#fyx it
ranibowspinkle · 2 months
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Light em up (I'm on fire)
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fyx-ation · 1 month
Sometimes when I'm watching a new anime and it gets outside my comfort zone because it's just gross, I will literally pause and scrunch up my face like I'm impersonating Elvis and Mr. Bean at the same time. I'll always give it a fair shake and watch a little more, but if it happens a couple more times... I'm out.
For example, this one isekai goes full throttle into threatening rape on characters right from the get-go. I don't generally watch isekai much because most have been icky. Sword Art Online? Soon as it started getting rapey, I peaced out. But that's not even the one I'm talking about. The one I'm trying to watch right now has one of those run-on sentence titles like I Got Transported to a Fantasy Land and I suck but I'll Become Powerful Anyway While Boobs Bounce in My Face as I Destroy the Goddess. Failure Frame is the secondary title, I think?
I don't know. As I get older, I have a lower and lower tolerance for fan service and unnecessary "sexualized in defeat" segments. Or child abuse. Just. Yuck.
There's a million other things to watch out there.
Don't commit to garbage just because you read or watched the first few of something. It's always okay to go, "Nah," and back away. You can do it at any point. Same thing goes for mediocre media. Maybe something you once loved just starts getting bad. It's okay to let it go. You don't owe it your time. Shit, I couldn't even finish Supernatural, and I watched over ten?? seasons of that. I couldn't even "hate watch" it to completion. Walking Dead, too. Started strong, but I stopped after season 4? 5? I don't even remember; it was that unimportant in the long run.
(Fucked up younger me would be aghast at the thought of this. I had to finish things. I had to collect things. I had to have the WHOLE thing. It's like my brain developed attachments brewed from the sunk cost fallacy and the physical value of things. Having half of something=it's worthless. Only when it's complete does it have any value. If you see even an inkling of this behavior in yourself, address it now while you have objectivity. Don't support shit that you don't actually thoroughly enjoy. You don't owe the creators anything.)
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In the quiet of forgotten corners, I have found two pieces of pages, but they are torn and do not fit together.
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Does anyone see what I'm missing?
Two unfitting halves of 4,915 pages found.
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carmen-caught-em · 10 months
people who own rotoms, can you give me some tips? i just took one in and i know the basic needs but is there anything else I should know? wanna make fyx as comfortable as possible :]c
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iychodon · 2 years
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krita unsucks ass now because i learnt how to clip stuff
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mogtaki · 2 years
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Dungeon Master Fyx would like to play a game with you. Would you accept?
Commission for Fyx on Discord!
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trololous · 2 years
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jrwistudios · 1 year
ws alex lettirih xs glmt fc erc glergi?
We're so sorry, but we can't understand that question. Please try to avoid using special characters when messaging, as it can glitch out, and we can't read your message!
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ask-unpleasant · 3 months
creepy!! watcha think of Unpleasant and Infected ??
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staffs-secret-blog · 2 years
This is a Caesar Cypher translate it if you wanna know what it says
Ai'vi rs wxverkivw xs pszi
Csy orsa xli vypiw erh ws hs M (hs M)
E jypp gsqqmxqirx'w alex M'q xlmromrk sj
Csy asyphr'x kix xlmw jvsq erc sxliv kyc
M nywx aerre xipp csy lsa M'q jiipmrk
Ksxxe qeoi csy yrhivwxerh
Riziv ksrre kmzi csy yt
Riziv ksrre pix csy hsar
Riziv ksrre vyr evsyrh erh hiwivx csy
Riziv ksrre qeoi csy gvc
Riziv ksrre wec ksshfci
Riziv ksrre xipp e pmi erh lyvx csy
Ai'zi orsar iegl sxliv jsv ws psrk
Csyv lievx'w fiir eglmrk, fyx csy'vi xss wlc xs wec mx (wec mx)
Mrwmhi, ai fsxl orsa alex'w fiir ksmrk sr (ksmrk sr)
Ai orsa xli keqi erh ai'vi ksrre tpec mx
Erh mj csy ewo qi lsa M'q jiipmrk
Hsr'x xipp qi csy'vi xss fpmrh xs wii
Riziv ksrre kmzi csy yt
Riziv ksrre pix csy hsar
Riziv ksrre vyr evsyrh erh hiwivx csy
Riziv ksrre qeoi csy gvc
Riziv ksrre wec ksshfci
Riziv ksrre xipp e pmi erh lyvx csy
Riziv ksrre kmzi csy yt
Riziv ksrre pix csy hsar
Riziv ksrre vyr evsyrh erh hiwivx csy
Riziv ksrre qeoi csy gvc
Riziv ksrre wec ksshfci
Riziv ksrre xipp e pmi erh lyvx csy
Ai'zi orsar iegl sxliv jsv ws psrk
Csyv lievx'w fiir eglmrk, fyx csy'vi xss wlc xs wec mx (xs wec mx)
Mrwmhi, ai fsxl orsa alex'w fiir ksmrk sr (ksmrk sr)
Ai orsa xli keqi erh ai'vi ksrre tpec mx
M nywx aerre xipp csy lsa M'q jiipmrk
Ksxxe qeoi csy yrhivwxerh
Riziv ksrre kmzi csy yt
Riziv ksrre pix csy hsar
Riziv ksrre vyr evsyrh erh hiwivx csy
Riziv ksrre qeoi csy gvc
Riziv ksrre wec ksshfci
Riziv ksrre xipp e pmi erh lyvx csy
Riziv ksrre kmzi csy yt
Riziv ksrre pix csy hsar
Riziv ksrre vyr evsyrh erh hiwivx csy
Riziv ksrre qeoi csy gvc
Riziv ksrre wec ksshfci
Riziv ksrre xipp e pmi erh lyvx csy
Riziv ksrre kmzi csy yt
Riziv ksrre pix csy hsar
Riziv ksrre vyr evsyrh erh hiwivx csy
Riziv ksrre qeoi csy gvc
Riziv ksrre wec ksshfci
Riziv ksrre xipp e pmi erh lyvx csy
Do you really think I can't translate this just by looking at it
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junexin67 · 1 year
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4areincorrect · 4 months
I've decided to do something so...
mj ai'vi pssomrk jsv A, li qmklx fi alivi xli sph vmhmrk gpyf aew
m hsr'x orsa ercxlmrk efsyx vmhmrk sv gpyfw, fyx xlex hsiw wsyrh pmoi a
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systastic · 2 months
Hi!! Can we get 2 level 3 creators choice DSMP (any au/source) alter packs??:3 tysm!!
oouhh… dsmp is not smth we know 3: but ill try nya!!! -🍥
thought it would be funny to make all of their alt names start with the same letter. if ya want them to be different lmk and I’ll find others :] -🌳
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name :: fundy, foxy, felix, finn, flynn, fallon, forest, finley, fyxe (pronounced fix)
age :: 21
pronouns :: he/him, fy/fyn, fox/foxs
roles :: system hacker, overclocker, optijective, contrarian advisor, semi-architect, minecraftxenorole
species :: human/fox shifter
gender identity :: kitfoxthing, codegender, sunstelasyne, mangojellyic
orientation :: gay
source :: brainmade / MYCT
aesthetic :: constructivism, memphis design, minivan rock
appearance description :: being both half human and half fox has given Felix the ability to transform from a full fox form to a half-human and half-fox form. fyn hair in human form is a comforting shade of orange with furry black ears sticking up from the fluff. an orange tail with a black tip sprouts from just above his behind and is rather sensitive to the touch. a strange ombré pattern trickles down from his fingers and toes, disappearing as it reaches halfway up his forearms and calves. flynn makes a habit out of wearing long pants with a billion pockets on the legs and a hoodie with deep pockets to stash all of the things he pilfers from others. they’ll get them all back later… probably… if foxy remembers to give them back or gets caught red-handed. when he isn’t being a little shit, fyxe can be found gaming the day away at his computer desk, often to the point of forgetting to eat or drink.
personality description :: an absolute menace of a man who commits so many crimes on a daily basis. whether it be snatching up stuff that isn’t his, coding the headspace to have some sneaky traps implanted, or convincing someone into something through reverse psychology, fundy is always getting up to no good. granted, his version of “no good” revolves around snatching up objects, building or coding things into the headspace that would mildly inconvenience someone, or annoying someone else. still, it can get frustrating. he is a gamer and goes bananas over being given full access to a sandbox game, learning the ins and outs in a matter of hours and starting to mod it as soon as he can. if other alters make stuff in the same game, then fallon will try to help them… though his help isn’t always wanted.
likes :: gaming, coding, making stupid shit, playing with his friends, pulling pranks on people, foxes, creating things, working with others on projects, playing minecraft, committing crimes (not real ones, only lighthearted stuff), snatching things that look cool, YouTube video binging, and pilfering some late night snacks to soothe his hunger
dislikes :: his coding not working, getting caught in his own traps, being called out for the stuff that he does (people just can’t have fun nowadays, can they?), having to work on school stuff (boring!), getting frontstuck, being on his own for too long with nothing to do, and being bored. he hates being bored.
front triggers :: minecraft, coding work/lessons, the idea of making some mischief, pranks and practical jokes
signoff :: 🦊, 💻, 📝, or 🔏
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name :: callahan, callum, chandler, caelan, caelus, cian, cillian, conor
age :: 19 to 22
pronouns :: he/him, they/them, si/syr, dear/dears (dearself)
roles :: escutcheon, naturalist, pacific, advisor, minecraftxenorole
species :: deer-human hybrid
gender identity :: deerthing, etincechampic, faefolkspinnic
orientation :: achillean
source :: brainmade / MYCT
aesthetic :: mossy, goblincore, cabincore,
appearance description :: cillian is a shorter guy with curly brown hair, tanned skin, and deep brown eyes. he often wears a cloak over his shoulders to accompany his outfit. why they do this isn’t super clear — but what is clear is that they love their cloak and can often be spotted running around to make the wind blow it back. conor isn’t a huge fan of layers; this usually makes him go shirtless when wearing his cloak, or wear a very light tank top underneath. dear rarely wears shoes when outside as dear likes to feel the dirt and grass under dears feet as dear goes. some folks see this as callum being “dirty” or “gross”, but cal doesn’t care. he knows headspace isn’t as real as the outer world is. so what if he doesn’t wear shoes? it won’t hurt them any. cian sometimes has a muffler he pulls up over his mouth to give himself a barrier between his lips and the world. it feels… safe, somehow.
personality description :: callahan is a very sweet if not somewhat shy person. they’re known for their silly streak and ability to joke around even when they aren’t in the mood to speak. cal’s ability to mime is second to none, and god knows they can use their hands to accentuate things. unlike fundy, caelus doesn’t get any humor out of watching other people suffer. he prefers to help instead of hurt; it makes him feel better about his position and role. despite his preference for silence, cian does like to interact with others. this can come through gestures and actions or simply projecting his thoughts to other headmates without saying a single word. in his mind, this makes communication easier than talking does, what with word choice and tone and all of that. chandler is a bit of a loner, but he still likes to hang out with his friends for special or otherwise important events.
likes :: solidarity, sitting on the ground in the middle of a clearing, fresh dew on blades of grass, observing the world, reindeer, regular deer, in-game wildlife, the small details that really build up a video game, good graphics and smooth frame-rate, sandbox games, being able to play with others, and not having to use his voice to talk during a video game.
dislikes :: big crowds, loud concerts, being annoyed by fundy too often, griefers, people who make games no fun for anyone, rule breakers (ie spawnkills, save-scumming pvp fights, server bounty hunters, hackers, etc), unfair rules, being pushed out of a group in favor of someone else they don’t know, getting replaced, and having to wear shoes when outside for any length of time (it feels so wrong).
front triggers :: being on their own in otherwise busy places, an inability or unwillingness to speak, people-watching, world simulators
signoff :: 🦌, 🌎, or 🗺️
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carmen-caught-em · 11 months
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their name is fyx and they’re a pain in my ass. love them
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That inspiration's been just hittin
Fyx for r1v3nn!
Finch for weasil_t33th!
Kauser and R-9 for Aquawyvern!
Red the Unfortunate for Redluck!
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foxpostingalphax · 5 months
You know. I think I like Fyx, for myself. Short for Fyxen
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