#futuba is a little shit
blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1110: Home to See the Doctor (Persona 5)
8:56 p.m. at Tae's Apartment........
Tae: (Watches Compilation Videos of the Grimace Shake on her Tablet While Sitting on the Sofa Woth her Legs Crossed) It kinda scary how creative these kids are with these type of memes.....(Grabs her Chin While Looking Up at the Ceiling) I wonder if I should make one of my own too, assuming the shake is any good to begin with.
'Door Unlocked and Opened'
Sae: (Walks into the Apartment) I'm here........
Tae: (Smiles Softly at her Girlfriend Making her Way Towards the Sofa) Welcome back to my glorious resting place, beautiful~ Had a good day at work today?
Sae: (Scoffs While Rolling her Eyes as She Sits Next to her Girlfriend) I wish.....
Tae: Oh no. There's that cute scowl of yours again. Did the mountains of paperwork pissed you off this time or an impulsive client?
Sae: (Lays her Head Onto Tae's Lap) Yes. (Begins to Pout a Little) And I'm not cute......
Tae: (Starts Snickering) Really? Then why are you sulking on my lap right now?
Sae: Because the second half of work has exhausted me to no end! (Looks Away While Blushing and Snuggling up on Tae's Lap.a Bit) And....I figured you and your lap is the best source for comfort at the moment......
Tae: (Giggles Softly) Well, I'm glad my lap and I are helping you feel better for the rest of the evening. Here's hoping you could stand my usual snarky attitude going forward.
Sae: (Giggles a Bit as Well) Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'd much prefer dealing with your snarkiness than listening to my clients' complaints. But that's enough about me for now, how was your day at the clinic?
Tae: (Shrugs) Eh. It was as uninterestingly busy as always. Oh and thanks for bringing my latté to me earlier by the way. I haven't had the chance to thank you after you left.
Sae: It's no problem. If anything, you should be thanking Sojiro-san for giving you one for free.
Tae: You don't say? I might have to give him something nice back in return one of these days, if that's the case.
Sae: I mean, you really don't HAVE to, but if that's want you want do, then I say ho for it. (Notices a Guy Laying Down on the Floor Covered With Purple Like Substance on Tae's Tablet) ('Sigh') Oh god, is that guy doing that weird Grimace Shake meme?
Tae: Yup. I've been watching videos of these before you came here and they're impressing me so far. What? You've seen someone else doing this kind of shit before?
Sae: Futuba and her friends. They had the café nearly covered with purple smoothies everywhere when the boys and I arrived there. (
Sae hears a sudden buzzing sound as she takes her phone out of her pants pocket and check out the new messages she received.
Sae: ('Sigh') And now that I've told them about us being in a committed relationship with one another, they've been wanting nothing but details ever since. (Receives Another Message) That and giving you an invitation to our next D&D meeting tomorrow night.
Tae: (Snickers a Bit) Sure. I don't have any plans. Which reminds me, there's something i want yhe both of us to do tomorrow before we head over to the café.
Sae: (Raises an Eyebrow at Her Girlfriend) This isn't anything illegal related, is it?
Tae: Oh relax. It's perfectly legal. Mostly. I want us to give this whole Grimace Shake meme a test run.
Sae: ('Groans in Annoyance')
Tae: I know, I know. It's not professional for either of us to get involved with and it'll probably get gross in some areas, but these memes only last like a few seconds or so. I promise you it'll only be quick.
Sae: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright. I'll take your word for it. Just don't expect me to be in a brighter mood if that stuff it's in my clothes and hair.
Tae: (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) Afraid of getting a little dirty, Ms. Prosecutor?~
Sae: (Scoffs Once More) Of course not! I just.....don't want to look messy and unproper is all.
Tae: Like a clean freak?
Sae: (Pouts at Tae) Like a person with common sense, thank you!
Tae: (Giggles Softly) See? I told you you're a cutie~
Sae: Am. NOT! (Crosses her Arms) I am more of a profession of this relationship.
Tae: Suuuuuuuure you are, when I'm not around maybe.
Sae: (Starts Grumbling)
Tae: (Giggles Some More) Okay, okay. Seriously though, I'll have spare clothes for you to wear afterwards and will fix your hair back up if it gets messy. (Gently Strokes the Top of Sae's Hair) In meantime, just continue to relax for me, yeah? You've earned it after all the exhausting crap you had go through today.
Sae: ('Sigh') I have. And I'm glad this day is coming to a close. But.....more than anything.....
Tae: Hm?
Sae: (Gently Grab Hold of Tae's Hand with a Soft, Sincere Smile on her Face) I'm really glad I get come here to you tonight. (Starts Blushing a Little) Believe it or not, I've thought about you quite a lot today~
Tae: (Smiles Brightly) Well, what a coincidence!~ Cause I, just so happens, to thought about you all day as well~
Sae: (Giggles Softly) Really?~
Tae: Yes, really! I thought of how gorgeous you are, how hard you've worked into becoming the woman amd prosecutor you are today. (Starts Poking on Sae's Cheeks Affectionately) And let's not forget how much of an absolute cutie you really are sometimes~
Sae: (Immediately Gives Tae the Deadpinned Look) You're never gonna let this one go, are you?
Tae: (Casually Shrugs) What can I say? You're the easiest person to tease~ (Smiles Softly) But for real again this time, out of the people and....mostly dickheads I've dated over the years, I'm really glad and....maybe blessed even that I've ended up falling for an amazing woman like you. Love you, babe~
Sae's heart begins to flutter and melt in genuine happiness as she gets up from her girlfriend's lap and softly kisses her on the lips before gently places her hand on her cheek.
Sae: I love you too, Tae Takemi~ It may sound a tad bit cliche, but i honestly believe that you're the second person in my life who give my life more meaning than it originally has.
Tae: I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that your little sister is in the first category.
Sae: (Happily Nodded) Correct. Our relationship as sisters hasn't always been the best, but she's still my baby and I will do anything for her. Even toss her Ren-Ren to the ground if necessary.
Tae: (Playfully Pouts at Sae) Hey, cool it. That's my guinea pig your talking about here.
Sae: Who might also become my future brother-in-law whenever him and Makoto will inevitably get hitched.
Tae: I'm sure it won't be too long till it happen. Those two are already acting like married couples as we speak.
Sae: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Don't remind me....They acted like this so often that it's astounding neither of them propose to one another yet. Still, I'll support those two lovebirds so long as they keep each other happy. (Hugs Tae Affectionately) And I'll also do my part in giving you all the love, affection, and care you need~
Tae: (Hugs her Girlfriend Back) Ditto~ And I'll do my best in teasing you as much as possible as well~
Sae: Unfortunately......
Tae: Hey, don't get smart and whiney on me now, woman. You knew what you've gotten yourself into when you've started dating me~
Sae: I know. (Starts Snuggling Up on Tae) And I don't regret my decision one bit.
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ryuijsakamoto · 5 years
I just would like to take a moment to talk about my fave headcanons i have for all the characters
he is the most OVER DRAMATIC bitch on this earth
he definitely did theatre at some point in his life
after his arrest he sometimes gets really nervous and has trouble conveying his words. he stumbles over them and cant convey his point well
ann and haru like to braid his hair sometimes
when he was younger he faked not being able to see so he could get glasses, it didnt work tho
so hence now he wears fashion glasses
he had braces in middle school
there is One(1) picture of middle school akira. One
he 1000000000% believes in ghosts and has since he was a child
aliens though? not real.
takes lots of selfies when he moves back and sends them to his friends often
biggest flirt but if u flirt back with him he. Dies cannot talk his face is fully red and hes hiding behind his hands
takes every opportunity to visit his friends 
claims hes not a sap but futuba swears she saw him crying over a handwritten thank you card from ‘’that one arcade kid names the kind or smth’’
when he was a kid he has a fluffy mess of hair similar to akiras and it was the cutest thing ever
he needs reading glasses but no one knows because hes embarrassed by them
he likes to doodle on papers, hes not an artist but he likes to make dorky quick drawings in the corner of his paper
he has trouble focuing sometimes and likes to tap his foot silently or draw lines on paper to help him focus
calls yusuke and akira pretty boy by habit, it started as teasing but then it just became a Habit
he keeps every gift his friends give him and therye very dear to him
he has akira help him dye his hair
when one of his friends is gone / in danger he doesnt dye his hair again until he knows theyre safe
his mom sewed his purple jacket for him herself
he likes to cook and bake
he hold his bros..bro come cuddle me...he very affectionate with his friends and casually touches like hugs, hands over shoulders, etc.
sings to himself when hes alone
she has a pretty popular instagram account
she has really bad handwriting
like ryuji, very affectionate 
she loves beanies and wears them especially in the snow
likes to make pointless arguments with ryuji sometimes, stuff like is water wet?
likes to curl her hair over breaks, thinks it looks cute
she loves to watch sappy romance and drama shows / movies
she stress eats
hates when people attack her friends on her instagram 
she has pet fish 
she picked up gardening from haru, its only a small plants and she forgets to water it sometimes but shes trying her best
he is secretly a sucker for cutely decorated sweets
he had a small anime phase, not that he told madarame, but he has a box full of his old anime drawings and he will Never show them to anyone
he, like ryuji, sometimes drawes in the corners of his papers
unlike ryuji his are more detailed n not as dorky, its usually a detailed flower pattern or something of the sorts
he straightens and dyes his hair
his room? full of art pieces and posters u cannot see his original walls
he always has his phone on dnd and forgets to check it for days sometimes
he has 5 pairs of the same shirt, each one for a different occasions (they all look the same though...we dont ask why)
when he gets too worried over his art and stuff usually his friends will drag him out of his room and make him go eat with them
his friends pictures in his phones are hand-drawn little sketches he did
when hes concentrating really hard he puts his bangs into a ponytail so they dont fall in his face
so clumsy. he trips over everything
got through school before highschool without having to study
is not good with change
loves cute plushies and clothes
is Tired please give her a break
when Sae notices shes overexerting herself she makes sure to leave some of makotos favorite food and a small note for makoto on her bed
she just loves her sister very much
actually really likes spicy foods
u mention around her youre having trouble in school? not getting enough rest? forgot your lunch? Mom Mode Makoto activated
when shes alone she can curse up a storm
likes to play poker
is really good at talking to people and keeping up frienships
after highschool she is always busy u wanna hangout? she has 2 available days for the next 5 months
she has braces. she despises them
a very picky eater
sometimes she falls back into her old habits of hiding and isolating herself, when that happens shes learned to text someone and they sit outside her door and talk to her untill shes feeling better
cries easily, especially over characters and shows
has a phantom thieves fan account
when morgana and akira move away she gets a cat plushy because she misses her friends
shows everyone so many fun online things, discord? they have s discord gc because of her
akira has to remind her to drink water and fix her posture too much
wants to cosplay
shes really nervous for her first day of school but joker texts her all throughout the day even if he got in trouble for it
surprisingly a morning person
she Runs on caffeine
likes to spoil her friends, yusuke spent all his money again? heres enough to get home and also buy a 3 course meal 
works at a plant shop even though she doesnt really need to because she loves being around plants
plays piano and cello
touch starved pls hug her PLEASE
likes to fish
cutest laugh please protect her
also dabbled in acting, though hers was more classical stuff like shakespear
she loves golf and swimming
knows how to fight and will do so if needed
she bullet journals
Akechi (in general + if he got to stay with the pt):
actually doesnt have a strong opinion on pancakes, just was really feeling like eating pancakes that day when he overheard morgana
he loves the praise he gets but the spotlight is exhausting
shido told him long hair didnt look good on him once so now he refuses to cut it out of spite
loves to watch gordan ramsey, thinks its hilarious
Bottles up his emotions like crazy
actually really caring towards his friends, always checking up on them and making sure theyre taking care of themselves
loves shit talking his dad, esp with ryuji haru and yusuke who join him and shit talk their own father figures
he wears colored contacts
writes poetry, no one knows this though
cannot back down from a bet, tell him that he wont eat that spoonful of wasabi? hes choking it down with tears but at least he proved you wrong
kinda very incredibly petty
a big fan of mythology, he looked into it after getting his loki persona
loves movie dates with the phantom theives
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chamomilekat · 4 years
akekita week day 1: Halloween
word count: 1800~
He’d only stopped by to get a cup of coffee and maybe to ask Akira if they were going to explore the palace soon. But he’d stepped inside, took one look at the orange and black decorations, the surprise on Futuba’s and Akira’s faces and realized he’d...interrupted. A party. The beginnings of one anyways. One he wasn’t wanted at nor one that he wanted to be at. So Akechi had smiled and brushed it off, said the coffee could wait, so sorry to interrupt and...and then Akira had forced him to stay. That damned cat had even chimed in.
The others had left to get snacks, they’d be back soon Futuba had muttered. And then Akira had shoved a cup of punch into his hands and told him to taste. There was no escaping after that. Akechi barely managed to slink behind the counter and hide himself by the fridge. It...worked. For the most part. The others had returned, glanced at him and then proceeded to ignore him as best they could. Dressed in costumes, laughing and happy and...Akechi stuck to his corner and drank his fill of punch.
He would stay until he could leave.
Akechi did not want to be here.
They didn’t want him here.
Then Futuba said something about starting the show and held up her laptop. Everyone had been dragged up stairs for a scary movie marathon. Akechi had /tried/ to beg it off- he had work, it was getting late, homework- but Akira had insisted and...that had been that. He was the last one up.
Someone- Akira or Ann, Akechi had narrowed it to those two- had dropped a witch’s hat on his head as he’d stepped up the last corner of the stairs. Akechi /thought/ about dropping it, tossing it to the side in a noticeably annoyed manner so they knew exactly what he thought of this whole thing but…well it helped him blend in a little. Everyone else was wearing full costumes, the least he could do was wear the stupid hat.
Everyone continued ignoring him. They pulled from the pile of blankets and pillows on the small ‘couch’ and spread out in a semi-circle around the laptop on the ground. Akechi settled with a single pillow, dropping on top of it as far back as he could get. He had expected the others to let him continue to stay separate. But...that hadn’t been the case. Ann took one look and told him to get closer and so he’d shuffled up and sat far closer than he liked or expected. She shot him a smile and then turned back to the front.
At least there was candy. Within arm-reach of Ann and right in front of Akechi was a big bowl of...well...what looked like half a convenience store’s worth of candy. Like they couldn’t decide what to get and so went with everything. So...there was that. There was a loud shushing noise, the lights dimmed, everyone kept talking literally a second later and the movie started. On a...single laptop propped up on a box, speakers loud as they could go. Akechi could barely see it.
It was fine though. Akechi wasn’t here to watch the movie. He was here to bide his time until he could leave. Restraining the urge to sigh he grabbed a piece of candy and kept one eye on the film. And for the first few minutes it was fine. Up until the person next to him nudged his arm. Akechi managed not to flinch back- he would need to work on that, the high-fives were bad enough. He glanced over and Yusuke met his gaze and then flicked it pointedly to the candy. Easy enough to solve. Akechi flashed a smile and pulled the bowl further back so it rested between the two of them.
The delighted look Yusuke gave was...charming. An eager look as he began pawing through the choices. The artist had quite the presence so long as he didn’t open his mouth. And...admittedly sometimes when he did. Better interesting than whatever it was the others were. Akechi leaned back a little and turned his gaze back to the movie. It was...bad. Like... really fucking bad. Akechi felt his attention waning the longer it went on. The others in front began growing louder in their ‘critiques’ and laughing. It was obviously on purpose. Which was...it was...fine. Some of their opinions were...kind of funny.
His opinions weren’t wanted though, so he kept silent.
Boring. Annoying. Why was he here?
Akechi let himself fall all the way back, grabbing a second pillow from the side and getting comfortable. Once this shit was over, he could leave. There was no way Akira could keep him here. No way any of the others would keep him around either. Twisting his angle just a little, Akechi kept one eye on the screen and one eye on the candy bowl as he went through piece by piece, picking through for anything edible.
The exercise he’d get in the palace would make it okay if he had a few pieces, right? Dropping his choices on his stomach Akechi managed five before freezing as Yusuke dropped back as well. He blinked and Yusuke pointed as his own head- his...headband?
“Someone gave you Makoto’s hat.”
Conversation, talking. He could do that.
“Yes,” Akechi flicked his gaze to the front, no one noticed them speaking yet, “I...believe it was Ann or Akira,” he offered, keeping his voice low.
“I see,” Yusuke had a pile of candy with him, “It suits you.”
He tried offering a questioning noise, Yusuke ate a piece of candy. Maybe he hadn’t heard? Or...well...this was Yusuke, direct was best in any approach with him. “Why do you say that?” he asked.
There was a long stretch of silence, Yusuke chewing through another two pieces. Somewhere in the movie someone screamed and gurgled, dying. It...was it a difficult question? Or perhaps Akechi hadn’t been meant to ask further. Or maybe it was something cruel- witches, what did Akechi know about witches? They were burned at stakes weren’t they? That was certainly relevant to his current public image. Had he meant that? Should- ”Well...” Yusuke began carefully, stilling Akechi’s thoughts quickly.
“Thinking on it a certain way you have a magic about you. Using just your voice and charm you cast a spell upon every person you meet, directing and misdirecting as needed,” Yusuke talked with his hands, even laying on the floor his limbs attempted grandiose gestures smacking into the floor instead of waving about as he wanted, “the way you manage to make everyone think what you wish is a skill few posses. Fewer still have curated it to the degree you have. Why just-”
“Yusuke, quiet down!” someone hissed up front- Morgana it sounded like.
The barest of winces and Yusuke fell silent. Futuba said something that had everyone up front giggling. Akechi waited two minutes before speaking, “I must be a fairly poor spell caster if it’s so easily shrugged off,” he could play along.
“Not so,” Yusuke said after beat, “There’s more to it than that. Besides,” he looked thoughtful and was silent for...a long minute, “I’m...fairly certain you have Akira under your spell.”
Did he now? Akechi tugged the hat down, hiding his face. Something uneasy churning in his gut- guilt, anger, happiness, annoyance- who was Yusuke to say something like that. What did he know? If anyone was under any spell it was Akechi- no...a curse. Still...he breathed and let the feelings fade, focus on the here. He had a role to play. Had- oh, he could...
Akechi let the brim pop back up, smiling as coyly as he could, “Is that so? Does this mean I could cast a spell on you?” putting as much charisma as he could in it.
Yusuke was silent.
Staring and silent. For...too long, he wasn’t saying anything and this was...the noises of the others hadn’t stopped. Akechi’s smile dropped and he kept still, as the uncomfortable quiet ticked on. Had...had he overstepped? Fuck. Of course he had. The one time he tried to- what? Prove something? And if he’d messed this up over some- had it been a joke? No. Yes? He could pass it off as something if he just said literally anything. Just...open his mouth and- no what if - “Ghost.”
Akechi blinked, Yusuke was looking at the ceiling. “I- magic...doesn’t work on ghosts.”
Oh! His costume. Good, yes, they were still- this was- “Oh too bad,” Akechi smiled, and hoped the dark kept the edge of nervousness from showing, “I was curious to see what it’d do.”
Stupid- the words left his mouth and it was the same thing as before, too strong for...for what?
“Her color is...all wrong.”
Yusuke cleared his throat, his cheeks were...that was a definite blush. He gestured to the laptop with his head, “Her...the way her character is...the...color is wrong,” he trailed into a muttering commentary of something.
Akechi looked at the movie. There was a pair of characters talking, one a woman the other a man and...well...certainly she didn’t have the best fashion sense. Why...had Yusuke brought it up? Up front Ryuji leaned over and said something to Futuba- she burst into snickers and nudged his arm. Oh. OH! Akechi covered his laugh as quickly as he could- how cute.
“Yes I see what you mean,” Akechi shot him a quick smile.
The joke, if it could be called that, had landed. Perhaps...Akechi let his tone turn conspiratorial, “Do you think she got tips from the teacher?”
Yusuke brightened immediately, head bobbing and he moved a little closer. Akechi allowed it. He was a little curious to see what Yusuke could come up with when he wasn’t trying to quickly and awkwardly change the subject. And as it turned out, quite a bit. Some of it going over his head- incredibly artsy references- and others Akechi just didn’t find funny. But...some of it landed. Akechi imagined his own comments went over similar but the ones that /did/ land were...it was...nice.
It was fun.
Akechi barely noticed until the movies credits began rolling. Until disappointed surged and he realized he was going to have to leave and- “Okay! Next movie! It’s a threesome~” Futuba cheered, sliding up quickly to swap films.
“That’s not what that’s called,” Makoto argued weakly.
“You leaving Akechi?”
He blinked, turned to where Akira was looking at him curiously over Ann. Akechi glanced over to Yusuke who smirked back at him, ‘spell’ he mouthed - Akechi snorted, covering it quickly, “Ah- no, I...one more won’t hurt,” he offered.
“Hush! Films starting! The opening’s actually good.”
“Doubtful,” Akechi muttered to Yusuke who hummed in agreement.
After this movie.
After this one he’d leave. For now Akechi would stay.
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selenecrown · 6 years
Fandom Tag! It's been a while since I have been tagged, huh?
Hey guys! I got tagged! Yay! I was tagged by @thehuggamugcafe ! Thank you so much!
Rules: Pick 3 (I'm going to do 4 because I feel like it) random fandoms you are in, and answers some questions about them! Then tag some people you want to get to know better!
The fandoms picked were:
- Persona 5. (Huh. Cool.)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia (I know you guys have many questions about this.)
- Durarara!! (I wasn't expecting this. Okay, I can roll with it!)
- Diabolik Lovers (Interesting! Okay, I'm cool with it.)
Question 1: Favorite Character?
- P5 - Ren/Akira, as you can tell for my blog being surrounded by him. But, the other Phantom Thieves of Hearts have a place in my heart too. They may as well have stolen it.
- HDN - Vert! She's my favorite CPU. I also like Nepgear and Uni as well as Rom and Ram. In other words, the CPU Candiates, but the Oracles are cool in my opinion, too!
- DR!!! - Mikado, Anri, Kida, The Orihara Family, Celty, Shinra, Shizuo. Basically most of the main cast. Durarara!!! was a very good anime in my opinon.
- DL - Yui, The Mukami Brothers, Subaru and Shu. All for very different reasons, but the Mukami brothers are still a favorite family of mine to this day (even though It's not in my tag system that I need to finish up!).
Question 2: Any Expected Favorite Characters?
- P5 - For one, Mishima and Shiho were a big one, also if I am being honest most of the Akira/Ren's Confidants. Namely the Phantom Thieves.
- HDN - Uni and Ram. I thought their personalities would make them somewhat unlikable in my opinion. But Nope! I got used to it after a while.
- DR!!! - Izaya, Shinra, and Shizuo. At first, I thought I wouldn't like any of them because of how the series portrays them as adults with problems who sometimes will lend a hand if asked, but later on with much backstory later I was able to appreciate them as characters.
- DL - Honestly? Kou and Yuma. I also thought that I might not like them too much since Kou is two faced and Yuma has a temper. But, it kinda just didn't bother me after some time.
Question 3: Most Relatable Character to You?
- P5 - Ann, mainly because in real life I do some modeling for a family friend that I'm not too dedicated to, I am indecisive at times but still really good at talking and negotiating with people, I am a huge sucker for sweets, I have had and/or still have friends with issues on sensitive topics and I have had many people I know move away, and most of all, I too have had bad people in my life I didn't push away that really dragged me down until I realized my situation.
- HDN - Neptune! Because I too want to be lazy and not be responsible and everyone seems to underestimate me and my abilities until I get off my lazy butt and be productive. Also, when the time comes, I can be responsible and take charge and I am a good person if you get past my lazy self. I just don't do it often enough for people to respect me.
- DR!!! - Kida. Kida is filled with many problems in his life and even though he is probably depressed and probably has PTSD (from what I get from some situations or that's what I think in some scenes through out the series), he still cares very deeply for his friends and just wants them to be okay. He doesn't care too much for himself, he cares for his friends so much he would die just to save them from themselves. Kida, while I can't relate to being in a gang or having PTSD, I can relate to him because of his depression and his loyalty to his friends that I have, too.
- DL - Um, this is a hard one for me. Let's go with Kou. Not because I am two-faced, but because I do feel like sometimes I am two-faced. I act very differently to each person I know and it can feel like I'm not being as honest as I could be with one person as I am with another. Sometimes I have to fake a smile because of what exactly I am hiding from them. Most of the time I hide jealously, insecurities, and my true feelings about how I think about them. My kind nature won't let me tell them how I feel until I have gotten over it and have let go of those feelings. And sometimes, I lie and can't admit I have problems because I don't want others involved because of what might happen. In essence, I can't admit my true feelings unless it goes through a filter. And it is a filter that I can't really change, until I have gotten comfortable with a person enough to let my filter break. 
I maybe over emphasizing a very common thing like depression or how most people feel sometimes relationships are, but it's something about myself I want to acknowledge and learn to deal with. 
Question 4: Characters You Would Slap If Given The Chance?
- P5 - All the Villians minus Akechi. Seriously, FUDGE them. They are cruel people who really don't need to be in society. Also, Mika from Ann's Confidant. Fudge her. I dislike with a passion.
- HDN - This is a hard one. Um, well, I guess I will go with Noire. She is a tsundere, but she doesn't treat her sister too well compared to others like Neptune and Blanc. I personally like Noire, but at times it seems like Noire isn't really being fair to her sister. Which for me, is kinda sad. Other than that, I would probably slap most of the bad guys in the series minus Arfoire because she is funny most of the time. But, I would slap her too.
- DR!!! - Izaya is a big one, since he is the villain of the series, but at times I did want to slap Shinra, and the Raira Trio because literally most of how much in the whole series could have been prevented if they sat down, beat the crap out of Izaya, and talked their problems out.
- DL - Kino is a big one. But I would slap most of the boys because they aren't the best of people to Yui. Also most of the adults in the series, too.
Question 5: List Your Three Favorite Characters, Go!
- P5 - Akira/Ren, Ann, and Futuba.
- HDN - Vert, Nepgear, and Uni.
- DR!!! - Mikado, Anri and Kida.
- DL - Yui, Subaru and Ruki.
Question 6: Any Characters That Grew on You?
- P5 - Most of the confidants did that to me, and so did most if the Phantom Thieves. But if you are asking for one particular person, Goro Akechi. Through my first run hrough of the game, I didn't like him. I had this feeling he wasn't a hero but not a compete villain either. To find, I was right. But the backstory didn't really get to me until the second playthrough. Then, pretty much after the TV station I liked him a little more. Then, he kept growing on me until he had grown on me enough I liked as much as any other Phantom Thief. Goro still holds a place in my heart next to all the other Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
- HDN - Noire. At first, I saw she was kinda a butt to everyone. That is, until I took a step back and realized she was a Tsundere and was the leader of a country. Of course she was uptight and sometimes had a stick up her butt. She kinda had sometimes to get things done. After that, I respected her more as a character and a CPU.
- DR!!! - Simon was a big one. Shinra was one too. And the Van Gang! I love those guys. Saki is in second place, holy crap you guys remember that if you are going to start this series. But the biggest one to me was Shizuo. I thought he just was not really a good person, but then I realized Izaya was kinda a jerk, and got the backstory behind the two's relationship and was like, hey, Izaya's an asshole. No wonder Shizuo wanted to beat the living shit out of him. And the backstory of Shizuo's past also got me, and now he's a favorite of mine.
- DL - Yui. At first, I didn't like her because of how she was presented at first. And the fandom didn't help that, either. But, when I actually went back and looked at Yui's actions, I realized I probably would have done those same things too. And not long after, a lot of Yui Appreciation Posts came out that ponited out a lot of things about her I didn't know. So, I like her a lot more now!
Question 7: Three OTPs, Go!
- P5 - AkiraxLove and Appreciation from the seriesxRyuji, GoroxFreedom and Love, and AnnxCrepes.
- HDN - Vert + a sister of her own, Unix More Love from Her Sister, and PlutiaxSleep.
- DR!!! - The Raira TrioxLove and Support from One Another, IzayaxAny Trashcan, and The Van GangxMore Love and Support from the Fandom.
- DL - YuixBeing a Badass, AzusaxEating more food, and YumaxHis Garden.
[Sorry guys I have no ships, but I do have these crack ships I support a lot.]
Tags: Well, I can't think of anybody right now. But hey, if you want to do it, go ahead! This was pretty fun for me.
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cherry-kirsch · 7 years
“i face god and walk backwards into hell” — akira, probably || chapter two
Chapter Summary: Akira is banished to the Shadow-Realm, Ann is apparently into choking, Haru enters the chatroom, and Yusuke lets himself go.
[ AO3 ]
August 17th 2017 3:02 am
akiriana grande changed their name to akiwa kuwusu.
akiwa kuwusu: hewwo, my name is akiwa kuwusu uwu i hope we can be fwends
get boned: Blocked.
lesbiann: dark google tell me how to hide a body
akiwa kuwusu: uwu don't uwu want to be fwends?
hackerman: haha not anymore
akiwa kuwusu: come won futwuba! fwends!
hackerman: die!
lesbiann: hey futuba can you hack into akita's phone and make him fucking die
hackerman: i'm good but i'm not that good
hackerman: also, ann, that's murder
lesbiann: your point
get boned: akira…. dude… please
akiwa kuwusu: rwyuji! wanna be fwends??
get boned: ….
akiwa kuwusu: uwu know uwu wanna!~
get boned: akira, i beg you
get boned: do not make what attraction i have for you die
lesbiann: RYUJI U LIKE AKIRA????
get boned: I NEVER SAID THAT
akiwa kuwusu: uwu!!! rwuji, do uwu wike me??~
get boned: no comment.
get boned: i refuse to talk about this
akiwa kuwusu: come on, rwuji, uwu wike me!!
get boned: no.
akiwa kuwusu: T-T
get boned is offline.
akiwa kuwusu: rwuji!! come back!!
lesbiann: this is too much for me
akiwa kuwusu: don't uwu mean… 'this is too-uwu much for me'
lesbiann: blocked.
lesbiann is offline
akiwa kuwusu: rude!!!
hackerman: this is why you have no friends
akiwa kuwusu: :3 nyah~
hackerman: i'm banishing you to the shadow-realm
hackerman: naughty children get sent to the shadow-realm.
akiwa kuwusu: don't uwu mean the meta-vewse???
hackerman is offline.
akiwa kuwusu: D:
akiwa kuwusu: alone again… naturawy...
      August 17th 2017 5:45pm
kamenrider is online.
kamenrider: what….
kamenrider: what did i just read
akiwa kuwusu is online.
akiwa kuwusu: quawity content uwu
hackerman: i'll pay you 3,000 yen to change your username back and talk like a normal human being
akiwa kuwusu: sowd!!
akiwa kuwusu changed their nickname to daddy akira.
daddy akira: hello ya fucks ;)
kamenrider: this is somehow worse.
daddy akira: uhmm,,, makoto,,,,
daddy akira: don't kink-shame me
kamenrider: this just brings up more questions that it answers
daddy akira: coming from someone whose kink is justice
get boned is online.
get boned: my kink is dudes.
hackerman: my kink hardcore hentai.
lesbiann: my kink is a lover that will accept me no matter how many flaws i have
daddy akira: unrealistic. stick to bondage like the rest of us.
kamenrider: besides ann, i thought your kink was bondage?
hackerman: just admit you're into bondage ann, it could be so simple
lesbiann: no. choke.
hackerman: is that another one of your kinks???
lesbiann: Die.
hackerman changed yiffmaster's nickname to art-man.
art-man: Ann, are you into choking as well?
lesbiann: NO.
art-man: Oh, I just presumed.
lesbiann: stop presuming
lesbiann: everyone else can also stop talking
daddy akira: i refuse. it's funny to make fun of the kinks you may or may not have
lesbiann: says the guy who wants dude who can break him to step on him
daddy akira: that's a viable kink.
lesbiann: and bondage/choking isn't???
hackerman changed the chat name to Kink Discourse.
daddy akira: choking/bondage is the commoner's kink, and therefore Incorrect.
daddy akira: get better kinks
lesbiann: noted. now can we talk about something else?
get boned: are we not going to address the fact that futuba said her kink was hentai.
hackerman: my kink is not hentai, i'm classier than that
get boned: duly noted. i'll take your word for it.
poisonivy is online.
get boned: ABORT ABORT
poison ivy: what is this about kinks?
kamenrider: *kill bill sirens*
lesbiann: i have to leave *jumps out of the nearest window*
hackerman is offline.
art-man: this is unfortunate.
daddy akira: hey haru!
hackerman has left the chat.
      August 21st 2017 1:08am
  daddy akira: hello children and welcome to the #Kink Dicourse
lesbiann: we're not naming that chat that
lesbiann changed the chat name to Akira Sucks Dick.
daddy kink: this is even more accurate than the last chat name
get boned: your optimism will forever astound me
hackerman: he's the most pessimistic person i've ever met
daddy akira: we're all going to die someday so i might as well spend my life fucking up akechi's
get boned: iconic??
art-man: Akechi poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!
poisonivy: he did?!
art-man: No. But are we just going to wait around until he does??
lesbiann: … 
get boned: ...
daddy akira: haru…. yusuke...
art-man: Yes, Akira?
poison ivy: hmm?
daddy akira: did y'all just make a spongebob reference???
poisionivy: did you just use the world y'all in an actual sentence
daddy akira: ? yes??
poisonivy: of course we did
poisonivy: yusuke has been coming over to my house on the weekends to watch cartoon with me
art-man: They're rather enjoyable!
daddy akira: this is an unlikely friendship i did not expect to play out
lesbiann: this is beautiful
get boned: truly the most iconic of friendships
kamenrider: what i find truly astounding is that yusuke used more than one question mark in the same sentence
daddy akira pinned 'art-man: No. But are we just going to wait around until he does??' to the chat.
daddy akira: iconic.
art-man: sometimes we all need to use more than one question mark in the same sentence
lesbiann: wow yusuke is really letting himself go
hackerman: character development.
art-man: I feel that you are all exaggerating this a little.
lesbiann: us??? no way!!!
art-man: Was that sarcasm?
lesbiann: Yes.
art-man: Oh, good.
poisonivy: would you care to play animal crossing with me?
daddy akira: i would…. but also it's been abandoned for six months
posionivy: this is a true crime.
lesbiann: guess we need to steal akira's heart for abandoning his animal crossing town.
get boned: you have committed a crimes against skyrim and her people.
get boned: what say you in your defence???
daddy akira: i'd rather die than go to prison!!!
get boned: *pulls a sword* so be it
daddy akira: is that a euphemism ryuji ;) ;)
lesbiann: that escalated quickly
hackerman: any of y'all got overwatch???
daddy akira: me.
poisonivy: me!
kamenrider: me!
get boned: me.
art-man: God I wish that were Me.
    poisonivy: you can come play it at my house yusuke!
lesbiann: wow y'all are nerds for playing video games
daddy akira: says the girl who plays d&d :/
lesbiann: don't @ me
daddy akira: i'll @ u if i want. fight me
lesbiann: 20 mins behind LeBlanc, i'll make you eat your words
daddy akira: you're on
lesbiann is offline.
daddy akira is offline.
      August 21th 2017 1:48am
  lesbiann changed the chat name to Akira Kurusu Lost.
art-man: Akira lost?
lesbiann: oh sweetie, he never stood a chance
get boned: i'm terrified but not surprised 
daddy akira: :((( feel sorry for me
art-man: Sympathy.
get boned: Kind words.
kamenrider: Pats.
poisonivy: Sad look.
hackerman: laughing directly at your face.
daddy akira: rude!! :(((
get boned: don't challenge the lesbians akira, they always win
lesbiann: :)) hell yea we do
kamenrider: no shit.
poisonivy: futuba are you paying minecraft?
hackerman is offline.
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goodestboyryuji · 7 years
Phantom thieves and hogwarts houses GO
YOU JUST MADE MY DAY. HERE WE GO FAM (I’m not finished with the game so since I don’t know much about Haru we’re just gonna go through Futaba)
Starting with my best boy Ryuji Sakamoto IS A HUFFLEPUFF AND THERE IS NO ARGUMENT AGAINST IT. I will accept that Ryuji has Gryffindor qualities (bravery, not afraid of confrontation, risk-taker, etc) but that boy is NOTHING if not LOYAL. Ryuji is sunlight incarnate I will accept no other metaphor. He cares about literally everyone before he cares about himself. He literally offers to be beat up if it would make his old team feel better (pls). He is relationship-driven and his risk-taking behaviors, his confrontations, his passion for justice all come from helping out someone else. Definitely the kinda dude that would consider the house elves in a dire situation. He’s so aggressively selfless that it’s almost like “pls care about yourself first just once.” Ryuji time and time again puts other people before his personal needs and safety without a single second of hesitation. He just DOES it. And he’ll do it fifty times if you need him to. If you call him at 3am crying he’s showing up in your room, sneaking you into the Hufflepuff common room for snacks.  If you don’t have a pencil in class, he’s giving you his without mentioning it’s his only one (s’not like he was gonna do nothin’ with it anyway). You about to head into a fight he’s got no stake in? Doesn’t matter, he’s got your back. He once punched a student for making snide comments about another student’s sexuality and he has no ragrets about it. A blushin’ fool whenever someone is tender towards him cause he’s so busy being that/doing that to everyone else he doesn’t think about being on the receiving end. He’s just happy to make someone else smile, ya know? HE IS KIND. HE IS TRUE. HE IS A HUFFLEPUFF.
Akira Kurusu is 3000% a Slytherin. Dark, mysterious, smug ass mofo. A leader of his in-group (teenagers being the in-group, adults being the out-group) and thus inclusive in the sense that anyone who joins the cause can be a Phantom Thief. Where a Hufflepuff (Ryuji) might do anything for anyone they care about impulsively, a Slytherin pauses for a second, calculating–instead of diving headfirst to save Ryuji in the first palace and ending up with nothing, he hesitates and that’s when Aresene is like “so u gonna let the boy die??” and akira is like “no gimme a second there’s a fucking mask on my face.” His persona is all about MAGIC and DARKNESS if that’s not obvious enough for ya. This boy is snakey sneaky, all cunning eyes and cocky smiles and deep, mocking laughs. He knows he’s powerful and he’s not afraid to show you that he knows it. What’s wrong with knowing your own strength? Let’s not forget he is a master of interrogation. The ultimate trickster, he’s not above pulling dumb pranks on you and blaming it on a Gryffindor for its lack of complexity. He a good dude, tho, because obviously Slytherins aren’t bad. He gives his plant nutrients to make it stronger bc he likes building something up to be more than it started (most ppl would just water it but aiight dude). He’ll casually walk up behind you while you’re getting bullied, sling his arm around your shoulders, and be like “something the matter?” Totally threatening without a single verbal threat. Secretly loves bubble baths, will give you a scathing look if you even try to tease him about it tho. 
Ann Takamaki, Gryffindor extraordinaire. She starts out kinda timid but she’s actually daring af. She keeps a relationship with Kamoshida who is the worst man alive just for her friend’s sake, but she also isn’t afraid to ignore Kamoshida’s calls (hesitant =/= afraid, ok). Fiery af, Ann is liable to go off on you at any time for a bunch of really good reasons (and some just ok). Ryuji, stop being a dick. Akira, enough brooding. Morgana, shut up for once. Just as spirited as Ryuji, but his light is like warmth and hers is like scorching. Like…literally, her specialty is fire these things write themselves i swear to god. Extremely passionate, especially for the things she believes in like The Phantom Thieves, Shiho (obviously), and giving people courage to stand up for themselves. She really wants to prove herself, seen esp in her social link, and be strong for herself and others. She’s headstrong, kind to the little guy, scathing to the big guy. She’s incredibly competitive and gets into eating contests all the time in the Gryf common room (she also wins every time, especially if the food of choice is crepes). She knows she is beautiful, and is thus confident, but avoids being vain by reminding herself how each person she comes across is also beautiful (”pretty eyes, biggest heart”). Feeling insecure? Call Ann, she’ll hype you up in under ten seconds. Spend an hour with her in a crowded room and you’ll swear it was just you two the whole time. Ann is giving, courageous, and ready to fly off the handle if need be. 
Yusuke Kitagawa, my darling painter boy, is a Ravenclaw. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!!!!! Yusuke is a Ravenclaw through and through. He wants to know more, wants to expand his understanding. He’s not afraid of doing whatever it takes to achieve these things: he’ll spend hours watching the river, waiting for something to come to him, or he’ll awkwardly approach a couple in love and ask them what their love life is like (he needs to know for a painting ok it’s not a sexual thing). He is elegant and fluid and his definition of “the finer things in life” EDIT i’m dying i accidentally wrote “finger things in life” the first time depends on how much he knows about it and how much value he sees in it (for example, a cup of coffee brewed by Akira is one of the most delicious things he’s ever known, much finer than any rich person food, purely for the effort it takes to think of the beans, to make sure the water is the right temperature, etc). Gets lost in his head all the time. Has an understated air of haughty in certain situations, like he’s fully aware he’s better than u but only mentions it to remind you when it seems you’ve forgotten. Uses way too many words to describe a sneeze just because he can.  Yusuke doesn’t give a shit who you are: if you came out to him, he’d nod solemnly and then ask if he could interpret your emotions into an abstract painting (that he would then gift to you, of course). He’d ask you on museum dates, historical bus tour dates (why yusuke why), planetarium dates *cough*, even if things between you two were totally platonic. He just likes discovering, especially with someone he can bounce ideas off of. 
Makoto Nijima is, brace yourself, a Gryffindor. WHAT. yes. trust. Dis girl is POWERFUL. And you can be Ravenclaw and powerful too, no doubts about it, but just because she’s top of her class doesn’t mean she’s Ravenclaw. She studies cause she’s competitive. She’s student council president because she likes the status, the power associated with it (power to protect, to serve, not corrupt power). Makoto is also fiery like Ann, but in a different way. She doesn’t fly off the handle like Ann can; Makoto calculates first, strategizes, and then fuckin’ GOES FOR THE KILL. She’s a headshot kinda girl–take em out simply, easily, quickly (metaphorically speaking obvs she doesn’t go around killing ppl). Queen is a very apt codename because Makoto’s path is a fiery blaze of ambition and strength. She’s gonna get what she wants because she’s been working very hard for it and don’t u take that away from her u piece of shit. She’s not terribly confident though, and this sometimes makes her feel uncomfortable in the Gryf common room when everyone is talking about their achievements. She’d rather just show than tell. Not really a master of stealth (lol), Makoto is your big sister in the hallways always looking out for you. If someone breaks your heart she will literally punch them in the face (and apologize profusely afterwards, but you know she’s secretly p pleased with herself). She likes learning new things about the world, always turns it into a competition with you even if it pushes her boundaries (you two went to a strip club once and even though you put a dollar on the stage, she one-upped you by putting it in a thong, face blushing so hard but determined to overcome). Her drive and determination are her biggest, most redeemable, wonderful qualities. The rest is just the happy byproduct. 
Snarky is as Slytherin does for Futaba Sakura. This girl is a nightmare in all the best ways. Somehow she figures out your weakness just by looking at you and has the ability to absolutely destroy you in just a few words. What she doesn’t show is the literal hours of research she did on you beforehand: she bugged your robe, your wand, set up a camera in your common room…a girl’s gotta have intel, alright? Futaba is an actual mastermind of everything, but the Hat settled on Slytherin because of how Futaba intended to utilize such knowledge. She doesn’t love it for the sake of knowing it, she loves it for what power it gives her. Futuba loves the upper hand and having full view of the whole picture, so Slytherin’s innate ability to lead a situation and turn tables was a huge calling point for her. If Akira is the dark mysterious Slytherin, Futaba is the loud and out of control Slytherin who nobody messes with because she’s got dirt on everyone and the means to release it widely. She prefers to stay in her room than gather with her house or other classmates, often completing assignments from there, but no one minds because it’s not like she’s really gone. She conjures up stand ins for her and speaks through them, engaging without really engaging. Watch out for when Akira and Futaba team up tho–they’re the Slytherin version of Fred and George, conniving and ruthless when it comes to playing tricks on you. Like Akira, she’s still a good girl: she understands anxiety better than anyone and is well known for comforting students who fall into a panic attack. She struggles with social situations sometimes and no one makes mention of it, this time not because they’re afraid of her but because they care about her and they know she’d never cross a line with them, so why cross one with her? She just likes to wield information like a weapon. That’s all. >:)
I forgot Morgana lmao so you can find that here
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ahaise · 7 years
I finally finished Persona 5, which means it’s time to make a review. Spoilers under the cut. Also I write a lot oops. :D
First of all, this is my first time ever playing a Persona game. I was always aware of the franchise (watched some lps) but never had much of an interest in it, until this game came out. Honestly, I had a blast with this game, it’s very unique to me and was definitely enjoyable to play. The aesthetics were so on point, the characters were so lovable and attachable. Exploring the different areas of Japan was so fun. I honestly thought I would not be able to understand how to play this game when I first started; it was extremely overwhelming. I was also not aware  how long the tutorial was; which was about 10hrs and even past that point, there was so many things I had to learn. But it actually became quite easy to understand after sometime, of course.
Some highlights: the character development for some of these characters were remarkable. Especially for Sojiro since I always wanted coffee dad to acknowledge me (and eventually it happened); I’m also aware Kawakami changes but didn’t max her so I’ll see in ng+. Seeing Futuba try to be more outgoing. Dating Makoto for first run (oh...idk if I can pick anyone besides her once I start ng+ she’s legit best girl and you can fight me!!). The fun of creating personas. The little details that would be put into the protagonist when he was doing normal things (such as when he’s spinning his pencil, holy shit, my boy). Exploring Tokyo was probably the most enjoyable, especially since I would purposely skip fast travel, just to take the trains and walk through each street. Lastly, my art boy, he’s a strange one and an extremely lovable one. Once he was introduced, I tried to do so much with him, I just love Yusuke, okay! Let me date him! 
Also I have to say based on being attached to characters, I have not cried so much before since Okami. When you get to learn about each of the characters and what they’re going through, it just hurts you and you want to do everything you can to help them. Don’t even mention the scene in which you’re in the velvet room and you have to “free” your friends. I legit cried over each of them, especially Yusuke, Ryuji and Makoto. And as annoying as the damn cat is for wanting me to go to sleep, I can’t help but be super attached to Mona as well. I am willing to adopt all of them!! They have some legit bad guardians/adults or they’re dead. Let me be their mom, I will love them, nurture them, feed them oh gotta feed my boy Yusuke. Honestly, these characters were so well created, it made me wish I actually had some friends....I’m not joking, the game legit made me feel bad for not having any friends that I could be close with-so they had to be my temporary friends. :’)
Some issues: I definitely had issues with some characters by the way they were treated, as well as the overall situation for the protagonist. It still baffles me that our protag would get an assault charge on him for helping a woman who was being assaulted by Shido. I get it, he’s a politician and all, and they definitely have their way with things...but to have every single person treat our protag as if he was a murderer, drug smuggler or rapist, just baffled me. I know it’s a game but I mean, if they actually understand the charge then they might realize, he’s not really that bad of a guy...ehhh. /shrugs/
Issues continued: My main issue had to do with the way Goro and Ryuji were treated. Listen, I know lots of people don’t like Goro for what he did and I don’t approve either but to forget he even existed after the 6th palace and have no further mentioning of him was really sad. I felt bad for Goro and I do think he deserved a second chance of some kind but to just kill him off....it didn’t seem right. Also Ryuji....listen I don’t like him, he’s not a bad character, just annoying af-probably due to the fact he’s supposed to be a comedy relief character. I honestly hated the way everyone would treat him though, especially after Shido’s palace. The guy tried to risk his life to safe his teammates, then when they find out he’s alive, they beat him up? Why? And how come when he says one little bad thing to Mona, he is condemned and treated like the worst possible person? He may not be a favorite to me but he definitely did not deserve the treatment that he got.
Also another slight issue: is it just me or were there some loop holes to the plot? Like some things just didn’t add up or make sense? Like Mona’s dream? Or how the protag didn’t die? I read so many articles to explain that scene and I’m still..../shrugs/.
Overall, the game was very enjoyable to play. For my first run I got 108hrs in and I’m really looking forward to ng+, especially since I won’t have to deal with stats anymore and could just focus on confidants that I didn’t get enough time to spend with like the sun confident, I didn’t know he was a thing. I want to get my hands on Sataneal asap but I heard he’s expensive af and hard to make-challenge accepted. I’m also really looking forward to getting all the bad ends. I love bad ends and I also like being an asshole from time to time, so I’ll get to experience that in ng+. Great game, love the protagonist to death I’d give my life for that boy, love, love, love the music and art style. For first time Persona players like myself, this game is definitely easy to get into and enjoy; also I haven’t played many rpg games, so no issues if you’re not used to those either.
Now onto ng+ and a new game as well!
0 notes
blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #841: Jack-O Challenge Part 2 (Persona 5)
1:12 p.m. at Shiyuba's Dance Studio........
Ann: (Trying her Hardest to Keep her Balance While Doing the Jack-O Challenge With Makoto, Haru, and Shiho) This.....is...... LITERALLY.... impossible right now!!
Shiho: (Giggles Softly) Oh don't be like that, Ann-Bear. You're doing great.
Ann: (Turns to Shiho) Easy for you to say.....You three able to do all of this without trembling once! HOW!?
Makoto: We do plenty of stretches on our free time. It's important to make sure our arms and legs get a little more flexible than usual. Common knowledge really.
Haru: (Turns to Ann) Don't you and Shiho-san usually do your daily stretches every morning?
Shiho: I do them. Ann.....not so much.
Ann: Hey! I stretch! Just.....not as much as you guys do......
Futuba: (Watches the Challenge Plays Out While Holding a Stopwatch) You're never gonna get on the others' level if you don't do your daily stretches.
Ann: (Gives Futuba a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Uh-huh. And you mind telling us why YOU aren't doing this challenge with us, little miss couch?
Futuba: I'm a professional hacker. Not an upcoming model, an athlete, an Aikido trainee, or whatever Haru is supposed to be.
Haru: Well, I'm a proud mother of one, a fairly decent gardener on my off time, and hopefully an owner of a small coffee shop in the near future.
Makoto: (Turns to Haru) You want to start your coffee business?
Haru: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. Mr. Sojiro has inspired me a lot about making coffee as of late. So I thought about forming a small business involving around it.
Ann: (Still Trying to Hold On a Little Longer) That's.....great..... Haru....Ypu should..... definitely.....give it a try......
Haru: You really think so?
Makoto: (Smiles Softly at Haru) If this is really what you want to do in the future, then you should go for it.
Shiho: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Ann: Ex....actlty!.....('Ugh') How long are we gonna keep doing this!?
Futuba: Well, we started the challenge a few minutes ago. (Starts Smirking) Buuuuuut, if you girls managed to keep doing this in a couple hours, we might be one step closer to breaking a world record.
Ann: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) COUPLE OF HOURS!? OH fuck no! (Finally and Slowly Lay Herself Down) I am NOT gonna break my back doing this stupid challenge for hours on end!! I am DONE!!
Shiho: (Lays Herself Down as Well) Me too!~
Ann: (Sighs While Turning Towards her Girlfriend Next to Her) Shiho, why did you give up like that? You were doing a helluva lot better at the challenge than I was.
Shiho: (Gives Ann a Soft Smile) Yeah. But it wouldn't be fun doing this without you. So if you go down, I'll come along with you.
Ann: (Heart Begins to Melt in Happiness as Scoots Herself Over to Shiho and Hugs Her Lovingly)
Futuba: ('Ugh') (Starts Rolling her Eyes) The sappy couple are clearly out for the count.....
Ann/Shiho: HEY!
Futuba: (Already Had her Attention Set on Makoto and Haru) Think you two lovely ladies have what it takes to keep the challenge going?
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) We'll try our best, Futuba.
Haru: You know, I'm curious, Makoto. What makes you want to do this challenge in the first place?
Makoto: I heard it could be good source for exercise. So I figured I'd give it a shot, you know?
Haru: Fair. (Starts Smirking a bit Teasingly at Makoto) But are you sure you don't have alternative reasons on why you're doing this?~
Makoto: (Eyes Starts Widened Up a Bit) A-Alternative reasons?
Haru: Yes. You know, like hoping that, by trying this special kind of challenge, you could try using this technique and make a certain someone's heart skip a beat on your own time. Certain someone named......Ren-Ren~
Makoto starts to suddenly gasps in surprise while blushing before losing her own balance and falling down on the training mat.
Makoto: (Pouts at Haru While Getting Herself Up) No fair, Haru! That was cheating!
Futuba: I'll allow it. (Points at Haru) Victory goes to Momma Haru!~
Haru: (Smiles Brightly and Victoriously) Yatta!~
Ann: Wait a second......(Glares at Futuba Again) You mean to tell me this has been a Last Man Standing challenge from the very start!?
Futuba: Yep!~ (Starts Smirking Once Again) What? You guys actually think you could last a hour or two doing a meme challenge?
Haru: (Still Doing the Jack-O Challenge) I can do it for an hour or two-
Futuba: (Suddenly Starts Point at the Glass Door) Hey look! Are they selling huge bags of fertilizer outside the studio as we speak?
Haru: (Gasps Loudly Before Turning Straight at the Glass Door) Fertilizer!?
Unfortunately for the Noir, she starts losing her balance before falling down at the mat as well. Causing Futuba to burst out laughing.
Haru: (Gives Futuba a Disappointed Glare) That wasn't funny, Futuba Sakura.
Futuba: Not to you maybe, but this already comedy gold to me! (Continues Laughing)
Ann: ('Sigh') Teenagers....
Shiho: I know. I can't believe we used to be this immature.
Ann: Right? It's been years since we were all those types of goofballs.
Shiho: Ain't that the truth.
Makoto: Guys, we just graduated high school two months ago.
Ann: Let us have our moment, Mrs. Amamiya.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #491: A Very Early Wedding Talk with Family (SSBU X Persona 5)
Ren: (Opens the Mansion with his Usual Smile) 'Sup, my peeps........(Noticed Something Very Odd from Everyone in the Living Room) Uhh....
Bayonetta: (Giving her Son a Very Playful Motherly Smirk)
Palutena: (Already Starts Giggling Softly)
Pit: (Smiling Bashfully Towards Ren)
Dark Pit: (Gives Ren a Evil Like Smirk)
Ren: Did..... Something interesting happened today or......
Bayonetta: Oh it's nothing really~ We just heard something very interesting happened to a certain llittle "Joker in school not too long ago~
Palutena: (Giggles Softly) Yeah. Something about wanting to marry a certain "Queen" someday or whatever~
Dark Pit: And the name of that "Joker" was Ren Amimaya. The name sounds familiar to you?
Ren: (Eyes Widened in Horror Once he Finally Realize What his New Family is Talking About) W-Wait a minute.....How did you-
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) Futuba told us.
Ren: (Facepalms while Groaning) Goddamnit, Futuba......You already told them?
Futuba: (Shrugs While Smiling Sheepishly and Sitting Next to Pit and Dark Pit on the Sofa) Hey, I gotta tell them something. We're a big family now, remember?
Bayonetta: (Playfully and Gently Pulls Ren's Cheek) Now, now, Renny. There's no need to be upset at your darling little sister here. She only wanted to tell us this very intriguing story is all.
Pit: Yeah, bro. Just be honest with us here. Did you really blurted all of that out to Makoto at your school at one point?
Ren: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright, fine. What Futuba told was the truth......(Blushes a Little) I did told Makoto I wanna marry her that day......
Palutena/Pit: Awwwwwwwwww~
Bayonetta: (Immediately Pulls Ren into a Motherly Hug) That's absolutely precious, my dear sweet baby boy~
Dark Pit: (Starts Chuckling) Well, whaddya know? You really are a lovestruck dork after all.
Futuba: (Giggles Softly) Yeah. Our lovestruck dork. (Exchanges High Fives with Dark Pit)
Ren: (Rolled his Eyes) Yeah, yeah. It's the truth or whatever. Probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life......
Bayonetta: (Gives Ren a Reassuring Smile) Sweetheart, there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to marry the one you love.
Palutena: (Smiles Softly) Your mother's right, dear. It's perfectly normal to have these feelings. Just as long as you two don't plan on getting married right now in your current age.......(Immediately Starts Getting Worried) Y-Y-You two aren't actually planning on getting married right now, are you?
Ren: Relax, mom. We are not getting married anytime soon. Though, we did talked about it the one time last year.....
Bayonetta: Well, if that's the case.......(Gives Ren a Excited, Puppy Dog Look) Can I be the Best Woman of your future wedding? Please, please, please?!
Ren: (Confused) Uh...Mom, you do know you could watch the whole thing on the front row of seats, right?
Bayonetta: Oh, I know that dear. I just wanted to witness my baby boy and future daughter-in-law getting married in a close distance is all.
Palutena: (Pouts at Bayonetta) Hey! I wanna join in on the Best Woman wagon! Ren is my baby boi too, ya know?!
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly) Oho my dear Goddess, of course you can join me as our son's Best Woman. There's no way I would leave someone as beautiful as you hanging, after all~ (Seductively Winks at her Goddess Lover)
Palutena: (Immediately Starts Blushing While Giggling Softly)
Pit: (Smiles Brightly and Excitedly) Ooh! If the moms are the Best Women, can I be the Ring Bearer, please?!
Dark Pit: I'll join in on wedding as long as you don't make a Ring Bearer. It already sounds lame.
Futuba: Yeah..... I wouldn't like the occupation either...... Ooh! Can I be a DJ?!
Ren: Guys, relax! I'll make sure all of you will have your part in the future wedding. Trust me!
Everyone in the Room: Promise?
Ren: ('Sighs a bit Tirelessly') Yeah. I promise. You guys are my new family after all.
Bayonetta: Oh, Renny!~ (Happily Smothers her Son with a Loving Motherly Hug) You have no idea how happy this makes us right now!
Palutena: (Happily Joins in on the Hug) Thank you so much, sweetheart!
Bayonetta/Palutena: (Happily Kisses Ren's Cheeks at the Same Time)
Pit: (Happily Joins in on the Hug) Don't worry, Ren. We promise we'll make this the best future wedding in the world!....In the Future!
Futuba: (Happily Joins on the Group Hug as Well) We love you, big bro!
Ren: Uh-huh....(Smiles Softly While Hugging All of his Family Members Back) I love you crazy people too.....(Noticed Dark Pit Holding his Phones Sideways at Him and their Family) Dark Pit, what are you doing?
Dark Pit: Recording this. (Starts Smirking Evilly Again) I'm probably thinking about sending this to your future wife later on today.
Ren: (Tirelessly Glares at his Dark Angel Brother) You suck, man.
Dark Pit: Love you too, nerd.
Later that evening during their ususal date and cuddle night, once she saw the video Dark Pit sent her, Makoto eventually begins to giggle and laugh at how adorable Ren and his new family were being.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #896: The Float Parade (Sonic X SSBU)
10:23 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room......
Sonic: (Shakes his Fist Up and Down While Staring at the TV Screen in an Excited Like Fashion)
Hat Kid: (Raised an Eyebrow at Sonic in Confusion)
Shadow: ('Sigh') Alright. I'll bite. (Turns to Sonic) What's making you jumpy?
Sonic: (Turns to the Duo With a Bright Smile on his Face) I'm gonna have a giant float of myself being shown off for this year's parade! (Points at the Tv in Front of Him) On Live TV!
Hat Kid: (Eyes Sparkled in Awe) Woooooooah......
Shadow: (Eyes Widened a Little in Genuine Surprise) You don't say? Did the town community chosen you as a candidate of sorts?
Sonic: Yep! (Pulls Out just Phone and Shows the Duo the Results Toll) I was nominated to be in of the many float faces of the parade. (Puts on the Cocky Smirk on his Face) And I just so happen to be the Top 10.
Hat Kid: (Smiles Brightly) Cool!
Shadow: (Groans at the Sight of the Screen) Game Guy is one of them?
Sonic: Yeah....I'm guessing it's because of his status as a gambling, rich guy? I'm surprised he made it this far, considering how much of a cheapskate he is.
Shadow: I'm surprised people voted for him at all.
TV Screen: Thank you, Tom. I am here outside of the city, where the parade is coming it's merry way to fully begin.
Sonic: (Turns at the TV Before He Gasps Loudly at the Sight of his Float on Screen) I'M GOING FIRST!?
Hat Kid: (Happily Claps at the Screen) Yayyy!~ Sonic!
Shadow: (Takes a Look at the Float in Question) Huh. The design of it actually looks good.
Sonic: Of course it does! (Smirks Again) They had to match up to my awesome look from head to toe somehow.
Shadow: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Don't get ahead of yourself, balloon boy.
News Reporter: And we're starting ourselves the Blue Blur and The Fastest Thing Alive Himself, Sonic the Hedgeh-
Then, without any warning, the float itself suddenly begins to explode on screen, much to the trio and everyone else on screen surprise.
Ryuji (In the Crwod on Screen): HOLY SHIT!!!
Roxas: (In the Crowd On Screen) WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?
Sonic: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Disbelief) !!!!!!!
Hat Kid: ('GASPS')
Shadow: Well......that happened.
News Reporter: Tom, I DO NOT believe it!!! It appears that the float has just exploded out of thin air!!
????: (Makes his Way In Front of the Camera) And it was all done by yours truly: Dr. Robotnik Eggman! (Laughs Evilly) OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!
Sonic: (Eyes Begins to Twitch at the Sight of Eggman Laughing on Screen)
Hat Kid: (Pouts Angrily at the Screen)
Shadow: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) Figures......
News Reporter: (Interviewing The Evil Scientist Beside Him) Dr. Eggman, what has gotten through your mind while denoting Sonic's balloon?
Dr Eggman: Oh, there's a lot of reasons why I did this, Bill. But I believe the biggest one by far is related back to my award ceremony in the last two years. That pesky hedgehog had the gull to try and ruin my speeches. So naturally, I decided to ruin something that's valuable to him. (Starts Grinning Evilly) His Float.
Sora: (In the Crowd on Screen) ('GASPS') Eggman, you MONSTER!!
Futuba: In the Crowd on Screen) ARREST HIM ALREADY!!!
Shadow: This is already a disaster.......(Noticed Sonic Angrily Getting Up From the Sofa) And where do you think you're going?
Sonic: To the parade! (Starts Cracking his Knuckles) I have an Egghead to crack......
Shadow: Let it go, Sonic. I'm pretty sure the authorities will come here and arrest him at any minute now. So he's not worth the trouble.
Sonic: (Turna and Glares at Shadow) The hell he is! He ruined my float over something that happened two years ago- (Immediately Turns Back at the Screen) Hey. Wait a minute. Is that a float of you right now, Shadow?
Hat Kid: (Happily Cheers at the New Float on Screen) Shadow!~
Shadow: (Turns Back to th Screen) What are you- (Eyes Widened at what is in Front of Him Right Now) No way.......
News Reporter Named Bill: As we all say in show business, "The Show Must Go On!" And what better way to continue than presenting the next float of the Ultimate Lifeform himself, Shadow the Hedgeh-
As short lived as it was, another float has unfortunately bite the dust in explosion on screen.
Shadow: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAT!?
News Reporter Named Bill: HOLY S-H-I-T, Tom! It looks like the second float has just exploded as well!!
Eggman: (Eyes Widened in Disbelief While Sweat Starts Capoming Down his Face) Oh......crab-baskets, that wasn't supposed to happen. It seems might've told Orbot and Cubot to set the ticking time bombs on the float as well by mistake. Sorry about that.
Ren: (In the Crowd On Screen) DUMBASS!!
Shadow: (Almost at a Loss For Words) I don't believe this......Why me!? And how they managed to get a float of myself to begin with!? I wasn't even on the Top 10!!
Sonic: Ohhhhhhhhh!......You know what? I totally forgot to tell you something about all of that last night, Shadow. That float was supposed be your reward from G.U.N!
Shadow: Reward?.......From G.U.N?
Sonic: (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Quills Back and Forth) Yeah....The general told me he wanted to tell you about it on the phone last night, but you never answered. So he decided to call me instead. He thinks you, Rouge, and Omega are doing great job at the Organization so far. So he told the parade manager to create you a float of yourself for your service hard work- (Noticed Shadow was Suddenly Missing) Hey, wait a minute. Where Shadow went off to?
Hat Kid: (Simply Shrugs Before Gasping Yet Again) Sonic! (Points at the TV Screen) Look!
Sonic: (Quicky Made his Way to the TV) What is it, lil si- (Eyes Begins to Widened at What is in Front of Him) No way.......
Meanwhile at the Middle of Smash Town........
Everyone in the Crowd is already booing at Eggman for what he done.
Eggman: (Glares Back at the Crowd) Oh come on now! I planned for Sonic's float to be destroyed from the very beginning! I didn't even know Shadow's float was participating at all this year!!!!!
Futuba: (In the Crowd) LIAR!!!
Eggman: (Growls Before Angrily Shaking his Fist at the Crowd) I'll show whose the liar here is, you little-
The Evil Scientist turns around to see Shadow the Hedgehog glaring directly at him with his arms crossed together, all while the crowd Gasps at his sudden appearance.
Eggman: S-S-Shadow! Uhh....(Smiles Awkwardly) F-Fancy seeing you here in.....this lovely town.....
Shadow: ...............
Eggman: I uhh.....Happy Thanksgiving! To you and for family!.... (Chuckles Awkwardly)
Shadow: ......................
Eggman: ('Sighs in Defeat') Look, I'm really sorry about destroying your float. It was an honest mista-
The doctor suddenly felt an immediate, sharp pain from each of his toes getting stomped on before Shadow send him flying to the ground with a one, single punch in the jaw before walking away. Causing the entire crowd to Gasps once more.
News Reporter Named Bill: Oh god........
Crowd: (Cheers in Rejoice)
Pit: (In the Crowd) THAT WAS AMAZING!!!
Ryuji: (In the Crowd) HELL YEAH, DUDE!!
Makoto: (In the Crowd) Ren!
Ren: (In the Crowd) What? I'm just saying.
Xion: (In the Crowd) WE LOVE YOU, SHADOW!!!~
Crowd: (Chanting Shadow's Name)
Shadow: (Sighs as He Reluctantly Waves at the Crowd Behind Him as He Warps Out of the Scene)
Reporter Named Bill: And there you have it, folks. The Ultimate Lifeform himself has just saved the parade and even the day itself by decking the evil scientist across the face. What a world we live in.
Eggman: ('Groans in Pain')
Back at the Mansion
Shadow: (Warps Back in the Living Room Before Sighing)
Hat Kid: (Happily Rushes Over and Hugs the Ultimate Lifeform) Shadow!~
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly at the Hat Kid Before Ruffling the Top of Her Hair) Hello again, little sister. Sorry for disappearing earlier. I-
Shadow turns to see Sonic crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at him while tapping feet repeatedly.
Shadow: What?
Sonic: What happened to Eggman not worth the trouble, huh? I could've decked him minutes ago myself.
Shadow: ('Sigh') Look, I couldn't just sit here all day and let the doctor ruin mines and everyone else's chaces of happiness today. (Walks Away to the Kitchen with Hat Kid Still Hugging Him) I practically did you a favor at this point....
Sonic: (Sighs While Shrugging) Fair. (Makes his Way Back to the Sofa)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
And Thank you all for the 300 Follows!
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #808: Enter Team Dark (Sonic X SSBU)
10:34 p.m. at Game Guy's Casino.......
'Loud Sirens'
Shadow, Rouge, and Omega starts running away from an angry Game Guy and his group of security guards and hounds.
Guard Hounds: (Barks Angrily at the Running Trio)
Shadow: Rouge, this is the last time we're ever letting you take charge in gambling. Or even going to anymore casinos for that matter....
Omega: I agree to that motion.
Rouge: ('Sigh') Okay, look, before you boys starting pointing fingers, just know that none of this would've happened if that stupid Game Guy didn't try and cheat first.
Shadow: Does the saying "Two Wrongs, Doesn't Make a Right" never occur to you throughout your life? You didn't have to stoop to his level to begin with.
Rouge: (Starts Rolling her Eyes) Well, excuse me for having a weaker moral compass than yours, DAD! But you know just as well as I do that I don't let that kind of thing slide.
Shadow: (Starts Rolling his Eyes Himself) Yet you have no problem trying to steal the Master Emerald.....
Rouge: (Glares at Shadow) Hey! I don't do that anymore. That's all behind me now.
Shadow: Is this all because you're dating Knuckles?
Rouge: You're goddamn right. And as much as love to tell you how much that handsome knucklehead of an echidna means to me, I think now will be a perfect time for you to warp us out of here.
Shadow: Can't. I left the Emerald back at home.
Rouge: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You WHAT!? WHY!?
Shadow: Because I thought since we were going to a relaxing, trouble and stress free vacation, I wouldn't have any use for it. Guess you proved me wrong.
Rouge: ('Ugggh') What are we going to do now? We can't out run them forever!
Omega: Fear not, companions! I have just now thought of a perfect plan for our escape!
Shadow: (Turns Back to Omega Along with Rouge) You have?
Rouge: What's the plan, sweetie?
Omega: (Pulls Something Put From his Fanny Pack) We can use these Dimensional Rings to sent us away from our current location.
Rouge: (Eyes Widened in Shock) Wait. You have them this entire time? How!?
Omega: Futuba Sakura had given them to me before our departure from the airport. She informed me to use them to visit her and the rest of the Smash Family in Isle Defino.
Shadow: Since when did you two started interacting with one another?
Omega: We have interacted on multiple occasions. She even invited ROB and I to Dungeons & Dragons on most nights. (Smiles Brightly) We are known as highly skilled alchemists of our party.
Shadow: (Smiles Softly at the E-Series Robot) That sounds great, Omega.
Rouge: (Already Started Gushing Over Everything Omega Said) Awwwww~ My baby's making new friends!~
Shadow: Okay. (Takes One of the Dimensional Rings From Omega's Claw Hand) I think it's time for us to leave now.
Shadow turns himself back around to throw the ring in front of them, causing it to enlarge itself while creating a portal.
Shadow: You two are ready?
Rouge: Yep.
Omega: Affirmative!
Shadow: Great. Let's go.
With a simple boost in speed, Team Dark has successfully when into the ring, leading them to their requested destination. It wasn't long until the ring itself managed to disappeared right in front of Game Guy's Eyes in time.
1:45 p.m. at Isle Defino......
It was a normal day in the tropical, resort like island....That is until a Giant, Rotating Ring sudden appears in the middle of it before slowing down stopping while showing Team Dark jumping out of it.
Rouge: (Starts Getting Herself Up From the Ground While Stretching her Back a Little) That.....was a close one.
Shadow: (Sighs While Getting Himself Up While Picking the Ring Up From the Ground) Yeah. Too close for our comfort.... (Turns to Omega) Are we at the right place, Omega?
Omega: (Uses his Eyes to Briefly Scan Around the Place) According to my sensors.....(Turns Back to Shadow and Rouge with a Thumbs Up) We are, indeed, in the correct destination.
Rouge: (Starts Looking Around the Place) So this is Isle Defino, huh? (Smirks a Little) Looks lovely.
Shadow: I can agree to that. Oddly enough, this is the place where father has gotten arrested at in the past.
Rouge: (Turns to Shadow with a Bit of a Surprised Look on her Face) Seriously? What did he do?
Shadow: Nothing. According to mother, he was falsely accused of a crime he didn't commit.
Rouge: ('Sigh') Ah jeez..... Well, here's hoping bygones be bygones for then I suppose.
Shadow: Agreed. But in the meantime, I'm gonna find ourselves a hotel room to stay in. (Walks Away) You two are welcome to come along if you like.
Omega: I will accompany you. (Follows Behind Shadow)
Rouge: You two go on ahead! (Walks Away in the Opposite Direction) I'm gonna a take a tour around the place.
Shadow: 'Kay.
Few Minutes Later at the Beach Side of Isle Defino.......
Rouge: (Sighs Relaxingly While Sitting on the Laid Back Bench Tail While Wearing a Bathing Suit) This is true paradise~
????: Enjoying the tour?
Rouge: (Looks up and See Shadow and Omega Looking Down at Her) Oh very. If I'd known this place would be this nice, I would've convince you to come here sooner. Did you boys find us a room?
Shadow: The hotel manager told us that the entire rooms are full. So we decided to rent one of the cottage houses nearby.
Rouge: Neat. So you two have any plans here in the meantime? I'm already planning on relaxing here~
Omega: I plan on exploring and learning about this island as much as possible!
Shadow: (Place his Hand on his Chin) I haven't really about it until now.... But I guess I could start by finding where everyone else is at first-
?????: (From the Distance) HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS! Shadow, Rouge, and Omega are here!!
The trio turns and see a few familiar faces (Sonic, Amy, Tails, The Phantom Thieves, and etc.) making their way to them while sone cheering Shadow's name.
Rouge: There's everyone.
Shadow: I can see thATT! (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Group Hug)
Futuba: (Happily Rushes Over to Omega and Hugs Him) Omega-Kun!~ You came.
Omega: (Smiles Brightly While Gently Patting the Top of Futuba's Head) Yes. That I have, Futuba Sakura.
Futuba: (Giggles Softly) Dude, come on. You don't have to keep calling me by my full name. Futuba is fine enough as it is.
R.O.B.: (Happily Claps his Mechanic Hands Together While Making his Way to the Duo)
Omega: (Smiles Brightly at his Robotic Friend) R.O.B!!
Sonic: (Place his Arm Around Shadow With a Playful Smirk on his Face) It's been a while, faker.
Shadow: Sonic. (Starts Rolling his Eyes a Little) I see that your as hyperactive as usual.
Sonic: And you're just as moody as you've always been.
Tails: What made you guys come here in the first place?
Shadow: Well, due to a.....(Glares at Rouge) "certain" incident that happened back at the Casino.....
Rouge: (Sticks her Tongue Out at the Black Hedgehog)
Shadow: We decided to come here for the rest of our vacati-
Before he could finish his sentence, Shadow suddenly felt something hugging the lower half of his body. He looks down and see that it was none other than his adopted little sister, Hat Kid.
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey there, you. It's been a while. (Gently Ruffles the Top of Hat Kid's Head) Did you miss me?
Sonic: Like crazy. The poor kiddo has been like that since we first got here.
Shadow: Really now? (Turns Back to Hat Kid) Is that true?
Hat Kid: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm.
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly Once More Before Kneeling Down to Hat Kid's Level) Well, you have nothing to worry about now that I'm here. And I can assure you that I won't be going anywhere else soon. So let's continue to enjoy the rest of the vacation together now, okay?
Hat Kid: (Nodded in Agreement Before Hugging Shadow Lovingly Again) I love you, Shadow.
Shadow: (Finally Hugs Hat Kid Back) I love you too, little siste-
?????: MY BABY!!!!~
And with that, Shadow suddenly gets hug tackled by Mario and Peach. And all was good in the world.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #800: Starting the New Vacation Day (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
10:12 a.m. at Isle Defino's Patio.......
Dark Pit: (Slams hie Hands On the Table) ('SLAM') Alright, dumbasses. Any of you got any ideas on what we're gonna do here today?
Pit: There's so many places to choose from.....I'm not even sure where go to first.
Yoshi: I spotted this cool looking ramen shop a few blocks from here. Maybe we can go there for lunch later.
Ryuji: (Smiles Softly) I'm down. Their ramen might be good. Maybe even better than Min-Min's.
Elsewhere in Isle Defino.....
Min-Min: (Let's Out a Sudden Sneeze) ('Chu')
Capt. Falcon: You alright there, Min?
Min-Min: (Quick Turns to Falcon) Oh. Uh yeah. I'm fine, Captain. I could've sworn felt a distrubence just now.....
Capt. Falcon: (Shrugs) Eh. Probably just the heat weather.
Min-Min: Maybe..........
Back to the Patio.....
Dark Pit: That's one place down. Anything else?
Yusuke: I, for one, plan on going to the beach side of this island to begin my new creation thoroughly.
Ryuji: (Gives Yusuke a Bit of a Playful Smirk on his Face) Gonna find more crabs to draw, my man?
Yusuke: Not quite I'm afraid. I am more interested in finding unique and rare forms of seashells if anything. (Turns to Tails) And it seems I might need your mechanic assistance on this, Tails.
Tails: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly at the Inspired Young Artist) I....didn't really bring my tools here with me. So I can't really help you on a mechanical level. But I can buy you a metal detector if you want.
Yusuke: (Smiles Softly) That sounds like a good enough comparison. Many thanks, my two tailed friend.
Tails: (Giggles Softly While Blushing a Little) No problem, Yusuke.
???: Morning, peeps.
Ryuji: Hey, morning bro- (Eyes Suddenly Widened For a Brief Second Before Snickering at the Sight of Making his Way to the Table With Red Kiss Marks on his Face) Dude, is that really you?
Ren: (Seats Himself Down) In the flesh.
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Pinching his Nose) Alright. I'll bite. (Turns to Ren) Why are you covered in kiss marks?
Ren: Oh. Well, Makoto and I found out that today's Kiss Day earlier thos morning. So Makoto decided to pull on the red lipstick Ann brought her for her birthday a few months ago, and started kissing my face. (Smirks Softly at the Memory) Loved every minute of it too~
Pit: And you still have kiss marks on you.....why exactly?
Ren: (Shrugs) Eh. No real reason really. Just felt it showing it to the world a bit longer, you know? (Noticed the Gang is Staring at Him) What?
Yoshi: You know what we're gonna ask you now, right?
Ren: Hey! Come on! We will! Just in the near future, alright? We JUST graduated high school together.
Pit: I still wanna be a Ring Bearer!!
?????: Who's wedding are we talking about again?
Tails: (Turns and Sighs Once He Sees Sonic Sitting Next to Him With Having Pink Kiss Marks All Around his Face) Let me guess: Amy found out today's Kiss Day and kissed you like crazy?
Sonic: Yup. Mom and pa blurted it out on our double date yesterday and the rest was history.
Tails: (Smirks at Sonic Playfully) You enjoyed minute of it, didn't you?~
Sonic: (Sighs While Blushing) Yeah......(Smiles a Little While Slouching his Head Down a Little) That girl sure knows how to kiss a guy, you know?~
Tails: (Chuckles Lightly) I believe so, Mr. Lover Boy~
Sonic: Keep making fun of me and it'll be your turn soon enough, Tails (Starts Smirking Playfully Himself) And with a certain bandicoot girl nonetheless~
Tails: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) How many times do I have to keep telling you people that we're JUST FRIENDS? There's no way Coco and I would ever participate in something like that.
Sonic: Okay....(Smirk Starts Growing a Bit Wider) But why did you let her kiss you under the mistletoe though?~
Tails: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) H-How did you.....
Sonic: Wave told Amy and I all about it when it all happened. (Gives Tails a Thumbs Up) And we already approved~
Tails: (Immediately Turns Away From Sonic While Blushing) S-Shut Up......
Morgana: (Sighs While Sitting Down on The Group's Table With Multi Color Kiss Marks (Pink, Blue, and Green) All Over His Face) Morning......
Ren: (Starts Snickering at Morgana Along With Ryuji and Pit) Damn, Mona. You too?
Morgana: Yeah. Me too. Once Futuba found out that today was Kiss Day, she SOMEHOW convinced Haru and Lavenza to kiss me. With different Lipstick colors!!
Ryuji: (Still Snickering) C'mon, cat. Look on the bright side. At least one of your kissers was a certain Velvet girl you've been crushing on~
Ren: (Teasingly Nodded in Agreement)
Morgana: (Glares at Ryuji) .......Ryuji. One of these days when I become human again and grow older, I will do everything in my power to suplex you into the ground.
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Cute threat, Mona, but uh...(Hold Both of his Arms Up While Showing Off his Muscles) ('Heh') I got bit stronger as of late. So might it take you a lot years before you even lift a finger on me, you know?
Morgana: ('Sighs in Defeat') Crap. You're right. It'll be too long if I waited.....Oh well. When all else fails, I can always kick you in shins.
Ryuji: (Glares at Morgana) Do it and I'll chase you to end the Earth, cat.
Morgana: (Glares at Ryuji) Wanna bet?
Ryuji: If you're up for it!
Dark Pit: Calm your asses down already. We still haven't decided what the first thing we should do here-
With the sound of two girls giggling with one another, the gang turns to see Ann and Shiho making their way to the table together while having kiss marks on each of their faces.
Ryuji: Geez....Even Ann and Shiho got into the holiday.....
Ren: Right?
Ann: Hey, guys. (Sit Herself Down Next to Shiho While Giggling Softly)) You're probably wondering why we're-
Ren: You two found out about Kiss Day is today. So it led to the both of you making out. Am I right?
Shiho: Wait. How did you- (Starts Snickering Once She Noticed the Kiss Marks on his Face) Did Makoto seriously kiss all over your face?~
Ren: (Smirks Proudly) Yep! It might be the most cutest thing she done so far~ Don't tell her I said that by the way.
Ann: ('Sigh') You know, Ren, it astounds me that you two have been acting like a married couple since since day one and yet neither of you STILL have proposal to one another yet!
Ren: Um. Does "We just graduated" doesn't ring you any bells, Takamaki? And besides, if anything, I'm surprised YOU TWO having proposal to one another yet. You already have apartment together and give each other pet names. Might as start now while you're ahead.
Ann: Oh trust me. Shiho and I WILL marry each other very soon and you are gonna be our best man.
Ren: (Eyes Widened a Little in Genuine Surprise) Oh shit. Really?
Ann: (Giggles Softly) Yes. Really. You're one of my best friends, Ren. I can't think of anyone else to fit that role better than you. Well, I mean, there's Ryuji, but.... I'm not sure if could take up the role that well. (Turns to Ryuji) No offense.
Ryuji: Eh. It's no problem. (Smiles Brightly at Ren) I totally see Ren being Best Man material lot more than I could.
Ren: Huh. Well, if that's really what you girls want....(Smiles Softly) I'd be happy to be your future Best Man.
Ann: (Squeals Happily While Pulling Ren into a Loving Hug) Thank you so much, Ren-Ren!~
Shiho: (Happily Joins into the Hug) You have no idea how happy you made us-
Pit: (Suddenly Slams the Table With Excitement) ('SLAM') I GOT IT!
Dark Pit: (Turns to Pit Along With Everyone Else) What is it, Pit-Stain?
Pit: I just thought of something we could do first! Souvenir shopping!
'Wave Sounds'
Yoshi: You.....got any ideas, Pit?
Pit: (Happily Nodded) Yep! We can go souvenir shopping together. All this talk about Kiss Day has really made me miss Viridi a lot more than before. (Smiles Brightly) So I wanna buy her souvenir gift we could enjoy, you know?
Ann: Awwwww~ Pit~ Of course we can go souvenir shopping together.
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) We can even help you pick something nice for her and everything.
Sonic: You ladies mind helping my little bro with that too. (Smirks Teasingly Again) He has a Bandicoot Girl back home to impress~
Tails: (Glares at Sonic While Blushing Again) D-Don't you ever shut up anymore, Sonic!? And besides, I already promised Yusuke that I would buy him that metal detector!
Yusuke: (Gives Tails a Reassuring Smile) Oh there's really no need for you to go to the trouble to buy it for me. I believe you should use it give your lady friend something nice.
Sonic: See? Yusuke's gets it.
Tails: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fine..... I'll buy her a souvenir. But NOT because I have a crush! She's my best friend and nothing more.
Sonic: Whatever you say, lil' bro.
Ryuji: (Turns to Morgana) Hey, Mona, maybe you should try souvenir shopping too. (Starts Smirking Again) Maybe something nice your Velvet girl~
Morgana: (Eye Starts Twitching Before Turning to Ren) Seriously. Can I PLEASE kick his shins already!?
Ren: No.
Ann: Be nice to Ryuji, Mona.
Mona: ('Ugh') Fine......
Yoshi: (Turns to Dark Pit) We should give it a shot, DP. You could buy something nice for your girlfriends back home.
Dark Pit: I don't know....There might be a possibility that they won't it.
Yoshi: Ah don't be like that. I'm sure they'll love anything you get for them. Even if isn't fancy like or whatever.
Dark Pit: Wait. How much souvenirs usually cost exactly?
Yoshi: (Shrugs) I dunno. Five to ten bucks maybe?
Dark Pit: (Shrugs as Well) Eh. Fuck it. I'm down.
Pit: Alright! All in favor of Souvenir Shopping say 'AYE'!
Everyone: 'AYE'
Happy Kiss! (Again!)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #679: Joker's Birthday Speech (Persona 5 X SSBU)
It was a nice and beautiful afternoon Smash Town and the Smash Mansion itself has gotten loud and lively inside for a certain Phantom Thief's birthday party today.
After being genuinely surprised and then become very happy by the fact that his friends and newfound family had went out of their way to prepare this special occasion for him, Ren Amimaya took it upon himself to do something that he never done before. And that is to.....
Peach: (Standing Behind the Microphone) Everyone! Let's all calm down and-
Peach: ('Sigh') Guys! Please! Let Ren-
Peach: (Already Starting to Lose her Patience) QUIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!
Everyone: (Finally Silenced Themselves with Fear in Some of Their Eyes) ...........
Peach: (Smiles Brightly) Thank you. (Turns to Ren) Everyone's ready for you now, Renny dear.
Ren: (Makes his Way to the Microphone With a Bit of a Scared Look in his Face) Thanks for that, your majesty.....
Peach: You're welcome!~
Ren: (Turns to his Audience While Clearing his Throat a Little) You know....('Heh') If I knew sooner you crazy people would throw me a party at all today, I would've already written down my speech last night. Or even earlier this morning if I was ever that lucky.
Almost Everyone: (Starts Chuckling Lightly)
Bayonetta: (From the Audience) LOVE YOU, SWEETIE!~
Ren: (Waves at Bayonetta) Love you too, witch mom. (Chuckles Lightly Once More Clearing his Throat Again) But in all seriousness though, I just wanna thank all of you for.... literally going out if your way to do this for me.....(Starts Shaking his Head a Little) You know what? No. That's not the only thing I wanna thank you all for today. It's also for.... making a really huge impact in my entire life. For some of you who don't know already....('Sigh') Let's just say that my life before all of this was.....(Frowns a Little) far from great...or even good for that matter. So much so that I... almost thought about giving up all together....
Peach: (Covering her Mouth in Shock While In Tears)
Ann: (Frowns Sadly for her Friend) Oh Ren.....
Ren: (Starts Smiling Softly Again) But meeting you all over those three or whatever years has helped me become more of a better and stronger person, inside and out, and to have confidence in myself than I ever had before. You even helped me realize that there's more to life than just being sad and miserable everyday. And honest, I wouldn't be how I am- Scratch that. I wouldn't be STANDING HERE, speaking to all of you in a microphone, right now if it weren't all of what you've done for so far. To all of the amazing friends I made along the way....
Ann: (Smiles Softly in Tears While Holding on to Shiho's Hand)
Ryuji: (Already Starting to Grin Happily While Tears Are in his Eyes)
Futuba: (Starts Clapping her Hands Loudly While Tears Are in her Eyes)
Lavenza: (Softly Pats on Futuba's Back in a Reassuring Manner)
Yusuke: (Smiles Softly Towards his Friend)
Haru: (Begins to Crying Softly Holding Onto Morgana, Who is Smiling Proudly at his Partner and Friend)
Ren: To those who actually stepped up and continue to raise to this very day.......
Palutena/Bayonetta: (Already Crying Loudly into Each Other's Arms) OUR BABY BOYYYYYYYY!~
Sojiro: (Chuckles Lightly) Honestly. If anything....(Wiping a Single Tear Off his Eyes) I should be thanking you for making a better man.
Ren: To those I already considered as my brothers and sisters.....
Pit: (Already Starts Crying his Eyes Out While Viridi Starts Rubbing his Back Reassuringly)
Dark Pit: ('Tch') Crying already, Pit-Stain? (Turns Away While Crossing his Arms) Pathetic..........(Tears Starts Falling Down on his Eyes Before Getting Pulled into a Group Hug by Kyoko and Misako)
Ren: (Turns to Makoto) To the beautiful queen whom I love each and everyday, for the rest of my life.
Makoto: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness While in Tears) ('Sniff') I love you too, Ren-Ren. ('Sniff') So much. (Begins to Cry Softly)
Sae: (Put her Arm Around her Baby Sister Reassuringly)
Ren: And to all the people who put with me since day freaking one! I wanna say, from the bottom of my phantom heart, from all the crazy shit we been through over the years. All I wanna say today is.....(Tears Fell Down from his Eyes with a Sincere Smile on his Face) Thank you. Thank you all so, very muc-
Before he could finish his speech, Makoto, Ryuji, Futuba, Bayonetta, Palutena, and eventually almost all of his friends and family has begun to Rush over to Ren and overwhelmed him with all the love and hugs they could all give the young Phantom Thief. This was, indeed, the best birthday he ever had in a very long time.
Happy Birthday Joker
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #729: Dungeons and Dragons (Persona 5)
9:23 p.m. Outside of Leblanc Café........
Ann: (Smiles Brightly While Walking With Shiho, Ren and Makoto to the Café) That was a good movie night.
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) I agree. The new Godzilla movie was a lot more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
Makoto: You know, I've always wanted to learn more about the monster himself. His origins, his strength and weaknesses, how powerful his atomic laser really is.....and....how he even got it in the first place.
Ren: Pretty sure Futuba would've filled you in on all of that already. I'm surprised she didn't want to go to the movies with us.
Makoto: I'm more surprised at the fact that she wanted to spend time with my sister today. I hope they were getting along with one another while we were gone.....
Ren: (Gives Makoto a Reassuring Smile While Placing his Hand on the Café's Door Handle). Don't worry, 'hon.
'Door Opens and Bells Ringing'
Ren: (Turns Back Around Forward) I'm sure those two are doing just fine to- (Eyes Widened at What is in Front is in Front of him, Along with Everyone Else) ge....ther......
Futuba: (Gets Up from her and Speak in a Old Wizard Accent Seat While Wearing a White, Long Beard and a Wizard Hat) Greetings, love strucked travelers!
Sae: (Waves at the Very Surprised Gang While Having a Small Smile on her Face) Welcome back.
Lavenza/Morgana: (Happily Waves Hello to the Gang as Well While Wearing Respective Travelers' Robes)
Ren: (Almost Speechless) Well.......Guess we have nothing to worry about in that department.
Makoto: Sis......A-Are you..... actually playing-
Sae: Dungeons & Dragons with Futuba and the others? Why, yes my dear, yet somewhat naive little sister, I am. I play the role as a trained, Silver Knight. (Pulls out a Wooden Sword Right Beside her) While wielding an all powerful Excalibur in my grasp.
Futuba: I am the Almighty Wizard of the Ever Green Forest! Sharing and exposing my wisdom and power to those how DARES to seek them!
Shiho: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Weren't you like a mage at one point?
Futuba: Yeah, but I'd grind and grind a lot in my spare to till I was eventually able leveled up and evolved into full fledged wizard.
Shiho: Ohhhhhhhhh I see. (Smiles Softly) Nice work.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks! I-I mean....('Clears Throat') Thank you, lady friend of Blantent Fashion Diva!
Ann: (Gives Futuba a Deadpinned Look on her Face While her Girlfriend Giggles Softly at Her Dispense) Really?
Futuba: Yes. Really.
Lavenza: And Morgana and I are the wizard's humble apprentices who decided to leave their hometown in order to learn the ways of creating magical sorcery and use them necessary combat.
Morgana: (Pulls out his Wooden Sword) We also have swords. In case for urgent emergencies.....and if this whole magic gig doesn't work out.
Futuba: I heard that, Sir Cute & Fluffy Butt!!
Morgana: (Turns to Futuba with an Annoyed Look on his Face) Do you really have to keep calling me that throughout the entire runtime of this quest?
Futuba: Yes. (Pats on Morgana's Head) It suits you perfectly.
Lavenza: (Happily Hugs Morgana) Not to mention that your overall cuteness knows no bounds to the eyes of our enemies.
Sae: (Smiles a Little) I agree with both of them, Mona-Chan. You're quite adorable in your own unique way.
Morgana: (Starts Blushing a Little) You know, I I don't know why I didn't ask you this sooner but, HOW exactly are you able to understand what I've been saying this entire time?
Sae: I'm not really sure why myself, if I'm being honest...... Nonetheless, I'm.... somewhat glad that I am able to have a conversation with you.
Morgana: (Sighs Before Smiling a Little) Same.
Ann: (Giggles Softly) Wow, Sae. I had no idea you would be this interested that kind of stuff.
Sae: There is a lot of things you don't know about me, Ms. Takakmaki.
Shiho: Ooh! Like how you're the biggest fan of-
Sae: (Starts Rolling her Eyes While Sighing) Of Banjo-Kun and Kazooie-Chan. Yes! That is the honest truth unfortunately. You weren't even suppose to know that information if a certain SOMEONE didn't tell you before hand! (Glares at the Two Culprits, Ren and Makoto)
Ren: (Starts Getting a Little Scared by Sae's Cold Stone Glare) Ah shit.......
Makoto: (Chuckles Very Awkwardly and Nervously) I'm..... guessing....You managed to figured that one out somehow, huh?
Sae: Futuba told me everything. But it's fine..... I'm already over it. And besides, it helps become more laid back than ever before.
Makoto: ('Sigh') I'm happy for that, sis. But if you need any of us.....(Gently Grabs Ren's Hand) we'll be heading upstairs to-
Sae: Form a Cuddle Session among yourselves?
Ren: (Immediately Starts Looking Away While Whistling)
Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Surprised Before Looking Away While Blushing in Embarrassment) .............
Ann: ('Sigh') Geeez....... She's still able to see right through us, even when she's not in the courtroom......
Shiho: Yeah. That's pretty impressive.....and scary.
Sae: Very well. I'll let you four be for the night. Have fun, but not too much fun. Understand?
Makoto: ('Sigh') Yes, big sister. We understand. (Made her Way to the Upstairs with Ren, Ann and Shiho Following Her) Have fun with game night-
Sae: Makoto.
Makoto: (Turns Back to Sae) Yes? What's wrong?
Sae: (Use Both of her Fingers to Create a Heart Shape While Giving her Little Sister a Soft, Loving Smile) I love you.
Makoto: (Eyes Widened at Her Bug Sister For a Brief Second Before Smiling Softly Herself) I love you too, sis.
Ann/Shiho: Awwwwwwww~
Ren: (Smiles Softly at the Scene) Adorable.
Sae: Ren.
Ren: (Quickly Gives Saw Attention) Y-Yes, ma'am?
Sae: ............... You're a good boy.
Ren: ............................ I'm sorry. What?
Sae: You heard me. I said you're a good boy.
Ren: (Couldn't Believe What He is Hearing) Y-Y-You're kidding, right? You're not just saying that to be nice, are you?
Sae: ('Sigh') No, Ren. I meant every word I said. Despite our difference in the past......(Smiles Softly) I truly believe that you're a good person and already worthy of my respect.
Ren: (Almost at a Loss for Words) Wow. I..... (Chuckles Lightly) Honestly don't know what to say here. T-Thank you-
Sae: THAT being said.......
Ren: (Gets Startled by Sae's Serious Side Again) Y-Yes, ma'am?
Sae: (Gives Ren a Serious Look on her Face) You frequently make my little sister worried sick about you everytime you do something reckless and stupid. Which is exactly why I am ordering you to refrain yourself from doing that from this day forward!
Makoto: (Pouts at Ren) That goes double from me too, Mister!
Ann: (Glares at Ren as Well) And us too!
Shiho: (Nods in Agreement While Crossing her Arms)
Lavenza: I agree wholeheartedly in this in this request!
Morgana: Same here.
Futuba: By the power invested in me and it's everlasting glory!....( Points at Ren) I ORDER you to agree to the Silver Knight's command and take it very SERIOUSLY!...............(Sighs Before Talking in her Usual Self Again) Seriously, man. Promise us you won't be reckless idiot anymore, okay?
Ren: (Was About to Say Something Before His Phone Starts Ringing and Begins to Answer it) Hello?
Bayonetta: (On the Other Line) No more being reckless, young man!!
Ren: (Eyes Widened in Surprised) Mom!?
Palutena: (On the Other Line) Listen to your friends and mother, Ren-Ren!
Ren: Other Mom!?
Pit: Please, Ren? We're only trying to look out for you, that's all.
Dark Pit: In other words, quit being a dumbass already.
Kirby: Poyo! Poyo!
Pit: Yeah! What Kirby said!
Ren: Okay! Okay! I try not to be a reckless idiot anymore. I promise.
Sae: ('Sigh') Very well. I suppose that's good enough for us. Just know that we will have eyes on you for the time being.
Makoto: (Hugs Ren Lovingly) That's right. We won't let anything bad happen to you again, Ren-Ren.
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) I know you guys wouldn't, 'hon~ (Gives Makoto a Kiss on the Forehead)
Dark Pit: Oh God. Are they making out already? Just marry each other already!
Makoto starts blushing again while Ren starts putting on a deadpinned look on his face.
Palutena: ('Sigh') Don't make fun of your brother, Pitto.
Dark Pit: Hey, I'm just saying. If they're gonna keep being lovey dovey with one another, they might as well put a ring on it sooner or later........ Bet you $50 Makoto gonna propose first.
Pit: No way! I bet you $20 that Ren is gonna do it first!
Kirby: Poyo! Poyo! Poyo!
Dark Pit: ('Heh') Deal.
Ren: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Love you, guys!
Bayonetta: We love you too, sweetie-
Ren: (Finally Hangs Up the Phone Call Before Turning Back to Sae) Seriously though, thanks for the kind words, Ms. Prosecutor. And for..... (Smiles Softly) Trying to look out for me. Means a lot.
Sae: (Smiles Softly While Slowly Nodding) Think nothing of it. You four can proceed go to upstairs now.
Makoto: 'Kay. (Makes her Way Upstairs with the Rest of the Gang) Have fun on your quest!
Sae: Will do! ('Sigh') Glad I finally got that out of my system. I hope what I said that was enough for them to understand
Futuba: (Smiles Softly) You kidding? It was more than enough, Sae. I'm proud of ya.
Sae: (Smiles Back at Futuba While Simply Nodding) Thank you, Futuba. Now then......(Forms a Smirk on her Face) Shall we continue the quest?
Futuba: Let the Quest of Dragons Begins!!
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #704: Preparing for the Beauty Pageant (Persona 5 X SSBU)
3:54 p.m. at Shiyuba, Haru's Residence.......
Shiho: (Trying her Hardest Not to Burst Out in Laughter at What is in Front if Her)
Ryuji: (Has Deadpinned Look on.his Face While Wearing Pigtails and School Uniform That Almost Resembles the Same Style Ann is Wearing Beside Him)...........................This was a mistake.......
Ann: (Smiles Proudly While Wrapping her Arm Around his Shoulder) Oh don't be like that, Ryuji. You look great! We're practically like my Siamese twins already~
DarK Pit: (Puts on a Smug Smirk on his Face) ('Heh') Yeah. Expect he's more muscular and stupid looking than any twin I see. (Continues Laughing Some More)
Ryuji: (Glares at the Dark Angel) S-Shuddup, man! You guys can laugh all you want, but at least I'm man enough to do this kind of shit!
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) Ryuji, we were only laughing with you, not at you. You look amazing.
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. I really like your pigtails. It matches great with your outfit.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) You and Ann look so beautiful together that I honestly couldn't tell either of you apart~
Ryuji: ('Sigh') Thanks, guys. (Glares Back at Dark Pit) At least you three appreciate my looks!
Dark Pit: (Rolls his Eyes) Whatever man. You still look dumb.
Makoto: (Glares at Dark Pit) Pitto!
Dark Pit: What? I'm just saying.
'Room Door Opens'
Futuba: We're doooone!~
Lavenza: And on a perfect schedule as well!
Morgana: You guys might wanna see this!
The gang turn and see Yusuke walking to the living room wearing a red kunoichi like uniform, with a beautifully long ponytail.
Yusuke: How do I look?
Ann: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprised) Wooooow, Yusuke..... You look amazing!~
Ryuji: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah, man! You look like badass ninja girl!
Ryuji turns to see Lavenza giving him a very unimpressed look on her face.
Lavenza: He is known as a proper kunoichi. (Glares Intensely at Ryuji) You uncultured swan.
Ryuji: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Disbelief at the Sudden Burn Lavenza Given Him)
Futuba: Awwwww!~ She's already learning what I taught her. I'm so proud~
Morgana: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself)
Makoto: (Rolled her Eyes a Little) Questionable teaching methods aside.....(Smiles Softly) You look great, Yusuke.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) I agree wholeheartedly. What makes you want to become a kunoichi in the first place.
Yusuke: It was all Futuba's idea, of course. She has shown the design of this outfit a day before then and convinced me to wear for the tonight's beauty pageant. (Smiles a Little). Needless to say, I believe the outcome in all of this itself has become somewhat impressive. (Turns to Futuba) Thanks to you, of course.
Futuba: (Gives Yusuke a Bright Smile and a Thumbs Up) Anytime, Inari!~ You look like a badass already!..... That's a good thing.
Yusuke: (Simply Nodded) Ah. I see. Thank you.
Dark Pit: Yeah. (Went Back to Smirking Again) You look a million times better than Ann's knockoff twin over there, that's for sure.
Pit: (Starts Chuckling Lightly at Dark Pit's Insult to Ryuji) Knockoff twin!~
Makoto: (Sisterly Glares at the Two Angels). That's enough, you two!
Pit: (Immediately Stops Laughing)
Makoto: You promise me and all of your mothers that you two would behave yourselves once you step foot in our world.
Haru: (Gives the Duo Motherly Yet Disappointed Frown) That's right. What would your mothers think if they were to find out that either of you broke that promise?
Ann: Makoto and Haru are right, you guys. (Have her Arm Around Ryuji's Shoulder Again) Don't make fun of my knockoff twin like that!
Makoto/Haru: Ann!
Ann: Okay! Okay! I was only joking here! Really. (Turns Back to The Angel Duo) But seriously, you know what we're saying here, right?
Pit: (Immediately Feels Bad For What He (May Have) Done) Yeah.....(Turns to Ryuji) We're sorry, Ryuji....
Dark Pit: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah....We didn't mean to make fun of you or anything......
Ryuji: Eh. It's fine. Should've saw the insults coming the moment I put on this get-up. (Chuckles Lightly) Hopefully I won't look bad as Renny boy would be.
Haru: Speaking of which, what is taking Ren-Ren so long to getting ready?
Makoto: I'm not sure.....(Gets Up from the Couch) Maybe I should go check on-
'Music Starts to Play'
?????: HOT IN....
Ann: Did.... someone turn on the radio or.......
Haru: I don't think I ever own a radio in the house.
?????: SO HOT IN......
Ann: So where the heck the music is coming fro-
Everyone immediately turns to the sound of an opened door. Only to see.....
Ren: (In a Feminine Voice) I'm ready~
Ren Amimaya fashionably walk towards the living room, wearing a black leather police uniform with, high heels, a policemen hat, and black cherry colored lipstick on his lips.
Pit/Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened and Jaws Dropped to the Ground in Complete and Utter Shock at What's in Front of Them)
Ann/Shiho: Oh.....
Haru: My......
Ryuji: Freaking........
Futuba: God..........
Yusuke: Huh. Interesting....
Lavenza: Indeed.
Morgana: (Eyes Widened Along with Everyone Else in this Room) Wow.
Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock as Deep Crimson Blush Appears on her Cheek) R-R-R-Ren!?~
Ren: (Giggles Softly While Gently Holding up Makoto's Hand) Yes, my beautiful lovely Queen?~ (Kiss the Top of Makoto's Hand)
Makoto: (Immediately Pulls her Kissed Hand Away While Blushing Even More Bashfully) Ohhhhmygosh!~ W-W-What are you wearing?~
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Police outfit. I thought I could try and blow the crowd away a little. (Went Back to his Seductive Feminine) You guys like?~ (Begins to Wink at his Group of Friends)
Ann: (Already Blushing Herself) Ren....You can't do this to me! (points.at Shiho Over Dramatically) My girlfriend is LITERALLY standing right here!!!
Shiho: (Blushes While Staring at Ren at the Same Time) O-Oh gosh~......
Shiho: I'M SORRY!!~ I can't help it!~ He just.....looks sooooooo hot as a girl right now!!~
Ann: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Yeah...... I'm not even going to deny that fact. He's too hot for his own good.......
Ryuji: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) WELP.......So much for hoping that you would be the laughing stock at school with me, bro. Bet you're gonna win that contest with flying colors too.
Ren: Why, Ryuji~ I am soooo thankful and humble that you have soooo much faith in me-
Ryuji: (Immediately Facepalms Himself) Dude! Just.....('Sigh') Enough with the voice already.....
Ren: (Starts Chuckling Again) Alright. Alright. I'll stop already. But.... seriously though. What do you guys think? Too much?
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) Not at all, Ren-Ren. You look wonderful~
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. You rock that dress, Big Bro!
Dark Pit: Can't believe I'm saying this....But Pit-Stain is right. (Smiles a Little) You look great.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) I agree to this statement. You look magnificent, Joker.
Yusuke: (Smiles in an Impressed Manner) Very much so.
Morgana: (Smiles While Shrugging) I can agree to that.
Futuba: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. Not as badass looking as Inari though....
Ann: We love it, Ren-Ren. (Smirks Playfully) And I'm pretty sure that a certain "Queen" in this would say the same~ Right, Makoto?~
Makoto: (Sighs Heavily as She Takes her Hands Away from her Face) Yes......I would. (Smiles Softly) You look amazing, Ren-Ren. (Gives Ren a Loving Hug) And I'm so proud of you for doing this~
Ren: (Softly Smiles While Hugging Makoto Back) Thanks, 'hon. And don't worry. I won't let the audience take me away from you that easily.
Makoto: (Gives Ren a (Cute) Pouty Face) You better not!~ Cause you're mine and mines alone, mister!~
Ryuji: (Starts Snickering) Already getting jealous there, Queen?
Makoto: (Immediately Gives Ryuji a Piercing Glare) SHUT IT, KNOCKOFF ANN!!!
Ryuji: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Disbelief Again Before Slumping Down on the Floor)
Dark Pit/Pit/Futuba: (Burst Out Laughing at Ryuji's Blantent Dispense) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Ann/Shiho/Haru: (Starts Snickering at the Poor Man)
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Knockoff Ann aside, you really don't have anything to worry about here.
Makoto: ('Sigh') I know...(Smiles Softly at her Boyfriend) I love you, Ren-Ren~
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Love you too, Makoto~ (Gives Makoto a Loving Kiss on the Lips)
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) I love your lipstick color~ It suits you fairly well.
Ren: Thanks. Love yours too~
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #633: So.... About Sephiroth....(SSBU x Persona 5)
Ryuji: Ok. I know we should be focusing on Christmas Shopping and all, but can we PLEASE talk about how and why Sephiroth is in this mansion right now!?
Morgana: What?
Futuba: EX-F**KING-CUSE ME!???
Makoto: Futuba, what do we told you about texting out cuss words in our Groupchat?
Futuba: I covered up the middle words!
Makoto: Even still, that doesn't make it any less inappropriate. Please don't do it anymore, okay?
Futuba: Yes, ma'am.....
Ann: I'm already lost. Who's Sephiroth again?
Ren: Silver Haired guy with Long sword. He's also a one winged angel.
Futuba: The One Winged Angel.jpg
Ann: Wow he's hot. But alas, my heart still and will always belongs to my dear Shiho-kins~
Haru: Awww~
Ryuji: Okay, Ms. Shakespeare lol.
Ann: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Cute lovers' stuff aside, let's not forget that this man has been the thorn in Cloud's side ever since day one......Whenever that is.
Haru: Goodness. I wonder what he has done to make Cloud-Senpai so upset.....
Morgana: That's what I've been wondering too now that I think about.
Futuba: Well, for starters, he murdered Cloud's best friend, Zack, and his companion named Aerith.
Haru: Oh my gosh, REALLY!!?
Yusuke: Oh dear.....
Makoto: Excuse me!!?
Morgana: My god! I didn't know all of that!!!!
Ann: Yep. Now, I'm definitely glad I don't any feelings for him now.
Ryuji: Right!? The guy's a ruthless monster! Even if he is cool looking!
Ren: So is he like.... Officially moving in the mansion now. I mean, I know people say that he's one of the new entries in Smash Tournament and all, but idrk.
Sonic: Well, he doesn't really moved in or anything. He only comes here for Ganondorf's League of Villains Club or whatever. Not only that, but Hades actually brought him from hell and everything.
Ren: Now that's freaky.
Ryuji: I know, right. I'm guessing this was after Cloud killed him in that Advent Child movie I watched a while back.
Makoto: I can't believe Hades would go as far as to bring someone back from the dead....
Sonic: Tell me about it, but there is another reason why he did this besides joining some villains club.
Futuba: For real!?
Ryuji: Hey!
Sonic: Yep. You guys remember that whole World of Light fiasco we all been involved in, right?
Ren: Yeah. Those were some really crazy times for all of us back then.....
Ryuji: But what does that have to do with anything?
Sonic: Well, you guys remember we all had to split into two groups to clear out all of the remaining forces of Galeem and Dharkon.
Morgana: Oh yeah, I remember now. We were all assigned to deal with the rest of Dhakron's mess.
Sonic: That's right. While you guys did that, me and the other half of the group face off against Galeem on our own. It was hard work, but eventually, Sephiroth came in at the right time to slice that thing in half, causing an army of Master Hands to disappear.
Ren: Huh. That's.... actually pretty cool of him to do that for everyone.
Sonic: Yeeahh, but.....
Ren: Oh god. What did he do next?
Sonic: Nothing too major.....He just attacked us is all.
Makoto: Why?
Sonic: I don't even know myself, Queen. He just flew in and bodied almost all of us without breaking a sweat. Greninja, Pit, Rosalina, Samus, Bayonetta....
Sonic: Yup! Especially her! And I haven't even gotten to the part of what he did to my poor pops!
Morgana: You're talking about Mario, right? What did he do to him?
Sonic: Wellllllll......
Sonic: Fatal Strike.jpg
Ryuji: HOLY SHIT!!!!!
Ren: ........WELL!!!
Makoto: Oh my god!
Ann: (‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)
Yusuke: This can't be real.....
Haru: Oh my goodness. I think I'm going to cry....
Sonic: Everybody, CALM DOWN! Relax! Mario is fine. I repeat: Mario is 100% fine! Look!
Sonic: Sike! He Missed!.jpg
Ren: Oh thank Goddess Mom.
Futuba: Right!? That is such a relief!
Makoto: I agree. I don't think my could take it if he actually got himself hurt like that.
Ann: Hey, Haru, are you okay at your end?
Haru: I'm doing much better now that my sweet little Mona-Chan is here with me~
Haru: My Little Knight and Shining Armor.jpg
Futuba: D'awwwwww~
Ryuji: Damn, Mona. You really are her son lol.
Morgana: Shut it, Ryuji.
Haru: Mona-Chan, are you embarrassed of me? :(
Morgana: No! Of course not, mom! I love you with all of my heart! Really!
Haru: I know you do, sweetheart. I was only messing with you is all. I love you too~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Morgana: Haru why?
Haru: I just wanted to see that adorable face of yours flustered. I'm sorry.
Morgana: It's fine. I forgive you.
Haru: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Sonic: Adorable cuteness aside, the plumber dad was in no harm whatsoever. And mom makes extra sure he stays that way too, cuz I just saw her hugging him like a teddy bear in their bedroom.
Sonic: Protective Momma Peach on Duty.jpg
Ann: Yeah. Not gonna lie, I would totally do that for Shiho if she ever gets hurt.
Makoto: I would do the same for Ren.
Ren: Why?
Makoto: Because you're a reckless idiot and I love you.
Ren: Love you too, 'hon~ :D
Makoto: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Futuba: Ignoring the blantly obvious Married Couple, I'm glad all of you guys are safe.
Makoto: ಠ_ಠ
Ren: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Thanks, Futuba. If Cloud wasn't there to fight the madman, we all would've been done for.
Ryuji: Speaking of which, how does Cloud feel about Sephiroth joining the tournament?
Sonic: He's not too happy about it. But he has been ignoring him since a day or two ago, so that's something.
Haru: That's wonderful news. I sure do hope his presence doesn't cause Cloud Senpai too much trouble in the future.
Sonic: Same. The poor guy look like he's been stressed about it for days.
Makoto: While we're on the topic of Sephiroth, I think it's best for all of us that we stay clear from him for now.
Ren: I agree with Makoto on this one. If.the guy's that strong enough to beat half of everyone in this mansion, I stutter to think what would it be like if any fight him. So let's not get in his way, alright?
Ryuji: Right.
Ann: Roger.
Yusuke: Very well.
Haru: Okay.
Morgana: Good enough for me.
Makoto: That means you too, Futuba.
Futuba: Why me specifically?
Ren: Because we all know how much of a fangirl you are in almost everythingg video game related. Sephiroth looks like the type of guy who is dead serious on everything and I don't my baby sister to get hurt because of him.
Futuba: Rennnnnnnn I'm not a baby!
Ren: You are one to me damnit.
Futuba: ಠಗಠ
Ren: Okay. Okay. I kid lol. But seriously though, just try and stay away from him for me, alright?
Futuba: 'Aye, 'Aye, Captain!
Yusuke: I apologise to ask you this so suddenly, Sonic, but do you still have the picture you showed us not too long ago?
Sonic: The one Fatal Strike one? Yeah, I still got it. Why? You need it for something?
Yusuke: Yes. I must make a painting of this immediately!
Ryuji: Dude, seriously? Why?
Yusuke: I am not too sure about the reasons myself, but.... the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the picture alone has already peaked my attention. And it's telling me to create a masterpiece of it immediately.
Futuba: Of course you would be interested in making something like that, Inari.....
Ann: Could we just focus on our Christmas Shopping plans instead please? I don't even wanna think about that photo.
Haru: Me too. It makes me sad every time I see it.
Yusuke: Very well. I suppose I can try painting it in memory. Or at least, I hope I can....
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