quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
i don’t think even ever spoke gallifreyan in front of bill. the only person they’d do it with would be missy, who they, understandably, don’t get much time with around bill. they only spoke gallifreyan with the doctor in front of clara because they didn’t like clara and were purposefully excluding her from conversations (or at least, the start of some conversations, when the doctor responded instinctively in his own language and then corrected himself back to english (or any language that the tardis translation circuits will translate for clara.)) they don’t have that same sort of antagonistic pettiness with bill, they like bill.
so, of course, when bill gets stuck with the master & past!even on the black hole ship and they will switch back and forth into gallifreyan whenever they want to talk about something privately, it just sounds like gibberish to her. she just assumes she’s been too far from the tardis translation circuit too long, that they could be speaking any number of alien or human languages and frankly, she’s just lucky they also know english. she doesn’t know what gallifreyan sounds like, doesn’t know what it means that they’re speaking it, because future!Even wanted her to always know what they were talking about.
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mr-boundless · 8 months
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tried out hero forge, so i tried to make @georgiacooked design of the One, the first incarnation of the Eleven
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twojamie-o-clock · 3 months
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(Click for quality) Hi I’m back w art ☹️ I’ll try to draw more later I’m just tired rn. Rambling below the cut
I wasn’t really happy w how this came out bc I liked the idea but I gave up halfway through, and this is my all-time-favorite audio (queen of time) so..yeah. I’ll def be doing like a Hecuba reference sheet, I’ll probably change her appearance later I just got lazy and went off how she was described in p1.
Notes: twojamie wedding rings cause …..yeah. the golden figure in the background is the little Dutchboy statue!! They don’t name the tale in the audio I don’t think? But I believe it is the Hero of Haarlem. Here is the background without any characters:
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Emphasis on the grandfather/cuckoo clocks & the sun dial because that’s what Hecuba threatened to turn the crew into!!! The gallifreyan is all squiggles I didn’t bother looking into using the fan made alphabet except for some number “2” ones here and there. I tried to draw a telescope in Zoe’s cuckoo clock but it didn’t really come out well lol.
And of course some hourglasses for when Jamie & Zoe get trapped. They are jumping over the hand of the clock from the beginning etc.
Anyways I’m only disappointed bc I envisioned this piece as much more detailed with more attention and care but like I said I got bored of it so. I may draw more of this tardis crew experiencing Hecuba but we will see.
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What are the Houses of Gallifrey?
This is quite a long post. Strap in; learning is fun.
House Structure and Servants
Gallifreyans are born into one of the Houses of Gallifrey. Each person is a 'cousin' of their House, which is led by a Kithriarch, typically chosen by the previous leader.
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[left: a Drudge; right: the Doctor's personal avatroid, named Badger]
Sentient Houses: These ancient, sentient structures have furniture that sometimes needs training to behave and paintings that whisper at passersby. As if your Gallifreyan childhood wasn't already creepy enough.
Drudges: Massive humanoid servants controlled by the Housekeeper. They're made of non-living, wood-like material and help maintain the House and its inhabitants.
Avatroids: Robotic beings originally from the planet Ava, they were effectively enslaved by the Time Lords. They act as tutors, protectors and friends to individual children.
Looms: Each House has a Loom, which determines the genetic makeup of its cousins.
Housekeepers: These caretakers take vows to protect and maintain the House, using mirrors for surveillance. If they fail, their service ring will burn to ash.
Oldblood Houses
Oldblood Houses are the most traditional and resistant to change. Their cousins often only gain a second heart after their first regeneration, and some can be identified by small purple flecks in their eyes.
👑 House Rassilon (Prydon): Bearing the name of Gallifrey's most celebrated figure, this House's origins trace back to Castellan Fordfarding, when it was previously known as House of Fordfarding. With Rassilon's subsequent rise as a Gallifreyan hero, the family transformed into a Great House, and guess what happened next.
❤️ House Heartshaven (Prydon): Heartshaven was renowned for its exquisite vineyards and the coveted Hartshaven Wine, which it kept in a heavily reinforced wine cellar to protect it from earthquakes. In later years, it was abandoned and infested by pig rats for reasons unknown, but is the wine still there?
📚 House Lineacrux (Probably Prydon, possibly unaffiliated): Famed for its scholarly pursuits, Lineacrux is a bastion of Gallifreyan history and law, obsessed with stability and non-invention and filled with fuddy-duddys walking around pondering. Their loom makes the cousins have the appearance of extremely old and senile people; however, its members wield considerable influence, often serving as advisors within Gallifreyan society. They’ve been known to shy away from the limelight, not taking credit for their input.
🏞️ House Lungbarrow (Prydon): This House has had a - let's say - mixed history, and we're not blaming it all on the Doctor. It's located in the Southern Mountains on Mount Lung and overlooks the river Cadonflood. This House, with its members known as Lungbarrovians, was long a place of wealth and privilege. Then it wasn't. Let's just say it’s awkward.
💎 House Jadedreamers (Probably Patrex): This House has ties to the Sisterhood of Karn, embodying the House's mystical and elusive nature.
🏰 House Blyledge (Prydon or Cerulean): Not too much is known about Blyledge, though we know its dark, angular structure is surrounded by a walled garden of silver trees and sits on some random hill.
🔥 House Firebrand (?): Situated near Mount Cadon, Firebrand is believed to be extinct following the war between Lady Borusa and Lord Prydon.
💡House Goodlight (?): Goodlight was another House that fell during the War between Lady Borusa and Lord Prydon.
🔬 House Arpexia (Probably Arcal): The bastion of scientific fundamentalism on Gallifrey, Arpexia is renowned for its unwavering dedication to logic and doesn't like emotions. This House's innovative spirit has birthed countless experimental time travel capsules, intricate technologies and a bottomless armoury, though sometimes at the cost of stability. Their biggest rivals are House Xianthellipse.
🏛️ House Brightshore (Prydon, could be unaffiliated though): Known more for its political clout and opulent wealth than for the scholarly pursuits of its members, Brightshore has carved out a reputation for producing influential Prydonians. This House's hallmark is a sense of entitlement that sets its cousins apart, often marking them as figures of considerable influence within Gallifreyan society – completely intolerable, but with cash.
🪞 House Mirraflex (Probably Prydon): Originating from the valorous General Mirraflex, this House is a testament to military might and strategic acumen. Known for birthing generals, enforcers, and strategists, Mirraflex members wear their supercilious entitlement like armour, viewing lesser species with disdain. Their aggressive defence of the Laws of Time is legendary, as is their deep-seated xenophobia, particularly towards Newblood Houses like Xianthellipse.
🌌 House Stillhaven (Prydon): Stillhaven's Patriarch dared to defy the Ultimate Sanction, and as punishment, the cousins had their memories erased and were used in experiments. Praise Rassilon!
⚖️ House Jurisprudence (Probably Prydon): Little is known about this House, but some of Gallifrey's legal minds and inquisitors hail from here, making it possibly known for its dedication to law and order.
🛞House Artronides (Maybe Arcal): Likely the House of the great engineer Time Lord Artron. It also produced a notable Commander of the Chancellory Guard.
🌲 House Bluewood (?): This House's contributions to Gallifreyan society aren't very significant. One time, they had their interests represented by K9 in diplomatic discussions, which tells you all you need to know.
🎲 House Urquineath (?): Known for its insignificance as the 'maven House of inconsequence' and 'holder of naught'. The Hussar's gambling led to the House driving into bankruptcy and obscurity. By the era of the Last Great Time War, House Urquineath had vanished. Shocker.
❓House of Dellatrovellas (Probably Patrex): One of the oldest and most noble and privileged Houses.
❓House Warpsmith (?): Once again, Warpsmith was a House that fell during the War between Lady Borusa and Lord Prydon. No more information is known.
❓House Witforge (Patrex): Produced probably the most infamous leader of the Celestial Intervention Agency.
❓House Neutronides (?): No longer in existence, with the most prolific member being a cow farmer. Might be Drome affiliated but not even sure even to guess.
❓House Wetrix (?): Your guess is as good as mine, but it does exist.
❓House Wetstone (?): Again, it's a thing. It produced the minor character Norvid (sorry, Norvid).
Newblood Houses
Newbloods come from newer Gallifreyan Houses, born with two hearts and have better control over regeneration than Oldbloods. They're more open to time-active cultures, which Oldbloods see as overambitious. Newblood Houses are fewer in number, and their members tend to be a bit more eccentric.
🐺 House Dvora (Originally Patrex, now Prydon): The first of the Newblood houses and by far the most successful, it likely came out of the House of Heartshaven. Its cousins are very self-assured, extremely practical and like to remain impersonal. It has a strict power structure that works on the premise of a wolf pack with a pack leader.
🛸 House Lolita (Probably unaffiliated): Founded by the 101-form timeship Lolita during the early years of the Time War, initially consisting only of Lolita and reserved for her timeship children.
🌳 House Oakdown (Prydon): A highly respected Newblood House allied with the Prydon Chapter. Known for its noble status and estates on Mount Perdition, characterised by fields of red grass. However, legendarily produced The Master. Whoops.
👠 House Tracolix (Maybe Scendeles, probably not): Known for its ambition and adaptability, often exploiting societal changes. They love to follow fashion trends and are also noted to be arrogant and reckless, just like that preppy guy/gal you've spent your entire life avoiding.
🧬 House Xianthellipse (Maybe Arcal): Known for its expertise in biology and biodata. Their experiments with biodiversity and 'war forms' made them a key player during the war, despite earning the animosity of traditionalist Houses, and eventually becoming physically indistinguishable from monsters. Their rivalry with House Arpexia was notable.
🧪 House Meddhoran (Maybe Arcal): Meddhoran's members were known for their unique biodata, interwoven with traits from lesser races  - an experiment by their parent House, Xianthellipse. This genetic gamble was considered to be a failure.
Oldblood/Newblood Unknown
These are Houses we can't be entirely sure of their status of old or newbloods.
❓House Hellfrost (?): A House that was totally devoted to Morbius.
❓House Duskeriall (Prydon or Mixed, likely Oldblood): All that's known is it produced one certifiably weak politician named Goth, and they liked doing experiments.
❓House Avarna (?): Absolutely nothing is known about this House.
❓House Gashani (?): Or this.
❓House Scarlet (Probably Prydon): Or even this.
Servitor and Caretaker Houses
The Plebeian Class, composed of Gallifreyans who aren't Time Lords, handle vital roles like guards, technicians, cooks, and musicians. They mostly live in the Capitol, with Mid Town bridging the Capitol and Low Town. These Houses are led by a Castellan (or Chatelaine, if female).
🏚️ House Catherion (?): Once a ruling house, House Catherion met a bloody end when a rogue babel massacred its cousins on one dark night. The event stopped further generations from being loomed, marking the House's decline into extinction.
🌄 House Ixion (Mixed): Situated at the edge of Gallifrey's civilised regions at the 'edge of the world', House Ixion's original family departed, leaving caretakers behind. Later, it became the base for the Order of the Weal, getting cousins from other houses who mainly served administrative roles. Rumours suggest it tampered with other Houses' Looms to produce mutants and renegades.
🍁 House Deeptree/Redlooms (Prydon): Deeptree/Redloom/whatever we're calling it these days is characterised by its servitor-class status, producing military. Known for its loyal yet maverick cousins, the house has a history of quelling Time Lord traitors and sharing tales of vampires with its children. Kinda suss, huh?
❓House of Everston (?): Yet another house with no details, all that's known is Romana was a custodian of it.
Not Recognised
These houses are not recognised by Gallifrey as existing, for various reasons.
😈 House Celestis (Unaffiliated): Originally the elite of the Celestial Intervention Agency, they transformed into conceptual entities beyond Gallifreyan biology in order to run away from a War. Sustained by belief, they fashioned themselves as deities, often appearing to lesser species in God-form and becoming amoral and somewhat intolerable in the process.
⌛ Faction Paradox (Unaffiliated): Faction Paradox, initially House Paradox, morphed from a Great House into a cult opposing Time Lord orthodoxy, engaging in temporal shenanigans and roping in lesser species. They deviated from Time Lord norms with their love for paradoxes and death rituals, leading to their eventual estrangement. I believe someone wrote a very long book about it. A splinter House from this is also House of the Seven Gables, which is literally just a man split into seven.
👤 House of Shadows (Unaffiliated): Rumours swirl around Gallifrey of clandestine House/s of Shadows, a place for those scarred by regeneration gone awry – incomplete transformations, insides turned out, or minds unaltered by new forms. The Black Nurseries might house the paradoxical youth trapped in perpetual childhood or monstrous forms within its rumoured walls. Despite modern Gallifreyan advancements (apparently) rendering such anomalies near extinct, whispers persist of the House's past and possibly concealed existence.
🕰️ Nechronmancers (Originally Arcal, now unaffiliated): Nechronmancers are House of Arpexia dropouts, who challenge the very fabric of Time Lord society by denying the existence of time itself. They've renounced their names, genders, and pasts, they embrace a form of existence that defies conventional understanding. Their radical beliefs and practices make them social pariahs, yet their unique abilities to manipulate temporal states hint at powers beyond the grasp of ordinary Time Lords. However, it's not known whether this group formed their own House structure. They may also be related to Faction Paradox. Wild.
Whoniverse Facts for Friday by GIL
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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roseofspades · 2 years
yasmin khan knowing how to competently fly the tardis on her own, yasmin khan knowing how to read gallifreyan, yasmin khan subverting all companion tropes by saving the doctor and carrying her in her arms, yasmin khan being a hero, i-
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 47
Fortunately there is no time jump, so we return to World Enough and Time's final part, The Doctor Falls. This is good for answers, because sometimes two-parters jump around - we're still waiting to find out how Matt Smith got out of that cube and whether River blew up. But not this time! Here we are on a Cyberman infested ship again.
Also, here is something I genuinely enjoy about Steven Moffat's writing: he does very good and fun and engaging pre-credit cliffhanger resolutions to his two-parters, and this one is no exception. We are treated to an idyllic farm house with adorable innocent children and salt-of-the-earth rustic folk in a green countryside a few floors up in the ship, with Cybermen crucified as scarecrows all around them; a child feels an earthquake, and suddenly a space shuttle bursts up through the floor and crashes. And out of the wreckage walks Cyber-Bill, carrying the Doctor in her arms.
VERY FUN (the Doctor gets Cyber-shot like eight times in this episode, he does need carrying)
Anyway, this is a fairly straightforward episode plot-wise. After Missy and Master attack the Doctor, he changes the parameters the Cybermen are following to identify humans - now they will target 1 or 2 hearts, so suddenly the Gallifreyans are also at risk (I will admit this is one of those "Seems clever but is actually dumb as hell" twists that Moffat is so good at. "I only had time to make one small change!" says the Doctor. "I added a 2! Now they will also chase people with two hearts!" Okay but that is not how coding works. Either you change the number 1 to a 2 - in which case they would now EXCLUSIVELY track Gallifreyans and leave humans alone, problem solved - or you added an operator like AND or OR or what have you, in which case you used up extra precious seconds to deliberately ensure that these Cybermen would still track humans.)
(And actually, they don't track the blue man. And the Doctor takes pains in this episode to point out that the Cybermen still have easily fooled monkey brains. So like. At any point, everyone could have painted themselves blue and been fine. Hmm.)
The change means Missy and the Master escape upwards with the Doctor, Nardole and Cyber-Bill, so we exchange Cardiff University and Bute Street the grime of the Cyber conversion level for the pastoral wilds of Abergavenny floor 507, a solar farm that therefore has a holographic sky and simulated weather. And then it's basically a village under siege story - the Cybermen are coming, and are upgrading as they go, a process that is happening in what appears to be days to our hero but is in fact years at the bottom of the ship. This also means they can't all go up in the lifts to escape more than a few floors now - the Cybermen will upgrade to stop them too fast.
(Except. There's about 50 things wrong with that as a concept. I can think of one previously noted plot point that proves that wrong and about five possible workarounds right off the top of my head - as I say, "seems clever but is actually dumb as hell." But this is an era finale and so the focus is not on the plot - a mere skeleton to prop up the actual star of the show - but the story. What matters here is the characters, and what they think and feel and say, and what choices they make.)
Ultimately, it turns out that Missy genuinely does want to change, and become a good person. This is genuinely poignant, because the Master therefore kills her to stop her. I'm not wild about that as a twist, actually - long franchises with recurring villains never like to allow true growth, but I think "villain trying to atone" is actually a super valuable narrative, and I always feel sad for characters who aren't allowed to do it. But I will admit that it's played relatively nicely, as a tragedy.
Fortunately, it's juxtaposed with one of the best monologues any character in anything has ever given; namely, Peter Motherfucking Capaldi turning his Acting skills up to over 9000 to explain why we should choose to do the right thing. It's beautiful and moving and timeless and true and I love it, wholeheartedly and unironically. I mean it's also bullshit from this particular Doctor, given that we have in the past watched Clara have to force him to even try to save people if they don't do what he likes (Christ she deserved a better Doctor T_T), but regardless, it's a fantastic speech delivered by one of the greatest actors of his generation.
So what does happen?
Well! Bill is Cyber-Bill now, and the process is written off as permanent. She retains her memories through force of will, but will slowly succumb. "I can feel the programming," she sobs at one point, and fuck me Pearl Mackie is also a phenomenal actor. "It's like a hurricane in my head, and I'm hanging on, but I can only hang on for so long."
This episode literally started with the Doctor altering the programming of the Cybermen.
"Alas," he tells her. "There's nothing I can do to fix this."
Well then.
The Doctor and Bill ultimately decide to stay and fight Cybermen off while Nardole is given the task of leading the humans up five floors to the next solar farm in the lifts; the Doctor then blows up the floor they're on with the Cybermen on it, and go out in a blaze of glory. This is... certainly a choice, isn't it? Every story with Nardole so far has shown him to be the plucky comic relief, and I include in that THIS EXACT STORY WHERE MISSY CALLED HIM COMIC RELIEF TO HIS FACE. We even got more Weird Nrdole Stuff this episode - apparently he's some sort of reformed con-man and a computer whizz. And yet!!! And yet he gets the Proper Companion Ending!!! This is such a tonally strange choice. The Doctor even convinces him to do it by telling him he's stronger than the Doctor, a claim for which we have seen zero evidence, and is actually the sort of thing that gets said to Proper Companions after they have been through two series' worth of character development. By rights, this should surely have been Bill's job? Lead the survivors in a post-apocalyptic world?
Instead, Bill dies as a Cyberman, and then suddenly, from our perspective, THINGS GET REAL WEIRD, because an unnamed water faerie with a star in her eye who apparently once cried on Bill turns up and goes "You're like me now," and they magic the Doctor back into the TARDIS that two minutes ago he said he couldn't reach, abandon Nardole in a Cyber-infested ship, and then fuck off to explore the cosmos together and have hot lesbian sex, I assume.
What the fuck.
And then to round off, the Doctor wakes up, cries that he doesn't want to regenerate, and staggers out of the TARDIS into snow and also the arms of David Bradley's First Doctor. Which brings us nicely to that story we've already seen! We've seen Capaldi's regeneration. That was a good one.
So! Let's update the board.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (Suspects: River, Missy, Me, Clara)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. The Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact). Is this the Flux?
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again. NOPE, back to not working.)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? He used to be blue, and could apparently go back to it??? NEW INFO: he's some sort of helplessly criminal con-artist??? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?) She’s deffo pregnant and the baby becomes River, but why inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri (Not anymore, somehow)
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not? Yeah, must be, he couldn’t possibly remember being plastic otherwise
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras? A psychic midwife says she’s just normal human
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven? NEW INFO: Is this because she's now dead?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather? NEW INFO: This is presumably the star-eyed water faerie
How did Nardole die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name? NEW INFO:  Missy says it's "Who"
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years? Since Roman times, it seems
How does the Doctor survive River? He doesn’t, apparently
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead? Is it because of River as an astronaut?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
Why is the beautiful geode woman stealing people into a Passenger form?
River says she’ll die one day when the Doctor doesn’t remember her, let’s hope she doesn’t mean it
Why doesn’t the TARDIS like Clara?
When was the Master Prime Minister?
When will the Doctor go and rescue Nardole and the colonists?
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gotyouanyway · 6 months
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this is a concept for a new time lord oc i'm working on btw. she's from ancient gallifrey like a few centuries after time's crucible, so culturally she's a little different from modern gallifreyans. she works on a time ship, old timey sailor style. i have to check dates and facts on early tardises but if it's not an actual tardis then it's a prototype or a time scaphe. but i'm imagining a large ship with a large crew making long haul voyages. sailor metaphor, you know how it is.
this is just an idea of what she might look like bc sims are limited and i might change details but yeah. red for prydon, pilots get tattoos like sailors, long jewelry because they haven't got spacetime health and safety yet. she's not otherwise very concerned with what she looks like.
she's a certified time lord (from a generation where maybe that was more guaranteed by caste than achieved by study), a hard worker but a smart one. she has a lot of friends but only one or two who are very close, and no interest in romance. she's from a well off family that loves her but they wish she didn't run off to live on a ship. she loves spacetime travel more than anything and can get pretty poetic about it, if only in her own head. i also want her to be part of the first generation of time lords that started developing telepathic relationships with their ships but again. i have facts to check
her name is heroclif. hero for short. and i love her
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50 followers special
Wanna talk about media that literally describe the Doctor? Or even Doctor and the Master? Here:
I can't think of a music that fits War!Master, War!Doctor, Simm!Master (last sanction) and Twelfth Doctor better than this one.
However, the part of this music that most gets to me and makes me think about them is this:
So you wanna start a war?
In the age of icons?
So you wanna be immortal?
With a loaded gun on?
For me it portrays them on point because the War!versions, Simm!Master and Twelfth were all fighting - somehow - against the tyranny of Rassilon and of Gallifreyan's political structure as whole!
And the tone of the music - in my opinion implies that "the age of icons" isn't something inherently good. It is meant to signify that it's an age of "heroes". The word "icons" is purposefully chosen.
The Oxford language dictionary defines "icon" as "a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of of veneration" which in Gallifrey comes with power, position and poise.
The Master and the Doctor did nothing but demonstrate all of those three on the years following their departure from Gallifrey - in their own ways.
The Eighth Doctor & War!Doctor.
When the Doctor is called back he runs from war, yes. He is relatively young and doesn't have as many burdens as Twelfth does but he still afraid of what he might become. He knows the potential he has of becoming object of immense power to be wielded against the universe he loves so much. There is no doubt that they will, Gallifrey changed history of whole planets to have their "help" - aka time manipulation at its finest.
War Master
The Master on the time war might be doing unhinged things but he probably loathes himself for obeying the orders coming from the country that did nothing but reject him and, yes, his old friends from long ago. The Master knows how cold he can go to disassociate his actions in the name of Gallifrey from himself... until he forgets himself.
They both are forces to be reckoned. Aware of their potential and the damage they can do to themselves and the universe.
Call me crazy, but I don't think the Master wanted for the universe to prostrate itself on its knees for him this way. He is very autonomous and independent and most of all individualistic. He wants it to himself not to give it to Gallifrey.
On the other hand we have the post-war; Simm!Master and Twelfth Doctor which not only put to prove what they could do but - I imagine - went beyond what they thought capable of do and with this comes the disgust they must have felt at... everything.
I believe that once you go through something like this you can't really pinpoint what you are disgusted at, what or who you are angry at. You just are. You just feel.
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Danny Phantom x Doctor Who crossover idea
Also genderBent Danny au as well, because it’s my au idea and I can do what I want!!
The Doctor had a little sister. She was significantly younger than him. Still a child by Gallifreyan standards when The Time War started. Despite the massive age gap The Doctor absolutely loved his little sister!!! She was the light of his life. It broke his hearts when he thought she’d died with the rest of his people.
What he didn’t know was that someone (not sure who, maybe one of their parents, or maybe even the Master?) Knew the Time War would be the end of them and decided to save her (or in the case of The Master, to maybe use her in the future as a pawn against the Doctor?). They used a Chameleon arch on her, turning her human. (When she’s turned human she winds up looking like an infant.) and then they send her off to Earth.
The Doctor’s sister, now newly human, winds up getting adopted by the Fenton’s and is given the name Danielle. She grows up on Earth with no memories of her life on Gallifrey, though sometimes (thanks to her fob watch with her memories in it) she dreams of it. And then the portal accident happens and she’s made half ghost.
About a year after the portal accident the Fenton parents find out about her being half ghost. They do not take it well. They attack her, injuring her, and she goes on the run. One day, while sitting in a park, the Tardis appears, and Dani approaches it. She has this vague recognition of it but doesn’t understand why she feels this way about this blue box. And then The Tenth Doctor and Donna step out.
Ten immediately lights up at seeing her and swiftly pulls her into a hug, spinning her around saying how happy he is to see her. And then he stops and asks why she’s not in Cardiff and where the hell is Jack. And then pauses when he realizes she has no idea who he is. He brings her into the Tardis and explains that she’s really a Gallifreyan, and her Gallifreyan memories and biology is hidden in her fob watch. That she’s his younger sister. And that a younger him met her sometime in her future.
He takes her to Cardiff, several months before the first season of Torchwood, and drops her off with a note for Jack and directions to the Torchwood 3 base. She makes her way there, entering through the tourist information centre. Ianto is there behind the desk and she tells him, while looking straight into the camera in the corner of the room, that she has a message for Jack from The Doctor. The phone rings immediately and when Ianto picks it up Jack tells him he’ll be up in just a minute and to not let Dani leave before he gets there.
When Jack gets up there Dani immediately hands him the note from the Doctor. The basics of the note is: we’ll (Jack and the Doctor) meet again sometime soon. But for now he has a favor to ask of Jack. The girl, Dani, who gave him this letter is his (the Doctor’s) younger sister. She’s under a chameleon arch at the moment so she’s human and doesn’t remember being a Gallifreyan. And he requests that Jack look after and protect her to the best of his abilities.
Jack reads the note over three times, looks the kids in front of him over, and immediately decides to adopt this tiny child. The Doctor asked him to look after and protect her so he damn well will!!! Plus the kid is tiny, scrawny, and just looks to be in the worst shape. She’s covered in scars (both from her time being a hero and from when the Fenton’s attacked her after finding out about her halfa status), and she’s got this skittish look in her eyes. And she’s horribly thin, wearing clothes much to big for her. Yeah this is Jack’s new daughter, and may the universe have mercy on the soul of anyone who fucks with her, because he sure as hell won’t.
Dani is enjoying life as Jack’s new adoptive daughter. After a while she even feels comfortable enough to tell him about the Fenton’s and her powers. He takes her powers pretty well, but does not take to well to finding out about the Fenton’s and what they did to her. Season 1 of Torchwood comes around with Dani being part of the team.
And then Doctor Who S3E11 “Utopia” comes around. Dani winds up hitching a ride on the outside of the Tardis with Jack when it gets flung to the end of the universe. This is when the Doctor meets Dani for the first time. Immediately upon Jack reviving at the end of the universe Jack and Dani explain who she really is to the Doctor. When he realizes that Dani is actually his little sister the Doctor pulls her into a bear hug, burying his face into her shoulder to hide his tears. He’s absolutely ecstatic that she made it out of the Time War alive.
The rest of the episode goes the way it does in the show just with Dani there. Not sure exactly how her presence would affect the events of the sound of drums and the last of the timelords. Haven’t thought that far ahead yet. But I imagine her ghost powers would be a bit of a hinderance to the Master’s plans. Unless the Master, during his 8 months on Earth, gets in contact with the Fenton’s and gets some ghost weapons. But again haven’t really thought that far ahead for this idea!
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diamondisunmemeable · 7 months
Do you think young Time Lords at the Academy are taught about the Doctor
"Yeah so here's this fuckin psychopath who's broken just about every Gallifreyan law and refuses to stop breaking Gallifreyan law. Also he's a war hero and has become president like three times"
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echoes-fandoms · 4 months
My Top 100 Ships (#64: The Doctor/Rose)
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Source: Doctor Who
When Did I Start Shipping Them? Oh, immediately. It was a vicarious love for The Doctor, initially: what fourteen year old doesn't want someone to grab their hand and take them on an adventure? But I quickly fell in love with Rose as well, and my love for the ship got deeper. Why Do I Ship Them? Rose is just so good for him! She's down to earth, she connects to people quickly, she connects with The Doctor on a level that means she's a little less hero-worshipy than the later companions (although of course there's still a level of it), and they love each other!
Favourite Fanfiction Tropes/Staples? For such a popular fandom, Rose and The Doctor don't have as many fics as you would expect! I love when fics play with the idea of Gallifreyan mental bonds, alien dating rituals, and my all-time favourite fic for the fandom was an AU where the Human Nature/Chameleon Arch happened with Nine and Rose instead of Ten and Martha and it is soooooooo good I think about it all the time even though I read it in high school on ff.net
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brokenhardies · 10 months
some life on mars thirteen era rewrite notes
-exploring the timeless child much earlier - probably having thirteen want to discover more about it - and having tzim-sha reference it
-having graham's cautiousness be an actual character trait and not just a random "thing that gets put in so the doctor can look like a hero" - also have him and ryan's relationship be strained due to the dyspraxia
-yaz actually trying to get the doctor to open up about her past and feelings, which the doctor well... actively refuses
-ryan is interested in mechanics, the doctor is a tinkerer, why didn't they explore that more????
-also ryan's dyspraxia should be explored more as well! like he and jane's relationship revolves around him admiring jane's creativity and gumption and wanting to learn from her, while jane adores ryan and his positivity and knowledge
-arachnids in the uk and kerblam! is a bit more morally vague, with the doctor having to make difficult decisions that she disagrees with - i.e. mercy killing the mother spider in arachnids in the uk - in order to save others
-exploring the master's self loathing more and how it influences the actions he takes - how he's jealous of the doctor, yet again, being the 'special one' forgetting that finding out that she's not gallifreyan and has existed for centuries is traumatising
-the doctor references having heard of the division when the arbiter brings it up, but is stunned when the arbiter says that the doctor used to work for them, as she has no memory of that. the arbiter's only response is 'spoilers'
-the doctor stays in prison longer in revolution of the daleks, leading to jane, yaz, graham and ryan having to fight the dalek. when the doctor gets free she has a 'time lord victorious' like breakdown and kills the dalek, which leads to graham and ryan leaving - with ryan and jane having a nasty argument
-jane & the doctor also have an argument in revolution of the daleks, with jane being frustrated with the doctor trying to make her like them and begging to stop being treated like a mirror of the doctor. this fight definetly shakes up thirteen during the flux storyline, with her trying to make jane happy, ignoring the fact that theyre both traumatised messes
-while yaz and dan leave on much better circumstances than ryan and graham, before thirteen regenerates in power of the doctor, jane v goes to visit ryan and apologise to him for what happened in revolution of the daleks. after they say goodbye, with jane saying that she's not sure if they're going to meet again but admits that this face loved ryan
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zippocreed501 · 1 year
Hero to some...
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The Doctor may have saved the lives of countless beings throughout time and space, but what of the fallen? For the Dalek species, the Cyber Nations, Sontarians and Zygons the Wandering Gallifreyan has wrought untold destruction, leaving only ashes and blood in their wake. The shape-changer has become a device for Slithereen parents to instill fear in their young. There are a thousand warrants for their arrest, a thousand cries for vengeance...
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Our classes and teachers have been set!
An Easy Guide to Making Friends with Professor Lavanda In this class, you'll learn fun and easy ways to make friends. We promise nothing you learn will kill your potential buddies. Number 5 will surprise you! (It's setting your friend's house on fire.)
Aspec Rep with Professor Lavanda Explore, analyze, and discuss a multiverse of media, focusing on the representation of aspec characters.
Crime Fighting 101 with Professor Shintu Learn martial arts and other necessary skills to take down criminals, along with how to quickly and correctly spot evildoers!
Dragon Training with Headmaster Frosty From the small and relatively harmless terrible terror to the near-extinct power-house night fury, you'll learn all about dragons and how best to tame and train these wily beasts!
Fanfiction 101 with Headmaster Frosty English class, but fanfiction centered! You'll read famous fanfics to discuss and learn from them, and be taught important writing skills and tools to fill your creative arsenals.
How to Deal with Loki Feels with the Doctor In this tranquil class, you'll learn anger management and stress relief skills, and Asgardian relaxation methods to help cope with all your Loki feels.
Languages and Writing Systems - Year 1 with Headmaster Frosty Learn about the the different languages and writing systems from popular shows and movies! You'll first be taking a look at Elder Futhark, which is the basis for the writing in HTTYD, and moving on to Circular Gallifreyan, and then Klingon.
Religions Throughout the Fandoms with Headmaster Frosty In this class, you'll cover a vast array religions. From fake ones such as Starclan to real ones like Norse and Greek mythology!
Superhero 101 with Professor Shintu This fun and broad class covers the basic history of Marvel, how super heroes are born, and other essential information!
Timey-Wimey and Spacey-Wacey Things with the Doctor Ever wanted to pilot the TARDIS, but didn't know how, or were simply at a loss on how to calculate the correct coordinates? Or maybe you do, but when you inevitably land in the middle of trouble, you can't get anyone to listen to your scintillating wisdom? Well this class covers it all in easy to understand lessons!
Interested in a class? Fill out this form!
Wondering which days each class posts their lessons? Check out the official Fandom Academy calendar!
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Why is Rassilon everywhere?
Why is Rassilon everywhere?
Ah, Rassilon! Praise be upon his mighty beautiful head! If you ever feel like you can’t swing a Dalek mutant without hitting something named after Rassilon, you’re definitely on Gallifrey.
Here's a few pointers to why Rassilon is so mighty:
🦸 The Founding Father
As one of the founding fathers of modern Time Lord society, his influence is in every aspect of Gallifreyan life. He's credited with many of Gallifrey's greatest advancements, including the discovery of time travel and the creation of the Eye of Harmony. Multiple powerful artefacts bear his name, like the Rod of Rassilon and the Ring of Rassilon, which I assure you aren't as dirty as they sound.
🐉 The Man, the Myth, the Legend
Rassilon's story is written into the very fabric of Gallifreyan mythology and legend. Stories of his heroic deeds, cunning strategies, and formidable powers are told to Time Tots from the moment they're capable of hero worship. It's said he battled great cosmic entities, outwitted ancient gods, and secured Gallifrey's place as the pinnacle of civilisation. What a guy.
📜 The Eternal Administrator
Even after his supposed demise, Rassilon's administrative policies and laws still guide the Time Lords. He wrote foundational texts that every budding Time Lord studies meticulously, and Rassilon's fingerprints are all over the rule book. It's like every bureaucratic form and procedural guideline has a little note from Rassilon saying, 'do it like this'.
🖥️ The Technological Genius
Rassilon's technological innovations are still in use millennia later. From TARDIS designs to the Matrix, his genius ensures that his presence is felt every time a Time Lord takes a trip through time or consults the grand repository of all Gallifreyan knowledge. Any piece of tech you can think of, Rassilon probably invented it.
🗳️ The Political Powerhouse
Politically, Rassilon’s legacy is unshakeable. His time as Lord President set the gold standard for Gallifreyan leadership. Subsequent leaders often find themselves compared to him, and many of the political structures and titles are relics of his era. He's even so generous as to return from the dead to lead Gallifrey in times of crisis.
🗿 The Cultural Icon
Culturally, Rassilon is the ultimate Gallifreyan icon. Festivals, holidays, and even everyday idioms are sprinkled with references to Rassilon. 'By Rassilon's beard!' is a common exclamation of surprise, while, 'What would Rassilon do?' is the go-to question for moral dilemmas, and the Horns of Rassilon is a hand sign you probably shouldn't do in polite company.
🧪 The Supreme Scientist
And let's not forget his contributions to Time Lord biology. Rassilon’s Imprimatur, a biochemical mark, allows Time Lords to safely pilot TARDISes, effectively bonding them to the fabric of time itself. There’s also the little matter of regeneration. This ability to cheat death every now and then is the cornerstone of Time Lord, and without Rassilon, it wouldn't be possible.
Some would dispute this was Rassilon's invention, but of course, they're liars.
🏫 So ...
Rassilon is everywhere because he's the ultimate Gallifreyan hero, lawmaker, inventor, politician, and cultural icon. His influence spans the practical, the mythical, and the everyday lives of Gallifreyan people, as well as all of you. Just remember—it's Rassilon's universe; you're just privileged to be living in it.
GIL adores Rassilon of course, in alignment with the views of our benefactors, the High Council. On a completely unrelated note, GIL also wishes the Celestial Intervention Agency a lovely day.
What's the structure of Gallifreyan DNA?: How their DNA is structured including the fourth strand, Rassilon’s Strand.
What is looming and how does it exist alongside natural reproduction?: Overview of looming and its place alongside natural reproduction in Gallifreyan society.
What does the Web of Time look like?: Overview on the Web of Time and its relevance.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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thecosmiccircus · 7 months
'Doctor Who' Review: Big Finish's 'Once and Future: Two’s Company'
Well Whovians, we’re back in a desert period without our favorite Gallifreyan hero with two hearts. We had Doctor Who back on our screens for a few short weeks, with the 60th-anniversary specials (“The Star Beast“, “Wild Blue Yonder”, and “The Giggle“) and “The Church on Ruby Road” Christmas Special, which saw Ncuti Gatwa officially taking the reins of the long-running sci-fi series. Thankfully,…
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