windermeresimblr · 5 months
The Bachelor Beaumaris, (7? 8? Day of the Fourth Elimination?).0
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The next morning, surprisingly without any (photographed)preamble from Gregory, the ladies played three rounds of dominoes each; Vivian was paired with Mathilde, and Marie-Claude with Amelie.
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Mathilde: It reminds me of musical notes, though my governess told me I wasn't supposed to turn them on their heads... Vivian: I think it looks like a tree. Do we get more points if it makes a nice shape?
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Amalie: I have got it made in the shade, as they say. Marie-Claude: As who says? I've never heard anyone say that!
Mathilde bested Vivian in their two-out-of-three match, and Amelie bested Marie-Claude. Everyone got one logic point, which was a nice little bonus.
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Then came some more socialization. I managed to actually lose all of the images after the dominoes party to the aether, through a mistake of Gadwin redirect settings. So I gave them some extra socialization to be sure I'd capped something. Don't you dare judge me, Gregory, I can summon a meteor on your little house and squash you like a bug!
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Gregory's conversation with Mathilde involved painting and film. You don't even have zoeotropes yet, Gregory!
I think for very important paintings, perhaps they might make a copy, and enlarge it so we might see it from a distance, and turn it around on scroll-posts like a treadmill, so everyone may see every detail without having to get into fights in someone's long gallery.
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Next, he spoke with Amalie about music and books.
Gregory: I have been asking Ursula to pick the next volume up when she goes to the lending-library, but she keeps saying they wouldn't lend it to her.
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His conversation with Marie-Claude concerned weights (???) and the weather.
Gregory: But at least it's no longer so rainy!
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Finally, he and Vivian conversed about houses (again, Gregory?) and fine dining.
Vivian: If I had a house of my own, I'd like a dumbwaiter. When I was little, one of my friends had one, and we had so much fun riding it up and down, until his cook caught us, and we both were scolded severely. I suppose I'm too big nowadays to ride in a dumbwaiter, but it was great fun!
The ladies ended up with the following whopping social scores.
Marie-Claude.....71.0125 (71.01)
Mathilde.....74.93748 (74.93)
Amalie.....75.87499 (76.00)
The next post will be up later tonight, when I figure out a decent "it's not you, it's me" from the speech bubbles. (I know it's not about their actual conversations, but it feels so abrupt to have them just up and leave.)
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deatherella · 1 year
Help, please.
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Does anyone else get this from the screenshots feature in s2rpc? At first, I thought it was because I already had gadwin using printscreen button so I changed the button to use for s2rpc screenshot taking, and I still get this. Takes the first screenshot you do and the rest are always black. Any helpful hints on getting this to work as it should? Thanks.
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haveyoueverplayed · 1 year
We Finished Grandia!
Jellybi Final Impressions: 
I give this game a resounding “...uhm.” I can see it having been a great time for a much younger version of myself, maybe like 12-16 or so – teen Jellybi was a big fan of Bishounen Villains Who Do Face Turns and would have greatly enjoyed Mullen’s arc regardless of the general lack of buildup or plot scaffolding around it. But the rest of the story, um... left a lot to be desired.
I felt like the end of the game kept harkening back to a lot of themes and elements that simply hadn’t been properly established, like the greed and folly of humans and their rift with the spirits that resulted from that. If that was set up anywhere, it never really registered or sank in for me, but they kept harping on it like it was a major throughline of the story. They had 40 hours of gameplay to set that stuff up! But outside of exposition dumps, it didn’t seem to really be there. Did we ever meet any spirits or learn a concrete thing that humans did wrong to prove themselves unworthy? If we did, I must have missed it, I guess.
The biggest issue I had with the game, though, was the Justin/Feena pairing, in which she is handed some sort of idiot stick that turns her into a fawning damsel, and the broader way in which building Justin up as a hero seemed to happen at the expense of the other characters. It didn’t feel like he ever actually grew or learned anything, but rather that everyone around him just started stanning him and acting like he was an amazing hero and the only one capable of taking any actions that mattered to the world. 
This was at its worst when Gadwin joined the party and seemed unaware that Feena or Sue existed and kept crediting the party’s victories to Justin exclusively and proclaiming Justin a “real man” every ten seconds, but seemed to carry through with Feena’s crush on Justin making her extremely um, deferential to him out of nowhere. Writing Sue out also felt abrupt and cynical, like they needed to ‘get her out of the way’ for this bad pairing to flourish. 
Overall this stuff left a bad taste in my mouth that made it hard to enjoy the rest of the game, though it remained aesthetically appealing and fun to play with the ever-present promise of unlocking new, more ridiculous magics around every corner. Also, Liete was a delight and the things I liked about her remained relatively untouched by any of the Weird Justin Hero Vortex nonsense. 
GRANDIA 1: Jellybi’s Final Ratings:
Art rating: 4/5: I continued to love the character art throughout the game, and it kept serving up really nice, quasi cinematic sprite animations during key moments. Great enemy designs too for the most part. I wasn’t quite as... impressed by the sprites for the final boss battle sequence as I was expecting, but I liked the candy-colored wires or veins or whatever the first form of Gaia had going on. 
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Battles rating: 4/5: Loved the battles. I think that if the game had had better music and sound design, these would have been some of my favorite RPG battles ever. (The voice acting around spellcasting and stuff was great, but the music was meh and the enemies often made annoying, repetitive noises). I think I did have a little bit of FOMO in the end that the spell discovery system was kind of opaque so it was hard to know if you had unlocked everything or how to get the ones you might have missed, though it’s possible some googling could have resolved this question, I was just too wary of spoilers to try. 
Mechanics rating: 2/5: Exploring, though, was not fun, and the game seemed padded out with tons of unnecessary dungeons that were essentially just transitional locations between cities and wherever you actually wanted to be going. The way the camera and “compass” worked did not really help with navigating the landscape, and there were a lot of navigation-based puzzles that were difficult because of poor game design rather than fun and enriching to resolve.
I think I ended up giving the controller to Tex probably like 75% of the time because I just didn’t want to be Lost in Monster Infested Environments for the amount of time the game wanted me to be. The 3D world seemed kind of half-finished, and interaction with basic objects like “ropes you need to climb” often felt like they just barely worked and required a lot of trial and error to figure out if the object was interactable or not. 
Story rating: 2/5: I really ... didn’t like the story in the end. I felt like I spent about 30 hours waiting for the story to begin, and then when it finally did, everyone acted like An Epic and Satisfying Plot had already happened and was time to wrap everything up in a tidy, unearned bow. It’s certainly possible for me to like a story LESS (Grandia 2 is a good example), but it felt like nothing really got set up properly despite ample time to do so, and the majority of the runtime was wasted on random puttering around the world doing what felt like sidequests. 
Why was there no followup on Sue having a mysterious monster pet? Why was Feena a Secret Icarian when, compared to Sue (the mysterious orphan with an unexplained monster pet), there was nothing particularly mysterious or odd about her past? What does it mean to be a Secret Icarian in this society, anyway? Why didn’t we find out what the Evil Army was trying to do until three seconds before Mullen found out it had been a lie and needed to change sides? Did Rapp accidentally kill his parents by polishing their limbs off while they were stone before everyone got un-petrified? Did we ever actually find out what happened to Justin's dad and why he had the spirit stone in the first place to give him? There were so many missed opportunities in the plot!
Vibes Rating: 4/5: Despite it all, this game gave me happy RPG feelings to play! Again, if I were younger, and either more into the story to hang on every scrap of exposition detail or more inclined to fill in the holes with my own imagination, I probably would have loved it a lot more.
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polyplumbob · 1 year
Ksana, Caleb, & Sirius having a very late night dinner...
I hadn't turned off Windows 7 Aero yet so I forgot print screens wouldn't work.... so I tried it anyways and got this in my "storytelling" folder:
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Its not perfect (I think it looks better on PC before the file gets compressed in google drive I suppose) but..... I took a screenshot using print screen and then didn't have to exit, go to paint, paste, and save the file before re-entering the game. The game made this screenshot WITHOUT THE GAME TABS all on its own. I wasn't in camera mode the game tabs wants/fears/needs were all still up so it took those out automatically, and saved the file all on its own. Without even minimizing the game.
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What kind of sell-my-soul-to-the-devil deal did I do to get this????
I'm still going to have to get Gadwin Print Screen because I want screen shots of game tabs too but what on earth. I also don't know if this does multiple in a row and saves them as separate files but it'd be odd if it didn't.
I also tried in game camera C button and have no clue where those files go.
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raizagabriel · 3 years
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-Gadwin Blackhammer- Commission of original character
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navigationalninja · 6 years
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Lazy concept sketches of some pirate girls.
Olivia the musketeer bird
Scarlet the pirate fox
Annette the dullest cat
Gadwin the shahman lizard (picture not available)
Olivia grew up in a large city covered by the great fleet. When she was younge she was brought into the fleet by her father. Her father trained her to fight pirates and rouge soldiers, capturing artifacts and relics, and securing gold on islands. She is now captain of her own armada. One of the finest hunters of the seven seas.
Scarlet the fox was a small runt on a prisoner ship when she was younge. She killed 3 people for some food in an alley way, people heard the commotion and called the guards to that location. When she was found she was covered in blood. She was quickly arrested and sent to the nearest prison. 3 days later she was loaded onto a prison ship, she thought it was the end... Scared and confused she was stuck in that ship for 5 weeks. Huge men. Criminals towering over this little girl... on her 6th week she devised a plan to take over the ship. Luckily she persuaded every prisoner to join her crew... she and her crew took over the ship and threw everyone else off the plank, being the new Capitan of a prison ship she sailed it to the nearest island to gear up for the pirates life. With over 456 confirmed kills under her (many... many) belts she searches for a worthy foe to try and bring her to justice.
Annette was born into a city of royalty and great power. Living the sweet life. She had an encounter when she was walking home from school one day, 2 men trying to mug someone in an alley way. She watched as the poor couple lost their belongings. She felt guilt, and began investing time into the fine arts academy of steel and blades. She was top in her class for the next 2 months. An expert in the rapier and throwing knives, she caught the same couple and muggers in the same alley. She interviened and destroyed the muggers. The couple was saved and the next day she was considered a hero in the city. Generals and high tier commanders offered her a position in the elite steel crowned armada. She was the youngest captain in the history of silver stone.
Not much is known about Gadwin other than she lives on a small remote island with her tribe and only leaves to plunder when she needs to. Her confirmed kills is unknown... though rumors have it she practices black magics to capture her victims and torture them for eternities to come, all to please her goddess, or use the magic to turn people into mindless minions of her wrongdoing...
(YeH thEy AlSo havE SupeR HUgE chEstS. LIke... MasSSive ChesTS!)
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ahruon · 7 years
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Grandia 1+2 pixelart
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skeletorsims · 4 years
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Yoshitoshi and Ursula and Kuniteru are moving to Dr. Fujiwara’s old clinic since Minoru isn’t using it anymore.  What a send off to summer <3
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majokotsuushin · 7 years
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365 day challenge (33/365)
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strangetomato · 6 years
I’m still working on launching my game. I’ve been busy with other things, but I think part of me is dragging my heels, too. (Mood still off, etc. etc.) My latest roadblock under the cut...
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First of all, I’m getting this error, which I’ve definitely seen before in previous re-installs of the game. I’ve followed Kiri's advice here, but it hasn’t worked for me. I’ll have to do some more googling when I’m feeling up to it. Bodyshop doesn’t launch either at this point.
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I also have this odd thing happening where after I installed everything, I had two EA Games folders, but one was empty, so I deleted it. Now every time I attempt to launch the game, the second, empty folder will generate again. 
I’m open to advice, of course. And some of you mentioned to-do lists for setting up the game. I haven’t come across any, so please do share if you know of any. I have a working list of what I’m doing myself, so maybe I’ll post that afterwards for reference.  
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haveyoueverplayed · 1 year
Jellybi: Further Grandia updates: Gadwin thoroughly wore out his welcome by constantly going "You're a man now Justin!! A fully grown man!!! Congratulations on finishing that boss fight the whole party did together all by yourself, Justin, that's exactly what a REAL MAN would do! I hear faint high pitched noises sometimes as if some other people are nearby trying to talk to me but it doesn't seem like it could possibly be anything important since it's just you and me traveling together, Justin, on a journey to promote your manhood. Fortunately, he left the party forever (I hope)??!! Hooray!! UNFORTUNATELY SO DID SUE. Aaaah Grandia, how could you....
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gogoakechi · 6 years
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thank you im about to cry in public
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12 Maxis Match recolors of Linacherie’s 4to2 hamper. All are shown in the last pic - sorry about the wonky pic up there. My computer restarted at some point today and the Gadwin settings got changed?? I didn’t know that until I’d exited the game without saving. Ugh. Anyway! Mesh is included and you can....
DOWNLOAD (SFS) if you’d like these!
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zeussims · 2 years
How to add correct drop shadows to objects - Part 1
Lack of shadows on objects are a bit of a personal pet peeve, and I often add them to objects that don't have them (or have faulty ones) for my own usage. They add just that little extra bit of realism. I thought it might be useful for others to have a little guide for them, because the object creation tutorials I've seen don't go into a lot of detail.
This is a pretty basic tutorial, but I'm going to assume you have basic knowledge of Photoshop, Gimp or Paint Shop Pro, have poked through the innards of an object .package before (so you know what a GMDC is), and rummaged around a bit in Milkshape so you know the basic controls. What you need is, of course, an object in need of a shadow. If you never messed with Sims meshes before, you will need to put the Unimesh plugins" in your Milkshape folder to be able to import and export GMDCs. So let's begin!
For this tutorial, I'm going to give this mirror from the long-dead site Habitat43 a wall shadow. (You can get it here - it's called B43_ornamental_wallmirror.package.) This is what it looks like:
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It's pretty and all, but I think it lacks a bit of depth. The creator of this object deleted the shadow plane from the mesh, but all the resources (the references in the SHPE file, the texture, et cetera) are still there in the .package file. Fixing this is almost the same as fixing the shadow for your own new object, which is why I chose this as an example.
1. First of all, open the object in SimPE and extract the mesh (the GMDC file - in this case the object is a mirror and thus has two meshes. Skip the 'boundingbox' one). Also export the texture file - this object has two: The shadow itself, which is a small black and white image, and the texture for the mirror itself. You can ignore the shadow for now.
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2. Import the mesh you just extracted into Milkshape. I have three windows in Milkshape: Two on the left and one main window. Go to Window > Viewports > 3 Windows (2 left, 1 right) to get this view as well. I've set the top-left projection to 'right' and the bottom-left projection to 'front'. The creator of this object didn't add a plane for the shadow, so we're going to add it ourselves. Go to Model > Plane and set the HDivs and VDivs to '1'.
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Go to the bottom-left window and draw the plane around the mirror frame. Then, select 'Move' in the 'Model' tab and drag the plane in the top-left window to just behind the frame. You'll end up with this:
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3. Now, I looked into the SHPE file in the package, and noticed that the correct file for this shadow should be 'southwallshadow'. Go to the 'Groups' tab and rename 'Plane01' to 'southwallshadow'. Open the Comment and paste this into it:
ModelName: southwallshadow Opacity: -1
It's important that the ModelName/Group name is the same as the name in the SHPE file, or else it won't show up.
4. Now to create the shadow image. Hide all groups except the one named 'frame'. Go to the bottom-left window and [i]deselect[/i] 'Show Axis' and 'Show Grid', and set the view to 'Flat Shaded'. It will look like this:
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Make a screenshot of your screen using the Printscreen button/Fraps/Gadwin whichever and paste it into your image editing program (I use Photoshop). Don't close Milkshape just yet!
5. Crop the image to the frame shape. Now, what we want is make the background black and the shape white, as the white part is what will show up as the shadow. Set the image colours to 'Negative' (Adjustments > Negative), making the black frame part white. Then, go to Adjustments > Replace Color and select the grey background with the pipet. Put the 'Lightness' to -100:
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Next, go to Blur and use Gaussian Blur on it. I used a strength of 4. The original size of the shadow image was 64x64, but I want to make it 128x128 because of the frame detail. Simply create a new image of 128 by 128 pixels, then copy the image you just made, and paste it in there as a new layer. Go to Transformation > Scale and resize it so it fits.
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This would be a pitch black hole of a shadow, so fill the background with black and lower the opacity of the frame layer to 50% or 60%. I thought the shadow was still a bit sharp, so I used Gaussian Blur again (with a strength of 1.7 this time). Save this as a .png.
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6. Back to Milkshape! Go the the Materials tab and add two new textures (just click 'New'). Select the frame texture you extracted earlier for the first, and the shadow for the second. Unhide the shadow layer you hid earlier. Select the 'frame' group and assign the frame texture, then do the same to the shadow texture and the shadow plane. It should look like this:
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Continue here
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stardustdaemon · 3 years
Justin calls time with Gadwin "Quality Dadwin Time" and you can't change my mind
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mystic-hysteria · 4 years
Sims Flashback Challenge
Challenge created by @lovelysimies
Rules: There isn’t any rules, just snap a photo of two sims, one recent and one of the oldest you can find and post it! Tag it #simsflashbackchallenge and @lovelysimies so I can see your progress!
Tagged by: @fwaldorf (thank you so much king ❤️❤️) 
Old Pictures:
I had to dig up my old ass saves to get these pics, and to make it more exciting we’ll start from the newest old, to the oldest old pictures I have 😊😟
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This picture was taken around 2019 I think. It was a household where I ressurcted Rainelle and she ended up having 4 kids and married Orion Tricou, This family... it will show up again since I liked playing this save so much and remade it a hundred time ;-;
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Oookay we’re getting a bit older here, this was taken in March of 2018... If I could redo it, I would use different poses I think. These guys were my Bloom legacy and things got very quickly got out of hand. THEY JUST KEPT HAVING TWINS, 3 sets of twins to be exact rip.
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AHHHHHHHH THIS HURTSS. This was taken in 2016 when I didn’t use Gadwin (howw??) and just... I don’t want to explain it but I owe it to the people who had to see it. I was trying to be one of the cool kids and write a story - which was VERY edgy btw - revolving around the character on the floor, Abbigail. Thanks 13 year old me, mom should’ve confiscated the sims from you to save my current self the embarrassment ;-;
New Pictures:
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Okay we’re getting to the pics I actually like and can tolerate my eyes looking at. These were taken in April of 2020 when I was play PleasantSims’ Fairplay. Surprisingly enough I was productive and actually posting stuff aside from cc ahaha. I’d say the biggest change is that I stopped relying so heavily on poseboxes. I like the in-game animations and I try to use them in pics as much as possible.
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I told you we were going to see the Rainelle’s descendants again! This was taken in July of 2020. To sum it up, this was a reboot of the OG Rainelle save part 12 I think. It-It’s a problem I know. I’m actually really happy with this save though! Also little fun fact, all of my models in my downloads are sims from my game, and almost all of the sims on HTS are people from Rainelle’s family :)
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And finally 2021! I haven’t taken actual photoshoots of any of my sims yet, I’m thinking of doing one for my BaCC at the end of the round though. Ignoring the sims in the back, I really love this picture :D I love the ST teens, and I think this picture is just so cute ;-; Out of context I’d say it looks like something Jenny would take if she invited Ophelia and Ripp on a holiday with the Smiths XD
Oh boy this post became super long 😅 Tagging: @hyegracielog​ @deedee-sims @silverspringsimmer @twofee @kooli-sims @vidcunds @vixsims @socialbunny @falkii @sinjin-balani @fwaldorf @isabella-goth @cindysimblr @simgaroop @simpuke @withlovefromsimtown @frauhupfner @yandereplumsim @jennysmiths @mdpthatsme @strangetomato @midgethetree​ @elfpuddle​
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