#galra drone
discordiansamba · 9 months
kinkade as a paladin would just program a camera drone early on and make a documentary of their time there like he did in that one episode of season 8, except he keeps trying to focus on mundane stuff while Rizavi keeps on trying to make things more exciting. They're in space, Kinkade! Flying magical, robotic lions! There's lasers and explosions! And you want to focus on the food goo dispenser?
except it's not just Rizavi that gets involved. Everyone gets involved. Keith agrees there should be more explosions. James thinks it should be a straight forward documentary about their efforts to topple the Galra Empire. No need to spice anything up. Allura agrees with him. Leifsdottir is much more interested in documenting all the alien cultures they come across.
Coran just thinks the documentary should be about him.
(Kinkade is ignoring all of them and is filming the space mice now.)
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maplesyrupptarmigan · 4 months
Chapters: 3/3 Summary:
Pidge stared at Shiro, as if waiting for a message. "We're not leaving. Not until—"
The door swung open, hinges screeching. "She's right. You're staying here, all of you. Get some rest." Keith waved toward the couch, seemingly ignoring the fact that Shiro's six-foot-tall body barely fit on it.
Lance looked at Pidge, then glared at Keith. "Not until we get some answers, Mullet."
"You'll get answers in the morning. About everything, I promise."
- - -
yippee! it's over (for now). author's notes/infodump under
let's talk about krolia. in this continuity she not only found the blue lion, but also left a record of it for keith to find. she's connected to it in ways i am hesitant to mention here since 1) i don't know if i want to commit to them and 2) if i do end up getting there it would be a bit annoying to spoil it here. also, he doesn't know she's an alien
i always thought the fraunhofer line thing was a bit silly with it matching the rock formations yadayadayada. here the rock formation line thing is meant to be a signal (!) from the blue lion, but it's not the fraunhofer line thing they're tracking to pinpoint it. idk, i wrote this months ago and any amount of research i did into that has been effectively erased
fun fact: i originally wrote it so the galra warship was replaced by two smaller fighter ships, under the idea that a giant fucking alien warship in the sky (as well as a flying mechanical cat) would set off some alarms on Earth. i put the warship back in because i want those alarms to go off. the drone fighter is just so lance can have an "oh shit, did i just kill a dude" moment that i think should happen in most kids tv shows
up next is the (as mentioned before) hunk's interlude. after that, i'm not sure. i mean i have a roadmap but nothing after that is concrete. namely, i need to wrap up The Rise of Voltron (what a pilot episode) while also figuring out how to manage keith's and shiro's interludes. the former should be manageable with the next planned major story (akin to signals and messages, tentatively titled 'pilots'—also, messages was originally called pilots), but to include both keith and shiro as interludes (well, shiro's is more of an epilogue like the three-body problem is more of a prologue), i need a fourth major story, which i only have vague ideas about. doesn't really matter, since i'll probably never get to it (hence why this lengthy write-up exists at all)
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Later Allura carries a crate towards the ship, she's dawning the guard's armour with only a portion of her face showing. Shiro, Y/N and Soul lay in the crate which is filled with other things. Soul is squished between their heads as the two are cramped in.
"I'm so glad I stretch every morning" Y/N mutters. Shiro groans.
"Lucky you" He says, playfully rolling his eyes. Allura walks up to the ship which is protected by many guards and drones.
"Halt" A Galran sentry says, lifting his hand. Allura stops, making Shiro and Y/N freeze and widen their eyes. Soul flicks her tongue, making a slight hiss noise until Y/N quietly shushes her. Outside, Allira watches as two sentry's carry two large containers of a yellow substance of the ship "Move along" Allura begins walking up the path and lets out a sigh of relief.
Once inside, Shiro, Y/N and Soul exit the crate and they sneak through the ship until they get to an intersection full of sentries guarding. They hide behind a wall as they await a few sentries to pass by. As they do, Shiro quietly gasps. Y/N places her hand on his arm, looking up at her brother in concern.
"You okay?" She asks. Allura puts her attention on him, seeing his expression.
"I just remembered how I escaped from the Galra prison ship. Listen, most of the ship's personnel are sentries."
"So?" Allura asks.
"When I was a prisoner, I timed their pattern." Shiro answers.
"Do you remember it?" Allura asks before he grabs a hold of their wrists. Soul jumps onto Y/N's shoulder.
"Let's find out" Shiro says before dragging the two girls after him. He brought them around the corner just as sentries came down the hallway they were just in. They continue down a series of halls, avoiding each sentry group that came through. They enter the room Pidge instructed them to do and inside stood two sentries.
"I've got this" Y/N says, summoning her bayard as Soul jumps onto Shiro's shoulder. Y/N runs at the two sentries and strikes one of them down with a single hit. The other comes towards her and she quickly strikes that one too. Her and Shiro then throw the two sentries at a wall.
"We only have a few minutes  before the next patrol comes by. Watch the door." Shiro commands as Allura.
"Got it" Allura heads over to the door and begins looking down both ways. Shiro and Y/N head over to the control panel and Shiro places his hand on the panel.
"Okay, Pidge, start the download" Shiro says.
"Generating access code" Pidge says as the computer beeps before allowing access "We're in" Suddenly a red marking appears on the screen and the computer starts beeping more. Soul points with her tail frantically.
"Pidge, I think there's a problem" Y/N says.
"Sit tight. I'm trying to work around this" Pidge says as she types away on her computer. Lance and Hunk watch her do so.
"Scanning for information." The computer says.
"Pidge?" Shiro questions.
"I'm on it, I'm on it!"
"What's going on here?" A Galran sentry asks. Allura quickly pushes her body to the wall to cover up Shiro, Y/N and Soul "Who are you?" Shiro and Y/N gasp.
"It's about time you got here. Where is the rest of your squad?" Allura asks, moving her head as the Galran sentry try's to look around her.
"Uh, what squad?" He asks.
"Hurry up, Pidge" Y/N whispers into her comm, looking back at the door then back to the screen.
"Almost there" Pidge replies.
"The squad that is to escort me and my associates to our ship." Allura says
"Who's back there? What's going on?" The Galran sentry asks, trying to look into the room but Allura's hand on his chest stops him.
"We are part of Zarkon's high command. Out work must not be disturbed" Allura says strictly, pushing the Galran sentry back against the wall.
"Where's Chief Information Officer Plytox?" The Galran sentry asks.
"Uh, he's in there. Say hello, Plyrox." Allura says, turning her head back into the room. Shiro and Y/N share a look before Shiro closes his eyes.
"Uh...." Shiro thinks before letting out a deep voice "It's "Plytox"!" He says. Y/N closes her eyes, wincing and hoping it worked.
"Oh, sorry. See?"
"Oh. Vrepit sa, sir! I get his name wrong all the time, too." The Galran soldier says, whispering the last part before walking away. Allura lets out a sigh of relief as Y/N lets out a small laugh.
"Didn't know you could go that low" Not a minute later the same Galran Sentry comes back.
"Huh?" Allura says, turning to face him.
"Do you think I could get assigned to Zarkon's unit?" The Galran sentry laughs "Nothing happens on this ship."
"Oh, well, I don't know. What's your bloodthirstiness on a scale of one to five? One being "No, thanks, I'm full," and five being "Unquenchable."" Allura says, leaning her arm on the wall. Shiro and Y/N share a look of confusion before shrugging.
"Hmm... If I'm being honest, about a three."
"We can work on that" Allura says. Suddenly red light emits from the room and alarms blare loudly.
"Fugitive prisoner 117-9875 detected. Remain where you are" The computer announces as Shiro takes his hand off the control "Security alerted" The Galran Sentry takes out his gun and points it at Allura before pushing her into the room and comes face to face with Shiro, Y/N and Soul.
"Uh, help! Intruders!"  He shouts until Allura shuts the door and he fires his gun, leaving intends.
"I think we're in trouble" Shiro says.
"You think?!" Y/N says sarcastically, grabbing Soul and placing her on her shoulder. Allura then rams the door into the Galran Sentry and pushes him against the wall, knocking him unconscious as he slides down the wall. Shiro, Y/N and Soul look up from the Sentry to Allura with shocked expressions.
"What?" Allura asks. They hear footsteps running down the hall as many Sentry's began running at them with guns drawn.
"Let's go!" Shiro says and they began running away while the sentries shoot at them. "Pidge, fire up the Green Lion! We're coming in hot!" Two sentries block their way as Allura shoots her gun only for it to be the wrong way around and causing her to shoot the sentry behind her. Shiro activates his hand as Y/N summons her bayard and the two quickly defeated the two sentries. Allura picks up one of the defeated sentries and throws it at the sentries and knocking them down. Y/N takes the gun from Allura.
"I thought you said you'd travelled around the galaxy. I mean, you fly a spaceship. How could you possibly not know how to hold this correctly?" She questions as she fixed the gun for Allura. Allura grabs the gun off Y/N and they begin running down the hallway.
"I'm tense! This is a tense situation."
"Secure hatches. All personnel take positions for departure." A male voice says over the speakers.
"We have to get off" Y/N mutters, holding Soul in one hand while the other carries her bayard, which isn't in weapon form. They run around a corner as Allura turns to shoot the sentries.
"The escape pods are up here!" Shiro shouts as the two girls follow him.
"Formulating navigation. All crew assume secure hyper-speed positions."
"Hurry!" Allura shouts, taking off her helmet "We can't leave once the ship goes into hyper-speed!" Allura warns. They make it to the doors leading to the escape pod and they begin to close. The sentries began to arrive and try to pry the doors open but Allura tries to force them closed. Before Allura could close them fully a blast shot through the gap of the door over, which Allura ducked her head to, and shot straight over to Y/N's but before it could hit her, Soul had jumped down down from Y/N shoulder and took the blast.
"SOUL!" Y/N screams as she catches Soul in her arms just as Allura closes the door shut. Shiro activates his hand and begins to forge the door shut. Y/N's ears drown out their arguments, her eyes set on the creature laying still in her arms "Y-You can't be gone, girl. Not like this" Y/N rubs her thumb over Soul's cheek, tears spilling down "I should have never took you away from your home" She's suddenly grabbed by the back of her paladin uniform by Allura and thrown into the escape pod alongside Shiro just as it closes.
"No!" Shiro screams, banging on the window. He watches as the door behind Allura opens and sentries spill in. Allura smiles before the escape pod began to take off and the last thing he sees is Allura being taken to the ground. The ship then goes into hyper-speed and Shiro rests his head against the glass of the escape pod. Y/N however if sat on the floor, cradling Soul closely and sniffling quietly.
The Green lion heads there way and the lion picks them up. Shiro is the first to enter the cockpit with everyone turning around to greet them until they notices something.
"Where's Allura, Y/N and Soul?" Keith asks, looking around to look for them. Shiro doesn't answer. Shiro places his hand on the chair, bowing his head.
"Shiro?" Lance questions.
"She sacrificed herself to save us. Y/N and so-" Shiro cuts him self of "Soul jumped in the way of a blast meant for Y/N..." Everyone stares in shock, knowing what he's hinting at "Y/N's sat out there" Shiro gestures his head to outside the cockpit. Keith looks to where Shiro gestured and goes to walk out. He walks out the cockpit and into the small room behind to where he finds Y/N sat against the wall, her knees to her chest as she holds Soul close.
"It's my fault...the blast was meant for me, not her" Y/N mumbles, not looking up at Keith. Her eyes stay trained on the small creature in her grasp "I took her away from her home, away from her family. Now look what happened" Keith frowns and sits down besides her, legs straight out in front of him and arms crossed.
"You shouldn't blame yourself, Y/N"
"How can I not!" She exclaims, looking up at Keith to show her bloodshot eyes. He slightly jumps at her outburst "I should have put my foot down and told her that she's not coming. I was to weak to stop small creature like her from coming with us, TWICE!"  Y/N looks back down at Soul.
"You didn't know that this would happen." Keith says, frowning. "No one planned for this. So don't blame yourself." Keith gently strokes Soul's head with his thumb, gently smiling down at her  "And she did do her puppy face and it's quite hard to resist" He says, remembering all the times she did it to him "No one could resist the face. Hell even Shiro and me couldn't" Y/N sniffs and lightly chuckles, blinking tears away.
"No. No you couldn't. And when she stuck her tongue out, that would be the final straw before you gave in" Y/N says, rubbing her thumb over Soul's head. She frowns again and leans onto Keith's shoulder who in return lays his head on her head. The two sit in silence, silently mourning for the loss of their friend who had helped them get to where they are now. Keith scrunched his face up, feeling something...lick his hand?
"Did you just lick my hand?" Keith asks sitting up and looking down at Y/N.
"Why on earth would I lick your hand?" She asks, her brow raised. Y/N feels shuffling on her lap and a quite squeak. The Paladin share a look before slowly lowering their heads to the creature in Y/N's arms "S-she's alive..."
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nerd-of-marmora · 2 years
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Finally finished the official reference of the Nerd of Marmora, introducing Moira. Years ago when I made this character, she had longer hair and an even cheesier design, so it was about time to give her a new refined look! Hope ya like, and stay tuned for more
Name: Moira
Affiliation: Blade of Marmora+Voltron Coalition
Occupation: Intelligence officer/Technician/Engineer/Hacker
Race: Galra
Gender: Female
. Father- Duram
. Mother- Aeryn
. Brother- Vareth
. Intelligence
. Hacking
. Pilot/Mechanic
. Basic Medical expertise
. Linguist
. Combat/Sword fighting
. Welding/Metallurgy
. Survival experience
. Espionage
Likes: Traveling, Fixing things, Learning, New technology, Cooking, Experimenting, Shiny things, Spicy food, Pressing random buttons, Reading, the Stars, Droids/Drones, Time to herself, Cold weather, Music
Dislikes: Water, Emperor Zarkon, Sour/Bitter food, Explosives, Hot/Arid environments, Not knowing how something works, Druids, Hypocrisy, Needles
Personality Traits
. Spontaneous
. Quick-witted/Blunt
. Straightforward
. Passionate
. Adaptive/flexible
. Observant
. Multitasker
. Charming
. Can hold grudges
. Creative/Outside the box thinker
. Nerd
(Will be updated regularly)
Art and Moira are mine
Voltron legendary Defender belongs to Netflix/DreamWorks
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darthkvznblogs · 3 months
I'd like to think that the Galra are similar to Horde Prime in that while they project themselves as ruling a universal scale empire, they most likely only physically occupy areas that are important to them while leaving the rest to drones or satellite personnel.
That's exactly how it works! They only really establish major strongholds on strategically essential locations, and then they establish enormous supply chains that are mostly protected by drones and ships with skeleton crews. Even after thousands of years of expansion, they just don't have the numbers to actually colonize that many worlds, and keeping an Empire of that magnitude from collapsing under its own weight takes as much (if not more) upkeep as trying to expand further.
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belost-the-watcher · 4 months
The Tracker and Raiders both have an inherent sense of camaraderie, as well as some rivalry, due to both having originated from the Orbital branch of the Galra Military.
Orbital was originally derived from the Recon division of the Army before achieving Naval supremacy of the universe, when a need for shock infantry specializing in ship boarding and countering boarding parties began to arise. Recon was chosen due to their already high standards and the fact that they were constantly moving to front lines- meaning they had plenty of experience traveling onboard naval ships.
Once given their own branch, Orbital's role was quickly expanded to become highly trained shock infantry who could handle the conditions of fighting in space and across multiple varieties of planetary conditions (such as varying gravities, different biomes, etc). They still maintained their role of performing reconnaissance through various MOSes and stealth was a large focus in their planetary training for all infantry.
Eventually the Empire's Navy began to grow too powerful for smaller nations to fight against, so boarding parties became less frequent and the need to board enemy vessels quickly diminished. At the same time the development of drones and robotics allowed the Army to garrison conquered planets and simply used their numbers to make up for a lack of specialized environmental training.
This lead to the eventual disbanding of Orbital as a branch and the Army divided it into two proposed roles: The ultra heavy mechanized shock infantry of the Raiders, and the highly trained stealth specialists of the Trackers. Although the Raiders were the clear favorite given they were the embodiment of Galra values, the Trackers quickly proved their worth by not only helping to end wars before they could begin but with their leader becoming one of the most effective Spymasters of the Empire.
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
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Shiro/Keith | Voltron: Legendary Defender | E | Ch. 1/3
Summary: During a fight with the Galra, Shiro and Keith are sucked into a wormhole and flung to the far edge of the universe. They land on an empty and unfamiliar planet, with no way of contacting the castle, but Keith isn't too worried. Things could be worse— at least they have each other. 
Until Shiro collapses.
My contribution for the Sheith Secret Santa 2022 event on twitter! Sickfic, hurt/comfort, angst and Shiro whump :)
Read on Ao3!
Keith’s fingers tighten around the control stick in a death grip. There is sweat running down his spine and his hair is plastered to his forehead beneath his helmet. Coran’s and Allura’s voices in his ears have long turned into steady background droning.
“Fighter, three o’clock!” Hunk yells at him through the comms, but there isn’t much Keith can do about it. He is surrounded, and no matter how many he takes down there’s still more. The damage they do isn’t enough to disturb the lions much; all they do is stand in the way between them and the Galra cruiser that has been terrorising the Alpha Orithyia quarter for weeks. Their laser beams and rockets glide harmlessly off of the lions’ surface, but the pushback is enough to considerably reduce their flying speed.
What started as a lucky break after days of fruitless searching has now turned into a wild goose chase. It was the sensors that Pidge had installed on the ship that managed to track the cruiser, passing through the TA-235 asteroid field, and Voltron didn’t waste a moment before following them. They’ve been going around in circles for hours, with hardly any progress to show for it.
And the cruiser keeps slipping further and further away from their reach.
“The way this is going, we’ll be left behind before we’ve even had a chance to find out where their base is!” Lance huffs in his ear.
Keith winces when the shockwave from a nearby ship exploding knocks Red aside. “Do you have any better ideas, Lance?”
“You need a new plan of attack,” Coran tells them all. “This isn’t working. Perhaps if you form Voltron—”
“No,” Shiro says. “We need the advantage that attacking them from multiple angles will give us. But you’re right that we need a new plan of attack, Coran. The cruiser is our top priority. Keith, you and I will go after it while Pidge, Hunk and Lance deal with the fighters here. With some luck, we might be able to slow it down a bit until the others come to back us up.”
Keith nods, steering Red close to Shiro. He doesn’t even need to give an answer, because it is known. He will always follow Shiro, without a second thought.
“Lay down some covering fire so we can make a break for it,” Keith tells Lance. “Follow us as soon as you’re able.”
“Got it,” Lance says, and proceeds to pulverise the fighters that crowd around him like buzzing flies with a swoop of Blue’s tail laser.
Shiro and Keith fly side by side, fighters and stars blurring past them. The cruiser has put a good deal of distance between them, the fire of its thrusters leaving a flame-pink trail behind. It is nothing for their lions, though; without the fighters hampering their advance it isn’t long before they gain ground, following the Cruiser as it tries to lose them behind a pulsing red giant.
“The Galra will put up a fight,” Shiro warns him. “We’ll need to give it our all, leave them no wiggle room. Are you with me, Keith?”
“Always,” Keith says. The answer comes to him naturally, like his breath.
It is a tough fight, and in such close quarters it’s easy to take a hit that will debilitate them. The cruiser’s cannon is deadly, nothing like the fighters’ lasers that were little more than a nuisance; if it gets them it might take seconds, even minutes for their lions’ systems to reboot.
But this has never been a problem for either of them. Red weaves effortlessly through their attacks, taking advantage of the time it takes the Galra to change the direction of the cannon and charge, while Black’s lasers are steadily wearing down the cruiser’s defences. They soon have the cruiser exactly where they want it, backed into a corner amidst the ruins of a destroyed planet. There is nowhere for it to go, no space to manoeuvre without endangering the integrity of the ship.
“This is it, Keith." Shiro's voice in his ear is a steady and comforting presence as always. “Ready?”
“You got it,” Keith says, and he smiles. He can’t wait to give those fuckers what they’ve had coming for days.
They’re both about to launch a final attack, when a flash of blinding light stops them. The space before them ripples as a wormhole shifts into existence and starts expanding— and then the cruiser starts drifting towards it.
Keith clicks his tongue in frustration. Of course they’d try to make a run for it. He kicks Red forward, pushing through the cruiser’s renewed shield.
“Keith, stop,” Shiro says. “It’s too dangerous. We can’t get too close, or we’ll get sucked into the wormhole as well. We have no idea where it leads.”
“And we’re just going to let them get away?” Keith says. He pulls back reluctantly, his eyes never leaving the cruiser. “I’m not going to let them blast their way through another galaxy, Shiro, that’s not happening. We have to stop them.”
Shiro stays quiet for a moment too long. Keith’s pulse pounds in his throat as the cruiser escapes right before them and they just stand there watching. Every second counts— they don’t have time for this.
“Shiro,” Keith pleads, caught between the urge to kick Red into action and lay waste to that cruiser, and his loyalty to his friend. He will back down if Shiro asks him to, no matter how little he wants that. But if they lose the cruiser now, after all the effort they put into finding it, after all the destruction it’s wrought—
“Alright.” Shiro’s voice is quiet, but determined. “Let’s get closer. Carefully.”
He doesn’t need to say it twice. Keith takes off, guns blazing; it takes him a few seconds to find a break through the shield and penetrate the cruiser’s defences. He has one goal in mind: the front of the ship that’s heading towards the wormhole, where the ion cannon is placed. If he manages to damage one of the bases holding it in place, the pushback and change of weight distribution will reduce the cruiser’s speed, buying them precious time.
It is risky, a tough fight. He’s flying too close to the wormhole now and its pull is strong; one wrong move and he’ll be sucked into it and shot wherever the cruiser is headed, possibly into a well-armed Galra base. The danger and thrill of the fight sings through Keith’s blood; he can feel Red’s anticipation, the high of her bloodlust.
A carefully calculated laser beam sends the cannon erupting in flames. A huge chunk breaks off from the main body of the ship, debris exploding all around it as it tilts to the side. Shiro takes advantage of the cruiser’s change of pace to load Black’s laser for the killing blow; it is sure to cut straight through the ship like butter now that the shield is down.
And it does just that. Black flies away at a safe distance as the cruiser is engulfed in flames, small explosions that keep blossoming along its surface until they all meet into a large, violent one.
“About fucking time,” Keith murmurs under his breath, smiling at their triumph. The Galra never stood a chance against them— Keith and Shiro are unbeatable when they’re together.
The only thing left is the wormhole.
Keith's dangerously close to it now. It folds in on itself as it collapses, warping the space around it. Keith presses the control stick forward to fly away, but the lion stays in place. Even as he boosts her rear thrusters, Red barely moves an inch before she’s pulled right back.
“Keith!” Shiro’s voice is rushed, panicked in his ears. “Get out of there, now!”
“I’m trying,” Keith grunts, pushing the thrusters to their limit. “This thing is— too strong—” Red's claws scramble for purchase, but there’s nothing to hold on to. It’s all debris and fire and broken parts of the cruiser and the wrecked planets floating around him, all of it caught into the inexorable pull of the wormhole, twisted and bent out of shape under the crushing weight of its gravity.
“Shiro, stay back,” Keith says when he sees Black flying close to help him. “Don’t come any closer, or it'll pull you too.”
“Stay away!” he says again, gripping the control stick tighter. “Do you hear me, Shiro?” The sweat that drips into his eyes stings; he can barely breathe he’s pushing so hard. Alarms of all kinds are blaring in his ears, Red’s monitors blur and crackle with the force of the wormhole’s immense pressure, and the comms system seems to be turning any incoming sound into warbled noise. Keith can’t see what’s happening outside, if Shiro’s still there. It’s like time has stopped, like he’s suspended in the void. Like he’s dying.
“Shiro?” Keith whispers.
Next thing he knows, he’s spinning out of control.
The flashing lights blind him. It’s not unlike other times he’s travelled through a wormhole, but this time it’s stronger, more violent. The quintessence in this place is too potent; it ripples through him, makes his skin itch. Keeping control of Red now is impossible. Keith focuses on his breathing, tries his best not to give in to panic. Patience yields focus.
“Patience yields focus,” he says out loud to himself. There is nowhere to go now but down.
At least Shiro managed to stay out of this shitshow, he thinks, as he lets the wormhole swallow him whole.
Read the rest on AO3!
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Care to give us any silly things?
silly things to come!
Romelle, when meeting the freedom fighters, is like a kitten following its mother. Romelel is constantly beside one of the fighters or at least in viewpoint. this is mainly because she wants to gain their trust in the best way possible. However, it does place her into a few predicaments.
The girl can cook, but since she truly wants their trust, she'll commonly drop what she is doing to stay in their eyesight. Which results in either burned, spilled, or ruined food. Eventually, she is told she's fine being alone. [[which greatly relaxes her and also stops the food from being ruined.
Kova is a cat. As all cats will be...he bats or knocks items off surfaces. With reason or, mostly, no reason for the action taken. Alfor has tried to tame the feline from doing this but for the most part, it is the feline's universal behavior. Sometimes he will do it to blame someone else and make an exit or hide extremely well.
Kolivan has the odd habit of knocking items off his own desk. In private of course, it's not something anyone else has ever done besides in childhood or in general anger or irritation. Kolivan just does what he does for seemingly no reason. It's only known because Kolivan didn't let Regris set fire to one of the unoccupied galra drone ships.
The blade's leader could have been Antok. Could have been, only if Kolivan hadn't pinned him down and kept him like that for half a day to prove a point. However, their relationship has stayed strong as it has now even after that.
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noodlesinner · 1 year
Kuro x Genderneutralreader- smut~ Voltron Legendary Defender
I wrote this back in July, so enjoy from what I wrote. I will post another story on here so be on the lookout 👀
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Hello! It's been a while since I wrote in such a long time which was like in the beginning of me being apart of my very first fandom which was Voltron and writing a book in 2017-2018 about this fandom I was apart of for two years. But time changes and I want to get back into writing so, in this first chapter reading from the title this is about a character by the name of Kuro which is a clone that was named after Shiro was discovered to be a clone from the show and I adore this character. I hope you enjoy reading and this one is spicy~ 18+
You and your friends went on a mission to stop the galra from having to take over a planet while traveling in space. Once you made it onto the planet, you and Pidge manage to make it onto the ship as you looked around for new technology to test back on the ship, you ended up in the back and found a clone that kinda looked like Shiro but he had yellow eyes, his hands were really huge not to mention his claw like nails. He looked up at you as you glared at him with awe. Once he came up to you, he tilted his head and looked into your eyes as he studied on your features. You took his hand as you and Pidge alongside with the clone made it back onto the palace. Everyone was shocked to see a clone like Shiro that was entirely different from him. Allura looked at him as she agreed to keep him on board.
~Next Day~
You awoke with screaming from the kitchen as you went to investigate what was happening, you noticed Lance's face beet red as Kuro wandered over to you and licked your cheek. "Kuro no!" Lance cried. You were confused as to why Kuro licked your cheek as you look dumbfounded and sat down next to Lance and Hunk sitting by the stove confused. "What the hell just happened?" You question to the two paladins. "Oh Lance explained to me about a rule and if you lick something you own it." Hunk said as he cooked. You were looking over at Lance. "What?" He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes as you got some water out of the fridge and wandered back into your room and decided to train in the battle room to take a breather.
~2 hours later~
Your all sweaty from training as you start up again by fighting the practice dummy in there and had an unexpected visitor come in which was Kuro himself. "Oh hey Kuro." You said. Kuro had wave as he watched you. You felt him stare at you while practicing and felt your chest become heavy. "Hey look out." You heard him shout and without warning, he pushed you out the way from being hit from the drone and was towering over you as he looked at you. Your heart started to beat rapidly on how close he was as you were about to speak, you were lifted off the ground. "You ok? I hope I didn't tackle you that hard." You nodded as you were blushing and ran off.
~later that night~
You didn't know what to do. You had a crush on him ever since you both met on that ship and can't get him out of your mind. You've been frustrated trying not be weird around him and your mind is telling you to just tell him straight up. But before you had a chance to walk out to find him, he was already at your door. "Hey is this a bad time?" He said as your door swished opened. You looked over at him as you responded. "Yes! Wait no! It's complicated." You face flat into your bed as you groaned and he walked over to you. You looked at him with a grin plastered on his face like he was up to no good. "Why are you staring at me?" You asked. He picked you up and laid you down back on your bed, as you were about to speak he kissed you. All the emotions within your mind disappeared as you closed your eyes as his hand trailed down to your cheek, putting his leg on the other side of you as he pinned your wrist. "Wait- K-Kuro!" He stopped. You looked at him with his yellow eyes beaming at as your face started to heat up. You didn't know how to take it all in with him kissing you and your breathing go a little funny. He got lower towards your face as he whispered in your ear-"I know. I know you have a crush on me little cadet~ and I would like to share my feelings with you to if you let me.~" Kuro gently whispered as he started kissing your neck. You felt his lips as you arched your back with your hands wandering to his back as you hugged him close. "Let me help with all those pent up frustrations you been dealing with~ the release you've been wanting so long~ that you were unable to feed off~ I want you to let go~" he whispered.
~1 minute later~
"Oh fuck!~" your muffled cries as he kissed you when he started going down on you and your hands covering your mouth to keep the level of your voice controlled to not wake any of your friends awoken from their slumber. His tongue was too much for you to handle as you climaxed on his face with your juices glistening from the moonlight. "Not bad cadet~ I might have to give you some more~" His teasing was too much for you to bear with as his fingers explored your bare torso. You couldn't wait anymore, you had pinned him down to the bed as you pulled on the string of his sweats to discover his cock all thick and heavy. "O-oh my~" you blushed as your eyes wandered for a bit and you thought-"How is this gonna fit?" You didn't have a chance to think before Kuro got on top of you again and rub the tip of his cock at your entrance as you gasped feeling what was about to enter you. "Be g-gentle~" he nodded as he slowly eased inside of you. You couldn't believe that the girth and thickness of his cock was slowly going in as you gripped his wrist from the pain you felt. But he rubbed your cheek for reassurance and told you-"I'm here my little cadet~I'll make sure you feel comfortable~" By that time, he was able to thrust his hips as you bit your lip, seeing his cock go in and out of your entrance with deep thrust. You started to feel his cock in your tummy as you place your hand to where his cock was and blushed since it was your first time feeling like this. He noticed your hand on your tummy and smirked. "You like this don't you my little cadet?~ You feel the tip of my cock deep within as it hits your little tummy?~ my little cocksleeve unable to speak while I fuck you dumb?~" you couldn't speak, how would you know? He was deep inside you and having to tease you left and right. Your face was all red and no words came out. You tighten around him when the words left from his mouth, his voice had become deeper and deeper as he cupped your face. "My little cadet~ enjoying my cock thrusting deep into you~ feeling me all the way~ I know your close~ close to have my cum sprayed all over inside of you~ I want you to beg me~ beg me to cum this deep~ say it for me, my little cadet~" you tried to open your mouth, but it was too much. Your body started to become sensitive to the touch as he kept going deeper and deeper. You grabbed the collar of his shirt as you pulled him down to your face as you whispered in his ear-"P-please!~ I-I-I want to cum~ p-p-please~ I-I-I n-n-need it s-s-so bad!~" you couldn't bear any longer, you arched your back as you started to tighten around him with the final last thrust with him cumming inside of you as you felt his cock pulsating. You both panted with your eyes looking up at him and he gently pulled out as cum leaked out from your entrance. "That's my cadet~" he said with a smile.
Kuro went inside your bathroom as he started up a warm bath for you to get in to ease the pain from your lower torso after an eventful night. As he eased you into the tub, he got in as well as he started to cuddle you. "I'm sorry if I went to hard my little cadet." He felt guilty, but you reassured him. "It's ok, I enjoyed it but never expected you to be so bold." Your cheeks started to heat up as you felt his hand touch your cheek. "Well...did I make a first good impression on you cadet?" You nodded. "You did." You smiled. Everything happened so quickly with the whole incident with him licking your lips yesterday morning and freaking out about your feelings towards the clone. But this was something you never wanted to forget. After the bath, he picked you up as you both dried off and got ready in bed. But something was lingering on your mind. "Hey I have a question?" You asked and he responded. "And I have an answer?" You spoke up. "When did you gained feelings for me?" He chuckled as he put his head on top of yours. "When you found me on that ship."
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Credits to Project_Ava on instagram
I hope you enjoyed the first part to this book and it doesn't look very long but it is. It feels good to write again after a while and I hope your enjoying the rest of your night and enjoy!!!
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lostwithspace · 2 years
Walking down the local area that Rio had recently landed, he had discovered that this place was celebrating the local tradition of spirits and treats. Well, luckily the galra had plans should he ever actually find one of these places. High back with a long black cape, Rio held out his arms, and around him, a dozen of his small flying drones spun around him, each fluttering around and looking like a night flying creature.
“Go, flying my beauties! Time to catch up and spread the holiday night cheer.”
The drones spun around him before shooting off, dropping small wrapped candies across the area to any people’s, young and old, whoever may be out. His fanged mouth grinned, getting into the spirit of the night.
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treesbian · 1 year
Still always thinking about kitty white in vld. I think they successfully spare her from having to fight any people face to face, maybe with some high stress “you guard this corner/closet/vent and face this way it’s a very important job” but I think she does end up hitting some Galra drone robots with her giant hammer. (I love the mental image of her giant hammer) (robots are immune to Meanie accusations) (although the AI level of those robots is super unclear) Everyone has mixed feelings about this.
i was gonna decide what everyone's mixed feelings are but they were all "very very concerned she's having to engage in combat at all but Proud of her for winning"
barring pidge whose only feeling about this is "this rules." (she wishes someone gave her a giant hammer as a six year old. it definitely wouldn't be a good idea but imagine being six and running around with a hammer that's half your size. that'd be so fun.)
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zunderbuechse · 7 years
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Yesterday I started with my little friend and could finish him to 70% Roveeerrrr~~~
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olkarianprincess · 5 years
The Galra treating Pidge as their precious kit, when she gets feisty or ticked off enough with someone else (either another/older kit picking on others or someone in general) and is ready to fight them, is Gorak protective of her because she's such a small kit? Is he proud of his little warrior? How would he handle the situation?
Barkolov: Sir, shouldn’t this kit be attending daily training lessons? I know she’s not old enough for Initiation, but she is old enough to start learning how to defend herself.
Gorak: ......
Barkolov: Sir?
Gorak: *breaking down into tears*
Barkolov: Sir?!?!?
Gorak: I tried to train her! She destroyed all the droids immediately! We don’t have the budget to keep replacing them!!!
Barkolov: *realizes Gorak is crying because he thinks he’s a failure as an uncle since he can’t keep buying Pidge new droids to completely obliterate* There, there, sir.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Haxus is in the Central Energy Chamber of the Castle of Lions and speaking with Sendak through the computer.
"Powering sub panels" Haxus says, typing on the controls.
"Sub panel energy transducer is go" 
 "Aye, sir. Opening pathway to link with bridge. Initializing main cluster reboot." Pidge is climbing on a ladder on the wall to hack into the Castle's computer system through an open panel using the armour's computer.
"Initializing complete. I'm set for main power up"
"The bridge is go" Sendak says.
"Powering up" Haxus powers up the engine; Pidge hacks it to overload the engine using her armour's computer.
"And up, and up, and up. I would not want to be touching a metal surface when this thing overloads" Alarms blare.
"Sir, something is wrong" Haxus says. The engine overloads and explodes in energy; Haxus is caught in the blast and wounded. Pidge grabs Rover as it hovers to avoid being electrocuted. Rover brings Pidge to Haxus "You're the one causing all this trouble? A child?"
"I'm not a child. I'm a Paladin of Voltron" Haxus laughs, drawing his sword.
"Let me tell you something, child. I'm a soldier of the Galra Empire. Nothing stops me but triumph or death" Haxus yells and battles Pidge. Pidge strikes Haxus with her grappling hook. He catches the rope and throws Pidge aside "Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide." Haxus says, lifting his sword to strike Pidge. Haxus then hears a sound and looks at the controls to see Soul. With Haxus distracted, Pidge dives between Haxus' legs and throws him off-balance on the catwalk. Rover slams into Haxus to knock him over but Haxus grabs Rover to avoid falling.
"Rover!" Pidge shouts. Soul jumps onto rover and stomps on Haxus' fingers, trying to get him to let go, failing. Rover deactivates to let Haxus fall. Soul jumps into Pidge's arms "No!" Pidge rushes forward after Rover but is too late to grab the drone. Haxus and Rover fall to their end.
"No!" Haxus shouts. Pidge mourns Rover as Soul rubs her arm. Sendak interrupts through the computer.
"Haxus, report in" 
"Haxus is gone, and you're next!" Pidge shouts.
"You've slowed me down, but this ship is mine! You will turn yourself over to me immediately!" 
"Well, then, maybe your leader or friend can convince you" Sendak said. 
"What do you want?" Shiro asks, as he tries to protect Y/N. Trying to make due with his arms tied. He smirks "Nothing better than sibling love, they will do anything to keep each other safe" Y/N glares at Sendak "Your friend wanted to hear from you two, but maybe all I need is one" Sendak nods his head for a Sentry to grab Shiro.
"Leave her alone!" Shiro shouts, struggling.
 "Shiro? Y/N?" 
"Pidge? Pidge, don't listen to-" Sendak tortures Y/N using his prosthetic gauntlet. Y/N's bites her tongue, as to not scream.
"Looks like we have a fighter here. You'll do perfect in the gladiator fight" Sendak smirks. He continues to torture Y/N, turning up the power. Y/N couldn't hold it any longer and lets out her screams.
"Stop it! I'm the leader! Not her!" Shiro says, struggling.
"No!" Pidge shouts. Pidge closes her eyes, trying to drown out the sound of Y/N's screams.
"You can make it stop. Turn yourself in. Her suffering is in your hands"
Hunk and Coran stand with Shay and Ray in their home.
"Is your ship repaired that you may depart our presence?" Rax asks.
"Uh...Are you saying that you want us to leave?" Hunk said. 
"Yes" Rax says, arms crossed.
"Well, it's working, but we can't leave without the Crystal" Hunk turns to Coran "You come up with an ideas how to get it?" 
"Actually, yes." Coran says. Coran grins.
His plan is to disguise themselves as a Galra Sentry with Hunk as the legs and Coran wearing a helmet as he sits on Hunk's shoulder, both of them wrapped in a blanket. They can barely keep upright.
"I can't believe I'm the legs again. I'm the one who took down the guard. I should get to be the head" Hunk complains.
"Shh! Legs don't talk" Hunk and Coran approach two Sentries guarding the Crystal while wearing their disguise "Oh, hello, gentlemen, shift's over. Boss needs you back at the guard shack"
"Verify identification code" A Sentry says.
"Right. I didn't want to have to do this, but I'm going to have to pull rank. You guys are in big trouble, right? So, hand over those blasters and ID badges" The sentries take aim.
 "Verify identification code or be destroyed." The drone said. 
"Okay, okay. I've got it right...here!" Coran throws off the disguise. Hunk blasts the sentries with his Bayard cannon. Coran jumps off Hunk's shoulders and walks over to the Crystal, placing his hands on it; making it glow.
"What are you doing?" Hunk asks "We got to hurry!"  
"I'm not just going to pry this out of here like some Galra monster. The Balmera is a sacred being. You have to communicate with it. Let your life forces connect. This is the way it was done in our time"
"Whoa. You really know your Balmeras" Hunk says. The Balmera responds to Coran and exposes the Crystal entirely. The Crystal nearly falls over, but Coran catches it, injuring his spine in the process. He cracks his neck to look at a Hunk, his eyes wide open "........I think I'm broken" Hunk sighs; he hears the sound of laser blasters being armed and turns to see they are surrounded by Galra Sentries
"Augh...Okay, guys! All right, I hate to do this. Blasters and badges. Come on. Give them up" Coran falls over from pain. Hunk raises his arm in surrender, smiling sheepishly.
Pidge and Soul lurks near the entrance to the Bridge in the Castle of Lions and listens as Sendak speaks to Shiro, who has his head down. Lance lays near him, face up. Y/N lays on the other side, face down, severely injured.
"I'm impressed that you managed to escape. Perhaps it would be worth the trip to your planet to see if the rest of your kind have your spirit, as well as your sisters. Of course, they will all end up broken, just like you. Now that we have Voltron, every planet, every race, all share the same fate." Sendak says.
Hunk and Coran are locked in a cell on the Balmera.
"Quiznak! I can't believe they saw through our disguise..." Hunk and Coran hear footsteps "Someone's coming!" Shay appears carrying a Galra Sentry arm.
"Shay?" Hunk asks. Shay uses the Sentry arm on the cell scanner and unlocks the cell. The cell barrier disappears.
"Make haste to your pod. The Crystal is prepared for departure"
"How did you get the Crystal?" Coran asks.
"I was assigned to take it to the upper levels, but instead I took it down. Soon, they will discover my ruse. Time is short"
"Why are you helping us?" Hunk asks "You'll get in trouble"
"Because your words touched my heart. I wish for freedom for all Balmera. Perhaps your Voltron can make it so" Hunk looks determined. Hunk, Coran and Shay run for the flight pod. Rax meets them there with Sentries armed.
"No. Rax, why?"
"These two bring only trouble to our family. It was the only way to protect you" Hunk angrily readies his Bayard.
"No! The Balmera will save us"  Shay places her hand on the ground to contact the Balmera.
"Shay, no!" The Balmera responds to Shay and causes rocks to fall from the cave to crush the Sentries. Hunk, Coran, and Shay run for the flight pod. Some Sentries survive and capture Shay "Shay!"
"Go! Make haste!" Shay shouts.
"Let her go!"
"No, Hunk! We have to go!" Hunk hesitates, but more sentries and Galra fighter jets arrive. Hunk enters the Altean flight pod with Coran.
"I'll come back for you, Shay! I promise!"
"If we can't shake these patrols, we might be back here sooner then we want!" Hunk and Coran leave in the flight pod pursued by Galra fighter jets.
The Altean Mice infiltrate the Generator Room of the Castle of Lions and take out the last Galra Sentry guarding it. They press buttons on the control panel to deactivate the particle barrier.
Outside, Keith and Allura watch the barrier disappear/
"It worked!" Keith says.
"They did it!" Keith and Allura head inside the Castle.
Sendak sees Pidge on the computer of the Castle Bridge. He turns to attack and pursue her out of the Bridge. As Sendak runs out of the Bridge, the real Pidhge, alongside Soul, rushes inside the Bridge to speak to Shiro and Y/N. Soul jumps of Pidge's shoulder and nuzzles Y/N's head.
"Shiro, Y/N wake up. It's me, Pidge-" Pidge is caught by Sendak's gauntlet.
"You really thought your little hologram trick would work with me?" Sendak says. Keith and Allura enter the Bridge. Keith summons his Bayard to fight "Stand back!" Sendak is suddenly struck behind by Lance's Bayard rifle. Lance passes out again. Shiro rushes at Sendak and is knocked aside. Keith battles Sendak. Sendak throws Keith and Pidge severs the energy chain to his gauntlet, rendering it useless "No!" Sendak is enrages and battles Pidge. Allura accesses the Bridge's computer. Keith attacks Sendak again and Sendak catches his Bayard's blade. Allura readies the computer. 
"Keith, duck!" He does so and a Scythe knocks Sendak into the centre of the Bridge and a barrier rises up, trapping him. Keith is pushed back. He looks up to see Y/N, breathing heavily. She puts her Bayard away and turns to face Keith, a tired look on her face "We did it" She suddenly collapses, only to be caught by Keith. She's unconscious again. He shows a small smile.
"Yeah, we did it" Pidge frees Shiro and Keith brings Y/N over to Shiro, He instantly holds her tight as Soul curls up onto her stomach.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Shiro mutters. Keith frowns before going over to Lance.
"Lance, are you okay?" Keith asks, pulling him upright. 
"We are a good team" Lance says. He smiles, Keith smiles in return. Lance looks over at Y/N and frowns "It's my fault she was in the blast. I didn't cover her" 
Hunk and Coran are fleeing from Galra fighter jets on the Balmera.
"We can't shake them!" Coran says "We're not going to make it!" Hunk remembers the booster fuel Pidge installed and motions to press the button "Uh, it may turn us into a giant fireball"
"Maybe, but it's out only chance" Coran hesitates but sees more Galra jets approaching.
"Fine. Fire in the hole!" Hunk presses the button and the flight pod blasts into the sky. Coran cheers.
"We did it!"
Lance and Y/N are sleeping inside a pod. Allura, Keith, Soul, Shiro, and Pidge stand by them in the Sleep Chamber. 
"After a day in here, they should be fully healed" Shiro approaches Pidge.
"Pidge, we can't thank you enough for all you did. I can't help but feel that you were meant to be a part of our team... but I understand if you want to leave" 
"Dad used to tell me how close he was with his crew members. They were like family. Now I understand what he was talking about" Shiro smiles at Pidge "I'm staying with you guys. Let's stop Zarkon for all of our families" Allura and Keith also smile at Pidge.
"Good to have you back on the team" Keith says. Soul makes a noise from Pidge's shoulder, nuzzling into her cheek. Pidge smiles fondly at her team.
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thecowardlycreative · 7 years
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Jumping onto this thing. Thanks so much to @paladinspride for lending their line art to the rest of the fandom, I can’t wait to see what you do with it. This was a lot of fun :)
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obstinaterixatrix · 7 years
#rstlb#orlbs#actually wait also secretly#vtlb#because I do want to say in comparison to. toqger. because that's what I'm doing apparently.#vt doesn't really commit to how Serious of a show it wants to be#they fight against galra drones so the paladins don't have to have a crisis about morality and so the show doesn't have to go too far into#war#because that would take the show out of kid-friendly territory#so voltron doesn't want to go full animorphs but it also wants to be *~nuanced~*#it wants to be *~deep~* so after getting the premise & bare minimum of friendship out of the way it spends most its screentime on plot#and politics#but it's kind of this awkward straddle of Kid Content and Serious Business#minor characters die unceremoniously but main characters aren't given the time or space to process or to show the full impact of this#bringing it back to toqger#kobayashi keeps it kid friendly but finds the nuance of pathos that can exist within that context#bc kid-friendly doesn't necessarily have to lack nuance/pathos#the 'is this my place to die' is played for laughs & it's allowed to be comedic because Akira can't die#(well he could but this line is used in mook fights where it's pretty clear that this isn't Akira's place to die)#place to die -> place to live shift happens after the rest of the toqgers manage to get akira to understand that they love & cherish him#they don't want him to die!!!#and it's never said outright but the underlying arc is akira finding value in his own life (though other people)#which is pretty dang deep!#so this whole emotional arc I forgot where I was going with this I just love akira#remember when he strolls in playing a recorder because he lost his harmonica#fantastic
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