#future october depending on how long it takes to make this thing
ghoul-haunted · 2 years
no wait tomorrow is october third, I need to finish that Cassius illustration
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daskolas · 1 year
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Ask yourself questions "how will my rest of 2023 go" and see where your intuition is taking you.
This is a general reading so it may or may not resonate with you
Pile-1 , pile-2, pile-3
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PILE - 1
Hii, welcome to your pile. I hope 2023 has been treating you well. Here is your reading:
SEPTEMBER: You're trying to get your life structured this month. You are making a timetable or anything to get organised or even just try to devote time to things like doing workout everyday, spending time with yourself. Some of you could be waiting for someone's text and are not able to sleep because of that. So don't worry about it. Whether you receive that text or not, it will depend on fate. You sometimes have to let things go. Rest of you are overthinking about your future a lot so remember that overthinking won't take you anywhere, put efforts and take care of your health. You could have some issues with someone about how they want different things than you. For, some of you, it is internal (especially for people whose initials are R, T, A, N). Expect something to change and it will be fruitful.
OCTOBER: this month is more about reaping benefits of the seeds you sow. You will be dating someone. That person will be flirtatious and dramatic. Plan your steps with an eye to the long term. Don't make decisions quickly, analyse pros and cons according to the long term. Have some patience because you never know when you will receive something good. Learn to understand when you have to listen to your heart or mind. This will come very handy this month. Do not feel trapped because you will be longer stuck in that situation. Plan what to do next step carefully. Trust your intuition. Especially, do some chakra meditation. This month is about making decisions, thinking and falling for someone.
NOVEMBER: you will be leaving a bad habit behind. That habit which was holding you back and making you feel trapped. It can even be a person. Try to bring fun into things. Do not do them as some chores but make them fun. This month you really need to believe in yourself and have some self love. A lack of self confidence can keep you back from getting what you want. You have to realise that you are powerful and you can take back anything you want. A journey is now complete. You will also get success. I am not getting a lot for this month but learning to love yourself is the main highlight.
DECEMBER: you will have a financial windfall in December. Expect to receive money and some person who will support you. What I am getting is that, carry a notepad with you and write down whatever ideas you are having. You will have to learn how to communicate effectively. If you are getting some good ideas then implement it. Review your past and present and see how far you have come. Do not hold yourself onto certain standards or judge yourself, do whatever you feel like and however you feel like. You can also go to someplace or even purchase a vehicle. You will realise your dreams and will go after them this month. You will also try to come out of your comfort zone and feel more optimistic.
This was your reading pile 1. I hope it resonated.
PILE - 2
Hii, welcome to your pile. I hope 2023 has been treating you well. Here is your reading:
SEPTEMBER: you are not seeing something clearly this month. It seems like you are trying to ignore or take granted all the things you have and wishing to have other things. Many people who chose this pile are trying to manifest something important. If you will be focusing on what you don't have, you will not be able to manifest. Show some gratitude and see how fast things come for you. And also someone needs to hear this " A bright future is manifested through hard work and creativity." You will also feel satisfied from the work you have done. Many of you are afraid to take action even though you have plans and everything. So, take this as a sign and take some action. It will be great for you, if you will be fearless and pursue your dreams.
OCTOBER: you will get a friend with whom you can share your feelings with, without feeling any sort of judgement from them. You can feel a little powerless this month but if you realise how wonderful you are, then you will be easily able to overcome challenges. Leave people who are no longer serving you and align yourself with people who have high spiritual ideals. This month you will need to come out of your box and consider new and creative modes of accomplishing your goals. But you will be looking at the future with hope and optimism so that hope will make you do hard work. You might also question your plans but you will also come to the conclusion that your plan is not wrong but something else is.
NOVEMBER: expect to receive some good news. And you will also be able to be successful in your work. It doesn't matter if you are working or school but this month is great for you. If you are required to make some career decisions, then follow your passion. BE THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO. you will also be able to stop procrastinating and put efforts in your work. If you have to make decisions, then do not overanalyze it as you will be more confused by this. Reach out to others when you are required to do. Take advice from people. Some of you will feel like they are leaving some things behind so know that you are on the right path.
DECEMBER: I see that you are still carrying things which you should have completed in November itself. But listen to your brain when you have to find some solution to anything. There can also be some unexpected change like you have to move to another state or something but it will be sudden only. You will also be ignoring the information which is presented right in front of you because it will not be exactly what you want to hear. Don't be deterred by challenges. Know that a challenge is something which makes the things worth doing. You will also be able to manifest something and make good progress in some endeavours
This was your reading pile 2. I hope it resonated.
PILE - 3
Hii, welcome to your pile. I hope 2023 has been treating you well. Here is your reading:
SEPTEMBER: you are going to take control of your life. Some of you are going back to school or even deciding to. You are trying to show more gratitude or forgiveness to other people. It's like trying out a new thing where you basically change your life maybe by doing different manifestation challenges or something. You might also do some more self- care like doing skincare, working out, eating healthy etc. This month is going to be great for you as you will be able to come in contact with your inner child.
OCTOBER: you are moving into a new direction. Maybe you are planning to start something new or following something which you always wanted to do. October is going to be great for you to take action as this month is about moving forward. But you could also question yourself, if you should move forward with this. You are planning things for a bright future and hence comparing traditional vs modern methods. You will also receive some good news. If you are doing something creative for free, then expect to earn something from them. This month will bring you lots of happiness but it will also require you to work very hard.
NOVEMBER: the good news which I mentioned above, looks like you are going to have a celebration in November because of it. You also are going to be cutting off toxic people or those people who are no longer matching your energy. This will make you feel alone and constantly overthinking about it. You could also be starting to question your decision, if that's the right thing to do. You might focus on worst-case scenarios. You are also becoming a lot focused on your career or education this month. It looks like you are taking back the control which you needed. You are also recognising all the blessings and being grateful for them. For some people, some person in your family might get married.
DECEMBER: you are going to be in touch with your spiritual side much more. Like you could start meditating for balancing different chakras especially the third eye. You are going to listen to your intuition or even feel more confident in that side. You are also going to give yourself proper rest like hibernating. Some self-reflection will really help you so much this month. You will also be hanging out with your small group of friends or the people you trust most. In October, i said about overthinking. Looks like you are going to let go of all the fear and worry this month.
This was your reading pile 3. I hope it resonated.
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degreedummy · 8 days
Looking at Luke's Current Transits-
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25° Virgo Sun sextile Pluto around Sept. 18 This transit is one that brings focus toward his sense of confidence, and specifically his ability to lead. I’d expect this to be a personal transit for him, challenging his ability to make hard decisions, but this could also mean voicing decisions about his future. I think this can be a time for him showing appreciation for the love he receives, maybe saying it’s built his confidence. In the same way Nicola has, this could be his time for talking about the ways he takes care of himself, the things he likes or what he does to keep his head on straight, maybe more focusing toward mental health. 14° Cancer Mars square Jupiter Sept. 29 Coming in after his exact Mars return, this has big ‘getting away’ energy, or… ‘going back home to escape reality’, running back to comforts in some way. This energy can cause conflict, but this could also speak to him feeling inspired, or finding some kind of inspiration that he’s been missing out on. I think memories of home will play a big part here. More than finding inspiration, I think this square is going to bring his future into question, asking him what kind of life he wants to be able to come home to. More than a personal transit, I think this will be a time of him rebuilding the circle around him. Jupiter retrograde begins in his 11H lasts until early February Jupiter going retrograde in his 11H shows to me that, following filming and whatever ties he has to Bridgerton after, he may start to lock down on who uses his name, or who he allows to profit from him. The 11H is a social house, but as a public figure, his relationship with his [community] may be intentionally challenged. When I see this transit, I see someone choking out a fire, seeing what’s left behind when he doesn’t give any more. The 11H also represents dreams, and I think there’s a noticeable, continuous theme, leading him to question what he wants to do next. I think this speaks to him… having opportunities ahead of him, but being frozen in how to act. I think the 11H is a house that’s easy to lose yourself in, especially as the planet of exploration goes retrograde in it, but I think this will be the time for him to question what he, as an individual, wants for his future, and what he’s willing to do for it.
5H Venus transit, Scorpio and Sagittarius through October The 5H being our sense of creativity, a love for art seems to be reestablished during this time, expressed in a different way. I think this transit could be as simple as him posting pictures of little pieces he’s painted, just showing he’s expanded on his hobbies, but I think this is a motivating period for him. I could see him getting more personal, but that depends on if his [art] relies on being seen. Honestly, I don’t think the transits show him doing a lot of work immediately following filming, but based off transits, I think this a necessary time for him to decide what matters to him. Him taking time to find direction only benefits him in the long-run here.
Saturn direct in his 9H November 15 Another transit he shares with the rest of us, I think this transit and many before speak to him finding a voice he doesn’t feel he’s allowed to have. The 9H tends to represent someone’s spiritual beliefs, someone’s religion, but it can also represent political and even personal beliefs, the morals a person has and what they personally believe to be right in the world. Based on the kind of person he is, I wouldn’t expect him to break out in an argument with anyone, but I do think this could be a time of ‘picking sides’, understanding that he has to stand for [something] in the world if anything matters to him at all. With Saturn going direct, think of it as… “I’m willing to lose an opportunity if it means moving forward with a clear mind”, him feeling a need to speak out on something that we may not yet know is important to him.
Sagittarius Mercury rx, goes direct in his 5H mid December While I do think the retrograde will have significance, I think Mercury going direct in his 5H, after all we’ve discussed, shows an opportunity being acted on. At the time of writing, I don’t know his status with contracts, who he’s signed to, but I think the commitments he makes during this time will last him a few years. I think ‘feeling understood’ will be a big theme during this time, forming friendships with people who make him feel closer to the kind of person he wants to be. I think these commitments will be made out of emotion, but it’s because he’s choosing to believe how [others] feel about him.
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gnomeantics · 11 months
for those unable to attend the livestream i present:
NOTES FROM THE HATCHETFIELD HALLOWEEN PARTY 14th October 2023, 01:00 BST (my time!) / 13th October 2023, 17:00 PDT (their time!)
Note: These notes are at times a little nonsensical and useless and just quotes. This is because it lasted from 01:00-04:00 for me meaning I was incredibly tired. Please bear with <3
Section 1: Nerdy Prudes Must Die talkback
Started with chiptune of Feast or Famine and then chiptune of Jane’s A Car
Steph’s dad may be dead but at least she has a boyfriend <3
Joey was eating beef and potato stew for most of the first segment
When Jeff was asked for the inspiration for The Summoning: “[…] I don’t know. That just popped in my head. It could be true.”  (His answer was Wizard of Oz.)
Section 2: Hatchet Town Trivia Challenge
I tried to keep track of “chat vs cast” points but lost count and failed rather miserably
Nora’s last name is Beanie. Nora Beanie
Jeff is “an avid lover of baby-water” (water pure enough for babies to drink) and “widely known as Doctor Spreadsheets” (my notes just say “baseball game”)
Every time the world destroys, Ted dies twice: once as Ted, once as homeless guy
Lex helped deliver Hannah by teleporting her out of the womb through the Black and White
Greenpeace Girl’s name is Harmony Jones!
Wilbur Cross murdered Duke Senior (Duke Keane’s dad) this may be explored in future.
Section 3: Workin’ Boys
All of my “notes” here are just gushing about the characters. I have written nothing useful enough to be put here
Section 4: Workin’ Boys talkback
Chad was not included in WB because it was deemed that nobody could live up to the legend. This spawned the “Darren 4 Chad” movement in chat
The Workin’ Boys album will be out around next week if all goes to plan. It is 5 tracks and would include Mariah’s version of the Show Stoppin’ Number monologue as well as at least some of her singing it (as seen in the show; hoping for a full version!!)
Mariah’s character in the audience was called Woman.
Lauren’s character in the audience was Courtney, Thrash’s girlfriend from Killer Track
Paul Gabriel’s character was Paul Gabriel
Linda Monroe auditioned for Workin’ Girls and was the only one who didn’t get a part (Ruth was chosen over her). This is why she was happy to see it crash and burn
The programmes made for Workin’ Girls had very detailed bios, which hopefully when in full quality will be readable when paused. This may set up the potential for the Workin’ Girls actresses to be in future HF projects where this can be explored
Jaime will hopefully be in the next Starkid musical!!!!
The Black Book was originally supposed to debut in Workin’ Boys, in its original form in 2020
The 2020 version was planned as a feature-length film but eventually it was decided that it was confusing and remodelled.
The Summoning was supposed to be in Workin’ Boys – the producer would have tricked Hidgens into making the girls perform a ritual; it was realised that this didn’t make much sense so the song was transferred to NPMD
Section 5: The Future Of Hatchetfield
Hatchetfield was supposed to be finished by 2020
Starkid is not going to be exclusively Hatchetfield in the future; their next full-length musical will not be Hatchetfield
NMT3 is hopefully going to happen provided there is enough interest! It was supposed to happen in the same year as NMT2 but they take a long time to write (much longer than a full musical) so that couldn’t happen
NMT3 would conclude Lex and Hannah’s story after Yellow Jacket
It would be produced more face to face like a TV show – Nick said “less Zoom call-y”
It would include stories withheld from NMT1 and NMT2
It would entirely depend on how much interest, particularly views on NMT2.
It would be Halloween themed.
“More things akin to Workin’ Boys would be nice” - Nick
The episodes would be:
Bottle Imps
“Bill Woodward has been chosen to test CCRP’s latest and greatest product: Bottle Imps. These reality-bending buddies will bring their owner the one thing they desire most. When his new imp, Lovely, leads him to his soulmate, Bill decides to use his magical companion to play matchmaker. But to help Charlotte find the man of her dreams, Bill will have to bend the Imp’s rules. Rules he’s been warned, must never be broken…”
“Desperate to see a naked body, Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipschitz volunteer at the morgue of St. Damian’s Hospital. Their terrible plan becomes exponentially more terrible, when they become unwitting subjects in the experiments of the body-snatching madman, Doctor Lazlo, who claims to have conquered death itself. If Hatchetfield thought Ruth was bad before, then they will cower before the unspeakable horror of… Frankenruth!”
Becky Barnes Climbed A Tree
“Becky Barnes is on top of the world! Not in a literal sense, of course. She’s deathly afraid of heights. After years of struggle, Becky’s life is finally everything she dreamed it would be. She’s engaged to her High School sweetheart, Tom Houston, and the two have a surprise baby on the way! But as the couple prepared for the arrival of Baby Marie, a shadow from Becky’s past returns to haunt them.”
Devil’s Night
“Tim Houston has a crush. Unfortunately, it’s on his older, mature, and totally cool babysitter, Grace Chasity, who he fears will never see him as anything but a snot-nosed little kid. But when a devilish maniac with murderous designs on Grace attacks Hatchetfield the night before Halloween, Tim must protect his beloved, or join the killer’s growing body count. It’s another slashing adventure on the night HE came home… Devil’s Night.”
Miss Holloween
“It’s Halloween in Hatchetfield once again, and Miss Holloway is celebrating the same way she’s done for decades, staving off the horrors that go bump in the night. But when Duke gives her an invitation to his wedding, the dejected Miss Holloway begins to chafe under the terms of a contract forged many years ago. She strikes a new bargain, but unfortunately her creditors are known for their tricks, not treats. Just as Miss Holloway gives up her powers in exchange for a mortal life, a monstrous new threat rears its ugly head. As All Hallows Eve descends, and all Hell breaks loose, Miss Holloway must save the town or die trying… for real this time.”
“Lex Foster had a life once. A home. A boyfriend. Now there is only the road, and her sister, and the fear of the men who are hunting them. As Hannah Foster watches Lex sink deeper into despair, she is certain of only three things: Webby is gone. She cannot help them. They are alone. Elsewhere, an old soldier awakens from a catatonic state. Returned from some unimaginable Hell with a mission. He knows that somewhere two magical girls require immediate evac… then maybe some coffee.”
As NPMD was conceived of first, it was supposed to be a Nerdy Prudes series: Nerdy Prudes Must Die, Horny Campers Must Die… (this was turned into NMT2’s Abstinence Camp)
The next Hatchetfield full-length musical would probably be about Miss Holloway if there was enough interest.
There is the possibility of a full movie set in Hatchetfield if there is enough interest. (Workin’ Boys was like a trial for how Hatchetfield works in film)
It would be called Cast Party Massacre
“The Hatchetfield Community Players. You will never find a cattier troupe of two-faced thespians. But when the blood begins to flow at their latest show’s cast party, they must consider: is there a secret murderer in their midst? And more importantly, who amongst them is a good enough actor to pull off such a performance? Can they set aside their petty squabbles and tangled romances, or is it curtains for this ensemble? Who will survive… the Cast Party Massacre!”
It would possibly feature the girls from Workin’ Boys.
The licencing rights to TGWDLM will be available soon!
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luminoustarlight · 11 months
love bites, love bleeds
thinking about vampire!anakin skywalker for no other reason other than it’s october. vampires are sexy. anakin is sexy. here we go. tw: blood, smutty themes, stalking just a lil bit.
for the sake of these thoughts let’s say anakin has been a vamp for at least a hundred years so he knows what works for him. he’ll do blood bags, he’ll do small animals, but nothing beats feeding from a willing human with a beating heart.
if you ask anakin, he’s not one to become attached. a little thing called immortality makes it rather inconvenient to harbor such feelings. human life is too fleeting, too temporary, too fragile for anakin to get mixed up with.
there was one woman— padmé amidala. she was a princess and future queen. her regal gracefulness swept anakin off of his feet, not long after he became a vampire. he was so young and naïve, he didn’t know any better. this beautiful woman cared for him despite his lust for blood, despite his sometimes murderous thoughts.
their relationship ended before padmé’s coronation when she told anakin she wouldn’t turn.
anakin promised himself he’d never fall in love with a human again. not when he knows how it will end every single time. however, no matter how much he suppresses it, he has the same basic desire to love and be loved.
and when anakin sees you, walking home from yoga on a warm summer morning, he goes against his better judgement and starts watching you.
you work at a boutique downtown, you don’t go out with friends very often, and you go to yoga every saturday morning. you undress in front of your window with the curtains open, a flighty thought that no one is looking in.
anakin wanted to scold you. he wanted to tell you how reckless it is to expose yourself to nosy neighbors, peeping tom’s (and a horny vampire). were you really that stupid to think nobody is looking at you through your window? or did you just not care?
anakin had an incessant desire to look after you. he leased an apartment right across from yours that just so happened to become vacant in september.
something changed that evening, though. your curtains were drawn and anakin could no longer watch you get ready for bed.
he visited you at the boutique the next day.
you held no reservations inviting him to your apartment after your shift. there was something so irresistible about him. striking blue eyes to take your breath away and a smile to make you swoon, you were already falling into his gravitational pull.
you let him have you that night. as he rocked his hips into you, he sunk his teeth into your neck. the simultaneous sting of anakin’s thick cock in your tight cunt and sharp teeth in your supple neck sent you reeling. you weren’t sure if it was the way he was hitting your cervix or the gradual loss of blood that made you lightheaded.
anakin was the one who was feeding on you but you were intoxicated. he was the one being nourished, yet you were filled with desire. you wrapped your arms around his back like a life preserver, clinging to this man— not a monster but not a human either, like he’s the only thing that matters.
“oh, you sweet girl,” anakin whispered to you, two rough pads of his fingers finding your swollen nub. your pussy felt so wonderful around him. it’s where he belonged. “you are mine now.”
you nodded and whined through a powerful orgasm, scratching your nails down the strong muscles of anakin’s back. you were claiming him as much as he was claiming you. anakin had marked you with puncture marks on both sides of your neck, he came inside of you with the intentions of breeding you if he could. your life was irrevocably changed that september night.
falling into late october, you have spent every day with anakin. your relationship has become incredibly co-dependent but anakin takes care of you more than anything. he makes sure your fridge and pantry is well stocked, he always reminds you to eat and drink water- he can’t afford to have you pass out on him. he has dinner ready for you when you come home from the boutique.
he doesn’t feed every day. he doesn’t have to. but you enjoy it. you want him to. you want to be the only one he feeds off of because he is yours and you are his. he bites. you bleed.
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yosajaeofficial · 10 days
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Heya everybody! We’re back for a double episode of, “The Monthly Jayce Myles Comics Updates”! The reason why August wasn’t fulfilled like normal was due to college and how busy I immediately got when entering in, which is what I figured would happen so I’m not too surprised with it to be honest. I took some time in order for me to make a fulfilling update instead of doing a rushed one to pump out yk? We’re now gonna get to the updates and bonus content I’m gonna show.
Buckle your seat belts, close your eyes and take your hands off the wheel cuz this is gonna be a ride~
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The comic’s gotten slower due to college, however, I really needed a break from it in general so I could prioritize my personal life and also refresh myself on drawing what I want to instead of rushing my age physically and turn 78 years old when I haven’t even reached 20 yet. Nothing much to say but showing the w.i.ps because of the slower progress, it’s getting there though. We got to 30 pages! Which means that the first section is sketched out (calculated to be approximately a fourth of the full chapter done, it could go lower or higher in the numbers depending on what I want/vision). I’m hella proud for getting 30 of them pages done honestly. A huge accomplishment for doing this story for a long while.
Ya’ll don’t really know, but I am indeed changing things here and there about the story where I’m shifting small details, doing redesigns, and reboots with other small things overall. I would be honest and say that’s where I’m progressing the most and not the debut chapter, I’m able to have a clearer vision of the story in my head and on paper when doing future chapters yk? I won’t go into details about redesigns or those details being changed since they’re hella spoilerish and a bit unnecessary considering that the JMC hasn’t even debuted yet. Ya’ll will get those details later when the comic functions and I will reveal more in future updates!
Also, last month Jae, no you haven’t drawn the turtles yet. However, we’re close to their debut for the chapter so keep strong! You’re doing great! :3
BONUS CONTENT: Jayce Myles Over The Years
Many of you know that Jayce Myles, whose name is in the title of the series, is our protagonist for this ROTTMNT comic! She’s my OC that I’ve had when going through my senior year of high school. We’re gonna be getting into a deep dive with her as a character and how their designs came to be during the process!
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This is the first ever drawing of Jayce that I’ve done, the day I made it is so vivid in my head because I was going through it… I was in my Pre Calculus class and I had failed another test after multiple attempts through the school year. My initial idea was to cry (which I did) but then I just started doodling on my phone and I created this drawing, then from there it was history. This was in 2022, not too long ago. I became a Rise fan a couple weeks after the movie came out (which I didn’t know at the time, it was a pure coincidence) and I wanted to create a Rise OC for a while. So that day in Pre-Calc, I was able to take advantage of my mathematical suffering and create my magnum opus (exaggerated). She didn't have a name at the time so it was actually a stand in for me. Jayce got their full name until a couple days later.
(October 2022- February 2024)
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As you all can see, Jayce did indeed have lots of designs and ideas being sketched out while I created her as my official Rise OC. I had ideas for them to have an androgynous look from the start based off of my own self! I knew they were gonna have a Rise comic, but there were ideas for them to originally come from the 2012 TMNT universe with their "serious demeanor". It was quite interesting but there isn't much media of those ideas since they were cut a bit early on.
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(Older Renders of Jayce from 2022)
Their signature color looked like it was gonna be this denim blue for quite a while but then I scrapped it cuz I thought it wasn't showing their personality like how I want it to. There was also another scrapped concept where Jayce's demeanor would be more monotone and "soft" (as in a blank slate, which doesn't give her a true personality). It was cut because it made me think that I wasn't giving her the best potential as the protagonist then I should've been giving them. Jayce was more introverted and quiet, but now they're much more expressive and full of personality. Ya'll will see in a more better light when the comic debuts, I'm not holding back with Jayce's personality anymore.
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("Issue 1: Graffiti" Panels from page 1. The only page that was completed until the plot got scrapped.)
There were lots of pitches and concepts for the JMC over the years too, where lots of storyboards got drafted and one of the first of those drafts got their first page completed. However, I'm pulled a Richard Williams and kept being like "No, I don't like this" and kept going back to the drawing board. I like to look back on these old drafts especially after seeing the older interactions and how different they're gonna be in the official comics. I for sure was learning over 2023 and 2024...
Now finally, we're gonna touch on the last thing for this update~
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We are going to talk just a teeny bit about the debut chapter but I'm able to become vague without spoiling too much since lots of the older pitches were scrapped. But yes, this was when I came up with the idea, "What if Jayce had a job?"
That's where the idea of Jayce working at a deli joint came from. Where she would have to get a 9-5 and possibly fired, it was pretty funny when doing the drafts since I never knew how a real deli worked and my dumbass just used my mom's experience at Denny's as referenced (she walked out and quit after almost a year).
Thus, our pilot was born.
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You can go read a non canon comic I did that touched on this concept when it was fresh in development right here! [Jayce and Mikey Phone Call] & [Splinter/Randall and Jayce Interaction]
The shop itself was based off of a friend's film back in junior year. He made a FNAF parody called, "Five Nights At Fernando's" and it was such a stupid assignment but that gave me the idea of making use of the dumbass "Fernando's Shop" and make it a reality. So then Fernando's Taco Shop was created and we had the shop Jayce worked at. We already talked a bit about Archie and his deal in the first JMC Monthly Update and I can't say anymore due to spoilers but he was also involved of the creation of the pilot.
The older pitches had a cashier or a manager be like some NPC ahh character that never was gonna be brought up ever again but something in me thought it would be a cute idea to create an actual character for this manager that wasn't a stupid bossy ass hoe. It was very sweet in the drafts so I thought I could create more with that concept in mind.
Introducing: Rogelio Andazola!
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(Rogelio Andazola Evolution: 2022-2023 | Still Not Showing The Finalized.)
His design is one that is the most consistent when compared to the rest of the roster, I guess that I hit the nail with his because I couldn't imagine him any different. There are only minor changes like his gray strands disappearing (bro reverse aged) and his facial expressions are much more expressive after I played around during the soft reboot. Once again (and as annoying as it is), you will all see where I'm coming from when the debut chapter releases! Rogelio as a character has also altered his personality, he's based off of my grandpa, can't wait to show you how that comes into play in the story!
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Thank you all so much for sticking around for this very heavy update! I worked way too much for the photos to be sent on here and dug up lots of my old art in order for this to become a reality! It was actually insane that I kept lots of it instead of making it turn into lost media, I'm happy I got to show lots of it instead of having to make it the fuck up by memory (which I wouldn't have done in the first place and is an exaggeration). The comic is slaying in the runway and I'm working on it here and there at my own pace. Maybe next time I can finally show ya'll the turtles in the next W.I.P in the comic section. Have an amazing day/night everyone and we're on the way to victory!
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
☀️🌛 Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2023 Astrology horoscope for all Rising Signs 🌜☀️
[Ps. Personal reading are open. Here's the link to the how-to book one, and my Astrology Masterlist.]
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Wherever South Node is transiting in your natal chart, you will experience a dramatic decrease in that area of life. Our human nature of dwelling on the negative side makes us unable to see what the North Node is offering in the place of that House's reduced appearance.
The solar eclipse on the 14th of October might enhance this anxiety of feeling like you aren't fulfilling the expectations of your Libra house.
Currently, South Node is in Libra, so depending on what house Libra sits in your chart, you will feel like roadblocks just keep on happening and as if the Universe is guiding you towards something completely different. More than often this can manifest as anxiety and feeling like something is wrong, having constant doubts about your own abilities in that area of life, etc. Bonus w/ South Node in Libra: Feeling like you aren't friendly or social enough.
The thing is, you can relax and instead focus on the thing that is gaining a large amount of momentum in your life, aka the House, North Node is transiting. North Node is in Aries right now and it gives you independent control over your life. This is the time to be individualistic and put yourself first, fiercely and fearlessly. Bonus w/ North Node in Aires: You will excel when you lead yourself with full belief that you absolutely deserve what you want.
Sagittarius Risings have been thinking if they are social enough right now, because they been spending a lot of time with their passion projects, almost shutting out the world. Oh yes girl, the social world doesn't matter right now, do your thang right now.
Aries Risings wondering if they are being mean or selfish, because they just have been in that self love space right now. Yesss, girl, you don't have to care about anyone. YOU, are the moment.
Leo Risings are fiercely pursuing their greater meaning of life, but are left wondering if it's okay that they aren't catching up and being updated on the latest gossip. Damn, girl, it's all good. You don't have to catch up with anyone other than yourself right now.
Virgo Risings are courageously declaring their authority and position to everybody else. They aren't going to let anybody walk over themselves anymore. As long as you are bold and upfront with people using your giving nature, you are gold baby!
Capricorn Risings are taking time out and getting more private than ever. Don't be afraid of not letting other people know about your business, and if you see your career taking a bit of break now. It's time to relax babes.
Taurus Risings are having major psychic realisations. They are ending major karmic cycles, healing and putting their instincts first. It's no issue if you feel a bit unproductive or behind doing certain tasks. Take it easy.
Pisces Risings are putting their boundaries up, bichh. Girl, don't be afraid to cut people off that absolutely don't contribute anything to your life. This is the time to rely on no one, but yourself. Help yourself and don't you dare feel guilty about it.
Cancer Risings are getting that bag and reaching those milestones. This is your time to shine in the world out there. Family matters and the concern for privacy might have kept you from your full potential, but not anymore. This is one of the most prominent times to be achieving your goals.
Scorpio Risings are getting real grounded and productive. It's an amazing time for them to work on their health, take a new workout routine and get all active. Trust your primal instincts and make sure you ground your energy first and foremost.
Gemini Risings are making those connections, being more social than before and build their networks. Don't worry if you happen to ignore some creative projects and private fun time due to being the social butterfly. It's your time to hope and plan for the future now!
Libra Risings are learning to manage their relationships better. It's that time to actually be that good partner, that good friend, that good listener. More than this, focus on building healthy relationships with healthy minded people.
Aquarius Risings are becoming more intellectual than they usually are. With all the knowledge they have been accumulating they are finally having mental breakthroughs. It's your time to build your own opinions and define the world on your own terms. Don't worry if you feel less of a lawful person. We all are allowed to be chaotic sometimes.
Hope yall have a lovely October 🎃👻🍬🧣🍂
Stay tuned for more Astrology content 🏹✨️!!
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writtenbylilakaye · 11 months
The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: What’s in Store for Your Zodiac Sign?
As we eagerly approach the end of the year, we’re met with a celestial spectacle that promises profound impacts on our lives. The second eclipse of October, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 28, is not just any eclipse - it’s a lunar eclipse, set to paint the October full Hunter Moon in a mesmerizing shade of red.
Let’s delve into the details of this upcoming lunar eclipse and how its astrological influence may shape your destiny.
The lunar eclipse in Taurus forges connections with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, ushering in a wave of emotional intensity. With these planetary influences, clarity may be elusive, especially as Jupiter opposes Mercury and Mars on the same day, stoking the fires of drama and gossip. This lunar event promises the revelation of hidden information and secrets as the moon propels us toward our fates.
Fortunately, the dependable and reliable energy of the Taurus moon will serve as an anchor amidst the chaotic energies at play.
Now, let’s explore what this lunar eclipse has in store for each zodiac sign:
Aries: Your natural assertiveness might need a dose of moderation. Find a balance between your go-getter spirit and allowing things to unfold.
Taurus: While you value your way of doing things, remember not to impose your stubbornness on others. Allow space for diversity of opinion.
Gemini: Trust your intuition alongside your logical mind. Dive deeper into your instincts to understand situations on a profound level, unlocking insight into both your actions and the motivations of others.
Cancer: Socializing is your forte, but don’t forget to prioritize self-care. Recognize when it’s time to retreat and recharge, preventing moodiness from spoiling your enjoyment.
Leo: Shifts in your career path are brewing. Showcase your talents, and don’t shy away from change; it’s an opportunity for growth.
Virgo: You’re meticulous, but relinquishing control occasionally can offer a broader perspective. Embrace the big picture without getting lost in the details.
Libra: Financial matters require attention. Face the financial aspects you’ve been avoiding; the effort will pay off in the long run.
Scorpio: Boundaries are essential. Protect your energy by setting limits in your relationships. Regain your power during this eclipse.
Sagittarius: Take a break from daily stressors and prioritize self-care. Reconnect with yourself and embrace this seasonal awakening.
Capricorn: Your creative endeavors are gaining momentum. Use the eclipse energy to shine a spotlight on your talents and aspirations.
Aquarius: The eclipse highlights your protective instincts. Be a guardian to your loved ones, respecting their autonomy while offering support.
Pisces: Don’t let gossip deter your path. Trust your judgments and make decisions in your friendships based on your own values and insights.
As the lunar eclipse in Taurus approaches, it beckons us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Embrace the cosmic energy and take the leap toward a brighter future, one that aligns with your true desires and aspirations.
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author-a-holmes · 2 years
heyy ari! i hope you’ve been well. for the october-themed ask: 👻 ghost: can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/something you want to write in the future? –🌊
Hello anon! I've been surviving! Which is all we can ask, really lol I hope you've also been doing well! <3
Can I tease some idea's? Oh good gods, can I!
I have so many idea's, I genuinly get scared of not having enough time to write them all.
Let's see what I can pull out of the brain for you today...
I have a couple of idea's for interactive fiction stories, or CYOA type stories that I'd love to get to eventually, but they're not just writing, they're coding too, so they're a definite time commitment.
One of those is a story that started out as a novel idea, and morphed into an interactive fiction called "Words of the Witches". It's about a witch, whose city is under seige from demons. A portal opened, but no one knows how. Due to the lack of warning, and the suddeness of the attack, the covens of the city only had time to cast a barrier, trapping the demons within the city limits. The demons, however, now rule the city. Magic is outlawed, and they are systematically tracking down and killing anyone with seraphim blood.
The player's character is a witch... and that's the only thing that's kept her alive, as the scent of her magic has masked the fact that she also has seraphim blood.
I'm sure I'll get around to this one eventually, but it's most definitely a backburner piece.
I've got about an 8 year publishing plan, but my furthest planned out book series is Chronicles of Verald.
I want to explore a very specific romantic dynamic with this story, so that was it's foundation. I wanted a MMC who'd done truly horrific things, but for good reasons, such as protecting their family. But I also wanted him to have been alive so long that he no longer felt any guilt or regret for those actions. For him, they're just a part of surviving.
On the flip side, is the FMC, who is sunshine and butterflies. He thinks he's going to crush her to get what he wants, but... there's a core of iron to her that he grows to respect.
And her outlook on life, will change his perspective on his actions and decisions moving forward.
It's, as I said, a very specific dynamic that I wanted to explore, but it's also a dynamic that needs to take a long time to develop, so when I went into the worldbuilding for Chronicles of Verald, I knew I needed to build a world that I, and my readers, could spend a LOT of time in.
CoV is a very intimidating project for me. I've described it as feeling like someone is standing behind me holding a baseball bat.
Right now I have my biggest map yet for this project. I have a functioning magic system, and a cultural system for the starting continent. But yes, that's starting continent. CoV will span years of the characters lives, at least 10 books, and depending on how my outlining goes, potentially two or three times that.
It's a beast, but I'm also not letting myself outline it properly until I've made some progress on my earlier projects, so I can't give numbers for sure.
Overall though it's something I'm very excited (but also mildly terrified) to dig into.
And then, a more recent project, just to even things out. Obviously, right now I'm working on my Fey Touched Trilogy, but December/January for me are always very busy IRL times, so I'll be taking a stab at something a little easier, a little lighter on the wordcount, for Dec/Jan.
I'm going to have a go at a Robin Hood retelling; but make it fantasy.
And by that I mean, "fairytale retellings" usually change the genre, and the setting. This gives me a chance to do something a bit different with Robin Hood. Because it's an English legend, there's nothing inherently magical about the story, so that's going to be my twist.
So far my notes cover Robin's entire backstory, from birth to the start of the tale, and how he and Marion were childhood friends, how he first met the Prince, who will become King.
There's elves, and druids, and magic, and possibly some other fantasy elements, and I think it'll just be really fun to play with a legend, and put my own spin on it.
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linuxgamenews · 18 days
Discover the Thrilling World of Within the Cosmos
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Within the Cosmos single-player first person sci-fi RPG game has hope for Linux with Windows PC. All credit goes to the creative genius of Debdev, the developer behind it all. Due to make its way onto Steam next month. Get ready to dive into the sci-fi world of Within the Cosmos, a new single-player first-person RPG from indie developer Debdev, due to launch on October 4th, 2024. Imagine waking up in a distant star system, only to find humanity on the brink of collapse, battling not just each other but also a rising threat from androids. It's a game packed with choices that truly matter, set in a universe that's as rich in detail as it is in danger.
Regarding Linux support, it's definitely something I'm interested in adding. However, it will be something I'll have to look into after the initial release.
Here's what Debdev shared in their email: Within the Cosmos is being developed using Unreal Engine 4. So there's hope for a native Linux build down the road. It sounds like this might depend on how well the game sells. This could also mean a native Linux version for the Steam Deck, though Proton support is another possibility. I’m holding out for the release — I'm really intrigued to see how it turns out.
Within the Cosmos - Gameplay Trailer
In the year 2278, Earth is a mess, and you’re one of the lucky (or maybe unlucky) 500 members of the United Earth Space Agency (UESA) sent to the far-off Adallio star system. While being in cryo-sleep for generations, you wake up to find things are far from peaceful. Humanity’s survivors have split into factions, each with its own ideas on how to survive and thrive. Oh, and there’s also a deadly android menace that's threatening to wipe out the remaining civilization. As you navigate this divided Within the Cosmos world, the choices you make will shape the future of humanity. Will you bring people together or drive them further apart? Can you uncover the truth about the android threat, or will you fall victim to it?
Here’s what you can look forward to:
Create Your Character: Fully customize your character’s look, skills, and background. You’re not just playing a character in Within the Cosmos — you’re playing your character.
Skill System: There are 11 different skills you can level up, from hacking to intimidation, allowing for all kinds of playstyles. Whether you want to talk your way out of trouble or hack your way in, the choice is yours.
Hacking: Speaking of hacking, it’s not just a gimmick. Use your skills to manipulate the environment, gather important intel, and turn the odds in your favor.
Neural Interface Mods (NIMs): These mods give you special abilities like Cloak and Time Dilation. While adding another layer of strategy to both combat and exploration.
Factions: Get involved with different factions, each with its own goals and beliefs. Will you ally with them, betray them, or take them out entirely? Your actions will have real outocmes.
Exploration: The Adallio star system is yours to explore, with hand-crafted planets and settings full of secrets, missions, and unique challenges.
Meaningful Choices: Every choice counts in Within the Cosmos</em. From dialogue to how you approach your missions, your decisions will shape the game’s ending.
Weapon Customization: Tailor your arsenal to suit your style. Whether you like to go in guns blazing or prefer a more tactical approach, you can upgrade and personalize your weapons to do the job.
A Labor of Love
Within the Cosmos has been a long time coming. Debdev, the creator, has spent nearly a decade bringing this game to life. Inspired by the moral dilemmas in Star Trek and the deep gameplay of Deus Ex and Fallout. Debdev set out to create a sci-fi RPG where every choice matters. Despite financial hurdles, the passion for this project has never wavered. So now it’s finally ready to share with the world. If you’re into sci-fi adventures where your decisions really make a difference, keep an eye out for Within the Cosmos on Steam. There is still hope for native Linux support as well as Proton, with Windows PC.
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singleroad · 1 year
I’ve decided I’m going to try to go through the Swedish healthcare system to do IUI and… if those fails an IVF attempt… and if that fails go to Denmark. Lol
It could take a long time for it to go through even when I start, but it won’t cost as much.
Depending on how my debt situation looks at the start of 2025 I’ll start then. I think it’ll look decent figuring in a wait period for evaluation, to be approved, and then to get a time for inseminatio, and pregnancy. With that timeline, if I were to get pregnant on the first try it would still be a 2026 baby and I know things will look so great then.
There’s many fears though. Reading through the rules for inseminations for single people they highlight concerns for people with previous mental health problems. I am autistic, ADHD, have chronic depression and anxiety BUT I am reeeaaaally well medicated and it’s managed so well right now. Like I thought my ADHD meds would do nothing but it’s such a clear delineation from before and after I started them this year.
This is also a reason to wait. I have to prove that I can stay well enough to care for a baby. I did have a burnout just before the pandemic that was pretty bad, but I now know that it was my autism and being forced to mask 24/7 that was the issue + some ADHD things.
The biggest challenge and way to prove myself is through the job I’m starting in august. It is a job I’m so excited for and I have so many ideas, but it is a full time job with a fairly long commute until October. I have worked 80hr weeks at times since the pandemic, but this whole week in and week out of 40hrs and managing a whole library by myself is scary. How will I manage? I need to manage or I will need to accept that children can’t be in the cards for me… and that thought genuinely makes me want to sob. There’s a reason why I want to go through with this.
So many thoughts and ramblings.
I am also concerned about taking my IUD out. The plan was to take it out next week but I’m going to cancel that appointment and have it out in September or October. Next week is a 50hr work week at a physically demanding job, and then with the new job I don’t want to manage having a period for the first time in nearly 6 years during that transitioning. I’ve started to have “mini” periods as the hormone is basically gone soon, and the mini cramps makes me remember how awful the cramps were. But it’s part of the process. I’m going to get period panties because I hate tampons and pads are a textural nightmare, and cups are daunting. It also feels like a good bet when I have no clue about my flow in the beginning. When I removed the nexplanon it was such a wild ride the first months after trying to figure out what my body was doing.
After the first period I’m going to try out the easy@home ovulation strips with premom app for a few months just to see if I ovulate regularly or not. I should have a basal temp somewhere too.
I’m just so ready for this next chapter of my life to start so I can build the future of my life. 4 weeks and I’m at my new job. 11 weeks and I’m back in my apartment.
I can do this
I can show them
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cindylouwho-2 · 2 years
Etsy Fourth Quarter 2022 Earnings Report - Down a Bit, & Hesitant to Make Projections for 2023
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(Above - slide 11 from Etsy’s Q4 2022 Earning Presentation, © Etsy)
The numbers weren’t particularly interesting, and Etsy dropped few hints on what they are planning in the near future during the fourth quarter 2022 earnings conference call on Wednesday February 22. 
First, here are the reference materials covered below:
the press release
transcript of the conference call
slides from the conference call
video of the call (click on “Webcast”)
my summaries of the 4th quarter 2021, and the third quarter 2022 for comparison
The basic numbers (covering October to December 2022, compared to the same period in 2021):  
Sales on Etsy were $3.7 billion, down 3.5%
Total sales for all 4 marketplaces (Etsy, Reverb, Depop, Elo7) were $4 billion, down 4%
Etsy’s revenue (including all 4 sites) was up 12.6% to $807.2 million; seller service revenue was up 17.7% to $207 million, while marketplace revenue was up 10.9% to $600.2 million (remember that the fee increase from April 11, 2022 is part of that bump)
Net Income was $109.5 million, down 32.3 %
Active sellers on Etsy alone are 5.4 million, only up 100,000 from the same period in 2021 and last quarter.
Active buyers on Etsy alone stand at 89.4 million, down 700,000 YOY, but up over 1 million since last quarter
The sales numbers aren’t bad, considering the general economic outlook and what is happening in ecommerce (sales on eBay dropped 12% YOY). Etsy stock was even up a bit after the announcement, based on the higher-than-expected revenue. 
Etsy Search
The press release states “we incorporated an item's listing price and price level weightings into the search algorithm, which drove higher conversion and order value”. However, that element hasn’t been added to the search disclosure page, so it is hard to say whether it did happen last quarter or not. Sometimes they say things that simply aren't true, or were just experiments, or have been around a lot longer than the previous quarter, so I don't always trust the quarterly report statements, other than the basic numbers.
While I will definitely test this sometime soon, I have noticed that price sometimes seems to affect search personalization, so the change could be in that area. If a buyer adds a few items to their cart each shopping trip and always ends up buying the cheapest one, Etsy no doubt thinks that could be something worth personalizing for. 
Also note the phrase “price level weightings” - what does that mean? My best guess is that it involves assigning items to different price tiers (under $25, $25-$50 etc.) and giving the listing a different weight depending on where it fell. Let’s hope this considers the products’ average price, as most people searching for “mink coats”, for example, won’t want to see things under $25. 
During the call, they stated that the search team adopted over 120 of the tests they ran in 2022, which would include things like the “Add to Cart” button (which Silverman also referred to as a “Buy” button). We should assume that others involved the search algorithm directly, and that we won’t ever know about most of them. 
Purchase Protection Program 
Etsy feels the Purchase Protection Program has been a success because “[w]e've gone from days to hours in terms of how long it takes to resolve an issue.” Sellers may beg to differ on that being an improvement, because it sometimes means they were not given the necessary time to resolve any issues. If the shop needs to file for insurance or send a replacement, Etsy refunding cases instantaneously out of the seller’s account, is not an improvement. 
[I am working on a blog post regarding Seller Protection; if you have a story to share, please check out my explanation post.]
In the question and answer portion of the call, they stated that the $25 million a year earmarked for paying out buyer cases has been sufficient so far, and that they may even be coming in under their estimated expenditure on this. [I suppose it helps when the sellers actually provide many of the refunds.] 
While the “habitual buyers” group (who spend over $200 on Etsy in a year over at least 6 orders) dropped 9%, active buyers (at least 1 purchase in the last 12 months) were only down slightly in 2022, and increased a little bit in the second part of the year. The old habitual buyers aren’t all leaving; most just buy a little less right now, which makes sense given the economic outlook. 
“Lapsed buyers” (previous buyers who haven’t purchased in at least 12 months) are continuing to come back, with 9 million buying again in the fourth quarter. Etsy will continue to focus on bringing these people back more frequently. 
Only 8% of all buyers are responsible for 44% of Etsy sales. 
22 million Etsy buyers were men last year, a new record. 
- check out slide 25 for category comparisons for 2022, and their relative performance compared to 2021 and 2019. Those top 6 categories (Home & Living, Jewellery and Accessories, Apparel, Craft Supplies, Paper & Party Supplies, and Toys & Games) represent 86% of Etsy sales in 2022, and most were down at least a bit. The major exception was Paper & Party, which was up double-digits, not surprising since it was hard hit during the pandemic. Note that Bath & Beauty has been bumped into 7th place, overtaken by Toys & Games, compared to the previous few years. 
- the second question from investors covered the report released the previous week on counterfeit items on Etsy. Silverman stated that the top 800 brands only represent “single digits” in Etsy sales and searches, and some of those are valid vintage items etc. Essentially, he tried to spin it that looking at particular search results (which both the questioner and the report did) is not a good representation of the overall site. He repeated that they invested” $50 million in 2022 on trust and safety, [but failed to mention that that department covers more than just counterfeit and brand usage. After all, those folks are super busy not removing handmade violations such as boxes of commercial candy.]
- Silverman stated that “most of fee increase” went back into the business, which means he is admitting that some of the fee increase went to pure profit. 
- unlike most major tech and ecommerce companies, Etsy has not had any recent layoffs, but they did state that hiring has slowed
- Etsy placed the “Add to Cart” button in search because “some buyers now feel they have enough information on the search result page to buy without needing to visit the detailed listing page”. 
- There are apparently 120,000 sellers and 5 million listings in India now. After increasing the seller base to this point, Etsy is now going after domestic buyers.
Etsy expects sales in the first quarter of 2023 to be down year over year, somewhere between $2.95 billion and $3.15 billion, compared to the $3.3 billion made by the 4 sites in 2022. Since the quarter is almost 2/3 over, this has a good chance of being close to accurate, but CFO Rachel Glaser also said “we have continued to see significant volatility in GMS on a week-to-week basis”, meaning March is up in the air. They are cautious due to economic news; the word “recession” came up a few times. 
On the other hand, they are usually quite conservative about projections and do usually beat them by a healthy margin.
My Thoughts
The site didn’t do too badly, considering everything that is going on in the world, and unlike some ecommerce businesses, has not seen a huge drop off from the early days of the pandemic. 
This was an unusually dry 4th quarter report, though; typically they have a big announcement around this time of year. As I said last quarter, Etsy has not talked about any new income sources coming this year, and this report was completely bereft of any new tools or programs for sellers. My assumption is that their next new income source is either running behind in development, or completely failed in trials, so they are currently scrambling to come up with extra revenue to drop once the fee increase has been in place a year. The plethora of bugs on Etsy right now suggests some new programming is coming. 
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normirrigation · 2 years
Does My Irrigation System Need to Be Winterized?
Our water system frameworks may be the keep going thing on our psyches as the temperature decreases and we begin fantasizing about crisp mornings and warm fires. Be that as it may, to stay away from harm from freezing conditions, they require somewhat more consideration in the colder time of year very much like some other gear in our homes.
Anyway, should your water system framework be winterized?
The answer is maybe. It relies upon a couple of things, for example, the sort of framework you have, where you live, the environment, and how habitually you use it.
Winterization - what's going on here?
You may be considering whether you really want to winterize your water system framework as the temperatures decrease. It depends, is the reaction. In the event that you live in a district with subfreezing climate, you should winterize your framework to keep frozen pipes from exploding. On the off chance that you are in a locale with hotter winters, you won't have to make any move.
There are a couple of things you can do in the event that your framework must be winterized;
To start with, guarantee that the lines have been totally depleted of water. To achieve this, shut off the water supply and open each fixture until they are totally dry. After the water has been depleted, the framework needs radiator fluid. Radiator fluid can help keep pipes from freezing and burst by being added to the framework. To additionally shield uncovered pipes from the chilly, enclose them by protection or intensity tape. By adhering to these directions, you can ensure that your water system framework endures the colder time of year and is functional when springtime rolls around.
For what reason should my water system framework be winterized?
It's critical to winterize your water system framework on the off chance that you dwell in a district with unforgiving winters to make preparations for frigid temperatures harming it. You can save costly fixes and keep your water system framework working effectively long into the future by following a couple of simple measures to winterize your framework.
The significance and significance of winterizing your water system framework should be visible in the reasons recorded underneath;
•        Staying away from frozen pipes: Frozen pipes are among the most incessant issues that can emerge from inappropriate water system framework winterization. The lines might crack because of the extending frozen water in the lines. This might bring about huge mischief and exorbitant fixes.
•        Forestalling ice development: When water is left in the lines, ice development can likewise be an issue. Flooding or different issues might result from this obstructing the water's stream.
•        Winterizing your water system framework will likewise safeguard it from the chilly temperatures that can hurt the framework's parts. You might ensure that your framework can deal with the chilly climate and keep on working successfully by doing whatever it takes to winterize it.
When is my water system framework to be winterized?
It's critical to begin making arrangements for winterizing your water system framework as the days get more limited and cooler. You could have to begin doing this as soon as October or November, contingent upon your current circumstance.
By setting it up for winter, you can protect your framework from the freezing conditions that can hurt its lines and different parts. It's likewise a brilliant chance to search for any issues that might have emerged all through the season, like breaks.
A water system framework can be winterized in a couple ways. One is to simply stop the water supply and let the framework completely channel. At the point when winters are gentle, this normally gets the job done. In any case, in more brutal districts, it's oftentimes expected to also impact out the framework utilizing compacted air. By doing this, you can guarantee that there is no water inside where it could freeze and hurt.
It's consistently fitting to decide in favor alert and get your framework winterized in the event that you are uncertain of whether it is essential before the primary ice. By doing this, you should rest assured that your water system framework will be utilitarian while spring at long last shows up.
So how my water system framework could be winterized?
To safeguard it from hurt from cold circumstances, your water system framework should be winterized. This is the secret;
1.       Remove all of the water from the framework. To eliminate all water, this involves closing off the water supply and opening all valves and channels.
2.       Use compressed air to clean the lines. This will get the lines free from any leftover water and garbage.
3.       Any uncovered lines ought to be covered or wrapped to keep them from freezing. Mark any valves or different parts so you'll know where to invest them when it's effort to assemble the framework back in the spring.
4.       Until you're prepared to utilize them again the following season, keep each part in a dry, safeguarded area.
A few components, similar to the kind of water system framework you have and the climate where you dwell, will decide if you really want to winterize your water system framework. Be that as it may, by and large, winterizing your framework is a shrewd plan to prepare for freezing conditions hurting it. Burning through an energy now to prepare your framework for the colder time of year will take care of when you're prepared to utilize it again in the spring.
Reach us immediately in the event that you're uncertain about whether your water system framework must be winterized. Our experts will actually want to assess your framework and furnish you with customized direction on how you ought to prepare it for the following colder months.
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kavinsps · 2 years
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What is DAO and what does the company of the future have to do with it
DAO Development Services Over the summer, a group of “crypto fans” raised funds to jointly make a seven-figure investment: the group bought the only existing copy of the album “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” from the hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan for an impressive $4 million.
Over the summer, a group of "crypto fans" raised funds to jointly make a seven-figure investment: the group bought the only copy of the album in existence.
The DAO team posed for a photo with their newly acquired album Wu-Tang
The buyer was only revealed on October 20: it turned out to be an organization known as DAO . The announcement came as a pleasant surprise to the crypto community and attracted media attention.
DAO are no strangers to the world of rare collectibles. In June, they bought an NFT of the original Doge meme for $4 million.
However, DAO is not your typical investment firm. As their name suggests, they are a decentralized autonomous organization and are powered by blockchain technology.
More recently, DAOs have begun to attract the attention of major investors, including billionaire Mark Cuban, who has called them "the ultimate combination of capitalism and progressivism." Venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) has also run multi-million dollar fundraising campaigns for individual DAOs and companies facilitating DAO creation.
And given that the crypto community is calling DAO “the next big thing” and serious investors are already starting to take notice, investors might be wondering: what, exactly, is a DAO?
CNBC has collected everything you need to know about them: from how they work to the future that experts predict for them.
Online community with shared bank account
DAOs can take many forms and structures, but to put it simply, “DAOs are an online community with a shared bank account,” explains Cooper Turley, investor and creator of several popular DAOs.
After that, they decide how to pay for the mission of their DAO together.
Many DAOs fall into one of two categories: those that co-manage open source blockchain projects and those that make investments. The latter may operate as LLCs (limited liability companies), venture capital firms or investment firms. DAO also belongs to the latter.
The specifics of each DAO, including type, structure, rules, and governance process, depend on the group and its purpose.
For those who remember how in 2016 the attackers broke the first DAO and stole $ 50 million, this period may have a negative meaning. But while certain risks still remain, DAOs have come a long way since then.
Types of DAOs
It is important to understand that DAO is a broad term that includes many different types of groups and businesses. The two organizations may be completely different, but both are DAOs.
Here are some examples of famous DAOs:
DAO collects NFTs and invests in other assets
DAO collects and sponsors projects created by black women and non-binary artists.
The Collective DAO funds women and non-binary individuals in the crypto
Meta Cartel Venture DAO is a commercial organization that invests in decentralized applications in the early stages of development.
How do they work
DAO Development Services To understand DAOs, one must first understand the technology they are built on. Most DAOs rely on "smart contracts" - code that runs on the blockchain.
Blockchain is a distributed database. The most famous application of this technology is the public documentation of transactions in cryptocurrencies and other digital assets such as NFTs, but there are many other ways to use it. For DAOs, the blockchain is their backbone that preserves their structure and rules.
Traditional organizations are usually hierarchical. The board of directors, executives or top management determine the structure of the company, and only they have the authority to change it.
The DAO, on the other hand, does not have a single leader or group of leaders. DAO governance rules are determined by smart contracts on the blockchain. The only way to change them is through a vote in which all members of the DAO take part.
For example, DAO members collectively decided to buy a Wu-Tang Clan album and then created an NFT to prove their ownership of the album. Since the DAO members share ownership of the NFT, they also share ownership of the album.
Large DAOs sometimes form teams led by elected leaders responsible for various aspects of the organization. This allows you to resolve some minor issues without involving all participants in the vote.
The most important aspect of DAOs is their transparency, Turley explains. Every DAO solution must go through the proposal, discussion, vote, and documentation stages, and each step is publicly available.
Although each DAO has its own structure, when entering a typical DAO, you must agree with the proposed program code. It is difficult to change it, because each attempt must go through a voting process in which all participants take part.
DAOs are “very democratic,” explains Aaron Wright, co-founder and CEO of Open Law, a blockchain protocol for making and executing legal agreements. Wright has helped launch a number of DAOs, including Flamingo DAO , which collects NFTs.
They work like the Internet - on a rough consensus. If more people support the project, the decision has been made,” he explains.
To get the right to vote, you usually need to buy governance tokens - cryptocurrencies tied to a specific project. In some DAOs, these tokens can only be obtained through structured funding cycles. Demand for them can sometimes exceed supply. By owning DAO governance tokens, owners gain rights similar to those of LLC shareholders and can influence the future of the organization.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Can you also recommend Harry Potter fics or is that only for Twilight?
Oh sure!
I haven't yet gotten around to composing a full Harry Potter fic recs masterpost, as it is I think @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin has one lying around somewhere. However, I can't find it. Here I go making my own, then.
I feel a vague compulsion to put it in a readmore to make it easier to add more fics as I think of them.
Butterflies and Flowers As Ginny lays dying in the Chamber of Secrets, the Diary seeks to comfort her.
Added 20/6 2023: Nineteen Eighty Rita Skeeter overhears a shocking conversation about the true nature of Lord Voldemort, that mysterious man who seems just a little too good (or bad, depends who you're asking) to be true.
Potter's Wheel Harry would very much like to take destiny into his own hands, but he's going to need Voldemort on his side.
Sisyphus Harry dies, and he's born again. And again. And again.
Added 20/6 2023: Interview with the Spider Rita Skeeter interviews Horace Slughorn. Cowritten by myself and @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin.
Blue In a future that never happened, where Voldemort won, he has lost his grip on sanity. He fixates on the long-dead Bellatrix Lestrange as an anchor.
Caveat Inimici Easily the best Hermione fic you'll ever read, and one of the cleverest Harry Potter fics you'll ever find as well.
Faded Grey Hugo Weasley is an angry young man who comes to idolize the late Lord Voldemort.
The Truth About Harry Isn't Harry Potter just a little bit too good to be true?
For the Tom Riddle enthusiast
Blind Faith Know how some ships have a good fanfic, and it becomes the fanfic for the ship? This is the good Bellatrix/Voldemort fanfic. Haunting, with beautiful prose.
Cat Among the Pigeons Touting my own fic shamelessly. My neglected, though not abandoned darling. An AU in which Albus Dumbledore sacrificed himself to make the wizarding world a utopia.
Honey Propolis The author tripped, fell, and wrote a very nice fic instead of a PWP. In which Tom Riddle is a good person, savior to the wizarding world, but his power to protect everyone comes from giving rim jobs to Harry Potter. No, really.
In Death, Standby Voldemort failed to kill Harry Potter, but was not vanquished. Faced with this hard to kill toddler, he made the questionable decision of bringing it home. Now he has a toddler. This is a common enough premise for fics, Harry raised by Voldemort has been done many times. This fic stands out as it does it magnificently well.
One Night Stand Squee. One of those fics I can't believe is actually being written because it's so rare that I get exactly what I want. This fic, in which Voldemort and Lily Evans have a romcom style case of mistaken identities and end up sleeping with each other, is a delight through and through. I'm a little bit in love with the author.
Added 20/6 2023: Prison Blues An ABO fic in which ABO is a metaphor for gender roles and sexism.
Harry Potter/people these fics somehow convinced me to ship him with, the author was that good
A Road Less Travelled By Veela!Harry/Lucius Malfoy where they have to fuck or Harry dies. Infuriatingly, the fic is amazing.
Transformation Harry/Draco Malfoy. Only, Draco isn't Draco, he is the far more sinister thing that devoured Draco Malfoy's very soul, and now has its eyes set on Harry.
The Carnivorous Muffin's works - an incomplete list of treasures
Yes, yes, I'm a filthy sycophant. I make no apologies.
Ellie Potter and the Train Station Called Purgatory The Muffin's take on WBWL.
My Immortal Lily and the Art of Bringing Me to Life I think the summary speaks for itself.
October Tom Riddle falls in love with a god, and everything changes.
Wanting Things The Muffin had to write Death (canon Harry Potter who realized he was the personification of death, lived long enough to see C-beams of Tannhauser Gate, and finally came to a parallel dimension where he meets the cast of Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus)/Lenin (the horcrux that lives in Eleanor Lily Potter's head) fic. She delivered. It got weird, but she delivered.
When Harry Met Tom I dared the Muffin to write a fic, she wound up writing something so radically different that I only shake my head when she brings up where the plot has ran off to now. It's a Tomarry romcom with timetravel.
The Unwinding Golden Thread Harry Potter travels back in time to the 1940's, where he sets about to prevent Voldemort. He succeeds, but is not prepared for the ripple effects this has on the course of history.
Just... go to her profile, anon. Everybody. It's a magical place.
A Harem of Toms Exactly what it sounds like. Hermione has one.
Disillusioned Merope lives, and she's horrifying. Just horrifying.
Stalker Makes the list for how well it depicts the trauma following rape, a rarity in fiction, fan-written or otherwise.
Added 20/6 2023: The Man Who Would Be King Lily Evans intended to die that night in Godric's Hollow, hoping that the sacrificial magic she would invoke would save her son. Voldemort realizes in time what she's up to, and from there, everything changes. Cowritten by myself and @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin.
That which we make for ourselves If you want to watch Tom Riddle suffer and gasp with every plot development, here's your fic. Not for the faint of heart.
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snifflesthemouse · 3 years
A Letter to Congress in Reply to Another Letter to Congress
The Tumblr Account Of Sniffles the Mouse
The Honorable Charles Schumer Majority Leader U.S. Senate Washington, D.C.
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C.
23 October 2021
Dear Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi,
I’m not a rich celebrity, and I didn’t marry a prince. I am, like many, an American citizen who personally knows what growing up below the poverty line means. While I’m sure Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, had good intentions, her letter lacks truth and authenticity. All one must do is read Meghan’s own words from her Tig blog archives to know what I mean. That’s why I write this letter now, to make sure everyone knows what I mean.
While the Duchess of Sussex and I have a few things in common, like both of us being married to combat veterans and being moms, we do not share that common knowledge that comes from growing up in poverty. She may claim she does, and she may claim she grew up struggling. But the truth is, she’s either lying about struggling or she legitimately has no idea what real struggle is.
If the Duchess of Sussex really understood struggling, let alone growing up in a low-income household, she’d not need a global pandemic to expose those “long-existing fault lines” she wrote about in her letter. Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex grew up in a neighborhood that was fault line free. Otherwise, she’d already know the problem wasn’t exposure. She’d know the real problem is the fact those fault lines influence gerrymandering season. But I digress.
I’m not mad that Meghan grew up in Hollywood, or that she went to private schools. I’m not mad her dad won an Emmy, and then the lottery. I don’t care that her yoga-instructing, social-working, therapist for a mom would take her to Mexico or Jamaica, so she could become a global citizen. I don’t even care that her dad got her in as an extra on Married… With Children, that she grew up on various TV sets eating filet mignon. Or that her parents took her to sushi bars and concerts. Good for her, and good for them!
No, I’m mad that the Duchess of Sussex thinks that was growing up in poverty or struggling. I’m mad that she thinks the salad bar at Sizzler or group rates at a local buffet chain equates with poverty. She has no idea what it means to struggle. She’s not the one to be speaking out for those of us who do. And when we sit back and allow the Duchess of Sussexes of the world to hijack the human condition for media attention, we get lost in fixing the real problems.
You see, I know what it’s like to really have parents doing their best to provide for their kids and still fall short of making the ends meet. The ends never met in our household growing up. The gap between them only got wider. My dad worked full-time driving a garbage truck for the city, and my mom was terminally ill. Even though dad worked full-time, it never came close. By 16, I worked full-time at a fast-food chain to help out. I never got to save for my future because I was too busy chipping in on medications and utility bills in the present. And it was too bad there wasn’t a yogurt place that could’ve illegally employed me to work there. It would’ve been easier than having to mow lawns at the age of 10 like I had to...
I know what it’s like depending upon clothing vouchers and free lunch programs for clothes and lunch. I know how embarrassing it feels to go to school with holes in your shoes, only to have the teacher give you a pair of new ones after class in private. Then, that relief you feel when you go to class the next day and see half the student body wearing the same shoes you’re wearing because it means you’re not the only poor kid in class. But hey, the Duchess of Sussex had to eat at a Sizzler.
Again, I’m not trying to bash or shame the Duchess of Sussex. She can feel or say what she wants. But, when her words are being used to appeal to Congress while she’s using her title in the letterhead, I have a right to appeal, too.
I may not have the power, wealth, or connections that come with being the Duchess of Sussex. But I have something that the Duchess of Sussex could never have or buy. I don’t need a title or a prince for a husband to tell you what real life is like for low-income households. Base your votes and actions on people like me, not the Duchess of Sussex. After all, people like me pay you to pass laws and people like Meghan want to replace people like you.
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