#gah what is a klaus voice
founderscouncil · 1 year
KISA (@ladicsa) said "i'm not going to repeat myself."
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"Oh, well we wouldn't want that now, would we luv?" His lips fall into his characteristic smirk over the rim of his glass, mischievous blue eyes cutting in the other's direction. Kisa is different. She's not a member of his family, nor is she one of Marcel's people, easily cowed by a measly threat. She's a challenge, and that has always intrigued him.
"I'm afraid that I am going to have to ask you to repeat yourself though," he shrugs only a tiny bit apologetic. "You see, when you barge into my home unannounced, I generally am not too focused on what you are saying." He moves away from the balcony and further into the room, setting down his glass so he could pour one for Kisa. He picks up the crystal filled with amber liquor and holds it out for her to take, as a peace offering. "Why don't we start over?"
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Katerina Petrova / Sister!Reader
Warnings: Blood, a little angst, and with the slightest x Klaus (if you squint).
Notes: This was originally a req, but I took it in a completely different direction. I guess I just wanted to write about Katherine for a bit, haha (BTW this isn’t like… a romantic pairing or anything.)
It was late in the evening. You sat comfortably in a soft blanketed chaise as the candle, encompassed by an ornate chamberstick, sat by your side and warmly lit up the pages of your book. You doused the flame of the lounge's hearth an hour prior but hadn't yet felt the need to head to bed just yet.
Up until this moment, the night had begun its stride on a good foot… the story you held in your grasp tonight had been one offered to you by a friend of your sister’s, Niklaus. You’d spoken to him and his brother on only a handful of occasions, much preferring to stay home and entertain yourself alone. Katerina had always been drawn to lavish social events, something that often set the two of you apart. She, herself, often hosted these parties, none of which you enjoyed attending for longer than an hour's time. Of course, despite it, Klaus had always been understanding. In fact, he gracefully allowed you to borrow some of his books. However, amidst your reminiscing, a sudden and frantic banging on your front door jolted you back to the present.
"Y/N, open the door — Please!" You recognized the voice, but the inflection it held was something you had very rarely witnessed.
Raising from your seat and dropping your book where you had sat, you picked up the chamberstick and rushed to the entrance.
Once the door was opened, a familiar silhouette greeted you in the dim candlelight. “Katerina?” You questioned breathlessly, a little taken aback by your sister's disheveled appearance. The torch in your hand shook as a gentle breeze brushed past the both of you. The moon was bright above your heads.
Katerina's skirt was covered in mud and other dark stains. Without a second thought, you ushered her in quickly and she wasted no time stepping into the home.
“Get away from the door,” She ordered, tightly grabbing you by the arm and pulling you to the next room over. You hesitated to follow, a firm grip steadying the chamberstick in your free hand. The bedroom would be dark without the candle in your grasp.
"What are you— gAH!" Her nails pierced your skin where her fingers dug in. You reacted quickly, hissing as you reeled back — but Katerina’s grip remained and you could barely flinch out of place.
“I… I-I’m sorry…” Katerina whispers, hesitantly letting you go as you push back.
“Katerina, what has gotten into you!?” You breathe through your teeth, pressing your forearm to your chest as little red beads slid down your skin. It was made more than obvious that she, your eldest sister, had attempted, with little success, to keep up the strong and collected demeanour you had always seen from her in the past. She hesitated to reach out, her hands twitching as she gripped the dirty fabric of her skirt.
“I’m sorry.” She continues to repeat, eyeing your arm as she steps back.
You were uncertain if the dark had begun playing tricks on you but, with a gentle push of your steady arm, you illuminated Katerina's face with the candle's flame. In this obscure light, her visage twisted as she stared on, setting your heart on a race against your mind. You no longer recognize your sister.
As she took a new step forward, you reeled back, hitting the door to the bedroom and stumbling into the foyer. “Don’t— don’t move. D-Don’t you dare!” You stuttered out as the door to the bedroom began to slowly swing closed. Katerina took a few steps forward, swinging her arm forward and slamming the door to the wall — and nearly off its hinges.
With fear beginning to eat away at your composure, you blinked, tucking your lip between your teeth as you tried to rationalize everything that had transpired since she stepped foot through that front door.
But, as she stepped into the candlelight once more, the veil of obscurity ripped away. She slowly lifted her palms to you, a look of fear crossing her eyes. "Don't be scared, please... Please, don't be scared of me." She cried, suddenly clasping her hands together as tightly as she could.
"I'm not," Your voice cracked, and your fingers twitched. You were clearly lying.
You glanced behind yourself and, when you returned to her intense stare, you both knew what would inevitably happen next.
"They’re going to kill you." She stated bluntly. Katerina was always prone to lying when under pressure. It's unfortunate that she rarely stood a chance of doing it well when it came to you. Her tells were beacons you couldn't ignore.
“Who, Katerina!? You haven’t told me a single thing since you’ve arrived!” You began to shout. “And now I can’t even make myself believe this is you… I don’t recognize your face — you look sickly.”
But Katerina had seemingly nothing to say. Her mouth opened and closed aimlessly, puckering like a fish out of water. You were correct, of course, but she hadn't the slightest clue where to begin, even if she wanted to tell you as much as she knew. Her hesitance in action gave way for another back step from you, one to reach the front door, Katerina quickly concluded, but leaving the safety of your home was not an option tonight.
"W-Wait!" She was on you in an instant, knocking you onto the ornate carpet of the foyer with a cracking thud. The chamberstick hit the floor and the flame snuffed from the fall. She cried desperately at you, shouting all the things she wanted you to hear, needed you to hear. Your ears rang as your vision blurred from the impact, but she never once let up.
"Klaus — He wants me dead, Y/N — You have to listen." She slapped your cheek lightly, trying to reel you back to the moment at hand. You jolted slightly, but your eyes continued to blink harshly as you readjust. She continued her vocal assault on your ears, falling from tearfulness to anger rather quickly. You hadn't wanted to listen before, but she needed you to listen now. "We have to get out of here, we can go back to Mama and-" She suddenly stilled.
Katerina blinked, observing your face for a moment. Warmth enveloped your head rather quickly, but Katerina had been too frantic to notice it any sooner. She grabbed your face, observing you closely. Your eyes rolled, but they remained unfocused. You spoke sluggishly, jumbled Bulgarian she barely caught. The smell of blood was thick in the air.
With a heaving chest and frantic eyes, Katerina thought quickly. "I-I know what to do," She spoke to you, pushing back the hairs that stuck to your face. She had seen it done before, only once. A creature such as herself could heal, even turn those who'd drink from them. But a lifetime of this was nothing Katerina wanted for you, her youngest sister. It wasn't fair, was it? Was this selfish of her? "I just hope you'll understand."
For the briefest moment, Katerina presses her forehead to yours, whispering to you breathlessly. "Obicham te tolkova mnogo." After a beat of silence, Katerina pulled her face away. She ripped at her wrist, held your twitching head, and pressed the bleeding limb to your lips.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Snapping Is Over Rated
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Salvatore!Female!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers?, swearing, angst, mention of murder, mention of the humanity switch being flipped
Words: 1,635
Summary: It’s a bad time to be dating a Mikaelson when your brothers decide they want to go on a quest to kill the Original Family, who happen to be linked to each other.
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | The Vampire Diaries Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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It wasn’t long before Y/n discovered what her brothers were hiding. In fact, it was hiding that led to her putting two and two together. A poorly hid white oak stake and two very suspicious brothers, my my, what could be the problem?
She knew that they only hid it from her due to her romance with one of the Mikaelsons.
Kol was, like his older half-brother, a little off the walls. Nevertheless, he remained loyal and loving. Their relationship had shown her a good side of vampirism, as well as convinced him that life still had meaning even if he wasn’t a witch anymore.
But, if her brothers went through with their plan, neither of them would have that anymore. So she went out to put a large red stop-sign in the middle of their little plot.
“Gah!” Damon hissed as his younger sister sped in front of him, “Where the hell did you come from?”
“Home. Where the hell are you going?” Y/n spat back. She grinned when Damon sighed after studying her for a few moments.
“Uhhh...the Grill.”
“Ah... But, dear brother, the Grill is in the other direction.” Her smile grew wider with the feeling of success. “So, tell me, where are you going? And, please- the truth this time, if you will?”
Stefan walked up behind Damon, turning himself in as he knew they’d been caught. “Damn it. Curse our sister and her inhuman intellect.”
“Don’t curse me for my brains, curse that bitch of a vampire that turned you two as well. Had you not engaged in her games, we’d all be dead and happy in our graves.”
“You could just stake yourself or walk into the sun, ya know?” Damon chuckled teasingly but stopped quickly upon his sister’s dead glare.
“Yes, of that, I am aware. However, you two are also aware of my boyfriend...” She glanced at the bag in Stefan’s hand, somehow already having a terribly accurate guess of what it’s contents were, “A little too aware.”
Stefan sighed, “I mean, yeah. He’s a Mikaelson, Y/n/n-”
“That doesn’t matter! You can’t go through with it! Please...Damon?” Her older brother raised his hands in front of his chest, telling her to leave him out of it with a simple sympathy smirk and squint of his eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Seriously? Have I ever tried to kill one of your girlfriends?”
The brothers thought for a moment before shaking their heads. Stefan looked down to the bag of stakes and back up to his sister, holding the same sympathetic expression as Damon. “I’m sorry. But, Klaus has to die. They all do.”
“No! Kol doesn’t!”
“He attacked Matt, Y/n!” Damon wasn’t one to care for most mortals, but Elena and Matt had been targets of some of the Mikaelsons for a bit of time, and he did end up growing a little closer to the group of abnormal friends, so he made an exception. Unfortunately, he was only willing to let that exception go so far.
“And? You attacked Bonnie! And Jeremy! Let’s not forget Alaric. My point is, we all make mistakes!”
“We all make mistakes, yet Kol has made over a thousand years worth of those without even apologizing. I’ve apologized...for most of them...” Stefan side-glared Damon, whom responded with a jab to Stefan’s side with his elbow. “And, well, my point is that he’s an original who’s just as bad as the other originals. We have a chance to kill the worst of them all, and you can’t stop us.”
She paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she thought. Usually, family went first, but they were ever so willing to destroy her happiness- to destroy her first ever romance- that she didn’t really care for the usual anymore.
“You’re right. I can’t stop you. But, if that’s how you guys wanna play,” the veins under her eyes began to darken and her e/c orbs turned red, “then lets play.”
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“Wherever is your little play-thing, brother?” Klaus’ voice rang through the phone. Kol only chuckled in response, continuing to watch as Jeremy failed painfully at baseball. “I take it she has yet to arrive?”
“Well, for one, brother, she’s not my play-thing. She’s my girlfriend.” A sincere look of love washed over Kol’s features; his undead heart skipped a beat just thinking about her. “And secondly, I suppose she is rather late.”
“Would you like me to resort to plan two? I can always threaten the witch’s little boyfriend some more. Perhaps get her to do a tracking spell?”
He thought for a moment, debating his options and the situation before licking his lips and nodding. “Plan two it is. See you later, Nik.”
“Until next time, Kol.”
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“Shit!” Damon yelped as he dodged a plate that flew over his head. The house had been turned upside down and wrecked in a fit of rage. Just as her brother once had, Y/n had flipped the switch.
Although flipping the switch sounds like something you’d do in a state of pain, Y/n did it in, like mentioned, a fit of rage. In result, it was more like she’d snapped than flipped a switch.
Stefan, hiding with his back against a flipped over couch, attempted to make hand motions to Damon; a wordless code. Sadly, Damon was not in the best state of mind to register the meaning of Stefan’s odd finger movements.
“What?” He whisper-yelled as his brows furrowed in confusion. “Okay, okay, can we continue this later? We kinda have a very deadly and very very angry sister trying to kill-” Damon rolled over, dodging a knife that had come out of the other side of the table due to it being thrown so harshly, “...us.”
“Damn it Damon- I was trying to get us to go,” He pointed towards the door, “in that direction!”
“I can hear you, you know!” Plate after plate hit the wall in front of them.
“On three?” Damon nodded. They began counting quietly in unison until they got to three. From there, they made a break for the front door and to Elena’s house, where they picked the doppelganger up and headed for Matt’s house. Luckily, Matt had never brought anyone from the group to his house aside from Elena and Caroline. He answered the door and let the three in quickly, looking around before shutting and locking it.
“No- you idiot- she can’t get in. There’s no point in locking it.” Damon groaned from the couch.
“Be nice.”
He bitterly responded to Elena’s demand with a fake smile and an obviously sarcastic tone. “Yes, milady.”
“So uh...” Of course Matt hadn’t been informed as to why the three were hiding in his home. “What happened?”
“Oh, ya know, the usual.” The sarcasm in Damon’s voice held thick as ever, “Pissed off my sister by telling her we’re going to kill the originals, as in all of them- including her boy-toy.”
“You did what-”
“Oops. Sorry Elena. I might’ve forgotten to add the part about pissing her off...which reminds me of the most important detail...” He smiled toothily with faux remorse.
The two humans blinked at the dark haired vampire, staring blankly as they waited for the detail he’d spoken of. When it became clear that he wasn’t going to tell them, Stefan cleared his throat and redirected their attention to him. “She flipped her switch.”
“Flipped her switch? Nah, screw the switch. It’s more like she ignored the switch and just plain old snapped.” Damon crossed his arms behind his head and kicked his feet up onto Matt’s coffee table.
He acted as if his sister was not going off the walls in anger. Or rather, he acted as if it was just a casual every day thing for the soft-spoken and caring sister of the Salvatore boys to go on a potential murder spree.
Elena rolled her eyes and scoffed before shoving his feet off the surface. She ignored the glare that burned into her skin and slapped Damon. The sound of her skin hitting his made the other two in the room flinch; it was clear that she did not approve of his choices in the slightest.
“You’re fixing your sister. S-”
“What!? That’s not f-”
“Stefan, and I will go stake the originals. Understood?” Damon huffed and ignored Elena. “Understood?” She repeated herself with a harsher tone before Damon sighed and nodded.
“Yeah yeah, understood.”
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Finn was dead. And the other four still breathed the air of the living world. The link had been broken, and they’d failed.
Damon had been kidnapped by Rebekah, therefore failing to stall, as well as fix, his little sister. What he didn’t know, was that Rebekah had contacted Y/n as soon as possible, informing her on the details of her brother’s murder and the older Salvatore’s location.
She sent Stefan to pick up Damon with a disguised note, preventing him from knowing that it had been her to hint to him his brother’s location. After saying goodbye wordlessly from the shadows, she smiled to herself and ran as fast as possible to Kol.
The youngest Mikaelson chuckled as the female Salvatore knocked him off his feet and buried her face into the crook of his neck. “I see you’ve recovered from your snap? Nik told me how you flipped your switch.” His arms held her tightly against his own form. They relished in the feeling of one another, the knowledge that both were safe and together again.
“Snapping is over rated.” She smiled wider against his skin, causing a matching smirk to grace his face.
“You were faking?”
“Yep. Anything to be with you again... But, just to be safe, don’t tell my brothers.”
His chest heaved with hearty laughter, “Whatever you want, love.”
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who are your top ten black clover characters and ships? talk about them! -tat!
Tat? I just woke up and I don’t know who you are so please forgive me tat if I already know you but if I actually don’t, then nice to meetcha! Thank you for this interesting ask! I didn’t know people were interested in my thoughts or what I had to say sakjdhksj
I don’t have too many ships because Black Clover is mainly action so it is focused on that. I don’t ship any of the underage characters because they are all children who are busy saving the world and the adult characters such as the Captains(except Yami and Charlotte) and the Wizard King are all too busy with work and saving their kingdom and the world. They have no time for romance as of now. But, BC is going to be as long or even longer than One Piece according to Tabata so there is hope for everyone ;)
I’ve ordered this list from the bottom to the top so I hope you don’t mind 👹
10. William Vangeance
Look, if I was in the BC universe, what he did would be unforgivable to me. Instead of not enabling his most dearest friend to commit genocide, he leaves it up to him and the person he respects the most to fight to the death so he wouldn’t have to decide. Like who in their right minds would stand aside if their closest friend wanted to commit genocide for something that happened 500 years ago?
I was initially really upset with William but after a while, I started liking his character. Usually when people are like “I like this so-and-so character because they are flawed,” I would be like please🙄 but William is the first character I have ever truly liked for being flawed. Like this man loved Patri so much that he was willing to let people die. Not that it’s a good thing but you get what I mean. But at the same time, just as much he loved, he knew it was wrong so it was an impossible choice for him and I absolutely love that about him. But keep in mind, if he was an actual person I knew, my opinion would be waaaaaay different.
9. Zara Ideale
This man is badass as all hell like cmon. First commoner to become a magic knight??? That’s freaking amazing😎😎😎 and the way he kept a smile on his face despite everyone underestimating him and beating him down? Very respectable😎 The way he was an amazing, single father and a role model to Zora? That’s hot 😎 And the way he inspired my man Julius? Freaking iconic😎
8. Mereoleona Vermillion
She is simply a hot woman with a rough side, an OP character and an amazing leader. What more can I say 🙈🙈🙈
7. Finral Roulacase
I love his character because he is trying so hard to get better for Finnese’s sake. I mean he isn’t doing too good of a job but he is first gaining confidence in himself and I could clearly see a realistic difference in him. I personally don’t ship him with Finesse unless I see them bond more tbh but this is going to be a looooong story so there may be space for development there.
6. Grey x Gauche
Look, I don’t like Gauche because of his sister complex. It’s played off as a joke way too many times and I find it icky but the teased ship between him and Grey seems realistic and nice to me. Like he could help Grey build up her confidence and Grey could teach him what it is to love another person. Ships that build each other up make me go uwu asjkdhakjsd
5. Klaus Lunettes
I absolutely adore Klaus because this man is the prime example of hope for the next generation. He is a noble who was initially derisive of Asta and Yuno because they were peasants but now he actually loves and respects them. This is how the next generation should be. Nobles shouldn’t only learn to tolerate commoners and peasants but actually respect and even love them as well.
I especially like for his Klaus’s love and concern for Asta and find it incredibly wholesome and endearing. He is an amazing friend and actually voices his concerns if any of them are about to do something stupid unlike someone askjdaks
4. Charlotte Roselei
Charlotte is a badass woman and with the way she is written, just because she is in love, didn’t mean that she was any less than her position as Magic Knight Captain. What I mean is that she wasn’t reduced to a woman in love with Yami and actually has her moments where she gets to shine and im not going to spoil anything but she’s doing amazing in the manga and I’m cheering for her 😎
3. Fuegoleon Vermillion
Ok, I know I don’t talk about him as much but I really love his character because he inspires other people like Asta and Noelle and is a great magic knight captain. His character and the way he holds himself also reminds me of Erwin from AoT asdhakdkfsjk. Him and his fire magic and salamander are badass as hell and he also makes for an amazing leader. I genuinely like seeing him being all authoritative and it’s a nice contrast from Julius’ passive attitude. If Julius wasn’t Wizard King, it would be him.
2. Yami Sukehiro
Who in their right minds don’t like Yami Sukehiro? Like he is such a freaking dad to the rest of the squad and he has such amazing fight scenes and his spell, “Dimension Slash?” Freaking amazing like when he got trapped in the Dream World, I knew he was going to use that spell and it was so freaking cool. Not only that, he pushes everyone around him to be better and to surpass their limits. I like his constant presence and he makes for some really funny moments with his dry humor XD
1. Julius Novachrono
Ok, so besides the fact that this man is HOT AS FUCK He’s also very sweet and when he nerds about magic it’s the most adorable thing in the world. In the beginning, I thought he may be a villain because he was too good to be true. But that was up until when he obliterated the Midnight Sun at their hideout I just went🥵🥵🥵 look I thought he was a passive character BUT GAH DAYUM the way he looked at patri like boi whatchu doin🤨 he was so bored during that fight like LAWD HAVE MERCY
I’m so sorry anon but you should’ve expected this from my hoe ass
I also love OP characters and I also happened to like time a lot. Like I am a massive Doctor Who fan and I’m a whole physics nerd and I’ve always been fascinated by Time, Gravity and Space among other things so of course I love Julius🥰🥰
I like how there are small details for his time spells like the fact that his Chronostasis spell only brings time to a near stop because completely stopping time would stop the movement of particles and instantly freeze and kill the person. AJSDJLKASJD I’ll stop nerding now(never👹)
Oh god, when I get to True Time Magic in my fic😩 light, time and gravity in the backdrop of magic got me shaking
He’s very charming and has good morals which is a big point in his favor but he’s also such a dad?? He takes Yami and William and basically raises them in their crucial years(teenage is pretty crucial right? I think so🤔) I don’t have daddy issues but GAH DAYUM HE FINE
I know he’s a kid and all that now but knowing Tabata, it’s because if he actually died, things would all go to shit real fast and I believe he would age up in some way or maybe actually grow up gradually and not die again(fingers crossed TvT) and actually contribute to the plot more😩 give me the grown up Julius, Tabata 👹👹👹
I mean if Tabata made the right decisions with his story, he would show Julius become less and less of a centrist in the name of character development and let him lose👀👀
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ticklishpeter · 4 years
remember when?
gfhdjbh this is so self-indgulgent. pls enjoy my second fic for diego’s day ! tw for,,,,,, pee i guess lmaoooo
fandom: the umbrella academy characters: diego & all the other hargreeves siblings!!! summary: klaus calls a family meeting; chaos ensues. word count: 1,691
The shrill sound of a bell rang through the mansion as Klaus sang out, obnoxiously loud, “FAMILY! FAAAMILYYYY!” The strong vibrato making Ben angrily cover his ears.
All six siblings met in the room fairly quickly; everyone looking either confused or tired... or both.  “What is it, Klaus?” Luther grumbled, sleepily scratching the back of his head.
“I’ve been watching our little old... home videos,” he held up air quotes, “and I came across,” chuckling, he put a video tape into the small television in front of the group, “such a lovely little memory.” 
A few seconds of fuzzy fast-forwarding later, the content of the tape made Diego’s stomach drop; it was an old ‘security tape,’ from when they all were 11 years old, of all six of his siblings pinning him down and tickling him to tears.
“I remember that. You guys tickled him until he cried,” Vanya exclaimed with an amused smile, watching the screen. 
“Oh, he did more than cry, if I remember correctly,” Luther snickered.
Yes, they made him pee his pants from laughing so hard. No, he would never admit it or talk about it ever again.
His face began to heat up, and as soon as each and every one of his siblings glanced over at him, he bolted off of the couch and ran away; at least... he attempted to run away. He didn’t get very far before he was taken down to the floor by his giant, half-ape brother.
“NO! KLAUS! — LUTHER! — DAMMIT, FUCK OFF!!” Diego growled, trying his very best to fight off his siblings, but it was six to one, and practically hopeless. And he knew exactly what was about to happen.
Luther managed to grab Diego’s upper arms, pinning them to the floor, as Klaus and Vanya each straddled a thigh. Leaving Allison, Five, and, while only visible to Klaus, Ben standing by; almost exactly like old times. Ben’s go-to spot used to be on the thigh that Vanya was now on, but he couldn’t help but smile at the fact that their sister was finally getting herself involved.
Allison took no time to start poking around at his stomach with two index fingers, and Diego’s tough facade lasted about two seconds before he fell into a fit of gasps and yelps, trying not to laugh. “No! It —” His voice was strained and rather high-pitched.
“What? Does it tickle? Huh? Does it tickle, Diego?” Allison cooed in her best baby voice as she wiggled one nail around the surface of his belly. 
He tried his hardest to frown but he just couldn’t hold back the giggles that were flooding out of him. It was just one finger, and no one else was doing anything except watching him; why the fuck was he so giggly already? 
“I-it doesn’t! It doesn’t t-tick —” he stifled a laugh and squirmed, angling his body away from Allison’s finger ever so slightly.
“It doesn’t what?” Adding her other pointer finger, she poked and scratched around his abs.
“D-doesn’t... t-tickle! Shut up!” he squeaked, saying the word made the dam break again as his shoulders began to bounce.
As Diego gasped through his laughter, trying to keep it quiet, Five kneeled down to his other side, squeezing at his ribcage. “C’mon Diego, laugh it up, you know you want to,” his menacing smile and teasing words catching Diego off-guard; he wasn’t used to Five being in such a mood. 
“S-s-stooop,” he whined, almost akin to a toddler about to snitch to their mom. Giggling into his shoulder, he felt his face begin to heat up.
As if he wasn’t about to scream already, Ben reached over Allison’s shoulder, lifted Diego’s shirt only slightly and wiggled a few fingers in and around Diego’s bellybutton. 
“NO!” You’d think he was being stabbed by one of his knives with how loud he screamed, and how violently he’d flinched. 
Five and Allison looked confused for a second before Klaus’ voice piped up, “Ooh, Ben’s getting the tickle button!” They all couldn’t help but grin; of course he was. The way Diego’s face quickly reddened, and the way his laugh’s pitch heightened was enough of a sign.
“It’s! No, it’s — it’s not a ti — GAH! I-it’s not a b-b-button!” That definitely wasn’t what he meant to say; he just didn’t want to say the dreaded word.
“Pretty sure it’s called a belly button, Diego. What are you talking about?” Vanya couldn’t help but giggle with sheer amusement.
“Yeah, and it is a tickle button because every time you touch it, this happens.” Klaus reached up to poke at his navel, which resulted in a ticklish yelp and approximately 5 successive curse words. 
Klaus, with his other hand, then began to pinch and squeeze at his brother’s thigh and Vanya followed suit. 
“NOHOHO, — SHIT, NO!” he hiccuped, much to his chagrin, “GUYS, FUCKING — FUCK!! FUCKING STOHOHOHOP, STOPSTOP, GOD D-DAMMIT!”
Five scoffed, a dimple showing on one of his cheeks, “And you all say I have a potty mouth.” His squeezes moved to his vigilante brother’s upper stomach, as Allison focused on the center, her nails now also finding his navel. 
Squealing as his legs shook fervently, Diego tugged on his arms with all the strength he could muster (which wasn’t much) and squirmed around as much as he could. God, this was humiliating. He was painfully aware of the squeaky and pathetic sounds he was making but could not, for the life of him, stop making them, which made his face burn.
“Aww, Diego, you sound like a big baby!” Klaus laughed, poking up and down his designated thigh in no particular rhythm, before laughing again at Diego rapidly shaking his head, now practically unable to speak.
“Don’t make any noise and we’ll let you go.” Allison taunted over Diego’s uncharacteristically boisterous squeals, spidering five nails across the middle of his stomach.
“FUCK OFF!” he yelled before quickly changing his tone after she poked a torturous nail into his navel. “OKAY, OKAY, I WON’T MAKE ANY NOISE,” he rambled, turning his head away.
“Deal,” Allison smiled, beginning to drag a single nail in circles around his tummy, slowly but surely closing in on his goddamned belly button.
A sharp exhale left poor Diego’s nose, and she wasn’t even close to the middle of his stomach yet, but he knew what was coming... and that made it ten times worse.
“That wasn’t a noise, right?” Luther genuinely asked before Allison and Klaus shook their heads. “We’ll let it slide for wittle baby Diego’s sake.” Allison mused, relishing in Diego’s reaction as he shook his head into his shoulder and scrunched his face up. 
“Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!” Klaus giggled, clearly having the time of his life. 
Five chuckled, loving the nostalgic shared moment with his siblings, “Let’s hope you don’t piss yourself again, Diego.”
“Yeah, I was embarrassed for you,” Luther chuckled, holding his arms down, still with seemingly no effort at all. 
He wanted so badly to tell them all to shut the hell up, but he couldn’t because he was too busy trying to swallow any noise he could possibly make. His shoulders bounced as laughter quietly bubbled in his throat.
The closer and closer Allison’s nail got to the hole in his middle, the harder it became to hold anything in. Out of anticipation alone, a humiliating giggle escaped his lips, and with the exaggerated coos that followed, he couldn’t hold back any longer. A screech preceded bouts of giggly, adorably contagious laughter.
“Aww, already? But I’m being so nice to you!” Allison chuckled, a hint of endearment in her voice. 
As soon as her nail dipped in, he was done for. But then... she added another hand, and as Five continued to pinch around the skin, Klaus and Vanya reached up to vibrate claw-shaped hands into his lower tummy, and Ben squeezed at his sides. Fucking fuck. 
“Tummy attack!” Klaus screeched as the others added in some laughs, teases, and coos. 
The feeling of all ten hands (one pair of which was unbearably phantom-like) all scritching, poking, and digging in to his tummy was enough to convince him that he was on the brink of death, and Luther’s fingers twitching into his triceps just added to the torture. Tears began to sting his eyes, and his cheeks began to hurt. He was a squirmy, screeching, laughing mess. And ... oh god, his bladder was getting uncomfortable.
The mixture of a snort and growl that left his mouth made his siblings laugh. “PLEHEASE,” he cried out with a wide smile, “I CAHA-” his cackles faded into silent laughter as his whole body trembled. 
A cacophony of coos and teases came from his brutal siblings as they did not let up; Diego felt like the tickling sensation on his stomach was somehow getting worse. 
“STOP IT! STOPIT, STOP PLEEEA —” between hiccups, he mouthed the words “I can’t, I can’t!” as he shook his head into his arm, occasionally trying to bite at Luther’s hands. “I’M GONNA P — HA!! I’M GONNA — EEK! FUCK, NO, NO, ALLISON! GUHUHUYS!” Diego’s legs bounced beneath Klaus and Vanya when he felt a huge raspberry right over his belly button. The feeling of that mixed with 50 fingers on his tummy was too much. He just couldn’t.
Diego let out a loud, more urgent sounding yelp as he kicked a leg, “GUYS! GETUPGETUPGETUP!” He would rather die admit that he peed himself again, and he didn’t have to because Vanya noticed his pants’ spreading stain first, immediately standing up and covering her laughing mouth.
“Oh my God, guys!” She couldn’t help but crack up.
The rest of his siblings laughed when they realized; Five doubling over and Klaus cackling as he stood. The second that Luther let go of his arms, Diego held one of them over his crotch and the other over his face before turning away towards the bathroom. All the Hargreeves saw was a middle finger as their ticklish brother wobbily, and angrily, stormed away. He would not hear the end of this.
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captainficspace · 4 years
Movie Night- Luther’s Day
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy 
Characters: The Hargreeves sibs 
A/N: I’m trying my hand at TUA tickle fic week. Hope y’all enjoy :) 
It wasn’t that Luther planned on leaving movie night originally, but if he had to put up with one more Abba song he was going to lose whatever shreds of sanity he had left.  When Allison picked Mamma Mia, none of the siblings Luther thought he could count on had stopped her. No, her terrible choice was instead encouraged by all the time the first song had started, with the exception of Five who would inevitably fall asleep 10 minutes into whatever was onscreen. Grumpy old man.
“I’m…uh, I need to go do a few things.” He finally said about a half hour in, getting up and shrugging off the pile of fuzzy blankets that had turned the couch into a nest of limbs and fleece.
“Down in front!” Diego said, not stopping him by any means and instead much more interested in what was going on in the movie that his brother was currently blocking. “It’s getting good.” He twisted sideways to get a look around the landmass eclipsing the screen. Since when was Luther’s knife-wielding vigilante brother so invested in jukebox musicals?
  “You can’t just leave.” Allison said, “If we sat through all of Interstellar, you can sit through this.”
“Skipping out on Abba is a hate crime.” Klaus added, his voice half muffled as he rested his head on Vanya’s shoulder.
“I’m just gonna go. I missed a workout and-“
“Nope!” As he turned to go, a force hit his legs and nearly sent him to the floor. Allison had hopped up and wrapped herself around his leg, clinging like a child who didn’t want to be left with the babysitter.
 “Not happening.” She could have easily rumored his feet to the ground, but this was the strategy that had made the most sense at the time. Luther found himself smiling despite himself. He tried to shake her off, anchoring himself with his free leg as he kicked. This did nothing to shake the death grip she had around his leg. He rolled his eyes and took a step towards the hallway, trudging a little but barely swayed at all by the person sitting directly on his foot.
“Well, I guess you’re just going to come with me, then.”
  “Not if I can help it!” Klaus emerged from his blanket shroud, stumbling as the cloth wrapped around his foot before he promptly attached himself to Luther’s other leg.
“Now try and go anywhere!”
“Get off!”
“No!” They answered in unison, grinning up at him. He swore the two of them fed off each other in a feedback loop of silliness and bad ideas.
“This is a hostage situation, I’m not negotiating with-gah!” He felt the distinct scraping of acrylic nails creep up his leg. “Stop that!” He hated how a giggle slipped out and punctuated the end of his sentence. Klaus began to mirror his sister’s actions, squeezing up and down his calves.
When Allison reached up and grabbed at the back of his thigh, Luther let out a boom of laughter that nearly drowned out the movie. He wavered finally, swinging his arms out for balance.
“I will fall on you.”  He couldn’t even bend his knees properly with the way they were clinging on.
“Not if you come back!” Klaus said, tickling his way up and down in a way that nearly caused his brother’s legs to buckle completely. He couldn’t go anywhere now. If he tried to step forward or back, he was going down with those stupid tickly feelings running up and down his legs.
“And shut up.” Diego added from his place on the couch, frowning as he turned on the subtitles.
“I’m not answering to-“ Any incoming threats or accusations broke off as wheezes shook his frame as Klaus grabbed at him, one hand on his calf and one squeezing right behind his knees. Luther tried to trudge forward with the deadweight on his legs, off-balance from the giggling that he wouldn’t control for the life of him. He tried to hold it all in and make himself composed enough to pull his brother and sister off, but Allison struck a nerve by poking in just the right spot and he snorted.
“And it begins.” He knew it was coming, but he couldn’t stop. The fact that the mischievous burdens on his legs were laughing too made it so much worse. This was unfair. It was two against one and it tickled unbearably. If Allison kept spidering her nails down his calves, he was going down fast.
  “If you stay, we’ll stop!” Luther couldn’t even work out a response that wasn’t broken up by wheezing or those giggles he thought were so stupidly uncharacteristic.
   “Or you can go into a snort fit and keep embarrassing yourself.” A new voice said from the couch. Oh, so Five was awake now. He wished he could reach down and pull them off without his stupid disproportionate torso sending him toppling over. All he could do was stand there, anchored in place as went into a new wave of giggles and snorts.
 “Ok! Ok!” Finally, he shuffled his feet a few inches towards the couch, showing that he had given in. Allison and Klaus untangled themselves from his limbs, and they all went back to their spot in the warm, contented pile of throw pillows and blankets and giggling family members, all well-entertained from the double feature that went on before them.
   “Was that so hard?” Allison asked.
    “Just so you know, I’m rewinding everything.” Diego said, grabbing for the remote. On screen, a group of shirtless men flew backwards out of the water and marched in reverse along the length of a dock, now completely dry.
“Oh, we missed the best part!” Klaus added, poking at Luther’s side and making him squeak. He only pretended to be annoyed when the others laughed at the sound.
 Whenever he got restless for the rest of the movie, Allison kept her hand on that sweet spot on the back of Luther’s knee to keep him smiling. He even kept quiet when someone suggested they watch the sequel immediately after. Five, on the other hand, had been mostly asleep while Luther was learning his lesson, and all the methods of persuasion were on his knees instead when he decided to complain.
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Strange Fates - 12
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Pairing: Mikaelson brothers x reader
warnings: nope
A/N: It’s 1:30 in the morning. I posted TLIMD earlier but here have a chapter of this too. And it’s a long one. 
And so your life went for several weeks. A rotation of dates and coffee and days chatting in your shop while you worked. You saw all three of your soulmates often, but rarely together. Truth be told you were getting a bit tired of the endless loop. Everything you wanted to tell the brothers you had to say three times because you were never together with all of them at the same time. Even when you went to the house, which admittedly was rare and brief, the two you weren’t scheduled to be with that day always made themselves scarce.
You’d recruited Marcel into helping you get the three of them together. After proclaiming that you needed a day to yourself and dealing with moping from all three of them, Marcel had requested a meeting. It was the only way to ensure they would be home at the same time with no one dodging out.
At seven o’clock you followed Marcel as he walked into the house without knocking.
“Marcel, good to see you my friend. Whatever can we do for you this time?” Klaus asked. You smiled at the happy tone to his voice. He had certainly mellowed out since the two of you met.
“Actually, I’m just here to drop something off.” He stepped to the side to reveal you hiding behind him. “Call me if you need anything, Y/N.” He gave you a brief kiss on the cheek, chuckling when all three brothers made some sound of protest.
All of you were silent until Marcel left shutting the door behind him.
“Hello, boys,” you greeted with a smile.
They smiled back before shifting their weight and putting more room between themselves. You sighed.
“What are you doing here, sweet Y/N? And why involve Marcel?” Elijah asked as he straightened his suitcoat.
“Because I need to talk to all of you and it was the only way to ensure the three of you would get together without me having to pitch a fit about it. So, sit because I have something to say. After I’m done you can leave if you wish.”
The three of them exchanged a look before taking their seats. All of them shifted their weight, clearly nervous about whatever you wished to discuss. You chewed on the end of your thumb as you paced the floor trying to find the perfect words to convey your feelings.
“Whatever it is, we can take it, darling,” Kol assures you. “Just tell us.”
You sucked in a deep breath and nodded once as you turned to face them. “Fine. I can’t keep doing this.” You gestured between yourself and them.
“You’re rejecting us?” The pain in Klaus’s voice nearly brings tears to your eyes.
“No, of course not,” you say with a shake of your head. “The last few weeks have been the happiest of my life. I wouldn’t give them up for anything, but the truth is that I’ve fallen in love.”
Silence stretched for a beat then Elijah cleared his throat. “With whom precisely?”
You shrugged and dropped into a nearby chair. “With all of you. Elijah, I love your calm, protective spirit. The quiet strength that infuses everything that you do. Klaus, I love the soft side of you that creates such beautiful art and I love the other side of you that furiously protects those you love. And Kol, I love your playful heart and the warmth you bring to my life.” You twisted your hands together in your lap. “See, you each have a piece of me and there is no way I could ever pick one of you over the others.”
“Nor would we ask you to,” Elijah is quick to assure you.
“I know that. But I also can’t keep doing what we’re doing. What’s the long-term plan here guys? Am I supposed to just live on my own in my house alternating the time I spend with you?” You shook your head. “I live my life in triplicate. I repeat stories and experiences so no one misses out but it’s driving me mad.”
You held up a hand to stave off any arguments while you took a second to just breathe. “And aside from any intimacies, I like to be held. I want to wake up in someone’s arms and go to sleep the same way. I’ve told you before if you don’t want to share, I understand, but what we’re doing now isn’t working.” Tears ran down your cheeks and you swiped them away. The thought of losing any of them was heartbreaking. Losing all of them might just kill you.
You kept your face turned from them as you got to your feet. “I’m sorry. I always seem to be causing problems. I’ll let you all talk. You can call me later and let me know what you decide.”
A hand wrapped around your wrist and you turned to find Kol standing beside you. As your eyes met his, he ran his thumb over your skin in a comforting gesture. His smile was soft, sweet. “There’s nothing to decide, sweetheart. We already told you that you weren’t getting rid of us.” His grin widened as he leaned toward you. “And I love you, too.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
Someone cleared their throat and a hand dropped onto Kol’s shoulder. He winked at you before stepping to the side.
Klaus took both of your hands in his and ran his gaze over your face. “It has been a very long time since I have told anyone outside of this family that I cared for them and came even close to meaning it. I love you, Y/N. We’ll figure this out.” Another soft kiss followed his words.
When the two of you separated, a hand on your chin turned your head while Klaus maintained his hold on your hands. Elijah gave you a smile and another kiss, though his was maybe just a touch needier, a little deeper. He kept his eyes locked on yours as he pulled back. “I love you as well. The only problem here is that you felt you couldn’t discuss this with us. We should have been more aware. We apologize.”
Usually, you got onto them when they spoke for their siblings but you’d come to realize that they usually did know precisely what the others would say. You supposed that came with a thousand years in each other’s company. The brothers shifted you over to the couch and rearranged things so your back was leaning against Kol’s chest while your feet draped over the laps of his brothers.
“I suppose we should tell you that we have had more than one conversation about only getting to see every three days. We don’t care for that part any more than you do.” Klaus tilted his head. “Frankly, while you said you wished to maintain a relationship with the three of us, we weren’t certain you were prepared for the realities of that. We didn’t want to scare you away by moving too quickly.”
You shook your head and huffed a laugh. “This whole thing has been the definition of too quick from the beginning but it feels right. Maybe the fates do occasionally know what they’re up to.”
“Move in with us,” Kol said, suddenly.
Your brows lifted. This conversation had gone in an entirely different direction than you had anticipated when you left your house this evening.
Klaus gave you that lopsided smirk of his. “As much as we adore your house, love, it isn’t big enough for all of us.”
You tilted your head back to look at Kol before glancing to Klaus and Elijah in turn. “You guys really have discussed this, haven’t you?”
“I assure you that our future with you has been the topic of multiple conversations.” Elijah untied your sneakers and slipped them off while he spoke.
“Of course, I’ll move in. Tomorrow though. Tonight I am entirely too comfortable.” You closed your eyes as Elijah ran a thumb up the middle of the sole of your foot. You groaned as if to emphasize your point and your soulmates laughed. The sound eased the lingering tension the evening had brought with it. Right here with the three of them was where you belonged.
The next morning you woke alone though you’d gone to sleep in Kol’s bed—wearing Klaus’s shirt and Elijah’s sleep pants. You supposed that was a compromise. Not that you were about to complain. It was perfect. You had stayed up entirely too late trading stories and making plans and you were feeling it this morning. Regardless of the time you got to bed, your internal clock never allowed you to sleep past seven. Gah. You needed coffee. A dose of energy magic wouldn’t be amiss either, but all your mixtures were either at home or at the shop.
You shuffled into the living room only to find it empty. You turned and made your way toward Klaus’s office knowing he liked to paint in the early morning light that came through the windows. Sure enough, he was examining a canvas with a tilt of his head and a mug cupped in his hand. You sniffed the air as you crossed the floor. When you reached him, you stretched to give him a kiss and stole the mug from his hand. After a glance to insure it wasn’t blood, you took a sip and hummed in appreciation. Coffee.
“Help yourself, love,” Klaus said with a chuckle.
“I did.” You moved to a chair that sat nearby and curled up on the seat so you could watch him work while you woke up. “It’s lovely.”
His eyes darted from the canvas over to you and back again. “Thank you. There’s something missing though.”
“Needs red on the left to balance out the bit on the right.”
He stepped back and tilted his head again. After a moment he looked at you in surprise. “I think you’re right. How did you see that?”
You shrugged. “I’m your soulmate.”
He grinned as he closed the distance between you to give you a good morning kiss. “That you are, love.”
“Where are your brothers?”
Klaus moved back to his easel and prepared the red paint he needed to fix his painting. “Kol has gone to your shop to hang a closed for the day sign on your door. He also said something about beignets. And I have no idea where Elijah has disappeared to. He simply said he had something to see to.”
“Maybe I didn’t want to be closed today,” you argued. Not that you cared in the least. You’d rather spend your day moving your things into the house. During the course of the conversations the night before the decision was made that you’d be keeping your house for the time being. You just loved it too much to get rid of it. The plan was to fix some other things up on it and use it as a little retreat if you wanted some time alone with one of your soulmates.
“I guess you can take the sign off the door then, darling,” Kol said. You turned to find him in the doorway with a bag and a fresh cup of coffee.
“My hero,” you claimed dramatically while making grabbing motions toward the breakfast he’d brought you.
He held the food away from you as he leaned forward. “My reward first please.”
You gave him a kiss then held your hands out for the food. As you took a bite of a still warm beignet, you moaned in appreciation. “Kol, you are my favorite witch turned vampire.”
The brothers laughed.
“What does that make me, love?”
“My favorite hybrid, of course.”
“And dare I ask what that means for Elijah?” Kol teased.
“He’s my favorite vampire in a suit.” You didn’t look up through any of this as you were far too focused on ingesting caffeine and sugar.
“Dare I ask?” Elijah’s smooth, slightly accented voice flowed through the room announcing his presence.
You looked up with a grin and tilted your head back for a kiss when he came over to you. He unbuttoned his coat and took a seat nearby after accepting one of the beignets you offered him.
“Where did you get off to this morning?” Kol asked.
“I was arranging workers to transport Y/N’s belongings this afternoon. We can spend the morning determining what she wishes to bring with her.” He brushed at the arm of the chair though you saw nothing there.
“So, I don’t have to pack or move anything? Someone else will do it for me?”
“Of course.” Elijah appeared rather surprised that you had even questioned that fact.
“Sorry, you two. Elijah’s now my favorite.”
The elegant original immediately tried to hide his grin while Klaus and Kol looked affronted. At least they did until Klaus picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder. He held you in place while Kol tickled your sides until you squealed. They only relented when you took back your proclamation and announced they were all your favorite.
As you sat back in your chair trying to catch your breath, you couldn’t keep the grin from your face. It was a good day and the first in the rest of your forever.  
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battyjamie24 · 5 years
Sick Day
A request for @langsty-mc-langstface
-Five gets sick and and his siblings look after him.-
This one-shot is linked to my AU:
In all his years working for the commission, Number Five never took a sick day. The apocalypse grew his immunity to great lengths; broads that the human body long forgotten in times of modern medicine and remedies. Though, when countermeasures expired, he had to rely on nature to take its course - work up the strength to fight through sickness and injury.
Once hired by the commission, however, the assassin’s body was modified to withstand near fatal blows. He had grown used to disease, but his employer, the Handler, insisted he upgraded to become even more durable. Both physicality and ailment, Five had completely forgotten what it felt like to be bedridden.
“How could I have miscalculated that imperative factor...” A stuffed nosed teen from beneath three sets of blankets groaned, slowly turning from one side to the other. The pajamas Five wore were warm but his skin was sensitive and ached when anything grazed it. He strip down if he weren’t being intruded on by his siblings checking up on him over and over.
“Did you call me? Do you need something?” Allison poked her head through the cracked door. The room was dim, only harboring the faint sunlight peaking through the curtains. Was she standing outside of the room just waiting for Five to speak up?!
“No... Go away..!” Five huffed, his back turned to the door. He didn’t want to talk to anyone. In fact, he wanted nothing but complete silence as he tried to sleep off this cold and scan the corners of his memory on where he went wrong when time traveling back to 2019.
“You haven’t eaten in awhile... I’ll go make you some soup!” Allison insisted, not even having the courtesy to shut the door as she hustled down the hall. Even the faint footsteps treading down the hall pounded the inside of Five’s congested head.
It was her motherly instinct, surely, but Five did not need to be mothered goddammit! He needed answers. He worked on the perfect formula throughout his employment with the commission. Along the pages of Vanya’s book... Dammit his memory was a hazy - the equations a blur...!
It didn’t matter anyway, he had made an error on his appearance, it would make since he erased all of the progress his immune system took decades to build up...
Sniffling, but not catching air, Five grumbled as he sat up to catch his breath. The air outside of the blankets was piercing cold, it drew a shiver from Five’s core making him slightly nauseous. Huh, maybe he did need to eat.
A gentle knock turned Five’s attention from the door. “Klaus?”
“Oh heya little guy,” Klaus spook softly creeping through the door, knowing all too well Five’s ears were sensitive, “Allison told me you were under the weather and to bring you this.” It was the smell of soup. Five must’ve been under the covers pondering his mistakes longer than it seemed. This illness was a fickle bitch...
As the figure came closer, a brightness stung Five’s eyes, bringing an arm in front of his face.“Gah! Shit! Klaus, warn me!”
“Sorry sorry! You’re right, my bad!” Klaus flicked off the lamp on the bedside table.
“Ughhh.. shut uuuup...!” Klaus was always too loud...
“Well with that attitude, I won’t give you food. Ya little prick.”
Five scoffed, his arms slump on his lap and propping his back on the wooden bed frame. His sickly stubbornness kept himself from apologizing. He had every right to be pissed when feeling this bad.
Klaus was coming to read Five all too easily to know just why he was given the silent treatment. Even if his brother weren’t sick, Five wouldn’t say sorry under such mediocre circumstances. And when Klaus had the good will to come deliver this hot soup too! The nerve...
“Can’t believe you’re more bratty when you’re sick,” Klaus set the tray gently onto the bed, nudging for Five to place it appropriately on his lap. The faint light from the curtains wasn’t enough to see well, to Five’s dismay. The teen leaned over to turn on the lamp again, squinting as he adjusted the tray around his legs. Cradling the bowl, the heated dish numbed Five’s frigid hands. The desire to feel the same sensation on his scratchy throat had the boy indulge on the soup faster than he should have as it was still steaming.
“Nnnn..! Ahhaaahh... Fuck-” Five winced, swallowing the near boiling broth. The sting burned his tongue and throat, but it hurt so good. His jaw went slack, panting to cool off his mouth.
“Hasty are we?” Klaus poked fun, covering his face with his arm as to not breathe in Five’s contagious air.
Another knock at the door was Vanya standing in the doorway with Allison by her side. “Jeezus is everyone coming to see me…” Five grumbled, his voice even more raspy from the intake of hot liquid.
“We can leave if you need time alone,” Vanya said, holding herself. The standoffish sibling didn’t want to be there, knowing Five would be irritable and in need of solitude and rest.
“No no, Five hit the nail on the head,” the lackadaisical Klaus took a seat at the foot of the twin sized bed, crossing his legs and getting a little too comfy to Five’s liking, “Number One and Two were just on their way to bring the grand finale of this disappointing ‘get well soon’ committee.
“Spare me,” Five spat, blowing the spoon full before slurping this time.
Allison approached bedside, setting a cup of tea on the tray and a pitcher on the nightstand. “Mom made you spicy ginger tea for that throat.”
“Thank you, but I don’t need all of this.”
Vanya, still hanging by the door spoke up, “We know you can take care of yourself Five, but you told us yourself that you hadn’t been sick since you were in your early thirties, so this must be hard on you…”
The violinist wasn’t wrong, but Five wasn’t going to admit it. He didn’t have to. After saving Vanya and the end of the world, the Hargreeves were closer than ever - helping the newly powered Number Seven train to control said powers as well as work with their relationships with one another.
Five sighed, “Are the other two really coming?”
“Nah, I’m just messing with you Five-o,” Klaus smiled, already hoisting himself up to his feet, “We just came to give you things to get your energy back in that tiny body.”
“It’s just something going around,” Allison added, “Clair has a bit of a bug too.”
“Vaccinate your kids!” Klaus yelled, receiving a pillow to the face.
“Too damn loud!”
“Ah, see? You’re getting better already; acting more like your grumpy, old man self.”
“Will you all just leave now, please?”
With such a kind word seeing them off, the three visitors of the sickly Number Five took their leave. The door shut behind them, the teen basking in the silence once again. It was a nice headspace - underneath heavy blankets and warming up with a hot meal and beverage that were finally warm enough to ease his sore innards rather than burn them further. Whoa! Allison was right, that was spicy tea.
Having finished his meal slowly but surely, Five truly did feel a little better. Though the ruckus was headache enough, the company was missed. But before Five could remiss, his eyelids suddenly began to grow weight to them, as well as his head. Another nap was coming on.
Five placed the tray to the floor,refilled his tea, taking one more sip, and turned off the light before settling back down into his bed. No thoughts of miscalculations, but days full of health and being with his family. With the care he was receiving, the ever indestructible Number Five would be on his feet in no time.
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It was a quiet day in Klaus’ townhouse. Sigurd and I were in a guest bedroom fixing a forever mirror one of Sigurd’s sisters broke.
“How’d she break it, again?” I asked as I finished polishing a ruby on the frame.
“She and Clara were using it and after she found out she and her boyfriend were destined to break up, she threw a shoe at it.”
“Is she okay?”
“She’ll be fine. Her mom’s helping her through it.” Sigurd glanced up at me. “I think we’re done.”
“Are you sure you want to ship it back? What if it breaks again?” I asked.
“It’ll be fine. But before we pack it up, why don’t we use it?” he said with a mischievous grin.
“Sure, let's try it.” It's not like we had anything else to do. I just hoped we did better than Sigurd's sister. Sigurd told me the incantation as we propped it up against a wall.
“Show me the bonds which weave my future! Ad Maltos Anos!” There was a flash of white and when it subsided, I was in an unfamiliar bedroom. But somehow, I knew what it was. We were in a hotel room. We'd just gotten married a couple of hours prior. Although I'd just stepped into the future, it was as if my mind and body knew everything and what to do. I could hear movement from beyond a door, shadows dancing across the beam of light underneath it. That's right. Sigurd was taking a shower. And I was just sitting here, spacing out while still in my wedding clothes. It was beautiful outside our window. It was night, lights glittering outside. But beyond the short string of lights was a vast expanse of ocean. We were going to have a beach day tomorrow.
“All right, the shower's all yours, dear.” Sigurd's voice filled the room as I heard the creaking of a door. I turned back to face him only to see him wearing nothing but a towel lazily tied around his waist.
"Gah, Sigurd, put some clothes on!" I shrieked, covering my eyes and turn away from him. He laughed and I felt the mattress dip behind me. Sigurd put his arms around me. His body was so warm (and a bit damp still) and his skin was so soft.
“It's nothing you haven't seen before,” he pointed out. “If you can't handle this, you're going to have a hard time tomorrow when we hit the beach.”
“I know, but still... It's different now...” I said.
“I don't think it's too different. But I'm happy you're officially my spouse and I'm your husband,” he said. He kissed the base of my neck and my face turned bright red.
“I am too,” I replied. My heart was already racing from seeing him shirtless and his kisses weren't helping. At this rate my heart was gonna go out or my shower would be postponed. Sigurd fell silent, fingers gently playing with my hair.
“I love you,” he murmured softly. He kissed my neck again and held me tighter. But I managed to turn around to face him, giving him a sweet kiss.
“I love you too.” He gave me a soft smile, hand cupping my cheek. We kissed again and it took everything I had not to melt into a puddle. When we broke away, he pressed his forehead against mine.
“All right, I've kept you long enough. Go take your shower. I'll be here waiting to snuggle with my lovely spouse,” he chuckled. I couldn't help but giggle too. This was it. The beginning of a new chapter of our lives.
Suddenly, there was a flash of light and the hotel room disappeared. We were back in Klaus' guest room, sitting on the floor together. I was still blushing ever so slightly. Sigurd grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. I said nothing, only burrowing into his chest. He was still so warm, his heartbeat steady in my ear. I knew my future was going to be full of these embraces and Sigurd's love and to me, that's all that mattered.
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honestgrins · 6 years
Sorry about the bruised booty :( Those suck! That, and the knees. Gah! If you need something to keep busy, here's another prompt because I'm a hi-key addict :D Caroline being the obsessive personality she is, she's spiteful enough to get revenge on her next door neighbors because they got her ideal apartment and she had to settle for second best. Kat, Bonnie, and Enzo are happy to help her. So, Poor Elijah has to call Klaus to reason with his not so friendly blond bombshell next door.
“You don’t think you’re going a little too far?” Bonnie asked in a shout, the only way to be heard over the loud music beating through the speakers Enzo had been kind enough to bring over.
The laser guide on the level didn’t even waver as Caroline barely blinked at the question. “I’m decorating a consolation apartment, Bon. It’s only fair that I share some of my misery with the jerk who won the prize.” She nodded to Kat, who started placing tape along the lasered line. “Besides, now I can put up all my photos at once and not even care that I might be disturbing whoever is on the other side of the wall.”
It had been a stroke of luck that she noticed the rich family who lived on the top floor of her building was moving out earlier in the year, and she immediately put her name on the list to be considered. After the manager had all but assured it would be hers thanks to the excellent year-end bonus she got a work, a cash offer had come in and swooped the place from right underneath her. Luckily, the manager had tried to make up for it when the other apartment on that level opened up, and her friends were willing to help her move/get revenge.
“You could choose better music, Gorgeous,” Enzo said from the kitchen, happily banging pots and pans as he cooked them all dinner. “The showtunes are getting to be a bit much.”
Kat nodded. “I agree, let’s switch to a club beat.”
A thunderous knock on the door sounded before she could act on that impulse, though, and Caroline plastered on a fake smile. “It’s about time. I was starting to think even his soundproofing was top of the line.” She fluffed her hair, not bothering to check the peephole before swinging the door open. “He- You’re not E. Mikaelson.”
She only knew from the little placard on his mailbox down in the lobby, had heard their doorman greet Mr. Mikaelson with an irritating deference. But this guy didn’t look like he slept in a suit, not with the well-worn Henley and paint-splattered jeans whose fit she couldn’t help but appreciate - made worse when she got a good look at the stupidly attractive face that came with them. “No, that would be my brother, for whom I am housesitting,” he explained with exasperation, waving a hand to the disaster of her still boxed up apartment and boisterous music. “May I ask what sin he’s committed to garner this exuberance?”
“He knows what he did,” Caroline answered easily, her smile icy.
Pressing his lips together, the other Mikaelson seemed expectant. “And am I guilty of the same crime?” he finally asked. “Because I’m trying to work, and you’re very distracting.”
God, she shouldn’t have looked at his lips when he said that. Realizing she’d been caught when he smirked, Caroline grimaced. “Sorry, yeah, we’ll turn it down.”
“Or maybe you should join us,” Kat said, her voice sultry as she popped up next to Caroline in the doorway, looking the stranger up and down. “Enzo’s a half decent cook and Bonnie brought the good wine. We can always use an extra pair of hands,” she added with a lascivious glance at Caroline. “I’m Katherine Pierce, friends call me Kat.”
She held out a hand, which the man shook with no small amount of suspicion in her loaded expression. “Klaus Mikaelson. And you are?” he asked, dropping Kat’s hand to turn toward Caroline.
Knowing the game wasn’t going her way, Kat’s smile sharpened into a smirk of her own. “This is Caroline, the one who actually lives here. She’s single.”
Bonnie yanked her friend back, leaving a mortified Caroline to face Klaus without such close inspection. “Uh, yeah, I’m Caroline. It’s nice to meet you, and I’m sorry for ruining your evening.”
“But not my brother’s,” he noted, smiling at the blush that rose in her cheeks. “I might have to take your friend up on the invitation to dinner, I’m interested to hear the story. Elijah is usually the golden child that everyone loves.”
Biting her lip, Caroline stepped back to let him in the door. “Oh, let me tell you about that golden apartment stealer,” she started, trying not to stammer when he truly listened or make eye contact with her friends blowing kisses behind him.
Maybe her apartment wasn’t the consolation prize after all, and she could definitely deal with the Elijahs of the world if they came with Klauses half as charming as this one.
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askbloatedbellyblog · 7 years
Zapp’s Zealous Thanksgiving
Finally posting my Thanksgiving story...in February. I’ve been super busy with work, been in a funk, and had terrible writers block. Hopefully now I can get going on belly canons and other shorter stories. I still owe some stories for past holidays too. We’ll see if I follow through. But here’s Zapp eating himself out of “Thanksgiving pants.” Sorry for taking so long!
Many things had changed suddenly when New York City changed to Hellsalem’s Lot. Buildings were altered, entire city blocks changed, and entirely new structures emerged overnight. The same could be said for the residents of Hellsalem’s Lot that now included monsters, vampires, and beings of all shapes and sizes that had suddenly appeared and had to adjust to their new surroundings. To cope, many people clung to their traditions and incorporated new things into their old ways.
The various holidays were still there, along with some others. However, Thanksgiving was still the kickoff to the holiday season and the day of mass gorging for those that celebrated. Sure, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade was changed to Monstry Thanksgiving Day parade when the brand changed within the city limits and the floats and balloons were sometimes actually living beings themselves, but that didn’t stop everyone from having a good time and being ready to consume mass quantities.
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Zapp Renfro was one of those people. Without a doubt, Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday. While his appetite certainly didn’t stop him from gorging the rest of the year, there was always a special spot in his heart (and stomach) for Thanksgiving. He loved not having to worry about what others would think about his eating since everyone else was doing it too. Getting a belly and eating too much was practically a prerequisite and Zapp liked to push things to their limits, Thanksgiving included.
His appetite was already well known when he wanted to apply himself and after a couple of years of busted slacks and making his belly big enough that he couldn’t zip up the zipper, he wanted to try something different. When he passed an alterworld street vendor selling “Thanksgiving Dinner Pants”, Zapp lept at the chance and bought a pair right away. He was unsure of his size thanks to the stretch so for added measure he made sure to buy a pair that was already a couple sizes up from his normal waist. The elastic still clung to his slim abdominals and when he put them on after paying the cash, the salesman ran away quickly saying “A shipment fell off of a truck.”
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So when Zapp arrived at Libra’s Thanksgiving Party after the Monstry parade, he was already sporting his new pants, proud of his purchase. “Not bad, eh squirt?” Zapp asked Leo when the younger friend and favorite molestation target came in. Zapp showed off his legs and butt and then lifted up his shirt to then pull on the elastic waistband. “I’m totally prepared with my Thanksgiving pants.” Leo gave him a confused look and his eyes flashed blue, zooming in on the label that was hidden underneath the fabric that clung to Zapp’s butt like it was completely a focal point of the pants. “Gah, I can’t believe I just had to check out your ass...wait Woman’s size large? Good for second and third trimester and beyond? Wait are those Maternity pants?” He said thinking about telling Zapp but was immediately brought into a nuggy. Leo silently decided to hold off on giving that information slip and until the time was right.
Libra as an organization was always one to go all out for a party. They fought hard so they deserved to play hard they would say. So whenever they would have a party they would go all out. Zapp still cursed himself that he hadn’t been able to go all out in eating when they had gone to the King of Restaurants. But the spread at the Libra Thanksgiving Party more than made up for it. The big table that the main Libra members were seated at was full with every spare spot taken by food. There were 2 turkeys that looked like they weighed 40 pounds each on either side of the table, each then stuffed full of stuffing, mountains of potatoes; mashed, au gratin, funeral, baked, and more; bacon, 3 giant hams, stacks of dinner rolls, yams as far as the eyes could see, salads, carrots, cranberry sauce, and a whole second table brimming with desserts.
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At this point it wasn’t just Zapp that was drooling in anticipation. Leo was positively looking like he was in heaven as the sight of so much food. Zedd seemed a little puzzled at their reactions but was eager to attempt the meal thanks to everyone’s tales of a glorious meal. Even Klaus looked to be excited with a smile on his lips. Zapp nearly got whiplash when he swore he heard a growl of hunger from his boss’ middle. Steven seemed so far to be nonplused but was far less testy than when they had visited the fancy alterworld restaurant and much more eager to participate. KK and Chain were already seated at the table as well, ready to dig in.
Klaus cleared his throat a little to get everyone’s attention. His gruff voice rang out to everyone as they waited. “Let us say thanks to everyone as Libra. We couldn’t do it without you. Each and everyone of you help us fight to save Hellsalem’s Lot and humanity every day and for that I am grateful. May we all give thanks for this food and celebrate for a job well done!” he said raising a glass. Everyone cheered and raised a class in agreement and then drank. Everyone took a sip, though Zapp quickly drained his glass completely of wine and used that as the announcement it was time to eat.
Zapp dove into the food like he hadn’t eaten in forever. And since he had fasted for the last 24 hours, his slim waist ached with wanting to be filled, it almost felt that way. He grabbed at plates, anything that was in arms length and piled them high, and then started to eat, even grabbing food and passing it around the table while his mouth was full. He started with grabbing a turkey drumstick, several large pieces of turkey breast meat, stuffing, 3 rolls, and half his plated covered in mashed potatoes and gravy. Leo looked over at Zapp as he started to eat like a wild animal. He was glad that everyone seemed to be engaging in conversation and eating or that Libra had several members that did in fact act like wild animals so Zapp’s behavior wasn’t out of the ordinary. Well that or because Zapp was always like this that they were all used to it.
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The Big Dipper style user seemed to be almost be using a big dipper itself to shovel food quickly into his mouth. He tore through the meat and quickly began shoveling stuffing, then mashed potatoes into his mouth, swelling out his cheeks as he stuffed his face almost faster than he could chew and swallow. But still he made process in completely clearing his plate and then moving on to refilling it with another round of food. He pressed on, unphased, devouring all he could within his reach. It was sometime around serving number 6 for Zapp that Leo started to notice that there was starting to be a definite swell in the middle of Zapp’s new found pants.
Leo himself had started to slow after two plates and was slowly working his way through a third. He wasn’t done, but definitely was already full and feeling his own stomach swell out and pull his waistband tighter. But that was nothing compared to Zapp next to him. Zapp continued to eat like his livelihood depended on it, and considering what Leo had seen of his eating, he wasn’t so sure that Zapp making a living off of competitive eating wasn’t a possible alternative career choice. Zapp paused a bit to shake himself back and forth and shake his arms. Leo gave him an odd look, wondering what his reaction was for. “What’s that look for runt? I’m making room! What are you slowing down? A real man doesn’t give up and goes all out on appetite!” 
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Instead of doing what Leo thought that Zapp would do and show off his belly in pride in reaction to that statement, instead he was shocked when Zapp pulled him into a headlock and gave him another noogie. Except this time, Leo noticed a definite change in the performance as his cheek was brought against Zapp’s now bloated belly with the usual black muscle shirt pulled tight over his frame and his “Thanksgiving Pants” already bloated out from part of the swell. He struggled against Zapp’s grip but all it did was force Zapp to pull his head tighter against his swollen belly as his knuckles dug into his skull.
“Now to get back to work! *Urp* Oof wow, I’m glad for these new pants. Focus on your own meal and try to keep up,” Zapp said as he went back to stuffing his face as quickly as he could, like food was his substitute for oxygen. Zapp took it all, if there was a platter of food passed his way, then he piled it onto his plate and ate it, then even motioned for some to come back with pantomime so he could then try to finish the rest of the platter once he had finished his current serving.
As Zapp ate, his middle rounded out, swelling in front of him, forcing his legs apart and pulling the elastic waistband of this new pants tighter. He paused a bit to belch into his fist. He let a hand go across his stretched paunch to let it try to will away an oncoming cramp. “Ooof come on, don’t give up on me now. I believe in you!” he said softly to himself and shook his belly lightly, though winced after the motion. Zapp somehow looked like he was now carrying a live food baby in his middle. Leo drank some soda to try to soothe his stomach a bit before he continued on his feast and nearly did a spit take when he noticed how large Zapp’s middle had become. It had already surpassed the size he had been when he “accidentally” had gained all that weight or as Zapp had put it, “really stuffed himself stupid on fried chicken in order to get a chick.”
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Between Zapp coaxing his belly to cooperate more and seeing Leo’s spit take, that was all that was needed for Zapp to keep going aside from his own gluttony and desire to fill his gut with as much food as he possibly good. He slapped the bloated mound and rubbed it slowly smirking at Leo. “Is there a problem? I think I got some more room in the tank still. Oooh can you pass the turkey? Oh and cranberry sauce. OH AND THE JELLO! There’s always room for jello!” he said while the food was passed to him. He piled his plate high and then quickly refilled it once again. He got his rhythm going again, his stomach ever growing as the food entered his throat and disappeared into the bloated expanse.
“This is so good!” Zapp said with food still in his mouth and his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk. He swallowed roughly and devoured another mound of mashed potatoes. He grinned like he found a treasure when he saw the gravy boat and stood up a bit to pull it closer to him. The act ended up making his belly more gravid as it hung down and away from his body just barely thanks to the addition of gravity. He sat back down, huffing slightly as he tried to catch his breath again. Zapp then lifted the gravity boat high into the air and opened his mouth, all semblance of manners gone and allowed the gravity to pour directly into his mouth. He kept his mouth open while Leo got the profile view of Zapp’s adams apple bobbing repeatedly as he drained the contents into his mouth. He pulled it away and then brought it closer to him like he was pouring some fancy coffee into a cup instead of gravy right into his mouth.
He wiped his mouth clean of any stray gravy and dove back for more turkey. Leo was grateful that everyone else in Libra was busy talking, eating, and generally enjoying their off time for the holiday. Though part of Leo secretly wondered if they were used to Zapp and his antics since they barely paid any attention to his eating of vast quantities. They barely paid attention to him other than quick glances or giggles. Many of them handed him things out of reflex almost expecting him to be requesting all that he could get his hands on.
Though Zapp looked like he was on his way to having eaten a watermelon whole, Leo was finally distracted from Zapp and his eating by sounds of quiet belches around him. On other sides of the table, Leo was surprised to hear Steven burp quietly into his fist and excuse himself. “Ooff, excuse me. That was unexpected,” he said smiling though slightly embarrassed. It was clear that his usually tailored suit was being pulled tight. He opened the button to give himself some room and Leo almost gasped when he saw that Steven’s blue button up shirt was being pulled out thanks to his newly formed belly. Leo wouldn’t say it was pulled taut but where the waist was usually neatly tucked, it was fairly obvious that the bottom of the shirt was straining slightly and pulling it up from his pants. The belt was pushed a little lower to give his stomach to a chance to grow but was not undone. Leo wondered if Steven would ever even dare to undo his pants while in company. He was too well mannered for that. Nevertheless, it was obvious that his usually trim waist was now decidedly round and his suit button was causing at least some restriction.
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Just when he thought he was safe to return his attention to the gorging Zapp, Leo heard another signal of fullness. He glanced over at the sound of a hiccup and a low rumble of a burp, the type made when trying to suppress an even bigger eruption. The young man nearly fell out of his chair when he realized that the sound was actually from Klaus. He seemed to have recovered from his hiccups and was now dabbing his mouth and exposed teeth with a napkin. However it was his paunch that was a surprise. Because Klaus was wearing his usual vest, he was not afforded the same luxury that Steven had with his shirt coming more untucked and giving him additional room. Instead his vest was forced to expand the only way it could; out.
While the sides of the vest still clung to the sides of Klaus’ usual body V that is always an impressive look from the rear that accurately showed just how in shape Klaus usually is; the front now was a very different sight. The buttons on the front of his vest strained visibly and showed bits of white fabric from his shirt underneath and in all it did very little to hide the round swell that jutted from his torso. It wasn’t as dramatic as Zapp’s somehow still growing belly but it was very noticeable that Klaus was very well fed. His belly mound was made more pronounced thanks to his vest that made it stand out in contrast to the rest of his body. Klaus tried to pretend to ignore it but from his slight smile and gently resting a hand on the top of his new swell seemed to show that he was fairly pleased with his meal.
Leo finally turned his attention back to Zapp. He shouldn’t be surprised considering how badly Zapp was going at it, but this Libra Thanksgiving was full of eye-opening revelations. Zapp had cleared a casserole plate and was scooping out the remnants with his spoon with a picked clean turkey carcass that had pushed aside. “Yeah definitely a watermelon.” Leo said under his breath.
“What was that pipsqueak?” Zapp asked as he put a spoonful of green beans casserole into his mouth, completely skipping the plate. Leo rolled his eyes. “I said you look like you ate a watermelon. How can you keep going like that?” Zapp narrowed his eyes with a sly look. “Oh does this bother you? You think I’ve overdone it?” He said slapping his exposed rounded gut, then burping as it dislodged an air bubble. “Don’t you worry. There’s still room for dessert. There’s ALWAYS room.” Zapp said as he pulled the now much tighter waistband of his pants away from his tan globe and let it snap back into place under the swell.
The table was cleared of the picked clean platters and plates by Gilbert and was soon replaced by various desserts. There was more pie than Leo had ever seen in one place, along with ice cream and cakes of various flavors, pudding, and more. Despite himself being full, Leo could feel his mouth start to water at the mass influx of sugar. “Ahhh yeah, I’m SO ready for dessert,” Zapp said partly as a way to declare his intention of gorging despite Leo’s protests. Everyone else at the table grunted uncomfortably and rolled their eyes at Zapp. They were much more full and while dessert sounded good, they were much less enthused and were less likely to do more than peck at the new courses.
They however, were not Zapp. Zapp pulled two pies directly to himself, pumpkin and pecan and then proceeded to cover each with ice cream. He grabbed a fork and started to eat directly from the tins going at it like he didn’t have a rounded mound attached to him that was forcing his legs apart. He paused his devouring of the pies by intermingling them with bites of cookies and other sweets. Just to make his gorging of desserts complete as possible and even though they had homemade whipped cream available (which Zapp was also devouring), the blood user had no qualms taking a can of whipped cream and spraying it directly into his mouth and swallowing it down repeatedly. Bits of the foamed cream escaped his mouth as he asked Leo while he was staring at him. “What?” he asked and then before waiting for a reply, he was back to stuffing his face with pie. Over the course of several minutes, multiple pies and slices of cake were disappearing into Zapp’s already swollen mound. He tried to make room for his belly by pulling himself closer and forcing his swell under the table, though that only served to drag him near the food.
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Zapp started to breath heavily as the pie tins and empty dessert containers piled up. Piles of ice cream and confections seemed pass over his lips and thanks to his gorging, left no question as to wear it had all gone. With everyone at the table already being full, most of the dessert was left to Zapp while everyone picked at what they had and tried to turn more to conversation while they let themselves digest and fought off the effects of tryptophan and chemicals. He had slowed down in his eating, now no longer eager, and instead looking like he was going through the motions of trying to finish all he could and fighting off every bodily signal that told him to stop. He finished a pie and then turned back to an unfinished sundae that now had most of the ice cream melted. Realizing it was harder to scoop, he just slowly brought it to his lips and drank it out of the container, leaving bits of chocolate sauce on his lips.
Zapp leaned back with a groan after he was done, with all the desserts within a close radius now consumed, though he had to battle getting out from under the table once the top of his gut hit the table and shook the empty plates. “Ugh…..I think I ate too much. I think I’m going to be sick…” he said trying to stretch and only serving to put his belly on display all the more. It was then that Leo heard a small ripping sound and Zapp blushed a little bit. His round gut surged forward visibly, making Leo next to blush. “....Zapp...did you just bust your pants?”
Looking guilty, Zapp tried to protest. “S-shut up, king of pubes! You don’t know NOTHING.” Leo activated his eyes and they told the hard truth. He had. “Zapp! You just ate yourself out of maternity pants! Just how big are you? You stupid glutton!” Leo said rolling his eyes and face palming. “Maternity pants? What are you talking about? They said they were Thanksgiving pants,” Zapp retorted. “So you don’t deny that you tore your elastic pants,” Leo said into his hand. “....Maybe. But they are Thanksgiving pants!” Zapp said looking guilty as his embarrassment seemed to momentarily hide his indigestion. “Did you never read the label? They are pants for a pregnant woman and you gave yourself the ultimate food baby, you pig.”  
“Shut up! Why I oughta…” Zapp said as he reached over next to Leo like he was going to attack him. He grabbed Leo’s head again after a small struggle and then brought Leo’s head against his now oversized melon gut. Leo fought against the hard surface as Zapp ground his head with his knuckle in turn forced Leo’s head harder against the packed belly. Leo’s cheeks squished against the packed surface as it now had such little give to it. Then another ripping noise was heard and Zapp stopped. His belly made a loud, sickly gurgle that rang in Leo’s ear. Zapp let go of Leo’s head as he brought his hands to mouth to try to cover it. He gulped hard. “Urp...I think I’m going to be sick….” as his face darkened and turned a shade of slight green. Zapp’s demeanor instantly changed to more friendly and desperate.
(think of just the first part of this gif)
“Hey...buddy...I..uh...really need to lie down. You think you could do me a solid and help me over to the couch?” Zapp said clearly starting to sweat nervously as his stomach had not liked the additional pressure that was put upon it by Leo’s head. Leo looked around a bit more nervously and saw that no one seemed to be concerned again. Many of them, especially Steven and Klaus seemed more content on staying where they were as they looked positively uncomfortable from having eaten more than their fill. Was this a yearly occurrence for Zapp? Leo rolled his eyes and realized he wouldn’t put it past the blood user. “Okay fine. But this is your own fault and I’m not cleaning up if you spew.”
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“You’re the best,” Zapp said giving a weak thumbs up and then tried to brace himself with the table and chair to try to get up. It became very evident that the extra movement not only had disagreed with his overfilled stomach, but it had made the tear in the “Thanksgiving Pants” grow even larger so there was now a tear straight down the middle of his pants, exposing his entire belly and showing the traces of his underwear. The blood drained from his face a little bit when he noticed that while Zapp was now sick as a dog, the lower part of his anatomy was having the same reaction he had post battle when he thought the chicken chick was still interested. At the very bottom of his very torn pants was an additional bulge that was taking up even more precious room in the somehow too tight pants. As he attempted to stand up, Zapp’s belly hung low, pulling him down and attempting to cover his current arousal, as if gravity was trying to hide the full effects of his gluttony. “Damn Zapp when are you not weird and gross,” Leo thought to himself.
Leo went to Zapp’s side and brought his arm around him so he was right against him despite his shorter stature compared to Zapp. Then with a heave they both got to their feet with Leo’s head under Zapp’s armpit as he helped him over the room to the couch. Zapp’s immense belly jutted into Leo’s side and pushed against his shirt, yanking it down whenever Zapp or Leo moved and pulling down the collar. Zapp waddled, giving out grunts and groans along with his noisy stomach complaining the whole way. Zapp used his free arm to try to support his belly as they made their way over to the couch.
Then nearly there, as they tried to maneuver to have Zapp sit down, Zapp lost his balance thanks to his new center of gravity. He tumbled backwards and out of desperation, grabbed Leo for support that he was unprepared to provide. Gripping Leo against him and his belly, Zapp fell back on the couch as the springs let out an audible groan as they strained against the weight they weren’t made to withstand. Zapp was on his back, unable to get up like a stranded turtle. Poor Leo however was pinned between the back of the couch and Zapp’s domed gut with his face planted straight into his belly button. Zapp groaned. “Leo...buddy...maybe that’s not the best idea…” he said covering his mouth again as Leo struggled directly against the stretched globe. Looking even greener, Zapp felt his stomach lurch and then struggled to swallow down what tried to come up. Then he let out a groan and then a burp that silenced everyone else in the room escaped his lips. The party stopped and they all stared. “Excuse me?” He said sheepishly. The crowd finally went back to chatting and pretended that Zapp wasn’t even there anymore.
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Leo however was still struggling against his belly, trying to breathe. Zapp feeling a bit better thanks to his eruption now changed his tone. “Leo...buddy...maybe this is the best idea,” he said as he blushed as the squirming against his belly only served to strengthen his arousal. However, this did very little to reassure Leo who squirmed harder once he realized what Zapp was meaning. He pushed hard and finally got his face free from Zapp’s rotund middle, struggling to catch his own breathe. “Hey, if you’re there, do you mind giving a pal some belly rubs?” Zapp asked as he made no attempt to move or let Leo free.
The young man tried to pry himself free but made very little progress. Sighing, Leo gave in and did as Zapp asked and started rub the hard and stuffed belly. It had very little give underneath his fingers and if he pushed down on it, Zapp would grunt and let out small burps in protest. In the end he had to settle for more of a gentle rub instead of a massage and Leo had to admit to himself that he sort of enjoyed rubbing the stretched surface. He went on for several minutes until he heard snores. He glanced up as best he could and found that Zapp had fallen asleep, his breath becoming more shallow as his belly continued to rise and fall. “Wait did you fall asleep? Wait let me go!” Leo protested as he tried to break free. Instead Zapp hugged him close while unconsciously and pressed him against his belly. Leo realized he wasn’t going to get free any time soon and instead went back to rubbing Zapp’s belly until he too had a food coma overtake him. The last thing he remembered was Zapp muttering, “I can’t wait for leftovers.” while the party continued on without them.
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peopleandrhythm · 7 years
Episode Eleven: There’s Something Inside You
This episode contains a musical cue. When you come upon a hyperlinked phrase, please click the link to be taken to a YouTube video that will play a song chosen to accompany that scene.
“To be born, you must sacrifice. Do you have faith?”
“I do.”
Candlelight glints off of the metal of Theo’s blade as she slits the third Harvest girl’s throat. Those still in line flinch visibly, but the onlookers in the crowd remain stoic. About a hundred feet away, cloaked in shadows, Hope Mikaelson presses herself against the brick of a mausoleum, keeping herself far out of sight. She has a hand clapped over her mouth, eyes wide as she watches girls her own age be slaughtered, falling to the ground like leaves from a tree. A slow, warm wind rustles through the cemetery, the flames of the candles dancing and casting terrifying shadows on the walls.
Theo strikes down the fourth girl, and Hope ducks fully behind the mausoleum, unable to watch further. She snuck out of the compound to try and stop this ritual, but now that she’s here, she’s at a complete loss for what to do next. She could easily overpower the witches gathered, at least long enough for the remaining girls to escape, but the ritual has already begun, and Hope has no clue what will happen if she interrupts it.
She pokes her head back out to observe the Harvest. The tiniest sob breaks free from her lips as she watches the fifth girl collapse, crimson blood staining her white dress in the most macabre image Hope has ever seen. Still, she can’t take her eyes away as Theo continues her quest to irrevocably change the city of New Orleans forever.
River’s curled in on herself, a ball of pain and torture. She shrieks as the fingers in her hand snap, her breath coming so fast it’s a wonder she doesn’t just vomit.
The moon is close to its apex as Rose, about five yards away, shouts, “Fight the pain! You can do this!”
“I can’t!” River sobs. “It’s too much!”
“You can d—gah!” Rose flips onto her back, her spine arching as inch-long claws rip through her fingertips. Rose has been turning for years now, so she’ll be a wolf long before River is. “You can make it, River,” she pants. “I believe in you.”
A deep, mournful howl echoes in River’s chest as her legs contort into unnatural angles. She grits her teeth so hard she worries they’ll crack. A thick, short layer of fur starts to spread up River’s arms, and despite the pain, her eyes widen in shock. “Oh god.”
There’s a snarling, snapping sound from the side, and River looks up to see a wolf, long, lanky, and deep brown in color, where Rose had been just moments before. “Oh god,” she says again.
The wolf lopes up to the mess of limbs that River has become and nudges her with its snout. River looks into the wolf’s eyes and sees Rose staring back at her with encouragement.
“I can do this,” River breathes, and the moon climbs ever higher.
Elijah’s sitting in a lounge chair in the courtyard, a glass of scotch in hand. He shoots his brother a glare every minute or so. Klaus, leaning up against the exposed brick of the wall, narrows his eyes in return. “Do you have something to say, Elijah?”
With a cavalier shrug, Elijah says, “Nothing in particular. Mostly I’m just regretting that I failed to place a bet on how long you could go on being Hope’s father before you locked her away from the world.”
Klaus huffs. “I do not enjoy treating my own child like—”
“A prisoner?”
Klaus’s face darkens. “I am trying to protect her.”
Dropping the glass onto the small table beside him, Elijah stands up and slides his hands into his pockets. “Once again, Niklaus, you fail to see the difference between protection and tyranny.”
“Well when she’s alive at the end of the night, you can explain that difference to me.”
“Sorry to interrupt, but…” The brothers turn to see Marcel and Vincent striding toward them from the entryway. Marcel has a fake smile plastered on his face. “We need your help.”
“Our help?” Klaus wags a finger between the two men. “This Harvest is a witch problem. I suggest you get your witch to figure it out.”
“Well I was actually hoping to borrow your witch,” Vincent says. “Could use all the help I could get.”
“And quickly,” Marcel adds. “We don’t know when they’re planning to start.”
“Absolutely not.” Klaus points up at his daughter’s bedroom. “Hope is not leaving this compound, and she is certainly not walking into whatever hell the witches have cooked up in the City of the Dead.”
Vincent opens his mouth to argue, but Marcel interjects, “You’re right. It’s not safe for Hope. So instead, I want you two to come help me. Serve as a distraction. Anything that allows me to get those Harvest girls out of there.”
“Why should I?” Klaus asks aggressively.
“Niklaus.” Elijah stands in front of his brother, presses a hand to Klaus’s chest. “Two of the leaders of this city have come to you for help. If you are sincere in your desire to make this place a safe home for your daughter, I suggest you consider wisely your choices in this moment.”
Klaus stares at Elijah, his jaw clenched tightly. Then, after a long pause, he says, “Fine.” He steps around his brother to address Vincent and Marcel. “We will come with you. Rebekah too. Freya and Hayley will stay here with Hope.”
Marcel claps his hands. “Let’s go.”
Seven of the nine Harvest girls are dead, their bodies a grotesque sight upon the dais. Hope can feel vomit clawing its way up her throat, but, desperate to stay silent and out of the way, she keeps her mouth shut. Her brain is still spinning as she tries to figure out a way to stop the madness, but she doesn’t know this magic, doesn’t know how to help without causing even more harm.
She stares in horror as Theo’s knife is raised once more, but the sound of footsteps coming from behind diverts her attention. She dives further behind the mausoleum, ducking out of the way just in time to be missed by a young woman running through the cemetery. “Theo!”
Once the woman is passed, Hope creeps up to poke her head out again. She sees Theo lower her blade. “Not now, Annelise. The Harvest is almost complete.”
The woman approaches the dais, out of breath. “Vincent and Marcel have come to stop us, and they’re not alone.”
“The Mikaelsons?” Annelise nods, and Hope’s stomach sinks to the ground. “Take a small group and head them off.” She returns her gaze to the shaking Harvest girl in front of her. “It shouldn’t be much longer now.”
Hope retreats into the shadows once more as a small contingent from the crowd peels off, following Annelise away from the Harvest. Hope starts to panic; her family is here. She doesn’t know how she’s going to return to the compound without them knowing she ever left in the first place, and worse, she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to help them against these murderous witches if they need her. She wants to go to them, but there is something inside her, a tiny kernel willing her to stay and bear witness to this ritual. And so she does, peering out once again as Theo slashes the eighth girl’s throat.
Marcel, Vincent, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah form a half-circle at the entrance to Lafayette Cemetery. Marcel makes a gesture for the others to follow him, and he charges through the gate—only to be repelled by a boundary spell. “What—”
The sound of voices chanting in unison is heard from a distance, growing louder and louder until the five see a small group of witches standing before them, hands outstretched. Wind whips around all of them as the chanting becomes even louder.
“What are you doing?” Vincent shouts. “Stop this!”
The vampires find it difficult to move, whatever spell the witches are casting keeping them nearly frozen in place. Vincent extends his own hand and begins a spell to break theirs down, but his power has little effect.
“Vincent, do something,” Marcel snaps, fighting against the force of the spell.
Rolling his eyes, Klaus manages to bend down, inch by inch, and pick a rock up from the ground. Slowly, he cocks his arm back, and then the rock is flying. It strikes a dark blond witch in the head, sending him sprawling backward. Just like that, the force keeping the vampires in place weakens ever-so-slightly.
“You can’t stop us, Vincent!” Annelise yells, glancing worriedly at her fallen comrade. “The Harvest has already begun! Soon we will be reunited with our ancestors.”
“Soon you will be,” Rebekah snarks, snatching a rock of her own from the ground and pelting it at Annelise’s head. The girl goes flying, and the spell weakens further.
Marcel fights his way closer to the gate. “C’mon! Let’s end this!”
“I will end this.” Dominic appears just inside the cemetery, at the very edge of the gate. He flicks his wrist, and all four vampires collapse, necks broken. Vincent stares back at him as the wind dies down, the witches’ spell along with it. “You are a disgrace,” Dominic spits at his regent.
“And if this Harvest doesn’t work, y’all are murderers.”
The Versailles witch shrugs unsympathetically. “This is the risk we chose to take.”
“The risk y’all chose to take!” Vincent jabs his hand toward Dominic. “You are doing this to our community! If this works, we will be slaves to the ancestors once more, and if it doesn’t, nine teenage girls are dead. This is what y’all have done to us.”
“You never did have faith, Vincent.” Dominic spins on his heel and stalks into the depths of the cemetery, motioning for the others to follow him. Vincent stares at his retreating back, shaking his head in despair.
River’s back arches high toward the sky. Her limbs are now covered in a thick layer of jet black fur, and her eyes glow bright gold in the dark. An excruciating ripping in her gums makes her yelp, but the sound becomes muffled by the growing fangs. A few more broken bones, a rash of fur up her face, and River is gone.
In her place, curled into a ball, is a wolf, dark as midnight. It stands, slowly, each paw unsure on the soft earth. There’s movement in the corner of its eye, and its big head whips around, jaw snapping.
It’s answered with a low growl, and the wolf that is also Rose bares its teeth. Instinctively, the wolf that is also River lowers its belly to the ground, ears flattening in a silent sorry, sorry. The tongue of the Rose-wolf licks at its own snout, and the River-wolf sniffs. There’s something in the air, gamey and small. Rabbit.
The wolf that is also River is off, tearing through the bayou, as silent as death. It can hear the crunch of twigs and branches behind it—the Rose-wolf is hot behind—but it’s focused, tracing the scent of the fast-hearted rabbit as it bounds through the trees. The River-wolf stops only to bury its snout in a hole; the rabbit has disappeared, though the wolf can still smell its fear.
The Rose-wolf approaches with a loping gate, nudging the other wolf away from the rabbit hole. The wolf that is also River leaps away, mouth hanging in an open pant. It swats at the other wolf playfully, ducking low when the other wolf responds with a warning snarl. The River-wolf yips and darts away, and the Rose-wolf, before it can stop itself, takes off after it. The two chase each other through the damp, hot bayou of Louisiana, the bright glow of the moon gleaming off of their fur.
“I do.” The final Harvest girl gasps as the blade slices cleanly across her throat, her knees buckling as she falls down dead. Hope’s head is spinning.
Theo turns so her back is facing her victims. “After the Harvest comes the Reaping, their sacrifices made and accepted. Before our Chosen Ones are returned to us, I make a final sacrifice.” Theo raises her blade, now dark and blunt with nine girls’ blood, and slashes down across the palm of her left hand. “I sacrifice my blood to the Ancestors of New Orleans, and plead with them that they might bind themselves to their most faithful, most judicious descendant, that she might serve as their Advocate among the living. Now, we call upon our Elders to resurrect their Chosen Ones.”
A hush falls over the gathered. All eyes, including Hope’s, are focused on the line of bodies on the dais. Theo chews her lip nervously. “Come on,” she breathes. “Come on, come on.”
After several long minutes, a sob rings out from the crowd, and a low, worried murmur hisses through the air. Hope’s eyes are brimming with tears; those girls are dead, gone for good. She’s holding herself up against the mausoleum, close to falling to her knees, when nine simultaneous gasps echo through the cemetery.
The Harvest girls are awake.
The murmur becomes pandemonium as the parents of the Harvest girls scramble up onto the dais, and the rest of the witches react to a feeling coursing through their bodies. Hope feels it too, that slow, simmering tingle that’s passing through her as if it were a ghost. Her heart pounds in her chest as she feels the connection to the ancestors stitched back together. Hope lets out a breathless laugh, the only reaction she can think of to the sudden influx of power she’s feeling.
But then there’s something else. A ringing in her ears that becomes more and more unbearable by the second. Hope’s hands fly to the sides of her head and she squeezes her eyes shut, trying to will the pain away. A whimper escapes her, and she falls back against the mausoleum, head swimming with pain. Despite the all-consuming ache that threatens to overtake her senses completely, Hope remembers that she can’t be caught here, and so, fighting the agony shaking her skull, she skulks away from the celebrating witches of New Orleans.
With a low groan, Rebekah stirs. Her hand rubs at her neck as she pushes herself upright. “Bloody hell.” She looks over to see Elijah coming to as well. “What happened?”
Vincent’s sitting with his back to the outer wall of the cemetery, his arms propped up on his knees. He’s staring out at nothing, not even sparing the waking vampires a glance. “It’s done.”
Klaus hauls himself to his feet, and then reaches out a hand to help Marcel to his. “What do you mean it’s done?”
“The Harvest.” Vincent’s voice is neutral, toneless. “They’ve completed it. I felt the connection to the ancestors reestablish itself.”
“Well at least those girls aren’t dead,” Rebekah says hopefully as Elijah helps her up. “That’s not nothing.”
“Yeah.” The regent doesn’t sound convinced. “Yeah, least those girls aren’t dead.”
From a distance, they can hear the cheers of the witches who gathered to complete the ritual. They all stand in silence, listening as the power in New Orleans shifts dramatically before their eyes.
It takes some skilled maneuvering, but Hope manages to use a trash can to help her reach the bottom of the balcony just outside her window. Then she hangs there for a moment, muttering, “Why didn’t I work out with River when I had the chance?” before doing the first and hopefully last pull-up in her life so that she can claw desperately at the top of the rail. She hurls herself over the wrought iron, falling onto the balcony with a pathetic thud, and lays there, panting. “Never again,” she promises herself.
She doesn’t stay down long; she is just throwing herself onto her bed when she hears footsteps approaching from the hall. She whips her phone out of her pocket and opens the first app she sees—Plants vs. Zombies 5—and starts tapping at her screen just as the door opens. Her mother’s head pokes in. “Hey.”
Hope shoots her a glare over the top of her phone. “Come to check on the prisoner, warden?”
Hayley sighs, letting the door swing open. She leans against the jamb. “You’re not a prisoner.”
“Really? Because the inability to leave this room suggests otherwise.”
“Look I’m not too happy with your father’s…unilateral decision to keep you in here, but he was right to worry that the witches might want to use you in their Harvest.”
“Whatever. As long as I’m trapped in here, I think I’ll remain pissed off.”
With a half-smile, Hayley pulls something out of her back pocket. It’s the head of the clay figurine to which Freya had bound the spell. “That’s what I came up to tell you. Your father called. The Harvest is over. You are free to go.”
Hope clicks her phone off and sits up. “Thank you.” She pushes herself off her bed. “I’m going to take a shower and then come down and get something to eat. I’m starving.”
She heads for her bathroom, but stops when her mom says, “Hang on.” She turns back to look at Hayley, confused. Hayley’s scrutinizing her, eyes narrow. “Something about you looks…different. Are you okay?”
Hope blanches, but she says quickly, “The Harvest. If it was successful, then I guess that means I’m connected to the ancestors, too.”
Hayley doesn’t seem entirely convinced, but she says, “Alright.” She starts to retreat into the hallway. “Well, hurry up. I think I’m going to order a late night pizza.”
“That’s the best kind.”
Hayley smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. She closes the door behind her, still suspicious of something she can’t quite put her finger on. Hope lets out a low breath of relief; she can’t believe she got away with both sneaking out and lying about it. She turns again to go into her bathroom, and as she enters, something catches her attention in the corner of her eye. Her head whips around to look into the mirror, where she sees herself, a little worse for the wear, and, more surprisingly, with blood dripping from her nose.
There’s a small gathering in and around the LeRoy crypt, a collage of faces pressing in, ears searching to hear. There is only enough room for a few to stand inside, looking at Theo as she sits cross-legged on the floor.
“Anything?” Leanne asks, somewhat impatiently.
Annelise elbows her, a bruise sprawling across her forehead despite the large bandage covering her wound. “Wait!”
Theo’s eyelids are closed, though the movement of the eyes themselves is visible as she searches the darkness for something, anything, any indication of the ancestors.
The connection thrums inside her chest—that she can feel. The kernel of magical energy that had lived inside her for the past fifteen years is now a big ball, a deep well that she finally has access to once again. But there is no trace of the source of that power, no voices, no presence within her. She searches herself, digging far within the recesses of her mind, but she only finds Theo.
After a long while, Theo’s eyes slide open. She stares at nothing. “They’re not there.”
A murmur ripples through the crowd outside, and Leanne and Annelise exchange a look. “What do you mean they’re not there?” the former asks.
Theo takes a deep breath, and then shouts, “THEY’RE NOT THERE!” With the force of her words, every candle in the cemetery blows out at once. She leaps to her feet, seething. “I can’t feel a bond to them. I can’t hear them, can’t sense them.” She tips her work table over, sending papers and trinkets flying. “It didn’t work. The Rite of Advocacy. It didn’t work.”
Listen to us.
Tell Angelique about the secret key.
Eradicate the demons from our home.
There’s no time to waste.
Listen to us.
Fifteen years…fifteen years…
We chose you.
Listen to us.
Listen to us.
Hope jerks awake, her breath coming is desperate gasps. Her head is pounding, a steady throbbing that makes stars dance behind her eyes. She grips the sides of her head, hoping the pain goes away.
That nightmare…but it wasn’t a nightmare. It was voices, hundreds of them, thousands, all talking at once. She couldn’t see any faces, nothing visual in the blackness to alleviate the intense sound of voices, voices, voices. She swings her legs onto the cool floor, stepping quietly onto the moonlit balcony. She takes a few deep breaths to compose herself. The pounding in her head softens, but doesn’t disappear.
What is this? she thinks, staring up at the moon, fully on its descent in the sky. Fear of this unknown ailment grips her heart, but she shakes her head. This is ridiculous. You’re being ridiculous. She returns to her bed, laying atop the covers, far too hot to climb underneath. Her eyes slid shut, but she doesn’t fall asleep again for the rest of the night.
When River awakens, the first thing she realizes is that she’s naked. She sits up quickly, clutching the thick blanket someone had draped over her more tightly to her body. The sky is just starting to pink, the sun not yet above the horizon. She’s on the hard wooden porch of Mary’s cabin, still groggy from the night before.
She hears a creak from behind her, and twists around to see Rose, fully-dressed, walking up, a half-smirk on her face. “Rough night?”
River laughs, pulling the blanket tighter around herself. “Something like that.” She takes the hand Rose offers to pull herself to her feet. “Honestly, though? Not the worst night.”
Rose quirks an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Really.” River sits on Mary’s porch swing. “I mean, that pain…that pain was the worst I’ve ever experienced, and I’ve had some terrible periods, but…being a wolf…”
“You were a natural.” River looks up at Rose, surprised. “I’ve never seen anyone take to it that quickly.”
“Um. Thanks.” River’s ears color in embarrassment.
“You got any clothes?”
“Oh.” She looks down at herself. “I didn’t think I’d be awake so early. Hope’s coming to bring them to me.”
Rose nods. “Well, Mary’s still asleep, so…” She settles onto the porch swing, rocking it slightly. “I guess I’ll wait with you.”
River smiles slowly. “Cool.” The two wolves stare out over the bayou, watching the first rays of morning spill over the horizon.
Hope pads quietly through the open doors of St. Anne’s Church. She only has a short while before her mother is going to drive her out to the bayou to get River, but she can’t wait. She steps past the stoup of holy water and see Vincent, straightening up the altar. She clears her throat awkwardly; it echoes up to the rafters. “Hey.”
Vincent shoots her a glance over his shoulder, and then returns to his work. “Hey.”
Hope continues forward, wringing her hands. “So, um. What exactly happened last night?”
With a snort, Vincent says, “You didn’t feel it?”
“Feel it?”
He finally turns to look at her, resting back against the altar. “The ancestors. The Harvest was successful. We’re connected again.”
“Oh. Yeah, no, I felt that.” She gives him a small, sympathetic smile. “I guess you’re not too happy.”
“No, I’m not. ‘Specially since Theo’s grand plan turned out to be a bust.”
That piques Hope’s interest. “What do you mean?”
Vincent sighs. “Theo thought she could tack something onto the end of the Harvest, a rite to bind the connection to one person, so the ancestors wouldn’t have control over all of us like they did before. They’d only have access to this person, this—this Advocate.” He scoffs and turns his back to Hope once more. “But word’s spreadin’ fast. Theo’s been fumin’ all night and all morning. She can’t feel the ancestors any more than the rest of us. There is no Advocate.” He leans heavily on the altar, head bowed. “We’re screwed. I could’ve told her it wouldn’t work—”
“It did.”
“—but she didn’t come to me, decided to make this whole mess on her own—”
“It did work.”
Vincent stops his tirade to look back at Hope, who looks tiny at the far end of the nave. “What’re you talking about?”
It all makes sense. The dream. The voices. The excruciating pain right after the Harvest was completed. The nosebleed. Hope stares a thousand miles away as all of the pieces click into place. “Vincent, the rite did work, but not for Theo.” She takes a deep breath. “It’s me.” She meets his eyes, watches shock dawn across his face. “I’m the Advocate.”
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Friends, Then? Chapter 2
Title: Friends, Then?
Chapter Title: Elijah, Then?
Couple: Carolijah
Characters: Caroline Forbes, Katherine Pierce, Damon Salvatore, Elijah Mikaelson, and Rebekah Mikaelson
Rated: T to M  
Caroline Forbes woke up to the early morning light surrounded by bed sheets that were no longer hugging the corners of the mattress. The comforter and pillows had fallen off of the bed after last night's rambunctious activities. The room reeked of the obvious scent that a hard night of heavy sex would make. They had really done a number on the room and then just passed out in their own sweat and other bodily fluids.
Her roommate had her head rested on the vampire's shoulder, hair lightly spilling everywhere. Her slim arm was slung across Caroline's bare chest, and her tanned leg was repeating the action over paler thighs. She was very unconscious, and the blonde was amazed that it took her that long to lose all energy. Putting a human with a vampire was probably not the smartest idea, but after last night, it certainly was a great one.
Katherine stirred slightly to nestle her face further into Caroline's skin as she shivered lightly. The latter admired the girl sleep, mindlessly tracing her fingers across her slumbering roommate. Her eyes closed as she recalled their three in the morning affair. Every touch, kiss, moan, and cry replayed in her brain. It was amazing, epic, passionate, dangerous, scandalous. Sex that she had always wanted but never got. Now she could cross that off her bucket list.
A bang echoed through the room, followed by three hard knocks. Jumping up out of bed, Caroline both freaked out and shoved Katherine onto the floor causing her to wake. She let out a moan of pain before the blonde shushed her. Another knock sounded causing the girls to look at each other waiting for an answer on what to do.
"Blondie, open up." Damon's voice rang into their ears. "Come on, I'm even knocking this time. Now open the door before I bust it in."
"Just a minute!" Caroline shouted back as she worked. Opening windows, using air freshener, anything to remove the smell that haunted the room. Katherine removed the sheets, picked up the comforter, and slid the pillow cases off of their homes. Tossing the heavy load of bedding into the laundry basket, she then picked up all four items of clothing belonging to her and ran into the bathroom.
"Alright, way more than a minute has passed. What are you hiding?" The male vampire demanded, banging on the door once again.
"Gah, I'm not hiding anything. I just want to hop in the shower for three minutes to rinse off my face mask. I look like a monster so don't come in." Caroline lied, scrunching her face up as she threw word after word out of her mouth.
True to her word, she jumped into the shower, ignoring the cold water, and soaked herself. A quick scrub and rinse later, she threw on her plush pink robe and ran to the door. She gave the room a once over to make sure she didn't miss anything. Another second delay in burying her clothes under the comforter in the laundry basket and she was done. Nobody would have to know about last night's activities.
"Damn, alright. What do you want?" Caroline hissed the question, opening the door to reveal the impatient guest. He rolled his eyes and strolled in.
"I'm here to relieve you of babysitting duty. Where is Katherine?" Damon both answered and asked, scanning the room for the doppelganger in question.
"She is taking a shower. And why do you need to relieve me? We are doing fine here.? The baby vampire sat down on her empty bed and looked at the older man.
"Silas wants to become human. He promised to give up Stefan's location if we give him the cure. So tell the bitch to shower faster, we are going." The dark haired vampire explained with anger dripping from his voice. Caroline's eyes widened at the response. She didn't know what to expect, but that definitely wasn't on the list.
"Damon, just find Stefan on your own. It can't be too hard. Do not give into Silas. It's not worth it." Caroline begged, meeting his baby blue eyes with her own.
"I don't even know where to begin looking. And why do you care about Katherine all of a sudden? Please don't tell me you roommate bonded and are now besties." Damon complained back to his frenemy.
"Maybe we did. It's none of your business. Don't turn her over to Silas, he'll kill her." She stated bravely. The older vampire rolled his eyes before his response.
"Good riddance." He growled. His anger was short lived as Caroline snapped his neck and laid him onto the ground. She grimaced at the idea of Stefan suffering because she won't give up Katherine, but erased the thought quickly from her mind.
With her vampire speed, something she definitely came to love, Caroline sped around the room handling what she needed. In less than five minutes, two bags were packed with clothes, hair care products, shoes, and dental hygiene products. Zipping them closed, she turned to ready herself. Throwing on an outfit was quick and easy to do.
Now that she was dressed and had packed for two, she ran into the bathroom just as the shower turned off. Katherine stepped out, soaking wet and dripping onto the floor. She shivered at the cold air and Caroline watched as her nipples hardened due to the chill. She smushed her lips together and looked up, trying to clear any naughty thoughts from her brain.
"Like what you see, Care?" Katherine gave her a dirty smirk before wrapping a towel around her slim body.
"You already know that I do, but that's not why I am here. I snapped Damon's neck. We have up to four hours to get out of here." Caroline explained, tossing clothes at the shorter girl.
"Wait, why? You snapped Damon's neck! I would've paid to see that. But where are we going and why are we leaving?" Words and questions flew from Katherine's mouth as she struggled to get dressed.
"Silas wants you, so Damon wants to give you to him. To die. I don't know where we are going yet but we are leaving." More explanations came from the taller girl as she helped Kat put on her clothing
"So you are going to run with me. Aww, we'll be like a lesbian Bonnie and Clyde. So cute and romantic. I'll assume you want a June wedding?" The doppelganger sarcastically mocked the blonde and she tied her hair up sloppily and left the bathroom. "Well, let's get going."
So Caroline may have fibbed to the paranoid teen. She did know where she was going. It was partially for Katherine's sake, but mostly to live out her fantasy with the big bad hybrid. A secret that the brunette will have to deal with not knowing.
As of this moment, she could only picture all the things she was going to do to Klaus. So many naughty things that made her toes curl just thinking about it. Her dreams would finally be a reality in the next day or so. But she had to focus. They would never reach New Orleans if her sex hazed thoughts landed them in a car crash that killed them both. Or if she needed to pull over and let Katherine go down on her again.
Even if she wanted another go with her sexy roommate, now was neither the place nor the time. One, they were on the run and needed to put distance between themselves and Mystic Falls. Two, she didn't want to wake Katherine up after she had passed out in the passenger seat. The poor girl was going on three hours of sleep after one hell of a night and then one active morning. She was human, after all, and needed the proper rest of a teenage girl.
Fourteen hours, nine bathroom breaks, five gas breaks, and one traffic jam later, the two were finally in New Orleans. Sure there were arguments on Katherine's side, but Caroline showed her the light. She still wasn't happy, but the blonde decided that her partner would just have to get over it on her own time.
Pulling into the only available parking spot in the public garage, they grabbed their bags from the backseat and vacated the car. Caroline carelessly slung the duffel bag over her shoulder and made her way out of the concrete building. Katherine followed quickly after, her suitcase rolling behind her like a puppy on a leash.
"You don't mind if I leave you by yourself, do you?" The blonde asked once the reached the outside.
"Umm, yeah, kinda. You take me to my enemy's town and now you are going to leave me alone?" The response flew from the doppelganger as she glared up at Caroline.
"Well, I want to go find Klaus and run this by him first. It will probably be best if you do don't come along. I want to make sure he agrees before you two are near each other." The vampire explained.
"Translation: Katherine, I'm going to fuck him into agreeing with me." She shook her head while rolling her eyes. The blonde just smirked and ran off, leaving Katherine all alone.
Caroline stood in front of the old plantation that now housed the hybrid she was seeking. She knocked hard on the door, waiting for someone to answer it. Nobody needed to. As soon as she applied pressure to the door, it slowly opened. She placed her arm through the door. Once she realised that she did not need an invitation to enter, she peered her head in.
It looked empty, but this was just the foyer. Not every part of the house could be seen from the doorway. With a deep breath, mustering up the courage she needed, Caroline stepped into the building and closed the door behind. She wandered out of the entryway and into the home area, admiring the high-class decor that surrounded her.
"Who are you and why are you here?" A voice questioned from behind her. It was male, light accent, and very easy to listen to. She carefully turned around to face the person.
He wasn't very tall for a man, but very attractive. He was dressed in a suit that probably cost more than Caroline's car. His crisp white shirt was tucked in and his olive tie was neatly done. Very respectable looking and definitely nice to stare at. She kept looking at him up and done, trying to conclude who he was before answering his question. When she came up blank, she gave him a shrug.
"My name is Caroline. I am looking for Klaus." She responded strongly, she had gathered the courage to talk to Klaus and now she was going to use it all in the conversation. This man intimidated her even though he only said one sentence to her.
"He isn't here at the moment. May I take a message?" He asked, studying her carefully. She blushed under his intense gaze and shook her head.
"It really isn't the kind of thing you can take as a message, unless you are interested." Caroline flirted easily, deciding that he wasn't that scary. Needless to say, she was bored and horny. If Klaus wasn't there, she would just take someone else. Plus, she wanted to have some fun.
The man smirked in response, a playful gleam in his eyes. "I'd gladly take the message for you." He whispered taking a step closer until he was right by her ear. "But I'm afraid, I don't just fuck any girl who walks through that door."
Leaning into him, Caroline let her lips brush his skin before hovering near his ear. "It is a good thing I'm not just any girl." She flirted with a sultry tone. The blonde was channelling Katherine for this. She knew how to flirt, but her roommate knew how to seduce. And apparently, it was working.
He pressed his body up against hers, allowing her to feel his hard muscles hiding under his clothes. "I'm not that kind of guy, Caroline."
"Your physical response tells me otherwise, sir." The baby vampire pushed her thigh against the man's crotch, feeling its hardened state through his pants. She bit her upper lip and looked him in his eyes. She contemplated what she was about to do to this complete stranger. But meeting his eyes, seeing the lust that matched her own, she didn't know if she could walk away from this.
Grabbing his back with both hands, she closed the gap between their lips. He responded as quickly as she'd done it. She assumed that he just hadn't been laid in awhile and that he was relieving tension as much as she was. Her arms snaked out from under his arms and grasped the back of his neck. Her fingers tangled in his short hair and dug in.
His lips parted, allowing her access to his mouth. Sliding her tongue in, she exploded with his taste. Whiskey rested on the surface of his own tongue, but she could also taste something else. What was it? Peanut butter, definitely peanut butter. It mixed well with the alcohol for some odd reason.
Caroline hoped that her taste wasn't bad. She had not had time to brush her teeth since yesterday when Damon had unceremoniously caused her to leave. Though, if her breath was gross, he didn't seem to care in the slightest. He just returned her kisses as ferociously as she gave them.
Elijah felt like he should stop. He did not know this girl and she didn't know him. Hell, she didn't even know his name. He was better than this. At least, he should be. Either one of his siblings could come home at any minute, same with Hayley. And what would they see? The 'noble' brother playing tonsil hockey with some stranger that had originally come to do this to Klaus.
He didn't stop, though. He didn't know why. Was it because he couldn't or simply because he didn't want to. He knew he was horny, but that did not give him the excuse to act like a teenage boy in a porno. But he still didn't cease, and he wasn't going to. The original couldn't explain the reason, he just wasn't going to stop.
Wrapping her arms around his back, Caroline's hands grasped between his shoulder blades and yanked her closer. She concluded that her new partner was a vampire, or he could hold his breath for an unnaturally long time. So it was the former.
She could sense some pull on his part, maybe he was changing his mind. Instead, he walked the blonde backwards without breaking their kiss. Her back pressed up against what felt like the other side of a sofa. Her front pressed against the sexy stranger. In just a few days, she was having two scandalous hookups. One with her female roommate and now with this complete and utter stranger whose name she didn't even know.
Without any hesitation, Caroline reached under her little white skirt and yanked the matching panties down to her ankles. Elijah broke away from the kiss and smirked at her. He hoisted her up onto the top of the couch as she pulled off his belt and worked on the zipper. Much to her annoyance, it stuck and she didn't know how he felt about her ripping it.
Elijah grabbed her hands and pushed them away. Her eyes widened, wondering if he changed his mind. Instead of leaving, he undid his pants for her and took out his erect cock. Caroline gasped and bit her upper lip in shock.
"Oh my," She whispered heavily, "It's so big." Her eyes were as large as they could get as she stared lustfully at him.
"I want it inside of me." The blonde consented.
He placed himself right at her entrance, mentally grinning at how soaked she was. Gently, he slid the tip in, watching his partner tilt her head back and sigh. Then, with more force than intended, he shoved his entire length inside of Caroline's slick pussy.
"Oh, fuck!" She screamed, wrapping her legs his waist and pulling him forward.
Claiming another kiss from her, Elijah began to thrust inside of her. Her heavy breathing and moans against his mouth a sign that he was doing good. He pumped in and out slowly, very slowly, feeling her from the inside as whines emitted from the girl.
"Faster," Caroline demanded, breaking from the kiss.
"As you wish." He huskily said as he picked up the pace.
In, out, in out. Speeding up, he slammed into her as fast as he could. The both moaning loudly and the sound of skin hitting skin echoed throughout the large house. Elijah was suddenly glad that nobody was home. The noise level was getting higher and higher.
"Oh fuck, oh god. Yes!" The blonde vampire chanted out a series of moans and curse words. Her voice was like music to his ears and encouraged him to keep the tempo.
Through her shirt, he used one hand to roughly massage her breasts. The other hand gripped her hip to hold her in place as he fucked her hard. The girl's moaning was beginning to get high pitched and he knew that an orgasm was building up. His own was coming too, but he attempted to hold it off for his partner to finish first.
Slamming harder into her, he watched Caroline throw her head back and roll her eyes inward. Her body began to convulse both inside and out as her orgasm hit her. Elijah watched her orgasm come and go before he allowed himself to let go. His breathing got heavier and more spaced out as he felt his own orgasm build.
"Cum inside me." The blonde whispered in his ear before giving him a wet kiss. Almost as soon as she said it, he felt himself release his entire load into her body.
The both stood/sat there, leaning into each other with deep breathing. Caroline rested her head on her partner's shoulder and breathed deeply.
"That was fun." She said with a smile. He nodded back with a laugh as he fixed his pants.
Both vampires heard the door open and someone walk in. Freaking out, Caroline hopped off the couch and pulled her soaked panties back up. Elijah just finished adjusting his clothes as Rebekah walked in.
"You won't believe how crowded Rousseau's is tod- Caroline?" The blonde Original froze in her tracks as soon as she turned the corner. "Caroline, what are you doing here?" She questioned angrily before turning to her brother. "What is she doing here, Elijah?"
Elijah, the name sounded familiar to Caroline. Oh shit. Elijah was Klaus' older brother. She fucked Klaus' brother. Oh god, no. Katherine was going to kill her and then Klaus was going to. She should have figured it out earlier, with all of the things said about him. Wears a suit, dapper, extremely sexy. Yep, she was so dead.
With a deep breath, she answered Rebekah; "I was looking for Klaus. Elijah tells me that he isn't here. I guess I'll be going." Caroline all but ran out of both the room and the house.
It wasn't too hard to find Katherine upon leaving the old plantation. She was in Rousseau's trying to buy herself a drink, looking very dishevelled. The blonde walked up and sat down next to her, quickly ordering drinks for the two of them.
"Rough day, Kat?" Caroline questioned tiredly. The brunette looked at her with a smirk.
"Actually, it wasn't so bad. I saw Klaus, and got him to agree to protect me from Silas. And I got us a hotel room to stay in." Katherine explained, recounting what she had done since they parted ways.
"That's good. I instead got to talk to Rebekah and meet Elijah." The blonde replied.
"Ahh, how did that work out?" Asked the doppelganger.
"It was surprisingly really fun." Caroline smiled wide, accepting her drink from the blonde bartender, and taking a long sip.
Katherine decided to not even ask what the vampire meant by that. Instead, she took her own drink and grinned remembering her day's events.
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ticklishpeter · 4 years
cutie (diego/lila)
HELLO! despite the summary, this is a totally sfw fic!! someone tell me,,, why i can write a 1,000+ word fic in about 3 hours,,, while i still can’t start ANY of my papers for classes??? OOF. anyways,,, i’m proud of this one! 🥺
summary: how either of them ended up in this situation, they didn't know. well… they had started out trying out… different things in the bedroom, so here they were; diego with his arms over his head, wrists tied together with a belt, as lila straddled his lap. ... it certainly wasn't supposed to turn into a tickle torture session.
word count: 1,337
How either of them ended up in this situation, they didn't know. Well… they had started out trying out… different things in the bedroom, so here they were; Diego with his arms over his head, wrists tied together with a belt, as Lila straddled his lap.
It certainly wasn't supposed to turn into a tickle torture session. 
“Goddammit, Lila,” Diego said, residual giggles slipping out of him. She'd just found out how ticklish he was on his stomach, thanks to Klaus calling into the bedroom as soon as he heard laughter. So of course she had to take advantage. For five minutes before now.
“Iiii’m gonna getcha!” Lila grinned, beginning to wiggle her nimble fingers just inches over her boyfriend’s hypersensitive stomach.
He turned his head away, giggling into his shoulder and closing his eyes.
“What is it, handsome? I'm not even tickling you yet! Does it tickle already?” Lila laughed, repetitively jerking her hands forward as if she was about to make contact.
“I-” he choked out another giggle and a growl, “N-no! … i-it doesn't.” His voice was strained, and he still was avoiding eye contact at all costs.
“Does this tickle? Aww, don't worry, you can tell me the truth,” she cooed, poking her fingers towards his belly, not yet making contact.
“I-it doesn't fucking… t-...tickle- HA! ACK!” Saying the word was enough to get the giggles flowing out of him.
“You sure about that?” Her pokes made their way to his sensitive middle this time, and she chuckled brightly at the uncharacteristic yelp that came out of Diego’s mouth.
He muttered various expletives, feeling a giggle bubbling in his throat, “Shiiit, LILA! - Noohoho,” Hiding his quickly reddening face again, he pulled at his restraints, silently cursing at them.
“You are such a cutie,” Lila giggled up at him. “I’ll tell you what,” she started, propping herself up on her elbow, “You say how cute you are, then maybe I’ll stop. — Although, it’ll be really hard for me to stop if you keep all this giggling up; way too cute to stop, y’know?”
“Sh-shut up,” Diego cried, wiggling to and fro as he tried to close his mouth and stop laughing, “M’not cute!”
Lila tapped a few nails on his uppermost rib, “Actually, you most definitely are!”
She began to scratch five fingers in the center of his tummy, getting endless amusement out of the yelp she heard, and the stream of laughter that followed. Moving her face up to his, she grinned, “Listen to how cute your little laugh is though! And your eyes crinkle up all sweet! You should definitely smile more, you know that?”
“Shshsh-” Diego giggled before falling into wordless laughter, too flustered to make any out. He turned his head away from Lila’s playful poke to his cheek.
“Everytime I do this,” she quickly poked all ten fingers into his tummy, observing Diego’s violent twitch and particularly squeaky noise, “you do that.” Demonstrating her observation, she did the same thing again, and again, and again.
And at this point, Diego was laughing even when she wasn't touching him. “Stopit!” he sputtered between desperate squeaks and squeals, “Leave me alohohone!”
Suddenly, she brought her hands back towards her, crossing her arms adamantly, a mischievous spark still in her eye, “Okay, no problem.”
Diego’s eyes shifted at the silence. God, how he wanted to be able to move so he could get his revenge. He tried once more, to no avail, to pull himself free from the belt that his wrists were restrained with.
“Having fun?” Her head tilted to the side as she grinned down at him, leaning to hum in his ear, “Or do you want me to tickle you some more?” A giggle escaped Diego’s mouth at the sensation near his neck. He was so giggly already; he nearly forgot how to stop.
But the way she smiled and laughed while she tickled him… that was enough for Diego; more than enough really. If he could take part in something that produced a smile that sweet? He’ll do it, regardless of how absolutely unbearable it was.
“Hey! Yoo-hoo! Earth to Diego!”
A trance he didn't even know he was in got cut short by Lila snapping her fingers in his face.
“Can I please tickle you more? I'm just so bored and you're just so adowable,” she put on a fake pout as she squeezed his cheek, smiling when he jerked his head away.
Diego avoided eye contact again. He couldn't help but smile though. Although his arms were totally immobile, and she could totally kill him right now, he felt safer than he had in a long time. “Fine. But be nice, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she replied in a sarcastically dismissive tone before moving her face down to his belly.
“Woahwoahwoahwoahwhatareyoudoing- HEY! ACK! FUCK! LILA!” Diego shrieked when he felt a raspberry, something he hadn't felt since he was a child.
Lila cackled, “I knew that would work on you.” She placed another one way too close to his navel, and another one, and another one, nearly flinching at how violently he arched his back. Adding a quickly pinching and prodding few fingers to the torture, Lila was having too much fun listening to his reactions.
“LILA, God! F-Fuckin’ -” he squeezed his eyes shut in attempt to gain at least a little bit of composure, “GYAH, not THAHAT!” he cried, beginning again to kick his free legs as much as he could, his back nearly flying off the bed.
“Cool it with the kicking, knife boy, or you're gonna kick me in the tits,” she teased, holding a leg down, certainly not expecting Diego to laugh even harder, and let out another ever-amusing squeak.
She grinned an open-mouthed grin at him and paused all movement, “No way, Elmo! Your thighs?”
An experimental squeeze made Diego’s entire body jump as he snorted loudly, “N-No, no, they're n- AAH! FUCK!” Suddenly both of Lila’s hands were pinching up and down his wildly flailing thighs, and his shrieks turned into frantic giggles. “Y-You-,” hic, hic, “You said you'd be nice!”
“No, I didn't,” Lila shook her head, still smiling so much that her cheeks began to hurt. “Besides, you think this is being not-nice? This is being not-nice.” She stuck a wiggling finger into his belly button, while another hand stayed squeezing at his thigh, and her face leaned back down to place raspberry after raspberry along the sides of his tummy.
Diego went berserk; screaming and thrashing around, legs kicking out at every angle, his face was beet red, and sweat began to mat his long, messy hair. He had no idea how to deal with all of his worst tickle spots being ruthlessly tickled. The screams were mixed with silent, hiccups laughter as he shook his head. “LILA! LILA, OKAY! OKAY ST- ” he went silent again, drumming his feet on the mattress, “STOPIT, I CAN’T, I CAHAHAN’T,” hic, “PLEASE, PLEASE, OKAY!” His rambly laughter, however amusing, was beginning to sound truly desperate; maybe she should stop.
“Will you admit you're adorable?” Her British accent called over him, not letting up at all, relishing in Diego's smile and the bright, oh-so-precious sound of his laughter.
He nodded without a sound; there was no way he could say it with how hard he was laughing, and Lila noticed this. She moved her designated belly button finger to scratch around below it, easing up only slightly.
“Ihihi’m! - Dammit,” he turned his blushing face away, tucking his face into his shoulder.
“Ahp, ahp! Look at me while you say it.” Lila grabbed his chin gently and turned it towards her as Diego scrunched his nose.
Looking up at her with squinty eyes, he gasped for breath, “I'm- GAH, I'm... fucking c-cute, okay? Shihit-” Falling back into silent laughter, he shook his head, rambling, “Enough! - That's enough, oh my God, Lila, I'm gonna die!”
“Okay, okay, calm down, cutie pie,” Lila laughed, stopping her brutal tickle attacks.
As soon as Diego’s arms were released, one flew down to cover his torso and the other shot towards Lila’s side, tickling her off of his lap.
He smiled at Lila’s high-pitched squeal, sitting up, “My turn, cutie pie.”
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