-call-me-clarence · 4 months
Trigger warning for ganglion cysts and joint dislocation below the cut. If ANYONE has any knowledge about ganglion cysts or other types of cysts in joints PLEASE read. I need help and to know what’s going on and google is being trash. My doc appointment is weeks out and I need to know if this is an urgent care situation.
Please reblog this so more people who may be able to help can see it.
So I had this ganglion cyst in the joint at the base of my big toe. It swelled while I was in a rainy state and my toe dislocated. It was out of place for a week with no hope of going back in until the cyst deflated again. A few days ago there was this intense snapping feeling and I felt the joint go back together. It was also incredibly painful which is strange since joints going back in is something I’m extremely familiar with and this felt very different. Today the side of my foot started hurting horribly. I removed my sock and started to apply tigers balm to dull the pain but when I touched the skin something HUGE moved. I could feel all around it and it moved when I touched around it or on it. It was roughly the size of my thumb and shaped like a banana. After I was done applying the tigers balm I felt a muscle spasm in the previously dislocated toe coming on. It scared me so I taped several toes together so the big toe couldn’t move. Then the mass moved to the center of my foot. I could see it through the skin. My muscles around it started spamming visibly through the skin and it seemed to disappear from site but I could feel it go up in my foot towards the middle. I can no longer see it. I am still having extreme muscle spasms in the spot where it was on the side of my foot and in the center of my foot. It looks like my foot is breathing. Now there is extreme pain in the base big toe joint. I’m terrified it’s going to find its way back in somehow. Is this possible? Also I can’t find anything on ganglion cysts disconnecting and becoming free floating. I think this happened when it popped out of the joint. It’s still solid (soft and moveable but still solid) and I don’t believe it ruptured. My skin around the base big toe joint as well as on the side of my foot is turning red in a marbled pattern. I cannot afford urgent care or a doctor but I am willing to borrow money (it will be extremely difficult) to get this looked at sooner if I must. Please, if anyone has had a similar experience or knows something about this please reply to this post, reblog it, or dm me. I’m terrified.
Also, I am not putting any weight on the foot at this point at all. I’m terrified it will move to a hard to excise/aspirate spot and making any aspiration or surgery more difficult and possible dangerous. My sister found crutches and a wheelchair so I’m using those.
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seraphtrevs · 3 months
My mom pointed out I have a cyst on my wrist that I hadn't noticed. It wasn't bothering me before but now it's all I can think about 😭
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iced-souls · 5 months
Oh the urge to draw to be forced to a stop from the wrist of pain
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
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Kind of baffles me that people think Z is the worst Xenoblade main antagonist when this guy exists.
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merry-death · 9 months
guess who's going to
✨urgent care✨
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grievous-stims · 1 year
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Ganglion Cyst stimboard for my ganglion cyst!!!
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
This is not saying it's wrong for people to engage in fandom this way it's just frustrating to go into a character tag and have like 80% of it should have been posted to wattpad instead
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mintmutationx3 · 8 months
literally my birthday today and out of nowhere i get a ganglion cyst on the back of my hand. what is the universe trying to tell me 😭
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ichigang being happy that nanba’s back because he’s their bestest friend and now there’s someone who’ll drink the milk in the fridge
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Roaming RGCs
Over half of your brain is involved in processing what you see. How does that visual information reach your brain? Via retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). RGCs sit within the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eyes, the retina, with projections that run along your optic nerve to your brain. How these projections develop isn’t clear. So researchers now use stem cells to create a human organoid model that mimics the eye and brain region that processes visual information (called the telencephalon or cerebrum). Imaging revealed these organoids formed concentric zones of cells which mimicked the telencephalon, optic disc (where the optic nerve meets the retina), optic stalk (which matures into the optic nerve) and retina. RGCs grew projections (pictured, green) towards and along a path marked out by optic disc and optic stalk-like cells, highlighting the usefulness of this model for studying RGCs in health and disease.
Written by Lux Fatimathas
Image from work by Wei Liu and colleagues
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Department of Genetics, The Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx NY, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, June 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
it’s been taking a lot more energy for me to open up jellyfish studies lately but um.  I would like to meekly say that
a) Box Jellyfish seem to be the most physiologically “developed” out of any jellyfish (not including tunicates / salps. They freak me out)
b) Scyphozoan jellyfish seem to be in the middle. I’m waiting for the day the scientific community finally decides that Coronatae gets to be it’s OWN class so us crown jelly fans can clown on the silly noncoronate jellies. I’m tired of crowns being excluded from subclass Discomedusae, this needs to change
c) Hydrozoan jellyfish seem to be the simplest, having the simplest sensory structures (occeli/seeing structures and statoliths/orientation structures are separate instead of together in Rhophalia, like the first two jellies).
d) I’m really rooting for crown jellies, actually. They’re one of the most ancient jellyfish that we have record of so I think we should show them more respect
(Source: Myself, Lisa-Ann Gershwin’s Jellyfish Book, Wikipedia, and my friend @plasmagruntcalvin who gives me a lot of jellyfish fossils even though he doesn’t have to <3)
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luxaar-lab · 11 months
Finally… my magnum opus is complete, all without the help of that brat and that Legion I created. Awaken Goetia and Dagahn!
*The trophies of the two Ganglion shake rapidly, and light fills the room. Once the light dissipates, Luxaar could see that his general’s have been reawakened at last.*
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Uuuuuggghhh… head hurt. Where… is Ryzz? Zu… Pharg?
The Zu Pharg has long been destroyed imbecile, all because of you and her. But that matters not… your assistance is greatly appreciated. And yes, Ryzz lives, though I know not for how long?
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Has… the cosmic cancer been eradicated? Did my failures stall BLADE long enough to atleast allow us to deal the finishing blow to humanity?
I’m afraid not… and worse yet we are in an entirely different universe. However, this unfamiliar realm offers opportunity.
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mathsbian · 9 months
I weighed myself again this morning. I’m 7 pounds under what I was when I started seeing a GP again.
I was already feeling down on myself last night because I felt it was necessary to reschedule a meeting with my case manager for today to try to get in contact with my credit card company. And then feeling sick this morning and having another instance of urinary urgency and finding out I’m losing weight again and am even worse than before? Fuck!!
So I’m very weird today. Haven’t gotten out of bed yet other than trips to the toilet. Really, really didn’t want to go to therapy but like. I know logically that is when I need therapy most so I was going to force myself to do that at least. But then my therapist canceled the appointment instead. I could email him about how I’m feeling, but reaching out when I feel like this is so difficult. If I even manage to post this instead of deleting it, it’s a miracle.
I should get out of bed. But I don’t want to. I don’t want to possibly have to interact even just briefly with the roommate who is home right now. My partner is out on an errand for a little longer. But even if they were here to be a buffer I still don’t want to be seen today. I feel awful. I haven’t been crying much but I feel like I must look like I have been. I just very much do not want to exist today thank you, why do I have to have a body that requires things like food and a toilet and water? And god, my fucking medication. I take 5-6 pills every day currently and it’s only going to go up from here.
Why can’t I just. Know what’s wrong? Why am I losing so much weight? What do I need to do to make it stop? I’m so bony that I can’t even comfortably lay on my side anymore because my knees hurt to be stacked on top of each other and if I don’t stack my knees my hips and spine hurt from my back not being straight. And I feel awful even complaining about being skinny on here but like. It’s negatively affecting my QoL, so I’m gonna complain about it. And it’s scary! I’ve lost almost another 10% of my body weight in like 6 weeks! I don’t understand how, because I’ve definitely been eating better with the holidays happening!
And I still have to call the Patient Care Coordinator back about how the surgery referral hasn’t resulted in any kind of appointment yet. The ganglion cyst on my wrist is starting to cause me pain more frequently.
(Very open to suggestions about things I should be asking my doctor to look for at my physical in a couple of weeks, so if you see this and think “hey that sounds like what I/this person I know was dealing with maybe this blogger should ask their doctor to do this test” please leave a reply)
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