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I warn you. I will know if you lie to me. You will not like my next visit.
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      Do not worry, for surely, I will not, and I don't need further reason.       These matters, they are not for you to mingle in.
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ofdaggers · 10 years
♝: Reading a book together ( x )
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Her brows furrowed as she sat next to the Lady of Light. Sigrún could only make out a few words of the text - her elvish wasn't very good. Her gaze trailed up to Galadriel's face.
"Which tale is this?"
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kingofiron · 10 years
"Quite so. But the tale is a little wilder and involves the dear woodland king, if you wish to hear it, lord Dain." The dwarven king’s description of first love sounded very accurate, she nodded in content agreement. Yet the details around her marriage to Celeborn were quite interesting, it had certainly served for great gossip those millennia ago. "I would not want to keep you from important meetings."
"Bah!" Dain gave a wave of his hand. "Don't ye worry, m'lady. I have all the time for a wonderful tale told by someone such as yerself." Truthfully, he made certain his schedule was open whenever a strong dame such as Galadriel was paying him a visit. That, and he really wanted to hear whatever gossip the dear Lady was willing to divulge.
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"Please, I'm all ears if you wish to tell."
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nerdxnel-blog · 10 years
He roped a couple of sea turtles?
"Aye, he did!" Nerdanel told the elfling in her arms in mock-earnest. "And then Ossë, in his gigantic form, rode those turtles all the way to the distant lands in the east, and if his much wiser and much more sensible wife Uinen had not stopped him, he would have simply just kept on going and going! And that, Nerwen, is why men need wives - they need someone to steer them and restrain them when they swim too far."
She held the elfling closer and closed the book filled with her own paintings, the drawings of Makalaure and Ambarussa dotted here and there too. "Well, some men need husbands to do that, and some women need wives. Some need friends to do it, and no husband or wife at all! But we all need someone. And women have a much better head for it," she added, pressing a kiss to the child's shining hair. "Come on, you said one more story and then sleep."
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manliestelf · 10 years
Tell me where you’d want to be kissed
♠ :lips
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The sudden and highly unexpected wish from Lady Galadriel took the warden back. He surely didn't except this from the Lady. 
"M-My Lady... I'm not sure I'm allowed to."
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What am I hearing, Thranduil. You do the do with Sauron?
      Have you not better things to do than follow ridiculous rumors?Have your days truly grown so dull?
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kingofiron · 10 years
"Young love, isn’t it sweet?"
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"Rarely a thing is sweeter, m’dear Lady." The dwarven king gave the lovely elf a knowing nod, smiling warmly. "It’s frightful, joyful, embarrassing, and worth it all at once. I remember bein’ a wreck ‘bout it when I was a wee bit younger." He paused, looking up to Galadriel. "I can imagine yer husband must’ve been a wreck in his youth when he met ya." Dain gave a good laugh at the thought.
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nihthelm · 10 years
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curufinwefeanaro replied to your post “*slaps his butt because why not*”
|| ...take advantage of it, Moryo. Get the hair.
...yes, Atar!
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alowlysilvanelf · 10 years
Not gonna lie, I could ship it. They would be one badass couple. xD
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motherovernature · 10 years
Brighid: Tell us about your relationship with your father.
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"Papa and I have a fairly good relationship I think. It's been ages that we were apart, last time I had been a young adolescent and we hadn't spoken much. But now, even with so much changed and different, well there's little point in hiding or pretending. We love each other, we behave like children and we do the most ridiculous things one may think. But it is how we heal, to let go of that which causes us great pain. Papa is an amazing man, and though life threw him a difficult hand, he some how came back to me."
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manliestelf · 10 years
“Don’t touch me. Just watch.”
His eyes couldn't look away even if he used all his willpower, Lady Galadriel had always been marvelous but in this moment she was stunning. 
"My L-Lady..."
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((I'm gonna guess Ford Prefect, John Watson, or Bilbo?))
Nopety. Bilbo’s at 11, though.
Vanellope Von Schweetz- princeofthesouthernisles
Warner Bros. Characters
Disney Character
Technically a Disney Character
Giselle- moana-waialiki
My Little Pony Character
Baccano Characters
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Character
Disney Character
He’s played by Martin Freeman but I’m not telling you any more because that would most certainly give it away
bilbo baggins
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13. Hand kiss
Such an unlikely occurrence, though Disenwe dwells none the less, for he belongs to the guards that accompany Lord Thranduil on his visit to Lorien. The elven company, for wont of tradition, meets the Lord and Lady of the Golden Wood, and upon address they take leave for rest. Unlike his kin Disenwe remains, awestruck as he beholds Galadriel, heart aflutter in lieu of her boundless beauty and tales once told weaving about her in his mind.
The affixed gaze he maintains upon her fails to escape detection, and a smile she affords to him while extending her hand forward in silent beckoning. He hesitantly approaches the noble maiden, fingers gently caressing her outstretched palm and wrist before taking docile hold. After much pause a chaste kiss meets her pale fingertips, lingering but a moment, until the silvan abruptly retracts from her grace thereafter.  
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couragegolden-blog · 10 years
"My lad----y!?" Bilbo falls into the shallow waters with a splash, his expression comically shocked as he surfaces. "You--?"
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nihthelm · 10 years
*slaps his butt because why not*
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do nOT.
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alowlysilvanelf · 10 years
For a moment Tauriel tensed as she felt gentle fingers tracing across the scar on her shoulder. Though as she turned her head, she relaxed as she saw who it was. Her head bowed slightly, a slight flush creeping up her cheeks, the light touch against the faded scar only reminding her of one of her many failures.
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