#galactic lucas
loneycorner · 7 months
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Pov: you're Barry
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lucasneptune · 6 months
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We're on our break today
Look at this ass, looking like he owns the world or some shit
I don't even know where he got that T-shirt from:/
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Gonna go make me some food, pack me a vase full of happy trees, and then Ahsokatime 😂
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sithfox · 2 months
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The History of the Galactic Empire // Darth Vader (2020) #48 // Bloodline // George Lucas
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I’m gonna be honest. The more I think about it, the more I’m believing that the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy could’ve been better than the Original Trilogy if the script was tighter (a lot tighter). But George needed to let other people handle the script and he needed way more help with bringing his vision to life.
I mean, just think about it. The OG trilogy was a fairly straightforward, good vs evil storyline. Jedi and Rebels good, Emperor and Sith bad. Amazing storyline, but fairly simple. In comparison, the Prequel trilogy is far more complex in terms of what it was trying to achieve. If you look past the shitty dialogue and questionable storyline choices, the story that George came up with deals with:
1) Duty vs. Desire (Anakin trying to remain a Jedi but wanting to pursue Padme)
2) Questioning the Jedi Code instead of just blindly accepting it as gospel. Because despite how much Anakin was struggling with his complicated emotions, the Order doesn’t notice. In fact, the Order encouraged him to bury his emotions, which we see led to disaster since that led him right to the Dark Side.
3) An actual attempt at more complex politics rather than just evil empire versus good resistance. For example, it’s a meme that Anakin made an argument in favor of fascism, but in the hands of a better writer, that could’ve been a really good moment. We get an idea of why the Empire would have its supporters, despite being the obvious bad guys. It humanizes the Empire in a way that it doesn’t make you sympathize with them, but makes you understand how someone could end up on that path. That’s more true to life than just evil people being evil. (Andor is probably the one Star Wars media that understood this, which is partly why it’s one of the best Star Wars content out there)
4) The hero is genuinely a tragic character. He’s a child prodigy who was freed from slavery with the promise of a better life. But as he grows up, he becomes frustrated with how his life is turning out. He’s powerful, but not powerful enough to save his mom. He falls in love, but can’t be with Padme since it’s against the Jedi Code. Obi-Wan looks over him, but Anakin doesn’t feel he’s respected. The Order assigns him dangerous mission after dangerous mission, but he doesn’t get the rank of master. Anakin’s arc is about a man who feels like he’s not in control of his life (which is doubly sad when you remember he grew up in slavery) and, in his lowest moment, turns to a man who claims to be able to give Anakin everything he’s ever wanted. And that becomes his downfall since he ends up losing way more than he gained.
I’m sorry, but, that storyline is way more interesting than Luke and Leia’s story. No offense to Luke and Leia, but their dad’s story sounds like a Shakespearean tragedy. What messed it up was that George Lucas needed someone else to write the script.
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deoxysacid · 1 year
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(on floor convulsing) FUTURE.... FUUUUTUUUUREEE!!!
cyrus just got dragged out of the distortion world and is wearing the first thing dawn saw in a nearby hot topic. help him
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084392 · 1 year
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sinnoh pmd-ification thoughts...
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short-wooloo · 9 months
George Lucas makes an entire trilogy about how a flawed democracy is better than dictatorship, only for countless people to stan the separatists
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hanxiaovernox · 2 months
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Sinnoh Region KANPAI FUNK🍻
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Today's TCG art dump features the various Sinnoh characters! (I have that Honchcrow card!)
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grey822aaa · 2 months
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Never ignore him
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loneycorner · 4 months
Grandmother just turned off my main light source so sadly I'll have to continue this tomorrow 💔💔
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lucasneptune · 6 months
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Someone flooded the restroom
I don't think this was an April Fools...
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kaitlinamberxo · 3 months
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“Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan! I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 43/100: Anakin Skywalker
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dantelionwishes · 7 months
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from the persistent yells of a beloved mutual i finally drop sketches of the sunflowershipping kids
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writerbuddha · 1 year
I think what most people don't realize about the Galactic Republic is that it was failing, but it was never flawed. This is a very important difference. A flawed republic is suffering from issues that are pretty much encoded into its DNA, so to speak, leading to its downfall. But a failing republic was the best that you could get, but democracy, by its very nature, is something we do, not something we have - so it's demise is the result of people no longer functioning as a republic. George Lucas repeatedly said, he was making a story about how a democracy turns itself into a dictatorship. Not about how power-hungry elites sapping and colonizing an entire galaxy then finally closing the coffin onto themselves.
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