#game followup
sprucewoodmpreg · 8 months
still thinking abt the life series as a video game so here's a mockup of a chiptune battle theme for bdubs' ender dragon fight ^_^
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dlartistanon · 1 month
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I will eat up any SaMuel crumbs because that's how starving I am
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aquilamage · 3 months
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bad and naughty iterators get put in the microwave to atone for their crimes
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karokawwo · 8 months
i think it would be cute if the seaspring hivemind also liked mc idk it would be cute idkidk
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meggannn · 2 months
they call it hades 2 because it’s actually two games, a sequel and its own sequel
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chongoblog · 1 year
Been playing more Have A Nice Death, and when I played it on stream I mentioned some worries since one of the unlock requirements for an item was “stop the worker’s strike”. And I was worried that it’d be some sort of “Unions are evil” type deal.
Turns out Death basically said “yeah what I’m doing right now is gonna hopefully address your main demands” and then Jerry went “oh….sweet cool….but HERE ARE SOME MORE DEMANDS” which had a lot less serious stuff in it (like, for example Pump Quinn asked for a comically large pencil and Patrick asked for a certain jello flavor), and then after a bit of time, you see that all of those demands were met.
The next time I talked to Pump Quinn after this, they mentioned that Jerry gave them “Das Kapital” for their Secret Santa and Death called out one of the Sorrow’s, telling them that their department wouldn’t have anything without all of their underlings and that they need to be treated with more respect.
So yeah good game.
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brambletakato · 10 days
Yes I love PL but I am so fawkin excited for potentially decapolice in the direct even though like . only two other people share that thought /j
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assorted cookie drawings with a bit of ai cookie. yknow what @gibberishquestion tagging you here since i remember you like ai cookie also i forgot your discord so i cant just dm you the drawings
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lesbianshadowheart · 8 months
I would truly, truly love to hear your takes on the bg3 relationship quadrant network analysis you have done pls
OKAY so. idk if you'd seen it but this is what i made like a couple weeks into the game
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and i STAND BY IT!! although one caveat is that this is an early-game state as for instance Shadowheart's and Lae'zel's relationship gets more complex and mutually appreciative later on. But let's go thru this one by one
so the initial relationship between SH and LZ is a PRIME example of kismesitude. their hate and attraction is almost fateful in nature, considering their narrative opposition and hidden layers of similarity. It even comes to a tipping point and they try to kill each other and the player has to come in and auspistice. I do see the potential for <3/<3< vacillation later on or even either a stable <3 or <3< relationship as they settle their differences
Lae'zel is also in a dire need of a moirail and of course the player can fill that role but just among these characters? It would have to be someone she respects enough and who is willing to curb her aggression. Shadowheart would be the best candidate but they want to fuck each other too much for it to work. Karlach would work BUT K also needs a moirail to cool her down sometimes and Lae'zel simply is not that!! I've had several comments saying it should be Gale but I honestly don't know if she respects him enough. sorry. maybe there is pale beauty there im not seeing feel free to prove me wrong
SH<3Karlach is clear and self-explanatory they would simply be in a passionate, healthy relationship. Karlach's moirallegiance with Wyll could also potentially veer into <3 territory but I honestly see them as BESTIESSSS the most, hey're like, queerplatonic to me. they respect and appreciate each other, neither of them really needs the 'stop murdering people' aspect of moirallegiance but Wyll can cool Karlach down if she gets too emotional and I think Karlach could teach Wyll to love himself. Millions of brave Wyllach warriors out there saying it better I'm sure.
Astarion<3/<3< Wyll is literally just what that post said. They have a poetic, almost fairytale-like quality to the duality that comes from how each of them relates to their identity as a 'monster'. The'd be at odds morally of course, but could fix each other eventually, and of course they would be attracted to each other but I think Wyll would think he SHOULDN'T be into an immoral vampire, and Astarion would be like I don't ACTUALLY like him im just like...objectifying him (not true), contributing to the pitched aspect of their relationship
And Shadowheart <> Astarion is just so close to my heart. They are a set of airpods to me. SH has both a capacity of meanness and manipulation that Astarion can appreciate and the boundless compassion that he needs. they are siblings, they alre mlm/wlw solidarity. They would support each other fully without any judgement on what the other has done and also be such cunts to each other. They are mean to people together. argue with the wall honestly
And Gale is making soup<3
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been re-reading reboot archie sonic lately and i fucking forgot they had segata sanshiro in here as a cameo this is SURREAL to look at now i know him as hongou san
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offsidekineticist · 5 months
△ Theo, can you ever forgive Giliys?
ooh, straight for the jugular! I think this one needs 2 ratings cuz Theo is in such severe denial and willfully misinterpreting his emotions right now that he doesn't actually realize how much he doesn't want to think about this. He thinks it's kind of a 6/10 - he definitely wouldn't willingly discuss this with a stranger, but if Qweck asked him this he would try to answer the question (albeit begrudgingly).
It's actually a 10/10. Because the truthful answer to this question is something he is lying to himself about so effectively that he doesn't actually know that's what he's doing. In other words, he's not even willing to broach this topic with himself. So even though he's answering the question honestly in the sense that he is explaining his feelings as he understands them...he doesn't actually understand his feelings well enough to be truthful.
Putting the answer under a cut bc it's about forgiving and/or loving someone who did something terrible and feeling like someone you loved was a lie that never existed. idk how to put that under a concise CW, but I feel like there should be one.
Theo sighs through his nose before answering. "It's not my place to forgive him. Not for everything, at least. He hurt - I don't even know how many people it was. It wouldn't be right to pretend that he hadn't done that. That he's probably still doing it.
"As for what he did to me specifically - I don't...who would I even be forgiving? I don't know who he is. He pretended to be someone else - someone selfless - for decades. I was best friends with someone who doesn't exist. It feels like asking if I could ever forgive a fairytale for not being real."
He stops, and for a moment you think he's done. But then you see the intense concentration in his eyes - there's something more, something he's determined to put into the exact right words. "Sometimes I forget there's anything to forgive," he finally says. "Because it felt real. Its still feels real. But it isn't. He looks like Gilly, even acts like him most of the time. I forget that it isn't really him - that he never existed. Gilly never - he would never do what Giliys did. But I can't - my feelings don't understand, and so I keep feeling like these feelings are towards Giliys when they're actually towards someone who isn't real - because of course they are. Because Giliys is despicable. He's done unforgivable things, and I could never love - " he stops abruptly. "But my feelings don't understand yet. They will. But they don't yet. Maybe I'll be able to think about forgiveness then, when I can see who he really is and not who he pretended to be."
(Someday he will realize this was not the truth. Someday he will realize the truth was "I already have, and I am ashamed.")
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bam-monsterhospital · 5 months
I finished the markarth questline finally, and at the end where everyone's telling you eat drink and get to finding a fuckbuddy, I reunited with thought-she-was-dead Arana, where she also told me to eat drink and find someone to bone.
Then, IMMEDIATELy after finishing that dialogue, bastian hits me with this goddamn ringer:
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bit-odd-innit · 2 years
Lucas & Eddie is one of the more fascinating dynamics to me because I think there’d be this, like, mutual guilt? And a need to make amends with each other? Eddie for making Lucas feel othered for the crime of Having a Mainstream Interest when his whole Ethos is making people feel included; Lucas for siding with the basketball team after Chrissy’s death and not interrogating that, given all of the everything in Hawkins there might be Something Else At Play Here. Lucas is also the most self assured of his friend group and probably didn’t need Eddie the way Mike and Dustin did, and Eddie probably didn’t know what to do with that? Couldn’t figure out how to Connect with Lucas the way he had with the other two boys and because of that disconnect he (let’s be generous and say inadvertently) drove a wedge between the three of them. But then he does click with Erica, and it’s through his friendship with her he’s able to build something genuine with Lucas. Idk like. The two of them are sensitive and kind and intuitive and put themselves out there for the benefit of their friends and admit when they’re wrong about something and apologize. They have a lot more in common than meets the eye, and I think after everything they finally see that. I also think Eddie gives Lucas one Cancel Hellfire Free Card that Lucas cashes in at the ABSOLUTE more INCONVENIENT time.
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foxgirlplushie · 6 months
I have a dr appointment tomorrow to actually start hrt again so that's a relief
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fruitycircus · 10 months
btw if there's a slim to none chance of the next nintendo console getting teased at the direct i'm gonna say a hot take
i do not care for the idea of the switch 2
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