#g: pc refs
wildbeyondthewhat · 10 months
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jacenotjason · 11 months
I got a small question so if you may, please answer Jace.
What are tone tags?
AH! Sorry! I guess it didn't occur to me that some wouldn't know what tone tags were. Here's a full guide from this site!
what is tone? tone is what a phrase or statement means or comes across as despite what it's actually saying. examples of tone could be serious, joking, lighthearted, etc.
what are tone tags? tone tags / tone indicators are things you can include with text to indicate what the tone of it is.
why are they used? some people have difficulty picking up on tone. communicating through text only makes this harder due to lack of audio and physical clues (voice inflection, body language, facial expressions, etc.) tagging what tone you are using can be very helpful for others understanding of what you're saying, clarification, avoiding miscommunications, etc.
when/where should they be used? they can be used any time or place you may be communicating through text. do not mock the use of tone tags. you may not need them but some people do. not everyone can tell when something is a joke, etc. just be nice about it.
/j = joking /hj = half joking /s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm /srs = serious /nsrs = not serious /lh = light hearted /g or /gen = genuine / genuine question /ij = inside joke /ref = reference /t = teasing /nm = not mad /lu = a little upset /nf = not forced /nbh = nobody here /nsb = not subtweeting /nay = not at you /ay = at you /nbr = not being rude /ot = off topic /th = threat /cb = clickbait /f = fake /q = quote /l or /ly = lyrics /c = copypasta /m = metaphor / metaphorically /li = literal / literally /rt or /rh = rhetorical question /hyp = hyperbole /ex = exaggeration /p = platonic /r = romantic /a = alterous /sx or /x = sexual intent /nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent /pc or /pos = positive connotation /nc or /neg = negative connotation /neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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thesleepiicatsys · 2 years
A tonetag masterlist !
What are tonetags, How do I use them?
Tonetags are usually a sign off on a message to show which tone one has used! This helps people who cannot tell tone over text!
Why are people so persistent on using them?
It helps a lot of people! If they misunderstand something it could upset them! Be mindful!
What are some common Tonetags, What do they mean?
/g, /gq = genuine, genuine question
/j = Joking
/hj = Half joking
/ij = Inside joke
/cj = coping joke (commonly used after trauma jokes)
/lhj = Light hearted joke
/srs = Serious
/s, /sarc, /sar = Sarcastic/sarcasm
/hsrs = Half serious
/nsrs = not serious
/lh = Lighthearted
/l, /ly, /lyr = lyrics
/nay = not at you (when something isn't directed to you)
/ay = at you (when something it directed towards you)
/nbh = nobody here (commonly used after a vent towards someone to show it is not directed towards them, or to point out nobody in the group or place)
/dir = directed
/ndir = not directed
/safe = safe to click or open, (links or spoiled things)
/cur = Curious
/np = not pushing
/nf = not forced
/nfa = not forced answer
/nfta = not forced to answer
/rh, /rt = rhetorical question
/rt = retweet or rhetorical question
/pa = passive aggressive
/npa = not passive aggressive
/f, /fake = fake
/q, /quote = quote
/ref = reference
/ncm = not comparing, not competing
/c = copypasta, or caps lock
/li = literally
/hy, /hyp = hyperbole
/pc, /pos = Positive connotation
/nc, /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral connotation
/opn = opinion
/sugg = suggestion
/gs = genuine suggestion
/nbr = not being rude
/ot = off topic
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loveualottie · 6 months
Help I’m drunk off red wine an I neeed to know what jrwi pc would most be a red wine girly (gender netruel)
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splish-splash-shiny · 2 months
My comprehensive list of tone tags:
/j = joking
/hj = half joking
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
/g or /gen = genuine
/si or /sil = silly
/srs = serious
/nsrs or /ns = not serious
**Part of Speach**
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
/li = literal / literally
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/ij = inside joke
/nav = not a vent
/sesa = self sabotage
/nf = not forced
/ot = off topic
/ref = reference
/th = threat
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake / false
/q = quote
/l or /ly = lyrics
/c = copypasta
/iac = if accepted
/me = self
/gen = genuine question
/nbh = nobody here
/nay = not at you
/ay = at you
/nm = not mad
/lu = a little upset
/lh = light hearted
/p = platonic
/r = romantic
/a = alterous
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx = non-sexual intent
/t = teasing
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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akay0709 · 1 year
List of Tone Tags
/j = joking /hj = half joking /s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm /srs = serious /nsrs = not serious /lh = light hearted /g or /gen = genuine / genuine question /ij = inside joke /ref = reference /t = teasing /nm = not mad /lu = a little upset /nf = not forced /nbh = nobody here /nsb = not subtweeting /nay = not at you /ay = at you /nbr = not being rude /ot = off topic /th = threat /cb = clickbait /f = fake /q = quote /l or /ly = lyrics /c = copypasta /m = metaphor / metaphorically /li = literal / literally /rt or /rh = rhetorical question /hyp = hyperbole /p = platonic /r = romantic /a = alterous /sx or /x = sexual intent /nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent /pc or /pos = positive connotation /nc or /neg = negative connotation /neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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Conversion Corner: Various Gaming Mechs part 5
Darken Sentry HAWC (G-NOME)
 I guarantee you most of you have never heard of this game, but it was one of those pack-in games with a PC I had access to in my youth, back when that was a thing. G-NOME was a mech game that offered a unique twist by allowing the player to get out of their mech and commandeer other mechs. The game’s execution, however, was considered lackluster by many, though I had fun with it. It even got an RTS spinoff sequel too.
The mechs in the game are called Heavy Armored Weapon Chassis (HAWCs), and range from bipedal traditional mechs to heavier machines with quadrupedal or multi-legged designs based on various animals and arthropods.
One of the first HAWCs seen in the game the Darken Sentry HAWC (colloquially known as a Talon) is a small machine built with the diminutive Darkens in mind, but other species can fit inside of it with some adjustment. In any case, true to it’s name, the Talon is easily recognizable by it’s birdlike digitigrade legs, tall swiveling cockpit with a large glass canopy and twin missile racks. It may not pack the punch of bigger HAWCs, but it’s loadout means it can pack a surprising punch for it’s weight class, albeit one with more limited ammo.
For this build, we will be going with a tier 4 design.
 Huge skirmisher Operators 1; PP 1 (rate 3; max 7) Speed 90 ft.; Senses blindsense (vibration) 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision
HP 44; SP 11; Hardness 2 EAC +24; KAC +23 Fort +6; Ref +9 Immunities construct immunities
Offense Ranged laser rifle (frame slot – 2d6+4 F critical burn; automatic) or missile battery (frame slot – 3d4+4 F&P ) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Strength +5
Power Core mk 2 dynamo; Lower Limbs fast biped; Upper Limbs precision arms (+1 ranged); Auxiliary autotarget, entry hatch; Upgrades fleet, rapid reflexes 2
 With it’s missile battery and high speed, the talon can certainly hit above it’s weight class, but it still remains a weaker mech. Regardless, it was nice to revisit a game from my childhood that barely anyone talks about.
That does it for this week, and in retrospect, these mech choices didn’t really tap into the full depth of the mech system (perhaps because many gaming mechs really aren’t aquatic or aerial in nature, nor do they have fancy abilities. Even still, it was fun to do this. Tune in next week for more archetypes!
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/aff = affectionate
/ay = at you
/b = bitter
/b = body
/c = copypasta
/cb = clickbait
/ci = caring/care intended
/cj = coping joke
/das = directed at a systemmate (for systems)
/der = derogatory
/dir = directed
/ex or /fex = example/for example
/fk = fake
/f = familial
/g or /gen = genuine
/hj = half joking
/hyb = hyperbole (exaggeration)
/inhs = in headspace
/ij = inside joke
/iyc = if you're comfortable
/j = joking
/jf = joke flirting
/lh = lighthearted
/li = literal/literally
/lu = little upset
/ly or /l = lyrics
/m = metaphor/metaphorically
/nav = not a vent
/nay = not at you
/nbh = nobody here (used in vague vents)
/nbr = not being rude
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral/neutral connotation
/nm = not mad or upset
/npr = no pressure
/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent
/ot = off topic
/p = platonic
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/q = quote
/r = romantic
/rc = random chaos
/ref = reference
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/s or /sarc = sarcastic/sarcasm
/self = directed at yourself and not other people
/sou = source
/srs = serious
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/t = teasing
/tas = to a systemate
/th = threat
/tq = typing quirk
/wc = with consent
/wp = wrong proxy (systems/rp)
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I absolutely cannot make a decision as to what to get for party supplies for my 30th birthday. There’s so many options and they are all good but not perfect and I can’t decide how much I want to spend and what all exactly I want and if it all needs to be one set or mixing and matching plate sets and decoration sets and it’s really just not that important but I am overwhelmed.
I want this but it expensive and doesn’t come with silver ware or many extras and is expensive: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BFG3415S/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A1SWZ9NV6ZKTL1&psc=1
And then this the cheapest for the most things but I don’t even care about all of the extras and it’s uses a lot of yellow blue which I don’t love: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C2T3HBG4/ref=ox_sc_act_image_7?smid=A1WW9O05V9J994&psc=1
And then there’s just decorations which I could pair with the unicorns but then it’s so expensive: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08YRT6TX2/ref=ox_sc_act_image_4?smid=A203BAS6140Y7U&psc=1
And there’s even more butterfly options for more confusion: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BMQQJZPH/ref=ox_sc_act_image_3?smid=A1A7X32XM3G7VC&psc=1
And I clearly just need to pick one or two and order them but it’s so hard.
Regardless I am excited for my birthday party 🥳
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wildbeyondthewhat · 10 months
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sakuharuka · 2 years
Just a little post about tone indicators I may or may not use
/j = joking
/hj = half-joking
/jbnr = joking, but not really
/ij = inside joke
/bj = bad joke
/mj = mostly joking
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/hsrs = half-serious
/pa = [intentionally] passive-aggressive
/npa = not passive-aggressive
/jpa = jokingly passive-aggressive
/ntto or /nto = not trying to offend
/ntta or /nta = not trying to assume
/rq = request
/cur = curious
/jc or /jcur = just curious
/gcon = genuinely concerned/genuinely confused, depending on context
/conc = concerned
/conf = confused
/vcon = very confused/concerned
/genc = genuinely concerned
/genq or /gq = genuine question
/grq = genuine request
/gen or /g = genuinely/genuine
/hg = half-genuine
/mg = mostly genuine
/s or /sarc = sarcastically/sarcasm
/srd = sardonic [ally]
/vpos or /vvpos = very positive/very, very positive
/pos or /pc = positive connotation 
/neg or /nc = negative connotation
/neu = neutral connotation
/lh = light-hearted(ly)
/h = hysterical
/e = excited[?]
/a = asking (I think)
/ref = reference
/nref = not a reference
/href or /sref = half reference/slight reference
/rp = roleplay
/prp = purposeful[ly]/on purpose
/nprp = not purposeful(ly)/not on purpose
/t = teasing
/nf = not forcing
/nfta = not forcing to answer
/th = threat
/nth = not a threat
/hth = half threat
/jth = joking threat
/q = quote/quoting
/c = copypasta (like quoting, but sometimes /q is paraphrasing as well, and copypasta is direct copying and pasting what someone wrote/said)
/ph = paraphrasing
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/ly or /lyr = [these words are] lyrics [to a song]
/nm = not mad
/cb = clickbait
/nbh = (these words are directed at) nobody here (I'll not vent in my blog but I need to use that lmao)
/nco = not calling out
/u = upset
/vu or /vvu = very upset/very, very upset
/vn or /vvn = very negative/very, very negative
/am = (directed) at me/myself
/ay = (directed) at you
/nay = not (directed) at you
/nsp = not self pity (I have a problem with self pity stuff so that'll be important)
/hyp = hyperbole
/cpm = compliment
/nav = not a vent
/v = vent
/mv = mini/minor vent
/naq = not a question 
/hml = humorless
/im = imitation/mockery (paraphrasing, half-quote)
/nip = nothing/nobody in particular (in case I blog something really random)
/pr = proud
/gr or /gt = grateful
/aff = affectionate[ly]
/ol = object love (I'll probably use it while talking about my stuffed plushie)
/m = metaphorically, melancholy, melodramatic
/sgs = suggestion
/emb = embarrassed
Some extra tone indicators that I created for myself, that I'll put the meaning in case I put these in other accounts and/or apps: /si = self insert
/hc = headcannon
/iref = internal reference (reference to my ocs or to my fanchildren that u don't know yet :D)
/dh = dark humor (something like 'bad joke' lmao) /dw = don't worry
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pigeonvivian42 · 2 years
a very long list of tone indicators
/! or /exc - excited
/a - affectionate or alterous
/aff - affectionate
/afph - a few people here
/ao - an order
/ap - apologetic
/apa - apathetic
/av - a vent
/ay - at you
/b - bitter
/br - bragging
/c - copypasta
/calm - calm
/caut - cautionary
/cb - clickbait
/cel - celebratory
/ci - caring intent
/cj - coping joke
/co or /cf - comforting
/con - confused
/curi - curious
/d - dubious (don't know what feeling youre trying to convey but you still want to convey it)
/dir - directed
/drm - dramatic
/e or /ex or /exa - exaggeration
/ebh - everybody here
/f - fake
/fa or /fam or /faml - familial
/fl - flirting
/fm - fake mad
/fs - fake sad
/fu - furious
/fx - flex
/gen or /g - genuine
/genq or /gq - genuine question
/gens or /gs - genuine suggestion
/gentle - gentle
/gs - gaslighting
/hc - headcanon
/hj - half joke
/hp - half platonic
/hsrs - half serious
/hyp - hyperbole
/ic - in character
/ij - inside joke
/imo - in my opinion
/info - information
/irre - irrelevant
/it - intrusive thought
/iw - innerworld
/j - joke
/jk - just kidding
/jov - jokingly overreacting
/jw - just wondering
/l or /ly or /lyr - lyrics
/lg - lying
/lh - light hearted
/li - literal
/lu - a little upset
/lv - lovingly
/m - metaphor
/ma - messing around or manifesting
/md - melodramatic
/mj - mostly joking
/mjnay - mad, just not at you
/mr - mostly romantic
/na - not aimed
/nabr - not a brag
/nafx - not a flex
/nao - not an order
/naq - not a question
/nav - not a vent
/nay or /nau - not at you
/nbh - nobody here
/nbip - nobody in particular
/nbr - not being rude
/ncm - not comparing
/neg or /ng or /nc - negative (connotation)
/neu - neutral
/nf - not forced or not fake
/nfl - not flirting
/nfta - not forced to answer
/nh - not hostile or not here
/nid - not in danger
/nm - not mad or not mean
/nmay - not mad at you
/nmn - not mean
/nmu - not mad or upset
/nof - no offense
/np - no pressure
/npa - not passive aggressive
/nr - no reply or don't reply
/nrt or /nrh - not rhetorical
/nsb - not subtweeting
/nsd - not self deprecating
/nsrs - not serious
/nsx or /nx or /ns - not sexual
/nth - not a threat
/nu - not upset
/ny - not yelling
/nyf - not your fault
/od - overdramatic
/ooc - out of character or out of cosplay
/op - optional
/ot - off topic
/p or /pla or /plat - platonic
/pa - passive aggressive
/par - parental
/para - paraphrased
/pers - personal
/pf - playful
/pj - probably joking
/pnj - probably not joking
/pos or /pc or /poc - positive (connotation)
/q - quote or question
/qp - queerplatonic
/r or /rom - romantic
/ref - reference
/res - respectfully
/rh or /rt or /rht - rhetorical
/rhq - rhetorical question
/rp - roleplay
/s or /sar or /sarc or /sarcasm - sarcastic
/safe - safe
/sat - satire
/sbh - somebody here
/sbtw - subtweeting
/silly - silly
/sj - source joke
/srs - serious
/st - statement or strange thought or silly thought
/state - statement
/stim - something is typed as a written version of a stim
/sx or /x - sexual
/sym - sympathetic
/sys - something happening in their own system
/t - teasing
/tan - tangent
/th - threat
/tic or /tc - typed unintentionally due to a tic
/tq - typing quirk
/ts - to self
/u - upset
/unin - unintentional
/unr or /unre - unrelated
/v - violent
/vu - very upset
/w - warm or warmth
/wp - wrong proxy
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luluthedumbo · 18 days
i’ve seen a lot of posts where people explain what tone tags are, address the bullying, etc. while that is very important, what about the people who want to use tone tags but can’t find a list? i got you! here’s the basic ones :)
/j = joking
/hj = half joking
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/lh = light hearted
/g or /gen = genuine / genuine question
/ij = inside joke
/ref = reference
/t = teasing
/nm = not mad
/lu = a little upset
/nf = not forced
/nbh = nobody here
/nsb = not subtweeting
/nay = not at you
/ay = at you
/nbr = not being rude
/ot = off topic
/th = threat
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
/q = quote
/l or /ly = lyrics
/c = copypasta
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
/li = literal / literally
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/ex = exaggeration
/p = platonic
/r = romantic
/a = alterous
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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jayakody2000lk · 4 months
RDS Data Extraction with RFtap and Wireshark
RDS (Radio Data System) is a communication protocol standard used for embedding small amounts of digital information in traditional FM radio broadcasts. It enables radio stations to transmit data such as station identification, program information, and traffic updates. 
To capture and decode RDS data, one method involves using a Software Defined Radio (SDR) along with GNU Radio and RFtap. GNU Radio provides a framework for creating software radios, while RFtap acts as a bridge between GNU Radio and conventional network monitoring and packet analysis tools like Wireshark.
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Unfortunately, as of the time of writing, RFtap is no longer being maintained and does not work with the latest version of GNU Radio (version 3.10.10). This post offers guidelines for rebuild and using RFtap with the new GNU Radio release.
This post assumes that the reader has access to DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U and a PC running Ubuntu or Debian Linux. For this, I used an RTL dongle with Rafael Micro R820T tuner and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS release.
As the first step install the following GNU Radio build dependencies into the OS:
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev \ liblog4cpp5-dev qtcreator qtbase5-dev \ qt5-qmake python3-cheetah python3-numpy \ python3-pygtk python3-gi python3-gi-cairo \ gir1.2-gtk-4.0
sudo apt install git g++ libgmp-dev swig \ python3-mako python3-sphinx python3-lxml \ doxygen libfftw3-dev libsdl1.2-dev \ libgsl-dev libqwt-qt5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev \ python3-pyqt5 liblog4cpp5-dev libzmq3-dev \ python3-yaml python3-click \ python3-click-plugins python3-zmq python3-scipy \ libcodec2-dev libgsm1-dev libusb-1.0-0 \ libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev \ python3-setuptools
sudo apt install pybind11-dev python3-matplotlib \ libsndfile1-dev libsoapysdr-dev soapysdr-tools \ python3-pygccxml python3-pyqtgraph
sudo apt install libiio-dev libad9361-dev \ libspdlog-dev python3-packaging python3-jsonschema \ python3-qtpy
sudo apt remove swig
Next, clone and build Volk (Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels)
mkdir ~/rf cd rf git clone --recursive https://github.com/gnuradio/volk.git cd volk mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
After installing the Volk library, we can proceed to build GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.10.0.tar.gz tar -xvf ./v3.10.10.0.tar.gz cd gnuradio- mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make -j8 make test sudo make install sudo ldconfig
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Now GNU Radio is installed with all necessary components. To enable RTL SDR support, we must build and install Osmocom RTL SDR libraries and SDR components.
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/rtl-sdr.git cd rtl-sdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/gr-osmosdr cd gr-osmosdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Before plugging in the RTL-SDR dongle, we need to prevent the kernel modules for the RTL-SDR USB device from being loaded into the kernel and taking ownership of the device. To do this, simply navigate to the /etc/modprobe.d directory and create a file called rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf with the following content:
# This system has librtlsdr0 installed in order to # use digital video broadcast receivers as generic # software defined radios. blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu blacklist e4000 blacklist rtl2832 blacklist rtl2830 blacklist rtl2838
Next, you should clone and build the FM RDS/TMC transceiver module for GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/bastibl/gr-rds/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.tar.gz tar -xvf ./gr-rds\ -v3.10.tar.gz cd gr-rds-3.10 mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
For the next steps, we need to have Wireshark and RFTap. Wireshark can be installed using a package manager.
sudo apt-get install wireshark
To run Wireshark without requiring root user permissions, use the following set of commands:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER newgrp wireshark
A message may be prompted in the first step above and proceed by selecting the "Yes" option.
Now restart the OS and continue with the RFTap installation.
The official RFTap repository is no longer being maintained and is not compatible with newer versions of GNU Radio. For this step, please use the RFTap fork available in my GitHub repository. This version has been successfully tested with GNU Radio 3.10.10 and Wireshark 4.2.2.
cd ~/rf git clone https://github.com/dilshan/gr-rftap.git cd gr-rftap mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Now get the modifier version of rds_rx_rftap.grc from the above repository.
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The Wireshark Dissector file for RDS data is also available in the repository. Copy it to the ~/.config/wireshark/plugins directory. Create the directories if they do not exist.
Launch Wireshark and monitor the loopback (lo) adapter. Start GNU Radio and execute the rds_rx.grc file, which was downloaded in the above step.
If all the steps are performed correctly, the RDS data should appear in the packet list pane as UDP messages. The dissected messages can be observed through the packet bytes pane.
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mybukz · 6 months
Novel : "Girls V Boys" by Ryan Woodwind Wan
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Rayne, a girl seeking adventure, meets the Tracker, a boy out for redemption. When a new evil rises to steal the most powerful weapon in the universe, the unlikely duo must hunt down this foe. Either by challenging each other or teaming up together. As the two learn more about one another, will their feelings develop and lead to a confession, or will they tread separate paths? Or worse- become lifelong enemies? Enter their worlds filled with danger and chaos at every turn. Choose your side, play their matches, and uncover three different endings in the battle of a lifetime- Girls V Boys!
Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-fi / Romance / Friendship / Teamwork
Book format: E-book / Paperback
Number of pages: 262
Pricing: E-Book @ RM25 / Paperback @ RM45
Release Date: 17.3.2024
Google Play Books Preview:
Google Play Books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Zyn7EAAAQBAJ
Amazon Books: https://www.amazon.com/Girls-Boys-Ryan-Woodwind-Wan/dp/B0CXTP1NHH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=UBB15GFELOI3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OMGwn7BVvhawVYlAE3M2B5zny4Uwp6s06GI4g2mxNVQrosbfGmVteOPQbmb4lE9p_M0vx_wGqrtPNta62-BGHAaPaMITZBeQaaKLniCideK-r2xW7I_liGQ6BlA4b5SVh3DjraAFDBxfrP4yaNht_9XimbysD1-qVDYY6BLjcYL3Drl7nR_RYUnP16dM_4ft2WtOHI7EcJjNBfjUfS0_El4qnaMwRanmXcYbg0QBDiM.aCi6jucI21riP_QTU0clGyuf-sw2kCap4gMaDcVVMuM&dib_tag=se&keywords=girls+v+boys+guns&qid=1710511454&s=books&sprefix=girls+v+boys+g%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C302&sr=1-1
Ryan Woodwind Wan is a lawyer by day, writer by night. Like many others, Ryan struggles with work-life balance. And when he finds it, he might just come up with something.
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mmorginstant · 2 years
Notepad++ download xp
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#Notepad++ download xp update
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#Notepad++ download xp full
The product can be downloaded as well freely from the author's website. Notepad++ freeload version is a capable, full features oriented text editor that everything. The download manager is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the author of this product.
During the download process we may show commercial offers, such as a toolbar or other browser add-ons. With Notepad you can quickly and easily retrieve important data and recorded just as quickly. So far there is only one side (but this is almost infinitely long) on which the notes can be saved.
1.7 MB For Windows 7, Windows 8 / Vista / XP (Free). This download is managed by our ad-supported smart download manager. Download Notepad Plus Portable: An excellent text editor which supports all. Going through its features, Jarte is supported by Windows 7/XP/Vista You can copy the text from Notepad or WordPad and paste it into our free online Text Tool to remove the blank lines or follow the Notepad++ exe program is the Windows Notepad Staggers in Firefox, runs in Clean G Play Easy Notepad In addition, you can open the existing text. The Soft32 Downloader is not installed to the User’s computer, and the User must manually delete the Soft32 Downloader executable. We dont have any change log information yet for version 7.6.6 of Notepad++ (32-bit). Windows XP, Windows 2003 Language: English Available languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese.
#Notepad++ download xp software
Fast downloads of the latest free software Click now. The Soft32 Downloader launches the installation of the downloaded software products. Download Notepad++ (32-bit) 7.6.6 for Windows. In addition, if a sponsored software offer, like for example a toolbar, will be offered, it shall change the User’s home page, default search settings and 404-error traffic, in the event the User selects such options. Download the latest XP-Pen drivers, User Manual, and software for Linux/ubuntu, Windows 7 /8 /10 and Mac operating system. Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP are mainly. When you run Soft32 Downloader, you implicitly accept the terms of use, privacy policy and EULA herein, and that you know about Soft32 Downloader. Notepad++ Download for PC used as an editor of free source code and Notepad.
#Notepad++ download xp update
(Ref) Upgrade Notepad++ License: update GPL version from v2 to. Soft32 Downloader is an executable Windows program that enables you to download computer programs, making the download process much faster and showing a progress bar. Notepad++ 7.9.2 is the last version to run on Windows XP & Windows Server 2003. The program you want to download will be downloaded through the Soft32 Downloader.
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