#fuzz clone
dreamswithghosts · 1 year
The Loth Cat in Part 1 - Master and Apprentice
Warning Spoilers for Ahsoka Part 1 - Master and Apprentice
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Gifset Masterlist
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phantasmaltrain · 4 months
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“would you win in a fight against a clone of yourself”
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The things I do for fandom….
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fuzzkaizer · 1 year
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anonimous homemade maestro - FZ-1A clone
"this old homemade Maestro clone is prob the best sounding #FZ-1A in the collection… ‘64 and ‘65 datecodes on a couple parts.. loaded with 2N2613 transistors"
cred: instagram.com/jermsfuzz
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bored-cat-child · 1 year
the insufferable urge to share
even though it's not finished yet..............
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sysig · 2 years
If no one's beat me to the last requestober slot, I'd like to request Scriabin struggling with hat/hoodie hair as his hair grows out! I kind of imagine it being a pet peeve of his in the cold months (and one that he didn't anticipate in his excitement to have lovely long hair again, haha)
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Day 31 - Fluff and fuzz
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faeriekit · 10 months
How about Accidental Baby Acquisition for the askgame :D
This is where y'all discover that TimKon clone baby rules my entire life actually.
Well. Wait; Kon's face scrunches up. He shouldn't be using 'it'. It's a baby. It's going to become a person one day. So it's a...
(Kon checks discreetly.)
It's a he. For now, anyway. Maybe the baby will make a different decision when he's older.
...Kon pales.
Oh god. When the baby's older. He's already thinking about this baby as a foregone conclusion, and not, like, back end of Tim's weird one-stop cloning shop Tim's depression had built while Kon was dead.
Still. The baby's so small in his arms. When he yawns, little toothless mouth wide and gummy and his little pink tongue showing, Kon feels like every one of his internal organs is being crushed simultaneously.
It's just. The baby is so stinking cute. He has little dark fuzz for hair, and a little baby nose, and soft little hands with nails that aren't even real yet, but still flex and grab when they want something Kon can get them. His little toes are to die for. He's got a round little belly that's maybe a little too thin by human standards, but Kon can fix that. Some time and some formula's got to help speed that along real quick.
There's no question about it— really, there never was, because even with a backlog of desperate emails sent to a dead half-alien superhero clone that documented Tim's spiral into despair-induced mania, Kon had jumped out of bed and flown off as soon as he'd realized the sender was Tim's Bat secure random-generated-gibberish email.
Sure, he'd hoped to see a living, thriving Tim on the other end, and not a test tube baby floating in a tub of its own recycled growth medium, but hey. Tim's weird. It's Kon's job to be adaptable when his assigned Bat goes off the rails.
"I bet Ma's gonna love you," Kon whispers into the baby's cheek, and takes a moment to wipe more of the medium from the infant with the edge of his shirt.
The baby sneezes in agreement, and that's good enough for Kon.
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Sometimes I hear people say that Rex's hair is dyed and bleached but that doesn't really make sense. Rex mostly doesn't have hair, it's practically completely shaved down save some incredibly short, blond fuzz. If he bleached his hair, his skin would probably peel and roots would definitely be showing. I think the intention is clear that it's just his hair at this point.
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Sometimes in the cloning process there are just mutations and deviations, like minute recessive gene activations that result in phenotypical changes like hair colour. Rex is just one of those clones.
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We see another blond clone in TCW called Hotshot, a cadet who's hair is similarly shaved (emulating his kindred-haired hero?). Very much doubt he was given hair dye by the Kaminoans. Individuality comes after you leave Kamino.
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And, from what we know of hair dye in the retrofuturistic universe that is Star Wars, it is also liquid form, so I honestly don't see hair dying as likely on hair as shorn off as that. Long story short, Rex is a natural blond king and he has more fun.
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
thomas wayne au excerpts - things that could've been part of a grander fic except there's no grander fic
thomas wayne au - an au i made last year where danny is literally just. thomas wayne. his full name was Daniel Thomas Fenton and he started going by Thomas Nightingale after he was disowned. because of course. here is a link to the first post if anyone wants to see a more in depth view of the au (its also the start of me using the ‘danny fenton is not the ghost king’ au lmao
additional info: bruce is the result of a failed cloning attempt from vlad - vlad used a combination of danny's dna and an unnamed girl (Martha's) to make him to try and balance out the ectoplasm use. this resulted in a slightly liminal but otherwise completely human and stable baby boy. Bruce is, by all accounts, Danny's biological son. Danny named him Bruce
Danny was 24 when he died, he took in Bruce when he was 16. He is, so far, a single father in this au. (But if I WERE to add martha she wouldn't be sam or a DP character but rather a separate character on her own.)
Essentially they would go as:
Martha, 19: water does terrifying things to corpses
Danny, 19, half ghost: *heart eyes* really? tell me more they're morticia and gomez your honor
---- Like starlight -----
Bruce's father could light up a room. He was like a sun, his gravitational field could just pull you in, and before you knew it you'd be orbiting around him like one of his many planets.
He's seen it in action before, in the rare moments Thomas Wayne would allow him to accompany him to the socialite events he went to; the fundraisers; the charities. Bruce, as tall as his father's waist, would cling to his leg and watch as people drifted towards him and his star-blinding smile.
It's fitting that his father's favorite thing in the world were stars, he fit right in with them.
As an adult, Bruce has tried copious amount of times to mimic him. To try and capture a fraction of that light, that charm, in his own act - but here's the thing. Thomas Wayne wasn't made of starlight only in front of the cameras, he was made of starlight outside of it as well.
(So when older socialites laugh and tell him he's so much like his father, Bruce just thinks they are liars. They've only ever seen the Thomas Wayne his father showed them, Bruce is nothing like his father.)
In the manor, whatever room he stepped into seemed to brighten, and maybe it was just Bruce's own child-memory fuzzing it to raise his father onto a pedestal, but he stands by it. His father was a solar system, his very own galaxy. Bruce was just the lucky planet that was close enough to orbit him.
--------- arrival time ------
Ancients, ancients, what the fuck convinced Danny to ever go to Gotham of all places? Crime Capitol of the world? He's not sure, but he's been wandering around the country for the last few months, swapping between flying late at night as Phantom, and taking the busses and trains when he had the money, and was too exhausted to fly.
And of course, what convinced him to come here with his kid no less, who was just at the cusp of turning a year old? Whose curiosity of the world was growing greater by the day? Who wanted to look around and explore, and was growing tired of being held at all hours of the day by his father.
But he was going to be held, at least for as long as they were in Gotham for. He didn't trust the stuff on the sidewalks, and he didn't trust the people walking on it. Bruce was tiny, and Danny would lose his mind if he lost him in a crowd.
In his arms, Bruce whined and wriggled, pushing at his shoulders in the signature way he did when he wanted to be let down. Danny tightened his hold, and adjusted his place on his hip.
"I know, bumblebee." Danny muttered, resting his chin on Bruce's small head. His hair was still thin, but it was dark and soft, and tickled his throat a little. "But not yet, I need to find somewhere for us to stay first."
He needed to find somewhere for them to stay, permanently. He couldn't keep living like this, and he couldn't let Bruce grow up like this either. Constantly moving, homeless, unsure of when he was going to eat next? It wasn't good for him. But he needed to find a city he liked, and after that? He wasn't sure. Where did he start?
But Bruce doesn't like his answer, he whines at him, louder, and his wriggling increases. He wants down, he wants to move. They were in a new place again, he wanted to explore. He's too little to fully understand what his dad's saying. "Dada." He said, his voice thick with the accent of a child first learning to speak.
"I know," Danny repeats, stressing the word as his eyes flitted about. There was a park nearby -- maybe he and Bruce could stop there for a bit. Bruce could move around, and Danny could figure out his next move.
It was getting dark, he didn't want to be out in Gotham when it was dark. Shuffling, he moved the inside of his jacket to wrap around Bruce better. It was getting cold, too. Last winter with Bruce had been hellish - Bruce's liminality meant that Danny's immunity to the cold hadn't been passed down to him. Danny had spent all winter terrified that Bruce was going to get sick and die. He didn't want to go through that stress again, especially now that Bruce would be moving.
He hoped they could find new living arrangements soon.
---- dniwer eht klolc - clockwork's conversation ---
Laughing quietly as Bruce ran out of the room, Danny turned his attention back to the mirror, his fingers curled around the knot of his tie. They'd been planning this outing for weeks since the movie was first announced, and Danny wasn't going to let anything ruin tonight.
Humming under his breath, his hands fell from his tie and he steps back. They were leaving in half an hour, at best, but experience from the last six years has taught Danny that he wants to be ready before then.
In his reflection, the clock behind him stops ticking, and a wave of nothing washes over him, a subtle shift he's gotten used to that was the sensation of time stopping. Ticking, soft and coming from all four sides of the room, filled his ears.
Danny's smile drops. And behind him, Clockwork swirled into existence like a blackhole reversing its pull. "Don't go out tonight, Thomas." He says, his voice stern.
That wasn't happening.
He reaches up to push back a loose strand of hair out of his face. "Does something happen to Bruce, Clockwork?" He asks, his voice deceptively calm. That would be the only reason he would postpone tonight. If it endangered Bruce, then he would just have to break the news to him that they'd have to go tomorrow.
In the reflection, Clockwork's lips thinned, pressing together tersely. He looked tense, the grip on his staff was tight, tighter than Danny's seen it before in recent years. And it worried him a little.
Clockwork is silent for a few seconds, hesitant, before he finally speaks. "No, Bruce will be fine." He says, and uncharacteristic of him, he shuffles, "But--"
Ah, good then. Danny's smile returns briefly across his face. Then it could be something Danny can handle. "But nothing then, Clockwork." He says, interrupting the Ancient firmly. He leans back slightly to look over himself again in the mirror, before going to undo his tie. He's changed his mind about it.
"Boo has been looking forward to our movie all week, I'm not crushing his hopes by changing my mind last minute." In just a few seconds the tie was off his neck and tossed onto bed behind him. And Danny was reaching over the dresser beside him to grab a pearl necklace, he normally didn't wear it, it belonged to Mrs. Wayne and he inherited it after she and Mr. Wayne passed away last year. It wouldn't hurt to wear it for a special occasion like this.
Clockwork's lips tightened, and his shoulders tensed up. "Thomas," He says lowly, "Please."
...Clockwork never said please. Danny's never heard him say please in the last ten years he's known him. This... must have been pretty serious -- but, his core tugged at him. He couldn't cancel without finding the reason why. Bruce was so important to him, Danny couldn't break his heart with this without learning why. He wouldn't allow it, and neither would his core.
He hooks the necklace around his neck and turns to face Clockwork, frowning deeply. "Does something happen tonight?" If he knew the reason -- he just needed to know the reason.
Clockwork stares at him, and something that Danny can't catch appears across his face. "...I cannot tell you." He says after a long moment, his voice quiet.
That... is not the answer Danny wants. He won't cancel.
He frowns. "If something happens tonight..." He says slowly -- Clockwork said that Bruce is unharmed. That must mean Danny was able to handle it. He allows himself to smile reassuringly, and he steps forward to clap a hand on Clockwork's shoulder. "Then I will handle it, alright? I promise."
He gets no response back. Clockwork's expression unreadable as he nods silently - Danny's anxiety curls in his gut. He's being so unlike himself. But he shakes Clockwork's shoulder gently and steps around him, leaving the room.
After a minute, he feels time return to normal.
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rawvnoisevcruster · 4 months
If you had to describe crust and all its various subgenres, how would you? Defining sounds, aesthetic, etc all wrapped up in one. What makes something crust
This actually hits on a vary interesting part of the crust scene to me. "Crust punk" is more then just crust too me. It's all sorts of music from all over punk/hardcore/metal. D beat is a good example, d beat isn't crust but every crustie loves d beat. Same for grind, uk/us hardcore, death/black metal, noise punk. So describing the crust scene and describe actual crust punk music (as apposed to music crustie like) is two different situations
AS FOR A ANSWER the core crust sound that all other come from its that first wave uk/us thrash and first wave bm, the Bristol style anarcho punk (ie disorder, chaos uk etc), discharge and it's clones (crucifix, disattack, anti cimex), and the more out there anarcho punk like antisect, dirt, conflict.
For individual sounds it's heavy influence on a fuzz and gain heavy guitar play simpl punk riffs with a almost thrash sound to em.Bass is vary gangly, distorted and low for both guitar and bass there both distorted to the point you can't hear the individual strums of the guitar. Drums have a high snare and cymbols with low toms to make the drum fills stand out. Lots of rolls,crash cymbol hits and odd poly rhythms. And the high hat is played open instead of closed. And finally the vocals can be done all sorts of way bouncing from crass style rhythmic saying of words, metal style growls, hardcore yells, to even singing (at least in the the us scene for some reason), focusing on angry and gloomy political topics taken spoken about in a broad view, less personal and more third person
First distinction in style (excluding scenes crustie like but aren't crust proper, agin dbeat, grind, etc)
Stenchcore: much more metal, more odd rhythms, and more riffs over speed. Many times slower, more intricate, cleaner, & atmospheric guitar. Also tends to describe its politics in a more esoteric style (see deviated instinct, life, sword wielder)
Crasher crust: uk early crust with a more frantic style. More quick, jumpy. Less atmospheric and moody guitars and bass, focusing on more extreme noisy & and that high guitar low bass sound. And a more hardcore yelling vocals then growls (see gloom, atrocious madness, death dust extractor)
Stadium crust: heavy Scandinavian dbeat influences, much clearer less distorted sounding bass and guitar. More pushing drum and less fills, and more intricate riffs (see wolf brigade, victims, dis fear)
Neo crust: lots of melodic but dark riffs. break downs of slower sludge metal riffs, simpler black metal influenced drums. Plus more slower atmospheric sounds. (See his hero is gone, habak, ekkaia)
Blackend crust: early uk crust and neo crust with a heavy influence of bm (as the name suggests) heavy on rhythm. Simple drawn out riffs, less fuzz on guitar and bass (see iskra, dodsrit, martyrdöd)
I know there's more genres but I need to get this out so I'll put the others in a re blog plus soon the genres get messy and muddy as far as hard line differences
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rubykgrant · 7 days
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While I'm mostly working on new face designs for other characters, I occasionally go back and fix a few things on designs I've already done... mostly because, through practice, I'm a little better at actually getting the lines and shapes to look how I want. With Carolina and Tex, this takes place in my story-line where the Alpha and Beta AI get to come back in synthetic human bodies created with DNA samples of Allison and the Director (they aren't literal clones, but definitely similar; the same way two parents can have children who look different). Tex ironically resembles Carolina more than Allison (she still has the blonde hair). Carolina is tall and strong, more of a lean-build. Tex is a bit taller, and when she gets the chance to work on her muscles, she gets herself buff (Carolina fighting is about quick-strikes, and Tex is a brawler). Tex also has a strong chin/jawline. We've seen Carolina's actual face, so I just translated it to my style, and decided that she later decides to cut her hair short, plus dyes it a darker red (she still has the smokey eyeshadow, out of pure stubborness; every time somebody criticizes in, she doubles-down). My Church design, like a lot of people's, is a little inspired by the Director, but I decided he's shorter, with a chubby/chunky body-type (ideal Church-bod). His hair is longer, styling it more forward and up, with sideburns. He debated having facial hair, in case that made him look TOO much like SOMEBODY, but decided if he spends his whole life avoiding any similarities, that's just a backwards way of letting SOMEBODY still influence him. So, he just does what he wants (and Tex told him the face-fuzz looks good on him~)
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drops-of-moonlights · 8 months
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The full Donkey Kong Country cast! Except the ones I couldn't be bothered to draw! Let's get on with them. (DK and Candy were in the second batch)
Diddy and Dixie remain mainly the same, though Diddy I based off his movie design solely because I couldn't get the crop top to look right. Still a couple as indicated by their matching nail polish.
Cranky has a vest and sweatpants under the red shawl he has in the movie, while Wrinkly I gave a similar setup but in green and with a sundress. She's still dead in my 'verse, but her ghost appears in this design instead of a nightgown.
Chunky and Kiddy! Since in my 'verse everyone's a little older Kiddy goes from a toddler to a kindergarten/first-grade aged kid, who is still just huge for no reason. Chunky is his big brother around Diddy's age and since the movie portrayed Chunky as having some peach fuzz I gave him a bit of scruff on his chin. He ended up pretty cute I must say!
I'VE ALWAYS HATED TINY KONG'S HAT. IT'S SO UGLY. So I fully removed it from my design lol. I kept the same general idea of her teen design but aged it down just a smidge so you can easily tell Dixie's the older one of the 2, while also making her blonde hair dyed for some extra variety. instead of a crop tank top and sweatpants she has an off-the-shoulders top and a skort for some extra variation.
As for Lanky Kong I leaned into his namesake, and if he looks just a SMIDGE evil that's because I had TheMentok's video on the Kongs in the background as I drew and that might've influenced me just a tad lol.
Funky my beloved! I went full into his original full-surfer design, to get something different since Funky canonically hates going adventuring. I gave him a belly gained from just chilling on the beach most days lol. Also he has hair now! With him I set out to not just make him a clone of DK that wears clothes.
Lastly, King K. Rool and Lord Fredrik! With K.Rool I mixed his regular design with his Super Mario Sluggers design and also gave him a LOOOOOONG tail because crocodile. He wears a cuirass over his chest and gut. As for Fredrik all I did was give him some boots his design was strong enough already.
Now for extra 'verse lore: K.Rool rules Kremling Island, Fredrik rules the nearby Snowmad Island. these two alongside the Kong Isles form the Jungle Archipelago Kingdom. All three nations have beef with each other but since the recent Peace Treaty between the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms they've moved to a "cold war" sort of status where no one is openly hostile to one another but they still hate each other lol.
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hyperblue · 1 month
— She is also intersex. She has PAIS, a syndrome of partial insensitivity to androgens. She is identified at birth as a boy because her genitals look male and the Drake family needs a male heir.
— She seemed to know that she was different from the boys. There is a lot in this, subtle or conspicuous - she sits quietly in a corner, clutching a teddy bear to her chest, watching her mother in fascination while other boys rush after each other with toy swords.
She differs from other boys in appearance, thin and relatively short, while the rest already reach their mothers' shoulders, and their muscles are strong and sinewy. She looks like her mother. Even Jack notices it-her lush dark hair, her lilac-blue eyes, her thin soft body, even the way she smiles or how beautifully her swan neck bends when she bends over a book.
— She has been longing for a child since childhood, dreams about it most often, it's a little girl, occasionally a boy, sometimes even twins. In dreams, she is an adult and looks even more like her mother, but Janet would never look like this - a simple dress, bare feet in soft socks, carelessly gathered hair. She rocks a bundle in her arms from which a tiny hand reaches out to her, she cradles a crying baby and baby calms down squeezes a tiny face into her neck.
Sometimes she is only pregnant with her child - she is sitting by the fireplace, and the fabric of her dress hugs her stomach, she gently holds her hand on it and looks lovingly at the man standing in the doorway, her love and the father of her child. He is faceless, but she always feels love for him.
— She buys her own things, necessities and her own wishes from an early age, at the age of 7, her Father simply entrusts her with her own card and tells her to use it wisely. She obeys him. All her clothes are actually girlish, even T-shirts and shorts.
She always dresses at home when the housekeeper comes, a kind grandmother with smiling wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She puts on a T-shirt dress and shorts.
Her hair is always long, but not too long to pay attention to, their gently curling tips touch her neck. Janet calls her Mom's boy with a smile.
— Her body reacts to testosterone and other male hormones with great reluctance and somehow. She has a light light fuzz on her body, a slightly low voice and she grows tall. She or her parents have to say that she is a boy because everyone who meets her for the first time calls her a girl. She doesn't want to dissuade them.
— She makes the transition after her mother's death and while her father is in a coma. Bruce, her guardian, is incredibly gentle and understanding, besides he is already the father of Elissa Adelia Grayson.
It feels like a sweet relief, as if she was standing on the edge, immoderately changing from foot to foot and finally she took a step forward, and soared into the sky, spreading her wings.
— She falls in love with Kon-El, Conner Kent, Superboy, her best friend and her soulmate abruptly and unexpectedly. It's just that one day, in his presence, her heart does her sister's signature somersault and she wants his strong but gentle hand to squeeze hers. He appears in her dreams, he is her beloved husband and the father of her child. She holds her hand on her stomach, Kon hugs her.
— When Bruce, her father, her Kon, Bart are dead, she feels her mind bursting at the seams under the onslaught of grief and pain. She collects Kon's things, everything could keep his pieces in. She thinks it's wrong...
— She holds her hand on the warm glass, the soft greenish liquid gently sparkles, two tiny embryos, viable and developing, seem to react to this, react to her. She puts her other hand on her stomach, a ghostly warmth warms her from the inside. Everything is almost as she dreamed, only Kon is not around.
she is everything to me. you can't even imagine she is everything to me
whenever i thought about tim as a girl in the context of this au, i always ended up thinking that in that case, cloning a child wouldn't be a mistake/accident but rather a planned and expected outcome, so you've pretty much guessed my own headcanons
(I'd sooo read a fic about her. scratch that I'd write a fic about her if could still write but oh well)
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fuzzkaizer · 2 years
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collection of bootleg EHX pedals
MKS elektronics - envelope filter Flanger DART - bad stone phase shipter bad stone phase shifter Sekova - BIG MUFF model 2015
cred: facebook.com/Daniel Niejadlik
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dickarchivist · 11 months
Grave squad of the 404th.
This is the biography introduction for Grave Squad, clone OCs made by me. They're part of a fake battalion, the 404th. The jedi mentioned are for context only at this point, and are also my OCs.
Jedi of Note: Jedi Master Dax'Malkin Valka. Zebrak. General of the 404th. Padawan Athena Bello, near human. Master Dax's last Padawan.
Word count: 2815
Minors DNI 🔞 there is the N S F W alphabet for Grave Squad toward the bottom.
Meet The Clones!
Ghost, Phantom, Specter, Banshee, and Wraith!
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Clone Captain 1313: Ghost
Nickname: none
Ghost is the oldest of the Grave Squad Clones. He's a mission focused and goal driven soldier, but this doesn't stop him from making time to check on his men. Ghost is known to be incredibly kind hearted, making sure that everyone in his command is taken care of before he takes care of himself.
During a field mission, Ghost sustained acid burns to his eyes while protecting natives. Ghost lost his eyes, but Master Dax saw to it that he be given cybernetics to stay in the fight and prolong his life. Ghost's eyes are predominantly white, with a gray iris and white pupil. The splash like scars remain across his eyes like a mask. Ghost has short hair, shaved on the sides with a slightly longer top. After his accident, Ghost starts growing facial hair. The dark hair is mixed with patches of silver, fading in some places.
ARC Trooper 1404: Phantom
Nickname: Tom/Tommy
Phantom's a little cocksure and brash. He likes to think himself the leader despite his place in the Squad, and will sometimes challenge Ghost for his position. He's never beaten Ghost, even when his Captain was blind. Phantom is extremely competitive, keeps count of Droid kills on missions, and is known to cause bar fights.
When he's in the field, Phantom earns his name. He moves silently and follows the orders to a T unless the situation calls for quick thinking, which it often does. He's best with long range assault, yet remains a vital assent in melee situations. Phantom sports goatee facial hair with longer locks. He ties it back with a beaded ribbon given to him by Athena.
ARC Trooper 1551: Specter
Nickname: Specs
Lovingly nicknamed "Specs" by his brothers, Specter is the more technologically inclined of Grave Squad. His area of expertise sits with improvised weaponry, often making explosives or blasters with anything he can get his hands on. Creating gadgets and hacking systems are his second favorite hobbies. His first is photography. Specter takes photos every chance he gets, and when asked why, he simply says, "Proof that we lived." He's a little harder to get to warm up than his brothers, very blunt, but he understands when gentleness is needed.
Specter has a shock of white hair on his head, fluffy and wild, a broad Mohawqk. The sides of his head are shaved, decorated with tattoos of intricate swirl patterns.
Clone Ordnance Specialist 1666: Banshee
Nickname: Ban
The scars on Banshee's throat tell many stories, but you won't hear them from him. His brothers can tell you a million different stories, but they always change, and Banshee won't tell you which one is true, if any of them. He's quiet, yet despite his role in demolition, he likes it quiet too. He wears in the ear headphones near constantly to drown out the tinnitus from explosions. some say he's deaf, but even so much as whisper his name and he'll look your way. But he's not mute. On the battlefield if you hear his voice, you either duck for cover or you run. Things are about to get loud. Banshee communicates in hand signs more than anything else.
Banshee is often seen with a neutral expression, and half hooded eyes, making him appear sleepy despite how high alert he always is. Aside from the scars across his throat, Banshee's hair is his most defining feature. Near shaved bald, the fuzz on his head is blonde. Sometimes, for fun, Banshee and the rest of Grave Squad will draw on his head. Athena once drew a heart near his temple. He had it tattooed there shortly after.
Clone Medic 1789: Wraith
Nickname: Ray/Rai
One of the hardest Clones to pin down, Wraith is always running from place to place without end. He's a worrier, much a mother hen, and consistently double checking to make sure everything is in order. He's one of the few people that can get Ghost to sit down and take care of himself before others. Wraith is incredibly firm when it comes to the safety of his brothers, and has been threatened with a court martial numerous times for disobeying jedi orders in favor of the preservation of his brothers. Luckily, Master Dax never let them take Wraith, always saying that the medic was indeed following orders, his orders.
Wraith loves flowers. He pressed them when he can, collecting new ones on his missions and preserving them between the pages of a hand bound book with blank paged that Master Dax made for him. Wraith has a slight mutation in his genetics, giving him one green eye, and one standard brown. He has a well kept beard, and a slightly longer, natural curly hair cut.
Some Spicy ABC's beyond this point 👀💦
A note: All of Grave Squad is Pan, they like everyone and everything. However, unless requested, I tend to write fem/afab partners for them. With that in mind, that's how these will be answered.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Ghost: As with everyone under him, Ghost makes sure your needs are met. He'll man handle you, clean you up, had make sure you drink some water within the hour. If you're really messy, he'll take you to the shower and clean you up himself.
Phantom: he's shockingly clingy afterwards, asking if it felt good, if it still feels good, do you need a safe word next time, are you sure it was what you wanted, etc. For a man as outwardly confident as Phantom, he's very self conscious and craves your approval.
Specter: less so for after care. Specs would, with your permission, take a photo of the mess he's made of you, chuckling that it's his best work yet. Out of the 5 of them, Specs is the most likely to eat you out as a form of after care.
Banshee: he just wants to hold you. Keep you close, listen to your panting, the intense beat of your heart as it comes down. He'd enjoy Feather light touching, Whispers of kisses on warm skin. Soft, quiet, warm and safe. He'd want to stay in you as long as possible.
Wraith: he would stay as long as you wanted him to, but wouldn't be the most romantic for Aftercare. He'd wait for the body high to fall before taking you into the shower to clean up. He'd change the sheets before allowing you back into bed, only afterwards would he cuddle with you again.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Ghost: he's a lips and breasts kinda man, that oral fixation. He thinks his hands are nice.
Phantom: thinks he's the maker's gift to the galaxy, all of him is his favorite. He loves soft tummies and thighs on his partners.
Specter: takes pride in his arms and hands, they're quick, strong, and skilled. Loves to look you in those pretty eyes of yours
Banshee: he likes his tummy, its not rough chisled, but solid still. He likes that when he's not flexed, he has a little belly roll. Its not a body part, but he loves your voice. It's the only sound in the galaxy he'd want to hear all day long.
Wraith: his eyes and nose are his favorites on him, making him unique from the very start. He takes his time appreciating your whole body, stating that every part is his favorite, though you do catch him looking at your ass and chest very often.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Grave Squad: they all enjoy spending themselves inside their partners, but even more when their partners cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Ghost: He gets jealous so quickly. He doesn't have personal possessions, but you belong to him, and if anyone makes him feel even the slightest insecure about that, he's quick to remind the galaxy who you belong to.
Phantom: he'll try to deny it, puts on a convincing act, but Phantom likes it when his partner takes control. He'd never ask for it, but he craves it.
Specter: when he's in a creative rut, Specs will wear a pair of your panties that he stole from you. Sometimes he'll wear them just for fun.
Banshee: listens to a recording of the two of you having sex almost every single day. His headphones are always on, no one is the wiser.
Wraith: once accidentally exposed himself to a powerful aphrodisiac he was researching and pretended to be sick because he couldn't get his boner down for 8 hours. Spent that time furiously going solo.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Ghost: he's had his fair share of flings and one night stands, but yearns for more.
Phantom: first of Grave Squad to fuck, and has not stopped since. He's here for a good time.
Specter: much like Ghost, he's experienced the throws of passion.
Banshee: he's selective, and needs connection before making a physical one, but has had a handful of goes around the bases.
Wraith: someone draw this man a map, he can't find a date
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Grave Squad: any position they can see their partner's face in
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Ghost: knows when to make a joke during sex, knows when to be heartfelt
Phantom: makes jokes afterwards, to cover up his insecurities
Specter: does not joke, but will chuckle if you do
Banshee: barely talks. If he does make a joke, it'll likely go over your head in the moment.
Wraith: jokes when he's nervous, so very often at first, but less and less the more serious the relationship.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Grave squad: all very well kept, Ghost doesn't let them get nasty (neither does Wraith). And yes, the carpet matched the drapes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Ghost: he gets wistful, thinking of the future almost breaks his heart, because he doesn't know if he has one. But he wants to, with you, and he'll tell you that over and over. "I want a life with you."
Phantom: once you've broken down his fuck boy walls, Phantom is actually really romantic. He does stereotype romance when he thinks you're just in it for the sex, but once you've actually started to get serious he puts in the effort.
Specter: his romance is in subtle ways, like calling you by your first name when he only ever calls you by a pet name or your title. He may be softer with you, or come to you for creature comforts without the need or want for sex.
Banshee: if he speaks around you, fuck everything else, that's how you know he loves you. He uses his voice.
Wraith: his version of romantic interaction is a strange meld of his brothers, but above all else, he'd bring you flowers. Not just pressed ones, but live flowers, even ones he made with metal or papers.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Ghost: he doesn't do it often, but when he does he makes sure with 100% certainty that no one will hear, see, or interrupt him. Ghost is very private.
Phantom: has no shame, but at least has the decency to wait until he thinks his brothers are asleep.
Specter: will go solo to relieve stress, but otherwise doesn't unless it's part of sex with you.
Banshee: once a day, no one knows that he does.
Wraith: very bad at hiding the fact that he does, because he can't keep quiet.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Ghost: breeding, marking/possession, over stim, nipple play, oral fixation, being called "daddy", body worship, Achluophilia (darkness/blindfold)
Phantom: punishment (recieving, light when giving), sub/Dom play (both ways), wax play, praise, public sex, teasing,
Specter: bondage, recording, edging/denial, over stim, public sex, lingerie, underwear
Banshee: Akophilia (arousal through sounds), body worship, shower sex, face sitting (partner on him), Somnophilia (sleeping sex (with consent))
Wraith: Vicarphilia (hearing of other's exploites), breath play, medical play, shower sex
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) (other than the bedroom)
Ghost: over his desk
Phantom: in any risky spot
Specter: in front of windows/ mirrors
Banshee: in the shower
Wraith: exam chair/table
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Grave Squad: their partner, always.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Grave Squad: non-concent, dehumanization, age play
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Ghost: loves both
Phantom: likes recieving, loves giving
Specter: doesn't like recieving, enjoys giving
Banshee: loves both, especially giving
Wraith: likes both, getting better at it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Ghost: depends on partner's desires
Phantom: rough and fast until bonds are made, then slows down sometimes
Specter: sensual, but hard
Banshee: slow and sensual
Wraith: clumsy, slow, and giggly
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Ghost: enjoys them, but not as much as feature length fun
Phantom: loves em, but less when youre serious with him
Specter: he'll give you oral for a Quickie but doesn't like them for himself
Banshee: would only do it if you asked him to and seemed absolutely desperate
Wraith: so excited about the idea, would love to, as often as you'd like.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Grave Squad: they'll try damn near anything at least once.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Ghost: 4 rounds, 10-15 min each, 2-5 minutes between rounds
Phantom: 3 rounds, 8-12 minutes each, 3-5 minutes between first 3 rounds, 6-10 minutes between final rounds
Specter: 3 rounds, 10-15 minutes each, 1-3 minutes between each round.
Banshee: 3 rounds, 15-20 minutes each, 2-3 minutes between rounds.
Wraith: 2 rounds, 5-8 minutes each, 3-5 minutes between rounds (he'll get better with practice)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Ghost: doesn't use toys, but wouldn't be adverse to trying for his partner
Phantom: loves toys, uses them for both
Specter: uses toys on partner
Banshee: loves a good cockring, anything to prolong the process
Wraith: doesn't know enough, but would be very excited to try them out
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ghost: teases a little (until you tease back/make him jealous, then all bets are off)
Phantom: teases until you tell him to stop
Specter: King Tease, doesn't stop until you use the safe word
Banshee: doesn't tease verbally, only touch, and only until you're in the mood and say you're ready for him
Wraith: would try to tease, but wouldn't be good at it. Unknowingly teases most of all.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ghost: moderate, doesn't get too loud but can be vocal. Grunts and moans, growls. Checks in throughout, light dirty talk sometimes
Phantom: moderate to loud. Talks through the process, shouts when he climaxes unless he's going solo. Dirty talk and check ins veiled as dirty talk
Specter: low to moderate, brief check ins. Dirty talk in a whisper, will call you names if you're into it.
Banshee: silent for the most part. Breathy panting, soft grunts. Focusing more on the sounds you make. Eye contact for check ins
Wraith: moderate to loud. Panting, moaning, grunting, begging and praise.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Ghost: watching you ride him is one of his favorite sights
Phantom: makes sure you climax at least twice while with him
Specter: gets off on you getting off, way more than anything else.
Banshee: wants nothing more than to slowly fuck you for an entire day, would spend hours worshipping your body if given a chance.
Wraith: has a fantasy about having sex on a beach, but wouldn't do it because it's very risky health wise. Thinks about it often, though.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Ghost: above average length, average thickness
Phantom: average length and thickness
Specter: average length, slightly above average thickness
Banshee: above average length and thickness
Wraith: average length and thickness
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ghost: 8/10
Phantom: 8/10
Specter: 7/10
Banshee: 10/10 (surprise)
Wraith: 5/10
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ghost: doesn't fall asleep until after you do
Phantom: falls asleep within 20 minutes of finishing
Specter: falls asleep within 30 minutes of finishing
Banshee: stays awake as long as he can just admiring you
Wraith: once his Aftercare routine is finished, he's out within moments unless you keep him awake.
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z-socks · 8 months
He Soars
*banging my fists, chanting: winged Clones winged Clones winged Clones Crosshair-centric, some mild body horror when discussing Echo because Techno Union. Also the Empire being assholes. Season 2 spoilers (The Outpost).
Crosshair had always hated his wings. They were large, dark, laborious things, with rough feathers that had cut him more than once until he learned to keep them away from his body. The copious, smothering down choked him in the night, suffocating him with heat and irritating fuzz down the back of his throat. 
The Regs all had the same wings: something akin to the shriek hawks of their Template’s home. They were shiny, patterned in golden hues like the Clones’ eyes and shaped and sized to be useful in battle. 
Clone Force 99 did not have the wings of the Regs. Hunter's were slim and cut, rounded with specialized feathers that made his approaches from the air lethally silent. Tech's were scooped and agile, designed for soaring and diving sharply while in flight. Wrecker’s were the only wings comparable to Crosshair's in size. But they were pure white with imposing flight feathers and capable of being beat with deadly force. 
Crosshair's wings were useless. 
A sniper with wings impossible to hide was not a very useful asset. So he learned early on how to make them work for him. He learned to stick to shadows and use them to hide, to lash out a wing and cut down a droid, to let his brothers crush his suffocating down by curling against him when the endless stretches of space got cold. 
And then came Kaller and the order and the girl. 
His brothers left. 
The Empire deemed the Clones’ wings an annoyance. Their size was hard and expensive to accommodate for in their standardized barracks. Their down clogged the life support filters. And their feathers’ rustling impeded on the other troopers’ sleep. 
A suggestion to have them removed was met with a counterpoint. Why spend the money on surgery? Just remove the Clones. 
Cross watched Regs disappear from the ranks. His eyes catching the way their wings sagged, unstretched and unflown, atrophying in the grip of the new Empire. His own wings felt heavier these days, causing him to haunch over from their weight. 
He was one of six Clones sent to Barton-IV to retrieve a shipment that had been held there. His squad ran into his wings on purpose, complaining under their breath about having no room on the transport and how he should be with the other beasts. 
Cross shrugged it off. 
It was far from the first time he’d been likened to a monster. 
Clone Commander Mayday’s wings were the second worst pair Crosshair had ever seen, only beat out by Echo’s when they’d rescued him from Anaxes: nearly bald, half blown off, and bent wrong from being stuffed into a stasis chamber with no room for them. The smell of decaying feathers had emanated from the corporal. And Mayday and his brothers had the same stench. 
Their feathers were molting, ragged as they clung on by sickly quills. Strips of fabric like that on their armor were looped and tied to fill in the bare spots. Even their color looked faded but Cross wasn’t sure if that had more to do with the dim light provided by the coilheater. 
“What’s your name?” he asked Crosshair, the first person in too many cycles to do so. Cross hesitated. But this was a dead man walking, giving him a name that would likely die on his tongue within a tenday was harmless enough. 
The Reg nodded. “Follow me.” 
They inspected their meager equipment. Mayday showed him all that was broken. 
A large shadow passed overhead. The call of a monstrous bird. 
“Ice vulture,” Mayday informed, eyeing Crosshair. “Vicious creatures. But you have to admire them. They find a way to survive.” 
Then came the raid. Their hunt. The ice cave. 
“No sense carrying dead weight.” 
Mayday hummed. “'Less you need to to survive.” 
Crosshair shot him a puzzled look. 
“Them vultures carry dead weight all the time.” He shrugged. "Gotta eat."
The mine. The raiders. The avalanche. 
“Mayday.” His voice nearly broke as he dug the commander out of the snow. He’d lost more feathers in the onslaught, fresh skin exposed and bleeding on the patches left behind. 
The climb was excruciating. The wind sliced through them. 
When they finally found enough of an outcropping to shelter behind, Cross folded his wings around them, for once, grateful for the excessive down. The rough feathers kept the snow and ice from building up. Their size big enough to protect them both from the blistering winds. 
“I remember you, you know,” Mayday whispered against his neck. “The clone with the big black wings.” He huffed a choked off laugh. “Mean little thing. But I knew better. I’d seen you fly.”
A memory came forward, fuzzy, hazy in the whiteout snow. The training room on Kamino had been tall enough to allow them to practice aerial maneuvers. Crosshair’s monstrous wings had never fit in the crowded space with the Regs. But late at night, he’d sneak out to fly.
“The command cadet.” 
He remembered now, getting caught one night by an older cadet in red. But the cadet had let him off easy, saying lightly that it was past bedtime. Cross had waited to be punished for sneaking out. But the CC cadet had merely left the training room to continue his assigned patrols. 
“Bet you’d never dream this be how you found out ya belong here,” Mayday murmured, huddled in close to Crosshair, buried deep into the soft down of his wings. 
Cross quietly inquired what he meant but Mayday had lost consciousness once more. 
The storm stopped with the sunrise. An Ice Vulture circled overhead.
The climb was no less difficult. And Mayday’s exhaustion meant Cross was walking for them both. He used his wings, flapping them to help propel their steps. 
It felt… good. Like he was made for this.
His wings had room, could stretch fully. The wind ran through his down and along his sharp flight feathers. It caught them occasionally, beckoned them to fly. 
They reached the outpost. They collapsed and Crosshair begged for help. 
The Lieutenant refused. 
Mayday was going to die. 
The shot. The chaos that followed. 
But he was made for this. 
He took out some of the troopers and command first, single shots. He was a sniper after all, even from the ground instead of in his nest. The Clones charged him and he switched it to stun. 
Good soldiers follow orders. He had. Mayday had. They had. And they were still considered dead weight. 
A stolen shuttle, Mayday hastily loaded in the back, the rest of the scattered imperials on their tail. 
But he was made for this. 
A sharp dive like that of scooped agile wings. A silent approach from behind like that of specialized feathers. A shot to their flank, percussive like beating pure white wings. 
They fell from the sky. 
He soared. 
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