#gale dadkarios
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yeetmeoutthewindowdaddy · 6 months ago
Y'all ever think about how Gale has daddy issues?
Y'all ever think about how Gale is very close to his mother?
Y'all ever think about how Gale deeply admires and respects his mother?
Y'all ever think about how Gale and Tara only talk about his mother, and not his father?
Y'all ever think about how the way Gale's father is seemingly, purposefully, never specifically mentioned implies that he walked out on Gale and Morena when Gale was young?
Y'all ever think about how Elminster was a young Gale's replacement father figure? (Gale was 8)
Y'all ever think about how Elminster, hopefully unintentionally, primed Gale for Mystra's grooming/abuse?
Y'all ever think about how Elminster used to be Mystra's lover?
Y'all ever think about how Gale was also Mystra's lover?
Y'all ever think about the fact that Gale knows Elminster used to be Mystra's lover?
Y'all ever think about how it was Elminster who told Gale that their ex-lover, and their literal goddess, wanted him to kill himself?
Y'all ever think about how the way Elminster told Gale their ex wanted him to kill himself was the Faerun equivalent of a video call?
Y'all ever think about how Elminster couldn't even be assed to deliver the "request" to Gale in person? (He used a simuclarion? Idk how to spell it, basically a shadow clone)
Y'all ever think about how Gale has never had a stable, healthy, normal, loving, relationship with a father figure?
Y'all ever think about how deeply and intensely Gale feels his emotions and feelings?
Y'all ever think about how Gale says he thinks he'd make a horrible father?
Y'all ever think about why Gale thinks that he wouldn't be a good father?
Y'all ever speculate on how Gale's reluctance to see himself in a paternal role might have something to do with everything mentioned above?
Because I do.
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fantastikshipperbarbara · 11 months ago
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Gale is a great dad, but even great dads need a break sometimes.
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art-by-ady · 3 months ago
Baby #2 in the oven ✨What if the masterpiece are their kids..
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Went on vacation so now I had to do a warm-up sketch.
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funkycatts · 8 months ago
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I give you: exhausted new dad Dekarios.
A cute little sketch to warm your hearts and thank you for the love 💜🔮 some tags on your reblogs are ridiculous and I love them all!!
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durge-marzio · 7 months ago
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the first of many dadkarios posts to come
Marzio fought tooth and nail to keep this egg and raise it. This is a big moment for him.
i can never figure out how I want to draw gale’s face outside of my chibi style and it’s driving me up a wall
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a-sorcerer-at-heart · 24 days ago
I’m barely into Act 3 but how come I’ve seen NO ONE talking about how Yenna offers to make food at camp where it is established that Gale is the camp cook?
Poor thing is so eager to be helpful she brings her own paring knife!
Where are my fics and headcanons about how Gale “doesn’t consider himself father material” Dekarios interacts with a small child who suddenly insists upon helping him with the cookpot? This feels like an untapped but very adorable source of potential fluff.
His reaction to Yenna joining camp is saying, “If the child is desperate to seek safety in our company, who are we to turn her away?” Which he says with a bit of a scoff at the beginning, but that man can’t even hide his smile by the end of the line.
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Very “Reluctant” Dad Energy of you, Gale.
I think Gale would be hesitant to have Yenna’s help at first, both because he’s not quite sure what to do with her and because he’s a little anxious she might hurt herself with that paring knife. But overtime he not only comes to enjoy having an extra set of helping hands, I think he’s enthused to have someone who he can discuss and enjoy cooking with. Imagine him teaching Yenna how to fillet a fish, julienne peppers, deglaze a sauce. It’s clear from his interactions with the tiefling children in the Emerald Grove that he’s incredibly fond of and patient with kids, I think he’d be delighted with getting to teach one how to cook!
I need to hear all the headcanons, please. I can’t be the only one who uses brain energy thinking about this
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freaky-deaky-cookies · 3 months ago
Hi could i request, Gale and a tav elf sorceress, gale doesn't like sorceresses because he sees them as not real magic users and I was wondering what a relationship between the two of them would be like
Gale x Elf! Sorcerer! tav 
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Most of his ‘dislike’ would stim from the fact that he himself had to work extremely hard day in and day out to achieve the level of magic he does have
Seeing it come so naturally to a sorcerer would really intimidate him
Like, he knows that he is (was) Mystras chosen but he worked so hard while Tav can just do it
When meeting Tav at first, he wanted to demonstrate his abilities to show them he can/is just as good as them. He is THE Gale of Waterdeep, dammit.
Despite the rocky start, Gale and Tav would bond over magic.
Gale may even start suggesting that she “hone” her magic more, recommending she study particular books, or trying to analyze how her spells work. In return, she introduces him to a more carefree, intuitive side of magic, encouraging him to let go of his rigid rules every so often. 
By the end, Gale may still jest about her being a “wild magic user,” but it’s said with a wink and a smile. He no longer sees sorcery as inferior, but rather as an important facet of the magical world. He comes to understand that there is no one way to wield magic—it’s about finding the path that works best for the individual. They share a bond that, while rooted in their differing magical practices, is ultimately about mutual respect, trust, and love.
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 3 months ago
Protective Gale Dadkarios Thoughts
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A/N: I am once again thinking about Gale being a father and it's giving me emotions. This man makes me soft guys!
Okay, first things first, this is more in keeping with my Single Mom!Tav, Gwen, headcanons (found here)
Basically Gwen had a tiefling child, Clara by a previous marriage. She and her husband divorced and after Gale and Gwen got married they had a daughter named Morgan
As I've kind of dove into here; Clara and Morgan have a hard time conceptualizing their father as an adventurer
Yes, obviously, he was, but to them he's just their dad; the one who makes bad jokes and cooks and reads them stories, it's not necessarily real to them
So imagine for a moment, Clara walking through the market with a little Morgan in tow
Clara old enough at this point to go by herself, but Morgan is obessed with her big sister and Gwen insist Clara bring Morgan with her
Clara begrudgingly agrees, taking the coin Gwen gave them to buy some things for dinner while Morgan tugs on her sleeve asking if they can get a treat
Clara is too distracted to notice at first the sound of horses hooves galloping toward them. The store keeper in front of them suddenly drops with an arrow to the chest. The rest is chaos.
Clara doesn’t know what to do except grab Morgan and start running back towards home. Morgan is scared though and too little to run properly.
Clara then ducks them between a few barrels just hoping nobody notices them. She only is just able to catch her breath when she feels a hand on her shoulder.
She starts to yell ready to start biting just like her uncle Astarion told her when she sees her dad kneeling down next to them.
Morgan throws her arms around him and Clara isn’t that far behind
Gale hugs them both asking if Gwen is with them. Clara tells him she’s back home. She then sees something in her dad’s eye she hasn’t seen before.
His jaw is set and there is something calculating in the way he looks out at the choas on the other side of the alley way. He then kisses them both of the forehead and tells them very calmly to stay hidden, he’ll be right back.
Morgan starts to reach out to her dad, but Clara holds her back. Something in how he said it makes her actually feel the necessity to do as he says.
Still, she can’t help it take a peak as she sees her dad step out of the alley with nothing but his staff.
The next thing she sees is a display of magic she’s only heard in stories.
The fire that rains down isn't done out of fury, but cool precise calculation
Time might as well have stopped
Gale isn't being extravogent or showing off, this is a wizard at full power cleaning up the mess in the most efficient way possible
When the dust clears, Gale stands in the middle of it all without a scratch on him
He then turns back to see Clara and Morgan peaking out of the alley way
He wants to chastize them for not hiding properly like he said, but he can't bring himself to do it, espeically when Morgan comes charging into his arms
Clara isn't far behind and he gathers them both to him
Everything is alright now, time to go home
Morgan is really too little to understand what she just saw, only that it was scary and the safest place she can think to be is in her father's arms
Clara honestly can't help but stare at him; she didn't think he was that...well, cool
Of course, this illusion is shattered the second he makes a bad joke in some attempt to get them to smile
At the end of the day, he's still their dad; soft, safe and warm
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elminstersapprentice · 11 months ago
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ashprince-of-bel-air · 8 days ago
The Wizard Of Waterdeep
I know it has probably been done many times before but i wanted to imagine how Gale felt during the entire Tadpole and Absolute ordeal.
Anyway, this is my interpretation so far.
Stuck is the word Gale would use to describe his current state, though he was an extremely verbose man of many words this was the most apt one to use. Stuck in between the Weave and the mortal realm of Faerun, his body and consciousness swirling about within the magic that tethered the two realms together. In the distance Gale was able to hear voices, voices that he hoped would belong to people that would help him out of this predicament, cursing himself for falling into it in the first place, damning his curious mind an inability to leave a swirling magic portal alone.
It took all his strength, mentally and physically, but Gale managed to centre his mind enough to reach out somewhere away from the magic surrounding him, where he was reaching he did not know, he just wanted to be free and have a corporeal form again. Gale thrust his hand forward into an open space, hoping to move it through the swirling mass of magic around him and back into the mortal realm once more. “A hand? Anyone?” Gale did not have to wait long until he felt a tug on his arm, ripping him through the portal which he foolishly fell into, landing atop his saviour, a woman who looked just as shocked and embarrassed as he did. Rising swiftly and brushing the dirt and debris from his old worn-out robes he introduced himself. Gale Of Waterdeep. Though he introduced himself emphatically and with a dash of flair, not one of the people before him knew of his name, in another life this would have shocked and offended him to his very core, baffled that they had not even heard of him, Mystra’s former chosen. Not in this life though, he had been humbled by the parasitic Netherese orb in his chest, reducing his powers significantly and making him live as a regular man, something that he had been forced to come to terms within this past year.
A swift introduction and assuring his saviour that he was usually better at introductions was all that was needed, Gale was now enlisted in a strange ragtag bunch of companions, all of whom had the same current affliction, one that he had not even bothered addressing as of yet, the Tadpole. It seemed odd to Gale that they all survived the Nautiloid crash, yet he would not question it out loud, hoping that in some way the Gods had a hand in this, hoping that even though Mystra had cast him aside that maybe she still harboured some kind of feeling for him, that she saved him by subconsciously guiding this mismatched group of people towards him. Gale shook his head from thoughts of Mystra, now was not the time to dwell on his past mistakes. Following the party ahead of him, Gale watched as the sun faded, entranced as it was the first sunset he had seen in a long while, fully admiring it and the warm glow it cast upon the land. After his time watching the setting sun, Gale ruminated on how he felt more alive now than he did in the past year, confined to his  tower and exiled from the world was not a way to live, now that he was in the thick of the wilderness he couldn’t believe he had shut himself away for so long, missing out on the feeling of adventure and the pursuit of knowledge.
The wilderness that the party had found themselves in after the crash was serene, Gale thought to himself that it was lucky they had landed here of all places, thinking that it could have been much worse as they could have landed in some barren land in the middle of nowhere. The sun began to fully set upon the horizon as the party walked through the trees, a dim crimson light struggling to penetrate through the treeline was the signal that was needed for everyone to agree that they needed a place to make camp for the night. It was not a minute too soon for Gale, the last hour he had started to feel the all too familiar prickle of pain in his fingers, a small tingle began hours ago yet he never noticed it due to the adrenaline coursing through his body in the aftermath of the crash. It was now that he could feel the painful tingle in his hand, warning him that soon he would need to consume an item imbued with the Weave once more. The Orb in his chest was always hungry for magic, craving it, causing Gale physical pain until it was satisfied.
The erection of the campsite was swift and easy, though most of Gale’s new strange amalgamation of friends had never lived rough in the wilderness, they all seemed to pitch their own tents with ease, admittedly the pale elf did need assistance to begin with although he huffed to himself as he continued on his own, muttering curses under his breath thinking that nobody could hear him, causing Gale to chuckle to himself as he erected his own tent. After the initial set up of tents and what comforts they could afford, Gale perched by the roaring campfire, warming his hand in the attempt to ease the painful feeling of pins and needles that was now in full force, the pain threatening to now work its way up his arm, flexing his hand in a frivolous attempt to subdue the pain. Hanging his head in exhaustion as he tried desperately to ignore the pain Gale wondered whether he should tell his new cohorts of his condition, part of him wanted to warn them of what peril they could be in if his orb was not sated by the Weave, yet he feared their rejection also, this was the first time he had any human contact within a year and selfishly he wanted more of it. Isolation did not suit Gale, a man such as he was born to teach and wax poetic at every opportunity, before the Orb Gale would often joke at how he wished he could live quietly in his tower with his books, a reality that did not live up to the dream when it was forced upon him.
The night waned on and each of Gales new companions retired to their own tents, he assumed they wanted the solace to come to terms with the events that had transpired in the last 24 hours. Gale on the other hand was awake, wide awake even, too troubled by the pain in his hand and the threat of the orb if not sated properly within the next few days. Positivity had always been Gale’s strong suit so he kept an open mind, optimistic that he would encounter a magical item sooner or later, yet it was hard to just rely on positivity when he could feel the stabbing pain in his hand, the feeling of the orb eating away at his life essence.
The embers of the fire dwindled finally, not without some resistance and poking from Gale, hoping to keep the fire burning in the attempt to not retire to bed. In the last year Gale would often not sleep until it consumed him against his will, wanting to be awake and take in everything whilst he still could, before the Orb took everything away from him. No amount of pressing could keep the fire alive much to Gale’s chagrin, sighing softly he retired to his own tent. The walls of his own tent should have been comforting but all they did was remind him of his tower, what should have been a place of comfort in the wilderness was only a reminder of his failings. His tent reminded him so much of his life and transgressions, and with that came the reminder of his own hubris and what caused him to be confined there, his desperate attempt to please Mystra and to be equal to a Goddess was his folly.
Eventually Gale succumbed to sleep, after much protest and frivolous attempts to stay awake it finally consumed him. The sleep was dreamless for the first time in a long while which was a blessing, the events of the day exhausting his mind, body and soul. Gale never knew it but as he slept the orb in his chest glowed, a soft purple light emitted from the markings of the Netherese Orb, from his chest it trailed up his neck and to his right eye, pulsing softly along with his heartbeat. For now, it was only a soft glow, barely illuminating his tent, yet with each passing day without any absorption of the Weave it would grow brighter, becoming a physical manifestation of the pain he was feeling, the Orb feeding on his very essence unless he could sedate it somehow.
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doodaddlesart · 8 months ago
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it's the Dekarios clan! Gale is a girldad™ and no, I am not taking questions. This is Gale and Seiya (my wood half-elf monk Tav) and their spawn, Hana (oldest) and Jin (youngest).
Hana is responsible, sweet, calm, curious and wants to follow in her fathers footsteps in illusionary wizardry.
Jin is chaotic, temperamental, hyperactive, destructive but sensitive - they learn at a very young age that she is likely a sorcerer of the wild magic variety...
(This Gale didn't bother with the crown so he still has the orb (though stabilized) but regardless if it's gone or not, I feel like it'd have SOME lasting effects on the body & perhaps it manifested in come chaos magic lol)
I have more of these but they're not looking like how I want >:0 If this one gains interest, maybe I'll share the rest another time.
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gale-dekarios · 8 months ago
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okay, i finally got around to drawing solo dad gale and wee milo. you cant convince me he wouldnt be a good dad, regardless of what he thinks.
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art-by-ady · 2 months ago
“Papa, shhhhh…”
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Related to this post 🫄
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funkycatts · 5 months ago
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Don't you just hate it when your husband laughs at you for using your gigantic pregnancy belly as a table? 🙄 like jeez man let a girl live
A quick sketch before going to sleep. Night everyone!
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 3 months ago
The Adventures of Dad Gale, his silly bard wife Emmy, and their baby girl.
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Being a first time dad is hard, sometimes you need a little extra support. And a strong stomach. (By OrangeKittyEnergy) ~
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Feeding the baby is his favorite pastime. But so is cuddling his wife. (By Sh0_Sh1n on IG)
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Early morning cuddles in bed. The baby was up all night, so might as well have her resting with them. ❤️ (By OrangeKittyEnergy)
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A peaceful morning in Waterdeep. We can only hope he doesn’t drop that book on Emmy’s head. More importantly, the baby. (Art by Karkyna_ on IG)
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Playtime during changes makes the baby less fussy. (Art by Karkyna_)
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Emmy and her ridiculousness strikes again! (Art by Karkyna_)
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Emmy accidentally casts Cloudkill in the bathroom. (Art by Karkyna_)
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The one time Emmy lost her horns (but they grew back) ❤️💜❤️💜 (art by Karkyna_)
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“Gale…we’re having a baby!” (Art by _acabininmidgard_ on IG)
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“Our baby girl is so beautiful…” (art by Sly3D on Patreon)
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thelanceboard · 9 months ago
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Gale Dionysus with the Hades UI n stuff because idk thought it would be fun. I just didn’t want to post this with the main drawing.
Background isn’t mine, it’s from hades 1. ✌️
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