#g: pc refs
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wildbeyondthewhat · 1 year ago
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jacenotjason · 1 year ago
I got a small question so if you may, please answer Jace.
What are tone tags?
AH! Sorry! I guess it didn't occur to me that some wouldn't know what tone tags were. Here's a full guide from this site!
what is tone? tone is what a phrase or statement means or comes across as despite what it's actually saying. examples of tone could be serious, joking, lighthearted, etc.
what are tone tags? tone tags / tone indicators are things you can include with text to indicate what the tone of it is.
why are they used? some people have difficulty picking up on tone. communicating through text only makes this harder due to lack of audio and physical clues (voice inflection, body language, facial expressions, etc.) tagging what tone you are using can be very helpful for others understanding of what you're saying, clarification, avoiding miscommunications, etc.
when/where should they be used? they can be used any time or place you may be communicating through text. do not mock the use of tone tags. you may not need them but some people do. not everyone can tell when something is a joke, etc. just be nice about it.
/j = joking /hj = half joking /s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm /srs = serious /nsrs = not serious /lh = light hearted /g or /gen = genuine / genuine question /ij = inside joke /ref = reference /t = teasing /nm = not mad /lu = a little upset /nf = not forced /nbh = nobody here /nsb = not subtweeting /nay = not at you /ay = at you /nbr = not being rude /ot = off topic /th = threat /cb = clickbait /f = fake /q = quote /l or /ly = lyrics /c = copypasta /m = metaphor / metaphorically /li = literal / literally /rt or /rh = rhetorical question /hyp = hyperbole /ex = exaggeration /p = platonic /r = romantic /a = alterous /sx or /x = sexual intent /nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent /pc or /pos = positive connotation /nc or /neg = negative connotation /neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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loveualottie · 11 months ago
Help I’m drunk off red wine an I neeed to know what jrwi pc would most be a red wine girly (gender netruel)
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splish-splash-shiny · 8 months ago
My comprehensive list of tone tags:
/j = joking
/hj = half joking
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
/g or /gen = genuine
/si or /sil = silly
/srs = serious
/nsrs or /ns = not serious
**Part of Speach**
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
/li = literal / literally
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/ij = inside joke
/nav = not a vent
/sesa = self sabotage
/nf = not forced
/ot = off topic
/ref = reference
/th = threat
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake / false
/q = quote
/l or /ly = lyrics
/c = copypasta
/iac = if accepted
/me = self
/gen = genuine question
/nbh = nobody here
/nay = not at you
/ay = at you
/nm = not mad
/lu = a little upset
/lh = light hearted
/p = platonic
/r = romantic
/a = alterous
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx = non-sexual intent
/t = teasing
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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akay0709 · 2 years ago
List of Tone Tags
/j = joking /hj = half joking /s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm /srs = serious /nsrs = not serious /lh = light hearted /g or /gen = genuine / genuine question /ij = inside joke /ref = reference /t = teasing /nm = not mad /lu = a little upset /nf = not forced /nbh = nobody here /nsb = not subtweeting /nay = not at you /ay = at you /nbr = not being rude /ot = off topic /th = threat /cb = clickbait /f = fake /q = quote /l or /ly = lyrics /c = copypasta /m = metaphor / metaphorically /li = literal / literally /rt or /rh = rhetorical question /hyp = hyperbole /p = platonic /r = romantic /a = alterous /sx or /x = sexual intent /nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent /pc or /pos = positive connotation /nc or /neg = negative connotation /neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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fuckingmurdermachine · 2 years ago
/aff = affectionate
/ay = at you
/b = bitter
/b = body
/c = copypasta
/cb = clickbait
/ci = caring/care intended
/cj = coping joke
/das = directed at a systemmate (for systems)
/der = derogatory
/dir = directed
/ex or /fex = example/for example
/fk = fake
/f = familial
/g or /gen = genuine
/hj = half joking
/hyb = hyperbole (exaggeration)
/inhs = in headspace
/ij = inside joke
/iyc = if you're comfortable
/j = joking
/jf = joke flirting
/lh = lighthearted
/li = literal/literally
/lu = little upset
/ly or /l = lyrics
/m = metaphor/metaphorically
/nav = not a vent
/nay = not at you
/nbh = nobody here (used in vague vents)
/nbr = not being rude
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral/neutral connotation
/nm = not mad or upset
/npr = no pressure
/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent
/ot = off topic
/p = platonic
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/q = quote
/r = romantic
/rc = random chaos
/ref = reference
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/s or /sarc = sarcastic/sarcasm
/self = directed at yourself and not other people
/sou = source
/srs = serious
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/t = teasing
/tas = to a systemate
/th = threat
/tq = typing quirk
/wc = with consent
/wp = wrong proxy (systems/rp)
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sakuharuka-bebe · 2 years ago
Just a little post about tone indicators I may or may not use
/j = joking
/hj = half-joking
/jbnr = joking, but not really
/ij = inside joke
/bj = bad joke
/mj = mostly joking
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/hsrs = half-serious
/pa = [intentionally] passive-aggressive
/npa = not passive-aggressive
/jpa = jokingly passive-aggressive
/ntto or /nto = not trying to offend
/ntta or /nta = not trying to assume
/rq = request
/cur = curious
/jc or /jcur = just curious
/gcon = genuinely concerned/genuinely confused, depending on context
/conc = concerned
/conf = confused
/vcon = very confused/concerned
/genc = genuinely concerned
/genq or /gq = genuine question
/grq = genuine request
/gen or /g = genuinely/genuine
/hg = half-genuine
/mg = mostly genuine
/s or /sarc = sarcastically/sarcasm
/srd = sardonic [ally]
/vpos or /vvpos = very positive/very, very positive
/pos or /pc = positive connotation 
/neg or /nc = negative connotation
/neu = neutral connotation
/lh = light-hearted(ly)
/h = hysterical
/e = excited[?]
/a = asking (I think)
/ref = reference
/nref = not a reference
/href or /sref = half reference/slight reference
/rp = roleplay
/prp = purposeful[ly]/on purpose
/nprp = not purposeful(ly)/not on purpose
/t = teasing
/nf = not forcing
/nfta = not forcing to answer
/th = threat
/nth = not a threat
/hth = half threat
/jth = joking threat
/q = quote/quoting
/c = copypasta (like quoting, but sometimes /q is paraphrasing as well, and copypasta is direct copying and pasting what someone wrote/said)
/ph = paraphrasing
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/ly or /lyr = [these words are] lyrics [to a song]
/nm = not mad
/cb = clickbait
/nbh = (these words are directed at) nobody here (I'll not vent in my blog but I need to use that lmao)
/nco = not calling out
/u = upset
/vu or /vvu = very upset/very, very upset
/vn or /vvn = very negative/very, very negative
/am = (directed) at me/myself
/ay = (directed) at you
/nay = not (directed) at you
/nsp = not self pity (I have a problem with self pity stuff so that'll be important)
/hyp = hyperbole
/cpm = compliment
/nav = not a vent
/v = vent
/mv = mini/minor vent
/naq = not a question 
/hml = humorless
/im = imitation/mockery (paraphrasing, half-quote)
/nip = nothing/nobody in particular (in case I blog something really random)
/pr = proud
/gr or /gt = grateful
/aff = affectionate[ly]
/ol = object love (I'll probably use it while talking about my stuffed plushie)
/m = metaphorically, melancholy, melodramatic
/sgs = suggestion
/emb = embarrassed
Some extra tone indicators that I created for myself, that I'll put the meaning in case I put these in other accounts and/or apps: /si = self insert
/hc = headcannon
/iref = internal reference (reference to my ocs or to my fanchildren that u don't know yet :D)
/dh = dark humor (something like 'bad joke' lmao) /dw = don't worry
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luluthedumbo · 6 months ago
i’ve seen a lot of posts where people explain what tone tags are, address the bullying, etc. while that is very important, what about the people who want to use tone tags but can’t find a list? i got you! here’s the basic ones :)
/j = joking
/hj = half joking
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/lh = light hearted
/g or /gen = genuine / genuine question
/ij = inside joke
/ref = reference
/t = teasing
/nm = not mad
/lu = a little upset
/nf = not forced
/nbh = nobody here
/nsb = not subtweeting
/nay = not at you
/ay = at you
/nbr = not being rude
/ot = off topic
/th = threat
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
/q = quote
/l or /ly = lyrics
/c = copypasta
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
/li = literal / literally
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/ex = exaggeration
/p = platonic
/r = romantic
/a = alterous
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral / neutral connotation
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wildbeyondthewhat · 1 year ago
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theforgottencrow · 10 months ago
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✸ you may address me as Ink, Cov or relatively anything else!
✸ friends and moots may call me Crow or whatever else they desire as well!
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updated 11-11-2024
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【 other blogs 】
✸ @theforgottencorvid is simply my art reblog account
✸ @crowcalling is my nsfw/suggestive blog
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【 About me 】
Firstly, I present some of my flags
(Theres so many more...)
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My main prnz : Xe/Crow/Paint/Ink/Bite, I also use Blood/Gore/Bone/Fang/Pest/Knife/It/Static/Etc. (How to use Xe/xem prns Here)
My very special interest is Undertale + Utmv !! (Pretty obv..)
Proud Furry <3
I’m a Polymorph/Polykin Therian. I am CrowKin, DragonKin, CrocodileKin, (+more kins), my other theriotypes are Snow leopard, Lynx, Coyote, GreenTree Python, Griffin, Fox, etc.
I'm an Irl + Fictkin (Ink sans, etc) !!!
I petre sometimes! Often times I am a crow, cat, or dog! And I purr and chirp/caw even out of petre <3
I unapologetically ship the most toxic abusive ships I can, and idc <333
My birthday is August 23rd <3
Bi-Oriented Polyamorous Aegosexual Aro/Ace ✨
I have 9 beautiful handsome partners 💕
I deeply love my soulmate/husband/QPP @/wardenruins, he doesn’t post stuff, he just on tumblr so that he can spy on my stuff, but ye, love you Warden <333
Trans (F->M) Who still comfortably identifies as a Butch ✨⚔️
I’m Agender, Xenogender & Neogender ✨
I LOVEEE Mascot Horror/Creepy games !! A few of my favs are Indigo Park, Kinitopet, Poppy Playtime, Little Nightmares, Dark Deception, Amnesia, Omori, Finding Frankie, Pressure, Fnaf, Etc.
German is my native tongue but I’m also completely fluent in English, and I speak Dutch and slight Spanish as well :D
I HAVE A SKELE/KINSONA !! You can find its ref riiiight here i'll be drawing myself as it often and if not xem my Monster Sona riiight here. I also have an eldritch sona but I’m too scared of my own community (monster fuckers) to show it…
✸ Rest of Intro under the cut ✸
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【 Bonus stuff 】
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ A few of my other hyperfixations are : Objectified, Regretavator, Hellsing, Scott Pilgrim, QSMP, PC, Bugbo, Class of 09, TBHK, CVW, TSATWON, Sweet Tooth, Trigun, Highcard, Kenny The Shark, Pressure, Phighting!, LOA, GASA4, Cult of the Lamb, Alfred’s Playhouse, Bee & Puppycat, HAND, Fe, Dungeon Meshi, FnF, CoS, DHMIS, FPE, Indigo Park, The D!ckheads, Souris, Bojack Horsemen, Tuca & Birdie, TDFWM, B & B, Flawless, Dandy’s World, Extinction is Forever, SHELTER, OWH, Welcome Home, Inanimate Insanity, etc.
꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱
Some of my fav bands/artists : Mindless Self Indulgence, Lemon Demon, Femtanyl, Rio Romeo, Alex G, Pompey, Will Wood/Will Wood and the Tapeworms, Fish in a Birdcage, Tally Hall, TV Girl, Lemon Demon, Salv the Dog, MAILPUP, Mother Mother, Jack Stauber, Vane Lily, Jazmin Bean, The Dresden Dolls, That Handsome Devil, Odetari, Penelope Scott, Ivycomb Music, Cave Town, BoyWithUke, Derivakat, Baby Bugs, Ryan Mack, Etc.!
꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱
Some of my fav Songs : Fuck the Supreme Court, Pure as a Lamb, I Should've Stayed Home, LOVESICK CANNIBAL!, Two Moons, Haha Hi, Rockstar, Nosedive, P3t, Seriously?, I/Me/Myself, Charlie’s Inferno, Your graduation, Choke it out!, PUPPYPLAY!, Wet, I deserve to bleed, I’m so crazy for youuu </3, People eater, My alcoholic friends, Butch 4 Butch, Fish in a Birdcage, Stalkers Tango, Stupid MF, Dogmatica, Shut me Up, Fine Great, Get It Up, Devil Town, This is Home, Etc.!
꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱
Some Fandoms I'm In !! : Undertale, Utmv, Objectified, Deltarune, QSMP, PC, WoF, WC, FPE, Indigo Park, Bojack Horsemen, Tuca & Birdie, Class of 09, Kenny The Shark, FnF, Trigun, CVW, DHMIS, Horrid Henry, Alfred’s Playhouse, LackaDaisy, Tmnt/Rottmnt, COTL, HAND, TSATWON, TOH, Sweet Tooth, Dungeon Meshi, Phighting!, Pressure, GASA4, Amphibia, Ramshackle, BBU, Owls of Ga'hoole, Welcome Home, PP, Hellsing, WOTHH, Bee & Puppycat, Wednesday, Doom & Gloom, HH & HB, Pokemon, MD, Tadac, Monkey Wrench, Bluey, Sarah & Duck, Puffin Rock, Dandy’s World, Spooky Month, Fnaf, LMK, Animaniacs, Etc.
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【 A few tags 】
#My Art - Art !!
#Crow reblogs - Reblogs !!
#Not Utmv - stuff/reblogs that aren’t Utmv
#Crow Rambling - my weird rambles/random talking
#Crow Chatter - Me Interacting w/ ppl & answering asks
#inbox doodles - little doodles made for inbox answering
#Crow Simping - fawning over characters I deem hot.
#HEAVY Crow Simping - foaming at the mouth blue balled over a character
#F r i e n d 🫵 - Me interacting w/ my friends/Moots !!
#Crow on Crack - Me saying out of context things/or me being weird or I’m on crack /j)
#Crow depression hour - Me being depressed
#Crow Vents - Me venting, vents will have different colors for different intensities of them, Red being very heavy topics that could have quite a few context warnings. Orange being semi heavy but not as bad. Green being no heavy topics and fairly light weight stuff. If you don’t wanna see vents, block the tag.
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¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ DNI if you/you’re a : ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸
Lgbtq+ Phobic of any kind.
LITTLE KID (ppl under 12/13, basically if your not old enough to be on this site), I honestly would really prefer you not be on my blog as I have VERY vulgar language and honestly spread that shit around like wildfire.
Transphobic, Xenophobic, Etc...
Racist, Sexist, Discriminate, etc.
Invalidate a Person's Pronouns / Gender / Identity
Pedophile, Sexualize Minors, Joke about Rape, etc.
Harass, Dox, tell ppl to kys, etc.
extremely problematic, aka ppl who cause problems on purpose and just in general.
ship Errorberry/Error x Swap, this is more of a joke but istg if you bring that SHIT up to me I will most likely block you. Regardless of our status.
Corvid hater of any kind, I’m so srs abt this fuck offf <333
think trauma is a joke & belittle it.
think neurodivergent ppl w/ BPD, Bipolar, etc are “Scary” and don’t belong.
One of my Exes!!! Fuck you kehehe I’m making out passionately with your mom aaaand best friends <333 that’s about the major people I will block! I also might have forgotten a few things/people who I DNI but uhh- I’m sure I’ll remember later :) Other than that I will freely block who I decide to and curate my own content! :)
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【 Before you interact 】
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I have Autism + Alexithymia, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, DID & BPD
We’re a DID system and use We/I/Me/Ours/Etc pronouns. i don't talk about my DID often because its kinda awkward :”). Our Alters consist of Ink, Lust, CANON C!Nightmare, Error, Cross, Killer, Passive, Minus Garcello, Selever, Shrimpo, Sebastian, p.AI.nter, and Eyefestation, And many more. Some of us do not act the exact same as our source. I am also in almost complete control of this sack of flesh xP. 99% of the time I’m co-fronting with Ink!! *Ink might get paints own text tags one day if they ask*
Tone tags are VERY VERY preferable! I am tone def a lot of the time so please use tone tags otherwise I will take it the wrong way and start to p a n i c
Yes I can be cringe and idc :)
I am VERY silly, expect maximum silliness from me at all times.
If you’re are uncomfortable with something you see block the tag and move on do not harass me.
We tend to make random remarks, say out of pocket things, have trouble w/ volume control/typing in all caps, making inappropriate jokes, flirt & tease (w/ my close close friends/moots) if you ever get disturbed by this please let us know & we’ll stop.
I'm fine w/ tags, comments, & spam-likes/reblogs! They make me rlly happy ^^
Inbox is always open! You can be as silly as you want or say the most random stuff! 99.99% of the time I’ll also answer with a little doodle! And if u want me to remember you add a little signature! Ex : 💥 anon or smth like that :D! 𐙚⭑𓂃────────𓂃⭑𐙚
My DMs are always open too !! I love love love meeting new people and making friends (I DONT BITE!!!!) :]
I might spam-like (I get a lil excited sometimes..especially if I REALLY like your stuff, if you don't like this please let me know and I'll stop!!)
We do make suggestive jokes and we are hypersexual but that doesn't mean we’re not sex-replused most of the time.
I'm Nonhuman !! Pls do not refer to me as human. I prefer Skeleton terms & Crow terms over everything else. I physically and mentally identify as Ink Sans
We tend to make random remarks, say out of pocket things, have trouble w/ volume control/typing in all caps, making inappropriate jokes, flirt & tease (w/ my close close friends/moots) if you ever get disturbed by this please let us know & we’ll stop.
𐙚⭑𓂃────────𓂃⭑𐙚 All flirting and teasing we do is NEVER romantic. If we do these things with you they are purely us being silly, never showing romantic interest. Do not think otherwise. If you do you’re blocked Immediately.
I am VERY Blunt. And might say something rude or offensive and if I do please let me know because my Alexithymia makes it hard for me to understand if I upset people.
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Please do not ask personal info/give about me unless I'm willing to give or I give permission. This includes Name, Age, Basic stuff like that.
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please do not mention topics of rape, sexual assault, plushophilla, grooming, Addiction, Animal mutilation/Murder, etc. these are very triggering topics for me and make me remember events forced on me in my life I do not want to remember.
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Please do not repost/Trace my art without permission.
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Please do not send mockery or slander of any of my Interests/hyperfixations/friends or partners. It will not be tolerated and will result in a immediate block.
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Unless I asked for it, please do not randomly give me criticism on something.
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Don’t involve me/talk to me about ship discourse. I genuinely do not give a fuck as long as no one is getting hurt. I know who I follow and choose to interact with, I will cater my own experience online.
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My blog, my rules!! <3333
【 Extra : 】
I work at a store M -> F, so I won’t be on too often on those days :)
Art requests are open and always open! Feel free to ask for whatever you like, ocs are included! I still have the right to delete a request if I’m not comfortable with it tho ^^
more may be added in time.
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(Credits for dividers bc I forgot those:)
@/Sister-Lucifer for checkered belt div
@/Fundamentalpapereducationrp for Art supplies/Fpe div
@/Sweetparty for blood div
@/Inklore for hazard & circle star div
@/Elryisia for star div
unfortunately I do not remember the creators for the mini skull div or the skulls + checkerstar div, but if u know pls tell me so I can tag <:D
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jayakody2000lk · 10 months ago
RDS Data Extraction with RFtap and Wireshark
RDS (Radio Data System) is a communication protocol standard used for embedding small amounts of digital information in traditional FM radio broadcasts. It enables radio stations to transmit data such as station identification, program information, and traffic updates. 
To capture and decode RDS data, one method involves using a Software Defined Radio (SDR) along with GNU Radio and RFtap. GNU Radio provides a framework for creating software radios, while RFtap acts as a bridge between GNU Radio and conventional network monitoring and packet analysis tools like Wireshark.
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Unfortunately, as of the time of writing, RFtap is no longer being maintained and does not work with the latest version of GNU Radio (version 3.10.10). This post offers guidelines for rebuild and using RFtap with the new GNU Radio release.
This post assumes that the reader has access to DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U and a PC running Ubuntu or Debian Linux. For this, I used an RTL dongle with Rafael Micro R820T tuner and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS release.
As the first step install the following GNU Radio build dependencies into the OS:
sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev \ liblog4cpp5-dev qtcreator qtbase5-dev \ qt5-qmake python3-cheetah python3-numpy \ python3-pygtk python3-gi python3-gi-cairo \ gir1.2-gtk-4.0
sudo apt install git g++ libgmp-dev swig \ python3-mako python3-sphinx python3-lxml \ doxygen libfftw3-dev libsdl1.2-dev \ libgsl-dev libqwt-qt5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev \ python3-pyqt5 liblog4cpp5-dev libzmq3-dev \ python3-yaml python3-click \ python3-click-plugins python3-zmq python3-scipy \ libcodec2-dev libgsm1-dev libusb-1.0-0 \ libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev \ python3-setuptools
sudo apt install pybind11-dev python3-matplotlib \ libsndfile1-dev libsoapysdr-dev soapysdr-tools \ python3-pygccxml python3-pyqtgraph
sudo apt install libiio-dev libad9361-dev \ libspdlog-dev python3-packaging python3-jsonschema \ python3-qtpy
sudo apt remove swig
Next, clone and build Volk (Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels)
mkdir ~/rf cd rf git clone --recursive https://github.com/gnuradio/volk.git cd volk mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
After installing the Volk library, we can proceed to build GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.10.0.tar.gz tar -xvf ./v3.10.10.0.tar.gz cd gnuradio- mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../ make -j8 make test sudo make install sudo ldconfig
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Now GNU Radio is installed with all necessary components. To enable RTL SDR support, we must build and install Osmocom RTL SDR libraries and SDR components.
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/rtl-sdr.git cd rtl-sdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
cd ~/rf git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/sdr/gr-osmosdr cd gr-osmosdr mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Before plugging in the RTL-SDR dongle, we need to prevent the kernel modules for the RTL-SDR USB device from being loaded into the kernel and taking ownership of the device. To do this, simply navigate to the /etc/modprobe.d directory and create a file called rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf with the following content:
# This system has librtlsdr0 installed in order to # use digital video broadcast receivers as generic # software defined radios. blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu blacklist e4000 blacklist rtl2832 blacklist rtl2830 blacklist rtl2838
Next, you should clone and build the FM RDS/TMC transceiver module for GNU Radio.
cd ~/rf wget https://github.com/bastibl/gr-rds/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.tar.gz tar -xvf ./gr-rds\ -v3.10.tar.gz cd gr-rds-3.10 mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
For the next steps, we need to have Wireshark and RFTap. Wireshark can be installed using a package manager.
sudo apt-get install wireshark
To run Wireshark without requiring root user permissions, use the following set of commands:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER newgrp wireshark
A message may be prompted in the first step above and proceed by selecting the "Yes" option.
Now restart the OS and continue with the RFTap installation.
The official RFTap repository is no longer being maintained and is not compatible with newer versions of GNU Radio. For this step, please use the RFTap fork available in my GitHub repository. This version has been successfully tested with GNU Radio 3.10.10 and Wireshark 4.2.2.
cd ~/rf git clone https://github.com/dilshan/gr-rftap.git cd gr-rftap mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Now get the modifier version of rds_rx_rftap.grc from the above repository.
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The Wireshark Dissector file for RDS data is also available in the repository. Copy it to the ~/.config/wireshark/plugins directory. Create the directories if they do not exist.
Launch Wireshark and monitor the loopback (lo) adapter. Start GNU Radio and execute the rds_rx.grc file, which was downloaded in the above step.
If all the steps are performed correctly, the RDS data should appear in the packet list pane as UDP messages. The dissected messages can be observed through the packet bytes pane.
0 notes
mybukz · 1 year ago
Novel : "Girls V Boys" by Ryan Woodwind Wan
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Rayne, a girl seeking adventure, meets the Tracker, a boy out for redemption. When a new evil rises to steal the most powerful weapon in the universe, the unlikely duo must hunt down this foe. Either by challenging each other or teaming up together. As the two learn more about one another, will their feelings develop and lead to a confession, or will they tread separate paths? Or worse- become lifelong enemies? Enter their worlds filled with danger and chaos at every turn. Choose your side, play their matches, and uncover three different endings in the battle of a lifetime- Girls V Boys!
Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-fi / Romance / Friendship / Teamwork
Book format: E-book / Paperback
Number of pages: 262
Pricing: E-Book @ RM25 / Paperback @ RM45
Release Date: 17.3.2024
Google Play Books Preview:
Google Play Books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Zyn7EAAAQBAJ
Amazon Books: https://www.amazon.com/Girls-Boys-Ryan-Woodwind-Wan/dp/B0CXTP1NHH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=UBB15GFELOI3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OMGwn7BVvhawVYlAE3M2B5zny4Uwp6s06GI4g2mxNVQrosbfGmVteOPQbmb4lE9p_M0vx_wGqrtPNta62-BGHAaPaMITZBeQaaKLniCideK-r2xW7I_liGQ6BlA4b5SVh3DjraAFDBxfrP4yaNht_9XimbysD1-qVDYY6BLjcYL3Drl7nR_RYUnP16dM_4ft2WtOHI7EcJjNBfjUfS0_El4qnaMwRanmXcYbg0QBDiM.aCi6jucI21riP_QTU0clGyuf-sw2kCap4gMaDcVVMuM&dib_tag=se&keywords=girls+v+boys+guns&qid=1710511454&s=books&sprefix=girls+v+boys+g%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C302&sr=1-1
Ryan Woodwind Wan is a lawyer by day, writer by night. Like many others, Ryan struggles with work-life balance. And when he finds it, he might just come up with something.
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0 notes
he1x1ed · 3 months ago
📱i encountered DOL about 2019? 2018? wow, 5-6 years is a long time. i’ve not been actively playing it, of course— only recently rediscovering it in 2021 and now 2024 again. im pretty cosy here
✨because… game… text game… hmmggm.
⭐️ eden! not much has changed since i moved on to an LI kinda similar to him, whoops
💗 whitney. yes, i unfortunately am a whitney fucker
⚡️ whoever saved us at the start of the game and gave us pepperspray? an absolute g!
🌈 i am infact sooo casual that i cheat the game’s files regularly. i play it wayyyy too often to be considered casual gaming but im not playing a porn game like a sweat.
☀️ the whitney orphanage loft scene!
☁️ actually, the dress up mechanics are pretty nice. i played the sneaky and the new customisations are top fucking notch— love being able to change your pc’s body type too.
🍬 whitney scenes! whitney impregnate me!!! anything and everything whitney!!!!!
❤️ yes! my PC’s have much lore!! i will be pc posting soon…
🩷 whitney, great hawk. or alternatively, alex and sydney.
🧡 my question is how could your pc NOT have angst when you play in dolville? but i shannot say! that’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later. (ref)
💛 bailey is a weakness, tbf. a strength they have is their resilience.
💚 loved by the orphans and people who know them— but disliked by authorities. scrappy.
💙 remy and his associates. they also take disliking to the recluses of society (despite being a recluse themselves). i suppose it’s because of envy that they can do it so comfortably.
💜 they probably would want to take the chance, but there’s too much to leave behind. who will take care of the orphans? who will take care of whitney and make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble he can’t handle? what about great hawk and their children??? too much at stake!
Hello dol community, here I humbly present to you:
an Ask game :D
If anyone's confused, basically someone will send you an emoji which has questions you can answer to! Now here's the list (please don't judge the emojis) :
📱 - How did you encountered DoL? From a friend, through social media etc.
✨ - What made you play DoL? From the storyline, the characters or just for porn?
⭐ - Your first Love Interest/s at the start of your game.
💗 - Your current Love Interest/s.
⚡ - Your favorite Person of Interest or Non-Love Interest.
🌈 - Are you a casual player or a player that absolutely grinds everything?
☀️ - Favorite scene or events.
☁️ - Favorite part/mechanic of the game.
🍬 - Something you want to see in the game in the next update.
Now here's for the people who have pcs edition (optional):
❤️ - Does your pc have lore?
🩷 - Your pc's Love Interest/s
🧡 - Does your pc have angst? If so, what's the most traumatizing thing that has happened to them?
💛 - Weaknesses and strength your pc has.
💚 - What is their overall relationship with the people in the city? Are they kind and loved by everyone or are they a piece of meat to society?
💙 - Do they have someone they hate? An enemy, rival or just a nuisance in their life?
💜 - If given the chance, would your pc absolutely bail and leave the city to move somewhere else, or are they firmly rooted in the spot in this hellhole of a city.
Hope everyone has fun!
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wildbeyondthewhat · 1 year ago
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demicropsia · 3 years ago
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thesleepiicatsys · 2 years ago
A tonetag masterlist !
What are tonetags, How do I use them?
Tonetags are usually a sign off on a message to show which tone one has used! This helps people who cannot tell tone over text!
Why are people so persistent on using them?
It helps a lot of people! If they misunderstand something it could upset them! Be mindful!
What are some common Tonetags, What do they mean?
/g, /gq = genuine, genuine question
/j = Joking
/hj = Half joking
/ij = Inside joke
/cj = coping joke (commonly used after trauma jokes)
/lhj = Light hearted joke
/srs = Serious
/s, /sarc, /sar = Sarcastic/sarcasm
/hsrs = Half serious
/nsrs = not serious
/lh = Lighthearted
/l, /ly, /lyr = lyrics
/nay = not at you (when something isn't directed to you)
/ay = at you (when something it directed towards you)
/nbh = nobody here (commonly used after a vent towards someone to show it is not directed towards them, or to point out nobody in the group or place)
/dir = directed
/ndir = not directed
/safe = safe to click or open, (links or spoiled things)
/cur = Curious
/np = not pushing
/nf = not forced
/nfa = not forced answer
/nfta = not forced to answer
/rh, /rt = rhetorical question
/rt = retweet or rhetorical question
/pa = passive aggressive
/npa = not passive aggressive
/f, /fake = fake
/q, /quote = quote
/ref = reference
/ncm = not comparing, not competing
/c = copypasta, or caps lock
/li = literally
/hy, /hyp = hyperbole
/pc, /pos = Positive connotation
/nc, /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral connotation
/opn = opinion
/sugg = suggestion
/gs = genuine suggestion
/nbr = not being rude
/ot = off topic
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