#future wars
secondspast12 · 5 months
Trinity Q - 456-89XZ.
⭐⭐ This image can be purchased on deviantart.com It will come without a watermark and will be full size. Thanks for checking out my Ai assisted work, I hope you enjoy it. I also do oil painting and digital drawing ⭐⭐
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godhi · 2 months
Sole Survivor
Another scene from Awakening the Metal Dragons, the first volume in my science fiction trilogy, The Embers of Empire. Enjoy!
Helen Dahl stared in horror at the path of destruction left behind by the alien war machines. Bodies and pieces of bodies were scattered everywhere—men, women, and even children—and every building in town was in ruins.
"Blood. So much blood..."
The conflicting emotions all but overwhelmed her logic processors, and Helen feared her robotic brain would shut down from the emotional overload. Never in her hundred years of existence had Helen ever experienced such pain, sorrow, and despair, and once again Helen wished she had been programmed to shed tears—tears would allow her to release the powerful emotions building within her, and closing her eyes, Helen fell to her knees and attempted to deal with her grief and sorrow.
Helen ran a full diagnostic of her software, and to her relief discovered there was no permanent damage to her hardware and software. But Helen knew the pain and horror of this day would be with her forever—robots had perfect recall of everything they experienced—and although Helen knew she could erase these awful memories, as one of the few survivors of the massacre she had to remember these events for the good of humanity.
Focusing on her diagnostic programs helped Helen deal with her emotions, much like a human using meditation to resolve their emotional problems—but no matter how much she attempted to deal with the pain and sorrow, these powerful emotions simply would not go away.
But a few minutes later, her audio sensors detected the presence of one of the alien war machines, moving through the ruins in search of survivors. Helen opened her eyes and rose to her feet as her pain and sorrow gave way to a burning rage like nothing she had ever known.
"Who are you?" she screamed. "Why did you do this? Why did you kill everyone on the planet?"
Once again the alien war machine rippled and blurred as nanotech assemblers reconfigured its shape and form.
Jaws like a prehistoric crocodile filled with razor-edged teeth of synthetic diamond resembling those of a monstrous deep sea fish retracted and reconfigured into a muzzle like a dire wolf while the black crystalline teeth became lupine fangs while two pairs of iridescent black eyes appeared among the writhing medusa-mane of sensory appendages, regarding her without pity or compassion. The alien war machine attempted to imitate a human voice, and although the grammar and vocabulary were now perfect, it was without inflection or emotion.
"We are the destroyers of worlds... the death of empires... the end of everything."
"But why did you do this?" she cried. "These people were no threat to you!"
"Negative. These humans attacked us with primitive gunpowder weapons. They became hostile opponents... and were eliminated from the simulation."
"Simulation? These were innocent people!"
"Negative. All hostile combatants must be eliminated. Those are the rules of engagement."
"No! I won't let you do this!"
"Any hostile attempt by another machine will result in immediate termination. Do not engage."
Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, her logic processors had no choice but to shut down to avoid a system crash. Helen tumbled to the ground like a puppet with her strings cut, and considering her to have been eliminated from the simulation, the alien war machine returned to battle configuration and continued to search for survivors.
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ohmyfivedotcom · 2 months
5 Scenarios That Could Spark World War 3 (And They're Closer Than You Think)
World War 3—a phrase that sends shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned historians and political analysts. As the global landscape continues to shift, it’s not entirely out of the area of possibility that another large-scale conflict could erupt. The complexities of international relations, economic dependencies, and technological advancements create a delicate balance that’s always on…
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mysteryequationart · 2 months
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randomly got back into swtc and. had feelings about the girls
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Future Wars (1989) -
early point-and-click video game
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eggdrawsthings · 3 months
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she graduated 🥺
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bathroom-sand · 10 months
paramount and spyglass are trying so hard right now to save face because jenna ortega rightfully left the scream franchise after they fired melissa for supprting palestine. nobody is dumb enough to believe the excuse that it’s a scheduling conflict hours after rumors she was trying to get out of her contract cause she was pissed. i’m very thankful that jenna is risking her career and using her position to do the right thing. she’s been outspoken about palestine for years now. i hope this begins a trend of zionist losing money for their support and complacency with an active genocide
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lornaka · 5 months
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This is how I'll keep them in my heart - safe, happy, and together, always ✧₊⁺
This show got me through the worst years of my life, providing so much joy, comfort, and inspiration, I'll never have enough words to express how grateful I am to everyone who's been a part of creating it, and the friends I made along the way.
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midwestisolation · 1 year
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"my boy, you are nothing more than a thief and a whore in a suit of the finest of armor," laughed the vulture laughed the vulture "pathetic little child, i am embarrassed for you."
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panakina · 10 months
The robins’ arrested development is fascinating to me on a meta level.
The first child sidekick of the golden age of comics, never meant to be a man, a child for forty years who fought and demanded the right to grow up.
The second robin is slain in his career’s infancy. An unaging symbol of lost innocence because innocence itself was no longer required. Who burst back out of his grave unwillingly, in a man’s body, dragged into adulthood all at once. A child killed twice over.
The third robin, who was comfortable in his place as a child as a sidekick, evicted because someone else needed that spot, only to be wedged back into the box. Not quite a man, but he can’t go back to being a boy either, stuck in the in between.
And the fifth robin, still a child. Destined to grow into an adult role that will never be vacated, and so cannot grow up.
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secondspast12 · 5 months
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Connecting now........
⭐⭐ This image can be purchased on deviantart.com It will come without a watermark and will be full size. Thanks for checking out my Ai assisted work, I hope you enjoy it. I also do oil painting and digital drawing ⭐⭐
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grey-viridian · 14 days
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Little good things in big bad times
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chilewithcarnage · 9 months
god if i could go back in time and stop the sw new trilogy from happening i would cause why is the world still facing the ramifications of the reylo subculture through the advent of bad romance fanfic turned published work literature giving racist white women pedestals they definitely don't need. lowkey wouldn'tve have made much of a difference every subsequent star wars media thats come out in the past 3-4 years p much treats that shit as non canon anyways and is more concerned with turning everything cool and inventive about the sw animated series into hollow live actions products.
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4ndeka · 10 months
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Its my bestie @cc-kote's bday today!! So i did a little codywan for him, as a treat (he also has a kick ass fanfic about them check it out)
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chiliger · 6 months
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Growth phase progression of the cadets.
Edit: fixed a typo
(Close ups under the cut.)
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mayhemspreadingguy · 6 months
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Lost boys
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