#galactic lore
legionofmyth · 9 months
Aliens Unlimited: Introduction
Embark on an epic journey with our intro to Aliens Unlimited by Palladium Books! Discover a universe of heroes & villains. #AliensUnlimited #SuperheroRPG #TabletopGaming
Aliens Unlimited Heroes Unlimited 2E Embark on a thrilling adventure with our introduction to Aliens Unlimited by Palladium Books, Inc. This video will guide you through the game’s universe, where humans and aliens coexist in a complex galaxy of conflict and camaraderie. Learn about the innovative character creation system, the dynamic powers, and the rich lore that makes Aliens Unlimited a…
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galactic-dragoness · 1 year
Stole @slightly-gay-pogohammer 's poll lore idea...below you are seven galactic facts, six are true, one is false, make your choice:
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lightasthesun · 9 months
Comprehensive Lexicon Guide for First-Time SW Fic Readers:
Flimsi/Flimsiplast = Paper
Flimsiwork/Datawork = Paperwork
Stylus = Pen
Datapad = Tablet
Comlink/Comm = Communication Device/Phone
Binders = Handcuffs
Chronometer = Clock
Spectacles = Eyeglasses
Chrono = Watch
Conservator = Refrigerator
Caf = Coffee
Nerfburger = Hamburger
Blue milk = Milk (literally blue)
Hubba chips = French Fries
Sweet roll = Doughnut
Flatcakes = Pancakes
Tabac = Tobacco
HoloNet = World Wide Web
Holovision/HoloTV = Television
Holodrama/Holovids = Movie/Videos
Holocamera/Holocam = Camera
Holomap = three-dimensional map
Holojournal = Newspaper
Holocube = Picture frame
Holotable = Projector
Holoscanner = X-ray machine
Holojournalist = Reporter
Flatholo/Holograph = Photograph
Sonic Damper = Active Noise Cancellation
Refresher/Fresher= Bathroom
Sonic Bath = Bath
Sanisteam/Sonic shower = Waterless Shower
Hydrospanner = Wrench
Hydro Flask = Water Bottle
Power Cell/Energy Cell = Batteries
Authorization Chip = Decryption key
Datatape = Disk
Datastick = Flash drive
(Personal) Com Code = Phone number
Datachip = SD Card
Synthflesh = Synthetic skin
Glowrod = Flashlight
Sparkstick = Match
Slugthrower = Gun
Slug = Bullet
Vibroblade = a blade that can vibrate at high frequencies, increasing its cutting power and penetrating ability (tactical knife)
Rangefinder = Rifle scope
Turbolaser = Cannon
Ion pike/Vibropike = Spear
Electro Staff = Stun baton
Blaster = Pistol/Rifle
Stun Blaster = similar to a Taser
Landspeeder/Airspeeder/Speeder = Car
Turbolift = Elevator
Slideramp = Escalator
Starfighter = Fighter jet
Rotorcraft = Helicopter
Hoverpack/Jetpack= Jet pack
Speeder Bike = Motorcycle
Skylane = Traffic lane
Railspeeder/Hovertrain = Train
Power Chair/Hoverchair= Wheelchair
Windscreen = Windshield
Podracing = Car racing
Dejarik = Chess
Sabacc = Poker and Blackjack combined
Galactic Rebels = Combat simulator
B'shingh = Dungeons and dragons
Jizz = Jazz music
Wailer = Singer (ie. Jizz Wailer)
Cantina = Bar or Pup
Para Sailing = Paragliding
Aurebesh = Alphabet
Credits = Money
Sleeping Pallet = Bedroll
Naming Day = Birthday
Youngling = Child
Galactic Basic Standard/ Basic = English
Medkit/Medpac = First aid kit
Hypo = Syringe
Medic/Healer = Doctor
Medcenter = Hospital
Bactapatch = Bandaid
Nanoweave = Fabric
Transparisteel = Glass
Plastifoam = Packing material
Durasteel = Steel
Plasteel = Plastic
Duracrete = Concrete
Slicer = Hacker (slicing = hacking)
Identikit = Passport
Minder = Therapist
Synthleather = Vinyl
Viewport = Window
Cooling Unit = Air-conditioning
Honeydarter = Bee
Slythmonger = Drugdealer
Spice = Drugs
Stimpill = Caffeine pill
Power Socket = Plug
Cutters = Scissors
Cycle = Day
Standard Cycle = 24h
Standard Week = 5 days
Standard Month = 35 standard days
Standard Year = approx. ten months
Tenday = literally ten days
Cigarras/Smokes = Cigarettes
Click = Kilometer or 'a moment'
Parsec = a unit of distance
Tweezers/Clanker/tin head/tinnie = Droid
Separatist = Seppie
Promise Ring = Wedding Ring
Body Glove = Jumpsuit
Slicksuit = Wet suit
Civvies = Civilian clothing
Carbonite = a metal alloy used to freeze a person in a state of hibernation
Hyperdrive = device that allows a starship to travel faster than lightspeed
Moisture vaporator = device that can extract water from the air, commonly used on tatooine
Glareshades = Sunglasses
Gasser = Gas Oven
Repulsorlift = technology that can create an anti-gravity field and is used for levitating heavy objects
Heating unit = Heater
Utility Droid = Roomba
Sunbonnet = a Clone trooper helmet
Bad Batcher = a defective Clone Trooper
Banthabrain = birdbrain/ a stupid person
Bantha fodder = waste of space/nonsense
Blast! = word of exclamation
Blasted! = s.o in anger or annoyance
Blaster-brained = dimwitted
Blaster fodder = cannon fodder
Blast off = Piss off
Brainless = Stupid
Bug/Bugger = used to refer to Geonosians
Forceforsaken = godforsaken
Full of Poodoo = full of shit
Poodoo = Shit
Kriff = Fuck
Jedi scum = derogatory term for jedi
Kark = derogatory expletive
Larty = LAAT/i gunship
Laserbrain = insult
Meat droid = derogatory term for Clone Troopers
Redrobes = Palpatines guard
Rookie/Shinie = newly recruited Trooper
Scum = insult to refer to bounty hunters/rebels
Sharpie = Sharp-witted
Sithspawn/Sithspit/Hellspawn! = expletive
Sleemo = Slimeball
Son of a bantha = insult
Wizard! = Cool
Spaced = dead
Hutt-spawn = Bastard
Karabast = exclamation of dismay
Stang = Crap
Buckethead/Bucketbrain = derogatory term for Stormtroopers
Bucket = Helmet
Nat-born = Natural Born
Roger Roger = affirmative/copy that
Droid poppers = EMP grenade
Sitrep = short for situation report
Backwater Planet = any planet that isn't part of the core system
Holocron = device that can project a three-dimensional image of a person/object and is used for communication or entertainment.
Kessel Run = a risky Operation. Commonly used as a metaphor in impossible situations.
Thermal Detonator= device that can create a powerful explosion like a grenade or bomb
Ray Shield/Energy Shield = creates a (protective) barrier
Rebreather = device that allows a person to breathe underwater or in toxic environments
Wild goose chase = wild bantha chase
That's bantha shit = that's bullshit
As slippery as a greased Dug = untrustworthy
Credit for your thoughts = penny for your thoughts
Cut the poodoo = cut the crap
to get your gills in a twist = get upset about something
Holy mother of meteors = holy mother of god
Oh my skies/ Oh my stars = exclamation of surprise
Stars' end! = exclamation of disbelief
What in the blue blazes = exclamation
When Geonosis freezes over/When it snows on tatooine = extremely unlikely
Who pissed in your power supply = who pissed you off
Blast it = damn it
By the maker = exclamation of surprise
Great karking Dragon = expression of disbelief
Lothcat got your tongue = equivalent of 'cat got your tongue?'
Sod it = expression of frustration
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dantelionwishes · 25 days
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cyrus can be a softie if he wants to !
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larvabyte · 1 year
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my bf and i sometimes talk about a crack au where cyrus has court mandated therapy and spends his days playing truck simulator
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optimistpax · 3 months
@artobotsrollout sent me the transformers: galactic trials announcement and????
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THERE SHE IS!!!! The motorcycle!!! The myth!!!!The menace!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 months
Watching the Jenny Nicholson Star Wars video and I feel like they could totally repurpose this plot set up into an actual like Visual Novel or adventure game or hell if you want to be fancy a VR game along the lines of The Invisible Hours where everything is happening at once and you choose which characters to stalk
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pruskita · 2 days
Hi hi hello sorry for the bother csn u tell me about your Void in your auu (^^ゞ? thank you so much and sorry for the bother hehe!!
Hellooooo :D
First of all I doubt that he would have talked about Void, only two people know about his Lore, but I'm going to take advantage of this to say his Lore, this will be long.
Okay, let's go with a summary if possible, but it may be very long, I'm so sorry.
From the very beginning, there was nothing, that changed until two beings were created out of nothing and these two became known as Void and Galcatic Nova, They were later classified as gods as they were the first to exist and then both came to represent life and death respectively, Despite what one may initially think that they will come to hate each other for being opposite or because everything that life creates will end up dead, both get along well too good, since at the beginning they both started out as brothers and they still are twin brothers, so they both got excited about what the other did.
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Void, apart from being the goddess of life, is considered the creator of all living also as a creator of all types of magic, beings, from the most common bacteria to the most immense constellations, Everything starts most of the time by cell phone that go forming their own path of evolution but Void giving the origin to everything, like the planets, that some let themselves create themselves and others that she created.
But above all, what Void depends on for its existence are the puffs and dark matter that are born from the emotions that Void has or that he absorbs from his surroundings Initially, Void wanted to have only children with her, so that they would be somewhat dependent but also free to live their lives, Although he first wanted to make a combination of both just to have a unique kind of children who were born from positive or negative emotions, but he saw that it was incompatible Since what came out were only creatures that did not show emotions or that soon disappeared, so he thought of dividing his children into two species so that they could live.
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As something that is not surprising to many, dark matter is born from the negative emotions that Void has or that she absorbs from the people around her Even though the materials need a little more emotions to be created than the puffs, the Dark Matter themselves can create more of them. On the other hand, Puffs are born from positive emotions and little was needed to give life to a Puff, but Puffs cannot have more of them, it depends on Void to have more of them. And both esovien know that it comes from Void and in its beginnings it was very common to see the subjects with the Puff or the reverse
So let's assume that all is well and all is happy and life and death take their course, that is until the larger communities of ancient times begin to see the two gods as objects of power, Of course they have power, but communities stop seeing them as beings with their own identity and lives and instead see them as figures, a figure that they do not like. Even though they are gods, why should they have the power to give life, magic or have control over all of Hades and death? That was the thought of the ancients and of various communities, they should be the ones to divide the power.
So the powerful people began to spread rumors about both gods, to turn other mortals against both of them, those people who were untruthful or who did not agree with it, they were murdered and disappeared, blaming the gods. But not only spreading rumors about them was enough, they wanted the two under their control and to take away their powers, underneath they all began to create plans. Pallets and armies to catch both gods, no matter how much time will pass, generations will continue to do so and if they left mortals with bad ideas about the gods, about Dark Matter, of the Puff and the knights of Hades better since that way no one could be against them when they go for the gods
The plan finally succeeded after eons and attempts to fail, several lives were lost and they cared less about the lives of always mortals who were going to go after one of the Gods, even though Nova would be the easiest to capture, they still didn't have the Star Dream, so the most logical thing was to go seal Void, if they sealed it Nova would go for her sister so they could capture him in the next few days, maybe even years but they could have the gods
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Said, thought and done, they went after the goddess Void to seal her, it was a horrible battle that ended with several planets with several deaths and injuries, terrible consequences, but between Among all the people there were 4 soldiers who gave the coup de grace to end up capturing the goddess, those 4 were later known as the heroes of yore
Well how did you manage to seal a goddess, they themselves knew that it would be impossible to do it with the complete goddess, so they separated her little by little with each attack, they were horrible moments for Void His body was slowly being mutilated and destroyed by those he once saw as his creations, despite his screams and pleas as he defended himself against them all. The tiredness, the exhaustion, the loss of his own power made that in the end the only thing he can do being only a part of his soul stripped of his body is to crawl Without a voice to scream in agony, without being able to see where her attackers were, without being able to hear where the things that hurt her came from, without being able to feel where she was, she was defenseless. Until I only feel 4 spears entering the only thing she had left of herself and being sealed
Where is your brother, if they were both gods they could both finish off all those mortals together, right? Yes they could do it but Void did not want to put Nova at risk, he knew that if she was not there life could be fine, it could follow a natural course, she could continue creating the Dark Matter or puff But if they caught Nova they could have the power in Hades or in their own knights it would be chaos in death, so with tears in his eyes Void said goodbye to Nova saying that she knew That he was going to get her out of there, no matter how much time passed, she knew that her brother would get her out while he was gone and prevent Nova from leaving Hades through magic.
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Nova, unable to leave Hades, can only cry, scream, and be filled with despair as she watched her sister being tortured by those who sealed her, even though she wants to go for her, even though he would be able to give himself up to leave his sister, he could only cry while being supported by his knights, Nova ended up hating herself for not being able to do anything for her sister, or for her own knights who were now considered a danger by the Mortals
The ancients achieved part of their mission of sealing a goddess, now it would be the next part of their plans while they hide the truth from both gods, They painted themselves as the good guys saying that the seal was necessary because the goddess Void was destroying ever ne in her path, they named their own heroes, Even if he knew his "heroes" were terrible people, as long as they served him he would use them for their own good.
And so Void was left as a destroyed goddess, mutilated, sealed in places so that no one could come close to helping her, not even her brother who was hurting himself trying to get her out of there.
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If you got this far, thank you! THANK YOU! This is the first time I upload Void's Lore, there are some things I want to explain later.
But from Void's side it's what it is so far, thanks for reading and thanks anon for asking
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- Different Jedi temples and what they tell about the Jedi -
The acolyte is presenting to us a different group that uses the Force. Many seems to be outraged by them, but I think it is cool.
It is only natural that in a galaxy where Force excists, there are different ways and approaches.
In canon, there are places where naturally or by occurance, the dark or the light side are stronger. And those places were attracting the attention of those who are strong in the Force. My suspection is that the Templea are built on those spots. And this way, they are older than the Jedi order. The Force itself is eternal. The Jedi came after it.
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The early Jedi are still little known in canon. But another natural thing is that the cultures are changing along the time passing. If they do not adapt into the changes, they dissappear. Like the morning mist.
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This change was happening to the Jedi order too. It had happened earlier - the split between the Sith and the Jedi can be seen as one.
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The Lothal Temple, Jedha and others are signs of the Jedi changing.
The very nature of the Jedi has changed. The small temples all around the Galaxy were meant to be stations for the Jedi. Them staying there and doing their duty: protect the people of the Republic. Being part of their community, rising their young, and really protecting the locals. But their number had dwindled and they no longer were capable of do the similar tasks that they had been doing earlier.
But as the Jedi were desperately trying to stay in the center of Power, Coruscant, they did abandon the rest of the Galaxy.
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This is how the Jedi had become myth even when they excisted. And when they were finally wiped out by the Sith they become a legend.
Something that was not real. A myth.
Perhaps the Jedi become too attached on themselves.
Maybe it really was the time for the Jedi to come to an end. Maybe it was time for the Jedi to be reborn.
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legionofmyth · 8 months
Aliens Unlimited: Galaxy Guide - Miscellaneous Information
Gear up for adventure in #AliensUnlimited! �� Discover new equipment, skills, cyberjacking, and more in our latest Galaxy Guide video. Dive into the details here! 🔍 #RPGAdventure #PalladiumBooks
Aliens Unlimited Aliens Unlimited: Galaxy Guide Dive into the diverse universe of Aliens Unlimited: Galaxy Guide by Palladium Books, Inc. with our quick overview of new equipment, skills, cyberjacking, and the mysterious Riathenor. This video provides a snapshot of the exciting additions and enhancements that this guide brings to your RPG experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the…
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sketchyspudley · 7 months
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got commissioned for a set of portraits for Solariis Mission Control! i think they came out well
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toast24 · 8 months
Ooookay, yesterday I said that I might explain the lore behind my Spore captain's story... so here it goes. This is him at the beginning by the way:
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Why is he a cell? What's going on? Well let's just say that he's a little bit older than any other alpferd. Or show I say he's mind and memories? Because as I played through Spore, I imagined that the creature we played as always remembered it's previous lives. So the captain isn't immortal but he gets reincarnated every time.
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He doesn't know why it happens. Almost no one believes him and they just think he's going crazy. And that's how creature stage passes. Only his packmates want to be anywhere near close to him. And they still think that he's a bit weird. It's weird when he talks about something he shouldn't even know happened.
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But he carries on. He feels like he's on a mission to lead his species to greatness. Years pass and he manages to become the chieftain of his new tribe, and allies most of the other tribes (it's more complicated than just that, but I'll talk about it eventually). And finally in the civilization stage, he manages to peacefully unite the whole world (well, as peacefully as possible...).
After all that, he becomes one of two captains of their planet's main spaceship (Yes, there's two of them, but I'll talk about it some other day. But it's related to the fact that I played Spore with my brother).
Buuut, he doesn't really have a name. Well he does but there's just so many of them. Like thousands or milions of them! But I'll eventually give him a name that he uses in the space stage.
I feel a little silly after writing all of that. If anyone is interested by my horse-bugs then I'll happily respond to questions. It'll even help me develop them more. Believe me i'm extremely attached to them for whatever reason, and I really like to come up with new stuff for them.
I think the next things I'll tackle are their clothes and armor. I'll figure out how it all works and stuff. And I'll draw the two captains! And also explain the stages in more detail because this is just a "quick" summary. Why is it so fun to just think of full lore for creatures you made in a 15 year old game?
Here's cake for anyone who read all that:🍰
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dantelionwishes · 1 month
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mastercrowned · 3 months
Hi guys, forgive me for this insane question:
*and therefore they are not "just computers". Perhaps you think they're more akin to magical artifacts (like the master crown for example)
**Biological = biological organism, even if it was biologically engineered instead of naturally occurring (like if you were to grow an organ from scratch (e.g, the heart of nova?). That could imply their abilities that one might consider magic (such as portals) are innate to their biology (like Elfilis's possibly are?).
I'd love to read about why you chose your option in the tags!
You can also read a little about what I think:
I was typing up some of my own headcanons about the novas and it got me really curious about what other people think... There's a lot of different options and they've been bouncing around in my brain.
For one, I hope to gather data about how people think the magic system works in kirby. For example, is magic something any creature, even a computer, can learn and perform? Or are specific races/species/artifical beings not able to perform magic with knowledge alone, due to things like their biology? Depending on what you think, the nature of the clockwork stars changes...
I'm a subscriber to the latter theory, but I think it's both possible to "unlock" the ability to perform magic - for example, being possessed by dark matter - and to "use" magic through the use of a magical tool. If the novas were simply built with a magic component installed, granting wishes isn't exactly out there.
There's also the question about *why* the novas were built by the ancients. One of my headcanons is that they're basically the ancient's "cloud" - a big computer network that holds all of the ancient's computer data, libraries of knowledge, and maybe even all their magical data. This data was so extensive it therefore allowed them the knowledge to grant wishes...
I also can't remember where I saw this, but I remember seeing a theory about how the heart of nova resembles the jamba heart and how they could've been used as Incubators to grow the various spawns of void. That's too cool...
I also have so many questions about how Haltmann built star dream. What resources did he use, how difficult were they to find, did he use any substitute materials? Why does star dream's heart look different to Galactic Nova's?
Were the scientific ancients so advanced that they could create *computers* that grant wishes? Is it simply science so advanced that it's beyond our human comprehension? Or else, did Haltmann need to use magic (whatever that would involve) in order to built Star Dream? Was there a biological component Haltmann needed to engineer or FIND in order to complete it?
Anyway, I hope to do more polls like this. I'm hopefully going to be less busy in the summer and I can talk about kirby a lot.
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sithfox · 2 months
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The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire by Dr. Chris Kempshall
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i-looove-dillydallying · 10 months
Not a big fan of the jedi consular story but you have got to admit the Parkanas lore was cool as balls
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