#gan rei
the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Gan Rei
End of the Summer
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rosieobriien · 3 months
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.°• "tír gan teanga, tír gan anam." •°.
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rapid-artwork · 1 year
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Doodle of a little demon girl that drinks all your Pepsi and calls you a bitch.
Her name is Gan and she is part of a magical girl type team. She bites people when doesn't get her way and breaks stuff when she's mad (which is all the time.)
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macmanx · 10 months
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nei-ning · 1 year
62 please
62. seven characters you relate to? - Now this is bad, ahah! :D I don't know do I have 7 characters but I will list those who I have.
Gan Ning from Dynasty Warriors. He is very fair, loyal, he is very free spirited and he likes his freedom. He doesn't want to be controlled, told what he is supposed to do. Same with me. I value my freedom and don't like it when others like to control me.
Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He has temper but he, like Gan Ning, is loyal and does everything to protect his family. He is not all that good at expressing his feelings (warmest ones) but he shows them with actions. I have temper and it boils over in a second if I go too far with it. I try my best to be loyal (depending how people treat me back) and I am there for those who needs protection (shoulder to cry on, ear to listen etc.). I also struggle to express my warm feelings with words. I rather show them with actions (hugs, giving gifts mainly). I also have to mention Raphael's old version from TMNT Adventures. He is mellow and gentle turtle who doesn't hesitate to even kill in order to protect his loved ones.
Kazuya Mishima from Tekken. He is cold and very distant, minding only his own business, doing things in his own way and not letting anything or anyone stop him. I try to keep my distance as well, at times I guess I appear as cold too(?). I try to focus on my life and myself, going for my goals without letting anything or anyone stop me but I'm still practicing all of this :'D
Grimmjow from Bleach. Once again a character who is "cold", does things his way, not liking to be bossed or controlled. Tho, I'm certain he has a good heart deep inside. If he didn't, I'm sure he wouldn't had saved Orihime from those two other Arrangars (if I remember correctly) who were beating her.
Gruffi Gummy. I had to do some googling but he likes to do things in his own way, in the old fashioned way (gummy way). I saw him first time as a little girl in 90's, not seeing him since, but I remember he was my favorite. I too prefer to do things in "the old fashioned way". Like... "Thing X has always been done this way!"
Rei from Breath of Fire 3. Care free, takes care of younger and smaller ones, has a good heart, is kind but also funny (at times). Likes to say; "Doesn't this just beat all?". I try my best not to worry about anything in life but it's hard at times. I try my best to do good if my finances allow it. I try to heal my heart and become better. I try to be kind and funny (don't want to be boring or lame :'D).
William from Nioh. Now, he is a bit tricky. He is more like a husband material to me than a character who I can relate to. However, I really like his story and adventures in ancient Japan. I like old Japanese houses and shrines so... When I play as William and can go to shrine and see temples etc. I feel I'm visiting them personally.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 3 months
The Moon's Lies
Summary: Kylo Ren x named!Reader. It was never going to be black or white, Light or Dark, friend or foe. Who wouldn't let the galaxy burn to keep their loved ones safe?
Warnings: 18+, Murder/"execution," graphic violence, unspoken threat of bodily harm, twisted morals, Kylo Ren being himself
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Canon Divergence Notes: There is no Rey. Finn is the destined Jedi, and he leaves the scar on Ren’s face during the climactic fight on Starkiller Base. The only original canon kept after TFA is the destined Jedi (Finn) leaving to find Luke and Snoke pushing Kylo Ren to the breaking point, continuing the student-kills-the-master cycle. Summary: No Rey. Finn is training to be a Jedi. Kylo Ren takes the throne from Snoke.
This chapter is the only pre-TFA part of the story. Everything after that is in the AU as described.
A/N: Holy shit, I'm having so much fun with this. You all have no idea (but you will soon). Out here crafting whole-ass mythologies and cultures for this shit. Literally forgot to post this first chapter because I'm neck-deep in the next. Please, please, please do comment! I post for interactions with friends new and old. Otherwise I'd hoard all my embarrassing stories like the grouchy old dragon I really am.
He needed to maul something.
His lightsaber practically vibrated on his belt, answering the pull of itching hands as Kylo Ren stormed into the planet-side depot. Civilians scattered from their orderly lines in front of the First Order’s regional bureaucratic office, startled like so many kaadus. The system had so little to offer, the Order couldn’t even justify a separate complex for the port authority and notary.
A shabby little base on a barren little world. If he could, he’d sink his saber to the planet’s core and kill it all in one, fell stroke.
What a waste of his time.
The rebel insurgent had nothing. They hunted him to the edge of the First Order’s territory only to discover a dead end whose handful of contacts met the heat of Kylo’s blade long ago. They’d missed something. He’d missed something. Instead of fresh leads into the Resistance’s plans, he would leave empty handed. This detour took weeks, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that their enemies were planning something. But in the end, the only thing the dead Rodian had been good at was hiding. Any trooper could’ve shot the scum and been done with it. No need for the Knights of Ren.
He looked like a fool.
Rage tipped over the edge of reason, flooding logic, and plans, and anything but the dark urge to destroy.
He marched through the door, well ahead of his knights. The stormtroopers were nearly as eager to avoid his wrath as the civilians, and he burst into an empty hall. The faintest conversation reached him, a hum of living Force further inside. He followed it. Down the hall. Around the corner. Gathering fuel to further spark his hate for this place and all the people in it as he approached.
A crisp, core world accent he had no doubt belonged to an officer carried farthest.
“I’m afraid it just won’t do. If you want clearance to leave for Gan Moradir, I’ll need those credits in my hand. Today.”
“You already have them.”
The second voice almost surprised Ren. He could barely feel the speaker’s signature, and he rested his hand on his saber, ready for a battle. No one unskilled in the Force could veil themselves like that.
From the sound of things, he had two valid targets to suffer for his humiliation. With new focus, he prepared to take the last corner, the heat in his blood ready to burn through the traitors and fools ahead.
Just out of sight, the officer tsked. “Not enough, I’m afraid.”
“Do you plan on demanding more every time we visit your system?”
“I could.”
“I’m afraid that will be very bad for trade.”
Ren saw the pair before they saw him. A First Order corporal with his hands clasped behind his back and a sneer on his face stood opposite a civilian girl, both oblivious to their approaching doom.
The man practically jumped out of his uniform, eyes bugging wide. The girl barely even flinched, following the officer’s panicked gaze with guarded curiosity. Ren would deal with her after he thinned the ranks. It was important to cut out rot before it spread, after all.
“Lord Ren!” The officer’s voice wavered, nearly breaking like a teenager’s as he took two steps away from the civilian and bowed to his superior. “My apologies. We’d heard your knights may be in the system, but we had no idea you’d actually –”
“What is the First Order’s standing on bribery?” He asked like he didn’t know simply so the criminal would recite his own conviction. Let him know how he’d failed. Let the fear string out his last moment.
The corporal’s mind couldn’t keep pace with his spiking adrenaline. He shifted, eyes darting for an escape, an excuse, as he tried to drag an explanation through his dry mouth.
“Well, I…”
Ren had no mercy. And no patience. His hand clenched over his blade’s hilt, and he imagined he could already feel the subtle vibration as it came to life to end another’s.
The corporal swallowed, and Ren watched the confidence roll away down the man’s throat.
“Soliciting or accepting bribes in any form, be it credits or goods, is a class three offense, sir.” He spoke clearly. Responding to a clear order with clear rules he would’ve learned by rote in training. He knew the consequences for disguising this theft behind the First Order’s banner, and now Ren would reveal a new part of the corporal. Blood. Bone. The messy things he wrapped out of sight beneath his skin.
Ren hummed. A mockery of consideration as he swayed nearer, forcing the smaller man to stare up at a painful angle. Decapitation was too neat for such a selfish little traitor. Maybe he’d sheer away half the man’s chest. Or leave him in a dozen pieces for his command to discover.
“I see.” He stalked forward another step, savoring the building dread like a cool wind beneath his mask. “And what is the punishment for class three offenses?”
The officer’s lingering hopes to put off his superior with a lie – Blame the girl, his mind screamed – finally crumbled. The dread Force-wielder had caught him. He knew enough to damn him. He’d been judged. He’d been sentenced. Only one step remained. Kylo Ren loomed, a Loth cat playing with vermin caught raiding the larder, and his uniform was an invitation to deal justice, not the shield the corporal once believed. He backpedaled, nearly foaming at the mouth as he spluttered a final plea for mercy.
“Lord Ren, please! I merely –!”
Red light and a crackling hum cut him off.
Ren speared the traitor through the belly, letting the fool totter backwards, wheezing for a breath that would never come. The corrupt officer groped over his exposed diaphragm as he tumbled to the floor, and his head met the polished floor with a crack as he continued pointlessly gasping.
It wouldn’t be a quick death.
Satisfied, Ren looked at the second actor in this little scene. She’d barely flinched when he struck down the corporal, but her attention remained fixed on the dying criminal. Ren waited for the inevitable wave of panic, ready to toy with a fresh target, but the life ending at her feet held her gaze. Something about her blunted his senses, and he struggled to pry into her mind beyond what she projected: caution and studied calm.
Maybe it was shock. Or maybe she needed reminding of her own mortality.
Ren cut off the corporal’s death rattle with a stroke of his saber, and as the head rolled across the hall, the girl finally looked up to meet his gaze. He glowered back through his visor, itching for her reaction.
She bowed. Maintaining the poise of a diplomat who hadn’t just witnessed a brutal execution, she dipped at the knees, dropping her eyes in polite deference before rising to meet him all over again. Still as a lake.
His lightsaber hissed, twisting in his grip. He pointed it under her chin, demanding she answer every question he hadn’t asked.
“You.” He didn’t bother with the show he’d put on for the corporal. Her careful placidity irritated him, and it felt like her very presence muted his senses when he hunted for her fear.
He looked again, noting the grey stone pendant and loops of beads she wore. A memory teased the edge of his lingering rage, dragging his focus away from his quest for bloodshed. He’d seen that material before. He recognized the numbing sensation in the Force from a failed project to build better restraints for Force sensitive prisoners. “What is that?”
Her fingers rose to the pendant, brushing over an unfamiliar pattern of engraved stars.
“It’s Selenubis, sir.” She paused, flicking her gaze over his mask like she might find a clue to his expression. When he didn’t answer, she pushed ahead. “A traditional protection charm from Lethe. If it’s offensive to the First Order I can come again with out it…?”
Behind his mask, he ground his teeth, clawing against the foggy wall so few of her thoughts penetrated. Selenubis proved useless to the First Order when it became clear the stone did as much to shield a prisoner from other Force users as it did to shackle the target.
She wanted to return without her shield? She wouldn’t leave with it. He’d hack it off her neck, and if he didn’t like what he found in her head, she wouldn’t leave with that, either.
His flickering saber reflected in her eyes as he angled it up, forcing her to expose her throat as red lightning reflected in bottomless reservoirs of control. He didn’t believe for a second she was ignorant of the power in her little trinkets and beads.
Just as he prepared to cleave through her jewelry – and likely leave a deep burn to remember him by – one of his knights burst into the hall.
“Commander. The Supreme Leader requests your presence. Immediately, sir.”
His foiled rage rebounded, arcing like a current through his bones and burning him with his own intent as he growled in frustration. The sound hissed through his modulator.
This would have to wait.
Deactivating his saber, he stepped back, pivoted on his heel, and marched back the way he came. He would have to relive his humiliation at his master’s feet, and there was no time to vent his frustrations.
He left no orders in his rush to answer his master’s summons. No one held the girl or even took special note of her name and business as he knelt before Snoke’s projected image, and by the time he returned to the hall, she was gone.
The documentation the dead corporal had been withholding, a pile on the floor by his headless corpse, had gone with her.
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ray-elgatodormido · 1 month
Back at it again. This time with refs of the main ladies of Star Wars in this Dynasty Warriors au. Are the outfits practical? Not at all. Would Koei design these? Absolutely. Tho I’d give it a pass since they don’t wear armor in the movies.
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With Padme I took inspiration from her lakeside dress and combined that with Wang Yuanji’s DW9 dress. Her weapon would be the caestuses things Zhang Chunhua has in DW8, tho with a rougher moveset. The weapon choice was mostly to give her a musou attack called “Aggressive Negotiations” where she does a barrage of punches n kicks.
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I gave Leia this regal air for her costume (keep in mind they don’t really change outfits cause Dynasty Warriors logic) and gave her this intricate corset thing. The hair was inspired by Edelgard’s hairstyle in Fire Emblem Three Houses. And again, poofy sleeves. Her weapon would be a long chain whip simply for the idea of a musou attack called “Huttslayer”, it’s exactly what is sounds like. She’d wield it more like Gan Ning but with a more regal demeanour.
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Rey’s a funny one cause she kinda looks like she randomly found the outfit while scavenging. Looking more like a dnd monk/bard combo than a scavenger. Did my best to make it look somewhat secure. I got the idea from Diao Chan’s DW6 design (Sweet n innocent face, less than innocent outfit) and DW9 Cai Wenji’s sleeves. Flowey cloth was a must, and I gave her pants n boots. Her weapon is also a funny one, cause I ditched the lightsaber and gave her this quarterstaff that doubles as a whip, she’d have this dancey martial arts moveset and does a bunch of acrobatics for the monkey vibes because why not?
I just like the idea of force users not having lightsabers. It’s also because there’s only so many movesets to be done with a lightsaber and in the context of musou games it’s best to avoid cloning movesets and weapons when possible.
Thinking of doing this with the guys this time. Cooking up ways to make them look sillier. Thinking of literally making Han look like a space cowboy. *evil laugh*
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That is all. I shall go back to cooking up the rest of the cast.
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kolurosa · 1 year
Traducir de español a ingles.
One Piece, fantasia AU.
Existen cinco continentes conocidos en el mundo, Azul del Oeste, Azul del Este, Azul del Norte, Azul del Sur y la Gran Línea, junto con el océano y el cielo. En este mundo existe la magia y las criaturas mágicas.
Azul del Este, reino Loguetwon, gobernante Roger
Azul del Oeste, reino Kano, gobernante Chingao.
Azul del Norte, reino Flevance, gobernante padre Trafalgar.
Azul del Sur, reino de Samba, gobernante Moqueta.
La Gran Línea, dividida en dos reinos, el Paraíso es Arabasta gobernado por Kobra y el Nuevo Mundo es Dressrossa gobernado por Riku.
Océano, reino Ryugu, gobernante Neptune.
Islas del cielo, reinos Skypiea y Shandia, gobernantes Gan Fall y Jefe Shandia.
Todos los del clan D son dragones cada uno con un don propio de ellos al nacer, pero lo que todos los dragones tienen en común es el rugir fuego de su boca, su llameante voluntad, el fuego en sus corazones que nunca se apagará.
Koby es parte de la tribu Tontatta y todos en la tribu Tontatta son hadas con alas y colas largas con punta de corazón.
Trama: una amenaza se ciernes sobre los cinco continentes, incluso amenaza el océano y el cielo, porque el dragón de la oscuridad Teach y su grupo quieren gobernar el mundo como el dragón Xebec intento hacerlo hace 400 años. Ahora la nueva generación debe encargarse del dragón podrido de su generación y salvar sus propios futuros pacíficos y aventureros (y el mundo suponen)
Luffy y Koby se encuentran antes de enterarse sobre la amenaza del dragón oscuro Teach.
Mientras viajan se encuentran resolviendo problemas de otros reinos y pueblos. Wapol intentando derrocar a Moqueta para ser rey de Samba con su esposa después de que lo desterraron de la Gran Línea, o el mago de arena Cocodrile queriendose apoderar de Arabasta (entre otros)
Los dragones viven hasta mil años.
Como el fuego es algo común, Ace podría sentirse un poco insuficiente y nada especial, incluso si él es el único que produce y controla llamas por otros lugares además de su boca.
Sabo es un mago de fuego.
La madre de Koby aquí es Olive (esa pirata de pelo verde que aparece en la memoria de Hannybal) y también es un hada.
Luffy es un dragón con los poderes de Nika.
Los dragones y hadas, entre otras criaturas, pueden transformarse en humanos completos para no ser molestados (o si quieren, con partes de su verdadero yo a la vista colas, alas, cuernos, garras, etc)
Portgas D. Rouge, la reina de Loguetown era una princesa del Azul del Sur, en Baterilla.
Nami es una maga del clima (lo controla) y del viento y el agua.
Zoro tiene magia de requip, guarda espadas en su espacio de almacenamiento (como Erza Scarlet).
Luffy crea su propio gremio, llamándolo Los Sombrero de Paja.
Las hadas son del tamaño de una palma, Luffy es algo cuidadoso por si accidentalmente aplasta a Koby, porque el pelirosa es tan diminuto cuando se queda en su forma de hada.
En el gremio Sombrero de Paja están, además de la tripulación principal, también la gran flota de Sombrero de Paja, y su marca de gremio es un sombrero de paja (Bartolomeo no deja de acosar a su maestro de gremio por admiración, queriendo escribir todas sus aventuras para un libro).
(Si te cuesta imaginar este mundo solo piensa en el anime Fairy tail, me inspire en el)
Pareja principal: Luffy x Koby
Pareja secundaria: Ace x Yamato
Cualquiera puede hacer lo que quiera con este AU.
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colesterstrudel · 9 months
So not only do we have to see l*gan p*ul on tv, but we gotta hear c*rey gr*ves talk about him. This is wack as all hell
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444namesplus · 9 months
Aal Aalde Aar Aber Abord Aburg Ade Aden Adord Adt Adtim Ahau Ahden Ahna Ahne Ais Ald Alden Alind Alkel Alken All Allin Almun Als Alten Ana And Angen Ann Appen Arn Arrk Arsch Art Arte Arz Asa Asel Auber Aude Auer Aul Aund Aurg Axnōt Bach Bachl Badt Baer Baig Bal Bald Bark Bas Bau Baus Baut Bayen Bechl Beck Bein Ben Ber Berd Berdr Beren Berg Berim Bern Bert Bia Biber Bin Bing Birch Bisen Bitz Bla Bladt Blen Blena Blich Blutz Boch Boden Bof Bord Borda Borf Borg Bort Botna Bow Bra Bram Bre Bren Brich Bruch Brunn Bryn Buken Bur Bureu Burin Burse Burt Bus Böham Bømla Bück Bürg Bürt Bütte Bütz Cal Calch Cald Calda Calde Carch Casse Chem Cla Coben Cock Coe Cord Creim Cren Crino Cusel Dal Dals Dan Dard Den Dena Dieck Diedr Dieim Dien Digyn Din Dinda Dineb Ding Diten Ditz Dord Dorde Dorf Dorn Drud Dust Döben Dömho Dürg Ebel Eberg Eck Edt Eger Egern Egg Eid Eim Eißen Eke Elben Eld Elden Elfin Eln Emdin Emgo Emitz Emme Emsda Ena Erd Erg Erich Ern Ersee Esch Esen Esher Esle Ewal Fach Fal Fel Felm Fen Fil Filde Flana Flau Fleim Flen Fogen Ford Forf Forna Fra Fral Fran Frau Fre Freck Free Freim Freis Fren Frich Fried Frike Frim Frin Frow Fröde Ful Furen Furg Førg Fürg Fürt Gadt Gan Gar Garde Garg Garne Gart Gast Gebut Gel Geld Gen Genau Gend Georn Ger Gerb Gerf Gerg Gerja Gil Gis Gisen Gla Glan Gne Gold Gom Gotte Grach Gran Grd Gre Greha Greim Grich Grick Grim Grims Grin Groda Gron Grow Gríðr Grötz Grøya Grún Grúðr Grüch Grüm Guber Guden Gul Gulau Guld Gun Gunn Göld Gönin Görd Göttn Gößen Günde Güto Gütz Hadt Haer Hagda Hage Hal Halan Halze Hammo Han Hange Har Harf Harn Hau Haurg Haus Hause Haut Hed Heder Hee Heich Heif Heig Heim Hein Heina Heind Heing Heitz Hel Held Hemic Hen Hena Heng Her Herau Herf Herg Herms Hiden Hil Hild Him Hin Hinge Hirch Hja Hjack Hjel Hjørd Hock Hofn Hold Holf Hor Hord Horde Horf Hoth How Hren Hrin Hum Hus Håste Höna Hönia Höð Hück Hünd Hüren Ichau Idow Idt Ilden Ilen Ilin Immel Inne Irco Isfen Istad Itzen Iðr Jal Jalen Jar Jel Jen Jerg Jeve Joh Jord Jorde Jorf Jugne Jul Julz Jun Jup Jör Jørg Jøsse Jüllr Jürg Jüth Kald Kalde Kam Kange Kapa Kapla Kar Kas Kasse Katz Kau Kaurg Kaði Kel Keld Kemne Kemon Ken Kerst Kir Kirch Kirg Kirse Kisee Kitz Klau Klena Klow Kob Kock Kohn Kott Kow Kra Krau Krauf Kren Krey Krome Kuf Kul Kum Kup Kurg Kus Kár König Könul Külsa Künch Lach Lad Ladt Lagen Lahl Lainn Lam Lamen Lan Lana Lanau Landa Lann Latz Lau Lauel Ledt Leina Len Lens Lerg Lern Lerst Lest Leste Leue Leurg Lia Ligen Lik Lim Lin Line Linge Lip Litz Lival Lohle Loma Lomr Lotte Lotz Loued Louen Low Loßen Luch Ludal Lude Lun Luna Lusen Lut Lych Lysen Löfn Lön Lör Lörlo Lübth Lück Lüdi Lügen Lündi Lünna Lünz Lütz Lütze
Magen Maind Mal Malln Mand Mar March Mard Marg Mark Markt Mart Marth Mau Med Mee Mef Meils Mel Meld Melde Melim Mels Mem Men Menau Mer Merg Mes Metha Mil Mils Min Mines Mirch Mirde Mirf Mirg Mit Mitia Mitz Monau Morn Mung Murth Mán Möl Mölld Mönid Mönn Mühl Münch Münd Münth Nau Naun Nebin Neck Necke Nee Nek Nen Nenda Nens Ner Nerg Nerma Nert Nes Netz Neuen Neul Neum Neunn Neurg Neven Newal Neyen Nich Nies Nig Nigen Nilde Nin Ninde Ning Nisim Nitz Njart Njört Noitz Nord Norde Norf Nost Now Nurg Nærf Nörd Nörf Nürg Obech Obelz Oben Obenz Obera Oberd Oberg Obern Obig Obuch Och Ock Ode Oel Oels Oerg Oesch Oessa Oeten Ofelm Olbe Old Olden Olz Opfel Ord Orden Ordt Orf Org Orn Osch Ossen Ossin Ossul Osta Osten Osth Oth Pain Par Patz Pau Pein Pen Per Pfa Pfan Pfen Pfurg Phel Phim Pla Plin Poch Pohau Pold Porth Poten Prin Puch Pul Pulf Putel Quel Quelf Quels Rach Radt Rakow Rand Rann Rasen Rath Ratz Rau Raum Raun Reck Red Reel Ref Rega Reim Remst Ren Rena Renz Resen Reut Rey Reyja Rhe Rheim Rhen Rhena Rherg Rid Ried Riede Riez Rijen Roch Rod Roden Rogen Rold Rolz Romar Ron Ronne Rop Row Rozen Roß Roßen Ránig Röden Rück Rüm Rünch Saal Saan Saarl Sach Sal Sam San Sana Sang Sann Sanna Sany Sarl Sart Sasen Sch Schen Schia Schl Schof Schrd Schte Schöð See Sel Selda Sen Sena Senz Sie Sien Sig Sigen Sim Sin Sina Sing Ska Skau Skjen Skord Skow Sna Snitz Sold Soll Son Sona Sow Soyth Spa Spau Speim Spel Spelf Spen Sper Sperf Speth Stach Stal Stau Staut Steid Steim Sten Ster Sterg Sterr Sth Sthop Sting Sto Stoch Stock Stren Strin Städt Sul Sulde Sulld Sum Sun Sunau Sung Sus Svel Sverg Svill Sviðr Syk Syken Ságar Ságau Süde Süden Tadel Taden Tadt Tal Tau Teim Tel Ten Terg Terio Tert Thau Tiane Tich Tin Tinau Tjørn Tocha Tomar Torg Tran Trau Trava Tren Trie Tring Tron Tyst Töne Tübz Uden Udin Uen Uetch Ulzen Unrau Urt Ussee Uwer Uwör Val Valch Vand Vanna Var Vart Vech Vedy Veim Velda Veln Ven Vend Ver Verg Vern Vest Viam Vich Vil Vin Vip Viðr Vogne Vold Volde Vole Vren Væna Vörd Vörðr Waach Wadt Wagen Wal Wald Walda Wali Walka Walke Wall Walln Wals Walth Wana Wanau Wand War Warna Was Wede Wedt Wegk Weila Weim Wein Weing Weirg Wen Wer Werau Werd Werg Wesch Wesen Weske Weten Wetz Wich Widen Wie Wied Wiedt Wig Wiga Wil Wild Wilde Willw Win Wiph Wisch Witz Wold Wolde Wolz Woode Worf Wurg Wurth Wusau Wykk Wört Würg Würn Xen Yre Yvde Zen Zer Zerg Ziedt Zietz Zig Zin Zitz Zoge Zow Zweim Zwer Zwerg Zwin Zwitz Zör Zörf Ård Ården Öld Ölen Übz Þordt Þrich
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Gan Rei
Pyramid Illusion
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r-truth · 11 months
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cnedevega · 2 years
Learn About Me By Getting To Know Some Of My Favorite YouTubers.
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com·fort /ˈkəmfərt/
a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
These people are the reason why I started vlogging. For the same reason that I take photos and keep gifts from folks I care about, I also make videos so that I may look back on those times and experience the same feelings of nostalgia and embarrassment that I had when they happened.
Whenever I need to give myself a break. When I feel like everything is too much and I can't handle what's going on in the real world. When I feel like life isn't going the way I want it to. When I need to feel better, I look up their names on YouTube and watch their videos.
My girl Ashley quit uploading videos but I still watch her vlogs because I literally adore her content, what she talks about and how she feels she's really successful now even though she stopped vlogging. I initially knew her from a clothes to wear video.
Dustin Vuong
Love the vibe of his vlogs and him of course dustin and linh gives me the same vibe probably because they're friends this is the first video of him that I got to watch I was so obsessed with this song before and his voice soothes me that's why I immediately subscribed no regrets because his videos are top tier.
Ciara Gan
Just like the first 2 YouTuber Ciara gan is also artistic, ball of sunshine and smart I found her when I like to watch college decision videos then I saw her vlog on how she passed cets then after that I forgot about her but I also found her again due to this video about following Rapunzel's daily routine and that's where I start to love her even more.
A queen! I love how she see things how she thinks and her contents makes me want to do a film reaction video her podcast are great too this is the video where I found her because at that time I like to watch videos about forcing a glow up.
Nisa Nuggets
HER HUMOR IS IMMACULATE! She's giving a huge Pamela Swing vibes this video this is where everything started her family and friends are awesome she's also one of the biggest reason why I continued vlogging.
Love Marie Escudero
I don't relate that much on her vlog but as a girl who grew up watching barbie and wants to dress myself up her vlogs are the best way to fulfill my childhood dreams I also like her videos with her husband their mind is just awesome I get to learn a lot of new things because of them.
The og the one and only dalagang Pilipina! Super duper loves her! Whenever I watch mimiyuuuh's new videos I feel like i'm just talking to my friend like i'm on a video call with them and we are catching up.
Oliver Austria
As a little teenage girl with a big dream! his videos are the best it gave me more reason to pursue my dream to become a professional architect.
Ashley Garcia
Along with jeorella, that'sbella, alliana dolina, rei germar, julianna g and kaila dy their vlogs are the best I would like to be part of their circle my favorite women love their styles and editing skills are the best they deserve everything that they have right now.
Ella's Pov
Of course! Me! vlogging is like a diary. Think about Peter Parker and his video diary or the Kardashians. It's great to reminisce with videos, not just the memory in your mind. I would willingly sacrifice my phone storage just for these videos.
It's great to have an outlet whenever everything doesn't feel right. It's great to have something that you can do to make yourself feel better . I hope that these vloggers can also make you feel better as much as they do for me.
Life is tough but we are tougher. Give yourself what it is asking for, get some rest, eat foods you like, watch that tv show, go out with friends, do some self care, check out that item on your cart, read that book, and whatsoever. Do things that will make yourself happy.
Take your time, don't rush yourself. A message from me to you. (Can also be from my past self to my future self) When things get tough just watch their videos then right after that you can think of a solution.
Here is a short video of how my November went exclusively just for you! Let's all have fun and take back the things that the pandemic took away from us. Create memories and choices that your future self will thank you.
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casinobonuscadastro · 5 months
¿Cuál es el historial de victorias del Inter de Milán en la Serie A italiana?
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¿Cuál es el historial de victorias del Inter de Milán en la Serie A italiana?
Historial de victorias del Inter de Milán en Serie A
El Inter de Milán es uno de los clubes más emblemáticos y exitosos en la historia del fútbol italiano. Su historial de victorias en la Serie A es impresionante, habiendo logrado múltiples campeonatos a lo largo de los años.
El Inter de Milán ha saboreado el dulce sabor de la victoria en la Serie A en numerosas ocasiones, destacándose como uno de los equipos más laureados de Italia. Sus triunfos han sido fruto del trabajo arduo, la dedicación de sus jugadores y el apoyo incondicional de su apasionada afición.
Entre los momentos más destacados en la historia de victorias del Inter de Milán en la Serie A se encuentran sus temporadas invictas, en las cuales demostraron un nivel de juego excepcional. Jugadores legendarios han dejado su huella en el club, elevando el prestigio y la grandeza de la escuadra nerazzurra.
Cada título de Serie A conquistado por el Inter de Milán es motivo de celebración para sus seguidores en todo el mundo, que vibran con cada gol y cada victoria del equipo. La grandeza y el legado del Inter de Milán en la Serie A perduran en la memoria de los amantes del fútbol, que reconocen en este club a un gigante del deporte rey.
Estadísticas de triunfos del Inter de Milán en la liga italiana
El Inter de Milán es uno de los clubes más icónicos en la historia del fútbol italiano, con una impresionante cantidad de triunfos a lo largo de los años en la Serie A. Con una rica trayectoria llena de éxitos, el equipo ha acumulado numerosos títulos a nivel nacional e internacional.
En cuanto a su desempeño en la liga italiana, el Inter de Milán ha logrado consolidarse como uno de los equipos más exitosos en la Serie A. A lo largo de los años, el club ha conseguido un total de 19 títulos de liga, colocándose como uno de los máximos ganadores en la historia del torneo.
Además de sus victorias en la Serie A, el Inter de Milán ha sabido destacar en otras competiciones, como la Copa Italia y la Liga de Campeones de la UEFA. Gracias a su talentoso plantel de jugadores y a su enfoque en la excelencia deportiva, el club ha cosechado numerosos triunfos a nivel nacional e internacional.
Con una base de fanáticos apasionados y una historia llena de gloria, el Inter de Milán continúa siendo un referente en el panorama futbolístico mundial. Su legado de éxito en la liga italiana es un testimonio de su dedicación, profesionalismo y pasión por el deporte rey.
Número de victorias del Inter de Milán en la Serie A
El Inter de Milán es uno de los clubes más exitosos en la historia del fútbol italiano, especialmente en la Serie A, la máxima categoría del fútbol profesional de Italia. A lo largo de las décadas, el Inter ha logrado acumular un impresionante número de victorias en esta competición tan prestigiosa.
Hasta la fecha, el Inter de Milán ha logrado conseguir un total de 19 títulos de la Serie A, lo que lo convierte en uno de los clubes más laureados en la historia de la liga italiana. Estas victorias son el resultado del arduo trabajo, la dedicación y el talento de jugadores legendarios que han vestido la camiseta del Inter a lo largo de los años.
El equipo nerazzurri ha sido capaz de dominar la Serie A en diversas épocas, destacándose por su estilo de juego aguerrido, táctico y técnico. Grandes figuras como Javier Zanetti, Ronaldo, Diego Milito, entre otros, han contribuido a las victorias y al prestigio del Inter en la Serie A.
Cada título de liga celebrado por el Inter de Milán no solo representa el éxito deportivo del club, sino también el orgullo y la pasión de sus seguidores en todo el mundo. La historia llena de gloria del Inter en la Serie A es un testimonio de su grandeza y de su legado en el fútbol italiano.
Récord de partidos ganados del Inter de Milán en Serie A
El Inter de Milán es uno de los clubes de fútbol más emblemáticos de Italia, con una larga historia llena de logros y éxitos. Uno de los récords más destacados del Inter de Milán en la Serie A es el de la mayor cantidad de partidos ganados en la historia de la competición.
El equipo nerazzurri ha logrado acumular un impresionante número de victorias a lo largo de los años, superando a sus rivales en numerosas ocasiones. Este récord no solo demuestra la calidad y el talento de los jugadores que han vestido la camiseta del Inter, sino también la dedicación y la pasión de toda una institución por alcanzar la excelencia deportiva.
El Inter de Milán ha sido capaz de mantenerse en la elite del fútbol italiano y europeo gracias a su constancia y su compromiso con la victoria. Cada partido ganado es el resultado del esfuerzo y la determinación de un equipo que nunca se rinde y que siempre busca superarse a sí mismo.
Este récord de partidos ganados en la Serie A es un testimonio del legado y la grandeza del Inter de Milán, un club que ha marcado la historia del fútbol italiano con su juego elegante y efectivo. Los aficionados interistas celebran con orgullo cada victoria de su equipo, sabiendo que están presenciando a uno de los grandes de la Serie A.
Logros históricos del Inter de Milán en la Serie A
El Inter de Milán es uno de los clubes más emblemáticos y exitosos en la historia del fútbol italiano, y sus logros en la Serie A son verdaderamente impresionantes. Desde su fundación en 1908, el Inter ha dejado una marca indeleble en el campeonato italiano, logrando múltiples triunfos que lo han convertido en un referente del fútbol mundial.
Una de las hazañas más destacadas del Inter de Milán en la Serie A es su récord de títulos de liga. El club ha ganado el Scudetto en numerosas ocasiones a lo largo de su historia, consolidándose como uno de los equipos más exitosos de Italia. Con una combinación de talento, determinación y pasión, el Inter ha levantado el trofeo de la Serie A en múltiples ocasiones, demostrando su dominio en el fútbol italiano.
Además de sus triunfos en la Serie A, el Inter de Milán también ha dejado su huella en la historia del fútbol europeo. El club ha conquistado la Liga de Campeones de la UEFA en varias ocasiones, demostrando su capacidad para competir en el más alto nivel continental. Estos logros han consolidado la reputación del Inter como uno de los clubes más grandes de Europa y han dejado un legado duradero en el mundo del fútbol.
En resumen, los logros históricos del Inter de Milán en la Serie A son testamento de su grandeza como club. Desde sus numerosos títulos de liga hasta sus triunfos en competiciones europeas, el Inter ha dejado una marca imborrable en la historia del fútbol, ganándose el respeto y la admiración de aficionados de todo el mundo.
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beardedbarba · 11 months
just remembered wwe had l*gan p*ul win over rey mysterio
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ray-elgatodormido · 2 months
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Guys. GUYS. Wo Long Star Wars AU where they just poorly recreate the movies and slowly go more and more off script. My very first obsession meets my current obsession. The casting is mostly based on comedic value rather than who’s most fitting. Even if their role in a movie is over, they will still fuck around in the background.
Wacko casting includes:
- Cao Cao as Luke Skywalker
- Guan Ping as Princess Leia (ep 4-6)
- Gan Ning as Han Solo (ep 4-6)
- Xiahou Dun as Chewbacca
- Zhou Yu as Obi Wan Kenobi
- Zhang Fei and Guan Yu as R2D2 and C-3PO
- Sun Ce as Anakin “I don’t like sand” Skywalker
- Yuan Shao as Darth “fuck sand” Vader
- Da Qiao as Padmé
- Lü Bu as Kylo Ren
- Zhang Liao as General Hux
- Xiao Sheng as Finn
- Zhao Yun as Poe Dameron
-Merah/Lady Yan as Rey
-And many many more… Y’all can give me ideas. Gimme the most absurd.
Been a fan since childhood but I never interacted with the fandom because 1. HOO BOY and 2. I actually like the sequels, they just scratch a certain part of my brain real good, it’s probably the cinematography tho but idc (we don’t talk about the last movie) so yeah I would be torn apart. Haven’t been lurking since 2019-2020 and this is technically the very first time I share SW related stuff.
So. yeah.
Also also while making these I was rewatching The Force Awakens for the first time in a while on my phone online but I gave up halfway through due to my shit wifi making loads unbearably long so instead I put that Han Solo song (Ridin Solo) and voila.
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