#game canon would never give us that im very happy with that they did in the movies
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rapidhighway · 1 year ago
oh i think people might've come here from my comic thinking im a huge scu fan, im actually a hater (full of love)
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aliceinborderlandsquidgame · 2 months ago
We meet again | In-ho x Fem!Reader | PT3
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Summary: It was only one night for fun, you never thought you would see him again. Even less in a place like this one.
Warnings: S2 Spoilers - Canon violence - Pregnant!Reader - Non canon background for In-ho - Use of (Y/N) - Angst - Protective!In-ho - Soft!Dae-ho - Panic!Reader - grammar mistakes -
Morning came once again, this time you managed to get some good sleep, between the extra blankets and Jun-hee body heat (who told you she may end hugging you since she liked to cuddle in her sleep), you did not mind and so you woke up with her snoring over you.
"How does you two feel?" Dae-ho asked from besides the bed, for him it was like seeing his sisters from back home.
"I think we are both fine, better than last night" You slowly moved Jun-hee who asked for five more minutes, not catching up were she was.
You let out a small smile and looked around, Gi-hun and Jung-Bae seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation, there was no trace of In-ho.
"Hey Dae-ho" He made a noise to let you know he was listening "Where is In-ho?"
"Oh, he said he needed to use the restroom and asked me to keep watch over you two" He responded like it was a normal thing. "He is really protective you know? I think he sees Jun-hee like a little sister of sorts but..." He closed his mouth not wanting to make things akward.
"But?, you can tell me"
"Its different with you. I see the way he looks at you, he was very atentive when we were walking the stairs and even let you held on him"
Well, he kind of forced me to.
"And, well the first night...I saw him giving you his blanket, I dont think he sees you like a sister at all" He added a small blush on his cheecks as he felt like he was sharing a secret
You did also blush, his words hitting your heart hard and deep. Did he really care ? Did he really care for his baby ? And yourself ? Was it true that he would have stayed or went back ?
"I think you are overthinking, he most likely does it because im...fragile right now"
But Dae-ho moved his head "No, im positive that he sees you more than a friend, trust me, I grow up with four sisters, im used to see which men would see them as friends and which would see them as lovers"
"Does that mean you see me like a sister?" You asked him trying to make him forget about his ideas.
He suttered responding "W-well, I mean, you are a woman" You nodded and he laughted "Right you are, and you are pregnant no less...two of my sisters were pregnant once and I was besides them during it so...m-maybe im acting on instinct. Sorry if it brothers you"
"No, no it does not. If nothing im happy. My brother left the country when he fell on debt, and passed it to me. He never called me or contacted before it. So...if you see me as your sister then its fair I see you as my brother"
Dae-ho smiled softly at your words He was going to talk once again but the voice of Jung-Bae calling him made him stop.
"Its time for the game yet?" Jun-hee said getting up blinking to adjust to the light.
"No yet, we have a few more minutes to rest" You responded "How do you feel?"
Jun-hee dismissed your worried tone with her hand "Im fine, slept better than last night. Thank you for sharing the blankets"
"You are welcome, we must take care of each other, right?"
She smiled, a sincere one. "We have"
In-ho with his clothes of Front Man read over the food for the next days, besides him stood The Officer not saying a word knowing better.
"Add one appel for each player" He finally said, giving the officer the tablet back who nodded. "And kept the vitamins for player 222 and 344"
"Attention players, today we will be giving food, form a line and wait" The Guard called.
Jun-hee and you moved to get in line, followed by Jung-Bae, Gi-hun and Dae-ho. "Why are they giving us breakfast? And where is In-ho?" Jung-Bae asked looking around with confusion, even Gi-hun had started to get worried.
"Well...he did say he needed the restroom, but he has been gone for much time now" Dae-ho said looking around too.
"Maybe he got lost?" Jung-Bae said getting a look from the four of you. "Well dont look at me like that!"
"You four went to the restroom last night, how far is it?" You asked a bit worried
"Not far, and the guards keep watch" Gi-hun responded
"Maybe he tried to escape?" The voice of Jun-hee asked
All of you fell in silence, the words of the other players muffled by your own thoughts.
Slowly the line went on, the four of you moving in a robotic way, like already mouring his death. 
It cant be, I cant lose him again.. 
You almost fell but Dae-ho noticed it and took you in his arms
"Hey...he may he alright..."
You wanted to cry, maybe the pregnancy was getting on you, maybe the stress was too much.
"And what if not? What if..."
Dae-ho helped till you two were in front of the guard who this time gave milk, bread, an appel and the same plastic bag as last time"
Dae-ho looked with curious eyes but a loud sound from the guard and and an almost violent push of food made him look away.
You took a seat and forced yourself to eat and take down the pills. You knew you needed them for your baby.
Dae-ho followed by the others came too, once again Jung-Bae offered Jun-hee and you his milk.
All of you ate in silence, no one knew what to say or do, everyone was confused because of the suprise breakfast but also worried over their other teammate.
"What's going on, the food cant be that bad" The voice from In-ho broke off the dead silence.
"In-ho!" All of you exclaimed, it was a fun scene for the outside of it.
In-ho took a look at all of you, he could tell all of you were worried over him. His gaze lingered on you for a longer moment but he broke the eye contact and took a seat.
"Where were you?" Gi-hun asked between worried and suspicious
In-ho kept his eyes, "I had a small injury from last game, needed to check it" He lied "Tried to go during the night but the guards did not let me"
The silence was still tense but you decided to break it.
"Im glad you are fine" You went to munch back the appel blushing a bit under his eyes. He smiled at you and passed his appel to you, "Jun-hee and you can share it, I dont need it"
"Attention players, the next game will start soon, form a line and follow a guard"
All of you moved, In-ho once again being in front of you while Dae-ho was behind.
"Really, I can climb these just fine" You told them but they just ignored you.
However this time the guard lead the line of players where you were around a different path one with almost no stairs and the ones that did appear where short ones.
You did not want to show it, but you were grateful for this. Not questioning why the path had change.
Jun-hee was as content as you, holding her own belly, even if she was not as pregnant as you, she still got tired from time to time. She looked at you smiling a bit when he saw In-ho looking over his shoulder to check on you.
Oh, she was sure you two had something. Maybe he was indeed the father of your baby. Maybe it was fate that you two met in here. Much like her own....even if she did not want anything to do with the father of her own baby.
If by the next game all of you were out then she would like to stay close to you. Maybe you two could go and look for cheap clothes for your babys, pick a color for their rooms. If you were living alone maybe you two could live together, or she could live close to you if by any chance In-ho and you shared a place.
She would love to go and have dinner, the three of you. She could picture In-ho not letting you or her do a thing, he would most likely cock and clean.
Maybe Dae-ho could come too. He did said he grow up with four sisters, maybe he would give you two some tricks and help you two. He could introduce his sisters to the two of you.
Her dream ended when they arrived to the next game.
In-ho was nervous. He knew he could not change the game itself, it would make these watching it get too invested and suspect, last thing he wanted was for the "VIPs" to get their attention on you.
Still, this game was dangerous. Specially for you, it did include running and the spinning, he swear to himself to stay besides you during all of it. But even with that...what if the stress was too much ? The music ?
Fuck, fuck all of this. Fuck it being The Front Man, fuck the dam games, fuck Gi-hun for causing trouble. Why could him just take the money and live his life?
Maybe it was wrong to blame Gi-hun for this. After all, it was not his fault that he had let you pregnant....
But it was his fault he had to make things harder, use all his energy for the games, for these on top of him to be satisfied, if he had not cause trouble outside....
"In-ho" Your sweet voice made him get back "What do you think? About the next game?"
Were all of you talking ? He never noticed.
"Mhm, could be migle" He trailed off
"Like, when we used to count run and hug each other?" Jung-Bae asked
"Must have something to do with these doors" Gi-hun pointed out "Make teams and go inside, something like that"
You little fucker....
"These are too far away..." You said starting to get nervous
"We wont leave you behind" In-ho told you giving your hand a quick grip
I wont leave you behind.
The guards had been ordered to not shoot you. Only to take you to his room in case you did lose. But In-ho would not let you go, he did not want to be separated from you.
"Yeah, we are a team" Dae-ho said taking your hand and Jun-hee who was also scared. "We wont let you two behind"
Maybe the four men from your team had different reasons to be in the games, but they had one objective this time.
Protect you and Jun-hee at all costs.
"Attention players, the next game is Migle, please get on the platform, when the song stops a number will be say. You must form teams of that number and go inside one of the rooms. If you fail to do so, you will be eliminated"
"You were right" You said to In-ho who helped you get on the platform "And Gi-hun, you were also right about the doors, you two seems to share the same brain"
Gi-hun said nothing while In-ho gave your hand a small grip. The platform started to spin, he could see you already feeling dizzy.
"Try to focus on a specific spot" He said avobe the music "That way you wont faint"
You did as he told you, eyes focus on a specific spot, the song was the old one you would hear kids sing back in your town. It made you want to vomit, to think on how twisted this was.
All of you started to look around, you were already six, just needed four more, but no one seemed to be around even if there were lots of players.
"Fuck what do we do" Jung-Bae said looking around
"How many are you?" Player 120 asked, behind her player 095, 007 and 149 stood.
"Six" Gi-hun responded quickly scanning the group seeing they were four, the number they needed
"Alright lets go then" In-ho said taking your hand between his, Dae-ho took Jun-hee hand with his, player 007 seemed to be dragging player 149, they were mother and son after all.
"There!" Gi-hun said running ahead opening a purpel door and making sure all of you went inside before he did it.
All of you were breathing hard after the run and stress.
Suddendly the door lock and the voice said time was up, next thing that came were the sounds of gunshots and screams.
"Oh you poor girls" The older woman said looking at Jun-hee and You like a mother would look at her daughter.
"We are fine" Jun-hee said hand on her belly as she took a quick look at you who nodded with a small smile.
"We are holding up" You told the older woman who was now cursing whoever would let two pregnant woman enter such a dangerous game.
In-ho had his face void from any emotion, even his eyes were stone cold while he listened to player 149 rant. It was destroying his heart.
The door unlocked again and the ten of you went out. Not knowing which number could be said next the ten of you decided to be close once the platform started to spin again.
Fuck, two will be out. You thought and all seemed to think the same, each one looking at the rest.
"Dae-ho, In-ho you two go with (Y/N) and Jun-hee, you four go together" Gi-hun started to make teams
"W-wait, what about-" Jung-Bae nervously asked but Gi-hun talked again "We will find two more, now go"
All of you splitted out, you were able to see the other four go inside a room before Dae-ho found one.
The four of you stood there, you went to look outside since the door had a small space, but between the lights and chaos you could not see Gi-hun or Jung-Bae.
"Hey, Seong was here before, and Jung-Bae its his best friend" Jun-hee said pulling you away from the door "I think they will be fine"
The door lock once again and the same sounds from last time repeated.
You closed your eyes feeling the breakfast trying to go up and out but you forced yourself not to.
Time passed slowly till the door unlock, the four of you inmediatly started to scream for Gi-hun and Jung-Bae but they did no appear.
"I dont see them" You said starting to panic "I- are they dead? I cant remember their numbers...did they said their numbers?" You asked getting more and more nervous not seeing around a player hitted your side
"Watch it caw" player 009, the same from the last game said.
"That little-" Dae-ho was about to go towards him but the screams from Gi-hun and Jung-Bae stopped him.
"Guys!" You said going towards them and hugging them, you felt Gi-hun tense under the hug, maybe he was not used to being hugged. "I was worried over you two" You separated yourself from them
"Gi-hun managed to find two more, its all thanks to him" Jung-Bae said but Gi-hun said nothing still lost in some thoguths
"Im glad you are safe" He finally said. He felt specially protective over you and Jun-hee, but since you seemed to be almost about to cry he could not help but let you know how he felt.
"We are, thanks for your quick thinking" In-ho appeared besides you, it did appear that he was covering you with his body but you did not say a thing.
The six of you went back to the platform, the other four players decided to stay close in case a high number was said.
The platform started to spin once again, the song was short played
"Let split" Jung-Bae said, already getting besides Gi-hun, "Jun-hee you can come with us"
"But-" Jun-hee did not want to separate herself from you. Last two rounds were heavy on her, being close to you had helped her calm down. She knew you would be safe with Dae-ho and In-ho, specially with In-ho.
"Go with them, we will see each other again" You softly told her giving her a quick hug and parting ways with Dae-ho and In-ho who was looking for a room. Most were already occupied but he would not let that stop him. He will get you inside one no matter what he had to do.
"There! Green one on the left" You screamed at them and both nodded going towards it.
However the three of you were not the only team that was going towards that door, In-ho noticed them right away and with decision ran faster taking one by the collar and punching him. The other two went to help their fallen companion but In-ho managed to fight them off giving Dae-ho and you enoguh time to get inside the room.
"In-ho, lets go time its almost up!!" You called him from the door not being fully inside yet.
He took a glance at the timer and sprinted towards you, barely making inside when the door closed with a loud sound.
"You fucker!! That was our room" One of the players that In-ho had stopped started to punch and scream.
Dae-ho hugged you pulling yourself as far from the door as he could while In-ho stood at the front, blocking the view.
He knew what was coming next and the player being too close would only make it worse.
"Cover her ears" In-ho told Dae-ho over his shoulder who catched up and did as told
The gunshots happen again, this time louder and closer. The player that had been screaming was dead outside now.
"Its ok, we are ok. (Y/N) how do you feel?" Dae-ho asked worried seeing you trembling. "H-hey whats wrong?"
In-ho moved towards you pulling you against his chest. He felt the tears falling down your face and the sobs.
"Shh, its fine. We made it, you and the baby are fine" In-ho calmed you down his own heart beating fast. If he was not inside the room before the time was up something could had happen. Even if the orders were clear to not hurt you, he had no idea how the guards would have manage the fact that inside the room where only two and not three players.
Would they ignored it? Kill Dae-ho and let you live? Give him more time?
He was taking many risks and was getting more worried over you and his baby. This game was too stressful, what was he going to do?
Once the guards removed the bodies the door did unlock, it was a nice suprise not seeing a pool of blood outside the door of the room you were in.
"Guys! Here" Gi-hun voice called, behind him Jung-Bae and Jun-hee followed
"Hey..." You said in a low and tired tone.
"What happened?" Jun-hee asked taking your hands in hers
"T-here was another team and we-" You could not finish the memory of them coming back.
"Its not your fault" Gi-hun said, knowing that most likely you three had to fight for the room. "Its no ones fault"
"In-ho saved us" Dae-ho said patting his back
In-ho tried not to let a groan, he only gave a small smile.
"Players get on the platform, next round will soon start"
The six of you went once again. In-ho made sure to take your hand in his. You looked at him giving him a significant grip and nodd.
It was like heaven had hear your prayers, the six of you did not waste time and ran to a nearby door. Not lots of players had exactly six so luckly you all made it without having to fight.
"I think this has been the easiest round" Jung-Bae said letting himself fell against a wall
"We got lucky, other number would have gave us problems" You said also slowly falling to sit
"How many rounds do you think we have to play?" Jun-hee wondered and all of you started to think
"Most likely one, I believe they had eliminated enough players by now" In-ho said feeling a headache forming.
"Then which number?" Dae-ho asked making silence fell over the room.
"It would be too much to ask for six again, right?" Jung-Bae said
"I dont see them being that generous" Were your only words.
Finally, the last round. The platform was once again spinning, song playing, In-ho knew it was the last round and that it was going to be two. He had decided he would go with you, the rest could separate as they wanted. But he would not leave you.
"Pairs! Form pairs and go" Gi-hun said seeing that most players had already started to move
In-ho took your hand once again not giving you time to think as he took you to the nearest room.
"W-wait, what about-"
"Jun-hee will be fine, and so will the rest" He said opening the door and making you go inside. "Stay at the back in case they try pulling the door open" He ordered and you did as he said.
Not sooner than later players were trying to open the door but In-ho had an iron griop on it, he was using all his force to not let them in.
Cmon, just finish the dam timer
"Times up"
The door locked for the last time and In-ho took a moment to collect his breath back. He turned to see you on the floor, eyes red and tears falling, hands over your belly.
"(Y/N) look at me, you are fine. The baby its fine" He assured you getting closer taking your face between his hands and cleaning your tears.
"I wont let anything happen to either of you" He added with lots of conviction "I will make sure you two are safe till the end, alright? Dont worry about anything just focus on surviving"
"But im scared, what if you die? What if you leave?" You asked criying a bit more.
"I wont, I promise you. Im sorry, sorry for everything. Even if you dont blame me anymore, im so sorry. Nothing like this should have happen. You should not be here"
You did not know. But In-ho was apolozising not only because of that. But because he was the one who came up with the games. Made them so he could break Gi-hun's will. It never ocurred to him that you would end here. Never in a millon years would he have thought the girl who he slept once was pregnant, the girl who plagued his days and nights was going throw a lot alone.
He felt deeply sorry for everything.
"Stop it, you know I dont blame you. If anything...im happy" That made In-ho look at you suprised. "I never thought I would be a mother, I never saw myself as one but, you made it possible. Even if things were not ideal. Im happy, and im happy with you. Im happy I could see you again, im happy that you care for me and the baby"
"You have no idea how much you two mean to me, listen (Y/N) you said it, it was not ideal, and our moment together was short. But never, I have never cared for someone as deep as I care for you"
Maybe only for his brother, but he had shoot him, so you were higher on the list.
"Can I kiss you? Please, please I need to kiss you, I need to know this is real" He begged you his walls falling and desesperation coming out.
You nodded and he leaned in keeping his eyes look in yours till his lips were on you.
It was soft, and tender. His movements were slow but passionate pulling all his feelings on it. It felt like the first time you two kissed, the world fading outside, only you two mattered.
In-ho pulled his hand over your belly not yet touching it, but you moved them and for the first time he was able to feel your belly. To think his baby was inside, was too much, too emotional, he did almost cry.
But a kick, a soft one directly where his hand was made him stop. He looked down, not beliving it when he felt it again. His baby was kicking him, his baby was alive.
"I think it knows its father" You said smiling feeling one more kick. Your baby almost never kicked, it was mostly quiet and would move when the sun was too strong but nothing much.
However, with In-ho around it was like it had woke up from a long nap.
"Do you know the gender?" He asked in a state of bliss
"No, I want it to be a suprise"
"Then, how do you call it?"
"Little one"
"Hello Little One, im your father In-ho" at this the baby kicked once again "Stay safe in there, your mother its going amazing so far"
And there, in that small room. In these deadly games, with blood and bodies outside. In there, In-ho found himself being the happiest man alive, with you by his side and his little one.
@maria-trisha @blueyesuguru @imenekiki @victorie767 @futuristicdefendorfart @heyitsmefall
@love-you-louise @fantasylovestoryme @sleepyycatt @nightdark-dreamdark @lindsay000000 @ourlovesarang @smally97 @zigmasstuff @aleemendoza2425-blog @the-disaster-in-waiting @ilovequeen978 @sc4rrc @sylviavf @l4venderia @blueeclipsepaperstudent @annasnape7
I could not tag some, sorry.
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myokk · 4 months ago
Hi! I'm still feral for these two, would you mind giving us some art of them in their later years together!?
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Hello angel!!!!
Sorry it’s taken so long to respond🫶🫶 but I wanted to draw some new art for this ask💓
We have: Sebastian and Eloise trying out their new fancy camera with a selfie, pictures of them with their daughter, and finally…idk I just always felt like this drawing is when they’re a bit older💓
I want to take this ask as an opportunity as well to talk a little about how I imagine their future (I have no chill & you can ignore this and just enjoy the art if you want😇).
I am a COMPLETE pantser - I never know how a chapter’s going to end when I start writing it (I always just have a few scenes I know I need to include to keep the plot moving forward). Although I have different *big* scenes I’m always writing towards, and themes/plot elements I’m always foreshadowing (shout out to @elliecutte for catching *almost* all of my hints and appreciating my general no chill😆), IM STILL NOT 100% SURE HOW I WILL END THINGS !!! 😳 I have a lot of endings I see as possible, and I think soon it will become more clear to me what will work the best💓
Eloise and Sebastian become Unspeakables. I have a LOT of thoughts on this profession that could be its OWN post, and I feel like Unspeakables are generally specialized in one or two departments, but as their interests/research change they also change.
Eloise becomes an Unspeakable in the Mind and Death departments, with the occasional foray into Time. Her ancient magic is connected with all of these things (my version of AM is NOT like the game) & the Department of Mysteries is one of the only places that gives her any useful information about these things. Plus she thinks too much (it IS her hobby after all😆💓) and is very introverted so a hermit job like this is a perfect fit.
Sebastian becomes an Unspeakable as well, but I feel like it takes him a long time to specialize in anything, if he ever does. I just feel like becoming an Unspeakable is the adult equivalent of sneaking into the Restricted Section🥹🫶
They grow old together (I won’t explain TOO much) & have a lovely little family🥹 at least one daughter that they both dote on. Sebastian had an amazing childhood (idyllic until it wasn’t), and wants to give his daughter the same, and Eloise works hard to make sure their daughter feels the love that she never had growing up🥺
When Sirius is burned off the family tree, Eloise and Sebastian take him in🥹🫶 (they’re like 100 years old but WIZARDS LIVE LONGER…) The same happened to her all those years ago, and she wants him to know that his whole family hasn’t abandoned him.
Eloise LOVED her nieces - Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa - when they were younger, but as Voldemort becomes more powerful & people realize WHAT he’s doing, she has to separate herself from them. Her heart breaks seeing Bellatrix go mad, and seeing Narcissa engaged to a Malfoy out of obligation😔 (iykyk)
I haven’t thought any more about happy ending but I think it’s fun to think about how their future story might weave in with the actual canon events, ESPECIALLY since Eloise is a Black🥹💓
After Sebastian gets his hands on Slytherin’s relic, it really starts to consume him and makes him even MORE obsessive than his natural tendencies - I imagine it similarly “talking” to him like Slytherin’s locket/horcrux did in Deathly Hallows (😳)
Eloise is deathly afraid of the changes she’s seeing in Sebastian and steals it from him (he would never willingly give it to her ESPECIALLY if it starts to feel like a precious item to him)
BUT the relic triggers the latent Black Family Madness in her - the madness that afflicts almost every woman in her family since…🤭 - and she herself starts to lose touch with reality. Her body and soul are already destroying themselves between the curse and the ancient magic inside of her, and the relic is what triggers it in her.
Sebastian becomes an Unspeakable, focusing on the Mind, in a desperate attempt to find a cure for his Eloise🥺
He never gives up his research, and sometimes when he comes home she is lucid and they talk about his research - otherwise, he just loves and takes care of her.
(He’s never successful in finding a way to reverse what he feels he caused in the first place - his ambition and single-mindedness is, to him, the reason why all of this happened)
Honestly who knows if I end their story either of these ways😌 I just love thinking of AUs and different endings and I have a few others I’ve considered as well!!! And whatever endings I don’t write will be immortalized on this blog and in my art as well🙏
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wsknbfanaccnt · 5 months ago
GOM Relationship with Akashi
Characters: Kuroko, Midorima, Aomine, Kise, Murasakibara
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he really likes Akashi of course
and he's natually very empathetic, secretly knowing what Akashi is going through and always making sure to include him and make him feel welcomed as much as possible
and Akashi is always looking out for Kuroko (like its so obvious)
BUT Kuroko and Akashi as a pair are michievous little shits
its canon that they often mess with their friends as a pair
like the rock paper scissors thing i dont remember what it was about but i know they tricked their opponent
there was once (canon) that the first string was supposed to come up with announcements for joining the basketball team and no one helped
so Akashi had an idea
Kuroko announced it at lunch and no one heard it (obviously)
one of the only ones i remember is that Kuroko said that Kise was givin gout free signed photos i think and Kise was bombarded with paparazzi lol
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as we know, Midorima and Akashi are besties
they used to play Shogi after school a lot
and I feel like Midorima feels as though he could have done more to help Akashi since he was the closest to him
and I think he was one of the first ones that noticed that Akashi had a second personality
Midorima is one of Akashi's closest friends and that never faltered
I feel like they would bond over a lot of things like classical music and piano and stuff since theyre both kinda traditional
Midorima's little sister LOVES him
I like to think that Akashi thinks of Midorima's family as his second family
Mr and Mrs Midorima always make sure that Akashi feels welcome in their home cuz I think they know the jist of what Masaomi is making Akashi go through
since I would think that Midorima's dad works with Masaomi
(i dont remember if thats canon or not cuz the canons and fanons are getting mixed up in my brain)
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it did say that Akashi gets along with Aomine the least
but I like to think that Aomine brings out Akashi's more modern side
(@active-mind-15 im getting my ideas from your rage room fic <3)
Aomine and Akashi hang out at times and Aomine is the one introducing him to like video games, shopping on his own, modern action movies and stuff
Aomine tried to introduce him to porn mags and stuff but Akashi was just shoving him away
(he doesnt need Aomine's help he already has his own little collection
but he wouldnt admit that ofc)
its also evident in the manga that Aomine looks up to Akashi a lot and is one of the people that believes in him the most
like aside from Aomine being rowdy and not following whatever Akashi wants him to do, they get along on other things
(like a rage room for example)
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i dont have much for kise cuz canonically he doesnt really interact with Akashi much
hes more obsessed with Kuroko obviously
but I would think that Akashi relies on Kise to find the bright side in things
Akashi seeing Aomine and Kise bicker and fight honestly warms his heart
like a proud mom
ofc he has to break it up but he finds it funny and he gets like a glimpse of what normal boys his age should be like lmfao
Tumblr media
he is SPOILED to Akashi
in their school festival (canon) Akashi won a bunch of sweets and candy and stuff because he keeps going door to door and beating all the chess masters (not just chess, but checkers and go and everyone even blind chess this man wtf)
and he ended up giving all of it to Murasakibara
like theyre so cute omfg
I think that sometimes Murasakibara feels responsible for Akashi's 2nd personality awakening because of that game
he tries to dig that feeling deep down inside him
but seeing Akachin with his normal personality again makes him happy and he does what he can to like
make it up to him
or like spend time with him
cuz baby feels guilty :(
Akashi appreciates it of course
and I feel like Akashi sees Murasakibara as like a baby
which he is an oversized baby
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mr-nauseam · 20 days ago
Hii! I've never sent an ask here, but since you're participating in the ask game thing i thought i'd send one! For the sleepover saturday thing, what was the most impactful moment of the book for you? What's a headcanon you haven't talked about here before, or did and would like to share more on?
Have a nice day!! ^^
OMG IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOOU!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG TRULY, UR ART ITS AMAAAZING, AND THE POSTS U SHARE ARE TOP TIER <3 also you have clearly a wonderful taste bc Gaul,,, the mad scientific yoo are
Ty for the ask! I think this question I can classificate in two: 1. Things that impact me on my first reading 2. Things that impact me on my thousand of rereadings
1. When I first read the book! I was impacted by Clemensia incident a lot, like I have always loved the scientific fucked side of Capitol, in THG we see many mutts, but we never see before anything like the case of Clemensia, so I WAS SCREAMING AND GASPING WITH IT.
I mean Clemensia showing her scales and screaming and then being taken away by force? IT WAS BRUTAAAl.
On a similar note, I would not say Sejanus death, like he's my favorite character from all the saga? Yes. It impact me his death? Not really, I was sad clearly, but was very una muerta anunciada from the moment Snow send that record, however, NOTHING PREPARE ME FOR THE AFTER IT.
Thats a scene I think we dont talk enough about in the fandom BUT THE MOMENT WHEN THE OFFICER - GUY WHO WAS IN CHARGE CALLING CORIOLANUS TO HIS OFFICE AND THE FUCKING ATTITUDE THAT MISERABLE WORM SHOW OFF?? I knew he fucking sucks, I read many of this anti district shit comments and cursed him, yet... I wasnt expecting HIM TO DO THAT! TO GO THAT BAD!
Another scene and that Im so so sad the movie take away was MA PLINTH POINTING TO THE TELEVISION SAYING SHE KNEW WHERE HER SON WAS, and talking of Ma Plinth, the why I would personally PUSH OFF GRANDMA SNOW FROM A BALCONY IN A 10 FLOOR, its bc AT THE END OF TBOSAS SHE SAW MA PLINTH AND THOUGHT WAS A SERVANT. My jaw drop to the floor when I read that the first time.
In my rereadings... I could never sympathy with Snow, yet I swear IN EVERY REREADING I DO HE GET WORST SOMEHOW. You must understand that I read fragments of TBOSAS an insane amount, daily Im re reading scenes, when I think of lore for certain families or characters, I go back to my pdf and I reread every thing that was said of them, I re read A LOT, so MIND YOU, WHY EVERY TIME, CORIOLANUS GET WORST AND WORST???
Two moments that got with my mouth open and paralyzed was that, english is not my first language and took me a time read tbosas in english, ok but once I got that pdf, I was rereading one day some stuff of the 10th games, and Coriolanus used a verb for Jessup that I dont understood, like I get in a way what he was saying bc of context but the exact meaning escape to me, so I research it.
Other moment that got me its all what Casca say of Mrs. Snow in canon, that exact quote Im obssesed with of "your pretty vapid mother that convince herself you father would give her love and freedom." IT IMPACT ME A LOT, enough to me do an ocs (thats how Julia Snow born).
Abt the headcanons I have many many but one that I believe I mention once but I have never go futher in it, is that I BELIEVE LIVIA CARDEW HAVE MOMMY ISSUES. I got ONE line of her and her mom to be changed forever, this my truth, Im speaking it. I can argue it, I can go to the crusades for it, joking but I do can explain it.
OTHER HC I HAVE AND I THINK I NEVER MENTION OUTSIDE SOME MUTUALS AND THAT I BRING ITS BC I WANT ASK YOU SOMETHING. In my head (I read book before the movie!) Gaul's laboratory look exactly like what the hell was doing Arca in the concept art of her album: Kick II. You can look like it in google imagenes: Arca kick ii and the vision should appear to you.
SOOOO I WAS CURIOUS. YOU HAVE VISUALIZATION OVER GAUL'S LABORATORY? The movie despiction fit to you? (I think the lab in movie was a slay, one of my few fav parts of it), when you read the book you keep it in mind or a new imagen pop up in your head?
Anyway, its all, sorry the long rant, I cant shut up and ofc u are free of do the question, if you dont, you are free of dont.
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amethystsnow · 8 months ago
i often see it mentioned how for transfems estrogen increases happiness obviously, and also how it is easier to cry. these make sense, and i am definitely feeling those. however, something i dont see mentioned nearly as much is how it increases other emotions and feelings as well.
i feel more enjoyment in things. i have found multiple shows and games to be "one of the best i have watched/played in my life", which used to be a much more rare occurrence. along with this, i also laugh more. i find myself laughing out loud so much more than i used to, even if its something ive found funny before (i cant watch snapcube videos when my parents are asleep because i always laugh too loud lmao).
i feel more passionate about things. when a character i care about was revealed to be canonically queer, i literally cheered out loud, something i never actually did before. i also decided to make a source mod, and actually started by installing blender addons to allow for exporting those models, and started learning the source sdk and hammer, rather than just wanting to do something and not doing anything until i just forgot like i have done many times before.
i feel more pride. like queer pride obviously, but in this i mean being proud of myself. when i drew that little cat that i used for my little talking dude on streams, i was like "heh, thats a funny little guy (neutral)", but didnt really care about it because i felt it was bad, but when i drew what is now my pfp, which is basically the same drawing but its my fursona rather than my warriors oc, i felt so happy with it, even if it looks like it could be drawn by an 8 year old. it was something i made myself in a medium that i am very inexperienced in, and i feel more pride over that than really anything else i have made myself in my life. i am working on making a 3d version of the drawing, and it looks terrible and very simple, but its my first time ever trying 3d modeling, and i am very proud of my minimal progress.
i feel so much more confident in myself than i ever have. i have been posting pictures of my boobs online. i wore a crop top in public for the first time. im actually making progress on voice training rather than giving up like two days in because of thinking i sound like shit.
all of this is only three months into taking it. hrt is such a wonderful thing. i hope everyone who wants/needs it is able to get it, it has literally saved my life and i hope it can save more.
if you have similar feelings you would like to share, please feel free to on this post, i love hearing fellow queer peoples experiences (this goes for people on testosterone as well, i would love to hear your stories as well)
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ohsweetflips · 15 days ago
3, 15, and 18 for that horrors ask game for Rhodes if you're up for it?
i am currently battling sickness rn so i am absolutely up to putting rhodes through some horrors to cope with my own horrors rn <3 thank you for asking!!!
3) What is the worst heartbreak they've ever experienced?
so at first this questioned stumped me bc davrin is their first anything like. they had no relationship opportunities pre-veiljumpers (and also they were still pretty young) and then they didn't really date with the veiljumpers.
and then it dawned on me that realizing that strife actually wanted them to leave when varric + lace recruited them would be, for at least a moment, absolutely devastating. i think the circumstances surrounding rhodes' recruitment, both with wanting to do good but also with being already pretty pissed at strife, would have already manifested in them wanting to go with varric + lace (esp when, at the time, they were just going to be a recruit who helped them and not the one. u know. leading the whole thing)
but i think that realization that strife was probably happy to see them go bc of how mad he was with them, hearing other veiljumpers talk abt how it's good that they're getting time away, would hurt a lot. it would quickly collapse in on itself into anger bc rhodes is repressed quick to anger but it would still sting for a while
15) What is the one thing that would make them lose all hope?
i'm actually gonna lowk cheat and talk abt how i accidentally killed neve during the finale LMAO tldr i was stupid and thought, bc i 100% my relationships with all the factions, that neve could stand on the front lines
but tbh it was that! that was it! this feeling of going into the final battle thinking everything was going well, all of them survived so far, everything was going to be fine, neve was going to stay back and help and-
and then, after they've saved the world, they learn that neve died in battle
and like. here's the thing. i feel like my rook fumbled with neve so many times that it became poetic. like, during the prologue, neve was the one who came with them to interrupt the ritual, so neve got hurt. rhodes saved treviso, so the everything happened with neve. they chose bellara to dismantle the runes, so we just straight up got some late-game neve disapproval. and then neve dies! so!
and poetic for me means absolutely tragic for rhodes
and that final punch, that final reminder that they could never get everything right with neve, absolutely destroyed them. that they lost friends until the very end, and that truly everyone they started this journey with was gone.
and like, this fully changed rhodes. with this ending, i immedaitely sent them into like. doom spiral, they don't remember days after the final battle, having a full-body realization that this is changing them for the worst.
like if im being honest it became a little too hopeless for rhodes in my canon that i've decided to make some different decisions to save neve AKJSDKJFDKJ like i love tragedy but i kinda just started to get a little too sad thinking abt rhodes post-canon
but! that is how you could make them lose all hope <3
18) Which one of their insecurities would be the easiest to take advantage of?
oh my god it would be so easy to use their friends and loved ones against them
like their fear of being alone again could manifest in so many different ways, whether someone is threatening to hurt someone rhodes loves in order to get them to do something (like hostage scenario type), or just holding over them that they could end up alone again
like i feel like with rhodes everything i say abt them comes back to caring abt their loved ones and a fear of being alone again but it's really bc they have no one else! like as their creator (lmao) i avidly refuse to give them extensive family bc that's what i did with my warden and inquisitor, and i really wanted to try different things with my rook
so it's like! they have the veiljumpers. they have the veilguard. they have the friends they made through the veilguard. and that's it!
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kaissauce · 2 years ago
Oh I would love to hear your essay on Kirby's personality please, if you still have it! You have a really lovely interpretation and its alway nice to see people talk about love :D
Thank you! i still have the essay it is a bit old but im too lazy to revise it entirely so it’s flawed but i think i got the important points down
i didnt look at the manga interpretations of kirby because there’s a lot of them and there’s not much of note
im putting the essay under read moreee
Kirby: A deep dive into a pond
The Kirby franchise is one of the bigger ones out there. It’s been around since 1992 and has about 38 games since then. Despite being pretty popular, when you ask people just who Kirby is they’ll probably give you simple answers like “he’s that little pink ball who’s happy and innocent” or “that guy who fights gods over cake”, but just how accurate are these descriptions? Who really is Kirby?
To answer this question, I’ll be looking at three different mediums of the Kirby franchise, the game, the novels, and the anime. Of which, have different canons and portray Kirby in different ways. I’ll start off with the game iteration. In the very first Kirby game, there isn’t much to Kirby. There’s no dialogue or pause screen descriptions. Anything personality-wise can only be guessed from his actions. In this game, Kirby sets off to get the sparkling stars and food that King Dedede stole and bring it back to the people of Dream Land. From this alone we can tell how kind he is for going out of his way to fight all these enemies and bosses to give food back to the people. In Dream Land 2 and 3 he saves Popstar yet again, even saving King Dedede from Dark Matter despite their qualms in the past. However, Kirby’s Adventure is an interesting one, as it deviates from the black and white good and bad that was set up in the Dream Land games. Though King Dedede split up the star rod, preventing the Fountain of Dreams from flowing, he did it to prevent Nightmare from giving everyone in Dream Land bad dreams. Kirby doesn’t know this and immediately assumes that King Dedede is up to no good. He pieces the star rod together and defeats King Dedede, but as he approaches the fountain to put the star rod in its rightful place, King Dedede tries to stop him. Though, it isn’t out of malicious intent. He shakes his head and looks worried. Kirby doesn’t listen to him and puts the star rod back in the fountain. Only to release Nightmare. Kirby’s completely shocked by this, not knowing what to do. Luckily King Dedede doesn’t hesitate to get Kirby up there to fight Nightmare. This game’s important for the development of both Dedede’s and Kirby’s characters. It shows us that Dedede’s grown from the king who would steal from his citizens and that Kirby isn’t flawless. It highlights a glaring flaw of Kirby’s: he doesn’t stop to talk it out. Never does he resolve something by talking or reasoning with the big bad, which tends to work out most of the time, but in Kirby’s Adventure and Squeak Squad, the dangers of this are shown with Nightmare and Dark Nebula respectively. Although, the dangers aren’t permanent due to how powerful Kirby is.
Kirby doesn’t speak in most of the games besides a “hi” every now and then. He does in Kirby’s Avalanche, a spin-off typically viewed as non-canon and “out-of-character”, and is shown to be quite cocky and sassy. He calls Poppy bros sr.’s bombs “pathetic”, insults Broom Hatter’s avalanche skills, “I'd worry more about cleaning up your Avalanche skills first”, as well as insults Kracko’s aiming skills “You couldn't hit a barn sized lightning rod, Kracko”. However this is not the only time Kirby is shown to be cocky. In the pause screen descriptions of main games, Kirby is sometimes the one to be describing his copy ability, which happened more commonly in the games before Return to Dream Land. From these descriptions, Kirby’s personality especially shines. Some are goofy like tornado and freeze, “Spin spin spin spin spin Spinspinspinspin Spinspinspin AAAAAUGGHH!”, “Stop! Come no closer! I'll chill you to the bone!” and some are confident and cocky, “Flaming tackle time! Who's gonna stop me?”, “No one can hurt me! Look out below!”. Generally these descriptions have an upbeat charm to them, which matches how positive Kirby tends to be. Although, Kirby isn’t always happy-go-lucky all the time, which is highlighted by a joke in Super Star Ultra that wasn’t translated that clearly. In the english version, the narrator calls Kirby a “jolly fellow” prompting Kirby to make a frowning face. In the Japanese version, it’s more clear as to why he makes that expression, because the narrator’s being dismissive of any chance of Kirby having troubles by essentially saying he has nothing to worry about. Kirby is generally a happy person, yes, but he still feels other emotions and it’s not out of character for him to get angry or sad, even over small things like getting knocked out of a tree while looking for apples (Scene in Epic Yarn) and not getting anything at the picnic (End goal game of Crystal Shards).
Kirby also proves himself to be pretty smart, able to reprogram robots, able to drive, able to raise baby chicks and a very skilled fighter. He’s also independent, though Meta Knight and King Dedede are sometimes seen as mentors to Kirby by many fans; while in reality they're more so rivals and friends.
So that’s how the game Kirby is, what about the Kirby in the anime? This Kirby is notably different because of how much younger he is. Awoken 200 years too early according to Meta Knight, this Kirby is a baby. Like the game Kirby, he tends to be positive and has a sense of justice, fighting and defeating monsters almost every episode. Unlike the game Kirby, they need guidance and tend to be pretty oblivious as well as gullible. Tiff, Tuff, and Meta Knight all help with this, with the first two taking older sibling roles and Meta Knight taking a weird mentor that doesn’t seem as helpful as he should be. This Kirby is also very kind hearted and even befriends three monsters, Chilly, Phan Phan, and a baby Galbo. He isn’t nearly as powerful or smart as his game counterpart and he is notably a lot more emotional, which makes sense considering he is a lot younger.
The Kirby in the novels written by Mie Takase, is more similar to the game Kirby than the one in the anime is. Notably this novel really exaggerates Kirby’s impulsiveness and love for food. He’s also pretty weak in comparison, mostly when he doesn’t have an ability. However, the biggest difference between this one and the game one is that he’d actually try to talk things out before resorting to violence. He is also more emotional than his game counterpart, getting much angrier at Magolor’s betrayal and even gets scared when he sees that Void Termina looks like him.
^ That’s where the essay ends it’s incomplete and im too lazy to make a proper conclusion but im gonna add on some stuff
My take away from all these iterations are that some constants of Kirby are that he cares about his friends and wants to protect them, trusting to a fault (could be taken as he’s naïve but i see it as he sees the good in everyone), generally positive, and rash
as for why my interpretation is the way it is, yes a good chunk of it is projection but it’s also to highlight different sides to him and make him more of a person, because if that polygon interview taught me anything it’s that Kirby’s supposed to reflect the player’s emotions, not his. And frankly I find that boring! I want to see him express extreme emotions I enjoy the subtle hints to his personality in the pause screens of his abilities in older games i enjoy his sassy remarks in avalanche.
essentially im trying to build off of what little is put in place to give him a fleshed out personality. the constants i listed above are what I try to incorporate in it, and as i built off of those i find other traits to give him, like strict moral code which stems from his rashness and care.
call it overanalyzing but i find it fun despite how tedious it may seem picking out the tiniest details (and i mean TINY. i even took the fact that Kirby sent Marx into the nova at the end of their fight into account as spitefulness–because he didn’t NEED to do that but dude was pissed) to build a character around when there’s other characters that have much more basis.
thank u for reading, sincerely kaissauce who is up at midnight typing this last part so idk how comprehensive it is anyway thanks for asking this so i had an excuse to ramble about kirby
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miafeystits · 1 year ago
Haiiiiiii Ari <3 For da ask game: 8, 9, 20, 48, 50!
hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for the ask <3
8. Favorite trope to write.
unsure how we're defining trope here but: character studies and hurt/comfort! i love two things on this earth and they are a) introspection and b) putting characters through pain and then giving them a happy ending
9. Least favorite trope to write.
probably fluff or comedy? fluff because idk how to write it in a way that doesn't flatten characters and their relationships, and comedy because its Intimidating. congrats to people who are funny on purpose idk how you do it
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
here's a snippet from the in-progress susato future fic in the form of (surprise) some musings on bilingualism:
"English sat heavier on her tongue now than it once did. In truth, she had little reason to speak it with any regularity, fewer people still to speak it with. English had become to her once more the language of foreign novels and second-hand copies of Randst magazine, of letters to loved ones far away—relegated to a written cipher, a language more familiar to her hands than her mouth."
48. Favorite genre to write in.
oh god how are we defining genre here. well in the broadest possible sense my favorite genre to work in is prose, but within that i tend to gravitate towards grounded character drama stuff, probably less because that's my favorite genre to read in and more because to me fic tends to be a medium that i use to say something about how i see the characters and their relationships to each other w/in canon, and canon-adjacent character drama works very well for that purpose
that being said though, now that i'm experimenting with genre a bit more i'm having a lot of fun with including elements of fantasy/horror as well as the crime/detective genre!
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
i will never write this but: death note tennis au. idk a ton about the sport aside from when i played it for a few years in middle school but i was watching a tennis documentary on netflix a while back and had the thought of like. i think if light yagami had stuck with tennis and gone pro it would have fixed him. like he'd still be terrible but at least with a productive outlet for his competitiveness and god complex that doesn't involve killing people. also something something lawlight sports rivalry, im compelled by it
anyway i think its a very fun idea but i refuse to learn enough about pro tennis to write it properly, i simply have way too many other things i should be doing lol
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steventhusiast · 1 year ago
Fanfic Tag Game
tagged by @hbyrde36 for this lil tag game EEEE i love tag games :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12. a lot of them aren't stranger things related tho! and they're allll oneshots. working on my first (first for this account anyway) multi-chapter fic atm :D
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
27,486 hoooo boy idk if that's more or less than expected. like i said, mostly oneshots!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only writing stranger things fics, but every now and then i go back to my spider-man phase so i'll inevitably write spider-man fanfic again. i've also written moon knight (tv show) fanfic before. i just love when my blorbos suffer what can i say
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
NONE of these are stranger things fics fdhgskjfhd
When Peter Forgot What Day It Was
When the Past Calls
Avengers, Meet Moon Knight
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! i didn't for a while because i didn't know how to respond to like, comments with just emojis? i've always appreciated them but yeah only started trying to respond to ALL comments recently. love comments so much, so i want to encourage as much as possible!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm idk i tend to write hurt/comfort, like it ALWAYS ends with some sort of happy. so idk. i mean there is To All The Days We Were Together (To All The Time We Were Apart) which i'm SUPER proud of and that is super sad because it acknowledges eddie's canon death while also being a steddie fic. poor stevie
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmmm maybe Google Translate? it's not got LOADS of plot in it it's just a cute lil meet cute.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
gonna also knock so hard on wood for this, but so far no. i've received a comment pointing out how i've gotten various cultural aspects wrong before and just corrected, but never something hateful. i'm definitely VERY afraid of getting hate though. i am fuelled by validation
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no, i kind of want to give it a try though? i used to write it (like when i was fifteen/sixteen LMAO) and the things i wrote did well but,, obviously i didn't know anything? you know? idk maybe i should give it another go
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really? crossovers feel like BIG projects and i haven't really done a big project yet
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no. i've had people request to translate my fics before though? which doesn't count but like,, feels weird because i think one time (when i was writing on wattpad), the person didn't even ask they just started publishing my fic translated and didn't credit me.......... was so strange
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
LMAO yes. both with permission and without as mentioned. i don't mind it if people ask, you know! i just have to make sure it links back to me- it's my work
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i don't know, this is a hard one. steddie right now,, but like. i just enjoy fics my favourite charaters are in, you know? i will read any ship that is well written and contains steve, and most ships that are well written that contain robin, etc etc.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i would LIKE to think i will finish my WIPs but i don't know. im not very good at that. we will see, i don't wanna say any and discourage myself
16. What are your writing strengths?
i find these kinds of questions very hard to answer HAHA. i think maybeeee i'm quite good at writing internal monologue? i don't know. i get worried to say things like that because i don't want to sound like i'm boasting and it not even be a boast that's supported LMAO. i TRY and ENJOY writing internal monologues of characters a lot, and often have to cut things out to make sure it's not going too internal
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
transitions. i'm TRYING to get it in my head that i don't always have to detail every little thing for the reader to know it's happened, you know? need to work on figuring out things people can assume has happened, or fill in the gaps for, and what people can't
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't mind it! i think it depends, you know? if the reader is supposed to understand the dialogue, i prefer if there's a translation in brackets or something, or when it's written in english but the dialogue description tells me the language, more than if i have to scroll all the way to a bottom of a chapter to find the translation. and if the dialogue is NOT meant to be understood by the main character/reader (unless you speak the language of course), i LOVE it i think it's neat
19. First fandom you wrote for?
troye sivan..
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
either Separation Entwined (she is near and dear to my heart) or When Peter Parker Forgot What Day It Was because it's me combining all my favourite spider-man oneshot tropes into one thing fhdjsgkdf
NO PRESSURE TAGS (sorry if you've done this already) @dreamwatch @cranberrymoons @spoookysix @theheadlessphilosopher
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fufaitazu · 1 year ago
side order thoughts spoilers belowwww. so dont wead it<3!
OFF THE FUCKKING HOOK AGGHH im the off the hook + their friend 8 guy and this dlc literally just being Off The Hook Jamboree made me sob and throw up. it's a story about MARINA first and foremost she's one of the most precious characters to me in the world so it makes me very very happy to see her at the forefront of the story.
i like that she is gay yes but i also really love that in this world of her own making, something she designed to help heal sanitized octarians (WHICH IS ALSO HUGE TO ME. FORRR THE RECORD!!!!) the main antagonist and who jeopardizes her vision is a pretty on the nose manifestation of her own like Signature Character Flaw, that being that she's terrified of change. i am VERY happy they did not do "heel turn evil marina". i am happy there was no twist villain. it was a story about marina's growth as a person and how she's learned to embrace chaos and that there are parts of living she can't control. that unpredictability and impulse and change can end poorly sure but it can also take her to places she'd never dreamed of seeing before.
acht is funny because i made the fucking dumb fuck mistake of assuming dedf1sh wouldnt ever be canonically relevant beyond their role in octo expansion so id workshopped a number of headcanons about them and how they speak and behave but they're literally at the forefront here as an entirely different character from what i'd been envisioning in my head
WHEN THEY FIRST START INTERACTING WITH PEARL AND MARINA THEY LEGIT GIVE ME THE VIBE OF LIKE. MARINA'S EX WHO CLEARLY THINKS PEARL IS KIND OF ANNOYING BUT PEARL IS OBLIVIOUS TO THE UNDERLYING RESENTMENT. it was really funny to me. i do think acht came around to her by the end of the dlc they can tell marina is much happier with where her life is after leaving octo valley
acht is important in the general Marina Narrative as well as they're like. there to remind marina of what she can still treasure from her past. and pearl is there to continue walking forward with her into a brighter future. it's kind of beautiful i think.
anyway im also glad its not as scary as a lot of people predicted; not because i could not handle that but because after eight escaped kamabo co i dont think she needs any more horror on the level of "we are grinding exceptional members of your kind in to sludge and using that sludge to turn yet more of your kind who DARED to try living a better life into barely-alive shambling bodies."
like dont get me wrong she certainly still takes it personally that something would try to impede marina's attempt to heal sanitized octarians (especially since that thing is a Visible Manifestation Of An Abstract Fear That Is Literally Eating Her Alive At The Start Of The Game) but frankly the events of the main game (i mean its like kamabo co two here we're kidnapping your kind and turning them into something unrecognizable) would be significantly more distressing for her than "i'm helping marina fix her computer and pearl and dedf1sh are here"
i love that she was on tour with off the hook too... they really love her she really loves them...
ok think i got it out of my system i need lunch now
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 2 years ago
If we're wanting to have Volo as a human, you know how in the game Volo is angry because he thinks he's more worthy of arceus' attention than the protag is? In this Volo's motive for drugging, kidnapping, and tossing Ingo out of the train could be that same kind of toxic envy. He doesn't like cats and resents how much fame and attention they get, so he wants to get rid of them. On this go round he only manages to get Ingo, but his plan was to get both of them (only to find that people are much more vigilant about keeping track of Emmet after Ingo's disappearance). Are there easier ways to kill a cat? Sure, but he's also a dramatic bitch. He tosses Ingo out as they're going through the tunnel, Ingo hits the wall and sustains some injuries, and then when he wakes up he limps his way out of the tunnel/rift, where he is then found by the Pearl Clan.
Most railway cats are either strays or former strays who were adopted by the station when they seemed to permanently move in. So it could be that Ingo and Emmet started out as strays that train hopped around, until they ended up settling into Gear Station as their permanent home. They were smart, friendly cats so people took an instant liking to them and they ended up being locally famous.
In which case he probably does know how to hunt for food, but it was always for like mice and things around railyards or in human settlements, and for the last few years he's only had to do it for occasional pest control because humans typically feed him. And even as a stray he never really had to do the whole like, fighting thing, really. Most of his "fighting" experience is just him and Emmet wrestling each other. So he'd probably suit the medicine cat role better, as you said.
Side note, but I kind of want Elesa to be an award winning show dog whose owner sometimes uses the trains to go to shows. She and the twins have a good rapport, which is part of why Ingo is so chill even with the nobles who are non-cat predators. When Emmet can't figure out what happened, the next time Elesa comes through he asks if she can tell anything. It's been a bit since he went missing, but not so long that she can't tell a few things from lingering smells, which finally gives Emmet a lead.
disney villain kinda motivation ngl. you're jealous of a Cat? at least canon volo had a tiny bit going for him bc he decided to Fight God. but that's a CAT DUDE. it's not even like he'd GET that attention if the cats were gone bc... they're... cats... a human is not going to replace them... tho tbh i feel like his motive (if he DID do it and that's what we're going with) would be more along the lines of. not wanting ANYBODY to have nice things. like oh these cats make people happy but they're stupid and frivolous so i'll teach them a lesson about What The Real World Is Like.
this is actually why im lean towards them being just like, traveling strays who meet more other cats than people, tbh. like i feel like it makes way more sense for a human to randomly decide to abuse some random stray than it does to go after a beloved public kitty yanno. just from like, math on the repercussions if nothing else. also i think i said earlier but i kind of like the vibe warriors has where humans are like, on the very distant fringes of the characters' world? they're just these sort of inscrutable beings that the cats know exist, but whose world they never fully enter, and the cats barely even grasp that they're, like, alive animals. why did the twolegs do that? well why do twolegs do anything? and ingo and emmet being station cats sort of. detracts from that a little bit i think. i think i want to keep it barely even clear that a Human Society exists. like i know it's a kinda weird way of looking at this that most people aren't gonna do BUT from the perspective of their in-universe function. if that makes sense? at all?
and then as another point in not-station-cats-'s favor, i DO really like the idea of them being like guides to other cats on the art of trainhopping. like maybe in this warriors world there's a subgroup of cats who are just, hardcore wanderers, or cats who want to be Really Far Away for whatever reason. and then as a bonus to that you can have other cats that they kinda know from repeat encounters, and emmet while he's on his Search can track them down and get the same "yeah idk, haven't seen him" response from all of them. which i think is a fun b-plot opportunity!
i do like the idea of them being station cats, to be clear, i think it's cute. i just dunno if it fits for a warriors au maybe. it might be better as something separate. elesa being someone's show pet is really fun tho
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eosofspades · 2 years ago
literally inconsolable rn. i have been begging for canon ghost/guardian relationship exploration in some way for YEARS. but at what cost
i'm actually in shambles. how will this affect their relationship?? how do they move on from this?? the guardian pointed a GUN at him. ghost was USED by the witness like it was nothing. the guardian, in a way, almost let the disaster happen - they chose ghost over the entire universe. (not intentionally, but i know this is exactly how it's going to look from the outside, and maybe even from between the two of them, as well.)
(and - how does GHOST feel about this?? oh my god. how many times has he been possessed now. first the pyramid on the moon. then the beginning of lightfall (he described it as feeling sick, and wrong,) and then again, here - literally SEALING THE FATE that just befell the system. and his guardian, who in canon has never actually expressed genuine reciprocation of how much he loves them (and he DOES, he loves his guardian so much) - they wouldn't do anything to hurt him even now. how must he be feeling. oh my god)
what the FUCK did the witness do. bitch WHERE are you going. i hate hate hate the implications of "your pale heart holds the key" followed by the witness ENTERING THE TRAVELER. are you going INSIDE to get it??? WHILE THE TRAVELER IS ALIVE??? don't like that shit at ALL
in addition, what the FUCK happened to the traveler!!! wake up??! babe i am so uncomfortable with this. like viscerally. i know we're playing on the scale of gods and incomprehensibility but this feels VERY intimately terrifying
on the note of gods. good fucking RIDDANCE calus you FUCK. i have been waiting for this day since the first wack ass "calus' canon fanfic" excerpt i heard this was SUCH A FUN FIGHT. I LOVED IT. on a technical and personal scale. like. goodbye lol
sobs forever and ever over the guardian and osiris. he is so proud of them!!! they are like a student to him!!!!! he sounded SO HAPPY when they finally mastered strand!!! AAAAAAA
everything about nimbus. absolutely everything. i haven't elaborated on them in this post at all but that's honestly because not only do i want to give them their very own post but man i don't even know where to START. they made me burst out laughing SO MANY TIMES. their personality is just so fun and exciting and everything they say is so endearing and interesting!!!!!! NIMBUS MY BELOVED
apparently a lot of people,,,,, hated this dlc?? the pacing and lore?? i don't know what's wrong with you guys honestly i LOVED this. i would have liked a bit more explanation here and there but like - i thought it was INCREDIBLE! it's SO well made!!!! i'll make a post about this later, maybe an essay, but!! i really liked it and i see where the disconnect might be for some people but it does NOT deserve the hate it is getting. i actually LOVE the pacing. very good stuff scratched my brain itch just right
god. okay. i know there's more i wanna talk about but man i am gonna have to come BACK to this later. literally all i can think about is ghost and the young wolf
i'm still not ready to shut up about the ending, actually. i don't have any coherent thoughts rn but man i am just. AGH?? YOU KNOW??? does ghost know the guardian might have been about to shoot him? does the guardian wonder if ghost knows they never would have? the guardian being primarily silent for almost the entire game except a few cutscenes here and there, the guardian being a person of actions and not words, the guardian never saying that they love ghost but refusing to hurt him even knowing it meant the witness would win and humanity would be doomed. im going to be fucking sick
okay. first half of lightfall complete!! done for the day because my brain is frying and its almost midnight but MAN I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. HELLO
spoilers below
the intro cutscenes FUCK oh my god?? i was NOT expecting the traveler's attack / the slicening to be literally the FIRST CUTSCENE?? INCREDIBLE. couldnt play the first mission properly bc my hands were shaking i was so hyped up ghsjdnfv
stay frosty
i will elaborate on this more in depth another time but i need to say strand feels like what they were going for with stasis except this time they did it RIGHT. in terms of consequences/risk we HEARD all about the dangers of stasis but there were literally no side effects. this on the other hand??? ITS DONE SO PERFECTLY I CANT GET OVER IT
and CONSEQUENCES!!! obviously i knew rohan was going to die like that was completely expectable but i would NOT have guessed the guardian's own shortcomings would have been the reason. god damn
everything about nimbus is so good. i love love love that they're not actually angry or blaming the guardian for rohan's death, just accepting and ready to get justice
also i lost my shit ghost was literally getting possessed and in visible pain and the guardian just fucking stood there like a sim
all the witness scenes are so fucking cool btw that nightmare they sent to calus is WILD. i am OBSESSED with the witness' shattered glass thing but more importantly their ANGER. i didn't think CALUS is what they'd be angry about!! holy shit!!! emperor has the survival instincts of a fucking moth and if the winnower doesn't blow up the witness i want the witness to blow up calus
i NEED to know what the witness means by "we know pain." babe who hurt you
GHOST GOING "are you handling highly volatile materials?? AGAIN???" I LOVE GHOST SO MUCH IT'S UNREAL. I LITERALLY DIED AT THIS PART BC I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD. he sounded so exasperated and annoyed and affectionate i love ghost more than anything ever
^ PLUS. Rohan going "Again? How often does this happen?" and ghost yelling "TOO OFTEN" GHOST BABY IM SO SORRY AHAHAJSGVSV
THE STRIKE!! THE STRIIIKE. HELLO. i got my ass handed to me about sixteen times in a row and almost gave up for the night but holy shit was it worth it for the ending line. nezarec i KNEW you would come back to us!!! <333
side note im literally so pissed off about the reactor core mission bc the end when you're supposed to be using strand to swing out. i just fucking jumped i was so anxious and i couldn't find the strand thing and then everyone kept talking about how i used strand to get out and how amazing it was and ive just been sitting here like . guys please i know i missed out on all the fun you don't have to rub it in PLEASE
when osiris yells "THAT WAS EXCELLENT" i got SO HAPPY. HE IS SO PROUD OF THEM!!!
now that said. i have NOT gotten past the strand training mission i'm about halfway through it. so i don't know if it comes up and it might not but i WOULD like to see osiris at least acknowledge that he was being too harsh before. like i know he's incredibly stressed and everything but my guy. the guardian was literally keeled over dying and osiris is like "we don't have time for this. why aren't you better at this by now"
on that note listen i love osiris so much he's my second favorite character but when he was scolding the guardian and ghost tries to come to your defense and says "we did our best" and osiris SHOUTS "we NEED to do BETTER" i got SO MAD. DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT MY GHOST
i cannot believe bungie canonically gave the guardian a cringefail compilation cutscene. power blowing up in their face. ghost and osiris shaking their heads at each other in disappointment and affection for the guardian. im losing my shit
this is... about as far as i have gotten. i know i'm forgetting some things but!! i am SO hyped up rn okay i am going to play the rest tomorrow
overall conclusion: GOOD SHIT. i love it here this game is the best thing that has ever happened to me
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asscrackcreed · 3 years ago
got bored so here’s a gods au
altaïr: was an egotistical god that only did as he pleased and only did the right thing because he had to or no one would worship him, at the same time he believed himself to always be right. stereotypical ares at first but later gains wisdom. The Apple of Eden is his signature symbol, hence like a mix of athena and ares, he becomes a symbol of freedom and wisdom
God of Wisdom - in all areas of life like philosophy and relationships, especially strategic war
ezio: like hermes. he can be funny and strong, silly but dedicated to his work. i chose messages because ezio was given the task to pass on the message to desmond through himself and he wasn’t aware of it and never understood even when he died canonically. he’s also quite fast and goes back to the first beginning missions of ac2 where he delivered messages for his father before they… died… :(
God of Messages
connor: he’s naturally realllllyyyyy connected to his village and culture and stuff so i couldn’t just give him earth powers. i feel like adding community spirit into his title also allows him to be a sort of god of justice too feels self explanatory nonetheless
God of the Home and Earth - regarding hospitality, culture, community things that bring ppl together whilst also connecting to nature (hes like mother nature essentially)
edward: it would’ve been very obvious to make him god of the sea but he’s also a pirate so navigation makes the most sense. i think it also works metaphorically because when edward realised the harm he was causing he went back to fix everything - i.e he ‘navigated’ himself to a better future/legacy
God of Navigation and Direction
shay: i don’t like making one particular line a characters whole personality but i think luck really fits. obviously luck, fortune and success doesn’t necessarily have to just be money it can be anything like the way shay rebelled against the assassins for the harm they’ve done. like you might pray to shay for luck and success against tyranny
God of Fortune
arno: he really reminds me of Dionysus and idk if that’s because of the alcoholism… but his whole story was based on love which makes him the best suited. we see arno when he’s happy, silly and battling depression and he feels like he’s the most expressive assassin to grieve and to love
God of Emotions
bayek: bayek’s story is based on revenge for his dead son but i can’t really make him god of family since that’s basically part of connors title. i do think tho as the first assassins with aya he would have to be a karmic god if that makes sense. since the whole point of the assassins is opposing tyranny and karma is receiving the same energy that you’re giving (i.e you do bad you receive bad) the assassins would be the karma you receive for doing bad things
God of Karma - includes life, death and rebirth
Kassandra: im not putting them together cuz well deimos actually has the same name as the greek god of death (hades’ son) so that’s pretty easy to use considering they’re so similar and they have no personality as protagonists cuz they’re the same person essentially ANYWAYS if any ones the god of war its her, essentially the heroics and bravery, most alike to Ares. ik im not putting them together but kassandra feels like more of a defender and alexios is an attacker? because deimos caused lots of death but kassandra was fighting for sparta and also to reunite her family (if you choose to save them all idk i didn’t play odyssey). i said battle and not war because it can be the metaphorically sense like how kassandra was struggling with family issues like her step dad and fighting her brother
Eagle Bearer - Goddess of Battles
eivor: this one was kinda hard because eivor has the same theme as connor when it comes to home (especially as a viking) i do think that with all these major choices eivor had to make and also finding out they’re the reincarnation of Odin the All-Father the theme of ‘conflict’ is also really apparent in the game. i like how whether it was between relationships or choices there was a clear sense of struggle. i feel like the choices in valhalla weigh heavier much more than odyssey (personally i hate choices but yk) so i chose conflict. conflict can mean anything again it doesn’t have to be literally it can be internal as well, eivor is the deity that helps bring to light what is the best choice
Deity of Conflict
more characters below
malik: god of perception - ability to be aware of all situations and releasing the ego in order to have a bigger depth - like how he had to re evaluate the creed and what al mualim was doing
kadar: god of joy - not sure? he was always so happy though
federico: god of responsibility - as an elder brother he has a different responsibility plus he helped ezio and i imagine if we saw more of him we’d see him take on more responsibilities which he may feel like he failed sind ezio became responsible for claudia and his mum
kaniehtí:io: goddess of motherhood - she had her villages support in raising her son without the father and being a mother didn’t stop her from being badass also she’s just so fucking cool
haytham - god of work - obsessed with work it’s not limited to jobs it also goes in hand with personal work idk this one’s kinda dumb
james/mary: deity of ??? idk actually and i’m upset that i can’t think of anything
adé: god of peace - he’s just really loyal and the only thing we see about him is how he advocates for freedom yk 😭 this should not be that hard
aveline: goddess of charm - i like how she uses her charm to seduce ppl she’s also kinda flirty naturally which she can use to her advantage in conflict
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flingza-roller · 2 years ago
Hi hi wow your cosplay looks so cool, do you have any tips or advice on making a splatoon cosplay? And happy birthday for last week, that pinata video lives in my head rent free
OUGH THANK U!! it makes me rly happy that so many people like my cosplay.... i appreciate all the stuff yall have said so much!
gonna put this under the cut cuz i typed a lot lmao
if u can find patterns online to use they will be ur best friend, winging it CAN work but. not always DSGKJ
so there would be a lot to cover but im just gonna gonna start with the tentacles- mine are made from minky but i know ppl who've used like, a more vinyl-ish material? do NOT fucking use satin, i made that mistake with my original agent 3 cosplay and i nearly smashed my sewing machine out of pure rage. satin + minky is SO slippery and no matter what u do the pattern will just, Fuck Up. its why the tentacles were shaped so weirdly :/ so this time i stuck to ONLY minky and the result was way better. i had a friend help with hand sewing em and it meant more control over how the shape turns out so it was way better than my first attempt. (i then used plushie stuffing to give em shape and it makes em sooo fucking squishy n soft)
I FORGOT TO MENTION. the tentacles are safety pinned to the inside of the hat for stability, im not wearing a wig or anything.
eye mask? use eyeliner or body paint! ive done both and they both work well, id recommend using a setting spray tho. and if ur gonna wear contacts like i did, ALWAYS put contacts in before any makeup. this avoids the risk of getting shit in ur eye while putting em in (also my eyes always water a fucktonne lmao) oh and if u use a blind contact, be prepared to have fucky vision whenever ur in cosplay. agent 3 cosplayers stay suffering 💔
if ur gonna hand sew anything, definitely try to use proper techniques. luckily my gf is very good at that kinda stuff and they helped me through sewing the poncho/cape/idk fuckin old rags, i used a whip stitch so the threading isnt visible (im thinking of modifying it to add big thick cosmetic stitches so it looks more game-accurate, same with the patch on the hat)
craft stores are ur best friend for supplies! if ur australian, i highly recommend spotlight and lincraft for pretty much everything. spotlight usually has the most variety in fabric, but i always need to order my minky online. if ur not an aussie, prolly just google which places to go to DSGJ idk what yall have.
but heres my number 1 tip for cosplay- HAVE FUN! i know this sounds cliche but seriously. i sometimes to caught up in my head over little things, like "this isnt game accurate enough" "the colours are off" "people are gonna notice (X)" but cosplay is supposed to be fun, silly, crafting experience, a hobby, but most of all ur just dressing up as a fictional character and what could possibly be dorkier than that? feel free to do things differently, u never need to adhere to canon (i literally did the hijack scar AND i have a face full of metal), being accurate is NOT the most important thing, and of course- body type, gender, skin colour, NONE of these things should stop u from doing whatever the hell u want. the naysayers can go fuck themselves <3
and if u dont have the budget to buy good supplies, theres nothing wrong with a closet cosplay! work with whatever ya got!
imma finish here but if theres a specific cosplay thing u wanna know more about please ask and ill help as much as i can :]
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years ago
ok but like wilbur as a dad? like him taking care of you while you pregnant and making sure you feel amazing and confident and just supporting you.. fuck man
Wilbur as a Dad!|| 🌼
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irl / in-game
Genre| fluff
h e a d-c a n n o n s||
Artist| yanteruu on twitter!
warnings: pregnancy!!
(also pronouns are still gender neutral bc pog)
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- he was with you in the bathroom as you took the test, leaning against the wall as you did your thing, he simply stared at you much to you wondering why he was.
- It didn’t matter though once beeping bounced off the bathroom walls, as you got up and walked over to him, only looking at it with him.
- Wilbur never picked you up so fast, he was laughing and giggling as he burried his face into your chest, he was so happy.
“Y/N!! Im- Im gonna be a dad!” He cried out, putting you down but grasping your shoulders. Y/N simply looked up at him, teary eyed and smiling. “Yeah, Wilbur, and you’ll be a great one.” Y/N said, standing on they’re tippy-toes and wrapping they’re arms around his neck, trying to give him a kiss. He simply smiled, snaking his hands to your torso, pulling both of you closer to his body. All he did was press his lips against yours, so softly yet passionate. As both of you separated, all Wilbur had to say was,
“I love you, both of you.”
- Although he was protective of you before, he definitely was now. Well... more of clingy. He was always by your side and catered to all of yours and your babies needs.
- Morning cuddles where your both laying in bed, his head beneath your chest, but above your stomach. He loved the intimacy, being able to be close to the 2 most dearest people in his life.
- Telling Philza and Tommy when you were about 3 weeks in, Tommy screaming while Phil was the definition of [surprised pikachu face]
“W-wait? Y/N’s pregnant?” Phil asked, all 3 of them met up at a small cafe since he wanted to spend some time with his other family. “Yeah!! Dad, im gonna be a dad!” Wilbur jumped in his seat, he was so giddy about everything, not that anyone was complaining.
“Wait... this doesn’t mean you’re going to be spending less time with m- i mean us right?” Tommy said, his face toward his drink, yet looking up at his older brother.
“Awwwww Tommy-!!” Wilbur cooed, looking at the teenager with adoration. “I wont be online much in the later months, but for now my schedule will be relatively the same.” Wilbur stated, sipping his drink, looking at Tommy. “But hey, wanna go back to my place and see Y/N? They didn’t want to come since ‘they didn’t want to ruin the surprise.’” Wilbur asked, both boys nodded as they headed out.
- The ENTIRE SMP traveling to the UK to see you, they already loved you before, but my god they practically stole you from Wilbur for a few.
- Techno was,, surprisingly protective of you. Whenever you were out in public and Wilbur wasn’t there, he was right by your side. He liked you before, you were incredibly nice to talk with, and never minded his tangents.
- Wilbur asking Techno if he has anything to confess, only for Techno to punch him in the shoulder as you giggled
- Setting up a baby room would be both adorable and a disaster. Wilbur would have no clue what he’d be doing most of the time, but seeing him laughing and giggling as he smiled at his mistakes... your heart simply melted
- Him kissing your stomach. This is very important. Every chance he gets, he kisses your stomach. Without hesitation. Even if your not showing, he’ll still do it.
- Both of you going out on little shopping trips, picking out baby stuff.
“Y/N!! Look at this onesie! We have to get it, the baby will look even more adorable.” Wilbur giggled, as he put the article of clothing into the trolly. “Wilbur, sweetie, dont you think we already bought enough?” Y/N asked, smiling a contagious smile as they looked at they’re lover.
- Telling his fanbase was a tad bit interesting, it was during a Geoguesser stream, where you walked into the room, you were in your second trimester by now, so it was very obvious you were, indeed, pregnant.
- So when you walked in to get some laundry, obviously pregnant, and in view, his chat went CRAZY
‘WILBUR?? WILBUR???!!???’
‘Wilbur got something to fess up?’
‘The fangirls are quaking’
‘Hes got someone in his bed AND in his twitch chat pog’
‘Wilbur says hes a soft boy on the streets but a freak in the sheets-‘
- Wilbur just say there wide eyed, as he turned around and looked over at you. You were bending down to grab some clothes, unaware of the situation. He quickly sprung up though, grabbing the clothes out of your hands, quickly throwing them off the bed.
“Love!! I thought you said you were going to rest...” Wilbur mumbled, pulling you close, rocking both of your forms back and forth. “I did, Wilby, but work around the house needs to be done, for the baby-“ “No, you need to rest for the baby. The baby will not be happy if they’re beautiful parent is not getting the proper rest they need and deserve.” He said, looking at you with a pouty face. Y/N simply sighed then giggled, finally giving in.
“Oh also... wanna introduce the little one to chat..? They saw you two.” Wilbur asked, scratching the back of his neck, looking at his partner.
- Singing lullabies to the baby, even if its not born yet. He’ll lighty strum his guitar, humming a tune as you lay next to him, enjoying both’s presence
- Wilbur constantly holding onto you, ESPECIALLY in public. Someone will look at you the wrong way and all the sudden Wilbur is practically suffocating you, eyeing the person who dare look at you the wrong the way
- Making special lullabies for the baby once they’re born, he’ll sing them to both of you before bed, and it always lulls you to sleep
- Orca plushie, Orca plushie
- You know that man bought little beanies and sweaters. Sorry its canon.
- When the baby started to kick he legitimately cried. He was so happy, all he wanted was to hold his baby.
- A absolute mess when Y/N is delivering the baby, he’s just pacing around the waiting room as Phil is trying to calm him down.
- Him being a total man baby with Phil, just constantly like ‘daaaAAAAAAD’ ‘phiiiiil i miss Y/N’ ‘i want my babies where are my babies’
- once he gets into the dilivery he is literally just:
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- i will make a part 2 of this if requested because i have IDEAS, HEAD FULL MANY THOUGHTS
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a/n: i skipped my math class to finish this, so kinda pog. Anyways soft dad wilbur makes me soft, i have writers block atm and have no clue what im even doing half the time but i hope you enjoyed this nonetheless :)
Also finally I uploaded I’ve been stressing for days ; - ;
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