#gabriele santini
nsfwhiphop · 19 days
Incoming Text for Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion):
Dear Gabrielle,
I know you well, and I’m certain you’d be disappointed if I didn’t help you achieve the power you deserve. So, I want you to relax and take things easy. You’re still on my list of women whom I plan to help rise to power in one form or another in the future. I’ve always had a deep respect for you, Gabrielle, and I know you're a righteous woman who seeks justice for the wrongs done to you in the past. I’m here to help you achieve that, and I will stand by your side when the time comes for your sweet revenge.
Here’s a short version of the dialogue:
Angelo: "Who did you wrong, Gabrielle?"
Gabrielle: "That mean person I used to work with. They made my life difficult, and I want revenge."
Angelo: "But isn’t it wiser to forgive and forget?"
Gabrielle: "No, I don’t think so. When I become a female ruler, and call him I will."
Angelo: "Are you sure about that?"
Gabrielle: "And call him I will—to stunt on my past bully."
Your moment will arrive in 2035. Yes, that’s 11 years from now, and by then, you’ll be 62 years old, but I promise my respect for you will never waver. You’re fortunate to have earned my admiration, because if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t be offering you this future opportunity. You have proven yourself worthy, and that’s why I’ve chosen you.
In the meantime, I ask that you be patient and trust that your time to rule will come. Many women have sought what you now have in your future, and I’ve turned down countless others in favor of you. I believe in your strength and your purpose.
Also, I want to introduce you to someone important—my Princess Consort, Christina Santini (@santinihoudini). I’d encourage you to support her fully and join her circle of trusted women. I’m sure you two will get along wonderfully and have a lot of fun together as friends.
This conversation has been enjoyable, and I look forward to seeing how the future unfolds for you. Until then, take care, and we’ll reconnect when the time is right in 2035.
Warm regards, Angelo
Synopsis of the letter:
In this letter addressed to Gabrielle Union, the writer assures her that she will have an opportunity to rise to power in the future, specifically in 2035, when she will be 62 years old. The writer acknowledges Gabrielle’s desire for justice and revenge for past wrongs and promises to help her achieve her goals at the right time. While asking her to be patient, the writer emphasizes the respect he has for her and explains that many women were passed over for this opportunity, but she was chosen because of her worthiness. He also introduces Christina Santini, his Princess Consort, suggesting that Gabrielle support her and join her circle of friends. The letter ends with a lighthearted tone, asking Gabrielle to wait until 2035 for her turn to rule.
Here’s a funny video about Barney Stinson’s revenge on a bully: Barney says: “And call him I will—to stunt on my past bully.” 😂😂😂
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acapulcopress · 6 months
Familia de Sheinbaum involucrada en paraísos fiscales de Panama Pampers
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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO * Abril 10, 2024. ) Apro Aunque Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo lo negó durante el debate presidencial del pasado 8 de abril, su abuela, su madre y dos tías sí crearon una sociedad de papel en el paraíso fiscal de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas: lo hicieron el 1 de marzo de 1990, a través de la firma Citco, especializada en administrar las fortunas de sus clientes. Algunos de los documentos relativos a esta compañía, incluyendo su acta constitutiva, aparecen entre los millones de correos y archivos internos del despacho panameño Mossack Fonseca, que fueron revelados por la investigación internacional Panama Papers, coordinada por el Consorcio Internacional de Periodistas de Investigación (ICIJ). De acuerdo con el acta constitutiva de la compañía, su accionista principal en su fundación era Mati Cemo de Pardo, la abuela de Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, quien tenía 25 mil acciones. Las 25 mil restantes se repartieron entre sus tres hijas: Annie Pardo, la madre de la candidata presidencial, recibió 8 mil 500 acciones; su hermana Esther obtuvo 8 mil 500, y Sally Jacqueline tuvo 8 mil acciones. La entidad fue registrada en la sede de Citco en Tortola, la capital de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas, y su primer consejo de administración estuvo presidido por Annie Pardo, con Sally de vicepresidenta y Esther de secretaria. En los archivos de Mossack Fonseca no aparecen las funciones que desempeñó esta compañía para la familia de Sheinbaum, pero queda constancia que siguió activa por lo menos hasta 2006, fecha en la que las cuatro mujeres seguían en su consejo directivo. Los documentos desmienten a Sheinbaum, a quien la candidata opositora Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz atacó durante el debate presidencial evocando tres compañías offshore de su familia que habían salido en los Panama Papers. La candidata de Morena reviró entonces que “todo lo que dice” Gálvez era “absolutamente falso”, y preguntó: “¿Cómo creerle a una mentirosa?”. Las otras compañías offshore a la que se refirió Gálvez también existen, aunque fueron creadas por dos tías de Sheinbaum, no por su madre ni su abuela: la compañía Vanmiste Ltd. fue constituida por Esther Pardo el 8 de diciembre de 2008, quien colocó de directores a sus hijos Miguel, Vanessa y Stephanie Gurwitz Pardo –los primos de Sheinbaum–, con direcciones en Huixquilucan, en el Estado de México. La tercera era Jagoga Ltd, creada en 2008 por Sally Jacqueline Pardo, quien colocó a sus hijos José David y Gabriel Davidov Pardo como directores, y seguía activa en 2016, según consta en correos electrónicos que la tía de Sheinbaum envió a Olga Santini, la representante de Mossack Fonseca en Miami, quien a la par administraba la compañía Vanmiste Ltd.
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) facebook.com/acapress.mx ) facebook.com/angelblanco.press  ) facebook.com/groups/mexicosur.news ) facebook.com/groups/AcapulcoNoticias ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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k00296157 · 8 months
Artist Research - Bruno Metra and Laurence Jeanson
I was researching artists that have used body dysmorphia as a focal point in their art work and found an exhibition in London’s Zebra One Gallery where 10 different artists were selected which explored themes relating to body dysmorphia .
Bruno Metra and Laurence Jeanson (collectively known as metra-johnson) cut out heavily stylised facial features from adverts and taped them over models’ faces.
The gallery owner , Gabrielle Du Plooy, came up with the idea for the exhibition earlier this year and began approaching artists whose work she felt filled with the theme of the show.
Bruno Metra
Metra applies cut outs from magazines into portraits of models , appropriating them . Each model takes the place of another , transforming and becoming a work of art that makes us reflect on our own identity and how easily it can be manipulated.
I found Metra’s work really striking because of its disturbing nature. I thought it really conveyed the core elements of body dysmorphia, the constant dissatisfaction with one’s appearance and the confusion that comes with having a distorted and ever changing self image.
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i recreated my own portraits as primary resources . On monday i stabled some acetate together and suspended it from the ceiling and i added some of my primary source photos to it . I want to recreate some of these again in the photography studio with a more clear background .
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In Conclusion...
To conclude this blog on home birth, it is important to note, how vulnerable of a moment pregnancy, labor and birth are. In today’s society with our current healthcare system, the hospital is obviously an unsafe place for women. Since the beginning of time women have given birth at their place of comfort, that is until modern medicine became a huge advancement. Not only should birth be free, it should be a comfortable experience.
Statistics prove that giving birth at home is the safest way to have children. With less intervention, drugs, and unfamiliar people, birth can be an overall pleasant experience. Home birth allows women to be in control and be comfortable. Cost effectiveness is important, instead of giving a hospital our hard earned money, let’s save that and invest it into the babies.
Santini, Julia. 2021. “Project Title: Home Birthing: Analyzing the Value of Home Births to American Mothers”
Anderson, David A. and Gabrielle M. Gilkison. 2021. “The Cost of Home Birth in the United States.” MDPI.
Anon. n.d. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.(https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr71/nvsr71-08.pdf). 
Aragão, Carolina. 2022. “Home Births Rose 19% in 2020 as Pandemic Hit the U.S.” Pew Research Center. (https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/07/28/home-births-rose-19-in-2020-as-pandemic-hit-the-u-s/). 
Janssen, Patricia A. et al. 2009. “Outcomes of Planned Home Birth with Registered Midwife versus Planned Hospital Birth with Midwife or Physician.” CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal de l’Association Medicale Canadienne. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2742137/). 
Anon. 2022. “Home Births in the U.S. Increase to Highest Level in 30 Years.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2022/20221117.htm). 
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Lo spettacolo di Pace di "Pesaro nel cuore" accende il Natale da Capitale della città.
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Lo spettacolo di Pace di "Pesaro nel cuore" accende il Natale da Capitale della città. Collegati dagli Stati Uniti il sindaco Matteo Ricci e il vicesindaco e assessore alla Bellezza Daniele Vimini, volati a New York per presentare il programma del Rossini Opera Festival 2024, e promuovere attraverso la musica Pesaro2024: «Sarà un anno unico – hanno detto nel loro messaggio video - vogliamo viverlo alla grande e far parlare del nostro territorio in Italia e nel Mondo». Un tour che li porterà tra qualche giorno anche a Berlino, «Dobbiamo mettere in gioco tutte le nostre bellezze, e la nostra gente. Voi, che in questo momento riempite piazza del Popolo a Pesaro». Gli eventi di New York e Berlino, ospitati dal Console generale d’Italia a New York Fabrizio Di Michele e dall’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Berlino Armando Varricchio, saranno seguiti da un concerto tenuto da Chiara Tirotta, Pietro Adaíni e Giuseppe Toia, talenti formati nell’Accademia Rossiniana “Alberto Zedda” del Rossini Opera Festival. In programma brani della Cenerentola, nell’ambito del progetto speciale Cenerentola #25, finanziato dal Ministero della Cultura. «Da diversi anni il Natale è diventato per la nostra città un momento importante dal punto di vista turistico e commerciale, godetevelo fino in fondo». L’augurio a tutte le famiglie, «è quello di vivere le feste con grande serenità e gioia. Anche se il pensiero costante andrà a ciò che sta succedendo nel mondo perché siamo circondati dalle guerre, per questo il Natale avrà come messaggio universale quello della Pace». Ad accogliere pesaresi e turisti temporanei la giunta, con l’assessora all’Innovazione a Partecipazione Francesca Frenquellucci che ha rivolto lo sguardo all’albero della piazza: «La cui base riprende il logo di Pesaro 2024 Capitale italiana della cultura, un grande cuore dove ognuno di noi può entrare per fare parte di una comunità che mira all'inclusione e alla partecipazione. Abbiamo allestito la città per questo Natale per regalare un’atmosfera di serenità insieme alle tante associazioni e alle attività del territorio. Un modo per ringraziare i pesaresi che nonostante le mille difficoltà di questi anni hanno dimostrato un grande senso di unità e identità. Pesaro è un grande cuore, e tutti noi ne facciamo parte». Le 60 piccoli e grandi voci del Coro del Grillo d’Oro, guidate dal maestro Gabriele Foschi, hanno accompagnato i presenti nello spettacolo promosso da Pesaro 2024 – Capitale italiana della Cultura, tra colombe, coriandoli bianchi e le migliaia di lucine a far scintillare l’albero più illuminato d’Italia (un abete alto 15 metri, donato dall’azienda Costruzioni Edili Marinoni) ma a basso consumo grazie alle 100mila luci a led. Poi la bandiera della Pace, una coperta da 300mq che ha rivestito il palco “a cupola” da 250mq e le melodie che hanno continuato a risuonare nella città creativa della Musica UNESCO. Uno spettacolo intenso, guidato dal coordinatore eventi del Comune di Pesaro Massimiliano Santini, «Ogni anno è sempre bellissimo vedere la piazza così gremita. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno collaborato alla riuscita della cerimonia, tra cui Aspes, il gruppo comunale della Protezione civile di Pesar, sempre presente per garantire la sicurezza insieme alla Questura, l'azienda Stile Ricamo per la sorpresa a tema Pace». Poi l’invito di Santini al pubblico: «Non pensiamo solo alle luci e ai coriandoli di questo spettacolo, portiamoci a casa le emozioni trasportate dalla musica e dalle parole che abbiamo cercato di valorizzare con questa cerimonia». QUI le iniziative del Natale da Capitale di “Pesaro nel Cuore” in programma fino all’8 gennaio.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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atletasudando · 1 year
Dos lanzadores que brillaron en el Estadual u18 de Sao Paulo
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Fuente: Fed. Paulista La “maquinaria” paulista ya entró en acción en la categoría u18. Fue este fin de semana con el Campeonato Estadual de dicha categoría, en Sao Paulo, que tuvo dos valores notables en el sector de lanzamientos: Alberto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho y Samanta Santos da Silva Lopes. Alberto –quien viene de lograr la medalla de oro del lanzamiento de bala en el Sudamericano u20 de Bogotá- ahora alcanzó 19.39 metros con el implemento de 5 kg. y también ganó en disco con 56.12. Alessandro Borges Amaro también se lució como escolta con 18.80 y 48.33 respectivamente. En damas, Samanta ganó ambas pruebas con 15.17 en bala y 47.00 en disco. Entre los velocistas los mejores fueron Joao Victor Santini (ganador de los 100 metros con 10.93), Leonardo Rodrigues Abarbo (su escolta con 10.95 y vencedor en 200 con 2.00) y Gabriel de Paula Sena (49.37 en 400), mientras que Graziella Camilly V. Sena se impuso en el hectómetro femenino con 12.09w. Otros buenos valores en pista fueron el mediofondista Vinicius Moraes Costa al ganar en 800 (1:53.79) y 1.500 y Victor Elias Lino Chaves, que se llevó las pruebas de vallas con 13.85 sobre 110 metros y 52.95 en 400. También hubo marcas importantes en los 100 metros vallas para damas, ganados por Pietra Campbell Simoes con 13.67, tras marcar una centésima menos en las eliminatorias. Y en salto con garrocha, Luiza Camargos Batista se llevó el título al pasar los 3.51 m. Por equipos, el triunfo correspondió al equipo de Adeco (FOTO).   Read the full article
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johnnyconner · 2 years
Best Italian Lip Dub ISIS Enrico Fermi Bibbiena Italy Italia - Blondie Maria from ISIS Fermi on Vimeo.
Il miglior LipDub Italiano !!! facebook.com/LipDubBibbiena
Produced by Walter Pierotti Directed by Michela Franceschi & Stefano Del Furia
Filming & Videomaking: Davide Vasta dvlab.it
Filmed with Nikon D3S Photos by Bertelli Matteo
Starring (in alphabetical order) Acciai Simone - Guitarist Alexandru Georgiana - Singer Banchetti Matteo - Guitarist Bandelloni Filippo - Singer Bargellini Luca - Singer Bellini Andrea - Singer Bibtia Khalil - Singer Bussi Mattia - Guitarist Calori Giada - Singer Conti Andrea - Singer D'Amico Giovanni - Drummer David Ovidiu Emanuel - Singer Elmeruani Sukaina - Singer Ferrini Federica - Singer Fiorentini Claudio - Singer Gabrilovich Benjamin - Singer Gambineri Francesco - Singer Goretti Francesco - Singer Gori Giulio - Singer Gori Simone - Guitarist Greavu Fabian - Singer Maggio Daniele - Singer Mannelli Leonardo - Drummer Marotta Rosa - Singer Marri Beatrice - Singer Martini Davide - Singer Masetti Sara - Singer Medon Mustafaj - Singer Meini Sara - Singer Nassini Beatrice - Singer Norcini Michele - Singer Raggioli Francesco - "Sweeper" Sandroni Laura - Singer Santini Sara - Singer Squillantini Alessandro - Singer Tacconi Lorenzo - Singer Vezzosi Mirko - Singer Ziberi Ramadan - Singer
Co-Starring (in alphabetical order) Agostini Maria - Groupie Bonucci Silvia - Computer's Technician Bresciani Gabriele - Bodyguard Corsi Gianni - Fugitive David Roxana - Computer's Technician Fani Federico - Soldier Fiorini Valentina - Computer's Technician Gaietti Andrea - Soldier Martini Ilaria - Groupie Pierazzoli Lorenzo - Soldier
Teachers (in alphabetical order) Balducci Angiolo - Dancer Berti Adriana - Boss's gal Camaiani Giampiero - Card's player Fratini Rodolfo - Blind Giovani Marino - Accordionist Piccolo Francesco - Boss's bodyguard Trentini Maurizio - Biker Students 1A, 1B, 1C, 1Geo, 1Ipsia 2A, 2Geo, 2Az 3Geo, 3Inf, 3Mec, 3Tur 4Ele, 4Geo, 4Inf, 4Mec 5Ele, 5Inf, 5Ipsia, 5Mec Go-Kart Driver Nocentini Manuel
Special thanks to Giuliani Daniele Technical assistants Castelli Vasco Larghi Alberto Light & Sound TuttoMusica Service Giannini Tony Prints Baldelli Federico We thanks all ISIS "Enrico Fermi" high school's staff for their help © ISIS Enrico Fermi 2011 Bibbiena - Poppi - Italy
Songs (All copyrights belong to the artists) Blondie (1999) - "Maria" Beyond Records Ludacris (2004) - "Get Back" DTP, Def Jam The Smiths (1992) - "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" WEA ---------------------------- Best Italian LipDub Ever !!! Il miglior Lip Dub realizzato in Italia !!! Istituto Secondario di Istruzione Superiore "Enrico Fermi" P. Matteotti 1 - 52011 . Bibbiena (AR) isisfermi.it/lipdub
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sounds-right · 2 years
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Dal 27 gennaio 2027 è disponibile in rotazione radiofonica e su tutte le piattaforme di streaming digitale "Hotline Bling", il nuovo singolo dei Vocal Blue Trains.
"Hotline Bling" è la cover dei Vocal Blue Trains del  celebre brano di Drake.
Bastano pochi secondi per capire subito che ci troviamo di fronte ad un esperimento non poco coraggioso: abituati alle sonorità marcatamente hip hop della versione originale in questo caso veniamo immediatamente trasportati in un rarefatto ambiente dalle tonalità new soul. La voce della cantante solista introduce il tema della canzone catturando l'ascoltatore con un timbro e una sensibilità che nulla hanno da invidiare alle grandi interpreti d'oltreoceano, ed il coro accarezza la melodia con dei tappeti vocali suggestivi e dai tratti gospel, il tutto incalzato da un arrangiamento strumentale elettronico che dona a questa over un senso di completa e contemporaneità assolutamente inedito, sopratutto se immaginato in un contesto di musica corale.
Aggiunge Alessandro, direttore dei Vocal Blue Trains, sul nuovo brano: "Abbiamo scelto un videoclip semplice e minimale, dalle tonalità underground ma al contempo ordinato e geometrico nei suoi contrasti. Il nostro obiettivo era quello di riuscire a rendere sia sonoramente che visivamente il nostro stile musicale, ossia quello di un progetto che cerca di fondere l'identità gruppo vocale con quella della band indie con un sound che potremmo definire un "gospel elettronico contemporaneo".
Guarda il videoclip su YouTube: https://youtu.be/VpUFA-0njIc 
I Vocal Blue Trains sono:
SOPRANO 1: Lucilla Fossi, Egle Ihle, Francesca Pieraccini, Giada Secchi
SOPRANO 2: Camilla Barbugli, Silvia Benincasa Kraus, Giulia Papalia, Chiara Santini, Diletta Zipoli
ALTO: Lucia Agostino, Carlotta Cocchi, Bianca De Astis, Alice Pinna, Lucia Sargenti
CONTRALTO: Benedetta Capecchi, Sofia Gori, Nadia Koski, Carmen Piritore, Giovanna Russo
TENOR 1: Marco Biagioli, Andrea Innocenti, Gianni Sarchi, Sandro Toncelli
TENOR 2: Matteo Benci, Gianluca Gabriele, Lorenzo Pacini, Archimede Pii, Alessandro Zanini
BARITONE: Lorenzo Braus, Pietro Cuppoloni, Daniele Melaccio
I Vocal Blue Trains sono un gruppo vocale polifonico di 30 cantanti e musicisti, fondato e diretto da Alessandro Gerini, cantante, vocal coach e arrangiatore Italo-Polacco. Una realtà poliedrica che sposa l'impronta corale del gospel e della polifonia tradizionale con le moderne sonorità della musica elettronica e dell'ambient house.
In cinque anni hanno attirato l'attenzione a livello nazionale e internazionale grazie a importanti collaborazioni con artisti italiani e internazionali come Ultimo, Paul Phoenix componente del gruppo a cappella vincitore dei Grammy King's Singers, l'attore e presentatore Gigi Proietti, il cantante soul americano Sergio Sylvestre, ed  il gruppo Modà.
Il progetto conta oltre 100 concerti in Italia, Europa e Asia, e vanta prestigiose partecipazioni ad alcuni tra i più importanti festival internazionale come il Wien International Festival for Choirs and Orchestras (Austria), il Jeju International  Choir & Symposium (Corea del Sud), il Concerto di Gala al Pantheon (Roma, Italia), il Pistoia Blues Festival (Italia) e il Moscow Sounds Festival (Mosca, Russia), dove sono stati il primo coro straniero a vincere il premio "Best Overall Performance".
Dopo poche settimane dall'uscita di "Cry me a river", "Hallelujah" è il nuovo singolo dei Vocal Blue Train in radio e in digital e dal 23 dicembre 2022.
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tarditardi · 2 years
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Dal 27 gennaio 2027 è disponibile in rotazione radiofonica e su tutte le piattaforme di streaming digitale "Hotline Bling", il nuovo singolo dei Vocal Blue Trains.
"Hotline Bling" è la cover dei Vocal Blue Trains del  celebre brano di Drake.
Bastano pochi secondi per capire subito che ci troviamo di fronte ad un esperimento non poco coraggioso: abituati alle sonorità marcatamente hip hop della versione originale in questo caso veniamo immediatamente trasportati in un rarefatto ambiente dalle tonalità new soul. La voce della cantante solista introduce il tema della canzone catturando l'ascoltatore con un timbro e una sensibilità che nulla hanno da invidiare alle grandi interpreti d'oltreoceano, ed il coro accarezza la melodia con dei tappeti vocali suggestivi e dai tratti gospel, il tutto incalzato da un arrangiamento strumentale elettronico che dona a questa over un senso di completa e contemporaneità assolutamente inedito, sopratutto se immaginato in un contesto di musica corale.
Aggiunge Alessandro, direttore dei Vocal Blue Trains, sul nuovo brano: "Abbiamo scelto un videoclip semplice e minimale, dalle tonalità underground ma al contempo ordinato e geometrico nei suoi contrasti. Il nostro obiettivo era quello di riuscire a rendere sia sonoramente che visivamente il nostro stile musicale, ossia quello di un progetto che cerca di fondere l'identità gruppo vocale con quella della band indie con un sound che potremmo definire un "gospel elettronico contemporaneo".
Guarda il videoclip su YouTube: https://youtu.be/VpUFA-0njIc 
I Vocal Blue Trains sono:
SOPRANO 1: Lucilla Fossi, Egle Ihle, Francesca Pieraccini, Giada Secchi
SOPRANO 2: Camilla Barbugli, Silvia Benincasa Kraus, Giulia Papalia, Chiara Santini, Diletta Zipoli
ALTO: Lucia Agostino, Carlotta Cocchi, Bianca De Astis, Alice Pinna, Lucia Sargenti
CONTRALTO: Benedetta Capecchi, Sofia Gori, Nadia Koski, Carmen Piritore, Giovanna Russo
TENOR 1: Marco Biagioli, Andrea Innocenti, Gianni Sarchi, Sandro Toncelli
TENOR 2: Matteo Benci, Gianluca Gabriele, Lorenzo Pacini, Archimede Pii, Alessandro Zanini
BARITONE: Lorenzo Braus, Pietro Cuppoloni, Daniele Melaccio
I Vocal Blue Trains sono un gruppo vocale polifonico di 30 cantanti e musicisti, fondato e diretto da Alessandro Gerini, cantante, vocal coach e arrangiatore Italo-Polacco. Una realtà poliedrica che sposa l'impronta corale del gospel e della polifonia tradizionale con le moderne sonorità della musica elettronica e dell'ambient house.
In cinque anni hanno attirato l'attenzione a livello nazionale e internazionale grazie a importanti collaborazioni con artisti italiani e internazionali come Ultimo, Paul Phoenix componente del gruppo a cappella vincitore dei Grammy King's Singers, l'attore e presentatore Gigi Proietti, il cantante soul americano Sergio Sylvestre, ed  il gruppo Modà.
Il progetto conta oltre 100 concerti in Italia, Europa e Asia, e vanta prestigiose partecipazioni ad alcuni tra i più importanti festival internazionale come il Wien International Festival for Choirs and Orchestras (Austria), il Jeju International  Choir & Symposium (Corea del Sud), il Concerto di Gala al Pantheon (Roma, Italia), il Pistoia Blues Festival (Italia) e il Moscow Sounds Festival (Mosca, Russia), dove sono stati il primo coro straniero a vincere il premio "Best Overall Performance".
Dopo poche settimane dall'uscita di "Cry me a river", "Hallelujah" è il nuovo singolo dei Vocal Blue Train in radio e in digital e dal 23 dicembre 2022.
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nsfwhiphop · 2 months
Incoming Text for Marion Cotillard (IG@marioncotillard) and Guillaume Canet (@guillaumecanetofficiel):
Subject Title: "My Screenplays and Books are Like Oil Fields with 10 Billion Barrels of Oil. Remember, When They Rob Me, They Rob You Too."
Hey Marion and Guillaume,
I want to remind you of something very important.
First of all, I am very talented; think of me as an oil well of creativity. In this metaphor, my creativity is like oil, and if it were real, I would have the wealth equivalent to 10 billion barrels.
Do you understand the metaphor? They wish to steal this oil wealth, but they can't touch me. If they try, they'll get arrested.
In this world, you can steal many things, but you can't steal intangible wealth because it is invisible. My intellectual property is intangible wealth.
Anyone who thinks they will get away with theft will be caught. They can't steal what they can't see, do you understand?
You have no idea, my friends, I hold them all by the balls. If they try to steal from me, I cut off the oil supply. I control the oil.
Let me give you an example:
Can you steal air? No, you can't because it's invisible.
Can you steal Wi-Fi? No, you can't because it's invisible.
My intellectual property is like air or Wi-Fi. You can't steal it because you can't see it.
This is why it's important that you understand this. You have to tell all these people who are trying to steal my wealth that they better get guns because I have way more guns than them.
My lawyers will show no mercy to them. They will end up in jail and face never-ending court battles for decades. They can't steal my wealth.
Can you imagine Stephen King letting anyone steal his creative legacy? Can you imagine J.K. Rowling allowing anyone to steal her creative legacy?
That's what we are dealing with. You better keep your eyes and ears open because if you let your guard down, you will lose your wealth and be hungry while they eat all your food. Do you catch my drift?
(@laetitiacasta) - Laetitia Casta will work with the Mexican lawyers of Salma Hayek.
(@santinihoudini) - Christina Santini will work with the Mexican lawyers of Salma Hayek.
I am canceling my deals with Rihanna and Gabrielle Union. They can't handle this type of creativity, and they will get bullied by the evil regime.
(@gabunion) - Tell Gabrielle Union I'm sorry, but I want to see her alive. They might kill her. She is a good woman and will be better off without this film company.
(@rihanna) - Tell Rihanna I'm sorry, but I want to see her alive. They might kill her. She is a good woman and will be better off without this film company.
These two women are in danger, and I don't want to be the reason they die, so I decided to cancel my deals with them.
Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet, you are in charge now. Make sure you meet the lawyers of Salma Hayek in Mexico.
Also, don't forget that I play a very tricky card game on this page. You know what I mean? I shuffle the cards and distribute them, and at the last moment, I show them my cards. They lost the card game again.
It sounds like the Angelo-the-writer is describing a card game with a trick or deceptive element. Here’s a breakdown of what they might mean:
Shuffling and Distributing Cards: The game involves shuffling the cards and dealing them out to the players. This is a common practice in many card games.
Showing Cards at the Last Moment: After dealing the cards, the writer reveals their own cards only at the end of the game. This suggests that the final reveal of their cards is a crucial part of the game’s outcome.
Tricky or Deceptive: The phrase "tricky card game" implies that there is an element of surprise or deceit involved. Perhaps the writer is using a strategy where the outcome is influenced by the timing of revealing their cards, which could be unexpected or misleading to the other players.
Players Losing the Game: The other players consistently lose the game, which might be because of the writer’s clever strategy or the way they handle the reveal of their cards.
In essence, the writer seems to be describing a game where the strategy involves keeping the other players in suspense or confusion until the final moment, leading to their loss.
Okay, this chat was fun. Vive La France! Vive l'Alsace!
Your friend,
Synopsis of the Letter:
Angelo emphasizes his immense creative value, comparing his intellectual property to a vast oil field with 10 billion barrels of wealth. He asserts that while tangible things can be stolen, his intangible wealth—his creativity and intellectual property—cannot be touched or stolen because it is invisible. Angelo warns against those who might attempt to steal his ideas, ensuring they will face severe legal consequences. He expresses his control over his creative output, likening it to controlling an oil supply.
Angelo references the legacies of Stephen King and J.K. Rowling to illustrate the importance of protecting his creative work. He announces the cancellation of deals with Rihanna and Gabrielle Union to protect them from potential dangers associated with his projects. Instead, he entrusts Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet to handle legal matters, particularly with Salma Hayek's Mexican lawyers. Angelo concludes with a note about his strategic approach to dealing with challenges, encouraging vigilance and determination.
Here is the Card game video:
End of the Card Game HD
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In una città dell’Argentina, ‘il paese dei barbecue’, iniziano a scomparire alcune persone legate all’industria del bestiame. Un giornalista inizia ad indagare e ben presto scoprirà un oscuro segreto.
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weatheringwildstorm · 4 years
"Gen12" issues 1 & 2
“Gen12” issues 1 & 2
This entry covers “Gen12” issues 1 and 2 by Brandon Choi, Michael Ryan, Sal Regla, Luke Rizzo, Armando Durruthy, John Tighe and Peter Guzman.
It’s Miles Craven’s funeral and everyone is celebrating the life of a well-loved public servant. Come on, the American people don’t know any better and don’t know what a right bastard he was! One man is tasked with getting to the bottom of what was really…
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Umberto Giordano - Andrea Chénier, Un dì all'azzuro spazio
Franco Corelli, Tenor
Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera di Roma Gabriele Santini
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killyourheroes-rp · 2 years
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Well we were going to wait a little longer, but we’re just so excited we’re going to go ahead and release our canon list now! Please note that this canon list was created by Kill Your Heroes staff and is only to be used on our site.
▼ - muggleborn ◄ - halfblood ► - pureblood ▲ - tainted * indicates a canon family note that must be followed. ** indicates a canon family note created by the first player in that family.
ABBOTT Joseph Abbott + Patricia (nee Stimpson) ◄ -- -- Abbott, thirty six ◄ -- -- Abbott, thirty three ◄ -- -- Abbott, twenty-nine ◄ -- -- Abbott, twenty-six ABERCROMBIE Euan Abercrombie + Lauren (nee Fitch) ◄ -- -- Abercrombie, thirty ◄ -- -- Abercrombie, twenty-four ◄ -- -- Abercrombie, twenty-four ◄ -- -- Abercrombie, twenty-two * the twenty-four year olds are twins. ACKERLY Stewart Ackerly + Natalie (nee McDonald) ◄ -- -- Ackerly, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- Ackerly, twenty-seven ◄ -- -- Ackerly, twenty-three AVERY Mauricius Avery + Hestia (nee Carrow) ► -- -- Avery, twenty-seven ► -- -- Avery, twenty-three BADDOCK Malcolm Baddock + Laura (nee Madley) ◄ -- -- Baddock, thirty one ◄ -- -- Baddock, thirty BARBARY Heathcote Barbary + Mandy (nee Brocklehurst) ◄ -- -- Barbary, thirty four ◄ -- -- Barbary, thirty two ◄ -- -- Barbary, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Barbary, twenty-one BELBY Marcus Belby + Tracey (nee Davis) ◄ -- -- Belby, thirty one ◄ -- -- Belby, thirty ◄ -- -- Belby, twenty-three BOLE Lucian Bole + Rebecca (nee Hoffman) ◄ -- -- Bole, thirty ◄ -- -- Bole, twenty-nine BOOT Terry Boot + Sally (nee Smith) ◄ -- -- Boot, thirty two ◄ -- -- Boot, twenty-seven ◄ -- -- Boot, twenty-five BONES-HOPKINS Wayne Hopkins + Susan Bones ◄ -- -- Bones-Hopkins, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- Bones-Hopkins, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Bones-Hopkins, twenty-two BOTT Cyprien Bott + Florence (nee Slughorn) ► -- -- Bott, forty ► -- -- Bott, thirty eight ► -- -- Bott, thirty four ► -- -- Bott, thirty one BURKE Icarus Burke + Rosetta (nee Borgin) ► -- -- Burke, thirty six ► -- -- Burke, twenty-eight ► -- -- Burke, twenty-three CARMICHAEL Eddie Carmichael + Claire (nee Trotwood) ◄ -- -- Carmichael, thirty one ◄ -- -- Carmichael, thirty CAULDWELL Owen Cauldwell + Elise (nee Montague) ◄ -- -- Cauldwell, thirty one ◄ -- -- Cauldwell, twenty-eight CHAPMAN Elias Chapman + Marissa (nee Stewart) ▼ -- -- Chapman, thirty one ▼ -- -- Chapman, twenty-nine ▼ -- -- Chapman, twenty-eight COOTE Ritchie Coote + Rose (nee Zeller) ◄ -- -- Coote, twenty-nine ◄ -- -- Coote, twenty-seven ◄ -- -- Coote, twenty-five * this family is (half) black. CORNER Michael Corner + Parvati (nee Patil) ◄ -- -- Corner, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Corner, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Corner, twenty-two ◄ -- -- Corner, twenty-two * this family is half indian. * the youngest two children are twins.
CORNFOOT Stephen Cornfoot + Orla (nee Quirke) ◄ -- -- Cornfoot, thirty ◄ -- -- Cornfoot, twenty-three CREEVEY Dennis Creevey + Gabrielle (nee Delacour) ▲ -- -- Creevey, twenty-five ▲ -- -- Creevey, twenty-three * this family is one-eighth veela through gabrielle, a quarter veela. CRUMB Gideon Crumb + Juno (nee Santini) ◄ -- -- Crumb, thirty eight ◄ -- -- Crumb, thirty three ◄ -- -- Crumb, twenty-six DAVIES Chester Davies + Jane (nee Court) ◄ -- -- Davies, thirty five DAVIES Roger Davies + Martha (nee Murphy) ◄ -- -- Davies, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Davies, twenty-four ◄ -- -- Davies, twenty-one DUKE Kirley Duke + Lisette (nee Hollingberry) ◄ -- -- Duke, thirty four ◄ -- -- Duke, thirty one DURSLEY Dudley Dursley + Azalea (nee Scott) ▼ -- -- Dursley, twenty-six * this family is half black. EDGECOMBE-CHANG Marietta Edgecombe + Cho Chang ◄ -- -- Edgecombe-Chang, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Edgecombe-Chang, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Edgecombe-Chang, twenty-four ◄ -- -- Edgecombe-Chang, twenty-three ◄ -- -- Edgecombe-Chang, twenty-two * all children in this family are adopted. ENTWHISTLE Kevin Entwhistle + Sally-Anne (nee Perks) ◄ -- -- Entwhistle, twenty-five
FAWLEY Grim Fawley + Megan (nee Jones) ◄ -- -- Fawley, twenty-four ◄ -- -- Fawley, twenty-one ◄ -- -- Fawley, twenty FINCH-FLETCHLEY Justin Finch-Fletchley + Sue (nee Li) ◄ -- -- Finch-Fletchley, twenty-three * this family is half chinese. FLETCHER Mundugus Fletcher + Multiple Women ► -- -- Fletcher, thirty two ► -- -- Fletcher, twenty-nine ► -- -- Fletcher, twenty-six ► -- -- Fletcher, twenty-four * all children in this family are half-siblings. FLINT Marcus Flint + Alice (nee Selwyn) ► -- -- Flint, twenty-seven ► -- -- Flint, twenty-five ► -- -- Flint, twenty-four ► -- -- Flint, twenty-one FORTESCUE Fabian Fortescue + Violet (nee Montgomery) ◄ -- -- Fortescue, thirty two ◄ -- -- Fortescue, thirty ◄ -- -- Fortescue, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- Fortescue, twenty-five FUDGE Cornelius Fudge II + Adria (nee Pike) ◄ -- -- Fudge, forty ◄ -- -- Fudge, thirty seven ◄ -- -- Fudge, thirty four ◄ -- -- Fudge, thirty two GOLDSTEIN Anthony Goldstein + Emma (nee Vane) ◄ -- -- Goldstein, thirty one ◄ -- -- Goldstein, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Goldstein, twenty-four * this family is jewish. GOYLE Gregory Goyle + Flora (nee Carrow) ► -- -- Goyle, twenty-nine ► -- -- Goyle, twenty-eight ► -- -- Goyle, twenty-seven GRAVES Merton Graves + Cora (nee Pinkstone) ◄ -- -- Graves, forty ◄ -- -- Graves, thirty eight GREGORoVITCH Gedeon Gregorovitch + Ildiko (nee Barta) ► -- -- Gregorovitch, 46 ► -- -- Gregorovitch, 44 ► -- -- Gregorovitch, 40 GREYBACK Wulfric Greyback + Multiple Women ▲ -- -- Greyback, thirty seven ▲ -- -- Greyback, thirty six ▲ -- -- Greyback, twenty-eight ▲ -- -- Greyback, twenty-seven ▲ -- -- Greyback, twenty-one ▲ -- -- Greyback, nineteen * wulfric is the son of fenrir greyback. * all children in this family are half-siblings. JENKINS Alexander Jenkins + Jennifer (nee Morgan) ▼ -- -- Jenkins, thirty two ▼ -- -- Jenkins, thirty ▼ -- -- Jenkins, twenty-nine ▼ -- -- Jenkins, twenty-seven JORDAN Lee Jordan + Allison (nee Harper) ◄ -- -- Jordan, twenty-nine ◄ -- -- Jordan, twenty-eight * this family is (half) black. KAMA Clément Kama + Marie-Ange (nee Stuart) ► -- -- Kama, forty KARKAROFF Andrei Karkaroff + Magda (nee Romanova) ◄ -- -- Karkaroff, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- Karkaroff, twenty-five KRUM Viktor Krum + Samantha (nee Whitehouse) ◄ -- -- Krum, twenty-seven ◄ -- -- Krum, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Krum, twenty-four LESTRANGE Cyrus Lestrange + Melinda (nee Nott) ► -- -- Lestrange, thirty ► -- -- Lestrange, thirty ► -- -- Lestrange, twenty-eight * cyrus is the son of rabastan lestrange. * the oldest two children are twins. LONGBOTTOM Neville Longbottom + Hannah (nee Abbott) ◄ -- -- Longbottom, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- Longbottom, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Longbottom, twenty-four LUPIN Remus Lupin + Nymphadora (nee Tonks) ▲ Edward Remus Lupin, thirty four MACDOUGAL Morag MacDougal + Lavender (nee Brown) ◄ -- -- MacDougal, twenty-six MACMILLAN (1) Ernest Macmillan + Amanda (nee Travers) ► -- -- Macmillan, thirty two ► -- -- Macmillan, thirty * Ernest and Amanda are divorced. MACMILLAN (2) Ernest Macmillan + Rochelle (nee Chamberlain) ◄ -- -- Macmillan, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- Macmillan, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Macmillan, twenty-two * Ernest and Rochelle are divorced. MALFOY Draco Malfoy + Astoria (nee Greengrass) ► Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, twenty-six
MALONE Roger Malone + Isobel (nee MacDougal) ◄ -- -- Malone, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Malone, twenty-four ◄ -- -- Malone, twenty-three MCLAGGEN Cormac McLaggen + Lily (nee Moon) ◄ -- -- McLaggen, thirty ◄ -- -- McLaggen, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- McLaggen, twenty-seven * this family is korean. NOTT Theodore Nott + Millicent (nee Bulstrode) ► -- -- Nott, twenty-nine ► -- -- Nott, twenty-seven ► -- -- Nott, twenty-five ► -- -- Nott, twenty-four OGDEN Kieran Ogden + Alys (nee Simpson) ◄ -- -- Ogden, thirty five ◄ -- -- Ogden, thirty OLLIVANDER Graham Ollivander + Kellah (nee Shacklebolt) ► -- -- Ollivander, twenty-nine ► -- -- Ollivander, twenty-nine ► -- -- Ollivander, twenty-eight * this family is (half) black. * this family has a history of names starting with the letter g. PARKINSON Pansy Parkinson + Daphne (nee Greengrass) ► -- -- Parkinson, age PEAKES Jimmy Peakes + Eleanor (nee Branstone) ◄ -- -- Peakes, twenty-two ◄ -- -- Peakes, twenty POTTER Harry Potter + Ginevra (nee Weasley) ◄ James Sirius Potter, twenty-seven ◄ Albus Severus Potter, twenty-six ◄ Lily Luna Potter, twenty-four PRITCHARD Graham Pritchard + Emma (nee Dobbs) ◄ -- -- Pritchard, twenty-seven ◄ -- -- Pritchard, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Pritchard, twenty-three ◄ -- -- Pritchard, twenty-one PUCEY Adrian Pucey + Lisa (nee Turpin) ◄ -- -- Pucey, thirty two ◄ -- -- Pucey, thirty one RIVERS Oliver Rivers + Padma (nee Patil) ◄ -- -- Rivers, twenty-five ◄ -- -- Rivers, twenty-three * this family is (half) indian. ROSIER Caliban Rosier + Portia (nee Shafiq) ► -- -- Rosier, thirty four ► -- -- Rosier, thirty three ► -- -- Rosier, thirty ROWLE Emeric Rowle + Leanne (nee Travers) ► -- -- Rowle, twenty-nine ► -- -- Rowle, twenty-seven RUNCORN Derek Runcorn + Romilda (nee Vane) ◄ -- -- Runcorn, twenty-eight ◄ -- -- Runcorn, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Runcorn, twenty-two SCAMANDER Rolf Scamander + Luna (nee Lovegood) ◄ Lorcan --- Scamander, twenty-four ◄ Lysander --- Scamander, twenty-four * the children are twins. SHACKLEBOLT Caius Shacklebolt + Idris (nee Kempley) ► -- -- Shacklebolt, twenty-three ► -- -- Shacklebolt, twenty ► -- -- Shacklebolt, eighteen * this family is black. SHAFIQ Cicero Shafiq + Pandora (nee Ogden) ► -- -- Shafiq, thirty seven ► -- -- Shafiq, thirty four SMITH Zacharias Smith + Millie (nee Barker) ◄ -- -- Smith, thirty one THOMAS-FINNIGAN Dean Thomas + Seamus Finnigan ◄ -- -- Thomas-Finnigan, twenty-seven ◄ -- -- Thomas-Finnigan, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Thomas-Finnigan, twenty-four * all children in this family are adopted. THRUSTON Orsino Thruston + Penelope (nee Clearwater) ◄ -- -- Thruston, thirty three TOWLER Kenneth Towler + Hilda (nee Beamish) ◄ -- -- Towler, thirty ◄ -- -- Towler, twenty-nine TREMLETT Donaghan Tremlett + Pamela (nee Chambers) ◄ -- -- Tremlett, thirty eight TUCKETT James Tucket II + Sabrina (nee Mannering) ◄ -- -- Tuckett, twenty-two ◄ -- -- Tuckett, twenty-one ◄ -- -- Tuckett, nineteen WAGTAIL Myron Wagtail + Carly (nee Redfern) ◄ -- -- Wagtail, twenty-nine ◄ -- -- Wagtail, twenty-eight WARRINGTON Cassius Warrington + Anita (nee Diggs) ◄ -- -- Warrington, twenty-nine ◄ -- -- Warrington, twenty-three ◄ -- -- Warrington, twenty-one WEASLEY William Weasley + Fleur (nee Delacour) ▲ Victoire --- Weasley, thirty two ▲ Dominique --- Weasley, twenty-eight ▲ Louis --- Weasley, twenty-five * this family is one-eighth veela through fleur, a quarter veela. WEASLEY Percy Weasley + Audrey (nee Chen) ► Molly --- Weasley, thirty ► Lucy --- Weasley, twenty-five * this family is half chinese. WEASLEY George Weasley + Angelina (nee Johnson) ► Fred --- Weasley, twenty-seven ► Roxanne --- Weasley, twenty-four * this family is half black. WEASLEY Ronald Weasley + Hermione (nee Granger) ◄ Rose --- Weasley, twenty-six ◄ Hugo --- Weasley, twenty-four WHITBY Kevin Whitby + Cassandra (nee Purcell) ◄ -- -- Whitby, twenty-two WINGTRINGHAM Herman Wintringham + Rosalind (nee Evercreech) ◄ -- -- Wintringham, thirty two ◄ -- -- Wintringham, thirty WOLPERT Nigel Wolpert + Hestia (nee Punnet) ◄ -- -- Wolpert, twenty-nine ◄ -- -- Wolpert, twenty-two ◄ -- -- Wolpert, nineteen WOOD Oliver Wood + Katie (nee Bell) ◄ -- -- Wood, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Wood, twenty-six ◄ -- -- Wood, twenty-three* the twenty-six year olds are identical twins. YAXLEY Cyrus Yaxley + Sophie (nee Roper) ► -- -- Yaxley, twenty-eight ► -- -- Yaxley, twenty-three ► -- -- Yaxley, twenty ZABINI Blaise Zabini + Hypatia (nee Travers) ► -- -- Zabini, twenty-eight ► -- -- Zabini, twenty-six * this family is (half) black. ZONKO Wilbert Zonko + Nancy (nee Reed) ◄ -- -- Zonko, thirty nine ◄ -- -- Zonko, thirty six ◄ -- -- Zonko, thirty one
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tuppencetrinkets · 3 years
Below you will find links to sorted screencaps from Doctor Who (2005) season 1 for the following one-shot  characters:
Anna Maxwell Martin - Suki Macrae Cantrell
Anna-Louise Plowman - Diana Goddard
Annette Badland - Margaret Blaine
Rupert Vansittart - General Asquith
David Verrey - Joseph Green
Paul Kasey - Slitheen
Bruno Langley - Adam Mitchell
Christine Adams - Cathica Santini Khaden
Corey Johnson - Henry van Statten
Eve Myles - Gwyneth
Florence Hoath - Nancy
Alan David - Gabriel Sneed
Jamie Bradley - Strood
Jo Joyner - Lynda
Mali Harries - Cathy
Nisha Nayar - Programmer
Paterson Joseph - Rodrick
Richard Wilson - Dr. Constantine
Shaun Dingwall - Pete Tyler
Simon Callow - Charles Dickens
Tamsin Greig - Nurse
Yasmin Bannerman - Jabe
Zoe Wanamaker - Cassandra
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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skonnaris · 5 years
Books I’ve Read: 2006-2019
Alexie, Sherman - Flight
Anderson, Joan - A Second Journey
                          - An Unfinished Marriage
                          - A Walk on the Beach
                          - A Year By The Sea
Anshaw, Carol - Carry the One
Auden, W.H. - The Selected Poems of W.H. Auden
Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
Bach, Richard - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Bear, Donald R - Words Their Way
Berg, Elizabeth - Open House
Bly, Nellie - Ten Days in a Madhouse
Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451
                        - The Martian Chronicles
Brooks, David - The Road to Character
Brooks, Geraldine - Caleb’s Crossing
Brown, Dan - The Da Vinci Code
Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent
Burnett, Frances Hodgson - The Secret Garden
Buscaglia, Leo - Bus 9 to Paradise
                         - Living, Loving & Learning
                         - Personhood
                         - Seven Stories of Christmas Love
Byrne, Rhonda - The Secret
Carlson, Richard - Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Carson, Rachel - The Sense of Wonder
                          - Silent Spring
Cervantes, Miguel de - Don Quixote
Cherry, Lynne - The Greek Kapok Tree
Chopin, Karen - The Awakening
Clurman, Harold - The Fervent Years: The Group Theatre & the 30s
Coelho, Paulo -  Adultery
                           The Alchemist
Conklin, Tara - The Last Romantics
Conroy, Pat - Beach Music
                    - The Death of Santini: The Story of a Father and His Son
                    - The Great Santini
                    - The Lords of Discipline
                    - The Prince of Tides
                    - The Water is Wide
Corelli, Marie - A Romance of Two Worlds
Delderfield, R.F. - To Serve Them All My Days
Dempsey, Janet - Washington’s Last Contonment: High Time for a Peace
Dewey, John - Experience and Education
Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol
                             - Great Expectations
                             - A Tale of Two Cities
Didion, Joan - The Year of Magical Thinking
Disraeli, Benjamin - Sybil
Doctorow, E.L. - Andrew’s Brain
                         - Ragtime
Doerr, Anthony - All the Light We Cannot See
Dreiser, Theodore - Sister Carrie 
Dyer, Wayne - Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
                     - The Power of Intention
                     - Your Erroneous Zones
Edwards, Kim - The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
Ellis, Joseph J. - His Excellency: George Washington
Ellison, Ralph - The Invisible Man
Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Essays and Lectures
Felkner, Donald W. - Building Positive Self Concepts
Fergus, Jim - One Thousand White Women
Flynn, Gillian - Gone Girl
Follett, Ken - Pillars of the Earth
Frank, Anne - The Diary of a Young Girl
Freud, Sigmund - The Interpretation of Dreams
Frey, James - A Million Little Pieces
Fromm, Erich - The Art of Loving
                       - Escape from Freedom
Fulghum, Robert - All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
Fuller, Alexandra - Leaving Before the Rains Come
Garield, David - The Actors Studion: A Player’s Place
Gates, Melinda - The Moment of Lift
Gibran, Kahlil - The Prophet
Gilbert, Elizabeth - Eat, Pray, Love
                            - The Last American Man
                            - The Signature of All Things
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader - My Own Words
Girzone, Joseph F, - Joshua
                               - Joshua and the Children
Gladwell, Malcom - Blink
                              - David and Goliath
                              - Outliers
                              - The Tipping Point
                              - Talking to Strangers
Glass, Julia - Three Junes
Goodall, Jane - Reason for Hope
Goodwin, Doris Kearnes - Team of Rivals
Graham, Steve - Best Practices in Writing Instruction
Gray, John - Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Groom, Winston - Forrest Gump
Gruen, Sarah - Water for Elephants
Hannah, Kristin - The Great Alone
                          - The Nightingale
Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis - Strategies That Work
Hawkins, Paula - The Girl on the Train
Hedges, Chris - Empire of Illusion
Hellman, Lillian - Maybe
                         - Pentimento
Hemingway - Ernest - A Moveable Feast
Hendrix, Harville - Getting the Love You Want
Hesse, Hermann - Demian
                            - Narcissus and Goldmund
                            - Peter Camenzind
                            - Siddhartha
                            - Steppenwolf
Hilderbrand, Elin - The Beach Club
Hitchens, Christopher - God is Not Great
Hoffman, Abbie - Soon to be a Major Motion Picture 
                          - Steal This Book
Holt, John - How Children Fail
                  - How Children Learn
                 - Learning All the Time
                 - Never Too Late
Hopkins, Joseph - The American Transcendentalist
Horney, Karen - Feminine Psychology
                        - Neurosis and Human Growth
                        - The Neurotic Personality of Our Time
                        - New Ways in Psychoanalysis
                        - Our Inner Conflicts
                        - Self Analysis
Hosseini, Khaled - The Kite Runner
Hoover, John J, Leonard M. Baca, Janette K. Klingner - Why Do English Learners Struggle with Reading?
Janouch, Gustav - Conversations with Kafka
Jefferson, Thomas - Crusade Against Ignorance
Jong, Erica - Fear of Dying
Joyce, Rachel - The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy
                       - The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Kafka, Franz - Amerika
                      - Metamophosis
                      - The Trial     
Kallos, Stephanie - Broken For You  
Kazantzakis, Nikos - Zorba the Greek
Keaton, Diane - Then Again
Kelly, Martha Hall - The Lilac Girls
Keyes, Daniel - Flowers for Algernon
King, Steven - On Writing
Kornfield, Jack - Bringing Home the Dharma
Kraft, Herbert - The Indians of Lenapehoking - The Lenape or Delaware Indians: The Original People of NJ, Southeastern New York State, Eastern Pennsylvania, Northern Delaware and Parts of Western Connecticut
Kundera, Milan - The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Lacayo, Richard - Native Son
Lamott, Anne - Bird by Bird
                         Word by Word
L’Engle, Madeleine - A Wrinkle in Time
Lahiri, Jhumpa - The Namesake
Lappe, Frances Moore - Diet for a Small Planet
Lee, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird
Lems, Kristin et al  - Building Literacy with English Language Learners
Lewis, Sinclair - Main Street
London, Jack - The Call of the Wild
Lowry, Lois - The Giver
Mander, Jerry - Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Marks, John D. - The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind         Control
Martel, Yann - Life of Pi
Maslow, Abraham - The Farther Reaches of Human Nature
                              - Motivation and Personality
                              - Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences
                             - Toward a Psychology of Being                            
Maugham. W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage
                                        - Christmas Holiday
Maurier, Daphne du - Rebecca
Mayes, Frances - Under the Tuscan Sun
Mayle, Peter - A Year in Provence
McCourt, Frank - Angela’s Ashes
                          - Teacher man
McCullough, David - 1776
                                - Brave Companions
McEwan, Ian - Atonement
                      - Saturday
McLaughlin, Emma - The Nanny Diaries
McLuhan, Marshall - Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Meissner, Susan - The Fall of Marigolds
Millman, Dan - Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Moehringer, J.R. - The Tender Bar
Moon, Elizabeth - The Speed of Dark
Moriarty, Liane - The Husband’s Sister
                         - The Last Anniversary
                         - What Alice Forgot
Mortenson, Greg - Three Cups of Tea
Moyes, Jo Jo - One Plus One
                       - Me Before You 
Ng, Celeste - Little Fires Everywhere
Neill, A.S. - Summerhill
Noah, Trevor - Born a Crime
O’Dell, Scott - Island of the Blue Dolphins
Offerman, Nick - Gumption
O’Neill, Eugene - Long Day’s Journey Into Night
                            A Touch of the Poet
Orwell, George - Animal Farm
Owens, Delia - Where the Crawdads Sing
Paulus, Trina - Hope for the Flowers
Pausch, Randy - The Last Lecture
Patchett, Ann - The Dutch House
Peck, Scott M. - The Road Less Traveled
                         - The Road Less Traveled and Beyond
Paterson, Katherine - Bridge to Teribithia
Picoult, Jodi - My Sister’s Keeper
Pirsig, Robert - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Puzo, Mario - The Godfather
Quindlen, Anna - Black and Blue
Radish, Kris - Annie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling Funeral
Redfield, James - The Celestine Prophecy
Rickert, Mary - The Memory Garden
Rogers, Carl - On Becoming a Person
Ruiz, Miguel - The Fifth Agreement
                     - The Four Agreements
                     - The Mastery of Love
Rum, Etaf - A Woman is No Man
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - The Little Prince
Salinger, J.D. - Catcher in the Rye
Schumacher, E.F. - Small is Beautiful
Sebold, Alice - The Almost Moon
                       - The Lovely Bones
Shaffer, Mary Ann and Anne Barrows - The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Shakespeare, William - Alls Well That Ends Well
                                   - Much Ado About Nothing
                                   - Romeo and Juliet
                                   - The Sonnets
                                   - The Taming of the Shrew
                                   - Twelfth Night
                                   - Two Gentlemen of Verona
Sides, Hampton - Hellhound on his Trail: The Stalking of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the International Hunt for His Assassin
Silverstein, Shel - The Giving Tree
Skinner, B.F. - About Behaviorism
Smith, Betty - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley - The Velvet Room
Spinelli, Jerry - Loser
Spolin, Viola - Improvisation for the Theater
Stanislavski, Constantin - An Actor Prepares
Stedman, M.L. - The Light Between Oceans
Steinbeck, John - Travels with Charley
Steiner, Peter - The Terrorist
Stockett, Kathryn - The Help
Strayer, Cheryl - Wild
Streatfeild, Dominic - Brainwash
Strout, Elizabeth - My Name is Lucy Barton
Tartt, Donna - The Goldfinch
Taylor, Kathleen - Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control
Thomas, Matthew - We Are Not Ourselves
Thoreau, Henry David - Walden
Tolle, Eckhart - A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose
                      - The Power of Now
Towles, Amor - A Gentleman in Moscow
                       - Rules of Civility
Tracey, Diane and Lesley Morrow - Lenses on Reading
Traub, Nina - Recipe for Reading
Tzu, Lao - Tao Te Ching
United States Congress - Project MKULTRA, the CIA's program of research in behavioral modification: Joint hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the ... Congress, first session, August 3, 1977
Van Allsburg, Chris - Just a Dream
                                - Polar Express
                                - Sweet Dreams
                                - Stranger
                                - Two Bad Ants
Walker, Alice - The Color Purple
Waller, Robert James - Bridges of Madison County
Warren, Elizabeth - A Fighting Chance
Waugh, Evelyn - Brideshead Revisited
Weir, Andy - The Martian
Weinstein, Harvey M. - Father, Son and CIA
Welles, Rebecca - The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood
Westover, Tara - Educated
White, E.B. - Charlotte’s Web
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorien Gray
Wolfe, Tom - I Am Charlotte Simmons
Wolitzer, Meg - The Female Persuasion
Woolf, Virginia - Mrs. Dalloway
Zevin, Gabrielle - The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
Zusak, Marcus - The Book Thief
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