#future of british irish relations
sea-owl · 6 months
So I know I've said before that I headcanon that the Featheringtons Irish side comes from Portia. I also headcanon that she socially married up where Lord Featherington had the title and she had the money. Most likely being a rich merchant's daughter, so she's new to the aristocratic scene. She also had some sort of vibe to her that I could never place my finger on.
Then I was rewatching some clips and one that always stuck out to me was when Portia takes Marina to the bad side of town as kind of like a scare straight tactic saying hey here's what's going to happen if you don't do something about your situation. That scene kind of gave off the vibes that Portia has personal experience with it.
It wasn't until I was visiting my Mexican American grandmother and all her siblings that I realized why Portia kind of gave off familiar vibes to me. Portia, at least to me kinda gives off Catholic mom vibes.
If that was to be her background of an Irish Catholic woman or even a catholic woman in general who married up than I can see why she would constantly be in survival mode like she is on the show and her need to keep up appearances like another member of the ton.
Catholics had been persecuted in England, and that's not even getting into the mess of British and Irish political relations, for over a good 200 years by the time we hit the Regency era with some relief from James the 2nd who had a catholic wife but he was honestly an anomaly. And in 1689 parliament banned any future monarchs or their spouses from being catholic, which was reinforced in 1701 with the Act of Settlemant. George the 3rd, the king we see on the show, was known to actively reject catholic relief bills. It wasn't until the late 1700s that catholics could own land or inheirt land or join the army. And even longer, in 1791-93 when they could practice their religion without fear of persecution. Being to hold any political power wasn't a thing until The Roman Catholic Relief Act of 1829.
Interreligious marriages weren't really looked favorable either but a catholic wife with a protestant husband was tolerated more but the kids had to be raised protestant. I could pot see a catholic wife being quiet about her religious background if it meant her survival.
But anyway back to what I was saying there is enough in the show that I could see this being a thing or something to have fun with as an idea. A Portia who is trying to survive so she marries out of her religion, marries up socially, and now she's doing everything in her power to keep make sure her position is secured. We could also apply this to Penelope with her writings and her jabs at the monarchy if this is her family history. I can see Portia also doing these kinds of warnings that she did to Marina on a smaller scale too throughout the girls' lives to make sure they stay on the path she's trying to lay out for them. After all it wasn't that long ago and society more than likely still sees catholics as second class citizens.
Now, do I expect anything like this from the show? No. It's a historical romance fantasy show, and I don't see them diving into something like this. Plus, Portia is meant to serve as a foil to Violet. It's a fun idea to play around with and could potentially explain some of Portia's actions. I do kinda hope we dive a little more in Penelope's family history as we watch her and Portia's dynamics shift and change.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Anthony Wayne
Anthony Wayne (1745-1796), better known by his nickname 'Mad Anthony', was a brigadier general of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). After the war, he briefly served in Congress before resuming his military career, winning a victory over a coalition of Native American nations at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
Born in Pennsylvania to a family of Irish immigrants, Wayne worked as a land surveyor before joining the Continental Army in 1776. Within a year, he had become a brigadier general, serving with distinction in the Philadelphia Campaign. His finest moment came in July 1779, when he led a nighttime raid against the British garrison at Stony Point, New York, capturing the fort even after sustaining a bullet wound to the head. After the American Revolution, Wayne won election to the House of Representatives as a member of the Federalist Party, working to help strengthen the authority of the federal government. In 1792, he became Senior Army Officer and defeated the Northwestern Confederacy of Native American nations that were contesting the United States' control of the Northwest Territory (modern Ohio). Wayne died shortly after his victory at Fallen Timbers on 15 December 1796, at the age of 51.
Early Life
Anthony Wayne was born on 1 January 1745 at his family's estate of Waynesborough in Easttown, Pennsylvania. He came from a family of Irish Protestants, and his grandfather had fought for the Williamites at the Battle of the Boyne (1 July 1690). In the early 1700s, the Wayne family emigrated from Ireland to the British colony of Pennsylvania, where Anthony's father, Isaac Wayne, found work as a tanner; over the decades, his tannery became the largest in Pennsylvania. In 1739, at the age of 40, Isaac Wayne married Elizabeth Iddings. The couple would have four children, of whom Anthony was the eldest. During the French and Indian War (1754-1763), Isaac served as a captain and raised a company of provincial soldiers. He participated in the 1758 Forbes Expedition to capture Fort Duquesne, in which he served alongside a young Colonel George Washington.
Growing up, Anthony Wayne was expected to inherit the 500-acre Waynesborough and work the fields as a farmer. But Wayne had other plans for his future; having listened to heroic tales of his grandfather's and father's military service as a child, the young Anthony dreamt of winning military glory himself. An insatiable reader, Wayne read all the military histories and classical works he could get his hands on and was soon able to recite both Julius Caesar and William Shakespeare. After completing his education at the College of Pennsylvania, Wayne became a land surveyor. In 1765, he and several of his associates were commissioned by Benjamin Franklin to survey 100,000 acres of land in Nova Scotia. After Wayne surveyed the land, which became the township of Monckton, it was settled by eleven Pennsylvania families of mostly German origin.
In 1763, Wayne married Mary Penrose. The couple had two children: a daughter Margarette (b. 1770) and a son, Isaac (b. 1772). Wayne and his growing family continued to live at Waynesborough, where he split his time between helping his father at the tannery and his own work as a surveyor. But, as relations between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain continued to deteriorate, Wayne found that he was being drawn toward the Patriot movement, which opposed the 'unjust' policies of the British Parliament such as taxation without colonial representation. In 1775, a year after the death of his father, Wayne was nominated to the Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, a shadow government run by American revolutionaries; on this committee, he served alongside prominent Patriot leaders like Benjamin Franklin and John Dickinson.
In this position, Wayne became increasingly radical in his disdain for the British, leading his primarily Quaker constituents to remove him from the committee in October, for fear that he had become too war hawkish. By now, the American Revolutionary War was underway and rapidly escalating. With his brief foray into politics over, Wayne could now follow his childhood dream and enter the military.
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
Her Presence As Fiery As A Dragon's Breath
Shall It Arrive With Undying Wrath
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Ianthe Court, an indirect ancestor of Jane Court from Hogwarts Mystery.
Character Info below by an inexperienced profile writer
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Name: Ianthe Court
Nicknames: Ian, Redhead, Niamh
Birthday: 13th July, 1874
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-British
Blood Status: Pure-blood
House: Sorted into Ravenclaw but a Slytherin by heart, however the Courts are all Hufflepuffs. [let her in the slytherin common room please]
Wand: laurelwood, 113/4", pheonix core [form takes inspiration from a rose]
Animagus: None
Patronus: Stout
Boggart: A Burning house
Sexuality: Bi-herself and demiromantic
Other Details
Born a redhead, whereas the rest of the Courts are blonde
Has a bandage on her left wrist to cover scars and something else
Born from a different mother, both biological parents fled to another country and left baby Ianthe under her father's ex wife. She was forced to raise baby Ianthe as her child along with her two other children from another recently engaged husband. [her childhood was hell]
Travelled to Britain from Ireland to live in an orphanage after her step-family died from a fire breakout at their house. Officers tried to contact her uncle and aunt but they refused to take care of the child. [she was never mentioned to the future generations of the Courts cause her name would 'spoil' their reputation and image]
The scar on her right jaw is due to kids who tried to shove her into a basket of unknown magical beast, but manage to save her entire face by forcing her way out. As a revenge, she threw one of the boys into the basket, resulting in the boy having to be sent to the nearest clinic. [honestly he deserved what he got]
Got her first magic cast by setting something on fire in an orphanage due to over excitement after her house elf came to visit her. [she apparently also has fire tolerance cause haha daenarys inspo]
Once a gremlin, forever a gremlin. [she climbs all over hogwarts castle and unhinged at times ]
Enjoys reading books in the library for a long period. [it calms the intrusive thoughts, or gives the intrusive thoughts more ideas]
Likes dresses but couldn't wear them for the most part for how much she runs and climbs. [wouldn't want to get the cloth stuck and causing a disadvantage on her part]
Brutally honest along with her judgement. [will call you a slur if u deserve it]
Has difficulty feeling remorse or pity for others [been called heartless since a child for laughing at her step- brother while he broke his arm from a broom fall]
Best friend? the slytherin gang duh [she was treated as a sibling to them, more specifically sebastian] Ofc she spends time with other friends like Samantha, Natty, Poppy and a shit ton more from her merlin-knows-how-long friend list
Enemies? Victor Rookwood scares the crap outta her [insert more traumatic backstory here]
Haha goblins short and tiny they so babp- [to be continued]
She has relations to the dragon who attacked her and Prof. Fig while they were going to Hogwarts.
Main goal of attending Hogwarts? Just being able to cast all the spells she read from a book when she was still a 'squib'. Also hoping to find a spell that can remove something she covered on her wrist with scars and a bandage.
Pets? she wants a dragon and she will get one eventually, but for now none
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template inspired by @/crowlipso
closeup on the eyes
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dear-indies · 2 years
Hey there! Ho there! How do you do? I was wondering if you could please point me towards some woc faceclaims for a potential street racer type character? Looking for the very early twenties ideally, but can be convinced otherwise! Thank you muchly.
Coty Camacho (1995) Mixtec and Zapotec - is pansexual.
Sophia Taylor Ali (1995) Pakistani / Sicilian Italian, Danish, Norwegian, German.
Adeline Rudolph (1995) Korean / German.
Sasha Lane (1995) African-American / Unspecified Māori, Irish, Scottish, Cornish, English, Sorbian, French, German, Belgian, Dutch, Russian, Italian - is gay and has schizoaffective disorder.
Eva Noblezada (1996) Mexican / Filipino.
Zendaya (1996) African-American / German, Irish, English, Scottish.
Imaan Hammam (1996) Egyptian / Moroccan.
Chase Sui Wonders (1996) Tahitian, Chinese, Japanese / Unknown White.
Ella Balinska (1996) Afro Jamaican / Polish and English.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American / Korean.
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Mexican, Swedish, Norwegian, Cherokee.
Sisi Stringer (1997) African Australian, some websites say that she’s mixed.
CHIKA (1997) Igbo Nigerian - is queer.
Kaylee Bryant (1997) Japanese (paternal grandfather), German, Irish, English, Danish - is queer and uses she/they - has posted a few things on Instagram relating to non-binary folks but to my knowledge hasn’t said anything / directly said anything but please correct me if I’m wrong!
Lana Condor (1997) Vietnamese.
Jaylen Barron (1997) African-American / Mexican.
Blair Lamora (1997) Ojibwe and Argentinian.
Antonia Gentry (1997) Afro-Jamaican / White.
Brianne Tju (1998) Chinese / Indonesian.
MK xyz (1998) African-American / Filipino.
Erin Kellyman (1998) Afro-Jamaican / Irish - is a lesbian.
Imani Lewis (1999) African-American.
Anna Lambe (2000) Inuit - is bisexual.
Auli'I Cravalho (2000) 37.5% Puerto Rican, 31.25% Kānaka Maoli, 25% Portuguese, ‭4.6875‬‬% Chinese, ‭1.5625‬% Irish - is bisexual.
Ayumi Roux (2001) Japanese / British.
Here you go! In the future though (as I’m not sure you’ve seen the posts floating around but I’ll link one here!) please use “woc/women of color” and not "woc faceclaims" next time.
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angstyaches · 2 years
Hey, I hope this isn’t weird but I just wanted to say that I’ve been binge-reading your StW series and I am OBSESSED. I’ve read a lot of the Charlie/Shayne stuff before but I was dipping in and out so I wasn’t following the plot properly, and I’m so glad I started reading from the start because I am hooked! I especially love the relationship between Elliott and Felix, (who are low-key my favourite OC’s ever) and I actually had a few plot-related questions about them if that’s okay? Like the backstory to how they met and why Elliott turned Felix etc - I’m not sure if I’ve missed it as I’m rubbish at navigating Tumblr so please let me know if I have! Also, is there a continuation of the proposal fic yet? No worries if not, just wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed anything! Also also (last question I swear!) but where is the series set? I’m guessing America but then Charlie keeps making cups of tea and I’m wondering if he’s a fellow Brit, plus Ryan had some dialogue that sounded a bit Scottish/Irish (cant quite remember which, sorry!)
Anyway, sorry this is so ramble-y haha. I saw you’d been a bit disappointed with the lack of interaction on some of the plot-heavy fics lately, so I just wanted to say that I (and I’m sure looooooads of others) absolutely love them and am looking forward to the next instalment. Thank you for writing! :)
Ahh I adore plot-related questions, especially since it helps me rearrange my blog to make it a little easier to follow, so thank you!
Backstory: Aside from a few snippets of Felix in his "early days" of half-vampirism, the story of how he first met Elliott hasn't been posted. I started working on it a long time ago, but it was quite heavy and dark and not what I wanted to be working on at the time. I will probably get back to it someday, especially if I feel like there's interest in reading it.
The proposal fic was actually directly followed by the I've Been Away plotline. The proposal scares Felix, which infuriates Elliott, which leads to Felix taking a little retreat to confront something from his past. You can find the correct order on Felix's masterlist, but I'll also post the story order here:
Elliott angst (OPTIONAL reading. MAJOR TWs)
"I've Been Away" - Part One | Part Two | Part Three.
They don't have an official "making up" plot but they do make up, and they talk a bit about their problems/future plans in this fic and this fic.
I'm from Ireland and I currently live in Japan, so currently Swallow the World exists in a place that is mostly made up of the familiar/comforting aspects of Ireland, with some of the fun parts of Japan sprinkled in when convenient.
But out of all of my OCs, Charlie is definitely the most British-leaning, so you are technically not wrong!!
And Ryan is absolutely Northern-Irish coded, and I am so, so delighted that you picked up on that too!
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Turkey's national combat plane, the TF-X, will be revealed in March
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/10/2013 - 15:00 in Military
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Turkey's ambitious TF-X National Combat Aircraft (MMU) will be removed from the hangar in March 2023, as scheduled, said the head of the Presidency of the Defense Industries of Turkey (SSB).
Ismail Demir, speaking at the press conference "Defense Industry Goals for 2023" held in Teknopark Istanbul, said that Turkey's defense industry is eager to reach its export target of $6 billion (TL 112.53 billion) in 2023, according to the Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah.
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An image of what appears to be the aircraft almost completed in a Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) factory was shared by the Turkish media (below) and shows significant progress compared to the most recent images of the aircraft published by TAI in November 2022.
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The TF-X launch ceremony was scheduled for March 18, 2023, according to Ismail Demir,
According to TAI, the inaugural flight is scheduled for 2025 and the start of serial production is scheduled for 2028.
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According to information shared by SSB, the 2023 goals of the defense industry for aviation and space cover several projects.
As part of the Özgür project, the avian modernization of the current F-16 fighters in the country's stock will be completed and the aircraft will be delivered to the air forces. Deliveries of the first batch of the Gökbey helicopter will be made to the General Command of the Gendarmerie. The unmanned aerial combat vehicle Bayraktar TB3 (UCAV), with vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) scheduled for deployment with Turkey's future flagship, will make its inaugural flight.
With the delivery of the sixth and last P-72 maritime patrol aircraft, the Meltem-3 project will also be completed.
In electronic systems, the EASA radar will be used for the first time in an Akinci UCAV and the country will begin its integration with the F-16 for the first time. The F-16 will perform functions by integrating the locally developed Electronic War Pod and the Electronic Support Pod.
Tags: Military AviationTAI - Turkish Aerospace IndustriesTAI TF-X
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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brookstonalmanac · 12 days
Events 9.20 (before 1960)
1058 – Agnes of Poitou and Andrew I of Hungary meet to negotiate about the border territory of Burgenland. 1066 – At the Battle of Fulford, Harald Hardrada defeats earls Morcar and Edwin. 1187 – Saladin begins the Siege of Jerusalem. 1260 – The Great Prussian Uprising among the old Prussians begins against the Teutonic Knights. 1378 – Cardinal Robert of Geneva is elected as Pope Clement VII, beginning the Papal schism. 1498 – The Nankai tsunami washes away the building housing the Great Buddha at Kōtoku-in; it has been located outside ever since. 1519 – Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda with about 270 men on his expedition which ultimately culminates in the first circumnavigation of the globe. 1586 – A number of conspirators in the Babington Plot are hanged, drawn and quartered. 1602 – The Spanish-held Dutch town of Grave capitulates to a besieging Dutch and English army under the command of Maurice of Orange. 1697 – The Treaty of Ryswick is signed by France, England, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire and the Dutch Republic, ending the Nine Years' War. 1737 – The Walking Purchase concludes, which forces the cession of 1.2 million acres (4,900 km2) of Lenape-Delaware tribal land to the Pennsylvania Colony. 1792 – French troops stop an allied invasion of France at the Battle of Valmy. 1835 – The decade-long Ragamuffin War starts when rebels capture Porto Alegre in Brazil. 1854 – Crimean War: British and French troops defeat Russians at the Battle of Alma. 1857 – The Indian Rebellion of 1857 ends with the recapture of Delhi by troops loyal to the East India Company. 1860 – The future King Edward VII of the United Kingdom begins the first visit to North America by a Prince of Wales. 1863 – American Civil War: The Battle of Chickamauga, in northwestern Georgia, ends in a Confederate victory. 1870 – The Bersaglieri corps enter Rome through the Porta Pia, and complete the unification of Italy. 1871 – Bishop John Coleridge Patteson, first bishop of Melanesia, is martyred on Nukapu, now in the Solomon Islands. 1881 – U.S. President Chester A. Arthur is sworn in upon the death of James A. Garfield the previous day. 1893 – Charles Duryea and his brother road-test the first American-made gasoline-powered automobile. 1911 – The White Star Line's RMS Olympic collides with the British warship HMS Hawke. 1920 – Irish War of Independence: British police known as "Black and Tans" burn the town of Balbriggan and kill two local men in revenge for an IRA assassination. 1941 – The Holocaust in Lithuania: Lithuanian Nazis and local police begin a mass execution of 403 Jews in Nemenčinė. 1946 – The first Cannes Film Festival is held, having been delayed for seven years due to World War II. 1946 – Six days after a referendum, King Christian X of Denmark annuls the declaration of independence of the Faroe Islands. 1955 – The Treaty on Relations between the USSR and the GDR is signed.
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tamanna31 · 1 month
Student Information System: Industry Dynamics, Major Companies Analysis and Forecast- 2030
Student Information System Industry Overview
The global student information system market size was valued at USD 8.05 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% from 2023 to 2030.
The increasing digitalization in the education industry, growing inclination towards e-learning, and improving quality of education are contributing to the growth. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to drive the demand for Student Information System (SIS) due to the high demand for online education. As per the data published by UNESCO, 1.3 billion learners globally were unable to go to their educational institutes in March 2021 and needed online education to continue with the tuition for the academic year 2020 - 2021. The adoption of eLearning technologies gained traction during the COVID-19 outbreak and is expected to progressively increase post the pandemic to tackle a similar situation in the future.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Student Information System Market
The market growth is also bolstered by the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, and 5G telecommunication. The advanced student information systems essentially focus on analytics, mobile analytics, mobile applications, behavior tracking, and cloud accessibility. The explosion of connected mobile devices is facilitating the addition of numerous mobile apps for increased convenience for students and their parents. The ongoing trends like migration to the cloud and mobile accessibility are fostering the integration of artificial intelligence into these applications. Moreover, the growing emphasis of educational institutions on providing quality education and simplifying communication between faculty, students, and parents, for upgrading education infrastructure is expected to proliferate the use of SIS software and services.
Governments worldwide are investing aggressively in the education sector. Several educational institutions have already adopted Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), eLearning, and Learning Management Systems (LMS), to optimize internal processes while ensuring quality education, and improving the standard of education. Some are adopting SIS to effectively collaborate and communicate with students, parents, and faculties, to keep track of all the students, and to enable educators to generate educational content in line with the student's learning needs. For instance, in July 2021, Ellucian, an information technology service provider, announced the collaboration with The British and Irish Modern Music Institute (BIMM) Group, to utilize Ellucian Banner Student with Ellucian Managed Cloud, which is a student information system to support registration, advising, grading, enrolment, and course planning.
Several educational institutions/universities use student information solutions to analyze data such as student attendance, class performance, examination results, assessment scores, and other personal information of students. These solutions aid educational institutions in managing student-related data and other administrative operations. In the age of digitalization, the ubiquity of mobile devices, high internet penetration, and the use of social media platforms, make educational institutions also rise to the occasion. The unprecedented growth of online education is due to its greater flexibility, cost savings, and convenience compared to conventional classroom learning. For instance, in July 2021, Skyward, a school management software provider, announced the partnership with Tooele County School District, Utah, U.S., to provide a Student Management System (SMS) that will assist in the modernization of the district’s student-related data and activities.
The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data analytics embedded in the student information systems further increases operational efficiency and improves the digital experience. Moreover, student information system solutions use Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or machine learning, which can reduce redundant staff labor by automating routine tasks, enabling staff to spend more qualitative time with students. With the growing penetration of mobile devices across demography, mobile apps are now being added to student information system solutions and increase the ease of use for both students and parents. With mobile accessibility and cloud migration, the integration of AI into student information system applications is likely to increase, fostering the growth of the student information market over the forecast period.
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global climate adaptation market size was estimated at USD 25.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global AI in aerospace and defense market size was valued at USD 22.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.8% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The leading players in the market are undertaking strategies such as product developments, mergers and acquisitions, strategic partnerships, and business expansions to maintain their stronghold on the market.
For instance, in November 2021, Campus Management Corp. (Anthology Inc.) announced a partnership with Together We Rise, a nonprofit organization, to provide service opportunities for Anthology employees and monetary support for Together We Rise initiatives. This partnership includes virtual service opportunities for Anthology employees to build education-related kits for students in foster care, including back-to-school, tech, and STEM packs. Additionally, product differentiation and upgrading in the form of cloud services are expected to pave the way for the growth of companies in the market.
In December 2021, Illuminate Education announced the partnership with the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), to expand its CaseNEX (an online course powered by Illuminate Education) professional development course offerings with resources from ASCD, such as the ASCD Activate Professional Learning Library. With the help of this partnership, CaseNEX offers professional development opportunities for educators to enhance their skills, maintain certifications, and earn university credits.
Workday, Inc.
Jenzabar, Inc.
Skyward, Inc.
Illuminate Education.
Ellucian Company L.P.
Anthology Inc.
Foradian Technologies.
Order a free sample PDF of the Student Information System Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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zooterchet · 6 months
American Patriotic Wars (Mohecan, Iroquois Constitution, United States)
Seven Years War: The end of the demand of law, to be legalized, to act, instead of prohibited, under legislature's code transferred to police.
American Revolution: The referendum of slain African, as common colonies code, to declare opinion on news article of slain African victim.
War of 1812: The dominatrix, as a nurse, as having determined nation-state of origin, of attempted lodger; any refused, as having concerted citizen's rights, the American citizen on baby footprints; outside of pedophile's attempt to replace American child or teenager or adult.
Mexican-American War: The aid of foreigner, as having necessitated revolution as oppressed, instead of national border, that of army having governed; instead of foreign power, having requested.
Civil War: The prohibition of the slave, as having been governed by wage, of foreign law of talent, all forms of labor, as having been required to pay well and offer comfort of worker; otherwise, the fraud of print.
Spanish-American War: The MI-6 infantry, the Irish soldier, and the African cop's steward, as having disrupted Farsi, Hebrew, and Arabic, hence the bio-exorcist project, the Gadze merged with Gypsy, as having been the purpose of the new spy's class, the Romajin.
The Great War: The foreign expeditionary force, as the new American power; hence, any serving, as having removed the power of the common classroom, from military service.
World War 2: The war against the kin, the Japanese, to reform, and through the Italians, the Catholic, to be rendered atheist, and the German Axis, the refutation of the foreign control of British Empire, as the unique instance of narcotraffic and controlled substance as aligning, the prohibition on alcohol and marijuana as for children; outside of MI-6 syndicate.
Korean Conflict: The end to the Gentleman's Agreement, with Chinese Communists, and other ethnicities aligning, as fully impatriated American citizens, the police investment of Chinatown, inside the FBI and common campus police department.
Vietnam War: The removal of Jewish-Seminarians, to Vietnam War USMC service, and the victims Catholic of Judaism's convert, as CIA and Company service, with MI-6, as serving overseas to protect the ARVN, and the expense of the wealthy black community, as held below the African poverty.
War in Afghanistan: The common British and Russian, as conflicted, the "Great Game"; placed into play, as forebearers of American, the end to the Russian and British and Indian empires, with future interactions with China guaranteed, with Vietnam as the future trade axis of Indochina, the Dalai Llama.
The Middle Eastern Suzerein War: The engineering sector, as having become prominent, and the refusal of the common warehouse career, under the refusal of MI-6 and the Scottish, instead the Americans seizing their goals and destinies under the hatred of the British Empire.
The War on Terror: The draft of soldiers, under Canadian law, to fail, and voluntary enlistments instead, succeeding, in US Army, CIA, and NSA, those inspired by movies as having been rejected, to small suits of law, those using libraries and textbooks and courses of K-12 and collegiate instead, as having been placed on the front lines, as criminals; those otherwise, held back, married to obese under homosexual codes of Falwell.
The COINTELPRO War: The war against Law and Order, and related programs, by the FBI and CIA, the print of the Bellevue, H-Block, and Code Pink programs, as having the nature of torture of those brightly educated, upwardly mobile, and militantly creative, as victims for the bribe to politician of, television show. Those street wars, and prints of art, outside of common cabinet, instead inside courts and police orders.
The Ukraine Conflict: The support of the USMC, as divisions against the exploitation of foreign nations, and the dissolution of Europe, China, and Africa, as foreign trade pacts under ethnicity, the refusal of the Iranian "white" identity, instead as refusing Karl Marx, and Jimmy Carter, in the same.
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equestrianempire · 7 months
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A Trend Setter! Jessica Burke wins the €105,500 Equine America Grand Prix CSI 4* on the Expressway to the Win!
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Only three riders from the bottom 50 at this year’s Andaluca Sunshine Tour CSI 4*, a Longines Ranking group and a Paris Olympic tournament, made it to the climb down. &nbsp,
British rider, &nbsp, Simon Crippen ( GBR ), and his lovely 12-year-old stallion Handsome ( Toulon x Phin- Phin ), who were the first to jump around the course designed by Marcos Nuez ( ESP), did the jump off and they jumped a super clear round to set a time of 45.88 seconds, really starting their season off well. &nbsp,
Next in line was Spanish rider Eduardo lvarez Aznar ( ESP) and his brand-new 12-year-old mare Made In’t Ruytershof ( Norton D’Eole x Diamant de Semilly ), who had a very quick round but took a pole off of the final fence. They signaled to Jessica Burke ( IRL ) that Simon’s time was up for grabs when they stopped the clock at 42.79 seconds. &nbsp,
Jessica ( IRL ) and Express Trend won the class after a technically accurate and quick round that propelled Simon and Eduardo to third place.
The staff at the Sunshine Tour, who had won the Grand Prix on the turf now, made an undeniable daring decision, according to Jessica, who was obviously delighted with her victory.
My horses feels in top type; he had n’t jumped on lawn since Dublin last year, so I was a little anxious, but once I jumped two jumps in the warm-up, he felt wonderful and left me feeling very assured.
About the training:” I think it was really a very challenging program, particularly with the rewrite on the lawn today. I thought the column to the mixture was challenging because it was quite a ahead seven, some individuals did eight, and again one to two there were many options, and then the fifth to the last, and I was very patient with the fifth because it was quite trappy truly, the program today.
Express Trend is a homebred owned by Liam Nicolas and is sponsored by Future Trend by Condios. My horse is 14 then, and I really feel like it’s only just now that I fell that we have the proper ability, which I believe has helped us a lot today.
Last Benefits – €105,500 Equine America Grand Prix CSI 4*
1 ) Express Trend – 0 / 0 – 44.15 – Jessica Burke ( IRL ) &
2 ) Handsome & Simon Crippen ( GBR ) – 0 / 0 – 45.88
Made In’t Ruytershof – 0/ 4 – 42. 79 Eduardo lvarez Aznar ( ESP) &
Andaluca Sunshine Tour Press Release (edited )
Andaluca Sunshine Tour / Mackenzie Clark
Categories: Jumper News Ireland, English, and CSI 4*.
Andaluca Sunshine Tour, CSI 4*, Equestrian, Express Trend, Horse Sport Ireland, Horses, Irish Sport Horse, ISH, Jessica Burke, Jumper News, Jumper News Ireland, Benefits, Showjumping, Sunshine Tour, Team Ireland Equestrian, and more.
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thxnews · 8 months
Celebrating Irish Women's Vision in Science and AI
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British Embassy Honors Visionary Women
The British Embassy in Ireland recently hosted a groundbreaking event, "Information and Misinformation through the Ages: Past, Present and Future," in Co Kildare, near the historical site where St Brigid established her monastery. This gathering illuminated the contributions of women in the fields of artificial intelligence, science, and technology, seamlessly blending the rich tapestry of the past with the dynamic innovations of the present.  
Bridging History and Innovation
A Gathering of Minds The event brought together esteemed scientists, academics, and policymakers from both Ireland and the UK, creating a platform to celebrate women's achievements in artificial intelligence. Notable speakers included Dr. Niamh Wycherley from Maynooth University, who shared insights into St Brigid's legacy and the impact of misinformation and technology on historical research. Dr. Erin Young of the UK's Alan Turing Institute addressed diversity and gender gaps in data and AI, while Laura Ellis from the BBC explored technology's role in shaping our future.   A Tribute to St Brigid The British Deputy Ambassador to Ireland, Elin Burns, highlighted the significance of the event's location and timing, coinciding with the 1500th anniversary of St Brigid's death. Moreover, Burns emphasized the importance of such gatherings in addressing the persistent gender gap in STEM disciplines and celebrated the fusion of historical and contemporary visionaries in the scenic town of Kildare. Speaking about the event the British Deputy Ambassador to Ireland, Elin Burns said: Today we are joined by women who are scientists, researchers and policy makers who work in the area of AI across the UK and Ireland. Events such as these, where women can share, connect and celebrate their work are so important as a significant gender gap still persists at all levels of STEM disciplines. We chose the wonderful location of Kildare to celebrate women and girls in science because of Brigid and the 1500th anniversary of her death. As Ireland’s only female patron saint, and an inspirational leader of her time, we thought it was apt to celebrate a visionary of the past with visionaries of the present. On the theme of AI; we are in the midst of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. Artificial Intelligence promises to further transform nearly every aspect of our economy and society. The opportunities are transformational - advancing drug discovery, making transport safer and cleaner, improving public services, speeding up and improving diagnosis and treatment of diseases like cancer and much more. To seize the opportunities however, we must manage the risks, which is why the Prime Minister organised the first Global Summit on AI Safety last November.  
AI: A Catalyst for Change
Navigating the Technological Revolution The event highlighted the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, emphasizing its role in advancing drug discovery and public services, as well as enhancing diagnostics and treatment for diseases like cancer. The discussions also covered managing AI risks, citing the Prime Minister's initiative for the inaugural Global Summit on AI Safety.   Voices of Visionaries Dr. Niamh Wycherley explored challenges in historical research due to biased sources, particularly regarding women's roles in Irish history. Dr. Erin Young introduced the Women in Data Science and AI project, promoting responsible and inclusive innovation. Chaired by Dr. Susan Leavy of University College Dublin, the panel discussed ethical, economic, and governance challenges posed by AI.   Sources: THX News & British Embassy Dublin. Read the full article
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speedyposts · 8 months
Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister
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Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill has been formally appointed Northern Ireland’s first minister by the regional parliament, the first time an Irish nationalist is leading the United Kingdom territory’s devolved government.
O’Neill’s appointment, confirmed by the speaker, on Saturday came after the rival Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), the biggest pro-UK party, ended a two-year boycott of the region’s power-sharing government after striking a deal with the UK government to ease trade frictions.
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“This is an historic day and it does represent a new dawn,” she told fellow legislators after her selection.
This is a day of historic change.
I am determined to deliver for everyone as a First Minister for all. pic.twitter.com/VmqCYbROuT
— Michelle O’Neill (@moneillsf) February 3, 2024
O’Neill’s ascent to the role is the latest sign of the increasing popularity across the island of her Sinn Fein party that now believes its ultimate dream of a united Ireland may be “within touching distance”.
The 47-year-old leader was nominated as the first minister in the government that, under the terms of the 1998 Good Friday peace accord, shares power between Northern Ireland’s two main communities – British unionists who want to stay in the UK, and Irish nationalists who seek to unite with Ireland.
Northern Ireland was established as a unionist, Protestant-majority part of the UK in 1921, following independence for the Republic of Ireland.
“The days of second-class citizenship are long gone. Today confirms that they are never coming back,” O’Neill said.
“As an Irish republican, I pledge cooperation and genuine honest effort with those colleagues who are British, of a unionist tradition, and who cherish the Union. This is an assembly for all – Catholic, Protestant and dissenter.”
Neither side can govern without agreement from the other. Government business ground to a half over the past two years after the DUP walked out to protest trade issues related to Brexit.
O’Neill will share power with Emma Little-Pengelly of the DUP, who has been named the new deputy first minister. The two will be equals, but O’Neill, whose party captured more seats in the Northern Ireland Assembly in the 2022 elections, will hold the more prestigious title.
Former DUP leader Edwin Poots was elected as speaker of the chamber.
O’Neill was elected to the Stormont Assembly in 2007 and comes from a family of Irish republicans.
Her party, Sinn Fein, was affiliated with the armed group, Irish Republican Army, during the so-called “Troubles”, a period of about 30 years of violent conflict over the future of Northern Ireland which ended with the Good Friday Agreement.
Former Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams, who helped broker the historic peace agreement, was in the gallery at the assembly to see O’Neill’s nomination.
The return to government came exactly two years after a DUP boycott over a dispute about trade restrictions for goods coming into Northern Ireland from the UK. Northern Ireland’s 1.9 million people were left without a functioning administration as the cost of living soared and public services were strained.
An open border between the north and the republic was a key pillar of the peace process that ended the Troubles, so checks were imposed instead between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.
An agreement a year ago between the UK and the EU, known as the Windsor Framework, eased customs checks and other hurdles but did not go far enough for the DUP, which continued its boycott.
The UK government this week agreed to new changes that would eliminate routine checks and paperwork for most goods entering Northern Ireland, although some checks for illegal goods or disease prevention will remain in place.
The new changes included legislation “affirming Northern Ireland’s constitutional status” as part of the UK and gives local politicians “democratic oversight” of any future EU laws that might apply to Northern Ireland.
The UK government also agreed to give Northern Ireland more than 3 billion pounds ($3.8bn) for its battered public services once the Belfast government is back up and running.
“I believe that my party has delivered what many said we couldn’t,” DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson said outside the assembly chamber in Stormont.
“We have brought about change that many said was not possible, and I believe that today is a good day for Northern Ireland, a day when once again our place in the United Kingdom and its internal market is respected and protected in our law and restored for all our people to enjoy the benefits of our membership of the union.”
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Arya, Orion, Zaire, and 147 Other Cool Baby Names
So you're getting ready to have a baby? Chances are you are already brainstorming meaningful baby names to make sure that your little one has the coolest name in their class. The word cool likely means very different things to very different people, yet there's something universally "cool" about picking a baby name like "Orion" or "Esme" for your child. Still for many parents, the concept of naming can be the most daunting part of preparing to have a baby, partially because a kid's first name could inform their future identity, individuality, and even personality. It's also likely that one big question festers in your mind as you scroll through endless lists of baby name ideas: "should we go traditional, or should we opt for a cool baby name so our child can stand out?" Fortunately, if you decide you want to go for something "cool," you can define what exactly "cool" means to you. Because picking any baby name can be hard, though, we've curated a list below of cool baby names to make things easier. Whether you interpret cool as popular, rare, fashionable, or having sentimental meaning in your culture, this list will meet all your naming needs. Scroll through this list for some pretty cool names for girls and cool names boys that any child will say with pride as they grow up. Many of these cool names are also unisex, so they'll match any gender of your baby. Happy name hunting! Related: 117 Unique Names For Girls That Are Both Rare and Timeless Cool Names For Boys * Ace: Latin - One; unity * Arlo: Irish and English - Between two hills * Archer: Latin - bowman * Atlas: Greek - To carry * Axel: Scandinavian - Father of peace * Beckett: English and Irish - Beehive; little brook; bee cottage * Bishop: English - Occupational name; overseer; guardian * Bowie: Scottish - Blond * Brooks: English - Of the brook * Bryant: Irish - Strong, virtuous, and honorable * Camden: Scottish - Winding valley * Chance: French - Chancellor * Colt: English - Young horse * Crew: English - Fort near a slope * Dallas: Irish - Skilled * Duke: English - Leader; English rank of nobility * Easton: English - East-facing place * Eddison: English - Son of Edith or Adam * Ellis: Welsh - Benevolent * Ender: Turkish - Very rare * Felix: Latin - Happy; fortunate * Finn: Irish - Fair * Flynn: Irish - Son of the red-haired one * Fox: English - Animal name * Greyson: English - Son of the steward * Griffin: Welsh - Strong lord * Holden: English - Hollow valley * Hugo: Latin - Mind; intellect * Jace: Hebrew - The Lord is salvation * Jagger: English - Occupational name; carter * Jax: American - God is gracious * Jett: English - Excellence; stone * Jones: English - God is gracious * Kai: Hawaiian - Sea * Kenji: Japanese - Second son * Knox: Scottish - Round hill * Leo: Latin - Lion * Lincoln: English - Town by the pool * Maverick: American - Independent; nonconformist * Max: Latin - Greatest * Miller: English - Occupational name; grinder of the grain * Orion: Greek - Constellation; hunter; mountain dweller * Orson: Latin - Bear cub * Oscar: English and Irish - God spear; deer lover; champion warrior * Otis: German - Wealthy * Peyton: English - Fighting-man's estate * Phoenix: Greek - Dark red * Pierce: English - Son of Piers * Porter: French and Latin - Carrier; gatekeeper * Remy: French and Latin - Oarsman or derived from Rheims; a city in Northeastern France * Rider: British - Horseman * Riggs: English - One from the ridge * Roman: Latin - Citizen of Rome; strong; powerful * Rowan: Scottish and Irish - Rowan tree; little redhead * Ryder: English - Messenger; cavalryman * Smith: English - Blacksmith * Tate: British - Cheerful * Thompson: English - Son of Tom * Wilder: English - Wild; passionate * Wyatt: English - Brave in war * Xavier: Basque - New house * Zaire: African - The river that swallows all rivers *… https://www.popsugar.com/family/Cool-Baby-Names-46043726?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ragunath12 · 2 years
New Partnership Boosts NFT : MarketTokenizing the Titanic
Amid a new wave of conspiracies about the sinking of the Titanic, its passengers and the reasons that brought an end to the first voyage of the world’s most iconic ocean liner
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The company behind the British-Irish exhibits ship RMS Titanic Inc, is transforming relics of the fateful ship in multiple NFT marketplace development.
Through a partnership with Artifact Labs and Venture Smart Financial Holdings, objects that sank in the Atlantic along with the Titanic in 1912 are being transformed into Web3 assets . Everything, as part of the resurgence of China as a new hold in the crypto industry , since both firms have their headquarters in Hong Kong.
The project would aim to “ bring the RMS Titanic and its physical artifacts to Web3 (…) and put the legacy of the Titanic in the hands of the world public ,” the companies reported in a brief press release published last Tuesday. From Artifact Labs there is talk of converting at least 5,500 recovered objects into NFTs.
The history of the Titanic revives through NFT
Said statement offered some details about the initiative, among which is that Artifact Labs will lead the launch of Titanic DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), through which its members can be part of future projects.
This NFT firm, created by the South China Morning Post , noted that it will not make any further information public at this time , explicitly referring to the price of non-fungible tokens and the blockchain that will bring the Titanic back to life.
Hong Kong back in crypto headlines
The partnership between these companies, RMS Titanic, owned by Premier Acquisition Holdings, and two Hong Kong-based companies, comes amid a mammoth push by the Chinese city to become the hub of Hong Kong’s top digital assets. Asia , a movement led by new regulations that are intended to attract businesses related to the cryptocurrency industry.
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) asserted this Monday that retail investors in the city will be able to buy all kinds of virtual assets with huge market capitalizations , such as Bitcoin (BTC). and Ethereum (ETH) , on regulated platforms and with licenses to offer their products in the city.
It should be noted that the new regulatory framework of the city will enter into force in June of this year.
Hong Kong’s bid, with China’s quiet assent, to be a major global hub in the Web3 industry, entails new regulations covering a wide range of digital asset types, not just cryptocurrencies . Also keep in mind that things have slowed down a bit since FTX imploded in November of last year.
New push to NFTs
This new collaboration between major companies in the crypto industry comes two years after the most iconic boom in the short history of NFTs began , an issue that launched the prices of these digital assets into the stratosphere.
As explained by SCMP , “NFT mania had largely cooled last summer, as prices fell amid the most recent debacle in the blockchain market . US dollar-denominated NFT trading volume fell 77% from the second to third quarters of last year , while prices also plunged 76%, according to market tracker NonFungible.com.
Still, some of the highest profile NFT projects and collections maintain very high market valuations. Bored Ape Yacht Club is a clear example of this, as today it boasts a capitalization of 1.3 billion dollars , the largest among all non-fungible token initiatives, according to data from CoinGecko .
NFT Titanic will make its relics accessible
Returning to the case of the NFT marketplce platform development collection of the Titanic, the companies that will make it possible for this to happen, ensure that the non-expendable tokens of the ship that is the protagonist of the love affair between ‘Jack and Rose’ will allow people to interact with relics that are now only physical exhibits.
They also indicated that they are working on planning initiatives that range from diving exhibitions, to educational programming and interactive documentaries , among many other events that will involve the Titanic DAO. All financed from the outset by the sales of the NFTs in question.
“ This incredible project will forever preserve the ocean liner on the blockchain and further expand its impact and importance to a global audience (…) This partnership exemplifies the mission of Arifact LAbs and we are delighted to now be among the guardians of the Titanic”, said the founder of the aforementioned company.
VISIT to create nft marketplace with us !!! : NFT marketplace development company
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sams-saved-posts · 2 years
Tag Masterlist Because I Am A Hoarder (as all good historians naturally are):
History Tags
#boats - anything nautical, maritime history, etc
#fashion history
#history - pretty obvious, but also here's some tags to specify time periods (might go more detailed later?)
#17th c
#18th c
#19th c
#20th c
#primary source photo
#primary source paper
#preservation - stuff related to archiving, preserving things for the future whether already old or current stuff that won't last
#people of the past being people as we've always been
Types of Art Tags
#literature - for stuff about books or poetry, mostly published works, meant for the few times tumblr has reading comprehension
#stories - for just life stories from people, not quite books, more like blog posts I find interesting (huh it's almost like THIS is a blog)
#writing - for stuff about writing stuff, advice, tips, things to remember when writing/editing/proofreading/etc/etc
#linguistics - includes fun grammar and word stuff, stuff from languages that aren't English, history of language
#fiber arts - I know I'm a heathen but I'm putting knitting and crochet in the same tag but sewing in another
#sewing - fabric and leather stuff, etc, anything with smaller needle(s) than used for knitting
#origami - paper folding... might try it. might abandon it on my bookshelf for ages unfinished
#painting - not gonna bother distinguishing it from traditional or digital. also drawing falls in this category.
Fandom Tags
#the flight of the heron - book by D.K. Broster
#creatures - any sort of critter, mythology, funny cat videos, etc, etc
#relatable - yeahhh gonna be basic about this one. some posts are just relatable
#awareness- real world issues, the tag for spreading awareness of problems socially, politically, economically, ecologically, etc, sometimes it means fuck the system/capitalism/etc/etc
#first aid
#recipies - not always food. don't always eat.
#tech - usually advice on how to avoid corporate monopolies and subscription crapola
#effervescent - things that make me smile, mostly silly nonsense
#life advice - self-explanatory. I just think it's neat
#for reference - useful things, databases, things to read later, etc
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - really cool thing
#frigate friggin friday
#winter holidays
#valentine's day
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#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
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